SUNY Chancellor Position Profile 101316
SUNY Chancellor Position Profile 101316
SUNY Chancellor Position Profile 101316
With nearly every New Yorker living within 30 miles of a SUNY campus, the Chancellor
has a unique platform to impact research and educational quality, access, and success as
well as enhance SUNYs influence on the economy and quality of life in New York State.
The spectrum of SUNYs universities and colleges positions the system and its chancellor
to address the challenges of the 21st century and be a leader in shaping the changes that
will occur in the delivery of higher education. As the chief strategist and spokesperson
for the SUNY system, the Chancellor will forge strong relationships with elected leaders,
government agencies, foundations, and the private sector to develop funds as well as
partnership opportunities for the benefit of SUNY students and faculty.
The Chancellor also plays an important role in ensuring the success of individual
campuses through the recommendation to the Board of Campus Presidents. S/he
empowers campus leaders and celebrates the distinctiveness of the campuses while
identifying opportunities for common goals, shared services, and system-wide branding
opportunities to increase the national and global prominence of all SUNY institutions.
A search committee reflecting the larger SUNY community representing college and
university presidents, campus administrators, students, faculty, trustees, and alumni, as
well as distinguished civic leaders, will review applications, screen candidates and make
recommendations to the Board of Trustees for the selection of the next Chancellor.
Isaacson, Miller, a national executive search firm, has been engaged to assist with this
important search. Inquiries, nominations, and applications should be directed in
confidence to the firm as indicated at the end of this document.
History and Context
The State University of New York was founded in 1948 on the principles of equity and
inclusion to serve those who had been turned away from other institutions for due to their
race, ethnicity, and/or religion. Its commitment to these core principles continues today,
and SUNY is guided by its mission to provide the people of New York educational
services of the highest quality, with the broadest possible access, fully representative of
all segments of the population." SUNY initially represented a consolidation of 29
unaffiliated institutions, including 11 teachers colleges. Today, SUNY is the nations
largest comprehensive state university system, consisting of 64 colleges and universities.
Each college and university within SUNY is administered by a president who builds and
manages his or her own administrative team.
Of the Universitys four research campuses, two are AAU institutions (Stony Brook and
Buffalo), one is consistently recognized by U.S. News and World Report as providing
outstanding undergraduate education (Binghamton), and the fourth, which is located in
the state capital (Albany), is deeply involved in public policy research and works closely
with state government departments focused on service to the people of New York.
The other units of the University, many receiving national recognition for their excellent
programs and service to students, include three specialized doctoral-degree-granting
institutions, two freestanding academic health science centers, seven residential
technology colleges, 13 comprehensive liberal arts colleges, and 30 community colleges.
SUNYs community colleges are unique entities not only within SUNY, but across the
nation. Each college is sponsored by a county, or collection of local entities, and each has
its own appointed Board of Trustees that help guide the academic and financial direction
of the institution. However, each college is also ultimately overseen by the greater SUNY
Board of Trustees and receives funding from the State of New York, making them a
collaborative effort between localities, SUNY, and the State.
In addition, the University maintains five statutory colleges 1: four at Cornell University
and one at Alfred University, which began as a college of ceramics. The State University
has three hospitals (each with academic medical centers) under its jurisdiction the State
University hospitals at Brooklyn, Stony Brook, and Syracuse.
During the late 1990s and early in the first decade of the 21st century, the SUNY system
experienced tremendous growth, with total student enrollment increasing by more than 15
percent. Since 2008, total enrollment in the four-year campuses has held more or less
steady within one percent of 220,000. Community colleges had an even more dramatic
increase in the late 1990s and early 2000s, increasing enrollment by about 25 percent, but
since 2010 have seen their enrollments decrease by about 10 percent as the economy has
improved. The fall 2015 enrollment in the four-year campuses was 219,942, including
graduate-level enrollments of more than 40,000 students. Community college enrollment
in fall of 2015 was 222,998 students. System-wide retention and graduation rates have
been steadily increasing and the SUNY system is planning enrollment management
practices to attract additional students and provide greater access to the campuses.
