Usmc Intelligence Training and Readiness Manual
Usmc Intelligence Training and Readiness Manual
Usmc Intelligence Training and Readiness Manual
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MCO 3500.32 C 461M 28 Jun 99 MARINE CORPS ORDER 3500.32 From: To: Subj: Encl: Commandant of the Marine Corps Distribution List INTELLIGENCE TRAINING AND READINESS MANUAL (SHORT TITLE: T&R MANUAL) (1) Locator Sheet INTEL
1. Purpose. To publish revised training standards, regulations, and policies, which prescribe a career continuum of training in the Core and Core-plus skills, required of the intelligence community. 2. Background. This manual reflects a holistic approach to training Marine Corps intelligence personnel with a standardized career-training plan. The individual training standards contained in this Manual supersedes the Individual Training Standards listed in MCO 1510.58 and MCO 1510.107. Those directives will remain in effect for approximately one year to support transition to the Intelligence T&R Manual by the Operating Forces and formal schools. This Manual incorporates both individual training standards and unit/section skills in a progressively more challenging, "building block" approach that leaders can use to develop both the individual abilities and the team skills required of intelligence Marines. 4. Reserve Applicability. Corps Reserve. 5. Certification. This Manual is applicable to the Marine
7000110 (55) 7230080 (20) 7000144/7230004/8145001 (1) Approved for public release; distribution is
MCO 3500.32 28 Jun 99 LOCATOR SHEET Subj: ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (Indicate location(s) of copy(ies) of this Manual.) ENCLOSURE (1)
INTELLIGENCE T&R MANUAL RECORD OF CHANGES Log completed change action as indicated __________________________________________________________________________ Change |Date of |Date |Signature of Person Number |Change |Entered |Incorporating Change ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ | | | | | | ________________|__________________|________________|_____________________ i
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 MAGTF Intelligence Officer/0202 PAGE 1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. 1020. 1021. 1022. INTRODUCTION..................................................1-3 UNIT TRAINING.................................................1-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING.............................1-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY.............................1-3 CAREER PROGRESSION............................................1-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY.................................1-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING........................................1-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT.....................................1-4 CRP COMPUTATION...............................................1-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX........................................1-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX...........................................1-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)...........................1-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL).............................1-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL).....................1-6 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)...........................1-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS..........................................1-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING.............................................1-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING...................................1-7 UPDATE CHAINING...............................................1-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE....................1-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS..............................1-7 TRAINING REFERENCES...........................................1-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 MAGTF Intelligence Officer/0202 1001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 1002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 1003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 1004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). 1-3
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 1006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 1007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 1008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performance-oriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. 1-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 1009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual 1-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 1010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 1011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 1012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). in appendix (E). 1013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). in appendix (F). 100 level tasks are contained
1014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 1-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 1015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). in appendix (H). 400 level tasks are contained
1016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 1017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 1018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 1019. UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix (L).
1020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 1021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
1022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 1-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List 1. Participate in and provide intelligence input, advice, products, and other support to the staff planning process utilizing the commanders preparation of the battlespace process. Identify, prioritize, manage, and coordinate intelligence requirements. Plan, direct, and coordinate collections management through collection operations and collection requirements. Plan, manage, and coordinate the receipt and processing of intelligence information. Plan, conduct, coordinate, and supervise the accurate and relevant analysis, assessment, and production of intelligence. Plan, direct and coordinate timely dissemination of intelligence. Assess intelligence operations in order to increase the effectiveness of intelligence support. Plan, provide, and coordinate intelligence support for indications and warning. Plan, coordinate, and provide intelligence support for force protection.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. Develop, maintain and provide current intelligence as it pertains to the threat/enemy, terrain, and weather. 11. Plan, direct, and coordinate target intelligence support to the MAGTF targeting process to include battle damage assessments. 12. Direct, Coordinate and supervise the utilization and maintenance of intelligence systems in order to optimize information management and usability of intelligence information throughout the MAGTF. 13. Advise the commander and coordinate with appropriate staff counterparts and subordinate unit commanders all matters pertaining to intelligence. 14. Plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise the MAGTF intelligence effort. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY Provide a structured and progressive career training plan designed to produce a highly capable and professional Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Intelligence Officer. This plan consists of three levels of training augmented by formal schools. The 100 level training provides the transitioning Intelligence Officer (0203, 0204, 0206, 0207) with The core skills necessary to function as a MAGTF Intelligence Officer (0202) in an initial assignment as an MSE Intelligence Officer (S-2) or as an intelligence staff officer at a MAGTF/MSC level organization. This training is conducted in the MAGTF Intelligence Officers Course at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Dam Neck, VA. The 200 level training provides the MAGTF intelligence officer with core-plus skills through refresher training, MOJT and formal schools. This level of training is designed to enhance the 0202s tactical MAGTF intelligence skills and will further prepare him for assignment as an intelligence officer at MAGTF/MSC, a MARFOR, supporting establishment or external agency. Completion of the 200 level training and transition to the 300 level is normally marked by the MAGTF Intelligence Officers promotion to Major. The 300 level training provides the MAGTF intelligence officer with core-plus skills through managed on-the-job training and formal schools. This level of training is designed to enable the 0202s to transition from a tactical intelligence orientation to an operational and strategic intelligence orientation normally associated with MAGTF operations. Additionally this level will further prepare the MAGTF intelligence officer for additional/future assignments as a MAGTF/MSC G/S-2, and as a MAGTF intelligence officer at a MAGTF, MARFOR, Service, Theater, National, supporting establishment or external agency. The 400 level training provides specialized training required by command requirements needed to effectively operate intelligence sections. The integration of core, core-plus skills and formal training will provide the MAGTF intelligence officer with the depth of knowledge, capability and skill level necessary to effectively provide intelligence support to the commander, his staff and the components of the MAGTF and to function in a combined/joint environment. B-1
Identify Areas of Operation/Responsibility, Influence, and Interest (AO,AOR,AOI). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Derived from mission analysis, identifying areas of operations/responsibility, influence, and interest defines the terrain, threat (enemy), and weather locality that needs to be collected upon (where needed), analyzed and assessed.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Recommend Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) to the Commander. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Explain the relationship between Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIR), Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR), Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI), and Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Intelligence officers are responsible for recommending PIR's to the Commander for his concurrence and
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 designation as CCIRs. Operations officers are responsible for recommneding EEFIs and FFIRs may require supporting intelligence. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop Intelligence Requirements (IR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Gaps in intelligence are identified as IR's to be forwarded to analytical elements for satisfaction in order to reduce uncertainty for the Commander and facilitate his decisionmaking. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Establish and prioritize PIR/IR's. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Starting with mission analysis till the completion of the mission, PIR/IR's are continually updated and prioritized which, in a constrained resource environment, which PIR/IR's are satisfied by analytical/production elements. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Explain the relationship between PIR's and Decision Points (DP), IR's and Target Areas of Interdiction (TAI)/Named Areas of Interest (NAI). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Usually, PIR's are directly tied to DP's and each TAI/NAI has an IR tied to it which directly influences the Decision Support Matrix/Template (DSM/DST) and the collection plan. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Develop intelligence production requirements to include analytical, geospatial, and imagery products. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations National/Theater production requirements procedures ask for specifics of the end products which will satisfy PIR/IR therefore be familiar with what products exist, where to research them, and how to ask for them to be built if unavailable. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the general intelligence support/participation requirements to each phase of the Marine Corps Planning Process (MCPP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify battlespace coordination measures/boundaries used both in Marine Corps and Joint operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe information security and related physical security procedures for GENSER, SCI, and Special Access Programs (SAP) information/materials. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the administration of personnel security for GENSER, SCI, and Special Access Programs (SAP) clearances/access. E-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the differences between the Defense Indications and Warning System and Department of Defense Terrorism THREATCON levels. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Reference(s): JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence support to Joint Operations Event code: Task: 112-DIR
Provide intelligence support to mission analysis. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task: Orientation of the battlespace, developing enemy centers of gravity (COG), and recommend PIRs. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None. 0
Provide intelligence support to course of action development. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide intelligence support to course of action analysis. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the differences between intelligence support for deliberate planning and crisis action planning. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Reference(s): Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations E-7
Describe intelligence oversight policies and how to manage an intelligence oversight program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Executive Order 12333, Intelligence Activities of the U.S None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the relationship between national, theater, and service intelligence production/support responsibilities, to include the difference between TIARA and GDIP resources, in the Department of Defense Intelligence Production Program (DoDIPP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 119-PRO
Describe National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) products requisition procedures, and its relationship with the Defense Logistics Agency/Marine Corps Supply System. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. NIMA Catalogs None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.007 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. NIMA Catalogs 120-DIR
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to force protection. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence 121-DIR
Describe the factors to consider when planning/coordinating counterintelligence (CI) and human intelligence (HUMINT) support/operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors (including capabilities and limitations) to consider when planning/coordinating signals intelligence (SIGINT) support/operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and E-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 equipment. FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning/coordinating imagery intelligence (IMINT) support/operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief/Consequence Management (HA/DR/CM) operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. PDD-56 Complex Emergencies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: E-10 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to peacekeeping/stability operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider and the procedures used to request service, theater, and national intelligence support/production. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to unconventional/counterinsurgency (revolutiontionary/small wars) operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to amphibious/littoral/operational-maneuver-from-the-sea (OMFTS)/ship-to-objective-maneuver operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Reference(s): Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations Event code: Task: 129-DIR
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to security/non-combatant evacuation operations (NEO). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 3-07.5, JTTP for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to Information Operations (IO). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 100-6, Information Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task None. FM 100-6, Information Operations 131-DIR None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning intelligence support to Personnel Recovery (PR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 3, Personnel Recovery Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when tasking tactical collections assets for reconnaissance and reporting. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the request procedures, and management of national collection resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.007 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Describe request procedures, and management of theater collection resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine indications and warning of threat/enemy Courses Of Action (COA). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop a collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection 140-COL
Describe the differences between collections management, collections requirements management and collection operations "management". Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 141-COL
Develop an intelligence requirements plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage a dissemination plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and E-15
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 equipment. DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop a dissemination plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Identify the component requirements for defining dissemination architectures to include data types, communications requirements and the distinction between dissemination and distribution requirements within the plan and doctrinal responsibilities.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the capabilities and limitations of theater collection resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the capabilities and limitations of national collection resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the organization and concept of operation of the Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the capabilities and limitations of organic Marine collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the use of MASINT collections in support of Marine operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MASINT for the Warfighter Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the use of OSINT as a source of intelligence information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-02, National Support to Military Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when evaluating intelligence reporting. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): Event code: Task: FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 151-ANA
Produce intelligence summaries. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine threat/enemy strength. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Assess threat/enemy strengths versus weaknesses. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): Event code: Task: FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 154-ANA
Assess the effects of terrain and weather on both enemy and friendly forces from a MAGTF (combined ground, air, logistics, and component/JTF) perspective. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Assess enemy capabilities versus limitations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Assess potential "most dangerous and most likely" threat/enemys courses of action at the tactical and operational level. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 157-ANA None.
Assess the threat/enemys Center Of Gravity (COG). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning COG derived from critical capabilities, requirements and vulnerabilities.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide intelligence support to development of the Commanders/Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the Marine warfighting units relation to a Joint Task Force and Functional and Service Components. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations None. E-21
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Assess enemy combat effectiveness. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Standard: FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when organizing and managing an analytical effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce an intelligence estimate. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce appropriate portions of Annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning/managing IMINT dissemination within the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. National IMINT Military Support Users Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning/managing SIGINT dissemination within the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. E-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare None.
None. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning/managing CI/HUMINT dissemination within the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the factors to consider when planning/managing other intelligence products dissemination within the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: E-24 None.
Describe the relationship between Commanders Targeting Guidance and the Battlespace Shaping Matrix.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence None.
None. 0
Describe the intelligence products and considerations in support of the targeting process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct intelligence briefs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 intelligence products and other deliverables expected. Condition: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Standard: FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the difference between high value and high payoff targets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the difference between a list of targets/target nomination list and the target list and their relationship with an Air Tasking Order (ATO) and an Intergrated Tasking Order (ITO). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe databasing target information to include target files and target folders. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the use of the METL concept by the G/S-2 to validate requirements to train intelligence sections during exercises/training. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the conduct of battle damage assessment (BDA) and its relationship to Combat Assessment (CA). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): Event code: Task: FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination 177-DIR
Describe the duties of the MSC/MSE G/S-2 and the relationship with the MAGTF G/S-2. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the products and services provided by Service, Theater and National intelligence agencies. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
Describe the difference of how intelligence supports operations in deliberate targeting versus reactive targeting. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.007 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the responsibilities of the Staff CI/HUMINT Officer. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the responsibilities of the Staff SIGINT Officer. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the responsibilities of the Staff Geospatial/Imagery Officer. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-29
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.007 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the organization, capabilities, and limitations of the Intelligence Battalion. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MC Bul 5400 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. MC Bul 5400 189-PRO
Describe requirements and procedures for managing/maintaining national/theater/service intelligence products/references. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services Identify the current procedures and directives which replace the Statement of Intelligence Interest (SII).
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the responsibilities of the Security Manager and the Special Security Officer. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the relationship between the Security Manager and the Intelligence Officer. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 Include products and services that intelligence can support the Security Manger with.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the concept and components of an intelligence systems architecture. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCDP 6, Command and Control None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the procedures to be taken when a security violation occurs either at the GENSER, SCI, or SAP level. E-31
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage a collection plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the procedures/conditions required to establish and operate a SCIF/T-SCIF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: E-32 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection None.
None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: The 200 level training provides the MAGTF intelligence officer with core-plus skills through refresher training, MOJT and formal schools. This level of training is designed to enhance the 0202s tactical MAGTF intelligence skills and prepare him for assignment as an intelligence officer at MAGTF/MSC, a MARFOR, supporting establishment or external agency. Completion of the 200 level training and transition to the 300 level is ormally marked by the MAGTF Intelligence Officers promotion to Major. None.
Brief intelligence information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the preparation of intelligence documents. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-2 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify MAGTF/MSC Intelligence resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct preparation of appendixes to Annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise intelligence section administration. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. F-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the Intelligence portion of the IPB process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Recommend PIRs and OIRs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1 Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Evaluate the threat. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the execution of the collection plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct analysis, production and dissemination of information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Evaluate the utilization of intelligence. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct intelligence operations of the command. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate employment of Marine Corps intelligence assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Use intelligence databases. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 215-PRO
Conduct analysis of enemy order of battle. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the conduct of order of battle analysis (ground, air, missile, electronic, naval). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop a dissemination plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCDP 6, Command and Control None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): Event code: Task: MCDP 6, Command and Control 218-COL
Identify capabilities and limitations of organic collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct maintenance of the intelligence library. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop the collection plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
Determine the intelligence/counterintelligence requirements of the command. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct all source fused analysis. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Perform quality control. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Provide intelligence support to the development of the Decision Support Template (DST). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning During execution of the MCPP, the intelligence officer will have to provide external support and assistance in development of the DST.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide intelligence support to staff production of Decision Support Template (DST). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning Concurrent with external support to the MCPP internal direction must be give to produce relevant support materials which aide the overall planning effort and contribute directly to the development of the DST..
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate the employment of other service intelligence resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operationserations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations 227-PRO
Identify intelligence systems architecture requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine impact of threat operations on friendly operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Assess friendly vulnerability to the threat. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
Request National, Service, Theater, and Fleet intelligence services for intelligence collection assets and geographic intelligence products. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 241-GEN
Provide intelligence support to the Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination None.
Condition: Standard:
Event code: 232-ANA Task: Use the Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) report. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise special security officer administrative procedures. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. .5
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop an intelligence training plan for the command. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Task: Coordinate the employment of national/theater intelligence resources. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Identify tactical communication requirements to the communications officer.
Condition: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Standard: MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage intelligence system support for the intelligence cycle. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct terrain analysis production. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-14 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise the maintenance of intelligence support systems. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare request for national/theater intelligence assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Analyze enemy operations in the rear area. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. F-15
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: JP 3-10 Rear Area Operations None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the maintenance of manual and automated intelligence recording media. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate maintenance of intelligence related ADP equipment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct counterintelligence operations planning for the command. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Validate intelligence systems architecture plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Implement intelligence systems architecture plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Establish the Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-17
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the Target intelligence process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 7-1, Fire Support Coordination None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate the employment of allied intelligence resources. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate coalition information sharing requirements (foreign disclosure). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Synchronize the MAGTF/MSC tactical level intelligence and operations effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise development, databasing and implementation of MAGTF/MSC intelligence lessons learned. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Corps Lessons Learned None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Exploit tactical reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 257-CIH
Disseminate information orally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 258-CIH
Disseminate information digitally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 259-CIH
Disseminate information via written/typed methods. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None.
MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 260-CIH
Conduct all source terrorism threat analysis. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a terrorism threat assessment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Event code: 262-CIH Task: Conduct analysis of hostile intelligence capabilities. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. F-21
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
Event code: 263-CIH Task: Identify capabilities and limitations of MAGTF organic HUMINT collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Plan conduct of overt HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Conduct liaison. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain Detainable, Of-Interest and Protectable (DOIP) lists. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Event code:
Task: Maintain Personalities, Organizations and Installations (PO&I) file. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Prepare CI Information Report (CIIR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Event code: 270-CIH Task: Prepare biographic reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIA Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 271-CIH
Prepare liaison reports. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare HUMINT operational reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 272-CIH
Direct preparation of CI target reduction plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) proposal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Events updated: Reference(s): None MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, CI Force Protection Source Operations 274-CIH
Prepare a Notice of Intelligence Potential (NIP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 275-CIH
Prepare a Notice of Foreign Travel/Contact (NOFT/C). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 276-CIH
Prepare an intelligence product utilizing current word processing software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-26
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
External Support Required: None. Events updated: None. Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence Event code: Task: 277-CIH
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current database software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Condition: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Event code: 280-CIH Task: Administer operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense Funds 281-CIH
Account for operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense Funds
Implement FORMICA Program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: The 300 level training provides the MAGTF intelligence officer with core-plus skills through managed on-the-job training and formal schools. This level of training is designed to enable the 0202s to transition from a tactical intelligence orientation to an operational and strategic intelligence orientation normally associated with MAGTF operations. Additionally this level will further prepare the MAGTF intelligence officer for additional/future assignments as a MAGTF/MSC G/S-2, and as a MAGTF intelligence officer at a MAGTF, MARFOR, Service, Theater, National, supporting establishment or external agency. None.
Direct Aviation Combat Intelligence section in collection, analysis, production and dissemination of all-source tailored intelligence to ACE commander, staff and subordinate elements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) services. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence Executive Order 12333, Intelligence Activities of the U.S 303-DIR
Coordinate MAGTF intelligence operations OPLANs with C/JTF and/or Functional/Service Component intelligence operations OPLANs to ensure interoperability. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): Event code: Task: Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) 304-ACI
Inform ACE G-2 of major changes in enemy disposition, capabilities, or courses of action. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 239-ANA
Coordinate MAGTF intelligence requirements and planning considerations with combined/joint higher/adjacent (and subordinate when assigned) commands. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 306-GEN
Advise the command on DoD CI/HUMINT policies and procedures. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Joint Pub 2-01.2 Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System DoD Instruction 2000.14 DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards DoD Regulation 5240.1-R Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD I
Inform ACE G-2 of any impediments to ACI accomplishing its mission. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct CI/HUMINT Company garrison activities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Coordinate unique MAGTF intelligence requirements and planning considerations with Title X/Service Component.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations None.
Direct overall flow of information within ACI and to other TACC sections. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Plan MAGTF intelligence operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Prepare and release intelligence reports and summaries. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 200-GEN
Coordinate MAGTF intelligence information management requirements and planning considerations with Theater intelligence architecture plans and TTPs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: G-6 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Validate requests for information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 316-ACI
Supervise preparation and presentation of intelligence briefings. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide CI/HUMINT support to the MEF/MARFOR staff planning process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 318-GEN G-7
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Plan MAGTF Intelligence Forces TPFDD requirements in support of O/CONPLANs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 319-ACI
Align ACI intelligence/targeting operations with the ACE battle rhythm. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Plan MAGTF intelligence fiscal plans (local budgets, POM cycles, GDIP/TIARA, JMIP, NFIP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: G-8 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Advise the MEF/MARFOR concerning the capabilities and limitations of organic CI/HUMINT assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Coordinate weather information requirements for ACE operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Recommend proposed intelligence doctrine, TTP, systems, and structure. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Coordinate CI/HUMINT support to higher and subordinate commands. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct intelligence support to the deliberate targeting process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain MEF/MARFOR RODCA communications control point. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Identify intelligence requirements in support of emerging doctrine and systems acquisition. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Compile recommended PIRs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 207-DIR
Manage CI/HUMINT Company Unit Language Program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain liaison with the future operations Intel Watch Section and ATO planning cell to ensure timely exchange of target intelligence. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate communications requirements with fixed and rotary wing flightline intelligence centers. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage MEF/MARFOR FORMICA Program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 333-DIR
Identify Title X intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Advise Foreign Language Program Manager on administration of MEF/MARFOR Foreign Language Program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 335-DIR
Synchronize the MAGTFs operational-level intelligence and operations efforts. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 335-DIR
Perform the duties of a MAGTF/MSC G/S-2. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise development and implementation of intelligence lessons learned. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Corps Lessons Learned None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Perform the duties of a MAGTF Intelligence LNO. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 337-GEN
Identify critical intelligence resources shortfalls of the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Plan MAGTF DoDIPP production requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 338-GEN
Coordinate with higher headquarters resolution of intelligence resource shortfalls. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None. G-15
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop a MAGTF intelligence collection operations and intelligence production plan is support of both the MAGTF CE and MSCs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain intelligence operations TTPs that supports the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Train intelligence personnel. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. .5
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prioritize MAGTF intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 220-COL
Plan I&W operations in support of the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct current and future intelligence operations and analysis in support of the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0039 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct general military intelligence effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the target intelligence effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify MAGTF intelligence requirements for Scientific and Technological (S&T) requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0013 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 24
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct maintenance of intelligence data bases. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. CJCS Instruction 3151, COP/CTP None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Apply the Joint intelligence architecture principles. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 350-DIR
Provide task organized MAGTF Intelligence assets to support mission profiles. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0039 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct MAGTF intelligence effort in crisis support. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct MAGTF intelligence operations in multinational/coalition operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 353-DIR
Direct intelligence synchronization effort through pre-crisis, warning, execute cycles and for engaged forces. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0039 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations 354-DIR
Direct updates to plans and orders. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 355-GEN
Maintain current intelligence picture. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 356-COL
Prioritize internal and external MAGTF intelligence requirements and requests. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None. G-21
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 230-COL
Provide tactical intelligence to higher, adjacent and subordinate units. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Deploy intelligence assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate Intelligence support to establishing and maintaining COP/CTP. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. CJCS Instruction 3151, COP/CTP None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct preparation of all intelligence annexes for operations and supporting plans developed by future operations section. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None. 6
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Prerequisites: None. CRP: 0.0026 Sustainment Interval (months): External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. None.
Provide intelligence updates and estimates to future ops throughout planning cycle. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage all RFI/PIRs required by future plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None. G-23
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide the ACE G-2 with periodic COA and mission briefs for upcoming ACE mission changes. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide the Future Plans Officer and Senior Planner updated intelligence assets availability and status. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain the current/projected enemy situation in future plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0026 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide the intelligence portion of all briefs provided to the ACE commander and battlestaff by future plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence G-25
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those task which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None.
Establish an Air Combat Intelligence section. Provide with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence
Prepare CI collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None 3
Produce a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence
Produce a study in support of a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO). Provide with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-07.5, JTTP for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations
Produce a line of communication study form imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 405-IMG
Produce a port harbor study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 406-IMG
Produce an airfield study form imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Fm 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 407-IMG
Conduct analysis of ground forces installation from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 408-IMG
Produce a naval installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER Events updated: Reference(s): None. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 409-IMG
Conduct analysis of air defense from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations. 410-IMG
Conduct analysis of active and passive defenses from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 411-IMG
Produce a naval installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. H-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0136 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations 412-IMG
Produce imagery reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services 413-IMG
Task organic imagery collections and exploitation assests. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 414-IMG
Prepare an aerial imagery reconnaissance and surveillance plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 415-IMG
Produce a BDA report from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 416-IMG
Implement imagery products dissemination architecture. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services 417-IMG
Produce and maintain imagery reference keys. Provided with the appropriate reference, material, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. H-7
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None.
Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities 418-IMG
Request national and theater imagery collection. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) FM 34-2, Collection Managment and Synchronization Plan 419-IMG
Produce a coastal beach study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations 420-ISS
Establish and intelligence operations center (IOC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and
Condition: H-8
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 equipment. Standard: Per the local IOC SOP Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local IOC SOP 421-ISS
Integrate organization elements into the analytical effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Evaluate information to determine pertinence, reliability, and accuracy. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events update: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Assess and tailor finished intelligence reporting. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. H-9
External Support Required: Events update: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Establish an intelligence dissemination plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Disseminate information and intelligence. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain an MC&G inventory to support exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 427-ISS
Establish a Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 428-ISS
Determine intelligence requirements in support of exercise, operational and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide imagery products in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Appropriate references. H-11
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None.
Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 430-ISS
Produce target folders in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Supported Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce HLZ/CLZ studies in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain a threat database in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: H-12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: Per the local SOP. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 432-ISS
Maintain applicable elements of the intelligence section within the COC. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 433-ISS
Prepare applicable tabs and appendixes to the Annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain country files in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. H-13
FMFM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis 435-ISS
Conduct IPB in support of exercise, operational, contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Conditions: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide intelligence support to the Staff Planning Process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop the collection plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: H-14
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Planning None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop analytical products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct liaison with organic intelligence assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None. 3
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 440-ISS
Determine intelligence systems connectivity requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations H-15
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop intelligence systems requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain intelligence systems architecture. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems 443-TOP
Prepare an area analysis study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatical Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 444-TOP
Prepare an appendix 6 to annex B. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FMFM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 445-TOP
Prepare a tactical study of weather and terrain. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FMFM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 446-TOP
Prepare a cover and concealment product overlay. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. H-17
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0136 None.
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 447-TOP
Prepare a cross Country movement product overlay. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FMFM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 448-TOP
Prepare a mobility corridor analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 449-TOP
Prepare a combined obstacle overlay. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: H-18
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: Per the appropiate references. None.
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 450-TOP
Prepare a lines of communication study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 451-TOP
Prepare a zones of entry study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 452-TOP
Prepare a flood prediction study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and H-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Standard: equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 454-TOP
Compute a conventional geodetic survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence 455-TOP
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Condition: Standard: Provided the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 100-20, Military Operations n Low Intensity Conflict 456-TOP
Coordinate geospatial information collection plan for production sources. Provided with the appropriated references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a riverine study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 458-TOP H-21
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Task: Prepare an airfield study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 460-TOP
Conduct a hydrographic survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations
Maintain country files. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Establish a Flightline Intelligence Center (FIC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 463-FLC
Maintain a display of current future enemy situation with target locations and priorities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence H-23
Prioritize , collate and forward RFI from FLIC to ACI. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 465-FLC
Advise aircrews regarding enemy capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 466-FLC
Conduct situation update briefings for aircrews. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Reference(s): MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 467-FLC
Act as BDA reporting conduit from aircrew to ACI. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, USAF Intelligence Targeting Handbook 468-FLC
Ensure current intelligence received through mission debriefs is forwarded to ACI in timely manner. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 469-FLC
Maintain current and forcasted weather info. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. H-25
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 CRP: 0.0136 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 470-FLC
Direct, coordinate and supervise production and dissemination of all source intelligence within ACE. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 471-FLC
Direct, coordinate, determine, distribute ACE requirements for maps, charts, graphics, and images. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropiate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical ai;r Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title __________________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Combat Targeting Course, (Goodfellow AFB) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 00 200 200 200 200 Intelligence Support to Combined Operations, (DIA) Intelligence Support to Joint Operations, (DIA) Eastern Europe Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Counter-Drug Basic Intelligence Course, (NMITC) Chemical and Biological Warfare Intelligence Course, (DIA) Advanced Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) American Military University (Undergraduate/Graduate Intelligence), (Manassas, VA) Dynamics of International Terrorism, (AFSOC Hurlbert Field, FL) Survival Evasion Resistance Escape, (EWTGPAC, EWTGLANT) Latin-America Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC), (NMITC, FITCPAC, Local) Collection Managers Course, (DIA) Anti Terrorism Force Protection, (NMITC) JTF Intelligence Managers Course, (FITCPAC) Afloat Intelligence Systems Managers Overview, (FITCPAC) Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence Course, (EWTGLANT, EWTGPAC) Joint Targeting School, (NMITC) JDISS Basic Operators Course, (FITCPAC, JITAP) Security Managers Course National Training Center Red Thrust OPFOR, (Fort Irwin, CA) High Risk Personnel Course (HRP), (Quantico, VA) Eastern Europe Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Joint Staff CI Course, (Boiling AFB, DC) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 DIA Analysis Course, (JMITC, Bolling AFB, DC) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Kinesic Interview Course, (Ft. Bragg, NC) Asian-Pacific Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) African Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Joint Counterintelligence Staff Officers Course, (DIA) U.S. Army Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence Training Course (AFCITC), (Ft. Meade, MD) Operations Support Specialist Course (OSSC), (DIA) Intelligence Analyst Course, (DIA) Military Operations Training Course (MOTC), (DIA) Joint Corporate Services Course, (JITAP/FITCPAC) Responsible Officers Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Defense Language Institute (DLI), (Monterey, CA) Cross Cultural Communications Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course, (Ft. Bragg, NC) USN on-line computer-based training Revolutionary Warfare Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Requirements Management Course, (DIA) Middle-Eastern Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Indications & Warning, (DIA) National Counterdrug Awareness Course, (Brunswick, GA) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System DoD Inst 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Procedures DoD Inst 5240.1R, Activities of DoD Intelligence Components that Affect U.S. Persons FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics FM 19-20, Investigations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-100, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 IIR Cookbook 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 1-02, DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms Joint Pub 2-01.2, CI Support to Joint Operations LIC-2600-004-91, GIRH MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCO 3800.2A, Conduct & Oversight of Intelligence Activities MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program MCDP-2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MEU SOC Training Publications OPNAVINST 5510.1H, DON Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation OPNAVINST 003820.16D, FORMICA Instruction SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Oversight of Intelligence Activities within the DON DoD Dir 2000.12, DoD Combating Terrorism Program DoD Inst 2000.16, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Level Reading _______________________________________________________________________ 200 Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 DoD Dir 5240.2, DoD CI Activities DoD Inst 5240.10, DoD CI Support to Unified and Specified Commands SECNAVINST 5520.2B, DON Counterintelligence SECNAVINST 5520.3B, Criminal and Security Investigations and Related Activities Within the DON Red Revolution; Jones, Greg R.; ISBN: 0-8133-0644-2 Instant Empire; Henerson, Simon; ISBN: 1-56279-006-4 How We Won the War; Giap, Vo Nguyen; ISBN: 0-916894-01-0
