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Term paper of




Mr. Shakti raj chopra ASHISH

ROLL.NO:- OE136A20
REG.NO:- 10811098

I extend my sincere thanks to Head of the Department for

providing me with the guidance and facilities for the Seminar.

I express my sincere gratitude to subject teacher Mr. Shakti

raj chopra Staff in charge, for
their cooperation and guidance for preparing and presenting this

I also extend my sincere thanks to all other faculty members of

Electronics and Communication Department and my friends for
their support and encouragement.

Ashish butani
1. abstract

Bipolar Junction Transistors


3. Output characteristic
4. The Transistor as an Amplifier An introduction
The Transistor as a Switch
Basic BJT transistor mixers
Other transistor mixer configurations
BJTs have three regions: base, collector, and emitter.
BJTs have two pn junctions: base-emitter, a
nd base-collector.
Current in a BJT consists of both free electrons and holes, thus the term bipolar.
Base is lightly doped compared to emitter and collector.
There are two types of BJTs: npn and pnp.
To operate as amplifier, the BE junction must be forward-biased and BC junction must be
reverse-biased (forward-reverse bias).
IB is very small compared to IC and IE.
The dc current gain is DC = IC/IB.
When a BJT is forward-reverse biased, the voltage gain depends on the internal emitter
resistance and the external collector resistance.
A transistor can be operated as a switch in cutoff and saturation.
In cutoff, both pn junctions are reverse-biased. Thus no IC. Therefore, there is an open
between collector and emitter.
In saturation, both pn junctions are forward-biased and the collector current is maximum.
Behaves like a closed switch between collector and emitter.

2 Bipolar Junction Transistors

The bipolar junction transistor is the cornerstone of much of today's semiconductor electronics
industry. This form of transistor has been in existence for many years and is still very widely
used in electronic circuits. The bipolar transistor is very versatile and finds applications in many
applications and at a wide range of frequencies.

2.1 Introduction

Popular belief holds that the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) was developed by
Schockley, Brattain, and Bardeen from Bell labs in 1948.
This is not true, as the device invented was the point-contact transistor.
BJTs were actually developed in the late 1951s by Dr. Schockley.
The transistor is a three-terminal device whose output current, voltage and/or
power are controlled by its input current.
Used primarily in communication as an amplifier to increase the strength of an ac
In digital systems it is primarily used as a switch.

Transistor Structure
The BJT is constructed with three doped semiconductor regions separated by two
pn junctions.
The three regions are called emitter, base, and collector.
There are two types of BJTs, either pnp (two p regions separated by one n region)
and npn (two n regions separated by one p region).


Three different amplifier circuit configurations can be obtained by selecting one of the transistor
terminals as a common between input circuit and output circuit. In the BJT circuits, figure 3
shows these configurations, which are known as Common Base (CB), Common Emitter (CE),
and Common Collector (CC). These amplifier circuit configurations lead to significant changes
in the amplifier characteristics. The most noticeable changes in CC (emitter follower)
configurations are: the input resistance becomes very high and the gain is close to the unity.
These specific characteristics are translated into a useful application known as buffer amplifier.



V o V o V o

V i
V i V i

The C, B, and E symbols represent the common, emitter, and base regions,
The base region is lightly doped and very thin compared to the heavily doped
emitter and moderately doped collector regions.
Basic Transistor Operation

For correct operation, the two pn junctions must be correctly biased with external
dc voltages.
Operation of the pnp is similar as that of npn, but the roles of electrons and holes,
bias polarities, and current directions are all reversed.
The figure below shows the correct biasing of a BJT.
Note the base-emitter (BE) junction is forward biased and the base-collector (BC)
junction is reverse biased.

The forward bias from base to emitter narrows the BE depletion region.
The reverse bias from base to collector widens the BC depletion region.
The heavily doped n-type emitter region is packed with conduction-band (free)
The free electrons from the emitter diffuse easily through the forward biased BE
junction into the p-type base region
In the base, the electrons become minority carriers (like in a forward biased
The base region is lightly doped and very thin, so it has a limited number of holes.
Because of that light doping, only a small percentage of all the electrons flowing
through the BE junction can combine with the available holes in the base.
These relatively few recombined electrons flow out of the base lead as valence
electrons, forming the small base electron current.
Most of the electrons flowing from the emitter into the lightly doped base region
do not recombine, but diffuse into the BC depletion region.
Once here, they are pulled through the reverse-biased BC junction by the electric
field set up by the force of attraction between the positive and negative ions.
Electrons now move through the collector region, out through the collector lead,
and into the positive terminal of the collector voltage source.
This forms the collector electron current. The collector current is much larger
than the base current.
This is the reason transistors exhibit current gain.
From graph above:
IE = I C + I B

Capital letters indicate dc values.

