Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Lec 29
Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Lec 29
Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Lec 29
Prof R.K. Shevgaonkar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
So first we will try to put a medium which is the semi infinite medium that
means you will divide the unbound into two halves then we will investigate
the property of Electromagnetic Wave in this semi infinite medium and then
slowly as we proceed in this course we will try to capture the
Electromagnetic Wave in more and more bound medium.
However, before we do this analysis of the propagation of the
Electromagnetic Wave in a bound medium we require a representation of an
Electromagnetic Wave which is traveling in some arbitrary direction with
respect to the coordinate axis.
So, today we investigate the plane wave propagation in an arbitrary direction
with respect to the coordinate system. If you recall when you had a
coordinate system such that the wave was propagating in the z direction the
phase variation for this Electromagnetic Wave was in the z direction and the
electric and the magnetic fields lied in a plane which was perpendicular to
the z direction that means they lied in the xy plane. We still have a medium
which is unbound but the only thing is we are orienting the coordinate
system in such a way that the wave is moving in some arbitrary direction
with respect to the coordinate axis.
So let us say if you have a coordinate axis like this and if this is the x
direction, this is y direction then by right hand rule when we put my fingers
like this I will get this direction at the z direction.
Now let us say the wave is propagating in some arbitrary direction which is
moving in this direction so that is the direction of the wave propagation so
let us say this is wave direction and the constant phase planes that means the
plane in which the electric and magnetic fields lies they are perpendicular to
this direction so we have some planes which are perpendicular to this
direction. So we call these planes as the constant phase planes so where the
wave propagates essentially is the phase which are moving and that
essentially gives you the phenomena of wave propagation.
Now if you want to represent this wave the wave is characterized by the
wave function that means we have to write down the wave function for this
wave which is traveling in some arbitrary direction.
Let us say the directions which it makes the x, y and z axis are given by the
angles x, y, z. Then we can write down the direction cosines of this line
which will be cos x, cos y, cos z. So essentially we can write down the
unit vector in the direction of the wave propagation let us denote that by n
cap which can be written as we have the unit vector n cap = cos x x cap +
cos y y cap + cos z z cap where x, y and z are the unit vectors in the
direction x, y and z respectively and these quantities cos x, cos y and cos z
are called direction cosines of this line. So these quantities are the direction
So the wave motion which is in this direction is given by the unit vector n is
essentially characterized by this direction cosines which are the cosines of
the angles where this line makes with the three axis x, y and z. Let us say
this vector intersect this wave front at some point here let us say this point is
O and this point is A.
Now if I take some arbitrary point on this phase front lets say this point is P.
I can write down the vector for OP if I know the coordinate of this point and
let us say the coordinate of this point are (x, y, z). So I can write down the
vector OP which x x cap + y y cap + z z cap so I know this vector which is
the unit vector in the direction of the wave motion. So we can write this
vector OP bar = x x cap + y y cap + z z cap.
Now if I look at this thing carefully the normal distance you take any point
on this plane which is the constant phase plane the normal distance of this is
given by OA. If I take any point on this plane and if I find out this projection
of that direction in the direction of the normal is OA and that is fixed
irrespective of what point I take from the phase.
So, essentially the equation of this phase front is the dot product of this
vector and the unit vector is equal to this which is constant. So we have
equation of the constant phase plane from here and that is unit vector n cap
dot product OP bar, this dot product will always be equal to this distance OA
where this point is the normal point on the wave front then this is equal to |
OA| which is equal to constant.
Now if I substitute for n cap and OP from here I will get x cos x + y cos y +
z cos z is equal to constant. And this constant is nothing but magnitude of
OA that means it is telling me the distance of this plane from the origin.
Now, if the wave is having a phase constant and if this distance OA the
phase of this plane is nothing but times the distance traveled to OA. So if I
assume that the wave was having zero phase when it was passing through
the origin then the phase of this plane is distance OA multiplied by the phase
constant which is . So I have the phase of the plane equal to into OA
which is nothing but into n cap dot vector r bar because this OP vector is
the position vector of this point which is nothing but denoted vectorially the
r bar vector.
