Flight Attendent Short Training
Flight Attendent Short Training
Flight Attendent Short Training
Every one of us wants to have a dynamic and influential personality, the personality that radiates selfconfidence and assertiveness. We need to make an impact on each and every person that we meet. In this world of cut throat competition, there is a strong need in human beings to make themselves impressive and dignified, not only in ones professional circle but also on the home front and social life. But how to achieve such a personality is the main motive. It is true that one only develops with time and is not born with all the qualities and excellences. Through this book, we are doing exactly the same. How to boost up your confidence, how to achieve mental peace and security, how to prove oneself superior and how to overcome certain weaknesses and drawbacks are some of the points that have been discussed extensively in the book. All this information will help you add a bit of spice into you hitherto monotonous life. We have designed the book not only for the adults who are struggling to make their presence felt in their workplaces, but also for the students looking for a career in hospitality/service industry who are feeling that their individuality is lost in day-to-day duties and the young people of the society who are experiencing that challenges start early in life. This study material on personality development and self development brought out after extensive research in hospitality / service industry will bring about a change in the way you think, thereby bringing the lost confidence and stability in you at the very fundamental level
few words, not well arranged, ungrammatical perhaps; all the same, he makes an immense impression. So, it is evident that words alone cannot always produce an impression. Words, even thoughts, contribute only one third of the influence in making an impression, the man two thirds. What you call the personal magnetism of the man that is what goes out and impresses you. In our families, there are the heads; some of them are successful, others are not. Why? We complain of others in our failure. The moment we are unsuccessful, we say so-and-so is the cause for the failure. In failures, one does not like to confess ones own faults and weaknesses. Each person tries to hold himself faultiness and lay the blame upon somebody or something else, or even on bad luck. When heads of families fail, they should ask themselves, why is it that some persons manage a family so well and others do not, then you will find that the difference is owing to the man his presence, his personality.
Personality Dimensions
The human personality, unlike what one generally thinks, consists of several dimensions. They are: 1] Physical self 2] Energy self 3] Intellectual self 4] Mental self and 5] Blissful self A well integrated personality is the sum total of harmonious expression of these five dimensions. Physical self related to our senses. Proper nourishment and growth of physical faculties is essential by way of balanced diet, recreation, music, and care and concern from near and dear ones. A simple pat on the back for any achievement in life goes a long way to build up confidence. However, discretion and discrimination are the key words in this regard. Otherwise, there is every chance that senses would create havoc by way of infatuation and attachment to the sense objects. Energy self is somewhat subtler than the first. It relates to metabolism and the gross manifestations of energy, for instance the act of breathing. The control of Prana is achieved by control of anger, anxiety, and restlessness. Intellectual self concerns with discriminative power and knowledge, what we call buddhi. In addition to sincere and formal studies, reading other books like biographies of great and noble persona and invigorating literature helps us develop this faculty. Mental self is related to stress and psychology. Here selflessness, control, concentration, and calmness of mind play an essential role. Anandamaya Kosha or blissful self is the function of state of being. It calls for remaining calm and unaffected to remain happy, in all the frivolities of world, in neck break competition and struggle, and in calamites and disasters, in suffering and loss, in failure and success. The five fold method to attain such state of heightened perfection and purity are: A] Self effort B] Self control C] Self reliance D] Self sacrifice E] Self knowledge. To obtain such a balance, we need to meditate at least for 5 minutes. Concentration and meditation
Meditation or dhyana comes after dharana and before Samadhi as per the eight fold practice of Patanjali yoga, Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, dhyana and Samadhi are the eight aspects. The main emphasis should start from Pratyahara. It means withdrawing our internal sense organs from the external sense objects. For example, our sense organ of taste runs after tasty food, which is sense object. Pratyahara means not to allow the sense of taste to succumb to such temptations. The same should be the case with sense of touch, smell, vision and hearing. We should be able to control our senses. This is a form of conscious detachment of mind from the objects of temptations. With practice, pratyahara is possible. Next is dharana. It means trying to concentrate the mind on one thought or idea or form of the divine. The mind would fail to concentrate on that which is not divine, and in a short period of time, one will lose all interest in the yoga and in ones attempts at meditation. By nature, the mind is restless, chanchal. It does not want to stay fixed on one object or thought or idea. It wanders here and there. Many thoughts crowd our mind and we feel that we shall never be able to fix it on God. Moreover, many unwanted thoughts spring up from nowhere, and further put the sadhaka in great turmoil. Dirty, passionate, and evil thoughts come from our subconscious mind. There, these thoughts lie hidden as samskaras. These are of this birth and many past births! Therefore, one should not get perturbed when bad thoughts come to surface during dhyana and dharana. We should neglect all thoughts, whether good or bad. Just see them as waves rising on the lake of mind, which are sure to subside in course of time. Thus we become sakshi subject of our own thought. The second method is to bring the desirable and noble though or form, like the form of our Ishta, to mind again and again. This is practice or abhyasa.
Suppose there is an old inkpot with dried crust inside it. When we try to clean the inkpot, dirty water comes out initially but, is we continue to pour fresh water repeatedly, dirt is cleared and the water coming out is cleaner and cleaner. Same is the case with evil thoughts at the time of meditation. By pouring fresh and clean water of mantra and concentrating on the form of our Ishta, we can soon get rid of bad and dirty thoughts over a period. This period can be one year, ten years, one birth or ten births! It depends on the efforts and Grace of the Guru. But one thing is sure; one has to go through the process, it not today, tomorrow! Therefore, one should start today only; howsoever useless and difficult sadhana may appear.
Various Personality
Focus on psychodynamic forces Psychoanalytic theory was created by Sigmund Freud in the twentieth century. The theory of Freud remains the most comprehensive and influential theory of personality created till present. He discovered that the method of free association, in which a patient is instructed to say everything that comes to mind, regardless of how embarrassing it may seem. Through recalling dreams and early childhood memories, he detected that there were signs of unconscious wishes and fears. Later on, Freud compared human mind to an iceberg, which is divided in to three parts; conscious [the small part that shows above the surface of water, which represents our current awareness], preconscious [a small part below the surface of water, which represents information which is present but not currently used, e.g., the name of a U.S. President] and unconscious [the much larger mass of the iceberg below the water, which represents a storage of impulses, wishes and inaccessible memories that affect our thoughts and behavior]. Raymond B. Cattells Personality Theory Personality as a structure of Traits. As Cattell believes that we cannot define personality until we have fully specified all the concepts we plan to use in our endeavor. Raymond B Cattell offers only the very general statement that personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. He does, however, add that personality is concerned with all behavior, including what is concrete and
observable and what may only be inferred, and he reminds us that the meaning of small segments of behavior can be fully understood only when seen within the framework of the entire functioning person. Like Gordon Allport, Cattell grounds his theory on the concept of trait; like William Sheldon, he strongly emphasis the biological basis of behavior; and like Henry Murray, he explicitly gives a formal place in his scheme to both person variables and environment variables. B F Skinners Theory of Behavior Skinners theory is based on operant conditioning, which means when the organism is operating on the environments; the organism will encounter a special kind of reinforcing stimulus or simply a reinforcement. Punishment may end an undesirable behavior, but ending the reinforcement of such behavior and replacing it with a desirable behavior [by means of positive reinforcement] is more effective. By shaping [giving direction or assistance], we can make a living thing produce behaviors it would never have produced if it were to do as it wishes. To stop an unrestrained behavior, the behaviors which are closer and closer to the desired behavior can be rewarded, and in the end, the desired behavior will appear. The most common schedules of reinforcement are continuous, fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ration and variable ratio. Continuous reinforcement is the most effective way to reinforce a behavior; and variable reinforcement is the least effective way. Albert Bandura Personality Theory According to social learning theory, human behavior is mostly developed, and learning principles are sufficient to explain the development and maintenance of human behavior. Bandura thinks that human beings are not simply pawns of the environment, they think and regulate theory own behavior. To him, a theory of personality must take account of the social contexts in which behavior is acquired and maintained. Reciprocal determinism is the continuous mutual interaction among the persons mind, the persons behavior, and the external environment. The self system refers to structures concerned with acquisition of knowledge and sub functions involved in perception, evaluation and the regulation of behavior. The self system regulated behavior through self observation, judgmental processes, and self response. The impression of how well one can function in a given situation is self efficacy. Persistence and hard work are led to by strong efficacy expectations and realistic outcome expectations. Altering the expectation of personal efficacy can change the behavior. Efficacy expectations can be altered by four kinds of experience; enactive or performance; vicarious; persuasive; and physiological information experience. Coping and adaptive behaviors in persons with a variety of behavioral problems can be improved by changing personal efficacy expectations.
Becoming A Person
Many personality theories describe the stages we go through as our character develops. Understanding our own personality development should greatly improve our insight into our current drives, values and views. With greater awareness, perhaps we can be more in control or, at least more accepting of ourselves and others. Indeed, Carl Rogerss and Abraham Maslows basic notion was that we are all struggling tro become our realm, true, unique selves. What stands in our way? For Rogers, it was the tendency to deny our own needs and feelings, to pretend to be someone we arent, to avoid facing our true self. For Maslow, it was the necessity of satisfying our basic needs first-food, health, safety, love, self-esteem, before we have the luxury of carrying out the enjoyable and noble achievements that reflect our highest values and talents. According to both Rogers and Maslow, our true selves just naturally emerge if we are lucky enough to meet our basic needs and openly experience our basic emotions and motives. The researchers, who believe that our personality is set in concrete at 25 or 30, discount the idea of life stages or crises producing changes in our character, as described in Stages of Development table. Yet, some peoples personal traits clearly change after marriage, having a baby, getting promoted or fired, a heart attack, a serious accident, a divorce, death of a loved one etc., especially if the person previously had certain personality traits. The traits most likely to change are emotionality, impulsivity and irritability.
A VAST SUBJECT AS PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS MORE THEORETICAL AND DELICATE CORRECTIONS WHICH HAS TO BE CARRIED OUT UNDER STRICT PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION. HENCE WE WILL BE BRINGING OUT A SEPARATE VOLUME ON THIS SUBJECT BELOW ARE THE STEP BY STEP PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM THAT WE WILL BE INTRODUCING IN SHORTLY IN OUR ONLINE TRAINING SECTION SHORTLY 1. Create Your Future 2. Begin at the Beginning 3. Stay on Target 4. Develop Reliable Sources of Information 5. Analyze Objectives 6. Choose Advisors Carefully 7. Tap Into Experience 8. Become Your Own Critic 9. Anticipate Changes Needed 10. Believe You Can 11. Examine Yourself 12. Recognize the Causes of "Flame-Out" 13. Don't Play the Blame Game 14. Reduce Job Stress 15. Manage Your Own Career 16. Appraise Applause 17. Change Before You Must1 18. Leverage Your Abilities 19. Avoid Doubters 20. Lean Forward and Don't Look Back 21. Know Your Strengths 22. Don't Look for Security 23. Pace Your Race 24. Protect Your Health 25. Beat the Odds 26. Focus on Priorities 27- Don't Punish Yourself 28. Learn from Losses 29. Test New Skills 30. Deserve Respect 31. Earn Reliability 32. Be Careful Who You Follow 33. Build Your Credibility 34. Pull Your Way Up 35. Rework Mistakes 36. Look for a Better Way 37. Eliminate Obstacles 38. Become Trustworthy 39. Learn to Benchmark 40. Always Know Who Will Do What by When 41. Base Your Reputation on Accountability 42. Keep Reaching 43. Prepare to Lead 44. Keep Skills Current 45. Learn to Say No 46. Test Your Experience
47. Meet Commitments 48. Keep Options Open 49. Expect Criticism 50. Listen for Opportunity Clues 51. Form a Winning Team 52. Help Your Team Do Better 53. Confront Conflicts 54. Take Responsibility 55. Get Close to the Action 56. Identify Accountable People 57. Get the Help You Need 58. Share the Spotlight 59. Avoid Manipulative People 60. Watch for Little Things 61. Get Up and Get Going 62. Practice, Practice, Practice 63. Move Out of Your Comfort Zone 64. Measure Yourself 65. Don't Bluff 66. Nurture Achievers 67- Deal with Problem People 68. Follow-Through 69. Be Decisive 70. Motivate Yourself 71. Stretch Your Imagination 72. Wipe Out Waste 73. Shrink Your Weaknesses 74. Try Another Route 75. Find Allies 76. Take Time to Teach 77- Learn from Mistakes 78. Consider Other Options 79. Don't Hide Your Talent 80. Measure Your Own Effectiveness 81. Use Fear to Help You 82. Look for Good News 83. Carefully Select a New Job 84. Stay Positive 85. Demonstrate Accountability 86. Build Your Own Confidence 87- Seek Responsibility 88. Get On With It 89. Avoid Handicapping Yourself 90. Disarm Opponents 91. Sharpen Your Competitive Edge 92. Keep Goals in Focus 93. Puncture Pressure Points 94. Create an Inside Advantage 95. Don't Feed Failure 96. Acknowledge Mistakes 97. Exceed Expectations 98. Open Up 99. Find Ways to Serve 100. Make Yourself Needed
What are airport codes? Airport codes are 3-letter airport abbreviations created by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to facilitate efficient communication throughout the industry. Let's face it, it's a whole lot easier to describe Boston's Logan Airport as BOS and New York's John Fitzgerald Kennedy Airport as JFK. Do flight attendants need to know these airport codes? As a flight attendant, you'll use these codes every day. You'll need to know them for reading your own flight schedule, assisting passengers with their tickets, and for connections announcements. One of the first tests you'll be given in new-hire training is the airport codes test. You'll be required to know every airport code for every one of your airline's destination cities. And there's not much room for error; most airlines require you to score at least 90% to pass!
In the airline industry, seniority rules. Mechanics, pilots, flight attendants, customer service agents--all of these employees enjoy pay rates, schedules and benefits based on their length of service with the company. Among flight attendants, seniority determines status as a lineholder or reserve. Lineholders have a flying schedule set at least one month in advance; they know when and where they will work and on what types of aircraft. The airlines use reserves to fill open flying time and to cover positions vacated by lineholders calling in sick or on holiday. If you are a relatively new flight attendant, like me, you can expect to sit reserve for a couple of years. Flight attendants often receive a set schedule (known as a block) after less than two years, but at some bases, flight attendants can sit reserve for more than ten years. As a reserve flight attendant, my "work day" begins with a call from a crew scheduler. Each airline operates differently; at mine, schedulers call reserves on-duty to ask what trips they want to fly the following day. Trips are paid by the flight hour, from the time the aircraft door is shut to the time it is opened. And for every hour away from base, flight attendants are paid expense money. This particular Friday evening, when crew scheduling calls, I choose a four-day trip on the Airbus 319--one of our newer aircraft. It pays better than average and overnights in Raleigh-Durham, Washington, DC and Denver. Working what the airline labels the "C" position, I serve in the economy cabin and sit in the front, near the boarding door. With my trip set, I pack. I take a few extra pieces of my uniform and some clothes for the overnight. I go to bed early since I must check in early the next morning. 7:30 A.M. Saturday: Check-in This morning, I go down to the crew room below the airport concourse in Philadelphia. Each base has a crew room complete with couches, computers and supervisors offices. Pilots and flight attendants also have boxes or folders there for company mail. Before starting a trip, a crewmember must check in for it. First things first, I use the computer to sign in for the trip. If you do not sign in an hour before the trip departs, you are liable to get written up by your supervisor. Since boarding begins 30 minutes prior to departure, theres not much time to spend in the crew room, but I have a few minutes to check my box for memos and chat with friends. I head to the plane to meet up with the rest of the crew. Communication between the cockpit and the cabin plays a vital role in maintaining a safe environment, and the crew briefings at the beginning of a trip set the tone. Once on the airplane, Becky, the lead flight attendant, briefs Mike and me on safety procedures, delegates announcement responsibilities and confirms that we have our emergency manuals. Afterward, the captain conducts his briefing, reviewing safety-related issues, flight time, weather, and what he likes to drink. Ready, Set, Go: Inflight About 30 minutes prior to departure, the agent working our flight comes down the jetway to begin boarding. Becky nods okay, and we finish checking our emergency equipment and catering supplies. From the forward galley, Becky and I greet the passengers and prepare drinks for first class customers. Mike hangs out in the back, monitoring the dwindling space in the overhead bins. Boarding tends to provide the biggest headache, especially considering I do not get paid until that door is shut. With a nearly full flight, it is pretty much guaranteed that space in the overhead bins will go quickly. Tensions mount, but bags need to be checked. Though the company no longer requires passenger counts, many pilots prefer to have them. When you see the flight attendant slowly coming up the aisle silently moving his or her lips, sometimes motioning his or her hands, that flight attendant is taking a count. As easy as it may seem, it often takes more than one count to get it right. Once all the overhead bins are shut and the passengers are seated, the flight is ready for departure. I verify that the passengers seated in the window exit row are willing and able to assist in an emergency if necessary. Before shutting the door, the agent hands Becky a copy of the manifest, which lists first class passengers, passengers with special needs or meals, and gate connections. We arm the exits, enabling the slides to inflate if the doors are opened. After the safety video and a final cabin walk-through, the three of us strap into our jump seats and I practice my 30-second review, which includes evacuation commands and door operation procedures. It is still a thrill when we taxi onto the runway and the engines roar. You learn to recognize the strange (and initially scary) noises as just the lavatory toilet seat coming down or unused hangars banging in the closet.
Once we level-off at 10,000 ft, I head to the back and help Mike prepare for the breakfast service. To no ones surprise, we serve the staple of the skies: omelettes and French toast. In the back galley, we brew coffee, cook the meals in the ovens and set up the carts. Since the beverage cart comes stocked with cans of sodas and juices, we just add a few things on top such as some cream and sugar for the coffee. Once the meals finish cooking, we begin serving from the front of the cabin to the back. It turns out we are short a few meals and have to ask the company employees traveling on the flight to go without a breakfast. I hate doing that, but they do not seem to mind. Space is undeniably tight on the beverage cart, and accidents are bound to happen. I am no exception on this leg, knocking a can of soda on a passenger as I reach for it. Not much spills, but he is still peeved. I give him a sorry form to get his pants dry-cleaned at the airlines expense. Finishing the service, I settle in the back row with a book, assisting in the cabin as needed. Passengers occasionally bring cups and other trash back for me to dispose of as they head to the toilet, but the remainder of the long flight is a coffee break of sorts for us. Service in first class is usually more involved. With 12 or fewer passengers on the smaller jets, it also tends to be more intimate. No carts are needed, and food and beverages are presented in china and glassware. Various types of people fly first class, but that cabin mostly fills up with business people and other frequent flyers. Celebrities occasionally make an appearance. A friend served Sissy Spacek once, and another flew with the members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. During the flight, a problem arises, which is relatively common on longer flights. Sitting in the back, I notice the smell of cigarette smoke coming from the lavatory. A passenger exits and it is obvious he has been smoking. There is no sign of the cigarette in the trash, but I advise him that smoking in the lavatory is a violation of a federal law and comes with a large fine. There are set procedures to deal with situations like these and paperwork to complete. We cruise through the rest of the day with little problem, except when I smash Mikes finger in the overhead bin as we both try to close it. Hes okay, though he is quick to point out the tiny white scratch on his fingernail. An extra flight attendant joins us in Denver for our next leg to Charlotte. She notices a pregnant woman sitting in the exit row, and the four of us discuss whether the passenger is qualified to do so. Since no regulation explicitly excludes pregnant women from those seats and the passenger insists she is both willing and able to assist in an emergency, we decide to let her stay there. The last leg of the day is the easiest. Since the airline needs us in Raleigh-Durham, but does not need us to work from Charlotte, we deadhead on another crews flight. Gas, Food, Lodging: The Layover We arrive in Raleigh-Durham at 8:00 P.M. I take Mike and Becky to the restaurant where I once waited tables. My old boss gives us dinner on the house, certainly a welcome treat on our first-year salary. We have an early start again the next morning and there is not a whole lot to do near the airport in Durham, so we dont stay out late. On an overnight, the airline provides each crewmember with his or her own hotel room. Long layovers (at least 15 hours off) land you at a decent hotel downtown, near the beach or some sort of shopping venue. For shorter layovers, you will usually stay at or very near the airport. My crew, both the pilots and the flight attendants, stay together the entire trip--layover and all. Some airlines work a little differently, putting flight attendants and pilots in separate hotels. The airline also covers meals, if you count the expense money paid for the trip. 12:40 P.M. Tuesday: Check-out The next few days of the trip are surprisingly uneventful. The video system on the Airbus, sophisticated as it is with its automatic preprogramming, occasionally malfunctions. Threatened with having to do the safety demo the "old-fashioned way," we manage to play the video manually. At the end of day two, as the plane pulls off the runway at National Airport in D.C., I persuade Becky to spice up the arrival announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our nations capital," she says, instead of the scripted "Welcome to Washington, DC." I cannot tell if anyone notices. By the end of the fourth day, most of the giddiness has been replaced with exhaustion.
At the end of the last leg, we land in Philadelphia. The trip is now over. I am released from duty 15 minutes later. This rest period lasts at least eight hours and is guaranteed to be free from phone contact from schedulers. Leaving the airport, I head out to the employee parking lot, pick up my car and head home. Back in my room, I unload my bags and unplug the phone.
Landing a job at one of the major airlines is very tricky since the number of applicants far outweighs the number of positions. There is good news though: most airlines are growing and hiring more flight attendants than ever. And a college degree does carry weight. While no carrier I know of requires an applicant to have a degree, many of the flight attendants I know have undergraduate degrees. A few have even pursued advanced degrees while continuing to fly. Some airlines actually recruit on campus, though many conduct open interview sessions around the country. Consider applying if youve harbored that stewardess dream since your first plane ride, or if the job sounds fun and you do not know what else youd like to do. If you are headed to grad school but want a break or need to save some money, think about deferring. Airlines do not require minimum commitments; you can fly for a month, a year, or 30 years. If you only want to fly temporarily or decide it is not for you, no problem. You are not locked in. As I mentioned earlier, competition for these jobs is intense, and I recommend checking out sristysaviation.com online resource (forgive me for sounding like an advertisement). This will give you the best opportunity to get hired. Of course, you could just wing it, but I can almost guarantee you won't get hired without some assistance. Why It's All Worth It The benefits that come with an airline job cannot be beat, especially for those of us just starting to make our way in the world. Considering the work involved, the pay is decent. But it is the free travel that lures many into the industry. No matter how long youve worked for an airline, it is undeniably cool to be able to hop on a plane and go anywhere on a day off. This past year alone, I spent Thanksgiving in London and New Years in Frankfurt. For fun, I vacationed in Thailand. "What are you going to do when you graduate?" Thousands of Cabin Crew around the world enjoy having an exciting and varied career which gives them the chance to travel, meet people and use interpersonal skills every working day of their lives. This is the reason why we receive hundreds of calls and emails from people asking for assistance in achieving their dream job as Cabin Crew. The job entails performing safety and service duties which ensure that air travellers are flying in a safe environment, whilst receiving excellent standards of friendly service. With the continued expansion in the air transport industry airlines are seeking thousands of applications from good quality people with the right knowledge and character for the job of Cabin Crew.
Finding good quality applicants, who adapt well to airline training courses and the demands of the job is certainly becoming harder. Airlines receive hundreds of applications and normally few are successful. If you dream of becoming Cabin Crew for a leading airline, you will be closer to your dream by taking the Free Online Training offered by Sristys Aviation.. Each airline has its own specific requirements for cabin crew and as a minimum these are often : Age 18/19 Weight in Proportion to Height Minimum height normally above 5'2 Ability to Swim Good Eyesight and Physically fit Well groomed and Self Presentation Skills The right to live and work in the country in which airline is based
Interview Process
Coming face to face with a prospective employer can be daunting. The more prepared you are the better your chances. Listed below are some helpful tips on how to have a successful interview.
Prior to Interview Dressing for an interview During the interview Interview Dos and Donts Frequently asked questions
Prior to Interview Before you go to an air hostess job interview you need to prepare. Do as much "homework" on the Company as you can to find out about the business they are in. Most companies will have a website containing lots of information. If not, use more traditional methods such as the local library or simply call and ask them to send you some information. Make sure you have a full understanding of all the duties and skills required within the role. Re-familiarise yourself with your CV and be prepared to describe your previous roles and responsibilities. Be prepared to describe how you meet the requirements of the position you will be interviewed for. Always ensure you know exactly where your interview will take place and give yourself plenty of time to get there. If possible, do a trial run a few days prior to the interview, to make sure you know exactly how much time you will need to get there. Be mindful of travelling during rush hour as this can sometimes double your travelling time. Make sure you know the name(s) of the person or people interviewing you. Check beforehand if you need to take anything with you or if any assessments will be taking place. Dressing for an interview Recruitment decisions are based on several different factors, but it is worth remembering that first impressions count. You should dress appropriately for the position you are applying for. Listed below are some tips on how to dress for an interview: Wear a businesslike suit in a conservative colour Clean, unscuffed shoes Clothes are clean and crisply ironed Hair is clean and neatly styled Keep perfume/aftershave to a minimum During the interview Always be polite and friendly to everyone that you meet and if appropriate, make conversation with the reception staff. When you enter the room, stand up straight, smile and give your interviewer a firm handshake. Dont get flustered, speak clearly and calmly. Remember that an interview is a two-way process. If you dont fully understand a question, ask for it to be repeated. If you cantanswer a question because you dont have the relevant experience, try to give an answer that is as close as you can to what they are looking for. Keep to the point and answer the question that has been asked. Dont get sidetracked and go off the point. If you feel that you have not been asked enough questions or feel you need to further express your suitability for the air hostess job, ask them if you can tell them more about yourself and possibly ask a couple of questions that are relevant to the company and the position. If appropriate, ask how many other people are being interviewed for the position, what the next stage will be and when you can expect to hear from them. Finally, thank your interviewer for their time, smile and give them a firm handshake. Interview Dos and Donts
Do prepare fully for your interview. Do feel comfortable with your clothes but be smart and businesslike. Do smile and be polite to everyone you meet. Do make sure you get there on time, if you are late make sure you call to let them know. Do think positive and relax. Dont be rude or offhand to anyone you meet. Dont make critical comments about former employers. Dont tell lies as youll nearly always be found out. Dont underplay your achievements, sell yourself. Dont panic. Frequently asked questions Most interviewers will ask some similar basic questions. Prior to the interviewyou should already be thinking about the questions you might be asked and how you will respond to them. Listed below are some examples of some typical interview questions. If you can try and familiarise yourself with these and how you might respond, youll be ready to answer them in a calm and positive manner. Some typical questions and answers are given below: Listed below are the 10 most commonly asked interview questions. A well thought out answer to each of these questions, prepared and rehearsed in advance with the logical sequencing of the events will help you sail through. 1. Tell us about yourself This is an open canvas for you, giving you an opportunity to direct and lead your interview in the direction you want. A. good idea would be to structure your answer in the following three broad heads:
Family Background Educational Background (starting from schooling to professional qualifications) Achievements
In all the above subheads speak only that information which will give strength to your candidature. Avoid verbose description of yourself. 2. Why do you want to join us? To answer this question, you need to research the company well. Here you can quote some of your personal beliefs, which are in conjunction with the values of the company or talk about specific products and services which could be of interest to you too. In the event where your skill set is mapping with the requirement of the company, do not miss the chance to highlight the same. Specify the initiatives taken or work done to attain that skill set. 3. What would you like to do in five years' time ? This question is asked to assess candidates career plan and ambition for growth and to see if the company will be able to provide that opportunity over period of time. Also to assess if your personal goals are not totally off tangent with what companys objectives are. It is also to check your stability with the organization. It is good idea to be very realistic in your answer. If required guidance should be taken from your seniors who are already in the corporate environment. 4. Do you prefer working with others or alone? This question is usually asked to determine whether you are a team player. Before answering, however, be sure about the requirement of job profile, that whether it requires team work or you to work alone. Then answer accordingly. 5. What are your biggest accomplishments? You could begin your reply with: "Although I feel my biggest achievements are still ahead of me, I am proud of my sense of involvement. I would like to make my contribution as part of that team and learn a lot in the process".
It will be a good idea to close your answer with also specifying what attributes and circumstances made you succeed. 6. What are your favorite subjects? It is a leading question giving direction to the panel members for possible areas where they can probe in further for your knowledge base and in-depth understanding. It is advisable to select the topics that you are competent in. 7. Why should we hire you? Keep your answer short and precise. You should highlight areas from your background that relates to the need of the organization. Recap the organizations description of the job, meeting it point by point with your skills. 8. What are your hobbies? This question is generally asked to assess whether you are "desktop" kind of a person or an "interaction orientated person". It also indicates your preference for team-oriented activities or projects with solo contributions. It enables the organization to place you accordingly after selection. Be candid in answering the questions. 9. What is the worst feedback you have ever got? To answer this question you must admit and share your areas of improvement. Also sharing an action plan for improving oneself will indicate your ability to take criticism well. Your answer should reflect your openmindedness. 10. What is the most difficult situation you have faced? Here you should be ready with your real life story. The question looks for information on two fronts: How do you define difficulty and how did you handle the situation? You should be able to clearly lay down the road map for solving the problem, your ability to perform task management and maintain good interaction with your team members and other peers. It is advisable to close by highlighting the lesson learnt out of the incident.
Conditions on the aircraft are restricted, with a lot of time spent standing or walking. Jetlag may be a problem when crossing time zones, and air cabin pressure may cause fatigue or other health problems. Bad weather can make flying conditions uncomfortable or even dangerous. Air cabin crew are expected to have a smart appearance, and usually wear a uniform. Skills and Interests As a member of an air cabin crew, you should: - be tactful but assertive - enjoy team work - be calm under pressure and in emergencies - be confident, friendly and good with people - be sensitive and reassuring towards people who are anxious or upset - be able to work quickly and efficiently - be confident with money, including foreign currency. Entry Entry requirements vary between airlines so it is important to check, however, most will require you to have some GCSEs (A-C)/S grades (1-3), particularly in English, Maths and a foreign language. Air cabin crew are normally required to meet certain height and weight restrictions, and be physically fit with good eyesight. Some airlines demand that you can swim at least 25 metres. You should be fluent in English, and some airlines expect knowledge of a second language. A smart appearance is essential, and visible tattoos or body piercings are not usually permitted. Previous experience in customer service is desirable, and nursing, or hotel and catering experience may be particularly useful. The minimum age for recruitment is normally 19 years. The maximum age varies between airlines, however, many have a compulsory retirement age of 50 or 55. A valid passport is necessary to allow unrestricted world travel. Training Successful interviewees undergo four to six weeks' training. Areas studied include: safety and emergency procedures, fire fighting, first aid, security and hijack procedures, crowd control, cabin service, dealing with passengers, foreign currency and personal grooming. Some airlines have introductory distance learning courses, which can be taken before starting basic training. On completion of basic training, a probationary period of three to six months is served, during which performance is monitored by trainers or senior crew. Air cabin crew have to pass regular examinations that test knowledge of safety and emergency procedures, and ensure official first aid requirements are met. Opportunities Competition for places with airlines is very intense. Air cabin crew are usually required to live near the airport where they are based. They could be based overseas as international cabin crew with a British airline. Promotion to senior crew member is possible with experience, as is the possibility of a transfer to groundbased employment with an airline. Annual Income Figures are intended as a guideline only.
INTRODUCTION The Boeing 737 airplane is a two-engine aircraft designed primarily for short to medium range operation. The use of extremely effective "high-lift" devices on the wing trailing edges and leading edges provides an airplane which cruises at speeds comparable to other high-speed jet aircraft. The 737, therefore, operates with equal comfort and safety from airfields with long runways and from the shorter runways formerly used only by the piston airplanes. BOEING 737-300 AT A GLANCE Engines 2 Range of flight 1,899 miles Maximum speed 575 m.p.h. Seating capacity 138 Maximum altitude 37,000 feet Crew 5
AIRCRAFT COMPONENTS The five major components of the Boeing 737 are: Engine Wing Tail section Fuselage Landing gear Engine The main function of the engine is to provide "thrust". Wing The main function of the wing is to provide "lift". The wing span of the Boeing 737-300 aircraft is approximately 94 feet. Tail Section The tail section provides aircraft stability and control. Fuselage The fuselage is the main structure or "body" of the aircraft. It is comprised of the following: Flight deck The flight deck is where all flight control instruments are located. The flight deck is entered from the forward entry area through an outward opening door. The door is designed with two (2) lower inside break-away parcels and a one-way viewer which allows the flight attendants to scan the customer cabin area. An electric lock controlled by the pilots secures the door during flight. In the event the door cannot be unlocked from inside the flight deck, a flight deck key is located in the forward bulkhead.
The flight deck is also equipped with two (2) emergency exits; one sliding window aircraft left and one sliding window aircraft right. Both exits are plug type. The Captain's sliding window (aircraft left) is the only exit on the Boeing 737 that cannot be opened from the outside. Customer Compartment Equipped with six (6) exits; one forward entry door, one forward galley door, two (2) overwing window exits, one aircraft left and one aircraft right (for emergency use only), one aft entry door, and one aft galley door. Entry doors are located aircraft left. Galley doors are located aircraft right. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) The APU is a gas turbine engine mounted in the tail of the aircraft. This unit, along with the main engines, provide necessary electrical and hydraulic power cabin air conditioning and pressurization, and heat for wing anti-icing. It operates in the air and on the ground. However, at engine start-up, all APU air power is used to start the engines. As a result of the pull of power used to start the engine, air conditioning/heating and electrical power temporarily ceases until engines have started. At that time, The APU can resume providing air conditioning/heating and cabin pressurization. Luggage/Cargo Compartment Two (2) cargo compartment doors, both plug type, are located on the lower right side of the fuselage. The doors can be operated gradually from either the inside or outside of the aircraft. A warning light in the flight deck illuminates when the doors are not closed and locked. Landing Gear The Boeing 737 landing gear, used for taxi, takeoff and landing operations, is a tricycle-type, retractable landing gear consisting of two (2) wheels on each gear. Main Gear Mounted under the aft portion of the wing, each wheel is fitted with brakes. Nose Gear Located just forward of the main entry door: nose gear is steerable to provide ground maneuverability; wheels are not fitted with brakes. Doors and Windows Entry and Galley Service Doors Inward-outward opening plug-type pressure doors are used for all entry doors and galley service doors. This type door operates on two hinges and uses four roller-type latches for positioning and locking. A light In the control panel will indicate when any door is not locked. Each door has a squall three-pane window. The doors may be opened from either inside or outside the airplane. The interior door handle rotates easily through a 180 degree arc. The exterior door handle is recessed in the outer face of the door and must be pulled out before it can be rotated. Door opening training is one of the major physical training conducted during their flight attendant training program.
