Camp Books
Camp Books
Camp Books
Handbook for Camp Nurses and other Camp Health Workers. Hamessley, Mary Lou
Handbook of Day-Camping. Jobe, Mabel Lyon (1949)
Handbook of Trail and Wilderness Camping. Ledlie, John A. (1967)
High Above the Thundercloud. Pearse, Jack and Bryce Taylor (1985)
Hiker’s Guide. Solomon, Ben (1934)
History of Organized Camping: The First 100 Years. Eells, Eleanor (1986)
History of the Sheas and Birth of a Township. Shea, Bert (n.d.)
History of the Taylor Statten Camps: A Thesis. Burry, Donald (1985)
How to be a Camp Counsellor. Ross, Catherine (x2)
How to Keep Warm. Cunnigham, Gerry (1971)
How to Make Drums, Tom-toms and Rattles. Mason, Bernard S. (1974)
How to Start a Synchronized Swimming Club. Anon. (1981)
Home in your Pack: The modern handbook of Backpacking. Angier, Bradford (1972)
Humanizing Environmental Education. Knapp, Clifford E. and Joel Goodman
Hymns from Songs of Worship. Religious Education Council of Canada (n.d.)
Jack Pearse Presents Camp Tawingo’s Copy Critters. Pearse, Jack (1986)
Journal of Educational Sociology: Camping and Outdoor Education. Nash, Jay Et al.
Junior books of Camping and Woodcraft. Mason, Bernard S. (1943)
Keep your Forks: Fifty Years at Red Pine Camp. Nicholson, G.W.L. (1979)
Keewaydin Way: A Portrait 1893-1983. Back, Brian (1983)
Raindrops keep falling on my Tent: Great ideas of what to do when it pours. MacKay, Joy
Recipes from Y.M.C.A. Camp Stephens. Macintosh, Laurie A. (n.d.)
Recreational Programs for Summer Camps. Gibson, H. W. (1938)
Recreation. Grey, Edward (1923)
River Camping. Huser, Verne (1980)
Role and Image of Wilderness and the Aborigine in Selected Ontarian Shield Camps.
Dunlop, Heather (1997)
Romance of the Canadian Canoe. Gibbon, John Murray (1951)
Roughing it Easy. Thomas, Dian (1974)
Roughing it Easy 2. Thomas, Dian (1977)
Rowing. Canadian Red Cross Society (1974)
Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology: Reptiles of Ontario. Logier, E.B.S. (1939)
Royal Canadian Life Saving Society: Handbook of Instruction. Monks, Sydney J. (1932)
Safe Boating Guide. Transport Canada (n.d.)
Sailing: A Guide for Everyman. De Selincourt, Aubrey (1949)
Sailing Standards and Graded Classifications. American Camping Association (n.d.)
Science for Camp and Counsellor. Harty, William T. (1964)
Senior Adult Camping. American Camping Association (1979)
Services for the Open. Mattoon, Laura I. and Helen D. Bragdon (1947)
Shaping up for Out-tripping. P.A.R.C./C.C.A. (n.d.)
Sing Along. Y.W.C.A. (1957)
Sing Along the Way. Y.W.C.A. (1953) (x2)
Sing High! Sing Low. Sanders, Mary A. (1946)
Sing it Again. Handy Songs (n.d.)
Sing one more time with Jack Pearse. Pearse, Jack (1983)
Sing Together. Girl Scouts U.S.A. (1949)
Sing With Jack Pearse. Pearse, Jack (1980) (x2)
Singing Fun and Games. Pearse, Jack et al. (1983)
Sixty Years of C.G.I.T. 1915 – 1975. Hewitt, Molly (1975)
Skillet Skills for Camp and Cottage. Hambleton, Jack (1947)
Skills for Taming the Wilds. Angier, Bradford (1972)
Small-Boat Sailor’s Bible. Smith, Harvey Garrett (1964)
Small Watercraft. Lewis, Richard Garwood (n.d.)
So You Want to Go Camping. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests (n.d.)
Social Work with Boys. Rogers, Kenneth H. (1940)
Some Frontiers in Camping. Dimock, Hedley S. (1939) (x3)
Song Book of Canadian Girls in Training. C.G.I.T. (n.d.) (x2)
Songs for Canadian Boys. Quebec Provincial Council of the Boy Scouts Association
Songs for Canadian Girl Guides. Girl Guides of Canada (1957)
Songs for Freedom. Y.W.C.A. (1946)
Songs of Rejoicing: Hymns for worship, meditation and praise. Worst, John and David P.
Schapp (1989)
Songs for Worship. Religious Education Council of Canada (1930)
Songs for the School Year. Tilley, Alexander (1982)
Song Sampler. Song Sampler. (1956)
Source of Mini-Yo-We. Blair, Jane. (1993)
Sports and Active Games. Ontario Department of Education (1951)
Square Dances of Today. Kraus, Richard (1950)
Standard Tests of Achievement in Canoeing. Cousineau, Claude et al. (1977)
Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires. Young, Egerton R. (1893)
‘(The) Stories We Tell:’ Locating Nature, Gender and Place in the Poetry of Mary Edgar
and Glen Bernard Campers. Jessica Dunkin, MA thesis, Carleton University (2008)
Survival Handbook. Merrill, Bill (1972)
Survival Hints for the Sportsman. Royal Canadian Air Force, Trenton Ontario (n.d.)
Handy-Kit, No.1 – 8
The “Kit”, No.9 – 16
The “Kit”, No. 17-24
The “Kit”, No. 25-32
The “Kit”, No. 33-36
The Boy and Modern Psychology. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 28. Boorman, Ryland
Exploring Boy Facts. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 14. Stone, Walter L.
Self-Starters for Boy Leaders. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 2. Cheley, Frank H.
Stories for the Campfire. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 4. Cheley, Frank H.
Pep Talks for Boys. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 10. Cheley, Frank H.
Indian Lore in Camp and Club. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 24. Goodrum, Bernie L.
Selling Yourself to the Boy. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 25. Hudson, Roy and F.H.
Group Games for Everybody. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 26. Cheley, Frank H.+
Hand Craft Projects for Camp and Club. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 3. Cheley, Frank
H. and others
Hand Boy Scout Test Guide and Camp Songs. Little Loose-Leaf Library. Vol. 13. Cheley,
Frank H.