Saga - Northern Fury
Saga - Northern Fury
Saga - Northern Fury
1 Wooden
Oaths is a particular favourite at Beast Towers as it offers great scope for back-
Used during your Orders Phase
A good ability when the game reaches a point w hen the fight has
drained both warbands. You disca rd the die during the Orders
Phase w ithout any immediate effects. At the end of your turn,
when you have finished your Activation Phase, any unit that has
not been activated this turn discards a FA TIGUE (two FATIGUES
if made of at least 10 models). Quite useless for a single unit,
but once you have two or three units with FATIGUES and no
immediate plans for them, this ability will shine!
The Muster
Used during your Activation Phase
Instead of the Activation Pool, the Anglo-Saxons have a fourth
Activation ability that may activate any one unit as long as it is
made of 10 or more models. The class of the unit is irrelevant,
only the total number of figures (when the ability is used) is
considered. A really useful ability as it allows large Levy units to
be activated as easily as Hearthguards.
Stout Hearts
Orders Phase
Most Anglo-Saxons abilities have effects that depend on the
10-models strong threshold, or have variable effects determined
by the number of models in the targeted unit. Usually, a wellcomposed Anglo-Saxon warband will start with most units
being made of 10 models or more, but as the game progresses,
this number tends to decrease. Stout Hearts is a convenient way
of keeping these bonuses for some units once t he number of
models has diminished.
Shoulder to Shoulder
Used during step 2) of an enemy Shooting or during step
3) of any melee
This is a strong defensive ability that has saved the life of many
Anglo-Saxon warlords! By discarding the die, you increase the
Armour of your Warlord by one and he will be able to re-ro/1
any Defence die that fails to cancel a hit. Unless facing an insane
amount of Attack Dice, this ability should guarantee the survival
of your Warlord.
The Fyrd
Used during your Orders Phase
Yo u will have spotted that the Anglo-Saxo ns lack t he t raditional
Activation Pool. This ability replaces it and depending on t he
point of view, is a much bett er trade. You discard your helmet
and immediately roll a number of extra Saga Dice equal to the
number of units made of at least 10 models you have on the table.
As in a 6-points game it is quite easy to field 4 of these units, with
a single helmet you will have a net gain of 3 Saga Dice! It means
that even if your warband due to a limited amount of units only
generated 5 Saga Dice at the start of your turn, you still have
around 6o% of chance to get the helmet that w ill produce 3-4
extra Saga Dice! Think of it when mustering your Anglo-Saxon
No Surrender
Used during your Activation Phase
"No Surrender" can be a decisive ability if used at the right time.
With a cost of two helmets, it is an expensive one, but when
the dice are discarded it activates ALL your units made of 10
models or more and each of these units immediately discards
one FATIGUE. What also makes this ability especially useful is that
these abilities do not generate FA TIGUE, even if it was the second
or consecutive activation of this turn (if engaging melee, they
would still take FATIGUE as the FA TIGUE would be taken from the
melee and not the activation).
Clash of Shields
Used during step 3)
of any melee
Overlap Shields
Used during step 2) of the resolution of
the enemy's
This Saga ability will make your large unit almost invulnerable to a
single volley of missiles. By discarding t his die, you gain a number
of Defence Dice equal to a third of the number of models in your
unit. Most of the time you will be able to roll 2 Defence Dice per
hit taken, meaning that most if not all hits will easily be cancelled.
A good ability against the murderous shooting of Normans and
their crossbowmen, Bretons and their various shooting abilities
or the Welsh and their "Deadly Strike"!
Saxon Kingdom
Used during your Orders
Orders Phase
Ragnar speaks...
The Bretons fought the Franks, the Saxons, the Carolingians, the
Vikings and the Normans, using the tactics inherited from their
British ancestors who crossed the Channel to seek shelter from
the invading Jutes and Angles; tactics that focussed on mounted
combat, and an intensive use of enemy harassment with javelinarmed mounted fighters.
The 10th century witnessed a bloody campaign against the Norse
who had settled at the mouth of the Loire River and used the
settlements as bases for their raids and invasions. During this
time emerged great Breton leaders such as Alain Barbetorte
who expelled the Vikings from Breton land. In the 11th century
the enemy was the Normans, who forced the Bretons to join the
expedition of their duke, William, against the English.
Brittany was first a Kingdom then a Duchy. Nobles, Counts and
Barons assisted the regent of Brittany. Your Warlord is certainly
one of these first rank characters.