To open the door, movement of either handle rotates a mechanism within the door. This mechanism mechanically lowers the pressure gates at the bottom and top of the door, moves the door into the cabin and then rotates it through its opening to about 45 degrees. From this position, the door is pushed or pulled to the full open position against the airplane fuselage. The door is held in the open position by a mechanical latch on the upper hinge. To close any of the aircraft doors, the mechanical latch on the upper hinge, referred to as "gust lock", must be depressed. The door is then manually rotated to the aforementioned 45 degree position. From this position, the handle is used to position, close and latch the door. When the handle is rotated to the full closed position, the pressure gates close, sealing the door. Because of cabin pressure loads, these doors cannot be opened during normal flight conditions. Escape Slides An escape slide is mounted to the inside of each door to be used in an emergency situation for the evacuation of customers and crew. A pressure gauge on each slide provides a means to ensure the slide is operational. All slides are designed to inflate automatically when deployed; however, in the case of a malfunction, a red inflation handle will be present as a backup system and may be pulled to manually inflate the slide. On the slides of some aircraft, there is a quick release handle used to detach the slide from the airplane in the event of a water evacuation. This handle which is protected by a cover marked "for ditching" becomes visible once the slide is deployed. On any other aircraft which do not have a quick release handle, the deployed slide may be detached from the airplane by removing the girt bar from the door brackets. Windows Rectangular customer cabin windows 10 x14 inches, are located at eye level and are spaced at 20 inch intervals. Each window consists of two panes, each of which being capable to withstanding the full pressure load of the cabin. In addition, a decorative window panel covers each window area to provide protection for the window. Each panel contains opaque sliding window shade eliminating the need for sidewall curtains. The shades slide up to open. Small circular windows are also provided on all entry and galley service doors. Overwing Window Exits All 737-300 Series aircraft are equipped with two overwing window exits; one aircraft left and one aircraft right. The exits are marked with an exit sign located on the customer cabin ceiling and an exit sign at each over-wing window exit approximately two feet above door level. These exits are to be opened only during an emergency evacuation. They may be opened from the inside by pulling down on the top hand hold/release handle. For ease in viewing outside conditions, a rectangular window and sliding shade, similar to the customer cabin windows, is located at eye level on each over-wing window exit. Due to the evacuation mechanism in the exit however, the window shades slide down to open rather than up.
CABIN INTERIOR COMPONENTS Familiarising with the cabin interior components is also one of the major topics of any flight attendant training program.
Galleys Galley units are installed on all Boeing 737 aircraft: one forward and one aft. Galleys are stocked with the items necessary to provide a complete infight service. In addition, each galley is equipped with an electrical panel containing circuit breakers for various lighting systems and ovens (if applicable). The following are examples of one type of galley, others will be similar. Lavatories Lavatories are provided on all Boeing 737 aircraft. Each lav is equipped with a flushing toilet, a wash basin with hot and cold water, outlet's for electric shavers, a fluorescent lighted mirror, a customer call button and information sign, a lavatory service unit, and all necessary toiletry supplies. Lavatory Door The door to each lavatory has a slide type door lock which is operated from inside the lav. A small sign on the outside of the door will indicate either occupied or vacant, depending on the position of the lock. Locking the door will also illuminate a "lav occupied" light on the lower ceiling in the respective cabin area. Although the lock is operated from the inside, if necessary, the door may be unlocked from the outside by inserting a sharp tipped object into the pinhole on the "occupied" sign and sliding it to the "vacant" position. Also, part of the lav door is an externally mounted ashtray. Toilets The stainless steel toilets are self-contained units serviced from outside the aircraft. Each lavatory has an independent waste system. The toilet waste is stored in a toilet tank in each lavatory. A separator between the tank and toilet bowl prevents customers from seeing into the tank and liquid in the tank from slashing up into the bowl. The flush handle initiates a cycle in which a chemical-flushing liquid containing dye, disinfectant and deodorant, flows into the bowl from a rotating pump and filtering unit. During ground servicing, the toilet tanks are darned and rinsed, and a chemical liquid is added. Hot and cold water in each lavatory is provided at a stainless steel sink. The water heater for each lav maintains a temperature of approximately 125 degrees F to 133 degrees F. After ground servicing, a new water charge will be heated within 4 minutes. Trash Compartments Adjacent to the stainless steel sink is a trash chute with a spring loaded flap door and a removable trash can located under the sink. It is essential that this spring loaded floor remain "operative" at all times. Periodic checks by flight crewmembers should be conducted to ensure proper operation. Customer Call Button and Information Sign Located near each lavatory on a panel near the sink is a Flight Attendant call button and a "Return to Seat" customer information sign. Use of the call button will notify the Flight Attendants that assistance is needed in the lavatory. Illumination of the lavatory "Return to Seat" sign is notification that the Captain has turned on the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign in the cabin. This sign will remain illuminated until the cabin "Fasten Seat Belt" sign has been turned off. Also located on the panel is the electric shaver outlet and a razor blade disposal. An air vent outlet is located on the sidewall, just above and to the left of the panel. Smoke Detector
Each lavatory is equipped with a smoke detector which is designed to alert crewmembers to the presence of fire. Upon indication, crewmembers should follow prescribed fire fighting procedures. Fire Extinguisher Each lavatory is equipped with an automatic fire extinguisher. This extinguisher is designed to combat fires that originate in the waste receptacles and sink area. Required Placard A sign or placard must be visible in each lavatory that reads Federal law provides for a penalty for up to $2,000 for tampering with the smoke detector installed in this lavatory. Supplies Compartments are provided for paper towels, bar soap, Kleenex, sanitary napkins, seat covers, air sickness bags, and toilet paper. A stowage compartment behind the toilet may be used for extra lavatory supplies. Water System The customer water system is supplied from a pressurized tank located aft of the aft cargo compartment. The water flows by pressure to each lavatory and galley. Waste water is eliminated when the airlift is serviced. Servicing The water system is serviced from a panel located at the lower left side of the aircraft, aft of the aft cargo department. System Pressure The water system is pressurized by air taken from engine # 1 or the APU. This air is filtered, and pressure regulated to provide a constant flow rate in the water system. Water Gauge The water gauge is located over the aft galley door and indicates the amount of water in the tank. When the "PUSH" button on the indicator is pressed, a light will illuminate to show the water level. When full, approximately 30 U.S. gallons will be available. A shut-off valve is located in the cabinet below the sink in each lavatory. Normally, the drain shut-off valves will be ON and the vent valves closed. Water Shut Off Valve Located in the uppermost middle area of the forward and aft galleys, covered by a small panel, is an emergency water shut-off valve. This valve is to be used in the event of an uncontrollable water leak in the galley. Also located in both forward and aft lavatories is a three (3) way shut of valve. This valve may read open/drain/off. In some lavatories the valve is not readily visible. If it is not, it will be located behind a flip latch door, behind the trash can, underneath the sink. If it is difficult to find simply follow the waterline from the sink drain and work backwards to the valve. The valve may also be located out in front, near the trash can, underneath the sink. Once again, the valve is to be used in the event of an uncontrollable water leak. WATER HEATER LIGHT ILLUMINATED - Heater operating. WATER HEATER SWITCH ON - Activates the water heater. Overhead Bins
The overhead bins on each side of the cabin provides stowage for hats, coats, garment bags, briefcases, blankets, and pillows. Each bin is marked with a placard stating the maximum weight of the bin. Articles should not exceed weight limitations for the bin. Customer Seating Accommodations for 138 tourist-class customers are provided in the delivery configuration. For the most part, the seats will be arranged six-abreast at a typical seat spacing of 3 feet. All seats are equipped with tray tables. The tray tables are attached to and fold into the seat back. The seats may be adjusted to a maximum recline position of 38 degrees. (Seats immediately forward and aft of partitions or bulkheads do not recline.) The recline button is located on the inner side of the inboard armrests. The overhead bin assist step is located on the bottom forward edge of each aisle armrest. In an emergency, the seat cushion may be removed and used as a flotation device. There is a stowage pocket attached to the back of each seat which contains airsick bags, Safety Information Cards and an in-flight magazine. Flight Attendant Jump seats A self-folding Flight Attendant jump seat is located on the aft and forward-facing bulkhead beside the forward and aft entry doors. The jumpsuits are spring-loaded to the retract position and are fitted with seat belts and harnesses. FAA regulations mandate that each Flight Attendant jump seat automatically retract to a stowed position. The seat cushions may also be used as flotation devices. The forward Flight Attendant jump seat faces aft and the aft Flight Attendant jump seat faces forward. Both seats accommodate two persons.
Cabin Interior Systems Passenger Service Unit (PSU) Service units are provided throughout the airplane to supply cooling air, oxygen and electrical services for the customer's and Flight Attendant's use. These units are fastened to the underside of the overhead bins, overhead and 4-5 inches forward of the seat backs. Each unit contains three air vent outlets, three reading lights with individual buttons, four oxygen masks, a passenger address speaker and one Flight Attendant call button. There are also "Fasten Seat Belt" and "No Smoking" signs located on the aft face of all units. Customer Signs Signs indicating "No Smoking" and "Fasten Seat Belt" conditions are located in the PSU's which insure visibility to all customers. Although the "No Smoking" and "Fasten Seat Belt" signs are contained in one unit, they function independently of each other. A "Return to Seat" indicator is in each lavatory and is visible only when the sign is on. The signs are controlled in the flight deck either manually or automatically. If the Captain selects automatic control, all signs will be on when the landing gear is down.
The "Fasten Seat Belt" and "Return to Seat" signs go off when the wing flaps are fully retracted. During the landing sequence, the "Fasten Seat Belt" and "Return to Seat" signs come on when the flaps are lowered or
the landing gear is down. A single low-tone chime sounds over the customer address loudspeaker system each time the signs come on or go off. The "No Smoking Sign" stays illuminated during night and while on the ground. (Cross reference FA.R.s 121.317) The oxygen masks drop automatically at a cabin altitude of 14,000 feet or may be dropped manually by inserting a pen or small stick into the "pin hole" located at the edge of the compartment. To manually deploy oxygen masks, the "pin hole" is located in the middle of the PSU. If no "pin hole" is present, insert an object into the edge of the compartment itself nearest the Flight Attendant call button. In the 300 series aircraft, all PSU oxygen masks are connected to a single release lanyard. Pulling down on any mask releases the lanyard and all masks come down. The 02 generator in that PSU is activated supplying 02 to the PSU masks. 02 is generated through the line for approximately 12 minutes and can not be shut off once the generator is activated. Lavatory units Recessed In the ceiling of each lavatory is a compartment containing two oxygen masks. As in the other Passenger Service Units, these masks will drop from their container when the oxygen system is activated. The masks may be dropped manually by depressing "pin hole" in the compartment door. 02 will flow through the line for approximately 12 minutes. Flight Attendant Units These units contain two oxygen masks and are recessed in the cabin ceiling above the forward and aft Flight Attendant jump seats. 02 will flow through the line for approximately 12 minutes. Flight deck Units As previously stated, The flight deck has a completely separate oxygen system. It is a gaseous, dilute-demand system with four (4) individual masks and regulators for each flight deck crewmember. During the preflight check, the flight deck will switch the oxygen regulator to the 100% position. FIGHT ATTENDANT CONTROL PANELS There are two Flight Attendant control panels on all 737 aircraft. On the 300 series aircraft, the panel is healed directly across from the Flight Attendant jump seat. Cabin Lighting Control Located on the forward Flight Attendant control panel are the controls for the cabin entry, ceiling, and window lights and a switch for the forward Flight Attendant work light. The aft Flight Attendant work light and aft entry lights are controlled from the aft control panel. Some controls may also have a setting marked night. The Aft Attendant Control Panel Located adjacent to the Flight Attendant jump seat, aircraft left on all series. Both Flight Attendant control panels contain a public address (P.A.) hand-held microphone, a crew interphone, and the "call system" controls. In addition, the forward panel is equipped with the cabin lighting controls, while the aft panel contains the emergency light switch.
Emergency Light Switch The emergency light switch, located on the Aft Flight Attendant control panel, is to be activated in case all electrical power is lost. It is important to note that a red cover protects the switch and must be lifted before the emergency lights can be turned on. Interphone The crew interphone is a handset with a push-to-talk, push-to-listen button to be used for Flight Attendant to Flight Attendant or pilot to Flight Attendant communication. The call buttons are used in conjunction as a signal to answer the interphone. P.A. (Public Address System) Announcements to the cabin are made via the public address system by utilizing the handheld push-to-talk type microphone. An automatic priority system sets the pilot's microphone for first priority. Call System Controls The call system controls, located on both the forward and aft control panel, include a Captain, Fight Attendant and Reset button. In the customer cabin, there are two (2) different types of call lights secured to the forward and aft lowered ceilings. They are used for communication between the flight deck and the cabin or customer and lav to cabin. Customer Call to Flight Attendant The Flight Attendant call button is located on the underside of each passenger service unit. To call a Flight Attendant, the customer pushes the call button which illuminates the button in the PSU and the blue master call light located overhead in the forward and/or aft lowered ceiling. A one-toned chime sounds over the public address system. Customer to Flight Attendant calls are cancelled by pressing the button on the customer service unit. The blue call light will be extinguished when all buttons are reset.
Lavatory Call to Flight Attendant The occupant of the lavatory can call a Flight Attendant by depressing the Flight Attendant call button in the lavatory. A high one-toned chime will sound in the cabin and an amber light will illuminate on the master call unit. The amber light will remain illuminated until the call button has been reset. On some 300 series aircraft, the reset button is located in the lavatory. Some others have the reset button located on the bulkhead above the Flight Attendant jump seat, outside the lavatory door. Captain Call to Flight Attendant A pilot to Flight Attendant call illuminates the pink master call lights in the forward and aft lowered ceiling and on two-toned chime sound over the public address system. The lights remain on until the reset button is depressed at the Flight Attendant's panel. Flight Attendant Call to Captain A Flight Attendant to Captain call is made by pushing the Captain's call button at any Flight Attendant Control Panel. Pressing this button sounds a one-toned chime in the flight deck and illuminates a blue (Flight Attendant) light on the pilots overhead panel. The blue call light remains on only while the button on the
Flight Attendant Control panel is depressed. The Flight Attendant may talk to the crew on the forward or aft handsets. Flight Attendant Call to Flight Attendant A Flight Attendant to Flight Attendant call is made by depressing the Flight Attendant call button on the Flight Attendant Control Panel. The pink master call light on the forward and aft lowered ceiling illuminate, and a two-toned chime sounds on the customer address system. The light remains on until the reset button is pressed at either Flight Attendant Control Panels. The Flight Attendants may talk to one another on the handset by depressing the push-to-talk button. Lighting Customer Cabin Lighting General illumination of the customer cabin is provided by florescent lights in each overhead ceiling panel and above the upper portion of each window panel. The fluorescent ceiling and window light intensity may be selected as either BRIGHT or DIM. In addition to the fluorescent lights, incandescent night lights are located in the ceiling area to provide a low level of illumination for night flights. All cabin window and ceiling lights are controlled from the forward Flight Attendant's panel. If external power is connected to the airplane but is not being used by the pilots, a switch on the forward Flight Attendant's panel remarked "ground service" may be used to provide a power source for cabin lighting. Entry Lights The forward and aft entry areas are illuminated for boarding and departing by incandescent and florescent lights in the ceiling, and a threshold light near the door. A switch for the entry light is located on the respective Flight Attendants panel. Each switch has three positions: OFF, DIM and BRIGHT. Light illuminates the threshold when the respective entry light switch is in the BRIGHT position. The entry lights provide dim illumination when ground power is connected regardless of switch position. Lavatory Lights Lavatory lighting consists of one florescent mirror light and one dome light in each lavatory. The dome light will be on any time power is on in the airplane. The florescent light is controlled by a micro switch in the door latch. When the door latch is closed, the light will illuminate. When the airplane is on the ground, using external power, the florescent light will be on regardless of door position. Exit Lights In addition to the normal illumination, exit lights are provided in the forward and aft lowered ceiling, above each entry and galley door, and over each of the exit. In addition, lighting on or near the aisle door ensure illumination of the customer escape path. These lights are normally off and will illuminate if a loss of airplane power occurs or when the emergency light switch is activated. These lights are powered by self-contained batteries. Galley Lights Galley lighting for the forward or aft galley is provided by either florescent or incandescent lights beside or above the work area, these are controlled by a switch usually located beside the circuit breaker on the galley. Some aft galleys have additional lighting in the ceiling overhead. This is controlled by a switch beside the water gauge indicator pressurization galley door. Air Conditioning and Pressurization
Normally, the air which is used for air conditioning and pressurization is supplied by the engines. The auxiliary power unit can also be used to supply air. Air entering the engines or APU is compressed to a high level before it is mixed with fuel and ignited. During compression, the temperature is controlled either automatically or manually by controls on the pilot's overhead panel. Distribution Air flows into the customer cabin through two completely separate compartments. Conditioned air enters the cabin by way of sidewall ducts to a slotted overhead duct running 70% of the cabin. Part of this air enters the cabin through grills in the light fixtures at either end of the overhead duct. Air also enters the cabin through individually controlled outlets in the customer service units and in the lavatories. This air is taken from the cold air side of the air conditioning system and is always colder than the main cabin temperature. Air exits the cabin through floor level grills in the cabin sidewalls and through vents in the galleys and lavatories. As the air leaves the main cabin, it is routed around the cargo compartments to heat them and out the outflow valves. This process completely exchanges cabin air with outside, fresh air, every 2-3 minutes in all of our aircraft. Air stairs (if applicable) Forward Air stairs The air stairs provide ground access for customer boarding and deplaning. The stairs are cased in the body of the airplane directly under the forward entry door and may be operated from either the inside or outside control panel. (Aircraft may or may not be outfitted with an air stair unit.) Air stair Operation The interior control panel is located above and to the left of the forward entry door. Operation of the stairs from this position requires that the entry door be opened far enough to provide good visibility of the area below. The open door also releases the air stairs door back pin. This lock pin prevents inadvertent operation of the air stairs while in-flight. CAUTION: AIR STAIR SHOULD NOT BE OPERATED more FREQUENTLY THAN THREE CONSECUTIVE CYCLES OF NORMAL SYSTEM OPERATION WITHIN A 20 MINUTE PERIOD. AIR STAIR SHOULD NOT BE OPERATED IF WINDS EXCEED 40 KNOTS. A. Normal Operation WARNING: WHEN OPERATING AIR STAIRS FROM INTERIOR CONTROL PANEL, OPEN ENTRY DOOR TO COCKED POSITION TO ALLOW CLEAR VISIBILITY OF AREA OUTSIDE AIRPLANE TO PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONNEL. DO NOT OPEN DOOR BEYOND COCKED POSITION WHILE OPERATING AIR STAIR OR EQUIPMENT MAY BE DAMAGED. 1. To Extend: a. Crack door at least six inches. CAUTION: DO NOT RELEASE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH UNTIL STAIRS OPERATING LIGHT IS EXTINGUISHED. RELEASING THE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH BEFORE STAIR EXTENSION IS COMPLETE COULD RESULT IN JAMMING OF THE STAIRS AND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE. b. Move the "NORMAL" control switch in the "EXTEND" position until the STAIRS OPERATING light goes out. NOTE: The forward air stair control panel is located above the forward entry door.
c. Pull the upper handrail from the stairs and connect it to fittings inside the aircraft door. The stairs are ready for use. 2. To retract: a. Disconnect the handrails from their extend fittings and stow them in the handrails ensuring they are in a locked position. NOTE: DO NOT RELEASE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH UNTIL STAIRS OPERATING LIGHT IS EXTINGUISHED. RELEASING THE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH before STAIR RETRACTION IS COMPLETE COULD RESULT IN JAMMING OF THE STAIRS AND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE. b. Move the "NORMAL" control switch in the "RETRACT" position until the STAIRS OPERATING light goes out. c. Close the forward entry door. B. Standby Operation 1. Flight Attendants are required to request permission from the Captain to use the stand by system for air stairs. WARNING: WHEN OPERATING AIR STAIRS FROM INTERIOR CONTROL PANEL OPEN ENTRY DOOR TO COCKED POSITION TO ALLOW CLEAR VISIBILITY OF AREA OUTSIDE AIRPLANE TO PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONNEL. DO NOT OPEN DOOR BEYOND COCKED POSITION WHILE OPERATING AIR STAIR OR EQUIPMENT MAY BE DAMAGED. 2. To extend: a. Crack door at least six inches. b. The Captain will ensure that the battery switch is in the ON position before standby operation. CAUTION: DO NOT RELEASE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH UNTIL STAIRS OPERATING LIGHT IS EXTINGUISHED. RELEASING THE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH BEFORE STAIR EXTENSION IS COMPLETE COULD RESULT IN JAMMING OF THE STAIRS AND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE. c. Move switch guard to operate standby switch. Move the "STANDBY" control switch in the "STANDBY" position until the STAIRS OPERATING light goes out. NOTE: The standby switch is located in the air stair control panel over the forward entry door. d. Pull the upper handrails from the stairs and connect to fittings inside the aircraft floor. The stairs are ready for use. 3. To retract CAUTION: IN STANDBY OPERATIONS, SAFETY SWITCHES ARE BYPASSED. FAILURE TO PROPERLY STOW HANDRAILS MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE AIR STAIR AND/OR AIRCRAFT STRUCTURE. a. Disconnect the handrails from their extend fittings and stow them in the handrails ensuring they are in a locked position. b. The Captain will ensure that the handrail extensions are properly stowed and the battery switch is in the ON position before standby operation. CAUTION: DO NOT RELEASE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH UNTIL STAIRS OPERATION LIGHT IS EXTINGUISHED. RELEASING THE AIR STAIR CONTROL SWITCH BEFORE STAIR RETRACTION IS COMPLETE COULD RESULT IN JAMMING OF THE Stairs AND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE. c. Move switch guard to the left and position the "STANDBY" control switch in the "RETRACT" position until the STAIRS OPERATING light goes out.
NOTE: The standby switch is located in the forward air stair control panel over the forward entry door. e. Close the forward entry door. AIRCRAFT DIFFERENCES Certain aircraft in our fleet house variations from what is considered "standard" configuration and structure as outlined in the FAM and Initial Training Program. Each cabin crew member is responsible to be aware of the differences that may be present on any one particular aircraft. A complete preflight check of the aircraft should be conducted to ensure that every crew member has knowledge of these variations. A detailed chart, identifying each aircraft tail (registration) number and associated differences, is found immediately following this section. The following differences may be present on any one particular aircraft. Emergency Equipment and Procedures are identified with an (*): Forward Galley A closet may be located nearest the forward entry door. The closet is part of a bulkhead that divides the jump seat from the general cabin area. This closet is primary used for crew luggage. The floor contents of the closet must not exceed 100 lbs. and must only consist of soft-sided articles. Likewise, contents hanging from the installed rod must be soft sided and not exceed 120 lbs. A bulkhead may not be present at the forward entry door. In this instance, there is no physical separation between row 1 A/C left and the primary boarding door. Thus, row 1 A1/C left must be considered an Emergency Exit Row and the "A" Flight Attendant should ensure the selection criteria is met and verbally confirm ability with each passenger. Crew life vests may be located behind the actual jump seat itself and not accessible through top stowage type compartments. In this case, the jump seat must be physically removed from the wall in order to preflight or retrieve each vest. The jump seat is secured to the wall by Velcro straps and must be properly fitted to the wall after each preflight inspection. Other aircraft jump seats are equipped with an underside compartment that houses each associated life vest. In this case, the compartment must be manually opened to preflight or retrieve the life vest (*). The jump seat lap belt and shoulder harness may not be permanently attached together and must be manually secured. Each shoulder harness is fitted with a metal attachment point that slides onto the lap belt prior to being secured. All shoulder harnesses and lap belts should be fastened so that the buckles are secured low across the hips. The galley may be equipped with either one or two coffee makers. Reset procedures for lavatory smoke detectors vary. Some detectors have a "reset button" that can either be pressed or rotated to silence the alarm and reset the detector. Other detectors must have a pen, pencil, or pin inserted into an "inlet" hole to reset the detector. (*) Boarding music may be available at the forward control panel. Cabin crew chimes may consist of either single tone or dual tone chimes. A forward air stair control panel may be located above the forward entry door and the aircraft may or may not be outfitted with airstrips. Cabin Smoke locator buttons may be present below the overhead bins at the overwing area. These buttons allow a person to locate the overwing exit area in a cabin that is consumed with smoke. If present, the buttons may consist of a single raised button, or a series of two or more aligned raised buttons. No preflight inspection of these buttons is necessary. Exit signs that are secured to the central ceiling may consist of a single sign or dual sign. Regardless of number, each sign must be identified during the Emergency Briefing prior to flight. (*) There may not be a divider between secured PBES and the open space in a particular overhead bin. Care should be taken to ensure that no single article restricts the availability of PBE retrieval. (*) Row 12 may be the designated overwing exit emergency row on some aircraft instead of row 11. On certain aircraft that are configured with 136 seats rather than 138, the seats deemed emergency exit row seats may include the two at the window exit as well as the seat immediately behind the window exit if it has direct access to the window hatch.
The Passenger Service Units may not contain gasped vents. On such aircraft, the ventilation system can not be independently controlled by the passenger. Aft Galley The number and location of galley units in the aft of the aircraft vary. Any one particular aircraft may be designed with a single a/c right "half galley", a "lull galley" located on both a/c right and left, or a transverse galley that spans the entire width of the aft service area and faces forward. The standard forward facing double jump seat may be replaced by two aft facing single jump seats. In this case, one jump seat is located on a/c left, the other a/c right. The "B" Flight Attendant must always be seated in the jump seats closest to the aft entry door. While assuming the brace position, each aft facing Flight Attendant should ensure that his or her head is positioned against the jump seat/bulkhead. (*) The aircraft may be outfitted with more than the standard number of jump seats. If the aircraft is equipped to seat more than four Flight Attendants, the additional f/a jump seats may not be occupied. The aft galley may contain one or two coffee makers. There may be a trash container located in the aft closet. If present, the fire extinguisher located above the container must be secure and in proper working order for the container to be used during flight. The extinguisher gauge needle must be within the green band. Caution should be taken during the servicing of this container to ensure that the extinguisher is left secured to the closet ceiling. (*) One or two lavatories may be located in the aft section of the aircraft. If two lavatories are present, they may either be positioned aft of the galley area or aft of row 23, forward of the galley. A viewing mirror may be located above the aft galley. The viewing mirror allows aft facing Flight Attendants to view and monitor the passenger cabin. The "C" Flight Attendant must preflight the mirror to ensure that it is secure. Life vest locations: see FORWARD GALLEY (*) Seat Belt: see FORWARD GALLEY Lavatory Smoke Detector Reset: see FORWARD GALLEY (*)
Grooming Training
Grooming Standards COMPANY ISSUED UNIFORM GUIDELINES Uniforms must be cleaned and pressed before your show time and while away from your base. Shirts are to be worn tucked in (except for maternity shirts). Uniform items should not be used for personal use. Uniforms may not be worn while consuming or purchasing alcohol. The original design of the uniform may not be changed. Alterations may be made for proper fit, e.g., hemming, waist diameter etc. This will be accomplished with the uniform fitting company upon receipt of the uniform. Upon termination of employment, all company issued uniform pieces must be returned to the company in good condition. Company issued items include: polo style shirts, long pants, shorts, sweater, apron and wings. Shoes: Plain white leather (no mesh or canvas), low cut or athletic style shoe, mid tops are acceptable (No high tops). No side colors, emblems, or marking (other than white or light gray stitching) of any kind allowed. Hats: Only ICS logo hats purchased at the ICS store are permitted. Socks: With Tennis Shoes (long or short pants.) Females may wear colored socks to match exactly the shirts. White socks are acceptable. Males must wear only white socks with tennis shoes. Crew, bobby sock apes, or tennis types will be allowed, but they must cover the ankle bone (No pom-poms allowed). Navy blue socks with Penny loafers (long pants, male or female). White socks with Penny loafers (shorts, male or female). Belts: Made of leather or leather look; must coordinate with the uniform pants. Woven belts are acceptable.
Buckle should be leather covered, silver) or gold. Blue belt with tennis shoes. Oxblood belt with penny loafers. Shorts may be worn April 1 through October 31 only.
JEWELRY GUIDELINES Rings: One on each hand for both males and females is acceptable. Engagement and wedding bands are considered as one. Necklaces: Short gold or silver chains next to skin acceptable. No necklace outside of wardrobe for either males and females. Bracelets: o Only one (1) allowed; no more than 1/2 inch wide. o Must be silver, or gold tennis style bracelet. o No Bangle style bracelets allowed. o Medic alert bracelets are permitted. o Ankle bracelets are not permitted with uniform. Visible body piercing (other than for the ear) are not permitted. Earrings no larger than a 50 cent piece are acceptable. Gold, silver, pearl or diamond earrings are preferable. Only two (2) earrings per ear is allowed and both must be in the lobe of the ear, stud or hoop types only. Dangling and ear cuffs are not permitted. If a second earring is worn, only a gold, silver, pearl or diamond stud is allowed. Males are not allowed to wear earrings.
ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES/JEWELRY GUIDELINES Watches: All ASAP and Flight Attendants are required to wear a tasteful style watch while on duty. Flashlight: All Flight Attendants are required to purchase their own flashlight and to have reasonable accessibility to it while on duty. Flashlights must be able to turn on and stay on (no "push to illuminate" flashlights). Eye wear: Glasses should be of a tasteful design; lenses or eye wear should be clear, not tinted. Sunglasses are to be worn outside only. Name Badges: Company issued wings must be worn while on duty on the left side above the company logo. Belts: To coordinate in color with uniform pants. Made of leather or fabric material. Pins/buttons. Only company approved pins/buttons as follows: ICS promotional pin. Holiday pins or buttons (only with supervisor's approval). Service Pins.
ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES Luggage may be payroll deducted. Navy Parkas may be payroll deducted. Apron (butcher block style) Baseball caps purchased only through the company store may be worn inflight. Denim uniform shire (pink) may be payroll deducted. Oxblood penny loafer shoes - Bass, Dexter, or approved by supervisor Nylon jacket
PERSONAL HYGIENE AND APPEARANCE GUIDELINES Undergarments: All male and female undergarments. Females must wear a bra. Make-Up Females: Make-up consists of foundation, blush, mascara and lipstick and is to be used so agent presents a natural, wholesome appearance with no garish or overdone effects. Never apply make-up in public. Males are not permitted to wear make-up. employees are expected to wear appropriate
Fragrances: Perfumes, colognes, and after shaves should be used in light scents and sparingly. Nails:
Females: o A) Cleaned and well shaped at all times. o B) Not to exceed 3/4" length from the cuticle to the end of the nail. o C) Nails must be same length on both hands. o D) Shade of polish must blend with uniform. Polish may not be peeling or chipped. o E) Decals and gold nails are not permitted. Males: o A) Kept clean and trim. o B) length should not extend passed the tip of the finger. o C) Colored polish is not permitted.
there are 24 hours in a day). When you reach 12 o'clock noon, you continue to count from 12 to 13 (1300 is 1:00 p.m., 1400 is 2:00 p.m., 1500 is 3:00 p.m., etc.) around the clock, until you reach 2400 or midnight. At 2400, you start again from the beginning-0000 (which is also considered midnight) to 0001 (one minute after midnight) to 0002, 0003, 0004...0059, 0100 (which is 1:00 a.m.), 0101,0102, 0103, 0159, 0200, etc. The following breaks down "a.m." and "p.m." hours. 0001 to 1159 = a.m. hours 1200 = noon 1201 to 2359 = p.m. hours 2400/0000 = midnight When reading the 24-hour clock: 1000 is "ten hundred," 0540 is "five forty," 0030 is "zero thirty" and 1945 is "nineteen fourty-five." When using the 24-hour clock system it is not necessary to place colons between hours and minutes, or use the a.m. or p.m. designators. For example: 12-Hour Clock 24-Hour Clock 3:00 a.m. 0300 3:00 p.m. 1500 6:15 p.m. 1815 12:01 a.m. 0001 US./Canada Time Zones The United States and Canada lie within eight standard time zones. Each of these zones uses a time one hour different from its neighboring zone. The hours are earlier to the west of each zone and later to the east. The following is a list of time zones: AST Atlantic Standard Time PST Pacific Standard Time EST Eastern Standard Time YST Yukon Standard Time CST Central Standard Time AST* Alaska Standard Time MST Mountain Standard Time HST* Hawaiian Standard Time *Alaska Standard (AST and Hawaiian Standard (HST) are two hours apart during Daylight Savings time. Because Hawaii does not observe Daylight Savings, AST and HST become one hour apart during Standard Time. These zones extend through the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, Caribbean Islands, Mexico and the United States. Canada also has Newfoundland Standard Time (NST). Daylight savings time is standard time moved forward one how to provide an additional daylight hour in the evening. Example: 8:00 p.m. CST becomes 9:00 p.m. CDT. Daylight savings time extends from the beginning of April through the end of October. Conversion dates, standard to daylight and daylight to standard, are used by airlines for inaugurating summer and winter flight schedules. Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and the International Date Line When people express time, they generally speak in terms of local time. International airlines deal with many time zones, and communication of time can be difficult. To eliminate confusion, a common time measurement was established; the Universal Time Coordinated or UTC (previously known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). Imagine the world as a circle. A cycle has 360 degrees. There are 24 time zones throughout the world with each time zone consisting of 15 degrees. Twenty-four time zones multiplied by 15 degrees for each time zone equals 360 degrees, the Earth. Each country within a time zone adopts standard time convenient to that country. When one travels east of Greenwich, England (or from anywhere in that longitudinal zone) each zone entered to the east is an increase of one hour to UTC. Similarly, each time zone entered to the west of Greenwich, England, is a decrease of one hour to UTC. Airlines that fly internationally use UTC to
standardize time for worldwide operation. UTC is used in the flight deck and will be the times you record in your flight logbook and payroll sheets. UTC is recorded as a 24-hour clock. International schedules are printed in local time, but preceding each city or airport is that vocation's hour plus or minus from UTC. Another demarcation is the International Date Line IDL) which generally follows 180 degrees longitude approximately halfway between Honolulu and Tokyo, Japan. Countries west of this line are a day ahead of those east of the line. Flying over the International Date Line: WEST IDL EAST Monday Monday Sunday 0002 UTC 0102 UTC 0202 UTC A day is lost A day is gained Flying a day west is lost time, but some is regained as time zones are crossed. Flying a day east is gained time, but some is lost as time zones are crossed. *The International Route map and corresponding time zone table is available in the World Traveler magazine. The world time zones are not required to complete these exercises. 24-Hour Clock Exercises Exercise #1 Convert the following to 24-hour time. 10:00 p.m. _____________ 5:15 a.m. _____________ 3:15 a.m. _____________ 3:40 p.m. _____________ noon _____________ 1:55 a.m. _____________ 5:30 p.m. _____________ 6:30 a.m. _____________ 10:10 a.m. _____________ 9:17 p.m. _____________ 7:55 p.m. _____________ 8:00 p.m. _____________ 2:45 p.m. _____________ 7:45 a.m. _____________ 8:30 a.m. _____________ midnight _____________ 6:05 p.m. _____________ 9:35 a.m. _____________ 1:20 p.m. _____________ 12:30 a.m. _____________ Exercise #2 Convert the following to 12-hour time. 0606 2230 0000 1345 0855 1830 1515 1918 1210 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 2118 1100 0643 2000 1705 0517 0005 1630 2220 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
U.S. Tome Zone Exercises: 1. Your flight departs Boston Logan Airport for Los Angeles, CA at 11:40 a.m. EST. The flying time is five hours 40 minutes. What time will you arrive in Los Angeles?
