OP 1280 (1955) A-C Bombs
OP 1280 (1955) A-C Bombs
OP 1280 (1955) A-C Bombs
25, D. C.
CHANGE 2 23 July 1957
insert change; write on cover Change 2 inserted
Approved by The Chief of the Bureau
ie changed as PoJl,o*,:
5. 6.
After the above corrections and additions have been ( sheet in the front of the book, following the title page -~~
OP 1280
30 August 1955
D. C.
30 August l%xi CONFIDENTIAL ORDNANCE AIRCRAFT PAMPHLET BOMBS Revision) describes aircraft for their flight preparation. bombs in 1280 (FIRST REVISION)
2. This publication is int)ended for use by all personnel concerned use of aircraft bombs and associated eyuipment
with tactical
3. This publication supersedes OP 878 (SCCOIM~ Revision), OP 1280, dated 17 February 1945, and 071 AV%45, which should l)e dcstgroycd by burning.
4. It is nob intended
bc carried in aircraft
5. This publication is CONFTDE:NTIAI, and shall be safeguarded in accordance with the securitjy provisions of IT. S. Navy Regulations and the provisions of applicable Federal Statutes and Executive Orders summarized in the Department of Defense Lndustrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified As statled in Article 0006.2 of OPNAVINST 5510.1A, da,ted Information. 2 October 1954, it is forbidden to make extracts from or to copy this classified document without authorization.
OP 1280 (1st Rev) CHANGE 1 To all holders of ORDNANCE PAMPHLEYI1280 (FIRST REVISION) insert change; write on cover 'Change 1 inserted' Approved by The Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance
is changed as follows:
1. 2.
Page iv, add 'Section 11.9 - 250-lb Practice Bomb Mk 86 Mod 0 - - - 222a". Page viii, add
"ii.23 - 250-lb Practice 130mbMk 86 Mod 0 - - - - - - - - - 222a 11.24 - 250-lb Practice Bomb Mk 86 Mod G, Exploded View - 222b 11.25 - 250-lb Practice Bomb Mk 86 Mod 0, Cutaway View - - 22211". 3* Page 191, add "Section 11.9 - 250-lb Practice Bomb Mk 86 Mad 0".
4. Practice Bomb Mk 86 Mod 0". Page 193, add under Practice Bombs '!250-lb
5. Between pages 221-222 and 223-224, insert the attached new pages 222a, 222b, 222c, and 222d. 6. After the above corrections and additions have been completed, insert this CHANGE sheet
in the front of the book, following the title page.
Chapter Page
1. INTRODUCTION_ ___-______ .___..__ _- -.._ .____.. -_------_..-------_______ Section I.l-General_.-______. .____ -___ _._._______ -----_-___-__-_-------Section 1.2-Fuzes--_-__..___. ._______--_ ._______ -___- _____.._ ---_--- -.--_ Section 1.3-ArmingWires--._.____ -_-_ _._._ -_-_------_------_-_--------Section 1.4-Packing------__. __-___.._ _._ _----- ____ _------..-.__----. --_ 2. ARMOR-PIERCING BOMBS% .___.. __-_ _ _.____.__ --_--_-.- _____ --~-_-___Section 2.I--General________-_ I ____ -___ - -~. ___-_____ -- ________ -_ _____ .__ Section 2.2-lOOO-lb AP Bomb AN-MB 33 and Mods------------.---~__-- __Section 2.3-16OO-lb AP Bomb AN-MB 1 a,nd Mods ------_-___ -_-------._3. SEMI-ARMOR-PIERCING BOMBS ____-._--.---___-_______ -----__-. -_-.--Section 3.I-General------_---..----.-.-_._._ ..-_-_------_--_-_-_ ----_-____ Section 3.2--500-lb SAP Bombs AN--M58A2, AN-M58, and AN-M58Al_ _ _ _ _- _ Section 3.3-IOOO-lb SAP Bombs AN-M59Al and AN--M59 - __ - _ _ __ - _ - _. __ __ _ _ Section3.4-2000-lb SAPBomb Ml03 ___._ -- ..--_-_- ___.._____ -- .____ -----..-4. GENERAI, PURPOSE BOMBS -_-___-_~~._. ___._______ _- ___.____ -__-..-Section 4.1-General______ --_ ._------._. _ ..__ -___-_ --- _____..__________. _ Section 4.2-l OO-lb GP Bomb AN-M30Al with Fin Assembly AN-M 103Al - - _ Section 4.3-loo-lb GP Bomb AN-M30Al with Fin Assembly I14135 (t144) _ - - - Section 4.4-250-lb GP Bomb AN-*M57Al witih Fin Assembly AN-MlO6Al .-- - - Section 4.5-2FiO-lb GP Bomb AN-M57Al with Fin Assembly Ml26 (l147) ~~ Section 4.6-500-lb GP Bomb AN-M64Al with Fin Assemb1.y AN-MlO9Al ._~ _ Section 4.7-500-lb GP Bomb AN-M64Al with Fin Assembly Ml28-411 (T127) -Section 4.8-lOOO-lb GP Bomb AN-M65Al wit,h Fin Assembly AN-M-1 13Al - _- Section 4.9-1000-lb GP Bomb AN-M65Al with Fin Assembly Ml29 (T142) ~- __ Section 4. IO-2000-lb GP Bomb AN--M66A2 with Fin Assembly ,4N-I\4 I 16Al - _ Se&ion 4.11--2OOO-lb GP Bomb AN--M66A2 with Fin Assembly Ml30 (I143) .- 5. GENERaI, PURPOSE BOMBS (rmw DRAG)-----------.--.__..____-----Section 5.1--General---------.~-_ _-__--._ .~-.__-__----~_ __..- ~--- .---.__ Section 5.2-250-lb GP Bomb M k 81 Mod 1 - - - - - _- - - _ __ - - - _ _ _ -Section 5.3---500-lb GP Bomb hf k 82 Mods 0 and 1- _ _ _ - _ __ _ ~. - - - - - - - - -. - Section 5.4---1000-lb GP Bomb Mk 83 Mods 2 and1 3- _ - - __ _____-. - -_-. --- - .-Section 5.5--2000-lb GP Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 - . - - - - _- - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - 6. FR,4GMENTATION BORIBS_m _--.-. --- .----------________. ___-_-..-Scction6.1--General_-..~.~-._ -------_~..~-._____ ._~-- --_----...-__-_-..-Section 6.2-4-lb Fragmentation Bomb MS3 - - - - - _ - - _ - __ _ - - _- - . _- - - - - - - - Section 6.3-20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M4lAl_ _ ____ ___ _ _ __ --. - - - _--Section 6.4-go-lb Fragmentation Bomb M82 - - - - - - _ _ __ _ __ _ _ - ~. - - - - - - Section 6.5-220-lb Fragmentat ion Bomb AN-M88 with Fin Assembly ANMlO:~Al~__ ~-~-_~ __..__ - - ~--- -~. ..~-- --- __________ _-~-.--Section 6.6-220-113 Fragmentation Bomb AN-M88 with Fin Assembly Ml35Section 6.7.-26O-lb Fragmentat,ion Bomb AN-M81 with Fin Assembl,y ANM103A1 -~- -~_~ ~-~ ~-~.-._ -__-_---.~---- -- - Section 6.8-260-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81 with Fin Assembly M 135- - -. -
124 128
... III
7. FRAGMENTATION BOMB CLIJSTERS- __.._ - - -- --- .- - -- _ __. . ___ _ ____ _ Section7.1-General___----..~.-_--------_~__-_-~-_-_._-~ _~ __.~~ __.__ Section 7.2-loo-lb Fragmen-tation Bomb Cluster AN-MIA2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Section 7.3-loo-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M28A2 - - - - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Section 7.4-500-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M26A2 (M26Al) _ _ . _ _ _ __ __ __ _ Section 7.5~500-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M27AI _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Section 7.6-500-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M29A1. - - - _ __ _._. _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ 8. DEMOLITION BOMBS- - .___ --~~ ____. ..__. _ --- ----_ - --_ .__... ________ __ Section8.1--General__-_.----. _-___.-- ~-~- -._____ __._._ _~_- ...__________ Section 8.2-750-lb Demolition Bomb R/1117--- _ -_~ ___-- ._______._ __________ Section 8.3~3000-lb Demolition Bomb Mll8_ -- - ----- .- --- .__....__________ 9. AIRCRAFT DEPTH BOhlBS---__._ ._____. - _.-----~~ - - ____..._ ~_~ _._.__ Section9.1-General------_~_~_---...------_ ~_ -~-~-- --~~~~~ ___._.____ Section 9.2-:35O-lb AD Bomb AN-MB 54 Mods 0 and l- - - _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.0. MINIATURE PRACTICE BOMBS-----_-~_._-~---~ - ---_~_~ _______ ~__ Section IO.l--General-_______- -___- .______._ ---------.-_ - ___...____ __.__ Section 10.2~3-lb MP Bomb Mk 5 Mods 0, 1, 2, and 3-- _____ ____ _~~ ___ 3-lbMPBombAN-Mk23ModsOand I-..-.~-_-__...._._____ ~__ 4.5-11->MPl~ombMk43ModsOand I------.------_ .__________ Section 10.3--13-lb MP Bomb Mk 19 hfods 0 and 1 . .._ -- _- _- ___ _ .______ _~_ _ II. PRACTICE BOMBS-------__------.-----.__~-__~_ _~~ __._..______ ~_~_ Section II.I--General---_------_----.------_.____ -___~ _______..____ _____ Section 11.2--25-lb Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod O-..--..----.---___.. ___._ _____ Section lI.:<--loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 3 _. __-_- _ __ __ _ _. .____ _____ Section 11.4---loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 4-. ---.-_ - ~_-~__. ________. _ Section 1 I.5--5OO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 65 Mod O_ __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Section 11.6--lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 66 Mod 0 - - - - _ - - - _ __ _ _ __ _ _ . . Section I1,7-lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Mod 0 ~~~ _. _ __ _ __ _ . __ _ _ _ __ __ _ Section 11.8-2000-lb Practice Bomb M k 67 Mod 0 ~___ _ _ ____ __ . __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 12. FIRE BOMBS--~-_-~ ..__ -_-__----------_---_.__.____ - _..___________________ Section 12.I--General----------.-_----------. _..._____.____ __.___________ Section 12.2-750-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod O---. _. _ _ _ __ _ __ - _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Section 12.3-750-113 Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0 with Bomb Conversion Kit Mk 19 Mod o__----_-~---___-_-______________________-------~----------------Section 12.4--500-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 1_ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Section 12.5--750-113 Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2_. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Section 12.6-lOOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0 - ___ _ _____ -_ __-___ _ ___________ se+:orr, /I. 9 - gj34. r3,&+~4 &Ml2 /wkgvi /utod 0 - - --I2 A ai). , *$&ion swum muon maon smtion 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 se-lb practice 500-lb Practice 2!j-lb Practice 2!j-lb Practice 25-lb practice Bomb Mk 89 Mod 0 Bomb Mk 87 Mod 9 Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1 Bomb Mk 76 Mod 2 Bomb Mk 76 Mod 3 - fig - ii:, - 222u
133 135 139 143 147 151 159 159 16 1 165 171 171 173 179 179 181 181 181 186 193 193 196 200 204 208 211 215 219 225 225 228 232 235 239
243 Zl7c)
Figure Page
-Explosive Train .___. --- -~---- ~~ - ---~ _- ___.. ____ ~._~ _ __._.. --Bombs Released ARMEID and CNARME1)----. I~-~ee~~I~. ~_ _~. _. --ArmingWire--. ~-- ..~_ - _ ~~~ ~_~.--- ~~----__- ___.. _~_~._. --PackingofBombs-_ ~- ._~-~_ _~- ~~ ~~~-~-- ~~----__-_-~__ _.~_~__ -Packing of Fins _____ -~._--~ ~._~_--~ ---_~---__--..-_---__.. -~ ____.. -PackingofArmingWires-_----_~ - ..~.~---_----~_.-_--_. _~ ____._ --Armor-piercing Bombs, Comparative Size- - - _ _ - - - - _- - - - - - - - _ _ -lOOO-lbAPBombA.N-Mk33_-~_ ~-- - - -.~_-_ - ___. ~--_~_~~- --_~___ -lOOO-lb AP Bomb A.N-M k 33, Exploded View. _ - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - _ _ _ _- - - - - _. 2.4 --lOOO-lb AP Bomb A.N-Mk 33, Cutaway View _ _ __ __ _ __ _ - _ _ - _ - - - _ 2.5 --1600-lb AP Bomb A.N-Mk 1 ~-_~---~~ __ ~_~~_-- -~_-~..-_-----~~ - ~~__~ 2.6 -1600-lbAPBombAN-Mk 1,Explodcd View- _- -~- _-~--___-~-_~_._~ ____. 2.7 -1600-lb AP Bomb A.N--Mk 1, Cutawa.y View_~-~-~ -~___--_~-----~--___ 3.1 --Semi-armor-piercing Bombs, Compara,tivc Size ___ ~. _ __. _ _ - - _ __ _ _ . _ - ___~_~_~ _ _~-~-- -~ ___. --___~~--~ -~.-3.2 -5OO-lbSAPBombA.N-R/158823.3 --50O-lb SAP Bomb A.N-M58A2, Exploded View _ - - _ _ - - - _ _. _- _ _- _ 3.4 -p5OO-lb SAP Bomb A.N-M 5882, Cut,away View- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ ~. _- _ __ _ - __ _ 3.5 -lOOO-lb SAP Bomb A.N-M59Al - - - - - - ~. _ _ - _ ~. ~. - - _ - _ _ 3.6 --lOOO-lb SAP Bomb A-N-1M59A1, Exploded View _ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - _ ~. _ - _ 3.7 --1 OOO-lbSAP Bomb A.N-M59A1, Cut away View _. _ __ - _ _ __ -_ 3.8 --2000-1bSAPBomb MlO3. ~__~ ._~ _-_ _.~-~~_..~-~-.-~--~ .~ 3.9 ---2OOO-lb SAP Bomb Ml03, Exploded View -_ - ~~_ ._. _. -~~___ ~-~ .~- -. --~ 3.10--2000-lb SAP Bomb MlO3, CutJaway Viclw - - - _ _ __ - - - - _ __ - - - - _ -. - - 4.1 --General Pdrposc Bombs, Com.parat,ivc Size . _ - - _ __ _ _ - _ -. . _ - - 4.2 ---loo-lb GP Bomb A.N.-M30Al with Fin Asstlmbly A.N-MlO3Al~ _ - - - . ~. - - - _ 4.3 -loo-lb GP Bomb A.N-M30Al with Fin Assembly A.N-M 103A1, Exploded View-4.4 -loo-lb GP Bomb A.N-M30Al with Fin Assembly A,N-M103A1, Cutaway View-4.5 --loo-lb GP Born... A.N-M30Al with Fin Assembly Ml35, Exploded View- - - - 4.6 --250-lb GP Bomb A.N-M57Al wit,11Fill Assembly AN-M lOsAl_ - - --4.7 --250-lb GP Bomb A.??-M57Al with Fin Assembly A.N-M106A1, Exploded Vicw4.8 -m-250-lb GP Bomb AN-Ms7Al wit,h Fin Assrbmbly AN-hl106A1, Cutalway View- _ 4.9 --25O-lb GP Boqb AN--M57Al with Fin Assembly !~ll26, Exploded View - - 4.10--5OO-lb &P 13omb A.N-M64Al with Fir1 Asscbmbly A.?-M109Al- . - ~. -. I- 4.1 l-5OO-lb GP Bomb A.N -M64Al wi t,h Fin Assmbly A.N-M 1O9A1, Explod et1 View4.12--5OO-lb GP T3omb AN-M64Al with Fin Assembly A.N-MlOSAl, Cutaway View- 4.13--5OO-lb GP Bomb A.N-M64Al wit,21Fill Asscm.bly M128A1, Exploded View. 4.14-PlOOO-lb GP Bomb A.N-M65Al with Fill Assembly AN-M113,41 ~~4.15-l OOO-lbGP Born b A.N-M65Al wit 11Fin Assembly AIT\X-M 113A1, Exploded View 4.16-m.lOOO-lb GP Born... AN-M65Al wit,11Fin Assembly A.N-Mll3A1, Cutlaway V&v 4.17--lOOO-lb GP Bomb A.N-M65Al with Fin Assembly Ml29, Exploded View 4.18---ZOOO-lb GP Bomb A.N-M66A2 with Fill Asscmbl~~ A.N-Mll6Al ~~.~ 4.19---2000-lb GP Bomb A.N-M66A2 wit,11Fin Assembly A.R;r-M1ISAl, Exploded Vic\w 4.20--2000-113 GP Bomb AN-M66A2 with Fin Assembly AN-Ml 16A1, Cut)awttp Vitlw 4.21---2000-lb GP Bomb A-N-1M66A2 wit,h Fin Assembly M130, Exploded View -
4 8
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5.la--Low-drag General Purpose Bombs (Electrically Fuzed), Comparative Size . . . __ 84 5.1b--Low-drag General Purpose Bombs (Mechanical1.y Fuzed), Comparative Size _ ~. 85 . __ ___ _ _ _ 5.2 ---250-lb GP Bomb Mk 81 LMod 1 (Mechanically Fuzed)-- _ - _ _ 87 5.3 --250-lb GP Bomb Mk 81 Mod 1 (Mechanically Fuzed j, Exploded View-_- . _ _ _ 88 5.4 --250-lb GP Bomb Mk 81 Mod 1 (Mechanically Fuzed), Cutawav View_ ___ _ _ _ _ 89 5. 5 --500-lb GP Bomb Mk 82 Mod 0 (Mechanically Fuzed) . __ - - - - _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 91 5. 6 --500-lb GP Bomb Mk 82 Mod 0 (Mechanically Fuzed), Exploded View- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 92 5. 7 --500-lb GP Bomb Mk 82 Mod 0 (Mechanically Fuzed), Cut,away View- _ _ _ _ __ __ 93 5. 8 --1000~lb GP Bomb Mk 83 Mod 2 (Mechanically Fuzed) . - - - __ __ _ _ _ _ 95 5. 9 --IOOO-lb GP Bomb Mk 83 Mod 2 (Mechanically Fuzcd), Exploded View_ __ _ _ _ 97 5. IO--lOOO-lb GP Bomb Mk 83 Mod 2 (Mechanically Fuzcd), Cutaway Vieur- _ _ __ _ _ 98 5. I l--2OOO-lb GP Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 (Mechanically Fuzed) - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ 100 5. I 2--2000~lb GP Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 (Mechanically Fuzed), Exploded View_ _ ___ _ _ 101 5. 13--2OOO-lb GP Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 (Mechanically Fuzed), Cutaway View - _ _ _ __ 102 6.1 --FragmentationBombs,CompclrativeSize ----.. - ._~~ .____ ~~~..-~~~_~~~__ 107 6.2 --4-lb Fragmentation Bomb M83---~---~ _____ -.~_ - ___.. -----__. _______.__ 109 6. 3 --4-lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 (Armed and Unarmed Positions) _ - _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ 111 6.4 --20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41Al__---_ _-_~~._~_--_-.-- ______._ 112 6. 5 --20-lb Fragmentation Bomb A.N-M4 lA1, Exploded View- ___ __ _ _- - - - _- - _ - __ 113 6. 6 --20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41A1, Cutaway View- _ - _ _ _ _~. - - - - - _ _ __ 114 6. 7 -9O-lb Fragmentation Bomb h482~-_~--_~~--~. ---__.__.. _ _. _-- __--- - ._ 115 6.8 --go-lb Fragmentation Bomb M82, Exploded View_ _ _- - -. _ _ _ _. __ . _ _- - - - - _ 116 6. 9 --go-lb Fragmentation Bomb M82, Cutaway View- _ - _ __ _ - _ _ __ _ _ - _ __ - - - - - _ _ 117 6. IO--220-lb Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M88 wit,h Fin Assembly A.N-MlO3Al_ - - - - - _ _ 118 6. II--220-lb Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M88 with Fin Assembly A.N-MlO3A1, Exploded View ____ _ ____ -___-.-___ ..__ --- _..____ - _._.- __________ - _____ -_-_--119 6. 12.-220-lb Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M88 with Fin Assembly A.N-MlO3A1, Cutaway 121 View _____ ~~__- _.___ - ___._.________ -___-_ -_~_---_~_---_~_-~~._-----..-6. 13.-220-113 Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M88 with Fin Assembly MI35, Exploded View - 122 124 6. 14-260-lb Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M81 with Fin Assemb1.v A-N-M lO3Al- _- - - .-- _ _ 6. 15.-260-113 Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81 with Fin Assembly A-N-MlO3A1, Ex125 plodedview--_.__ -~ __.. -~__~_-__ __~~ -___--___--_ _..~- __..__ - ____._ 6. 16-260~lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81 with Fin Assembly AN-M103A1, Cutawa!g 127 View-- _._____ ____ ____________ -__ ___---___---_ _ _ ___- __-____..__._ 6. 17.-260-113 Fragmentation Bomb A.N-M81 with Fin Assembly A.N-Ml%, Exploded View---_-~-..--_~-~ -__.--._~ ______.__ -~___~- __._ ~_. _~ ..____ _____ .-_ 129-130 135 7. 1 -ClusterAdapterA.N-MlA3-__..__ -~_ .--- .-_---__~_ _~_ ______. -__-~-136 __ 7. 2 -IOO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster A.N-MlA2, Perspective View - - - - - _ - - 137 7.3 -20-lbFragmentationBombA.N-M41A~~~-~~-~~~--.~~ _ _ _.~- ____ --__--_~..139 _ _ ~. - - - - - - - - _ _ 7. 4 -lOO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M28A2 _- - - - . _ _. 140 _- - - ___ ___ _ 7. 5 -lOO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M28A2, Cutaway View141 7.6 -&lb Fragmentation Bomb M83_ _.___.. -_ ----___ _ _.--~-------~~__~_ 143 7.7 -ClusterAdapterA.N-M13A2 ___~ _.___.. --~~~--_~_ _ _ _. -_~~-------__-144 7. 8 -5OO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M26A2, Perspective View- _ - - - . _ _ _- - _ 145 - _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - __ _ _ _ 7.9 -2O-lb Fragmentation Bomb A.N-M41Al_ . 147 7. lO-Cluster Adapter M14Al _.._ _~~ ______..._ _. ~~ ._~ _ _ _ .--__~~-------~~148 7. 1 l-5OO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M27A1, Perspective View-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ 150 7.12--9O-lbFragmentationBombM82.._.__ _.._ ._- ____ _ _ - -~---~~--_~ ____
210 211 212 213 11.16---lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 66 hlod 0, Cutaway View - - - - -- - -- - - - - - _ 215 11.17-IOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Alod O - - _ _ _ _ _ ___. - _ _ ..- _ _ - - - _ - - - _ -. -.216 11.18---lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Ilod 0, Exploded View _-_ - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - --218 View _. _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ - - - _ -. _. ll.l!,-looo-lb P rat atice Bomb Mk 88 Llod 0, Cutaway 219 11.20-2OOO-lb Pract,ic*e Bomb M k 67 hlod 0 _ - _. _ - __ - _- - - - - - - - --. 220 11.2 l-2000-lb Practice Bomb Mk 67 hlod 0, Exploded Vaew _ - - - - - . - _ - - - - - - . 11.22----2000-lb Pratt ice Bomb M k 67 Mod 0, Cutaway View _ - - ---- _ 221--222 -Lx- -= 12.1 -Fire * --- * Bombs, Comparative Size __~ _ ~- ---- --_ _...- ._---_ - -_-~ 226 228 12.2 ---750-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 hlod O_ _. - _- - _ . _ _ _ :- __ __ -- _. -- - - -. -229 12.3 ---75O-lb Fircl Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0, Exploded View _ _ _. -. - -. ~. - - - - - - 230 12.4 -750-lb Firck Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0, Cutaway Viclw- _ ---. -----. -- ~-_ - - --- 12.5 --750-l/~ Fire Lomb ,I/lk 77 hlod 0 with Bomb Conversion Kit hlk 19 0, EX232 ploclccl Vit>w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ~-- - _~____ .~ - _ -- -Mod
7. 13-500-h Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M29A1 - _- - _ __ __ _ _ . _ _ 7. 14-500~lb FrtLgmentrttion Bomb Cluster M29A1, Cutaway View. _ _ _ _ . _ . 7. 15---4-lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 and Wafer _ _ _- - - - _ _ ___ _ _ 8. 1 -Demolition Bombs, Comparative Sizcl- _ _- - - _ . _ _ ___ 8. 2 -750~lb Demolition Bomb 1z/1117(Mechanically Fuzed )- - _~. _ _ 8.3 -750-11~ Demolition Bomb ,Mll7 (Mechanically Fuzed), Exploded View_ _ . 8.4 -750-11~ Demolition Bomb Ml 17 (Mccllanically Fuzed), Cutaway View_ _ 8.5 -3000-lb Demolition Bomb M 118 (Mechanically Fuzed) -- _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.6 -- 3000-lb Demolition Bomb M 118 (Mechanic*ally Exploded View _ __ 8.7 --3000-lb Demolit,ion Bomb Ml18 (Mecl~anically Fuzed), Cutawtty View _ 9.1 --350-lb Aircraft Depth Bomb A.N--Mk 54 hlotf l- - _. _ _ ~. _ _ _ 9.2 -350-lb Aircraft Depth Bomb A.N-Mk 54 Mod 1, Exploded View _ _ _ 9.3 ---350-lb Aircraft Depth Bomb AIRJ-Mk 54 Mod 1, Cuhway View__ 10.1 --;Llilliuturc Practice Bombs, Comparutivc Size _ . __ _. _ 10.2 -3-11) Minirtturc Practice Born... A.N-LLIk 23 Mod I- - - - - - _ . 10.3 --:&lb hfiniature Practice Bomb AN-hlk 23 Mod 1, Exploded View- ._ 10.4 -3-lb Miniature Practice Bomb AN-LIB 23 Mod 1, ICutaway View _ 10.5 ---13-lb Illirhture Practicbe Bomb hlk 19 Mod 1 - _ ~. _ - _. _ 10.6 -13-lb hliniature Practice Bomb Mk I9 Mod 1, Exploded View__. - ~. - _ _ 10.7 --I3-lb Aliniature Practic~c Bomb Mk 19 Mod 1, Cutaway View- - - - ~- -. 11.1 -Practice Bombs, Comparative Size_ _ _ _ _ -Il.2 --25-lb Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 0 _ _ - _ __ 11.3 -25-lb Practice Bomb M k 76 Mod 0, Exploded Vicur- _ _ - - _ 11.4 -25-lb Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 0, Cutaway Viclw-_ __. -. 11.5 --loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 hlotl 3 - _ - _ _ _ ~. 11.6 -loo-lb lracticc Bomb Mk 15 Mod 3, Explotlctl View- _ _. _ -. _ _ - _ 11.7 ---loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Alot 3, Cut,away View _ ~. - _ _- _ _ 11.8 -1 OO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 4 _. _ - - _ - . - _. -- 11.9 -lOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 4, Exploded View _ _ _ ~. ~. _ _ __ _ 11.10--l OO-lb Pratt ice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 4, Cutaway View _ . 11.11--5OO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 65 hlod O- ~_. - -~ ~~ - ~..~11.12-5oo-lt~ P ra( atice Bomb Mk 65 ,\lod 0, Exploded View- _ - - ~. - -. 11 .I:<-500-lb Practice Bomb Mk 65 Alod 0, Cutaway View _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _- _ __- _ I1.14-IOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 66 310~1 0 - -. ~__ . _ _ ._ __. __- _ __ -- _ -. -_ 11.15-lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 66 Jlod 0, Exploded View _~~- _ - - - - - . __. - Fuzcti),
_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
151 153
159 161
162 164 165 166 167 _ __ 173 -174 _ __ 176 ~. __ 179 . _ __ 182 _ _ 183 _ __ 185 _ 186 _ _ 187 _ 189--190 - _ 194 196
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_ _ _
--. -_-
Fiqure 12.6 --SOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod I--..-----------_--~-~~____ - .------__ _ __ 12.7 --SOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 1, Exploded View _- - - - -. - -. - - - _ ___ _ ___ _ - - - - 12.8 --500-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod I, Cutaway View-_- _____.___ _-----..----_._ 12.9 --75O-lb Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2-- ______ __.._._. ___._ _._ ___-~ ------~-_ 12.10--750~lb Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2, Exploded View_- ___- - __ _ ______ .__-- .--- 12.11--750-113 Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2, Cutaway View--- ___._. ___ _ .---- -----~__. _ ----__---.- --- ________ ._. _ 12.12--l ooo-lb F ire Bomb Mk 79 Mod O_ ~------__~ 12.1 S--IOOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0, Exploded View- - _ _- -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - -12.14.--1000-lb Fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0, Cutaway View- ----_.-----------~~ __._
240 241 243 244 247
JAra -b./&
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2%d d
A4a? A
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 222e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 222i
- - - -
Bomb Mk 89 Mod 0, Exploded View - - - - - - - - - 222f Bomb Mk 89 Mod 0, Cutaway View - - - - - - - - - 222g Bomb Mk 87 Mod 0, Exploded View Bomb Mk 87 Mod 0, Cutaway View Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1 - - - - - - - Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1, Exploded View Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1, Cutaway View Bomb Mk 76 Mod 2 - - - - - - - Bomb Mk 76 Mod 2, Exploded View Bomb Mk 76 Mod 2, Cutaway View Bomb Mk 76 Mod 3 - - - - - - - Bomb Mk 76 Mod 3, Exploded View Bomb Mk 76 )dod 3, Cutaway View 2223 222k 222m 222n 2220 22% 222r 222s e 2* 2m
- 500-lb Practice
500-lb Practice 500-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice 25-lb Practice
Chapter 1
Section .I -General 1 Section .P-Fuzes 1 Section J-Arming Wires 1 Section .&-Packing 1
Chapter 1
Section .I -General 1
This publication describes aircraft bombs used by the Navy and the Air Force, and gives instructions for identifying, handling, and assembling these bombs. It also includes safety precautions, physical and charact$eristics (weight and measurements) and component!s of complete rounds in tJabular form. Detailed information concerning installation and the release of bombs from aircraft is not included herein. The security classification of this publicat!ion is CONFIDENTIAL because of the information in chapter 5. All other chapters, however, contain only unclassified information. Aircraft bombs are designed for release over enemy targets to reduce and neutralize their war potential by destructive explosion, fire, nuclear reaction, war gases, biological agents, and interdiction. They are used strategically to destroy installations, armament, and personnel, and tactically to provide direct support of our land and sea forces engaged in offensive or defensive operations. A bomb usually consists of a body, stabilizer, and means of detonation. The body can be filled with either an explosive, chemical, biological, nuclear, or inert filler. Stabilizers are attached to the bomb body and may consist of sheet-metal fins, parachutes, or cloth streamers. The efficient destruction of the various types of enemy targets requires different types of bomhs (fragmentation, blast, incendiary, armor-piercing, etc.). A fundamental characteristic of the explosive charge of a bomb is its relative insensitivity to ordinary shock and heat incident8 to loading, transporting, handling, and storing. A thrccfold advantage is gained by the use of insensitive explosives because they permit :
1. An adequate degree of safety for the using personnel, when the explosives are handled properly ; 2. Maximum target damage by control of the bombs det<onation; 3. Bombs to be dropped SAFE from aircraft without exploding, in most instances. Because of this insensitive characteristic, a fuzc is used to provide a supersensitive explosive element and the action necessary for detonating it. The component of as fuze containing this supersensitive explosive is called the detonator. Shock created by the explosion of t)hc detonator may not) be strong enough to explode the less sensitive main charge of the bomb. Au interThis conmediate element then is required. necting link between the fuze detonator and the bombs main charge is called the booster. It is small enough to be set off by the detonator, and large enough so that its shock will explode the main charge. The detonator within the fuzc is fired by mechanical or electrical action, and its explosion is amplified and relayed to the main charge by the booster. This pattern of actlion is called the explosive train, figure 1 .l.
Typesof Explosives
Various classifications of bombs use different types of explosives for maximum target destruction. When a high-explosive bomb is detonated, the charge is t,ransformed, in an instant, into a very hot gas. This gas momentarily occupies only t#hc volume of the solid explosive and deThe gases then exvelops enormous pressure. pand violently in all directions, shattering or displacing surrounding material. Shock and pressure waves are built up which throw fragments of the shattered case outward at a high
velocity. The high explosives used in bombs are : TNT (Trinitrotoluene). Trinitrotoluene, commonly known as TNT, is a relatively insensitive high-explosive of great stability. It has been used as the main charge in general purpose bombs. In recent years, it has been superseded by more powerful explosives, such as Tri tonal. Amatd. Amatol, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and TNT, is less sensitive than TNT. When used in a SO/50 ratio, it, has approximately the same rate of detonat)ion and brisance (shattering ability) as TNT. It was used as a main charge in bombs prior to, and during, t)he early part of World War II. Composition B. Composition 13 (Comp B) is a very powerful explosive, particularl.v fr0.m the fragmentation standpoint. It consists of
largepercentages of RDX and TNT with a small amount of wax. The principal ingredient, RDX, is a powerful but sensitive explosive, and therefore always is used in mixtures with other materials. Composition B presently is used as the main filler in fragmentation bombs. Explosive D (Ammonium picrate). Ammonium picrate is the least sensitive, of military For this explosives, to shock and friction. reason, it is used in armor-piercing bombs which must withstand severe shock and stresses before det)onating. Tritonal. Tritonal, the present standard explosive filler in general purpose bombs, is an 80/2O ratio, by weight, of TNT and aluminum powder. The blast effect is greater than TNT, and its sensitivity is of the same order of magnitude as TNT. HBX. The newest explosive being con-
sidered for use in bombs is HBX, a mixture of RDX, TNT, aluminum powder, and desensitizer. Like Tritonal, its use will be in general purpose bombs.
Fragmentation Clusters Light-case Demolition (Dem) Aircraft Depth (AD) Practice (P) Miniature Practice (MP) Fire Armor-piercing Bombs. Armor-piercing bombs have a heavy case and a t,hick nose. .Approximately 13 percent of the bombs weight consists of explosive. This type of bomb is used against heavy armor and reinforced concrete. TO be most eflfective, an armor-piercing bomb should score a direct hit on it)s target, because it has less explosive and therefore less blast effect than other bomb types. These bombs contain a delay-action tail fuze only to permit penetration of the target hefore t)he bomb explodes. Semi-armor-piercing Bombs. These bombs have a medium heavy case and normally are t)ail-fuzed ; however, t,he solid-metal nose plug (-*an be replaced with a nose fuze, when it is tactically necessary. Thirty percent of the complete weight of the bomb is explosive. Semi-armor-piercing blombs sometimes are used as substitutes for general purpose bombs. General Purpose Bombs. These bombs are used in the majority of bombing operations. The case is relatively light, and approximately 50 percent of the complete weight of the bomb is explosive. General purpose bombs may use both nose and tail fuzes. .A conical sn may be used instead of tlhe boxtype fin with the AN series GP bombs. The conical fin improves the aerodynamic characteristics of the bomb. Fragmentation Bombs. The bodies of fragmentation bombs, with the exception of Fragmentation Bomb M83, usually consist) of a thin steel tube with square wire spirally wound on t)he ou tsicle. The wire provides the principal source of fragments when the bomb is detonated. The explosive -;iller is about 14 percent of the total weight of the bomb. Fragmentation bombs are used against personnel and light materiel. Th ese bombs have provisions for either a nose or tail fuze. Some of the smaller bombs have provisions for only a nose fuze. .Also, the lock-ring thread often is used for the attJachmentj of a parachute unit. 5
Classification Bombs of
Bombs described in t>hispublication arc classified according to use as follows: Armor-piercing (AP) Semi-armor-piercing (SAP) General Purpose (GP) Low-drag General Purpose (Low-drag GP) Fragmentation (Frag)
container of gasoline gel designed for use against1 dug-in troops, supply installations, wooden structures, and land convoys. Fire bombs rupture upon impact or airburst to spread burning gasoline gel upon surrounding objects. One or more igniters or fuzes are used to ignite the gasoline mixture, upon impact,. Chief use of the fire bomb is in low-level attack. On a high-level attack, a fire bomb will dig a crater and trap a large portion of the burning gel. This cratering effect can be reduced, in high-level attack, by fuzing the bomb to rupture prior tJo impact.
