Can Crusher Report
Can Crusher Report
Can Crusher Report
Pneumatics is a branch of technology, which deals with the study and application of
use of pressurized gas to affect mechanical motion.
Pneumatic systems are extensively used in industry, where factories are commonly plumbed
with compressed air or other compressed inert gases. This is because a centrally-located and
electrically-powered compressor that powers cylinders and other pneumatic devices
through solenoid valves is often able to provide motive power in a cheaper, safer, more flexible,
and more reliable way than a large number of electric motors and actuators. Pneumatics also
has applications in dentistry, construction, mining, and other areas.
Factory-plumbed, pneumatic-power users need not worry about poisonous leakages as the gas
is commonly just air. Smaller or stand-alone systems can use other compressed gases which
are an asphyxiation hazard, such as nitrogen - often referred to as OFN (oxygen-free nitrogen),
when supplied in cylinders.
Any compressed gas other than air is an asphyxiation hazard - including nitrogen, which makes
up 77% of air. Compressed oxygen (approx. 23% of air) would not asphyxiate, but it would be
an extreme fire hazard, so is never used in pneumatically powered devices.
Portable pneumatic tools and small vehicles such as Robot Wars machines and other hobbyist
applications are often powered by compressed carbon dioxide because containers designed to
hold it such as soda stream canisters and fire extinguishers are readily available, and the phase
change between liquid and gas makes it possible to obtain a larger volume of compressed gas
from a lighter container than compressed air would allow. Carbon dioxide is an asphyxiant and
can also be a freezing hazard when vented inappropriately.
Both pneumatics and hydraulics are applications of fluid power. Pneumatics uses
an easily compressible gas such as air or a suitable pure gas, while hydraulics uses relatively
incompressible liquid media such as oil. Most industrial pneumatic applications use pressures of
about 80 to 100 psi (550 to 690 KPa). Hydraulics applications commonly use from 1,000 to
5,000 psi (6.9 to 34 MPa), but specialized applications may exceed 10,000 psi (69 MPa).
Liquid (as a gas is also a 'fluid') does not absorb any of the supplied energy.
Capable of moving much higher loads and providing much higher forces due to the
The hydraulic working fluid is basically incompressible, leading to a minimum
of spring action.
When hydraulic fluid flow is stopped, the slightest motion of the load releases the
pressure on the load; there is no need to "bleed off" pressurized air to release the pressure
on the load.
Pneumatic cylinders turn air pressure into linear motion. They are
like automobile pistons except the piston (and connecting rod) is pushed by an influx of
pressurized gas instead of a gasoline explosion. The piston must be returned to the starting
position after each stroke. If a spring is used to return the piston, it is a single acting cylinder. If
air pressure is used to return the piston, it is a double acting cylinder.
Double acting pneumatic cylinders are more expensive than single acting pneumatic
cylinders, but double acting cylinders are superior to single acting cylinders by any other
important measure. Double acting cylinders are faster, stronger and use less energy to do the
same job. In industrial applications, single acting cylinders are used if possible, but when speed
or force is important, double acting cylinders are employed. Applications include opening and
closing valves and doors, taking things off conveyor belts and putting things on conveyor belts.
They are also used for lifting merchandise and moving merchandise around as well as for
presses and punches.
Pneumatic cylinders including double acting cylinders have been an important
component of robots since the introduction of McKibben artificial muscles. Robotic arms move in
a much more natural way if the arms are fitted with muscles resembling those of the human
arm. McKibben artificial muscles consist of rubber tubes enclosed in a metal mesh. When the
rubber tubes are inflated, the metal mesh expands in diameter and decrease in length--pulling
the arm. Arms (both artificial and natural) really have two sets of muscles--one on the front
(biceps) to decrease the joint angle and another on the back of the arm (triceps) that increases
the joint angle. Because these muscles must work together, the pressures must be coordinated
very quickly, so double acting cylinders are essential for supplying air to the McKibbens.
