Virologists Fraudsters

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WiSSeNSCHAFFtPLUS magazin 4/2020 · extract

The causers of the corona crisis are clearly identified

who claim disease-causing viruses are science fraudsters and must be prosecuted

from Dr. Stefan Lanka

The meaning and choice of words in all
publications on all pathogenic viruses proves
Summary that the virologists not only violated the laws of
thought, logic and binding rules of science, but
Science and scientificness are important also refuted the existence claims about
instruments that help to identify and solve pathogenic viruses themselves. If one has taken
challenges. Science has very clear rules: off the hypnotic anxiety glasses and reads
Whoever makes claims must prove them clearly, objectively with reason what the authors do and
comprehensibly and verifiably. Only statements write, every interested person who is able to
that are verifiable may be called scientific, read English and has acquired knowledge of the
everything else falls within the realm of faith. methods used will find out that these virologists
The facts of faith must not be presented as (except those who work with phages and the
scientifically proven facts in order to derive or phage-like viruses) misinterpret normal gene
justify governmental measures. sequences as vital components and thus have
Scientific statements must be refutable, disproved their whole field of expertise. This is
falsifiable in order to be allowed to claim them particularly easy to see in the case of the
as scientific facts. The first and written duty of assertions of the existence of the alleged SArS-
every scientist is to strictly check his own CoV-2 virus.
statements, to try to refute them. Only in the Since these virologists have clearly violated the
case that this refutation is not successful and laws of thought, logic and the rules of scientific
this failure is clearly documented by control work with their statements and by their actions,
experiments, a statement may be called they can be colloquially described as science
scientific. cheats. But since science fraud does not occur in
All corona measures issued by governments and criminal law and there are no precedents for it, I
subordinate authorities are ultimately regulated suggest and will do this myself, to have the
by law, in Germany the Infection Protection Act employment fraud of virologists - pretending to
(IfSG), but are only seemingly legitimized by it be scientific but acting and arguing anti-
and not justified. With § 1 ifSG, for example, the scientifically - established in court and in
target provision "scientifically" subjects all criminal law. The responsible governmental
participants in Germany to the rules of science. authorities are called upon to prosecute these
The most important rule of science is the anti-scientific employment fraudsters in order
documented and unsuccessful attempt to prove to prevent them from doing anti-scientific and,
the statement that is presented as true and as a consequence, anti-social and dangerous
scientific. All scientific rules are preceded by things. From the moment that a first court of law
adherence to the laws of thought and logic. If establishes the facts outlined below and
these are disregarded or violated, the scientific convicts the first virologist of employment fraud,
statement is disproved as well as by a successful the end of the corona crisis will be heralded and
control experiment. sealed by the court and the global corona crisis
will turn out to be an opportunity for all.

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scientific examination and must therefore not

Introduction be called scientific.