2. In what time zone is Detroit located? 3. If the flying time from Detroit to Chicago is one hour and you leave Detroit at 11:00 a.m., local time, what time will you arrive in Chicago? 4. You are a New York based Flight Attendant with a layover in Seattle. You request a wake-up call from the hotel operator at 6:00 a.m. What time will it be according to your watch set on EST? 5. Your flight departs San Francisco, California for Honolulu, Hawaii at 11:10 a.m. PST. The flying time is five hours and 40 minutes. What time will you arrive in Honolulu? Answers to Exercises 24-Hour Clock Exercise #1 12-hour times converted to 24-hour times 10:00 p.m. 2200 5:15 a.m. 3:15 a.m. 0315 3:40 p.m. noon 1200 1:55 a.m. 0155 5:30 p.m. 1730 :30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1010 9: 17 p.m. 2117 7:55 p.m. 1955 8:00 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 1445 7:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 0830 midnight 6:05 pam. 1805 9:35 a.m. 1:20 p.m. 1320 12:30 a.m. 24-Hour Clock Exercise #2 24-hour times converted to 12-hour times 0606 6:06 a.m. 2230 10:30 p.m. 0000 midnight 1345 1:45 p.m. 0855 8:55 a.m. 1830 6:30 p.m. 1515 3:15 p.m. 1918 7:18 p.m. 1210 12:10 p.m. U.S. Time Zone Exercise 1. 2:20 p.m. 2. EST (Eastern Time) 3. 11:00 a.m. CST 4. 9:00 a.m. 5. 2:50 p.m. HST 2118 1100 0643 2000 1705 0517 0005 1630 2220 9:18 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:43 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 5:17 a.m. 12:05 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:20 p.m. 0515 1540 0630 2000 0745 2400 or 0000 0935 0030
Your duty as a Flight Attendant is to offer immediate and temporarycare to a customer of an accident or sudden illness until professional care can be obtained. It is given in order to prevent death or further injury, to relieve pain, and to counteract shock. It may mean the difference between life and death, or temporary and permanent disability. It includes well selected words of encouragement, evidence of willingness to help, and promotion of confidence by demonstration of competence. BASIC RULES FOR ADMINISTERING FIRST AID INFLIGHT Listed below are six basic rules for administering first aid inflight. They are applied in all first aid situations. 1. Keep calm and determine the injuries or sudden cause of illness. 2. Find out exactly what happened. Information may be obtained from the customer, friends, family or witnesses. 3. Put on latex gloves before administering first aid, particularly when treating an open wound. Gloves are available in the CPRbags, Vital 1 and one box is attached to each First Aid Kit. 4. Check for an emergency medical alert emblem or other identification, such as a card, bracelet or necklace to provide information on the customer's condition (have a witness when searching for identification). 5. If customer's condition appears serious, do not hesitate to use the P.A. and request medical assistance from a doctor that may be on board. Credentials should always be checked before relinquishing your duties. 6. Treat injuries in order of their importance. Act quickly and deal with the urgent conditions first. Breathing Bleeding Broken bones Burns Loosen tight clothing around neck and waist. Reassure customer by telling him what you are doing and what it will do for him. Do not give liquids to an unconscious customer. Maintain communication with flightdeck.
Once emergency measures have been taken to ensure the customer's safety, at least one Flight Attendant continues first aidtreatment while another Flight Attendant relays all pertinent information to the captain. The Captain will determine if an unscheduled landing is necessary, based on your assessment of the situation. Whenever an ambulance has been summoned by the Captain, request that all customers remain seated until the customer has been deplaned. (Any costs incurred will be the customers responsibility). Treat for shock. Conserve body temperature, but do not overheat. Make customer as comfortable as possible, keep him quiet and encourage him to rest. Stay with the customer. Remain in charge until customer can be turned over to qualified medical personnel, family, or until the customer can take care of himself. Do not move the customer unless it is necessary for safety reasons. No medication of any type including aspirin and dramamine is to be administered to an unaccompanied minor.
ADMINISTERING FIRST AID DURING LANDING If a life-threatening situation occurs during a routine landing, the Flight Attendant may be called on to administer first aid. In this event the Flight Attendant would not be able to occupy the assigned jumpseat and an able-bodied assistant (ABA) would need to be briefed, time permitting. If deadheading or non-reving crewmember is available, use them as a first
of emergency
When supplemental oxygen is needed during flight and entails use during a routine landing, the P.O.B. should be added with pillows and blankets, placed next to the customer and both P.O.B. and victim secured for landing. In the event of a planned emergency landing during the above situation, it would be necessary for the Flight Attendant to occupy the jumpseat. Medical emergency customers would have to be secured for landing.
APPARENT DEATH INFLIGHT As a Flight Attendant, if a customer fails to respond to first aid treatment: Initiate CPR and continue through landing until relieved by qualified medical personnel. Never consider a customer deceased unless pronounced so by medical authorities. Maintain communication with flightdeck. After landing, you may be requested to either dictate or write a statement about the incident for local officials. Stand by with customers until released by officials, Captain, and/or airline officials. A Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity must be completed.
RULES FOR ADMINISTERING MEDICATION A Flight Attendant may offer only those medications provided in the First Aid Kits and Flight Attendant Pouch. No medication will be administered directly to a customer by a Flight Attendant. If a customer asks for help taking his own medication or medications provided from the First Aid Kit or Flight Attendant Pouch, provide water, napkin, or any other convenience, but tactfully ask him to take the medicine himself. When offering medication from the Flight Attendant Pouch, always tell the customer the name of the medication so that he can determine if it is acceptable. Do not assist with administering medication that is not properly labeled. Do not administer hypodermic injections. Do not fill syringe. Do not store medication for a customer. If a customer advises that he is carrying medication that must be refrigerated, place ice along with medication in a clean airsick bag and leave with the customer at his seat. Other than minor instances, maintain communication with the flightdeck and report anytime equipment is used. Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity for minor instances should be filled out at the Flight Attendant's discretion. CONTENTS OF Flight Attendant REPORT OF IRREGULARITY-MEDICAL Anytime first aid is administered inflight, a Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity must be completed.
Always obtain the following information: Customers full name, address and phone number. Names, addresses, phone numbers and statements of several witnesses - at least three (3) if possible. Medical History - Always obtain as much information as possible. What Is the problem? (i.e., passed out, shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain, complete arrest) Time problem was first noted. If prior to flight, indicate hours, days, weeks etc. Has this ever happened before? If so, when and where? Also note number of seizures or attacks and duration of such. If oxygen is administered, note the length of time on oxygen. Is the customer under care for an illness at this time? If so, when and where? Is the customer under a physician's care at this time? If so, obtain physician's name, address, and phone number. Is the customer currently on medication? If so, obtain name of medication. Explain treatment given. Customer's response to treatment, including remarks. Should medical attention be requested, the preceding information will help the Captain with ground communication.
FIRST AID EQUIPMENT Flight Attendant POUCH The Flight Attendant Pouch contains various items for first aid. It is available for daily use as required. First aid items in this pouch should be used instead of the sealed First Aid Kit unless a situation occurs requiring additional items. Contents of the Flight Attendant Pouch: Non-Aspirin Aspirin Alka-Seltzer Adhesive Bandages (Band-Aids) Dramamine Antacid Tablets Ammonia Inhalants Merthiolate swabs/Iodine Wipes Triple Antibiotic
Be aware that often times product names may vary in the pouch; however, the product types remain consistent. The Flight Attendant Pouch is located in the AFT most right Over Head Bin. FIRST AID KIT (FAK) The sealed First Aid Kit aboard each aircraft is to be used in a situation requiring items not available in the Flight Attendant Pouch. When this occurs, it will be noted on the Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity. Each kit will be sealed with either a leaded wire seal and/or tape seal. Contents of the First Aid Kit: Adhesive bandage compresses, 1 inch (16) Antiseptic swabs (20) Ammonia inhalants (10) 4" Compress bandages (8) Triangular bandages compresses, 40 inch (5) Arm splint, noninflatable (1) Leg splint, noninflatable (1) Roller bandage, 4 inch (4)
Maintenance has made available to all stations a First Aid Kit for replenishing a used kit which contains one of everything that is in a First Aid Kit. Should an inflight situation arise where the First Aid Kit must be opened and used, the next station should be able to replenish the kit. The Captain should be notified prior to landing as to the contents needing to be replenished. The flightdeck crew will verify the kit. Upon arrival at a maintenance base, the First Aid Kit shall be inventoried and sealed or replaced with a serviceable kit prior to the next flight. LATEX GLOVES To be used as necessary when administering or givingfirst aid treatment, especially when you might possibly come into contact with any bodily fluids. One box is attached to each First Aid Kit. The box contains 100 sets of gloves. EMERGENCY MEDICAL KIT (EMK) All aircraft are equipped with one Emergency Medical Kit. This kit is to be used by or under supervision of a licensed MD or DO physician only, (Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine). Credentials must be checked prior to opening the kit. Unauthorized opening of the kit by an airline employee may subject such employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The Emergency Medical kit is located on the flightdeck and contains no narcotics. Contents of the Emergency Medical Kit: Sphygmomanometer (1) Stethoscope (1) Airways, oropharyngeal (3 sizes) (3) Syringes (4) Needles (6) 50% Dextrose injection 50cc (1) Epinephrine 1:1000 (2) Diphenhydramine HC1 injection (2) Nitroglycerin tablets (10) Protective latex gloves (1) Basic Instructions (1)
The Emergency Medical Kit contains one of certain items (i.e., Blood Pressure Cuff), but contains twice the amount of medication that is called for in the F.A.R.'s, and in most cases, should an emergency arise and medication be used, the kit will still meet minimum requirements. All flight attendant training programs teach the usage of this emergency medical kit. Included in each kit is at least two copies of the Use of Airline Emergency Medical Kit form. The attending physician must fill out this form. Make sure the physician signs and prints his/her signature and title and gives their license number. This form should be attached to the Flight Attendant Report of Irregularly and turned into a Supervisor. Listed on the inside lid are the quantities of medication and the F.A.R. quantities required, which can be verified by the MD or DO and final verification from the flightdeck. BIOHAZARD KIT These kits are disposable and at the Flight Attendant's request will be replaced by Provisioning when used. They are located in the aft closet of the aircraft on the upper shell. Use these to clean up after any incident involving bodily fluids. Contents of the BioHazard Kit: BioHazard chlorinated absorbent beads A pair of gloves Surface disinfectant
EIGHT (8) STEP PROCEDURE 1. Put on disposable gloves immediately. (Gloves are primarily used to protect personnel from body substances that contain virulent microorganisms.) 2. Completely cover the spill with the BioHazard Absorbent Beads from the white pouch. In emergency clean-up, this compound instantly deodorized and binds vomit, urine, feces, blood and other body substances. BioHazard Absorbent Beads contains stabilized chlorine. 3. When a semi-solid forms, use the pick-up shovel to place the congealed fluid back into the white bag. 4. Seal the white bag tightly by using ties provided. 5. Apply the ready to use germicidal towelette to the contaminated area and wipe. 6. Dispose of all materials (used germicidal towelette, white bag) shovel, packet, wiping cloth and gloves) in the red plastic bag and secure with tie. 7. Discard red bag in trash can. 8. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and wipe hands with antiseptic handwipe towelette which provides rapid bactericidal action and has a persistent antimicrobial effect against a wide range of microorganisms. Allow to air dry. ILLNESS AND INJURY ABDOMINAL PAIN GAS EXPANSION Cause: Gas is being trapped in GI track; caused by the expansion of gas within the digestive tract as the body adjusts to pressurization of the aircraft.
GAS PAINS Symptoms: Gas pains are a common occurrence and may be recognized by intermittent pain. Indications of serious illness or disease: Pain is persistent or severe and may be local (confined to a small area) or diffuse (widespread) Tenderness which may be local or diffuse Rapid pulse Nausea and vomiting
First Aid: Communicate: Time of onset of pain Location of pain Nature of pain
Give nothing by mouth other than crushed ice if symptoms appear severe. If severe pain persists, if possible the Captain may descend to a lower altitude. Pain could be caused by trapped gas at high attitudes. GAS BUBBLE FORMATION (EVOLVED GAS) This phenomenon is best equated with the bubbles in carbonated beverages. Under pressure the gases are in a solution and are not visible; however, when pressure is decreased (such as in removing the cap from a bottle), the gases escape and form bubbles. In the case of the human body, these bubbles form in the blood and certain tissues causing pain. Fatty tissue contains more nitrogen than other tissue thus making an overweight person more susceptible to the effects of evolved gas sickness. Consider the effects of evolved gas as they relate to the particular areas of the body which are most commonly affected. The bends Common to divers, have many of the same characteristics. The bends are characterized by pain in and about the joints, and may be mild at the onset. Nitrogen gases in the blood gather to form bubbles which generally settle in the area of the joints. Symptoms: Oxygen and nitrogen get into the blood stream causing inflammation of the joints Extreme pain in and around joint
ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Cause: Alzheimer's disease is the progressive, not acute, loss of many mental abilities. The losses are irreversible. Alzheimer's disease can strike people age 40 and older. Symptoms: Forgetful Confused about the time, the year, and their location Restless Personality and/or mood changes Difficulty finding words Irritable and suspicious
First Aid: Be calm and patient. Give the person your full attention. Make the person aware of who you are. Ask the person to give you some identification. Repeat questions the same way each time you ask them. Distract the person, or change the subject, if the situation is becoming difficult. Avoid a confrontation.
Remember that the person with Alzheimer's disease cannot help his or her behavior. It is a neurological disease that is difficult for all involved.
AIRSICKNESS Symptoms: Headache Pale Warm, perspiration Weak and dizzy Apprehensive and restless Nausea and vomiting Sense of motion or floating
Prevention: Seat victim near front of cabin. Have victim look at ceiling; this breaks the sensation of movement. Open air vents. Place cold, damp towels on forehead, wrists and back of neck. Dramamine may be given with a small amount of water every four (4) hours.
Dosage: Adult-l tablet Children (6-12 years) - 1/2 tablet Children (under 6 years)- NONE
First Aid: Offer airsick bag, Kleenex and cold towels. Loosen tight clothing. If victim wants medical attention, advise the Captain. Crushed ice, carbonated beverages, or club soda with a squeeze of lime is helpful. Use BioHazard Kit as necessary
All the major flight attendant training programs will have a qualified aviation medical specialist teaching you the finer aspects of giving first aid. ALCOHOL INTOXICATION Symptoms: The odor of alcohol on breath Warm feeling Stupor condition, incoherent, uncoordinated In early stages, breathing is slow and deep, pulse is strong, and face is moist and flushed In later stages, breathing is shallow, pulse becomes weak and rapid, and face becomes dry and pale Extreme cases manifested by hallucinations, delirium tremors (D.T.' s), partial or compete unconsciousness, and may experience bleeding from the mouth
First Aid: Maintain open airway. Administer oxygen if victim is pale. Allow victim to sleep. NOTE: Alcoholism often masks the symptoms of injury, illness, diabetic coma or shock, as they all produce symptoms that resemble acute alcohol intoxication. Check victim in the presence of a witness for medic alert emblem/card and follow the directions given.
Asthma is a multi-factional disease which may be triggered by allergy, exercise, cold air, smoke or infection.
Symptoms: Severe shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing Victim is usually anxious and is afraid he is suffocating. This tends to prolong the attack.
First Aid: Victim usually has had attacks before and carrys his own medication with him. Assist victim in taking his medication. Administer low flow of oxygen.
EXTERNAL BLEEDING Dangers: The two main dangers in any wound are bleeding and infection.
Types of Bleeding: Arterial bleeding will be bright red and will flow in spurts. Vein bleeding will be dark red and will flow in a steady stream under much lower pressure than arterial bleeding.
Ways to Control Bleeding: Direct Pressure - taught in an actual scenario in any flight attendant training course Direct pressure in conjunction with elevation of the limb is the quickest and most efficient means of controlling external bleeding. It prevents loss of blood without interfering with blood circulation. Put on latex gloves. Press a sterile pad of gauze directly over the wound. Apply pressure with your hand to slow and stop bleeding. After the bleeding has been controlled, apply additional layers of cloth to form a goodsized covering and then bandage snugly. If blood saturates the entire compress, do not remove it; add more layers of gauze and continue direct hand pressure even more firmly.
Elevation of Limb: Elevation is used to reduce the blood pressure in the injured area and thus aid in slowing down the loss of blood. Therefore, unless there is evidence of a fracture or possible spinal injuries, a severely bleeding wound on the head, neck, arm or leg should be elevated. To elevate you should: Put on latex gloves Raise the affected area above the level of victim's head Continue direct pressure.
Digital Pressure: If direct pressure and elevation do not stop bleeding, digital pressure can be applied to the pressure points.
Main pressure points are: Arm - Brachial artery located midway on the inside of the upper arm. The pressure point is about half-way between the armpit and the elbow, in the groove between the muscles.
To use this pressure point, continue to use direct pressure and elevation. Reach in from behind the arm and place the flat part of your fingers over the pressure point. Press in hard and pull back toward the bone. Leg - Femoral artery-located on the crease between the body and the leg, where the femoral artery crosses over the pelvic bone on the front of the body. To use the leg pressure point, lean forward and push hard with the heel of your hand into the femoral area. Nosebleeds: May occur spontaneously, or as a result of an injury, lack of humidity, or exposure to high altitude, especially in the young. First Aid: Put on latex gloves. Keep quiet and in a sitting position. Apply direct pressure by pinching nostrils for several minutes. Apply direct pressure immediately under nose. Apply cold, wet compresses over bridge of nose. Instruct victim to breathe through his mouth. Don't blow nose. If an unaccompanied minor has a nosebleed, the party meeting the child should be notified and a Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity should be completed.
BROKEN BONES OR FRACTURES Types of Fractures: Simple - One in which the bone is broken but doesn't protrude and break through the skin. (Improper handling of a simple fracture may cause a compound fracture). Hence one should understand the intricacies of a flight attendant job. Compound - One in which the bone is broken and does protrude and break through the skin. This type of fracture is more dangerous due to the chance of infection and bleeding. Simple Fracture First Aid: Put on latex gloves Use blankets, pillows, sprints, or slings to immobilize the injured area. Elevate if possible. For added support, carefully wrap pillow around fractured area and immobilize joints above and below. Secure with gauze.
Compound Fracture First Aid: Put on latex gloves Use blankets, pillows, sprints, or slings to immobilize the injured area, if possible. Cover lightly with gauze or compress bandage. Carefully elevate if possible to help control bleeding. Treat for shock. Never apply a splint or sling too tight on either simple or compound fractures as circulation may be impaired.
A strain is an injury to muscle, either torn or stretched. A sprain is an injury to soft tissue around a joint; swelling and pain will occur. First Aid: BURNS TYPES OF BURNS: First Degree Skin is reddened. Do NOT apply ointment, unless customer insists. Second Degree Skin is blistered. Do NOT apply ointment. Third Degree Skin is black and charred. Do NOT remove clothing that might be stuck to the burn, and do NOT apply ointment. FIRST AID: Put on latex gloves. Apply cool water to all types of heat burns. Do not apply ice directly to any burn. Cover burn lightly with a sterile compress bandage to keep air out. Treat for shock as necessary. The correct first-aid treatment for all new injures is always ice and cold therapy for the first 24 to 48 hours. Apply cold compresses or ice-filled bag for 20 minutes every hour. Give asprin or non-aspirin. Elevate if possible. When in doubt, always treat as a fracture.
Electrical Burn First Aid: Shut off current. If not breathing, notify Flight Attendant to bring CPR masks, POB, gloves and begin Rescue Breathing. Continue Rescue Breathing until relieved by qualified medical personnel. Treat external burns same as heat burns. Ammonia inhalants are helpful to maintain consciousness.
Chemical Burn First Aid: Put on latex gloves. Remove all of the chemical by washing burned area carefully with volumes of cool water. After chemical has been removed, treat as a heat burn.
Wash with water. Water may be poured into the inner side and allowed to run out over outer part of eye. If burn is due to a chemical, more copious washing is necessary. Cover eye with a compress bandage.
CHILDBIRTH Procedure Put on latex gloves and place mother on blankets in galley area. Page for MD or DO, a nurse or paramedic would be acceptable in this circumstance. Instruct the mother to lie flat on her back with legs apart. Encourage mother to grunt and groan. Give her something to grab on to. When labor pains are two minutes apart - watch out - here comes the baby. When water bag breaks, the baby is just about due. Normal birth, head first - encourage mother to strain with you. After baby has been delivered, lay it on the mothers stomach. Be sure to keep mother and baby warm. It is most important to keep baby warm by covering with clean shirt or other clean material. A blanket may be used if necessary, but not recommended because of its wool content and flame retardant chemicals. Do not move mother or baby. Keep her quiet and reassure her. Assess and monitor infant for pulse and breathing. You may need to clean the baby's airway by using sterile bandages found in the First Aid Kit. If ground help is delayed, the umbilical cord may be cut. Clamp the cord 10 Inches, then 7 inches from the baby (only after the cord has stopped pulsating). Cut between the clamps. While cutting, keep the baby at the level of the placenta to prevent complications.
What NOT to do: DO NOT hurry. DO NOT pull on the baby; let the baby be born naturally. DO NOT pull on the cord; let placenta (afterbirth) come naturally. DO NOT tie the cord. DO NOT cut the cord if ground help is available within 20 minutes. DO NOT give medication. DO NOT HURRY-LET NATURE TAKE HER COURSE. Remember, the person attending the delivery should wear latex gloves and thoroughly scrub hands with soap and water after removal of gloves.
Miscarriage: Have mother rest at seat. Elevate legs. Administer 02, Get medical attention as soon as possible.
Diabetic Coma May be caused by taking insufficient insulin or eating too much sugar for the amount of insulin being taken. Can be a gradual event, taking several days to develop. Symptoms: Flushed face Bright red lips Becomes sleepy May become unconscious Breathes in gasps Breath has fruity odor Rapid, weak pulse
First Aid: Needs insulin desperately. If insulin is available, and victim is still conscious, have him administer the insulin to himself. If victim is unconscious, get medical attention immediately.
Remember, diabetics are supposed to carry an I.D. card or tag to identify them as such. If you are in doubt as to whether or not the victim is a diabetic, look for this information in the presence of witness(es). If there is question of diabetic coma or insulin shock, administer sugar! If sugar is given for diabetic coma, there is little risk of seriously worsening the condition. Convulsions occur quite often with diabetics. If the diabetic person becomes unconscious, lie the person on the floor or seat, on their side with their head turned toward the floor so that any secretions will drain from the mouth, to prevent stoppage of breathing and to keep the airway open. YOU ARE NEVER TO ADMINISTER A HYPODERMIC INJECTION TO A CUSTOMER, DIABETIC OR OTHERWISE. EAR DISTRESS Whenever you have to clear your ears, remember that your customers should be doing the same thing. People unaccustomed to air travel may not be familiar with the necessary precautions. Infants Advise mothers to give infant a bottle or use a pacifier on ascent and descent so infant's ears will clear and not hurt. Sleeping Customers Be sure to awaken customers when the plane begins to descend for landing. First Aid: Continued jaw thrusting until ears pop Yawning Swallowing (provide beverage) Afrin or other nasal spray. Ammonia inhaling (especially for customers with head colds or sinus problems). Valsalva method - Hold nostrils to form a airtight seal. Slowly and gently build up pressure in your nose as though you were blowing up a balloon. Use no more pressure than can fill your cheeks. This procedure is not recommended for anyone with a cold. Chewing gum
In case of severe pain, suggest: May give aspirin for pain (Adults only, do not give aspirin to children). That the victim deplane; he runs the risk of a rupture. Suggest that he consult a physician.
Indication of a rupture: Sudden cessation of pain. Bloody discharge; wipe from outer ear only.
Symptoms: Apathy Blank expression Crying Nervous laughter Moodiness Irritability Untidiness Avoiding crowds Overconfidence
First Aid: Stay calm - notify Captain. Be confident in your ability to handle the situation. Use authority. Authority creates a feeling of security in people. If bordering on hysterics, give maximum of four aspirin tablets and try to get victim to lie down and sleep. Divert victim's attention away from anything that might be harmful to him or others. Restrain physically only if victim seems likely to injure himself or others.
What not to do: DO NOT scold or talk harshly unless necessary. DO NOT give alcohol. DO NOT slap or strike.
EPILEPTIC SEIZURE Causes: Epilepsy is a disorder that involves the nervous system, spinal column, and brain. It is characterized by severe and involuntary spasms. Types of Epileptic Seizures: PETIT MAL- A slight lapse of awareness. GRAN MAL- A major seizure in which victim loses consciousness and experiences convulsive movements of the body. Symptoms of Gran Mal Seizure: Victim may have premonition or give a warning cry. If sitting, victim will slump; If standing, victim will fall. The face and lips will be discolored (blue or ashen gray). The eyes will roll upward. Victim may make some unintelligible sounds. Violent involuntary muscle contractions over part or all of body. Arms, legs, and head may jerk violently. There may be frothing at the mouth. Victim may bite his tongue. The face may be contorted. Victim may lose consciousness. Occasionally there is involuntary action of bowels and bladder. NOTE: Usually after about two minutes, the discoloration and convulsive seizure will pass. There may be a gradual return of consciousness, but victim will not remember anything about the seizure. If there is a lengthy Gran Mal seizure (over 2 minutes in duration), and the customer's coloration continually remains blue when monitored, it may be necessary to administer oxygen, as brain damage may result if the person is not breathing adequately.
First Aid: Put on latex gloves. If possible, prevent the fall. Make no effort to restrain the convulsive movements, but guide movements. Prevent injury to the victim by surrounding with padding (pillows, blankets, etc.) If attack occurs at seat, stand beside or behind seat to insure that victim does not fall on the floor. When the convulsion is over, loosen tight clothing and turn victims head to the side so that any secretions will drain from the mouth. Victim may be disoriented when coming out of seizure. Place the victim in a comfortable position and allow to sleep. Cover with a blanket. Give no stimulants or alcohol. Try in all ways to guard victim against embarrassment. Administer 02, Watch victim carefully for at least 30 minutes, as additional seizures are a possibility. Remind victim to take his meditation. Notify Captain. Request medical attention only if necessary.
HEART ATTACK Disease of the heart and blood vessels. Many symptoms may be associated with a heart attack, and prompt medical attention may make the difference in damage to the heart muscle. All aircrew are trained to handle such situation during their flight attendant trainingprogram.Symptoms: Dull aching chest pain Tightness in the chest Squeezing type chest pain Heavy feeling on the chest Aching in the shoulder, neck, arms or jaw Nausea and/or vomiting Shortness of breath Weakness and profuse sweating Indigestion
First Aid: Ask victim if he has medication and assist him in taking it. Heart patient should have nitroglycerin pills, a nitroglycerin patch, or nitroglycerin spray. The pills are to be placed under the tongue. The patch should be placed on a hairless part of the upper body. The spray should also go under the tongue. Reassure him and don't mention the words "heart attack". Administer oxygen. Loosen tight clothing. Get medical attention as soon as possible. Note time and length of attack and time between attacks if more than one. If breathing stops, begin Rescue Breathing. If breathing and pulse stop, begin CPR.
HEAT EXHAUSTION Not a life threatening situation, but if not treated will lead to a heat stroke. Symptoms: Usually perspires a great deal Moist, clammy skin, usually pale Pupils dilated Normal or subnormal temperature Weak, dizzy or faint Headache No appetite, nausea
First Aid Give sips of liquids containing high salt content, (i.e, tomato juice, diet cola, club soda) every fifteen minutes for 3 or 4 doses. Recline victim's seat; direct airflow. Loosen tight clothing. Apply cool, wet cloaks. If victim vomits, do not give him any more liquids.
HEAT STROKE Heat stroke is a life threatening situation. Symptoms: No perspiration Dry hot skin, usually red Pupils constricted Very high body temperature May become unconscious Pulse strong and rapid
First Aid: Cool victim quickly; soak or sponge person with cool water. Need to cool trunk of body as well as arms and legs. Stop cooling and observe for ten minutes. If temperature starts to rise again, cool the victim again. Do not give coffee, tea, or alcoholic beverages. Have victim rest and get medical attention as soon as possible.
HYPERVENTILATION Cause: Over-breathing due to nervous, fright or emotional upset. The exception is hiccups.
Symptoms: Rapid and deep breathing Dizziness and faintness Numbness and tingling in the extremities Muscular spasms of hands and feet Blurring of vision Loss of balance and ability to think clearly Loss of consciousness (extreme cases)
First Aid: Reassure customer and instruct him to breathe slowly; or Instruct him to hold his breath for a few seconds; or Breath in a coached manner; or If victim insists on receiving oxygen, place the mask over his nose and mouth, but do not turn on oxygen.
HYPOXIC HOPOXIA Cause: Insufficient amount of oxygen in the body cells and tissues.
The undesirable side effects to be discussed here, affect different people at different attitudes and under different circumstances depending upon each person's physical make-up/condition. There is a remote possibility that some individuals may be stricken in a normally pressurized aircraft: however, the most common occurrence of these maladies is following a decompression and as a result of the rapid increases and decreases of pressure on the body surfaces. Symptoms: Headache Dizziness Fatigue Listlessness Judgement and vision impaired Overconfident, though poorly coordinated Euphoria - victim is unaware that he is in trouble Personality change Loss control of hands Cyanosis - victim turns blue around mouth, fingernails and ear lobes Unconsciousness NOTE: The main danger of hypoxia lies in the fact that the victim becomes euphoric and is completely unaware of his own symptoms.
First Aid: Must have oxygen. Recovery from hypoxia is usually within 15 seconds after oxygen is administered. Time of useful consciousness: 22,000 feet = 5 - 10 minutes 25,000 feet = 3 - 5 minutes 28,000 feet = 2-1/2 - 3 minutes 30,000 feet = 1 - 2 minutes 35,000 feet = 30 - 60 seconds 40,000 feet = 15 - 20 seconds NOTE: These figures relate to non-smoking adults. Smokers, anemic individuals, infants, as well as those with respiratory problems, will experience the effects of hypoxia sooner, and to a greater degree. If the Flight Attendant is working, the time of useful consciousness is shortened because of the increased oxygen consumption.
POISONING CHEMICAL Symptoms: Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Headache Cramps Chills and fever
First Aid: If antidote is not available: Get medical attention as soon as possible. Dilute poison immediately. If antidote is available: Administer antidote from container. Dilute poison with large amounts of fluid to cause vomiting. Plain water or milk (coats stomach) If nothing else is available. DO NOT induce vomiting if lips show stains of burns from lye or other strong material. Use the universal antidote as a neutralizer.
Universal antidote:
Slice of burnt toast crumbled up. A tablespoon of milk of magnesia. A cup of strong tea.
Symptoms: Diarrhea Severe stomach cramps Vomiting Headache Chills and fever
First Aid: Keep as quiet and comfortable as possible. Get medical attention as soon as possible. Keep in mind that food poisoning may not have been caused by food served on board. Determine if customer brought food on board. Depending on the time of occurrence, find out where and what the customer ate at the last meal before boarding the aircraft. Keep samples of all food under refrigeration. Do not let food samples freeze as this will kill any bacteria that might be the cause of food poisoning.
Note all pertinent information about the customer including time food was eaten and onset of illness, etc., in a Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity. An aircrew of any airline is trained to handle such situation in their flight attendant training program. If working a Charter flight on which food is served; a sample of all food served aboard the aircraft on that flight is to be saved for inspection by the Local Board of Health. SIMPLE FAINTING Temporary loss of consciousness when not enough blood reaches the brain. Causes: Hunger Fatigue Emotional distress Severe injury
First Aid: Use any of the following methods that may apply: Lay flat with feet elevated. Sit down or kneel and bend forward at the waist with head lower than waist. Break open an ammonia inhalant in a kleenex, paper towel, etc., and pass at least 6 inches under nose.
SPINAL INJURIES Causes: Blunt injury to neck or back (i.e., air turbulence, falls, etc.) Penetrating injury (goes through the skin) Disease Surgery Congenital defects
Symptoms: Pain Numbness or tingling Paralyses Abnormal appearance to or near the areas of the spinal column.
First Aid: Do not move victim. Assess ABC's and proceed accordingly. Manually immobilize victim. Stay with them (i.e., hold head or area affected in position so there is no unnecessary movement.) Pillow and blankets may be of use. Control external bleeding as necessary. Any victim whose injury may possibly involve the spine or who sustains an injury which renders them unconscious, should be assumed to have sustained possible head and/or spinal injuries and be treated as such until proven otherwise. Request medical attention. Continue assessing/treating person until paramedics meet the aircraft.
TRAUMATIC SHOCK Traumatic shock is the depressed condition of the body's functions due to poor blood circulation. Usually follows serious injury. Degree of shock will depend upon the age and condition of the person. Causes: Loss of blood Injury Fear Pain Emotional strain Fatigue Loss of sleep Sight of one's injury
Symptoms: Pale Cold, clammy skin Rapid, weak pulse Shallow, rapid breathing Low body temperature Uncoordinated and halting speech Vacant and dilated eyes (pupil is larger than normal)
First Aid: Lay flat with feet elevated unless spinel/head injury is suspected. Administer 02. Conserve body temperature by covering lightly but do not overheat. Reassure victim and continually monitor.