Bomb and bomb components are identified completely by standard nomenclature and ammunition lot numbers that are stamped on all packings and on the item itself.
Bombs are painted in various color schemes as a ready means of identification. Color bands, depending upon their color, size, and locrttion, indicate the type of bomb and the type of explosive used. Identifying nomenclature and its color provide further identification of the bomb. Color coding is indicated in the following tabulation.
Olive drab-- ___. GP and Dem- -_ TNT, Tritonal, Amatol. -___ GP and Frag- - - Comp B----- -_- - Olive drab- - __ _- Yellow - - - _ _ _ __ _. ______ ---~--_____Frag---------TNT------.-_-_ Olive drab_- _- - - Yellow l- _- - _ ---__. -.--AP, SAP, or Olive drab-- _- _ _ Yellow- _ __ _ AD. Practice _ - __ - ______-
Black or yellow. Black. Black or yellow. Black. White. Black or yellow. band.
___. --
Fire- _- - - - _- _ __ Napalm----
~ Purple-_----
1 Small fragmentation bombs (under 90 lbs) are painted on the nose and base in lieu of an actual color 4-lb Fragmentation Bombs M83 have a $&inch yellow band around the bomb casing. ? Some practice bombs are unpainted.
3. Any accidentally <armed fuze, either fully or partially armed, must not be handled except by authorized personnel. 4. Guard fuzes against, dropping or bumping at all times, to prevent detonation. 5. Iroteclt long-delay tail fuzes from excessive heat, shock, or damage. 6. Examine indicator vials of long-delay fuzes when fuze packing is opened, to determin(~ if a leak has developed. If all fuzes in the box are not used, the vials shall be left, in the box with the rernaining fuzes and inspected again when the box is reopened. 7. Screw fuzes into bombs HANDTIGHT ONLY. Never use a tool, unless authorized. Tools may distort fuzes, causing premature de tonation. 8. Use only a screwing-in motion when installing long-delay tail fuzes. 9. Do not remove warning tags when fuzes are installed m bombs. 10. Never remove safety cotter pins or car seals from fuzes prematurely. 1 1. Handle and install arming vanes of fuzes with care to prevent distortion of blades and t,he malfunction of bot)h fuze and bornb. 12. Never defuze a bornb equipped with an anti-withdrawal device; it is certain to detonate. Dispose of fuzed bornb in accordance with N,4VORD Instruction 8150..1. 13. Replace all safety pins when defuzing a bomb. WARNING Euzes equipped with anti-withdrawal devices must not be removed from bornbs. 14. Never allow primer detlonators to drop or strike an object; they are extremely sensitive and rough handling may explode them. 15. Do not use a 5n assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the iln assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuzc, and the fuze may arm lbefore the bomb is dropped. I 6. Do not, use a defective arming wire: one with kinks, twists, or burrs. 7
Most bombs and their components are shipped separately and are assembled in tlhe field t,o form a complete round. Preparing bombs for flight requires extreme care, because a mis-step may prove fatal. This is especially true of bombs installed with fuzes which incorAn,y atporate an anti-withdrawal device. tempt1 to unscrew these fuzes will result in the functioning of the ant i-withdrawal mecha,nism, Be absolut,ely and instantaneous detonation. sure of your procedure; follow assembly instructions carefully. Safety Precautions To Be Observed 1. Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked They shall be in advance of requirements. returned to their original packings, if not used. 2. Fuzes shall not be assembled to bombs in anticipation of future needs.
or can move into alignment, so that t,he fuze may operate. This is known as the ARMED condit,ion. This usually is accomplished by either the ejection of an arming pin, the rotation of an arming vane, or both.
Classification Fuzes of
For control of detonation, there are five types of fuzcs: IMPACT FUZES function up011 impact, either instantaneously or with a short timedelay after impact. TIME: FUZES will not detonate until a, predetermined time has elapsed after release. HYDROSTATICFIJZIM are operated by water pressure, funct~ioning atI a predetermined depth. ANTI-DISTURBANCE FUZES will function if they are disturbed in any manner after impact. PROXIMITY (VT) FUZES are essentially
111 radio transmitting and receiving units. free flight, they art: detonated by the reflection of their transmitted radio signals.
the cavity clear for installing the fuze. Tail adapter-boosters are usually the fuze seat liners for tail fuzing. The AL~XILIARY BOOSTER consists of a column of tetryl pellets or other sensit,ivc explosive in a suitable container. Its function is to relay and amplify the detonation wave from the booster to ensure proper detonation of the main charge. The ADAPTER-BOOSTER is a bushing threaded on both the inside and outside and is used for the assembly lof fuzes to larger bomb bodies. It includes an explosive booster charge. Installation of the proper fuze in a bomb is essential in order to locate the arming vanes in the airstream. Usually, tjhe same family group of nose and tail fuzes are used throughout a series of bombs. Location of the vanes in the airstseam is controlled by the fuze arming stem tube. The overall length in a family group of fuzes (Example: AN-MlOOA2, AN-MlOlA2, and AN-M102A2) increases in the order given. Thus, it is possible to have identical fuze action in various sizes of bombs.
Fuzes must suit the function or purpose of the bomb in which they are to be inst#alled. They are designed for installation in the nose, in the tail, or on the side of a bomb. Fuzes usually fit the small-size bombs of a series, without any additional auxiliary parts. As the bombs increase in size, standardized fuze scat liners and adapter-boosters are needed. These compensate for the increased diameter and depth of the fuze well. Nose and tail fuze seats are machined in the bomb casing. Their dimensions (t,hread size and depth of seat) are standardized for maximum flexibility of use. Components that make fuzing possible in the larger bombs are: The FUZE SEAT LINER is a metal cup, assembled inside the nose of the bomb to keep
358615 o-55---2
AN -M7AI A N--MsAl
M13 Ml6
-DIAMETER 0.064 0.0625 0.064 0.033 -~--0.064 -0.064 -0.064 -0.064 0.064 -0.064 -____ INCH INCH INCH INCH INCH INCH INCH INCH INCH INCH LENGTH 57 INCHES 16 INCHES 57 INCHES 57 INCHES 60 INCHES
I .3-Arming
Section .A-Packing 1
Generally, bombs are separated into basic components or assemblies for shipping and stowing. The components are packed in a manner that facilitates handling, provides safety for personnel and maximum protection for components. The bomb body, the fin assembly, and the _ fuzes are packed individually. Fuzes usually Refer to OP are packed in sealed containers. 988 (First Revision) for detailed instructions on packing of fuzes. Arming wires, in rare cases, are packed components of the bomb, but in general, figure
may be packed as units, less fuzes. upon the size, shape, of the component. The following
table describes the usual packing for thle various types of bombs.
of Bomb s.
of Fins.
1 .&-Packing
Arming Wires.
(First Revision)
Chapter 2
Section -General 2.1 Section 2.2~1OOO4b AP BombAN-Mk 33 and Mods Section 2.3-1600,lb AP BombAN-Mk
Chapter 2
Section -General 2.1 Description
Armor-piercing bombs have extremely heavy cases. The weight of an AP bomb is concentrated in its solid metal nose. The cavity of these bombs usually tapers toward the nose and aft sections; thus, providing the wall thickness required to withstand impacts on hard targets. A box-type fin fits onto the conical aft section of the bomb body and is secured in place by a fin locknut. Armor-piercing bombs use a delay-action tail fuze. This results in deeper penetration of the target before initiation of its bursting charge of explosive D. One auxiliary booster is used. The auxiliary booster is furnished in place in the bomb fuze cavity. Two suspension lugs and one hoisting lug are secured to the bomb body with cap screws. All three lugs are located on the same side of the bomb. Approximately 13 percent of t,he released weight of the armor-piercing bombs is highexplosive filler.
2. l-Armor-piercing
Because of its physical characteristics and functions, the AP bomb is used for piercing heavily armored targets, reinforced concrete or heavy steel construction. Because of the limited explosive content, direct hits are essential. A high-impact velocity is required for deep penetration of the target. This velocity is gained by releasing the bombs at high altitudes.
Yellow bands of various widths and locations categories the AP bomb as to its filling and The color scheme consists of a classification.
three-inch band on the tail end, a one-inch band on the nose, and a broken g-inch band at This latter band may be the center of gravity. omitted from some bombs. An olive-drab painted body affords protection from rust and prevents easy detection of stock piles from the air. Bomb components are identified completely by standard nomenclature and ammunition lot number stenciled on all packings and, if size permitts, on each item. On the conical aft portion of the body in 94inch letters, and on the mid-section of the bomb in $&inch letters, the following information is st,amped: Bomb type Bomb case number Manufacturers name Contract number Lot number Inspector Serial number Weight, of body in pounds Drawing number
Most bombs and tlheir compolnents are shipped separately and are assembled in the field to form a complete round. Preparing bombs for flight requires extreme care, because a mis-step may prove fatal. Nothing should be taken for granted; every step must be checked and double-checbked. Safety Precautions To Be Observed 1. Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements; they sha,ll be returned to their original packings, if not used. 2. Any accidentally armed fuzes, either fully or partially armed, must never be handled except by authorized personnel. Tlhe fuzes if installed may det!onate t)he bomb. 3. Guard fuzes against dropping or bumping at all times, to prevent accident)al detonation. 4. Never remove safety cotter pins or car seals from fuzes permaturely. 5. Screw the fuze into bomb HANDTIGHT ONLY. A suitable spanner wrench may be used for t,his operation, if required. 6. All safet)y cotter pins must ble replaced when defuzing a bomb. 7. Handle and install arming vanes of fuzes with care to prevent distortion of blades and the resultant malfunction of both fuze and bomb. 8. Do not use a fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from t,he tail fuze, causing the fuze to arm before the bomb is dropped. 9. Never use a defective arming wire: that is, one with kinks, t)wists, or burrs.
Armor-piercing bombs are issued with suspension lugs, hoisting lugs, and cap screws for securing the lugs to the bomb body. The lugs are not att,ached to the bomb body but are packed in the tail crate. The bomb bodies are drilled and tapped at the points required for the attachment of suspension and hoisting lugs. The proper fittings are selected for the type of suspension or hoist,The shipping screws plugging the ing desired. tapped holes are removed, and the fittings are attached with camp screws.
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with explosive D. Weight of explosive: Explosive D---------Weight of fin: Fin Assembly (Dwg
1008 lbs
Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb Length of bomb body- .Diameter - _ - - - - _ __ _ _ Fin span- - - - __ - - _- _ _ _ Fin length----------.. Suspension : Two suspension lugs - Hoisting lug (single) - _
73.0 inches
58.0 inches
12.0 inches
16.0 inches 17.0 inches
(First Revision)
Bomb AN-Mk
CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. I. Remove shipping plugs from the holes that are used for securing suspension lugs or hoisting lug. Clean the holes. 2. Remove the fin assembly and attachments from t)heir shipping crat,e.
CAIJTION: IJse only fin assemblies Reject that are in good condition. fin assemblies which are rusted, dented, bent, or have loose fins. 3. Remove required fuze and arming wire from their packings and inspect; particularly be sure the fuze is unarmed by observing through inspection window in the fuze. CAUTION: Only safe and serviceable fuzes shall be used in the assembly of the complete round. When opening the packing boxes, if any of the hermet,ically sealed containers are damaged or have broken seals, the fuzes within such containers shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to t)hose fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceabilit]y. All fuzes should have their safety devices (cotter, shear, and arming pins) in place. If any safety device is missing, handle t,he fuze with extreme care; return the fuze to its container, and mark t#he container fo1 disposal by authorized personnel.
CAUTION: Do not use a fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, and the fuze may arm before the bomb is dropped. 7. Tail Impact Fuze AN-Mk 228 is used with the IOOO-lb AP Bomb AN-M:k 33. 8. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First R,evision). CAUTION: Never use an arming wire that is twisted, kinked, or burred. These conditions are caused by mishandling. Burrs may result whLen the arming wire is cut to its required length or they many occur at any other time. To remedy this condition, file or recut the arming wire.
The 1600-lb AP Bomb AN-MB 1, figure 2.5, is a thick metal-cased bomb with a, solid, pointed nose. The thick metal case is designed to penetrate the heaviest horizontal armor of combat ships. The bomb is equipped with a box-type fin assembly. The only fuze authorized for use with Bomb AN-MB 1 is Tail Impact Fuze AN-MB 228. The bursting charge is explosive 1). Approximately 13 percent of the weight of the complete round is explosive filler. Suspension lugs are screwed to the bomb body. Four sets of mounting holes in the bomb body are used to mount the suspension lugs, with either 14 or 30 inches between centers. A hoisting lug is screwed to the body between the suspension lugs at the center of gravity. The bomb is painted olive drab. A one-inch yellow band encircles the nose end of the bomb, and a 5.75inch band encircles the conical aft portion of the bomb. A l/4-inch broken yellow band may be found at the center of gravity; Identifying however this is no longer required. nomenclature is stenciled in black on the bomb casing.
Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzcd bomb: Loaded with explosive 1590 lbs D Weight of explosive: Explosive D---_--_-__ 209 lbs Weight of fin: Fin Assembly (Dwg 28.50 lbs
Dimensions: Length or height of 83.5 inches complete born b Length of bomb body- - 67.15 inches Diameter- _ - 1.4.0 inches
Figure 2.5-1600-16
AP Bomb AN-M&
1. 25
358615 o--55--:~
~..------- - - -_
--- -,.----
7, Exploded
Two suspension lugs- ____ 14 inches c to c or 30 inches c to c Hoisting lug (single)- _-_ _ Center of gravity
CAUTI0.N : Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping plugs from the threaded holes in bomb body before attaching the suspen-
sion and hoisting lugs. Clean the threaded holes. 2. Remove fin assembly and attachments from their shipping crate. CAIJTION : U se only fin assemblies Reject fin t)hat are in good condition. assemblies which are rusted, dented, bent, or have loose fins. 3. Remove required fuze and arming wire from their packings and inspect; particularly be sure the fuzc is unarmed by observing t,hrough the inspection window in the fuze. CAIJTION : Only safe and serviceabln fuzcs shall be used in the assembly of the complete round. When opening packing boxes, if any of the hermctitally sealed containers are damaged or have broken seals, the fuzes withiu such containers shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary pro tee tion. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. All fuzes should have their safety devices (cotter, shear, and. arming pins) in place. If any safety device is missing, handle the fuze wit,h extreme care. Return the fuze to its container, and mark the container for disposal by aut)horized personnel.
7, Cutaway
when the bomb is installed. Tighten locknut, securely. Hold a wooden drift against the pins of the locknut. Tap drift lightly. Tighten setscrews on locknut. 6. Tail Impact Fuze ,A.N-Mk 228 is used with the 1600-lb AP Bomb AN-Mk 1. 7. For detztiled information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTI0.N: Never use an arming wire that is twisted, kinked, or burred. These condit)ions .are caused by mishandling. Burrs may result when the arming wire is cut to its required length or they may occur at any other time. To remedy tlhis condition, file or recut the arming wire.
Chapter 3
Section -General 3.1 Section X2-5OO-lb SAP Bombs AN-M58A2, AN-M58, and AN-M58AI Section X3-1000-lb SAP Bombs AN-M59AI Section X4-POOO-lbSAP Bombs Ml03 andAN-M59
A case lighter than that of AP bombs, a higher-explosive content, and delay-action fuzing make the semi-armor-piercing bomb highly effective for horizontal, glide, and dive bombing operations. Armored ships, reinforced concrete construction, pill boxes, and bunkers are vulnera,blc targets for this type of bomb.
(First Revision)
Bomb components and packings are identified completely by standard nomenclature and ammunition lot number stenciled in black on all packings and on the item itself, if size permits.
SAP bombs have single and double suspension lugs which are welded to the side of the case. The single lug is located at the center of gravity of the bomb. Double suspension lugs are located diamet,ricall.y opposite the single lug and are on a line parallel to the axis of the bomb. They are 14 inches apart on E;OO-lb and IOOO-lb bombs and 30 inches apart on the 200%lb SAP Bomb M 103.
The SAP bomb and its components are shipped separat)ely and are assembled before of bombs for flight flight. The preparation requires extreme care, because a misstep may prove fatal. Bombs assembled with long-delay tail fuzes are particularly hazardous because these fuzes incorporate an anti-withdrawal d evice. Any attempt to unscrew these fuzes from a bomb will result in the functioning of t,he anti-withdrawal mechanism, and instantaneous detonation. This type of fuze is particularly responsive to shock and temperature change Bombs of the semi-armor-piercing series can be fitted with this type of fuze. When using such fuzes, it is imperative that fuzes not be assembled to bombs in anticipation of future needs. Nothing should be taken for granted; every step must be checked and double-checked. Follow assembly instructions carefully. Safety Precautions To Be Observed 1. Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements; they shall be returned tIo their original packings, if not used. 2. Any accidentally armed fuz,es, either fully or partially armed, must never be handled The fuzes if except, by authorized personnel. installed may detonate the bomb. :j. Fuzes shall not be assembled to bombs in anticipation of future needs.
SAP bombs are identified by standard nomenclature which consists of name, type, weight, and model designation stenciled in black on the bomb body. The following information is stamped on the bomb. .Nose of bomb: Type of bomb Weight of bomb Bomb case number Conical aft portion of bomb: Average gross weight (as shipped) Displacement (cubic feet ) Mid-section of bomb: AIC symbol Explosive charge (Picratol, T.NT, or AM TiO/50) Lot number Explosive US bomb (indicates United States property) Month and year of loading WITH PAD (bomb contains wax pads in nose and tail) Two l-inch wide yellow bands circumscribe the bomb case, designating a high-explosive filler. One band is painted around the nose and the other encircles the tail end of tjhe bomb. A coat of olive-drab paint protects the bomb casing from rust and prevents easy detection of stock piles from the air.
4. Protect long-delay tail fuzes (M124A1 and M 125Al) from heat and shock. 5. Guard fuzes against dropping or bumping at all times, to prevent accidental detonation. 6. Never allow primer detonators to drop or strike an object; they are extremely sensitive and rough handling may cause them to explode. 7. Examine temperature indicator vials If all fuzes when the fuze packing is opened. in the box are not used, the vials shall be left in the box with the remaining fuzes and inspected again when box is reopened. 8. Screw fuzes into bombs HANDTIGHT ONLY. Never use a tool, unless authorized.
care to prevent distortion of blades and the malfunction of both fuze and bomb. 11. Never remove a warning tag from a fuze when it is installed in a bomb. 12. Never defuze a bomb equipped with an anti-withdrawal device ; it is certain to detonate. Authorized personnel only shall destroy both bomb and fuze. 13. Never remove safety cotter pins or car seals from fuzes prematurely. 14. All safety pins must be replaced when defuzing a bomb. 15. Do not use a fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing the fuze to arm before the bomb is dropped. 16. Never use an arming wire with kinks, twists, or burrs.
10. Handle
Bomb AWM58A2,
Weight of explosive: Picratol-_-_ --- _-__-_ TNT-- _____ -__-_--Weight of fin: Fin Assembly ANMl loAl Dimensions: Length of complete bomb Length of bomb bodyDiameter----------Fin span-----------Fin length- _ _ - _ __ _ - _ Suspension: Two suspension lugsSingle suspension lug-
Nose fuze (one of): AN-M 103A1 AN-M 139Al AN-M.14OA1 Arming Wire Assembly
Mk 1 or AN-M6A2
57.8 inches 45 inches 11.8 inches 16.2 inches 15.05 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity
CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. I I Remove shipping bands from bomb by Remove removing nuts from securing bolts. closing plugs. C A U T I 0 N: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2, Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove :Sn assembly and attachments Place fin assembly over from shipping crate. end of bomb with one fin in line with suspension lugs. If suspended in external racks, locate fin to clear aircraft structure and ground, when Replace fin locknut and tightlen installed. When bomb is to be carried with wrench. 35
fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: One of the fuzes witlh this bomb is Tail Fuze M124AI which incorporates an anti-withdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with the M124A.1 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass solvent ampule in the fuze may be broken upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze M124Al is installed, never attempt to remove fuze from the lbomb or to return the bomb to an airfield or aircraft carrier, upon an incomplete mission. Do not turn Fuze M124AI back and forth to engage threads; use a screwing-in motion only. The antiwithdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
Bomb AN-M58A2,
Description The 1000-lb SAP Bomb AN-M59A1, figure 3.5, is a heavy nosed, cylindrical-shaped bomb. Its thick metal body is designed to give greater penc~tration than a general purpose bomb of A box-type fin assembly comparable weight. is attached to the aft end by a fin locknut. The base plug of Bomb AN--M59Al locks securely in place, and the adapter-booster may be locked to the base plug. This bomb can accommodate both nose and tail fuzes. Tactical requirements usually nullify the need for a nose fuze; in which case, the nose fuze cavity is fitted with a solid steel plug. Approximately 30 percent of the total weight of the lOOO-lb SAP Bomb AN-M59Al is explosive charge. Differences Between Bombs AN-M59 and
AN-M59Al The 1000-lb SAP Bomb A.N-M59Al has anti-withdrawal pins in the base plug, and an adapter-booster which can be locked to the base plug. Bomb AN-M59 lacks these features. The explosive charge in Bomb AN-M59 1s approximately 315 pounds or 31.8 percent of the total bomb weight of 990 pounds. In all other physical aspects t,he IOOO-lb SAP Bomb AQN-M59 is identical to the IOOO-lb SAP Bomb AN-M59A1. Physical M59Al Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with Picratol-Loaded wit,h TNT-. - - Weight of explosive: Picratol- - -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TNT ____ - __~__~ ____ Weight of fin: Fin Assembly ANM114Al--m ____ __-_ Dimensions: Length of complete bomb--_ - _ - - _- _ _ Length of bomb body- _ bomb: 1041.9 lbs 1036.0 lbs 320.0 lbs 315.olbs Characteristics of Bomb AN-
25.5 lbs
0 00-16
1, Exploded
Dimensions-Continued Diameter-------I Fin span-- - - _. - - __ Fin length _ _ - _ - _ .. Suspension: Two suspension lugs- __ Single suspension lug- _ Components of a Complete
Assembly 15.13 inches 20.7 inches 16.8 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts from securing bolts. Remove closing plugs. CAUTION: Inspect for damage, (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut, and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Place fin assembly over from shipping crate. end of bomb with one fin in line with suspension lugs. If suspended in external racks, turn fin and locate to clear aircraft structure and ground when installed, Replace fin locknut and Gghten When bomb is to be carried exwith wrench. ternally at speeds in excess of 350 knots, Fin Lock Nut, Mk 1 Mod 0 should be used in pla,ce Setscrews should be of t hc regular locknut.
CONFIDENTIAL 6. For detailed instructions on fuzing defuzing, refer to 01 988 (First RevGon). CATJTION: Bomb AN-M59AI uses Tail Euze MI 25AI or M 134 which incorporates an anti-withdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze M125AI or MI:34 when release SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass solvent ampule in the fuze rnay be broken upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze M125Al or Ml 34 is installed, ncvcr attempt to remove the fuze or to return the bomb to an airfield or aircraft carrier, upon an incomplete engage mission. Do not turn Fuze to M 125A1 or Ml34 back and forth ant
securely tightened. This is necessary to prevent) rotation of the fin assembly. CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it, cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prematurely. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb ba,y does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoistSing bomb int,o place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be exarnined carefully fo1 serviceability.
motion device will (*ause the fuze and bomb t,o detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
Description Ihc 2000-lb SAP Bomb M103, figure 3.8, is fabricated from seamless steel tubing and has a solid, semi-pointed nose. This bomb uses only a tail fuze; it has no provision for a nose fuzc. A box-type fin assemblv is used as on ot)her SAP born bs. Approximately 27 percent of the t)ot,al weight of t 11th2000-lb SAP Bomb MlO:I is explosive Double suspension lugs having filler, Picratol. LY X)-inch spacing are welded to the bomb casing. A single lug is located on the side opposite the double lugs. Yellow bands on the nose and aft end of the body identify the high-explosive charge. IdenGfying nomenclature is stenciled in black on tlhe olive-dra,b painted bomb casing. Physical Characteristics
Weight, of assembled fuzed bomb: I,oaded with Picratol- - 2039.35 lbs Weight of explosive: Picratol-__- _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ 556.48 lbs Weight of fin: Fin Assembly M117A1- 52.75 lbs Dimensions: Length of complete 88.5 inches bomb Length of bornb body-66.3 inches Diameter- - - _ _ - - - - - _ 18.75 inches Pin span _ - - _ - _ - - - _ _ 25.84 inches fiin length - - _ - - - - _ _ 25.68 inches Suspension: Two suspension lugs -- 30 inches c to c Single suspension lug- _ Center of gravity Components of a Complete Round (Figures
Figure 3.8-2000-/b
Arming Wire Assembly M9 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. Return them to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts from securing bolts. Remove closing plugs. for damage CAUTION : Inspect (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their att,achment) to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut) and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate. Place fin assembly over end of bomb with one fin in line with suspension lugs. If suspended in external racks, turn fin and locate to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten wit,h wrench. CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prematurely. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and lock securely CONFIDENTIAL
in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from t,heir containers. CATJTION: If containers are pun+ tured, split, or if the seal if broken in any way, the fuzes cont,ained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Tail Fuzes hI125Al and M 134 incorporate an anti-withdrawal Non-detonation of bombs device. fuzed with Fuze M125Al or Ml34 cannot be when released SAFE relied upon, because I)he glass solvent1 ampule in the fuze may be broken upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze hf125Al or hf134 is inst,alled, never att)empt to remove fuze from the bomb or to return the bornb to an airfield or aircraft carrier, upon an Do noti turn incom.plcte mission. Fuze Ml25Al or Ml34 ba,ck and forth
CONFIDENTIAL detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before t,hreads are engaged.
Figure 44
Born6 M703,
Chapter 4
Section 4.4-250~lb Section 4.5-25O-lb Section 4.6-500-lb Section 4.7-5OO-lb Section 4.8-1000~lb Section 4.9-l 000-lb
Ml 26 (TI 47)
Ml 28Al
AN-Ml Ml 29
GP Bomb AN-M65Al
Ml 30 (T143)
Chapter 4
Bombs Tail fuzes: AN-M 100A2 AN-M 10 1A2 AN-M 102A2 Ml15 Ml 16 Ml17 M123Al M124A1 M125Al Ml32 Ml33 Ml34 Nose fuzes: AN-M103A1 AN-M139A1 AN-M14oAl Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuzes (long-stem) tions : Ml72 M175 Ml76 M177 M 184 (T739) M 185 (IT740) T753 T754 7755 7756 T757 T758 Ml81 (T781) M182 (T782) M183 (T783) Markings GP bombs are identified by standard nomenclature and yellow bands located on an olivedrab painted casing.
loo-lb GP Bombs AN-M3OAl and 250-lb GP Bombs AN-M57A1 and 500-lb GP Bombs AN-M64A1 and 1000lb GP Bombs AN-M65Al M65 2000-lb GP Bombs AN-M66A2, and AN-M66
250-LB G P AN-M57Al lOO-LB G P ANM30Al
4. I-G
The following identifying informat ion is stenciled in black on tlhe bomb case: Type Weight Model Filler-(Tritonal, TNT, Amatol, or Comp B) Ammunition lot number US in letters Inspectors stamp AIC symbol Explosive bomb with pads ICC shipping designation Displacement (cubic feet) Address Shipping ticket number Bomb components and packing are identified completely by standard nomenclature and ammunition lot number, stenciled in black on all pacakings or items. Suspension Gcncral purpose bombs are provided with both single and double suspension lugs welded to the case. The single lug is located on the side of the bomb case opposite t)he double sus-
pension lugs. On the smaller-sized GP bombs, 10004~ and below, the lugs are spaced 14 inches apart; on t,he ZOOO-lb GP bomb, they are spaced 30 inches apart. Safety Precautions The GP bomb and its components arc shipped separately and are assembled before flight. The preparation of bombs for flight requires extreme care because a m&-step may prove fatal. Bombs assembled with long-delay tail fuzes are particularly hazardous, because such fuzes incorporate an anti-withdra8wal device. Any attempt to unscrew these fuzes from a bomb will result in the func%ioning of the anti-withdrawal mechanism, and instantaneous detonation of the bomb. This type of fuze is particularly responsive> to shock and temperaturt3 change. Bombs of t,he general purpose (GP) series can be fitted with this type of fuze. When using these fuzes, it is imperat,ive that fuzes not be assembled to bombs in anticipat!ion of future net&. Procedures should be checked and doublcthee ked ; FOLLOW ASSFX~LY INSTRTJCTIONS
4.2--100-k Fin
GP Assem b/y
Born6 A N-M
AN-M30A7 7 0 3A 7.
Description The loo-lb GP Bomb AN-M30A1, figure 4.2, is a relatively thin-cased bomb with an ogival now, parallel side walls, and a tapered aft section. A box-type fin assembly (ANMlO3Al) is fastened to the aft end of the bomb with a fin locknut. The bomb uses both a nose and a tail fuze. The base plug of Bomb AN-M3OA1 is locked securely to the bomb body by two studs which extend from the base plug into the solidified This bomb also provides a explosive charge. means of locking the adapter-booster to the base plug; a locking pin is passed through a hole in the adapter-booster int,o a groove in prevent the base plug. These modifications removal of the base plug and adapter-booster; thus, the anti-withdrawal devices of long-delay fuzes are more effective. Double suspension lugs are welded, 14 inches A single apart, on one side of the bomb body. lug is welded to the opposite side at the center
of gravity. Approximately 50 percent of the released bomb weight is its explosive charge of TNT or Tritonal. Yellow color bands on an olive-drab body identify the high-explosive charge. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black paint on the nose, mid-section, and conical aft section. Differences and Between Bombs AN-M~oAI
Bomb AN-M30A 1 contains anti-withdrawal pins in the base plug, and a device for locking the adapter-booster to the base plug. The earlier rnodel, AN-M30, does not have these features. Bomb AN-M:30 is lighter in weighlt than its modification, AN-M30Al. Bomb AN-M30 may be loaded with 105.5 pounds of Tritonal, 102.5 pounds of TNT, or 99.0 pounds of Amatol Its total length. is 38.46 inches as com50/50. pared to AN-M30Al with a length of 43.0 inches.
Bomb AWM30Al
Fin Assembly
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT- - - Loaded with Tritonal- _ Weight of explosive : TNT---------------Tritonal- - _ - - - _ - - - - _Weight of fin: Fin Assembly ANM103A1 Dimensions : Length of complete bomb Length of bomb bodyDiameter- _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ Fin span------------Fin length- - -_-_-_-_Suspension : Two suspension lugs- _Single suspension lug- _ Components of a Complete
bomb: 119.5 lbs 124.5 lbs 57.0 lbs 62.0 lbs 5:6 lbs
40.26 inches 27.95 inches 8.0 inches 11.0 inches 11.5 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
4.3 and 4.4) Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (or Fin Lock Nut Ml) Closing plugs Fin Assembly AN--M 1O3Al Nose fuze (one of): A-N-M103Al AN-M139Al AN-M14OAl Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze A.N-Ml68 Tail fuzc (one of): AN-MloOA2 Ml15 Ml23Al Ml32 Arming wire assembly Fahncstock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of require-
men t s . Return them to their original packings, if they arc not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by Remove removing nut from securing bolts. closing plugs. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or thflir attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Place fin assembly over from shipping crate. end of bomb with one fin in line with suspension lugs. If suspended in external racks, turn fin and locate to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten with wrench. When bomb is to be carried externally at speeds in excess of 350 knots, Fin Lock Nut Ml should be used in place of the regular fin locknut,. Setscrews should be tightened securely. This is necessary to prevent rotation of the fin assembiy. (Refer to NAVORD instruction 8150.1). CAUTI0.N: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prcmature1.y. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION : If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply t)o fuzes repacked in t#he field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for st>rviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Bomb AN-M30Al uses Tail Fuzes M123Al or Ml32 which incorporate an anti-withdrawal device.
CONFIDENTIAL incomplete mission. Do not turn Fuze M123AI or Ml32 ba,ck and forth to eugage threatIs ; use a screwing-in mot ion only, The anti-withdrawal device will C~LUSC fuze and bomb the to detonate if the fuze is rotxtcd counterclockwise while in the adapterbooster, cveu before threads are engaged.
Fin Assembly
Ml 35 (T144)
17.5 lbs
Description The loo-lb GP Bomb AN-M30A1, equipped with Fin Assembly Ml35 (T144), uses the standard Bomb Body AN-M30Al. Fin Assembly Ml 35 consists of an elongated fin cone with four integral fins spaced at equal distances Conical Fin Assembly on the cone surface. Ml35 was developed to increase aerodynamic performance and accuracy in bombing. IJse of the conical fin lengthens the overall dimension of the loo-lb GP Bomb AN-M3OAI. This necessitates the use of a tail fuze with an extra-long arming stem and tube (long-stem fuze) so that the arming vane of the fuze can be located effectively in the airstream. Physical Characteristics with Fin of GP Bomb AN-
Weight of fin: Fin Assembly Ml35 (Tl44) Dimensions: Length of a complete bomb Length of bomb body-Diameter - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fin span-..- -__-----Fin length - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs--Single suspension lug- Components
54.2 inches 27.95 inches 8.0 inches 11.18 inches 29.0 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figure
of a Complete
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Fin Assembly Ml35 (1144) Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) Fin Locking WebSUPP1ied ~~P~~~~~~Y* (BuOrd Sk 329153),
M3OAI (Tl44)
Assembly bomb: 13 1.5 lbs 136.5 lbs 57.0 lbs 62.0 lbs
Ml 35
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT _ _ - _ Loaded with Tritonal-Weight of explosive: TNT- ____.___.._ -- -___ Tritonal_____.._ -----_
CONFIDENTIAL Nose fuze (one of): AN-Mlo3Al AN-M 139A1 AN-M 140A1 Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-M166 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuze (one of) : Ml72 M175 T753 I756 Ml81 (T781) Arming Wire Assembly or Ml6 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts from securing bolts. Remove closing plugs. CAUTION: Inspect for damage broken weldments, etc.) (cracks, which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove fin locknut and discard it with its protector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate. Thread center support tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut! seat). Tighten tube with wrench. Tighten setscrews in support t)ube. Place fin cone over support L.1 tube. Cilde cone back until jammed against bomb body. Position fins to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Place fin locking web over support tube so that, it engages fins of fin assembly. Secure conical fin assembly to support tube by t,hreading on (Discard locknut supplied special locknut. Mk 1, AN--M6A2,
with fin assembly). Tighten locknut with special not)chcd wrench. Bend two tabs of locking web into locknut slots. Secure nut in position by means of setscrews. 4. Jnstall bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does notI provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in t)he field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First, Revision). 7. Installation of long-delay Fuzes T753 and T756 with Conical Fin Assembly M135 (T144) requires a special operation to lock each fuze in place. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: The 1OO-lb Bomb ANM3OA1., installed with Fin Assembly M135 (Tl44), uses Tail Fuzes T753 or T756 which incorporate an antiwithdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze T753 or I756 cannot be when released SAFE relied upon, because the glass solvent ampule may break upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze I753 or T756 is installed, never attempt to remove the fuze or to return the bomb to an airfield or aircraft carrier, upon an incomplete mission. Do not turn Fuze T753 or T756 back and forth to engage the Use a screwing-in motion threads. only. The anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if tlie fuze is rotated counterclockwise, even before threads are engaged.