For a better, real and experimentally accessible

Humanity is facing a great challenge: The view of life, I refer to the very substance of
inherent dynamics and consequences of fear which life consists. It is the elementary
and anti-biosis through the discipline of biology substance of which the membrane consists, the
and medicine, disturb and destroy the so-called surface tension membrane of water,
environment, plants, animals, people and the which water forms wherever it has contact with
economy. The corona crisis is only the visible tip other substances or with itself in motion and
of an iceberg on a collision course with everyone vortexes. Aristotle called this substance ether
and everything. One of the reasons for this and Dr. Peter Augustin rediscovered it in the
challenge is materialism, the attempt to explain form of the primary substance. Japanese plant
life by purely material models. Our materialism physiologists referred to this substance as pi-
of today was invented in "post-socratic" water. This knowledge and point of view
antiquity as an explicit counter-reaction to fear resulting from the knowledge of the
and abuse of power by religions. This is a ether/primordial substance also lets the pre-
comprehensible, human and humanitarian Socratic principle revive, become conceivable
motivated action, but it has dramatic and imaginable: Thinking in the atomic theory
consequences. This materialism has produced makes this kind of imagination and imaginary
the taught good-evil-biology, the "prevailing worlds more difficult or prevents it and, if no
opinion" in medicine based on it and the other ways of thinking are known or are frowned
resulting anti-biosis (antibiotics, radiation, upon, forces false assumptions. The entire
chemotherapy, disinfection, restriction of basic academic world of biology and medicine is based
rights, vaccination, lock-down, qua- rantain, on such a false assumption.
social distancing etc.). more and more people,
environment and economy are harmed by this in 1848, when constructive effects of the French
ideology. Their materialistic good-evil theory, Revolution had a chance to unfold in Germany,
which has no actual basis but is based on the attempts at change failed and caused a
disproved assumptions, developed dramatic hardening and deterioration of
unrecognized into the most powerful religion. political and social life. While in 1848 the man
The materialistic theory of life states that there who was responsible for the current
are only atoms, but no consciousness, no development of biology and medicine still
spiritual forces and no animator who could have advocated humane, logical and correct
created them and set them in motion. In order measures for the "prevention of epidemics", in
to be able to explain the cosmos and life in a the following ten years he adapted to the
purely material way, our "science" is forced to hardening and increasingly extreme political
assert a huge bang, in which all atoms were conditions. It was Rudolf Virchow who, in 1858,
created out of nothing, which flew apart. Some without any scientific basis, but exclusively
atoms would touch each other by chance and based on the Atomic Theory of Democritus and
form molecules. These molecules had formed a Epicurus, postulated the Cellular Theory of life
primordial cell by accidental coming together, and all diseases: Cellular Pathology.
from which all further life had developed by throughout his life, Rudolf Virchow suppressed
struggle and selection. All this is said to have "relevant facts" of embryology and tissue
happened in unimaginable lengths of time in the science in order to present and popularize his
distant past, and is therefore not subject to new cell theory as something real. However, this
knowledge of embryology and tissue theory, the

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germ theory of life, is an indispensable experienced its upswing from 1954 onwards,
prerequisite for understanding life, its has disproved itself by its own statements, in a
development and, above all, diseases, cures, truly scientific way, i.e. easily comprehensible
healing crises and obstacles to healing. and verifiable. This statement is 100% correct,
proven and I stand up for this statement as a
Rudolf Virchow claimed, analogous to the virologist, as a scientist, as a citizen and as a
Atomic Theory, that all life originates from a human being.
cell.The cell was the smallest, indivisible unit of
life, which at the same time, however, would The transition from toxin virology to
cause all diseases by the formation of alleged today's genetic virology
disease toxins, Latin virus. This laid the
foundation on which the theories of genes,
The idea of disease toxins is still quite effective,
infections, immunity and cancer had to develop
since dangerous bacterial protein toxins are still
in order to be able to explain the processes of
claimed to be dangerous. Or bacteria, such as
life, illness and healing within this theory. If it is
the corkscrew bacteria, which are claimed to be
believed because it is taught that all processes
dangerous and which would allegedly bore from
are only caused by material interactions and
the suspected point of entry via the nerves into
that all life originates from one cell, the
the brain. What virologists, physicians and
followers of this view are forced to adopt a
science journalists are keeping quiet about is the
construction and function plan of life, i.e. a
fact that the idea that viruses were defined as
hereditary substance, and to assert that it exists.
protein toxins, which was valid until 1951, had
The same logic of compulsion results for the
to be abandoned that year. In order to test the
claimed poisons of diseases. If the cell allegedly
assumption and assertion of toxin-viruses and to
produces virus=disease toxins as the cause of
be allowed to claim them as scientific, two
disease in order to distribute them inside and
control experiments were conducted:
outside the body, a place in an individual must
1. Healthy tissue was exposed to decomposition
be claimed where and in which this disease
and not just tissue supposedly damaged by
toxin, the virus, was first produced. If this way of
viruses. It was found that the proteins produced
thinking is elevated to a dogma, on the other
by the decomposition of healthy tissue are the
hand, nothing else may be taught, and if its
same as those produced by the decomposition
views are defamed as unscientific or as a
of "virus-damaged" tissue. This refuted the virus
conspiracy against the state, it excludes from the
outset purely other ways of thinking and
2. the protein-toxin-virus assumption was
imagining the development of diseases within a
additionally disproved by the fact that in the
body or in a group of people. This logic of
electron microscope of "virus diseased"
compulsion always seeks the causes only in the
humans, animals and their fluids never anything
categories of material defects or material
else could be found and photographed than it
malice. It is not mentioned that the idea of the
was the case with healthy humans. By the way,
virus as a poison was elegantly and scientifically
this has remained so until today.
disproved and abandoned in 1951 and that since
1952 another idea had to be invented:
The clinical, i.e. medical virology disproved itself
The idea that viruses are a collection of
with these successful control experiments and
dangerous genes. Here again, it is concealed
gave up with words of regret, which was only
that there is still no solid scientific proof for the
noticed by attentive readers of professional
assumption of such gene accumulations, which
journals. This fact was suppressed by the mass
could be called viruses. The good news is that
media because the hypnotists of power
the new genetic virology, which had
celebrated the ongoing vaccination campaigns.
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Although the viruses were lost as a justification originates. This is the reason why "phages" and
for vaccination, the vaccination campaigns were "giant viruses" - let us better call them bionts -
not interrupted - also because of the silence of are easy to isolate i.e. to enrich and separate
the health authorities and "science". After the from all other components of life. in this isolated
abandonment of virology, biology and medicine form they can and are regularly biochemically
could not find any other explanation within the analyzed. Each biochemical characterization
purely material cell theory for the diseases and reveals that the nucleic acid of a type of "phage"
phenomena of simultaneous or increased or "giant virus" always has exactly the same
occurrence of diseases defined as viral. length and always exactly the same
The participants were thus forced to invent a
new theory of what viruses should be in the In fact, for decades, phages were the only source
future. They geared themselves to actually of pure nucleic acid (DNA) in biochemical
existing structures, which are called phages and studies. The process of absorption and release
are formed by bacteria when they are removed of DNA into and out of bacteria, documented
from their environment and the exchange with under the electron microscope, was interpreted
other bacteria and microbes is prevented. As a as an infection. It has been claimed without any
young student I was fortunate to isolate such a proof that phages attack bacteria, rape them,
phage-like structure from the sea, to study its force their nucleic acids on them and that the
structure, composition and interaction with the bacteria die because of this. Only bacteria that
environment. This led me directly into the field are extremely inbred, i.e. constantly reproduced
of virology, as I believed unsuspectingly that I without having contact to other bacteria or
had discovered a harmless virus and a stable microbes, are transformed into phages in an act
virus-host relationship to research the origin of of metamorphosis. This transformation is
viruses. Thirty years later, new structures of misinterpreted as the death of the bacteria by
what are now called "giant viruses" have been phages. On the other hand, bacteria that are
and are being discovered all the time. In the freshly isolated from their environment never
meantime, it has been clearly proven that they transform into phage and do not die if phage is
are at the beginning of the processes with which applied in whatever amounts. This is also the
biological life begins or becomes visible to us. reason why the often cited phage therapy as a
French virologists recognize that these substitute for antibiotics, for example to
structures form the fourth kingdom of life, next suppress pain and other symptoms - as with any
to the primordial bacteria, the bacteria and the other poisoning - can and will never work with
eukaryotes. "phages" in the desired sense and to the desired
The structures erroneously called phages, i.e.
bacteria eaters and giant viruses, can also be Biology of phages and giant viruses
described as a type of spores that bacteria and
simply organized living beings form when their and the resulting refutation of the
living conditions change in such a way that they cell theory of life
can no longer reproduce or survive ideally.
Depending on the species, these helpful This is the situation with the algae (ectocarpus
structures always consist of a strand of the so- siliculosus), from which I isolated their "giant
called hereditary substance DNA of exactly the viruses": The mobile forms of the algae, the
same length and exactly the same composition. gametes and spores, search for the "giant
This type of DNA is always surrounded by a shell viruses" in their environment with their mobile
of the dense substance from which biological life flagella and absorb these "giant viruses". The

