Graph Theory 1

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I INTRODUCTION 1-1, WHAT IS A GRAPH? A lineart graph (or simply a graph) G = (V, E) consists of a set of objects V ={w,, v,...} called vertices, and another set E = {e,, c,,-..}, whose eiements are caiied edges, such that each edge e, is identified with an unorder- ed pair (v,, v,) of vertices. The vertices v,, », associated with edge e, are called the end vertices of e,. The most common representation of a graph is by means of a diagram, in which the vertices are represented as points and each edge asa line segment joining its end vertices. Often this diagram itself is referred to as the graph. The object shown in Fig. 1-1, for instance, is a graph. Observe that this definition permits an edge to be associated with a vertex pair (v,, v,). Such an edge having the same vertex as both its end ver- tices is called a self-loap (or simply a loop The word loop, however, has a different meaning in clectrical network theory; we shall therefore usc the term self-loop to avoid confusion). Edge e, in Fig. 1-1 is a self-loop. Also note that sa) 2, be» s % Fig. 1-1 Graph with five vertices and zs “6 Uy seven edges. +The adjective “linear” is dropped as redundant in our discussions, because by a graph we always mean a linear graph. There is no such thing as a nonlinear graph. 1 2 INTRODUCTION cHap. 1 the definition allows more than one edge associated with a given pair of vertices, for example, edges e, and e, in Fig. 1-1. Such edges are referred to as parallel edges. A graph that has neither self-loops nor parallel edges is called a simple graph. In some graph-theory literature, a graph is defined to be only a simple graph, but in most engineering applications it is necessary that parallel edges and self-loops be allowed; this is why our definition includes graphs with self- loops and/or parallel edges. Some authors use the term general graph to It should also be noted that, in drawing a graph, it is immaterial whether the lines are drawn straight or curved, long or short: what is important is the incidence between the edges and vertices. For example, the two graphs drawn in Figs. 1-2(a) and (b) are the same, because incidence between edges and vertices is the same in both cases. 1 1 4. ? 4 3 fa) (b) Fig. 1-2 Same graph drawn differently. In a diagram of a graph, sometimes two edges may seem to intersect at a point that does not represent a vertex, for example, edges e and fin Fig. 1-3. Such edges should be thought of as being in different planes and thus having no common point. (Some authors break one of the two edges at such a crossing to emphasize this fact.) 3 Fdgeseand f have nocommon sec. 1-2 APPLICATIONS OF GRAPHS 3. A graph is also called a linear complex. a I-complex. or a one-dimensional complex. A vertex is also referred to as a node, a junction, a point, 0-cell, or an O-simplex. Other terms used for an edge are a branch, a line, an element, a I-cell, an arc, and a I-simplex. In this book we shall generally use the terms graph, vertex, and edge. 1-2. APPLICATIONS OF GRAPHS Because of its inherent simplicity, graph theory has a very wide range of applications in engineering, in physical, social, and biological sciences, in linguistics, and in numerous other areas. A graph can be used to represent almost any physical situation involving discrete objects and a relationship among them. The following are four examples from among hundreds of such applications. Kénigsberg Bridge Problem: The Kénigsberg bridge problem is perhaps the best-known example in graph theory. It was a long-standing problem until solved by Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) in 1736, by means of a graph. Euler wrote the first paper ever in graph theory and thus became the origina- tor of the theory of graphs as well as of the rest of topology. The problem is depicted in Fig. 1-4 slands, C and DB, formed by the Pregel River in sberg (then the capital of East Prussia but now renamed Kaliningrad and in West Soviet Russia) were connected to each other and to the banks A and B with seven bridges, as shown in Fig. 1-4. The problem was to start at any of the four land areas of the city, A, B, C, or D, walk over each of the seven bridges exactly once, and return to the starting point (without swimming across the river, of course). Euier represenied this situation by means of a graph, as shown in Fig. 1-5. The vertices represent the land areas and the edges represent the bridges. As we shall see in Chapter 2, Euler proved that a solution for this problem does not exist. Fig. 1-4 Kénigsberg bridge problem. 