Description The 25O-lb GP Bornb AN-M57A1, figure 4.6, is a relatively thin-cased bomb with an ogival nose, parallel side walls, and a tapered aft section. A box-type fin assembly (AN~1106A1) is fastened to the a,ft end of the bomb wit11 a fin locknut. A nose and tail fuze are used for the majority The base plug of of bombing operations. Bomb ANiM57Al is locked securely to the bomb body by two studs which cxtenti from the basfh plug into the solidified explosive filler. .A locking pin is passed through a hole in the adapter-booster into a groove in tlhe base plug. lhese modifications prevent removal of the base plug and adapter-booster; thus, the antiwitlidrawal devices of long-delay fuzes are more effective. Double suspension lugs are welded to the A single lug is welded to body 14 inches apart. the opposite side of the body at the center of gravity. Approximately 50 percent of the complete round weight is its explosive charge of Amatol 50/5O, TNT, or Tritonal. Yellow bands on an olive-drab body identify the high-explosive charge. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black paint on the nose, mid-section, and aft, portion of i,he bomb. Differences Between Bombs AN-MWAI
and AN-M57 Bomb AN-M57A1 contains anti-withdrawal pins in the base plug, and an adapter-booster which can be locked to the base plug. The: earlier model, AN-M57, does not have these fcatlures. Physical AN-MI Characteristics with 06A1 bomb: 263.35 lbs 272.35 lbs 127.0lbs 136.0 lbs
Figure 4.6-250-16 Fin GP Bomb AN-M57A7 with
of Fin
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded wit)h TNT - - _ _ Loaded with Tritonal- Weight of explosive: T.NT-..--m-e--._-__ Tritonal--_~__-~_---Weight of fin: Fin Assembly A.N-M106Al---~---~-_-
Fin Assembly
Dimensions: Length of complete bomb-------_ _----_ Length of bomb body- Diameter - _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ Fin span------------Fin length _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs -Single suspension lug.. _ Components of a Complete
Tail fuze (one of): 47.8 inches 34.8 inches 10.8 inches 14.9 inches 12.08 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures AN-MlooA2 Ml 15 M123Al R/f132 Arming wire assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirement. Return them to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts from securing bolts. Remove closing plugs. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and. its protector. Remove protector from locknut . 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Position fins to clear from shipping crate. aircraft structure and ground, when installed.
358615 O-55-5
Figure 4.8-250-16
CONFIDENTIAL When bomb is to be carried externally at speeds in excess of 350 knots, Fin Lock Nut M 1 should be used in place of the regular fin locknut. Setscrews should be tightened securely. This is necessary to prevent rotation of the fin assembly. (Refer to NAVORD Instruction 8150.1). CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb If the fin assembly is loose properly. and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prematurely. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely If bomb bay does not provide lock in place. enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb int!o place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive
tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision), CAUTION: Bomb AN-M57Al uses Tail Fuzes M 123AI or Ml32 which incorporate an anti-withdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze M 12:3Al or M 132 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze M123Al or Ml32 is installed, never attempt to remove the fuze or to return the bomb to an airfield or aircraft carrier, upon an incomplete mission. Do not turn Fuze M123A1 or Ml32 back and forth to engage threads; use a screwing-in motion only. The anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapterbooster, even before threads are engaged.
Ml 26 (T147)
25.0 Ibs
Description The 25O-lb GP Bomb AN-M57A1 equipped with Fin Assembly Ml26 (Tl47) uses the standard Bomb Body. AN-M57A1. The fin assembly consists of an elongat,ed fin cone with four integral fins spaced at equal distances on the cone surface. A support tube runs through the center of the cone, and the fin assembly is secured to the bomb body by means of this support tube, a locking web, and a locknut. The conical fin lengthens the overall dimension of the 25O-lb GP Bomb AN-M57Al. This necessitates the use of a long-stem tail fuze so that the arming vane can be located effectively in the airstream. Conical Fin Assembly M 126 improves aerodynamic performance and accuracy in bombing. Physical Characteristics of GP Bomb ANMWA1 with Fin Assembly Ml 26 Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT- _ -_ Loaded with TritonalWeight of explosive: TNT ________ ---_-___ Tritonal--------__-bomb: 280.35 lbs 289.35 lbs 127.0 lbs 136.0 lbs
Dimensions: Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body- _ Diameter - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ Fin span---_--------Fin length- _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - -
62.2 inches 34.8 10.8 15.0 30.8 inches inches inches inches
Suspension: Two suspension lugs- __ 14 inches c to c Single suspension lug- _ Center of gravity Components of a Complete Round (Figure
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Fin Assembly Ml26 (T147) Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) Fin Locking Web (BuOrd Sk 329153) supplied arately. I sep-
Figure 4.9-250-16
GP Bomb AN-M57Al
CONFIDENTIAL Nose fuze (one of): AN-MlosAl AN-M139Al AN-M140Al Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuze (one of): Ml72 Ml75 T753 T756 Ml81 (T781) Arming wire assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original pa.ckings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by Remove removing nuts from securing bolts. closing plugs. C A U T I 0 N: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove fin locknut and discard it with its protector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Thread center support from shipping crate. tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut seat). Tighten tube with wrench. Tighten setscrews Place fin cone over support in support tube. tube. Slide cone back until jammed against bomb body. Position fins to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Place fin locking web over support tube so that it engages fins of fin assembly. Secure conical fin assembly to support tube by threading on (Discard locknut supplied special locknut. Tighten locknut with with fin assembly). Bend two tabs of special notched wrench.
locking web into locknut slots. Secure nut in position by means of setscrews. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctu:red, split, or if the seal is broken in any wa;y, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 7. Installation of long-delay Fuzes T753 or I756 with Conical Fin Assembly Ml26 (T147) requires a special operation to lock each fuze in place. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: The 25%lb GP Bomb AN-M57A1, installed with Conical Fin Assembly Ml26 (T147), uses Tail Fuzes T753 or T756 which incorporate an anti-withdrawal device. Non-det onation of bombs fuzed with Fuze T753 or I756 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze Ii753 or T756 is installed, never attempt to remove the fuze or to return the bomb to an airfield or aircraft carrier, upon an incomplete mission. Do not turn Fuze T753 or I756 back and forth to engage threads ; use a screwing-in motion only. The anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapterbooster, even before threads are engaged.
OP 1280
(First Revision)
The SOO-lb GP Bomb AN-M64A1, figure 4.10, has a cylindrical metal casing, an ogival nose, and a tapered aft end. A box-type fin assembly (AN-M I09Al) is secured to the aft end of the bomb with a fin locknut. The bomb uses both a nose and a tail fuze. Usually, both fuzes are used for the Unlike the majority of bombing operations. smaller bombs of the GP series, Bomb ANM64Al has an adapter-booster capable of receiving a tail fuze with a two-inch thread (such as hydrostatic Tail Fuze AN-MB 230) instead of the 1X-inch thread capacity of the smaller GP bombs. A fuze adapter may be used on the inside of the adapter-booster to convert the seat to accommodate fuzes with the smaller 1 s-inch threads. $ pecial studs, attached to the base plug, are L imbedded in the solidified explosive filler, locking the base plug to the bomb body. The adapter-booster and fuze adapter are locked in the base plug by a locking pin that extends from the adapter-booster to a groove in the base plug. Approximately 50 percent of the complete bomb weight is explosive filler. Double suspension lugs are welded 14 inches apart, and a single suspension lug is welded to the opposite side of the bomb body. The bomb is painted olive-drab; yellow color bands and black-stenciled nomenclature identify the bomb and its high-explosive charge. Differences Between and AN-M64 Bombs
Bomb AN-M64Al contains anti-withdrawal pins in the base plug, and an adapter-booster and fuze adapter that can be locked in place. The earlier Bomb AN-M64, lacks these antiwithdrawal features. Bomb AN-M43, an earlier model of the 500lb GP Bomb, is similar to the AN-M64, but has a base plug which will accept only fuzes with a 1 X-inch diameter thread.
4.70-500-/b GP Bomb Fin Assembly AN-M7
AN-rM64A1 with
Bomb AN-M64AI
Fin Assembly
Physical Characteristics AN-M64AI with AN-MI 09A1 Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT- - - Loaded with Tritonal-_ Weight of explosive: TNT---------------Tritonal- - - _ _ _ . - - - - - Weight of fin: Fin Assembly ANMlO9A1 Dimensions: Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body _ Diameter- - _-_ _____ -_ Finspan-----_-----Fin length- - -- -_----Suspension: Two suspension lugs _ _ Single suspension lug-. Components of a Complete 4.11 and 4.12)
of GP Bomb Fin Assembly bomb: 545.7 lbs 564.7 lbs 264.0 lbs 283.0 lbs 18.6 lbs
59.16 inches 44.9 inches 14.18 inches 18.94inches 13.9 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
Fin Assembly AN-M 109A 1 Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103Al AN-M139Al AN-M140Al Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuze (one of): AN-MlOlA2 AN-Mk 230 Mll6. M124Al Ml33 Arming wire assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping blands from bombs by Remove removing nuts from securing bolts. closing plugs. Inspect for damage CAUTION: (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body.
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (or Fin Lock Nut, M2) Closing plugs CONFIDENTIAL
CONFIDENTIAL any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not app1.y to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be exa,mined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: The %X&lb GP I3omb AN-M64Al uses Tail Fuzes M124AI or Ml33 which incorporate an antiwithdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze M124Al or Ml33 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze M 124AI or M 133 is installed, never at,tempt to remove the fuze frorn the bomb. Do not turn Fuze M124aA1 or Ml33 back and forth to engage threads. Use a screwing-in motion only. The anti-wit,hdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate. Position fins to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten with wrench. When bomb is to be carried externally at speeds in excess of 350 knots, Fin Lock Nut M2 should be used in place of the regular fin locknut. Setscrews should be tightened securely. This is necessary to prevent rotation of the fin as(Refer to NAVORD Instruction sembly . 8.150.1). CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prematurely. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in
figure 4,72--500-/b
(Tl P7)
The 500~lb GP Bomb AN-M64Al equipped with Fin Assembly MI 28AI (T127) uses the standard Bomb Body AN-M64Al. The elonga,tetl cone of the assembled fin lengthens and This increases its areostreamlines the bomb. dynamic performance and accuracy in bombing. Conical Fin Assembly M128AI consists of an elongated cone with four integral fins spaced at) equal distances on the cone. A support tube runs through the center of the cone, and the fin assembly is secured to the bomb body by means of this support tube, a locking web, and a locknut. When Bomb AN-M64Al is installed with a, conical fin assembly, the new long-stem tail fuzes are required so that the a,rming vane is located effectively in the airstream. Physical Characteristics of GP Bomb AN-
Weight of fin: Fin Assembl,y M 128AI (T127) Dimensions: Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body- _ Diameter-- --- _. ___ Fin span..- - - _ _ . _ _ _ Fin length - - - _ _ . _ _ _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs- _ Single suspension lug- . Components
41 .O lbs
72.1 inches 44.9 inches 14.18 inches 19.56 inches 32.7 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figure
of a Complete
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Fin Assembly M128Al (T127) Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) supplied separately. Fin Locking Web (RuOrd Sk 329153) !
Ml 28Al
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT - _ Loaded with Tritonal- Weight of explosive: TNT--_------_-_---Tritonal- _ ---_ --- ..__ -
\ SfEM
M7 28A7,
CONFIDENTIAL Nose fuze (one of) : AN-M103Al AN-M139Al AN-M140Al Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuze (one of): M175 Ml81 (T781) T753 I756 Arming Wire Assem bly Mk 1, AN-M6A2, Ml6 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAIJTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. Return them to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by Remove removing nuts from securing bolts. closing plugs. Inspect for damage CAUTION: (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove fin locknut and discard it with its protector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Thread ten ter support from shipping crate. tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut seat), Tighten t<ube with wrench. Tighten setscrews in support tube. Place fin cone over support tube. Slide cone back until jammed a,gainst bomb body. Position fins to clea,r aircra>ft Place structure and ground, when installed. fin locking web over support t,ube so that it Secure conical engages fins of fin assembly. fin assembly to support, tube by threading on (Discard locknut supplied special locknut. Tighten locknut witlh with fin assembly).
special notched wrench. Bend two tabs of locking web into locknut slots. Secure nut in position by means of setscrews. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split!, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealecl wit,h adhesive ta,pe for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 7. Installation of Conical Fin Assembly the use of a M128A1 (T127) necessitates special tail fuzing operation entailing the use of an arming stem tube. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION : Bomb -AN-M64A1, installed with Conical. Fin Assembly M128Al (T127), uses Tail Fuzes T753 or I756 which incorporate an antiwi thdra(wa1 device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze T753 or T756 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze rnay break upon Once Fuze T753 impact of tlhe bomb. or T756 is installed, never attempt to Do not turn Fuze remove the fuze. T753 or I756 back and forth to engage t,hreads. Use a screwing-in motion only. The anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
Description The lOOO-lb GP Bomb AN--M65Al, figure 4.14, has a cylindrical metal casing, an ogival nose, and a tapered aft end. A box-type fin assembly (AN-Ml 13Al) is secured to the aft end of the bomb with a fin locknut. The bomb uses both a nose and a tail fuze. IJsually, both fuzes are used for the majority of AN-M65Al uses an bombing operations. adapter-booster that will accommodate tail fuzes with 2-inch diameter threads. A fuze adapter may be used on the inside of the adapter-booster to convert the seat to accommodate fuzes with the smaller lx-inch threads. Special studs attached to the base plug and imbedded in the solidified explosive filler prevent removal of the base plug. The adapterbooster and fuze adapter are locked to the base plug with a locking pin that extends from the adapter-booster to a groove in the base plug. Approximately 50 percent of the complete bomb weight is explosive filler. Double suspension lugs are welded 14 inches apart, and a single suspension lug is welded to the opposite side of the bomb case. The bomb is painted olive-drab; yellow color bands and black-stenciled nomenclature identify the bomb and its high-explosive charge. Differences Between and AN-M65 Bombs AN-M65Al
Bomb AN-M65Al contains anti-withdrawal pins in the base plug, and an adapter-booster and fuze adapter that can be locked in place. The earlier Bomb AN-M65 lacks these antiwithdrawal features. The released weight of A.N-M65 is greater than that of AN-M65Al; AN--M65 has an explosive charge to total weight ratio of 53 percent as compared to the 50 percent ratio of Bomb AN-M65Al. Bomb AN-M44, an earlier model of the IOOO-lb GP bomb, is similar to AN-M64, but has a base plug which will accept only fuzes with a 1 %-inch diameter thread. I I L
GP Bomb AWM65A7
Fin Assembly
Characteristics with
of Fin
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT- _ _ _ Loaded with TritonalWeight of explosive: TNT--.---__________ Tritonal- _ - _- _ _ _ - _ _ _ Weight of fin: Fin Assembly ANM113A1________-__ Dimensions: Length of complete bomb- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ Length of bomb body Diameter _ - - _ - _ _ - _ _ - Fin span - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Fin length--------_-Suspension: Two suspension lugs _Single suspension lug- Components
32.1 lbs
69.5 inches 51 .O inches 18.8 inches 25.4 inches 18.52 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
Fin Assernbly AN-M 113A1 Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103A1 AN-M139Al AN-M14oAl Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 233 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-M 166 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuze (one of): AN-M 102A2 AN-Mk 230 Ml17 M125Al M 134 Arming wire assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: F uzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping b,ands from bomb by Remove removing nuts from securing bolts. closing plugs. CAIJTI ON : Inspect for damage etc.) broken weldments, (cracks which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body.
of a Complete
and 4.16)
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (or Fin Lock Nut M2) Closing plugs CONFIDENTIAL
GP Bomb AN--M65A7
Fin Assembly
CONFIDENTIAL 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate. Position fins to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten with wrench. When bomb is to be carried externally at, speeds in excess of 350 knots, Fin Lock Nut M2 should be used in place of the regular fin locknut. Setscrews should be tightened securely. This is necessary to prevent rotation of the fin assembly. (Refer to NAVORD Instruction 8150.1). CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if if cannot be secured tlo the bomb If the fin assembly is loose properly. and turns on the bomb, it, will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prematurely. 4. Install bomb on aircraft) and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb int,o place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION : If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in
any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: The 1OOO-lb GP Bomb AN-M65Al uses Tail Fuzes M125Al or M 134 which incorporate an antiwithdrawal device ,, Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze M125Al or Ml34 when release,d SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of the bomb. Once Fuze M125Al or Ml34 is installed, never attempt to remove the fuze from the bomb. Do not turn Fuze M125A1 or M 134 back and forth t,o engage threads. Use a screwing-in motion only. The anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
29 (T142)
73 .O Ibs
Description The IOOO-lb GP Bomb AN-M65A1 equipped with Fin Assembly Ml29 (T142) uses the standard Bomb Body AN-M65Al. The elongated cone of the fin assembly lengthens and streamlines the bomb. Conical Fin Assembly Ml29 consists of a fin cone with four integral fins spaced at equal distances on the cone. A support tube runs through the center of the cone, and the fin assembly is secured to the bomb body by means of this support tube, a locking web, and a locknut. Conical Fin Assembly MI29 was developed to increase aerodynamic performance and accuracy in bombing. When GP Bomb AN-M65Al is installed with a conical fin assembly, the new long-stem tail fuze is required so that the arming vane can be located effectively in the airstream. Physical Characteristics of GP Bomb ANM65AI with Fin Assembly Ml 29 Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TNT- _ - _ Iloaded with Tritonal- Weight of explosive : TNT-- ________ -_-_ __ Tritonal------_____ bomb: 1165.2 lbs 1205.2 lbs 555.0 lbs 595.0 lbs
Weight of fin : Fin Assembly Ml 29 (T142) Dimensions : Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body- _ Diameter _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ .__ Fin span-_- __ _ _____ - _ Fin length - _ _ _ - _ _ - __ .Suspension: Two suspension lugs-- Single suspension lug- .. Components
91.1 inchles 51 .O inchles 18.8 inches 26.2 inches 46.5 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figure
of a Complete
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Fin Assembly Ml29 (T142) Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) supplied Fin Locking Web (BuOrd Sk separately 329 153) Nose fuzes (one of) : AN-M103Al AN-M139A.L AN-M140A1
CONFIDENTIAL Nose fuzes (one of)-Continued Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuze (one of) : M177 M185 (T740) T755 T758 M183 (T783) Arming Wire Assembly Mk or Ml6 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. Return them to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts from securing bolts. Remove closing plugs. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove fin locknut and discard it with its protector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Thread center support from shipping crate. tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut seat). Tighten tube with wrench. Tighten setscrews Place fin cone over support in support tube. tube. Slide cone back until jammed against bomb body. Position fins to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Place fin locking web over support tube so that1 it Secure conical engages fins of the fin assembly. fin assembly to support tube by threading on special locknut (discard locknut supplied with
1, AN--M6A2,
fin assembly). Tighten locknut with special notched wrench. Bend two tabs of locking web i.nto locknut slots. Secure nut in position by means of setscrews. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION : If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in t,he field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 7. Jnstallation of long-delay Fuze T755 or T758 with Conical Fin Assembly M129 requires a special operation to lock the fuze in place. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION : Bomb M65A1, installed with Conical Fin Assembly M129 (r142), uses Fuzes 1755 or T758 which incorporate an anti-withdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze T75Ei or T758 when rcleased SAFE] cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of the bomb. Do not turn Fuze T755 or T758 back and forth to engage threads; use a screwing-in motion only. The antiwithdrawal device will cause the fuze bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
358615 O-55-6
Description The 2000-lb GP Bomb AN-.M66A2, figure 4..18, has a cylindrical metal case, an ogival nose, and a tapered aft end. A box-type fin assembly (AN-Mll6Al) is secured to the aft end of the bomb with a fin locknut,. The bomb accommodates both a nose and a tail fuze. Both fuzes are used for the majority The AN-M6682 has of bombing operations. an adapter-booster capable of receiving tail fuzes with a 2-inch thread diameter. A fuze adapter may be inserted into the adapterbooster to convert the seat to accommodate the smaller fuzes with lx-inch diameter threads. Special studs attached to the base plug and imbedded in the solidified explosive filler prevent removal of the base plug. The adapterbooster (and fuze adapter, when used) are locked to the base plug with a locking pin that extends from the adapter-booster to a groove in the base plug. Approximately 50 percent of the complete weight of the bomb consists of explosive filler. Double suspension lugs are welded to the bomb case with 30 inches between centers. A single suspension lug is welded to the case on the opposite side at the center of gravity. The bomb is painted olive-drab; yellow color bands and black-stenciled nomenclature identify the bomb and its high-explosive charge. Differences Between Bombs
and AN-M66
Bombs AN-M66A2 and AN-M66Al contain anti-withdrawal pins in the base plug, and an adapter-booster and fuze adapter that can be locked in place. The earlier Bomb AN-M66 lacks these features. AN--M66A2 differs further from AN-M66A 1 and AN-M66 by a thicker and rounder nose. In Bomb AN-M66A2, the ratio of explosive charge to total weight is approximately 50 percent as compared to an average weight-ratio of 53 percent in the other two bombs. Bomb AN-M34, an earlier model of the 20001.b GP bomb, is similar to AN-M66, but has a base plug which will accept only fuzes with a t X-inch diameter thread.
GP Assembly
Bomb AN-M7
AWM66A2 16.Al.
CONFIDENTIAL Physical AN-MI Characteristics with 16A1 bomb : 2118.5 lbs 2196.5 lbs 1097.8lbs 1181 .O lbs 54.4 lbs of Fin GP Bomb
Weight of assembled fuzed LoadedwithTNT----Loaded with Tritonal Weight of explosive : TNT--------.------Tritonal- _ _ _ - _- - _ _ - - Weight of fin: Fin Assembly ANMll6Al Dimensions : Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body- _ Diameter _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ Fin span--_---._-_Fin length--.-_-_-_Suspension : Two suspension lugs- - Single suspension lug- Components of a Complete
92.63 inches 67.8 inches 23.29 inches 31.6 inches 25.0 inches 30 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
Fin Assembly AN-M 116A 1 Nose fuze (one of) : AN-M103A1 AN-M139A1 AN-M14OA1 Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Tail fuz,e (one of) : AN-M102A2 AN-Mk 230 M11i M 125A1 M134Arming wire assembly Fahnest,ock clips Assembly CAUTION : Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requiremen ts, Return them to their original packings, if not used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts from securing bolts. Remove closing plugs, C A IJ T I 0 N : Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body.
GP Bomb AN-M66A2
Fin Assembly
GP Bomb AN-M66A2
Fin Assembly
CONFIDENTIAL 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Position fins to clear airfrom shipping crate. craft structure and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten with wrench. When bomb is to be carried externally at speeds in excess of 350 knots, Fin Lock Nut M3 should be used in place of the regular fin locknut. Setscrews should be tightened securely. This is necessary to prevent rotation of the fin asRefer to NAVORD Instruction sembly. 8150.1. CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from the tail fuze, causing it to arm prematurely. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzcs and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split,, or if the seal is broken in
any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information of fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: The 2OOO-lb GP Bomb AN-:M66A2 u ses Tail Fuzes M125A1 or Ml34 which incorporate an antiwithdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze M125A1 or Ml34 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of the bornb. Once Fuze M125AI or Ml34 is installed, never attempt to remove the fuze from the bomb. Do not turn Fuze M125Al or Ml34 back and fort,h to engage threads ; use a screwing-in motion only. The anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before threads are engaged.
23.29 inches 32.3 inches 59.8 inches 30 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figure
Description The 2000-lb GP Bomb AN-M66A2 equipped with Fin Assembly Ml30 (Tl43) uses the standard Bomb Body AN-M66A2. The elongated fin assembly lengthens and streamlines the 2OOO-lb GP bomb, improving its aerodynamic performance and accuracy in bombing. When Bomb AN-M66A2 is installed with a conical fin assembly, the new long-stem tail fuze is required so that the arming vane can be located effectively in the airstream. Physical Characteristics of GP Bomb AN-
Dimensions -Continued Diameter- _. _ _ _ _ _ _. Fin span _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - Fin length _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ Suspension : Two suspension lugs-. _ Single suspension- _ - _ Components
of a Complete
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Fin Assembly M 130 Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) supplied sepFin Locking Web (BuOrd Sk arately. 329153) Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103AI. AN-M139A1 AN-M14oA1 Mk 243 Mod 0 Mk 244 Mod 1 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-M 168
Ml 30
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with TNT- _ - _ 2194.5 lbs Iloaded with Tritonal- _ 2277.5 lbs Weight of explosive : TNT- _________ -___-1097.8 lbs Tritonal- _ _ _ _ - _. _ _ _ _ _ 1181 .O lbs Weight of fin : Fin Assembly M13O_ _ - 135.0 lbs Dimensions : Length of complete 116.8 inches bomb Length of bomb body- - 67.8 inches
Figure 78
Fin Assembly
CONFIDENTIAL Tail fuze (one of): M177 Ml85 (T740) T7ri5 T758 Ml83 (T783) Arming wire assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requireReturn them to their original ments. packings, if not! used. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by Remove removing nuts from securing bolts. closing plugs. Inspect for damage CAUTION: broken weldmen tls, etc.) (cracks, which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove fin locknut and discard it with itis protiector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Thread center support from shipping crate. tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut seat). Tighten setTighten tube with wrench. Place fin cone over screws in support tube. Slide cone back until jammed support tube. Position fins to clear airagainst bomb body. craft structure and ground, when installed. Place fin locking web over support tube so t,hat Secure conical it engages fins of fin assembly. fin assembly to support tube by threatding on (Discard locknut supplied special locknut,. Tighten locknut with with fin assembly). Bend t,wo tabs of special notched wrench. locking web into locknut slot,s. Secure nut) in position by means of setscrews.
4.. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisCng bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If conta#iners are punctured, split, or if thle seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive t]apc for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed inforlmation of fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). Installation of long-delay Fuze T755 or T758 with Con&l Fin Assembly Ml 30 requires a special operaGon to lock the fuze in place. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Bomb AN-M6682, installed with Fin Assembly M130, uses Fuzes T755 or T758 which incorporate an anti-wit,hdrawal device. Non-detonation of bombs fuzed with Fuze T755 or T7!38 when released SAFE cannot be relied upon, because the glass ampule in the fuze may break upon impact of tlhe bomb. Do not turn Fuze T755 or I758 back and forth to engage threads; use m.otion only. The a screwing-in anti-withdrawal device will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if Lhe fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in even the adapter-boostclr, before t,hreacls are engaged.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
250-lb GP Bomb 500-lb GP Bomb 1000-lb GP Bomb 2000-lb GP Bomb Fures Compatible
with Low-drag
Low-drag GP bombs use mechanical or electric fuzes. A combination ,of the following nose and tail fuzes are used with low-drag GP bornbs: Nose fuzes: AN-M103Al AN-M 139Al AN-M140Al VT Fuze T750 VT Fuze AN-Ml66 M990 (T905) (electric) Tail fuzes: Ml 85 (T740) Ml 90 (T759) Ml 94 (T791) Ml 95 (T792) M990 (T905) (electric) Adapter--boosters for mechanical fuzing: T45E I. (nose) X46E4 (tail)
I -
l/ \ I
3 '\. ii If-4\ L f-
i L . . _._ /
2000 LB G P MK 84 MOD 1
1000 LB G P MK 83 MOD 2
500 LB G P MK 82 MOD
250 LB G P MK 81 MOD
Figure 5. I b--low-drag
OP 1280
(First Revision)
Low-drag GP bombs are identified by stand.ard nomenclature which is st)enciled in yellow on the bomb body and bomb comThe complete bomb is olive drab ponel~ts. in color. The following identifying information usually is included: Type Weight Model Ammunition Suspension Two suspension lugs are threaded into lug inserts which are welded to the bomb body. Lugs arc spaced 14 inches apart for the 250- to 1 OOO-pound sizes. Suspension lugs are spaced 30 inches apart for the 2000-pound size. A hoisting lug located at the center of gravity is thrcladed into a lug insert between the two suspension lugs. Safety Precautions Low-drag GP bombs and their components are shipped separately and are assembled in the field to form a complete round. This permits safer handling of t)he bomb and its components, and reduces the probability of installing dcfectiive parts. The electric fuze cable harness, when available, will be installed in bombs by Bombs loaded before the the loading activity. fuzc harness is available will be equipped with this component by ammunition depots. Preparing low-drag GP bombs for flight requires extreme care, because a mis-step may prove fat)al. Be absolutely sure of the assembly
Safety Precautions
To Be Observed
lot number
1. Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. 2. Any accidentally armed fuze, either partially or fully armed, must be handled only by authorized personnel. 3. Fuzes shall not be assembled to bombs in anticipation of future needs. 4. Guard fuzes against dropping or bumping at all times, t!o prevent! premature detonation. 5. Never allow primer detonators to drop or strike an object; detonators are extremely sensitive and rough handling will explode them. 6. Screw fuze int)o bomb handtight only; never use a tool for this operation, unless it specifically is authorized. 7. Handle and install arming vanes with care to prevent distortion of blades, and possible malfunction of both fuze and bomb. 8. Do not remove warning tags when fuze is installed in a bomb. 0. Never remove safety cotter pins or car seals from fuzes prematurely. 10. Be careful when unpacking and installing long-stem t,ail fuzes; do not lose any parts. Xl. Replace all safety cotter pins when defuzing a bomb. X2. Do not! USCa fin assembly if it c;annot be secured t,o the bomb properly, or if it is damaged. 13. Inspect arming wires for kinks, twists, and burrs. Such defects may cause a bomb to malfunction.
GP ,Bomb Mk
81 Mod
The 250-lb GP Bomb Mk 81 Mod 1, figure 5.2, has a slender body with a long, pointed nose. A conical-type fin is at,tached to the aft end of the bomb by eight setscrews. Bomb Mk 81 Mod 1 uses either mechanical or electric fuzcs. Mechanical fuzing requires the installation of adapkr-boosters. Two conduit$s for the electric fuze cable harness connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with the charging receptacle cavity between the lugs on the outer surface of the bomb case. When electric fuzes are not used, a plug is threaded into the charging receptacle cavity. When fuzes are not installed, the bomb body has a nose fuze-hole plug, base fuze-hole plug, When and support cup in the nose fuzc cavity. the bomb is fuzed mechanically, these three par& arq removed and the adapter-boosters and fuzes arc inserted. The nose fuze-hole plug and base fuze-hole plug are replaced after electric fuzes have been installed. Adapter-boost,ers If the bomb are not used with electric fuzes. is tail-fuzed only, the support cup must, be used in the nose cavity to prevent collapse of t,he f uze cavity upon heavy impact. The bomb body has a base plug containing locking pins which are imbedded in the solidified explosive filler. Two suspension lugs, spaced 14 inches apart, and a hoisting lug at the center of gravity are threaded in to lug inserts The high-explosive filler, on thc bomb body. Tritonal, is identified by yellow-stenciled nomenclature on the bomb body. The base color of the bomb is olive drab. Differences Between Certain Lots
Bombs and fin assemblies through A. 0. Smith Corporation Lot -Number 1 have locating pins in t)he bomb body and holes in fin assemThe blies for receiving the locating pins. reverse is true for bomb bodies and fin assemblies manufactured by the A. 0. Smith CorporaBodies and fin tion subsequent to this lot. assemblies of the later lots are not intorchangeable with bomb bodies and fin assemblies manufactured through Lot .Number 1. To ensure that, Lot 1 bomb bodies and fin assemblies arc CONFIDENTIAL
fuzed). 87
OP 1280 (First Revision) not issued with bomb bodies and fin assemblies of later lots, their designation has been changed to Mk 81 Mod 0. Refer to NAVORD Instruction 8150.15. Physical Characteristics Components
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with 80/20 Tri tonal Weight of explosive: Tritonal- _ __- ________ Weight of fin: Fin Assembly (Dwg 1445672) Dimensions: Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body- _ Diameter------_____ Fin span- - _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ Fin length - _ - _ - _ - - - _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs- _ HoisGng lug- _- - - - - _ - _
260 lbs
76.05 inches 49.3 inches 9.0 inches 12.6 inches 27.6 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity
7 (M ec h anically
1 (M ec h anically
358615 0-55~7
OP 1280 (First Revision) Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of reand not quiremen ts. If unpacked used, return them t#o their original packings.
CONFIDENTIAL unservicealble. shall be considered This does notI apply to fuzes repaclked in t,he field aItd resealed with adhesive These tape for temporary protection. fuzcs should be examined carefully for serviceability , 6. Insert required tail fuze through opening in rear of fin assembly. Grasp the fuze through the access door opening and screw fuzc into fuze well, until handtight. Apply torque to fuze ati the body adjacent to the adapt)erbooster. Do not apply torque at vane end of fuze. 7. GP Bomb Mk 81 Mod 1 uses the ANMl03Al series of now fuzes. If nose fuzing is not used, replace nose plug and support cup, and secure nose plug with setscrew. 8. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing of Nose Fuze .4N-M 103A1, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 9. Install bomb securely on aircraft and If bomb bay does not provide sway brace. enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on t,he rack. 10. Install arming wire.
The 500-lb GP Bomb Mk 82 Mod 0 and Mod 1, figure 5.5, has a slender body with a long, A conical-type fin is attached pointed nose. to the aft end of the bomb body by six setscrews. Bomb Mk 82 may be fuzed mechanically or Mechanical fuzing requires the electrically. Two coninstallation of adapter-boosters. duits for an electric fuze cable harness connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with the charging receptacle cavity between the lugs on the outer surface of the bomb case. When electric fuzes are not used, a plug is threaded into the charging receptacle cavity. When fuzes are not installed, the bomb body has a nose fuze-hole plug, a base fuze-hole plug, and a support cup in the nose fuze cavity. When the bomb is fuzed mechanically, these three parts are removed and the adapterbooster and fuzes are inserted. The nose fuze-hole plug and the base fuze-hole plug are replaced after electric fuzes have been installed. Adapter-boosters are not used with electric fuzes. If the bomb is tail-fuzed only, the support cup must be used in the nose fuze cavity to prevent collapse of the fuze cavity upon heavy impact. The bomb body has a base plug containing locking pins which are imbedded in the solidifiller. Two suspension lugs fied explosive spaced 14 inches apart, and a hoisting lug at the center of gravity are threaded into lug inserts on the bomb b0d.y. The high-explosive Tritonal filler is identified by yellow-stenciled nomenclature on the bomb body. The base color of the bomb is olive drab. Differences Between Mods
Bomb Mk 82 Mod 1 differs from Bomb Mk 82 Mod 0 only in the method used t)o construct the bomb body. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with 80120 Tri- 512 lbs (Mod 0) tonal 531 lbs (Mod 1) CONFIDENTIAL
Fuzed). 91
OP 1280
(First Revision)
0 (Mechanically
Weight of explosive: Trit(onal_____ ---_--__ Weight of fin: Fin Assembly (Dwg 1380512)---_-._---Dimensions: Length of complete bomb-- _ - _._ _ _ _ _- - Length of bomb body- Diameter - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ Fin span------_.___ _Fin length- - - - - __ _ - _ _
192 lbs
Suspension: Two suspension lugs __- 14 inches c to c Hoisting lug- __ - _ - - _ _ _ Center of gravity Components
of a Complete
Fin Assembly (Dwg 1380512) Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103AI AN-M139AI AN-M140A M.k 243 Mod 0 VT Fuze T75O VT Fuze AN-Ml66 MB0 (T905) (electric) Tail fuzc (one of): Ml95 (T792) M99O (T9O.S) (electric) Adapter-boosters (for mechanical T45El (nose) T46E4 (tail) Fahnestock clips (for mechanical Arming wire assembly Assembly
fuzing) :
Bomb body assembly Bomb body Closing plugs Suspension lugs Hoisting lug
CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings.