The heart of the Breton nobility, named Machtierns, traditionally
fought mounted with extensive use of javelins and feigned flight
tactics. At the beginning of the 11th century, the influence of the
Normans progressively changed this approach, and the Bretons
shifted to more offensive behaviour, eventually adopting the
Norman couched lance. These nobles are the Hearthguards of
your force.
The Bretons soldiers that came from the prolific low-ranked
nobility usually fought mounted as well, armed with javelins and
darts, which they used with unrivalled skill. When they had to fight
dismounted, their equipment was usually restricted to a spear and
a shield. They are the Warriors of your warband.
Below are the two Breton characters that are their Heroes of
the Viking Age. For more details about Heroes of the Viking Age,
please refer to page 45 of the Saga rulebook.
Breizh: Morvan knew the landscape like no other. After the set up
of terrain is finished, Morvan may select up to two terrain pieces
that have been chosen and placed by any player (i.e. not any
terrain that appears in the scenario set-up) and either remove it
from the table or move it up toM in any direction.
At the start of any Orders Phase, before the Saga Dice are rolled,
Barbetorte may implore the Virgin (only if he is alive and on the
table). Roll a die and if the die result is higher than the number
of Saga Dice generated by your warband units (excluding
Barbetorte himself) you will benefit from God's help for this turn.
If you roll an equal or lower result than the number of Saga Dice
your units generated no help is given but you can ask for God's
help in a subsequent turn but each subsequent die roll to implore
the Virgin will suffer a -1 penalty (these penalties are cumulative).
The Miracle can only be obtained once per game and gives the
following benefits:
- Discard immediately all FATIGUES from your warband.
- Roll 8 Saga Dice this Orders Phase
- All your models have their Armour increased by one until the
end of the turn.
- Each unit will get a free activation this turn that does not
consume any Saga die.
-Until the end of your turn, all your Hearthguard and Warriors
models generate an additional Attack Die in melee.
- Until the end of the turn, all hits suffered in melee are cancelled
on 3 or more, and not 5 or more as usual.
Fight! (Argad!)
Used during Step 3) of any Melee.
This ability may cause some nasty surprises for your enemy.
The dice are discarded when it is your turn to play some Saga
abilities. You designate one of your units as the shooter, one of
the enemy units as the target and resolve a complete shooting
procedure from step 1) to step 5). This is a standard shooting,
but it does not count as a shooting activation (your unit has
not been activated to shoot so any ability reacting to shooting
cannot be used). During this shooting you may use Saga abilities
that affect shooting
When the shooting is done, the step 3) continues.
Ragnar speaks...
Most Saga abilities at the disposal of the Jomsviking player
depend on his level of WRATH. This level is indicated on the
Battle board by a m arker on the scale at the top of t he board.
-When engaged in melee, a unit with Dane axes will not use
its shields and so suffers a -1 penalty to its Armour value.
Hence, if the unit has an Armour of 5, it counts as having an
Armour of 4
-Attack rolls made by a unit equipped with Dane axe gets a
+1 bonus. To hit an Armour 4 unit, you'll only need 3s. This
makes the enemy easier to hit in melee.
~ ~
. .. . .. . .
You will have noted that the first column of Jomsviking abilities is
quite different from other Battleboards. ((Pagan Fury" may
activate two different units but leaves the choice to the opponent
to let you increase your WRATH. The same applies to the ((Attack
Pool" that is significantly more effective than the Attack Pool of
other factions, but can be cancelled if your opponent lets you
increase your WRATH. Finally, the Activation Pool depends on your
current WRATH level.
Used during your opponent's Activation Phase
This ability is used as a reaction to an opponent's activation.
After your opponent announce its activation(s) you may use
Punishment to let him choose between cancelling his activation
(without any other effects), or increasingtheJomsviking's WRATH
by two. Note that all activations are cancelled by Punishment so
if your Welsh opponent uses ((the Rising Out" no unit would be
activated unless he chooses to increase your WRATH. The same
would apply to any unit activated by the Warlord with his uwe
Obey" rule: both activations are cancelled.
If the opponent chooses to cancel his activations, the dice are still
spent or the capacity is spent (as the We Obey special rule of the
Northern Tempest
A Storm Gathers
Used during your Activation Phase
This is another very useful ability. If your opponent chooses
that you will use this ability's effects instead of increasing your
WRATH by two, you immediately take two FATIGUE markers off
your warband and discard them. They may come from the same
unit or from two different units. After this ability has been used,
your Activation Phase continues.
Pagan Armour
Used during step 2) of an enemy Shooting or step 3) of any
Pagan Faith
Used during step 2) of an enemy Shooting or step 3) of any
Pagan Faith is simpler than Pagan Armour but remains effective.