4 INTRODUCTION cua. | < Fig. 1-5 Graph of Konigsberg bridge B problem. The Konigsberg bridge problem is the same as the problem of drawing figures without lifting the pen from the paper and without retracing a line (Problems 2-1 and 2-2). We all have been confronted with such problems at one time or another. Uiilities Problem: There ave three houses (Fig. 1-6) 11), 1, and #3, cach to be connected to each of the three utilities—water (W), gas (G), and elec- A Hy Hy ZA Lr II YQ ZS IEE Y” I AX tricity (E)—by means of conduits. Is it possible to make such connections without any crossovers of the conduits? Figure 1-7 shows how this problem can be represented by a graph—the conduits are shown as edges while the houses and utility supply centers are vertices. As we shall see in Chapter 5, the graph in Fig. 1-7 cannot be drawn in the plane withont edges crossing aver. Thus the answer to the problem is no. Electrical Network Problems: Properties (such as transfer function and input impedance) of an electrical network are functions of only two factors: 1. The nature and value of the elements forming the network, such as resistors, inductors, transistors, and so forth. 2. The way these elements are connected together, that is, the topology of the network. sec, 1-2 APPLICATIONS OF GRAPHS 5 Since there are only a few different types of electrical elements, the varia- tions in networks are chiefly due to the variations in topology. Thus electrical network analysis and synthesis are mainly the study of network topology. In the topological study of electrical networks, factor 2 is separated from 1 and is studied independently. The advantage of this approach will be clearer in Chapter 13, a chapter devoted solely to applying graph theory to electrical networks. The topology of a network is studied by means of its graph. In drawing a graph of an electrical network the junctions are represented by vertices, and branches (which consist of electrical elements) are represented by edges, regardless of the nature and size of the electrical elements. An electrical net- work and its graph are shown in Fig. 1-8. HS. PA 1-8 Electrical network and its graph. 6 — INTROpUCTION cuap. 1 Seating Problem: Nine members of a new club meet each day for lunch at a round table. They decide to sit such that every member has different neighbors at each lunch. How many days can this arrangement last? This situation can be represented by a graph with nine vertices such that each vertex represents a member, and an edge joining two vertices represents the relationship of sitting next to each other. Figure 1-9 shows two possible Fig. 1.9 Arrangements at a dinner table, seating arrangements—these are | 23456789 | (solid lines), and 135274 968 1 (dashed lines). It can be shown by graph-theoretic considerations that there are only two more arrangements possible. They are 1573928461 and 1795836241. Ingeneral it can be shown that for » people the number of such possible arrangements is nl it nis odd, z and if n is even. 2 The reader has probably noticed that three of the four examples of ap- plications above are puzzles and not engineering problems. This was done to avoid introducing at this stage background material not pertinent to graph theory. More substantive applications will follow, particularly in the last four chapters. 1-3. FINITE AND INFINITE GRAPHS Although in our definition of a graph neither the vertex set V nor the edge set E need be finite, in most of the theory and almost all applications these sec. 1-4 INCIDENCE AND DEGREE 7 sets are finite. A graph with a finite number of vertices as well as a finite num- ber of edges is called a finite graph; otherwise, it is an infinite graph. The graphs in Figs. 1-1, 1-2, I-5, 1-7, and 1-8 are all examples of finite graphs. Portions of two infinite graphs are shown in Fig. 1-10. Z +4444 444 G, isa null graph, and G, @ G, = G, U G,. If G, and G, are vertex disjoint, then G, G; is empty. For any graph G, GUG=GNG=G, and G@G =a null graph. Ifgis a subgraph of G, then G@ gis, by definition, that