DISGRACING THE TRUTH and Other Matters of Public Health
DISGRACING THE TRUTH and Other Matters of Public Health
DISGRACING THE TRUTH and Other Matters of Public Health
“There are groups out there that [sic] insist that vaccines are
responsible for a variety of problems, despite all scientific evidence to the
contrary. We (the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services)
have reached out to media outlets to try to get them to NOT (my emphasis)
to give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting...”
Imagine that! Instructions to the media from the government, not to give its
citizens, full disclosure of the risks and harm they unwittingly accept each day
with vaccination. This just begs the question, “What donʼt they want us to know
and why donʼt they want us to know it? I have to imagine public broadcastingʼs
recent airing made Secretary Sebelius quite proud!
On April 27th, PBS ran a Frontline piece called “The Vaccine Wars.” Frankly, I
expected more from my viewer-supported television program. I fail to understand
why every initiative the government engages in must be a “war.” A war on drugs.
A war on terrorism. A war on disease. Forces of opposition never lend
themselves to intelligent and open discussion, nor to peaceful and respectful
resolution. The last thing we need is another war! What is urgent and necessary
is an understanding and acceptance of the concerns of those who are cautious
about excessive vaccination. And yes, 44 vaccines by the age of 6 is an
excessive number of vaccinations!
The segment blatantly lacked any viable discussion about the actual products;
the injectable substances composed of toxic, carcinogenic and pathogenic
material. There was no discussion about what happens in the economy of the
human immune system when these harmful substances are allowed direct
access to the blood-brain barrier. While several children were pictured in the
show suffering from the ravages of diseases like polio and whooping cough,
there was no coverage of children injured by vaccination. No coverage of
children in wheelchairs. No coverage of those wearing football helmets to prevent
additional brain injury from the dozens if not, hundreds of daily seizures. No
coverage of those on life support from vaccine injury. No coverage of an autistic
child before vaccination and then, afterwards. Why not? Terrible things happen
from vaccinations as well as from diseases. Secretary Sebelius has asked the
media to silence these Truths so, I ask, “In whose best interest?”
“The Vaccine Wars” broadly painted thoughtful, intelligent, cautious parents as
“anti-vaccine” and blamed them for any rise in so-called “vaccine-preventable
diseases.” However this tainted and subjective segment neglected to mention
that disease outbreaks occur in widely-vaccinated populations. In fact,
during the most recent outbreak of mumps in NY and NJ, 88% of those infected
had been vaccinated and 75% infected had been vaccinated twice. Why omit that
very critical bit of information? Routinely, the vaccination status of infected
individuals is always omitted from media reports, unless of course, the individual
is unvaccinated! Vaccinations fail to protect large portions of the population.
The perpetuated, misguided notion that diseases are “vaccine preventable” is
solidly disputed in evidence when vaccinated people acquire the diseases they
were allegedly “protected” against.
Parents donʼt think vaccines are important because they are not old enough
to remember how horrible diseases like polio and whooping cough were. They
donʼt see the ravages of these diseases anymore.
Quite true. Whether or not that has anything to do with the vaccines is arguable.
We no longer see scarlet fever, cholera and typhus but there were never any
vaccines for those diseases. What we do see scares us even more-- the ravages
of vaccine injury. Our federal government, through the Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System (VAERS), recognizes the severity of vaccine injuries ranging
from injection site soreness to death, yet there was no mention of this system or
registry on the program-- as if it doesnʼt exist at all.
Poor Rachel Murphy... gasping for air with an oxygen tube up her nose. The 6
week old had contracted whooping cough, too young to receive the DTP vaccine.
Stressing the need for “herd immunity” to “protect” infants like Rachel Murphy,
the vaccine advocates, in their infinite wisdom, claim that the vaccination was the
only way to protect her and sadly, she was too young to have it. Iʼm guessing the
science of passive immunity--antibody protection passed from mother to child
through breast milk--is a thing of the past? Or perhaps it simply slipped their
Why canʼt they just tell the Truth? Vaccination cannot guarantee immunity.
Vaccines will harm a subset of the population for which there is no scientific
model to pre-determine. Vaccine makers have no liability for their products
because the government, not the underwriters for the pharmaceutical companies,
insures the vaccines,. The manufacturers, however, still enjoy all of their
staggering profits. Wouldnʼt every manufacturer across the nation like to enjoy
the luxury of absolution from liability when their products maim and kill?
The lies and the deception over vaccination safety and efficacy have paved a
well-travelled roadway called fear. We, the naysayers of excessive and
mandatory vaccination, have approached the intersection of evidence and
sensibility where we have decided to park for a spell and wait for that busload of
Truthfulness to arrive. Itʼs not that we donʼt know what we are talking about, itʼs
just that they donʼt like what we are saying. Seemingly, in preservation of some
proprietary agendas they disgrace the Truth, silence our voices and discredit our
work and our names. Shame on them! As American writer Flannery OʼConner
said, and I believe her, “The Truth does not change according to our ability to
stomach it!”