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growing algae integrate the nucleic acid of the iii. The negative interpretation that the uptake
"giant viruses" into their own chromosomes. It of nucleic acids from "phages" and "giant
was observed that algae with "giant viruses" are viruses" into other organisms has been
better off than those without. It has never been interpreted as infection and as harmful is
observed that algae with "giant viruses" are disproved. This observation, however, was the
worse off than those without. New and more reason to believe from 1952 onwards that there
and more amazing "giant viruses" with more and were genetic viruses in humans that caused
more amazing properties are constantly being diseases by transmitting their "dangerous"
found and more and more evidence is being nucleic acids
created that bacteria and micro-organisms,
amoebae and unicellular organisms are created and can be held responsible for death and
from "giant viruses" into which they are destruction. To this day, no virus has been seen
transformed as if their living conditions no in or isolated from humans, animals, nor plants
longer existed. or their fluids. It has not even been possible to
isolate a nucleic acid that would correspond to
Giant viruses are apparently created by and the length and composition of the genetic
around nucleic acids, which develop catalytic strands of the claimed disease causing viruses,
activities, i.e. they release energy although the isolation, presentation and analysis
independently, synthesize further nucleic acids, of the composition of nucleic acids of this length
other molecules and substances and thereby has long been possible using the simplest
constantly generate new properties and standard techniques.
abilities. The particularly reactive and diverse
nucleic acid forms of RNA, keyword "The RNA A nobel prize and its fatal
world", which can easily and constantly
transform into DNA and retransform back into
DNA, are also created in the process of self-
organization of life, without any scientifically in isolated form, "phages" and "giant viruses"
ascertainable reason or cause.With the (bionts) can be quickly and easily photographed
discovery of phage, which is only ever created by in large numbers in the electron microscope and
the transformation of extremely inbred (incest-) their degree of purity documented. The isolation
bacterial cultures, and giant viruses, which and photography of isolated and characterized
maintain themselves, enlarge and actively structures has never been successful with any of
metabolise themselves, and the discovery of the alleged pathogenic viruses! Bionts (alias
new organisms consisting of giant viruses, three phages and giant viruses) are regularly seen and
things have been proven so far: photographed in large numbers under the
i. The cell theory that biological life exists only in electron microscope in the organisms through
the form of cells and arises only from cells has which they are produced or which produce them
been disproved. (sic!). On the other hand, the photography of
ii. The assertion that biological life originated in structures in the electron microscope, which are
grey primeval times has been refuted. Life claimed to be disease-causing viruses, has not
constantly arises anew and before our eyes, if been successfully documented in any human
we only look at life objectively and restricted by being, animal, plant or in liquids from them, such
no dogmas and unfounded theories. It is proven as blood, semen, saliva etc., to date! Why is this
that biological life as we know it now can arise not the case?
wherever there is water and perhaps also
conditions that are the same or similar to those The electron microscopic images of alleged
on our mother planet earth. viruses show only structures that are always

