The Effects of Humanitarian Ngos On The Developing World
The Effects of Humanitarian Ngos On The Developing World
The Effects of Humanitarian Ngos On The Developing World
In the face of natural disasters, conflicts and other crises, there is a strong need for a quick and
ready response to anything that is being thrown toward them. That response is usually carried out
by the men and women operating as and with humanitarian non-governmental organizations;
working to ensure the perseverance of human life and good morals. Irony exists in the fact that
these aid organizations themselves require aid in order to stay relevant. Money is the blood in the
veins of these organizations and can be the sole reason a few good people with good intentions
fail to keep in operation and halfhearted do-nothings that stay on top.
The world of NGOs is a scary and difficult place to begin in. There are plenty of things that
can go wrong with even the noblest of intentions. From the threats from numerous outside
sources to indirect butterfly effects that can bring a region to its knees. These effects can also
lead to a flourishing of the social, economic and political conditions of the region. In a rather in
depth analysis, the merit and value of these organizations will be measured and judged by their
overall usefulness and impact on the developing world.
Table of Contents
pg. 4
pg. 5
Main Body...
pg. 6-11
pg. 11-12
pg. 13-15
pg. 16-18
With every passing tragedy and crisis that occurs in the modern global society, many men,
women and children suffer immense loss that can lead to further loss or turmoil. Many of these
people cannot find respite from the chaos or cannot reach aid from any source. Fortunately, there
have been many organizations established that work to grant help to those in need. In many
situations, relief aid is either not supported or not backed with enough resources and effort.
These humanitarian organizations, albeit costly, are the most effective way to bring about
progress to crises in more developing regions.
One of the many important questions regarding relief programs is the overall cost of starting
and maintaining a humanitarian organization. Another topic of discussion involves the dangers of
working with these groups and what has been done by other non-governmental organizations to
assist in promoting the success of these relief programs. There are many times in which these
organizations have been caught in the crossfires of the actual conflict. This is a major issue given
the good work these people do nearly every day for the people that need it the most. These
organizations operate in nearly every field. From Syria, to Afghanistan, and even places like
India or central America, these good people work to provide medical care, food and other things
that are almost essential to survival. Although these organizations are important, if they are
established poorly, without proper care put into it, these organizations can provide no real
assistance to in-need regions.
Humanitarian aid has existed for quite some time, dating back to the 1870s in china when
British missionaries responded to a drought-caused famine that killed many people in the
Aid has been utilized in many different times of strife and unrest such as the Ethiopian famine in
1980, the Yugoslavian breakup and its subsequent turmoil in the early 2000s, continuing even
now in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and many other regions. These organizations are typically
backed and safeguarded by state governments, allowing for more extensive operation.
Non-Governmental Organizations are neither part of a government or conventional business that
may be funded by governments, foundations, businesses or individuals. Compared to other
Core Costs
Capital Costs
Operational Costs
Staff Costs
Each of these costs vary in importance from organization to organization, with each cost being
more or less necessary to each. Core costs consist mainly of office maintenance; mainly anything
that would help in running office administration, meetings (staff, governance, etc.), and
telecommunication. These costs are near essential for any upcoming NGO with a respectable
headquarters. Humanitarian organizations can't rely solely on volunteer workers when
conducting operations and as such, will require funds to go towards the salaries of their staff, as
well as money that goes to consultants and other outside assistance. Capital Costs allow for all
sorts of investments that allow for whatever aid or means to spread it needed. Things like trucks
and fuel, water and food or whatever technological necessities are covered under these costs.
Even the organization's headquarters counts under this subsection. Lastly are the costs of
operation; the funding needed to provide any help whatsoever to regions that are suffering or in
need. Costs range from organizing aid camps, meeting with villages, campaigns or even basic
training for locals.
Normally these costs are substantially high, requiring NGOs to either pay out of pocket or
seek financing from other sources. An example of an NGO's budget can be shown from the
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
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