Multiculturalism Lesson Plan
Multiculturalism Lesson Plan
Multiculturalism Lesson Plan
Year level(s)
Gain an in depth understanding of the conflict themes within Looking for Alibrandi and discover how the text uses
language to convey these themes to create social change
Implementation date(s)
Curriculum area(s)
NOTE: Use the relevant curriculum document: Australian Curriculum (P-10); QSA Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline; QSA Early Years Curriculum Guidelines; QSA Essential Learnings and Standards
(Years 1 -9); QSA Learning area (Year 10); QSA Subject syllabus/SAS (Years 11 12), and other curriculum sources (school priorities, etc.)
Prior knowledge:
LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge & interests including diagnosis of
previous learning experiences)
Due to declarative and procedural knowledge already covered throughout the year students are familiar with deconstructing texts and linking deconstruction to concepts
Majority of students are performing at a satisfactory level in comprehension, grammar and punctuation (4 students underperforming)
Majority of students are finding it difficult to perform in-depth analysis and as a result most students are underperforming this element in their achievement standard (six students above
have an understanding of Habits of Mind
have been introduced into scaffolding of HoM: Thinking Flexibly
familiar with central themes of the novel culture and identity
commenced deconstructing text through character analysis and identifying and exploring plot: Exposition, Complication
familiar with KWHL, PEEL, Six thinking hat, Y diagram and PM scaffolding
Learning outcomes/standards:
LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be?
(Knowledge & understanding & skills to be acquired or further developed. Draw upon relevant content descriptions from curriculum document to inform specific outcomes/standards for this learning experience.
Foreground achievement standards that will inform assessment. Use descriptors appropriate for phase of learning & curriculum. QSA, 2011, defines curriculum as the sum total of the learning and development
experiences that are offered by a school, formally and informally, in class and out of class.)
Evaluate the social, moral and ethical positions represented in texts (ACELT1812)
Analyse and evaluate how people, cultures, places, events, objects and concepts are represented in texts, including media texts, through language, structural and/or visual choices (ACELY1749)
Knowledge & understanding:
Understand Individuals and groups in society are represented in texts
Understand social and moral positions that are represented in Looking for Alibrandi Conflict
Understand the HOM Thinking flexibly (building on prior knowledge)
Learning processes:
DoL1 Focus - What Attitudes and Perceptions will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support individual
learners? (Including differentiated teaching for student diversity.)
DoL5 Focus - What Habits of Mind will be the focus of this LEP and how will I support their
DOL1:Classroom climate:
Strategy: Respond positively to students incorrect responses or lack of response
LM will encourage collaboration through consistent class discussion and group work enabling students to seek
clarification from peers. LM will give time for students to answer questions, paraphrase what students has said
to guide learning and ask for further elaboration through asking for examples and non-examples.
Thinking Flexibly:
LM models Thinking flexibly through understanding all viewpoints put forward in discussion
LM consistently refers to thinking flexibly throughout activities: at the commencement, duration and
conclusion of activities
Students are required to score themselves on a thinking flexibly rubric in order for them to reflectively
think and evaluate their ability to implement the Habit.
Learning procedures
LMQ5 - What will constitute the learning journey?
LMQ6 - Who will do what?
(Include adjustments in the learning experiences to accommodate learner difference.)
LMQ4 - What
resources do I have
at my disposal?
Students are to refer to their KWHL chart and refresh their prior knowledge by viewing a summary of
what they have learned.
Students are to collaborate with LM to ensure students are on task with their learning through reflective
concept map that has the question: what have we learned so far?
Conclude game by reemphasising the main outcomes of the prior lesson: discovery of central themes
in the novel culture and identity
Students are to play simple online multiculturalism game
Students are to watch a series of you tube clips and record their throughs and feelings on a mind map
What issues are explored in the clips?
Class discussion
Gauge level of understanding
through responses
Number of clarification questions
DOL1:Classroom climate:
Respond positively to students
incorrect responses or lack of
Commence with PowerPoint: Looking for Alibrandi conflict
Key learning focus:
Language can potentially disempower people and create conflict within individual lives, within a
community and within a global context. Alternatively language can create change as it empowers
people to overcome oppression through initiating reconciliation, awareness and the deepening of ones
understanding of culture, acceptance and tolerance.
LM to refer to concept map which will specify elements of conflict based upon Josies experiences and
the discovery of central themes from previous lesson
LM and students are to use the above concept map to facilitate another concept map
Through the chapters we have covered we have learned the central themes of culture and Identity.
What are the cultural issues Josie faces in the novel?
LM is to guide students to refer to concept map and to their character profiles and chapter analysis as
students have recorded key events that give insight into the conflict issues of the novel
Racism, judgement, not being accepted within certain socioeconomic and social circles
The exploration of conflict issues can be identified through key conflict concepts
I do
Explain definitions and the concept of:
Racism, Prejudice, Discrimination, Ethnocentrism
We do
LM and students identify examples and non- examples firstly within an authentic context secondly
using examples from the novel
Students complete a Y diagram think, pair, share on conflict which encompass the above concepts:
What does it look like?
What does it sound like?
What does it feel like?
Students are to include examples in the Y diagram using an authentic context and then secondly are to
refer to the novel and include quotes, imagery, emotive language
LM is to identify to students that the Y diagram is another form of thinking flexibly as it enables one to
Y diagram template
word doc
Examples non Examples
LM is to reinforce HoM through explaining scaffold; LM is to model the use of the template therefore
modelling flexible thinking. LM is to explain through examples and asking the students to assist with
constructing key questions they could use within each dimension (coloured hat)
Example: Red hat
What are the emotions experienced as a result of investigating the case study?
Once analysis has been completed students are to present their findings to the class through a
persuasive presentation
Students have the opportunity to use any medium they like for example Wiki, Glogster, Prezi or Power
point as long as the presentation addresses the criteria however, they are required to locate
information within the appropriate Hat
Ask students to reflect on the six thinking hats:
How did this scaffold assist with your learning?
Did the scaffold assist you with applying the concepts discovered in todays lesson?
Did the scaffold assist you with organising the information for the presentation?
Do you feel that the scaffold assisted you with thinking flexibly in regards to the perspectives conveyed
Key concepts
looking for Alibrandi
Clarity of feedback
How many clarification questions
Case studies work
sheets: Looking for
Alibrandi Conflict
Teacher guide:
Six Thinking Hat
Debonos Scaffold
Critical questions
Student worksheet:
Six thinking hat
blank template
Clarity of responses
Examples non examples
Six thinking Hat:
Thinking flexibly
reflection question
KWHL Chart
Thinking flexibly
LMQ9 - Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes (standards)?
(Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved? Learning diagnosis including individual
learning issues that need to be addressed.)
Have not implemented lesson yet: Lesson will be implemented during two week placement bloc