0 (M ec h onically
of GP Bomb
Mk 82
Inspectl for damage CAUTION: (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken threaded lug inserts or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Remove nose plug, base plug, and support cup from nose cavity. Remove hoisting lug from tail fuze cavity. In&all required adapter-boosters for mechanical fuzing. 3. Remove fin assembly and suspension Place fin assemlugs from fin shipping crate. bly over end of the bomb body with one fin in line with suspension lugs; if suspended in external racks, turn and locate fin to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Butt, fin against aft end of the bomb and secure with setscrews located on the edge of the fin cone. Assemble the two suspension lugs and the hoisting lug in their respective threaded holes. 4. Open access door by unlocking attaching fasteners. 5. Remove fuzes and arming wire assembly from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These
fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. Insert required tail fuze through opening in rear of fin assembly. Grasp the fuze through access door opening, and screw fuze into fuze well, until handtight. Apply torque to fuze at body adjacent to the adapter-booster. Do not apply torque at vane end of fuze. 7. GP Bomb Mk 82 Mods 0 and 1 use the AN-MjO3Al series of nose fuzes. If nose fuzing is not used, replace nose plug and support cup, and secure nose plug with setscrew. 8. For detailed information of fuzing and defuzing of Nose Fuze AN--M103Al, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 9. Install bomb securely on aircraft and sway brace. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall lbe done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 10. Install arming wire.
The loo&lb GP Bomb Mk 83 Mods 2 and 3 have a slender body with a long, pointed nose. A conical-type fin is attached t)o the aft end of the bomb body by six setscrews. Bomb Mk 83 uses either mechanical or Mechanical fuzing, figure 5.8, electric fuzes. Two requires installation of adapter-boosters. conduits for an electric fuze cable harness connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with the charging receptacle cavity between the lugs on the outer surface of the bomb case. When electric fuzes are not! used, t-t plug is threaded into the charging receptacle cavit,y. When fuzes are not installed, the bomb body has a nose fuze-hole plug, a base fuze-hole plug, and a support cup in the nose fuze cavity. When the bomb is fuzed mechaNnically, these three parts are removed and the adapterboosters and fuzes are inserted. The nose fuze-hole plug and base fuze-hole plug are replaced after electric fuzes have been installed. Adapter-boosters are not used with electric fuzes. If the bomb is tail-fuzed only, the support cup must be used in t,he nose fuze cavity to prevent collapse of the fuze cavity upon heavy impact. The bomb body has a base plug containing locking pins which are imbedded in the solidified explosive filler. Double suspension lugs spaced 14 inches apart, and a hoisting lug at the center of gravity arc threaded into lug inserts on the bomb body. The high-explosive Tritonal filler is identified by yellow-stenciled nomenclature on t,he bomb. The base color of the bomb is olive drab. Differences Between Mods
Low-drag GP Bomb Mk 83 consists of the Mod 2 and t)he Mod 3. Differences lie in the methods used in the construction of the bomb bodies. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with 80/20 Tritonal ._-_. -. ___ __ 985lbs CONFIDENTIAL
OP 1280 (First Revision) Weight of explosive: Tritonal-_---__--___ Weight of fin: Fin assembly- - - _ _ - - - _ Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb- _ - _ Length of bomb body- Diameter-----------Fin span------------Fin length- _ _ - - _ - - - - _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs--One hoisting lug- _ - - - _ Components of a Complete
445 lbs 55 lbs 2 and 3
1. Remove shipping cap on rear of bomb body by removing hex-head bolts. CALJTION: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken threaded lug inserts or their att!achment to the bomb body. 2. Remove nose fuze-hole plug, base fuzehole plug, and support cup from nose fuze cavity. Remove hoisting lugs from tail fuze cavity. Install required adapter-boosters for mechanical fuzing. 3. Remove fin assembly and suspension lugs from fin shipping crate. Place fin assembly over end of the bomb body with one fin in line with suspension lugs; if suspended in external racks, turn and locate fin to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Butt fin against aft end of the bomb and secure with setscrews located on the edge of the cone. Assemble the two suspension lugs and the hoisting lug in their respective threaded holes. 4. Opm access door by unlocking attaching fasteners. 5. Remove fuzes and arming wire assembly from their containers. CAUTI0.N: If containers are pumcturcld, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be consid ered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary prot!ection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. Insert required tail fuze through opening on rear of the fin assembly. Grasp the fuze through the access door opening, and screw fuze into fuze well, until handtight. Apply torque to fuze at body adjacent to adapterbooster. Do not apply torque at vane end of fuze. 7. Mk 83 Mod 2 and Mod 3 use the A.NM 103A1 series nose fuze.
119 inches 77 inches 14 inches 20 inches 42 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
s d
0 0
GP Bomb Mk
83 Mod
2 (M ec h anically
8. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing of Nose Fuze A.N-MlO3A1, refer to OP $38 (First Revision). 9. Install bomb securely on aircraft %nd If bomb bay does not provide sway brace. enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 10. Install arming wire. then: .NOTE : On certain aircraft, the arming wire leading to Tail Fuze Ml85 (Ti4O) or Ml77 (T745) has been observed to whip during high-speed flight. To reduce this whipping action of the arming wire, at least, one arming wire guide should be installed at approximately the midway point on the tail cone of the fin assemblies for Bomb
Mk 83 Mods 2 and 3. A standard eyebolt, -Navy Stock Clatalog No. R43B63012, which can be installed easily on the fin assembly is a suitable arming wire guide.
1. Install required electrical fuzes. 2. Replace nose fuze-hole and base fuzehole plugs and secure in place with setscrews. 3. Remove charging receptacle plug. 4. Install bomb securely on aircraft and swa,y brace. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack.
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section Description The 2000-lb GP Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 has a slender body with a long, pointed nose. A conical-type fin is attached to the aft end of the bomb body by eight setscrews. Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 uses either mechanical Mechanical fuzing, figure or electric fuzes. the installation of adapter5.11, requires boosters. Two conduits for an electric fuze cable harness connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with the charging receptacle cavity between the lugs on the outer surface of the When electric fuzes are not used, bomb case. a plug is threaded into the charging receptacle opening. When fuzes are not installed, the bomb body has a nose fuze-hole plug, a base fuze-hole plug, and a support cup in the nose fuze cavity. When the bomb is fuzed mechanically, these three parts are removed and the adapterThe nose fuzeboosters and fuzes are inserted. hole plug and the base fuze-hole plug are replaced after electric fuzes have been installed. Adapter-boosters are not used with electric If the bomb is tail-fuzed only, the fuzes. support cup must be used in the nose fuze cavity to prevent collapse of the fuze cavity upon heavy impact. The bomb body has a base plug containing locking pins which are imbedded in the solidiDouble suspension lugs fied explosive filler. spaced 30 inches apart, and a hoisting lug located at the center of gravity are threaded into lug inserts on the bomb body. The high-explosive Tritonal filler is identified by yellow-stenciled nomenclature on the bomb. The base color of the bomb is olive drab. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with 80/20 Tri- 1970 lbs tonal. Weight of explosive Tritonal- ___-__--_-.-_ 945 lbs Weight of fin: Fin assembly- - - - _ _ __ _ 80 lbs _ Dimensions: Length or height of 154.0 inches complete bomb 100
5.7 I-
Bomb Fuzed).
84 Mod
GP Bomb Mk
84 Mod
1 (Mechanically
Dimensions-Continued Length of bomb bodyDiameter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fin span-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fin length- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs- - _ One hoisting lug- _ _ _ _ _ Components of a Complete 5.12 and 5.13)
102.6 inches 18.0 inches 25.3 inches 53.1 inches 30 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
Assembly CAUTION : F uzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings.
Mechanical Mod 1
of GP Bomb
Mk 84
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Closing plugs Suspension lugs Hoisting lug Fin assembly Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103A1 AN-M139Al AN-M140Al VT Fuze T750 VT Fuze AN-M 166 M99O (T9O5) (electric) Tail fuze (one of): Ml90 (T759) M99O (T905) (electric) Adapter-boosters (for mechanical fuzing) : T45E 1 (nose) T46E4 (tail) Fahnestock clips (for mechanical fuzing) Arming wire assembly CONFIDENTIAL
1. Remove shipping cap on rear of bomb. C A TJ T IO N: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might weaken threaded lug inserts or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Remove nose fuze-hole plug, base fuzehole plug, and support cup from nose fuzo cavity. Remove hoisting lug from tail fuze cavitly. Install required adapter-boosters for mechanical fuzing. 3. Remove fin assembly and the suspension lugs from fin shipping crate. Place fin assembly over end of the bomb body so that the pin in the fin assembly aligns with a hole in the body. Butt fin against aft end of the bomb and secure with setscrews located on tihe edge of the fin cone. Assemble the two suspension lugs and the hoisting lug in their respective threaded holes. 4. Open access door by unlocking attaching fasteners. 5. Remove required fuzes and arming wire assembly from their containers.
GP Bomb Mk
84 Mod
1 (M ec h onicully
CONFIDENTIAL CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive These tape for temporary protection. fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability.
sway brace. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 10. Install arming wire by threading wire through forward suspension lug. Arming wire should protrude approximately 2 inches be*yond fuze vanes. Cut off excess wire. Arming wire should be free from kinks, twists, and burrs.
6. Insert required tail fuze through opening in rear of fin assembly. Grasp the fuze through the access door opening, and screw fuze into fuze well, until handtight. Apply torque to fuze at the body adjacent tlo the adapterbooster. Do not apply torque at vane end of fuze. 7. GP Bomb Mk 84 Mod 1 uses Nose Fuze AN-M 103A1, or its equivalent. 8. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing of Nose Fuze AN-M103A1, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 9. Install bomb securely on aircraft and
Chapter 6
Section 6.1 -General Section 6.2-4-lb Section 6.3-20-lb Section 6.4-900lb Section 6.5-220~lb Section 6.6-220~lb Section 6.7-260~lb Section 6.8-260-I Fragmentation Fragmentation F ragmentation Fragmentation Fragmentation Fragmentation b Fragmentation Bomb M83 Bomb AN-M41 Bomb M82 Bomb AN-M88 Bomb AN-M88 Bomb AN-M81 Bomb AN-M81 with Fin Assembly with Fin Assembly with Fin Assembly with Fin Assembly AN-MIO3AI Ml 35 Al
AN-MIO3Ai Ml 35
Chapter 6
Section 6.1-General Description Fragmentation (frag) bombs usually are constructed of seamless steel tubing covered with spirally wound, square steel wire. The seamless steel bodies usually are of one-piece construction, swaged at each end with the wire extending to both ends of the bomb body. However, some models of these bombs have cast nose and tail sections that are threaded into a central, cylindrical steel tubing; the tubing is the only part of the body that is wirewrapped. Small fragmentation bombs are nose-fuzed only and have tail caps threaded to receive a four-bladed fin assembly or a small parachute unit. These small bombs may be suspended either horizontally or vertically in the aircraft and commonly are used in cluster assemblies. Larger fragmentation bom.bs (over 90 pounds) are used individually and are equipped with box-type or conical fin assemblies. Fragmentation bombs, 220 pounds and larger, are adapted for both nose and tail fuzing. The 4-h Fragmentation Bomb M83 differs in its shape and manner of issue from the other
fragmentation bombs. It is a small, cylindrical metal bomb issued only in bomb clusters or in wafers. The fuze, placecl in the bomb and set at the time of manufacture, has a cable extension on which the bomb case assembly (butterfly wings) is mounted. When the bomb is released frorn the cluster, the butterfly wings spring open and rotate on the cable, retarding the fall of the bomb and arming the fuze. Usage Direct hits or near misses are required for fragmentation bombs. Destruction is caused by fragmentation of the bomb case; therefore, the target must be in the bombs effective radius of projectted fragments. The explosive charge may consist of Amatol 50150, Composition B, or T.NT. Fragmentation Bombs (Figure 6.1)
J-lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41Al go-lb Fragmentation Bomb M82 220-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M88 260-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81
6. I-Frugmentation
Size. 107
CONFIDENTIAL at the end of the fin assembly, is provided. The J-lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 is issued in wafers which are held together with metal Groups of wafers are assembled to bands. form a cluster. Safety Precautions Except for the small bombs (4 pounds and 20 pounds), the fragmentation bomb bodies and attaching components are shipped as separate units and are assembled before installation in Preparing bombs for flight the bomb rack. requires extreme care, because a mis-step may prove fatal.
Nose fuzes: AN-Ml58 AN-M103Al VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 Side fuzes: (for Bomb M83 only): Ml29 Ml30 Ml31 Tail fuzes: AN-M 100A2 Ml72 Ml75 Markings The high-explosive con tent of fragmentation bombs is indicated by yellow bands which encircle the bomb body. Small fragmentation bombs (under 90 pounds) have yellow-painted nose a,nd tail sections with the exception of the &lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 which has a +&inch yellow band on each side of its body. Standard nomenclature is stenciled in black letters on the bomb body and its components. The following information is given for identificat ion of fragmentation bombs: TYPe Weight Model Filler--(Camp B, TNT) Ammunition lot numbers T_JS (in letters) Inspectors stamp AIC symbol ICC shipping designation Displacement Address Shipping ticket number Suspension Most fragmentation bombs can be suspended either singly or doubly by means of lugs welded to the case. A single lug is welded on one side of the bomb case, and double suspension lugs Smaller are located diametrically opposite. fragmentation bombs, up to 90 pounds, usually The 20-lb fragmentation are used in clusters. bombs have a single suspension lug welded to the bomb body for individual suspension and USC?. In addition, a suspension eye, located
CONFIDENTIAL Section 6.2-4-lb Description The J-lb Fragmentation Bomb M83, figure 6.2, is a small, barrel-shaped bomb. The fuze, assembled at the time of manufacture, is mounted on the bomb case midway between Two semi-cylindrical surthe cylinder ends. faces (butterfly wings) and two discs (propeller blades) are spring-hinged together, independent In the unarmed position, these of the bomb. four pieces, or vanes, are folded about, the cylindrical bomb forming a cylindrical outer A cable extension projects from bomb casing. the fuze through the folded outer bomb casing. The J-lb fragmentation bomb uses Fuze Ml%, Ml30 or M131. Fuze firing actions, impact, mechanical time-delay, and anti-disturbance are obtained by selection of the appropriate fuze. The fuzes are installed and their actions are set at the time of manufacture. M83 bombs are issued in clusters of the M28 and M29 series or in the form of bomb wafers to be assembled in clusters in the field. In the cluster, the four bomb vanes are held against the bomb by contact with other bombs A provision is made to permit of the cluster. clipping or wiring the vanes of unclustered bombs in the closed or unarmed position. When the bombs are released from the cluster, the wings open by spring-action and are forced by the airstream to the top of the cable extenIn this position, sion where they lock in place. the butterfly wings begin to rotate and retard t)he fall of the bomb. The rotation of the wings (or vanes) turns the cable and withdraws the arming stem, arming the fuze. Approximately 12 percent of the complete bomb weight is explosive filler, Composition B or TNT. The bomb is paint,ed olive drab; yellow color bands and black-stenciled nomenclature identify the bomb and its high-explosive content. Physical Characteristics Fragmentation
Weight of assembled bomb: Loaded with Composition 3.82 lbs B Loaded with TNT - - - - __ - 3.80 lbs CONFIDENTIAL
OP 1280 (First Revision) Weight of explosive: Comp B---------------TNT- ..________ - ____ ---Dimensions: Length or height of cornplete bomb Length of bomb body- - _ Diameter--------------Butterfly wing span- - - _ - _ Butterfly wing length- _- Suspension: Not suspended singly; used in cluster only. Assembly 0.99 lbs 0.4olbs 11 .l3 inches 2.82 inches 3.13 inches 9.5 inches 3 .O inches
1. The &lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 is shipped from the manufacturer in wafer assemblies which are bound with two metal straps. The wafer assemblies are individually packed in metal-lined wafer boxes and are secured to plywood inserts. Fuzes are installed and set at the factory. CATJTION: Never attempt to remove the fuzes, change the setting, or perform any work on the fuzes. 2. Always handle wafers by the cable assemblies (pigtails) or by the flat side. Do not handle by the strapping. 3. For general precautions and the detailed chronological procedures for handling and installing the 4lb Fragmentation Bomb M83 wafers: refer to section 7.3. CAUTION: Follow the assembly operation procedures carefully. Failure to follow directions precisely may permit the bomb to spring out of the cluster and the case assemblies (butterfly wings) to open.
of a Complete
Bomb body assembly Bomb body Cable assembly Case assembly Fuzes (one of): M 129 (impact) M 130 (mechanical time-delay) M I 3 1 (anti-disturbance) (including) :
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section 6.3~2O-lb Description The 20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41A1, figure 6.4, is constructed of spirally wound wire A seamless and cast-steel nose and tail pieces. steel inner tube is threaded to the nose and tail piece to form the base for the spiral-wound wire. The fin assembly is made of four rectangular sheet-steel vanes welded to a oneThe threaded end of the inch diameter pipe. pipe is secured to the base filling plug. The nose section of the bomb is threaded to receive an impact fuze. The 20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41AI is used in the loo-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster AN-Ml Al and in tlhe 500-11) Fragmentation Bomb Clusters M26 and M26A2. ,4t t,he center of gravity, a U-shaped eyebolt of steel is welded to the bomb case for horizontal suspension ; an eyebolt is welded to the tail for vertJical suspension. ,4pproximately 13 percent of t,he complete weight, of Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41Al is explosive filler, Amatol50/50 or T.NT. A yellowcolored head and base identify the highexplosive filler of t#he %&lb Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M41Al. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on the bomb body. The bomb body windings are painted olive drab. Differences AN-M41 Between A1 Bombs AN-M41 and Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41 Al
Bomb AN-M41, the earlier model, differs from AN-M41Al in length. A change in construction added a l/%inch shoulder to the nose of the bomb; this change in design alone constitutes the Al modification. Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41 is issued only in cluster form. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with Amatol 19.7 lbs 50/50 Loaded with TNT- - 19.8 lbs Weight of explosive: AM 50/50---------2.57 lbs TNT-------__--_ 2.7 lbs
Fragmentation M47A7.
CONFIDENTIAL Weight of fin: Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb of bomb Length body Diameter---_--~-_ Fin span---------.. Fin length--------Suspension : suspension Single lug Vertical 1% Components of a Complete Round (Figures suspension 1.6 lbs 22.4 inches 11.5 inches 3.64 inches 5.13 inches 9.4 inches Center of gravity
BOMBS except
CAUII0.N: Fuzes shall not be unpacked in advanc e of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. 2. Remove bomb closing threads, clean if necessary. 3. Remove plug. Inspect
CAUTI0.N: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 4. Nose Fuze AN-Ml58 is used with %)-lb Fragmentation Bomb A-N-M4 1A 1. 5. For detailed information on fuzing defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Do not remove safety cotter-pin locking arm mechanism of nose fuze. the and
Figure 6.5-20-16
Bomb AN-M4lA1,
Bomb AWM47A1,
CONFIDENTIAL Section 6.4-90-lb Description The go-lb Fragmentation Bomb M82, figurth 6.7, is constructed of spirally wound wire. A seamless steel inner tube forms the base for the outer wound steel wire. A rounded nose piece houses the nose fuze, and a box-type fin assembly is attached to the tapered aft end by a fin locknut. The M82 is designed for use in clusters and It has only one suspenfor single suspension. When adapted sion lug welded to its casing. for single suspension, instantaneous or VT The fitting of a mechanicalfuzes are used. time fuze is permitted with the addition of an adapter-booster. Approximately 12 percent, of the complete weight of Fragmentation Bomb M82 consists of Composition B or TNT. Yellow bands on the nose and aft end of the bomb body identify the high-explosive charge. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on t,he olive-drab painted bomb casing. Physical Characteristics Fragmentation
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with Comp B _ _ - _ - 86.6 lbs Loaded wit,h TNT- _ _ __ _ _ - _ 87.4 lbs Weight of explosive: Comp B----------.---_--12.3 lbs TNT- ____-----_---.--__--11.4 lbs Weight of fin: Box Fin Assembly MlOl---2.46 lbs Dimensions : Length or height of complete 28.0 inches bomb Length of bomb body- - _ - _ _ 20.0 inches Diameter_- -__-__- -___. ___ 6.06 inches Fin span-----____-__ - ____ 8.11 inches Fin lengtll-------------9.25 inches Suspension: Single suspensionlug---... -_ Center of gravity. Components of a Complete 6.8 and 6.9) Bomb body assembly Bomb body Fin locknu tJ Closing plugs CONFIDENTIAL Round (Figures
(including) :
Box Fin Assembly M 101 Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103A (Use short vane) VT Fuze AN-Ml66 VT Fuze AN-Ml68 AN-M 145 (Use Adapter-booster Arming Wire Assembly Mk 1 Fahnestock clips Assembly
M 117)
CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nut from securing bolts. Remove closing plug from nose end. CAIJTION: Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldment, etc.) which might, weaken lug or its attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknutS and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate. Position fin t,o clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten with wrench. CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly
if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. 4. Install bomb in accordance with type of rack in use, and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required fuze and arrning wire assembly from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or .if the seal is brok:en in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not appl,y to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for All fuzes should have serviceability. their safety devices (cot,ter, shear, and If any safety arming pins) in place. device is missing, handle the fuze with extreme care. Return the fuze to its container, and mark the container for disposal by authorized personnel. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Never attempt to reservice mechanical-time Fuze AN-M 145. Fuze AN-M 145 is considered aamed when one of the following conditions
CONFIDENTIAL exists: absence of the safety block; complete or partial ejection of the firing pin; or failure of the trigger arm
assernbly to support the striker and prevent it from snapping down tightly against the safety block.
Bomb M82,
View. 117
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section Description The 220-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M88, figure 6.10, has a body construct)ed of spirally wound 13/16-inch square steel wire. A seamless steel tube forms the base for the outer The steel wire winding is forged wrapping. at, the nose and tail to form solid nose and tail A box-type fin (A.N-MlO3A1) is sections. secured to the aft end by a fin locknut. The nose and tail sections are threaded tie accommodate nose and tail fuzes. Approximately 19 percent of the complete weight of Fragmentation Bomb AN-M88 is Yellow bands on tihe nose explosive charge. and aft end of the bomb body identify the highexplosive filler as Composition B or TNT. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on the olive-drab bomb casing. Two suspension lugs are welded 14 inches apart on one side of the bomb body, and a single suspension lug is attached to the opposite side. An earlier modification of the AN-M88 is Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81 which is heavier in weight because of its thicker wire windings. For detailed information on the A.N-M81 with box or conical fin assemblies, refer t,o section 6.7 and section 6.8. Physical Characteristics of Fragmentation Bomb AN-M88 with Fin Assembly AN-MI 03A1 Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with Comp I3- - - Loaded with TNT- - - _ _ _ Weight of explosive: Comp B------_~--_-_ T.NT----m _____ _.~__~__ Weight of fin: Box Fin Assembly A.NM103A1 Dimensions: Length or height of cornple te bomb Length of bomb body- _ I)iameter_ _ _ _ Fin span __ __ Fin length--_. -~-_ -~ -~
43.7 inches 33.5 8.13 11.0 11.0 inches inches inches inches
Fin Assembly
CONFIDENTIAL Suspension: Two suspension lugs- - - - 14 inches c to c Single suspension lug- - - - Center of gravit) Components of a Complete 6.11 and 6.12) Round (Figures
merits. Wh en unpacked and not used, fuzes shall be returned to their original packings. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb removing nuts from securing bolts. C A U T IO .N: Inspcct~ for damago (cracks, broken weldmen ts, etc.) which mighl t weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body.
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body Fin locknut (or Fin Lock .Nut MI.) Closing plugs Box Fin Assembly A.N-M 103Al Nose fuzes (one of): A.N-M103Al A.N-Ml45 (Use Adapter-booster M 117) VT Fuze AN-M 166 VT Fuze A.N-Ml68 Tail fuze: Primer-detonator (with A.N-M 100A2 M 14, non-delay) Arming Wire Assembly Mk 2 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpa,cked in advance of requirc-
2. Cut t,he shipping wire, and rcmovc fin locknut and its protector. Remove protcx+tor from lock nu t. 3. Rcrnove fin asselmbly and attachments from shipping crate. Position fin to clear aircraft structure and ground, when inst,alled. Replaccl fin locknut> and tighten with wrench. If bomb is to be carried at spctlds in excess of 350 knots, use Fin Lock: .Nut Ml in place of the regular fin locknut. CAUTI0.N: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be securrld to t,he bomb body properly. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock If bomb bay does not provide enough in place. space for fuzing, fuzing shall btl done prior to hoist,ing bomb into place on the rack.
F ragmentation
Fin Assembly
OP 1480 (First Revision) 5. Remove assembly CAUTION: required If fuze and arming are punctherein wire
CONFIDENTIAL 6. For detailed information on fu:zing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Never attempt to reservice mechanical-time Nose Fuze ANMl4.5. Nose Fuze AN-M145 is considered armed when one of the followcondit,ions exists: absence of the safety block; complete or partial ejection of the firing pin; or failure of the trigger arm assembly to support the striker and prevent it from snapping down tightly against the safety block.
tured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained shall be considered unserviceable.
This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary fuzes should be . for serviceability protection. examined These carefully
6.7 2-220-16
F rugmentution
Fin Assembly
358~i15 O--55--!1
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section Description The 220-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M88, equipped with Conical Fin Assembly M 135, The uses the standard Bomb Body AN-M88. elongated conical fin assembly lengthens and streamlines Bomb AN-M88, improving its and accuracy in aerodynamic performance bombing. Conical Fin Assembly Ml35 consists of an elongated cone with four integral blades spaced at equal distances on the cone. A support tube runs through tht: center of the cone and the fin assembly is secured to the bomb body by means of this support tube, a locking web, and a locknut,. Installation of Conical Fin Assembly M 135 requires t,he use of one of the new long-stem tail fuzes to locate the arming vane effectively in the airstream. Yellow bands on the nose and aft sections of the body identify the high-explosive contents of the bomb which consists of Composition I3 IdenGfying nomenclat#ure is stenciled or TNT. in black on the olive-drab bomb casing. Physical Characteristics
&6-220-lb Fragmentation
Ml 35
Weight of explosive: Comp Bm-- -~_ .--TNr.-----_ --__.-. Weight of fin: Conical Fin Assernbly M135 Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb Length of bomb body _ Diameter.. - - _- _ - - - Fin span - _ ---_ Fin length- - - - - - - - - _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs- :Ciingle suspension lug Components of a Complete
58.0 inches 33.5 inches 8.13 inches Il.19 inches 29.0 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravit)y Round (Figure
Bomb body assembly (including) : 13omb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body ; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Conical Fin Assemb1.y M 135 Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) supplied Fin Locking Web (BuOrd Sk separately. 3291,53)
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with Comp B- 229.5 lbs Loaded with TNT- - - _ 231.0 lbs
6.7 3--220-/b
F ragmentation
Fin Assembly
CONFIDENTIAL Nose fuzes (one of): AN-M103A1 AN-M 145 (Use Adapter-booster VT Fuze M166 VT Fuze Ml68 Tail fuzes (one of): Ml72 Ml75 Arming Wire Assembly Mk 2 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTI0.N: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requiremen ts. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by reRemove moving nuts from securing boltIs. closing plugs. Inspect for damage CAIJTION: broken weldments, etc.) (cracks, which might weaken lugs or t)heir attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove and discard fin locknut and its protector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Thread center support from shipping crate. tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut seat). Tighten tube with wrench. Tighten setscrews Place fin cone over support in support tube. tube. Slide cone back until jamrned against
M 117)
bomb body. Position fin assembly to clear aircraft structure and ground, when installed. Place fin locking web over support tube so that it engages blades of fin assernb1.y. Secure conical fin assembly to support tube by threading on special locknut . (Discard locknut, supplied with fin assembly.) Tighten locknut with speciad not)cht?d wrench. Bend two tabs of locking web into locknut) slots. Secure nut in position by means of setscrews. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securb3ly lock in place. II bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall bc done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required nurnber of fuzes and arming vire assemblies from their containers. CAUTI0.N: If containers are puricturtld, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considereld unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesivcl tape for temporary protection. These fuzes shall be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTI0.N: Refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for handling precautions for the special long-stemmed fuzes. Do not remove safety cotter-pin locking arm mechanism from fuzes. and
Section Description
The 260-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81, figure 6.14, has a body constructed of spirally A seamless tube wound l-inch square wire. forms the base for the outer wrapping. The steel wire winding is forged at the nose and t)ail to form solid nose and tail sections. A box-type> fin (AN-M 103Al) is secured to the aft end by a The nose and tail sections are fin locknut. threaded to accommodate nose and tail fuzes. Approximately 13 percent of the complete weight! of Fragmentation Bomb AN-M81 is Yellow bands on the nose and explosive filler. a,ft end of the body identify the high-explosive filler of Composition B or TNT. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on the oliveTwo suspension lugs are drab bomb casing. welded 14 inches apart on one side of the bomb body, and a single lug is welded on the opposite side. A later modification of Fragmentation Bomb A.N-M81 is Fragrnentation Bomb A.N-M88 which is lighter in weight because of its thinner For detailed information steel wire windings. on Fragmentation Bomb A.N-M88, refer to section 6.5 and section 6.6. Physical Characteristics fuzed bomb: B - -. 263.0 lbs - _ 261.5 lbs - - - 36.0 lbs --. - 34.5lbs 4. L lbs
Weight of assembled Loaded with Comp Loaded with TNTWeight of explosive: Comp B- _ - _. T.NTm-mm-_.m-m_
Weight of fin: Box Fin Assembly AN-M 103A 1 Dimensions: Length or height of complet)e bomb Length of bomb body- Diameter-_---Fin span- _~~-- ______ Fin lengtIl_-----_-~-~
43.7 inches 33.5 8.13 11.0 11.0 inches inches inches inches
Figure 6.74-260-/b wih Fin Fragmentation Assembly
-I 24
Suspension : Two suspension lugs- _ _ 14 inches c to c Single suspension lug- _ Center of gravity
Components of a Complete Round (Figures
which might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire, and remove fin locknut and its protector. Remove protector from locknut. 3. Remove fin assem.bly and attachment,s from shipping crate. Fosition fin so t)hat, it clears aircraft structurle and ground, when installed. Replace fin locknut and tighten with wrench. If the bomb is to be carried externally at speeds in excess of 350 knots, use Fin Lock NutI Ml in place of t)he regular $11 locknut. (JAUTION : D o notI use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb body properly. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting into bomb place on the rack. 5. Remove required fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. ( AUTION : If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These
Fin Assembly
OP 1280 (First Revision) fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information ori fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Never attempt! to reservice mechanical-time Nose Fuze ANM145. Nose Fuze AN-MI 45 is con-
CONFIDENTIAL sidered armed when one of the following conditions exist: absence of the safet.y block; complete or partial ejection of the firing pin; or failure of the trigger arm assembly tIo support the striker and prevent it from snapping down tight)ly against the safety block,
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section 6.8-260~Ib Fragmentation Description The 260-lb Fragmentation Bomb M81, equipped with Conical Fin Assembly M135, uses the standard Bomb Body AN-M81 . The elongated conical fin assembly lengthens and streamlines Bomb AN--M81, improving its aerodynamic performance and accuracy in bornbing. Conical Fin Assembly M135 consists of an elongated cone with four integral blades spaced at equad distances on the fin cone. A support tube runs through t)he center of the cone, and the fin assembly is secured to the bomb body by means of this support tube, a Installation of locking web, and a locknut. Conical Fin Assembly Ml35 requires the use of one of the new long-stem t,ail fuzes to locate the arming vane effectively in the air&earn. Yellow bands on the nose and aft sections of the body identify the high-explosive filler of Composition B or TNT. Identifying nomencla,ture is stenciled in black on t,he olive-drab bomb casing. Physical Bomb Characteristics AN-M88 of with Fragmentation Fin Assembly Assembly Bomb AN-M81 Components
Ml 35
Round (Figure
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Fin locknut (Supplied with bomb body; to be removed and discarded) Closing plugs Conical Fin Assembly M 135 Fin Lock Nut (Dwg 1350522) supplied Fin Loc*king Web (BuOrd Sk separat cly . 329 153) Nose fuze (one of): AN--M103Al AN--M 145 (Use Adapt#er-booster M 117) VT Fuze Ml66 VT Fuze Ml68 Tail fuze (one of): M 172 (with Primer-detonator M 14, nondelay) M 175 (with Primer-detonator M 14, nondelay > Arming Wire Assembly Fahnestock clips Mk 2
Ml 35
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Iloaded with Comp B-- 276.5 lbs Loaded with TNT.. _ - 275.0 lbs Weight of explosive: Comp B- ____ --_-_-_36.0lbs INT- _____ ~-__----_34.5lbs Weight of fin: Conical Fin Assembly 17.5 lbs M135 Dimensions: Length or height of 43.7 inches complete bomb Ilength of bomb bod.y - 33.5 inches Diameter-----. -----8.13 inches Fin span- - _ - _ _ _ _ __ - 11 .O inches _ Fin leng& _---~-_-11.0 inches Suspension : Two suspension lugs- _ - 14 inches c to c Single suspension lug- - Center of gravity
CAIJTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requireWhen unpa,cked and not used, ments. fuzes shall be returned to their original packings. 1. Remove shipping bands from bomb by removing nuts frorn securing bolts. Inspect for dalmage CAIJTION : (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which might, weaken lugs or their attachlment to the bomb body. 2. Cut the shipping wire. Remove and discard fin locknut and its protector. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments Thread center support from shipping crate. tube onto base plug of bomb (locknut seat). Tighten tube with wrench. Tighten setscrews Place fin cone over support in support tube. Slide cone back until jammeld against tube. bomb body. PosiGon fin a,ssembly to clear air-
CONFIDENTIAL craft structure and ground, when installed. Place fin locking web over support tube so that it engages blades of fin assembly. Secure conical fin assembly to support tube by threading (Discard locknut supplied on special locknut. with fin assembly.) Tighten locknut with speRend t!wo tabs of locking cial notched wrench. web into locknut slots. Secure nut in position by means of setscrews. 4. Install bomb on aircraft and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 5. Remove required fuze and arming wire assembly from their contSaincrs. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, t(hc fuzes cont,aincd therein
shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes sliould be examined carefully for serviceability. 6. For detailed information on fuzing and dcfuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: N ever attempt) to reservice mechanical-tim.e Nose Fuze ANM14S. Nose Fuze AN-M 145 is ronsidered armed when one of the following conditions exists: absence of the safety block; complete or partial ejection of t,he firing pin; or failure of the trigger arm assemlbly to support the striker and prevent it from snapping down tightly against the safety block.