The Commandante Speaks; Prisk, Courtney E.; ISBN: 0-8133-1066-0 Terrorism: Pragmatic International Deterrence and Cooperation; Allan, Richard; ISBN: 0-913449-22-9 Mao Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare; Griffith II, Samuel B.: ISBN: 1-877853-10-0 The U.S. Intelligence Community; Richelson, Jeffrey T.; ISBN: 0-88730-245-9 Human Rights in Iraq; Human Rights Watch; ISBN: 0-300-04959-5 Middle East Terrorism Selected Group Profiles; Alexander, Yonah; ISBN: 0-9644523-0-8 Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s; Godson, Roy; ISBN: 0-669-19555-3 Armed Forces and Modern Counterinsurgency; Beckett, Ian F.W.; ISBN: 0-312-00449-4 Spy Catcher; Wright, Steve; ISBN: 0-670-82055-5 Low Intensity Conflict; Ware, Lewis B.; ISBN: U.S. Govt Printing Office Sword and Shield; Richelson, Jeffrey T.; ISBN: 0-88730-035-9 K-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Whos at the Helm?, Lessons of Lebanon; Tanter, Taymond; ISBN: 0-8133-0993-X 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 200 200 200 200 An Introduction to Intercultural Communication; Condon and Yousef Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Cindy Davis Interpersonal Communications; Emmert and Emmert Bravo Two Zero; Andy McNatt Perspectives on Warfighting, Dr. Joe Strange Front-Line Intelligence, The History of Warfare, Keegan The Transformation of War, Crevald Battle for Hunger Hill, Daniel Bolger The Ends of the Earth, Robert Kaplan MCWP 3-53.3, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain MCWP 2-15.2, Signals Intelligence MCWP 3-16, Fire Support Coordination FMFRP 12-25, The Guerrilla and How to Fight Him On Killing, Shea FM 17-98, Scout Platoon Operations FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Counter-reconnaissance Bravo Two Zero, Andy McNabb K-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 One Shot, One Kill; Marine Snipers in Vietnam 300 300 300 300 300 Selected DoDIPP DIAMs FMFRP Small Wars Manual MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence MCWP 5-1 Staff Planning DoD-0000-151-94, DoDIPP K-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 100-DIR None. 101-DIR 102-DIR 103-DIR 104-DIR 105-DIR 106-DIR 107-DIR 108-DIR 109-GEN 110-GEN 111-GEN 112-DIR 113-DIR 114-DIR 115-DIR 117-GEN 118-GEN 119-PRO 120-DIR 121-DIR 122-DIR 123-DIR 124-DIR 125-DIR 126-PRO 127-DIR 128-DIR 129-DIR None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 130-DIR None. 131-DIR 132-COL 136-COL 137-COL 138-ANA 139-COL 140-COL 141-COL 141-DIS 142-DIS 143-COL 144-COL 145-COL 146-COL 148-COL 149-PRO 150-ANA 151-ANA 152-ANA 153-ANA 154-ANA 155-ANA 156-ANA 157-ANA 158-ANA 159-GEN 160-ANA 162-DIR 163-PRO 164-PRO 165-DIS L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 166-DIS None. 167-DIS 168-DIS 169-TGT 170-TGT 171-PRO 172-TGT 173-TGT 174-TGT 175-TGT 176-DIR 176-TGT 177-DIR 178-PRO 179-TGT 180-COL 181-COL 182-COL 183-GEN 189-PRO 191-GEN 192-GEN 196-PRO 197-GEN 198-COL 198-GEN 199-COL 200-GEN 201-DIR 202-PRO 203-PRO 204-GEN None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 205-DIR None. 206-GEN 207-DIR 207-GEN 208-PRO 209-DIR 210-DIR 211-PRO 212-DIR 213-GEN 214-GEN 215-PRO 216-DIR 217-DIS 218-COL 219-DIR 220-COL 221-COL 222-PRO 223-QCC 224-GEN 225-PRO 226-GEN 227-PRO 228-PRO 229-ANA 230-COL 231-PRO 232-ANA 233-GEN 234-GEN 235-COL L-4 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 241-GEN None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 236-PRO None. 237-PRO 238-PRO 239-ANA 240-GEN 241-COL 242-ANA 243-PRO 244-PRO 246-COL 247-PRO 248-PRO 249-COL 250-TGT 251-GEN 252-DIS 253-GEN 254-GEN 256-CIH 257-CIH 258-CIH 259-CIH 260-CIH 261-CIH 262-CIH 263-CIH 264-CIH 265-CIH 266-CIH 267-CIH 268-CIH 270-CIH None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 271-CIH None. 271-CIH 272-CIH 273-CIH 274-CIH 275-CIH 276-CIH 277-CIH 278-CIH 279-CIH 280-CIH 281-CIH 282-CIH 301-ACI 302-COL 303-DIR 304-ACI 305-DIR 306-GEN 307-ACI 308-DIR 309-GEN 310-ACI 311-DIR 312-DIR 313-ACI 314-DIR 315-GEN 316-ACI 317-DIR 318-GEN 319-ACI L-6 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 239-ANA None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 200-GEN None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 320-GEN None. 321-GEN 322-ACI 323-GEN 324-GEN 325-ACI 326-DIR 327-GEN 328-ACI 329-GEN 330-TIA 331-ACI 332-COL 333-DIR 334-GEN 335-DIR 335-DIR 336-DIR 336-GEN 337-GEN 337-PRO 338-GEN 339-COL 340-GEN 341-GEN 342-COL 343-DIR 344-DIR 345-DIR 346-DIR 347-DIR 348-DIR None. None. None. 246-COL None. None. None. 207-DIR None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 220-COL None. None. None. None. None. None. L-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 349-GEN None. 350-DIR 351-DIR 352-DIR 353-DIR 354-DIR 355-GEN 356-COL 357-DIS 358-COL 359-GEN 360-IPX 361-IPX 362-IPX 363-IPX 364-IPX 365-IPX 366-IPX 400-ACI 401-COL 402-IMG 403-IMG 404-IMG 405-IMG 406-IMG 407-IMG 408-IMG 409-IMG 410-IMG 411-IMG 412-IMG 413-IMG L-8 None. None. None. None. None. None. 230-COL None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 414-IMG None. 415-IMG 416-IMG 417-IMG 418-IMG 419-IMG 420-ISS 421-ISS 422-ISS 423-ISS 424-ISS 425-ISS 426-ISS 427-ISS 428-ISS 429-ISS 430-ISS 431-ISS 431-ISS 432-ISS 433-ISS 434-ISS 435-ISS 436-ISS 437-ISS 438-ISS 439-ISS 440-ISS 441-ISS 442-ISS 443-TOP 444-TOP None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 445-TOP None. 446-TOP 447-TOP 448-TOP 449-TOP 450-TOP 451-TOP 452-TOP 453-TOP 454-TOP 455-TOP 456-TOP 457-TOP 458-TOP 459-TOP 460-TOP 461-OFF 462-FLC 463-FLC 464-FLC 465-FLC 466-FLC 467-FLC 468-FLC 469-FLC 470-FLC 471-FLC L-10 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ Collections Officer, Collections Managers Course, (DIA) MARFOR/MEF/ACE/GCE Requirements Officer, MARFOR/MEF/ACE/GCE/Intel Bn Requirements Officer, MARFOR/MEF/ACE/GCE/Intel Bn Target Intel, MEF Requirements Management/Systems Managers Course, (DIA) COLISEUM Course, (MTT) Joint Targeting Course, (NMITC) Combat Targeting Course, (Goodfellow AFB) Financial Management of Intel Training, (DIA) Joint Staff CI Course, (DIA) I& W Course, (DIA) MC&G Officer Course/MC&G Staff Officer, (Ft Belvior) Naval Intel Mid Career Course, (NMITC) JTF Intelligence Managers Course, (JITAP) Senior Intelligence Officers Course, (DIA)
G-2/G-2A, MARFOR MARFOR/ MEF CI/HUMINT Officer G-2/S-2, G-2A/S-2A MARFOR/MEU/MAGTF Imagery/GIS Officer G-2/G-2A, Intel Staff Officer MARFOR/MEF G-2/S-2, G-2A/S-2A MARFOR/MEU/MAGTF G-2/G-2A, Intel Staff Officer MARFOR/MEF M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST __________________________________________________________________________ AFR 200-18, USAF Intelligence Targeting Handbook C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) CIA Catalogs Department of the Navy Information and Personnel Security DIAM 56-1, Register of Intelligence Publications DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services DOD S-5105.21-M-1 DOD TS-5105.21-M-2 Executive Order 12333, Intelligence Activities of the U.S FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict FM 100-6, Information Operations FM 30-16, Technical Intelligence FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plann FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence FMFM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare FMFM 7-33, Psychological Operations JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence support to Joint Oper Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Op Joint Pub 2-02, National Support to Military Operations Joint Pub 3, Personnel Recovery Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations Joint Pub 3-07.5, JTTP for Noncombatant Evacuation Operat O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities JP 3-10, Rear Area Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence MCDP 6, Command and Control MCO 3430.5, Command and Control Warfare MCO 3850.1, Policy and Guidance for Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-12.1, Geospatial Intelligence MCWP 2-15.2, Signals Intelligence MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems National IMINT Military Support Users Guide Navy Supplement to DOD S-5105.21-M-1 NIMA Catalogs O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 1 OPNAVINST 5510.1 PDD-56, Complex Emergencies SD-001-97, Manned Airborne Reconnaissance Program Plan TC 34-5, Human Intelligence Operations Theater CinC Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP) U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 101 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 103 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 110 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive 301 O-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Ground Intelligence Officer/0203 PAGE INTRODUCTION..................................................2-3 UNIT TRAINING.................................................2-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING.............................2-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY.............................2-3 CAREER PROGRESSION............................................2-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY.................................2-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING........................................2-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT.....................................2-4 CRP COMPUTATION...............................................2-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX........................................2-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX...........................................2-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)...........................2-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL).............................2-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL).....................2-6 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)...........................2-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS..........................................2-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING.............................................2-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING...................................2-7 UPDATE CHAINING...............................................2-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE....................2-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS..............................2-7 TRAINING REFERENCES...........................................2-7
2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. 2022.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Ground Intelligence Officer/0203 2001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 2002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 2003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 2004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 2-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 2006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 2007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 2008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performanceoriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). 2-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 2009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual 2-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 2010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 2011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 2012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). in appendix (E). 2013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). in appendix (F). 100 level tasks are contained
2014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 2-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 2015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). in appendix (H). 400 level tasks are contained
2016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 2017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 2018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 2019. UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix (L).
2020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 2021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
2022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 2-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Provide ground intelligence to support the staff planning process. Advise the commander in the employment of ground reconnaissance and surveillance assets. Plan and direct the training of ground reconnaissance and surveillance personnel. Develop the dissemination plan. Conduct Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB). Identify intelligence requirements. Provide target intelligence products to support the staff planning process. Plan and direct the intelligence collection effort. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY Provide structured and progressive career training to produce a highly capable and professional Ground Intelligence Officer. This plan consists of three levels of training augmented by formal schools. The 100 level training provides the Basic Intelligence Officer (0201) with the core skills necessary to function as a Ground Intelligence Officer (0203) in his initial assignment as a Scout-Sniper Platoon Commander or Reconnaissance Platoon Commander and subsequent assignments in various intelligence billets throughout the MEF. This training is conducted in the Infantry Officers Course (IOC), Quantico, VA; Sniper Employment Officer Course (SEO), Quantico, VA and the Ground Intelligence Officers Course at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Dam Neck, VA. The 200 level training provides the Ground Intelligence Officer with core-plus skills through managed on-the-job training and formal schools. This level of training is designed to enhance the Ground Intelligence Officers tactical ground intelligence skills and prepares him for assignment to intelligence billets throughout the MEF. Upon the completion of the 200 level training, the officer will attend the MAGTF Intelligence Officers Course (MIOC) at NMITC, Dam Neck VA and become a MAGTF Intelligence Officer (0202). The 400 level training provides specialized training required by specific billets. The integration of core, core-plus skills and formal training gives the Ground Intelligence Officer the depth of knowledge, capability and skills to provide intelligence support to the commander. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: The 100 level training provides the Basic Intelligence Officer (0201) with the core skills necessary to function as a Ground Intelligence Officer (0203) in his initial assignment as a Scout-Sniper Platoon Commander or Reconnaissance Platoon Commander and subsequent assignments in various intelligence billets throughout the MEF. This training is conducted in the Infantry Officers Course (IOC), Quantico, VA; Sniper Employment Officer Course (SEO), Quantico, VA and the Ground Intelligence Officers Course at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Dam Neck, VA
Process information into intelligence products in automated and non-automated environments. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis In the automated environment to include, but not limited to HTML products, operational graphics and overlays, graphics oriented briefs, etc. None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Reference(s): FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 101-ANA
Condition: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Standard: FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Describe battlefield effects on military operations in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Describe impacts of terrain, weather and other characteristics of battlefield on threat and friendly
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 capabilities. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Determine Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) and Intelligence Requirements (IRs). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 104-ANA
Develop a Lines of Communications (LOC) overlay in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Task: List elements of intelligence support provided to the AT/FP effort. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence MCO 3850.1, Policy and Guidance for Counterintelligence JP 3-07.2, Joint Doctrine of Antiterrorism 106-GEN
Provide intelligence support to the staff planning process in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 107-GEN
Conduct research in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 108-GEN
Develop Requests for Information (RFI) in automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 109-COL
Develop the collection plan in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan Focus collection assets on NAIs through the use of PIRs, IRs, SIRs, and SORs.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan E-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 110-RCN
Develop the Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 111-RCN
Establish the Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 112-RCN
Brief reconnaissance and scout-sniper teams. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None.
FMFM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 113-RCN
Debrief the reconnaissance and scout-sniper teams. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 114-GEN
Describe the intelligence cycle. Provide with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 115-GEN
Prepare an intelligence support request. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Request attachments or augmentation from higher or adjacent HQs.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 116-COL
Identify the factors to consider when requesting imagery collection, exploitation, and production to satisfy requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities, None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 117-GEN
Maintain a situation map in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: E-8
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Standard: MCRP 5-2A Operational Terms and Symbols None.
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis MCRP 5-2, Operational Terms and Symbols 118-ANA
Produce a Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO) in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
Assess the threat in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with appropriate materials, references, and equipment FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield To include, but not limited to: capabilities, limitations, vulnerabilities. Using existing encyclopedic data, message traffic, etc..
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 121-GEN
List elements of the Annex B to an Operations Order. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine threat centers of gravity and critical vulnerabilities. Provided with appropriate materials, references, and equipment. Perspectives on Warfighting, Dr. Joe Strange. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Reference(s): FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Perspectives on Warfighting: Centers of Gravity and Critical Vulnerabilities 123-GEN
Produce appropriate tabs and appendices to annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine threat courses of action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce Intelligence Reports (IR) in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations The Marine should be familiar with the current E-11
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 reporting formats including but not limited to INTSUM, INTREP, DISUM, SPOTREP. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 126-GEN
Prepare message traffic. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Correspondence Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct an intelligence briefing. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the targeting cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and
Condition: E-12
Conduct target area analysis in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCRP 2-12-2 None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 6-20-10, TTP for Target Process 130-TGT
Prepare the list of targets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCRP 2-12-2 None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 6-20-10, TTP for Target Process E-13
Prepare the target nomination list. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCRP 2-12-2 Prepare the target nomination list in accordance with the attack guidance matrix and current operations
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 6-20-10, TTP for Target Process 132-TGT
Prepare a target folder. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCRP 2-12-2 None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 6-20-10, TTP for Target Process 133-TGT
Conduct Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment Quick Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CRP: 0.0065 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Produce intelligence products utilizing current word processing software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Demonstrate proficiency in the operation of, but not limited to, personal computers, Intelligence Operations Workstation, Intelligence Analysis System, C2PC.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 135-DIR
Produce applicable order of battle products in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, To include, but not limited to the order of battle factors listed in the standards.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 136-COL E-15
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Task: Determine communications requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Communications for the Intelligence Professional (NMITC) 137-ANA
Produce a doctrinal template in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce situation template in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an event template in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield The end result is the development of appropriate Named Areas of Interest, time/phase lines, etc.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the requirements for intelligence training of non-intelligence personnel. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop a dissemination plan in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Reference(s): Event code: Task: FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 142-GEN
List the requirements for the maintenance of the intelligence library/databases. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 143-GEN
List considerations when determining Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy (MC&G) requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. NIMA Catalogs None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. NIMA Catalogs 144-ANA
Produce logistics infrastructure overlay, population status overlay, points of entry overlay in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CRP: 0.0065 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain recording tools in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis Recording tools include, but are not limited to: of Battle files, Journal, Workbooks. Order
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 146-COL
List the employment considerations for organic JTF-MAGTF collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the capabilities and limitations of organic JTF-MAGTF collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and E-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the intelligence disciplines. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Demonstrate familiarity with the various branches of intelligence (HUMINT, SIGINT, etc.).
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 149-GEN
Describe the intelligence structure of the Marine Corps. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 150-COL
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Task: Describe capabilities and limitations of theater and national collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities, None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify terrorist threat in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program Threats will be identified relative to the situation.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Apply various analytical method in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe the capabilities and limitations of organic MAGTF intelligence systems. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Systems Architecture Guide, None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Track Requests for Information (RFI) in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current database software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Reference(s): FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 157-GEN
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 158-GEN
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current presentation software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 159-RCN
Produce an HLZ study in a automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CRP: 0.0065 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the employment considerations for theater and national collection assets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities None.
Condition: Standard:
List the employment considerations for organic MAGTF intelligence systems. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the characteristics of the M40A1 Sniper Rifle and M82A1A Special Application Scoped Rifle (SASR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the considerations for maintaining the M40A1 and M82A1A SASR. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping Includes considerations for cleaning, inspection, repair, and administration regarding organic weapons
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the characteristics of equipment associated with the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: binoculars, night vision equipment, spotting scopes, Global Positioning System Receivers (PLGR), and rifle cases.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the consideration for maintaining equipment organic to the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). E-25
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: binoculars, night vision equipment, spotting scopes, Global Positioning System Receivers (PLGR), and rifle cases and drag bags.
Concept of task:
List the considerations in employment of VHF, UHF, and HF radios in support of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) mission. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: AN/PRC-104, SABR, field expedient antennas, DCTs (AN/PSC-2).
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe methods used by scout-snipers when employing camouflage, cover, and concealment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: sites. ghillie suits and hide
Condition: Standard:
Describe Patrolling techniques employed by scout-snipers. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the methods employed by scout-snipers when conducting a stalk. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe marksmanship techniques employed by scout-snipers. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping In accordance with the marksmanship fundamentals.
Condition: Standard:
List observation techniques employed by scout-snipers. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: estimation, range cards. field sketches, range
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the evolution of the Marine Corps sniper program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the capabilities and limitations of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
List the employment considerations of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in the offense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the employment considerations of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in the defense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the employment considerations of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in an urban environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Reference(s): Event code: Task: MCWP 3-1.5.3, Scout-Sniping 177-SSP
List the employment considerations of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in a Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW) environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the employment considerations of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in support of MEU(SOC) operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the considerations when developing a training plan to support basic scout-sniper proficiency. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. MCWP 3-1.5.3, Scout-Sniping 180-SSP None.
List the considerations when developing a training plan to support advanced scout-sniper skills. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the considerations when developing a training plan to provide Battle Skills/General Military Skills training to the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. BST Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List considerations for executing training events. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Unit SOP To include, but not limited to: range requests, ammunition requests, communications support, corpsman E-31
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 support, coordination with adjacent units, supply (Ghillie suit kits, etc). Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the organization of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping Includes introduction to: breakdown of teams; duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Sergeant/Chief Scout; and command relationships
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
List the considerations for developing a scout-sniper indoctrination program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: E-32 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: insert, extract, lost-communications procedures, escape and evasion, med-evac, go/no-go criteria, and abort criteria.
Concept of task:
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in the offense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: insert, extract, lost-communications procedures, escape and evasion, med-evac, go/no-go criteria, and abort criteria.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in the defense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: insert, extract, lost-communications procedures, escape and evasion, med-evac, go/no-go criteria, and abort criteria.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Reference(s): Event code: Task: MCWP 3-1.5.3, Scout-Sniping 189-SSP
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in an urban environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: insert, extract, lost-communications procedures, escape and evasion, med-evac, go/no-go criteria, and abort criteria.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in a Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW) environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: insert, extract, lost-communications procedures, escape and evasion, med-evac, go/no-go criteria, and abort criteria.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in support of MEU(SOC) operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping To include, but not limited to: lostinsert, extract,
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 communications procedures, escape and evasion, med-evac, go/no-go criteria, and abort criteria Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0065 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: The 200 level training provides the Ground Intelligence Officer with core-plus skills through managed on-the-job training and formal schools. This level of training is designed to enhance the Ground Intelligence Officers tactical ground intelligence skills and prepares him for assignment to intelligence billets throughout the MEF. Upon the completion of the 200 level training, the officer will attend the MAGTF Intelligence Officers Course (MIOC) at NMITC, Dam Neck VA and become a MAGTF Intelligence Officer (0202)
Supervise the processing of information into intelligence products in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Recommend Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIRs) and Intelligence Requirements (IR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 203-GEN
Provide intelligence support to the AT/FP effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program None.
