Tenancy Agreement
Tenancy Agreement
Tenancy Agreement
This is a tenancy agreement on a Three Bedroom House (Containing Kitchen, Toilet and Bathroom) located at Mim Lowcost between the parties below:
Name : MAD. CECILIA AWUAH MAB/MM/002 MIM AHAFO BOX AD 13482 KUMASI Contact No.: 024084940 / 0243 467464
Name : Address:
Contact No.:
Name :
Contact No.:
Name :
Contact No.:
RENT INCREASE At the end of every agreement period, the Landlord may increase the rent for the existing tenant. A Landlady will give the tenant three (3) whole months notice, in writing, of a rent increase. ASSIGN OR SUBLET The tenant cannot or should not assign or sublet the facility or part to another person without the written consent of the Landlord. REPAIRS 1) Landlady's obligations:
a. The Landlady must provide and maintain the residential property in a reasonable state of decoration and repair, suitable for occupation by a tenant.
b. If the landlady is required to make a repair to comply with the above
obligations, the tenant may discuss it with the Landlady. c. Allow the tenant quiet enjoyment of the premises. d. Comply with all building, health and safety standards that apply to the premises. e. Inform the tenant if the property is on the market for sale. 2) Tenant's obligations:
a. The tenant must maintain reasonable health, cleanliness and sanitary
standards throughout the facility and the other residential property to which the tenant has access. The tenant must take the necessary steps to repair damage to the residential property caused by the actions or neglect of the tenant or a person permitted on the residential property by the tenant.
b. If the tenant does not comply with the above obligations within a
reasonable time, the landlady may discuss the matter with the tenant and may seek a monetary order through dispute resolution for the cost of repairs, serve a notice to end a tenancy, or both. c. Pay the rent on time. d. Keep the premises reasonably clean and tidy, and notify the owner as soon as any repairs are needed. e. Use the premises for the purposes stated in the tenancy agreement. f. Not damage or permit damage to the premises, and to inform the owner of any damage. g. Not disturb the neighbours or the owners other tenants. h. Not alter the premises without the owners written consent. i. Not use the property for any unlawful purpose.
Leave the property clean and tidy, and clear of rubbish and possessions at
ENDING THE TENANCY 1) The tenant may end the tenancy periodic by giving the landlady at least three months written notice. A notice given the day before the rent is due in a given month ends the tenancy at the end of the following three months. 2) This notice must be in writing and must a. include the date the tenancy is to end, b. be signed and dated by the tenant, and
c. include the specific grounds for ending the tenancy, if the tenant is ending a
tenancy because the landlady has breached a material term of the tenancy.
The landlady may end the tenancy with three months notice based on any of the following reasons:
a. Where, otherwise than as a result of a breach of the tenancy agreement, the
premises are destroyed, or are so seriously damaged as to be unfit for the purpose stated in the tenancy agreement; in which case the tenant shall give no less than 14 days notice. b. When the tenant has requested to move out of the facility The owner may terminate the tenancy with two month notice in writing if: c. the owner has an agreement to sell the premises with vacant possession; or d. the premises are required for occupation by the owner or a member of the owners family.
The owner may terminate the tenancy with one months notice in writing if: e. the tenant has caused or threatened to cause substantial damage to the premises; or f. the tenant has assaulted, or threatened to assault, the owner, a member of the owners family, or a neighbour; or
g. the tenant has failed to comply with a term of the tenancy agreement, and has not corrected the situation within a reasonable time after the owner gives written notice to do so; or h. rent is unpaid and remains unpaid after the due date as set out in the tenancy agreement. 5) The landlord and tenant may mutually agree in writing to end this tenancy agreement at any time. 6) The tenant must vacate the residential property by 1 p.m. on the day the tenancy ends, unless the landlord and tenant otherwise agree.
Name :
Name : Signature: