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EIMAG AX: 4CX250F6 RADIAL- BEAM POWER TETRODE ‘The 7203/4CX250B and 8621/4CX250FG are ceramic/metal forced-air cooled, extemal-anode radial-beam tetrodes with a maximum plate dissi- pation rating of 250 watts and a maximum input-power rating of 500 watts. om ‘The 7203/4CX250B is designed to operate with a heater voltage of 6.0 volts, while the 8621/4CX250FG is designed for operation at a heater volt- age of 26.5 volts. Otherwise, the two tube types have identical charac~ teristics. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS! ELECTRICAL Cathode: Oxide Coated, Unipotential Heater: Voltage (4CX250B) Current, at 6.0 volts....... Cathode-Heater Potential ,maximum . . Heater: Voltage (4CX250FG) . Current, at 26.5 volts . Cathode-Heater Potential ymaximum. Amplification Factor (Average): <>pecec Grid to Screens... +0. eseeeeeenee os Direct Interelectrode Capacitances (Grounded cathode 2 Input... 60. S157, oF, Output a ts or Feedback J. .sccssccsecuerseenee 0.04 pF Direct Interelectrode Capacitances (grounded grid ‘and screen)? pate eee eee eee Output Rodel 0.01 pF Frequency of Maximum Rating: Oy cae cnadoouesauecopaudpseo5 7 : 500 MHz 1. Characteristics and operating values are based upon performance tests. These figures may change without notice 1 the result of additional data or proguet refinement, EIMAC Division of Varian should be consulted before using this information for final equipment design. 2, In Shielded Fixture, MECHANICAL Maximum Overall Dimensions: Length .. 2.46 in; 62.5 mm Diameter . Bee sees 164 in; 41.7) mm Net Weight... see eeeeeeeee : s+ 402; 13 gm Operating Position........00seeeeeee Bee reer Any 4009 (Revised 9-1-79) © 1962, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1979 By Varian Printed in U.S.A. hor 4€X25 0B-4CX250FG Maximum Operating Temperature: Ceramic/Metal Seals 250°C Anode Core... ee eee ee ee 250°C Cooling... eevee ce eeee es Forced Air Base vee eee eee eee a + Special 9-pin JEDEC-B8-236 Recommended Socket... Recommended Chimney EIMAC SK-600 Series +++ EIMAC SK-600 Series RADIO FREQUENCY LINEAR AMPLIFIER TYPICAL OPERATION (Frequencies to 175 MHz) GRID DRIVEN (SSB) Class Alby, Grid Driven, Peak Envelope or Modulation Crest Conditions aa Plate Voltoge -.....+..++ 1600 1600 2000 Vie Seren Voltage [380 350350. Vde Tee Grid Voltage 1. 21 “65-85-55 Vdc Zero-Signal Plate Current. 111 100 100 100 mAde DC PLATE VOLTAGE... 2000 vous, Single fone Pate Curent + 250 250250 mAdc ji Two-Tone Plate Currant =... 190199180 mAde Cree ee eee Single-Tone Seren Curani2. > 10° 8 «= *§ mAde OC GRID VOLTAGE .... 4. -250 VOLTS Two-Tone Screen Current.) 2 sl #2 mAde OC PLATE CURRENT... ss. ee+. 0.28 AMPERE SingleTone iid Curent? 0 0 0 made mf ak rf Grid Voltage? ..-.. 80 5080 v oe ie rata oe Plate Output Power. 11112120 218 300 W ‘SCREEN DISSIPATION 12 WATTS, Resonant Load Impedance’... 2000 3000 4000 GRID DISSIPATION 2 WATTS 1. Adjust to specified zoro-signel de plate current. 2) Approximate value. RADIO FREQUENCY LINEAR AMPLIFIER TYPICAL OPERATION (Frequencies to 175 MHz) GRID DRIVEN, CARRIER CONDITIONS Class AB, Grid Driven Class A8; Plate Voltage... - = 1000 1809 2000 Vide Sereen Voltages 2122221111 [380 350 "350. vac MAKIMUM RATINGS Grid Voltage 1 “55-55-55 Vde 2oto-Signal Plate 100 100 100 mAde Carrier Plate Current... 12 2, 150150150 mAde DG PLATE VOLTAGE. 2000 VOLTS: Carrier Screen Current 21111-3844 made DG SCREEN VOLTAGE 400 VOLTS Pook rf Grid Voltage2. ..1 12. 252525 v DCGRID VOLTAGE «2... -250 VOLTS Plate Output Power rit 30 50 65 Ww DC PLATE CURRENT - 0.25 AMPERE PLATE DISSIPATION « 250 WATTS Adjust to specified zero-signal de plate current SOREN DISSIPATION, fe 12 WATTS, GRID DISSIPATION... ++. 