Get medical attention as soon as possible. Rememberer-shock can and has caused death. If a victim develops, and remains in shock, death may result even though the injury causing the shock is not fatal. The proper course is to give first aid for shock to any seriously injured victim. It is acceptable to give a small amount of water upon request from a coherent customer.
UNCONSCIOUSNESS This is a symptom of many different illnesses and injuries. Causes: Fainting Head injury Acute alcoholism Apoplexy (stroke) Shock Heart attack Insulin reaction
First Aid: Assess ABC's If breathing fails, begin Rescue Breathing. If no breathing/no pulse begin CPR. If breathing appears normal and there are no apparent reasons for this condition, check the customer for a medic alert emblem or card. If no medic alert emblem or card examine for signs of injury and treat. Check complexion color: Pale - Lay victim flat with feet elevated; conserve body temperature, and use ammonia inhalant. Red - Lay victim down with head slightly raised. Apply cold compress to head. Blue - Lay victim down, conserve body temperature, and administer oxygen. Never give liquids or food to an unconscious victim. Continually monitor and maintain communication with flightdeck.
GUIDELINES FOR POST EVACUATION SURVIVAL Land Survival Gather emergency equipment. Administer First Aid Create a shelter from elements of nature using accessible materials. Organize camp, assign duties, pool food and water. Make landmark signals. Start log book. Stay near aircraft. Give assistance to rescue personnel.
Desert Survival: Ration available water. Keep head and neck covered. Stay in shade to reduce sweating and loss of water. Clothing - loose pants, long sleeve shirt - light colors. Avoid foods with large quantities of protein.
Cold Climate Survival: Dress as warmly as possible. Huddle together share body heat. To treat frost bite, warm frozen part slowly. Do not rub, do not apply ice or snow, do not thaw by exercising.
Cold Water Survival: Protect high heat loss areas of the body which include: Head and neck area. Underarm and sides. Groin area. Movement can cause a 35% increased loss in body heat. Only move to remain afloat. Watch for indications of hypothermia which include: Intense shivering. Poor coordination. Loss of memory. Maintain body heat. "Help" position - Heat Escape Lessening Position - tuck arms/legs towards torso Huddle position - huddle together.
CPR Training
General Information Normal Heart and Lung Anatomy and Function The heart, a muscle about the size of a clenched fist, is located in the center of the chest behind the breastbone (sternum) and in front of the spine. It has four valves that regulate the flow of blood through four heart chambers and into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. The function of the heart is to pump blood to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen, and then to the rest of the body. Oxygen is required by all cells of the body to carry out their normal functions. When the heart stops (cardiac arrest), oxygen is not circulated and the oxygen stored in the brain and other vital organs is depleted very fast. The lungs are basically air sacs surrounded by capillaries. Nerve impulses from the brain to the chest muscles and the diaphragm cause a person to breathe.
As the air sacs fill with air, the blood around them picks up oxygen from the air and carries it back to the heart, which pumps it throughout the body. When air is inhaled, only 1/4 of the oxygen gets taken up by the blood; the rest it exhaled. This is why mouth-to-mouth breathing can provide the victim with enough oxygen (about 16% of the rescuers' breath) to help prevent biological death. RESPIRATORY ARREST Respiratory arrest occurs when breathing stops. The heart may continue to pump blood for several minutes, carrying existing stores of oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body. Rescue Breathing, a gradual procedure which provides artificial respiration, must be administered to keep the lungs supplied with oxygen. Prompt rescue efforts for the victim of respiratory arrest or choking (foreign body airway obstruction) can prevent death. CARDIAC ARREST Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) should be administered immediately. CPR is a manual procedure which combines artificial respiration and artificial circulation to keep blood circulating and carrying oxygen to the brain, heart and other parts of the body. CAUSES OF SUDDEN DEATH Every flight attendant training program carried out by the airlines have the CPR training component as part of the mandatory training curriculum
Sudden death can happen to anyone at any age. Some common causes are: Respiratory Distress Heart Disease Drug Overdose Smoke Inhalation Drowning Electrocution Trauma Allergic Reaction Choking Suffocation Inhalation/ingestion of a chemical
CLINICAL VS. BIOLOGICAL DEATH Clinical death means that the heart beat and breathing have stopped. This is best thought of as near or apparent death and may be reversed. ("Sudden Death" is abrupt or unexpected clinical death.) Biological death is permanent brain death due to lack of oxygen. This death is final. Administering CPR during the first few minutes of clinical death may return the victim back to productive life. Without CPR, biological death will occur. When CPR is started within 4 minutes, the victim's chances of surviving are four times greater than if the victim did not receive CPR until after 4 minutes. Speed in starting CPR is key in saving lives. RESCUE EQUIPMENT CPR/Mask/Latex Gloves When performing Rescue Breathing, CPR, or the Heimlich maneuver, latex gloves should always be worn and both CPR masks be readily available. Two CPR masks, along with two boxes of latex gloves (100 gloves per box), are provided on all aircraft. The masks will be contained in a plastic drawstring bag. The latex gloves and masks will be secured with the Velcro stripping securing the First Aid Kit. The masks and gloves will be considered part of the Cabin Equipment Checklist, but will not be considered a "NO GO" item. If masks and gloves are not on an aircraft, fill out a Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity and obtain the missing item from a Provisioning Agent at Provisioning city. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Prior to using the CPR mask, remove the instruction ring from the Seal Easy Cushion Mask. Removing the instruction ring will allow you to make a better seal with the mask. CPR MASKS CAN BE USED FOR ADULT, CHILD AND INFANT Open the victim's airway and place the assembled mask over victim's nose and mouth. Align the opening of the CPR mask with the victim's open mouth. Apply pressure with your hand to create a complete seal. If a leak is detected, simply reposition your hand until you obtain a complete seal. When a victim has a beard or mustache, obtaining a good seal may be more difficult. Portable Oxygen Bottle (POB) Portable Oxygen Bottles (POBS) are available for use as needed. Two bottles are secured in the forward right overhead bin, one bottle is secured in mid-cabin right overhead bin, and one bottle is secured in the aft right overhead bin. Refer to the Flight Attendant Manual, Emergency Chapter for instruction on use of the POB. Rescue Breathing
Adult/child/Infant Check for consciousnessGently shake and shout, "Are you okay?" Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks, and gloves Notify the Captain If victim is in seat, place on floor, face up Open airway Head tilt/Chin lift (infant-neutral position) Check for breathing (5 seconds) Look, Listen and Feel Give 2 breaths (infant-puffs), if no breathing, Give breaths slowly and stop when you see chest starting to rise Check for pulse/breathing (5 seconds) Adult/Child - Carotid artery (neck) Infant-Brachial artery (inside of upper arm)
HAS PULSE/NO BREATHING: Begin Rescue Breathing Adult - 1 breath every 5 seconds 12 Cycles= 1 minute Count 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand, 3 one thousand, 4 one thousand B-R-E-A-T-H-E Child/infant- 1 breath every 3 seconds 20 Cycles= 1 minute Count 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand B-R-E-A-T-H-E Recheck pulse/breathing after 1 minute (5 seconds)
HAS PULSE/HAS BREATHING Administer 02, monitor pulse/breathing each minute thereafter CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) ONE RESCUER CPR ADULT/CHILD/INFANT Check for consciousness Gently shake and shout, "Are you okay?" Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks, and gloves Notify the Captain If victim is in seat, place on floor, face up Open airway Head tilt/chin lift (Infant-neutral position) Check for breathing (5 seconds) Look, Listen and Feel Give 2 breaths (infant-puffs), if no breathing Give breaths slowly and stop when you see chest starting to rise Check for pulse/breathing (5 seconds) Adult/child - Carotid artery (neck) Infant - Brachial artery (inside of upper arm)
NO PULSE/NO BREATHING Begin CPR (start with compressions) Adult- 15 compressions/2 breaths 4 cycles= 1 minute count 1,2,3..15 B-R-E-A-T-H-E, B-R-E-A-T-H-E Child/infant-5compressions/1 breath 20 cycles= 1 minute
count 1,2,3,4,5 B-R-E-A-T-H-E Recheck pulse/breathing after 1 minute (5 seconds) NO PULSE/NO BREATHING Continue CPR (Start with compressions). Recheck pulse/breathing every few minutes thereafter.
HAS PULSE/NO BREATHING Administer Rescue Breathing and recheck pulse/breathing every minute HAS PULSE/HAS BREATHING Administer CPR, monitor pulse/breathing each minute thereafter CPR CHANGE OVER PROCEDURE-ONE RESCUER CPR Should the first Rescuer administering CPR become exhausted, a 2nd Rescuer can relieve them. The first Rescuer should complete at least 4 cycles of CPR before attempting to "change over" The " change over( should occur after the completion of a compression/breath cycle. The first Rescuer will start the cycle with compressions by stating, Change, 2, 3, 4, 5...1 5. Give 2 breaths. Recheck pulse/breathing. The 2nd Rescuer should kneel next to the victim on the opposite side of the first Rescuer and position hands to start chest compressions. If NO PULSE/NO BREATHING, the 2nd Rescuer should continue CPR starting with compressions. If victim HAS PULSE/NO BREATHING, the 2nd Rescuer will continue first aid with Rescue Breathing.
HEIMLICH MANEUVER CHOKING/OBSTRUCTED AIRWAY Choking is caused by an object blocking the air passage and results in respiratory difficulty. The person is unable to breathe and his heart could stop if the object is not removed. Common Causes: Trying to swallow large pieces of food that are poorly chewed. Drinking alcohol before or during eating. Talking excitedly or laughing while eating, or eating too fast. Walking, playing or running with objects in the mouth.
Types of Airway Obstructions Partial airway obstruction - good air exchange Partial airway obstruction - poor air exchange Complete airway obstruction
Partial Airway Obstruction - Good Air Exchange Symptoms: Red face Can cough forcefully Restricted breathing/Wheezing between breaths Possible difficulty in speaking May progress to poor air exchange
Try to communicate. Ask, "Can you speak?" Stay with the person and encourage them to continue coughing. Do nothing until it becomes a partial airway obstruction-poor air exchange or a complete airway obstruction.
Partial Airway Obstruction - Poor Air Exchange Symptoms: Weak, ineffective cough A high-pitched noise while inhaling Increased respiratory difficulty Possibly hypnosis (turning blue)
Complete Airway Obstruction Symptoms: Bluish complexion Cannot speak, breath or cough Clutching at the neck (universal sign for choking: thumb and forefinger of one hand clutching neck) Loss of breathing/possible unconsciousness
First Aid: Administer Heimlich maneuver Summaries COMPLETE AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION-CONSCIOUS Adult/Child Complete airway obstruction is when a victim cannot speak, breathe, or cough. Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks and gloves Notify Captain Perform Heimlich maneuver - Abdominal thrusts Stand or kneel behind adult or child and wrap your arms around their waist Place thumb side of your fist on the middle of the breastbone (same area as for CPR chest compressions) Grasp fist with other hand and give chest thrusts (quick backward thrusts) Give chest thrusts until: Object is expelled Victim becomes unconscious You are relieved by qualified medical help
COMPLETE AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION-CONSCIOUS Infant Check for breathing difficulties Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks, and gloves Notify Captain Give 5 back blows
Head lower than the trunk Give 5 chest thrusts Head lower than the trunk Repeat steps until: Object is expelled Victim becomes unconscious You are relieved by qualified medical help
COMPLETE AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION - CONSCIOUS VICTIM BECOMES UNCONSCIOUS Adult/Child If giving abdominal or chest thrusts and person becomes unconscious, lower victim to floor supporting from behind (protect head), lay face up. Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks, and gloves Notify Captain Do a finger sweep - Hoping action of moving to floor may have dislodged the object. (Child - only if object is visible) Open airway and give 2 breaths Give 5 abdominal thrusts Repeat steps until: Object removed by finger sweep Object is expelled You are relieved by qualified medical help
COMPLETE AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION-UNCONSCIOUS Adult/Child Check for consciousness Gently shake and shout, "Are you okay?. Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks, and gloves Notify Captain If victim is in seat, place on floor, face up Head tilt/chin lift Check for breathing (5 seconds) Look, Listen and Feel Give 2 breaths, if no breathing If after second breath chest does not rise, return head to neutral position. Retilt head give 2 more breaths If chest still does not rise... Perform the Heimlich maneuver 5 abdominal thrusts Finger sweep (child-if object is visible) If object is not retrieved: Retilt - 2 breaths 5 abdominal thrusts Finger sweep (child-if object is visible) Repeat until: Object is removed by finger sweep Object expelled You are relieved by qualified medical help
Gently shake and shout, "Are you okay?. Call for help Flight Attendant bring POB, CPR masks, and gloves Notify Captain Place infant on floor, face up Open airway Head tilt/chin lift (neutral position) Check for breathing (5 seconds) Look, Listen and Fee! Give 2 breaths (puffs), if no breathing If after second breath chest does not rise, return head to neutral position. Retilt head give 2 more breaths (puffs) if chest still does not rise... Perform Heimlich maneuver 5 back blows (head lower than trunk) 5 chest thrusts (head lower than trunk) Finger sweep if object is visible If object is not retrieved: Retilt breaths (puffs) 5 back blows (head lower than trunk) 5 chest thrusts (head lower than trunk) Finger sweep if object is visible Repeat until: Object is removed by finger sweep Object is expelled You are relieved by qualified medical help
TEST REQUIREMENTS Each Flight Attendant is required to satisfactorily complete Recurrent Ground Training and a competency check. A competency check may include, but is not limited to, a written examination, evacuation drills on trainer, fire fighting drills, equipment proficiency check and CPR techniques. Any Flight Attendant not considered by the instructor to have satisfactorily completed Recurrent Training for the second time will be dealt with on an individual basis at the sole discretion of management. NON-DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF HANDICAP The following information and procedures provide guidelines for compliance with regulation and accommodating the needs of our disabled customers. Airlines carriage of disabled customers is governed by the Department of Transportation 14 CFR 382 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap. DEFINITION OF A DISABLED INDIVIDUAL The definition of a disabled individual is any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION Airlines will not discriminate against any otherwise qualified handicapped Individual, by reason of such handicap. Airlines will not refuse transportation to any qualified handicapped person whose appearance or involuntary behavior may offend, annoy or inconvenience crewmembers or customers. Airlines shall not refuse to provide transportation to qualified handicapped individuals by limiting the number of such persons who are permitted to travel on a given flight. TRANSPORTATION OF DISABLED CUSTOMERS COMPLAINT RESOLUTION OFFICIAL (CRO) The CRO may be an Airport Service Agent, Supervisor, Assistant Station Manager, etc. who has received special training in this area. They will have the authority to resolve the complaint. Each station has trained CROs available during operating hours. Anytime there is a question regarding the transportation of a disabled individual, or someone on board the aircraft wishes to file a complaint regarding the violator of DOT policies, the CRO should be contacted. The Flight Attendant will: Notify the Airport Service Agent Notify the Captain Fill out a Flight Attendant Report of Irregularity
The Airport Service Agent will: Contact the CRO (the Airport Services Agent may be the CRO) The Captain will: Discuss any concerns discreetly with the CRO and "A" position Flight Attendant PROVISIONS OF EQUIPMENT
Airlines does not... Provide oxygen, transport or accept customers requiring medical oxygen onboard. Accept incubators Provide hook-up for a respirator to the aircraft electrical power supply. Accept a customer who must travel in a stretcher without proper notification from the Airport Service Agent/CRO.
Airlines generally will permit qualified handicapped customers using personal ventilators/respirators to bring and use their equipment, including non-spillable batteries, on-board the aircraft. Wheelchairs Wheelchairs are to be checked and placed in the cargo bin with regular bag tags. If disassembly is required for stowage, will reassemble and return it to the customer. At no time may a customer be left unattended in a wheelchair or lift chair for more than 30 minutes. Procedure for checking wheelchairs with a "Claim at Gate" tag. Many customers wish to be boarded and deplaned in their own wheelchairs. Must have a regular bag tag and a "Claim at Gate" tag. Will be delivered to the jetway upon arrival at the destination.
Assistance Devices Airlines permits disabled customers to stow canes, and other assistance devices on-board the aircraft in close proximity to their seat according to FAR 121.589. These devices are not considered carry-on items and do not count toward the customers two carry-on limit. To stow an assistance device: Under a row of connecting seats, flat on the floor and not protruding into aisle. Between nonemergency-exit window seats and fuselage. Flat on floor not protruding into aisle. Flat on floor of overhead bin.
ASSISTANCE ANIMALS Airlines will permit dogs and other assistance animals used by disabled customers, to accompany the customers on a flight at his/her seat bastion choice unless the animal obstructs an aisle. The exception is the Emergency Overwing Window Exit row(s). Station personnel may accept as evidence that an animal is an assistance animal by... Presentation of identification cards Other written documentation Presence of harnesses or markings on harnesses Tags The credible verbal assurance of the qualified disabled customer using the animal.
Guide Dog To assist the blind or visually impaired, recognized as a dog in harness. Service Dog or Monkey To assist paraplegic and quadriplegic customers, recognized as a dog in harness or a caged monkey. Hearing Dog To assist the deaf or hearing impaired, may wear a blaze orange collar. GUIDELINES FOR ASSISTANCE ANIMALS A dog should remain with its owner throughout the flight. Do not be fearful in approaching assistance dogs, they are taught to accept strangers calmly. While a dog is in a harness, they are considered working and should not be touched or petted. Discourage children from touching or petting, while it is in his harness. Assistance animals may not occupy a seat. Service monkeys must remain caged and stowed under seat throughout the flight.
With the exception of restrictions involving Overwing Window Exit row(s) seating, airlines cannot: Require a disabled individual to occupy a certain seat. Require a disabled individual to pre-board. Require a disabled individual to sit on blankets.
Certain situations, however, necessitate the pre-boarding of select customers to allow them to be properly accommodated. If assistance is needed: An Airport Service Agent is always available to assist pre-boarded customers to the aircraft. An Airport Service Agent is also available for assistance in making flight connections and transportation between gates. Flight Attendants should offer assistance to the Airport Service Agent when possible on boarding and deplaning the aircraft. Flight Attendants should always introduce and identify themselves when offering assistance. Always ask if assistance is wanted as the person knows best the manner in which he can be assisted. Seats equipped with moveable aisle armrests are located sporadically throughout the cabin to ease the seating process of disabled customers. NOTE: The armrest must be in the down position for taxi, takeoff and boarding. In the possible event of an emergency evacuation, it is important to remember where your disabled customers are seated. Prior to departure, Flight Attendants must, by regulation, individually brief onemergency procedures, those persons needing special assistance to move to an exit. Additionally, as appropriate to the situation, they must be briefed on smoking, seat belts, seatbacks/tray tables, 02 and flotation devices. Where - appropriate exits When - appropriate time How - appropriate manner to assist customer
CABIN SERVICES Flight Attendants WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING CABIN SERVICE TO DISABLED CUSTOMERS: Assistance in moving to and from seats Assistance in preparation for eating (i.e., opening packages and identifying food) Assistance in moving to and from the lavatory Assistance in stowing and retrieving carry-on items
FLIGHT ATTENDANTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PROVIDE EXTENSIVE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING NATURE Assistance with actual eating Assistance within the lavatory Assistance at the customers seat with elimination factors Provision of medical services
Prior to landing... Flight Attendant should inform the Captain of any customer who will require additional assistance at the next station. Remind him/her of any wheelchairs needed.
3-MAN ASSIST Used to assist movement to or from an on-board wheelchair. Be sure that the red brake bar is down and in the locked position on the wheelchair and that the armrests are up. Take high heels off.
Squat with knees bent and back flat. Assume proper positions as described below. Face head, eyes and chin toward the ceiling. Person #1 should say "READY" (if you are not ready, please say "STOP") and then "1-2-3 LIFT". All three will lift on this cue. To transport once customer is in wheelchair, position arm rests down, secure with velcro strap and unlock brake. After transport, return customer to seat using the 3-man assist, and store the wheelchair in accordance with procedures given in the Emergency Chapter. Person #2 is the second tallest. Stand to one side of the wheelchair, place one hand under the customers thigh and the other on the customers lower back. Person #3 is the shortest. Stand In front of the wheelchair, wrap hands behind customers knees and grasp your forearms.
SENSITIVITY AWARENESS To better assist Flight Attendants with a level of comfort for handling the most common types of disabilities, the following guidelines have been established. Always remember, whenever possible, adapt our procedures to the person, not the person to the procedures. Almost all of our disabled customers will fall into the following categories.
HEARING OR SPEAKING IMPAIRED Eight percent of our population is hearing or speaking impaired. One signal to look for would be if they are wearing a hearing aid. Hearing aids only magnify the sound that they can't understand. It does not correct the problem. Persons with a hearing impairment will usually have a speaking impairment, if they can speak at all. Deaf customers face many problems, such as: Not hearing boarding announcements. Not understanding pre-takeoff briefing. Not knowing where briefing cards are located. Not being able to hear "Fasten Seat Belt" announcements. Not knowing of delays or diversion to alternate airports and, most importantly; Not being able to hear evacuation instructions which could be given in darkness with loss of electrical power, or dense smoke which would impair the use of eyesight for exiting the aircraft.
Be alert to ensure that deaf customers are properly advised of these situations. Many deaf people use some form of sign language for communication. Once a deaf customer has been identified, a variety of methods of communication are available. Sign language is one, written Instructions or written answers to questions is another, and lip-reading is a third. MENTALLY CHALLENGED Mentally Retarded The National Association for Retarded Citizens describes a retarded person as "one who from childhood develops consistently at a below-average rate and experiences unusual difficulty in teaming, social adjustment, and economic productivity." Mental retardation may take on many different forms: moderately retarded (6% of the population), severely retarded (3.5%), and profoundly retarded (1.5%). When assisting or serving: Remember, customer first. Be sensitive. Talk to the person; communicate directly with the retarded individual. Always address retarded adults as adults. Make information easy to understand. Make sure they are taken care of in the event of an aircraft change, turbulence or canceled flights. When dealing with retarded children, remember they need discipline like any other child.
Mentally Ill
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill defines mental illness as "a group of disorders causing severe disturbances in thinking, feeling, and relating. They result in substantially diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life."
Schizophrenia: Is a severe thought and perception disorder, including hallucinations and delusions as well as emotional and behavioral changes. There is no clear definition of schizophrenia; it has symptom's that vary from person to person. Characteristics of schizophrenia include irrational behavior, very turned and shy behavior, paranoid behavior, and the individual may become over-excited, talk in a loud voice, or say and do things impulsively. When serving or assisting the mentally ill or schizophrenic: Act natural, give them the same respect you offer other customers. Maintain eye contact and do not condescend; that attitude will be picked up immediately and resented. Clearly state the rules, but don't single out customers. Avoid staring or pointing at mentally ill customers. Deal firmly with inappropriate behavior. Try to refocus their attention. Sometimes it is best just to tell the customer (away from other customers) that their behavior is not acceptable and should be stopped. Listen sympathetically; if a customer tells you about delusions or hallucinations (remember they seem very real), explain simply and politely that you do not hear or see what he does. If he/she persists, tell him that it is not the appropriate time to discuss the subject. Please don't make jokes. Never serve alcohol to the mentally ill customer because of the heavy medication they could be taking.
Flight Attendant Training program conducted by all airlines have these specialised subjects as part of their customer care training PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED Customers with Limited Endurance Examples are a heart or lung condition. Needs extra attention. If the customer is known to have a heart condition, the use of a portable electronic heart pacemakers acceptable and will not interfere with navigational communication systems.
Customers Lacking Muscular Control Usually identified by uncoordinated and jerky movements and by unclear speech. This area includes people with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. Such disabilities are frequency misconstrued as being associated with intoxication. Assist by... Putting them at ease. Maintaining a relaxed, unhurried approach. Be alert for thoughts or expressions, not words. If in doubt, politely repeat what you think the customer has said. Take the time to listen and give your full attention. Be careful not to presume that customers with severe speech problems and customers with no speech are intellectually impaired.
Customers with Paralyses of Arms and/or Legs Paralysis that extends from neck-to shoulder-level down is called quadriplegia. Paralysis from the waist down is called paraplegia. Hemiplegic is paralysis of one side of the body. Paraplegics may be accepted for passage unattended over InFlight Career Airlines route. Some paraplegia; will be able to manage some limited walking with the aid of braces or crutches. They may be able to move down the
aisle on their own by leaning on the backs of seats. Of course when they come to an open area such as the galleys they will need some other support Some paralyzed customers may have lost all sensation in the part of their body affected by paralysis. They may not be able to feel pain, touch, or distinguish hot and cold. Because there is no warning sign of pain for customers with this kind of paralysis, burns, bruises and abrasions can occur frequently. Be sensitive to their problems and needs, particularly when placing them in their seats and serving hot beverages. Ask if your assistance is needed. Be sure to let them know if you bump them in a wheelchair transfer. When dealing with a customer in a wheelchair, talk directly to them and, whenever possible, get on an eye-to-eye level. If the person is traveling with a company, the companion will be able to provide for the customers needs, but the consideration and understanding of the Flight Attendant will make the trip easier for both travelers.
Customers Affected by a Stroke A stroke is a sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain resulting in damage ranging from a very slight weakness to complete paralysis of one whole side of the body. A Hemiplegic is a person who has paralysis of one lateral half of the body, or part of it, resulting from an injury to the motor centers of the brain. Hemiplegic-in addition to paralysis, the sense of balance can be impaired, and there may be a tendency to become easily confused. Hemipligics may also have great difficulty in finding words to express themselves, may have blurred speech, and may have trouble understanding and remembering what is said to them. In addition, they may laugh or cry for no apparent reason. These are some common symptoms of this type of brain damage over which the person has little or no control. Hemiplegics may behave as though they do not see things on their paralyzed side. Some actually cannot see objects on their paralyzed side while others seem to be completely unaware of them. For example, a man may shave only half his face, walk into walls or objects on his paralyzed side and ignore people who stand to his weak side. A good rule is that it is always safest and easiest for them to move toward their normal or strong side. When it comes to seat selection, persons with a normal or strong left side should be seated on the right side of the aircraft so they can readily move to their left in case of emergency evacuation. The opposite would apply to persons with a strong right side. This suggestion also applies to customers with an artificial limb or with an arm or leg in a cast, splint or brace, and to persons with any disability on one side of their body. Assist by... Suggesting a seat with strongest side towards the aisle so they can readily move in that direction in the event of an evacuation. Dress a weak arm first when assisting with sweaters or coats. When removing, the opposite is true.
If confusion is evident: Speak slowly and distinctly In short, simple phrases, emphasizing the important or action words. Try to stand directly in front of the customer so your face can clearly be seen. Gestures will usually help.
Customers with Arm/legs In Casts/Splints These customers require very little extra attention, however, they do fall temporarily into the category of physically challenged. Assist by... Propping the cast up as much as possible to keep swelling and discomfort to a minimum. Helping in areas as necessary (i.e., assisting with coats, carry-ons, opening of packages, etc.)
VISUALLY IMPAIRED Many customers have visual impairments other than complete blindness (i.e., cataracts, tunnel vision, etc.)
Always ask first, "May I offer any assistance?." Blind customers generally employ one of two methods for dependent travel. Many use long white canes while others prefer the dog guide. Both techniques enable travel with little or no assistance. Blind customers may use one of two kinds of canes: folding (telescoping or collapsing or rigid (4 feet to 5 feel in length). Canes should be stowed in accordance with F.A.R. 121.589. When blind customers desire to be guided, have them hold your arm. This way you can stay approximately one-half step ahead so that turns, steps, etc., can be anticipated. Ask, "How would you like me to lead?" To help seat a blind customer, place the individual's hand on the arm of the seat. Convey where you are seating the person (row number) and whether someone else is seated in the row. SENIOR CITIZENS With the common physical problems of old age-as of 1990, twenty percent of our population was over 65 years old- twenty percent of the senior population has some type of disability. Hearing and vision impairment are the most common physical problems of old age. Inflight cabin noise can make communications with elderly customers more difficult, and therefore they may not always hear new information. When speaking with a person who is hard of hearing, stand in front of the person so your face can be seen. Speak somewhat slower and a little louder than normal. Changes in sensory perception is common. Always let an elderly customer know when a beverage is hot. Unsteadiness is common, and coupled with the movement of the plane makes any attempt at walking seem alarmingly hazardous. Offer to walk along with them. When assisting elderly customers, hold at the waist, not under the arms. Do not grip shoulders or elbows due to the possibility of arthritis. Stiffness and soreness in joints, especially with arthritis, results from sitting still for long periods of time. When possible, help them stand for a few minutes periodically and change position. Please assist with stowing and retrieving luggage.
EVACUATION OF CUSTOMERS REQUIRING ASSISTANCE All customers requiring special assistance to evacuate should have been briefed prior to flight on evacuation procedures. Should it become necessary to evacuate the aircraft, the blind person, if accompanied by a dog guide, should go down the chute with the dog in his lap. It is the master's responsibility to see that the dog is wearing its harness so that the pair can leave the area quickly once they are on the ground. The harness also helps to activate the dog's sense of responsibility and assurance. If dog and blind person should become separated in the course of evacuation, the dog should be led by its leash to the top of the slide and pushed down after its master has left the aircraft. Tests reveal that persons allowed to use canes and crutches to evacuate an aircraft increase their time in reaching the exit. Not only is time wasted trying to locate, unstrap and entangle the canes or crutches from under the seat, but because of the narrow aisle, the customer cannot get the maximum benefit of their use. Therefore, reemphasize the evacuation command to leave everything at your seat. The Flight Attendant procedure would be to assist a disabled customer when the flow of traffic has cleared and the evacuation of others would not be hindered. FRIGHTENED CUSTOMERS The following are guidelines for assisting these customers. Realize that a fear is very real and you can't fix the fact that they have a fear. Ask "What are you afraid of ?." Explain about takeoff and landing. Realize they need attention. Ask about their travel plans.
They may feel closed in or claustrophobic; move them to an aisle seat and open air vents. Give them something to do (i.e., seat them next to a child as it will keep them busy). UNUSUAL SIZE CUSTOMERS Ordinarily customers of unusual height, weight or width do not create any problem when carried aboard the aircraft. In the event a large customer might require more than one seat, two seats will be purchased. A seat belt extension will provide extra comfort to the customer. Discreetly offer the extension, so as not to draw attention to the customer, embarrassing them.
INCORRECTLY BOARDED CUSTOMERS Incorrectly boarded customers will be handled with tact and diplomacy and expedited to their destination. If the departing flight has left the immediate gate area, it will not return to the gate to discharge incorrectly boarded customers. OVERFLOWN CUSTOMERS When a customer has overflown the destination for any reason (i.e., weather, failure to deplane, or mechanical), DO NOT commit what arrangements will be made. Overflown customers should check with the Customer Service Agent inside the terminal building or go to the gate area for further information on the arrangements. CHILDREN GENERAL INFORMATION A child under age 2 may be guaranteed a seat only if the seat is purchased. One adult(12 years or older) may not hold two (2) children under the age of two (2). One child must occupy a seat/child restraint system. A child secured in a seat may need to be padded with pillows/blankets to ensure proper fit of the seat belt. When assisting customers with lap children, keep in mind the number of oxygen masks in each PSU in the event of an emergency. Child Under Age 2 Child has ticket Child with a ticket is included in customer headcount. Properly secured in a customer seat (padded with pillows as necessary) or in an approved child restraint system, in accordance with procedures in company policy.
Child does NOT have a ticket Child without a ticket is not included in customer headcount, however, the Captain must be advised of "lap children." Only one lap child is permitted per aircraft row. Will be issued a Boarding Verification Document which provides accountability for the child. May not be seated in an Emergency Exit Row. May be held in the lap of an adult (12 years or older) occupying a seat. The seat belt must be secured around the adult only. Properly secured in a customer seat (when available) or in an approved child restraint system, in accordance with procedures in company policy.
CHILDREN 2 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER Must be ticketed and occupy a customer seat. A child may need to be padded with pillows/blankets to ensure proper fit of the seat belt. CUSTOMERS WITH SMALL CHILDREN AND INFANTS Flight Attendants are never to carry children to or from the aircraft; however, customers carrying infants and traveling with small children should always be assisted with hand luggage. A Flight Attendant may hold a child or infant if seated, never while standing.
Flight Attendants should advise customers with infants to give them a bottle while ascending and descending to keep the infant's ears open. Inflight Careers will accept approved child restraint systems when the parent/ guardian/attendant has purchased a ticket for their use. Depending on the load factor, an approved child restraint system without a ticket may be accepted.
ACCEPTABLE CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Car seats, booster seats or any other child restraint system with the appropriate labels in accordance with FAR 121.311. Although two labels are required on car seats manufactured after February, 1985, the first is usually buried in a paragraph. It reads, "This child restraint system conforms to all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards". "RED LETTERING" of the following statement on restraint systems for acceptance will clearly standoff. THIS RESTRAINT IS CERTIFIED FOR USE IN MOTOR VEHICLES AND AIRCRAFT. For those car seats manufactured between January, 1981 - February, 1985 refer to FAR 121.311 for appropriate label. Acceptable foreign or United Nations child restraint systems can be found in FAR 121.311 in the FAR Chapter of the Flight Attendant Manual.
NON-ACCEPTABLE CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEMS Infant carriers Safety belt extensions, commonly referred to as belly belts, that attach to the parent or parent's seat belt. Vest and/or harness-type devices that attach to the parent's seat belt. Any other child restraint system that positions the child on the lap or chest of an adult (i.e., snuggling).
PLACEMENT ON BOARD THE AIRCRAFT Car seats, booster seats or other similar child restraint systems. Are to be placed in FORWARDfacing seats ONLY. Will not occupy seats forward of , aft of or in the emergency exit row, including any aisle seat. May be placed in a window or middle seat. If placed in a middle seat, it should not block a customer's movement to the aisle.
The parent is primarily responsible for: Ensuring that the car seat is approved. Ensuring that the child is the right size and weight for the car seat. Ensuring that the child is properly restrained in the car seat, and that the child is positioned (facing forward or aft) in accordance with the carseat manufacturer's instructions. Ensuring that the car seat is properly installed in a forward-facing customer seat. Ensuring that the car seat is free of any obvious defects and functions properly.
