Bulletin 8.14.12
Bulletin 8.14.12
Bulletin 8.14.12
Pastors Notes: I dont know if Ive ever done this before or not, but I wish you would just stop a moment and give God some praise no really, stop for a moment and give God some praise... The Lord has been good to us over the last couple of weeks. The Spirit of the Lord has been awesomely present in our services and I think we ought to give God some praise!!!!! This past Sunday, we had a Hispanic commit their life to Christ. This is a direct result of several things. First of all, the womans children picked up by our bus/van ministry. Her children have been part of Extreme Kids Ministry. The woman came by invitation back in June when Pastor Manuel was here from Honduras. She was visited Saturday as part of our SATURDAY SURGE. Let me just remind you how important every ministry is. It is not just one ministry that is responsible for her coming to church and receiving Christ. It was a team effort. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF THE CHURCH!!!!!!!!! Other visits were made on Saturday and we believe that seeds were sown and that harvest is just around the corner. Please continue to pray and support the efforts of evangelization.
What a beautiful job our Jamaican Missions Team did Sunday night. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing about their experiences, seeing the pictures and watching the video. They brought the experience of their trip to life for us. The Spirit of the Lord that was prevalent was AWESOME! You also rallied around and helped us be able to complete a project they were working on. They needed $600 to complete replacing windows. The offering you gave was just over $1370. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!! Your continued heart for missions moves me and inspires me. Im so blessed to be part of a congregation that truly believes in the Great Commission. The best days are truly ahead of us and we will be amazed at what God will do.
Saturday morning, Curtis Lyda, myself and Chris Jarrard (career missionary and interpreter) will be heading to Honduras. This trip has several purposes: 1) to continue to build relationship with our PRIMO (Pastor & Overseer Manuel Sorto) . Part of that relationship is exchange in visits. He was here in June and preached in our church. Now I will have the opportunity to preach in his church. 2) to view the projects that we are involved in Saturday after lunch, we will tour the Sanduval church in San Pedro Sula. On Sunday morning, we will see the Lajitas Church and meet Pastor Carlos Latta. 3) to view possible projects for us to be involved with this coming year, 4) to plan a church trip to Honduras, possibly in the month of April 2013.
Please pray for Bro. Lyda, Bro. Jarrard and myself as we travel and minister. I will have the opportunity to speak in 5 regions and train 236 pastors. I will have the opportunity to minister in 3 churches as well. We will travel several hours every day getting to our speaking engagements. Please pray for safety, health and most of all, success in seeing souls come to the kingdom and to encourage the pastors and their churches. AUGUST WEDNESDAY NIGHTS.. Our Pastor Emeritus, James H. Shealy, is bringing a series of messages concerning TRUTH. What a wonderful job this past Wednesday night as he laid a foundation for TRUTH and told us 4 reasons why TRUTH is being ignored. Make your plans to be with us for this great time of study from the Word of God. These are the LAST FEW DAYS to get your information in our new church directory! If you have not already signed up, there are a few time slots still open. We are shooting for 100% participation! If for some reason you arent available any of the photography days, please call the church office and we will work something out! Dont forget, just for having your picture made for the directory, you get a FREE 8x10 as well as a FREE Directory and there is NO SITTING FEE!! Thank you to all who have already signed up!
If anyone is willing to help in the nursery on Sunday Mornings or Sunday Nights, please see Ms. Donna.
Heath Richards, Hannah Jolley, Ron Pruitt, Larry Trotter, Bryson Campbell, Linda Lida, Jane Millwood, Josh Barrineau, Keeley Wilson, June Vassey, Marie Terry, Nicholas Cobb, Hunter Perez, Doris & Bill Rosenberry, Thomas Mark Husted, Lillie Mae Nix, Roy Clevenger, Stacey Dane, Kaye Simmons, Lisa Culbertson, Ammie Wyatt, Patrick Teague, Betty Earnhardt, Leo Roszkowski, Alvine Bayne, Ronnie Littlefield, Christine O'Shield, Ted Owing, Carol Hopson, Dianne Roddy, Sharon Black, Sherry & Brianna Smith, Bethany & TJ Nabors, Alex Beck, Linda Johnson, Lisa Gilfiller, Amy Tillman, Sonia and David Hughes, Clint Letourneau, Ricky ,Fortenberry, Joe & Melissa Curton, Cathy Emmanuel, Those needing jobs, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes
Colors for Sunday are black & white Anyone planning to attend the Music, Media and Sound Appreciation Dinner on Aug. 25th, please sign up by Aug. 19. See Vickie Porter to do this is you haven't already done so! Our special guests for that evening will be Rev. Tim and Kim Kerns! The choir will be accepting new members in September. This is a great time to either join or come back! We'll begin working on Christmas soon! See Todd or Vickie for more information.