subgraph of G which remains after all the edges in g have been removed from G. Therefore, GD g is written as G — g, whenever g < G. Because of this complementary nature, G @ g = G — gis often called the complement of g in G. Decomposition: A graph G is said to have been decomposed into two sub- graphs g, and g, if 8, UR =G, au 8, 0 8; = a null graph. {Ifan edge e; is in two graphs G, and G;, its end vertices in G; must have the same labels as in Ge, sec. 2-7 OPERATIONS ON GRAPHS 27 ¥ 4 A Y% ™ A Uy Uy yy Uy t < yO wf, ous d| le d e , ae f G Gy G UG, d e ou 7 us GG COG, Fig. 2-14 Union, intersection, and ring sum of two graphs. In other words, every edge of G occurs either in g, or in g,, but not in both. Some of the vertices, however, may occur in both g, and g,. In decompo stegarded. A gra Bm edges {e1,¢2) + @, can be decomposed in 2"-! — | different ways into pairs of sub- graphs g,, g, (why ?). Although union, intersection, and ring sum have been defined for a pair of graphs, these definitions can be extended in an obvious Way to include any finite number of graphs. Similarly, a graph G can be decomposed into more lectively include every edge in G. Deletion: If v, is a vertex in graph G, then G — v, denotes a subgraph of G obtained by deleting (i.e., removing) », from G. Deletion of a vertex always implies the deletion of all edges incident on that vertex. (See Fig. 2-15.) If e, is an edge in G, then G — e, is a subgraph of G obtained by deleting e, from G. Deletion of an edge does not imply deletion of its end vertices. Therefore G—e,=GWe, 28 PATHS AND CIRCUITS cuap, 2 G Gv) G-e) Fig. 2-15 Vertex deletion and edge deletion. Fusion: A pair of vertices a, 6 in a graph are said to be fused (merged or identified) if the two vertices are replaced by a single new vertex such that every edge it was incis i rao! or on be is inci. ver- tex. Thus fusion of two vertices does not alter the number of edges, but it reduces the number of vertices by one. See Fig. 2-16 for an example. a ‘6 5 4 6 sé © 7 a c = d Fig. 2-16 Fusion of vertices a and b. These are some of the el: operations have been defined and are used in graph-theory literature. For a survey of such operations see the paper by Harary and Wilcox [2-10]. More con 2-8. MORE ON EULER GRAPHS The foiiowing are some more resuits on the important topic of Euler graphs. THEOREM 2-6 A connected graph G is an Euler graph if and only if it can be decomposed into circuits, Proof: Suppose graph G can be decomposed into circuits; that is, G is a union of edge-disjoint circuits. Since the degree of every vertex in a circuit is two, the degree of every vertex in G is even. Hence G is an Euler graph. sec. 2-8 MORE ON EULER GRAPHS 29 Conversely, let G be an Euler graph. Consider a vertex vs. There are at least two edges incident at »,. Let one of these edges he hetween », and 3. Since vertex vz is also of even degree, it must have at least another edge, say between vz and 3. Proceeding in this fashion, we eventually arrive at a vertex that has previously been traversed, thus forming a circuit I, Let us remove I" from G. All vertices in the remaining graph (not necessarily connected) must also be of even degree. From the remaining graph remove another circuit in exactly the same way as we removed T from G. Continue this process until no edges are left. Hence the theorem. ill Arbitrarily Traceable Graphs: Consider the graph in Fig. 2-17, which is an Euler graph. Suppose that we start from vertex a and trace the path a bc. a b Fig. 2-17 Arbitrarily traceable graph a € frome. Now at c we have the choice of going to a, d, or e. If we took the first choice, we would only trace the circuit a b ¢ a, which is not an Euler line. Thus, start- 2B ply by trace edge that has not already been traversed. This raises the following interesting question: What property must a vertex » in an Euler graph have such that an Euler line is always obtained when one follows any walk from vertex v according to the single rule that whenever one arrives at a vertex one shall select any edge (which has not been previously traversed)? arbitrarily traceable graph from vertex v. Por instance, the Euier graph in Fig. 2-1/ is an arbitrarily traceabie graph from vertex c, but not from any other vertex. The Euler graph in Fig. 2-18 is not arbitrarily traceable from any vertex; the graph in Fig. 2-19 is arbitrarily ee Fig. 2-18 Euler graph; not arbitrarily traceable. \ ) Fig. 2-19 Arbitrarily traceable graph from all vertices. 