Condition: Standard:
Provide intelligence support to the staff planning process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 205-GEN
Direct research in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct Request for Information (RFI) management. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Direct the development, submission and tracking.
Condition: Standard:
Direct the collection effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the dissemination effort. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 209-RCN
Supervise the Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC) operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
Develop Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 211-RCN
Brief reconnaissance and scout-sniper teams. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2-1 TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Debrief reconnaissance and scout-sniper teams. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2-1 TTP for Reconnisance, Survielance and Counterreconnisance None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare an intelligence support request. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Request intelligence support from tactical, theater, and national level. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise maintenance of a Situation Map (SITMAP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis MCRP 5-2A, Operational Terms and Symbols
Direct production of MCOO. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield (IPB). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
Assess the threat in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise the production of appropriate tabs and appendixes in the annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine the threat Centers of Gravity and Critical Vulnerabilities (COG/CV). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Perspectives on Warfighting, Dr Joe Strange None.
Condition: Standard:
Determine threat courses of action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise production of intelligence reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise preparation of message traffic. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct an intelligence brief. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a list of targets. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare the target nomination list. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise preparation of target folders. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-10 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment Quick Guide None.
Direct production of intelligence products in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
ondition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise production of applicable order of battle products in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Direct intelligence training of non-intelligence personnel. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine mapping, charting, and geodesy (MC&G) requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-12 None. NIMA Catalogs 234-GEN
Supervise the maintenance of MC&G inventory to support exercise, operational and contingency plans.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Supervise maintenance of recording tools in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations To include but not limited to SITMAP, Intelligence Journal, Intelligence Workbook and Order of Battle Files.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Apply various analytical methods. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Task: Develop the collection plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 236-ANA
Supervise the production of HLZ and CLZ studies in support of exercise, operational and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Employ organic MAGTF intelligence systems. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-14 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct the maintenance of equipment organic to the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: vents updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop a communications plan in support of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) mission. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment and in conjunction with the S-6. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct employment of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in the offense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and F-15
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. MCWP 3-1.5.3, Scout-Sniping 244-SSP
Direct employment of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in the defense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct employment of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in an urban environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct employment of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in a Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW) environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-16
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct employment of the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP) in support of MEU(SOC) operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Standard: FMFM 0-11, Sniping Concept of task: None. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0071 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Supervise the Battle Skills/General Military Skills training plan for the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise the Scout-Sniper proficiency skills training plan for the Scout-Sniper Platoon (SSP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and F-17
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise the scout-sniper indoctrination program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in the offense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in the defense. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-18
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in an urban environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in a Military Operation Other Than War (MOOTW) environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct mission planning for the employment of scout-snipers in support of MEU(SOC) operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. F-19
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop the scout-sniper indoctrination program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 0-11, Sniping None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: The 300 level of training is not applicable to this MOS.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative Prerequisites:
Establish an Intelligence Operations Center (IOC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the Local IOC SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Integrate organization elements into the analytical effort. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Evaluate information to determine pertinence, reliability and accuracy. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: H-2 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Task: Interpret analysis. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Establish an intelligence dissemination plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Disseminate information and intelligence. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Task: Identify MC&G requirements for the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. NIMA Catalogs Local SOP 407-GEN
Maintain an MC&G inventory to support exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. NIMA Catalogs Local SOP 408-RCN
Establish a Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Determine intelligence requirements in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Provide imagery products in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Produce target folders in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 412-PRO
Produce HLZ and CLZ studies in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain a threat database in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. To include but not limited to conventional, terrorist and criminal threat.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain applicable elements of the intelligence section within the Command Operations Center (COC). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CRP: 0.02 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare applicable tabs and appendixes to the Annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain country files in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct IPB in support of exercise, operational, and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. H-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CRP: 0.06 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide intelligence support to the staff planning process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 419-COL
Develop the collection plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Develop analytical products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 CRP: 0.06 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Conduct liaison with organic intelligence assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Determine intelligence systems connectivity requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Develop intelligence systems requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None. H-9
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Maintain intelligence systems architecture. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title __________________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Helicopter Rope Suspension Training, (Division Schools) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Dynamics of International Terrorism, (AFSOC Hurlburt Field, FL) MCI 03.54, Desert Operations MCI 03.32, Reconnaissance Marine MCI 02.8, Introduction to Combat Intelligence MCI 02.10, Terrorism Awareness for Marines MCI 02.01, Intelligence Brief: Southwest Asia
American Military University (Undergraduate/Graduate Intelligence), (Manassas, VA) National Training Center Red Thrust OPFOR, (Fort Irwin, CA) Mountain Leaders Course, (MWTC Bridgeport, CA) MCI 25.15, Antenna Construction and Propagation of Radio Waves Survival Evasion Resistance Escape, (EWTGPAC, EWTGLANT) MCI 25.20, Communications for the FMF Marine Combat Targeting Course, (Goodfellow AFB) Command Control Personal Computer (C2PC), (NMITC, FITCPAC) Collection Managers Course, (DIA) Anti Terrorism Force Protection Course, (NMITC) JTF Intelligence Managers Course, (FITCPAC) Afloat Intelligence Systems Managers Overview, (FITCPAC) Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence Course, (EWTGLANT, EWTGPAC) Joint Targeting School, (NMITC) JDISS Basic Operators Course, (FITCPAC, JITAP) Security Managers Course Basic Reconnaissance Course, (EWTGPAC, EWTGLANT) Counter-Drug Basic Intelligence Course, (NMITC) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Revolutionary Warfare Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) 200 200 200 200 00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Requirements Management Course, (DIA) Middle-Eastern Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Latin-America Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Joint Corporate Services Course, (JITAP/FITCPAC) Intelligence Analyst Course, (DIA) Intelligence Support to Combined Operations, (DIA) Intelligence Support to Joint Operations, (DIA) Indications and Warning Course, (DIA) MCI 03.66, Military Operations in Urban Terrain Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) USN on-line computer-based training Chemical and Biological Warfare Intelligence Course, (DIA) Asia-Pacific Orientation Course, (Hurlburt AFB) Advanced Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Army Correspondence Course No. 4.112, Principles for the Conduct of Peace Operations Army Correspondence Course No. 4.116, Humanitarian and Refugee Operations Army Correspondence Course No. 4.111, The UN Peacekeeping Force in the Former Yugoslavia MCI 25.38, Single Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) (AN/PRC-119) MCI 25.32, HF/UHF Field Radio Equipment MCI 25.26, Introduction to Electronic Warfare MCI 25.25, Communications Security Eastern Europe Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Perspectives on Warfighting, Dr. Joe Strange 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Front-Line Intelligence How We Won the War, Gen. Giap The History of Warfare, Keegan The Transformation of War, Crevald Battle for Hunger Hill, Daniel Bolger Defense of Hill 782 The Ends of the Earth, Robert Kaplan On Killing, Shea FM 17-98, Scout Platoon Operations FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Counterreconnaissance Bravo Two Zero, Andy McNabb One Shot, One Kill; Marine Snipers in Vietnam Battle Damage Assessment Quick Guide MCWP 3-1.5.3, Scout-Sniping FM 1-3b, Sniping K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 100-GEN None. 101-ANA 102-ANA 103-GEN 104-ANA 105-GEN 106-GEN 107-GEN 108-GEN 109-COL 110-RCN 111-RCN 112-RCN 113-RCN 114-GEN 115-GEN 116-COL 117-GEN 118-ANA 119-ANA 120-ANA 121-GEN 122-ANA 123-GEN 124-ANA 125-GEN 126-GEN 127-GEN 128-TGT None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1 INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________
129-TGT 130-TGT 131-TGT 132-TGT 133-TGT 134-GEN 135-DIR 136-COL 137-ANA 138-ANA 139-ANA 140-GEN 141-DIS 142-GEN 143-GEN 144-ANA 145-GEN 146-COL 147-COL 148-GEN 149-GEN 150-COL 151-GEN 152-GEN 153-PRO 155-GEN 156-GEN 157-GEN 158-GEN 159-RCN 160-COL 161-PRO L-2
None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 162-SSP None. 163-SSP 164-SSP 165-SSP 166-SSP 167-SSP 168-SSP 169-SSP 170-SSP 171-SSP 172-SSP 173-SSP 174-SSP 175-SSP 176-SSP 177-SSP 178-SSP 179-SSP 180-SSP 181-SSP 182-SSP 183-SSP 185-SSP 186-SSP 187-SSP 188-SSP 189-SSP 190-SSP 191-SSP 200-GEN 201-GEN 203-GEN None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 204-GEN None. 205-GEN 206-GEN 207-COL 208-DIS 209-RCN 210-RCN 211-RCN 212-RCN 213-GEN 214-GEN 215-GEN 216-DIR 217-DIR 218-ANA 219-PRO 220-ANA 221-ANA 222-PRO 223-GEN 224-GEN 225-TGT 226-TGT 227-TGT 228-TGT 229-PRO 230-PRO 231-PRO 232-GEN 233-GEN 234-GEN 235-GEN L-4 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 229-PRO, 216-DIR 236-ANA None. 236-ANA 236-ANA None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 236-ANA None. 237-COL 238-PRO 239-PRO 240-SSP 241-SSP 242-SSP 243-SSP 244-SSP 245-SSP 246-SSP 247-SSP 248-SSP 249-SSP 250-SSP 251-SSP 252-SSP 253-SSP 254-SSP 255-SSP 256-SSP 400-GEN 401-ANA 402-ANA 403-ANA 404-DIS 405-DIS 406-GEN 407-GEN 408-RCN 409-DIR 410-DIS 236-ANA None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ Reconnaissance Platoon Basic Reconnaissance Course, (EWTGLANT, Commander EWTGPAC) Ground Sensor Platoon Commander Ground Sensor Officer Sensor Employment Course, (NMITC) Joint Targeting School, (NMITC) Collection Managers Course, (DIA) Combat Targeting Course, (Goodfellow AFB)
Target Intelligence Officer Assistant Collection Officer Target Intelligence Officer Assistant Collection Officer Assistant Collection Officer M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quantity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST _______________________________________________________________________ AFR 200-18, USAF Intelligence Targeting Handbook C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners, (CHIPS) CIA Catalogs Department of the Navy Information and Personnel Security DIAM 56-1, Register of Intelligence Publications DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services DOD S-5105.21-M-1 DOD TS-5105.21-M-2 Executive Order 12333, Intelligence Activities of the U.S. FM 1-3b, Sniping FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict FM 100-6, Information Operations FM 30-16, Technical Intelligence O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-1, Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan FM 34-2-1, TTP for Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Counterreconnisance FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21 MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence FMFM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare FM 7-33, Psychological Operations JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence support to Joint Operations Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 Joint Pub 2-02, National Support to Military Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations Joint Pub 3.07.5, JTTP for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capability Local SOP MCDP 2, Intelligence MCDP 6, Command and Control MCO 3430.5, Command and Control Warfare MCO 3850.1, Policy and Guidance for Counterintelligence MCRP 5-2A, Operational Terms and Symbols MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-15.2, Signals Intelligence MCWP 3-1.5.3, Scout-Sniping MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems Navy Supplement to DOD S-5105.21-M-1 O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 2 NIMA Catalogs SD-001-97, Manned Airborne Reconnaissance Program Plan TC 34-5, Human Intelligence Operations U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 101 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 103 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 110 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive 301 O-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Human Source Intelligence Officer/0207 PAGE 3001. 3002. 3003. 3004. 3005. 3006. 3007. 3008. 3009. 3010. 3011. 3012. 3013. 3014. 3015. 3016. 3017. 3018. 3019. 3020. 3021. 3022. INTRODUCTION..............................................3-3 UNIT TRAINING.............................................3-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING.........................3-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY.........................3-3 CAREER PROGRESSION........................................3-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY.............................3-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING....................................3-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT.................................3-4 CRP COMPUTATION ..........................................3-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX ...................................3-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX ......................................3-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL).......................3-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL).........................3-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL).................3-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL).......................3-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS......................................3-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING.........................................3-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING...............................3-7 UPDATE CHAINING...........................................3-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE................3-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS..........................3-7 TRAINING REFERENCES.......................................3-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Human Source Intelligence Officer/0204 3001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 3002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 3003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 3004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 3-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 3006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 3007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 3008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). 3-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performance-oriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 3009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 3-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 3010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 3011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 3012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). in appendix (E). 3013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). in appendix (F). 3-6 100 level tasks are contained
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 3014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 3015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
3016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 3017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 3018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 3019. UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix (L).
3020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 3021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
3022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 3-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Plan CI/IT Platoon support to the command. Implement FORMICA Program. Conduct CI analysis. Direct CI/IT Platoon employment of CI/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Identify capabilities and limitations of MAGTF organic HUMINT collection assets. Plan conduct of overt HUMINT operations. Plan CI/HUMINT support to antiterrorism/force protection. Administer operational funds. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY The Career Progression Philosophy for the Marine Corps Human Resources Intelligence (HUMINT) Officer (MOS 0204) is supported through a structured training plan. This plan consists of two levels of individual training (100 - 200) and one level of section training (400). The objective of this training plan is to provide Marines with the knowledge and experience required to provide effective CI/HUMINT support to commanders. This objective is accomplished through completion of formal schools, MOJT, deployments and exercises. Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic HUMINT Officers. This training is conducted at the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Damneck, VA. Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased responsibility. This level is centered around MOJT, formal schools,, deployments and exercises. After completion of 200 level training, and promotion to Captain, HUMINT Officers transition to Intelligence Officer (MOS 0202) training. This training program begins with the Mid-Career Intelligence Officer Course, NMITC, Damneck, V. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic HUMINT Officers. This training is conducted at the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Damneck, VA None.
List the factors to consider in the production of a threat assessment for the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. To include terrorism, sabotage, subversion, and espionage.
Condition: Standard:
MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 101-COL
List the factors to consider in implementing the FORMICA program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCO 003820.1, Overt HUMINT Operations 102-COL
List the factors to consider in the preparation of a CI collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 CRP: 0.0092 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
List the factors to consider in the production of a CI concept of operations plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DoD Instruction 2000.12H - Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities Against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 104-GEN
Describe Marine Corps CI/HUMINT capabilities. Without the use of references. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in providing threat information in support of the Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) effort. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and E-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Explain the purpose of RODCA. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 107-GEN
Explain CI/HUMINT role in the staff planning process. Without the use of references. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Task: Explain the procedures for establishing a RODCA control point. Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 109-COL
List the factors to consider in the conduct of Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations Joint Pub 2-01.2, CI Support to Joint Operations 110-COL
List the factors to consider in the employment of Counterintelligence/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System DoDR 5240.1-R Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence MCO 003850.2 Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations 111-COL
List the factors to consider in the use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funds. Provided with appropriate references and materials. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense 112-DIR
List the factors to consider in employing an interpreter in support of CI/IT HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in planning CI support to mobile and static checkpoints.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Condition: Standard: Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Joint Pub 2-01.2 - Counterintelligence Support to Joint Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 114-DIR
List the factors to consider in planning CI support to cordon and search operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence Joint Pub 2-01.2, Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counter 115-DIR
List the factors to consider in planning for the conduct of a threat vulnerability assessment in support of force protection operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations 116-COL
List the factors to consider in conducting an investigation of friendly personnel who are captured, missing (non-hostile), or Missing-In-Action (MIA). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce a Missing-In-Action (MIA) (non-hostile) investigation report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in conducting a preliminary investigation concerning acts of espionage, subversion, sabotage, or terrorism. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: E-8
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
Report the results of investigation(s) concerning acts of espionage, subversion, sabotage, or terrorism. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in planning surveillance in support of tactical CI operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in planning the conduct of countersurveillance in support of tactical CI operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in detecting surveillance using surveillance detection techniques. Provided with a particular route of travel. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in the production of an overt HUMINT collection operation plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Reference(s): DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 124-PRO
Produce a Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operation (CFSO) proposal. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations 125-COL
List the factors to consider in conducting an interrogation. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct map tracking. During a given scenario and without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None. E-11
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0092 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
List the factors to consider when exploiting captured documents and materials. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence 128-COL
List the factors to consider in elicitation of information from a specified target. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Condition: Standard: Provided with a particular scenario. Per the appropriate references. None.
Report the results of a debrief. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in the conduct of a CI interview. Provided with a particular scenario. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Task: Conduct liaison. Provided with a particular scenario. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce a liaison report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Explain the CI mission in a combined environment. Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Explain CI support to MAGTF operations. Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in the conduct of CI activities in support of Operations Other Than War (OOTW). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence Joint Pub 2-01.2, Counterintelligence Support to Joint Operations 137-COL
List the factors to consider in the conduct of CI activities in support of rear area security. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 138-PRO
Conduct terrorism threat analysis. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce a CI SALUTE report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an interrogation report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 141-PRO None.