In the last several years, SUNY has developed and started to implement the concept of
systemness with a goal of better integrating the resources of the various colleges and
universities into a unified system, while also recognizing the distinctiveness of individual
campuses and their mission. Significant progress has been made in this direction through
guaranteed seamless transfer of credits to and from all SUNY campuses. On a regional
level, a growing number of research and educational programs are sharing resources from
multiple institutions. Other efforts to leverage the power of a large, multi-dimensional
system into a cooperative venture across a variety of institutional types have begun,
including Open SUNY, the worlds largest consortium for online learning with 472
online programs and 20,000 course sections. Since its launch in 2014, more than 230,000
students have enrolled in Open SUNY classes, using it to fit classes into busy schedules
and accelerate their progress toward a degree.
The governance of SUNY's five statutory colleges (four at Cornell University and one at Alfred
University) is divided between the State University and the private host universities, Cornell University and
Alfred University. Authority for the day-to-day administration of the statutory colleges vests in Cornell
University and Alfred University, respectively. The State University is vested with general supervision of
the statutory colleges.
Across the system, SUNY has actively supported the evolving role of diversity in higher
education, including recognition of inclusive excellence." In support of this, SUNY
created a System-wide Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 2007 and made
diversity central to its strategic plan beginning in 2010.
SUNYs research programs are a critical economic and human capital resource for New
York State. In the 2014-15 fiscal year, SUNY received 193 invention disclosures, filed
244 patent applications, was awarded 70 U.S. patents, executed 47 licenses, and received
over $18 million in royalties. This year SUNY attracted nearly $900 million in funding
for 6,800 research, training, and public service projects.
New York is investing in innovations that reach the greatest number of students across
the state. With more than 7,500 degree and certificate programs, SUNY, supported by its
more than 90,000 employees, enrolls students each year from all 50 states and more than
170 countries. In brick-and-mortar, SUNY has invested $6.1 billion in capital
construction since 2009 to ensure students learn and faculty teach in modern, accessible
facilities. The state and SUNY are also working together to tackle the pressing problem
of college completion. The state recently provided SUNY with $18 million, and through
innovative budgeting and savings, the system grew the states investment into a $100
million Investment and Performance Fund that was opened up to every part of the SUNY
system to develop innovative efforts to increase student success.
In support of the Universitys Strategic Plan, The Power of SUNY, the State University
has adopted a performance system, SUNY Excels, utilizing a set of metrics to measure
the achievement of goals in the strategic plan and to provide an instrument of
accountability. SUNY Excels represents the Universitys commitment to an ambitious set
of goals moving SUNY toward continuous improvement and excellence in five key areas:
access, completion, success, inquiry, and engagement. To ensure accountability, for the
University system and the public, in 2015 each campus developed comprehensive
Performance Improvement Plans that include a narrative about their strategic priorities as
well as commitments for improvement through 2020-21 on a standard series of metrics.
These plans are working documents that will be updated annually to reflect new
developments and to report on progress.
The Chancellor reports to an 18 member Board of Trustees, 15 of whom are appointed by
the Governor, by and with consent of the New York State Senate. The president of the
Student Assembly serves as the 16th voting trustee. In addition, the president of the
University-wide Faculty Senate and the president of the Faculty Council of Community
Colleges serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the Board.
SUNY shared governance groups include:
Shared governance at SUNY includes the structures and processes through which
administration, faculty, professional staff, governing boards, and students participate in
the development of policies and in decisions that affect the whole institution. These
shared governance systems are integral to SUNYs operations, and they were included in
the implementation phase of the Universitys strategic plan. Carried out effectively,
shared governance serves as the foundation for a sustainable system of higher education
that is operating at its highest potential in service to each of these groups as well as its
other stakeholders in government, businesses, and communities.
SUNYs All Funds budget for 201415 was $13.3B, supported by direct General Fund
dollars from the State for the 30 community colleges, 29 state-operated campuses, five
statutory colleges, three teaching hospitals, and myriad university-wide programs of
approximately $1.6B, supplemented by $8.1B in revenue either self-generated by tuition
and fees, patient receipts, or local sponsor support for the 30 community colleges. The
remainder of the All Funds Budget is comprised of indirect state General Fund dollars for
the cost of state-operated campus benefits ($1.3B) and debt service costs related to
improvements to state owned, or related, physical assets ($0.6B), as well as campus
generated sponsored research activity ($0.9B) and within the campus related foundations
and auxiliary services corporations ($0.8B).
