This document contains a service of farewell and godspeed for a pastor leaving a Lutheran church after several years of ministry. It includes:
1) An opening statement by the pastor thanking the congregation for their partnership and sharing fond memories of their time together.
2) Responses by the congregation expressing gratitude to God for the pastor's ministry among them.
3) The pastor returning symbols of their ministry - water, Bible, chalice, catechism - that the congregation had loaned them, with responses of thanks.
4) The congregation sending the pastor off with their blessing, wishing them God's protection, favor and peace going forward.
This document contains a service of farewell and godspeed for a pastor leaving a Lutheran church after several years of ministry. It includes:
1) An opening statement by the pastor thanking the congregation for their partnership and sharing fond memories of their time together.
2) Responses by the congregation expressing gratitude to God for the pastor's ministry among them.
3) The pastor returning symbols of their ministry - water, Bible, chalice, catechism - that the congregation had loaned them, with responses of thanks.
4) The congregation sending the pastor off with their blessing, wishing them God's protection, favor and peace going forward.
This document contains a service of farewell and godspeed for a pastor leaving a Lutheran church after several years of ministry. It includes:
1) An opening statement by the pastor thanking the congregation for their partnership and sharing fond memories of their time together.
2) Responses by the congregation expressing gratitude to God for the pastor's ministry among them.
3) The pastor returning symbols of their ministry - water, Bible, chalice, catechism - that the congregation had loaned them, with responses of thanks.
4) The congregation sending the pastor off with their blessing, wishing them God's protection, favor and peace going forward.
This document contains a service of farewell and godspeed for a pastor leaving a Lutheran church after several years of ministry. It includes:
1) An opening statement by the pastor thanking the congregation for their partnership and sharing fond memories of their time together.
2) Responses by the congregation expressing gratitude to God for the pastor's ministry among them.
3) The pastor returning symbols of their ministry - water, Bible, chalice, catechism - that the congregation had loaned them, with responses of thanks.
4) The congregation sending the pastor off with their blessing, wishing them God's protection, favor and peace going forward.
[to be placed after the Post Communion Prayer and before the closing hymn] Pastor: You and I have been partners in the mission of _____________________ Lutheran Church for________ years. It is now time to give thanks for the life we have shared in Christ. It is also time for us to say goodbye as the Spirit has called me into a new ministry, as ____________________. I have found our time together rewarding and memories of what we have shared will always be precious to me. You have taught me so much and I am grateful to God for our time together. People: The Lord is loving to everyone; God's compassion is over all God's works. All your works praise you, O Lord, and your faithful servants bless you. (Psalm 145:9-10) Pastor: Let us thank God for these years of partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor and People: We give you thanks for your goodness and loving kindness to us and to all people. For our partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for the Spirit that has empowered us to witness, we give you praise. In the name of the Creator, Savior, Spirit God we pray. Amen Pastor: Dear friends, you have allowed me to share the responsibilities of the ordained ministry in your midst. At the beginning of our ministry, you presented me with symbols expressing my special role among you. It is time for me to return to you what you have lent me. I was called among you to baptize. Here is water which symbolizes God's gift of belonging in Christ. (A vessel of water is given to a lay leader) People: There is one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all. Pastor: I was called among you to proclaim the Good News. Here is the Bible that expresses this call. (A Bible is presented to a lay leader) People: Thanks be to God for the Good News of Christ. Pastor: I was called among you to lead worship and preside at Holy Communion. Receive now this chalice as a symbol of our worship life. (A chalice is presented to a lay leader) People: Taste and see that the Lord is good. Pastor: I was called among you to teach. Here is Luther's Small Catechism which represents this call. (The Small Catechism is presented to a confirmation student)
People: Thanks be to God for the life-giving Word.
Pastor: And now, it is time for me to say farewell. I ask that in your love and commitment, you send me forth with a blessing. People: We send you forth with our blessing. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace both this day and forever. Amen.