The EIMAC YU-191A is a ceramic/metal, water cooled, high-mu triode intended for use as an amplifier, oscillator,
or modulator, or in voltage regulator applications. Its maximum rated anode dissipation is 7000 watts.
Operation with zero grid bias in many applications offers circuit simplicity by eliminating the bias supply.
Grounded grid operation is attractive since a power gain of over 20 times can be obtained.
Filament: Thoriated Tungsten Maximum Overall Dimensions:
Voltage ..............................................7.5 ± 0.37 V Length ............................................. 10.4 in; 264 mm
Current @ 7.5 volts ................................... 51.5 A Width ............................................... 7.1 in; 180 mm
Amplification Factor, Average ........................... 160 Net Weight...................................................5.5 lb; 2.5 kg
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances (Grounded Filament)2 Operating Position ................. Vertical, Base Up or Down
Cin ............................................................... 38.0 pF Maximum Operating Temperature:
Cout ............................................................... 0.6 pF Envelope and Ceramic/Metal Seals................ 250°C
Cgp .............................................................. 24.0 pF Cooling .................................................................. Water
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances (Grounded Grid)2 Base ....................................................... Special Coaxial
Cin ............................................................... 38.0 pF
Cout ............................................................. 24.0 pF
Cpk ................................................................ 0.6 pF
Frequency of Maximum Ratings (CW) .............. 110 MHz
Characteristics and operating values are based upon performance tests. These figures may change without notice as the result of additional
data or product refinement. CPI Eimac Division should be consulted before using this information for final equipment design.
2. Approximate value.
1. Approximate value.
2. Output circuit and filter loss of 10% assumed.
NOTE: The equipment designer and user must assure that rated dissipation values are not exceeded. In continuous
opertion (Class A) element dissipation is simply the product of voltage and current at the operating conditions. In pulsed
operation the element dissipation is basically the product of voltage, current, and duty factor, though pulse shape and circuit
conditions may effect actual dissipation values.
NOTE: TYPICAL OPERATION data are obtained from direct measurement or by calculation from published characteristic curves.
Adjustment of the rf grid voltage to obtain the specified plate current at the specified bias, screen and plate voltages is assumed. If this
procedure is followed, there will be little variation in output power when the tube is changed, even though there may be some variation
in grid and screen current. The grid and screen currents which result when the desired plate current is obtained are incidental and
vary from tube to tube. These current variations cause no difficulty so long as the circuit maintains the correct voltage in the presence
of the variations in current. In the case of Class C Service, if grid bias is obtained principally by means of a grid resistor, the resistor
must be adjustable to obtain the required bias voltage when the correct rf grid voltage is applied.
MOUNTING – The YU-191A must be mounted vertically, The filament stem structure also requires forced air
base down or up at the convenience of the circuit cooling. A minimum of 6 cfm should be directed into the
designer. space between the inner and outer filament contacting
COOLING - The cooling data indicates the minimum flow
and pressure drop across the tube required for varous A major factor effecting long life of water cooled tubes is
levels of anode dissipation. The cooling water outlet the condition of the cooling water. High purity water must
temperature should not exceed 70°C. be used to minimize power loss, corrosion of metal fittings,
and loss of anode dissipation capability. Water resistivity
must be maintained at 1 megohm/cm (at 25°C) or better
for long term operation. EIMAC Application Bulletin #16
Anode Water Pressure should be consulted for details on maintenance of water
Dissipation Flow Drop quality standards and use of a water purification loop in the
(kW) (gpm) (psi) installation. Since the anode is normally at high potential
to ground, water connections to the anode are made
2 0.9 1.3 through insulating tubing, with long enough sections that
4 1.3 2.5 column resistance is above 4 megohms per 1000 plate
6 2.0 4.7 supply volts, or 10 megohms total, whichever is less.