Produce a CI information report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce a CI after-action report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an Intelligence Information Report (IIR). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. E-17
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0092 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence IIR Cookbook MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence 144-PRO 0
Produce an intelligence information biographic report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
and Procedures
Produce a HUMINT operational report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 146-PRO
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Condition: Standard: Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Produce an appendix 3 (CI) to annex B (Intelligence). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an appendix 5 (HUMINT) to annex B (Intelligence). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in the production of a CI target reduction plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in maintaining an enemy prisoners of war data base. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Establish Detainable, Of-Interest, and Protectable (DOP) lists. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 152-PRO
List the factors to consider in the production of a CI measures worksheet. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce a CI brief. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct a CI brief. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-21
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 CRP: 0.0092 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Maintain a CI journal. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain a CI situation map. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify clandestine operational tradecraft techniques. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0092 None.
Identify the organization of the National Intelligence Community. Without the aid of references. Per the appropriate references. Demonstrate a general knowledge of the National Intelligence Community and the agencies involved.
Condition: Standard:
DoD Capabilities Handbook Joint Pub 2-01.2, Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counter 159-GEN
State the collection management process. Without the aid of references. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 160-COL
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Condition: Standard: Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel 161-DIR
List the factors to consider for handling enemy prisoners of war ashore and afloat. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 162-DIR
Identify the criteria for determining the legal status of a detainee. Provided with the appropriate references. Per appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel
Identify proper questioning techniques. Without the aid of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the factors to consider in the placement and configuration of interrogation related facilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased responsibility. This level is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments and exercises. After completion of 200 level training, and promotion to Captain, HUMINT Officers transition to Intelligence Officer (MOS 0202) training. This training program begins with the Mid-Career Intelligence Officer Course, NMITC, Damneck. None.
Brief intelligence information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence 201-COL
Debrief reconnaissance and surveillance personnel. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Plan CI platoon surveillance operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Exploit tactical reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Disseminate information orally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 205-DIS
Disseminate information digitally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Reference(s): MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 206-DIS
Disseminate information via written/typed methods. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 207-DIR
Plan CI Platoon antiterrorism support to the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Plan CI Platoon support to counterterrorism. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 CRP: 0.007 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Plan CI Platoon support to cordon and search. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Plan CI Platoon tactical countersurveillance. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Conduct all source terrorism threat analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. F-5
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Prepare a terrorism threat assessment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Prepare vulnerability assessment of friendly forces to hostile threat. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Conduct analysis of hostile intelligence capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.007 None.
None. 3
Direct CI/IT Platoon employment of CI/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Prepare Requests For Information (RFI) Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 217-GEN
Identify capabilities and limitations of MAGTF organic HUMINT collection assets. F-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 1
Plan CI Platoon screening activities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Plan CI Platoon survey activities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Task: Direct missing in action (MIA) (non-hostile) investigation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Plan conduct of preliminary investigations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Plan conduct of overt HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence F-9
Maintain databases. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Conduct interview. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. None. 3
Condition: Standard:
Conduct liaison. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Plan CI Platoon source operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Maintain Detainable, Of Interest, and Protectable (DOP) lists. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain CI journal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Maintain situation map. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Maintain PO&I file. Provided with the appropriate references, material and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 231-PRO
Direct preparation of appendices to Annex B (Intelligence). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Prepare CI Information Report (CIIR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Prepare CI after-action report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Prepare Missing in Action (non-hostile) investigation reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare Intelligence Information Reports (IIR) Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
DIA IIR Cookbook MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 236-PRO
Prepare biographic reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Prepare liaison reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 238-PRO
Prepare HUMINT operational reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 239-PRO
Produce CI SALUTE report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 244-PRO
Direct preparation of CI target reduction plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Events updated: Reference(s): None MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 241-PRO
Prepare a Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) proposal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
ondition: Standard:
None. 12
MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics 242-COL
Prepare a Notice of Intelligence Potential (NIP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 243-COL
Prepare a Notice of Foreign Travel/Contact (NOFT/C). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0035 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 244-PRO
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current word processing software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current database software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and F-17
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 3
Prepare an intelligence product utilizing current presentation software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Administer operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expenses. 249-COL
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Task: Account for operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expenses 250-COL
Implement FORMICA Program. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Direct CI/IT Platoon garrison activity. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Task: Prepare intelligence messages. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence 253-GEN
Maintain CI/IT Platoon standard operating procedures. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain CI/IT Platoon training plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Direct CI/IT platoon tactical operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Plan CI/IT Platoon support to CFSOs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2 Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations F-21
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: 300 level training is not applicable to this MOS. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative Prerequisites:
Prepare CI collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain country files. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain the CI/HUMINT Company foreign language library. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title __________________________________________________________________________ MAGTF NMITC, Dam Level I AT/FP Counterintelligence Neck, VA Instructor Specialist Entry Course I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Asian-Pacific Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Collection managers course, (DIA) Courterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Cross Cultural Communications Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Dynamics of International Terrorism (DIT), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Latin American Orientation Course (LAOC), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Middle Eastern Orientation Course (MEOC), (Hurlburt Field, FL) National Counterdrug Awareness Course, (Brunswick, GA) Operations Support Specialist Course (OSSC), (DIA) Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Course (SERE), Brunswick, ME/Coronado, CA/Ft. Bragg, NC) Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course, (Ft. Bragg, NC) African Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) USN On-Line Computer-Based Training Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence course, (EWTG, PAC/LANT) Kinesic Interview Course, (Ft. Bragg) DIA Analysis Course, (JMITC, Bolling AFB, DC) Counterintelligence Agents Course, (Course Number: 301 M15), Army Correspondence Course Physical Security Course, (Course Number: 191 G11), Army Correspondence Course Humanitarian Refugee Operations (Course: 4.116), Army Correspondence Course Principles for the conduct of Peace Operations (Course Number: 4.112), Army Correspondence Course Eastern Europe Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Indications & Warning, (DIA) JDISS Basic Operators Course, (FITCPAC/JITAP) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Revolutionary Warfare Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 DIAM 58-11, DOD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 DIAM 58-12, DOD HUMINT Management System DODI 2000.14, DOD Combating Terrorism Program Procedures DODI 5240.1R, Activities of DOD Intelligence Components that Affect U.S. Persons FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics FM 19-20, Investigations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-100, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations DIA IIR Cookbook K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Level Reading _______________________________________________________________________ 200 J-TENS Manual 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Joint Pub 1-02, DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms Joint Pub 2-01.2, CI Support to Joint Operations LIC-2600-004-91, Generic Intelligence Requirements Handbook (GIRH) MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) MCO 1050.15, Foreign Leave Travel MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCO 3800.2A, Conduct & Oversight of Intelligence Activities MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program MCDP-2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MEU SOC Training Publications OPNAVINST 5510.1H, DON Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Oversight of Intelligence Activities within the DON DODD 2000.12, DOD Combating Terrorism Program DODI 2000.16, DOD Combating Terrorism Program Standards MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 DODD 5240.2, DOD CI Activities 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 DODI 5240.10, DOD CI Support to Unified and Specified Commands SECNAVINST 5520.2B, DON Counterintelligence SECNAVINST 5520.3B, Criminal and Security Investigations and Related Activities Within the DON Red Revolution; Jones, Greg R.; ISBN: 0-8133-0644-2 1-56279-006-4 0-916894-01-0 0-8133-1066-0
Terrorism: Pragmatic International Deterrence and Cooperation; Allan, Richard; ISBN: 0-913449-22-9 Mao Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare; Griffith II, Samuel B.: 1-877853-10-0 The U.S. Intelligence Community; Richelson, Jeffrey T.; 0-88730-245-9 Human Rights in Iraq; Human Rights Watch; ISBN: ISBN:
Middle East Terrorism Selected Group Profiles; Alexander, Yonah; ISBN: 0-9644523-0-8 Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s; Godson, Roy; 0-669-19555-3 ISBN:
Armed Forces and Modern Counterinsurgency; Beckett, Ian F.W.; ISBN: 0-312-00449-4 Spy Catcher; Wright, Steve; ISBN: 0-670-82055-5 U.S. Govt Printing 0-88730-035-9
Low Intensity Conflict; Ware, Lewis B.; ISBN: Office Sword and Shield; Richelson, Jeffrey T.; ISBN:
Whos at the Helm?, Lessons of Lebanon; Tanter, Taymond; ISBN: 0-8133-0993-X K-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 An Introduction to Intercultural Communication; Condon and Yousef 200 200 200 Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Cindy Davis Interpersonal Communications; Emmert and Emmert Bravo Two Zero; Andy McNatt K-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 100-PRO None. 101-COL 102-COL 103-PRO 104-GEN 105-PRO 106-DIR 107-GEN 108-DIR 109-COL 110-COL 111-COL 112-DIR 113-DIR 114-DIR 115-DIR 116-COL 117-PRO 118-COL 119-PRO 120-COL 121-COL 122-COL 123-PRO 124-PRO 125-COL 126-COL 127-COL 128-COL None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 129-COL None. 130-PRO 131-COL 132-GEN 133-PRO 134-GEN 135-GEN 136-COL 137-COL 138-PRO 139-PRO 140-PRO 141-PRO 142-PRO 143-PRO 144-PRO 145-PRO 146-PRO 147-PRO 148-PRO 149-TGT 150-GEN 151-COL 152-PRO 153-PRO 154-DIS 155-GEN 156-GEN 157-COL 158-GEN 159-GEN 160-COL L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 161-DIR None. 162-DIR 163-COI 164-DIR 200-DIS 201-COL 202-DIR 203-PRO 204-DIS 205-DIS 206-DIS 207-DIR 208-DIR 209-DIR 210-DIR 211-PRO 212-PRO 213-PRO 214-PRO 215-DIR 216-COL 217-GEN 218-DIR 219-DIR 220-DIR 221-DIR 222-DIR 223-GEN 224-COL 225-GEN 226-DIR 227-COL None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 244-PRO 244-PRO. None. None. None. None. None. 244-PRO 244-PRO None. None. 244-PRO None. None. None. None. None. None. 244-PRO, 245-PRO None. 237-PRO, 244-PRO None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 228-GEN None. 229-GEN 230-COL 231-PRO 232-PRO 233-PRO 234-PRO 235-PRO 236-PRO 237-PRO 238-PRO 239-PRO 240-TGT 241-PRO 242-COL 243-COL 244-PRO 245-PRO 246-PRO 247-PRO 248-COL 249-COL 250-COL 251-DIR 252-DIS 253-GEN 254-GEN 255-DIR 256-DIR 400-COL 401-GEN 402-GEN L-4 None. None. 244-PRO. 244-PRO 244-PRO. 244-PRO. 244-PRO 244-PRO 244-PRO 244-PRO. 244-PRO None. 244-PRO 244-PRO 244-PRO None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 244-PRO None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ None. M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST _________________________________________________________________________ DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards DoD Regulation 5240.1-R, Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD I FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics FM 19-20, Investigations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 3-25, Counterintelligence FM 34-100, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 1-02 Joint Pub 2-01.2, Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counter LIC-2600-004-91, GIRH MCDP 2, Intelligence MCO 003820.1, Overt HUMINT Operations MCO 003850.2, Marine corps counterintelligence Force Protection Source MCO 1050.3G, Regulations of Leave, Liberty and Admin Absence MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCO 3870.2A, Intelligence Oversight USMC MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 3 MCO P1050.15, Foreign Leave Travel MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (Counterintelligence) MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks OPNAVINST S3820.16D, FORMICA Instruction SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Intelligence Oversight DON Unit SOP O-3 CHAPTER 4 Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare Officer/0206 (To be published at a later date)
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Air Intelligence Officer/0207 PAGE INTRODUCTION...............................................5-3 UNIT TRAINING..............................................5-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING..........................5-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY..........................5-3 CAREER PROGRESSION.........................................5-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY..............................5-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING.....................................5-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT..................................5-4 CRP COMPUTATION............................................5-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX.....................................5-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX........................................5-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)........................5-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL)..........................5-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL)..................5-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)........................5-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS.......................................5-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING..........................................5-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING................................5-7 UPDATE CHAINING............................................5-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE.................5-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS...........................5-7 TRAINING REFERENCES........................................5-7
5001. 5002. 5003. 5004. 5005. 5006. 5007. 5008. 5009. 5010. 5011. 5012. 5013. 5014. 5015. 5016. 5017. 5018. 5019. 5020. 5021. 5022.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Air Intelligence Officer/0210 5001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 5002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 5003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 5004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 5-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 5006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 5007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 5008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). 5-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performanceoriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 5009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 5-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 5010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 5011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 5012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). in appendix (E). 5013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). in appendix (F). 5-6 100 level tasks are contained
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 5014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 5015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
5016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 5017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 5018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 5019. UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix (L).
5020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 5021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
5022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 5-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Integrate air intelligence into the Intelligence Preparation of Battlespace (IPB) process. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Identify aviation intelligence requirements. Development the collection plan in support of aviation operations. Direct the intelligence analytical effort supporting aviation operations. Direct the fusion of all-sourced air intelligence. Coordinate the integration of the intelligence system architecture into the Marine Air Command and Control System (MACCS) Provide aviation intelligence to the common operating picture in an automated environment. Develop the dissemination plan to provide timely and accurate intelligence. Provide integrated aviation intelligence support to the staff planning process. Provide intelligence through written and oral communications in an automated and non-automated environment. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY The Career Progression Philosophy for the Marine Corps Air Intelligence Officer (MOS 0207) is supported through a structured training plan. This plan consists of two levels of individual training and one level of section training. The objective of this training plan is to develop Marine Officers who have the required knowledge and experience to provide aviation intelligence to the Aviation Combat Element (ACE) commander, principle staff and subordinate commanders supporting aviation operations. The objective of the plan is accomplished through completion of formal schools, MOJT, exercises and deployments. Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marine Officers with the core skills necessary to function as the Air Intelligence Officer at the squadron, group and wing level. This training is conducted at the Navy Intelligence Officer Basic Course (NIOBC), Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Dam Neck, VA. Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide the core-plus skills that Aviation Intelligence Officers must possess to effectively assume billets that require specialized and/or additional training. Completion of 200 level training will also qualify Air Intelligence Officers for the MAGTF Intelligence Officer Course (MIOC) at NMITC, Dam Neck, VA. Completion of the MIOC will result in the redesignation of MOS 0207 (Air Intelligence Officer) to MOS 0202 (MAGTF Intelligence Officer). The MIOC course of instruction will constitute 300 level training. The 400 level training is specialized training directed at section tasks that integrate core and core-plus skills acquired in level 100 and 200 training. By completing 100 level training and following a 200/400 level structured training plan, Air Intelligence Officers will achieve the depth of intelligence knowledge and experience necessary to provide effective air intelligence support at the squadron, group and wing level, and will prepare them for the MIOC and follow-on assignment as MAGTF Intelligence Officers. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines Officers with the core skills necessary to function as the Air Intelligence Officer at the squadron, group, and wing level. This training is conducted at the Navy Intelligence Officer Basic Course (NIOBC), Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Dam Neck, VA. None.
Describe US intelligence organization and structure at national and theater level. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence support to Joint Operations Orient to major agencies (DIA, CIA, NSA,NRO)JIC/JAC
Condition: Standard:
Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Military Operations Joint Pub 2-02, National Support to Military Operations 101-GEN
Describe the intelligence disciplines. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe the current MAGTF intelligence systems. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. IAS, RAAP follow-on, etc
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Reference(s): C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems 103-GEN
Describe the intelligence cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCDP 2, Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe the US national and theater collections assets capabilities and limitations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 105-DIS
Describe existing communications architectures which support MAGTF intelligence functions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0076 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
C4ISR Handbook for Intelligence Planners (CHIPS) MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 106-SYS
Describe the role of an intelligence officer in supervising use of intelligence systems. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe relationship between combat information and analysis-derived intelligence. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe characteristics of foreign/other service aircraft. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Measures Manual Concept of task: None. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0076 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter Measures Manual 109-ANA
Describe characteristics of foreign air defense guns. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual Threat Counter Measures Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter Measures Manual 110-ANA
Describe characteristics of foreign air defense missiles. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter Measures Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter Measures Manual JANES THREAT SYSTEMS VOLUMES E-5
Describe theater missile components of theater missile defense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter Measures Manual JANES THREAT SYSTEMS VOLUMES 112-ANA
Describe the characteristics and components of Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual Threat Counter Measures Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual, Threat Counter Measures Manual JANES THREAT SYSTEMS VOLUMES 113-ANA
Describe the structure of orders of battle. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems 114-ANA
Describe the methods for updating orders of battle. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services None. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the characteristics of the air and air defense forces of the two principal OPLAN countries. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual (U) None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual (U) JANES THREAT SYSTEMS VOLUMES 116-ANA
Describe analytical procedures and methods. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis 117-ANA None. 5
Determine enemy capabilities and vulnerabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual (U) FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 118-ANA
Describe enemy intent and courses of action at operational level. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual (U) FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 119-ANA
Describe elements of an effective display of enemy situation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0076 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Describe concepts and terminology associated with weather observation and forecasts. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate reference. None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe operational effects of weather. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate reference. None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct ad hoc and prepared text briefings. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. E-9
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe elements of the collections cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 124-ANA
Determine commanders information requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning 125-ANA
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Describe purpose and content of Annex B (Intelligence). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning 127-COL
Describe purpose and content of reconnaissance and surveillance plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package E-11
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 128-ANA
Describe the elements of Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the elements of an event template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations IFM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 130-ANC
Describe elements of the doctrinal template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Reference(s): MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 131-AND
Describe the elements of the situational template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 132-ANE
Describe the elements of the Decision Support Template (DST). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 133-ANF
Describe intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB) process, components and correlations to operations planning. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0076 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning 134-GEN
Describe the Marine Corps planning process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe integration of IPB within Marine Corps planing process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 136-COL
Describe MAGTF collections capabilities and limitations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0076 None.