Double acting cylinders are used in automobile, motorcycle, Automated Transfer
Vehicle (ATV) and airplane landing gear suspensions because the bumps come so fast that a
single acting cylinder would be impractical. Double acting cylinders are used in drilling, log
splitters and earth moving equipment because the forces required make single acting cylinders
impractical. Double acting cylinders are found in back hoes, elevators, trash compactors,
garbage trucks, fork lifts, jacks and those machines in junk yards that compress old cars. They
are also used in medical applications that power ventilators--those machines that help people
breath. Double acting cylinders are finding increasing applications in the space program--they
open and close the shuttle bay doors--because the high radiation levels in space make it
important to replace electric motors with pneumatics and hydraulics. Radiation interferes with
electronics but not with hydraulics or pneumatics.
They are generally specified using the number of ports and the number of switching
positions. It can be represented in general form as np/ns, where np is the number of ports
connected to the direction control valve and ns the number of switching positions.
Pneumatic direction control valves can be divided into three main categories:-
Two Way DCV
Three Way DCV
Four Way DCV
A three way DCV has a pressure port P, an outlet port A and an exhaust port E.
The pressure port P is connected to compressed air source and the outlet port A is connected
to the actuator. The exhaust port E is directly open to the atmosphere
When the button is pressed to move the valve against the spring, the
pressure port and the outlet ports are connected. So the flow will be from P to A.
When the button is not pressed, the spring causes the valve to be in the position where
the outlet and exhaust ports are connected. So the flow will be from A to E.
Recycling is wonderful way to help the environment, even if you think otherwise when you're
hauling big, bulky bags crammed with empty cans to the curb. One device that will make your
life easier, and your recycling haul much more compact, is the can crusher. Can crushers are
available in a number of styles, sizes and speed, with models to suit everyone from the heavy
soda drinker to the recycling center manager.
The main aim of a can crusher is to smash an empty aluminum can into the smallest
unit possible. Anyone who drinks a couple of sodas a week may never see the need to compact
the cans, but others who are heavy drinkers may find these devices very helpful. Restaurants,
bars, catering halls and recycling plants are places where a can crusher is pretty much a must.
Can crushers are powered by different methods, but all share similar features. Cans are
deposited or placed into a chamber outfitted with a device that crushes the cans. The device
can be a disk that smashes the cans from above. A metal unit that gives the cans a two-sided
force to crush them, or a massive, mechanical chamber that crushes cans on an assembly line.
Pneumatic can crushers work on air power, just like the first subway introduced in New
York City. A hefty blast of air, usually pumped from some type of pressurized tank, will move the
crushing device in a quick and exact motion and crush the can. The pneumatic tube is about the
size of large, rolled-up poster. Many of these machines are homemade.
Manual can crushers rely on a person's force to crush the can. Some of the manual types
resemble desk-top paper-hole punchers. Instead of inserting paper into the device to punch
holes in it, people insert a can and press down to crush. These table-top units are relatively
inexpensive and suitable for residential use.
Medium-sized motorized units may be functional enough for restaurants and other
commercial establishments. Many of the basic motorized can crushers are a comparatively
inexpensive choice. A common type allows cans to be lined up and fed into the machine, which
crushes them in an internal, motorized compartment and spits out the crushed can below. Some
of these crushers are about the size of a large end table and can be fairly quiet.
Heavy duty can-crushing duties will work best with one of the many industrial can
crushers in the market. These units can run into the thousands of dollars but are a must for any
major recycling and buy-back facilities. Design particulars vary widely, but most run with a
conveyor belt that feeds cans into a large, central unit and spits them out on the other end.
Some include an automated washing chamber where cans are rinsed before crushing. These
units have quick crushing times. Some may also be able to crush metal 5-gallon pails and
smaller, aluminum car parts.
Pneumatic can crushers are powered by air pressure. This device is fitted with a pneumatic
cylinder (pressurized tank) that pumps air with a tremendous force to set the crushing device
into motion, which then falls onto the can. It can effortlessly reduce the volume of the tin to
approximately 1/5th of its original size.