Transistor Characteristics and Parameters

The ratio of the dc collector current (IC) to the dc base current (IB) is the dc beta
DC is called the gain of a transistor:

Typical values of DC range from less than 20 to 200 or higher.

DC is usually designated as an equivalent hybrid (h) parameter:
hFE = DC

The ratio of the collector current (IC) to the dc emitter current (IE) is the dc alpha
(DC). This is a less-used parameter than beta.
Typical values range from 0.95 to 0.99 or greater.
DC is always less than 1.
This is because IC is always slightly less than IE by the amount of IB.

From graph above we can see that there are 6 important parameters to be

i) IB: dc base current.

ii) IE: dc emitter current.
iii) IC: dc collector current.
iv) VBE:dc voltage at base with respect to emitter.
v) VCB: dc voltage at collector with respect to base.
vi) VCE: dc voltage at collector with respect to emitter.

VBB forward-biases the BE junction.

VCC reverse-biases the BC junction.
When the BE junction is forward biased, it is like a forward biased diode:
VBE 0.7 V

But it can be as high as 0.9 V (and is dependent on current). We will use 0.7 V
from now on.
Emitter is at ground. Thus the voltage across RB is




Voltage at collector with respect to grounded emitter is:


Since drop across RC is VR(C) = ICRC the voltage at the collector is also:

Where IC = DC IB. Voltage across the reverse-biased collector-bias junction is



Determine IB, IC, IE, VBE, VCE, and VCB in the following circuit. The transistor has DC 150.



Rb 10V



We know VBE=0.7 V. Using the already known equations:


IB = (5 0.7)/10k = 430 mA

IC = DC IB = (150)( 430 mA) = 64.5 mA

IE = IC + IB = 64.5 mA + 430 mA = 64.9 mA

Solving for VCE and VCB:

VCE = VCC ICRC = 10V-(64.5mA)(100 ) = 3.55 V

VCB = VCE VBE = 3.55 V 0.7 V = 2.85 V

Since the collector is at higher potential than the base, the collector-base junction is reverse-

Changing the voltage supplies with variable voltage supplies in the circuit above,
we can get the characteristic curves of the BJT.
If we start at some positive VBB and VCC = 0 V, the BE junction and the BC
junction are forward biased.
In this case the base current is through the BE junction because of the low
impedance path to ground, thus IC is zero.
When both junctions are forward-biased, the transistor is in the saturation region
of operation.
Output characteristic

Curve ( Ic verses VCE

For several values of IB )

As VCC is increase, VCE gradually increases, as the IC increases (This is the steep
slope linear region before the small-slope region).
IC increases as VCC increase because VCE remains less than 0.7 V due to the
forward-biased base-collector junction.
Ideally, when VCE exceeds 0.7 V, the BC junction becomes reverse biased.
Then, the transistor goes into the linear region of operation.
When the BC junction is reverse-biased, IC levels off and remains essentially
constant for a given value of IB as VCE continues to increase.
Actually, there is a slight increase in IC, due to the widening of the BC collector
depletion region, which results in fewer holes for recombination in the base, which
causes a slight increase in DC
For the linear portion, the value of IC is calculated by:

When VCE reaches a sufficiently large voltage, the reverse biased BC junction
goes into breakdown.
Thus, the collector current increases rapidly.
A transistor should never be operated in this region.
When IB = 0, the transistor is in the cutoff region, although there is a small
collector leakage current.
i) Cutoff
As said before, when IB = 0, transistor is in cutoff region.

There is a small collector leakage current, ICEO.

Normally it is neglected so that VCE = VCC.
In cutoff, both the base-emitter and the base-collector junctions are reverse-
ii) Saturation
When BE junction becomes forward biased and the base current is increased, IC
also increase (IC DCIB) and VCE decreases as a result of more drop across the
collector resistor (VCE = VCC ICRC).

When VCE reaches its saturation value, VCE(sat), the BC junction becomes forward-
biased and IC can increase no further even with a continued increase in IB.

At the point of saturation, IC = DCIB is no longer valid.

VCE(sat) for a transistor occurs somewhere below the knee of the collector curves.
It is usually only a few tenths of a volt for silicon transistors.
iii) DC load line

Cutoff and saturation can be illustrated by the use of a load line.

Bottom of load line is at ideal cutoff (IC = 0 and VCE = VCC).
Top of load line is at saturation (IC = IC(sat) and VCE = VCE(sat))
In between cutoff and saturation along the load line is the active region.
More to come later.