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obtained from completely different sources. which they justify what they do and pass it off as
These structures have never been isolated, scientific. This is easily recognized as insane and
neither biochemically characterized nor used as anti-scientific. The authors, who published these
a source for the short pieces of nucleic acids, considerations on June 1, 1954, have explicitly
from which virologists ONLY THEORETICALLY described their observations as speculations
construct a long nucleic acid, which is then that have been refuted in themselves and that
passed off as the alleged genetic strand of a will only be verified in the future. To this day,
virus. this future verification has not taken place,
because the first author of this study, Prof. John
From all types of "phages" and "giant viruses", Franklin Enders, was awarded the Nobel Prize
nucleic acids of exactly the same length and for Medicine on December 10, 1954. He
exactly the same composition can be obtained. received the Nobel Prize for another speculation
Never before has it been possible to isolate a within the old, in 1951 disproved "Viruses are
nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) from a structure or dangerous protein-toxins" theory. The Nobel
from a liquid whose length and composition Prize had two effects: The old, disproved toxin-
would correspond to what virologists claim to be virus-theory got a pseudo-scientific nimbus and
the genetic strand of a disease-causing virus. the new gene-virology the highest, apparently
Why and for what reason the virologists have scientific honor.
completely lost themselves in an anti-scientific
approach that is completely removed from The new genetic virology from 1952 onward had
reality and dangerous becomes clear through two central basic principles: viruses that cause
the sequence of what happened between 1951 disease are in principle structured like phages
and December 10, 1954. After medical virology and they would be created when cells die in the
had been taken care of by control experiments test tube after supposedly infected sample
in 1951, the phages of bacteria became the material is added to them. Enders and his
model for the persistent ideology of what colleagues, with their only publication from June
"pathogenic viruses" should look like: a nucleic 1, 1954, developed the idea that cells that die in
acid of a certain length and composition, the test tube after supposedly infected material
surrounded by a shell consisting of a certain is added would turn into viruses. This dying is
number of certain proteins. simultaneously issued as isolation of the virus -
because supposedly something is brought into
But: lack of electron microscopic pictures of the laboratory from outside -, and the
"disease-causing viruses" in reproduction of the suspected virus and the
humans/animals/plants, lack of electron dying cell mass is used as a vaccine. Enders, his
microscopic pictures of "disease-causing colleagues and all virologists overlooked -
viruses" in isolated form, lack of biochemical because of the Nobel Prize's blindness - that the
characterization of the components of "disease- death of the cells in the laboratory is not caused
causing viruses", Due to the lack of isolation, by a virus, but because the cells are
virologists have been and still are forced to unintentionally and unnoticed but
assemble individual components of supposedly systematically killed in the laboratory.By
"virally" diseased tissue into viruses in their poisoning with cell-toxic antibiotics, by extreme
thoughts and graphics and to fake these starvation by means of withdrawal of the
intellectual products for themselves and the nutrient solution and by the addition of
public as existing viruses! ! decomposing proteins, which release toxic
metabolic products.
The virologists who claim that viruses cause
illness refer centrally to a single publication with

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Components from such cells dying in the C. Every scientist is obliged to check and
laboratory are still today mentally combined to question his statements himself.
a virus and presented as reality. The virology of
disease-causing viruses is as simple as this. Because virologists have never done this
Enders and the "virologists" have never, until themselves and for understandable reasons are
today, carried out control experiments to reluctant to do so - who wants to refute
"infect" the cells in the laboratory with sterile themselves, who wants to refute their actions,
material. They die in the control experiment in who wants to refute their own reputation - we
exactly the same way as with supposedly "viral" do this publicly with seven arguments. Every
material. single argument alone is sufficient to refute the
existence claims of all "pathogenic viruses" and
Short, clear and easily this is what virologists of this discipline do
(except for researchers who deal with the
comprehensible explanation of the existing "phages" and "giant viruses"). in the
claims of all viruses that cause following points the word "virus" is used instead
illness of the word combination "pathogenic virus".