Your opponent has the choice between increasing your unit's
Armour or increasing your WRATH by two.
Used during your opponent' s Orders Phase
An ability that can potentially shatter the best laid out plans
of your enemy. You discard this die and designate a number
of different enemy units equal to your current WRATH level.
You immediately activate these units for a movement and will
actually move them yourself. For t his movement, all t hese unit s
are considered to be moving in uneven ground, so unless a
special rule or Saga ability dictates otherwise, t hey w ill have their
movement reduced. The activated units may not engage melee
or (if you wondered) be moved off the tab le.
After the effects of this ability have been resolved, your W RATH
level is decreased by two.
The figures may be of any class, and do not need to come from
the same unit. The figures must belong to his own wa rband, so if
in a special scenario he has control of special figures (as civilians)
Used during step 3) of any melee
Holmgang is a real feast of combat dice! When you discard the
die you gain a number of combat dice equal to twice your current
WRATH. These dice may be At tack or Defence Dice or a mix of
both. So for example, with a WRATH of 3, the Jomsviking player
would gain 6 dice, that may be for example; 6 Attack Dice, 6
Defence Dice or 4 Attack Dice and 2 Defence Dice.
Once you have chosen t he mix of At t ack and Defence Dice,
decrease your WRATH by one.
Hammer of Thor
We are Legends
Dance of Steel
Used during your Orders Phase or the Orders Phase of your
Ragnar speaks. ..
The bulk of the nobility was made of the Thanes (also known as
Toisech). They served as bodyguards for the king or Mormaers,
and were certainly the best equipped soldiers of any Scot army
and the only ones that could go to war mounted on horses.
They are the Hearthguards of your warband.
Scots freemen were known as Soer-chele. With minimal formal
training, they generally fought in close ranks, equipped with
thrusting spears in shieldwall like formations. They are the
Warriors of the Scots.
In contrast to the Soer-chele, the Doer-chele were subjects of
other men, either rich Soer-chele, Toisech or Mormaers. They
are untrained, and likely to run away when danger becomes
imminent. They form the Levies of any Scot warband.
generates three SAGA dice at the start of each turn, and not two
as the other Warlords.
An Ferbasach "The Conqueror": During step 3) of any melee,
but before rolling to see who starts the game, designate any
enemy unit and roii 1D6 on the table below to see what happens
to that unit. Deduct one from the die roll if the designated unit
is a Warlord or Hearthguard unit, and add one if it is a Levy unit.
MacAipin's Treason
the start of each turn, and not two as the other Warlords. This is
for reference only, see the "Great Ruler" rule below to see how
many dice a warband led by Macbeth actually rolls.
Norman Exiles: During the power struggles between Edward
. . .,...--.
Without Mercy
Used during the opposing player's Orders Phase
Once your Orders Phase is finished, the turn resumes with your
opponent's Activation Phase. It means that you won't be able to use
any Activation ability. The focus of this ability is to let the Scot player
prepare some nasty abilities for his opponent's turn.
Give Ground
Used during step 3) of any melee
"Give Ground" is a strange ability that should be read carefully.
When this die is discarded, you immediately roll one die per model in
your unit. For each die with a result HIGHER than t he current Armour
of your unit (the armour rating considered is t he one used in melee),
ALL enemy units in the melee must discard one of their Attack Dice .
So, for example, if used on a 8 models strong Levies unit, you
would roll eight dice, and for each die with a result of 4 or more, all
enemy units engaged with your Levies must discard one of their
Attack Dice.
Really useful for low armoured unit s, or to discourage your opponent
from using your FATIGUE to decrease your Armour value.
Used during step 3) of any melee
Spearmen only
This is a potentially devastating ability t hat works in combinat ion
with other abilities on the Scots battleboard. You discard t his die
and gain one Attack Die. Then, you must discard any Defence Dice
you have accumulated so far (by other abilities or by reducing your
Attack Pool during step 2) of the melee). For each Defence Die
discarded, you gain two Attack Dice. Combined with uHold your
Ground" or the Combat Pool, it can really boost your attack and end
with an intimidating number of Attack Dice. Restricted to spearmen,
it may only be used by your Warriors and your foot Hearthguards.
A Barrier of Spears
Used during step 3) of any melee
Spearmen only
This one is maybe the most powerful ability on the whole Scot
Battleboard, and if used with a large unit of foot Hearthguards can
unleash hell. When t hese dice are discarded, you roll as many D6 as you
have models in your unit. For each die score lower than the current
Armour of your unit (the Armour value considered is the one used in
melee), you gain one Attack and one Defence Dice. So for example,
with an 8 models strong Thanes unit, that still has its Armour of 5, you
would roll 8 dice, with each roll resulting in a 1 to 4 granting two
combat Dice. On average, such unit would get around five extra
Attack Dice and five extra Defence Dice! It can become insane if your
unit has increased its Armour to 6 with the enemy's FATIGUE.
Running Away
Used during step 3) of any melee
Levies or mounted units only
This cheap ability will hopefully save the lives of many of your Levies
and mounted models! The die is discarded during the step 3) of t he
melee, and as soon as t his ability is used, t he melee proceeds to step
8) with your unit disengaging. This disengagement movement is
increased to ]L (instead of the usual). If this movement is made
impossible, then as usual t he enemy unit will have to disengage.
At the end of the disengagement movement (even if due to space
constraints the enemy unit had to disengage) your unit ta kes 2
Used during your Activation Phase
Spearmen only
This ability can be a suprise for your opponent. By discarding t his die,
you activate one of your units (two if t he relevant die has been used
for this ability) and all activated units may shoot with javelins at the
end of their activation, but w ith a range reduced to S. The units will
Ragnar speaks...
The Scots will usually patiently await
you, arranged in strong blocks of
spearmen. Do not take that f or
cowardice, as standing their ground
is the best thing they do. As soon as
you come into melee, you discover
that they excel at producing
Defence Dice, reducing your chances
to inflict casualties to ridiculous odds. And when you
have exhausted yourself against their shieldwall, they
are ready to unleash a combination of abilities that
will change all these Defence Dice into Attack Dice that
will shatter your unit. They are incredibly tough but
fortunately, more than often they will let you decide the
pace of the game. Only a foolhardy Warlord will not try t o
get t he best of this advantage.
The game is played on a 72" x 48" table and opposes two teams of players each
composed of two players with their own warband (so it is basically a two warbands
versus two warbands scenario, at the start of the game at least!). Each player
should have an equal sized warband and each player also needs to make a note of
the figures he started with (to help work out the winner)
Before the game, take two Red cards and two Black cards from the playing cards
deck and deal randomly one to each player. The two players that receive the Red
cards start in the Red team and the two players that were dealt the Black cards start
in the Black team. Each player puts the card on top of their Battleboard to show
their allegiance at the start of the game.
Roll 1D3+5. This is the number of terrain items to be set-up. Each team selects
half these scenery items from the chart on page 6o of the Saga rulebook (if the
number of scenery items is odd, roll 106 for each team with the highest scoring
team deploying the extra piece). The team that gets the highest score on the roll of
a 06 starts and deploys all its scenery items.
Once scenery has been set-up, each player rolls 2D6 and the highest scoring player
chooses one long side edge to be the starting table edge of his team. The other
team will deploy on the opposite tale edge
Near the gaming table, you will need two clearly defined spaces for the casualties
inflicted by the Red team and by the Black team. Use a card on top of these spaces
to identify them. When the Red team inflicts a casualty to the Black team, the
casualty model is moved to the Red space. The same applies for the Red casualties
that are moved to the Black casualties space.
Each scenery item may be deployed anywhere on the table, but not within l\Vl[ of
another scenery item.
At the start of the game, you will need a way to determine the order of the turn randomly. It can be playing cards (each player being attributed
a card), chits or tokens that are drawn from an opaque recipient or any other means that is available.
At t he start of the turn, draw one card or chit to determine the player who will play his turn. He resolves his Or ders Phase and his Activat ion
Phase. When he has finished, drawn a new card/chit to determine which player will play next. Continue t hat way until all players have played
their turn.
At the end of the turn of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th turns, when all players have played, an Allegiance sequence is resolved. To do so, give a black
card and a red card to each player. Each player selects one of these cards and puts it in front of him, face down. All these cards are revea led
simultaneously and p layers replace the card they had on top of their Battleboard with this new card that indicates their allegiance during the
next t urn. So if a player selected a red card and was previously in the black team, he changes side and during the forth coming t urn, will be
considered as a red player.
If at the end of the Allegiance Sequence of the 4th turn, it happens that all players belong to the same team (quite unlikely but w ho knows?), all
alliances are broken, the cards discarded and each player will be on his own for the rest of the game. The winner will then be determined purely
by adding the VPs value of the models each player has on the table at the end of the 6th turn. The p layer whose warband has t he most VPs left
on the table at the end of the game is the winner.
For the sake of clarity, each p layer shou ld always have on top of his Battle board a card of the colour of his current team.