30 PATHS AND CIRCUITS cuar. 2 traceable from all its vertices. The following interesting theorem, due to Ore [2-5], answers the question just raised. ‘THEOREM 2-7 An Euler graph G is arbitrarily traceable from vertex v in G if and only if every circuit in G contains v. For a proof of the theorem the reader is referred to [2-5]. 2-9. HAMILTONIAN PATHS AND CIRCUITS An Euler line of a connected graph was characterized by the property of being a closed walk that traverses every edge of the graph (exactly once). A Hamiltonian circuit in a connected graph is defined as a closed walk that every vertex of Ga at which the walk also terminates. For example, in the graph of Fig. 2-20(a) ly once, except o! — ad (a) (o) Fig. 2-20 Hamiltonian circuits. starting at vertex », if one traverses along the edges shown in heavy lines— passing through cach vertex exactly once—one gets a Hamiltonian circuit. A Hamiltonian circuit for the graph in Fig. 2-20(b) is also shown by heavy lines. More formally: A circuit in a connected graph G is said to be Hamiltonian if it includes every vertex of G. Hence a Hamiltonian circuit in a graph of n vertices consists of exactly n edges. Obviously, not every connected graph has a Hamiltonian circuit. For example, neither of the graphs shown in Figs. 2-17 and 2-18 has a Hamil- tonian circuit. This raises the question: What is a necessary and sufficient condition for a connected graph G to have a Hamiltonian circuit? stc. 2.9 HAMILTONIAN PATHS AND CIRCUITS 31 Dodecahedron mw, y NV fa) (b) Fig. 2-21 Dodecahedron and its graph shown with a Hamiltonian circuit, This problem, firct posed hy the famous Irish mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton in 1859, is still unsolved. As was mentioned in Chapter 1, Hamilton made a regular dodecahedron of wood [see Fig. 2-21(a)], each of whose 20 corners was marked with the name of a city. The puzzle was to start from any city and find a route along the edge of the dodecahedron that passes through every city exactly once and returns to the city of origin. The graph of the dodecahedron is given in Fig. 2-21(b), and one of many such @ The resemblance between the problem of an Euler line and that of a Hamiltonian circuit is deceptive. The latter is infinitely more complex. Al- though one can find Hamiltonian circuits in many specific graphs, such as those shown in Figs. 2-20 and 2-21, there is no known criterion we can apply to determine the existence of a Hamiltonian circuit in general. There are, however, certain types of graphs that always contain Hamiltonian circuits,- be pre Hamiltonian Path: If we remove any one edge from a Hamiltonian circuit, we are left with a path. This path is called a Hamiltonian path. Clearly, a Hamiltonian path in a graph G traverses every vertex of G. Since a Hamil- tonian path is a subgraph of a Hamiltonian circuit (which in turn is a sub- graph of another graph), every graph that has a Hamiltonian circuit also has a Hamiltonian path. There are, however, many graphs with Hamiltonian paths that have no Hamiltonian circuits (Problem 2-23). The length of a Hamiltonian path (if it exists) in a connected graph of n vertices ism — 1 In considering the existence of a Hamiltonian circuit (or path), we need only consider simple graphs. This is because a Hamiltonian circuit (or path) traverses every vertex exactly once. Hence it cannot include a self-loop or a set of parallel edges. Thus a general graph may be made simple by removing parallel edges and self-loops before looking for a Hamiltonian circuit in it. It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that neither of the two graphs 32 PATHS AND CIRCUITS HAP, 2 as oe fa) () Fig. 2-22 Graphs without Hamiltonian circuits, shown in Fig, 2-22 hay a Hamiliouian circuit (01 Hamiliouian pail). 