Estante El Gpoa
Estante El Gpoa
Estante El Gpoa
ESTANTE, Elijah V.
4th Year BSFT
USC Councilor
When the UP Administration changes some of the current status quo in UP that will
affect the student body, there should be proper channeling of the concerns of the students
through consultations with the admin. Students voices must be empowered and heard by the
University Student Council since they are the main clients of the Student Council.
The people from the community must also be also be heard since they represent a big
sector in our society. The role of the youth in spreading awareness of the struggles of the
marginalized is really significant. Therefore, students must be empowered and informed about
the current situation of the marginalized sectors of our society. Students must integrate to the
community to enhance their understanding of the struggles of the marginalized and what they
can do as students to help forward the concerns of the people from the community.
Indigenous Peoples represent the culture of the Filipinos before we were colonized. IPs
have also class struggles within their community because of the apparent militarization within
their area. As iskolars ng bayan, it is our duty to empathize with them and call for accountability
if ever their rights are being oppressed.
There will be an Indigenous Peoples Assembly hosted by the UPV-USC to promote
culture and diversity within the university. There are stories that should be heard by each
student from the members of IPs. Stories of rising from the challenges in life, and stories of
An example of Indigenous Peoples are the Tumandok that remain to be the largest
group of IPs in Panay.
UP Situationer
Before the start of the semester, the current situation of UP Visayas must be studied
thoroughly since students are still adjusting on the change after Calendar Shift was
implemented. Also, there will be a rough research on the next activities of the USC in order to
not affect the academic workload of the students.
UP situationer will be carried out through student consultations in each sector in UPV
(may it be from student organizations, student councils, fraternities & sororities, and others).
This will help the USC understand the struggles of the students in their academics, laboratory
classes, dorm applications, ventilation of classrooms, the cafeteria in their colleges, and more.
The concerns of the students will be compiled and submitted to the Office of the Student
Regent and shall be presented during the meeting of the Board of Regents. The UPV-USC shall
call for the responsibility of our administration to provide the adequate learning facilities to the
students and shall be transparent at all times.