CleverStorageUK TinCoupon
CleverStorageUK TinCoupon
CleverStorageUK TinCoupon
by Kessebhmer
To the Kesseboehmer Clever Storage retailer: Please accept and retain this voucher in exchange for Two Free Limited Edition Clever Storage tins.
Terms and Conditions: 1. This coupon may be exchanged for Two Limited Edition Clever Storage Tins at participating Clever Storage kitchen studios. 2. Redemptions are limited to one per household. 3. This coupon has no monetary value. 4. Limited edition Clever Storage tins are subject to availability. 5. Photocopied coupons are not valid. 6. Expiry date; 28th December 2012 Promoter: PWS Distributors Ltd, P.O. Box 20, Station Road, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6XJ