5 Problem 2-24. What general class of graphs is guaranteed to have a Hamiltonian circuit ? Complete graphs of three or more vertices constitute one such class. Complete Graph: A simple graph in which there exists an edge between every pair of vertices is called a complete graph. Complete graphs of wo, three, four, and five vertices are shown in Fig. 2-23. A complete graph is — A A & Fig. 2-23 Complete graphs of two, three, four, and five vertices. sometimes also referred to as a universal graph or a clique. Since every vertex is joined with every other vertex through one edge, the degree of every vertex isn — | ina complete graph G of n vertices. Also the total number of edges in G is n(n — 1)/2. See Problem 1-12. It is easy to construct a Hamiltonian circuit in a complete graph of 7 vertices, Let the vertices be numbered v,,0,,...,¥,. Since an edge exists between any two vertices, we can start from v, and traverse to v,, and v,, and so on to »,, and finally from », to v,. This is a Hamiltonian circuit. Number of Hamiltonian Circuits in a Graph: A given graph may contain more than one Hamiltonian circuit. Of interest are all the edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits in a graph. The determination of the exact number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits (or paths) in a graph in general is also an unsolved problem. However, the number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cir- sce. 2-9 HAMILTONIAN PATHS AND CIRCUITS, 33 cuits in a complete graph with odd number of vertices is given hy Theorem 2-8. THEOREM 2-8 Tn a complete graph with » vertices there are (n — 1)/2 edge-disjoint Hamil- tonian circuits, if 2 is an odd number > 3. Proof: A complete graph G of n vertices has n(a — 1)/2 edges, and a Hamil- tonian circuit in G consists of m edges, Therefore, the number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits in G cannot exceed (n — 1)/2. That there are (n — 1)/2 edge- disjoint Hamiltonian circuits, when 1 is odd, can be shown as follows: The subgraph (of a complete graph of 7 vertices) in Fig. 2-24 is a Hamiltonian circuit, Keeping the vertices fixed on a circle, rotate the polygonal pattern clockwise Fig. 2-24 Hamiltonian circuit; # is odd. by 360/(n — 1),2+360/(m — 1),3-360/(m — 1), ..., (2 — 3)/2+360/(n — 1) degrees, Observe that each rotation produces a Hamiltonian circuit that has no edge in themselves. Hence the theorem. Ii This theorem enables us to solve the problem of the seating arrangement at a round table, introduced in Chapter 1, as follows: Representing a member x by a vertex and the possibility of his sitting next to another member y by an edge between x and y, we construct a graph G. Since every member is allowed to sit next to any other member, G is a com- plete graph of nine vertices—nine being the number of people to be seated around the table. Every seating arrangement around the table is clearly a Hamiltonian circuit. The first day of their meeting they can sit in any order, and it will be a Hamiltonian circuit H ,. ‘The second day, if they are to sit such that every mem- ber must have different neighbors, we have to find another Hamiltonian cir- cuit H, in G, with an entirely different set of edges from those in H,; that is, 34 PATHS AND CIRCUITS cHap, 2 H, and H, are edge-disioint Hamiltonian circuits. From Theorem 2-8 the number of edge-disjoint Hamiltonian circuits in G is four; therefore, only four such arrangements exist among nine people. Another interesting result on the question of existence of Hamiltonian circuits in a graph, obtained by G. A. Dirac, is: THEOREM 2-9 where is the number of vertices in G. Proof: For proof the reader is referred to the original paper by Dirac [2-3]. 2-10. TRAVELING-SALESMAN PROBLEM A problem closely related to the question of Hamiltonian circuits is the traveling-salesman problem, stated as follows: A salesman is required to visit a number of cities during a trip. Given the distances between the cities, in what order should he travel so as to visit every city precisely once and return home, with the minimum mileage traveled? Repres we get a graph. In this graph, with every edge e, there is associated a real number (the distance in miles, say), w(e,. Such a graph is called a weighted graph; w(e,) being the weight of edge e,. In our problem, if each of the cities has a road to every other city, we have a complete weighted graph. This graph has numerous Hamiltonian circuits, and we are to pick the one that has the smallest sum of distances (or weights). The total number of different (not edge disjoint, of course) Hamiltonian circuits in a complete graph of n vertices can be shown to be (n — 1)!