APK Business Proposal

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Business Proposal 1.

Executive Summary 4-11 Enterprise its our business name means 4 major product handle by 11 persons in our organization. The business idea was coming up based on several ways that has been generated from the member during group meeting. The ways of coming up with idea firstly is brainstorming, then discussion has been made in group meeting. After that the idea was contribute among member to evaluate which idea suitable for us to do and give big opportunity to success and gain profit. Beside that we also get an idea from the senior that already has done the APK before this. Then we decide to provide product for APK that include three major product and others as supporter to our product. The three major products come from three different places that why we call our product has their own uniqueness. The there major product is Nasi Lemak thats very famous and familiar for local people, second is GeDa Soup which commonly only produce in peninsular and we bring it to Labuan as our product to produce and provide to the costumer and third is LuDan (Egg sauce) that menu coming through from China by international student in our group member. The human resource for our business organization is among us where there a CEO, Manager, Finance Department, Marketing Department, Operation Department and Stock Keeper Department in our chart organization. Target customer for product that we produce especially is student UMSKAL because we do the business inside the campus and followed by staff, lecturer, student in secondary school and public people around Labuan. At the beginning to build our business as partnership we collect RM50 each person as our first investment. After collecting the money form every member in group we get that our capital is RM550. From the income statement that we prepared as our business estimation we target that our cost of goods sold for the whole product is RM217.70 plus with other expenses is RM112.50 and total for cost is RM330.20. By the way we have a exceed capital in hand which is RM219.80 get from total capital minus with total cost. With exceed money in hand for our business we will invest to other part to back up our stock for each product that we want to produce. However in doing the business any organization will face the competitive and our business will face the same thing in-terms of substitute items, work place, customer, and resources. The strategy that we do to market our product is post flyers and distribute brochure around campus.

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Business Proposal 2. Business Background 4-11 Enterprise provide product which is food as our major business to student UMSKAL and others people like staff, lecturers, student secondary school and public. Food that we produce is Nasi Lemak, Ge Dah Soup and Egg Souce. Food that we provide is available for everyone because we came out with Halal food and for Muslim there no need to worries about our food. Price for our food also is acceptable anyone also can buy with the cheap price. Event though our product maybe similar to other store but the taste is different. Beside that our business also doing promotion during those days which who ever buy our food RM3 and above they will get free drinks. But to those who buy didnt reach RM3 we able them to buy our drinks at 0.50 sen per glasses. Form of our business is partnership because we have eleven persons in organization. We choose Enterprise as our business entity because to avoid from shoulder any cost that may burden our business. All of us in that organization involve in all business operation. All of us also will share the profit and loss without any discrimination and the ration or the profit and loss is based on ration of each person investment. Vision for our business is became the top 10 food store in UMSKAL. Mission for our business is minimum the cost of good that we want to sold, maximum the profit from the sales of goods and fulfills every need and wants our customer. Location for our business is inside University Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus. Our store locates at Padang Bola Sepak at lot number 34.

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Business Proposal 3. Product and Services 3.1 Product Our product, 4-11 Enterprise established from the generating idea in our organization. We manage and planning since we very sure about food that we want to produce we divide our group to three small group to produce three food which is Nasi Lemak, GeDa Soup and LuDan (Egg Souce). We target the food that we provide is available either for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The release of our products and services in summarized below: Product Nasi Lemak Description There are two type dishes for Nasi kuning that we produce is: 1) Nasi + Sambal + Beans + Cucumber + Chicken 2) Nasi + Sambal + Beans + Cucumber + Egg 2.50 1.50 Price (RM)

Customer can choose either set 1 or 2. But the price is different. Beside that customer also can choose both as dishes in their order. For example, Nasi + Sambal + Beans + Cucumber + Chicken + Fish. Ge Da Soup Ge Da soup made from flour as a main ingredient and 2.00 added by cabbage, Maggie source, oyster source, salt and ajinamoto. LuDan (Egg Sauce) LuDan made from egg as a main ingredient and added by 1.50 soy-source to make the taste is better. Fruit Will provide variety fruit and make it to small slice and sale 1.00 per slice it at acceptable price. Drinks Make drinks as our promotion which is with any purchase RM3 and above RM3 and above they will get free drinks. But to them who free. buy didnt reach RM3 we sold the drinks with 0.50 sen per Below RM3 = cup. 0.50 Sen per cup