00-lbFragmentation 00-lbFragmentation
Bomb Cluster AN-Ml Bomb Cluster M28~2 Bomb Cluster M26AZ Bomb Cluster M27AI Bomb Cluster MWAI
7.4-SOO-lb Fragmentation
7.5-500~lb 7.6-500~lb Fragmentation Fragmentation
131-l 32
with Fragmentation
The following fuzes are used with fragmentation bomb clusters. AN-MIO3A1 (for Fragmentation Bomb M82) AN-M 146 (cluster opening) AN-Ml58 or AN-MllOAl (for Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41) M I55 (cluster opening) Ml29 M 130 (for Fragmentation Bomb M8:<) M131 I Markings Fragmentation bomb clusters are identified by standard nomenclatlure which is stenciled in black on the cluster adapt$ers. The adapters are painted olive-drab. Yellow bands painted on the nose of the airna,ble adapters identify their high-explosive contents. Th e yellow heads and bases of the individual bombs contained in the frame adapters identify their high-explosive fillers. Suspension Eackl cluster adapter Ihastwo suspension lugs spaced 14 inches apart. A lug located at the center of gravit#y provides for single suspension. Lugs on the frame adapters are on the upper bar. Two of t,he lugs of the aimable adapters protrude through the case lid. A single lug is secured to the outside of the lid with cap screws.
OP 1280
(First Revision)
CONFIDENTIAL the cluster shall not be removed from the box; instead the box sha<ll be taken with the utmost care to a safe place for destruction by authorized personnel. 5. If the safety blocks of vane-type fuzes have fadlen out during shipment, they shall be replaced and taped in place. Then, the cluster shall be broken down, t,he disturbed fuzes removed from the bombs, and the fuzes destroyed by authorized personnel. 6. Bands which hold bombs in place should be tight and unbroken. Broken bands may bc replaced and then, the cluster may be used. 7. Guard fuzes against dropping or bumping at all times, to preventj premature detonation, 8. Screw fuzes into bombs, h:andtight; never use a tool for this operation, unless specifically authorized. 9. Handle and install arming vanes with care to prevent distortion of blades, and possible malfunction of both fuze and bomb. 10. Do not remove warning tags when fuze is installed in a bomb. 11. Never remove safety cotter pins or car seals from fuzes prematurely. 12. Replace all safety pins when defuzing a bomb. 13. Inspect arming wires for kinks, twists, or burrs. Such defects may cause a8 bomb cluster to malfunctSion.
Safety Precautions Bomb clusters present a special problem in care and handling. Special precautions should be taken by personnel handling the clusters. Clusters usually are shipped individually in boxes, as assembled complete rounds. The installation of arming wire assemblies and fuzes completes the fragmentation bomb cluster for lE&. Safety devices are removed when the aircraft is ready for flight.
Description The 1OO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster AN-M IA2 consists of six, 20-lb Fragmentation Bombs AN-M41Al assembled in Cluster Adapter AN-MlA3, figure 7.1. AN--MIA3 is a quick opening frame type adapter which holds the bombs in two banks of three bombs each. The adapter is a mechanical type which releases the bombs upon withdrawal of the arming wires. The bomb cluster is issued with individual bombs assembled but unfuzed; fuzing is done before the cluster is installed in the aircraft. Nose Fuze AN-Ml58 or AN-MllOAl is used with Bomb AN-M4lAl. Cluster Adapter AN-MIA3 has four sheetmetal bomb supports that are spaced at) intervals on two tubes. Three flat-steel suspension lugs and two side plates are attached to the upper tube. Two spring strips are fitted to the bottom tube. Fuze vane lock springs fit into a ferrule in front of the spring strips. Three lock springs pass through the front support and t,hree through the third support. The fuze vane lock springs prevent rotation of the fuze arming vanes while the bombs are in the cluster. Two metal straps hold the hombs in place against the adapter. The free ends of the straps are locked in place by a toggle strap clamp. The clamps are secured by the arming wire. When t$he cldster is released armed, the arming wire is pulled out; the strap clamp opens ; and the bombs are freed from the adapter. Tl le spring strip aids in forcing t,ha bombs away from the adapter. Flat steel lugs located on the upper tube provide for one or two point suspension. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on the face of the forward support. The high-explosive contents are identified by the yellow head and base of each of the 20-lb Fragmentation Bombs AN-M41Al.
Figure 7. l-Cluster Adapter AWM7A3.
38 3
F rugmentation
CONFIDENTIAL Differences Between Clusters AN-Ml (Figure 7.2) Fragmentation A2 and AN-MI Bomb Al
differences between Fragmentation The Bomb Cluster AN-M IA2 and Fragmentation Bomb Cluster AN-MlAl are in the cluster Cluster AN-MlA2, figure 7.3, is adapters. the only cluster of this series that is issued Adapter AN-MIA3 was unfuzed ; Cluster designed to permit this type of issue. Cluster AN-MlAl uses Cluster Adapter MlA2 or MlAl which has narrow U-type suspension lugs. These lugs decrease the complete weight of the cluster to 125 pounds. Physical Characteristics Bomb Cluster AN-Ml of Fragmentation A2 fragmentation 128.0 lbs
Length of empty cluster adapter Height of complete fragmentation bomb cluster Width of complete fragmentation bomb cluster Suspension : Two suspension lugs- _ __ _ _ Single suspension lug __ _ _ _
of a Complete
Cluster Adapter AN-:MlA3 Fragmentation Bombs AN-M41A1 Nose fuze (for individual bombs) AN-Ml tOAl (6) .AN-Ml58 (6) Arming wire assembly Assembly
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb cluster: Loaded with 6 Fragmentatation Bombs AN-M41Al Weight of individual Fragmentation AN-M41A1
36.6 inches
Boxed fragmentation CAUTION : bomb clusters should be handled carefully. When set down, place in Do not slide, a horizontal position. tumble, or strike packings. 1. Unpack cluster and its components. CAUTIC)N: Upon opening the box, the cluster should be inspected to that the fuze safety devices ensure
AWM47A7. 137
1280 (First
CONFIDENTIAL 4. Place two Fa,hnestlock clips at each end of the arming wire; cut off excess wire. CAUTION: Arming wire must be free from kinks, twists, and burrs. 5. Pull up suspension lugs and fastten with cotter pins supplied. 6. Assemble nose fuzes to Fragmentation Bombs AN-M41A1 according to the procedure outlined in OP 988 (First Revision). 7. Install cluster and remove cotter pins from release met ha#nism. 8. If the cluster is not used, replace all pins and tapes before repacking cluster for storage.
If a fuze is armed, the are in place. cluster shall be destroyed by authorBinding straps which ized personnel. hold the bombs in place should be tight and unbroken. Broken straps may be replaced and then, the cluster may be used. 2. Thread branch of arming wire through forwa,rd suspension lug and through the holes in the front release mechanism. 3. Thread the other branch of the arming wire through the rear lug and release mechamsm.
CONFIDENTIAL Section Description The loo-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster of twenty-four, M28A2, figure 7.4, consists 4-lb Fragmentation Bombs M83 assembled in Cluster Adapter Ml5A.2. M15A2, an aimabletype adapter, is bomb-like in appearance wit,h a standard-type fin. It holds the fragmentation bombs in eight banks of three bombs each. This cluster is issued with the twenty-four Fragmentation Bombs M83 assembled in the cluster adapter. Loading and dispersal of bombs is accomplished through a hinged lid on the adapter, which is held in place by a nose locking cup. A spoiler ring is held in place against the nose of the adapter by the nose fuze, and a, drag plate is secured to the fin assembly. Two suspension lugs, spaced 14 inches apart, protrude through slots in the lid section. If single hook suspension is desired, the two lugs are removed from the case and a single lug is attached by four screws tlo the upper bomb surface at the center of gravity. When this cluster is released armed, the arming wire is withdrawn from the time fuze, allowing the fuze to arm. When the designated time has elapsed, the fuze functions, blowing the nose locking bushing rearward into the adapter case and permitting the cluster to open. The twenty-four Fragmentation Bombs M83 are dispersed when their wings open (by spring action) and project them into the air. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black The on the olive-drab painted adapter casing. high-explosive content is indicated by yellow bands on the nose and aft section of the cluster adapter. Differences Between Fragmentation Bomb Clusters hd28,M28A1, and M28AI These fragmentation bomb clusters are similar in appearance, differing only in their adapters. Cluster M28 uses Cluster Adapter Ml5 ; M28Al uses the Ml5Al (with spoiler ring and drag plate) ; and M28A2 uses Cluster Adapter M15A2 (which contains a new nose locking bushing in addition to the spoiler ring and drag plate). CONFIDENTIAL
7.3-I 00-lbFragmentation
Bomb Cluster
Fragmentution M28A2.
1280 (First
F rugmentution
Bomb Cluster
CONFIDENTIAL Physical Characteristics of Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M28A2 (Figures 7.5 and
Suspension : Two suspension lugs -- 14 inches c to c Single suspension lug- - Center of gravity Components of a Complete Round
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with 24 Fragmentation Bombs M83 Weight of individual bomb : Fragmentation Bomb M83 Dimensions : Length or height of complete fragmentation bomb cluster Diameter- - - __ - - __ - Fin span_----------Fin length- _ _ - - _ _ _ - - -
4 lbs
47.5 inches
Cluster adapter assembly (including) : Cluster adapter Locking cup guard and wire Fragmentation Bomb R/183 (24) Locking cup with securing screws Spoiler ring Drag plate with securing screws Suspension lugs with lock washers and screws Fuze (cluster opening) : AN-Ml46 Arming Wire Assembly Mk 1 Assembly disassemble not CAUTION : Do cluster or any of its components. and its components. 1. Unpack cluster Cluster, as issued, contains 24 Fragmentaction Bombs M83. 2. Support cluster in a horizontal position so that the tail fin is several inches above the ground. 3. Fit tlhe drag plate over tlhe tail fin so that one ear rests against the outside of each fin blade. 4. If holes are not drilled in the tail fin to accommodate the drag plate, drill holes with a No. 30 drill (0.128 inch in diameter). Use the holes in the drag-plate ears as guides. 5. Screw the drag plate to the fin with the self-tapping screws that are issued with the Tighten screws securely. drag plate. 6. Unthread the bolts and remove the Lshaped protectors from the suspension lugs. For single suspension, remove t,he double suspension lugs from the cases and attach the single lug to the bomb case with the screws provided. 7. Cut wire on nose cup retainer; remove wire and the retainer. CAUTION: Locking cup screws must be tight before removing nose cup retainer. 8. Place the spoiler ring over the fuze cavity of the cluster adapter so that the flange of the spoiler ring hole fits inside the cavity.
Bomb M83.
be located installing
10. If the cluster is not used, restore components to their original condition and return them to their original packings. CAUTION: Protect frorn moisture. unpacked clusters
CONFIDENTIAL Section Description The 5OO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M26A2 consists of twenty, %I-lb Fragmentation Bombs AiN-M4lAI assembled in Cluster Adapter M13A2, figure 7.7. The Ml:3A2 is a quick opening frame type adapter which holds the bombs in two banks of ten bombs each. Adapter M13A2 may be set for immediate or delayed action release of bombs. For imrnediate release, a fuze is not required, because withdrawal of the arming wire opens the adapter. For delayed action, a rncchanicaltime fuze is inserted in the adapter. The fuzc is set tlo function after a specified time delay following release of t,hc cluster from the aircraft. Fuze detonation drives a plug rearward, cutting the shear wires, and opening the adapter. Cluster Adapter M13A2 is a steel fra,mework consisting of a tubular center bar, suspension lugs, separator plates, and two metal bands. Each separator plat,e fits in front of a bank of bombs and contsins arming vane stops. Two suspension lugs, spaced 14 inches apart, provide for two-point suspension. A lug located at the center of gravity provides for single-point suspension. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black letters on the face of the first support plate. The overall frame is olive drab in color. The high-explosiye content of the 20-lb Fragmentation Bomb AN-M41A1 is ident,ificd by a yellow head and base. Differences Clusters Between Fragmentation and Bomb
VI-SOO-lb Fragmentation
7.8 and
M26A2 7.9)
M26Al (Figures
Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M26A2 differs frorn FragrncntatJion Bomb Cluster M26A 1 in the adapters and fragmentatjion bornbs used, Fragrnentat,ion and in t>hc fuzing components. Cluster M26Al is issued with 20 fuzed Fragmentation Bombs A-N-M41 assembled in Clustcr Adapter Ml 3Al. Fragmentat,ion 113omb Cluster M26A2 is issued with 20 unfuzccl Fragment)a tion Bornbs A-N-M4 lA1 assembled in Cluster Adapter M 13A2.
1280 (First
F ragmentation
Bomb Cluster
Bomb Cluster M26AI Weight) of assembled fuzed Loaded with 20 Fragmcntat,ion Bombs AN-M41Al Weight of individual bomb: Fragmentat,ion Bomb AN--M41Al Dimensions: Lengt)h of complete fragmentation bomb cluster Suspension: Two suspension lugs _ Single suspension lug _ Components of a Complete bomb cluster: 416.0 lbs
all packing
20.2 lbs
CAUTION : I nspect cluster for serviceability. Be sure that cotter pins and shear wires are secure in band clamps. Bands which hold t,he bombs in place should be tight and unbroken. 2. Cut and remove wire holding removable fuze vane locks on the long separator assembly rods of cluster. Retain the two cotter pins which are threaded on tlhe wire. :$. Unpack and inspect fuzes. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for instructions on fuzing. 4. Cut, but do not remove, fuze seal wires ; hold wires in place by twisting wire. 5. Assernble fuzes to lower layer of rear bank of bombs. Adjust the arming wire guide on each fuze body so that it does not interfere with the assembly of the fuze vane lock. 6. Assernble fuzes to middle layer of bombs; adjust the arming wire guide of each fuze body so that it does not interfere with the assembly of the upper and lower fuze vane locks. 7. Replace lower fuze vane lock on rod, insert cotter pin, and spread cotter pin at least 90 degrees.
52.56 inches
Cluster Adapter M 13A2 Fragmentat)ion Bomb AN-M41Al Nose fuzc (for individual bombs) AN-M-158 AN-MlloAl Nose fuzc for cluster adapter: Ml55 Arming wire assembly
Bomb AN-M47A7.
1280 (First
8. Assemble fuzes to upper layer of bombs, replace upper fuze vane lock, ins& cotter pin, ancl spread cotter pin at least 90 degrees. 5). Assemble fuzes and fuze vane locks to fronb bank of bombs in the same manner as previously described for rear bomb banks. 10. After vane locks are secured, remove fuze sealing wires.
CAUTION: Do not cut shear wire of each band clamp. *Arming wires must ho free from kinks, twists, and burrs. 7. Remove cotter pins from band clamps, Remove sealing wire, cottIer pin, and striker stop from mechanical-time fuze. Disassembly of Fragmentation Bomb Cluster
1. Cut off fine branch of arming wire. 2. Pass one branch of arming wire through forward suspension lug and through outer holes Pass other branch of in forward band clamp. arming wire through rear lug and rear strap clamp. 3. At each band clamp, cut shear wire between clamp and sleeve, and pull wire out from under side of tube. 4. Remove band clamps. 5. Install clust)er on the aircraft.
M26A2 for
1. Inspect fuze well in center tjube for Clean if necessary. Inspect serviceability. center tube for presence of steel plug and its holding wire. 2. Install bomb cluster securely t!o bomb rack. 3. Inspect Mechanical-time Fuze M 155 for serviceability . Set fuze for time desired. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for detailed information on setting Mechanical-time Fuze Ml55. 4. Screw fuze into center tube, until hand1 ight. 5. Pass fine branch of arming wire through front suspension lug and through holes in the mechanical-time fuze arrning pin bracket and vane. Cut excess wire off so that it extends If the bomb beyond fuze two to three inches. is to be carried on external racks, or carried internally at speeds in excess of 300 knot,s, place one Fahnestock clip on the end of the
If tlie fragmentation bomb cluster is not, used, replace sealing wire, cotter pin, and striker stop in the time fuze. Replace the cotter pins in cluster band clamps. Remove arming wire from time fuze, and remove tirnc fuze for separate storage. Remove cluster from ~)tie bomb rack. For temporary storage (alerted ammunitjion) the cluster may be stored without, unfuzing the individual bomtbs. For other than temporary storage, the individual bombs shall be unfuzcd 8,s follows: I. Replace and secure seal wires in fuzes in top layer of bombs. 2. Remove upper fuze vane lock. 3. Replace and secure seal wires in fuzes in middle layer of bombs. 4. Remove fuzes from top layer of bombs, refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for procedures for removal of fuzes from bombs. 5. Replace anti secure seal wires on fuzes in bottom layer of bombs. 6. Remove lower fuze vane lock. 7. Remove fuzes frorn center and bottom layers of bombs. 8. Repack and reseal fuzes in containers. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for detailed information on packing the specific fuzes used with Fragmental ion Bomb Cluster M26A2. 9. Replace fuze well plugs and return the cluster to its original packing. NOTE: If l.he cluster was prepared for immediate opening, new shear wires must be installed before cluster can be used for delayed opening.
CONFIDENTIAL Section 7.5-5OO-lb Description The SOO-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M27Al consists of six, go-lb Fragmenta,tion Bombs M82 assernbled in Cluster Adapter M 14A1, figure 7.10. M14Al is a quick opening frame type adapter which holds the bombs in t,wo banks of three bombs each. Adapter M14Al may be set for immediate or delayed action release of bombs. For immediate release, a fuze is not required, because withdrawal of the arming wire opens the adapter. For delayed action, one or two mechanical-time fuzes are inserted in the adapter. The fuzes are set to function after a specified time delay following release of the cluster from the aircraft. Fuze detonation drives a plug rearward, cutting the shear wires and opening the adapter. Adapter M14Al consists of two steel tubes and four steel support plates. These plates form the support for the six Fragmentation Bombs M82. The lower tube is the backbone of the cluster, and the upper tube carries the suspension lugs, buckles, and the fuze a,dapters. Bomb Cluster M27A1 is Fragmentation assembled in the field and its components ma.y be supplied unassembled or partially assembled. Two lugs, spaced 14 inches apart, provide for A lug located at the two-point suspension. center of gravity provides for single suspension. The adapter frame is olive drab in color, and nomenclature is stenciled in Hack. The highexplosive content of Fragmentation Bomb M82 is identified by yellow-painted heads and bases. Differences Between Fragmentation and Bomb
Clusters MWAI
The difference between Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M27Al and Fragmentation Bomb Bomb Cluster M27 lies in the cluster adapter. Cluster M27Al uses Adapter M14Al and Bomb Cluster M27 uses Adapter M14. Adapter M14A1 is similar to Adapter Ml4 except that the M14 has wider fuze vane lock pIaNtes, reinforced sway brace plates, a leaf spring for the bottom bomb, and a 1)/8-i&~ wide release strap.
7.1 O-Cluster
M 7 4A 1.
Bomb Cluster
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb cluster: Loaded with 6 Frag- 585 Ibs mentation Bombs M82 Weight of individual bomb : FragmentationBomb 82.5 lbs M82 Dimensions : Length of complete 59 inches fragmentation bomb cluster 49.6 inches Length of empty cluster adapter Suspension : Two suspension lugs- 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Single suspension lug. Components of a Complete Round (Figures
each bomb. cj k a f ety cotter pins must be accessible from the outside of t,he cluster. 10. Cut and remove the fuze seal wire. Assemble the short (4.6 inch) vane supplied with the fin assembly. 11. Remove the safety cotter pin and turn the vane each way to be sure that the adapter vane stop will preven.t the fuze vane from rotating.
To prepare bomb cluster for immediate opening upon release, prepare bombs as described in the preceding steps 1 through 11. Then proceed as follows: 1. Thread a heavy branch of arming wire through each suspension lug and t,hrough holes Place in each corresponding release mechanism. a Fa~hnestock clip on ea,ch branch of wire. 2. Cut off both branches of fine arming wire at swivel loop. 3. Cut the shear wire in each release mechanism close to the clamp. 4. Instjall the cluster securely on the aircraft, and sway brace. 5. Remove safety cotter pins from both release mechanisms and from the six fuzes of Fragment,ation Bombs M82. 6. If fragmentation bomb cluster is not used, replace all cotter pins and shear wires, or tie a conspicuous tag t,o the release mechanism to indicate that tJhe shear wire has been cut, and the cluster is prepared for immediate opening only.
To prepase bomb cluster for delayed opening, bombs as outllined under Assembly, prepare steps 1 through 11. Then proceed as follows: I. Remove plug from nose fuze adapter in Remove envelope containing upper steel lube. Inspect to see if cavit,y is clear. setscrow. 2. Unpack Mechanical-time Nose l?uze M 155, and inspect) for serviceability. Remove and rcpla>cc the striker stop to be sure that the safety block will not fall out. If trigger me&anism is intact,, there will be a noticeable gap between the striker and the safety block.
1280 (First
3. Set the time desired on the fuze. Refer to 0P 988 (First Revision) for inst,ructions for stltJi,ing Nose Fuze Ml 55. 4. Screw the fuze into the fuze adapt,er, handtight. Insert setscrew and locknut. Back off the fuze until the arming pin pointjs up. Tight,cn set screw and locknut. 5. Thread a heavy branch of arming wire through each suspension lug to the front, and rear release buckles. Thread each wire through the empty hole in the release mechanism, and illstJall a Fahnestock clip to the end of ea,ch wire. 6. Thread a fille branch of arming wirr through each suspension lug tlo the t,wo mecahanical-time fuzes. If only one fuze is
used, cut off tjhe rear branch of fine wire atI the swivel loop. Pass the wire through t,hc> fuze arming pin, arming wire guide, and vane t,ab of each fuze so tllail the wire protrudes about 2.5 inches beyond the vane tab. If the cluster is to be carried externally, or if it is to be carried int,ernally at speeds in excess of 300 knots, place a, Fahnestock clip on each arming wire past, the fuztt vane tebs. 7. Glut and remove fuze scaling wire, safety cotter pin, and striker stop. 8. Install fragmentjatior~ bomb cluster sccurely on aircraft and sway brace. 9. Remove safety cotter pins from the cluster release mc&anisrns and from the six fuzes of the Fragmentation Bombs M82.
CONFIDENTIAL Section 7.6-500.lb Description The 500-lb Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M29R1, figure 7.13, consists of ninety, 4-11) Fragmentation Bombs M83 assembled in ClusM 16A 1, an aimable-typo ter Adapter Al 16Al. is bomb-like in appearance with a adapter, The inside of the adapter standard-type fin. body is partiGoned for nine wafers. Each wa,fer consists of ten Fragmentation Bombs M83 strapped together. The bombs are assembled in the cluster in t)he field. Loading and dispersal of bombs is accomplished through a hingrbd lid on the adapter which is held in its closed position by a nose lot king cup. When Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M29A1 is released armed, the a,rming wire is withdra,wn from the time fuze, allowing the fuz;cb to When the time has elapsed, the fuzc arm. functions t,o blow the nose cup rearward into the adapter, permit,ting the cluster lid to open. The ninety FragmentatSion Bornbs M83 arc dispersed when their wings open (by spring action) and project them into the air. Two suspension lugs, spaced 14 inches apart, protrude t,hrough slots in the lid section. If single hook suspension is desired, a single lug call be attached with screws to a position above Identifying n 0 menthe center of gravity. clature is stenciled in black on the born b ; the Two bomb cluster case is paint)ed olive drab. 21uster one-inch yellow stripes indicate that ( M29Al is loaded with high-explosives. Differences Between Fragmentation Clusters MW and MWAI Bomb
The difference between Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M29 and Fragmentation Bomb Cluster M29Al is in the adapter. M29 uses Cluster Adapter Ml6 and M29A1 uses Cluster Adaqter The adapters differ in t,hat the Ml6Al. M 16Al contains a new-type locking cup. Physical Characteristics fuzed bornb Fragmentation 415.1 lbs cluster: Bornbs
Fragmentution M2PAL
1280 (First
CONFIDENTIAL 5. Thread a cord through the hole in the pull piece of the locking cup, passing the free end through the nose fuze well opening. When the lid is closed, the cord may be used to pull the locking cup into place.
Weight of individual bomb: Fragmentation Bomb 4 lbs M83 Dimensions: Length or height of 59.4 inches complete fragmentation bomb cluster Diameter - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13.9 inches Fin span --__ ---__-18.9 inches Fin length--------14.0 inches Suspension: Two suspension lugs- 14 inches c to c Single suspension lug- Center of gravity Components of a Complete Round (in-
Cluster Adapter Assembly M I6A1 cluding) : Cluster adapt,er Locking cup Suspension lugs Fragmentation Bombs M83 (90) Fuze (cluster opening) : hf155 .Arming wire assembly Assembly (Figures
Bomb Cluster MagAl components shipped separately and are assembled in field. CAIIJTION: Follow assembly instruct ions carefully.
IPreparing Adapter
1. Remove Cluster Adapter M16Al from wooden crate and place on horizontal supports so that the tail fin is off the ground. 2. Unscrew and remove the suspension lug guards. 3. Cut shipping wire on cup container located in the nose of adapter. 4. Turn the screws of the locking cup in a counterclockwise direction forcing t)he locking The cover of the adapter may be cup in ward. opened by prying with a screwdriver along the seam, a little way from the nose. For Adapt)er Ml 6, drive back the locking cup by inserting a wooden st,ick or similar object into the nose fuzc well and tapping inward to dislodge the
3. If bomb cluster is to be suspended from a single suspension lug, remove the metal brace, single suspension lug, and screws from inside of the wooden case in which the adapter cluster is packed. 4. Remove the two regular suspension lugs of the adapter, and fastlen the metal brace in place between the partitions using screws taken from the two regular suspension lugs. 5. Fasten the single suspension lug in place on the rnetal brace with the machine screws in the two sets of holes nearest the tail end of the adapter. (Th ere are three sets of holes on the brace; t)he forward set is not used.) 6. Fasten the suspension lug over the center partition of the cluster adapter with the small portion of the lug forward (towards the The two regular suspcnnose of the adapter). sion lugs remain in place. 7. Place two wafers in the front bay and three wafers in the rear bay.
F ragmentution
Bomb Cluster
7, Cutaway
358615 o-55-11
und Wufer.
the bottom maximum nose of the the locking M29, t,he 0.8437 inch.
surface of t,he locking cup. The distal Ice permissible between tlhe cluster and the bottom surface of cup is 1.375 inches. For Cluster minimum distance permissible is
CAUTION: If adapters do not gage properly and cannot be adjusted, they should not be used. 4. With the cover securely in place and held by t,he locking CUPI, cut and remove the If twine twine with which the wafers are tied. does not pull out easily, the pieces may be cut on both sides of the adapter at the seam, and the upper portion may be left in the adapter. 5. Remove Mechanical-time Fuze Ml 55 and inspect for damage. from itis packing, For detailed information on unpacking and fuzing of Mechaiucal-time Fuze M1.55, refer to 01 988 (First Revision). 6. 1nst)all bomb securely on aircraft. 7. Pass one branch of the arming wire through the forward suspension lug, arming pin bracket, and vane of the fuze. Remove the fuze cotter pin and sealing wire. The arming wire should extend 2 to 3 inches beyond the fuze vane. If bomb is to be carried externally,
CONFIDENTIAL or internally at speeds in excess of 300 knots, place one Fahnestock clip on the end of the wire. 8. If Bomb Cluster MaSAl is not used, arming wire and time fuze shall be removed in accordance with instructions in OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: Store loaded clusters off
the ground and under a paulin. Store for as short a period as possible, because this material is susceptible to damage by atmosplheric rnoisture. Once loaded, the cluster adapter shall not be reopened. Locking cups must be in fully locked position before the time fuze is inserteld.
Chapter 8
Section Section Section
8.1-General 8.2-750~lb
Demolition Demolition Bomb Ml Bomb
Ml 18
Section Description Demolition bombs have a short ogival nose and a cylindrical body that tapers to t,he base, figure 8.1. An elongated conical-type fin assembly streamlines and lengthens these bornbs. Their general appearance is similar to GP bombs equipped with conical fins. These bombs have been designed primarily for electric fuzing. Both nose and tail fuze cavities are provided. Pending the availability of electric fuzing, adapter-boosters will be furnished to permit the use of mechanical fuzes. Adapter-boosters are not used with electric fuzes. Demolition bombs are equipped with a steel nose plug. This plug is replaced when an electric fuze is installed in the fuze cavity. Bomb fin cones have covered hand holes for access to fuze tail positions. The tail fuze cavity cover is replaced when electric fuzes arc used. The nose and tail fuze cavities are connected to the outer surface of the bomb by two metal conduits which contain the electric fuze cable When the cable harness is not used, harness. a plug is threaded into the charging receptacle opening between the two suspension lugs. All sea,ms and crevices in the bomb cavity are sealed with a sealer compound. The explosive filler used in demolition bombs is Tritonal. This gives a blast effect, which is greater than T-NT or Composition B. Usage Demolition bombs are designed for a higher blast effect than general purpose bombs of comparable weights.
CONFIDENTIAL of damage to the bomb or its components is reduced. Yreparing demolition bombs for flight requires extreme care because a mis-step may prove fatal. Check and double-check, and be absolutelg sure of tihe assembly procedure.
Demolition bombs use mechanical nose and The following fuzes tail fuzes or electric fuzes. are used with demolition bombs: Nose fuzes: AN-M103Al VT Fuzc T750 \T Fuze AN-M 166 M990 (T905) (electric) Tail fuzes: Ml90 (T759) M990 (T905) (electric) Markings Demolition bombs are identified by standard nomc>nclature stenciled in black on the bomb body and its components. Nomenclature also is stamped into the bomb body for permanent The bomb body and its comidentification. ponents are painted olive-drab. Suspension Two suspension lugs of the screw-in type are spaced 14 inches apart on the 75O-lb Demoiit,ion Bomb Mll7. The 3OOO-lb Demolition Bomb Ml 18 has lugs spaced 30 inches apart. The lugs are secured to the bomb body with ca,p screws. Safety Precautions Demolition bombs and their components are shipped separately and are assembled in the field to form a complete round. Thus, handling becomes less hazardous and t#he probability
CONFIDENTIAL Section Description The 750-lb DemolitSion Bomb Ml 17 has a body, and a short ogival nose, a cylindrical A conical-type fin assembly tapered aft end. is bolted to the rear of the bomb to improve its aerodynamic performance and accuracy in flight. Bomb Ml 17 is designed primarily for electric fuzing. Two conduits for the electric fuzc cable harness connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with a charging receptacle located between the suspension lugs on the surface of When electric fuzes are not the bomb case. used, a plug is threaded into the charging The steel nose fuze-hole receptacle cavity. plug and base fuze-hole plug are replaced in their respective cavities after electric fuzcs have been installed. Yending the availability of electric fuzes, mechanical fuzes are used in the nose cavity, tail cavity, or both. Adapter-boosters are installed in the fuze cavities when the bomb is fuzed mechanically. The bomb uses a, mechanical tail fuze which projects into the airstream on the side of the bomb fin cone, rather than straight out the aft, end, figure 8.2. To accomplish this, the fuze has a flexible arming stem. To install the fuze, an access cover is removed from the side of the fin cone and the fuze body is inserted through the opening and threaded into the fuze cavity. The arming head is secured to the side of the fin cone and the arming stem then is joined to the fuze body. Two suspension lugs, spaced 14 inches apart, are threaded into lug inserts on the bomb case. All seams and crevices are sealed with an inert sealing compound to prevent leakage. Approximately 50 percent of the totial bomb weight is explosive charge. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on an olive-drab painted bomb body assembly. For permanent identification, nomenclature is stlamped into the bomb body.
Figure 8.2-750-/b
8.2-750~lb Demolition
Ml 17
Demolition Fuzed).
M7 17
1280 (First
Revision) (Figures
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with TritonalLWeight of explosives: Tritonal_ _ _ _ _ - - - - -- _ Weight of fin: Fin Assembly M131--Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb Ilength of bomb body-Diameter_ _ _ __ - - _ __ _ Fin span- - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ Fin length- - - _ - _ _ - - - _ Suspension: Iwo suspension lugs- -Components of a Complete
bomb: 799 lbs 386 lbs 44 lbs 84.00 inches 46.00 16.1 22.4 38.44 inches inches inches inches c t)o c
M 190 (T759)
M99O (T905) (electric) Adapter-boosters (for mechanical T45E 1 (nose) T46E4 (tail) Fahnestock clips (for mechanical Arming wire assembly Assembly
fu:zing) :
CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to tlheir original packings.
Bomb body assembly (including) Bomb body Closing plugs Suspension lugs Conical Fin Assembly M 13 1 Nose fuzes (one of): AN-Mlo3Ar VT Fuze T75O VT Fuze AN-M 166 M99O (T9O5) (electric)
LUG --
Bomb MI
17 (M ec h anically
CONFIDENTIAL Secure fin to aft end of bomb when installed. with setscrews located on the edge of the cone. Assemble the two suspension lugs in their respective threaded holes. 3. Remove hand-hole cover on fin cone by taking out securing screws. 4. Remove ba,se fuze-hole plug threaded into rear fuze cavit*y. 5. If nose fuze is required, remove nose fuze-hole plug. 6. Install adapter-boosters in nose and tail fuze cavities as required for mechanical fuzing. 7. Install bomb on aircraft and securely If bomb bay does not provide lock in place. enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 8. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, the fuzes contained therein shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive These tape for temporary protection. fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability. 9. For detailed information on fuzing defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 10. Thread tail fuze body into tail cavity, handtight. and fuze 11. Insert head through Thread retaining over fuze neck Secure hand. studs supplied 12. Install handtight.
flexible arming stem with fuze opening in fin cone collar on flexible arming of fuze body and tighten fuze head to fin cone skin with fuze. nose fuze into
I 3. Insert arming wires through suspension Arming wire should prolugs to each fuze. trude two1 inches beyond fuze vanes. Cut off If tail-fuzed only, cut ofI one excess wire. branch of the arming wire assembly. Arming wire should be free from kinks, twists, and bu rrs.
3. Replace nose fuze-hole plug, base fuzehole plug, and fin access hand-hole cover. bomb 4. Remove body. charging receptacle plug from
5. Install bomb on aircraft and lock If bomb bay does not, prosecurely in place. vide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb intlo place on the rack.
1280 (First
Bomb MI
77 (M ec h anicully
CONFIDENTIAL Section Description The 3OOO-lb Demolition Bomb Ml 18 has a short ogival nose, a cylindrical body, and a tapered aft end. A conical-type fin assembly is bolted to the rear of the bomb to improve its aerodynamic performance and accuracy in flight. Bomb Ml18 is designed primarily for electric fuzing. Two conduits for the electric fuzc cable harness connect the nose and tail fuzc cavities with a charging receptacle located between the suspension lugs on the surface of the bomb case. When electric fuzes are not used, a plug is threaded into the charging The steel fuze-hole nose receptacle cavity. plug and base fuze-hole plug are replaced in their respective cavities after electric fuzes have been installed. Pending the availability of electric fuzes, mechanical fuzes are used in the nose cavity, tail cavity, or both. Adapter-boosters arc installed in the fuze cavities when the bomb is fuzed mechanically. The bomb uses a mechanical tail fuze which projects into the airstream on the side of the bomb fin cone, rather than st,raight out the aft end, figure 8.5. To accomplish this, the fuze To install tlhe fuze, has a flexible arming stem. an access cover is removed from the side of the fin cone and the fuze body is inserted through the opening and threaded into the fuze cavity. The arming head is secured to the side of the fin cone and then, the arming stem is joined to the fuze body. Two suspension lugs, spaced 30 inches apart, A single hoisting are bolted to the bomb body. lug may be attached to the bomb at t)he center of gravity and may be used for an alternate 14-inch suspension mount. All seams and crevices are sealed with an inert sealing compound tlo prevent leakage. Approximately 65 percent of the total weight of Bomb Ml18 is explosive charge. Physical Characteristics
Figure 8.5--3000-/b
8.3-3000~lb Demolition
Ml 18
I6 I
I 30
Demolition Fuzed).