/2. This follows from the fact that starting from any vertex we have n — | edges to choose from the first vertex, — 2 from the second, n — 3 from the third, and so on. These being independent choices, we get (n — 1)! possible number of choices. This number is, however, divided by 2, because each Hamil- tonian circuit has been counted twice. Theoretically, the problem of the traveling salesman can always be solved by enumerating all (n — 1)!/2 Hamiltonian circuits, calculating the distance traveled in cach, and then picking the shortest one. However, for a large value of n, the labor involved is too great even for a digital computer (try solving it for the 50 state capitals in the United States; n = 50). The problem is to prescribe a manageable algorithm for finding the short- est route. No efficient algorithm for problems of arbitrary size has yet been found, although many attempts have been made. Since this problem has applications in operations research, some specific large-scale examples have been worked out (see [2-1]). There are also available several heuristic methods by edges, CHAP. 2 REFERENCES 35 of solution that give a route very close to the shortest one. but do not guar- antee the shortest (see [2-4] for such a method). SUMMARY In this chapter we discussed the subgraph a graph that is part of another graph. Walks, paths, circuits, Euler lines, Hamiltonian paths, and Hamil- tonian circuits in a graph G are its subgraphs with special properties. A given graph G can be characterized and studied in terms of the presence or absence of these subgraphs. Many physical problems can be represented by graphs and solved by observing the relevant properties of the corresponding graphs. Various types of walks discussed in this chapter are summarized in Fig 2-25, The arrows point in the direction of increasing restriction. Walk Path Unieursal Euler line line { { { Hamiltonian Hamiltonian Arbitrarily path circuit traceable Fig. 2-25. Different types of walks. REFERENCES ‘Textbooks listed in Chapter 1 are to be read for this chapter also. Specially recom- mended are « Berge [1-1], Chapters 1, 7, 11, and 17. Busacker and Saaty [1-2], Chapters 1, 3, and 6. Harary [1-5], Chapter 7. Ore [1-9], Chapters 2 and 3. Ore [1-10], Chapters | and 2. veer 36 PATHS AND CIRCUITS: cuap. 2 6. Seshu and Reed [I-13], Chapter 2. For arbitrarily traceable graphs, one should read Ore’s paper [2-5]. Additional infor- mation on properties of Hai Itonian graphs can be found in papers by Tuite [2-8], Ore {2-6}, Smith and Tutte [2-7], and Dirac [2-3]. Chapters 4 and 5 of Tutte’s book [2-9] are also devoted to paths and Euler paths. On the traveling-salesman problem there are many papers. In an excellent survey Bellmore and Nemhauser [2-1] summarize and list most of these papers. Deo and Hakimi [2-2] generalized the Hamiltonian-path problem and applied it to a wiring problem in computers. 22. 2-3, Betimoxe, M., and G. i. Nemmauser, “The Traveling Sale Survey,” Operations Res., Vol. 16, 1968, 938-938. Deo, N., and S. L. HaKIMI, “The Shortest Generalized Hamiltonian Tree,” Proc. Third Annual Allerton Conf., University of Illinois, 1965, 879-888. Dirac, G.A., “Connectivity Theorems for Graphs,” Quart J. Math. Oxford, Ser. (2), Vol. 3, 1952, 171-174. Liy, S., “Computer Solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem,” RSTJ, Vol. 44, 1965, 2245-2769, ‘One, 0., “A Problem B Vol. 6, 1961, 49-53. Ore, O., “Note on Hamilton Circuits,” Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 67, 1960, 55. Suir, C. A, B., and W.T. Turte, “On Unicursal Paths in a Network of Degree Four,” Am. Math. Monthly, Vol. 48, 1941, 233-237. Turte, W.T., “On Hamiltonian Circuits,” J. London Math. Soc., Vol. 21, 1946, 98-101. Ture, W. T., Connectivity in Graphs, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1966. Harary. F... and G. W. Witcox. “Boolean Overations on Graphs.” Math, Scand.. Vol. 20, 1967, 41-51. PROBLEMS Verity that the two graphs in Fig, 2-2 are isomorphic. Label the corresponding vertices and edges. Show hy redrawing, step hy step, that graphs (b) and (c) in Fig. 2-3 are isomorphic to (a). Show that the vo graphs in Figs. 2-26(a) and (b) are isomorphic. a N, (a) () Fig. 2-26 cua. 2 PROBLEMS 37 24, 25, 2-6, 21. 2-8, 2.9, 240. 2. 2.12, 213, 214, 215, 216. 247. 2-18. 2-19. 