T Mest T: VEN HSE Er B. Ech
T Mest T: VEN HSE Er B. Ech
T Mest T: VEN HSE Er B. Ech
I. (a) Explain the two types of power losses in a rectangular waveguide. (b) With the schematic diagram, explain the four-port circulator. (c) With neat sketch, explain the operation of a four-cavity Klystron amplifier. (d) Give the classification of crossed-field tubes (M-type) (e) List the applications of various microwave solid-state devices. (f) An M-si-MBARIIT diode has the followingparameters: Relative dielectric constant of silicon Er = 11.8 Donor concentration: N = 2.8 x 1021 m-3 Silicon length: L = 6 ~m Determine (i) the breakdown voltage (ii) the breakdown electric field (g) Discuss the basic principles of microwave links. (h) With block diagram, explain in detail about the earth station transmitter and receiver. (8 x 5= 40 marks) II. (a) Explain the TE mode fpropagation in a rectangular waveguide. Also derive an expression for the phase velocity vg and characteristic wave impedance Zg in the guide.
(b) Explain the operation of a two-hole directional coupler with neat sketch. Also derive the S-matrix.
III. (a) What are the types of slow wave structures? structure.
(b) (i) Explain the equivalent circuit and electronic admittance spiral of reflex Klystron. (8 marks)
= 2 mode or 14
transit time through the gap and beam loading can be neglected~ (7 marks) Find the value ofthe repeller voltage Vrthe direct current necessary to give a microwavegap voltage of 200 v and electronic efficiencyunder this condition? N. (a) With the energy band diagrams and Ampere-voltage characteristics explain the principle of operation of a microwave tunnel diode.
(b) With schematic diagram and circuit symbol explain the structure and operation of an nchannel JFET. (15 marks) (8 marks) (ii) Write a brief note on diversity reception techniques. Or (15 marks)
(7 marks)
x 15 = 60 marks)