So I have a point P which is denoted by this position vector r then the phase
of the plane is times the dot product of the unit vector in the direction of
the wave propagation and the position vector of any point on a constant
phase plane.
Once you get the phase of this plane then writing the expression for the
electric or magnetic field which is corresponding to this wave propagation is
very straight forward. Essentially what we have is some electric field vector
which is lying in this plane and the magnetic field is the line perpendicular
to the electric field vector and the direction of wave propagation and the
phase variation for electric and magnetic fields both is given by this one
which is into n dot r
So what we can do is we can write down the electric field for this wave say
E has a magnitude which is a vector quantity so this E 0 tells me the
magnitude of the vector and this vector tells me the direction which is lying
in the plane of this constant phase in this plane and the phase variation of
this is e to the power -j(n.r) and since electric field vector has to be
perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation we have the electric
field E0 dot n should be equal to zero because E0 is perpendicular to n
What we can do is we can combine this to this n and we can define another
vector which is times n cap and we can call that vector as the wave vector.
So essentially we define a parameter for this wave which is traveling in
some arbitrary direction as the wave vector and is denoted by small K bar
which is nothing but into n cap. Expanding for n cap this is equal to into
{cos x x cap + cos y y cap + cos z z cap}. Taking inside you get this
wave vector K bar which is equal to cos x x cap + cos y y cap + cos
z z cap.
Then this quantity essentially tells you the component of this wave vector in
the x direction, this component tells me the component of the K vector in y
direction and this quantity tells me the component of the wave vector in the
z direction.
So we can denote these quantities as Kx, Ky and Kz so we can call this
quantity as Kx, we can call this quantity as Ky and we can call this quantity as
Kz. So this vector K bar is Kx x cap + Ky y cap + Kz z cap.
zero and then the Maxwells equation is del cross E that is equal to -j into
H bar.
Since now E is known it is given by this expression I can substitute in this
and I can find out corresponding magnetic field so I get from here H bar
equal to -1 upon j into del cross E which I write in the determinant form
which will be -1 upon j determinant x cap y cap z cap d/dx d/dy d/dz E x
E y E z.
Now this electric field vector which we have got here also wrote down
explicitly in its components. So essentially we have the electric field E in
general if I expand this E0 in its components this will be E0x x cap plus E0y y
cap plus E0z z cap and the phase function which is e to the power -jk bar dot
r bar.
So the Ex component is E0x e to the power -jk dot r and E y component is E0y
multiplied by the same phase function and the E z component E0z multiplied
by e to the power -j k dot r. So I have three components for the electric field
which I can substitute here. Now note here this quantity E 0x E0y and E0z are
not functions of the space this electric field is constant. As we saw for
uniform plane wave the electric and magnetic fields vary only in the
direction of the wave propagation so they are constant everywhere in the
space and we have already taken out the variation of the phase variation
which is in direction of the wave propagation out so this vector essentially is
the constant vector. So E0x E0y and E0z are not functions of space these are
constant quantities. So, only phase variation which you have is only in this
term which is e to the power -j k dot r.
So let us see if I take any of the component when I take its derivative with
respect to x will be derivation of this with respect to x quantity so we have
d/dx of any of these components Ex component or Ey component or Ez
component that is equal to -j kx which will get from here multiplied by the
same quantity which is either Ex or Ey or Ez.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:00 min)
Similarly we can also do for the other two derivatives. So we have as a same
token d/dy = -j ky and d/dz = -j kz.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:46 min)
So we can write down this quantity as -1 upon j -j k bar cross E bar where
this -j will gets cancelled so this is equal to 1 upon k bar cross E bar.