Determine whether or not the transistor in circuit below is in saturation. Assume VCE(sat)


Rb 10V


= 0.2 V.

First determine IC(sat).

IC(sat) = (VCC VCE(sat))/RC

IC(sat) =(10 V 0.2V)/10k = 9.8 mA

Now lets determine whether IB is large enough to produce IC(sat).

IB = (VBB - VBE)/RB = (3 V 0.7 V)/10k = 0.23 mA

IC = DC IB = (50)(0.23 mA) = 11.5 mA

This shows that with the specified DC, this base current is capable of producing an IC

greater than IC(sat). Thus, the transistor is saturated, and the collector current value of
11.5 mA is never reached. If you further increase IB, the collector current remains at its
saturation value.

iv) More on DC
The DC of hFE is not truly constant.
It varies with collector current and with temperature.
Keeping the junction temperature constant and increasing I C causes DC to
increase to a maximum.
Further increase in IC beyond this point causes DC to decrease.
If IC is held constant and temperature varies, DC changes directly with
Transistor data specify DC at specific values. Normally the DC specified is the
maximum value.
v) Maximum transistor ratings
Maximum ratings are given for collector-to-base voltage, collector-to-emitter
voltage, emitter-to-base voltage, collector current, and power dissipation.
The product VCEIC must not exceed PD(max).


The transistor shown in the figure below has the following maximum ratings: PD(max)=800
mW, VCE(max) = 15 V, and IC(max) = 100 mA. Determine the maximum value to which VCC can
be adjusted without exceeding a rating. Which rating would be exceeded first?






First, find IB, so that you can determine IC.

IB = (VBB VBE)/RB = (5 V 0.7 V)/22 k = 195 mA

IC = DC IB = (100)(195 mA) = 19.5 mA

IC is much less than IC(max) and will not change with VCC. It is determined only by IB and DC.

The voltage drop across RC is

VR(C) =ICRC = (19.5 mA)(1 k) = 19.5 V

Now we can determine the value of VCC when VCE = VCE(max) = 15 V.



VCC(max) = VCE(max) + VR(C) = 15 V + 19.5V = 34.5 V

VCC can be increased to 34.5 V, under the existing conditions, before V CE(max) is exceeded.
However, at this point it is not known whether or not PD(max) has been exceeded:

PD = VCE(max)IC = (15 V)(19.5 mA) = 293 mW

Since PD(max) is 800 mW, it is not exceeded when VCC = 34.5 V. So, VCE(max) = 15 V is the
limiting rating in this case. If the base current is removed, causing the transistor to turn off,
VCE(max) will be exceeded first because the entire supply voltage, VCC, will be dropped across
the transistor.

The Transistor as an Amplifier An introduction

Amplification is the process of linearly increasing the amplitude of an electrical
A transistor can act as an amplifier directly using the current gain factor , DC
Keep in mind that when a transistor is biased in the active (linear) region, the BE
junction has a low resistance due to forward bias and the BC junction has a high
resistance due to reverse bias.
i) DC and AC quantities
Amplifier circuits have both ac and dc quantities.
Capital letters are used will be used for both ac and dc currents.
Subscript will be capital for dc quantities.
Subscript will be lowercase for ac quantities.

ii) Transistor amplification

A transistor amplifies current because the collector current is equal to the base
current multiplied by the current gain, DC .
Base current (IB) is small compared to IC and IE.
Thus, IC is almost equal to IE.
Consider the following circuit.
An ac voltage, Vin, is superimposed on the dc bias voltage VBB.
DC bias voltage VCC is connected to the collector through the collector resistance,
RC .
The ac input voltage produces an ac base current, which results in a much larger
ac collector current.
The ac collector current produces an ac voltage across R C, thus producing an
amplified, but inverted, reproduction of the ac input voltage in the active region.
The forward biased base-emitter junction present low resistance to the ac wave.
This internal ac emitter resistance is designated re.
Ie Ic = Vb/ re

The ac collector voltage, Vc = IcRC.

Since Ie Ic, the ac collector voltage is Vc IeRC.
Vb can be considered the transistor ac input voltage where Vb = Vin IbRB.
Vc can be considered the transistor ac output voltage.
The ratio of Vc to Vb is the ac voltage gain, Av, of the transistor circuit.
Av = Vc/Vb

Substituting IeRC for Vc and Ie re for Vb yields

Av = Vc/Vb (IeRC)/(Ie re) = RC/ re

Thus, amplification depends on the ratio of RC and re.

