Targets For 2011 Plus Details
Targets For 2011 Plus Details
Targets For 2011 Plus Details
Target One Of the children that were described as below National Standards in 2010 in an end of year report, 70 % of them will be described as at, in reading by the end of 2011. Target Two Of the children that were described as below National Standards in 2010 in an end of year report, 70 % of them will be described as at, in mathematics by the end of 2011.
Students will be involved in assessing their own achievement, setting goals for learning, and evaluating progress.
Teachers will gather a broad range of evidence to inform OTJ and use diagnostic tools in collaboration with students.
Leaders will regularly hold meetings where they moderate teachers assessments during term 2 and 3.
Improved Student Achievement This is what we will notice if we are successful. Students after one year at school will be achieving at Stanine 5 or better in all subtests of Observation survey. They will be reading texts at green level and be making meaning and thinking critically using a repertoire of reading processing and comprehension strategies. They will have a sound phonological knowledge which they bring to their reading and writing of unknown words. Students after three years at school will be achieving at Stanine 5 or better in their STAR test. They will be reading texts at gold level and be making meaning and thinking critically using a repertoire of reading processing and comprehension strategies. No student will be of concern or at risk by the end of the year in writing. (level 1iii) All students will be using reading and writing effectively as tools for learning. Students in Y4-6 Will reach or exceed asTTle expectations in reading to understand, making inferences and knowledge. Will reach or exceed asTTle expectations in writing. Students will be achieving at the levels described in the National Standards All students Boys and Maori student achievement will match that of their peers. Students underachieving will make accelerated progress. Students in Y 1-6 will be using writing to deepen their knowledge and creating texts to present their learning in other curriculum areas. Students will be reading and writing about their learning experiences in Science and the Social Sciences. Students will be achieving at the levels described in the National standards. All students will be engaged in their learning. They will be talking about what they are learning, why, and how to improve. They will be talking about their goals and how they are going towards achieving them.
Teachers will be analysing and interpreting assessment data effectively to identify specific strengths and needs. This information will be reflected in their planning. Teachers will be talking about students at risk and of concern and what rates of progress need to be made to catch them up to expected levels.
Senior staff will assist teachers review assessment data effectively to identify specific strengths and needs.
Teaching activities are aligned to the strategic goals. Teachers will be using their knowledge of the reading and writing demands in Science, Social Sciences, and Numeracy to plan learning programmes to support their students in learning successfully across the curriculum.
Children that are not progressing at the rate we deem appropriate will have varying forms of intervention applied depending on the individual involved.