Lesson Plan Art: Chalk Bat Shadows
Lesson Plan Art: Chalk Bat Shadows
Lesson Plan Art: Chalk Bat Shadows
Lesson Title:
Lesson #
Julie Lizotte
Creative expression develops our unique identity and voice.
Inquiry through the arts creates opportunities for risk taking.
Prescribed Learning Outcome(s):
A3: create images featuring one or more visual elements and principles of design including color and texture.
A4: experiment with materials, technologies, and processes to create particular effects.
B2: Describe and apply the use of specific elements and principles in images, including shape, colour, texture.
B3 Describe and apply a variety of materials, technologies, and processes to create images.
{Learning Standards Curricular Competencies}
Develop processes and technical skills in a variety of art forms to refine artistic abilities.
Create artistic work collaboratively and as individual.
{Learning Standards - Concepts and Content}:
Processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools, and techniques to support arts activities.
Elements of design, rhythm, contrast
Instructional Objective(s):
Students will be able to create their own interpretation of a piece of work following the constraint of rhythm, movement and
Students will be able to work collaboratively as well as individually.
Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:
Basic understanding of movement, basic understanding of contrast/shadows, ability to listen to directive and work with rubric.
Materials and Resources:
Bat cut outs
Black construction paper
Colored chalks
Pre-made example of work
Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities
Introduction (anticipatory set):
Teacher will gather students at carpet area. Teacher
will remind students that we are learning extensively
about bats in order to become bat experts.
Student Activities
2 min
Teacher will use black construction paper to
Once all students are done, teacher will ask them to
use the color coded self-assessment system and to
put on back of their work their names and color
relevant to their work quality.
Teacher will collect art work and transition students
into next activity.
5 min
30 min
10 min
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Behaviour Management Strategies: Carefully thought-out behaviour management strategies facilitate proactive positive
classroom management. What strategies will be used?
Assessment and Evaluation: Did the students learn what you taught them? The results of the assessment should be directly
related to, and tell you if, your students were able to do the things outlined in your instructional objectives and
prescribed learning outcomes, {learning standards}. Your assessment should be as accurate as possible and should
be built into your lesson. What rubrics or structures will you use to evaluate assessment data? Is assessment
formative or summative? Include the assessment tool. Are you using assessment for, of or as learning?
Extensions: How might this lesson link to previous and/or future lessons within the same curriculum area? How might knowledge,
skills or attitudes from this lesson be integrated/infused into lessons in other subject areas?
Reflections: Complete the reflections section as soon as possible after teaching the lesson. What revisions would you make to
the lesson? What went well?
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