2 WATTS 2. Approximate value. RADIO FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER TYPICAL OPERATION(Frequencies to 175 MHz) [500 M22 Ce Plate Voltage. ..... . 500 1000 1800 2000] 2000 vide Class C Telegraphy or FM Telephony Screen Voltage’ 11511 280 '250 250 250] 300 Vee key-Down Conditions Grid Voltage » 1111-80-80 80-80] -90 vee eee Plate Current... 11! 250 250 250 250] 260 made Screen Current .111 48 38-21 19] 10 mAdc2 MAXIMUM RATINGS: Ged Curent,. 1171 35 31 2826] 10 made? Peak rt G 14 14112 112| ev Measured Dc LATE VOLTAGE 2000 VOLTS asia eae) aa| DC SCREEN VOLTAGE - 300 VOLTS Plate Input Bower 1.1125 250 376 500] 500 w scons votrnae aes pesolvouT Plate Ouint Power: 70 190 280 300] 290 W DC PLATE CURRENT 0.28 AER "a0508) =... 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0] 5.5 V PLATE DISSIPATION « 250 WATTS Hoater Voltage ae cPATOne phan TUCK250FG)-.... 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.6]24.3 V GRID DISSIPATION 2 WATTS 1. Approximate value 2 Measured valves for 9 typical cavity amplifier circuit. 4CX250B-4CX250FG kor PLATE MODULATED RADIO FREQUENCY POWER TYPICAL OPERATION (Frequencies to 175 MH2) ‘AWPLIFIER-GRID DRIVEN Class € Telephony (Carrier Conditions) Plate Voltage... .+.s<+++ 500 1000 1600 Vde Reauaa neni Screen Voltage: 2.221221) 280° 250,250 Vdc Grid Voltage “100-100-100 Ve DC PLATE VOLTAGE... « sss 1890 VOLTS Plato Cureont » 200 200 200 mAde DC SCREEN VOLTAGE /.12.27. 112 300 vorTs Screen Current 312220 made OG GRID VOLTAGE. 22s! -250 VOLTS Grid Cureont «212 151444 mde DC PLATE CURRENT * 22> 0.20 AMPERE Peak rf Grid Voltage me 7 Ty PLATE DISSIPATIONY. ©2220. 165 WATTS Caleuiated Oriving Powers). 1.8 171.7 W SCREEN DISSIPATION2. 1.122202 12 12 WATTS Plate Input Power 160 260,300 W GRID DIssIPATION2 . 212112211 2 WATTS Plate Output Power 2 lll ,, 80) 43238 W 1. Corresponds to 250 watts at 100% sine-wave modu- lation. 2, Average, with or without modulation. 3. Approximate value. ‘AUDIO FREQUENCY POWER AMPLIFIER TYPICAL OPERATION (Two Tubes) Rese EN Brive (sinusoidal wave} fate Voltage «= tomo 1800 2000 vue . Sereen Voltage . 1380 350350 Vie Grid Voltage 1/3 TILT) ss 8588 ae MAXIMUM RATINGS (Fer Tube) Zero-Signal Plate Curent’... 200 200 200 made Max Signal Plate Current |... 500 500 500 mAde DC PLATE VOLTAGE «6+. +++. +++ 2000 VOLTS Max Signal Screen Current.) 20-16 10 mAdc DC SCREEN VOLTAGE... 2.2.0... 400 VOLTS Mox Signal Grid Curent, 05) 00 mAde DC GRID VOLTAGE... tee -250 VOLTS Peak af Grid Voltage? 50 6050 DC PLATE CURRENT... ee. 2+ ++ 0.25 AMPERE Peak Diving Foner 0.1.7 008 PLATE DISSIPATION... 280 WATTS Piate neat cower aa pene Plate Output Power ss... 2s. 240 430600 SCREEN DISSIPATION .......---. 12 WATTS Tear eee GRID DISSIPATION... - 2 warts Iplate to platel ... 2... 9600 6200 9600 p sss 1. Approximate value. 2, Por Tube. 3. Adjust to give stated zaro-signal plate current. NOTE TYPICAL OPERATION data are obtained from direct measurament or by calculation fom published character istic curves, Adjustment of the rf grid voltage to obtain the specified plate current at the specified bias. screen and plate voltages is assumed. If this procedure is followed, there will be little variation in output power when the tube is changed, even though there may be some variation in grid and screen current. The grid land screen currants which result when the desired plate current is obtained are incidental and vary from tube tw tube, These current variations cause no difficulty so long as the circuit maintains the correct voltage in the presence of the variations in current. In the cage of Class C Service, if grid bias is obtained principally