In 2011, Governor Cuomo established the NYSUNY 2020 program to keep tuition
increases low and predictable while providing $470 million in additional revenue to New
Yorks public colleges and universities. After five years of predictable tuition, New
Yorks public four-year resident rates remain the lowest in the northeast and in the lowest
quartile nationally, contributing significantly to the goal of student access to higher
education. For FY2017 the state budget freezes in-state resident tuition, but allows for
increases in non-resident tuition at the four University Centers by ten percent, while
keeping non-resident undergraduate rates flat at all other campuses. In addition, this
program has provided new capital matching grant funding for a public-private Challenge
Grant Program that links higher education to economic development. Twenty-five
percent of the additional revenue generated went directly to students to ensure that
highest-need students continue to attend SUNY institutions tuition-free. Additional funds
were used to support faculty and improve instruction.
Foundations on each campus provide the colleges and universities with a mechanism for
receiving and managing gifts for the purpose of advancing the welfare and development
of the campus. The value of the endowments held by foundations system-wide at the end
of FY2015 was $2.8 billion. Most development activities are handled individually on the
campuses with the expectation that philanthropic gifts are generally raised in support of
individual campuses. In recent years the Chancellors role in seeking private financial
support has expanded beyond providing overall leadership and support. The Chancellor
increasingly seeks large gifts and grants that support systemwide activities that are
unlikely to be provided for an individual campus. The funds raised by the Chancellor are
intended for support of across-the-system activities on the campuses. In 2011 SUNY
launched a $5 billion system-wide capital campaign. The University expects to meet the
halfway mark in the next year and a half.
Administratively and financially the State University is subject to many of the same rules
and regulations governing New York State agencies. The Board of Trustees and SUNY
employees are bound by many provisions of state law and reporting requirements.
Collective bargaining contracts for state-operated campuses are negotiated by the
Governor's Office of Employee Relations (GOER) and require approval by the
Legislature. Community colleges' financial transactions, purchasing, contracting and
payroll, and collective bargaining are done locally at the campus or county level, subject
to applicable state regulations and audits by the State Comptroller.
While serving as a change agent to lead SUNY through the disruption and
reconfiguration higher education faces, the Chancellor must fully appreciate and balance
SUNYs many institutions with varied missions to leverage one anothers strengths to
enable SUNY to fully contribute to the state and the nation.
Continue SUNYs positive trajectory and increased visibility in New York and the
nation, and strengthen its institutions to lead the system toward a position of
preeminence among systems of national and regional colleges and universities.
SUNY anticipates that its next Chancellor will build upon the momentum that it has
developed over the last several years utilizing the concept of systemness. SUNY has set
directions and goals that will enable its individual campuses, and the University as a
whole, to be a major leader in the development of knowledge, and in offering a highquality education to its students as it gains recognition as a preeminent institution of
higher education.
The Chancellor, working with campus presidents, will create opportunities for systemlevel initiatives that could not exist solely at the campus level to leverage programs,
better prepare students, support innovation by faculty, and foster the growth of quality
programs of research and scholarship. By combining the distinctive strengths of
individual campuses with collaboration across campuses, SUNY will contribute to the
development of the workforce, the attraction of industry, the understanding and reduction
of social ills, and the promotion of arts and culture throughout the state. The System will
focus specifically on areas that will contribute to building economic strength in portions
of the state that have been particularly hard-hit economically and are prepared to move
from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy.
Communicate effectively with trustees, policymakers, and national higher education
leaders while serving as the public face of the University.
The Chancellor will work with legislative and gubernatorial leadership to obtain the
resources needed to build academic excellence and raise SUNYs profile as a leader in
higher education nationally and internationally. It is also critical that key policy leaders in
New York, particularly the governor and state legislators, are educated and made aware
of the accomplishments of the System and its campuses and their contributions to the
The Chancellor will be the key communicator of academic values throughout the SUNY
System and to the states residents - promoting an atmosphere and attitude that supports
academic quality. Recognizing the different missions of institutions within the University
system, the Chancellor will encourage the constituent parts of the University to be
mutually supportive in achieving this goal.
The next Chancellor will also work to establish relationships with national higher
education associations, foundations, corporations, and business organizations that focus
on education. Further, the Chancellor will advocate for higher education generally, as
well as the SUNY system specifically, in both Congress and important federal funding
The Chancellor will partner closely with the SUNY Board of Trustees and shared
governance organizations, communicating with them about key innovations to ensure that
the direction of the system and its initiatives align with policy goals and prepare the
system for challenges and trends in higher education nationally.
Develop a system-wide enrollment management strategy that will increase access to
higher education, address demographic change within the state, foster student
success, and explore new revenue streams.
A commitment to diversity and equity was a primary factor in SUNYs founding in 1948.