The Flight Attendant should check with the child's parent to: Ensure that the above conditions have been met. Ensure that the child appears to be properly restrained in the car seat. Ensure that the car seat appears to be properly installed in the customer seat. Infant carriers must not be confused with child restraint systems. They will not have "RED LETTERING," for approval. An infant carrier should be treated as carry-on baggage. An infant carrier should fit into the sizing box located in each gate area and must be stowed for takeoff and landing, but may be used during flight. Infant carriers are not FAA approved to be secured in a seat for takeoff and landing but, again, may be used during flight.
UNACCOMPANIED MINORS (UMs)-CHILDREN AGE 5-11 Carrying Unaccompanied Minors is a valuable sales tool, and a heavy liability. Legally, an Unaccompanied Minor who is accepted for passage is in custody until surrendered to those responsible for the minor's welfare at the destination. Airlines will accept Unaccompanied Minors between the ages of 5 and 11. UMs will be accepted for on-line transportation provided there is no change of aircraft.
Upon booking a reservation for an Unaccompanied Minor, customers will be advised that positive identification will be required from the party meeting the child at the destination. At the Airport The Airport Service Agent (ASA) will: Ensure that "UM" paperwork is completely filled out and a "UM" button or other identifying equipment is attached to the UM. Pre-board the UMs. If a UM checks in after the boarding process has begun, the Airport Service Agent will escort the UM to the aircraft between boarding groups. The ASA will not release the child until the "A" position Flight Attendant accepts and acknowledges the UM is onboard.
The "A" Position Flight Attendant will: Accept the UM and alert other Flight Attendants of the UM including the seat location. UMs will be seated as far aft as practical. The "A" Position Flight Attendant will retain possession of the UM paperwork throughout the flight. Reassure the UM that the Flight Attendants are there to look after their needs. Assist with carry-on luggage and brief the UM on emergency procedures. Ensure that their seat belt is securely fastened. Provide an activity to help keep the UM entertained.
Inform other Flight Attendants: How many UMs Where seated Destinations When UMs are going to be deplaning, remind the flightdeck crew to radio the station during cruise flight to ensure assistance from that station. Upon descent, the "A" position Flight Attendant will once again brief the other Flight Attendants on the number of UMs to be deplaned. This will ensure that all Flight Attendants are aware of the number and location of UMs to be deplaned.
Deplaning The Airport Service Agent at the arriving station will: Assist the Flight Attendants with the handling of UMs if: Due to an excessive number of UMs, assistance is needed to avoid the outbound flight being delayed The designated receiving party has not signed for the UM at the time boarding of the outbound flight commences.
The "C" Position Flight Attendant will: Deplane the UMs after all other customers have deplaned. Never allow a UM to deplane alone! Check the identification of the party meeting the child. It must be the same party as is listed on the paperwork. A picture I.D. and the phone number given at the time the reservation was made must be presented. Advise the "A" Flight Attendant of the U.M. status. Ensure that the party meeting the child signs the paperwork. After the receiving party has signed off, turn the paperwork over to the Airport Service Agent. If the receiving party is not at the destination: The Flight Attendant will coordinate the handling of the UM with the Airport Service Agent. In case of irregularities such as reroutes or cancellations, when the destination has been altered: The Flight Attendant will release the UM to the Airport Service Agent.
NOTE: Although the "C" Flight Attendant will deplane UMs, the "A" Flight Attendant retains ultimate responsibility for the care of the child. The "A" Flight Attendant must be advised by the "C" Flight Attendant of the child's status after being deplaned and released.
1 ladies purse and/or 1 personal size camera and/or Outer garments (i.e. overcoats or raincoats) Approved carry-on Items
Garment bag Coolers/Styrofoam coolers Suitcases (hard and soft) Bowling Balls Cameras Infant Carriers Personal Audible Alarms Knitting Needles Darts Parachutes Infant Carriers Golf Clubs Cricket Bats Ski Poles Brief case Scissors Approved Child Restraint Systems Umbrellas Letter Openers Pool Cues Camcorders Fishing Poles Horse Shoes Knives (blade under 4") Trade Tools Lap Top/Notebook Computers Hockey Sticks
Items Not Allowed Onboard The following items are considered dangerous and will not be allowed on the aircraft in carry-on baggage or otherwise:
Explosives/Ammunition/Flammable liquids Knives (blade over 4") Handguns/rifles - Including compressed air CO, powered weapons (unless in accordance with FAR 108.11) Walking canes containing items listed above Mace or tear gas containers/Pepper spray or any compressed gas Billy clubs or nightstick Any hazardous material as defined and regulated by Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulation.
Sizing Bins Sizing bins are located at every station. Use of these sizing boxes will determine if an item can be carried onboard the aircraft. Irregularly Shaped items Irregularly shaped items that are slightly longer than the sizing box, but which would fit within the sizing box if not for their unusual shape, may be excused from the sizing box limitations as long as they can be accommodated on the floor or an overhead bin. Scanning Point - Gate Area/Customer Boarding Prior to boarding, the Airport Service Agent/CSA will attempt to scan the gate area to determine if bags need to be checked. When boarding, the Airport Service Agent will again scan bags. Sometimes, due to their responsibilities, things are missed. The "A" Position Flight Attendant will have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the proper stowage of all carry-on baggage. General Guidelines for Stowage of carry-on Baggage All Flight Attendants are responsible to ensure that the carry-on luggage is properly stowed in the overhead bins. Being in boarding position and truly assisting customers with their bags will help avoid unnecessary injuries and resulting lawsuits. Guidelines for stowing carry-on luggage are provided below.
In no case will carry-on baggage be stored in such a manner that it will interfere with access to emergency equipment, aircraft aisles, or exits. You can politely encourage customers to place heavy or hard-sided items, such as computers, under the seat. When placing hard-sided items in the overhead bins, ensure they are on the floor of the bin and remember not to stack briefcases. When bins become "JAM PACKED", attempt to find another location and inform the customer of that location. When a cooler is brought onboard, it must be secured as any carry-on item, under the seat or in an overhead bin. If a cooler contains ice, it is not to go into an overhead bin. Styrofoam coolers will not be checked, per Ground Operations. When bags must be checked, deliver the bag to the Airport Service Agent for tagging and ensure that the customer gets their portion of the bag tag.
121.285 Carriage of cargo in customer compartments (c) Cargo may be carried aft of a bulkhead or divider in any customer compartment, provided the cargo is restrained to the load factors in 25.561 (b) (3) and is loaded as follows:
(1) It is properly secured by a safety belt or other tie down having enough strength to eliminate the possibility of shifting under all normally anticipated flight and ground conditions. (2) It is packaged or covered in a manner to avoid possible injury to customers and customer compartment occupants. (3) It does not impose any load on seats or the floor structure that exceeds the load limitation for those components. (4) Its location does not restrict access to or use of any required emergency or regular exit, or of the aisle in the customer compartment. (5) Its location does not obscure any customers view of the "seat belt" sign, "no smoking" sign, or required exit sign, unless an auxiliary sign or other approved means for proper notification of the customer is provided.
Special Checked items Items which are checked at the gate may require special tags other than ordinary destination tags. Conditional Acceptance Tags This tag is issued for items that will not fit on the aircraft because of contents or packaging. Airlines will not assume liability and requires a customer signature. Claim At Gate Tags This tag is designed for baby and medical equipment that is checked on boarding and must be resumed to the jetway upon arrival at the destination. Ticketed Articles Sometimes a customer will purchase their ticket and one for the transportation of a Ground Operations-approved article which they do not want to check as baggage. If this occurs, the article will be accepted as long as it meets the conditions set forth in FAR 121.285. The items must be secured:
In a seat, with a seat belt or seat belt extension. Aft of bulkhead or divider, starting window side (exception overwing window exit configuration). Item does not restrict access to an aisle or exit. Item does not block a Customers view of the "No Smoking", fasten Seat Belt" or "Exit" signs. This article will also receive a Boarding card. The purpose of the Boarding card is to provide accountability for all persons and occupied seats. The Boarding card will be issued at the ticket counter or gate. The Boarding card will be used for ticketed items approved by Ground Operations, i.e., musical instruments, big gifts, etc.
DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: If the customer presenting proper agency photo identification is an authorized federal law enforcement officer or a federal security officer (including but not limited to: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Secret Service, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division of the Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Defense Intelligence Agency, and State Department Security Service), a letter of authorization is not required. The Airport Services Agent will prepare the "Notice to Armed Individuals" form and process the armed individual accordingly. If the customer presenting such picture identification is an authorized state or municipal/county law enforcement officer, they must also have in their possession a letter, on official letterhead, signed by their supervisor, stating their itinerary (including flight, date and carrier) and certifying that they are traveling on official business that requires carrying a weapon. Once the law enforcement officer has been satisfactorily identified the Airport Services Agent will ensure the "Notice to Armed Individual" form is completed in its entirety. They may be seated anywhere in the cabin. NOTE: Law enforcement officers may not carry mace, tear gas or similar devices on board aircraft. UNDER CONTROL OF ARMED LAW ENFORCEMENT ESCORTS
Federal, military, state and municipal prisoners, accompanied by a guard(s), will be acceptable for transportation. Prisoner(s) or guard(s) are to be preboarded and the Captain and Flight Attendants advised. The preferred seats for prisoners and guards will be the last row of seats. The guard will be seated on the aisle side. The prisoner will be seated in the middle seat or by the window. A prisoner may not leave his seat in flight without the guard. Handcuffs may not be used on the aircraft. No alcoholic beverages of any kind should be served to the escorting officer(s) or the prisoner while on board Escorting officer(s) and the prisoner should deplane last.
Federal law prohibits smoking on all domestic flights scheduled for six (6) hours or less. When a customer is found to be smoking: If a customer immediately extinguishes smoking material when advised it is against the law, no further action is necessary. If, after being advised about the law regarding smoking, the customer: refuses to immediately extinguish smoking material; re-lights smoking materials after a warning; has smoked in the lavatory and the crew can confirm it; or has tampered with the lavatory smoke detector;
In a manner which attempts to avoid conflict, obtain: Physical description. Seat number. Departure and arrival stations. Name, address and phone number of other customers who may serve as witnesses. Notify the Captain - call station. Fill out Operational Occurrence Report.
Captain will: Arrange for a CRO to meet the flight upon gate arrival. If the customer refuses to produce identification or becomes abusive toward crewmembers or other customers: The "A" Position Flight Attendant will:
Notify the Captain and call Security Fill out an Operations Occurrence Report
A Flight Attendant should turn all liquor money envelopes in at the end of each work day. No liquor money should be removed from company property. A Flight Attendant should have the drop witnessed, listing name and employee number of both the Flight Attendant making the drop and the witness. Failure to turn in the liquor money at the end of each work day will result in the Flight Attendant not being credited for the liquor money drop, and may result in disciplinary action. Any Flight Attendant that fails to meet any of the policy items above will be held responsible for any money not reported and must make up the difference to the company.
A drop safe is currency located in each city; however, due to facility changes, the safe locations may also change. When in question as to the location of the drop safe, check with the Airport Service Agent. When a new city is added, again check with the ASA for the location of the drop safe in that city. LIQUOR SELLING OF MINIATURES Airlines's liquor certificate is governed by local law. Additionally, a company employee may not purchase onboard alcohol to be taken off the aircraft CUSTOMERS WHO APPEAR TO BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL In accordance with FAR 121.575, a customer who appears intoxicated should not:
Drink any alcoholic beverage onboard the aircraft. Be provided any more alcoholic beverages once intoxication is apparent. Be boarded on the aircraft if intoxication is apparent.
When it is determined that a customer's condition is such that he should be refused alcohol: Use the utmost diplomacy. Never tell the customer that he/she is "drunk" or "intoxicated" Allow customer to maintain dignity by giving a way out of the situation such as offering an alternate beverage like coffee, juice, or a soft drink. Tactfully inform the customer that he/she will not continue to be served alcohol. Inform other Flight Attendants and the flightdeck that the customer has been refused alcohol. Handle accordingly. Request Operations Supervisor/CRO as necessary to meet aircraft. File an Operational Occurrence Report.
Flight Attendants should be alert to the personal behavior of any customer that could threaten the welfare of any other customer or crewmember. The Captain is to be advised before a significant problem develops. Certain ones of the following acts or conditions violate the Federal Aviation Regulations and/ or Federal Law. The Captain is to be notified immediately when such an act or condition is discovered or suspected. The Captain will notify Operations for the following assistance: To contact an Operations Supervisor/CRO to meet the aircraft if necessary. Notify security (law enforcement) as appropriate. The Flight Attendant should be discreet and tactful in handling the following: Interference with Flight Crew (91.11) This rule was introduced to make it illegal to interfere with crewmembers in the performance of their duties. Whenever a crewmember is assaulted, intimidated, or threatened, it will be investigated by the FBI. Bad behavior or misconduct on the part of a customer, employee or other person is not sufficient to be cause for an FBI investigation. Should a serious incident occur however, flight control will be notified and they in turn will make notification to the FBI. In any case, wherein a crewmember feels he/she has been prevented from doing his/her duties, a report will be made to the FSDO. Airline's policy is to refuse to carry any customer whose conduct threatens the safety of other customers. When possible, a customer will be refused before he/she boards the airplane. if already on board, he/she must be promptly restrained or removed to the extent necessary to prevent harm to fellow customers. "Customer misconduct" may include commission of a crime or intoxication.
Commission of a Crime Airlines should report as soon as possible any crime committed aboard an airplane. Advise the FBI if the crime occurs between the time all the external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment one such door is opened for deplaning. Advise local authorities if the crime occurs at any other time. Crimes may include, but are not limited to, interference with flight crew members or attendants, unauthorized carriage of concealed weapons, conveying false information about an exempt to commit a crime e.g., bomb hoax, assault, embezzlement, and theft.
Should any incident occur in flight which in your good judgment constitutes a criminal act, Flight Control should be notified as soon as practical. The message should include either the time the crime occurred or the location of the airplane when the crime occurred. Flight Control will notify the local FBI and follow normal incident reporting procedures. Note a physical description of the person. Statements should be solicited from customers. Names and addresses should be taken, if feasible, so they may be contacted if necessary. Upon landing, the Captain should complete a Captain's Irregularity Report and include the information in the preceding paragraph. Alcoholic Beverage Service (121.575) Alcoholic beverage service is governed by FAR 121.575, which prohibits any person drinking from his own supply and prohibits service to anyone who (a) appears to be intoxicated, (b) is escorting a prisoner, (c) is a prisoner, or (d) is armed. FARs prohibit a customer from drinking from his own supply. Flight Attendants will not knowingly serve ice or setups to persons known to have their own liquor. If a customer is drinking from his own supply, the Flight Attendant should advise him/her of the Federal Aviation Regulation against it. Before departure the Flight Attendant should discuss any problem customer with the boarding agent. The Customer Service supervisor should make the decision whether or not to remove the customer. If a customer appears to become intoxicated during the flight, the Flight Attendant should notify the Captain. All employees should be as tactful and discreet as possible when dealing with a customer who appears to be intoxicated. Conversation in the presence of others should be held to a minimum. Care must be taken to avoid stating that Inflight Careers considers a person "to be intoxicated", because this is an opinion that only a medical doctor or certain other trained experts are qualified to express after conducting certain tests. Use the words "appears to be intoxicated" rather than "is intoxicated". Obtain the name and address of the person, if feasible. Also note a physical description of the person. Statements should not be solicited from customers. However, names and addresses should be taken, if feasible, so they may be contacted if necessary. Upon landing, the Captain should complete a Captain's Irregularity Report including the names and addresses listed above. Deciding Whether to Remove Customers for Criminal Acts, Intoxication or Misconduct
Misconduct involving Safety If a customer is committing, or threatens to commit, any act which would be detrimental to the safety of the flight and/or its customers, it is the duty and responsibility of airlines and its personnel to use whatever means reasonable, including restraint if necessary, to ensure the safety of the flight and its customers. If the flight is on the ground, either the Customer Service supervisor or the Captain decides whether or not removal is necessary. If the flight is in the air, the Captain decides. The Captain also decides whether the removal can be safely delayed until the flight reaches the next reroute stop or its terminal point, or whether circumstances require a rescheduled stop at the nearest usable airport. If flight duties and the situation permit, the Captain or his designee should personally observe the situation and the customer in order to assure that a proper appraisal has been made and that he/she has properly judged the action to be taken.
Misconduct Not Involving Safety of the Flight or Customers If the flight is on the ground, the Customer Service supervisor or the Captain decides whether or not removal is necessary for the reasonable safety or comfort of other customers. In making such decisions, it should be remembered that airline has the duty as a common carrier to serve the public without discriminating. If the flight is in the air, Flight Attendants will usually handle most situations of minor customer misconduct. Should the Flight Attendants call the Captain for advice or assistance, and if flight duties and the situation permit, the Captain or his designee should personally observe the situation and the customer in order to assure that a proper appraisal has been made. The customer should be told politely but firmly by the Captain or other flightdeck crewmembers that his conduct is not permitted aboard an a flight. If the misconduct persists, the Captain should use his discretion as to the action necessary to ensure the other customers a safe and comfortable flight. (Except when necessary to ensure safety, physical restraint and rescheduled landings should not be necessary, but removal at an enroute stop may be considered.)
Handling the Removal Members of the flight crew shall not actively participate in the removal of a customer unless such precipitation cannot be avoided. However, if an unscheduled stop is made at an offline point to remove a customer, the Captain has the authority to issue all necessary orders and make all necessary arrangements for removal. Employees assigned by the supervisor (or any third parties engaged by the Captain at an offline point) working under the direction of the supervisor or Captain, should try to persuade the customer to deplane voluntarily. If all efforts at persuasion fail, the customer shall be removed using only such force as is reasonably necessary. In most cases a customer will deplane voluntarily, if politely, but firmly, escorted from the airplane. Under no circumstances will any employee or third party be allowed to assault, injure, or mistreat a customer. If violence is anticipated or encountered, any unaided efforts to remove the customer by force shall be abandoned. The supervisor or Captain will get help from local law enforcement officers. If , before a law officer is called or arrives, the customers conduct threatens or endangers the safety of the flight or its customers, the minimum amount of force necessary to effect restraining should be used.
Working with a Law Officer When a law officer arrives, the supervisor or Captain should briefly explain the situation to him/her. No attempt should be made to interfere in any way with the law officer's duties. Assistance may be given (not volunteered) if specifically requested by the law officer Under no circumstances should the supervisor or Captain (except as noted below), cause the arrest or detention of a customer, or assent to the same by law officers, without securing the prior approval of airline's legal counsel. If the law officer requests that a criminal complaint, crime report, or other document be signed at the scene, the supervisor or Captain should adhere to the procedures summarized below: No complaint, report, or other document should be signed, that the supervisor or captain did not personally prepare. Any complaint, report, or other document that is to be signed and delivered to the law officer should be limited to facts personally observed. Do not report hearsay gathered from another airline employee. Do not offer opinions, conclusions, judgments, or suggestions.
Other Unusual Situations May Include: Indecent exposure or proposals: Notify flight deck Handle accordingly Contact Operations Supervisor/CSS if necessary
Carrying an unauthorized, deadly or dangerous weapon, either concealed or unconcealed: Notify flight deck Contact Operations Supervisor to request security
A crew member or customer onboard has been threatened or physically harassed: Notify flight deck Contact Operations Supervisor to request security
Bomb threat Notify flight deck Contact Operations Supervisor to request security
Hijacking attempt or threat Notify flight deck Contact Operations Supervisor to request security
In an incident concerning smoking in the cabin or lav, and the customer refuses to produce identification or becomes abusive toward crew members or other customers:
Should any of the above situations arise, the Captain must be notified in order to take proper steps and an airline Operational Occurrence Report must be filled out. SUGGESTIONS TO ENHANCE OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE GENERAL Receive complaints, suggestions and criticism in a concerned manner. Make all possible efforts to relieve the situation. Deal with the customer's feelings. Deal secondly with their problem's. Be friendly and treat our customers as individuals. Attempt to identify "First Time Flyers" and make every effort to make their first flight both memorable and fun. When it is necessary to deny a customer's request, be tactful and explain the reason you are denying the request. Know your route or flight plan, time changes (ETA and ETD). Answer call buttons promptly (do not tell a customer the button is for emergency use only).
Be cautious when visiting with customers regarding: aircraft safety religion politics Turn customer's reading lights off if they are asleep. Offer pillows and blankets on late evening flights or when appropriate. Ensure the cabin temperature is comfortable whenever possible. Offer magazines. Cabin lights should always be on for boarding, deplaning and day flights. The lights may be adjusted for late-night flights or when most customers are sleeping. Remember that customers need good light to read or work. It is not enough to rely on daylight outside.
C.U.R.E/C.A.L.M. Think in terms of difficult situations vs. difficult people. RESPOND with the CURE... Care Understanding Respect Empathy
Then CALM them... Control yourself Allow them to vent Listen Meet their needs (WIN/WIN)
Use the "I" statements... I can see why you think/feel/believe/say that... I can understand how you think/feel/believe/see that... I agree with... It sounds like... The "I" statements show empathy and agreement = cooperation!
When not assigned for company business, the extra crewmember cabin jumpseat is available for "non-rev" purposes to the following employee groups only (in order of boarding priority): Flight Attendants Pilots Other Airline Flight Attendants
Boarding priority and procedures are as follows: -Check-in is permitted at the gate only -Advanced check-in or check-in by phone or through Dispatch, Scheduling, or Operations is not permitted -Check-in begins one hour prior to scheduled departure -If two or more Flight Attendants are available at the gate when check-in opens (one hour prior), the jumpseat will be awarded to the Flight Attendant with higher company seniority, regardless of arrival time. -Thereafter, the jumpseat will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to Flight Attendants, who will take priority until 20 minutes prior to departure time -At 20 minutes prior to departure, the jumpseat will open to remaining eligible employee groups and will be assigned according to the boarding priority stated above.
Jumpseat conduct rules are as follows: -Upon boarding, the jumpseat occupant will introduce themselves to the Captain and First Officer. Extreme caution must be taken not to interrupt any conversation or preflight checklist being conducted in the flightdeck. -The neighboring Flight Attendant will ascertain the jumpseat occupant's level of knowledge regarding B737 exit operation and evacuation procedures. If the occupant is a Flight Attendant from another airline and is not certified on the B737, the Flight Attendant will conduct a B737 exit operation and evacuation procedures briefing. Attire must be either uniform or casual business attire. No denim or shorts are allowed. -Proper airline identification must be displayed at all times while occupying the jumpseat. -Jumpseat occupants must adhere to all passenger information signs. The only exception is for active Flight Attendants, in full uniform, who choose to assist fellow Flight Attendants with service duties. -Alcohol may not be consumed during the flight, or within 12 hours prior to scheduled departure time. -Sleeping, or giving the appearance of sleeping, is not allowed. -Gum chewing is not allowed.
Enroute Procedures The "B" Position Flight Attendant: Continue assisting customers in preparation for arming slides for pushback. Remain in the aft portion of the aircraft.
The "C" Position Flight Attendant will: Upon hearing the Opening P.A., or after all customers have boarded, take a count of all customers in the cabin and give the count to the "A" Position Flight Attendant and Airport Services Agent if available.
PREPARATION FOR PUSHBACK PRIOR TO CLOSING THE FORWARD ENTRY DOOR In accordance with F.A.R.s and Airlines compliance procedures prior to closing the forward entry door... The "A" Position Flight Attendant Will: Continue to remain in forward part of aircraft to assist customers as necessary and be available to Airport Services Agent and flightdeck until notification from "B" and "C" Position Flight Attendant that the cabin is secure. The "B" and "C" Position Flight Attendants Will:
Securing the cabin consists of: Special seating guidelines are adhered to. All customers are seated with seatbelts fastened. Seatbacks and tray tables in full upright and locked positions. Luggage is properly stowed with overhead bins closed. Cellular telephones, are turned off. Notify "A" Position Flight Attendant the cabin is secured.
TO CLOSE THE FORWARD ENTRY DOOR The "A" Position Flight Attendant Will: Inform Airport Services Agent, "Cabin is secured for pushback" Pressing the guest lock (yellow latch), and pull the door shut. Ensure that door is properly closed and secured. (ASA may assist if required)
The "B" Position Flight Attendant Will: Remain in the aft section of the aircraft and wait for appropriate P.A. from "A" Position Flight Attendant indicating slides should be armed. The "C" Position Flight Attendant Will: Remain in the forward section of the aircraft and wait for the appropriate P.A. from "A" position Flight Attendant indicating slides should be armed. A Jumpseat rider needs to display his/her Airline I.D. at all times when occupying the jumpseat. The Flight Attendant will give the jumpseat occupant a brief explanation of the emergency exit procedures. Any person occupying the 4th Flight Attendant jumpseat will receive a briefing on the door operation by the "A" posited Flight Attendant, as well as, an explanation on of the emergency exit procedures. Business or casual business attire is required for all jumpseat riders not in company uniform. An employee who is traveling with an infant, or child up to five years of age, will be ineligible to occupy the 4th jumpseat. The parent must be seated in the cabin with the child. There is no sleeping or reading allowed on the jumpseat. The company has been advised that FAA Inspectors cannot ride the 4th jumpseat due to an internal government directive that was published to all involved government agencies. All Inspectors riding in the cabin must have a seat. In the event of an oversale, Airlines employee traveling on a positive space pass on company business may "bump" a 4th jumpseat rider traveling on personal business or on pleasure, if the company business requires the employee to arrive at the final destination at a specific time that requires travel on that flight. If you are under a pass suspensions action, on a Leave of Absence or off work due to an illness or injury, you cannot ride on the jumpseat (or in the flightdeck) unless you have written authorization (flight specific) from your department head. If you do so without permission, you will be subject to termination. PROCEDURES FOR BOARDING JUMPSEAT RIDERS Gives the first copy of authorization form to Airport Service Agent in originating station. Airport Service Agent notifies "A position Flight Attendant and Captain. Give second copy of authorization form to "A" position Flight Attendant and Captain. Jumpseat rider keeps third copy of authorization form. Jumpseat rider introduces himself/herself to the "A" position Flight Attendant and the captain. Takes position on forward jumpseat-aisle side with seat belt and shoulder harness securely fastened. "A" Flight Attendant will brief jumpseat rider on operation of aircraft door.
Whether in street clothes or uniform, a jumpseat occupant's InFlight Career Airlines I.D. must be visible and worn at waist level or above. Jumpseat rider may assist Flight Attendants as needed when the Fasten Seat Belt sign is turned off. Jumpseat riders must be seated and securely fastened while seat belt sign is illuminated. Any jumpseat rider may occupy an available customer seat once all customers have boarded and a crewmember has advised them to do so.
CHECK-IN PROCEDURES Find the Captain and introduce yourself to all of the crewmembers. Remain In the check-in area. Check your mailbox for company correspondence (i.e. Revisions, Bullet's) or supervisor memos.
1 hour prior to departure, check in with crew members. Each base has permanent placement for latest Manual Revisions/Bulletins. It is each Flight Attendant's responsibility to ensure the updating of their Manual. Read Briefing Book as required prior to each sequence flown to update yourself on all memos regarding policy and/or procedures. Check-in with a supervisor when requested and present the following: Your updated Flight Attendant Manual Working flashlight Company I.D.
A supervisor may check your personal appearance to ensure it meets the grooming standards.
Introduce yourself to the other Flight Attendants on your sequence. The "A" Position Flight Attendant will ensure a preflight briefing takes place. The preflight briefing should include: Remind "B," "C," and "D" Flight Attendants to check the status of their manuals to ensure they are up to date. Review any special inflight service procedures and pertinent information regarding sequence. This information may be found in your Briefing Book or mailbox.
GATE PROCEDURES At your field or base, be on the aircraft or at the gate third (30) minutes prior to departure. Keep abreast of the changes pertaining to your flight (i.e. delays, gate changes, cancellations). Remain accessible to scheduling In the event of a schedule change. Enter the jetway as a group to avoid interrupting the ASA'S duties. Ensure jetway door closes completely after entering. Flight Attendants are permitted to leave their luggage unattended in a jetway provided the jetway door is closed and locked. If a jetway door is open/unlocked due to boarding or deplaning, at least one Flight Attendant must remain with the luggage. Coordinate with your crew on hotel "lobby" time with consideration of travel time from hotel to gate.
PREFLIGHT DUTIES UPON BOARDING THE AIRCRAFT ALL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS Time permitting, introduce yourself to the flightdeck crew. Stow your luggage in one of the following places: Forward overhead bin ("A" Position only) Aft overhead bin Aft galley stowage compartment Under the last row of seats
Check overall cabin appearance/cleanliness. Seat belts crossed Seatback pockets free of trash
Each seatback pocket/literature pocket should contain: Safety Information Card Inflight Magazine Airsick bag o o o o o o "A" POSITION Coordinate with Captain and Airport Services Agent to determine pertinent customer and flight information. Brief "B" and "C" Flight Attendants on any pertinent customer or flight information. Set entry and cabin lights to full bright for boarding. Pre-flight check EMK and PA system. Tray tables clean and upright Seatbacks upright Overhead bins opened Air vents opened Adjust cabin appearance/cleanliness if needed. Perform Cabin Security Check.
Drink order pads Beverages Beginning inventory of Liquor and Beer Kit Peanuts and Other Snacks Nothing stowed in area marked "No Stowage" Check operation of coffee pot and that it is empty.
Secure Forward galley. Securing the Galley consists of: All doors, cabinets, and kits closed and latched. Coffee pots latched. Absolutely nothing left unsecured on the floor or blocking access to entry or galley doors.
Check forward lavatory for cleanliness, supplies, and fire threats. Paper Towels Toilet paper Kleenex Soap Ensure FWD lav spring loaded trash flap is operative. Check the forward jumpseat, seat belts and shoulder harnesses for proper operation. If the jumpseat does not automatically retract, notify Captain. Coordinate with "B" and "C" Flight Attendants regarding any missing supplies, equipment, or cabin discrepancies and advise the Captain and/or Airport Services Agent. Communicate any cabin discrepancies found to the captain.
"B" POSITION Check aft galley for supplies: Two serving trays Drink order pads Beverages Beginning inventory of liquor, beer and wine kits Peanuts Snacks (when applicable) Nothing stowed in area marked "No Stowage" Check operation of coffee pots and that they are empty. All doors, cabinets, and kits closed and latched. Coffee pots latched. Absolutely nothing left unsecured on the floor or blocking access to entry or galley doors Check water quantity using water gauge. Check aft lavatory for cleanliness, supplies, and fire threats. Paper Towels Toilet paper Kleenex Soap Ensure AFT lav spring loaded trash flaps are operative. Check aft equipment Contents of Flight Attendant Pouch BioHazard Kit Check the aft jumpseat, seat belts and shoulder harnesses for proper operation. If the jumpseat does not automatically retract, notify Captain. Inform "A" Flight Attendant of any supplies missing or cabin discrepancies. Pre-flight check emergency light switch.
"C" POSITION Checks all cabin equipment included on the Cabin Equipment Checklist and reports to "A" position Flight Attendant/captain, all equipment is okay or any discrepancies so the Captain can take appropriate action.
Aircraft with Aft Facing seats at the overwing: Ensure that the only items in the overwing holder is the Safety Information card. Stowage of sickness bags, magazines and promotional material is not allowed in the holder. Inform "A" Flight Attendant of any cabin discrepancies.
CUSTOMER BOARDING PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION A customer will decide within the first four minutes what he thinks of you and then spend the rest of his time trying to prove how right he was. The boarding process, therefore, is the Flight Attendant's opportunity to make a positive first impression on each customer. As each customer boards the aircraft, all Flight Attendants will welcome them in a voice that is friendly, clear, confident and sincere. Pay particular attention to customers with small children, the elderly, customers with disabilities, or other customers who have special needs. SPECIAL SEATING GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMERS Although open seating is provided for all Inflight Careers flights, certain customer groups require special seating. The Flight Attendants should pay particular attention to these customers as they board the aircraft and ensure these special seating guidelines are followed. Customers at Overwing Window Exit Row Customers seated in the exit rows must meet requirements in accordance with exit row seating criteria. Customers requiring seat belt extensions or pregnant women whose condition is visible, are not allowed to sit in these rows per company policy. Child Under Age 2 Refer to chapter 12 Unaccompanied Minors Refer to chapter 12 Disabled Customer May sit in any seat EXCEPT in an exit row. Prisoner and Guard Seated in the last available row of seats. Guard sits aisle side. Prisoner seated in the middle seat or by the window. A customer must not be seated next to a prisoner or between a prisoner and a guard.
Assistance Animals and Ticketed Article Should be placed in areas in accordance with procedures in company policy chapter. PREBOARDING Preboarding is a service offered on all Inflight Careers flights. Preboarding allows customers requiring special assistance, customers traveling with small children, U.M.s, or any other person in need of assistance or extra time to board the aircraft before general boarding begins. The Airport Services Agent will: Assist preboards to the aircraft and with boarding. The "A" Position Flight Attendant Will:
Greet each customer, and screen carry-on luggage. Assist customers, as needed. The "B. and "C" Flight Attendants Will: Brief 4th jumpseat rider as applicable on the operation of the aft galley door. Offer assistance as needed. Greet each customer. Assist customers with seat selection. Assist with slowing carry-on luggage. Individually brief those with special needs.
The 4th Jumpseat Rider as applicable will: Follow guidelines for 4th jumpseat rider in accordance with company policy. Offer assistance to working Flight Attendants.
GENERAL BOARDING Once preboarding is complete: The Airport Services Agent will begin general boarding. In some cities, customers may board through the aft entry door using portable stairs. All Flight Attendants will go to their assigned boarding positions. "A" Position - forward entry area "B" Position - aft portion of aircraft "C". Position - overwing window exit row area As a courtesy to our customers for stowing luggage, please keep overhead bins open until all customers have boarded.
"A" Position will: Greet customers. Screen carry-on luggage and assist with stowage when possible.
"B" Position will: Greet customers and assist with carry-on luggage. Make the "Full Flight" P.A. when aircraft appears approximately (2/3) two-thirds full and upon notification that you will have a full flight ("C" Position Flight Attendant may assist).
"C" Position will: Greet customers and assist with carry-on luggage. To the extent possible during boarding, ensure customers in the overwing window exit row(s) meet the exit row seating criteria. NOTE: Stowage of carry-on luggage in the lavatories and flightdeck is prohibited. On aircraft with Aft Facing seats: Ensure that passengers in rows 11 and 12 has been referred to the safety information card located in the pouch attached to the overwing exit Verbally confirm that each passenger is comfortable with exit operation procedures and meet the selection criteria.