1280 (First
CONFIDENTIAL Tail fuze (one of): Ml92 (T761) M99O (T9O5) (electric) Adapter-boosters (for mechanical TME I (nostl) T46E4 (tail) Fahnestock clips (for mechanical Arming wire assembly Assembly CAIJTION: F uzes a,nd bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their ori,ginal packings.
Weight of explosive: Tritonal---. -_- -_-- -_ Weight of fin: Fin Assembly M132..-Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb Length of bomb bodyDiamehr-----------Fin span-------_-._-_ Fin length - __ - - - - _ . _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs-- Components of a Complete 8.6 and 8.7)
1888 lbs 162 lbs 130 inches 90.13 inches 24.13 inches 14.1 inches 40.4 inches 30 inches Round c to c (Figures
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Closing plugs Suspension lugs and cap screws Conical Fin Assembly Ml32 Nose fuze (one of): AN-M103Al VT Fuze T75O VT Fuze A-N-Ml66 M990 (T905) (electric)
Bomb Ml
18 (M ec h anically
Bomb M7 78 (Mechanical/y
1280 (First
CONFIDENTIAL 9. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 10. Thread tail fuze body into tail fuze cavity, handtight. I 1. Insert flexible arming stem with fuze head through fuze opening in fin cone skin, Thread retaining collar on flexible arming stem over fuze neck of fuze body and tighten by hand. Secure fuze head to fin cone skin with studs supplied with fuze. 12. Install nose fuze into nose fuze cavity, handtight. 13. Insert arming wires through suspension lugs to each fuze. Arming wire should protrude two inches beyond fuze vanes. Cut off excess wire. If t)ail-fuzed only, cut off one branch of t,he arming wire assembl;y. Arming wire should be free from kinks, twists, and burrs.
3. Place conical fin assembly over end of the bomb with one fin in line with suspension lugs. If suspended in external racks, turn fin and locate to clear aircraft structure and ground, Align holes on facing plate of when installed. fin assembly with bolt holes on base plate of bomb. Place ockwashers on bolts and screw bolts intio bomb body from inside the fin cone. Tight,en bolts securely. Assemble the two suspension lugs to the bomb body by assembling with four cap screws. 4. Remove base fuze-hole plug threaded into rear fuze cavity. 5. If nose fuze is required, remove nose fuze-hole plug. 6. Install adapter-booster in nose and tail fuze cavities as required for mechanical fuzing. 7. Install bomb on aircraft and securely If bomb bay does not provide lock in place. enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. 8. Remove require4 number of fuzes and arming wire assemblic,; from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seal is broken in any way, i:he fuzes contained therein shall b;~ considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in tlhe Geld and resealed with adhesive tape These for temporary protection. fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability.
Chapter 9
358615 O-55-12
Chapter 9
9.1 -General
released at high altitudes. If released from such heights, either the bomb will detonat)e at dept)hs greater than the setting made on the hydrostatic fuze or the bomb body and fuze cavity will be distorted by the impact, causing malfunctilon of the fuze. Aircraft Depth Bombs
At present, the 350~-lb Bombs AN-ME: 54 Mod 1 and Mod 0 are the only aircraft depth bombs used by the Navy. Compatible Fuzes Bombs with Aircraft Depth
Aircraft depth bombs often use the combination of a hydrostatic tail fuze and an impact nose fuze. Fuzes used with AD bombs are : Nose fuze : AN-M 103A1 (Use flat vane-30 pitch) Tail fuze: AN-Mk 230 and Mods 4, 5, and 6 (Use Arming Bracket Mk l--Dwg 300207.) Markings Yellow bands painted on the nose and tail end of an aircraft depth bomb identify its highIdentifying nomenclature explosive content. is stenciled in black on the olive-drab case. Suspension Aircraft depth bombs generally are designed for standard l&inch suspension. Diametrically opposite the standard suspension lugs, a single suspension lug is located at the bombs center Tapped holes are provided for of gravity. attaching the hoisting lugs which may be needed for installing the bomb in the aircraft. When not in use, these holes are plugged with special protective plugs. 171
Components of an aircraft depth bomb are shipped separately and are assembled in the field to form the complet,e round. Because of their light construction, aircraft depth bomb bodies and fin assemblies are shipped in metal Assembly of the complete packing crates. round and the depth fuze setting is accomplished prior to flight. The assembly and installat,ion of a bomb requires extreme care because a mis-step may prove fatal. Be sure of the and follow assembly instructions procedure, carefully.
5. Screw hydrostjatic tail fuze into bomb, by hand. Be sure that fuze gasket is in place. Tighten fuze securely wit,h a spanner wrench. 6. Handle and install arming vanes with care to prevent distortion of blades. Install arming wire bracket on tail fuzc. 7. Do not remove safety seals from fuzes prematurely. 8. Replace a, bomb. all safety cotter when pins or car
9. Depth bomb bodies have light cases, and therefore den 1, easily. Be careful when handliug bomb bodies to prevent bumping or dropping them. 10. Do not use a fin assembly be secured to the bomb properly. if it cannot
11. Inspect arming wire for kinks, twistIs, and burrs. Such defects may cause a bomb to malfurution.
CONFIDENTIAL Section 9.2~XO-lb Description The 35O-lb AD Bomb A.N-Mk 54 Mod 1, The figure 9.1, is a flatI-nosed, thin wall bomb. fin assembly consists of a fin cone and four fins, circumscribed with a shroud, and is attached t)o the aft end of the bomb body by cap screws. This bomb is intended for use against underThe flat nose prevents ricochet water targets. The dcpt,h of detonajtion upon water impact. is determined by the setting of the hydrostatic Generally, depth bombs are only tail fuze. tail-fuzed. Provision also is made for nose fuzing in the event a blast effect is desired. the aircraft tlcpt,h With both f uzes installed, bomb may be armed selectively by relcrtsing Depth on0 of t,he arming wires with the bomb. setting is made prior to flightI. The lethal radius of underwater effectiveness of AD Bomb A.N-MB 54 is approximatlely 17 feet; however, damage m.ay be expected up tlo 45 feet from the center of the blast. Yellow bands painted on the nose and aft end of the bomb body identify the high-explosive filler of T.NT or HBX. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black on the olive-drab bomb body. Two suspension lugs are welded to the body 14 inches apart, and a single suspension lug is located diametrically opposite. Tapped holes are provided for attaching hoisting lugs which may be needed for the handling of the bomb. These holes are plugged with special protective plugs when not in use. Approximately 70 percent of the 350-lb AD bomb A.N-MB 54 is highexplosive filler. A ircraft Depth Bomb AN-Mk
and 1
--l-13.8 I
Differences Mod
On the earlier modification of A.N-Mk 54, t,he Mod 0, the bomb body is provided without, The suspension lugs suspension lugs attached. are attached in the field with cap screws ; all of the fitting holes are plugged. The Mod 0 and Mod 1 bomb shipped as a complete unit, packed crate. CONFIDENTIAL bodies are in a metal
9.7-350-/b AN-M&
Aircraft 54 Mod
Depth 7.
1280 (First
CONFIDENTIAL Tail fuze: AN-hlk 230 and Mods 4, 5, and 6 (IJse Arming Bracket Mk l-Dwg 300207) Arming Wire Assembly bilk 1 (2) Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Fuzes and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. Fuzes and bombs which are unpacked and not used must be returned to their original packings. 1. Open shipping crate by removing cotter pins from three lid latches. Unthread hexhead screws from bands which secure the bomb in the case. Lift, bomb body out of case. CAUTION: Bomb body is easily damaged because of its light constjruction. Inspect for damage. 2. Remove closing plugs which seal fuze cavities. 3. Attach suspension lugs if required. 4. Remove fir i assembly and attachments from shipping crate. Place fin assembly over conical end of bomb so that one fin is in lint with the suspension lugs. Secure with hex-head cap screws. CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot, be secured to the bornb properly,
Characteristics bomb: 346.3 lbs 323.8 lbs 248.0 lbs 225.5 lbs 19.5 lbs 52.2 inches 34.2 13.5 13.8 24.5 inches inches inches inches
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with HBX- - - Loaded with TNT _ _ _ _ Weight of explosive: HBX _______ - ________ TNT--_____________ Weight of fin- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dimensions: Length of complete bomb Length of bomb body- Diameter_- _-.-- .___ -Fin diameter _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ Fin length- - - - - .__ _ _ _ _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs- _ _ Single suspension lug- Components of a Complete
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body (;ap screws (llosing plugs Fin assembly ~ Nose fuze: with RN-M103Al (U se flat vane pitch)
A ircraft
Bomb AN-Mk
54 Mod
I, Exploded
CONFIDENTIAL 5. Hoist and secure bomb to aircraft. If bomb bay does not provide sufficient room for the fuzing operation, it shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place. 6. Remove required number of fuzes and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If containers are punctured, split, or if the seals have been broken, the fuzes contained
AIRCRAFT therein shall able. This which have and resealed temporary should be serviceability. 7. For defuzing,
be considered unservicedoes not apply t,o fuzes been repacked in the field with adhesive tape for protection. These fuzes examined carefully for on fuzing Revision). a id
A ircraft
10.1-General lO.I-3-lb
U-lb Miniature Miniature Practice Bomb Mk 3-lb Miniature
0, 1, 2, and 3 Practice Bomb AN-MI< 23 Mods 0 and 1 Practice Bomb Mk 43 Mods 0 and I
5 Mods Practice Bomb Mk
s-lb Miniature
15 16 -\
Practice Size.
with Miniature
Bombs Miniature practice bombs use a spotting signal or cartridge which upon detonation produces a pufT of smoke or a Auorescein-dye mark on the target. The following signals are used with MP bombs: Signal AN-Mk 4 and1 Mods (smoke) Signal Mk 5 (fluorescein dye) Markings There are no color markings for the 3-lb and 4.5lb miniature practice bombs. The bomb is the color of the cast finish. Nomenclature is stamped into the bomb body for permanent identification.
R-lb Miniature Practice Bomb Mk 5 and Mods 3-lb Miniature Practice Bomb AN--Mk 23 Mods 4.5lb Miniature Practice Bomb Mk 43 and Mods 13-lb Miniature Practice Bomb Mk 19 Mod 0 and Mod 1 AN-Mk 23 Mod 1 is service issue. Bombs Mk 5, Mk 19, and Mk 43 contain critical material n,nd their use is restricted. CONFIDENTIAL
1280 (First
Revision) 19 Mod 0 and Mod inches of its tail lacquer or paint. in black letters on identifying nomenletters on the pack-
CONFIDENTIAL slightfly below the base of the cartridge. Deformed signal cartridges shall not be used. 3. Guard signals against dropping or bumping at all times, to prevent accidental detonation. 4. Be sure the firing pin cup is not deformed and tha,t the firing pin point is below the lip of the cup. 5. Check the bore of the bomb ; the bore must be clean and smootih and not damaged in any way. 6. Do not force a signal into a bomb; it must faJ1 gently into place under its own weight,. 7. Do not apply pressure to a firing pin assembly because it might collapse and fire Signal AN-MB 4. 8. Do not bend ends of the cotter pins at right angles, or strike the ends to bend into position. 9. When ha,ndling miniature practice bombs loaded with Signal AN-Mk 4, be extremely careful not to jar or drop the bomb. A sudden impact may set off the signal. 10. Do not point either end of the bomb toward other personnel. 11. During loading operations, loaders must not move their heads in line with the nose or rear of the! bomb. 12. Do not strike bomb nose against any object to loosen the firing pin assembly or cartridge. 13. Protect Practice Bomb Signals AN-Mk 4 and Mk 5 during stowage from moisture, excessive motion, and vibration.
The l&lb MP Bomb Mk 1 has approximately three section dipped in black Nomenclature is stenciled Complete the bomb body. clature is stenciled in black ing crate. Suspension
The s-lb and 4.5lb MP Bombs are suspended The in special containers which hold 8 bombs. Is-lb MY Bomb Mk 19 Mod 0 and Mod 1 are suspended individually in special racks. The bombs may be released individually, in rotation, or in a group. Safety Precautions
Most) bombs and their components are shipped separately and are assembled in the The miniature field to form a complete round. pract)ice bombs are shipped with firing pin assemblies and retaining pins installed. Practice bomb signals are issued separately. Preparing an hlP bomb for flight requires extreme care because a mis-step may prove fatal. Take nothing for granted; be absolutely sure of the assembly procedures.
Miniature Practice Bomb Mk 5 Mods 0, 1 I 2, and 3 &lb Miniature Practice Bomb AN-Mk 23 Mods 0 and I 4.5lb Miniature Practice Bomb Mk 43 Mods 0 and 1 The Mod 1 has a sheet-metal stabilizing shroud across its tail vanes, figure 10.2. Cast-iron miniature practice bombs are used on all practice runs other than those involving armoreddeck target boats. Bomb Mk 43 is a lead casting weighing ampproximately 4.5 pounds. A sheet-metal shroud is attached to tlhe fins of the Mod I. The &lk 43 is employed for low-altitude, horizontal or dive bombing and may be used on armoreddeck target boats. The first modification of these three bombs consisted generally of adding the sheet-steel shroud to the fin blades. Later modifications involved slight changes in manufacturing tolcrantes and specifications. Physical Characteristics of MP Bomb Mk 5
Description The 3-lb MP Bomb Mk 5, the 3-lb MP Bomb AN-Mk 23, and the 4.5-lb MP Bomb Mk 43 are similar to each other in physical A cast) body houses the signal appearance. and firing pin assembly. A cotter pin locks the signal and firing pin assembly in the nose When Signal Mk 5 is installed, of the bomb. Ihe four the firing pin assembly is not used. blades composing the fin are cast integrally A metal shroud is used with the bomb body. to help stabilize the flight of miniature practice bombs. The shroud forms a rectangular box section. Looseness of the shroud is taken up by forming the shroud metal around the edge of the fin. Two crimps, 180 degrees apart, anchor the shroud to the fin blades. There are no color markings on these bombs; the bombs are the color of the cast metal. Identifying nomenclature is stamped into the surface of the metal body. Miniature Practice Bombs Mk 5, AN-Mk 23, and Mk 43 are used for either horizontal, glide, or dive bombing practice. They are used with a signal that produces a puff of smoke upon detonation. The signal is initiated upon the bombs impact with either a solid Miniature prac,tice bombs object or water. use Signals AN-Mk 4 and Mk 5 for spotting purposes. Signal AK-Mk 4 is a smoke signal while Signal Mk 5 contains a fluorescein dye for spotting on water. Special containers are used for carrying and releasing miniature practice bombs. Differences in Models
Weight of assembled bomb wit)h signal: Loaded with Signal ,4N2 lbs 11 oz Mk4 Loaded witlh Signal Mk 5- 2 lbs 10 oz Weight of signal: Signal AN-Mk 4- -__ - - - - 2 oz Signal Mk 5-----------_ 1 oz Dimensions: Length or height of corn8.25 inches plete bomb Length of bomb body- - - _ 8.25 inches Diameter---------___-- 2.18 inches Fin span_---------.____ 2.5 inches Fin length _ - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.0 inches Suspension in containers containing 8 bombs. Physical Mk Characteristics of MP Bomb AN-
The basic difference between Bombs Mk 5, AN-MB 23, and Mk 43 is the metal used to cast the bomb body. Bomb Mk 5 is manufactured from zinc alloy This and weighs the least of the three bombs. bomb is used for bombing practice on armoredA sheet-metal st,abilizing deck target boats. shroud is used on Mods 2 and 3. Bomb AN-Mk 23 is manufactured from cast iron and weighs approximately 3.0 pounds. CONFIDENTIAL
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: Loaded witlh Signal AN3 Ibs Mk4 Loaded with Signal Mk 5_ 2 lbs 15 oz Weight, of signal: Signal AN-MB 4_- - - _ - - _ _ 2 oz ,SignalMk5_--__--__-__ 1 oz Dimtlnsions: Length or height of corn8.25 inches plct e bomb
1280 (First
Dimensions-Continued Length of bomb body- - _ - 8.25 inches Diamet,er-.._____. ------2.18 inches Fin span--_------_-----2.5 inches Fin length _ - _ - - - - - _ - - - - - 3 .O inches Suspension in containers containing 8 bombs. Physical Characteristics of MP Bomb Mk
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: Loaded with Signal AN4 lbs 7 oz Mk4 Loaded witih Signal Mk 5- 4 lbs 6 oz Weight of signal: Signal AN-Mk 4--------2 oz Signal Mk 5---- _______ -- 1 oz Dimensions: Length or height of corn8.25 inches plete bomb Length,of bomb body - - - _ 8.25 inches Diameter--___--_-----_ 2.18 inches Fin span-- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _._ _ 2.5 inches Fin length-------------3.0 inches Suspension in containers containing 8 bombs. Components of a Complete Round
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Cotter pin Firing Pin Assembly Mk 1 Mod 0 Signal (one of): AN-Mk 4 Mk 5 .Assembly CAUTION: Signals and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements; if unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. Miniature practice bombs may be salvaged and reused if the operation permits. Salvaged bombs must be free from defects, and bore must be free from damage.
CONFIDENTIAL with a firing pin assembly and a retaining cotter pin installed. 2. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from nose of bomb. CAUTION: Firing pin assemblies must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position under their own weight. Inspect firing pin assembly Be sure firing pin cup is for damage. not deformed and that tlhc firing-pin point is below the lip of its cup. Check the bore t#hrough center of bomb; bore must be clean and smooth, and not damaged in any way. 3. With firing pin assembly removed, place bomb in a vertical position with the nose end up. 4. Insert signal into bomb, primer end up, Do not force and let it gently full int,o place. into place. The base flange must, rest on the bomb bore shoulder. CAUTION: Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that are deformed in any way &la11 not be used. 5. Carefully insert firing pin assembly, with the firing pin end toward the signal.
CAUTION: Firing lpin assembly must drop into place under its own weight. Do not apply pressure to force the firing pin assembly in,o the bomb because the assembly may collapse and fire the signal. 6. Rotate firing pin assembly so that the two notches in the lip line up with the t,wo pin Do not exert pressure holes in t!he bomb nose. on the Siring pin during this operation. 7. Insert (*otter pin through the nose holesand the recesses in the firing pin assembly. 8. Sprlea8d the ends of the cotter pin sufficiently with a screwdriver to retain it in the bomb. CAUTION: Do not bend the ends at right angles to the axis of the cotter pin, or stsike the ends to bend into position.
M Suture
Bomb AN-Mk
13 Mod
I, Exploded
1280 (First
4. Spread
CONFIDENTIAL any circumstance, point either end towards 0 ther personnel. During loading operations, loaders must not place their heads in line with the nose or tail end of the bomb. Signals AN-MB 4 and Mk 5 must be protected from moisture, excessive motion, and vibration. In addition, Signal ANMk 4 must be sto.wed in a place prot)ected from sunlight and excessive heat.
CAUTION: When handling miniature practice bombs loaded with Signals AN-Mk 4 or Mk 5 be extremely careful not to set off the signal by jarring or dropping the bomb. Do not, under
,- -..
--* _
M rniature
Bomb AN--Mk
23 Mod
1, Cutawcry
*35861Ti. 0--55---1x
OP 1280
Description The 13-lb MP Bomb Mk 19 Mod 1, figure 10.5, is an elongated, cast-metal bomb. It has a center bore running from the nose to the fin of the bomb. The body is cast lead-antimony. Four steel sheet-metal vanes are cast in place perpendicular to the axis of the bomb. A hole in the bomb nose houses the signal and firing A straight steel pin is inserted pin assembly. through the nose, retaining the firing pin asWhen Signal Mk 5 is insembly and signal. stalled, the firing pin assembly is not used. Finished body and vanes are dipped in black lacquer or paint, coating approximately three inches of the tail section. Nomenclature is stenciled in black letters on the bomb body. This bomb is used for high-altitude horizontal bombing practice and is used against, armoreddeck target boats. The retaining pin of Bomb Mk 19 Mod 1 is secured in place by fixing a patlch of tape over each pin hole or by peening a small amount of lead over the ends of the pin. No other method is used to secure the pin in place. Differences and Mk Between I9 Mod Bombs Mk 1 19 Mod 0
The differences between Bombs Mk 19 Mod 0 and Mod 1 is in the bore construction and the method of attaching the sheet-metal fin to the body. The center bore of the Mod 0 is lined with a steel sleeve; the Mod 1 has no such lining. The lead-antimony body itself forms the lining of the Mod 1 bore. Mk 19 Mod 0 with steel sleeve must not be used on armoreddeck target boats. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: Loaded with Signal AN13.2 lbs Mk 4 Loaded with Signal Mk 513.0 lbs Weight of signal: Signal AN-MB 4----_---_ 2 oz Signal Mk 5------_----_I oz Dimensions: Length or height of corn13.06 inches plete bomb 186
10.5--13-/b Mk
Miniature 79 Mod 7.
CONFIDENTIAL Length of bomb body _ - Diameter- _ -~ -----_-Fin span - _ - _ _ _ - _ - - Fin lengt,h __ - _ - - Suspension: Suspended singly in special Components of a Complete 13.06 inches 2.63 inches 3.67 inches 2.9 inches racks. (Figures
plied over the pin holes prevent the pins from slipping out, 2. Remove tape from retaining pin holes. Remove retaining pin and firing pin assembly from nose end of bomb. CAUTION: Firing pin assemblies must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position by their own weight. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that, the firing-pin point is below the lip of the cup. Check bore through center of the bomb, bore must ble clean and smoot,h, and not da<maged in any way. 3. With firing pin assembly removed, place bomb in a vertical position with the nose end up. 4. Insert signal in bomb, primer end up, and let it gently fall into place. Do not force into place. The base flange must rest on t,he bomb bore shoulder. CAUTIOK : Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that are deformed in any way shall not be used.
M iniature
Bomb Mk
1, Exploded
View. 187
OP 1280 (First Revision) 5. Carefully insert pin assembly firing pin end toward the signal. with the Assembly
CAUTION: Firing pin assembly must drop into place of its own weight. Do not apply pressure to force the firing pin assembly into the bomb, because the assembly may collapse and detonate the signal. 6. Rotate firing pin assembly so that the two notches in the lip line up with the two pin holes in the bomb nose. Do not exert pressure on the firing pin during this operation. 7. Insert the retaining pin through the nose holes and the recesses in the firing pin assembly. 8. Peen lead over end of retaining pin to hold pin in place, or use two patches of tape over pin holes to retain the pin. CAUTI0.N : Only sufficient peening should be done to retain the pin, yet permit its withdrawal if it becomes necessary to unload the practice bomb.
1. Remove required number of bombs and signals from their packings. Miniature practice bombs are shipped from the manufacturer with a firing pin assembly installed and a retaining pin through the nose end. 2. Remove retaining pin and firing pin assembly from the nose of the bomb as described in the procedure for installing Signal A.N-Mk 4. 3. Secure signal in the bomb by replacing retaining pin. 4. Peen lead over end of retaining pin to hold pin in place, or use two patches of tape over pin holes to retain pin. CAIJTION: Only sufficient peening should be done to retain pm, yet permit its wi t,hdrawal if it becomes necessary t)o unloa,d the practice bomb. 5. Retain discarded firing pin assemblies as spares, or return them to the nearest supply point.
7 0.7-73-/b
Bomb Mk
19 Mod
7, Cutaway
Chapter 11
Section I I .I -General Section 11 .I-U-lb Practice Bomb Mk
76 Mod
I: and 3 4 0
Section 11.3-l OO-lb Practice Bomb Mk Section 11.4-l 00-lb Section I I S-5OO-lb Section 11.6-l 000-lb Section 11.7-l 000-lb Practice Bomb Mk Practice Bomb Mk Practice Bomb Mk Practice Bomb Mk
15 Mods
15 Mod 65 Mod
66 Mod 88 Mod
0 0 d
4%. .&g?g&~
0 huffs fi#
Page 191, add %+ction Section Section Section Section ll.lO-56-lb ll.ll-500-lb 11.12-25-lb 11.13-25-lb 11.14-25-lb Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Bomb Mk 89 Mod 0 Bomb Mk 87 Mod 0 Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1 Bomb Mk 76 Mod 2 Bomb Mk 76 Mod 3 VI
Chapter 11
Description Practice bombs (P) , figure 11.1, are similar to service bombs in appearance and flight characteristics. Fin assemblies usually are the same in basic construction as the -fins used in service bombs. A few minor changes are some times made to the fin assemblies to accomrnodate signals and facilitate installation on the bomb body. The differences are in larger fin sleeve openings and addiGona1 holes for securing the fin to tlhe bomb body. Practice bombs may use signals and fuzes, or a combination thereof, depending upon the action desired and the type of practice bomb. Wet sand, dry sand, and water are common fillers used t)o simulate weights of service bombs. The 25-lb Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 0 differs from the larger practice bombs because it has a cast-metal body. Similar to a miniature practice bomb, it uses a firing pin assembly, retaining pin, and Signal AN-Mk 4. Usage Practice bombs are used for the training of bornbing crews in marksmanship. These bombs may use signals which produce a puff of smoke. The detonation of t,he signal makes it possible to spot the impact location of the bomb. Thtb use of practice bombs instead of live bombs is an added safety feature for the training of crews. Practice Bombs 25-lb Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 0 100-b Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mods and 4 500-lb Practice Bomb Mk 65 Mod 0 IOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 66 *Mod 0 IOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Mod 0 200%lb l?ractice Bomb Mk 67 Mod 0
2, 3,
Fuzes and Signals Practice bombs use fuzes and signals. The following fuzes and signals are used with practice bombs: Fuzcs: Mk 247 Mod 0 Signals: AN-MB 4 Mk6ModO Mk 7 h4od 0 Markings Practice bombs are identified by standard nomenclature located on the bomb body. Nomenclature may be stenciled in white or blaJck letters. Small practice bombs may have standard nomenclature stamped in the casing. Bomb bodies and their components usually arc Bomb components are identibla#ck in color. fied completely by standard nomenclature and ammunition lot number stenciled in black on all packings. Suspension Practice bombs can be suspended by either one or two lugs that are attached to t)he bomb lugs are located for 14 Suspension body. Hoisting of the heavier inch lug spacing. by adjustable practice blombs is facilit!ated One or more may be screw -type hoisting lugs. used for various hoisting conditions. Safety Precautions Practice bombs and their components are shipped separately and are assembled in the field to form a complete round. Preparing practice bombs for flight, requires extreme care Check and because a rnis-step may prove fatal. double-check each action, and be absolutely sure of the assembly procedure.
500-LB P B MK 65 MOD 0
25-LB P B MK 76 MOD
11, I-Pfuctice
1. Signals, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements and shall be returned t)o their original packings, if not used. 2. Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. Th e primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Deformed signal cartridges shall not be used. 3. Guard the signals against dropping or bumping at all times, to prevent accidental detonation. 4. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing-pin point is below the lip of the cup. 5. Check the bore of the bomb, bore must be smooth and clean, and not damaged in any way. 6. Do not force signal into bomb, it must fall gently into place by its own weight. 7. Do not apply pressure to firing pin assembly; it may collapse and fire the signal. 8. Do not bend ends of the cotter pin at, right angles, or strike the ends to bend into position. 9. When handling pract,ice bombs loaded with a signal, be extremely careful not to drop or jar the bomb; a sudden impact may detonate the signal. 10. Do not point either end of the bomb blast tube toward other personnel. 11. During loading operations, loaders must not have their heads in line with the nose or tail end of the bomb blast tube. 12. Do not strike bomb nose against an
object to loosen the firing pin assembly or signal cartridge. 13. Protect Practice Bomb Signal AN--Mk 4 during stowage from moisture, excessive heat, excessive Imotion, and vibration. 14. Any accidentally armed fuze, fully or partially a,rmed, must be handled by authorized personnel only. 15. Guard fuzes against dropping or bumping at all times, to prevent accidental detonation. 16. Never allow primers to drop or strike an object; they are extremely sensitive and rough handling may explode thern. 17. Never remove safety cotter pins or car seals from fuzes prematurely. 18. Screw fuzes into bomb, HANDTIGH'P-~ ONLY. Never use a tool, unless authorized. Tools ma,y distort fuzes causing premature det,onationl. 19. Replace all safety cotter pins before defuzing a bomb.
20. Handle and install arming vanes of fuzes with care to prevent distortion of bla,des and the possible malfunction of both fuze and bomb. 2 1. Do not use a fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. If the fin assembly is loose and turns on the bomb, it will pull the arming wire from tha signal or fuze.
23. Practice bomb signals should be stowed in a dry, ventilated location out of the direct rays of the sun.
OP 1280
76 Mod
Description The 25-lb Practice Bomb Mk 76 IMod 0, figure 11.2, has an elongated, teardrop-shaped bomb body. The fin assembly is composed of four fin blades and a shroud welded to a center tube. A conical section covers the center tube The two and is threaded to the body sectlion. sections are staked together to prevent unscrewing. A cotter pin is inserted through the nose of the bomb to retain the firing pin assembly and signal. The firing pin assembly fires the signal is seated in the bore of the body section. produced from the detonated signal charged rearward through the t)ube of assembly. which Smoke is disthe fin
A single suspension lug is threaded into the bomb body and cemented in place. Early models of this bomb have a suspension lug with a, small opening which precludes use of the bomb on Shackle Mk 8 and Mods or Rack Type Aero 14A. Later models have lugs with a larger opening which permits the use of the bomb on these racks and shackles. Lugs on early model bombs may be repla(ced by the lug Activities may obtain with the larger opening. the larger lug by ordering Ammunition Stock Recording System Code 307140-A. The threads in the bomb body should be cleaned after removing the smaller lug. The larger lug should be cemented in position when it is installed in the bomb body by applying glycerinelitharge cement to the threads. An overall black color is applied to the complete bomb. Permanent identifying nomenclature is stenciled on the body of the 25-lb practice bomb. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: Iloaded with Signal AN-MB 4-----~__ 23.8 lbs Weight of signal: Signal AN-Mk 4- - _ _ _ 2 ox
76 Mod
CONFIDENTIAL Dimensions : Length or height of complete bomb - _ - - _ Length of bomb body- _ Diameter _ _ _ _ _- - __ _ _ _ Fin span---~----_-__Fin length - - _ - - _ - _ - Suspension : Single suspension lug- _ Components of a Complete 11.3 and 11.4)
Mk 76 is shipped from the manufacturer with a firing pin assembly installed and wit)h a retaining cotter pin through the nose end. 2. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from nose of bomb. CAUTI0.N: Firing pin assemblies must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing-pin point is below t#hc the lip of its cup. Check bore through center of bomb; bore must be smooth and clean, and not damaged in any
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body Cotter pin Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0 Sign al : AN-Mk 4 Assembly CAUTION: Signals and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. Assembly signals from Using Signal AN-ML 4
3. With the firing pin assembly removed, place bomb in a vertical position with the nose end up. 4. Insert signal into bomb, primer end up, and let it gently fall into place. Do not force in to place. The base flange of the signal cartridge must rest on the bomb bore shoulder. CAUTI0.N: Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that arc deformed in any way shall not be used.
1. Remove
Bomb Mk
76 Mod
0, Exploded
76 Mod
0, Cutaway
CONFIDENTIAL 5. Carefully CAUlIOX Do not insert firing pin assemb1.y must the and the
with firing pin end toward the signal. : Firing pin assembly pressure to force drop into place under its own weight. apply firing pin assembly cause the assembly fire the signal. 6. Rota,te firing pin assembly so that two notches in the lip line up with the two pin into the bomb bemay collapse
holes in the bomb nose. Do not apply pressure to firing pin during this operat!ion. 7. Insert cotter pin through the nose holes and the recesses in the firing pin assembly. 8. Spread ends of cotter pin sufficiently with a screwdriver to retain it in the bomb. CAUTION: Do not bend the ends of the cotter pin at a right angle to the axis of the cotter pin, or strike the ends to bend the cot!ter pin into position.
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section I I .3-100-b Description The loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 3, figure 11.5, is a light-cased, cylindrical bomb A flat-nose attachment, with a round nose. fits over the round bomb nose to prevent ricochet when used for antisubmarine bombing practice. This nose piece is secured in place by the filler cap which threads onto the nose A box-type fin assembly, end of the bomb. consisting of four metal vanes attached to a cone, is welded to the aft end of the bomb. Practice Bomb Signal Mk 7 Mod 0 and Fuze ,I/fk 247 Mod 0 (as a unit) are seated in the aft end of the fin assembly and secured in place with a locking plate and two wing nuts. The loo-lb Bomb Mk 15 Mod 3 is used for The capacity all tvpes of bombing practice. of t)his bomb is 4.68 gallons of water or 74.9 During freezing condipounds of wet sand. tions, antifreeze must be added to prevent expansion and bursting of the bomb case due to freezing of the filler. Identifying nomenclature is painted in x-inch white letters on the black-colored bomb. Removable suspension bands may be adjusted for Z-point suspension (14 inches apart), or single suspension (at the center of gravity). Difference Between Bombs Mk and Mk I5 Mod 3 The difference
15 Mod 2 and Practice
15 Mods 2 and 3
15 Mod
between Practice Bomb Mk Bomb Mk 15 Mod 3 is The Mod 3 can be in the signal and fuze. equipped with Signal Mk 7 Mod 0 and Fuze M k 247 Mod 0. Mod 2 uses neither signal nor fuze. In all other respects, the two models are similar. Mk 15 Mod 4 differs appreciably from both Mods 2 and 3. For information on Mk 15 Mod 4, refer to section 11.4. Physical Characteristics of Practice Bomb
MklsMod3 Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Iloaded with wet sand101.0 lbs Weight of wet-sand filler: Wet sand _ _ - 74.9 lbs
Bomb Mk
15 Mod
CONFIDENTIAL Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb Length of bomb bodyDiameter- - --- _ Fin span--._- ----Fin length-._-..----~ Suspension: Two suspension bands, or One suspension band _ Components of a Complete 11.6 and 11.7)
41.2 inches 25.1 inches 8.0 inches 11.24 inches 20 inches 14 inches c to c Center of gravity Round (Figures
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body (with fin assembly integral) Filler cap Locking plate, wing nuts, and lock washers Flat-nose at)tachment Suspension bands (2) Signal Mk 7 Mod 0 Fuze Mk 247 Mod 0 Arming Wire Assembly Mk 1 Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Signals, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not,
used, return them to their original packings. Practice bomb signals must be stowed in a dry, ventilated locat,ion out of the direct rays of the sun. 1. Rernove bomb assembly from crate. CAIJTION: Inspect for damage (cracked weldmen ts, etc.) which might cause leaks in the bomb casing. 2. Remove filler cap from bomb nose. 3. Fill bomb with required amount of water or wet sand at loading base. During freezing conditions, add antifreoze. 4. Replace filler cap and thread on, handtight. If bomb is to be used for antisubmarine practice, place flat-nose attachment over bomb nose before replacing filler cap. 5. Adjust for 14-inch suspension by loosening and moving suspension bands. For single suspension, remove one band, and loosen the other band, moving it to the center of gravity. Align the bands so tha,t the tlail fins will clear the aircrrtft structure and ground, when bomb is installed. Secure bands in place by tightening band securing screws. 6. Remove required number of signals, fuzes, and arming wire assemblies from their containers. CAUTION: If cont#ainers are punctured, split, or if the seal is brokon in any wa,y, the fuzes contained therein
/ /
WING *j\
NUTS \ ^ !