The SUNY system came to be, in large part, to serve those who had been turned away
from private institutions due to their race, ethnicity, and/or religion. SUNYs statutory
mission statement specifically states that the Universitys educational services will be
provided with the broadest possible access, fully representative of all segments of the
In fulfillment of this core mission, in 2015 SUNY created an aggressive diversity, equity,
and inclusion policy following the recommendations of a system-wide Diversity Task
Force. The policy set clear goals, aspiring and taking decisive action to make the State
University of New York the most inclusive state university system in the country.
In striving to meet this goal, SUNY is fortunate to have an unparalleled variety of
campuses and programs. Retaining the ability of each campus to select its students, the
System should develop a plan for reaching out to potential students, both within New
York and beyond the states boundaries, to inform them of the strengths of its campuses.
The enrollment management strategy should go beyond admissions and explore data
analytics to enable early identification of students at risk and provide mechanisms that
will enhance the chances of enrolled students being successful in the completion of their
studies. The challenge to the System is to ensure that all students who reach its campuses
have a high probability of achieving success. The Chancellor will be expected to provide
leadership and advance expectations throughout the System for the development and
delivery of necessary support mechanisms to promote the success of students. While the
primary goal of enrollment management is student success, a strong secondary goal
should be enabling each campus to function at full capacity and to enhance its revenue
streams through attraction and retention of students and balancing its programs.
Employ the size and breadth of the SUNY system to appeal to large donors who can
impact multiple campuses and programs, using the System as a laboratory to
explore educational innovation in a variety of settings.
New York is fortunate to host many significant businesses, influential foundations, and
individuals with large wealth and considerable generosity. Many of these currently
support research, scholarship, internships, and programs on individual SUNY campuses.
The Chancellor should be prepared to aid campus presidents as they continue to develop
these positive relationships. The system also has the potential to foster relationships that
go beyond campus-based ventures to attract and support system-wide goals. It is
important for the next Chancellor to identify appropriate meta-campus goals, develop
relationships with potential benefactors, and, involving the appropriate campus leaders,
work together on system-level goals that will enhance the reputation and visibility of
Bring new and diversified revenue streams to the State University of New York to
enable the System to pursue its strategic mission while remaining accessible to all
New Yorkers.
Even the most robust of todays public institutions rely on revenue sources beyond tuition
and state support. The Chancellor will lead efforts at both the central office and, working
with campus presidents, on the individual campuses to diversify and significantly
increase revenue streams in order to support the strengthening of human capital, the
enhancement of research, and the modernization of physical plant and facilities to ensure
educational access for all students. New revenue streams are critical to maintaining
affordability for students and their families. This will require an entrepreneurial approach
to generate new funding for the campuses, the development of partnerships with industry
in the state and regionally, as well as the development of philanthropic relationships.
Provide strong leadership and execute an organizational structure with systems and
staffing to support SUNYs enhancement.
In addition to recruiting and maintaining strong presidential leadership on the SUNY
campuses, the Chancellor will be expected to develop and implement a well defined,
strong, and appropriate administrative structure in the Central Offices. The Chancellor
will ensure the effective management of the System by promoting a culture of
accountability among top officers in the System Office that will cascade to the campus
CEOs, and through them, to leaders on the campuses.
Candidates for Chancellor of the State University of New York should have an
understanding of the complex nature of a large and decentralized organization, the
political savvy to work with a range of public policy and governmental leaders, and an
appreciation of the entire spectrum of higher education, including community colleges,
technical and specialized colleges, comprehensive colleges, and research universities.
While no one candidate will possess all of them, the successful candidate will bring many
of the following qualifications and attributes:
The ability to balance the multiple needs of a large public organization including
management, advocacy, and being a very visible and present public face.
Broad and deep knowledge about and a demonstrated history and commitment to
diversity within the entire university community.
Experience working effectively with elected and appointed officials of all political
persuasions, as well as leaders in business and civil society.
Personal Attributes:
Resilience and stamina for the task at hand, personal grace in dealing with a broad
spectrum of personalities, and good humor in leading the day-to-day work of the
university system
SUNY has engaged Isaacson, Miller, a national executive search firm, to assist with
this search. Confidential inquiries, nominations, and applications should be directed
through the Isaacson, Miller website at
The search is being led by:
Michael Baer, Kathryn Barry, and Jeff Kessner
Isaacson, Miller
1300 19th Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 682-1504