bby means of @ grid resistor, the resistor must be adjustable to obtain the required bias voltage when the correct rf grid voltage is applied: RANGE VALUES FOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN Max. Heater: 4CX250B Current at 6.0volts ss see sere eee 29 8 Heater: 4CX250FG Current at 26.5 volts cee ea Cathode Warmup Time eee Interelectrode Capacitances! (grounded cathode conne ction) Input . . Seoauonscu0 c 17.2 pF Output . cee 5.0 pFt Feedback . Susqupssoon0 0.06 pF Interelectrode Capacitances! (grounded grid and screen) Input « 13.0 --+ pF Output « --- 5.0 pF! Feedback wwe eee cena 0.01 --- pF ‘out values shown are for 4CX250B; for 4CX250FG, values are... 40 = 53 0F 3 her 40X2508-4CX250F6 MECHANICAL MOUNTING - The 4CX250B and 4CX250FG may be operated in any position. An EIMAC Air-System Socket, SK-600 series, or a socket having equiv- alent characteristics, is requiced. Sockets are available with or without builtein screen cap- acitors and may be obtained with either grounded or ungrounded cathode teminals. COOLING - Sufficient forced-air cooling must be provided for the anode, base seals, and body seals to maintain operating temperatures below the rated maximum values, Air requirements to maintain anode core temperatures at 200°C with an inlet air temperature of S0°C are tabulated below. These requirements apply when a socket of the EIMAC SK-600 series and an EIMACSK- 606 chimney are used with air flow in the base to anode direction. SEA LEVEL 10,000 FEET [Plate Air Flow] Pressure [Air Flow] Pressure Dissipa- | (CFM) [Droplin.ot| (CFM [Dropiin.of tion(watts| water) F water) [m0 Bo [oa Saas | aie 250 sa jos | a3 | 120 i ‘The blower selected in a given application must be capable of supplying the desired airflow at a back pressure equal to the pressure drop shown above plus any drop encountered in ducts and filters. The blower must be designed to de- liver the air at the desired altitude, ‘At 500 MHz or below, base cooling air re~ quirements ate satisfied automatically when the ‘ube is operated in an EIMAC Air-System Socket ‘and the recommended air flow rates are used. Experience has shown that if reliable long life operation is to be obtained, the cooling air flow must be maintained during standby periods when only the heater voltage is applied to the tube. ‘The anode cooler should be inspected periodic~ ally and cleaned when necessary to remove any dirt which might interfere with effective cooling. VIBRATION ~ These tubes are capable of satis- factorily withstanding ordinary shock and vie bration, such as encountered in shipment and normal handling. The tubes will function well in automobile and truck mobile installations and similar environments. However, when shock ond vibration more severe than this are expected, itis suggested that the EIMAC 4CX300A or 4CX250R be employed. APPLICATION ELECTRICAL HEATER ~ The rated heater voltage for the 4CX250B and 4CX250FG is 6.0 volts and 26.5 volts, respectively, and the voltage should be maintained as closely as practicable. Short-time changes of + 10% will not damage the tube, but variations in performance must be expected. The heater voltage must be maintained within + 5% to minimize these variations and to obtain maximum tube life, At frequencies above approximately 300 Miz ttansit-time effects begin to influence the cath= ode temperature. The amount of driving power diverted to heating the cathode by back-bombard- ment will depend upon frequency, plate current, and driving power. When the tube is driven to maximum input as a class-C amplifier, the heater voltage should be reduced according to the table below: Frequency maz | 4cx2508 ACX250FG, ‘300 and lower | 6.00 volts | 26.5 volts 301 to 400 s.76volts | 25.3 volts 401 to 500 5.50 volts | 24.3 volts CATHODE OPERATION - The oxide coated unipotential cathode must be protected against excessively high emission currents. The maxi- mum rated de input current is 200 mA for plate> modulated operation and 250 mA for all other types of operation except pulse. ‘The cathode is intemally connected to the four even-numbered base pins and all four of the coresponding socket terminals should be used to make connection to the external circuits. At radio frequencies it is important to keep the cathode leads short and direct and to use con ductors with I tive reactances in series with the cathode leads. It is recommended that rated heater voltage be applied for a minimum of 30 seconds before other operating voltages are applied. Where the circuit design requires the cathode and heater to be op crated at different potentials, the rated maximum heaterto-cathode voltage is 150 volts regardless of polarity. ge areas to minimize the induc GRID OPERATION - The maximum rated de grid bias voltage is -250 volts and the maximum grid dissipation rating is 2.0 watts. In ordinary audio and radio-frequency amplifiers the grid dissipation usually will not approach the max- imum rating, At operating frequencies above the 100 MHz region, driving-power requirements for amplifiers increase noticeably. At 500 MHz as much as 20 watts of driving power may have to be supplied. However, most of the driving power is absorbed in circuit losses other than grid dis- Sipation, so that grid dissipation is increased only slightly. Satisfactory 500 MHz operation of the tube in stable amplifier is indicated by grid-current values below approximately 15 mA, ‘The grid voltage required by different tubes may vary between limits approximately 20% above and below the center value, and means should be provided in the equipment to accommodate such variation, It is especially important that variae tions between individual tubes be compensated when tubes ate operated in parallel or push-pull circuits, to assure equal load sharing. The maximum permissible grid-circuit re- sistance per tube is 100,000 ohms. SCREEN OPERATION - The maximum rated power dissipation for the screen is 12 watts, and the screen input power should be kept below that level. The product of the peak screen voltage and the indicated de screen current approximates the screen input power except when the screen curtent indication is near zero or negative. In the usual tetrode amplifier, where no sig- nal voltage appears between cathode and screen, the peak screen voltage is equal to the de screen voltage. When signal voltages appear between screen and cathode, as in the case of screen-modulated amplifiers or cathode-driven tetrode amplifiers , the peak screensto-cathode voltage is the sum of the dc screen voltage and the peak ac orf signal voltage applied to screen or cathode. Protection for the screen should be provided by an over-current relay and by interlocking the screen supply so that plate voltage must be ap- plied before screen voltage can be applied. ‘The screen current may reverse under certain conditions and produce negative current indica tions on the screen millianmeter. This is a nor mal characteristic of most tetrodes, The screen power supply should be designed with this char acteristic in mind so that the correct operating voltage will be maintained on the screen under all conditions. A current path from screen to cathode must be provided by a bleeder resistor, gaseous voltage regulator tubes, or an electron tube shunt regulstor connected between screen and cathode and arranged to pass approximately 15 milliamperes per