Error and self-deception are human, 1. The fact of Alignment

comprehensible and excusable. What is not
excusable are the constant claims of virologists Virologists have never isolated a complete
that their statements and their actions are genetic strand of a virus and displayed it directly,
scientific. That is clearly wrong, easily provable in its entire length. They always use very short
and comprehensible for everyone. Therefore pieces of nucleic acids, whose sequence consists
the virologists who claim corona viruses or other of four molecules to determine them and call
pathogenic viruses are to be called employment them sequences. From a multitude of millions of
fraudsters and prosecuted by legal means so such specific, very short sequences, virologists
that they retract their false, disproved and mentally assemble a fictitious long genome
dangerous statements. Thus, the Corona crisis strand with the help of complex computational
and other "viral" disasters with resulting deadly and statistical methods. This process is called
consequences such as "AIDS", „Ebola" and other alignment.
unfounded "viral" pandemics can and will not
only be stopped, prevented in the future, but The result of this complex alignment, the
turned into an opportunity for all. fictitious and very long genetic strand, is
presented by virologists as the core of a virus
The definition of what can be called a scientific and they claim to have thus proven the
statement and the resulting obligations are existence of a virus. However, such a complete
clearly defined. Summarized: strand never appears in reality and in scientific
literature as a whole, although the simplest
A. Every scientific statement must be verifiable, standard techniques have long been available to
comprehensible and refutable. determine the length and composition of nucleic
acids simply and directly. By the fact of the
B. Only if the refutation of a scientific statement alignment, instead of presenting a nucleic acid
by laws of thought, logic and, if applicable, by of the appropriate length directly, the virologists
control experiments has not succeeded, a have disproved themselves.
statement may be called scientific.

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2. The fact of the lack of control

experiments for alignment 4. Viruses have never been seen in
a human/animal/plant or in liquids
Virologists have never performed and thereof
documented an alignment using equally short
nucleic acids from control experiments.To do
this, they MUST isolate the short nucleic acids Virologists claim that infectious, i.e. intact
from the exact same cell culture procedure, with viruses are supposed to be present in large
the difference that the suspected "infection" numbers in blood and saliva. That is why, for
does not occur by adding supposedly "infected" example, in the Corona crisis, all people wear a
samples, but with sterile materials or sterilized mask. To date, however, not a single virus has
samples that have been "control-infected". been photographed in saliva, blood or other
places in human/animal/plant or fluids,
although electron microscopic imaging is now an
These logical and mandatory control easy and routine standard technique.
experiments have never been performed and This unambiguous and easily verifiable fact
documented.The virologists alone have thus alone, that there are no images of viruses in
proven that their statements have no scientific human/animal/plant or liquids from it,
value and must NOT be passed off as scientific disproves all virus allegations. something that
statements. has never been seen in human/animal/plant or
liquids from it must not be given as a
scientifically proven fact.
3. Alignment is only done by means
of mental constructs 5.The composition of the structures
that are claimed to be viruses has
In order to be able to mentally/computationally
assemble the very short sequences of the never been biochemically
nucleic acids used into a long genome, the characterized
virologists need a template to align the short
sequences into a very long, supposedly viral There are two different techniques that
genome strand. Without such a given, very long virologists use to create photos of alleged
sequence, it is not possible for a virologist to viruses. For transmission electron microscopy,
construct a viral genome they use cell cultures which they embed in
theoretically/computationally. Virologists argue synthetic resin, scrape into thin layers and look
that the constructed genome is from a virus through. Particles that they show in such images
because the alignment was done with another, have never been isolated and their composition
given viral genome. has never been biochemically determined. After
all, all proteins and the long genome strand that
This argument of the virologists is briefly and is attributed to the viruses would have to be
unambiguously refuted by the fact that all found. Neither that, nor the isolation of such
templates with which new genetic material embedded particles and the biochemical
strands were generated characterization of their composition appear in
theoretically/computationally were themselves a single publication by virologists. This refutes
and finally generated the virologists' claim that such recordings are
theoretically/computationally and do not viruses.
originate from a virus.