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Business Proposal 3.2 Services We also provide delivery service to make our customer easier without come to our store. To make an order they only need call us and tell what they would like to order we ready to serve without any additional charge. Beside that, they also able to send a message if their want to make order and tell us their resident, for example Alpha or Beta and number of their unit or room. Delivery service that we provide only available inside campus not outside.

4. Administration and Management Plan 4.1 Management team Name Ahmad Basir Bin Nasir Mhd. Nasrun Bin Yusof Position Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Manager Age 21 21

4.2 Organizational chart and structure







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Business Proposal 4.3 Task responsibilities Department Finance Task : take note any financial flows and preparing company income statement Promotion : doing promotion before the expo with distribute flyers and post the poster Operation : responsible in business operation during expo for the whole day and the whole business Inventory : responsible to keep the stock and make it ready if any needed from any part of product in-terms of producing food and drinks : Lu Qian, Wang mei Qing and Law Meng Sion : Faraizatul Ain, Noorul Hudha, Li Meng Ya and Chen Lu : Every one have the responsibility Person In-charge : Lee Choy Hong and Rong Ye

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Business Proposal 5. Market 5.1 Target market Our business main target customer is student UMSKAL start from first year student until third year student. Beside that we also focus on other target customer like staff, lecturer, student form secondary school and public. We didnt put specific age to our target customer especially public because its depending to anyone who came to campus during that day. We put first year student until third year student as our main customer because they stay in hostel and they are nearest customer that we have, besides they already notice about our business before that carnival. Then we put others as supported customer to our business like staff and lecturer both near with us because they also inside campus. The secondary student is consisting of student form 1 until 6 and from chosen school only where they have been provides a shuttle bus to come in campus. Before that we also concern about product that we provide its make them able to buy our product or not. In that time also make public people able to buy because employee in government and private sector already get pay which mean its compatible with their situation. Product that we provide also able during breakfast, lunch and dinner. 5.2 Competitors analysis There are 49 stores overall and majority of the store provide food and drinks. Some of the store provide similar product and some of the store provide substitutes items and this become more competitors to our store. From those competitors we aspect that their benefit is may be in-terms of strategic location and acceptable price which is cheap. Beside that we also analyze that they may have lacking in-terms of decoration for store not really interest, serving customer not good and incompetent.

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Business Proposal 6. Strategy 6.1 Marketing strategy Our business marketing strategy using 4-piece which is consists of price, promotion, place and product. 1. Price Price for our product is acceptable, where able to buy our product which food and drinks. We are putting our product at the lower price for example Nasi Lemak we sale it at two price depend on dishes that customer want to buy. Then for Geda Soup we sale it at RM2 for each cup, LuDan (Egg Sauce) we sale at RM1 each seed and fruit at RM1 per slice. 2. Promotion We are doing two kind of promotion which is free drinks and delivery service. Promotion for free drinks that we do is for any purchase RM3 and above they will get free one cup drinks. But for them who buy or product not reach RM3 we sell the drinks at 0.50 sen only. Other promotion that we do to attract more customer is delivery service. The delivery service that we provide available for student inside campus only. 3. Place Place for our store is inside campus and the location is at Padang Bila Sepak UMSKAL at lot 34. We think that our place is quit strategy also because that place also become the focus of student and public also. 4. Product

Product that we provide is food and drinks.

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Business Proposal 6.2 Sales strategy Our sales strategy based on sales forecast and sales programs: 1. Sales forecast Our sales forecast for each unit is we try to produce 100 unit for Nasi Lemak in 2 days, GeDa Soup 80 Unit in 2 days, LuDan (Egg Sauce) 50 unit in 4 days, fruit 50 unit in days and 60 unit for drinks. 2. Sales program Our business sales programs only sale our product during expo and we didnt do any direct sales before expo.