Thanks to all who participated in the Hotel items for Honduras project. Our Pastor will be ministering to over 236 pastors and we were able to make a bag for each of them. Toy Closet item for this week .... Balls & Barbie Dolls Wow! We had 50 ladies sign up for "The Resolution for Women" bible study. Classes begin TONIGHT in the dining room. We are excited to study how God wants us to be better wives, mothers, and women for Him. If you missed the first meeting, remember the make-up meeting will be next Monday, August 20 at 6:30. The Schedule for these meetings are as follows: Class Dates: Make-up Sessions: August 14 August 20 September 11 September 17 October 9 October 15 November 6 November 12 November 13 November 19
August 24 Greenville Drive baseball game. This is open to your whole family. Sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the hall. September 15 Daddy/Daughter date night. Tickets will go on sale soon. Look for more details in the coming weeks! Men of Resolution - Below are the dates for the next Men of Resolution meetings. We will do another Resolution Ceremony in January. Together we study what Gods word says about being a godly father and husband. If you have not signed up yet , do it soon. The sessions will meet on Saturday mornings at 9:00 in the CLC dining room. Makeup sessions will be Sunday afternoons at 4:00 in the CLC dining room. You must attend all 5 sessions (or the makeup) in order to participate in the Resolution Ceremony. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 August 18 September 15 October 20 November 17 December 15 Makeup Makeup Makeup Makeup Makeup September 2 September 30 November 4 December 2 December 30
Saturday August 25th we will be going whitewater rafting down the Natahala River in NC. The cost per person is $25-$32 per person and will need to be paid by August 12th. There is a signup sheet in the hallway at church along with a waiver that will need to be filled out. The church van will leave the church at 8am and return around 7pm. Saturday September 8th we will have a cookout at Clint & Ramona's in Enoree. The time is after 4:00 and the cost will be $5 per person. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway at church. If you are 25-49 please come and enjoy fun and fellowship with fellow Christians
Youth Prayer Monday, August 20th September 7th Youth Revival Service with guest speaker, Rev. Scottie Hager at 7:00 PM September 8th Youth/Kidz Revival Service with guest speaker, Rev. Neil DuBose at 7:00 PM
Sunday, August 19th - Praise and Worship is at 4:30 & Drama 5:15 After the morning worship service next Sunday, the Extreme Kidz will be having a Fundraising Lunch to purchase a new projector. The lunch menu is HAM, mac and cheese, green beans, roll, dessert and tea. You can eat in and fellowship or we will have to-go plates. Cost will be $8.00 for adult and $5.00 for children under 10. Thank you for your support! If you would like to purchase a ticket please see an Extreme Kidz Worker. August 18: Extreme Kidz and Acts Youth group will be taking lunch to needy families in the community. If you would like to donate bread, sandwich meat, chips, or ziplock bags please see Donna Burdette. We will meet at the youth building to pack the lunches at 8:00 am. August 24- Practice for Childrens Service at 6:00pm- all Praise and Worship, Drama Team Members, and Silly Characters must be at this practice. Childrens Service, August 26th - We would like to invite you and your family to come and worship with the Extreme Kidz. Upcoming Events: Back to school bash date and time to be announced Practice for children's service Friday August 24 at 6:00 pm Children's Service August 26 AM Service September 1 Extreme Kidz Skating ages 6-12 September 22: Extreme Kidz Pumpkin Patch ages 2-5 September 15: Lunch to community Extreme Kidz Fundraiser: Please continue to save your aluminum cans for the Extreme Kidz. We will use this money on upcoming events. Thank you for your support
WEIGH TO GO is a Christian Weight Loss Support group. WEIGH TO GO is a place where we as Christians come together to encourage each other and to explore what GOD and His word says about weight loss and weight related issues. Our bodies are sanctuaries and temples of GOD and we should treat them accordingly. WEIGH TO GO is open to all diets, eating disorders, and food addictions. So come and join us in this life changing journey. WEIGH TO GO meets every Tuesday at 6pm for optional weigh in and meeting to follow at 6:30pm. We meet in the classrooms underneath the main sanctuary. The entrance to the classrooms is located in the alley between the main church and youth building. So come and join us in our journey to improve our health and GOD'S Holy temples. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! If you want to know more about this group, please contact Darryl Crowe at 864-6709305or darrylcrowe@charter.net
Spotlight: Happy 5th Birthday to Nathaniel Crocker Love, Mama, Dad, Jamma, Papa & Mckailley
Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters Janet Sloan & June Grubbs Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard Usher Team # 2 Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Night Bus: Phillip Pruitt and Gina Arnold Van 1: Garren and Thomas Peebles Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Kiddie Church 2-5: Ramona and Clint Letoureau Kiddie Church 6-12: Donna and Garren Burdette NurseryWednesday- Amy Wallace Sunday AM Ann Knight & Tracy Richards Sunday PM Brooke Terry Music Wednesday- Amy Arnold Sunday AM Kerri McAlister Sunday PM Chris Roberson Praise Team Gold Computer Alexis Lyda **Additional copies of the printed weekly bulletin are available in the church lobby