.&y-i i x /
7 1.6-I
Bomb Mk
15 Mod
3, Exploded
358615 o--55-----14
OP 1280 (First Revision) shall be considered unserviceable. This does not apply to fuzes repacked in the field and resealed with adhesive tape for temporary protection. These fuzes should be examined carefully for serviceability.
7. A combination of Fuze Mk 247 Mod 0 and Signal Mk 7 Mod 0 is used for t,he loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 3. 8. Rcmow wing nuts, lock washers, and locking plate from the two studs beside the opening in the aft end of the bomb. For
CONFIDENTIAL detailed informat ion on fuzing and defuzing, refer t!o OP 988 (First Revision). 9. After installation of signal and fuze, install bomb in accordance with type of rack in use and securely lock in place. If bomb bay does not provide enough space for fuzing, fuzing shall be done prior to hoisting bomb into place on the rack. CAUTION: Do not remove safety cotter pin until bomb is in place in the aircraft and the arming wire is instalIed completlely.
Bomb Mk
15 Mod
3, Cutaway
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section 11.4-I Description The loo-lb Practice Bomb Mk 15 Mod 4, figure 11.8, is a light-cased, cylindrical bomb with a round nose and integral box-type fin and fin cone. A flash tube, extending from the nose to the fin cone, holds a firing pin and Signal AN-Mk 4. To prevent ricochet when t,he bomb is dropped on underwater targets, a flat-nose attachment is provided. The attachment fits snugly over the round nose of the bomb and is secured with a locknut threaded over the projecting end of the flash tube. A filling hole is located off-center on the round nose of the bomb. When the flat-nose attachment is used, the filling hole and filler cap are hidden completely. The bomb may be iilled with either 76 pounds of wet sand or 39 pounds (about 4>k gallons) of water. If the bomb will be subjected to freezing conditions, antifreeze must be added to prevent expansion and rupturing of the bomb case due to freezing of the filler. Two suspension lugs are welded to the bomb The bomb is painted case 14 inches apart. black ; identifying nomenclature is stenciled in white on the bomb casing. Physical Characteristics Mk15Mod4 of Practice Bomb
Weight of assembled fuzed Iloaded with wet sand- _ Loaded with water _ - Weight of filler: Wet sand-.----___ Water-- --~__-~ __~ Dimensions: Length or heig :ht of complete born b-m-Diameter _ _ _ _ -Fin span- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - Suspension: Two suspension lugs _ _ _ Components of a Complete 11.9 and 11.10) Bomb body (with integral Filler cap
fin assembly)
7 7.8-
7 00-/b Practice
Bomb Mk
15 Mod
CONFIDENTIAL Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0 Cotter pin Flat-nose attachment Locknut (for use with flat-nose attachment) Signal AN-Mk 4 (or Mods) Assembly CAUTION: Signals and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not) used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove the bomb from its packing crate. CAUTION : Inspect for damaged seams, broken weldments, and dcformed parts that might cause leaks in the bomb body or weaken the suspension lugs or their attachment to the bomb case. 2. Unthread flat-nose attachment locknut and remove flat-nose attachment. 3. Use a suitable spanner wrench to twist and remove filler cap from the filling hole. Inspect gasket to be sure that it is not damaged. If damaged, it should be replaced. 4. Fill bomb with required amount of wet sand or water; durirlg freezing conditions, add antifreeze. 5. Replace filler cap. Twist on with spanner wrench, until locked in place.
6. If bomb is to be used against underwater targets, replace flat-nose attachment and lock in place .with locknut. 7. Remove cotter pin and firing pin from the nose end of the bomb flash tube.
CATJTION: I nspect) firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and t,hat the firingpin point is below t,he lip of its cup, Check flash-tube bore through the center of the bomb; the bore must be free from obstructions and not damaged in any way. 8. With bomb supported in a vertical position (nose upward), insert the signal, primer end up, int)o the flash tube. Let the signal fall in PhCe; DO NOT FORCE SIGNAL INTO PLACE. The base flange of the signal should rest on the flash tube shoulder located about, 1 j6 inch in from the nose end of the tube. CAIJTION: Th e signal must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush with or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that are deformed in any way shall not be used. 9. Carefully insert the firing pin assembly with the firing pin end facing the signal. CAtJTION: The firing pin assembly must drop into place under its own
75 Mod
4, Exploded
View. 205
OP 1280 (First Revision) weight. Do not apply pressure to force the firing pin assembly into place because the assembly may collapse and fire the signal.
10. Rotate firing pin assembly so that the two notlches in the lip line up with the two pin holes in the bomb nose. Do not apply pressure to firing pin during this operation. 11. Insert the cotter pin through the pin holes in the nose of the flash tube, passing
CONFIDENTIAL through the notches in tlhe forward cup of the firing pin assembly. 12. Spread the ends of the cotter pin sufficiently with a screwdriver to retain it in the bomb. CAUTION: Do not, bend the ends of the cotter pin to form right angles to the cotter pin axis. Do not strike the ends of the cotter pin to bend them int 0 posit,ion.
7 7.7 O-7
Bomb Mk
75 Mod
4, Cutuwuy
OP 1280 (First Revision) Section ll .S-SOO-lbPractice Bomb Mk 65 Mod Description The SOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 65 Mod 0, figure 1 I .l 1, is constructed from welded sheetThis light-cased bomb has an steel sections. ogival nose section, a cylindrical center section, and a tapered aft end. A box-type fin is secured to the aft end by hex-head bolts. A nose-filler cap and gasket are threaded into the nose end of the bomb and safety-wired to the nose bracket. Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0 and Fuze Mk 247 Mod 0 (as a unitI) are seated in a recess in the aft end of the bomb and are secured to the fin assembly by the signal bracket. The bomb is filled with 395 pounds of wet, sand or 200.6 pounds of water. During freezing conditions, antifreeze is added to t,he water. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled on the bomb casing and its components. Double suspension lugs are welded to the bomb body. A hoisting lug may be threaded into one of seven recesses on the periphery of the bomb body at the center of gravity. Physical Characteristics Weight of assembled fuzed bomb : Iloaded with wet sand443.2 lbs Loaded with water.. ~. 1 248.8 lbs Weight of filler: _ ~395.0 lbs Wet sandWater.--- -~ 200.6 lbs Weight of fin assembly: Box fin assembly---__ 12.0 lbs Dimensions: Ilength or height of complete bomb - - _.- _ - _ - _ - _ 56.6 inches ILength of bomb body- - - - 44.6 inches Dia,meter - - _ 14.0 inches Fin span..-_ - 19.0 inches __ Fin length- - _ _ _ 13.9 inches Suspension: Two suspension lugs- - _- - - 14 inches c to c One or two threaded hoisting lugs Components of a Complete Round (Figures
11.12and 11.13)
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body Nose filler cap, gasket, and safety wire
Figure 77.77-500-/b hctice Mod 0. Bomb Mk 65
CONFIDENTIAL Box fin assembly Hoisting lugs (2) Signal Mk 6 Mod 0 Fuze Mk 247 Mod 0 Arming Wire Assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Signals, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. Practice bomb signals should be stowed in a dry, ventilated location out of the direct rays of the sun. 1. Remove bomb body from stowage. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (broken weldments, etc.) which may cause leaks in the bomb casing. Inspect for damaged lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Remove shipping wire from nose plug, and unthread plug. Fill with required amount of wet sand or water. (During freezing condiGons, add antifreeze.) Replace nose plug; thread on, hand t igh t. Be sure gasket) is installed properly and is not, damaged. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate.
4. Open box containing Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6. Remove practice bomb signal bracket f ram signal. Mk 1 5. Fasten signal bracket to fin sleeve by squeezing band ends together, permitting the slots to be slipped under the rivets on the fin sleeve. IBolt signal bracket to fin assembly witlt the nut,, bolt, and lockwashers provided. 6. Depending upon the type of suspension, the holes in the fin assembly base and bomb base should be aligned so tha,t t)he tail fins will clear the aircraft structure and the ground, when the bomb is inst,alled. Pla,ce lockwashers over bolt,s and insert through holes in fin base and thread into bomb body, securing the fi II assembly. 7. Install the cylindrical section of Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0. For detailed informatlion on fuzing and dcfuzing using Practice 13ornb Signal Mk 6 and Fuze Mk 247, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 8. After installation of signal and fuze, install bomb in accordance with type of rack in use, (use hoisting lugs supplied for various hoisting conditions) and securely lock in place. CAUTION: Do not remove safet)y cotter pin until bornb is in place in the aircraft and the arming wire is installed completely .
7 7.72-500-/b
Bomb Mk
65 Mod
0, Exploded
View. 209
1 I.13--500-h
Bomb Mk
65 Mod
0, Cutaway
CONFIDENTIAL Section 11 h-1 Description The 1000-lb Practice Bomb Mk 66 Mod 0, figure 11.14, is const,ructed of welded sheetThis light-cased bomb has an steel sections. center section, and a, ogival nose, cylindrical tapered aft end. A box-type fin is secured to the aft end with hex-head bolts. Mk 66 Mod 0 has a filler cap which threads into the nose end of the bomb and is safety-wired t)o t(he nose bracket. Another filler hole is located on the side of the bomb. This hole is capped with a circular plate and gasket which are secured to the bomb case with hex-head bolts. For added rigidity, inside reinforcement strips are welded to the bomb casing. Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0 is seated in a recess in the aft end of the bomb. A practice signal bracket, supplied with Signal Mk 6 Mod 0, secures t)he signal to tlhe fin The bomb is filled with 788.3 assembly. pounds of wet sand or 385.3 pounds of wlmter. During freezing conditions, antifreeze is a,dded to the filler. Double suspension lugs are welded to the A hoisting lug may be threaded bomb body. into one of seven recesses on the periphery of One or two hoisting lugs are the bomb body. Identifying nomenclature is used, as needed. stenciled in x-in& letters on the bomb body and its components. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with wet sand- - -883.5 lbs Loaded with water _ _ - - - 480.5 lbs Weight of filler: Wet sand--- -----____..-788.3 lbs Water- - _ _ - - - - _ - _ _ - - - - _ _ 385.3 lbs Weight of fin assembly: Fin assembly-------..-. -- 21.0 lbs Dimensions: Length or height of corn- 66.96 inches plete bomb Length of bomb body- - _ _ 50.84 inches Diameter- _ - - - _ - _ - - - _- - 18.63 inches Finspan -_---___--._- 25.4Oinches Fin length----__-_-_-18.52 inches CONFIDENTIAL
I I ,I4-IOOO-/6 Mod
Practice 0.
OP 1280 (First Revision) Suspension: Two suspension lugs. - _ _ - _ 14 inches c to c One or two threaded hoisting lugs Components of a Complete Round (Figures
CONFIDENTIAL I. Remove bomb body from stowage. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (broken weldments, et!c.) which may cause leaks in the bomb casing. Inspect lugs and their attachment t#o the bomb body for damage. 2. Remove shipping wire from nose plug and unthread plug; fill bomb with required! amount, of wet sand or water; replace plug (thread on, haSndtightj). During freezing conditions, add an Gfreeze . The side filling hole also may be used. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crat)e. 4. Open box containing Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6. Remove signal bracket from signal. 5. Fast en signal bracket to fin sleeve by squeezing band ends together, permitting the slots to be slipped under the rivets on the fin The signal bracket is bolted to the fin sleeve. assembly with the nut, bolt, and lockwasher provided. 6. Depending upon the type of suspension, the holes in the fin assembly base and bomb base plug should be aligned so that the fins will clear the aircraft structure and the ground, when the bomb is instlalled. Place lockwashers over boltIs, insert bolts t,hrough holes of fin sleeve and thread onto bomb body, securing fin assembly.
7 7. IS--10004
Bomb Mk
66 Mod
0, Exploded
0, Cutaway
OP 1280 (First Revision) 7. Install cylindrical section of Practice Homb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing using Signal Mk 6 and Fuze Mk 247, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 8. After installation of signal and fuze, install bomb in accordance with type of rack in
CONFIDENTIAL use, (use hoisting lugs supplied for various hoisting conditions) and securely lock in place. CAUTION: Do not remove sa,fety cotter pin until bomb is in place in. the aircraft and the arming wire is installed completely .
CONFIDENTIAL Section 11.7-I 000-lb Description The 1000-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Mod 0, figure Il. 17, is a low-drag bomb of the same size and shape as the Mk 83 series of low-drag general purpose bombs. It has a sharp nose and a conically tapered aft end. Two filler holes are located on the upper side and are capped with filler covers. Four fin blades are assembled perpendicularly to the bomb axis and are set forward from the rear end of the bomb. The lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Mod 0 is of thin-case construction with internal reinforcement for the sway brace and ejection areas. To provide rigidity, bulkheads and channel reinforcements are used on the inside of the bomb casing. Signal AN-MB 4 is used with the lOOO-lb Practice Bomb Mk 88 Mod 0. A blast tube extends from the nose to the aft end of the bomb and allows for exit of the signal smoke when fired. The firing pin assembly and signal are held in place inside the blast tube by a retaining cotter pin. When the bomb strikes its target, the firing pin is forced into the signal primer. The smoke produced from the det)onated signal is discharged out the side of the bomb through the_ blast tube. Double suspension lugs are spaced 14 inches apart on the bomb body. The lugs are of the screw-in type used with the low-drag general At the center of gravpurpose bomb family. ity, a hoist,ing lug is welded to the bomb body. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in white on the side of the bomb body. The overall color of the bomb is black. This bomb is filled with water or wet sand. Antifreeze is added to the filler during freezing conditions. Physical Characteristics Practice Bomb Mk 88 Mod
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: Loaded with wet sand- 783 lbs Loaded with water- - - 458 lbs Dimensions: Length or height of 119.5 inches complete bomb CONFIDENTIAL
11.17-7000-/b Mod
Practice 0.
OP 1280 (First Revision) Dimensions-Continued Diameter- - ---Fin span---_ ----Fin length-----_-_ Suspension: Two suspension lugs One hoisting lug- Components
CONFIDENTIAL 3. Fill with required amount of water or wet sand ati loading base; during freezing conditions, add antifreeze. Filling t!he bomb with wet sand can be facilitated by filling as much as possible with the bomb in a horizontal position, then reinstalling the forward filler cap, hoisting the tail of the bomb, an,d filling through t#he real filling hole. 4. Twist on filler caps with spanner wrench, until t,ightj and locked. 5. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from the nose of the bomb. CAUTION: Firing pin assembly lmust fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firingpin point is below the lip of it,s cup. Check blast tube. It must be clean and not damaged or blocked in any way.
6. With firing pin assembly removed, elevate nose of bomb. Insert Signal AN-Mk 4, primer end up, and slidtl it gently into place. Do not force into place. The base flange of the signal cartridge must rest on l,he blast tube shoulder (about 1 ii/R inches in from the front of the blast tube).
- - - 14.0 inches --_ 19.6 inches --- 13.3 inches _- - 14 inches c to c - _ Center of gravity Round (Figures
of a Complete
CAIJTION: Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Sig-
figure 216
88 Mod
0, Exploded
CONFIDENTIAL nal cartridges that are deformed in any way shall not be used. 7. Carefully insert firing pin assembly with firing pin end toward the signal. CAUTION: Firing pin assembly must slide into place without friction. Do not apply pressure to force the firing pin assembly into the bomb because the assembly may collapse and fire the signal. 8. Rotate the firing pin assembly so that the two notches in the lip of the forward cup line up with the pin holes in the blast tube. Do
not apply pressure to the, firing pin during this 0peraGion. 9. Insert the cotter pin through the pin holes in the blast tube, passing through the notches in the firing pin assembly. Spread t,he ends of the cotter pin sufficiently to retain it in place. CAUTION: Do not bend the ends jof the cotter pin at right angles to the cotter pin axis, or strike the ends to bend them into position.
10. Install
bomb in accordance
with t!ype of
358615 0-55~15
88 Mod
0, Cutaway
CONFIDENTIAL Section 11.8-2000~lb Description The 2000-lb Practice Bomb Mk 67 Mod 0, figure 11.20, has an ogival nose, a cylindrical center section, and a tapered aft end. A box fin assembly is secured to the aft end of the bomb with hex-head bolts. Nose and tail plugs are provided for use in filling the bomb. A filler hole is located on the side of the bomb, and is capped with a circular plate (and gasket) FOI which is secured with hex-head bolts. added strength and rigidity, reinforcement strips are welded to the inside of t,he bomb casing. Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0 seats in the aft end of the bomb in a recess formed by the tail plug. A bracket, supplied with Signal Mk 6 Mod 0, secures the signal to the fin asThe bomb is filled with 1473.05 sembly . pounds of wet sand or 816.55 pounds of water. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in white on the black-painted bomb body and its On one side of the bomb, two components. welded suspension lugs provide for a 30-inch suspension. On the opposite side, suspension lugs are welded to provide for 14-inch suspension. Physical Characteristics Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with wet sand- 1617.25 lbs Loaded with water- _ - _ 960.75 lbs Weight of filler: Wet sand _____ - ____ -_ 1473.05 lbs Water ____-___ -- _____ 816.55 lbs Weight of fin assembly _ - 40.0 lbs Dimensions: Length or height of 90.3 inches complete bomb Length of bomb body- - 68.5 inches Diameter- _ - - - - - _ - - _ _ 23.0 inches Fin span------------31.6 inches Fin length- - _ _ - - _ _ - - - 25.0 inches Suspension: Two suspension lugs- -- _ - 14 inches c to c Two suspension lugs---- - 30 inches c to c Components of a Complete Round (Figures
Figure 77.20-2000-/b Mod
OP 1280
(First Revision)
67 Mod
0, Exploded
Nose and tail filler plugs, side filler cover with eight bolts and washers Box fin assembly with bolts and lock washers Signal Mk 6 Mod 0 Fuze Mk 247 Mod 0 Arming wire assembly Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Signals, fuzes, and bombs sha not be unpacked in advance of li requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. Practice bomb signals should be stowed in a dry, ventilated location out of the direct rays of the
Signal Mk 6 Mod 0. Remove signal bracket from signal. 5. Fasten signal bracket to fin sleeve by squeezing band ends together permitting the slots to be slipped under the rivets on the fin sleeve. The signal bracket is bolted to the fin assembly with the nut, bolt, and lock washer provided. 6. Depending upon type of suspension used, the holes in the fin assembly base and bomb base plug should be aligned so that the fins will clear the aircraft structure and ground, when the bomb is installed. Place lock washers over bolts; insert bolts through holes of fin sleeve and thread into bomb body base securing fin assembly. CAUTION: Do not use fin assembly if it cannot be secured to the bomb properly. 7. Install the cylindrical section of Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0. For detailed information of fuzing and defuzing using Practice Bomb Signal Mk 6 Mod 0 and Fuze Mk 247, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). 8. After installation of signal and fuze, install bomb in accordance wit)h t,ype of rack in use. CAUTION: Do not remove safety cotter pin until bomb is in place in the aircraft and the arming wire is installed completely. CONFIDENTIAL
bomb body from stowage. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (broken weldments, etc.) which might cause leaks in the bomb casing. Inspect for damaged lugs and lug weldments. 2. Remove nose plug, tail plug, or side filler cover and fill bomb with required amount, of wet sand or water; replace the plugs or cover. During freezing conditions, add antifreeze to filler. 3. Remove fin assembly and attachments from shipping crate. 4. Open box containing Practice Bomb
1. Remove
67 Mod
0, Cutaway
Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: Loaded with wet sand. . 217 lbs Loaded with water. . . . . 141 lbs
I 3.23-2504b
CAUTION: Signals and bomb shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and
not used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove bomb assembly from crate. CATJTlC)N: I nspect for damage (cracked weld ments, etc.) which might c*ause leaks in the bomb casing or damage to suspension lugs. 2. Remove safety wire from suspension lugs and hoisting lug. 3. Remove the filler cap from the filler hole by backing off the screws holding the two clamps in place unt,il the clamps can Do not completely rebe turned aside. move these screws in order to prevent possible loss of the screws or lockwashers. lnspwt the gas kc t. Damaged gaskets should be replactd. 4. Fill with required amount, of water OI wet sand at loading base; during freezing conditions add antifreeze. Filling the bomb with wet +and can be facilitated by hoisting the tail so the filler will flow toward the nose. 5. Replace filler cap making sure the gasket and gasket seat are free of loose grains of sand. Turn the filler cap clamps into locking position and tighten the screws securely. CAUTION: Check to make sure the lockwashers are in place under the heads of the screws.
Figure I 7.24-250-/b
6. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from the nose of the bomb. CAUTION: I? lring pin assembly nlust fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. He sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing pin point is below the lip of its cup. (:heck the blast tube. It must be clean and not damaged or blocked in any way. 7. With firing pin assembly removed, elevate nose of bomb. Insert Signal ANMk4 T primer end up, and slide it gently into place. Do not force into place. The base flange of the signal cartridge must rest on the blast tube shoulder (about 1% inches in from the front of the blast tube). (IA1JTION: Signals must not be swollen or deformecl in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the carSignal cartridges that are tridge. deformed in any way shall not be used.
I 1.25-2504b
Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb 56.5 lbs with signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.8 lbs Weight of body. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 lbs Weight of fin assembly. . . . . . Weight of firing pin, signal, 0.3 lb and plugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimensions: Length or height of complete 31.3 inches bomb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.6 inches Length of bomb body. . Body diameter, maximum. . . . . . . . . . 4.0 inches
I 7.26-56
2. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from nose of bomb. CAUTION: Firing pin assemblies must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing pin point is below the lip of its cup. Check bore through center of bomb; bore must be clear. 3. With the firing pin assembly removed, elevate nose of bomb. Insert Practice Bomb Signal Mk 4 Mod 3, primer end up, and slide it gently into place. Do not use force. The base flange of the signal cartridge must rest on the bore shoulder (about I--X inches in from the nose of the bomb). CAUTION: Slgnals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. Th e primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that are deformed in any way shall not be used.
Bomb body (with fin assembly) Suspension lugs (2) Cotter pin Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0 Practice Bomb Signal Mk 4 Mod 3
CAUTION: Signals and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove the bomb assembly and the signal assembly from their packings. Practice Bomb Mk 89 Mod 0 is shipped from the manufacturer with the firing pin assembly installed and with a retaining cotter pin through the nose end.
I 1.27-56
0, Cutaway
holes in the bomb nose. Do not apply pressure to the firing pin during this operation. -6. Insert the cotter pin th rough the Pin holes in the nose, passing through the notches i n the firing pi n assembly. Spread the end S of the cotter pin just en.ough to retain it in place. CAUTION: D o not bend the ends of the cotter pin at right angles to the cotter pin axis, or strike the ends to bend them in position.
I 15.06
Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb with signal: 98 lbs Empty assembled bomb. . . . Loaded with wet sand. . . . . . 333 lbs Loaded with water. . . . . . . . 221 lbs Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.89 inches Maximum body 10.75 inches diameter. . . . . . . . . . . 15.06 inches Fin span. . . . . . . . . . . . Suspension: Two suspension lugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 inches c to c One hoisting lug. . . . . . . . . . . . Center of gravity
I 7.29-500
OP 1280 (First Revision) CHANGE 2 Components of a Complete (Figures 11.30 and 11.31) Bomb
Bomb body (with fin assembly) Suspension lugs (2) Hoisting lug Cotter pin Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0 Practice Bomb Signal Mk 4 Mod 3
CAUTION: Signals and bomb shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove the bomb assembly from the packing. CAUTION: Inspect for damage (cracked weldments, etc.) which might cause leaks in the bomb casing or damage to suspension lugs. 2. Remove filler cap by backing off the screws holding the two clamps in place
until the clamps can be turned aside. Inspect the cap gasket and clamps for proper fit. Replace damaged gaskets. 3. Fill with the required amount of wet sand or water at the loading base. During freezing conditions add antifreeze. Filling the bomb with wet sand can be facilitated by hoisting the tail so the filler will flow toward the nose. 4. Replace filler cap after clearing channel and gasket seal of loose grains of sand. Turn the filler cap clamps into locking position and tighten the screws securely. 5. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from the nose of the bomb. CAUTION: Firing pin assembly must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing pin point is below the lip of its cup. Inspect the blast tube. It must be clean and not damaged or blocked in any way.
7; ?)h
I 1.30-500
0, Exploded
0, Cutaway
-~may deform
and fire the
8. Rotate the firing pin assembly sothat the two U-shape notches in the lip of the forward cup line up with the pin holes in the nose of the blast tube. DO not apply pressure to the firing pin during this operation. 9. Insert the cotter pin through the pin holes in the bore, passing through the notches in the firing pin assembly.. Spread the ends of the cotter pin just enough to retain it in place. CAUTION: D o not bend the ends of the cotter pin at right angles to the cotter pin axis, or strike the ends to bend them into position. 10. Install bomb in accordance with type of bomb rack in use and securely lock in Place.
The 25 lb. Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1, figure 11.32, is designed for air burst firing. It has an elongated, teardrop-shaped bomb body. The fin assembly is composed of four fin blades and a shroud welded to a center tube. A conical section covers the center tube and is threaded to the body section. The two sections are staked together to preA setscrew is threaded vent unscrewing. into the nose of the bomb to retain the time fuze and signal. The time fuze fires the signal which is seated in the bore of the body section. Smoke produced from the detonated signal is discharged rearward through the tube of the fin assembly. CAUTION: Tests have shown that \ the fuze will fragment the bomb body producing a maximum fragment weight of 254 grams and a maximum fragment velocity of 98 feet per second. Proper precautions should be taken to ensure that any personnel who may be scoring drops of this bomb are beyond the maximum range of the burst. A single suspension lug is threaded into the bomb body and cemented in place. Two 3/8-inch indexing holes are drilled into the body at the center of gravity to accommodate the Aero 8A Dispenser. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in white marking ink on the side of the body. The exterior surface of the bomb is coated with black enamel. A %--inch white stripe is painted around the body at the center of gravity.
27.155 INCHES
Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb with Signal Mk 4 Mod 3 and 25.10 AN-M146E3 Time Fuze. . . Weight of Signal 0.1 Mk4Mod3. . . .. . . . . . .. .
lbs lb
Figure I 1.32-25 lb Pructice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 1.
CAUTION: Signals, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. Assembly Using AN-M146E3 Time Fuze. 1. Remove bomb assembly from crate. 2. Verify that setscrew is backed off sufficiently to permit entrance of fuze. 3. Place bomb in a vertical position with the nose end up. 4. Remove signal from packing and insert signal into bomb, primer end up, and let it gently slide into place. Do not use force. The b ase flange of the signal cartridge must rest on the bomb bore shoulder (about 1.0 inch from the nose of the bomb). CAUTlON: Slgnals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that are deformed in any way shall not be used.
I 7.33-25
I, Exploded
I 7.34-25
I, Cutawcry View.
OP 1280
(First Revision)
6. Carefully screw fuze into nose of bomb until seated, then back off a portion of one turn until arming pin is in line with suspension 7. Tighten ace. Pl 8. .. clip. Install lug. setscrew arming to lock fuze in
,5. Remove fuze from packing and inspect fuze to ensure that the fuze safety devices are in place. For detailed information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision). CAUTION: If a fuze is armed or otherwise unsafe to handle, the fuze shall be disposed of by authorized personnel.
Section Description
The 25 lb. Practice
11 ,13-25
lb. Practice
Bomb Mk 76 Mod
Mk 76 Mod 2,
figure 11.35, has an elongated, teardropshaped bomb body. The fin assembly is composed of four fin blades and a shroud welded to a center tube. -4 conical section covers the center tube and is threaded to the body section. The two sections are staked together to prevent unscrewing. A cotter pin is inserted through the nose of the bomb to retain the firing pin assembly and signal. The firing pin assembly fires the signal which is seated in the bore of the body section. Smoke produced from the detonated signal is discharged rearward through the tube of the fin asembly. A single suspension lug is threaded into the bomb body and cemented in place. Two %-inch indexing holes are drilled into the body at the center of gravity to accommodate the Aero 8A Dispenser. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in white marking ink on the side of the bomb. The exterior surface of the bomb is coated with black enamel. A %-inch white stripe is painted around the body at the center of gravity.
5 ES
Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled bomb 23.70 lbs with signal and firing pin. . . Weight of Signal 0.16 lb Mk 4 Mod 3.. . . . . . . . . . . Weight of Firing Pin MklModO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.04 lb Dimensions: Length or height of 22.5 inches complete bomb. . . . . . Length of bomb body. . 8.0 inches 4.0 inches Diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . Length of fin assembly. . . . . . . . . . . 14.5 inches Suspension: Single suspension lug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . center of gravity
Figure I 1.35-25
OP 1280
(First Revision)
2. Remove cotter pin and firing pin assembly from nose of the bomb. CAUTION: Firing pin assemblies must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing-pin point is below the lip of the cup. Check bore through center of bomb; bore must be smooth and clean, and not damaged in any way. 3. With firing pin assembly removed, place bomb in a vertical position with nose end up. 4. Insert signal into bomb, primer end up, and let it gently slide into place. Do not use force. The base flange of the signal cartridge must rest on the bomb
bore shoulder (about 1-G inch in from the nose of the bomb). CAUTION: Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body (with fin assembly) Cotter pin Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0 Signal: Practice Bomb Signal Mk 4 Mod
CAUTION: Signals and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to the original packings. Assembly Using Signal Mk 4 Mod 3.
1. Remove required number of bombs and signals from the packings. Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 2 is shipped from the manufacturer with a firing pin assembly installed and with a retaining cotter pin through the nose end.
I 7.36-25
2, Cutuwuy
(First Revision)
up with the two pin holes in the bomb nose. Do not apply pressure to firing pin during this operation. 7. Insert cotter pin through the nose holes and the recesses in the firing pin assemblv. 8. Siread ends of cotter pin just enough to retain it in place. CAUTION: 1) o not bend the ends of the cotter pin at a right angle to the axis of the cotter pin, or strike the ends to bend the cotter pin into position.
Signal cartridges that cartridge. are deformed in any way shall not be used. 5. Carefully insert firing pin assembly with firing pin end toward signal. CAUTION: Firing pin assembly must drop into place under its Do not apply presown weight. sure to force firing pin assembly into bomb because assembly may deform and fire signal. 6. Rotate firing pin assembly so that the two IT-shaped notches in the lip line
4.0 INCHES 1 _
2 IN{
I 7.38-25
OP 1280
(First Revision)
Weight of assembled bomb with Signal Mk 4 Mod 3 and Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0. . . . . . . . . . 25.05 Weight of assembled bomb with Signal Mk 4 Mod 3 and AN-M146E3 Time Fuze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.27 Weight of Signal Mk 4 Mod 3.. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.16 Weight of Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.04 Weight of AN-M146E3 Time Fuze. . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1.60 Dimensions: Length or height of assembled bomb with Signal Mk 4 Mod 3 and Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0. . . . . . . . . . . 22.50
lbs lb lb lbs
Length (br height of assembled bomb with Signal Mk 4 Mod 3 and AN-M146E3 Time Fuze . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.155 inches Length of bomb body. . , . , . . . 7.78 inches Diameter . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 inches Fin span. . . . . . . . . . 4.00 inches Length of fin assembly. , . . . . . 14.50 inches Suspension: Single suspension lug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . center of gravity
Round Using
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body (with fin assembly) Bushing Cotter pin Setscrew Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0
I 7.39-25
3, Exploded
7 1.40-25
3, Cutaway
OP 1280
(First Revision)
2 --_______-
Signal: Practice
Mk 4 Mod 3
6. Carefully insert firing pin assembly with firing pin end toward signal. CAUTION: Firing pin assernbly must fit loosely and not bind when dropped into position. Inspect firing pin assembly for damage. Be sure firing pin cup is not deformed and that the firing-pin point is below the lip of the cup. Check bore through center of bomb; bore rnust be smooth and clean, and not damaged in any way. Firing pin must drop into place under its own weight. DO not apply pressure to force firing pin assembly into bomb because assembly may deform and fire the signal. 7. Rotate firing pin assembly so that the two U-shaped notches in the lip line up with the two pin holes in the bomb Do not apply pressure to firing nose. pin during this operation. 8. Insert cotter pin through the nose holes and the recesses in the firing pin assembly. 9. Spread ends of cotter pin just enough to retain it in place. CAUTION: D o not bend the ends of the cotter pin at a right angle to the axis of the cotter pin, or strike the ends to bend the cotter pin int 0 position. Assembly Using AN-M146E3 Time Fuze.
Bomb body assembly (including): Bomb body (with fin assembly) Setscrew Signal: Practice Bomb Signal AN-M146E3 Time Fuze Arming wire Fahnestock clip Mk 4 Mod 3
CAUTION: Signals, fuzes, and in bombs shall not be unpacked advance of requirements. If unpacked and not used, return them to their original packings. Assembly Using Firing Pin Mk 1 Mod 0.
I. Remove bomb assembly from crate. 2. Remove required number of bombs and signals from their packings. Practice Bomb Mk 76 Mod 3 is shipped from the manufacturer with the bushing and firing pin installed and with a retaining cotter pin through the nose end. 3. Remove the cotter pin and firing pin assembly from the nose of the bomb. 4. Place bomb in a vertical position with nose end up. 5. Insert signal into bomb, primer end up, and let it gently slide into place. Do The base flange of the not use force. signal cartridge must rest on the bushing shoulder (about 1-G nose of the bomb). inches from the
CAUTION: Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manner. The primer must be flush or slightly below the base of the Signal cartridges that cartridge. are deformed in any way shall not be used.
1. Remove bomb assembly from crate. 2. Remove and discard bushing. 3. Verify that setscrew is backed off sufficiently to permit entrance of fuze. 4. Place bomb in a vertical position with the nose end up. 5. Remove signal from packing and insert signal into bomb, primer end up. and let it gently slide into place. Do not use force. The base flange of the signal cartridge must rest on the bomb bore shoulder (about 1.0 inch from the nose of the bomb).
CAUTION: Signals must not be swollen or deformed in any manmust be flush ner. Th e primer or slightly below the base of the cartridge. Signal cartridges that are deformed in any way shall not be used. 6. Remove fuze from packing and inspect fuze to ensure that the fuze safety For detailed devices are in place. information on fuzing and defuzing, refer to OP 988 (First Revision).