We can immediately note here that k is the direction of the wave propagation
E is the direction of the electric field and magnetic field is the cross product
of these two that means the magnetic field lies perpendicular to the direction
of the wave propagation and also the direction of the electric field that is
what we have for a traverse electro magnetic wave that the electric and
magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and they are also
perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation. So from here
essentially we can calculate the vector magnetic field if the electric field is
Now we started with some coordinate axis and we took the wave which is
propagating in some arbitrary direction which is making angles with respect
to the coordinate axis and then we found out the expression for the electric
field in the arbitrary direction which was this. Then substituting this electric
field in one of the Maxwells equations essentially we got the expression for
the magnetic field and that expression essentially is this.
So now one can find out electric and magnetic fields for a traverse
electromagnetic wave traveling in some arbitrary direction. Let us try to see
how this behavior of the wave in arbitrary direction with respect to the
coordinate axis affects our understanding of quantities like velocity of the
wave and so on. Let us say I have a wave which is traveling in some
arbitrary direction and for that electric field is given as E 0 e to the power -j k
bar dot r bar. If I expand it this is E 0 e to the power -j and if I write down the
k as times cos x x + cos x y + cos x z.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:24 min)
Now let us look at the phase variation which is in z direction so what I can
do is I can just take this portion separately and the phase variation which is
in z direction separately. So I can write this as E0 bar take this term separate
so e to the power -j and let me take common here so this is cos x x + cos
x y multiplied by the phase term which is e to the power -j cos z z.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:24 min)
There are two things must be noted from this expression that this electric
field first of all if I move in the xy plane then I have a phase variation in x
and y direction that means the xy plane is not a constant phase plane and that
is very obvious from this very first picture we have taken that constant phase
plane is this plane now which is inclined with respect to the axis. So if I take
this xy plane then this plane does not represent the constant phase so the
phase is not constant in this plane.
So essentially you have a variation of the phase in the xy plane which is
varying like cos x and cos y but you are having a variation in the z
direction which is given by times cos z.
Now if I look at this way and then I ask the question that the coordinate axis
was given and if the wave was traveling at some arbitrary direction then
what is the velocity with which the phase point moves in the z direction or
what is the phase velocity of the wave in the z direction? Essentially what
we do is we take the phase in the direction of z which is - times cos z so
the effective phase constant which this wave sees is the direction z is into
cos z.
So if I write down this we have the wave phase constant in z direction that is
let us call the quantity z and that is equal to into cos z. So this wave for
which the xy plane is not a constant phase plane but if I ask what is the
effective phase constant with the wave in the direction z. Then we have the
phase constant z which is nothing but into cos z.
Also the same thing will happen in other two directions, the phase constant
which will have in the x direction the x will be into cos x and the phase
constant which is in the y direction will be y again will be into cos y.
Once we have this then we go to our expression for phase velocity and phase
velocity is nothing but divided by the phase constant in z direction so / z
gives me the phase velocity of the wave in the direction z. So we get from
here the phase velocity in z direction, let us call that as v pz which is nothing
but /z which is again is divided by into cos z.
But by is the velocity of the wave in the direction of the wave motion.
So if I say that I do not have coordinate axis in this direction the phase fronts
are moving if I ask what is the velocity of this wave front in this direction
that quantity is nothing but by . So this essentially gives me the velocity
of the wave in that unbound medium let us denote that quantity omega by
beta as some v0 divided by cos z. So the v0 is the velocity of the wave in the
direction the perpendicular to the constant phase front that is the velocity of
the wave in an unbound medium. But the phase velocity of the wave in the z
direction is that the velocity v0 divided by cos z.
By the same token we can have the phase velocities in the other direction
because your x = cos x, y = cos y so this gives your phase velocities vp
in x direction which is divided by x is equal to divided by cos x is
equal to v0 upon cos x. And similarly we get vpy is divided by y is equal
to divided by cos y which is again equal to v0 upon cos y.
So the phase velocities of this wave in free coordinate axis are essentially
given by the intrinsic velocity of the wave in that medium which is v 0
divided by the direction cosine which is cos x, cos y and cos z.