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 137-ANA
Describe integration of IPB with the Marine Corps planning process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning 138-GEN
Describe garrison Marine Corps intelligence structure and corresponding MOS structure. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. FIIU, RADBN, MCISU, MCIA
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations 139-GEN E-15
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Describe MEU missions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations 140-GEN
Describe organization, capabilities, and limitations of a MEU ACE. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations 141-GEN
Describe intelligence support to NEO and TRAP missions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Joint Pub 3-07.5, JTTP for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations
Identify requirements for selecting airfields and alternate sites supporting aviation operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence HLZs, FARPs, FOBs
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25 AIR OPS FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 143-GEN
List the six functions of Marine aviation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 5-1, Organization and Function of Marine Aviation None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25 AIR OPS FMFM 5-1, Organization and Function of Marine Aviation 144-GEN
Describe the organizational structure of the Marine Aircraft Wing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. Air command and control, aviation ground support, fixed wing, rotary wing E-17
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0076 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
MCWP 3-25 Air Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 145-GEN
Describe operations at FORWARD Operating Bases and Forward Arming And Refueling Points (FAARP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25, Control Of Aircraft and Missiles Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 146-GEN
Describe the organization and functions of the TACC. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 147-GEN
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Describe the intelligence and information requirements associated with TACC operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 148-GEN
Describe the overall information flow within the TACC. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 149-GEN
Describe the content and utility of the available intelligence broadcasts. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capability None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Reference(s): TRAP/TDDS USERS GUIDE MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook MCWP 3-25, Control Of Aircraft and Missiles Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capability 150-GEN
Describe the flow of intelligence information and combat information within the TACC. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 151-DIS
Describe the use and utility of the available intelligence reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services 152-ANA
Describe the Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) sources and information flow within the TACC.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting 153-ANA
Describe the Flightline Intelligence Center (FIC) organization and functions. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 154-ANA
Conduct aircrew briefing. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package E-21
Conduct aircrew debriefing. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 156-ANA
Describe the responsibilities of intelligence personnel in Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 157-GEN
Describe the similarities and differences between Service TACC-type organizations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. Joint Air Ops Course Staff Guide Joint Pub: Air Ops 158-GEN None.
Describe the Navy CVIC organization and functions. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 33154 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the elements of a Joint Task Force (JTF). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the organization and function of the Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0076 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the JFACC ATO development process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the joint targeting cycle. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct targeting against fixed. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0076 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 164-GEN
Conduct targeting against mobile targets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 165-GEN
Identify the concepts, terms and products associated with the joint targeting process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. AFR 200-18, Targeting None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 166-GEN
Describe basic elements and processes of weaponeering. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and E-25
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce an intelligence product using current word-processing, presentation, database, and spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook SOFTWARE USER HANDBOOKS 168-DIS
Perform searches for information using the internet and INTELINK. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. JBOC USERS GUIDE None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: E-26 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Describe the aviation intelligence T&R program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OCCFLD 02 Training and Readiness Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the requirements of Security Management and role of Security Manager. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the elements of classified material control and accountability. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. OPNAVINST 5510.1 None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe individual and unit responsibilities for safeguarding SCI material. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DOD S-5105.21-M-1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe SCI personnel administration requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DOD S-5105.21-M-1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Describe the Intelligence Oversight program. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DOD S-5105.21-M-1 None.
Condition: Standard:
DOD S-5105.21-M-1
Describe USMC Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) program requirements at unit level. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. AT/FP Manual None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. AT/FP Manual 176-GEN
Describe the elements of MC&G management. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Describe components of Theater Missile Defense (TMD). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence support to Joint Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide the core-plus skills that Aviation Intelligence Officers must possess to effectively assume billets that require specialized and/or additional training. None.
Monitor intelligence sources for time critical intelligence and/or significant changes in enemy operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain awareness of the operational status of organic, MAGTF, Theater and national collections assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan Joint Pub 2-02, National Support to Military Operations 202-SYS
Supervise the operation of automated intelligence and information systems. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
Manage tasking and reporting of all reconnaissance and surveillance assets assigned and made available to the ACE. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 204-RFI
Respond to RFIs and analysis support from other G-2 sections and subordinate agencies. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 205-ANA
Identify gaps in section intelligence holdings and other information needs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Events updated: Reference(s): None DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 100-6, Information Operations 206-COX
Maintain the reconnaissance and surveillance status board/log. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 207-ANA
Evaluate, analyze, and interpret all incoming intelligence reports to determine their significance. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Evaluate requirement satisfaction, providing requester feedback, and adjust the collection plan, as required. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0043 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 209-ANA
Maintain from all-source, the intelligence data base (manual or automated) to support ACE commanders decision making processes. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain liaison with the MAGTF collection section. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 211-COX
Inform the ACI officer of all significant developments affecting intelligence collection effort. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. F-5
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0021 None.
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 212-ANA
Supervise development of aviation related intelligence preparation of the battlefield products. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a detailed collection plan based on approved PIRs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 214-RDO
Forward unsatisfied requests to higher headquarters for action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
Monitor production of intelligence reports using automated and manual methods. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Task organic collection and request external collection. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 217-RDO
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Identify high value targets and evaluate for introduction into the reactive targeting process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence Joint Targeting Publication 219-OOB
Ensure the maintenance of enemy ground, air, air defense, electronic, missile, and weapons of mass destruction order of battle files. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual (U) FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis
Maintain the intelligence request log, tracking all RFIs until a response is received and declared satisfactory by the requester. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services 3-21 MAGTF OPS MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 221-RDO
Coordinate with the collections section to satisfy RFIs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 222-RDO
Coordinate for the distribution of hard-copy products to subordinate units. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Events updated: Reference(s): None DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 223-ANA
Conduct air defense analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Arrange secondary dissemination of imagery to subordinate units. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage the commands MC&G program, ensuring the availability of MC&G products to support the ACE staff and subordinate units. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0043 Sustainment Interval (months): None. .5
Inform the ACI Officer of all time delays in satisfaction of PIRs or other high priority requests for intelligence. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services 227-ANA
Control flow of all-source intelligence information within the section, and to appropriate external organizations in an automated an non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 228-ANA
Supervise the intelligence analysis and production effort. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. F-11
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0043 None.
Prioritize, collate and forward RFIs to Requirements and Dissemination Section for action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection 230-RDO
Prioritize, collate and forward collection requirements to collection section for action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan 231-ISO
Supervise the operation of current automated intelligence software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and
Condition: F-12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 232-RPT
Assist the intelligence plans section in the preparation of intelligence estimates for future operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 233-TIA
Assist the target intelligence section in the production and maintenance of target folders. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Joint Targeting Publication FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 234-ANA F-13
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Provide intelligence in support of TRAP/SERE to the current operations SAR Coordination Cell and subordinate units. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 235-LNO
Coordinate analytical support with the MAGTF AFC. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise the maintenance the current enemy situation displays in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Develop and implement intelligence collection plan to support ACE operations and ATO execution. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 238-SIT
Advise TACC section on current enemy situations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Guidelines for the Military Briefer FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 239-SIT
Advise TACC sections on current/future enemy capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook F-15
Advise TACC sections on enemy critical vulnerabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 241-SIT
Verify and display MAGTF surveillance and target acquisition status and capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 242-SIT
Advise TACC sections on potential enemy courses of action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Reference(s): FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 243-COL
Advise TACC sections on the current and future ACE intelligence collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 244-RPT
Provide input for periodic ACE intelligence reporting. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 245-TGT
Ensure that the Deep Battle Cell is notified when a high payoff target is identified. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-17
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0064 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 246-BDA
Verify and report Battle Damage Assessment (BDA). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 247-RPT
Coordinate initial evaluation/analysis of perishable information and initiate limited indications and warning reporting within the ACE. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 248-DSM
Ensure that all information/intelligence received is forwarded to ACI in a timely manner. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0043 None.
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 249-OOB
Coordinate with the ACI intelligence analysis section to ensure validity of intelligence database supporting ACE operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 250-TGT
Validate immediate target nominations and provide a recapitulation of targets struck. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 251-SIT
Coordinate with the ACI intelligence analysis section for projected enemy dispositions. F-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
FM 34-1, Intelligence Analysis MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 252-TIA
Coordinate with the ACI target development section for development of a target list to be weaponeered by strike planners. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 253-BDA
Coordinate with the ACI Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) section to provide status of previously scheduled targets and participate as a member of the combat assessment board for target resubmission. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
Direct production of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 255-RPT
Forward mission debriefs to ACI in a timely manner. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct maintenance of current and forecasted weather info and maps. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-81, Weather Support for Tactical Operations, Appendix C None.
Condition: Standard:
Coordinate and integrate weather information support to the ACE. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-81, Weather Support for Tactical Operations, Appendix C None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain the status of targets on the MAGTF prioritized target list and provide target recommendations to the current operations deep battle cell. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting 259-TIA
Monitor execution of the current ATO as it pertains to sorties planned against MAGTF nominated targets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Events updated: Reference(s): None MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 260-TIA
Monitor current day ATO execution and validate targets 8 and 4 hours before mission strike, providing update to current ops deep battle cell. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 261-TIA
Identify targets that require immediate reattack before the next ATO and provide the updated target information to the current operations deep battle cell. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 262-TIA
Inform the Deep Battle Cell of significant changes in target priorities and status. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. F-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 263-TIA
Maintain liaison with the current operations Intelligence Watch and Deep Battle Cell to ensure continuous exchange of target intelligence required for ATO validation and refresh. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting 264-TIA
Pass lucrative/time-critical target nominations for immediate attack to the current ops Intelligence Watch Section. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting
Submit MAGTF target nominations within the timelines of the established ATO planning cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 266-TIA
Coordinate with the intelligence analysis section to identify potential high value targets for attack by ACE assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 267-TIA
Conduct detailed analysis of the enemy and area of operations, in coordination with the intelligence analysis section, in order to develop a prioritized target list based on the ACE commanders targeting guidance and objectives. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-25
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0043 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 268-TIA
Provide target data to the future operations ATO strike planners and assist in weaponeering. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting 269-TIA
Maintain target folders/files. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 270-TIA
Plot all targets validated for attack on appropriate maps. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-26
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis 271-TIA
Track the status of target nominations submitted to higher headquarters for sourcing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 272-TIA
Maintain a record of target nominations for each ATO. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 273-BDA F-27
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Process Mission Reports (MISREPs) to determine initial BDA and query originators for missing, incomplete, or illegible reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting 274-BDA
Conduct damage assessments of targets struck and maintain status. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 275-BDA
Post BDA to the installation or enemy file database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations AFR 200-18, Targeting
Maintain target status information and pass pertinent information to target development and target validation sections. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 277-BDA
Maintain and analyze the cumulative BDA, target status, and estimates of target recuperability and pass pertinent. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 278-BDA
Identify targets that may require immediate attack/reattack before the next ATO and pass the information to the target validation cell. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Reference(s): AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 279-BDA
Prepare periodic BDA summaries from mission reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 280-TIA
Approve targets nominated to current operations for immediate attack. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 281-TIA
Ensure that all necessary target intelligence support is provided to future and current operations, as required. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.0043 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 282-TIA
Supervise the operation of automated targeting software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Systems Manuals 283-TIA
Provide target intelligence to the ACE in support of deliberate and reactive targeting. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 284-TIA
Prepare the target nomination list and submit final nominations to the ACE G-2 for evaluation prior to the ACE targeting board. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. F-31
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 285-TIA
Present ACE target nominations and rationale to the ACE targeting board. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 286-TIA
Plan and coordinate the BDA effort for the ACE. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 287-TIA
Participate as a member of the combat assessment board convened by the future operations ATO Development Officer.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 288-TIA
Maintain liaison with the MAGTF G-2 target intelligence section. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 289-TIA
Inform the ACI officer of all significant developments affecting the target intelligence effort. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting F-33
Manage the processing, validation, and submission to the MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: 300 level training is not applicable to this MOS. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative: Prerequisites:
Task: Prepare ACE Intelligence Estimates (IE) and Intelligence Summaries (INTSUM). Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. None. (months): 3
FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 401-ANA
Coordinate responses to ACE Information Requirements (IR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 402-COL
Maintain ACE intelligence collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. (months): 3
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 403-ANA
Coordinate intelligence support for ACE survival, evasion, resistance, escape (SERE) requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. (months): 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 404-ANA
Coordinate compilation of weather data for the ACE. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. .5
FM 34-81, Weather Support for Tactical Operations, Appendix C MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 405-DIS
Provide TACC Sections with data, information, and/or intelligence products as required. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. H-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.025 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 406-DIS
Process mission and pilot reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 407-TGT
Provide target intelligence to support deliberate and reactive targeting. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: tandard:
None. 1
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 408-GEN
Interface with current and future operations via respective intelligence watch sections.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 409-GEN
Establish a Future Operations Intelligence Watch section. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain a display of current enemy situation with target locations and priorities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting H-5
Review reports for significant developments, changes, and trends affecting enemy capabilities/Courses Of Actions (COAs). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 412-GEN
Brief TACC Sections on changes and developments affecting enemy COAs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 413-COL
Coordinate collections plans to support ACE operations and ATO development. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.05 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 414-ANA
Advise TACC Sections regarding enemy capabilities, critical vulnerabilities, COAs and centers of gravity. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 415-COL
Advise TACC Sections on MAGTF Surveillance and Target Acquisition. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plan FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 416-COL
Advise TACC Sections regarding ACE collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. H-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 417-ANA
Participate in the IPB process to determine NAIs, TAIs and Decision Points. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Conduct situation update briefings for TACC Sections. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 419-GEN
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Prioritize, collate and forward RFIs from TACC Sections to ACI RDO. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations. 420-ANA
Coordinate with ACI for projected enemy battlefield situation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 421-TGT
Coordinate with ACI to develop a target list to be weaponeered by strike planners. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Reference(s): AFR 200-18, Targeting Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 422-TGT
Coordinate with ACI to provide status of previously scheduled targets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting 423-GEN
Establish a Current Operations Intelligence Watch section. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Coordinate collection plans to support ACE operations and ATO execution. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.05 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 425-DIS
Prepare current intelligence reports for command summary. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 426-TGT
Ensure that high payoff targets are identified to deep battle cell for immediate consideration. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 427-DIS
Provide BDA reporting to ACI. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. H-11
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook AFR 200-18, Targeting FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 428-GEN
Provide initial analysis of perishable info and provide limited I&W within ACE and to MAGTF. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 429-DIS
Forward Combat Information to ACI in timely manner. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package
Coordinate with ACI to ensure OOB and current situation concur. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 431-GEN
Coordinate with ACI on immediate target nominations and provide post-strike target status. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 432-GEN
Maintain and display current and forecasted weather in automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. H-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 CRP: 0.025 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
FM 34-81, Weather Support for Tactical Operations, Appendix C FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 433-FLC
Establish a Flightline Intelligence Center. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 434-FLC
Advise aircrews regarding enemy capabilities. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 435-FLC
Conduct situation update briefings for aircrews. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: H-14
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Standard: Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package None.