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Business Proposal 7. Operation Plan 7.1 Operation plan Operation plan part is to show how we operate our business planning. First day is our estimation interms of producing our product where we look at the total of our sale its high or low. On the first day also we only making unit that we want to produce in the morning with small amount and we will continue to make product if sale increase. To ruin our business properly every person in our organization has their task. Started form CEO, the CEO will monitor the whole business in-terms of product places, the arrangement and the stock. The CEO also will link to all departments to know their progress started from manager, finance, promotion, operation and stock keeper. Second is manager, the manager will become intermediary between subsidiary and CEO. After that is finance department, people in this part will manage capital of business and the cost to start a business. Finance department also responsible to note any financial flows and other company income statement. The promotion department responsible to promote business organization in-terms of what product that provide? What price that put of each product? What promotion those have? Where location for our business? This all things must include in doing promotion before the three days expo. Operation department will responsible to know our business ruining from the first day until the end of day. Where they in operation will ensure all product that has been plan already to served our customer and our target also will fulfill all need and want. All the facilities and equipment get from rent. This all equipment are uses and very important to ruin our business. Beside that, other facilities we need during that day like table, canopy and chair that make us easier to sale our product. Those facilities will be provide by organization part and our business only pay the service fee with signing letter of agreement that able us to sale our product. 7.2 Operation flow
Customer come to our store and asks for our product Give explanation what product that we have and is there any promotion Customer makes order Pack the order and give to customer

End of transaction

Customer pays and gives the money to us

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Business Proposal 7.3 Map location suggestion

7.4 Time and Day of business: Time operation: 8AM 9PM Day open: Friday, Saturday and Sunday Date: 25, 26 and 27/03/2011

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Business Proposal 8. Financial Plan

8.1 Cost for each product Nasi Lemak Price per unit or packet Item Rice (10kg) Ikan Bilis (1kg) Cucumber Peanut (1kg) Dry pepper Egg (30pcs) Coconut milk Onion Ginger Pandan leaf Edible oil (1kg) Polistren (100pcs) Plastic spoon (100pcs) Plastic bag 11x14 Plastic bag 9x13 Salt (100g) Ajinamoto (500g) Sugar (1kg) Total (RM) 18.00 22.00 1.00 4.80 4.00 10.00 1.30 5.00 3.00 2.00 3.80 7.00 1.60 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.50 2.20 Quantity 1 1 6 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Price (RM) 18.00 22.00 6.00 4.80 4.00 10.00 5.20 5.00 3.00 2.00 3.80 7.00 1.60 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.50 2.20 RM108.10

Cost per unit of Nasi Lemak = RM108.10/100unit = RM1.081/unit

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Business Proposal

GeDa Soup Price per unit Item or packet (RM) Flour (1kg) Cabbage Maggie source (200ml) Oyster source Salt (100g) Ajinamoto (75g) Plastic spoon (100pcs) Plastainer (50pcs) Plastic bag 13x15 (20pcs) Total Cost per unit of Ge Da Soup = RM76.10/100 units = RM0.761/unit LuDan (Egg Sauce) Price per unit Item or packet (RM) Egg (30pcs) Soy-source (750ml) Plastic bag with rope (20pcs) Total 10.50 4.50 1.20 2 2 3 21.00 9.00 3.60 RM33.60 Quantity Total Price (RM) 2.45 5.00 5.50 2.55 1.00 2.00 1.60 15.80 2.50 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 7.35 10.00 5.50 2.55 1.00 4.00 1.60 31.60 12.50 RM76.10 Quantity Total Price (RM)

Cost per unit of LuDan = RM33.60/60units = RM0.56/unit

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Business Proposal

Capital invested = RM50.00 x 11 = RM550.00 Capital in hand = Capital invested cost of goods sold other expenses = RM550.00 RM217.70 112.50 = RM219.80 (Exchange for syilling: RM100)