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6. Electron microscopic images,

The other method used by virologists to
photograph viruses under the electron
which are output as viruses, are
microscope is the simple and fast observation known typical artifacts or cell-
electron microscopy known as negative staining. specific structures
In order to concentrate actually existing
structures, such as "phages" and "giant viruses", Virologists publish a large number of electron
and to separate them from all other microscopic images of structures that they pass
components, which is then called "isolation", a off as viruses. They do not mention the fact that
standard technique is used, the density-gradient ALL of these images are typical structures of
centrifugation. The visibility of presence, dying cell cultures or are laboratory-produced
appearance and purity of these isolated protein-fat soap bubbles and have never been
structures in the electron microscope is photographed in human/animal/plant or liquids
achieved by coating these particles with a metal- from them.
containing substance and making the underlying
structures appear as shadows in the electron Researchers other than virologists refer to the
beam. The other part of the isolated particles, same structures that virologists present as
which were made visible by "negative staining", viruses as either typical cell components such as
is biochemically characterized. In the case of all villi (amoeba-like protuberances with which cells
phages and giant viruses, the nucleic acids are cling to the surface and move around),
always found to be intact, always the same, exosomes or "virus-like particles". This is a
always very long and composed in the same way further, independent proof that the virologists'
and the results of the biochemical statements that viruses can be seen under the
characterization are documented. electron microscope have been scientifically
in the case of all viruses, which are issued as
viruses by means of this technique, the
"negative staining", the following has been
7. the animal experiments of the
done. These particles are not enriched, purified virologists refute the virus-
and isolated by the density-gradient existence assertions
centrifugation provided for this purpose, but
sedimented by simple centrifugation on the
bottom of the centrifuge tube, which is called Virologists carry out animal experiments to
"pelleting" and then observed under the prove that the substances they work with are
electron microscope. The composition of such viruses and can cause diseases. It is clear from
structures, which are presented as viruses, has every single publication in which such animal
never been determined biochemically until experiments have been conducted that the way
today. With this easily verifiable and the animals are treated produces exactly the
comprehensible statement based on all symptoms that are claimed to be caused by the
publications of virologists, in which structures virus. In each of these publications, it is clear
are identified as viruses by means of the that no control experiments have been
electron microscope, the virologists have also performed where the animals would have been
disproved this argument of the existence of treated in the same way with sterilized starting
viruses in a simple and elegant way - without material.
noticing it.
These two openly stated facts refute the
virologists who claim that they detected the

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presence and effect of viruses in animal can bring about the turnaround from the good-
experiments. evil thinking and acting that dominates biology,
medicine, society and the state today. In my
Concluding remark opinion, the application of one, several or all
seven of the above-mentioned arguments to
Now, in order to end the Corona crisis and turn SArS-CoV-2 may be enough to end the
it into an opportunity for all, it is necessary to predictable dynamics of the global corona
make these clear, easily comprehensible and hysteria and the business dealings that are
verifiable refutations of the virology public and greasing it with tests and vaccines. Here you can
effective.These refutations become effective, find a very good summary of the facts about the
for example, when the appropriate legal importance of the measles virus process and
remedies against virologists are applied in the also other texts that are very good.
judiciary and the results are made public. These
refutations become effective, for example, My optimism that the Corona crisis will prove
when the appropriate legal remedies against to be a chance for everyone is based in § 1 of
virologists are applied in the judiciary and the the infection protection laws, abbreviated
results are made public. We will inform you via ifSg. in § 1 ifSg "Purpose of the law" is stated
our WissenschafftPlus mailing list when we have in sentence (2): "The necessary cooperation
results that are ready for decision. and collaboration of federal, state and local
authorities, doctors, veterinarians, hospitals,
I guarantee with my name that anyone who scientific institutions and other parties
wants to check these statements on any involved shall be designed and supported in
"disease-causing virus" will come to exactly the accordance with the current state of medical
same conclusions if he/she is able to read the and epidemiological science and technology.
methods. Precautionary note: As long as the The personal responsibility of the owners and
corona crisis continues, my colleagues and I will managers of community facilities, food
only answer inquiries regarding alleged so-called processing plants, health care facilities and
corona and measles viruses. For inquiries about individuals in the prevention of communicable
all other "viruses", I refer during the Corona diseases is to be clarified and promoted.
period to the articles on this subject published in
the magazine WissenschafftPlus since 2003. All corona measures and ordinances, including
Please do not only keep in mind that the corona laws, are based exclusively and solely
decision in the measles trial, which was on the German Infection Protection Act (IfSg).
confirmed by the highest court of law, has However, since the "target provision in § 1 ifSg
deprived the entire virology of its basis. It has "is to be designed and supported according to
been established by a court of law and is the current state of medical and
therefore part of the German jurisdiction that epidemiological science and technology" has
the publication of the central method of virology been refuted and proven anti-scientific by the
from June 1, 1954, in which the unintentional published statements of the virologists
and unnoticed killing of cells in the laboratory themselves, all corona measures, regulations
was published as proof of the existence of and ordinances lack the legal basis to be
disease-causing viruses, no longer constitutes applied.
proof of the existence of a virus from the year
2016! None of the institutions and managers of
community facilities, food processing plants,
The Corona crisis has increased the chance that health care facilities and individuals
the origins of the measles virus process alone mentioned in § 1, sentence (2), i.e. every