None. 1
Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 436-TGT
Conduct Combat Assessment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package 437-TGT
Conduct Target Development. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook 438-TGT H-15
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Task: Conduct Target Validation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
AFR 200-18, Targeting MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title _________________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title ________________________________________________________________________ 200 Collection Management for Analysts, (JMIC) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Attache Staff Operations, (DIA) National Intelligence Course, (DIA) Under Graduate Intelligence Program, (DIA) Indications and Warnings Course, (DIA) MC&G Staff Officers Course, (Ft Belvoir, VA) MC&G Officers Course, (Ft Belvoir, VA) Analytical skills, (JMIC) Open Source Search Tools and Strategies, (JMIC) Introduction to Open Sources, (JMIC) Adversarial Deception Awareness Course, (JMIC) Expeditionary Warefare Intelligence Course, (NMITC) (EWTGPAC) Intelligence Collection Managers Course, (JMIC) Intelligence Support to Joint Operations, (DIA) Afloat Strike Planning Support Systems Course, (NMITC) Joint Intelligence Course, (NMITC) Joint Intelligence Systems Application Course, (AIC Norfolk, VA) Intelligence in Combating Terrorism, (FT Huachuca, AZ) Command and Control Warfare Course (C2W), (EWTGLANT, EWTGPAC) Joint Aerospace Command and Control Course, (Hurlburt Fld, FL) Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course (WTI), (MAWTS-1, Yuma, AZ) Combat Targeting School, (Nellis AFB, Goodfellow AFB) Joint Targeting School, (NMITC) CVW Intelligence Operations Course, (NAS China Lake, NV) Intelligence Analyst Course, (JMIC) J-1 INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Dynamics of International Terrorism, (AFSOC Hurlburt Fld, FL) 200 200 200 MCI 25.26 Introduction to Electronic Warfare MCI 25.25 Communications Security MCI 03.66 Military Operations in Urban Terrain
200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
MCI 3.54 Desert Operations MCI 03.32 Reconnaissance Marine MCI 03.3 Fundamentals of Marine Corps Leadership MCI 02.8 Introduction to Combat Intelligence MCI 02.14 Terrorism Awareness for Marines, (ICW) MCI 02.10 Terrorism Awareness for Marines MCI 03.24 Operations Against Guerrilla Units Advanced Counter Terrorism Course, (DIA) JDISS Basic Operator Course, (FITCPAC, JITAP) Intelligence Support to Combined Operations, (DAI) Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Counter-Drug Basic Intelligence Course, (NMITC) Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC), (NMITC, FITCPAC, Local) Chemical and Biological Warfare Intelligence Course, (DIA) Requirements Management Systems Course, (DIA) AOR Orientation Courses, (Hurlburt Fld, FL) Army Correspondence Course No. 4.116; Humanitarian and Refugee Operations Army Correspondence Course No. 4.112; Principles for the Conduct of Peace Operations Army Correspondence Course No. 4.111; The UN Peacekeeping Force in the former Yugoslavia Afloat Intelligence Systems Managers Overview, (FITCPAC) MCI 2520 Communications for the FMF Marine JDISS Joint Corporate Services Course, (FITCPAC, JITAP) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 MCWP 3-25 Control of Aircraft and Missiles 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 MCWP 3-25.3 Marine Air Command and Control System Handbook
MCWP 3-25.4 Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook MCWP 5-1 Marine Corps Planning
Airpowers Gordian Knot, McNamara, Air University Press Joint Air Operations, Winnefe, NIP The Air Campaign, Warden, Brasseys Gulf and Air Power Summery, Keaney, Air University Press K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 100-GEN None. 101-GEN 102-SYS 103-GEN 104-COL 105-DIS 106-SYS 107-GEN 108-ANA 109-ANA 110-ANA 111-ANA 112-ANA 113-ANA 114-ANA 115-ANA 116-ANA 117-ANA 118-ANA 119-ANA 120-ANA 121-ANA 122-ANA 123-ANA 124-ANA 125-ANA 126-ANA 127-COL 128-ANA None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Event Events Updated _________________________________________________________________________ 129-ANB None. 130-ANC 131-AND 132-ANE 133-ANF 134-GEN 135-ANA 136-COL 137-ANA 138-GEN 139-GEN 140-GEN 141-GEN 142-ANA 143-GEN 144-GEN 145-GEN 146-GEN 147-GEN 148-GEN 149-GEN 150-GEN 151-DIS 152-ANA 153-ANA 154-ANA 155-ANA 156-ANA 157-GEN 158-GEN 159-GEN 160-GEN L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 161-GEN None. 162-GEN 163-GEN 164-GEN 165-GEN 166-GEN 167-DIS 168-DIS 169-GEN 170-GEN 171-GEN 172-GEN 173-GEN 174-GEN 175-GEN 176-GEN 177-ANA 200-ANA 201-COX 202-SYS 203-COX 204-RFI 205-ANA 206-COX 207-ANA 208-COX 209-ANA 210-COX 211-COX 212-ANA 213-COX 214-RDO None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 215-RPT None. 216-COX 217-RDO 218-TGT 219-OOB 220-RDO 221-RDO 222-RDO 223-ANA 224-RDO 225-RDO 226-RDO 227-ANA 228-ANA 229-RFI 230-RDO 231-ISO 232-RPT 233-TIA 234-ANA 235-LNO 236-SIT 237-COL 238-SIT 239-SIT 240-SIT 241-SIT 242-SIT 243-COL 244-RPT 245-TGT 246-BDA L-4 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 247-RPT None. 248-DSM 249-OOB 50-TGT 251-SIT 252-TIA 253-BDA 254-IPB 255-RPT 256-SIT 257-WXI 258-TIA 259-TIA 260-TIA 261-TIA 262-TIA 263-TIA 264-TIA 265-TIA 266-TIA 267-TIA 268-TIA 269-TIA 270-TIA 271-TIA 272-TIA 273-BDA 274-BDA 275-BDA 276-BDA 277-BDA 278-BDA None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 279-BDA None. 280-TIA 281-TIA 282-TIA 283-TIA 284-TIA 285-TIA 286-TIA 287-TIA 288-TIA 289-TIA 290-COL 400-ANA 401-ANA 402-COL 403-ANA 404-ANA 405-DIS 406-DIS 407-TGT 408-GEN 409-GEN 10-GEN 411-GEN 412-GEN 413-COL 414-ANA 415-COL 416-COL 417-ANA 418-GEN 419-GEN L-6 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 420-ANA None. 421-TGT 422-TGT 423-GEN 424-COL 425-DIS 426-TGT 427-DIS 428-GEN 429-DIS 430-GEN 431-GEN 432-GEN 433-FLC 434-FLC 435-FLC 436-TGT 437-TGT 438-TGT None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ None. M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST ________________________________________________________________________ DIAM 56-1, Register of Intelligence Publications DIAM 58 Series, Intelligence Collection DIAM 59-1, Intelligence Dissemination/Reference Services DMA Product Catalogs DOD S-5105.21-M-1 DOD TS-5105.21-M-2 Executive Order 12333, Intelligence Activities of the U.S FM 100-20, Military Operations in Low Intensity Conflict FM 100-6, Information Operations FM 30-16, Technical Intelligence FM 34-1, Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management and Synchronization Plann O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-81, Weather Support for Tactical Operations, Appendix C FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence FMFM 3-35, Counterintelligence FMFM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare FMFM 7-33, Psychological Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer JANES THREAT SYSTEMS VOLUMES JCS PUB 2-02, National Intelligence Support to Joint Oper Joint Pub 2-0, Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations Joint Pub 2-01, Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations Joint Pub 2-02, National Support to Military Operations Joint Pub 3-02, Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Joint Pub 3-07.5, JTTP for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations Joint Services Tactical Exploitation of National Capability JOINT TARGETING PUB Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Academic Support Package MCDP 2, Intelligence MCDP 6, Command and Control MCM 3-1, Threat Counter Measures Manual MCO 3430.5 , Command and Control Warfare MCO 3850.1, Policy and Guidance for Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-15.2, Signals Intelligence MCWP 3-25, Control Of Aircraft and Missiles MCWP 3-25.4, Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook MCWP 5-1, Staff Planning MCWP 6-22, Communication and Information Systems O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Navy Supplement to DoD S-5105.21-M-1 NIMA Catalogs OPNAVINST 5510.1 SD-001-97, Manned Airborne Reconnaissance Program Plan TACC HANDBOOK 3-25.4 TC 34-5, Human Intelligence Operations U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 101 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 103 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) 110 U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive 301 O-4 Chapter 6 Counterintelligence Officer/0210
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Counterintelligence Officer/0219 PAGE INTRODUCTION..................................................6-3 UNIT TRAINING.................................................6-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING.............................6-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY.............................6-3 CAREER PROGRESSION............................................6-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY.................................6-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING........................................6-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT.....................................6-4 CRP COMPUTATION...............................................6-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX........................................6-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX...........................................6-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)...........................6-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL).............................6-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL).....................6-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)...........................6-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS..........................................6-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING.............................................6-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING...................................6-7 UPDATE CHAINING...............................................6-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE....................6-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS..............................6-7 TRAINING REFERENCES...........................................6-7
6001. 6002. 6003. 6004. 6005. 6006. 6007. 6008. 6009. 6010. 6011. 6012. 6013. 6014. 6015. 6016. 6017. 6018. 6019. 6020. 6021. 6022.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Counterintelligence Officer/0210 6001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 6002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 6003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 6004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 6-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 6006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 6007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 6008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). 6-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performance-oriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 6009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 6-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 6010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 6011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 6012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). in appendix (E). 6013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). in appendix (F). 6-6 100 level tasks are contained
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 6014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 6015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
6016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 6017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 6018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 6019. UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix (L).
6020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 6021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
6022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 6-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Conduct tactical overt Human Resources Intelligence (HUMINT) operations. Provide CI support to Antiterrorism/Force Protection. Conduct CI analysis. Conduct Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO). Implement the FORMICA Program. Employ Counterintelligence/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provide counterintelligence support to tactical operations. Administer/Employ operational funds. Conduct preliminary investigations. Direct HUMINT Exploitation team (HET) support to the MEU. Identify capabilities and limitations of MAGTF organic HUMINT collection assets. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY The Career Progression Philosophy for the Marine Corps Counterintelligence (CI) Officer (MOS 0210) is supported through a structured training plan. This plan consists of two levels of individual training (200 - 300) and one level of section training (400). The objective of this training plan is to provide Marines with the knowledge and experience required to provide effective CI/HUMINT support to commanders. This objective is accomplished through completion of formal schools, MOJT, deployments, and exercises. 100 level training is not identified, as CI Officers are required to be enlisted CI Specialists (MOS 0211) prior to their selection to Warrant Officer. CI Officers have previously completed 100 level training by attending the MAGTF CI Course, at the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Damneck, VA. Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased responsibility. This level is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments, and exercises. At the completion of the 200 level, CI Officers will attend the MAGTF Advanced CI Course, NMITC for advanced CI training. Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the CI Officer to function at the MEF level. The 300 level of training is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments, and exercises. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: 100 level training is accomplished as an 0211 (Counterintelligence Specialist) None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased responsibility. This level is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments, and exercises. None.
Successful completion of 100 level training as an 0211, Counterintelligence Specialist is required to subsequent to selection as an 0210 Warrant Officer. F-1
Debrief reconnaissance and surveillance personnel. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 245-COL, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations
Plan HET surveillance operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence EO 12333, United States Intelligence Activities MCO 3870.2A, Intelligence Oversight USMC 202-COL
Conduct surveillance. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
226-COL, 268-PRO
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence EO 12333, United States Intelligence Activities MCO 3870.2A, Intelligence Oversight USMC 203-PRO
Produce an interrogation report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Verify HET products. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Exploit tactical reports. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence 206-PRO
Produce CI SALUTE reports. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Disseminate information digitally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 208-DIS
Verify the dissemination of information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CRP: 0.0044 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 209-DIS
Disseminate information orally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 210-DIR
Plan HET antiterrorism support to the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIA IIR Cookbook DoD Dir 0-2000.12, DoD Combating Terrorism DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program F-5
Disseminate information in written/typed form. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 212-DIR
Plan HET support to counterterrorism. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DoD Dir 0-2000.12, DoD Combating Terrorism DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FMFM 8-1, Special Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism 213-DIR
Plan HET support to Operations Other Than War (OOTW). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None.
None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U) 6
Plan HET support to cordon and search operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 229-DIR
Conduct CI activities in support of cordon and search operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Plan HET tactical countersurveillance. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence F-7
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 225-COL
Conduct tactical countersurveillance. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct HETs conduct of all-source terrorism threat analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 219-PRO
Conduct all-source terrorism threat analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0066 None.
239-GEN, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations
Direct HETs preparation of a terrorism threat assessment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: vents updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct HETs conduct of vulnerability assessments of friendly forces/activities to hostile threats. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DoD Dir 0-2000.12, DoD Combating Terrorism DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards 222-PRO
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 hostile threats. Condition: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
244-GEN, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DoD Dir 0-2000.12, DoD Combating Terrorism DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards
Direct HETs analysis of hostile intelligence capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 224-PRO
Conduct analysis of hostile intelligence capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 225-DIR
Direct HET employment of CI/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Employ CI/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare Request For Information (RFI). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Reference(s): MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-2, Collection Management 228-GEN
Identify capabilities and limitations of MAGTF organic collection assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 229-DIR
Plan HET screening activities. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct CI screening activities. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CRP: 0.0044 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Plan a HET CI survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct a CI survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct HETs conduct of Missing in Action (MIA) (Non-Hostile) investigations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CRP: 0.0022 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct Missing in Action (MIA) (Non-Hostile) investigations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct HETs conduct of preliminary investigations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct preliminary investigations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence To include espionage, sabotage, subversion, and terrorism activities.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CRP: 0.0044 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Plan HET overt HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 238-COL
Conduct overt HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 239-GEN
Maintain databases. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. F-15
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 240-COL
Conduct CI interrogations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 27-10, Law of Land Warfare
Conduct elicitation. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Plan HET source operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None.
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U) DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 243-COL
Conduct an interview. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct liaison. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct a debrief. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. F-17
Provide CI support to Operations Other Than War (OOTW). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Exploit a source using an interpreter. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct HET document and material exploitation. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0022 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Obtain information from a source. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Implement FORMICA program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2 - 14, Counterintelligence MCO 003820.1, Overt HUMINT Operations (U) 251-DIR
Manage the commands RODCA Control Point. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CRP: 0.0044 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 252-COL
Maintain Detainable, Of-interest, and Protectable (DOP) lists. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain CI journal. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain situation maps. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CRP: 0.0044 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 255-COL
Maintain Personalities, Organizations, & Installations (PO&I) files. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 239-GEN
Direct the preparation of appendices to Annex B (Intel). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 257-PRO
Prepare HUMINT operational reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. F-21
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U) 258-PRO
Prepare CI Information Reports (CIIR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare CI After-Action Reports. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a MIA (Non-Hostile) investigation report. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-22
Prepare Intelligence Information Reports (IIR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Prepare biographic reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Event code:
263-PRO F-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Task: Prepare liaison reports. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Direct preparation of HET CI target reduction plans. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) proposal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U)
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Task: Prepare a Notice of Intelligence Potential (NIP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Prepare a Notice of Foreign Travel/Contact (NOFT/C). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Produce an intelligence product using current word-processing software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an intelligence product using current database software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce an intelligence product using current spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Plan HET support for CFSOs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U)
Prepare an intelligence product using current presentation software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Administer operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense Funds CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of E&EE Funding for Intel and CI purposes.
Account for operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
211-DIS, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense Funds F-27
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of E&EE Funding for Intel and CI purposes. Event code: Task: 275-COL
Conduct CFSOs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
249-COL, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U) DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Conduct an Intelligence brief. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 277-COL
Prepare HET collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Produce an intelligence brief. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 279-DIR
Direct HET garrison activities. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct HET activities in tactical operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. F-29
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0044 None.
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) (U) MCO 3820.1, FORMICA 281-GEN
Maintain HET training plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Plan HET activity in support of Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare intelligence messages. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and
Condition: F-30
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Maintain HET standard operating procedures. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide CI/HUMINT support to the MEU staff planning process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the CI Officer to function at the MEF level. The 300 level of training is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments, and exercises. None.
