Hanger Design
Hanger Design
Hanger Design
The building has a circular plan with a diameter of 15.24m (50') and a constant story height of 3.05m (10'). Floors 1 to 10 are supported at the center by a hollow circular reinforced concrete shear wall with a diameter of 4.88m (16') and at the perimeter by 12 identical hangers suspended from 12 story-high truss systems located at the twelfth story.
Design the hangers for a dead load of 3kN/sq.mand a live load of 4kN/sq.m assuming uniform section throughout the height of each hanger.
In order to take into account the effect of impact for hangers supporting floors, the assumed live load should be increased by 33 percent. Design Intensity of Load w = DL+1.33LL = 3+1.33x4 = 8.32 kN/m
The load-carrying tributary area for each beam is shaded in the plan. The load distribution on each radial beam is approximately trapezoidal, as shown in Fig., with inner intensity w2 and outer intensity w1.
The reaction at the outer end of any radial beam is (the supports condition of the radial beams is assumed simply supported
= 5.18 m w 2 x L/2 + 2/3 x (1/2) L x (w 2 -w 1 ) = = 33.18 x 5.18/2 + 2/3 x (1/2) 5.18 x (33.18-10.62) 124.89 kN = 10 R A = 1249 kN = 1250 kN
T Say
2.20 Net Sectional Area Required Partial safety factor Ultimate stress in the material Hangers are Connected by Welding App. Net Sectional Area
fu An
2.30 Required Gross Area Required Gross Area Ag = 1.2 A n = 1.2 x 4573 = 2.40 Member Selection Try ISMB 450 Gross Area of Member Radius of gyration Length of Hanger Slenderness Ratio Ag ry L = 9227 mm
5488 mm
2.50 Load Carrying Capacity of Member Based on Yielding of Cross section Gross Area of Member Partial safety factor Yield stress in the material Yielding of cross section Ag = = = 9227 mm 1.10 250 N/mm
2 2
fy T dg
Based on Rupture of critical section Net Area of Member Partial safety factor An = = 9227 mm 1.25
fu T dn
410 N/mm
2.60 Check Design Strength of Member Hence Ok Td 2097 > > Tu 1875