First Grade Newsletter - Willis
First Grade Newsletter - Willis
First Grade Newsletter - Willis
Contact information
Scholastic News e-mail:
We have a great opportunity
to enrich both our social School Phone:
studies curriculum, and our 352.466. 0990
science curriculum in the
class with a subscription to Weekly Assignments:
Scholastic News. This What we are learning: *Go home Monday and are turned
subscription will send us in on Friday.
monthly newspapers about Reading- Fluency- Read daily
current items that students Story: Dan’s Pet Spelling: Monday- write each
will not only understand, but Phonics skill: short vowel /e/ word 3 times in your best
will love to read. It is also a Focus Skill: setting handwriting.
great way to introduce Wednesday- Choose 3 words to
Math- use in a sentence.
nonfiction reading to our
Chapter 2 **Test on Thursday
beginning readers. I would
Subtraction Strategies Vocabulary: Wednesday- phonics
love to provide this for our worksheet
students, and I am asking for Math:
a five dollar donation from Big Idea 1- The Practice of Science Monday-pg. Math Facts page
every student to help pay for Exploring the senses-This week we Tuesday- pg. 38-39
the prescription. If you have continue to study the sense of taste. Wednesday- pg. 40-41
any questions or concerns *Please read with your child every
please let me know! night. This gives them a head start
NO SCHOOL October 15th at learning to read.
1. hen
2. pen
3. mend
1. day
Chapter 1 words
1. compare
4. end 2. every 2. difference
5. send 3. her 3. inverse
6. set 4. said 4. minus
7. all 5. was 5. related facts
8. call 6. subtract
9. very 7. subtraction number sentence
10. that
Reading Website:
Math Website: Username and passwords coming soon!!