Jill Friedman CV
Jill Friedman CV
Jill Friedman CV
Training (Industry)
LORAN, RADAR, ARPA, Fire Fighting - Basic and Advanced, Standard First Aid Media, CPR, CPR for Professional
Responders, Open Water SCUBA, STCW 95, GMDSS, Tankerman PIC, Basic Safety Training (2x), Bridge Team
Management, Medical PIC, Advanced Shiphandling, Dynamic Positioning- Basic and Advanced, SafeGulf, Sea Survival,
Helicopter Safety and Egress Course (3x), Certificate Crane Operator and Rigging Course, Basic Rigging Concepts,
Shipboard Management, Advanced Stability, Advanced Meteorology, Celestial Navigation, Marine Propulsion Plants,
Randy Smith Leadership Skills, Oceaneering HSE course, Oceaneering employee modules for marine department,
Exxons Deck Operations l, ll, lll, (many other employer based training including back safety, proper lifting techniques,
hazmat, hazwoper, lockout/tagout, fall prevention, pollution prevention, conducting JSAs and incident investigations, etc.),
Advanced Watchkeeping, Advanced Cargo Operations, Advanced Navigation, Electronic Navigation (ECDIS), SSO,
Rigpass, BPs License to Go Offshore, Freefall Lifeboat Coxswain, Freefall to Twinfall Conversion, Management Level
Leadership (STCW Manilla Amendments)
Creator/Founding member of Mariners Meetup
Member of Nautical Institute
Member of IDPOA
Member of WISTA
Member of USMMAAA (Houston Chapter)
Member of Womens Maritime Association
Member of National Mariners Association
Creator of blog Captain Jills Journeys
Member of ITWPA