Now since the cos x, cos y and cos z are always less than 1 this quantity
the phase velocity is always greater than the phase velocity intrinsic phase
velocity of the wave v0. So one important thing which we see from here is
that these quantities vpx or vpy or vpz is always greater than or equal to the
intrinsic velocity of the wave in that medium which is v 0 when the direction
cosine is equal to 1.
Otherwise this quantity is always greater than the intrinsic velocity of the
wave. Another important thing which we note here is we can always have a
wave which is traveling perpendicular to x axis so that cos x will be ninety
degrees and cos x will be zero so the phase velocity v px will be equal to
infinity that means we may have a situation in which the phase velocity may
go to infinity.
So essentially the phase velocity always is greater than the intrinsic velocity
of the wave in that medium and it can be as high as infinity. So there is no
bound on the phase velocity on upper side it can go as high as infinity the
lower bound on the phase velocity is the intrinsic velocity of the wave in that
medium. That is something interesting because now we are talking about the
velocity which is greater than that of the intrinsic velocity of the wave.
We know that the light is a transverse electro magnetic wave so the intrinsic
velocity for light will be nothing but the velocity of light in that medium, so
this quantity would be C. Then the phase velocity will be always greater
than the velocity of the light in the medium and it can go as high as infinity.
We know from our basics of physics that the velocity for any physical
system cannot be greater than velocity of light.
Then what is happening here is we are having these parameters called the
phase velocities which are always greater than velocity of light and they can
go even as high as infinity. Does that mean that you have found a
mechanism of sending information with speed as high as infinity? No, this
velocity is not the velocity of any energy packet or physical point in space,
this is because the wave we have defined the phase velocities which are
based on the constant phase front they essentially give you this condition
that the phase velocities will be greater than the velocity of the wave of the
intrinsic velocity in that medium.
Let us see this little carefully. So let us say to make the case simpler let us
say I have this is x and z and let us say the wave is traveling in this plane in
this direction so this direction of the wave and these are the constant phase
fronts which we have.
Now by the time this wave have traveled from this point to this point the
constant phase point which is given by the entire phase front this constant
phase point moves from this point to this point. So unless the wave is
parallel to this, this distance is the phase point moves is always greater than
the actual movement of this wave front. Why this is happening is in fact this
point has not moved to here this point has actually moved from here to here
say if I take some point A the A point will move to A prime whereas the
point which has come here along the z axis was originally not A point it was
this point B and that point has come here which is B prime.
So when the wave is moving if I just define a particular point on the wave
front this point is only moving by a distance which is A A prime. However
when we are measuring the phase velocity what we do is we simply measure
those separation the points on the z axis which are separated by a phase and I
ask a question how much time it has taken to change the phase from this
value to this value. So essentially we measure this distance find out how
much phase it has undergone and from that we essentially get the phase
So the phase velocity is not actually giving you the velocity of the particular
point on the phase front in fact when we define the phase velocity the entire
constant phase plane itself is behaving like a point so here on this phase
front we take this point on this phase front we take this point but both these
points represent the same phase. So if you find the same phase point here we
say that the distance with the constant phase point and moved from this
point to this point and that is the reason we get the velocity which is greater
than the intrinsic velocity of the wave in the medium because this is not
representing the velocity of a particular point on the phase front.
So this velocity what ever phase velocity we get this is not simply the
resolution of the velocity vector in the three directions because if you
resolve the velocity in three directions the components of the velocities
would be always less than the actual vector. But in this case we see that the
components of the phase velocities in three directions v px vpy vpz are always
greater than the velocity vector v0. So this is not a simple vector resolution
of the velocity vector of the wave in fact the phase velocities are due to
calculate from the distance traveled by the constant phase point along the z
axis and that gives you this intrinsic velocity divided by the direction
So as the wave becomes more and more perpendicular to the z axis that
means moving in x direction parallel to x axis perpendicular to z direction
the phase fronts will become parallel to z axis and this point by small tilt you
will see that this point will be moving very rapidly you want to move a small
moment of this point would have moved by a large distance along z
direction whereas the point has moved very little in the x direction when this
phase front is almost parallel to the z axis. So what we find from here is that
if the wave was moving along x direction if the phase fronts were parallel to
z axis then by small moment of the wave the point moves by a very large
distance and if the wave was perfectly parallel to z axis the point essentially
moves from minus infinity to infinity even for a infinitesimal moment of the
phase front in the x direction.