Players belonging to the same team consider (for the sake of movement only) all models from their team partner(s) as f riendly models. You may
not activate your team member models though, nor use them in any other way (as sacrificing t hem for the Resilience rule of your Warlord! ). A
player t hat has lost his last model is eliminat ed and cannot win the game nor does he belong to any team. It can even happen th at all players
belong to the same team for one turn, and this can be considered as a period of truce!
Remember that there won't be any Allegiance Sequence during the sth and 6th turns, so the alliances of the 4th turn are engraved in stone!
ce s
All foot models move M( in open terrain .
All mounted models move
JL in open terrain.
At the start of the turn, you roll:
You gain FATIGUE for the foll owing reasons:
- One FATIGUE for every Movement or Shooting activation
after the first Movement or Shooting activation of the turn.
- One FATIGUE after each melee.
- One FATIGUE if a friendly unit is removed from the game in
melee w ithin S of your unit .
You may spend the enemy's FATIGUE to:
- Reduce his Movement from
M[ to or from to V or from
JL to ML
- When shot at, discard one enemy FATIGUE from the shooting
unit to gain one Armour.
- In Melee, discard one enemy FATIGUE to gain one Armour.
- In Melee, discard one enemy FATIGUE to reduce the enemy's
Armour by one.
All these effects may only be used once during each Movement
activation, or Shooting or Melee.
- Two SAGA dice per Warlord.
- Minus one SAGA die for every SAGA die left on your
Battle board.
M( for javelins, ]L for bows, slings and crossbows.
W arriors
Hearthguard 1
W arlord
Shooting steps:
1) Target determination and Attack Dice
2) Attacker then Defender use their SAGA abilities
3) Attack Roll (roll Attack Dice. Target number is the
enemy's Armo ur. Max number of Attack Dice is equa l
to twice the amount of Dice generated by the unit).
4) Defence Roll (cancels each hit on a 4 or more. Max
number of Defence Dice is twice the number of hits
5) Remove casualties
Light Cover allows t he cancellation of hits o n 3s.
Heavy Cover allows t he cancellation of hits of 3s and
Hearthguard 2
Melee steps:
1) Determination of Attack Dice (Attacker & Defender)
2) Defender may reduce its Attack Pool to gain Defence Dice
3) Attacker & Defender abilities
4) Attack Roll (Attacker & Defender, target number is the
enemy's Armour. Max number of Attack Dice is equal to
twice the amount of Dice generated by the unit)
5) Defence rolls (Attacker & Defender, cancels hits on 5s. Max
number of Dice is twice the number of hits taken)
6) Remove casualties
7) Fatigue is attributed
8) Loser must disengage.
K EERIN G T H Eu:c..::----J
Orders/ Reaction
Melee or Shooting/Reaction
Discard this die. Your unit
counts as being behind heavy
cover for the resolution of this
shooting or melee.
in this way.
Discard o ne di e to roll two
additional SAGA Dice.
1Welee or
Discard one die to gain one
Defence Die (two dice if the
discarded die was a ~).
Discard this die. At the end of
this melee, all your engaged
units reduce by -1 the number
of FATIGUE they should
Discard this die in a melee where
only one of your Levies or a mounted
unit is engaged. This unit immediately
disengages, but may move up to lL
for this disengagement movement.
Your unit takes 2 FATIGUES at
the end of this movement.
No melee is resolved.
Discard these dice. Roll one die
for each model of your unit. For
each die with a result lower than
its Armour, gain one Attack and
one Defence Die.
Discard one die to roll two
additional SAGA Dice.
Shooting or Shooting/
Discard one die to gain one
Attack or on e Defence dice
(two if the discarded die
was a fE ).
Discard this die.Re-roll once
any of your Attack Die that
rolled a 1 or a 2.
Discard this die. Discard half
the Attack Dice your unit
generates. Decrease the
Armour of the target by 2.
Orders I Reaction
opporrent clzooses:
Discard one die to activate
a unit of Hearthguards
or a Warlord.
Discard these dice.
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Orders or Orders/Reaction
Melee or Shooting!Reacti"" ..
Melee or Shooting/Reaction
wr opporent cho l.Ses:
Discard these dice. The first X
activations made this turn by the
enemy warband are cancelled (X
being your current WRATH level).
Orders or Orders/Reaction
Discard one die to activate
a unit of Levies.
Discard this die. Gain two extra dice
(Attack or Defence or a mix of both).
If your unit is made of at least
10 models, gain two extra dice (Attack
or Defence or a mix of both).
Discard this die. Gain a
number of Defence Dice
equal to a third of the
number of models
composing the unit.
Melee or Shooting/Reaction
Melee or
Orders or Orders/Reaction