Imp Questions On A CD
Imp Questions On A CD
Imp Questions On A CD
1.Explain alphabets, strings and languages?
2.Obtain the kleen closure and positive closure of following languages a){ba,bb} b){01,11} that the class of regular languages is closed under union, concatenation and star operations?
4.Explain regular languages with suitable examples?
5.what are closure properties of regular sets? Explain
6.when are two regular expressions said to be equivalent? Explain
7.Explain finite automation with an examples?
8.Expain procedure for minimizing the number of states of DFA with an example?
9. Explain procedure for combining two NFA’s into single NFA with an example?
10. Explain procedure for constructing NFA from RE with an example?
11. Explain procedure for constructing a DFA from a NFA with epsilon transition with an example?
12. Explain procedure for constructing a DFA from a NFA with out epsilon transition with an example?
13. Explain procedure for constructing a NFA with out epsilon transition from a NFA with epsilon
with an example?
14.Explain the logical phases of compiler ?
15.Explain translation of simple statement with an example?
16.Explain the difference between phase and pass of compiler?
17.Explain the general format of LEX program with an example?
18.Explain lexical analysis and lex tools?
19.problems on NFA,DFA,languages and regular expressions
1.Explain CFG with an example?
2. Explain procedure for constructing NFA from CFG with an example?
3. Explain procedure for constructing CFG from NFA with an example?
4.Explain derivation, left most derivation and right most derivation with an examples?
5.Explain parse tree with an example?
6.Define ambiguous grammar .Explain process of eliminating ambiguity with an examples?
7.What is recursive grammar ?Explain
8.What is an LL(1) grammar? can you convert every CFG into LL(1)?
9.Expain LL(1) parsing with an example?
10. Explain procedure for constructing a predictive parsing table with an example?
11. Explain procedure for constructing a LL(1) parsing table with an example?
12.problems on CFG,derivations,parse trees, ambiguity, predictive parsing and LL(1) parsing
1.Explain bottom up parsing with an example?
2.Explain operator precedence parsing with an example?
3. Explain procedure for constructing precedence functions?
4.Explain shift reduce parsing with an example?
5.Explain LR(1) parsing with an example?
6.Explain an algorithm for the construction of canonical collection of LR(0) items?
7.Explain the construction of SLR parsing with an example?
8. Explain the construction of canonical LR parsing with an example?
9. Explain the construction of LALR parsing with an example?
10.Explain how ambiguous grammars are handled in LR parsing?
11.Explain the specification of YACC with an example?
12.problems on operator precedence, shift reduce,LR(1),SLR,CLR,LALR parsing
1.Explain semantic analysis?
2.Explain syntax directed translations with an examples?
3.What is syntax directed definition? Give the general form of a syntax directed definition
4. Describe about S-attributed and L-attributed grammars with an examples?
5.What are L-attributed definitions? Explain with an example
6.Explain various typical semantic errors and how to rectify them?
7.Explain inter mediate code generation in detail?
8.Explain three address code with an example?
9.Explain various methods of three address code?
10.Explain the procedure for constructing a syntax tree?
11. Explain procedure for converting the arithmetic expression into syntax tree and three address
code with an example?
12. Explain procedure for converting syntax directed definition into a translator scheme
with an example?
13.Write a syntax directed translate scheme for desk calculator?
14. Write a syntax directed translation for control flow statements?
15.Give the SDD to produce three address code for assignments?
16.What is abstract syntax tree? Explain with an example.
17.problems on SDD,intermediate code, three address code
1.Explain Chomsky hierarchy of languages?
2.What is type system? what is type checker? how does it work?
3.Explain type expression with an example?
4.Explain static and dynamic type checking?
5.What is static checking? List out some examples of static checks
6.Explain about type checking of expressions?
7.Explain about translation scheme for checking the type of statements?
8.Explain type conversion, type coercion with an examples?
9.Explain the equivalence of type expressions with an example?
10.Explain type graph with an example?
11.Explain overloading of functions and operations with an example?
12.Explain about on polymorphic functions?
13.Explain about on generic functions?
1.Explain storage organization in detail?
2.Explain about symbol table organization?
3.What are the contents of a symbol table? Explain in detail
4.What are data structures are used to implement symbol table? Explain
5.Explain hash table organization of symbol tables for block structured languages?
6.Explain the process of organizing a symbol table for block structured language?
7.Explain about activation record?
8.Explain about activation tree?
9.Explain in detail the various storage allocation strategies?
1.What are the various machine dependent code optimization techniques?
2.Explain in detail the procedure that eliminating global common sub expressions?
3.Write and explain about peephole optimization?
4.what is a flow graph? Explain how flow graph can be constructed for a given problem?
5.Explain the equations for computing live variables in a given flow graph?
6.Explain data flow analysis of structured flow graphs?
7.What are data flow equations? Explain global data flow analysis?
8.Explain the following a)dominators b)algorithm for constructing the natural loops
c)reducible flow graphs
1.Explain issues in the design of a code generator?
2.Explain with an example the abstract machine code form of intermediate code?
3.Explain with an example, how abstract machine code can be generated for
given if then else statement?
4.Explain the concept of label tree for code generation?
5.Write and explain about object code forms
6.Efficient code generation requires the knowledge of internal architecture of the target machine.
Justify with an example
7.Explain different addressing modes in detail?
8.Explain cost of machine instructions with examples?
9.Explain generic code generation algorithm?
10.Explain address descriptor and register descriptor?
11.Explain code generation algorithm with example?
12.Explain about register allocation and assignment in target code generation?
13.Write and explain about run time storage administration?
14.What is DAG?Explain how a basic block is represented using DAG?
15.Write and explain heuristic ordering algorithm for DAG with an example?
16.Problems on machine code,DAG