CAUTION: If a fuze is armed or otherwise unsafe to handle, the fuze shall be disposed of by authorized personnel,. 7. Carefully screw fuze into nose of bomb until seated, then back off a portion of one turn until arming pin is in line with suspension lug. 8. Tighten setscrew to lock fuze in Pl ace. 9. clip. Install arming wire and Fahnestock
Section i 2.1 -General Section Section Section Section Section
12.2-l/SO-lb Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0 Fire 12.3-EO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0 with Bomb Conversion Kit Mk 19 Mod 0 12.4-SOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 1 12.5-XO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2 12.6-IOOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0
Section Description A fire bomb, figure 12.1, is a thin-skinned container, made of either steel or aluminum. The bomb is filled with a gasoline gel and armed with igniters and fuzes which ignite the gasoline gel upon impact with the ground. Two igniters and fuzes are used with each bomb and are inserted in either brackets or fuze wells. Adapters or caps secure the igniters in place. The bombs are filled through holes which have gasketsealed covers. Fire Bombs Mk 77 and Mk 78 have no fins, but fins are provided on Fire Bomb Mk 79 to improve its separation characteristics when released at high speeds. Bomb Conversion Kit Mk 19 Mod 0 provides fins and a VT fuze adapter for the Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0 to make this bomb applicable for use with dive bombing tactics. Usage Fire bombs are effective when used against dug-in troops, supply installations, wooden structures, and land convoys. For maximum target effect, the bombs are released at low altitudes to spread the burning gel over a large area. If released at high altitudes, the bombs dig craters which trap the gel, preventing it from spreading. However, Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0, modified with the Bomb Conversion Kit Mk 19 Mod 0 and fuzed with the standard VT Fuze M 166, minimizes the cratering effect and makes this bomb applicable for use from dive bombing attitudes and altitudes. Fire Bombs 750-lb Fire Bomb Conversion Kit Mk 5OO-lb Fire Bomb 75O-lb Fire Bomb 1000-lb Fire Bomb CONFIDENTIAL Mk 77 Mod 19 Mod 0 Mk 77 Mod Mk 78 Mod Mk 79 Mod 0 and Bomb 1 2 0
12.1 -General
Fuzes Compatible with Fire Bombs Fire bombs use igniters to ignite the gasoline gel. The following igniters and fuzes are used with fire bombs: Igniter hf15 with Fuze Ml57 Igniter hi16 with Fuze Ml57 Igniter R/Z23with Fuze Ml73 Markings Fire bombs are identified by standard nomenclature which is stenciled on the bomb and its components. Purple stripes encircle the nose and tail ends. The overall. color is olive drab or the original metal finish. Suspension Two lugs on the bomb body provide for a For additional strength, 1J-inch suspension. the suspension lugs are attached to an inner support. Fire bombs ma,y be suspended either on the aircraft while empty and then filled with gasoline gel, or filled with gasoline gel prior to suspension on the aircraft, depending on the procedure found to be most practicable. Safety Precautions Fire bombs and their components are shipped separately and are assembled in the field to form a complete round. The handling and storing of Napalm thickener will be described in (OP 2183 (under preparation). Special care must be taken when handling the bomb sections to prevent denting or nic.king the gasket seats. The bo:mb casing is damaged easily and should be handled carefully when uncrating and during installation. For detailed safety procedures in handling and installing igniters and fuzes, refer to OP 988 (First Ilevision). 225
fuzed igniters prematurely. 7. Replace all safety pins when defuzing a bomb. 8. Inspect arming wires for kinks, twists, or burrs. Such defects may cause a bomb to malfunctlion. 9. Once a fire bomb used or destroyed. shall be jettisoned ashore. prior is filled, it must be not expended afloat or to landing All bombs
, I
12. I-Fire
CONFIDENTIAL Dimensions: Length or height of complete bomb Diameter-----------Suspension: Two suspension lugs- -Components of a Complete 12.3 and 12.4)
FIRE BOMBS used, return them to their original packings. I. Remove bomb body and its components from their packing crate as follows: a. Remove eight screws securing end panel of bomb shipping crate. b. Remove end panlel of crate. c. Cut four metal straps which secure bomb sectjons to crate. d. Slide bomb sections out of the open end of the crate. e. Remove and open package containing tie rods, washers, and nuts. f. Remove tail cone from shipping crate end plate. g. Check sealing gaskets. Gaskets must be in place, and sealing surfaces must be free of foreign matter, dents, and nicks. h. Be sure that nose and tail sections include cones, cone adapters, shipping pins, igniter adapters, and filling hole covers. i. Check suspension lugs for damage. 2. Remove tail-cone screws from tail-cone adapter. 3. Pull shipping pin from clevis pin in tailcone adapter, and remove clevis pin and clevispin spring to release tail-cone adapter. 4. Remove igniter adapter from tail endplate casting.
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body (3 sections, nose and tail cones, and cone adapters) Gaskets Tie rod Filler caps Igniters (two required): M15 Ml6 M23 Fuzes (two required ) : Ml57 (Use with Igniters Ml5 and M16) M173 (Use with Igniter M23) Arming wire assembly, double (two required) Fahnestock clips Assembly CAUTION: Igniters, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of If unpacked and not requirements.
Fire Bomb Mk
77 Mod
0, Exploded
Description The 750-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0, figure 12.2, is a non-stabilized, cigar-shaped bomb It consists of three constructed of aluminum. main sections and two end cones. A center tie-rod holds the nose, center, and aft sections together; aluminum ring adapters secure the nose and tail cones to the main sections. The bomb is filled with 110 gallons of gasoline gel and uses two igniter and fuze combinations to ignite the gel upon impact. Three igniters may be used with Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0; they are: Igniters M15, Ml6, or ~-23. The bomb is designed for the primary use of Igniter hf23. Adapters are furnished wit#h t,he bomb so that igniter R/115 may be used for either nose or tail fuzing. Igniter Ml6 is used only for tail fuzing. When the bomb is assembled, one igniter is attached to each end of t,he bomb. Tubes carry the arming wires and cone release wires from the outside of the bomb to the inside. When the release wires are withdrawn, springs in the ring adapters eject both adapters and cones. Double suspension lugs are mounted inches apart. Id en tif ying nomenclature stenciled on the body assembly. 14 is
Two gasket-sealed filler holes are located on t,he upper side of the bomb body. Gaskets between the three main sections prevent leakage of the gasoline gel. A gasoline and Napalm mixture (gel) fills the bomb hod y. A minimum air space of 3 percent of the bombs capacity is required. Once a bornb is filled, it cannot be disassembled; it must be used or jettisoned. Physical Characteristics bomb: 750 lbs 82 lbs 138 lbs 110 gallons
Figure 72.2-750-/b Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0.
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with gasoline gel Weight of empty bomb-Weight of bomb and crate as shipped Cftpacity of gasoline gel _ _
CONFIDENTIAL 5. Remove nose cone. 6. Release nose-cone adapter as described in the preceding step 3. 7. Remove igniter adapter from nose-plate casting. 8. Wipe gasket surfaces on all sections with carbon tetrachloride or gasoline. 9. Assemble tie rod sections. Screw t,he ends of the forward and rear tie rods (which have a one-inch length of thread) into the center nut, until the tie rods come togcthcr. 10. Pass end of the tie rod with the shortclst end of threads through the hole in the nose Slide large inside-diamc ter end-plate casting. washer over end of tie rod and fit into recess; place gasket, small inside-diameter flat washer, lock washer, and self-locking nut on the tie Secure by tightening rod (in order given). self-locking nut on tie rod. 11. Pass tie rod assembly through center section. 12. Move tail section into position; remove rear filler cap, reach through filling hole and guide tie rod through hole in tail end-plate casting. 13. Slide large inside-diameter washer over end of tie rod and fit into recess; place gasket, small inside-diameter washer, lock washer, and long nut on tie rod (in order given). Be sure the counterbored end of nut is placed over the tie rod first. 14. Align arming wire tubes on all sections. 15. Secure tic rod with the long nut, and tighten with torque wrench to 325 inch-pounds. CAUTION: Before tightening long nut, be sure that gaskets on tie rod are seated properly. 16. Screw igniter adapter in nose end-plate casting, until it bottoms. 17. Replace nose-cone adapter, clevis-pin spring, and clcvis pin. Replace shipping pin Check nose-cone adapter to secure assembly. release mechanism by pulling out shipping pin. 18. Reassemble nose-cone adapter a>nd assemble nose cone. CAUTION: Do not damage nose cone by tightening screws excessively. If bomb is not to be used immediately, nose
FIRE BOMBS cone need not be assembled to nose-cone adapt)er until bomb is fuzed. 19. Screw igniter adapter into t,ail end-plate castling, until it bottoms. 20. Replace tail-cone atdapter by following a procedure similar to that previously described in steps 17 and 18. 21. The 75%lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 normally is loaded on the aircraft while empty, and then filled with ,gasoline gel. This procedure is not always practical. Detailed instructions for mixing the gasoline gel and filling the bomb will be givt>n in OP 2183 (under preparation). 22. Fill hornbs through either one or both filling holes; both covers must be removed even if filled through one hole. Secure covers after filling., 23. Install bomb securely on aircraft! and sway brace. After the bomb is installed and filled, fuze and arm the bomb as follows: a. Remove screws securing nose cone to adapter, and remove nose cone. b. Thread two nose arming wires through suspension fitting and arming wire guide tubes to t,hc nose end-plate casting. c. Insert one wire through hole in end of clevis pin. d. Attach arming wire to bomb rack. e. Remove clevis-pin shipping pin. f. Repeat steps a through c tlo install rear arming wircxs. g. Install nose and tail igniters. h. Insert, arming wires into nose and tail
i. Attach Fahnestock clips to the ends of Cut off excess arming each fuze arming wire. wire. CAUTION: Remove all kinks, twists, or burrs from arming wires to prevent possible malfunctioning. j. Remlove safety pins from igniter fuzes. k. Inst)all nose and tail cones and secure Do not t#ighten screws clxceswith screws. sively. 24. Only an unfilled bomb may be disassem bltld. CAUTION: Once filled, a bomb must bc used or jettisoned.
Fire Bomb Mk
77 Mod
0, Cutuway
CONFIDENTIAL Tie rod Filler caps Igniter adapters Nose fuze: VT Fuze M166El Igniters (one of): M15 Ml6 M23 Fuzes (one of) : Ml57 (Use with Igniter Ml5 or M116) Ml73 (Use with Igniter M23) Bomb Conversion Kit Mk 19 Mod 0 (including) : Fin and shroud components Fin assembling screws, washers, locking nuts, and safety wire Seal, O-rings (spare parts) Setscrews VT fuze adapter Arming wire assembly, double (two required) Fahnestock clips
FIRE BOMBS 2. Remove tail cone screws from tail-cone adapter. 3. Pull shipping pin from clevis pin in tail-cone ada.pter and rernove clevis pin and clevis-pin spring to release tail-cone adapter. 4. Remove igniter adapt,er from tail end-plate casting. 5. Remove and discard nose cone, 6. Release nose-cone adapter as described previously in step 3 and discard. 7. Remove igniter adapter from nose plate casting. 8. Remove four bolts, washers, O-ring seals, and nuts from the tail section skin of the bomb. Inspect1 title O-ring seials, and if damaged, replace with the ones furnished with the conversion kit, 9. Remove the eight bolts, washers, and the safety wire from the fin mounting holes in the tail end-plate casting. IO. Moun tj the four fins from the conversion kit to the tail section using the screws, washers, and nuts removed in the preceding steps 8 and 9. Be sure that the O-ring seals seat properly at the bolts passing through the tail section skin. The O-ring seals should be next to the bomb skin with the large flat washer on top so that the washer contains the O-ring seal. Il.. Secure the four sections of the tail fin shroud t,ol the fins with the eight screws, washers, and locking nuts contained in the conversion kit. 12.. Safety wire the eight fin securing bolts in the tail end-plate casting. 13.. Wipe gasket surfaces on the three body sections with carbon tetrachloride or gasoline. 14. Assemble tie rod sections. Screw the ends of the forward and rear tie rods (which have a one-inch length of t,hread) into the center nut, until the tie rods come together. I5. Pass end of tie rod with the shortest end of threads through the ho10 in the nose end-plate Slide large inside-diameter washer casting. over end of tie rod and fit into recess; place gasket, small inside-diameter flat washer, lock washer, and self-locking nut on the tie rod (in order given). Secure by tightening selflocking nut on tie rod. 16. Pass tie rod through center section. 17. Move t)ail sect,ion into position. Remove rear filler cap, reach through filling hole, and
Assembly CAUTION : Igniters, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of If unpacked and not requirements. used, return them to their original packings. 1. Remove bomb components from their packing crate as follows: a. Remove eight screws securing end panel of bomb shipping crate. b. Remove end panel of crate. c. Cut four metal straps which secure bomb sections to crate. d. Slide bomb sections out of the open end of the crate. e. Remove and open package containing tie rods, washers, and nuts. f. Remove tail cone from shipping crate end plate. g. Check sealing gaskets. GasketIs must be in place and sealing surfaces free of foreign matter, dents, and nicks. h. Be sure t,hat nose and tail sections include cones, cone adapters, ship,ping pins, igniter adapters, and filling hole covers. i. Check suspension lugs for damage. CONFIDENTIAL
358615 O---55-16
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with gasoline 750 lbs gel Weight of Tmpty bomb-.- 82 lbs Weight of bomb and 138 lbs crate as shipped Weight, of bomb con24 lbs version kit as shipped Capacity of gasoline gel- 110 gallons Dimensions : Length or height of complete bomb: With tail cone intact, 138 inches Without tail cone- -_ 131 inches Diameter- _ - - _ - - _ _ _ _ 18.63 inches Fin span----__--- ____. 31.75 inches Suspension : Two suspension lugs--- 14 inches c to c Components of a Complete Round (Figure
Bomb body assembly (including) : Bomb body (3 sections, nose and tail cones, and cone adapters) (nose cone and nose-cone adapter to be dis#carded) Gaskets
Figure 232
Fire Bomb Mk
77 Mod
0 with
Bomb C onversion
Kit Mk
19 Mod
0, Exploded
CONFIDENTIAL Section Description The 500-lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod I, figure 12.6, is a 75-gallon capacity bomb obt)ained bJ modifying Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0. The modification of Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0 consist,s of cutting approximatoly tlwo inches off the nose and tail body sections and approximat,ely 12 inches from each end of the center se&on. These rnodified sections arc welded together to give a 75-gallon capacity, 500~lb bomb. Igniters and fuzes are used in the nose and tail of Fire I3omb Mk 77 ICSod1. Three igniters, M15, hl16, and M23, may be used. The bomb is designed for primary use of Igniter M23 wit11 Fuze M 173 in both tlhe nose and tail. Adapters are furnished with the bomb so that Igniter Ml5 with Fuze Ml57 can be used in thc nose or tail of the bomb. lgniter Ml6 with I?uze Ml 57 can be used in the tail of the bomb only, because the nose cone will not accommodate this larger igniter. The arming wires and cone release wires are carried to the nose and tail of the bomb through internal tubes. When the cone release wires are witJhdrawn, the springs in t,he cone ring adapters eject both nose and tail cones from the bombs, exposing the fuzcs to the a,irst,ream. Two suspension lugs are mounted on the body 14 inches apart. Identifying nomcnclature is stenciled in red letters on the modified bomb body. Two gasket-sealed filler holes are located on the upper bomb surface. The bomb is filled with 75 gallons of gasoline gel. A minirnum air space of 3 percent of the bomb capacit,y is Once a bomb is filled, it cannot, bt? required. disassembled ; it be either used or jottisoned. Physical Characteristics bomb: 500 lbs 63 lbs 75 gallons
Weight of assembled fuzed Loaded with gasoline gel- __---..-- _- - __ Weight of empty bomb-Capacity of gasoline gel-Dimensions: Length or height of complete bombDiameter - - - - - - __ CONFIDENTIAL
7 2.6-500-/b
CONFIDENTIAL if filled through one hole. Secure covthrs after filling. 27. Install bomb securely on aircraft and swtty brace. Aftclr the bomb is installed and fill4, fuze and arm the bomb as follows: a. Rernovc scrcws securing tail cone to adaptlor, and remove tail cone. b. Thread two tail arming wires through the r(ar suspension lug and the arming wire guide tubes to the tail end-plate casting. c. Insert one wire through hole in rbnd of clevis pin. d. Attach arming wire to bomb rack (1. Remove clevis-pin shipping pin. f. Install igniter and fuze into tail igniter a,dapter. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for details on f uzing. g. Insert arming wire into fuze and attach Fahncstock clips to the end of the wire. Replace tail cone and secure in place as dlescribed previously in step 24. 11. Remove VT Fuze M166El from its packings. CAUTION: If fuze container is damagod or if the seal is ljroken in any way, the fuze shall be considered unserviceable. i. For instructions on installing VT Fuze MI 66E1, refer to instruction card (Dwg 1380254) which is at)tached to the VT fuze adapter in Conversion Kit Mk 19 Mod 0. Also refer to OP 1444 (Second Revision). J, Thread a single arrning wire through the front suspension lug and arming wire guide tubes to the nose end-plate casting. k. Pass the arming wire through the VT fuze arming wire guides and attach one Fahncstock clip to the end of thie wire. 1. Cut, off cxccss wire at nose and tsil fuze installations. CAllJT ION: Arming wires must be free from kinks, twists, and burrs to provan t, possible malfunctioning.
guide tie rod through hole in tail end-plate ca6 t)ing. 1.8. Slide large inside-diameter flat washer, lock washer, and long nut, on tie rod (in order given). Be sure that the counterbored end of tjhe nut is facing inward. 1.9. Align arming wire tubes on all sections and Gghten long nut with torque wrench to 325 inch-pounds. CAUTION: Before tightening long nut be sure that gaskets on tie rod arc seatctd properly. 20. In the igniter-adapter seat of the nose end-plate casting, drill and tap two holes, l/4 x 20, on opposite sides of casting flange. Screw the igniter adapter into the nose end-plate casting and lock in place with t,wo headless &screws supplied with Conversion Kit hlk 19 hlod 0. 2 I. Install VT fuze adapter in igniter adapter and tighten in place with the clamping bolt on the igniter adapter. 22. Screw igniter adapter into tail end-plate casting, until it bottoms. 23. Replace tail-cone adapter, clevis-pin spring, and clevis pin. Replace shipping pin Check tail-cone adapter t,o secure assembly. release mechanism b-y pulling out shipping pin. 3%. Reassemble tail-cone adap tcr, and assemble tiail cone. CAUTION: D 0 not damage t,ail by tightening screws excessively.
If bomb is not to be used immediately, tail COIN need not be assembled to tail-cone adapter, until bomb is fuzed. 25. The 750~lb Fire Bomb Mk 77 Mod 0 normally is loaded on the aircraft while empty, and then filled with gasoline gel. This proccd urc is not always pra#ctical. Detailed inst,ructions for mixing the gasoline gel and filling the bomb will be given in OP 2183 (under preparation). 2%. Fill bombs through either one or both filling holes; both covers must be removed even
Fire Bomb Mk
77 Mod
I, Cutuwuy
CONFIDENTIAL 1. Check bomb for damage (broken weldmenfs, cracks, etc.) that may wearken the suspension or cause leaks in the casing. 2. Check nose and tail sections for presence of conm, cone ring adapters, shipping pins, igniter adapters, and filling hole covers. 3. Remove tail-cone screws from tail-cone adapter. 4. Pull shipping pin from clevis pin in tailcone adapter, and remove clevis pin and clevispin spring to release t8ail-cone adapter. 5. Remove igniter adapter from tail end-plate castling. 6. Remove nose cone. 7. Release nose-cone adapter as d.escribed previously in step 4. 8. Remove igniter adapter from nose endplate casting. 9. Srew igniter adapter in nose end-plate casting, until it bottoms. IO. Replace nose-cone adapter, clevis-pin spring, and clevis pin. Replace shipping pin Check nose-cone adapt,er to secure assembly. release rnelchanism by pulling out shipping pin. 11. Reassemble nose-cone adapter, and assemble nose cone. CAUTION : Do not damage nose cone by tightening screws excessively.
Fire Bomb Mk
77 Mod
1, Exploded
CONFIDENTIAL Section I Description The 750-lb Fire 13omb Mk 78 Mod 2, figure 12.9, is a nonstabilized, 1 IO-gallon capa,cit,y bomb consisting of two thin sheet-steel halfshells welded together. The bomb has t)wo fuze wells located fore The wells house and aft on the upper surface. two Igniters M23 which are located in place A filler opening for the with igniter caps. gasoline gel is locat,ed on the upper surface of the bomb between the fore igniter well and the suspension lugs. Two reinforced lugs provide for a 14 inch suspension. The 75O-lb Fire Bomb Mk 78 is identified by a purple stripe painted on the nose and tail end of the body. Identifying nomenclature is stenciled in black letters. The base color of the bomb is olive drab. A gasoline and Napalm mixture (gel) fills Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2 to 97 percent of its Once a fire bomb is filled, it cannot capacity. be disassembled; it, must be used or jettisoned. Differences Between Fire Bomb Mk 0, 1, and 2
Fire Bomb Mk
78 Mod 2
78 Mods
There are three modifications of the 750-lb Fire Bomb Mk 78 currently used by the armed services: Mod 0, Mmod 1, and Mod 2. Diflerences exist in the construction and loca,tion of wells, brackets, and adapters for use of Igniters M15, M16, and M23. Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 0 uses Igniter R/I16 with Fuze Ml57 installed in the filler hole of the bomb. A second igniter, Ml5 with Fuze Ml 57, is clamped externally to the aft end of the bomb in a bracket. Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 1 is identical to the Mod 0 with the exception of the addition of two external igniter adapt)ers. The igniter adaptlers, located fore and aft on the upper bomb surface, accomodate Igniters M23 with Fuzes M173. Fire Bomb Mk 78 Mod 2 is idenGca1. to the Mod 1 except that it has internal igniter wells in place of the external igniter adapters. The wells of the 1Mod 2 are located higher on the bornb body than the igniter adapters of CONFIDENTIAL
CONFIDENTIAL suspension fittings and internal wire-guide tube to t)he nose end-plate casting. c. Insert one wire through hole in end of clevis pin. d. Attach arming wire to bomb rack. e. Rernove clevis-pin shipping pin. f. Repeat) tile preceding steps a t,hrough e to insta,ll rear arming wires. g. Install nose and tail igniters. 11. Insert arming wires into nose and tail fuzes. i. At,tach Fahnestock clips to the ends of each fuze arming wire. CutI off excess arming wire. CATlJTION : R emove all kinks, t)wists, and burrs from arrning wires to prevent possible malfunc,tioning. j. Remove safety pins from igniter fuzes. k. Install nose and tail cones and secure with screws. Do not tighten screws excessively . 17. Only an unfilled bomb may be disassembled. CAT_JTION: Once filled, a bomb must be used or jettisoned.
If bomb is not to be used immediately, nose cone need not be assembled to nose-cone adapt>er until bomb is fuzed. 12. Screw igniter adapter into tail end-plate casting, until it bottoms. 1:s. Replace tail-cone adapter following a procedure similar to that described in the preceding steps 10 and 1 I.
14. The 500-lb Fire 13omb Mk 77 Mod 1 normally is loaded on the aircraft while empty, and then filled with gasoline gel. This procedure is not always practical. Detailed instructions for mixing the gasoline gel and filling t#hc bomb will be given in OP 2183 (under preparation.)
15. Fill bombs through either one or both filling holes ; both covers must be removed even if filled through one hole. Secure covers after filling. 16. Install bomb securely on aircraft and sway brace. After the bomb is installed and filled, fuze and arm the bomb as follows: a,. Remove screws securing nose cone adapter, and remove nose cone. to
Fire Bomb Mk
CONFIDENTIAL d. On Mod 2, disregard the preceding steps a, b, and c. Remove igniter well caps and install Igniter M231. Replace well caps, isecuring igniters. On Mod 1, install Igniters M23 in external adapters. e. Thread arming wire through suspension fittings and arming wire guide brackets. f. Attach ,arming wire to bomb rack. g. Insert arrning wires into nose and tail fuzes. 11. Att)ach Fahnestock clips to the ends of each igniter arming wire; arming wire should protrude ampproximately 2 inches beyond fuze vanes (cut off excess wire) and should be free from all kinks, twists, or burrs. i. Remove safety pins from igniter fuzes. 6. Only an unfilled bornb may ble disassembled. Once filled, thle bomb must be used or destroyed; all bombs not used shall be jettisoned prior to landing afloat or ashore.
might cause leaks in the bomb body or damage that might weaken lugs or their attachment to the bomb body. 2. Fill bomb to required capa,city through filler hole. Secure cover after filling. 3. Detailed instructions for mixing the gasoline gel and filling the bomb will be given in 01 2183 (under preparation). 4. Install bomb securely on aircraft and sway br,ace. This bomb normally is loaded on the aircraft while empty, and then filled with gasoline gel. However, this procedure is not always practical. 5. After the bomb is suspended from the bomb rack and filled, fuze and arm the bomb as follows : a. Loosen bolt on rear igniter clamp. b. Install Igniter Ml5 and tighten clamp bolt, until signal is secure. c. Install Igniter Ml6 in filler hole.
from their packing crate. CA~JTION : Inspect for damage (cracks, broken weldments, etc.) which
CONFIDENTIAL Section Description The lOOO-lb Fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0, figure 12.12, is a thin-skinned, collapsible bomb of low-drag design. It consists of four basic sections ; nose, main, aft, and tail; which telescope The first three sections are contogether. structed of sheet steel; the fourth section is a void space and is constructed of aluminum. Rubber fuel-resistant gaskets seal the joints Detachable aluminum between all sections. fins are in&alled on the tail section tso provide stability during flight. Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0 is filled with 115 gallons of gasoline mixed with Napalm. A void of at, least three percent of the bomb capacit,y is required, The gel is ignited upon impact by two Igniters M23 and Fuzes Ml73 installed in sunken igniter wells on the upper surface of the nose and tail sections. Two screw-in suspension lugs are provided in the center body section 14 inches apart. A single hoisting lug is welded midway between the suspension fittings. Once the telescoping sections of Fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0 are extended and locked, the bomb cannot be disassembled. When the bomb is filled, it must be used or jettisoned. Physical Characteristics
Weight of assembled fuzed bomb: Loaded with gasoline 895 lbs gel assembled Weight of empty bomb Shipping weight of bomb Capacit!y of gasoline gel - Dimensions : Length of assembled bomb Length of bomb as shipped Diameter of assembled bomb Diameter as shipped- _ Suspension: Two suspension lugs--185 lbs 245 lbs 115 gallons 168.3 inches 68.6 inches 19.6 inches 23.3 inches 14 inches c to c Figure 72.72-1000-/b fire Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0.
12.7 3-7
Fire Bomb Mk
79 Mod
0, Exploded
of a Complete
8ome damage to the shipping ends is to be expectted. 4. TJsing a screwdriver, pry up the four lever handles on the nose *shipping end, unt)il they release. After these handles are released, grasp each one in turn and rotate the attached shafts one-half turn (it may be necessary to push the handle in towards the face of the cover while turning). Turning the handle will release an internal hook attached t)o the handle shaft; when properly unhooked, there will be no restraint from turning the handle. 5. When (and only when) the four internal hooks are released, remove the nose cover and tlhe gasket at the edge of this cover. It may be necessary to use a hammer. 6. Attached to tihe inside of the nose cover are a cone-shaped nose cap and a smaller tiail cap. Remove these caps from their holding brackets, by inserting a screwdriver tip into one of the holes in the side of the bracket a,nd depressing the spring pin on the cap. Whep the caps have been removed, Ihe nose colver may be discarded. 7. Reach into the bomb, grasp the forward end of the Number I (nose) section and move it up and down or side to side until it is free; pull it forward about one foot. Do NOT SLAM CONFIDENTIAL
FIRE BOMBS Assembly CAUTION : Igniters, fuzes, and bombs shall not be unpacked in advance of requirements. Once Bomb Mk 79 Mod 0 is assembled, it cannot be disassembled. If fuzes and igniters are unpacked prematurely, return them to their original packings. Place the bomb on a bench, hand truck, dolly, or on the ground, and block it so that it cannot roll. Refer to Unpacking, steps 1 and 2. 2. Locate the white-painted alignment stripe which extends over all the joints on the top of the bomb, near the suspension lugs. Turn the bomb so that this stripe is clearly visible. 3. Pull out the three fore-and-aft sections to full length, so that the white stripe is in line (by eye) at all the joints. Do NOT SLAM OR
CAIJTION: D o not perform the removal of the tail cover (step 11) until step 7 is completed. 8. At the tail end, note that the accessory cover (aft portion of the tail cover) is held in place by a hoop-like clamp ring similar t,o that found on a commercial open-t)op steel or fiber shipping drum. This ring is located about four inches forward of tlhe aft end of the cover, and is fastened at one point by a toggle arrangcmerit). Remove the cotter pin, and pry open the toggle. This will allow removal of t,he clamp ring. 9. Remove the accessory cover by pulling or driving it aft with a hammer. Use care in removing this cover, so that the fins do not fall to the ground and become damaged. Discard the O-ring gasket. 10. The following parts are stowed in the accessory cover : Four fins. Two oval-shaped filling hole covers. One cloth bag containing twenty-four lockpins, and one grooved fiber block. Remove these parts by unclamping them, and inspect them for damage. Place the parts on the deck or in the accessory cover for future use. Do not open the bag of lockpins until required for assembly. 11. Aft,er removing the accessory cover and accessories, remove the inside tail cover by means of the four lever handles similar to those previously found on the nose cover. Pry up the handles and turn them to release the internal hooks. Discard the tail cover. (Refer to the preceding steps 4 and 5 for details of this procedure.) 12. Reach into the open tail, grasp the aluminum tail cone section, and pull it out. Do NOT SLAM OR JERK THE SECTION; PULL FIRMLY AND EVENLY. Continue to pull the tail section until both parts extend to approximately full length. The end of the tail will be about five feet beyond the center section when fully extended. Do NOT SLAM OR JERK THE SECTIONS; PULL FIRMLY AND EVENLY. Wiggle the sections from side to side if friction occurs. CONFIDENTIAL
Wiggle the sections from side to side if friction occurs. The joint ends of the white alignment stripe should line up within approximately the thickness of a five cent piece when the bomb sections are aligned properly. 4. When the bomb is im alignment, the two fuze wells, the two filling holes, and the suspension lugs should all be in line; the fins should be at 45 degrees with the suspension lugs. 5. Near the end of each section, there are outside slots approximately one inch long by one-quarter inch wide. .A1 though these slots are provided for the lockpins, a screwdriver can be inserted in them to pry or drift the sections, if necessary during alignment. NOTE : When the sections are properly in line and are out to proper length, there will appear a mating slot in each inner section, underneath t,he slot on the outside. 6. When the sections are out to lengt(h and the slots line up properly, install the lockpins. These pins are in the cloth bag previously re(Refer to moved from the accessory cover. the preceding step 10.) There are twenty-four lockpins; only twenty are required to assemble the bomb, four are spares. 7. For easier assembly, drive the lockpins in the sequencle outlined in the following step 8. These pins can be driven with any hammer, or They even with a stone, in an emergency.
CONFIDENTIAL can be removed by grasping the cap between the hands, and turning an.d pulling aft, at the same t,imc. 11. Fill bomb through one or both filler holes. Both filler covers must be removed even if filled through one hole only. lDet,ailed instructions for mixing the gasoline gel and filling t,he bomb will b(J given in OP 2 183 (under preparation). 12. Filling Hole Covers. The filling hole covers are oval in shape, one end being smaller than the other. Open the cover by lift!ing the cam handle. The spring will keep it obpen. To insert the cover in thc bomb, grasp it! b:y the cam handle and insert the small end of the bottom plate CROSSWISE: in tJhefilling hole. When the bottom plate has entIered, turn the cover at, right angles so that, tlhe small end is aft and the shape of t,he cover lines up with the shape of the hole. The cover should be very free and loose until the cam handle is pushed down. Push t,hc cam handle down flush. This locks and seals t,he cover. The cam handle should go down smoothly a,nd easily. If it, does not do so, the cover may bc fouled on the internal rubbe extension sleeve. Shaking the cover in the hole should free it. The cover can be removed by prying up the cam handle with a screwdriver, and reversing the preceding procedure. 13. Install bomb securely on aircraft and sway brace. 14. Remove fuzes and igniters frlom their packings. Install Fuzes Ml73 in Igniters M23. Refer to OP 988 (First Revision) for detailed fuzing information. CAUTION: Do NOT insert th;! filling hole covers in t,he bomb until after it is filled with Napalm. If the bomb is stored empt,y for a period of more than several hours, it is advisable to leave the cam handle open and the cover loose. 15. Remove the igniter well covers. These covers are shipped in place in the wells, and are held in place by three springs, two (of which have tabs extending above the cover to fa,cilitatc removal. To remove the covers, squeeze the t,abs t,ogether between the thumb and forefinger until the springs release. The cover then may bc liftled out.
drive like nails and should drive about as easily as twenty-penny nails in hard wood. II, will be helpful, when driving the first few pins in each joint, to use a screwdriver in the lolckpin slots to pry or drift the inner and outer slots int,o line with each other. CAUTION: If the pins appear to drive t)oo hard, check for misalignment of the sections. Do not force them without first being sure of the alignment; the bomb skin may be damaged by improper driving of the pins. 8. The lockpins may be driven in any sequtncc. However, it has been found easier in tlhc following scqucnce: a. Drive one pin in each joint, presumably on top near the alignment stripe. 1). Turn the bomb over and drive a second ph in each joint directly opposite the first pin. (*. The remaining pins can be driven in any scqu (IlCC. The pins are self-locking, and should bc drivcin flush with the bomb skin. CAUTION: DO NOT HAMMER DIRECTLY ON FINS. They are soft, aluminum and are easily damaged. A grooved, fiber pounding block is shipped with the bomb. Refer to IJnpacking, step 10. Place the groove in t,he block over the edge of each fin, and hammer on the block. 9. The fins should be placed over the fin stubs on the t,ail of No. IV section, with the sloping edge forward. Using tho fiber pounding block, hammer the fins solidly down and aft, until they bottom. Be sure that the lower edge of each fin enters the fore-and-aft guide clips properly. When each fin is properly in place, bend tbcl longer of the two forward guide clips over the leading edge of the fin, to lock the fin and thus prevent removal or displacement. 10. Nose and Tail Caps. Refer to Unpacking, step 6. These caps are not intlerchangeable; ea,c*h cap will fit in its correct location only. The caps fit into the open holes at. the nose and tail. Line up each cap with its mating hole, and push solidly with the hands until the cap bottorns and the spring pins engage properly. The ca,ps will seem rather loose when properly installed. When necessary, an inst,alled tail cap
Fire Bomb Mk
79 Mod
0, Cutuway
CONFIDENTIAL the well covers have been installed. install the arming wires, passing them through the guides on t,op of the bomb 17. Attach two Fahncstock clips to each of the wires. 18. Clip off excess wire. Arming wilres must be free from kinks, twists, and burrs.
16. To install t)he igniter-fuze combinations, place them into the wells, lining up the arming wire holes in the propeller so that they are in line witjh t#helugs. Replace the well cover over each fuze, and push down against the spring until the lockpins snap into place. It should not. be necessary to remove the safety pins until
SNDL Part 1 (No. 67) and Part 2 (No. 24) Two copies each unless otherwise indicated: 21; 22; 23, 23A; 24A, 24B, 24F, 245; 26A, 26D, 26F, 26G, 26K, 26K2, 26U, 26GG; 27A; 28A, 28J; 29G, 29H, 29K, 29K1, 29L (5 copies); 3113, 31C; 32C, 325, 32BB, 32HH, 3255, 32KK; 42A, 42B, 42C, 42D, 42E, 42F, 421, 425, 4251, 42K, 42L, 42M, 42N, 42P, 42S, 42V, 42AA; &AA; 46A, 46B, 46C., 46D, 46D1, 46G, 465, 46K, 46L, 46R, 46U, 46V, 462; A3(CNO); A5(BUAER, BUSHIPS); A6; B3(War College and Staff College) ; Cl (Aberdeen) ; C2(Eglin), C4(FC AFSWP Sandia); Fl, F2, F3; GlA(5 copies), GlB, GlC, GlD, GlF, GlG, GlH, G2, G3A, G3B, G3C, G3D, G3E, G4B, GsA, G5B, G5C, G5D, G6A, G6B, G7B, G7C, G8V, G8W, G9A, G13, G14, G16, G17, Gl8; Jl28, 530, 531, 533, 536, 537, J60, 571, 594, 595, J96, 597 ; Kl, KaA, KaC, K2D, K2E, K3, K5B, K5E, K7, K8, Kg, Km, KU, K12, K20; Ll; M17, M26, M27, M28, M46; Pl, P2; Rlo, R20, R34. Requests for additional copies of OP 1280 (First Revision), should be submitted on NAVEXOS 158, Stock Forms and Publications Requisition, to the District Publications and Printing Office by which addressee is serviced. 15 Sept 55/8&I/l