7 2.4 5.9
Both air and water flow must be supplied before or INTERELECTRODE CAPACITANCE - The actual internal
simultaneously with the application of electrode voltages, interelectrode capacitance of a tube is influenced by many
including the filament, and may be removed simultaneously variables in most applications, such as stray capacitance
with them. Where long life and consistent performance to the chassis, capacitance added by the socket used,
are factors, cooling in excess of minimum requirements is stray capacitance between tube terminals, and wiring
normally beneficial. effects. To control the actual capacitance values within
the tube, as the key component involved, the industry
ELECTRICAL and the Military Services use a standard test procedure
as described in Electronic Industries Association Standard
FILAMENT OPERATION – The filament voltage, as
RS-191. This requires the use of specially constructed test
measured at the filament terminals, should be 7.5 volts,
fixtures which effectively shield all external tube leads
with maximum allowable variations due to the line
from each other and eliminates any capacitance reading
fluctuations of from 7.12 to 7.87 volts.
to “ground”. The test is performed on a cold tube. Other
INTERLOCKS – An interlock device should be provided factors being equal, controlling internal tube capacitance in
to ensure that cooling water and air flow is established this way normally assures good interchangeability of tubes
before application of electrical power, including the heater. over a period of time, even when the tube may be made by
The circuit should be so arranged that RF drive cannot be different manufacturers. The capacitance values shown
applied in the absence of normal plate voltage. in the manufacturer’s technical data, or test specifications,
normally are taken in accordance with Standard RS-191.
INPUT CIRCUIT – When operated as a ground grid RF
amplifier, the use of a matching network in the cathode The equipment designer is therefore cautioned to make
circuit is recommended. For best results with a single allowance for the actual capacitance values which will exist
ended amplifier, and depending on the application, it is in any normal application. Measurements should be taken
suggested the cathode tuned circuit operate with a “Q” of with the socket and mounting which represent approximate
5 or more. final layout if capacitance values are highly significant in
the design.
to strong RF fields even at relatively low frequency. HOT SURFACES – When the tube is used in air and
Absorption of RF energy by human tissue is dependent air cooled, external surfaces of the tube may reach
on frequency. Under 30 MHz most of the energy will pass temperatures up to 200°C and higher. In addition to the
completely through the human body with little attenuation anode, the cathode insulator and cathode/heater surfaces
or heating effect. Public health agencies are concerned may remain hot for an extended time after the tube is
with the hazard, however, even at these frequencies, and shut off. To prevent serious burns, take care to avoid any
it is worth noting that some commercial dielectric heating bodily contact with these surfaces both during, and for a
units actually operate at frequencies as low as the 13 and reasonable cool down period after, tube operation.
27 MHz bands.
HIGH VOLTAGE - The YU-191A operates at voltages
Many EIMAC power tubes, such as these, are specifically which can be deadly, and the equipment must be designed
designed to generate or amplify radio frequency power. properly and operating precautions must be followed.
There may be a relatively strong RF field in the general Equipment must be designed so that no one can come
proximity of the power tube and its associated circuitry – in contact with high voltages. All equipment must include
the more power involved the stronger the RF field. Proper safety enclosures for high-voltage circuits and terminals,
enclosure design and efficient coupling of RF energy to with interlock switches to open the primary circuits of the
the load will minimize the RF field in the vicinity of the power supplies and to discharge high-voltage condensers
power amplifier unit itself. whenever access doors are opened. Interlock switches
must not be bypassed or “cheated” to allow operation
FAULT PROTECTION – In addition to normal cooling flow with access doors open. Always remember that HIGH
interlock and plate over-current interlock, it is good practice VOLTAGE CAN KILL.
to protect the tube from internal damage which could result
from occasional plate arcing at high plate voltage SPECIAL APPLICATIONS - If it is desired to operate this
tube under conditions widely different from those given
In all cases some protective resistance, at least 10 ohms, here, write to the Application Engineering Dept., CPI
should be used in series with the tube anode to absorb Eimac Division, San Carlos, Calif. 94070 for information
power supply stored energy in case a plate arc should and recommendations.
occur. 4
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