RC is always considerably larger in value than re, thus the output voltage is larger
than the input voltage.

Determine the voltage gain and the ac output voltage for the following circuit if re = 50




100 mV Vout


The voltage gain is

Av RC/re = 1 k /50 = 20

Thus the output voltage is

Vout = AvVb = (20)(100 mV) = 2 Vrms

The Transistor as a Switch

One major application of a transistor is as an amplifier.
The other major application is switching applications.
In this case, it is operated alternately in cutoff and saturation.
Analyze the following Fig .
In (a), the device is in the cutoff region because the base-emitter junction is not
forward biased.
In this condition there is, ideally, an open between collector and emitter.
In (b), the transistor is in the saturation region because the base-emitter junction
and the base-collector junction are forward-biased and the base current is made large
enough to reach its saturation point.
In this condition there is, ideally, a short between collector and emitter.
Actually, a drop of up to a few tenths of a volt normally occurs.

i) Conditions in cutoff
A transistor is in cutoff region when the BE junction is NOT forward biased.
Neglecting leakage current, all currents are zero and VCE = VCC.
ii) Conditions in saturation
When the BE junction is forward biased and there is enough base current to
produce a maximum collector current, transistor is saturated.
IC(sat) = (VCC VCE(max))/RC

Minimum value of base current needed to produce saturation is

IB(min) = IC(sat)/ DC


Consider the following circuit.

The LED requires 30 mA to emit a sufficient level of light. Therefore the collector current
should be approximately 30 mA. For the following circuit values, determine the amplitude
of the square wave input voltage necessary to make sure that the transistor saturates. Use
double the minimum value of base current as a safety margin to ensure saturation. VCC = 9
V, VCE(sat) = 0.3 V, RC = 270 , RB =3.3 k , and DC = 50.


When the square wave is at 0 V, the transistor is in cutoff and, since there is no collector
current, the LED does not emit light. When the square wave goes to its high level, the
transistor saturates. This forward-biases the LED, and the resulting collector current
through the LED causes is to emit light.

IC(sat) = (VCC VCE(sat))/RC = (9 V 0.3 V)/270 = 32.2 mA





IB(min) = IC(sat)/ DC = 32.2 mA/50 = 644 mA

To ensure saturation, use twice the value of IB(min), that is, 1.29 mA. Then

IB = VR(B)/RB = (Vin VBE)/RB = (Vin 0.7)/3.3k

Solving for the voltage amplitude of the square wave input, Vin, we get:

Vin 0.7 = 2 IB(min)RB = (1.29 mA)(3.3 k )

Vin = (1.29 mA)(3.3 k k) + 0.7 V = 4.96 V

Basic BJT transistor mixers

It is possible utilise a variety of different circuit configurations for a transistor mixer. Possibly
the most obvious method is to apply both signals to the base of the transistor.

Basic bipolar transistor mixer circuit

In this circuit the capacitor on the output is required to remove any of the high frequency LO and
RF signals. Typically this circuit will be used to convert signals from a high frequency down to a
much lower frequency. Ideally the capacitor on the output should appear as a short circuit to
provide the optimum performance. It may be realised as a tuned circuit, tuned to the require
output frequency - it will then appear as a short circuit to the unwanted LO and RF signals.

Additionally the tuned circuits on the input prevent the LO and RF signals coupling in to the
opposite sources.

A more common circuit for a transistor mixer applies the local oscillator to the base and the RF
input to the emitter of the transistor.

Basic bipolar transistor mixer circuit

- signal applied to different transistor electrodes

It is this transistor mixer circuit that forms the basis of many circuits within transistor radios
using discrete transistors. Often a self oscillating mixer is used, where a single transistor circuit
based around this configuration acts as an oscillator and mixer.

Self oscillating bipolar transistor mixer circuit

as used in a typical discrete component transistor radio
Other transistor mixer configurations

There are many other transistor mixer configurations. One type of transistor mixer that is able to
offer very high levels of performance is the Gilbert cell. This can be made using either bipolar or
field effect transistors. However it is widely used within RF integrated circuits where the
individual components will be closely matched because of their physical proximity on the IC
chip providing the same fabrications conditions. This form of transistor moxer is detailed on a
further page of this RF mixer tutorial.

Therefore amplifier configurations are employed to widen the scope of the amplifier circuit
applications. Table1 summarizes the main characteristics of each configuration. The model used
in the analysis is the T-model with transistor parameters, g m : transconductance, re : emitter
resistance, ac : common-emitter current gain, and : common-base current gain. Rc , Re ,
RL are the collector, the emitter, and the load resistors

unct_trans.html ... How things work

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