8 Virtue of Aristotke-Courage PDF
8 Virtue of Aristotke-Courage PDF
8 Virtue of Aristotke-Courage PDF
Mean: Courage
Deficiency: Cowardice
citizen soldiers courage motivation is avoiding legal penalties and shame, gaining honors or perhaps avoiding pain of punishment
being experienced with a kind of danger, so not really feeling fear because one knows matter is not really fearful
being in the grips of anger, being made bold by pain or frustration this can become true courage when channeled and shaped rightly
feeling confidence because of ones previous successes (or temporarily because of being drunk!)
facing danger because one is ignorant of the actual danger
Deals with emotions of fear and confidence, when facing things that are fear-provoking
(examples of such things: death, disgrace, pain, poverty, disease, harm to ones loved ones, romantic failure, rejection, natural disasters)
Also has to do with the pains fearful things threaten, the pain involved in standing up to them, and the pleasure of doing noble, honorable things
Copyright: Dr. Gregory B. Sadler 2012