POST BOARDING PROCEDURES Flight Attendant DUTIES Prior to pushback, all Flight Attendants have both general and specific duties they must perform: The "A" Position Flight Attendant will: Make the Opening PA. approximately 5 minutes prior to departure, or after all customers have boarded.
Upon receiving the customer count from the "C" Position Flight Attendant, advise the Airport Services Agent of the count. If the count is incorrect, "C" Position Flight Attendant will be required to recount. If count is correct, "A" Position Flight Attendant will give the count to the Captain.
The "B" Position Flight Attendant: Continue assisting customers in preparation for arming slides for pushback. Remain in the aft portion of the aircraft.
The "C" Position Flight Attendant will: Upon hearing the Opening P.A., or after all customers have boarded, take a count of all customers in the cabin and give the count to the "A" Position Flight Attendant and Airport Services Agent if available.
PREPARATION FOR PUSHBACK PRIOR TO CLOSING THE FORWARD ENTRY DOOR In accordance with F.A.R.s and our airline's compliance procedures prior to closing the forward entry door... The "A" Position Flight Attendant Will: Continue to remain in forward part of aircraft to assist customers as necessary and be available to Airport Services Agent and flightdeck until notification from "B" and "C" Position Flight Attendants that the cabin is secure. The "B" and "C" Position Flight Attendants Will: Secure the cabin in the aft and forward sections of the aircraft respectively. Securing the cabin consists of: Special seating guidelines are adhered to. All customers are seated with seatbelts fastened. Seatbacks and tray tables in full upright and locked positions. Luggage is properly stowed with overhead bins closed. Cellular telephones, are turned off. Notify "A" Position Flight Attendant the cabin is secured.
TO CLOSE THE FORWARD ENTRY DOOR The "A" Position Flight Attendant Will: Inform Airport Services Agent, "Cabin is secured for pushback" Pressing the gust lock (yellow latch), and pull the door shut. Ensure that door is properly closed and secured. (ASA may assist if required)
The "B" Position Flight Attendant Will: Remain in the aft section of the aircraft and wait for appropriate P.A. from "A" Position Flight Attendant indicating slides should be armed. The "C" Position Flight Attendant Will: Remain in the forward section of the aircraft and wait for the appropriate P.A. from "A" Position Flight Attendant indicating slides should be armed. PROCEDURES FOR ARMING SLIDES In accordance with F.A.R.s, slides must be armed prior to push-back.
The slides will be armed after the Airport Services Agent closes the forward entry door and has moved the jetway away from aircraft. It is imperative that all Flight Attendants remain near their assigned door until push back commences. The "A" Position Flight Attendant Will: Look out the forward entry door window to ensure the jetway is away from the aircraft. Make a P.A., "Flight Attendants prepare doors for pushback." Place red strap across the window. Arm the forward entry and forward service door slides.
The "B" Position Flight Attendant Will: Upon hearing the P.A. from the "A" Position Flight Attendant, "Prepare doors for pushback," the "B" Position Flight Attendant will: Place the red strap across the window. Arm the aft entry door slide. After arming the aft entry door slide, verify that the aft service door is armed and notify the "A" Position Flight Attendant by P.A., "Aft doors secured."
The "C" Position Flight Attendant Will: Place the red strap across the window. Arm the aft service door slide. Notify the "B" Position Flight Attendant by stating, "Aft service door secured." All Flight Attendants Will: Prepare for customer briefing in accordance with FAR 121.571. Remain near assigned exits until pushback commences. Notify the Flightdeck. Once the door is closed, advise the Captain, "cabin is secured for pushback," and close the flightdeck door.
EXCEPTIONS TO GATE DEPARTURE Jetway Returns to Aircraft Occasionally situations occur where the Airport Services Agent will return the jetway to the aircraft. THE AIRPORT SERVICES AGENT WILL: Knock on the forward entry door. Wait for the "A" Position Flight Attendant to crack the forward entry door.
THE "A" Flight Attendant WILL: Disarm the forward entry door slide Remove the red strap Rotate the door handle Crack the door Open the flightdeck door The Airport Services Agent will then open the door. Once the situation is taken care of Flight Attendants must repeat all procedures for arming slides.
Delay at Gate If a lengthy delay is anticipated, the "A" Flight Attendant will coordinate with the flightdeck regarding: Information to be announced to the customers and who will make the announcement. Estimated length of delay. Whether or not customers will be allowed to deplane. If Flight Attendants have time to take drink orders before pushback. Whether one round of cocktails should be provided complimentary once inflight.
Whether a Beverage Service (non-alcoholic) should be provided while on the ground. If a nonalcoholic ground Beverage Service is provided, all items (i.e. cups, cans and glasses) must be picked up and galleys secured prior to closing of the forward entry door.
PUSHBACK AND TAXI-OUT PROCEDURES THE "A" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Give Emergency Briefing P.A. positioned in the aft galley. Upon completion of the Emergency Briefing P.A., do a final walkthrough visually ensuring the following: Cabin is secured. Cross check all slides are armed. Cross check forward and aft galleys are secured. Take position on the forward jumpseat.
Adjust the cabin lights as follows: Day Cabin lights should remain on bright for day flights. Remember our customers need good light to read and work. It is not enough to rely on daylight. Evening flight Prior to takeoff adjust cabin lights to dim to acclimate customer's eyes for outside conditions in the event of an emergency. Once airborne, cabin lights may then be adjusted accordingly. When adjusting cabin lights on night flights, a P.A. must be made concerning available reading lights in each Customer Service Unit. Lights may be adjusted for late night flights or when most customers are sleeping. Take seat and secure seat belt and shoulder harnesses immediately upon hearing the flightdeck announcement that takeoff is imminent. A two-bell code from the flightdeck may be used as a last resort to replace the P.A. announcement. EMERGENCY BRIEFING PROCEDURES The "B" and "C" Position Flight Attendants will: On aircraft with Aft Facing overwing exit seats: Prior to the Emergency Briefing P. A. the "B" Position Flight Attendant will remove the briefing cards from the overwing exit holder and distribute to all passengers in rows 11 and 12.
Demonstrate Emergency Briefing Procedures. "B" Position Flight Attendant will demonstrate at the mid cabin area or at the overwing window exit, whichever may apply, repeating demo at any other area that may be present. "C" Position Flight Attendant will be positioned at row 1 on all aircraft.
THE EMERGENCY BRIEFING DEMONSTRATION CONSISTS OF: Operation of the seatbelts Location of exits Review of Safety Information Card Smoking regulations Pointing out the seat bottom cushion as a flotation device and referring customers to the Safety Information Card instructions for diagrams explaining use. A cabin walkthrough in their respective sections ensuring that cabin is secured and ensuring exit seating regulations are followed. Ensure customers with special needs have been individually briefed. Give special attention to: Unaccompanied Minors Customers with infants or small children Disabled customers Use of oxygen mask in the event of a decompression
UPON COMPLETION OF EMERGENCY BRIEFING DEMONSTRATION: "A" Position Flight Attendant will take position on the forward jumpseat. "B" Position Flight Attendant takes position on aft jumpseat. "C" Position Flight Attendant takes position on aft aisle jumpseat. "D" Position Flight Attendant takes position on forward aisle jumpseat. ONCE IN POSITION ON THE JUMPSEAT, ALL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WILL: Assume brace position for takeoff. Observe sterile flightdeck. Do a silent "30 Second Review"
EMERGENCY BRIEFING P.A.S NOT COMPLETED: In the event the Captain rings for departure before the Emergency Briefing has been completed, the following must be accomplished: The "A" Position Flight Attendant will inform the Captain by ringing the flightdeck twice and advising the flightdeck crew that the P.A. has not been completed. Leave flightdeck door open until cabin is secured again. Close flightdeck door once P.A. is completed.
CABIN BECOMES UNSECURED ON THE GROUND Ring flightdeck twice and advise the flightdeck crew of situation. Leave flightdeck door open until cabin is again secured Close flightdeck door once cabin is secured
OBSERVANCE STERILE FLIGHTDECK IN THE AIR During take-off, below 10,000 feet, and landing. The Flight Attendant Will: Ring 4 times - cabin emergency. The Flightdeck Will: Upon 2 rings - answer interphone and ask "is this safety related?" The Flight Attendant should call back later if communication is not safety related. Upon 4 rings - answer interphone and unlock flightdeck door.
CRUISE FLIGHT Cruise flight is the segment of flight after takeoff and before final approach. During this segment of flight, the following will occur: Flight Attendants will provide all customers with enthusiastic and sincere Inflight Customer Service. Please refer to the Inflight Service Procedures chapter of your manual. Flightdeck beverage service will be completed only after initial customer service has been accomplished. Information between flightdeck and Flight Attendants may be exchanged regarding: Pertinent information for Flight Attendants (i.e. inclement weather, ATC delays, rescheduled aircraft changes, reroutes, etc.) Need for assistance when deplaning UM's. Need for wheelchairs, seat cushions and lavatory service at arriving city. Assistance with customer needs, concerns, and inquiries. All other miscellaneous information.
Flightdeck entry: Signal procedure for flightdeck entry will be coordinated between the captain and the "A" Flight Attendant during predeparture briefing. Fire Prevention:
"A" and "B" Flight Attendants must periodically check the forward and aft lavatories (respectively) for signs, indications, and threats of fire. "A" Flight Attendant must periodically check the cabin for signs, indications, and threats of fire. "B" Flight Attendant must periodically check the galley ovens for signs, indications, and threats of fire.
FINAL APPROACH When the "Fasten Seat Belt sign is turned on In preparation for landing, a Flight Attendant will make the Fasten Seat Belt for Landing PA while other Flight Attendants walk through the cabin ensuring seatbelts are fastened. The signal for all Flight Attendants to begin securing the cabin and galleys for a normal landing is: An announcement made by the flightdeck stating, "Flight Attendants secure the cabin for landing" at 18,000 feet.
THE "A" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Make the Fasten Seat Belt for Landing P.A. ("B" or "C" maybe also make P.A.) Clean and secure forward galley (provide provisioning with a list of requested items) and restock when necessary. Time permitting, assist "C" position Flight Attendant with cabin clean up and securing the cabin. Conduct a walkthrough to ensure cabin is being secured for landing.
THE "B" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Clean and secure aft galley ("C" Flight Attendant may assist "B" provide provisioning with a list of requested items and restock as necessary Time permitting, assist "C" position Flight Attendant with cabin clean up and securing the cabin.
THE "C" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL (BETWEEN 18,000 AND 10,000 FEET: Begin securing the cabin for landing by: Collecting all trash cups, glasses and cans. Ensuring seat belts are fastened. Politely reminding passengers that all seat backs and tray tables must be in upright and locked positions, all luggage must be properly stowed and all portable electronic devices are turned off and stowed prior to landing
UPON OBSERVING THE SIGNAL FROM THE FLIGHTDECK THAT THE AIRCRAFT IS PASSING THROUGH 10,000 FEET: THE "A" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Make the Final Descent P.A. Upon taking position on jumpseat for landing on evening/night flights, adjust cabin lights to dim to acclimate the passenger's eyes for emergency.
ALL Flight Attendants WILL: Conduct a final walkthrough ensuring that all seat backs and tray tables are in upright and locked positions, all carry on items are secured and that all seatbelts are fastened. Take assigned jumpseat position. Assume brace position for landing Observe sterile flightdeck Do a 30 Second Review
TAXI-IN PROCEDURES Once the aircraft has landed and is actively taxiing on the runway to the terminal, the following will occur. THE "A" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Make the "Arrival" P.A. once the aircraft has turned off the active runway.
ALL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WILL: Ensure all customers remain seated with seat belts fastened, seatbacks and tray tables in full upright and locked position and luggage property stowed until aircraft comes to a complete stop at the gate and the Captain turns off the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign. Remain seated during this time unless there is a safety-related occurrence in the cabin.
ARRIVAL AT GATE THE CAPTAIN WILL: Turn off the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign. ALL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WILL: Secure harness restraints and buckle fittings prior to standing. THE "A" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Turn lights to full bright for deplaning. Make the P.A., "Flight Attendants prepare doors for arrival" once the Captain turns off the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign. Be responsible for disarming the forward entry and forward service door slides. Remember to move red strap from across the door window after discerning slides. Crack the forward entry door for Airport Services Agent pull open. Open and secure flightdeck door.
THE "B" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Wait for the Captain to turn off the "Fasten Seat Belt sign and; Wait for the "A" position Flight Attendant to make the P.A., "Flight Attendants prepare doors for arrival" Disarm aft entry door slide. Remember to move red strap from across the door window after disarming slides. Crack the aft galley door indicating to the provisioner that service is needed in the aft galley and lavatory.
THE "C" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Disarm aft service door. Remember to move red strap from across the door window after disarming slide. THE "D" POITION Flight Attendant WILL: Disarm forward service door. NOTE: Disarming of the forward service door will be accomplished by the "A" position Flight Attendant when the "D" position Flight Attendant is not onboard.
THE AIRPORT SERVICES AGENT WILL: Open the forward entry door once the jetway, airstrips, or portable stairs are positioned correctly and secured. In some cities customers may deplane from the aft entry door using portable stairs.
DEPLANING PROCEDURES ALL FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WILL: Assume their respective positions for customers deplaning to extend "Good-byes" and assist customers as necessary. "A" and "D" POSITIONS Flight Attendants Forward entry area.
"B" and "C" POSITION Flight Attendants Aft entry area. Provide special assistance as needed to customers who preboarded. These customers nominally are last to deplane. Ensure customers requiring/or requesting a wheel chair are accommodated. When through customers are on board, at least one (1) Flight Attendant must remain on the aircraft at the forward entry door.
THE "B" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Take an accurate customer through count when applicable. Give count to the Airport Services Agent before the next flight begins boarding. THE "C" POSITION Flight Attendant WILL: Escort unaccompanied minors off the plane and ensure each one is met by the person, Indicated on the "UM tag" or turned over to the CSA/Airport Services Agent working the gate. Return to the aircraft as quickly as duties are completed.
GROUND TIME Ground time is duty time between two scheduled flights. All Flight Attendants are required to remain in the airport and available to Crew Scheduling regardless of the length of time on the ground, both scheduled or rescheduled. Flight Attendants who leave the aircraft during ground time must coordinate with other crewmembers. During all ground times, it is imperative to secure the safety strap across any open entry or service door. The safety strap is designed to alert any person in the immediate area that the exit is opened and to be cautious. CABIN CLEAN UP Once all customers have deplanes, all Flight Attendants will assist with cabin clean up. Cabin clean up upon customer deplaning consists of: Crossing seatbelts. Picking up trash in and around customer seats and in seatback pockets, emptying ash trays as necessary. Resuming all pillows and blankets to the designated overhead bin. Opening all the overhead bins. Cleaning and restocking lavatories. Keeping floors free of refuse and water. Washing sink and mirrors as necessary. Ensuring toilets flush properly. (If toilets do not flush, fill the sink four or five times with water and let drain 4 or 5 times. If toilet still does not flush, notify the Captain so he can request assistance.) NOTE: A Hokey and BioHazard kit may be used to assist Flight Attendants with cabin clean up. They are located in the aft closet on each aircraft and may be replenished/replaced by a provisioner as needed.
FUELING PROCEDURES When the aircraft is being fueled, customers may remain onboard providing the following is observed: 1. The main entry door must remain open. 2. At least one Flight Attendant must be onboard the aircraft. 3. No smoking regulations must be enforced. 4. A Flight Attendant will notify the fueler immediately if fuel vapors become detectable in the cabin.
CREW CHANGE PROCEDURES During a crew change, Flight Attendants must move quickly while performing all procedures for customer deplaning and cabin clean up. Outbound crews will board the aircraft after the inbound crew deplaned.
When a through flight is scheduled for a crew change at an intermediate stop, and the crew has not yet arrived, the inbound crew is required to remain on board the aircraft. Inbound "A" Flight Attendant will brief outbound "A" Flight Attendant when applicable on: Unaccompanied minors Armed individuals Prisoner/Guard Disabled Customer(s) 111 Customer(s) Customer(s) with special needs Cabin, galley, lavatory or cabin equipment discrepancies Inbound "B" and "C" flight attendants will also brief outbound "B" and "C". Flight Attendants on information such as the above.
TERMINATION OF DUTY DAY PRIOR TO LEAVING THE AIRCRAFT... "A" AND "B" POSITION FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WILL: Ensure all liquor, beer and wine papers have been completed. Ensure galleys have been cleaned and restocked. Liquor money is deposited in the safe provided in that station.
ALL Flight AttendantS WILL: Ensure aircraft has been cleaned unless aircraft is a terminator. Crosscheck each other's slides to ensure they are disarmed. REMAIN OVERNIGHT PROCEDURES When arriving at a RON city (an overnight of a multi-day sequence): Hotel rooms will be provided for each Flight Attendant. Proceed with crew to the airport transportation area for hotel pickup. If a Flight Attendant chooses not to use the hotel while on a scheduled RON, the other Flight Attendants must be informed of a contact number. Check in at hotel and coordinate a scheduled time to leave the hotel in order to be at the gate 30 minutes prior to departure.
WHEN DEPARTING A RON CITY: Each Flight Attendant is responsible for personal charges (i.e., phone, food, etc.). It is recommended that Flight Attendants keep all receipts indicating zero balance. If a crewmember is not at the gate thirty (30) minutes prior to departure, other Flight Attendants will be responsible for notifying Scheduling and flightdeck.
RETURN TO DOMICILE PROCEDURES When Arriving at Home Domicile Proceed to Flight Attendant lounge. Complete any necessary paperwork, i.e., Inflight Operational Occurrence Report, etc. Deposit that day's liquor money in the designated safe.
Dead Heading Procedures: Must travel in official uniform or casual business attire. One hour prior to departure, check in with crew scheduling then proceed to gate. Check in at gate with an ASA and inform ASA, you are a dead heading crew member
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTE: The following P.A.'s are to serve as guidelines and should be followed as to content. Underlined areas indicate FAA or company required information which must be included in the P.A. Underlined and bold areas indicate FAA required information which must be included verbatim in the PA. Opening P.A. Good______! And welcome aboard InFlight Career Airlines flight #______service to________. The Flight Attendants serving you today are_______in back, ___________at mid-cabin, and my name is________; I'll be serving those of you up front. We ask that you would please assist us by ensuring your carry-on luggage is completely underneath the seats in front of you or in one of the overhead bins. Shortly after takeoff, we will be serving complimentary soft drinks, juice and coffee. If you wish to purchase cocktails, they are $4.00 each, beer and wine are $3.00. F.A.A. regulations require compliance with the following: 1. The use of certain portable electronic equipment including cellular telephones is prohibited . For further safety InFlight Career Airlines requests that cellular telephones be turned off. 2. All seats at the emergency overwing exit are designated as emergency exit row seats. If you are seated in these rows, please refer to the safety information card in your seatback pocket, or in the card holder attached to the overwing exit. If you have a condition that would prevent you from performing the functions listed on the card. If you feel you may suffer bodily harm as a result of performing the functions If you feel you do not meet the selection criteria. OR If you do not wish to perform the functions required, please notify a Flight Attendant in order that we may reseat you. Ladies and gentlemen, in order for us to pushback from the gate, please ensure your seatbelt is securely fastened and your seatback and tray table are in their full upright and locked position. Thank you for choosing Inflight Careers and welcome aboard! Emergency Briefing P.A. Ladies and gentlemen, if we could have your attention for just a moment, we'd like to point out the safety features of our Boeing 737-300. To properly fasten your seat belt, slide the flat end into the buckle; to unfasten, lift up on the buckle and it will release. Your seat belt should be worn tight and low across the hips. There are four exit doors- two in the forward cabin and two in the aft cabin. Each door is equipped with an evacuation slide which can be detached for flotation. If circumstances require you to open a door, immediatly pull the red inflation handle located at the base of the door to ensure proper slide inflation. In addition, there are two window exits located over the wings. Each exit is clearly marked with a sign overhead. If needed, a lighting system along the aisle will direct you to all exits. Please take a moment to locate the exit nearest you. A safety information card may be found in the seatback pocket in front of you, or in the card holder attached to the overwing exit. In the event of a water evacuation, your seat bottom cushion may be used as a flotation device by removing the cushion and placing you arms through the straps on the bottom of the cushion. Please refer to the seat cushion diagrams on the safety information card for detailed illustrations. Once again, please check to make sure you seat belt is securely fastened. Your seat back and tray table are in the full upright and locked position, and all carry-on luggage is placed completely underneath the seat in front of you, leaving the aisle clear. This flight will be a non-smoking flight and smoking is never allowed in an aircraft lavatory. Federal law also prohibits tampering with, disabling, or destroying any smoke detector in the aircraft lavatory. Federal aviation regulation require customer compliance with the lighted customer information signs, posted placards, and crewmember instructions, regarding seat belts and smoking. At this time we would like to brief you on the oxygen system. Although we don't anticipate a change in cabin pressure, should it occur, individual oxygen masks will drop from the compartment overhead. Immediately, pull down on the mask until the plastic tubing is fully extended as this activates the flow of oxygen. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and breathe normally. The mask may be secured with the elastic strap. Please be aware that although the bag may not inflate you will be receiving oxygen. For those of you traveling with children, secure yourself first, then assist the child, continue wearing the mask until otherwise notified by a uniformed crewmember. Finally, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight to_________, our flight time is approximately_____________. (hours/minutes)
Final Descent P.A. As we make our final descent into_______, please ensure your seat belt is securely fastened, your seat back and tray table are in their full upright and locked position. If you have taken any carry-on luggage out during the flight, please return it underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin. At this time we ask that you discontinue the use of, stow any portable electronic devices in preparation for landing. We will be coming by to pick up all remaining cups, can and glasses. Thank you.
Arrival P.A. On behalf of this flight crew and ____________ Airlines, we'd like to welcome you to ______________. For your safety, and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened, seatback and tray table in their full upright and locked position, and all luggage stowed until the aircraft arrives at the gate and the Captain has turned off the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign. Please use caution in opening the overhead bins, as the items you placed there may have shifted during flight. If you have a connecting flight, please check the T.V. monitor in the gate area for your flight and gate number. We certainly have enjoyed sharing part of our day with you. We know you have a choice when you fly and we thank you for choosing Inflight Careers. If you are continuing on with us to_________, please remain seated until we get a customer count.
SUPPLEMENTAL P.A.s During Boarding/Full Flight P.A. (When flight is about 2/3 full) Ladies and gentlemen, this will be a full flight. We'd love to get you to your destination on time, so please assist us by taking the first available seat. If at all possible place your carry-on items underneath the seat in front of you. Thank you again. Cleared for Departure P.A. Ladies and gentlemen, we have been cleared for departure. Beverage Service Announcement Ladies and gentlemen, in a few moments we will begin our inflight beverage service. You will find a complete listing of the beverages Inflight Careers serves on page_____ in our magazine located in the seat back pocket. Beer and wine may be purchased for $3.00, cocktails for $4.00. We hope you enjoy our service to ___________. Thank you! Beverage and Snack Service Announcement (Made Prior to Taking Drink Orders) Ladies and gentlemen, in a few moments we will begin our inflight beverage service. You will find a complete listing of the beverages Inflight Careers serves on page______ in our magazine located in the seat back pocket. Beer and wine may be purchased for $3.00, cocktails for $4.00. After taking drink orders, we will be offering a complimentary snack followed by our beverage services. We hope you enjoy our service to__________. Thank you! "Fasten Seat Belt" Sign Turned On P.A. Ladies and gentlemen the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned on Please check at this time to make sure your seat belts are securely fastened Thank you! "Fasten Seat Belt" Sign Turned Off P.A. Although the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned off please keep your seat belt fastened while seated Thank you! Fasten Seat Belt Reminder P.A. Ladies and gentlemen, just a reminder that the "Fasten Seat Belt" sign is still on and we ask that while seated you keep your seat belt securely fastened. Thank you! Fasten Seat Belt for Landing P.A. Ladies and gentlemen we have begun our final descent into________. Please ensure that your seat belt is securely fastened for the remainder of our flight. Your Flight Attendants will now be in the process of securing the cabin for landing. If you would please take a moment to look around your seat area for any newspapers or other items you do not plan to take with you today, we would be happy to dispose of them for you.
CHARTER OPERATIONS A charter flight is a segment of a sequence in which the entire aircraft has been contracted for military or commercial public and private charter use. Each charter flight has information posted in the Flight Attendant lounge that summarizes specific information pertaining to that charter. Specific information may include: Type of charter and number of customers expected. All charters will be non-smoking. Crew instructions regarding crew rest and hotel accommodations. Whether or not weapons will be carried onboard. Catering information.
All company policies and procedures, and FARO must also be adhered to with the exception of the following. Smoking All military and public and private commercial charter flights are non-smoking. Flight Attendant PROCEDURES FOR CHARTERS Flight Attendants should check in for a charter as for a regularly scheduled trip. All boarding and taxi out procedures, P.A.s and briefings should be handled as on a regularly scheduled flight.
The "A" position Flight Attendant should familiarize himself/herself with the Operations Order to adequately prepare for the charter. A copy of the Operations Order will be placed in the Flight Attendant lounge. The "A" position Flight Attendant should note: The live section (the segment of the charter with customers onboard). The number of customers to be carried Meal Service Number provided (Crew meals are provided on all food service charters). o How meals are to be served. o Liquor Service: o Whether complimentary or pay. o If special liquor kits were requested in advance. NOTE: Unless previously arranged, no special kits from Provisioning will be provided.
The "A" position Flight Attendant should brief the "B" and "C" position Flight Attendants on the above. The "A" and "B" position Flight Attendants should check the galleys for proper provisions. Charter flights usually are double provisioned. Extra supplies may be stowed in the cargo bin to be used for the next scheduled charter. An Airport Services Agent may be available prior to boarding. Anytime a charter originates from a city Inflight Careers does not serve, an Airport Services Agent may accompany the flight.
SCANNING REQUIREMENTS Scanning Personnel: Scanning will be conducted by Airport Service Agents, if available, monitoring the boarding door and by the position "A" Flight Attendant who is situated at the aircraft entry door. Inflight Careers scanning personnel will refuse any cabin carry-on bags which do not meet these requirements or which cannot be safely stowed in the passenger cabin. Nonstandard Operations: For a charter or diverted flight operation at a station normally not serviced by Inflight Careers, the position "A" Flight Attendant will be solely responsible for the scanning of all carry-on baggage.
CHARTER CABIN CLEAN UP PROCEDURES If a cleaning crew is not available prior to departure, it is the flight attendant's responsibility to ensure the aircraft is clean prior to the live section of the charter, and help fold and place pillows and blankets in overhead bins. It is also the responsibility of the Flight Attendants to clean the aircraft after the live section of the charter if the aircraft is resuming to scheduled service. Any problems with the charter itself or any customer misconduct should be reported to the Captain and on an Inflight Operational Occurrence Report. A reserve Flight Attendant must check with Crew Scheduling after the completion of the charter.
PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMERCIAL CHARTER PROCEDURES Box Meals The caterer providing the meals, and the time and place the meal will be boarded will be specified on the Charter Operations Order. The "A" position Flight Attendant should check and verify the meal count with the Airport Services Agent, Provisioning Agent or caterer, whichever is applicable. (Meal count should match that of the Operations Order.) If meal service is requested, the meals must be stowed for movement on the surface for takeoff and landing in the two most forward overhead bins and two most aft overhead bins. All meals must be picked up prior to landing and excess trash must be securely stowed in a designated overhead bin. Meals are stowed by the catering agent or Provisioning Agent. If an agent is not available, the Flight Attendants are responsible for proper stowage.
Beverage/Meal Service Once inflight all Flight Attendants will: Take drink orders. Set up initial tray of drinks. Serve meals to their designated rows of service. Serve initial round of drinks, followed by seconds. Procedures for Serving Alcoholic Beverages If the charter is such that liquor is either complimentary or sold, discretion must be exercised as far as serving alcohol to customers appearing intoxicated.
Any alcoholic beverages consumed on the aircraft must be supplied by InFlight Career Airlines. MILITARY CHARTER PROCEDURES Certain differences are discussed below that are unique to military charters. Military charters are set up by the military Air Mobility Command AMO at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. GENERAL A military officer will be appointed to check the customer manifest list on boarding and supervise the loading of ammunition into the cargo bin when applicable. This person is armed with a visible gun. The aircraft will be checked for cleanliness by an inspector (galleys, ashtrays, and overall cleanliness). Any discrepancies should be handled by the Flight Attendants if a cleaning crew is not available. The inspector will also be checking the aircraft emergency equipment and may verbally verify the amount of equipment with a Flight Attendant. This is military regulation that equipment be checked. NOTE: It is still the responsibility of the "C" position Flight Attendant to check the cabin equipment just as on a regularly scheduled flight. Should the aircraft have to be refueled at any military base, all customers must be deplaned per military regulation. Certain procedures at some bases allow customers to remain onboard while fueling. The Flight Attendants will be advised when this is being done, and no customers can deplane or board while fueling is in process. Remember, per F.A.A. regulation, at least one Flight Attendant must remain onboard the aircraft when customer(s) are onboard. Military regulations require that a pillow is provided for 90% of the customer load and a blanket for 50% of the customer load. If there are not enough pillows or blankets, rather than taking a delay to find additional pillows or blankets, advise the inspector to report this.
Weapons Stowage When the Operations Order calls for weapons to be carried onboard, the weapons should be placed under the row of seats with the gun straps secured to the seat legs. When ample room is not available under the seats, guns may be placed in the overhead bins provided they are flat on the bin floor with all other soft-sided carryon items placed on top. Meal/Beverage Service Box meals are usually provided on all military charters. Box meals are placed in individual seats prior to departure. Time permitting, empty containers may be collected prior to departure and disposed of in the jetway. Milk will be stowed in crates placed in the aft galley stowage module. Milk should be stowed by the catering agent or Provisioning Agent if available. If not, the Flight Attendants are responsible for proper stowage.
Alcohol Procedures All military charters prohibit the selling or serving of alcoholic beverages.
For references throughout this manual, the Captain's side of the aircraft will be referred to as aircraft left and the First Officer's side of the aircraft will be referred to as aircraft right. In addition, galley doors may be referred to as service doors. There are 8 emergency exits: 2 sliding windows in flightdeck-1 aircraft left and 1 aircraft right Forward entry door Forward galley door 2 overwing window exits-l aircraft left and 1 aircraft right Aft entry door Aft galley door All exits are plug type. All exits may be opened from the outside as well as the inside, with the exception of the sliding window beside the Captain. DOOR EXITS: All doors are equipped with door mounted slides:
A red strap is located above each window on all doors to indicate an armed and disarmed door slide. All slides are designed to inflate automatically. All door handles rotate aft. All doors will open forward towards the flight deck.
To Arm a Slide (prior to pushback) Jetway is moved away from aircraft: Flight Attendant announcement: "Flight Attendants prepare doors for pushback." Place strap across door window indicating an armed slide. Remove girt bar from the door brackets and place it in the floor brackets. Door exits are in emergency mode.
Captain turns off "FASTEN SEAT BELT" sign: Flight Attendant announcement "Flight Attendants prepare doors for arrival."
Remove the girt bar from the floor brackets and place it in the door brackets. Place strap in position above door window indicating a disarmed slide. Door exits are in normal operation mode.
To Open a Door in Emergency Mode Face door: Assess conditions conditions poor-DO NOT OPEN! BLOCK EXIT AND REDIRECT CUSTOMERS TO A SAFE, USABLE EXIT. conditions clear-PROCEED Place one hand on door assist handle. Place other hand on door handle. Rotate door handle in the direction of the arrow. Door swings in and then out. Transfer hand to assist handle. Push door open completely against the aircraft-slide; should inflate. If slide does not inflate, pull inflation handle as back up to ensure slide inflates. Evacuate customers. To Open an Overwing Window Exit in Emergency Mode Face aft: Assess conditions conditions poor-DO NOT OPEN! BLOCK EXIT AND REDIRECT CUSTOMERS TO A SAFE, USABLE EXIT. conditions clear-PROCEED Remove plastic cover when present. Place aisle hand in the top hand hold. Place other hand palm up in the bottom hand hold (or grasp arm rest). Pull down on top hand hold/handle to remove window. Stow window on seats (in some circumstances it would be preferable to throw window outside aircraft, away from exit). Evacuate customers. On some 300 series aircraft a plastic cover will be present over the top hand hold and release handle. This cover must be removed before the exit can be opened. A bottom hand hold/release handle or an arm rest will also be present to aid in maneuvering the opened window outside and away from the aircraft. CABIN EQUIPMENT PRE-FLIGHT CHECKLIST -Is it There? - Will it Operate? - Is it Secure? The Cabin Equipment Checklist consists of:
(1) Aft Closet Fire Extinguisher (if applicable). (1) Flight deck key (1) H20 Extinguisher (1) Emergency Medical Kit (1) On-board wheelchair (1) Emergency Light Switch (2) P.A. Microphones (2) Biohazard Kits (2) Halon extinguishers (2) Lavatory fire extinguishers (2) First Aid Kits (2) CPR masks (2) Boxes of latex gloves (2) Seat belt extensions and 02 demo masks (2) Megaphones (3) P.B.E.s (3) or (4) Emergency flashlights (4) Door slide gauges, red strap above each door window and girt retaining straps, where applicable. (4) P.O.B.s
Checks the equipment before initial flight of each day. Checks the equipment at any aircraft change. Reports to "A" Position Flight Attendant/Captain-equipment check is okay or any discrepancies so that Captain can take appropriate action.
Captain Take appropriate action for discrepancies. Under certain conditions, the flight can still operate even if certain pieces of emergency equipment are inoperative, as provided by the MEL.
USE, LOCATION, CHECK AND OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT The following will explain proper use, location, check and operation of each piece of cabin equipment. Certain items of cabin equipment do not require an In-flight Operational Occurrence Report; however, any time a piece of emergency equipment is used, it requires flight deck notification and a Flight Attendant Report. Each description of cabin equipment lists the reports that are necessary under the USE section. Flight deck Key Use: To gain access into the flight deck during an emergency when no other means are available. Requires Flight deck Notification and In-flight Operational Occurrence Report.
