Principal Resume
Principal Resume
Principal Resume
Mr. McKinney refers to his
classroom as a community,
which I love. He always makes
time for every child and treats
them all with respect. That is why
his classroom is always under
control and a pleasure to visit.
His door is always open because
he is all about communication.
-Janine Moscone,
Costello Cardinal Parent
G r a y s o n i s a re s o u rc e f u l ,
dynamic, and outgoing person, a
true leader, and exceptional
teacher not only an
exceptional teacher to his
current fourth graders, but he
also took a professional risk this
year by volunteering to be a
model classroom.Teachers [from
outside and] throughout the
district [have] observed his
classroom. Not only did these
teachers walk away with
effective instructional ideas but
they also saw meaningful use of
technology to enhance
learning. One teacher described
this experience as one of the
most beneficial professional
development sessions she has
ever participated in.
-Tammy DiPonio, Principal of
Costello Elementary School
His ability to foster positive
relationships, use technology to
promote learning and
communication, and his love for
his profession and Spanish all
come together to make Grayson
McKinney an out- standing
teacher of the year, of whom we
can all be proud.
-Pam Balint, Superintendent of
South Lake Schools
To apply for and fill the vacant administrative position in your public school district for the
2016-2017 school year and beyond. I hope to fulfill the duties of the assistant principal position by
serving as an extraordinary instructional leader, supporting the development of staff members, and
enhancing student engagement. My experience may be limited, but my talent will astound you.
Oakland University, Rochester, MI
Education Specialist, Leadership
Graduated 2016
Graduated 2011
Graduated 2007
GPA 3.98
GPA 3.79
GPA 3.82
Summer 2006
School Administrator Certificate
Elementary & Secondary Administration K-12 (ES)
Issued 2016
Issued 2012
4th Grade Teacher, Costello Elementary School, Troy, MI
Nominated twice in 2013-14 and 2014-15 as outstanding elementary teacher of the year
Performed duties of head-teacher in the absence of building principal, and helped to develop and
organize master schedules to guarantee maximum instruction time for students and teachers
Built strong cultures of thinking in the classroom through the use of visible thinking routines as
well as promoted the eight cultural forces, as outlined by Dr. Ron Ritchhart
Served in capacity as technology chairperson for my building and district for multiple years
Worked as a part of our school's leadership team, focusing on improving student achievement in
math, reading, writing, and overall positive behavior intervention systems in our school
Modeled best practice teaching while hosting educators from within Troy and around Southeast
Michigan, demonstrating applications of educational technology in the classroom
Led several seminars of professional development to district teachers to help deepen learning,
increase student engagement, and foster collaborative learning in the classroom
Successfully wrote received grants for materials to use in the classroom, including technology
equipment, adaptive math computer programs, and literacy materials
* Recipient of WMUs highest academic honor, the Medallion Scholarship, and graduated Magna Cum Laude.
Adventures in Learning & Jumpstart Program Coordinator, Troy Continuing Education, Troy, MI
Worked as the on-site principal of our summer school sessions held at Schroeder, Costello, and Hamilton Elementary Schools
Responsible for all communications between school, staff, and families
Ensured that all teachers had the supplies and support they needed to be successful with their 1st through 5th grade students
Coordinated with the Special Education department on students with IEPs, and also helped to arrange for health care aides to be a part
of our summer school team
Gifted & Talented Program Coordinator, Troy Continuing Education, Troy, MI
Worked as a teacher with Troys Gifted and Talented program in the winter of 2012
Taught a super Saturday science class by leading children through hands on activities in a fun and engaging way
Asked to teach a language arts class as well to students who wanted more exposure to some of the worlds great works of literature
Wrote two sessions programs, highlighting different Shakespearean plays, as well as information about life in Elizabethan England
Additionally, I took on the role of teaching a chess class for students ranging in skill from beginner to novice
Became the coordinator for the gifted and talented program, acting as a supervisor during the school day, and was also in charge of
conducting interviews and hiring, based on the needs of the program
**Chosen as Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year, 2011-2012