MS-08-July 2010
MS-08-July 2010
MS-08-July 2010
Management Programme
Course Code : MS 08
Course Title : Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
Assignment No. : 08/TMA/SEM-II/2010
Coverage : All Blocks
Note: Attempt all the questions and send it to the coordinator of the study centre, you are
attached with.
1. ‘The manager should seek some balance between quantitative and qualitative factors in
decision making’. Elaborate the statement giving the situations in which various
statistical tools are used.
2. Among the examinees in an examination 30%, 35% and 45% failed in Statistics, in
Mathematics, and in at least one of the subjects respectively. An examinee is selected at
random. Find the probabilities that
3. From a set of 1000 observations known to be normally distributed, the mean is 534 cm
and SD is 13.5 cm. How many observations are likely to exceed 561 cm? How many
will be between 520.5 cm and 547.5 cm? Between what limits will the middle 50% of the
observations lie?
4. Write a note on “standard error. Distinguish between Standard error and Sampling error.
5. Compute the two regression equations on the basis of the following data:
Mean 40 45
Standard Deviation 10 9
Given that the coefficient of correlation between X & Y is 0.50. Also estimate the value
of Y for X=48?