NOTE: Advertising free: promotion (free drinks for purchase RM5 and above) : Free taste for LuDan (5 eggs per day) : Signboard and decoration Price per unit Item or packet (RM) Mango juice (1.5L) Cup (20pcs) Ice Egg (10pcs) Signboard, Decoration accessories and advertisement Total 50.00 4.50 3.50 2.00 3.90 1 3 2 1 4.50 10.50 4.00 3.90 27.10 Quantity Total Price (RM)

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Business Proposal

8.2 Income statement 4-11 enterprise Income statement for RM Sales: Nasi lemak (RM2.50 x 100) Ge Da Soup (RM3.00 x 100) 250.00 300.00 RM


(RM1.00 x 60)



(-) cost of goods sold: Nasi lemak (RM1.081 x 100) Ge Da Soup (RM0.761 x 100) 108.00 76.10

LuDan Gross profit

(RM0.56 x 60)


217.70 392.30

(-) other expenses: services charge Transport free 50.00 12.50

Advertising Net income


112.50 279.80

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Business Proposal

8.3 Statement of cash flows 4-11 enterprise Statement of Cash Flows RM Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from clients Cash paid for suppliers Cash paid for rent Cash paid for transportation Cash paid for advertising Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Net cash provided by investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Investments by stockholder Net cash provided by financing activities Cash balance 550.00 550.00 829.80 0.00 610.00 (217.70) (50.00) (12.50) (50.00) 279.80 RM

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Business Proposal

8.4 Balance sheet 4-11 enterprise Balance sheet Assets Current asset Cash Plant assets Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities Long-term liabilities Total liabilities Equity Net income Model invested 279.80 550.00 829.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 RM 829.80 0.00 829.80

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Business Proposal 9. Risk Management 9.1 Challenges and risks that may be face by our organization: 1. Raining day 2. Substitute items 3. Places 4. Customer 5. Resources 9.2 Strategies to solve the problem: 1. Raining day ask organization part prepared canopy to protect our business especially our inventory form damage. 2. Substitute items changing the way we produce the product for example in-terms of packaging. 3. Places put map that locate our business in brochure and flyers to make our customer know more our store location. 4. Customer there have possibility less customer during expo, and our strategies is reduce the unit that want to produce 5. Resources there may limited resources we will faced, our strategies is buy early and keep as inventory

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Business Proposal 10. Conclusion As conclusion to our business proposal, from the investment our each partnership we confidently can start the business with provides the food and drink that suitable and available for our entire customer. However, our business also will be able to face any competitors that area that provide similar product. With the advice from our senior, friend and supervisor we ensure that this business will success and keep develop to have many demand from customer. Than again, our organization with full hopefully our business proposal has fulfill all needed information to explain our business idea. Beside that also can fulfill the financiers who have interest to invest in our business organization.

11. References (website) 1. http://finance.mapsofworld.com/financial-market/share-market/ 2. http://www.netmba.com/marketing/market/target/ 3. http://www.business-plans-guide.com/operational-plan.html 4.http://www.business.com/directory/small_business/getting_started/business_plans/sample_business _proposal/ 5. http://www.scribd.com/doc/244716/sample-business-proposal 6. http://www.proposalsmartz.com/ 7. http://www.writinghelp-central.com/business-proposal.html

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Business Proposal 12. Appendix 12.1 Management profile Num Personal Detail 01 Name : Ahmad Basir Bin Nasir Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 02 Name : Mhd Nasrun Bin Yusof Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 03 Name : Lee Choy Hong Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Economic Finance 04 Name : Rong Ye Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Offshore Banking 05 Name : Lu Qian Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 06 Name : Wang Mei Qing Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 07 Name : Law Meng Siong Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Promotion Promotion Promotion Finance Finance Manager Department CEO

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Business Proposal Qualification : Bachelor in International Economic Finance 08 Name : Noorul Hudha Binti Peer Mohamed Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 09 Name : Faraizatul Ain Binti Ahmat Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 10 Name : Li Meng Ya Age : 21 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Finance 11 Name : Chen Lu Age : 22 Marital Status : Single Qualification : Bachelor in International Economic Finance Operation Operation Operation Operation

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