Location: *One secured inside the water shut-off valve compartment in the forward galley. Check: *For presence. P.A. Microphone Use: *To make announcements over customer address system. Location: *Within Flight Attendant Control Panels, forward and aft. Check: *Test microphone by pressing button and speaking into mouthpiece. Responsibility: *"A" position Flight Attendant will check P.A. system. Emergency Light Switch Use: *Allows manual activation of Emergency Lights Location: *On the aft Flight Attendant Control Panel Operation: *Lift red cover protecting toggle switch, and switch to "on" position in emergency. Check: *Red cover protecting toggle switch and switch is in normal position. Responsibility: *"B" Position Flight Attendant will check Emergency Light Switch.
* A flight attendant is prone to personal injuries during handling emergencies in flight, hence taking the help of a chicago personal injury lawyer or having him in your contact list can save you mental agony during troubled times. Door Slides Use: To evacuate customers and crew during an emergency situation. Requires Flightdeck Notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report when used. Location: One mounted on each door. Check: Pressure Gauge. Needle registers in the green band. Girt retaining straps when present-prior to every flight. Red strap above door window is present. Operation: All door slides, when armed, are designed to inflate automatically. All door slides are equipped with a manual inflation handle. Slides take approximately 5 seconds to inflate. Some slides are equipped with a mechanism to release the slide from the aircraft (quick release handle).
Slide Malfunction If a slide does not inflate after pulling the inflation handle, a force of 60 pounds will be required to free the mechanical device that is holding the slide in a folded position. It is recommended that the Flight Attendant instruct two male customers to climb down the slide to break the mechanical tie. They should then hold the slide taut at about a 45 degree angle for the use of the other customers as a non-inflatable slide. Instruct customers when evacuating to sit and slide rather than jump.
Type of Door Slides On the-300 aircraft, there has been a problem of excess girt material outside the container on the forward doorslides. This excess material, during an evacuation, could become caught on the retaining door brackets as the door begins to open thus jamming the door and preventing the slide deployment. Immediate correction of this problem led to modification of the existing slides and development of a completely new slide.
Presently, there are three different types of slides you may encounter on the-300 series aircraft - each with a defining slide casing. The various slides will be referred to as Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 with Modified casing. Each is explained in the following diagrams. Type 1 Slide On present-300 aircraft that have not been modified, the girt retaining straps must be checked prior to every flight to ensure that vecro tabs are securely holding the straps and that the straps are properly routed. Type 2 Slide On-300 aircraft that have been modified, the forward slides will not have girt retaining straps. They will have two placards, one on the girt material and one on the slide cover. NOTE: Because this is a "modified" casing, velcro strips will remain on the slide case.
This modified version is easily identifiable by the placard which is attached to the Girt where it wraps around the Girt Bar. This new placard reads "THIS SIDE UP WHEN IN FLOOR BRACKETS." Type 3 slide On some new aircraft, a third type of forward door slide has been installed. These forward slides have a large placard on the slide cover which indicates that girt retaining straps, velcro and routing placards are not required. Type 3 slide-With Modified casing On certain aircraft, you may find a Type 3 slide intalled in an old casing. Although a placard, will be present stating that girt retaining straps, velcro and routing information is not required, previous velcro tabs and placards will still be visible on the slide casing.
Halon Extinguisher Use: To extinguish a class A, B or C fire. Requires Flightdeck Notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report when used.
Location: Check: Pressure gauge needle registers in the green band or above. Pin is present. Secured properly in brackets. One secured in the forward left overhead bin. One secured in the aft left overhead bin.
Operation: Pull the pin. Squeeze the handles together. Aim at the base of the flame using a sweeping motion.
NOTE: The effective range for the Halon extinguisher is 9-13 feet for a duration of 7 seconds. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Maintain an upright position for most effective use. H20 Extinguisher Use: To extinguish a class A fire or saturate a fire-affected area to prevent reignition. Requires Flightdeck Notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report. Location: One secured in the fwd left overhead bin. Check: Leaded wire seal is intact Handle contains a C02 cartridge. Secured properly in the brackets.
Operation: Turn the handle clockwise fully Press the lever on top of the extinguisher. Aim at the base of the flame using a sweeping motion.
NOTE: The effective range for the H20 extinguisher 15-20 feet for a duration of 30-45 seconds. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Maintain an upright position for most effective use. Lavatory Fire Extinguisher Use: To extinguish a lavatory trash fire or electric overheat. Requires Flightdeck Notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report when any of the discs on the temperature indicator are black. Location: One in each lavatory secured to the side of the trash chute, under the sink. Check: Discs on temperature indicator are all silver in color. Door under sink must be properly latched. Operation: In the presence of an overheat or an actual fire, the extinguisher will automatically discharge and the temperature indicator will register the appropriate indicator causing the silver discs to turn black.
Aft Closet Fire Extinguisher Some aircraft are equipped with AFT closet fire extinguishers, others are not. if so equipped, the following information will apply to your particular aircraft: Lab Automatic discharge into aft closet requires Inflight Operational Occurrence Report and flight deck notification, if apparent use. Location: Aft closet ceiling Check: Needle in green band area
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) For references throughout this manual, the protective breathing exqipment will be referred to as a PBE. Use: Don in circumstances in which dense smoke and/or fumes are present. Requires Flightdeck Notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report when used. Most cabin fires are detected and extinguished by crew members without being impaired by smoke or fumes Location: Two secured in the forward overhead bin A/C left One secured in the aft overhead bin A/C left.
Check: Visually ensure vacuum-sealed silver pouch is present. Operation: Pull vacuum-sealed pouch from the container. Open pouch and remove the hood. Place hands in the rubber opening and stretch apart. Place the PBE on head, rubber lining around the neck. Lean forward, and pull straps forward. Pull straps back to lock hood in place.
PBE Facts The pulling and locking action with the straps activates and initiates the chemical generation of oxygen. The P.B.E. must be donned within 15 seconds and long hair tucked inside the P.B.E. The oxygen will last approximately 15 minutes. As the oxygen supply diminishes, the hood will collapse. Before removing the P.B.E. make sure you are clear and away from any source of fire. Emergency Flashlights Use: Flashlights are not effective if the cabin is filled with dense smoke. They are for emergency use only. Requires Flightdeck Notification and Inflight Operation Occurrence Report when used. Location: Two secured to the bulkhead by the forward Flight Attendant jumpseat. One or two secured to the bulkhead by the aft Flight Attendant jumpseat. Check: Red indicator light flashes every 8-10 seconds. May have red or clear strap. Operation: Pull flashlight out of bracket. Flashlights are activated automatically upon removal from their brackets. The duration of the Emergency Flashlight is 4.5 hours.
Megaphone Use: In case of electrical power failure. During and after an emergency evacuation. During a bomb threat evacuation. Requires flightdeck notification and Inflight Operation Occurrence Report when used. Location: One secured in the forward left overhead bin. One secured in the aft left overhead bin. Check: Squeeze trigger and listen for audible "click" Secured properly in the brackets.
Operation: Press the button on the handle and speak normally. The maximum range of the Megaphone is 50 feet with a duration of 30 minutes continual use.
Portable Oxygen Bottle (POB) For references throughout this manual, portable oxygen bottles will be referred to as POBS. Use: For first aid. Following a decompression. Requires flightdeck notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report. Location: Two bottles secured in the forward right overhead bin One bottle secured in the mid-cabin right overhead bin. One bottle secured in the aft right overhead bin. Check: Pressure gauge needle registers 15OO or above. Mask may be enclosed in plastic and is plugged into the LO outlet. Secured properly in the brackets. Operation: Ensure that mask is plugged into proper outlet. LO - Decompression. HI - First Aid. Turn knob counterclockwise fully. Pinch plastic bag closest to mask to ensure flow of oxygen. Place mask over nose and mouth. No smoking for a three row radius.
Guidelines For Using a POB SETTINGPROVIDES USE FOR LASTS HI 4 liters per min.First Aid 66 minutes LO 2 liters per min Decompression120 minutes Remove plastic bag and tissue when present. Place in customer seat and pad. Fasten seat belt around both customer and POB. POB may remain in seat for landing. Do not let gauge go below 200. When it is no longer required turn off. Disconnect tubing from the bottle. Secure properly in brackets. Wrap tubing around the top of the POB.
*Any time a POB is used, the following should be reported to the Captain as well as recorded on the Inflight Operational Occurrence Report location of POB used gauge reading length of use
First Aid Kits (FAK) For references throughout this Manual, First Aid Kits will be referred to as FAKS.
Use: When first aid items are not available in the Flight Attendant pouch. Requires flightdeck notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report when used. Location: One secured in the forward right overhead bin. One secured in the aft right overhead bin. Check: Leaded wire seal and/or tape seal is intact. Secured properly with velcro tape. Operation: Use contents in accordance with First Aid procedures. Replenishment packs should be available at each station. The flightdeck must verify the contents of a used kit. A broken seal is acceptable with flightdeck verification.
CPR Masks Use: CPR masks will be used when administering CPR or Rescue Breathing to adult, child or infant. Requires flightdeck notification and inflight Operational Occurrence Report when used. Location: One secured in the forward right overhead bin. One secured in the aft right overhead bin. Check: Check for presence. Secured properly with velcro tape that secures FAK. Operation: Use in accordance with Rescue Breathing and CPR procedures. Dispose of immediately after use.
Latex Gloves Use: Latex gloves will be used in a situation in which you may come in contact with bodily fluids (i.e., saliva, vomit, blood, urine, etc.). Location: One box secured in the forward right overhead bin. One box secured in the aft right overhead bin. Check: Check for presence. Secured properly with velcro tape that secures FAK. Operation:
Latex gloves should be used when needed and removed by pulling completely forward, inside out over the hand. Dispose of immediately after use. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use.
BioHazard Kit Use: For the clean-up of potentially harmful blood/body fluid spills. Location: One secured forward right overhead bin. One secured in aft right overhead bin. Check: For presence
Emergency Medical Kit Use: To be used in a medical situation when the required items are not available in the First Aid Kit. Only by a licensed Medical Doctor (MD) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). Requires flightdeck notification and Inflight Operational Occurrence Report with attached Use of Airline Emergency Medical Kit Form Location: One is secured on the flightdeck. Check: Tape seal is intact and may be enclosed in plastic shrink wrap. Secured properly with velcro tape. Operation: Check credentials of MD or DO. Attending physician must fill out the Use of Airline Emergency Medical Kit form to be turned in with the inflight Operational Occurrence Report. If the seal is broken and/or the kit is used but contents meet minimum requirements listed on the inside lid, the kit is acceptable. The contents must be verified by the MD or DO and reported to the Captain for final verification.
InFlight Medical Emergency Reports Airlines will maintain records for a period of 24 months on each medical emergency occurring during flight time resulting in use of the emergency medical kit required under Appendix A, diversion of the aircraft, or death of a passenger or crew member. These records shall include a description of how the medical kit was used, by whom, and the outcome of the medical emergency. These records will be maintained by Airline Dispatch Center. Airlines will submit these records, or a summary thereof, to the FAA Flight Standards District Office within 30 days after the end of each 12 month period during the 24 months specified in the preceding paragraph. On Board Wheelchair Responsibility: The "A" Position Flight Attendant will check the EMK (Emergency Medical Kit). On-Board Wheelchair
Use: To provide the disabled customer with a means of lav accessibility Location: One secured under the aft right row of seats. Check: Restraining straps are locked (when present). Operation for use: Place wheels on floor with footrest facing up. Place foot in middle of footrest. Pull up on seat back until chair clicks in place. Lock red brake bar in down position. Transfer customer using the "three-man assist". Place arm rest down and adjust back handles into position for pushing. Secure customer with velcro straps. Release brake and push. Securing after use: Lock red brake bar in down position. Readjust back handles in secured position with arm rests in up position. Transfer customer to seat using the "three-man assist" and secure velcro straps on wheelchair. Foot on footrest..
Seat Belt Extensions, Oxygen Demo Masks and Demo Safety Information Card. Use: For customer safety briefing demonstrations during Emergency RA. Seat Belt extension for customers. Location: In the forward or aft wind screen and forward or aft galley stowage compartment. Check: For presence of at least two.
CABIN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS 1. Flightdeck Key(l) Taped inside water compartment, FWD galley. shut-off valve
Two secured FWD OHB A/C R one secured mid cabin OHB A/C L one secured AFT OHB A/C R One secured FWD OHB A/C L secured FWD OHB A/C L
one secured AFT OHB A/C L 6. FirstAid Kit(2) One secured FWD one secured AFT OHB A/C R OHB A/C R
7. Emergency Flashlights(4)
Two secured above FWD two secured above AFT jump seat One secured FWD secured AFT OHB A/C R OHB
8. CPR Mask(2)
One box secured FWD OHB one box secured AFT OHB A/C R One secured (or in aft OHB A/C R) on the
One secured in the aft (or behind the last row of seats YC R) Each vest is located behind back of each jump seat (if applicable) One mounted on each door exit the
14. Customer Flotation Devices Seat bottom cushions or vests 15. Biohazard kit(2) 16. PA Microphone(2) 17. Emergency Light switch(1) One secured FWD secured AFT OHB A/C R OHB A/C R one
Within FA Control Panels, FWD and AFT Within FA Control Panels, AFT
*These boxes of gloves are in addition to the pair of latex gloves that are sealed within the FAK's and are not to be considered as "no go" items Escape Straps Use: The escape straps may be used for the pilots' evacuation from the flightdeck through the sliding window. Location: Halon Location: One secured to the bulkhead behind the first Officer. Recessed in the ceiling above both the Captain's and First Officer's seat.
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) Location: One secured to the Observer's seat, First Officer side.
One secured to the bulkhead in the flightdeck behind the captain. (To be used by flightdeck crew only.)
Gear Viewers Nose Gear Viewer A view port in the flightdeck floor that provides visual inspection of nose gear downlock components.
Main Gear Viewer A view port located under the carpet in the aisle, three (3) windows aft of the overwing exit row. Both nose gear and main gear viewer are the responsibility of the flightdeck. A Flight Attendant may be asked to pull up the carpet and prepare the main gear viewer for inspection by the flightdeck.
Emergency Lighting Systems The emergency lighting system is designed to provide lighting when the aircraft power fails during an emergency. The system consists of: Stationary Emergency Signs Location: Over each cabin door and overwing exit - 300 series. On the cabin ceiling in the forward, overwing and aft areas of the aircraft. 2 feet above floor level at each door and overwing window exit. Operation: Designed to come on automatically when aircraft power fails in an emergency. May be activated by the emergency light switch on the aft Flight Attendant Control Panel. Effective use 10 minutes.
Emergency Light Switch Location: Toggle switch under a red cover on the aft Flight Attendant Control Panel. Operation: Activate for evacuation only after the aircraft has come to a complete stop. "B" Flight Attendant Lift red cover. Move toggle switch to "On" position.
Egress Lighting Location: There is a strip of lighting located in the aisle either aircraft left or aircraft right with white lights providing guidance to red lights. Red lights indicate doors to overwing window exits. Certain aircraft have red lights only at the overwing window exits. Operation: Designed to come on automatically when aircraft power fails during an emergency.
May be activated by the emergency light switch on the aft Flight Attendant Control Panel. Effective length of time 10 minutes.
INFLIGHT EMERGENCIES GENERAL The most important function of each crew member is to provide the greatest amount of safety to their customers. Safety extends from the prevention and care of the most minor mishaps to the more serious emergency situations that might arise. Only those who have a firm understanding and working knowledge of emergency and standard procedures will be able to handle each emergency situation successfully and with a calm, confident, authoritative attitude. Anytime a crew member is incapacitated, his/her duties are the responsibility of the remaining crew. In that no two emergencies are exactly alike, the procedures given in this Manual are intended primarily as guidelines and in no way should restrict the use of the Flight Attendant's own personal judgement and initiative. The procedures may be modified as you feel necessary. When an irregular cabin situation occurs that is a safety hazard to the flight and/or customers follow the chain of command. The purpose of a "chain of command" is to determine who the decision makers are during both routine and emergency situation. The chain of command, in priority, is as follows: *Captain *First Officer *"A" Flight Attendant *"B" Flight Attendant *"C" Flight Attendant
Notification of Captain Four rings to the flight deck indicates a cabin emergency situation. Captain will answer the interphone. Give as complete an assessment of the situation as possible. Continue to keep advised.
Inflight Operational Occurrence Report Complete and turn in to a supervisor within 24 hours after the termination of that sequence. Turn in immediately upon request from inflight management. Give a factual accountant of the occurrence.
Press or News Media Do not make any written or verbal statements to the press or news media without prior briefing or approval from a member of the airlines management. TURBULENCE Weather conditions can cause turbulence in the air which can affect the flight of the aircraft. These turbulent conditions vary in intensity and are classified as light, moderate, severe, or extreme. Light Turbulence: Is a condition during which occupants may be required to use seatbelts, but objects in the aircraft remain at rest. Moderate Turbulence: Is a condition during which occupants of the aircraft require seat belt and are occasionally thrown against the belt. Unsecured objects in the aircraft will be moved about. Severe Turbulence: May cause the aircraft to be momentarily out of control. Occupants are thrown violently against the seat belts and back into their seats. Unsecured objects in the aircraft will be tossed about.
Extreme Turbulence: Is rarely encountered. When it occurs, the aircraft is violently tossed about and is extremely difficult to control. Structural damage may result. Procedures to Follow During Turbulence Unanticipated When other than light turbulence is encountered unexpectedly: Immediately take the nearest seat or jump seat and fasten seat belt and shoulder harness if on jump seat. Direct customers to fasten seat belts. Do not take time to secure galleys. Remain seated until notified by the flight deck Check customers and cabin upon verification from flight deck. If , in your opinion, a lengthy time has passed without turbulence, and you have received no instructions from the flight deck, you may use the interphone if on a jump seat, and request information.
Anticipated When notified by the Captain that turbulence is anticipated: Coordinate with flight deck a PA announcement advising customers of the situation and to fasten their seat belts securely. Visually check customers to be sure their seat belts are fastened. Secure all loose items in the cabin and galley. Take your Flight Attendant jump seat and fasten seat belt and shoulder harness. Remain seated until notified by the flight deck. Check customers and cabin upon notification from flight deck, If , in your opinion, a lengthy time has passed without turbulence, and you have received no instructions from the flightdeck, you may use the interphone if on a jump seat, and request information.
UNUSUAL SOUNDS OR SIGHTINGS Report any unusual sounds that you notice or your customers report (ie. anything out of the ordinary, thumping, hissing, etc.) to the flight deck. Report any unusual sightings that you notice or your customers report (i.e. oil, ice on wings, etc) to the flight deck.
SLOW AIR LEAKS Report any air leaks to the flight deck. If flight deck advises, reseat customers away from the air leak. If the air leak is from an exit that is next to the Flight Attendant jump seat, the Flight Attendant should sit in a customer seat for landing. Select a customer seat that will allow you to reach the exit before any customer can do so. Do not place any articles in the source of the leak. Hypoxic symptoms may be experienced. A decompression of the cabin may result.
EMERGENCY DECOMPRESSION Emergency decompression is a rapid loss in cabin pressure. It is unlikely that an involuntary loss of pressurization will occur, however, a decompression may follow some failure of the fuselage such as cracked window panes, malfunction to the aircraft pressurization system, window or door pressure leak or structural damage to the fuselage. Physical Changes to the Cabin Environment and Customers Explosive noise followed by a rapid movement of cabin air toward the hole.
Rush of air will carry with it paper, loose clothing, dirt and other light objects lying in its path. Sudden decrease in cabin air temperature. Fogging due to moisture condensation in the expanding cabin atmosphere. Refer to First Aid section for hypoxia symptoms
Physiological Symptoms of a Decompression Headache Respiratory changes and difficulties Excessive Sleepiness Light headed or dizzy sensations Blue coloring of skin, lips, fingernails Indifference and a feeling of well-being Fatigue Deterioration of the senses Personality changes Unconsciousness
Flight deck Warning System The warning horn in the flight deck sounds when the cabin altitude reaches 10,000 feet. The "Fasten Seat Belt", "No Smoking", and lavatory "Return to Seat" signs will be turned on by the flight deck. The oxygen masks from the oxygen compartments throughout the aircraft will drop automatically when the cabin altitude reaches 14,000 feet. Flight Attendants should follow Emergency Decompression Procedures.
Procedures to Follow During an Emergency Decompression All Flight Attendants should immediately take oxygen from the nearest 02 mask and secure themselves. While proceeding to the nearest available mask, give commands "USE OXYGEN MASK", "NO SMOKING", "FASTEN SEAT BELT" Remain seated until advised by the captain that oxygen is no longer required. Turn cabin lights to bright. Check and assist passengers. Administer First Aid Oxygen as required Do not repack aircraft oxygen masks after the masks have dropped. Oxygen masks must be repacked by qualified personnel Customers should place the mask over their nose and mouth and breathe normally. They should continue wearing the mask until advised by the crew. Once oxygen from the cabin emergency system is no longer required, customers requiring additional oxygen will be administered first aid from a POB. Any time the 02 masks deploy, maintenance must repack them
NOTE: Generation of the individual chemical units may cause a "burning" odor which may be easily mistaken for odors from a fire. In addition, the chemical canisters can become very hot. Caution should be taken to avoid touching any chemical generator. FIRE PREVENTION AWARENESS Awareness is the Flight Attendant's most valuable tool for preventing inflight fires. All articles that may contribute to the cause of a fire, such as matches, must be properly stowed so as to lessen the risk of unintentional ignition. On designated flights where smoking is permitted, (i.e. charter flights) the Flight Attendant must: Be aware of customers smoking in the aisles Be alert to customers entering lavatories with cigarettes. Watch for customers failing asleep while smoking.
When reporting any indications of a potential problem, clearly define the area of the smoke origin, density and odor. Give as much information as possible.
NOTE: A common occurrence on landing is condensation from the air vents. Because this may look like smoke to the customers, an explanation may be required. Classification of Fires Class A: Wood, paper, fabric. Use H20 fire extinguisher or Halon fire extinguisher - May use water or other liquids for small fire.
Class B: Gas, oil, other flammable liquids. Use Halon fire extinguisher-NEVER use H20, it will tend to spread the burning fuel or oil.
Class C: Electrical Shut off the current if possible, such as by pulling the appropriate galley circuit breakers for a galley fire. - Use Halon fire extinguisher. NEVER use H20 as it will conduct electricity. General Cabin Smoke/Fire Fighting Procedures Report any uncertain cabin smoke to the flight deck immediately. Attempt to locate source of smoke. A PBE may be useful. If fire is present, classify fire. Fight the fire with the nearest appropriate fire extingusher and remove electrical galley power as applicable. Have additional fire fighting equipment available. Another Flight Attendant should simultaneously notify the Captain, (4 rings) and maintain communication throughout the incident. Inspect area thoroughly to ensure extinguishment. A H20 extinguisher or other liquids may be used on a class "A" fire If the fire is not immediately extinguished, circumstances permitting, remove all POBS from the vicinity of the fire Advise customers to stay seated unless it is necessary to move some customers away from smoke, fumes or flames. Instruct customers to breathe through clothing or wet paper towels brought up around the face. A customer requiring oxygen due to smoke inhalation should be reseated away from the fire-affected area.
Galley Smoke/Fires Any time a galley circuit breaker pops, it should be reset only once. The Captain must be notified. If smoke or fire is evident, the Flight Attendant should first attempt to shut off electrical power from the galley by pulling the circuit breaker on the galley wall. If the galley master circuit breaker cannot be pulled due to smoke or fire, request that the Captain remove galley electrical power, specify galley. Whenever fighting galley fires, always use the Halon fire extinguisher. Do not return galley power after any incident involving circuit breakers, without checking with the Captain first.
Smoke Detectors Installed in each lavatory is a household type smoke detector designed to detect lavatory fire. The concentrated particles contained in dense smoke, hair spray or lavatory deodorizer spray may activate the alarm. The alarm will sound until the smoke or fumes have cleared or until the flight deck crew deactivates the appropriate circuit breaker. The Flight Attendant is not to deactivate the smoke detector. Always advise the Captain when the smoke detector activates, even if it is a "false alarm" and always ensure that no possible hazard exists before resuming cabin duties. NOTE: Cigarette smoke will not always activate the alarm. Smoke Detector Alarm Procedures/Lavatory Fires If the lavatory smoke detector is activated, the Flight Attendant will: Check the lavatory for occupancy by knocking on the door and announcing, "Flight Attendant" - I have to enter.
Feel the lavatory door with the back of the hand at different heights to estimate the intensity of a possible fire. IF THE DOOR is COOL: If customer does not open door, pause, then open door cautiously. If it is suspected that a customer has been smoking, follow the appropriate procedures as stated in the Customer Care section. Check for presence of smoke and/or fire (a PBE may be useful). In the trash can Under the sink All accessible compartments Use fire fighting procedures as necessary. Alert the Captain and advise of the status. IF THE DOOR IS MODERATELY HOT: Open door cautiously (a PBE may be useful). Extinguish contents of Halon into the lavatory, low to the floor Alert the Captain and advise
IF DOOR IS VERY HOT, OR FIRE IS OUT OF CONTROL: Keep lavatory door shut. Advise Captain immediately. Surround door and jump seat area with wet blankets. NOTE: Flight Attendants and customers may need to be reseated. Flight Attendants will need to occupy a customer seat allowing closest accessibility to an exit.
Seat Fires Kick the seat back forward, when possible, to help inhibit the flame height. Use the Halon extinguisher. Follow with the H2O extinguisher to saturate.
Flash Fire A flash fire may occur when fuel enters the aircraft through the right wing. The overwing window exits, especially aircraft right, will probably be unavailable and should be blocked off immediately. Remember when referring to an engine fire, engine #1 is aircraft left and engine #2 is aircraft right. In the event of an emergency such as a flash fire, common sense and good judgement will determine the necessary procedures to follow. The "A" Position Flight Attendant will start deplaning customers immediately through the forward entry door. The "B" and "C" Flight Attendants are to evaluate the situation and go to their assigned emergency exits if necessary. If exit is usable, proceed with evacuation of customers as quickly as possible. Escape slides are disarmed at this time and MUST be armed if they are to be used.
Fluorescent Light Ballast Fires Most flourescent light fires will be self extinguishing as they are caused by a burning of the gas inside the bulb cavity. Once the gas is "burned off", the fire risk is no longer present. Notify the Captain. Turn lights to "OFF." Use a Halon fire extinguisher if necessary.
APU Torching Torching is a burst of flames expelled from the aircraft's auxiliary power unit (APU). The occurrence is very similar to an automobile backfire. You will not see torching if it occurs on the 737 because the APU is at the tail of the aircraft. However, should you or one of your customers see a temporary burst of flames on another aircraft, you will be able to explain the occurrence and reassure them that everything is all right Flight Attendant JUMP SEATS AND EXIT RESPONSIBILITIES Each Flight Attendant is assigned a specific jump seat position and responsibility so that, in the event of an emergency evacuation, the Flight Attendant can quickly evacuate customers.
Flight Attendant JUMP SEAT ASSIGNMENTS POSITION A B C D JUMP SEAT ASSIGNMENT Forward jump seat door side Aft jump seat door side Aft jump seat aisle side Forward jump seat aisle side
Flight Attendant BRACING POSITIONS All Flight Attendants will assume the appropriate bracing position for every takeoff and landing. Forward Jump seat Shoulder harness and seat belt securely fastened with seat belt tight and low across hips. Buckle in center of lap. Feet flat on the floor, out from under jump seat. Head resting against seat back. Sit on hands, palms up.
Aft Jump Seat Shoulder harness and seat belt securely fastened with seat belt tight and low across hips. Buckle in center of lap. Feet Flat on the floor, out from under jump seat. Chin resting on chest. Sit on hands, palms up
Inoperative Jump seat If a jump seat becomes inoperative during flight, a Flight Attendant must sit in a customer seat closest to the assigned exit. Flight Attendant EXIT RESPONSIBILITIES POSITION A B C D * PRIMARY EXIT Forward entry (and service*) door Aft entry door Aft service door Forward service door Unless a "D" SECONDARY EXIT Overwing window exit Overwing window exit Overwing window exit Overwing window exit Position Flight Attendant is onboard
Secondary Exits The overwing window exits are listed as secondary exits; however, Flight Attendants must use good judgement and common sense in moving to another exit if their primary exit is blocked. Conditions inside and outside the aircraft must be assessed and will best guide the Flight Attendant on what action to take. Conditions such as smoke, fire or obstructions may make an exit unusable. This may require that the Flight Attendant or a customer selected by the Flight Attendant block that exit. The Flight Attendant should evaluate their personal risk and use the first available exit as a secondary escape route if conditions dictate. To Block an Exit Cross arms in front of chest. Shout "EXIT BLOCKED" Shout "TURN AROUND" or use appropriate direction.
Planned Captain will give Brace Command - "Brace, Brace, Brace" over the P.A. one minute prior to landing. All Flight Attendants will follow the Captain's brace command with: "Heads down!" -- "Stay Down!" repeated continuously until further instructions. Unplanned: Flight Attendant will shout the Brace Command-"Heads Down" "Stay Down"- at the time it is apparent there is a definite problem.
Evacuation Commands The Captain will give the command-"Evacuate" or "Remain Seated", Flight Attendants should not initiate an evacuation unless the flight deck is incapacitated or conditions dictate. Captain Gives Command, "Remain Seated" The "A" Position Flight Attendant will: Remain seated until further instructions from the flight deck. If further instructions do not follow in a reasonable amount of time, ring the flight deck twice and coordinate with flight deck. Captain Gives Command, "Evacuate" All Flight Attendants will: Shout continuous commands during evacuation. Flight Attendant Commands: "Open your seat belt" "Come this way" "This way out!" "Leave everything!" "Jump" - (door exits). "Step out" - (window exits). Water Evacuation Add to your commands: "Remove seat bottom cushions" "Hold on to the straps!"
Smoke Filled Cabin Add to your commands: "Cover your nose and mouths" "Get below the smoke"
Once evacuation has begun it may be necessary to instruct customers to: "Move away from the aircraft!" "Stay together in a group" "No Smoking!"
PLANNED EMERGENCIES A Planned Emergency is one in which the flightdeck has prior warning of potential problems and can coordinate a plan of action with the Flight Attendants. This situation allows the Flight Attendants time to prepare the cabin and enlist the assistance of customers for an evacuation. Flight Attendants will follow procedures on the Planned Emergency Checklist. PLANNED EMERGENCY CHECKLIST Four (4) rings from the flight deck any Flight Attendant in the vicinity of an interphone picks up to check with Captain for the following information: T.E.S.T. - T Type of Emergency - E Exits to be used in the event of evacuation - S Signal to be given by the flight deck crew to brace customers - T Time (amount of ) to prepare cabin If the Captain determines that less than 10 minutes will pass before landing, he/she will direct the Flight Attendants to modify cabin preparation. (T.E.S.T. briefing will be given if Captain determines that sufficient time is available) "B" and "C" Position secure galleys (power off) Check slides and exits.
Obtain Planned Emergency Checklist or refer to this section of this manual. "A" Position briefs "B" and "C" positions on: Situation. Reseating of customers. Coordinating time on watches. Ensure "B" and "C" are referring to this section of manual.
"A" Position: Reads Planned Emergency P.A. (Lights full bright) Brace announcement. Final walk through. Dim lights (Night flight). Notifies Captain: "Cabin is prepared", Seat Belt Sign "On" indicating descent through approximately 18,000 feet: "A" "B" and "C" - Assume brace position on jump seat 30 second review. One minute prior to landing, Captain gives the command, "Brace, Brace, Brace".
Planned Emergency P.A. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has informed me that we need to prepare the cabin for a possible emergency landing. We have (approximate time) to prepare the cabin for landing, so your undivided attention is very important." "Please locate the exits closest to you." "There are four exit doors - two in the forward cabin and two in the aft cabin. Each door is equipped with an evacuation slide which can be detached for flotation. If circumstances require you to open a door immediately pull the red inflation handle located at the base of the door to ensure proper slide inflation." "ln addition, there are two window exits located over the wings. "Each exit is clearly marked with a sign overhead. If needed a lighting system along the aisle will direct you to all exits." "lf you are closest to a door there will be an evacuation slide. Cross your arms and jump into it. If you are closest to an overwing window exit, step out through the exit, and slide off the wing to the ground. Should your exit be blocked with smoke, fire or any obstruction, do not attempt to open or use that exit, but proceed to the nearest usable exit. Flight Attendants will be directing the evacuation." "At this time, remove all sharp objects from your person and place them in a sickness bag. Also, place any remaining cups, cans or glasses in a sickness bag. Place the bag in your seat back pocket. If you are seated in a lounge area at the overwing exit, hand the sickness bag to a Flight Attendant, who will place it in an overhead bin. "Please check to make sure your seat belts are securely fastened, tight and low across hips, your seat backs and tray tables are upright and locked, that all carry on luggage is stowed completely under the seat in front of you." "Please follow the Flight Attendants now while they instruct you on brace positions. Those of you having special needs will be individually briefed by a Flight Attendant. All other adults, place feet flat on the floor, place your head face down in lap and wrap your arms underneath your knees. If you are unable to assume this position, cross your wrists and place them on the seat back in front of you. Rest your forehead on the seat back. Children should lean forward, feet flat on the floor, place head face down in lap and wrap their arms underneath knees. If you are seated in rear facing seats at the overwing exit, place your feet flat on the floor, sit straight up with your head and back flush to the seat and place your hands under your thighs." "Ladies and Gentlemen, approximately one minute prior to landing, the Captain will give the command, "Brace, Brace, Braces". At that time assume your brace positions, remain in your brace position until the aircraft comes to a complete stop and you hear 'evacuate' or 'open your seat belts'. Otherwise, remain seated until further instructions are given." "Should we have to evacuate, move to your closest exit, leave all belongings at your seat. Once off the aircraft, assemble in a group, away from the aircraft, no smoking." "Flight Attendants will be available to assist and take a head count. Please recheck to make sure your seat belts are securely fastened tight and low across the hips." "At this time, please locate the Safety Information Card. We ask that you look over the card and we will be back with you in a few minutes." "We need volunteers to assist us in the event of an evacuation. Please raise your hand if you can assist."