So when the phase velocity approaches infinity that time the phase fronts are
moving in the x direction that means the wave is moving in the x direction
that means the wave is moving in x direction so the pointing vector for this
wave is in the x direction there is no power which is moving in z direction
the power is moving in x direction.
When the phase velocity approaches infinity we can ask with what velocity
the energy is moving in the z direction. In general we can ask a question that
Since cos z is always less than 1 the Group velocity which is the velocity of
the energy packet or a particular point on the phase front that is always less
than or equal to the intrinsic velocity of the wave in that medium. In fact the
Group velocity is a resolution of the velocity vector in three directions the
phase velocity is not the resolution of the velocity vector in three directions.
If the wave was moving in some arbitrary direction we essentially write
down the group velocities in the three directions the similar lines so we have
Group velocity in the x direction which is v gx = v0 cos x, vgy = cos y and vgz
= cos z.
So these Group velocities are bound between 0 and v 0, if the angle is ninety
degrees this quantity will become zero so these three here is v gx vgy vgz lies
between 0 and v0.
Now we are having a very interesting situation for the phase velocity we
have bound which is infinity and v0 so the phase velocity never comes below
v0 and the group velocity never goes above v 0 in fact the domains for the
group velocity and the phase velocity are quite exclusive.
So we have some kind of dividing line the intrinsic velocity of the wave in
that medium v0, on this side you have the phase velocity v p and this side you
have a group velocity vg the phase velocity always lies from v0 to infinity
and this will lie from v0 to 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:21 min)
So you take the phase velocity in any arbitrary direction, you take the group
velocity in the same direction and the product of these two quantities is
always equal to the square of the intrinsic velocity of the wave in that
medium. What that now means is that the phase velocity approaches infinity
the product of these two is constant which is v0 square. So this quantity vg
must approach to zero so that the product is still a finite quantity.
If you want energy flow in the medium that means the group velocity should
not be zero and the phase velocity should not be infinity. So as the phase
velocity becomes higher and higher the velocity of the energy in that
direction becomes smaller and smaller, when we see in the direction of the
wave motion both the velocities will become equal so if it travels with the
phase velocity vp equal to v0 then vg will also become equal to v 0 and then
essentially the phenomenon is that the phase and the energy they all are
moving in the same direction with the same speed in the direction of the
wave motion.
Now we have the important conclusion that when ever we talk about the
energy flow or the velocity of the energy in the medium we have to find out
this quantity called the group velocity. However when we simply talk about
the moment of the phase in the medium then the velocity is given by the
phase velocity and which is always greater than the intrinsic velocity of the
wave in that medium. Once you know this velocity then the phase velocity
divided by the frequency gives you the parameter called the wave length. So
from here you can get the wavelength of the wave which is now different in
different directions because in next direction the velocity will be different so
I can take in x direction let us say that is equal to v px divided by frequency
f, which is again equal to v0 upon cos x divided by frequency and v0 by
frequency is nothing but the wavelength in the medium let us call that
quantity as 0 divided by cos x.
The same thing we can have for other directions also that means the
wavelength which we measure in some arbitrary direction will be always
longer than the intrinsic wavelength of the wave. If I measure the
wavelength in the direction of the wave motion that is 0 but if I measure the
wavelength in some arbitrary direction that wavelength will always be
greater than the intrinsic wavelength of the wave.
In this lecture we saw some important things about a wave traveling in some
arbitrary direction that is the phase velocity is always greater than the
intrinsic velocity of the wave in that medium. We introduce a new velocity
called Group velocity with which the energy travels and that velocity is
always less than the intrinsic velocity of the wave in that medium and the
product of group and phase velocities is always equal to a square of the
intrinsic velocity of the wave in that medium and then we also find the