WiSSeNSCHAFFtPLUS magazin 4/2020 · extract

citizen who is addressed by law, may carry out I, for example, explain to every questioning
and tolerate corona measures and regulations person that there is a better system of
if they have recognized and can prove that knowledge that (in a positive sense) scientifically
virologists have no scientific evidence for the explains those processes that lead to illnesses
existence of disease-causing viruses, but have and healing and that healing crises can occur and
disproved themselves through their own healing obstacles can work. In order to be able
actions and publications. to accept this new view, however, it is often a
prerequisite that the previous system of
As long as the obligation to scientificity in § 1 explanation based on the doctrine of the cells is
ifSg is maintained, it is possible with reference recognized as refuted. The Corona crisis is a
to § 1 ifSg to present before courts the unique opportunity and a clear call to stand up
evidence of the groundlessness, lack of rights, for life and the three universal human ideals of
harmfulness and immorality of all corona freedom, equality and fraternity, i.e. the social
measures, regulations and laws with success. threefold division of human communities. (See
The majority of the judges are honest and the article in this issue of w+ 4/2020, "The Social
conscientious, following the law, because Tripartite Division").
otherwise an open dictatorship would have This contribution is printed in our book "Corona
been ruling this country for a long time, which - Further into Chaos or Chance for All? See the
wants to build up an ever more visible, book review on page 46 in this issue of w+.
pseudo-scientific and disproved virology and
medicine. The source information for this article can be
found in:

Please keep the following in mind: The majority "Misinterpretation Virus part i" in the magazine
of the population believes in the existence, the WissenschafftPlus No. 1/2020
effects of disease-causing viruses and in the
positive effects of vaccines. To put it very "Misinterpretation virus part ii" in the magazine
drastically: Those who believe in cancer as the WissenschafftPlus No. 2/2020
effect of a misunderstood principle of evil also
believe in metastases, believe in "flying This contribution and the contribution
metastases", alias viruses. The directly and "development of medicine and mankind - how
indirectly experienced suffering of almost every does it go on?" in the magazine
human being with the negative consequences of WissenschafftPlus No. 6/2015, you can find
cancer diagnoses and their severe treatments is freely on the Internet www.
profound and effective. Please take into account and here "important texts
that only this direct and indirect experience of introduction to a new perspective on life part i
suffering has created and strengthened the to iii. To be found in the issues no. 1, 2 and
feeling and certainty in people that there are 3/2019 of WissenschafftPlus.
dangerous and deadly diseases and viruses. Understanding water, recognizing life. Pi-water:
Please note that from such and other More than just energized H2O. SciencePlus No.
experiences the view can result that only our 6/2018. This contribution is to be found freely
state and its specialists are able to deal with it on our Internet side
and are allowed to handle it. In this way you can in the column "important texts".
avoid that your actions have the opposite effect.
This is especially important when dealing with
doctors, which we all need.


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