(Select, Brief, Reseat as necessary-Able Bodied Assistant (ABA) briefing instructions are located on back of card)
ABA Briefing Instructions Forward Door Exits Select six ABAs - 3 for each door (reseat only if people closest to exits are unable or unwilling to assist). Instruct ABAs to stay in brace position until: Aircraft comes to a complete stop and/or They hear "Evacuate" or "Open Seat Belts" Instruct #1 ABAs (sitting in aisle seat) to come to assigned exit. Instruct #2 and #3 ABAs to-"HOLD PEOPLE BACK" Flight Attendants Opens Exits Captain will give one of the following commands: "Evacuate" or "Remain Seated" "B" position Flight Attendant turns on emergency light switches when the aircraft comes to a complete stop. Assess conditions inside and outside the aircraft. Open exits. Evacuate passengers-- Shout commands. After checking that all passengers and crew have evacuated the aircraft, time and circumstances permitting, retrieve emergency equipment. Once off aircraft, Flight Attendants will take a customer and crew count. Instruct ABAs on where to go and how to assist people. #1 and #2 ABAs go down slide-hold slide-help people off slide. #3 ABAs go down slide, stand in front of it and tell people to move away from aircraft, stay together in a group-no smoking.
Flight Attendant Incapacitated "B" Position Flight Attendant turns on emergency light switch when aircraft come to complete stop. Instruct #1 ABAs to: Move Flight Attendant(s) off the jump seat (#2 and #3 ABAs hold people back). Face assigned door Assess conditions inside and outside aircraft. Presence of smoke, fire or obstruction - DO NOT OPEN - cross arms and shout "EXIT BLOCKED TURN AROUND" Conditions clear-OPEN EXIT. Place one hand on door-assist handle and other hand on door handle. Rotate handle in direction of arrow. Door swings in and then out. Push door open completely against aircraft. Hold inside assist handle and pull red inflation handle Tell people to"Come this way", "Cross your arms", "Jump" Conditions become life threatening, exit aircraft. Instruct #2 ABAs to slide down slide. Instruct #3 ABAs to take injured Flight Attendant down slide and move off to side (#2 will assist). #2 and #3 ABAs will stand at bottom of slide-help people off slide #3 ABAs tell people to move away from aircraft-stay together in a group-no smoking. Ask if there are any questions-time permitting, ABAs repeat duties.
Aft Door Exits Select six ABAs-3 for each door(reseat only if people closest to exits are unable or unwilling to assist). Instruct ABAs to stay in brace position until: Aircraft comes to a complete stop and/or Hear "Evacuate" or "Open Seat Belts" Instruct #1 ABAs (sitting in aisle seat) to come to assigned exit. Instruct #2 and #3 ABAs to "HOLD PEOPLE BACK"
Aft Entry Door: "B" Flight Attendant will: Be assigned the aft entry door Brief ABAs for aft entry door using the same instructions as for the forward door exits above.
Aft Galley Door: #1 ABA opens door Refer to above door operation. Instruct #2 and #3 ABAs on where to go and how to assist. #2 and #3 ABAs go down slide, hold slide, and help people off slide. #3 ABAs tell people to move away from aircraft, stay together in a group, no smoking.
Window Exit Check that customers sitting at overwing exit are still willing to assist with evacuation; reseat if necessary. Remind ABAs that a Flight Attendant will not be at window exit to help. Instruct ABAs to stay in brace position until: Aircraft comes to a complete stop and they hear, "Evacuate" or "Open Seat Belts"
Overwing Window Exit Instruct #1 ABA (window seat) Face aft. Assess conditions inside and outside aircraft. Presence of smoke, fire, or obstruction-DO NOT OPEN-cross arms and shout, "EXIT BLOCKED TURN AROUND." Conditions clear-OPEN EXIT. Remove plastic cover when present. Place aisle hand palm-down in the top hand hold. Place other hand palm-up in the bottom hand hold. Pull down on top hand hold/handle to remove window. Stow window on seats or throw outside aircraft away from exit. Step out on wing and assist passengers. Instruct #2 ABAs: "HOLD PEOPLE BACK" until exit is open, EXIT NEXT. Slide off wing (low side) and assist people. Tell people to move away from the aircraft, stay together in a group, and no smoking. Instruct #3 ABAs: Climb on seat in which you were seated and shout, "STAY BACK" until exit is open. Tell customers to "COME THIS WAY - STEP OUT" If conditions become life-threatentng-EXIT AIRCRAFT. Ask if there are any questions, time permitting. ABAs repeat duties.
For aircraft with Aft Facing overwing seats: Instruct #4, 5, and 6 ABAs Hold people back until exit is open, exit next Slide off wing (low side) and assist people Tell people to move away from the aircraft, stay together in a group and no smoking.
REMEMBER: ABLE-BODIED ASSISTANTS (ABAs) "A" Flight Attendant briefs six (6) ABAs. Three (3) for forward entry door, and three (3) for forward galley door. "B" Flight Attendant briefs six(6) ABAs. Three (3) for aft entry door, and three (3) for aft galley door. "C" Flight Attendant briefs six (6) ABAs. Three (3) for each overwing window exit.
CUSTOMER BRACING POSITIONS Standard Brace Position-Adult and Child Seat belt securely fastened. Lean forward with feet flat on floor. Place head face down in lap.
Over Wing Aft Facing Seat Standard Brace Position-Adult and Child Seat belt securely fastened. Sit straight up. Head and back flush to seat. Hands placed under thighs. Alternate Brace Position-Adult Seat belt securely fastened Feet flat on floor. Cross your wrists and place them on the seat back in front of you. Rest your forehead on the seat back.
Customer with Small Child Seat belt securely fastened. Lean forward with feet flat on floor. Wrap one arm under knee and place one arm over child. or Place one arm on seat back in front of you, forehead resting on seat back and one arm over child (lounge area). Child assumes forward facing seat bracing position.
Customer with infant If a car seat is available, instruct customer to leave infant properly secured in car seat. Advise customer to remove child from car seat when evacuating. If a seat is available, an infant can be secured in a customer seat by themselves by padding with a pillow. If no customer seat is available, the child should be held in lap and customer should assume bracing position for appropriate seat. Seat belt should be fastened around adult only. UNPLANNED EMERGENCIES The majority of all emergencies happen on takeoff or landing, with no prior warning. Flight Attendants have no time to coordinate a course of action with the Captain and must be prepared to react on their own. Flight Attendants must follow emergency procedures below using the skills acquired in training, and good judgement. UNPLANNED EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES All Flight Attendants Should: SHOUT - "HEADS DOWN - STAY DOWN!" This is to get the customer's head down. Continue shouting until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. There may be two impacts. Stay in brace position until aircraft comes to a complete stop, the Captain will initiate an evacuation or direct the Flight Attendants to remain seated. If called upon to evacuate, each Flight Attendant should proceed to his her primary exit and assess outside conditions. If safe, open primary exit when shouting commands. If unsafe, block exit and proceed to secondary exit assignment. If proceeding to an overwing exit, ensure that your jump seat partner (if applicable) is informed of your intention. Continue evacuation using commands previously identified. In Addition, "A" Flight Attendant Will: Open the fwd entry door (conditions permitting), then place an ABA at that door to evacuate customers. The "A" position Flight Attendant then opens the fwd galley door (conditions permitting) and conducts the evacuation from that door. In Addition, "B" Flight Attendant Will: Turn on the EMERGENCY LIGHT SWITCH when the aircraft comes to a complete stop.
Primary Exit Proceed to primary exit and assess outside conditions. If safe, open exit and inflate slide. Instruct two passengers to grab seat cushions, jump into the water and move to the end of the slide. Position two ABAS to hold people back as Flight Attendant detaches the slide from the aircraft. Turn slide over. Instruct the remaining passengers to leave everything, grab seat cushions, and come towards the exit.
Flight Attendant Commands "Open your seat belts" "Remove seat bottom cushions." "Hold onto the straps." "Come this way!" "This way out!" "Leave everything!" "jump" (door exits only)
Overwing Exit If it becomes necessary to use a secondary window exit, block your primary exit before proceeding down the aisle. If safe, open the window exit after assessment. Tell ABA to grab his/her seat cushion. Instruct ABA to attach the escape tape to the wing. Help people out and send them off the FWD edge of the wing. Add "Step out" to evacuation commands.
Post Evacuation Procedures "A" and "B" Flight Attendants should obtain a first aid kit. All Flight Attendants should obtain a flashlight. Assist ground personnel as directed. Obtain customer count Enforce no smoking Administer first aid Assemble customers 100 yards upwind (if applicable) Unwarranted Evacuation If a customer attempts (on their own initiative) to open an exit to evacuate the aircraft, the Flight Attendant should: Ascertain that there is no reason to evacuate (i.e., APU torching). Shout the command "STOP", use the P.A. if immediately accessible. Notify the flight deck and other crew members immediately. Calm and reassure customers.
DUTIES OF THE CAPTAIN AND FIRST OFFICER IN AN EVACUATION F.A.R. 91.3 Responsibility and Authority of the Pilot in Command. The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft. In an emergency requiring immediate action, the pilot in command may deviate from any rule to the extent required to meet that emergency. Each pilot in command who deviates from a rule shall, upon the request of the Administrator, send a written report of that deviation to the Administrator. The following information is taken from the pilot's Operations Manual. The information is to insure better crew coordination during an evacuation. Evacuation will be initiated by the Captain. After landing, direct Flight Attendants to evacuate or remain seated, use the P.A. system for this command. CAPTAIN WILL ISSUE COMMAND "EVACUATE". The evacuation may be initiated by the Flight Attendant only after he/she has ascertained the flight crew is incapacitated.
Under the following guidelines, the pilot will take whatever actions are necessary to insure all usable exits are opened, and to get customers out of and away from the aircraft as quickly as possible. Captain
Exercise overall command in the cabin. Assist the Flight Attendants and customers as necessary. He will then assume command outside the aircraft.
First Officer Leave the aircraft as quickly as possible, preferably through one of the forward doors. Direct and coordinate evacuation from all available exits by circling the exterior and enlisting the aid of able-bodied assistants. Direct customers away from the aircraft.
TYPES OF EMERGENCY LANDINGS The attitude of the aircraft and conditions both inside and outside the aircraft must be assessed and will dictate whether an exit is usable. Belly Landing All landing gear up. Two impacts, first when tail hits ground which is minor, then a second impact as nose or forward portion of aircraft hits ground causing the impact. Position of aircraft. All exits are close to ground. Slides may not be necessary.
Nose Gear UP Landing Nose wheel up and main gear is down. Nose low Tail high Direct customers off the leading edge of the wing as opposed to the trailing edge.
Main Gear UP Landing Main gear up and nose gear is down. Nose high Tail low Extreme fire hazard due to fuel in wings. Will probably avoid overwing window exits.
One Main Gear Up Landing Nose and one main gear down and one main gear up. One side of aircraft will be high. Extreme fire hazard exists. Will probably avoid overwing window exit that is low, and possibly entire low side.
Brake Fire Use any exits on side opposite fire and advise customers to stay clear of burning brake and wheel. Aborted Take-off A takeoff that is discontinued prior to reaching takeoff speed. Possible causes blown engine or traffic. Remain seated and wait for instructions from the Captain.
THIRTY SECOND REVIEW To ensure the highest degree of safety, prior to every takeoff and landing, Flight Attendants must: Assume their brace position on their jump seat. Observe sterile flight deck. Do a silent "30 Second Review" of the following: What is the customer count?
GROUND SECURITY A ground security program has been established to prevent persons from sabotaging the airport, aircraft or a flight. All aircraft must be closely guarded while on the ground. Ramp areas must be kept free of sightseers, visitors and other unauthorized persons. Employees are urged to be aware of any suspicious persons observed around the aircraft. If a suspicious person is noticed you should: Approach the person and ask them to show proper identification. If proper identification cannot be shown, notify a Ground Operations Supervisor or a Customer Service Supervisor. The Supervisor will notify airport security as necessary.
TERMINAL SECURITY PROCEDURES SCREENING OF CUSTOMERS AT SECURITY CHECKPOINT Federal Safety Rules require all enplaning customers and visitors (including those traveling non-revenue) to be screened at a security checkpoint before proceeding to the gate area. This screening is normally accomplished through the use of metal detectors. SCREENING QUALIFIED HANDICAPPED CUSTOMERS AT SECURITY CHECKPOINTS Qualified handicapped customers may proceed through the metal detector, and be subject to the same security requirements as other customers. Possession of a mobility aid used for independent travel will not subject the person, or the aid, to special screening procedures if the person or the aid clears the security system without activation. This does not prohibit security personnel from examining a mobility aid or assistive device which, in their judgement, may conceal a weapon or other prohibited item. Private screening will be conducted upon the request of the individual. SCREENING carry-on BAGGAGE
ALL carry-on baggage passing through the screening point must be inspected physically or with an X-ray device. Articles cleared by this inspection may pass the screening point and be carried into the aircraft cabin. Should a customer refuse to permit the inspection of any hand-carried articles, such articles will not be transported. SCREENING CREWMEMBERS AND CREWMEMBER LUGGAGE Working and deadheading crewmembers and luggage must be screened at a security checkpoint before proceeding to the gate areas. DEADLY AND DANGEROUS WEAPONS It is a crime for a customer or crewmember to carry an unauthorized deadly or dangerous weapon, either concealed or unconcealed, aboard an aircraft. Airport security may remove certain items considered to be a deadly or dangerous weapon from a customer or crewmember attempting to pass through a security checkpoint. ITEMS CONSIDERED DEADLY OR DANGEROUS Firearms Any weapon from which a shot may be fired by the force of an explosion including starter pistols, compressed air or BB guns, and flare pistols. Including sabers, swords, hunting knives, souvenir knives, martial arts devices, and such other knives with blades 4 inches long or longer and/or knife considered illegal by local law.
Bludgeons Blackjacks, billy clubs, or similar instruments. Explosives/Ammunition, Flammable Liquids Any explosive or incendiary components which by themselves, or in conjunction with other items, can result in an explosion or fire. These include explosive materials, blasting caps, fireworks, gasoline, other flamable liquids, ammunition, etc., or any combination of these items (generally referred to as a "bomb"). Disabling or Incapacitating Items All tear gas, mace, pepper spray, chemicals and gases, whether in pistol canister, or any other container, and other disabling devices such as electronic stunning/shocking devices. Other Articles Such items as ice picks, straight razors, and elongated sissors, even though not commonly thought of as a deadly or dangerous weapon, but could be used as a weapon, including toy or "dummy" weapons or grenades. ACCESS TO AIRCRAFT Jetways provide access to and from the aircraft and are considered secured areas. Jetway doors must remain locked except during customer boarding and deplaning to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to the aircraft. Unauthorized or unbadged persons exempting to enter the jetway or aircraft MUST be tactfully, but firmly, refused entrance into a secured area or boarding of the aircraft. If persons appears unauthorized or unbadged... Ask for company or Federal identification from the person. If proper identification cannot be shown, notify the Captain (if possible), a Ground Operations Supervisor ar a Customer Service Supervisor. Supervisor will notify airport security as necessary.
Customers should not be allowed to re-enter the aircraft to recover personal belongings left on-board once they have left the jetway. The CSA Airport Service Agent should be alerted so they may arrange for the article to be retrieved.
CREW LUGGAGE Crewmembers must continuously be conscious of their crew luggage. It should be kept in sight at all times and never left unattended in restaurants, gate areas, terminals, hallways, stairwells or in any other unsecured areas. If you leave crew luggage in a jetway, it is mandated by the F.A.A. the jetway doors must be closed and locked. Crew luggage left in a jetway that is open/unlocked during boarding or deplaning, must have at least one crewmember with the luggage at all times. CABIN SECURITY CHECK Perhaps the aircraft cabin itself offers the greatest opportunity to hide explosives or other destructive devices. Carry-on luggage, a small parcel in an overhead bin, or a cleverly placed device in the lavatories while inflight may jeopardize the safety of the flight. Therefore, each Flight Attendant must perform a Cabin Security Check before the initial flight of the day and every flight thereafter, to reduce or eliminate this possibility. "A" Position Flight Attendant Forward lavatory o under the sink o in the trash all accessible compartments Forward galley Forward bulkhead.
"B" Position Flight Attendant Aft lavatory o under the sink o in the trash all accessible compartments Aft galley Aft closet Portfolio compartment
"C" Position Flight Attendant In all overhead bins behind emergency equipment under pillows and blankets in customer seat back pockets Under customer seats Magazine storage compartment
UNATTENDED AND UNCLAIMED carry-on ITEMS Types of carry-on Items Innocent looking Briefcase Tote Bag Duffle Bag Garment Bag
In most cases, if an innocent appearing item is carried onboard the aircraft, it is safe to carry it off. Carry the item in the same attitude you found it. DO NOT OPEN !! Notify the Captain and/or Airport Services Agent and they will notify proper authorities. If inflight, notify the Captain. Suspicious looking: Items with wires exposed Plastic explosives
Any item that appears suspicious due to size or shape A suspicious-looking item should be left where found: Report it to the Captain and/or the Airport Services Agent IMMEDIATELY!!! If inflight, notify the Captain.
BOMB AND SABOTAGE THREATS INTRODUCTION The threat of a bombing or sabotage to an aircraft or facility have become a fact of life throughout the aviation industry and are punishable by federal law. Experience has shown the great majority of threats are hoaxes and do not result in an actual bomb being found. However, airlines are responsible for the safety and comfort of all people on board an aircraft, making it necessary to evaluate all threats and respond accordingly. Even the best security systems sometimes fail to detect the homemade bomb. Once this material is on board the aircraft you must be familiar with the necessary precautions to use, and how you can be of assistance to the flightdeck crew if this occasion would arise. A serious threat is posed to the airline when there is possibility of an explosive on board, whether on the ground or inflight. THREATS An inflight crewmember must be prepared for three different types of threats. Direct Verbal Threats Threat being made by aggressor to company personnel. "There is a bomb on board." Indirect Communicated Threats A threat made by means of written or telephone communication. Suspicious Objects An alien object found on board the aircraft.
CLASSIFICATION OF BOMB SABOTAGE THREATS Upon receiving a bomb sabotage threat it will be classified as specific or non-specific. The threat will be classified as specific when one or more of the following factors are present. Specific statement is made such as : The next flight departing, or arriving, from (a named airport) has a bomb on board. The origin and/or destination of a flight is given. An exact date and/or time is stated. A particular flight number is mentioned.
Bomb Threat Procedures Bomb Threat Customer Makes Bomb Threat While Boarding Immediately notify the Captain and Airport Services Agent/Customer Service Supervisor of the situation for evaluation. The Supervisor will request security as necessary. DO NOT divulge threat or information to other customers. Keep the person making the threat, or indicating knowledge of a bomb threat under surveillance until relieved by an airline representative or security personnel. Check with the Captain and Airport Services Agent/Customer Service Supervisor for further Instructions.
Bomb Threat-Aircraft at Gate The Captain will: Coordinate with the Airport Services Agent/Customer Service Supervisor to determine the appropriate actions to be taken. Ensure "A" Position Flight Attendant is briefed on the following: Whether to deplane customers. The manner in which customers will deplane (i.e. Jetway, airstrips or customer loading stairs). If carry-on luggage should be removed from aircraft. If Flight Attendants should perform Cabin Security Check on deplane. Coordinate a P.A. advising customers of situation.
The Flight Attendants will: The "A" Position Flight Attendant will brief "B"" and "C" Position Flight Attendants on the situation and procedures which should be followed. If instructed, the Flight Attendants will assist ground personnel escorting the customers to a suitable holding area.
Bomb Threat-Aircraft Maneuvering on the Ground The Captain will: Coordinate with ground operations on a plan of action. Inform the "A" Position Flight Attendant of the threat and the action to be taken. Method of deplaning customers if instructed to do so. Whether or not carry-on baggage should be left onboard. Coordinate appropriate P.A. to inform the customers of the procedure to be used for deplaning
The "A" Position Flight Attendant will: Brief "B" and "C" Position Flight Attendants on the plan of action. When directed by the Captain to deplane: The "C" Position Flight Attendant will deplane first, taking a megaphone for use in assembling the customers in a safe area, at least 300 feet from the aircraft, ensure the customers stay together in a group and absolutely no smoking unless authorized by the Captain. Any cabin duties of the "C" Position Flight Attendant will be assumed by the "B" Position Flight Attendant. The "A" and "B" Flight Attendants will conduct the deplaning of customers. If directed by the Captain, the "A" and "B" Position Flight Attendants should perform a Cabin Security Check. Once off the aircraft, crewmembers should not make any statements to the press. The crew and customers should follow the instructions of the local authorities.
Bomb Threat-Aircraft Inflight The Captain will: Evaluate all information received. May elect to continue to the original destination, Return to the point of departure, or Divert to a suitable alternate. Coordinate a plan of action with Ground Operations. Inform the "A" Flight Attendant of the situation and the method for deplaning customers. Coordinate with the "A" Position Flight Attendant any appropriate P.A. announcements.
The "A" Position Flight Attendant will: Brief "B," "C" and "D" Position Flight Attendants on the situation and the plan of action to be taken. Upon landing: The aircraft will proceed to the designated dispersal area directed by the tower. Follow BOMB THREAT-AIRCRAFT MANEUVERING ON THE GROUND procedures.
BOMB,EXPLOSIVE DEVICE FOUND ONBOARD THE FLIGHT If a bomb is found on board the aircraft, assume you are dealing with a live device and notify the Captain immediately! The Captain is in complete and full command. His/her judgement and decisions are absolute and final. It is up to the Captain as to whether the device should be left in place. If it is left in place, use the following procedures: Move customers as far away from the device as possible. If there are empty seats, readjust the seating. DON'T cut any string or tape which is under tension. DON'T open any closed containers which are suspect. DON'T disconnect or cut any wires or electrical connections.
Keep the device in the exact place and in the attitude in which it is found. Stabilize it in this position so it will not be able to move during descent and landing. Reduce fragmentation and fire potential as much as possible. Carefully pile blankets and pillows around the device. Deplane customers following instructions of Captain.
HIJACKING INTRODUCTION An important factor in handling a hijacking is to adopt a manner and attitude that will avoid alarming or frightening the hijacker, or customers. All crewmembers must remain calm regardless of circumstances and must convey an air of calmness to others. The ability to remain cool, think straight, and operate calmly requires the knowledge of what to do under the given circumstances, and for this reason, procedural guidelines have been established. HIJACKING PROCEDURES Advising the Captain At some point during the flight, the hijacker will make known his desires. More than likely it will be a request or demand for access to the flightdeck and/or conversation with the Captain. Write down the demands in detail to ensure you relay the correct information and to buy some time. Tell the hijacker access will be permitted only by interphone conversation and subsequent approval by the Captain. Alert the flightdeck of the situation, without alarming the hijacker or customers. To inform the Captain of an attempted hijacker you should: Attempt to move to the aft interphone taking the hijacker with you. Call the Captain via the interphone by ringing him twice. Advise the Captain over the interphone by using the code word. Do not emphasize the code word. State it as though it were normal phraseology. This alert will provide the Captain with sufficient warning to take certain actions during the time you escort the hijacker to the flightdeck. The problem very quickly comes to rest primarily on the Captain who must use his/her judgement and experience to bring about a successful and safe resolution of the threat. His/her efforts will be aided by a team of support personnel on the ground, comprised of Flight Operations, company executives, and law enforcement authorities.
Advising Customers Captain will coordinate appropriate P.A. with "A" Flight Attendant. Customers should be advised of the situation and requested to stay seated with their seat belts fastened, remain calm and cooperate to the best of their abilities.
Suggested Crewmember Action Maintain control Keep flightdeck continually informed. Slow down all of your actions. Delay, time is on your side. Stay calm. Set a good example for the customers. Individually assist, comfort and reassure customers as necessary. If conditions permit, establish rapport with the hijackers. NOTE: Always remember the hijacker has a problem or they wouldn't be hijacking the aircraft. Consider them dangerous no matter what his/her mood. If the hijacker does not speak or understand English, solicit other crewmembers or customers who may speak a language which the hijacker may understand. Have the selected person present the appropriate comment in that foreign language.
DEALING WITH THE HIJACKER Retention of Information Crewmembers should attempt to determine the hijackers name and purpose for hijacking. Stay alert and observe the hijacker carefully to determine the following:
Did the hijacker kidnap a specific individual? Who did they kidnap and why? What where the hijackers actions or reactions under various circumstances? Was special cargo aboard? Obtain any other information which may be useful to authorities at a later date.
HIJACKING INVOLVING THE USE OF VOLATILE MIXTURES The presence of volatile mixtures, such as gasoline, poses a threat of flash ignition and explosion, causing possible structural or systems failure as well as casualties. In order to reduce or eliminate the possibility of such an occurrence, crewmembers must comply with the following: 1. The "no smoking" sign will remain on and all customers instructed not to smoke cigarettes in order to eliminate a potential source of ignition. 2. The flightdeck door will remain closed so as to protect the flight crew from the effects of a flash fire and to reduce the charge of gasoline vapors getting into the flightdeck where many sources of ignition are present. 3. Request flightdeck personnel to induce maximum air flow. In the event a fire has started, air flow will be kept to a minimum. 4. All crewmembers will be alerted to have halon fire extinguishers ready in order to meet a fire problem early enough to keep it under control. HOSTAGE SITUATIONS Stockholm Syndrome This is a term used to describe the relationship often formed between a hostage taker and a hostage. Strange though it may seem, many times a very strong allegiance is formed between the two individuals; hostages have protected and defended their captor. It seems this relationship develops from a feeling of indebtedness on the part of the hostage. They feel their life threatened when taken captive. Every minute thereafter the hostage taker does not harm them they become grateful and begin to see the hostage taker as a nice person the world has simply mistreated. Be aware this type of allegiance can be formed and avoid falling into this trap. Always keep in mind the hostage taker is committing a crime and is violating your rights, in addition to threatening your safety.
COOPERATION WITH COMPANY/GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Full cooperation should be given to the governments and their representatives at any point at which the aircraft has been diverted. Realize the press has access to all local police reports, therefore advise local authorities you will give your statement to your airline and FBI representatives only. Provide written statements of the incident immediately after clearance from the Superivsor of inflight Services. Do not make any written or verbal statements to the press or news media without prior briefing or approval from your airline's management.
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL COMPANY POLICY It is airline policy not to carry hazardous materials. Flight Attendants must immediately report to the Captain their observation of any article in the cabin area with a restricted articles label. Dangerous Goods: Articles or substances which may pose a significant risk when transported by air. These articles are divided into nine different classes. The term "Dangerous Goods" is the universally accepted ICAO/IATA term. Hazardous Materials:
Substances or material which has been determined to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk when transported by ANY common carrier. Rules for the carriage of hazardous materials are published in the Title 49 CFR Parts 100 through 175. General Hazardous materials required aboard an aircraft in accordance with the applicable air worthiness requirements and operating regulations. Unless otherwise approved by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, items of replacement for such hazardous materials must be transported in accordance with this subchapter except that: In place of the required packagings, packagings specially designed for the transport of aircraft spares and supplies may be used, provided such packagings provide at least an equivalent level of protection to those that would be required by this subchapter; Non-radioactive medicinal and toilet articles carried by a crewmember or customer in checked or carry-on baggage, and aerosols, with no subsidiary risk, for sporting or home use, when carried in checked baggage only, when: The total capacity of all the containers used by a crewmember or customer does not exceed 23 kg (70 net weight ounces) or 2 liters (68 fluid ounces). The capacity of each container other than an aerosol container does not exceed 470 ml (15 liquid ounces or 0.5 kg (1.1 pound) of material. Oxygen, or any hazardous material used for the generation of oxygen, carried for medical use by a customer in accordance with 14 CFR Section 121.574, where permitted by company policy and tariffs. Human beings and materials with an implanted medical device, such as a heart pacemaker, that contains Class 7 (radioactive) materials, or with radio-pharmaceuticals that have been injected or digested. Smoke grenades, flares, or similar devices carried only for use during a sport parachute jumping activity. Personal smoking materials intended for use by any individual when carried on his person except lighters with flammable liquid reservoirs and containers containing lighter fluid for use in refilling lighters. Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) in quantities not exceeding 2.3 kg (5.07 pounds) per package packed as prescribed by Section 173.217 of this subchapter and used as a refrigerant for the contents of the package. The package must be marked with the name of the contents being cooled, the net weight of the dry ice or an indication that the net weight is 2.3 kg (5.07 pounds) or less, and also marked "Carbon Dioxide, Solid," or "Dry Ice." A transport incubator unit necessary to protect life or an organ preservation unit necessary to protect human organs, provided: o The compressed gas used to operate the unit is an authorized DOT specification cylinder and is marked, labeled, filled and maintained as prescribed by this subchapter; o Each battery used in the operation of the unit is of the non-spillable type; o The unit is constructed so that valves, fittings, and gauges are protected from damage: o The pilot-in-command is advised when the unit is on board, and when it is intended for use; o The unit is accompanied by a person qualified to operate it; o The unit is secured in the aircraft in a manner so as not to restrict access to, or use of , any required emergency or regular exit, or of the aisle in the customer compartment; and, o Smoking within 3 meters (10 feet) of the unit is prohibited. Alcoholic beverages, perfumes, colognes, and liquefied gas lighters that have been examined by the Bureau of Explosives (B of E) and approved by the associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, carried aboard a customer-carrying aircraft by the operator for use or sale on the aircraft. Alcoholic beverages not exceeding 70% alocohol by volume, perfumes and colognes, purchased through duty-free sales, carried by customers or crew as carry-on baggage. Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) intended for use in food and beverage service aboard aircraft and dry ice in quantities not exceeding 2 kg (4.4 pounds) per customer when used to pack perishables in carry-on baggage provided the package permits the release of carbon dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide gas cylinders worn by customers for the operation of mechanical limbs and spare cylinders of a similar size for the same purpose in sufficient quantities to ensure an adequate supply for the duration of the journey.
Emergency Response Guidebook This guidebook was developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation for use in the event of a hazardous materials spill. It is a guide for initial action to protect yourself and the general public from exposure to hazardous materials.
The book contains numbered guides which provide the most vital information about potential hazards and guidance for initial action to be taken should personnel encounter unauthorized hazardous materials. Emergency Response handbook is located in the seat-back pouch behind the captain's seat. BASIC CATEGORIES Restricted hazardous materials fall into nine basic categories. The following items are considered totally unacceptable for shipment: Radioactive Material Poison Flammable Gas Non-flammable Gas Flammable Liquid Oxidizer Flammable Solid Corrosive material (liquid and solid) Infectious Substance and Etiological Agent Other Regulated Materials (ORMs)
PERSONAL SECURITY PARKING LOT SECURITY When returning to your car after a trip, particularly after dark: Have your car keys out and ready before arriving at your car. Go in pairs to one car then drive to the second car. The driver of the first car should remain until the second car is checked out and the engine is running. Before getting in, check under your car and in the rear seat to ensure the car is empty. Lock all your doors at all times while driving. Anytime you leave your car unattended, be sure to lock your doors.
HOTELS ROOM SECURITY When checking into the hotel avoid announcing your room number. After checking into the hotel, go to the rooms in groups. Most crew rooms are in close proximity to each other. Always check and double check door locks and window locks. Whenever you enter your room, carefully check under the bed, closets, the bathroom, behind curtains, etc., to ensure the room is empty. This should be done in pairs whenever possible. Never open your door for unexpected deliveries or requests to enter your room. Always call the Front desk to verify the name of the employee and the purpose of the visit. When an order is delivered, always ask that the bill be slipped under the door before opening. During your stay at the hotel, when out of your room, leave the lights and television on. Use caution on hotel elevators and in stairwells. If threatened in the elevator, press/pull the emergency button, not the stop button. When checking out of the hotel, lock the door and return the key to the front desk. This will help protect the next person who occupies the room. Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings to ensure your safety. Hotel Fire Safeguards Most airline personnel travel more than the general public, and as a result are more frequently exposed to the ever-present danger of being in a hotel fire. Survival can be reinforced by taking certain precautions.
Check Exits Locate the Fire Exits in relationship to your room. Inspect the exits to ensure they are usable in case of fire or other emergencies. Count the doorways between your room and all exits; be aware of any other features that could be important in an escape route. Locate the Fire alarm in the corridor nearest your room and read the directions about its use. It is recommended for people who travel frequently to carry duct tape. It may be used to seal doors and cracks, preventing smoke and gases from entering the room.
Check Your Room Know the floor plan of your room. This could be the safest place to stay in the event of a fire or other emergency. Put your hotel room key close to where you sleep. Never leave your room without the key. You may want to get back in your room if the exit is blocked by fire or smoke. Examine the windows. Do they open? If so, how do the latches work. Look out the window to see what's outside; if you are on the first or second floor, escape through the window may be possible. All hotels should have smoke alarms and sprinkler systems in each room; be sure your smoke alarm is working. If the smoke alarm is not working properly, or you have any concerns, contact the front desk.
In Case of Hotel Fire Fire in Your Room If the fire begins in your room follow these steps: Report it immediately to the hotel desk by telephone. Try to put it out if you are sure you can handle it. If you have doubts about containing the fire, get out of the room and close the door behind you. Sound the alarm and arouse your neighbors.
Fire in Another Part of Building - Able to Exit If fire starts in another part of the building you will probably be aroused by an alarm, yelling in the corridors, phone call(s), or the sound of fire engines outside. If so, follow these steps: Grab your key and go to the door. If smoke is present, roll out of bed and crawl to the door. Don't stand as smoke and deadly gases rise to the top half of the room. Feel the door with the back of your hand. If the door or door knob is not hot, open the door slowly, but be ready to slam it shut if necessary. Check the hall. Never use the elevator to escape fire or smoke, it could malfunction and take you to a door filled with smoke/flames. If everything is clear, walk to the nearest exit closing your door behind you. If there is smoke in the corridor, attempt to crawl to an exit. Stay close to the exit wall and count the doorways to the exit. Walk down to the ground level and evacuate the building to a safe distance.
Fire in Another Part of Building - Unable to Exit If your door is hot, or smoke is extremely dense in the hallways, stay in your room and try to survive the fire and smoke by following these steps: Let someone know you are in your room. If the phone works call for help and give the room number. If you are on the second floor or lower, try to escape through the window, you may be able to drop to the ground safely. Turn on the bathroom fan, fill the bathtub; the water may be needed for fire fighting and/or wetting towels. Wet towels and sheets to put around doors and cracks to keep smoke from seeping into the room. Use the ice bucket to wet down doors and walls. In a high-rise hotel, do not break the window. It will create a deadly draft, drawing smoke into the room. Hang a sheet or towel at the window to let someone know you are in there. As a last resort, if your room becomes unbearable, you may be forced to go for the nearest exit. Remember to keep as low to the floor as possible.
Few people are burned to death in fires. Most people die from smoke, poison gases and panic. Panic is usually the result of not knowing what to do, and failure to being properly familiarized with your surroundings. Have an escape plan and adapt it to the emergency to greatly increase your chances of survival. Be safe, be cautious - don't become a fatal statistic!