connected screen. An elec tron tube series regulator can be used only when fan a equate bleeder resistor is provided, 4CX250B-4CX250FG kot Self-modulation of the screen in plate-mod- ulated tetrode amplifiers usin g these tubes may not be satisfactory because of the screen-voltage screen-current characteristics, Screen modulation from a tertiary winding on the modulation trans- former or by means of a small separate modulator tube will usually be more satisfactory. Screen= voltage modulation factors between 0.75 and 1.0 ‘will result in 100% modulation for plate-modulated rf amplifiers using the 4CX250B or 4CX250FG. PLATE OPERATION - The maximum rated plate dissipation power is 250 watts, In plate- modulated applications the cartier plate dissi« pation power must be limited to 165 watts to avoid exceeding the plate dissipation rating with 100% sine wave modulation, The maximum dise sipation rating may be exceeded for brief periods during circuit adjustment without damage to the tube, MULTIPLE OPERATION - Tubes opereting in parallel or push-pull must share the load equally. It is good engineering practice to provide indiv- idual metering and individual adjustment of bias or Screen voltage to equalize the inputs. Where overload protection is provided, it should be capable of protecting the surviving ‘ube(s) in the event that one tube fails. VHF OPERATION-The 4CX250B and 4CX250FG are suitable for use in the VHF region. Such op- eration should be conducted with heavy plate loading, minimum bias, and the lowest driving power consistent with satisfactory performance. It is often preferable to operate at a sacrifice in efficiency to obtain increased tube life. HIGH VOLTAGE - The 7203/4CX2S0B and 8621/4CX250FG operate at voltages which can be deadly, and the equipment must be designed properly and operating precautions must be fol- lowed. Equipment must be designed so that no ‘one can come in contact with high voltages. All equipment must include safety enclosures for high-voltage circuits and terminals, with inter- lock switches to open the primary circuits of the power supplies and to discharge high-voltage condensers whenever access doors are opened, Interlock switches must not be bypassed or “cheated’’ to allow operation with access doors open. Always remember that HIGH VOLTAGE CAN KILL. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS4IC it is desired to op- crate these tubes under conditions widely differ= ent from those given here, write to Application Engineering Dept., EIMAC Division of Varian, San Carlos, Calif. 94070 for information and recommendations. 4CX250B-4CX250G ae oosz ( (a) a9vii0n aLvid oooz ost ooo 00s We-— et We F oor-------~-~}<>-4- oy SHINY — INZUEND OWI ———— ‘SHW3aWV — INZUUND NIIUS —-—-— SauadWV — INGWUND 3LVIa NOSZ = 39VIT0A NA3¥OS SOILSINILIVUVHS LNIHYND LNVLSNOD TWIIdAL op (W) a9vL10N a9 9 3 8 Ss x oO ti a 3 3 g x Oo + 002 oat oozt 08 ooy ool~ SauaaWy — 1N3BUND OWS ———— ‘SawaaNY — LNaWUND NaaWIS —-—-— ‘Sau3aWV — INSUUND 3LVId NOSE = 39VL10A'NIaN9S SOILSIUILIVYVHO LNIYYNI LNVISNOD TWIIdAL (W) 39VL70n 189 hath 4CX250B-4CX250G 5 ~ TRENTON BATE om nS [AILS [w|i a 7m [e.se2 | eae [5505 [629] & [i810 | 1640 | «0.89 | age , 0 fe [iso [1910 [4897 [esr py ei SESGAATON. 0 | 0780| oai0 | isos | 2087 BIN NO.L SCREEN GRD € | e710 | 0790 | 1908 | 2007 Flot ee [= [106 | pa ‘BINNOS 6 | o1e7 = [ars == PRUNDS —IC_DONOT USE FOR EXTERNAL, CONNECTION 7 mae aug eee (ude stenaton J [ose | osrs | 1a20 [1358 ENTER PR-CONTROL GRO coz io [== ~ |L_ REE os. ARE_FOR INFO ONLY INSPECTION PURPOSES. 2 GRICONTAGT SURFACES. CAMBRIAN ELECTRONICS P.O. Box 10 Stanmore, Midd. , ~ Tel: 01-554 1809

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