2-20, Construct three more examples to show that conditions 1, 2, and 3 in Section 2-1 are not sufficient for isomorphism between graphs. Prove that any two simple connected graphs with 1 vertices, all of degree two, are isomorphic. Are the two graphs in Fig, 2-27 isomorphic? Why? SIN Oo} ©) Fig. 2-27 Given the set of cubes represented by the graph in Fig. 2-6, is it possible to stack all four cubes into a column such that each side shows only one color? Explain. Prove that a simple graph with a vertices must be connected if it has more than [ca — 1) — 2)1/2 edges. (Hint: Use Theorem 2-3.) Prove that if a connected graph G is decomposed into two subgraphs g1 and go, there must be at least one vertex common between g1 and g2. Prove that a connected graph G remains connected after removing an edge ¢; from G, if and only if e; is in some circuit in G. Draw a connected graph that becomes disconnected when any edge is removed from it. Prove that a graph with n vertices satis! simple, and (b) has exactly n — 1 edges ing the condition of Problem 2-11 is (a) What is the length of the path from the entrance to the center of the maze in Probiem 1-77 List all the different paths between vertices 5 and 6 in Fig. 2-5(a). Give the length of each of these paths. Group the paths listed in Problem 2-14 into sets of edge-disjoint paths. Demon strate that the union of two edge-disjoint paths between a pair of vertices forms a circuit Ina graph G let p; and p2 be two different paths between two given vertices. Prove that pi @ pz is a circuit or a set of circuits in G. Let a, 6, and c be three distinct vertices in a graph. There is a path between a and band also there is a path between 6 and c, Prove that there is a path between @ and c, If the intersection of two paths is a disconnected graph, show that the union of the two paths has at least one circuit. You are given a 10-piece damino set whose titles have the following set of dots: 1, 2)5 1, 3)5 C1, 4)s C1, 5) (2, 3s (2,4); 2, 5); G4); G, 5); G, 5). Discuss the possibility of arranging the tiles in a connected series such that one number on a title always touches the same number on its neighbor. (Hint: Use a five-vertex complete graph and see if it is an Euler graph.) Is it possible to move a knight on a chessboard such that it completes every per- 38 221. 2-22. 2.24. 2-26, 227. 2-28. 2-29. PATHS AND CIRCUITS cuap. 2 missible move exactly once? A move between two squares is counted as one regard- less of the direction in which it is made. (Hint: Is the graph of Problem 1-6 uni cursal ?) ‘A round-robin tournament (when every player plays against every other) among 1 players (w being an even number) can be represented by a complete graph of n vertices. Discuss how you would schedule the tournaments to finish in the shortest possible time. Observe that there can be no path longer than a Hamiltonian path (if it exists) in a graph. Show that neither of the graphs in Fig. 2-22 has a Hamiltonian path (and therefore no Hamiltonian circuit). [Hint: For Fig. 2-22(a), of all the edges incident at a vertex only two can be included in a Hamiltonian circuit. Count the number of edges that have to be excluded. You will find that 13 edges must be excluded from Fig. 2.22(a). The number of remaining edges is insufficient to form a Hamiltonian circuit. For Fig. 2-22(h), first cons Show dodecahedion ¢ three and six vertices of degree four) has no Hamiltonian path (and therefore no Hamiltonian circuit). Draw a graph in which an Euler line is also a Hamiltonian circuit. What can you say about such graphs in general? Is it possible, starting from any of the 64 squares of the chessboard, to move a Knight such that it occupies every square exactly once and returns to the initial 7 if so, give one such tour, (fin: Look for a Hamiitonian circuit in the graph of Probiem 1-6.) Prove that a graph G with n vertices always has a Hamiltonian path if the sum of the degrees of every pair of vertices v;, v in G satisfies the condition Mui) + dv) zn 1. (Hint: First show that G is connected. Then use induction on path length in G.) Using the result of Problem 2-28, show that in a dancing ring of 1 children it is, always possible to arrange the children so that everyone has a friend at each side if every chiid enjoys friendship with at ieast haif the children. ler all vertices of degree two.]

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