Validate request for information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare HUMINT Collection Requirement (HCR) nominations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
239-GEN, 268-PRO MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Prepare Source Directed Requirements (SDR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Provide CI/HUMINT support to the MEF staff planning process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action G-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative: Prerequisites:
Prepare HET collection plan Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain HET country folders Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare CI collection plan Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title __________________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 High Risk Personnel Course (HRP), (Quantico, VA) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Joint Counterintelligence Staff Officers Course, (DIA) U.S. Army Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence Training Course (AFCITC), (Ft. Meade, MD) Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Course (SERE), (Brunswick, ME/Coronado, CA/Ft. Bragg, NC) Operations Support Specialist Course (OSSC), (DIA) National Counterdrug Awareness Course (Brunswick, GA) Military Operations Training Course (MOTC), (DIA) Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course, (Ft. Bragg, NC) Latin American Orientation Course (LAOC), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Asian-Pacific Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Dynamics of International Terrorism (DIT), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Defense Language Institute (DLI), (Monterey, CA) Cross Cultural Communications Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Collection Managers Course, (DIA) Basic Airborne Course, (Ft. Benning, GA) Middle Eastern Orientation Course (MEOC), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Army Correspondence Course: Humanitarian Refugee Operations, (Course Number: 4.116) Military Operations Other Than War Course (MOOTW), (Little Creek, VA) Law of Land Warfare, (MCB Quantico, VA) Intelligence Analysis (IAS) Admin Course, (NMITC) JDISS Basic Operators Course, (FITCPAC/JITAP) Indications & Warning, (DIA) Revolutionary Warfare Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Army Correspondence Course: Principles for the Conduct of Peace Operations, (Course Number: 4.112) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 African Orientation Course (Hurlburt Field, FL) Army Correspondence Course: Physical Security Course, (Course Number: 191 G11) Army Correspondence Course: Counterintelligence Agents Course, (Course Number: 301 M15) Intelligence Analysis System (IAS) Course, (NMITC) DIA Analysis Course, (JMITC, Bolling AFB, DC) Kinesic Interview Course, (Ft. Bragg) Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence Course, (EWTG, PAC/LANT) Eastern Europe Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) MEF Intelligence Analysis System (IAS) Course, (NMITC) Advanced Intelligence Officers Course (Army Correspondance) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 DIAM 58-11, DOD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 DIAM 58-12, DOD HUMINT Management System DODI 2000.14, DOD Combating Terrorism Program Procedures DODI 5240.1R, Activities of DOD Intelligence Components that Affect U.S. Persons FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics FM 19-20, Investigations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-100, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 IIR Cookbook 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 1-02, DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms Joint Pub 2-01.2, CI Support to Joint Operations LIC-2600-004-91, GIRH MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) MCO 1050.15, Foreign Leave Travel MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCO 3800.2A, Conduct & Oversight of Intelligence Activities MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program MCDP-2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence The Otherside of the Mountain: Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War; Ali Ahmed Jalali & Lester W. Grau OPNAVINST 5510.1H, DON Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation OPNAVINST 003820.16D, FORMICA Instruction SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Oversight of Intelligence Activities within the DON DODD 0-2000.12, DOD Combating Terrorism Program The Principles of War for the Information Age; Leonhard, Robert R.; ISBN: 0-89141-647-1 K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 MCO 3302.1, Antiterrorism Program 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities DODD 5240.2, DOD CI Activities DODI 5240.10, DOD CI Support to Unified and Specified Commands SECNAVINST 5520.2B, DON Counterintelligence SECNAVINST 5520.3B, Criminal and Security Investigations and Related Activities Within the DON Red Revolution; Jones, Greg R.; ISBN: 0-8133-0644-2 Instant Empire; Henerson, Simon; ISBN: 1-56279-006-4 How We Won the War; Giap, Vo Nguyen; ISBN: 0-916894-01-0 The Commandante Speaks; Prisk, Courtney E.; ISBN: 0-8133-1066-0 Terrorism: Pragmatic International Deterrence and Cooperation; Allan, Richard; ISBN: 0-913449-22-9 Mao Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare; Griffith II, Samuel B.; ISBN: 1-877853-10-0 The U.S. Intelligence Community; Richelson, Jeffrey T.; ISBN: 0-88730-245-9 Human Rights in Iraq, Human Rights Watch; ISBN: 0-300-04959-5 Middle East Terrorism Selected Group Profiles; Alexander, Yonah; ISBN: 0-9644523-0-8 Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s; Godson, Roy; ISBN: 0-669-19555-3 Armed Forces and Modern Counterinsurgency; Beckett, Ian F.W.; ISBN: 0-312-00449-4 Spy Catcher; Wright, Steve; ISBN: 0-670-82055-5 Low Intensity Conflict; Ware, Lewis B.; ISBN: U.S. Govt Printing Office K-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Sword and Shield; Richelson, Jeffrey T.; ISBN: 0-88730-035-9 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Whos at the Helm?, Lessons of Lebanon; Tanter, Taymond; ISBN: 0-8133-0993-X An Introduction to Intercultural Communication; Condon and Yousef Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Cindy Davis Interpersonal Communications; Emmert and Emmert Bravo Two Zero; Andy McNatt MCWP 2-15.5, Interrogator-Translator Operations MCDP 1, Warfighting FMFRP 12-16, Front-Line Intelligence United States Marine Corps Warfighting Concepts for the 21st Century; Marine Corps Combat Development Command K-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 200-COL 211-DIS, 245-COL, 268-PRO 201-DIR 202-COL 203-PRO 204-PRO 205-PRO 206-PRO 207-DIS 208-DIS 209-DIS 210-DIR 211-DIS 212-DIR 213-DIR 214-DIR 215-COL 216-DIR 217-COL 218-DIR 219-PRO 220-DIR 221-DIR 222-PRO 223-DIR 224-PRO 225-DIR 226-COL 227-COL 228-GEN 225-DIR 226-COL, 268-PRO 240-COL, 268-PRO None. None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 229-DIR 214-DIR, 230-COL, 252-COL, 255-COL 225-COL 226-COL, 268-PRO None. 239-GEN, 268-PRO None. None. 244-GEN, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. 268-PRO None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 229-DIR None. 230-COL 231-DIR 232-COL 233-DIR 234-COL 235-DIR 236-COL 237-DIR 238-COL 239-GEN 240-COL 241-COL 242-DIR 243-COL 244-GEN 245-COL 246-COL 247-COL 248-DIR 249-COL 250-COL 251-DIR 252-COL 253-GEN 254-GEN 255-COL 256-DIR 257-PRO 258-PRO 259-PRO 260-PRO L-2 239-GEN, 252-COL, 255-COL, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 243-COL, 244-GEN, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 249-COL, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. None. None. None. 239-GEN None. 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 234-COL, 268-PRO
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 261-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO 262-PRO 263-PRO 264-TGT 265-PRO 266-COL 267-COL 268-PRO 269-PRO 270-PRO 271-DIR 272-PRO 273-COL 274-COL 275-COL 276-DIS 277-COL 278-PRO 279-DIR 280-DIR 281-GEN 282-DIR 283-DIS 284-GEN 285-GEN 300-COL 301-COL 302-COL 303-GEN 400-COL 401-GEN 402-COL 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. None. None. None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO 211-DIS, 268-PRO 249-COL, 268-PRO None. 211-DIS, 268-PRO 209-DIS None. None. None. 213-DIR 211-DIS, 268-PRO None. None. 239-GEN 239-GEN, 268-PRO 268-PRO None. None. None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School _________________________________________________________________________ None. M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST __________________________________________________________________________ CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of E&EE Funding for Intel and CI purposes DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DOD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DOD HUMINT Management System DoD Capabilities Handbook DoD Dir 0-2000.12, DOD Combating Terrorism DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards DoD Regulation 5240.1-R Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD I EO 12333, United States Intelligence Activities FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 2-01.2, CI Support to Joint Operations LIC-2600-004-91 GIRH Local SOP MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps CI Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) MCO 1050.3G, Regulations of Leave, Liberty and Admin Absence MCO 3820.1, FORMICA O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 6 MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCO 3870.2A, Intelligence Oversight USMC MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks OPNAVINST 5510.1H, DON Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Oversight of Intelligence Activities within the DON O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Counterintelligence Specialist/0211 PAGE INTRODUCTION..............................................7-3 UNIT TRAINING.............................................7-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING.........................7-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY.........................7-3 CAREER PROGRESSION........................................7-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY.............................7-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING....................................7-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT.................................7-4 CRP COMPUTATION...........................................7-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX....................................7-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX.......................................7-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL).......................7-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL).........................7-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL).................7-6 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL).......................7-6 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS......................................7-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING.........................................7-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING...............................7-7 UPDATE CHAINING...........................................7-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE................7-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS..........................7-7 TRAINING REFERENCES.......................................7-7
7001. 7002. 7003. 7004. 7005. 7006. 7007. 7008. 7009. 7010. 7011. 7012. 7013. 7014. 7015. 7016. 7017. 7018. 7019. 7020. 7021. 7022.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Counterintelligence Specialist/0211 7001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 7002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 7003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 7004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 7-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 7006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 7007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 7008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performance-oriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. 7-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 7009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 7-5
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 7011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 7012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). in appendix (E). 7013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). in appendix (F). 100 level tasks are contained
7014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 7015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). in appendix (H). 7-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 7016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 7017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 7018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 7019. UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix (L).
7020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 7021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
7022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 7-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Conduct tactical overt Human Resource Intelligence (HUMINT) operations 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide Counterintelligence (CI) support to Antiterrorism/Force Protection. Conduct CI analysis. Conduct Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO). Implement FORMICA Program. Employ Counterintelligence HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provide CI support to tactical operations. Employ operational funds. Conduct preliminary investigations. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY The Career Progression Philosophy for the Marine Corps Counterintelligence (CI) Specialist (MOS 0211) is supported through a structured training plan. This plan consists of three levels of individual training (100 300) and one level of section training (400). The objective of this training plan is to provide Marines with the knowledge and experience required to provide effective CI support to commanders. This objective is accomplished through completion of formal schools, MOJT, deployments and exercises. Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic CI Specialists. This training is conducted at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Damneck, VA. Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased CI responsibilities. This level is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments and exercises. At the completion of the 200 level, Marines will attend the MAGTF Advanced Counterintelligence Course at NMITC. Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the CI Specialist to function as a Team Chief/Leader. The 300 level of training is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments and exercises. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic CI Specialists. This training is conducted at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC), Damneck VA. None.
Produce threat assessment(s) for the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence To include terrorism, sabotage, subversion and espionage
Condition: Standard:
xternal Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 101-XXX
Sensitize a source to requirements for FORMICA program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 102-XXX
Debrief a FORMICA source. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 003820.1, Overt HUMINT Operations DIAM 58-12 DIAM 58-11 103-XXX
Report information obtained as a result of a FORMICA debrief. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 104-XXX
Prepare a CI collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 105-XXX
Produce a CI concept of operations plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. E-3
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0082 None. Sustainment Interval (months): 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DoD Instruction 2000.12H - Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence Event code: Task: 106-XXX
Describe Marine Corps CI/HUMINT capabilities. Without the use of references. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DoD Instruction 2000.12H - Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence Event code: Task: 107-XXX
Provide threat information in support of Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) effort. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): E-4 None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities Event code: Task: 108-XXX
Conduct a Level 1 Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) brief to a supported command. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities 109-XXX
Explain CI/HUMINT role in the staff planning process. Without the use of references. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities 110-XXX
Explain the purpose of RODCA (U). Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 111-XXX
Establish a RODCA (U) control point. Provided with appropriate references and materials. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 112-XXX
Conduct Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO). Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCO 003850.2 Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 19-20 - Investigations FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations MCO 003850.2 Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source 113-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 (CIHEP) is managed. Condition: Standard: Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11 FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations FM 19-20 - Investigations AFOSI SurvTrngConcepts dtd Jul 86 DIAM 58-12 114-XXX (CIHEP)
Condition: Standard:
Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11 FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations FM 19-20 - Investigations AFOSI SurvTrngConcepts dtd Jul 86 DIAM 58-12, 115-XXX
Utilize Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funds. Provide with appropriate references and materials. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11 FM 34-60, Counterintelligence FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations DIAM 58-12 116-XXX
Identify applicable directives and regulations governing CI/HUMINT operations and activities. Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. Joint Pub 2-01.2 - Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counter-intelligence Support to Operations MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 117-XXX
Plan CI support to mobile and static checkpoints. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. Joint Pub 2-01.2 - Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counterintelligence Support to Operations MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 E-8
Provide CI support to mobile and static checkpoints. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 119-XXX
Plan CI support to cordon and search operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
xternal Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation Counterintelligence Interrogation Workbook MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 120-XXX
Provide CI support to cordon and search operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-9
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 121-XXX
Plan for the conduct of a threat vulnerability assessment in support of force protection operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 122-XXX
Conduct threat vulnerability assessment in support of force protection operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 123-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 missing (non-hostile), or missing in action. Condition: Standard: Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11 FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations DIAM 58-12, 124-XXX
Produce a Missing-In-Action (MIA) investigation report. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 125-XXX
Conduct a preliminary investigation concerning acts of espionage, subversion, sabotage, or terrorism. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-60 Counterintelligence E-11
Report the results of investigation(s) concerning acts of espionage, subversion, sabotage, or terrorism. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 127-XXX
Plan the conduct of surveillance in support of tactical CI operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 128-XXX
Conduct surveillance in support of tactical CI operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 129-XXX
Plan the conduct of countersurveillance in support of tactical CI operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. CMC LOI 7040 CIC dtd 12 May 92 - LOI for the use Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes (O&M, subhead.123C) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. CMC LOI 7040 CIC dtd 12 May 92 - LOI for the use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes (O&M, subhead.123C) 130-XXX
Conduct countersurveillance in support of tactical CI operations. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCO 5511.13D - Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCO 5511.13D - Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program 131-XXX
Detect surveillance utilizing surveillance detection techniques. Provided with a particular route of travel. E-13
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Joint Pub 1-02 132-XXX
Produce an overt HUMINT collection operation plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Joint Pub 1-02 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Joint Pub 1-02 133-XXX
Produce a Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operation (CFSO) proposal. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the unit SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Unit SOP 134-XXX
Conduct a CI interrogation. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the unit SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0082 None. Sustainment Interval (months): 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Unit SOP 135-XXX
Conduct map tracking. During a given scenario and without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1 - Special Operations LIC-2600-004-91 - GIRH MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks 136-XXX
Exploit captured documents and materials. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 137-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Condition: Standard: Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, counterintelligence 138-XXX
Report the results of a CI elicitation. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FM 100-37 - Terrorism Counteraction Defense Intelligence College, Counterterrorism Analysis Course 139-XXX
Conduct a source debriefing. Provided with a particular scenario and role player. DoD Instruction 2000.14 - Combating Terrorism Program Standards None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): E-16 None. DoD Instruction 2000.14 - Combating Terrorism Program Standards
Report the results of a debrief. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 141-XXX
Conduct a CI interview. Provided with a particular scenario and role player. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 142-XXX
Report the results of a CI interview. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence E-17
Conduct liaison. Provided with a particular scenario and role player. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 147-XXX
Produce a liaison report. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 148-XXX
Administer Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funds. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. DIAM 58-12 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): E-18 None. DIAM 58-12
Explain the CI mission in a combined environment. Without the use of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-60, Counterintelligence 151-XXX
Explain CI support to MAGTF operations. Without the use of references. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 152-XXX
Conduct CI activities in support of Operations Other Than War (OOTW). Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-60, Counterintelligence JCS Pub 2-01.2 153-XXX
Conduct CI activities in support of rear area security. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. DIAM 58-11 FM 34-60A, Counterintelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12 154-XXX
Conduct terrorism threat analysis. Provided with appropriate references, materials and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 155-XXX
Condition: E-20
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-60, Counterintelligence 156-XXX
Produce a CI interrogation report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 157-XXX
Produce a CI information report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-60, Counterintelligence E-21
Produce a CI after-action report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 159-XXX
Produce an Intelligence Information Report (IIR). Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations IIR Cookbook 160-XXX
Produce an intelligence information biographic report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 161-XXX
Produce a HUMINT operational report. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 162-XXX
Produce a CI estimate. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 163-XXX
Produce an appendix 3 to annex B. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-23
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 164-XXX
Produce an appendix 5 to annex B. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 165-XXX
Produce a CI target reduction plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 166-XXX
Establish Personalities, Organizations & Installations (PO&I) files. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: E-24
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Standard: MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 167-XXX
Establish Detainable, Of-Interest, and Protectable (DOIP) files. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 168-XXX
Produce a CI measures worksheet. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence E-25
Establish a CI collection plan. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 170-XXX
Produce a CI brief. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 171-XXX
Conduct a CI brief. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 172-XXX
Maintain a CI journal. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 173-XXX
Maintain a CI situation map. Provided with appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 174-XXX
Prepare a CI collection plan worksheet. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-27
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 175-XXX
Identify clandestine operational tradecraft techniques. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): E-28 None. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased CI responsibilities. This level is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments and exercises. At the completion of the 200 level, Marines will attend the MAGTF Advanced Counterintelligence Course (NMITC). None.
Brief intelligence information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence 201-XXX
Debrief reconnaissance and surveillance personnel. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 230-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence
Conduct CI surveillance. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 203-XXX
Produce Interrogation Report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 225-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Exploit tactical reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce CI SALUTE reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 CRP: 0.0055 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Disseminate information orally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence 207-XXX
Disseminate information digitally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 208-XXX
Disseminate information via written/typed methods. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 209-XXX
Provide antiterrorism support to the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DoD 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standard 210-XXX
Provide CI support to counterterrorism. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DoD Instruction 2000.14 DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism F-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 FMFM 8-1, Special Operations MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence Event code: Task: 211-XXX
Conduct CI cordon and search. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
220-XXX, 234-XXX, 238-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Conduct tactical CI countersurveillance. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 217-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Conduct all source terrorism threat analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Events updated: Reference(s): 208-XXX, 209-XXX, 214-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence 214-XXX
Prepare a terrorism threat assessment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Conduct vulnerability assessment of friendly forces to hostile threat. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 209-XXX, 217-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DoD Instruction 2000.14 DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards
Conduct analysis of hostile intelligence capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. F-7
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0055 None.
None. Sustainment Interval (months): 208-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence 3
Employ CI/HUMINT Equipment Program (CIHEP) equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare Request for Information (RFI). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence FM 34-2, Collection Management 219-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Task: Identify capabilities and limitations of organic collection assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct CI screening. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 227-XXX, 234-XXX, 238-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Conduct CI survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence F-9
Conduct MIA (non-hostile) investigation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 228-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Conduct preliminary investigations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence To include Espionage, Sabotage, Subversion and Terrorism activities
Condition: Standard:
Conduct overt HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 225-XXX
Conduct an interrogation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 203-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation
Conduct an elicitation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain databases. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-11
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 CRP: 0.0055 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence 228-XXX
Conduct an interview. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct a liaison. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 246-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Conduct a debriefing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0055 None.
Spot and assess a lead for potential as a source. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Obtain information from a source. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Induce a source to provide information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. F-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Standard: MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Maintain Detainable, Of Interest, and Protectable (DOIP) lists. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain a CI journal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain CI worksheets.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Maintain a situation map. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence 238-XXX
Maintain PO&I file. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare appendices to Annex B. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence
Prepare CI Information Report (CIIR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare CI after-action report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare MIA (Non-hostile) investigation reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 222-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Prepare Intelligence Information Reports (IIR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
ondition: Standard:
207-XXX, 208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Prepare biographic reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Events updated: Reference(s): 208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 246-XXX
Prepare liaison reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Prepare HUMINT operational reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 224-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12
Prepare CI estimates. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0027 None.
208-XXX, 239-XXX, 249-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence
Prepare CI target reduction plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) proposal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2 Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source
Event code:
251-XXX F-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Task: Prepare Notice of Intelligence Potential (NIP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
207-XXX, 208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 MCO 003820.1, (Overt HUMINT Operations)
Prepare Notice of Foreign Travel/Contact (NOFT/C). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
207-XXX, 208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 MCO 003820.1, (Overt HUMINT Operations)
Maintain Reporting of DoD Collection Activity (RODCA (U)) communications channel. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 CRP: 0.0055 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12 254-XXX
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current word processing software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current database software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce an intelligence product utilizing current spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and F-21
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Prepare an intelligence product utilizing current presentation software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Administer operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 254-XXX, 259-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense Funds
Account for operational funds. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 7040.10, Emergency & Extraordinary Expense Funds
Conduct CFSOs Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
208-XXX, 231-XXX, 232-XXX, 233-XXX, 254 MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 003850.2 Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source F-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the CI Specialist to function as a Team Chief/Leader. The 300 level of training is centered around MOJT, formal schools, deployments and exercises. None.
Conduct Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) services. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Must be school certified and carry additional MOS of 0212/0215. Per the appropriate references. None.
208-XXX, 215-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence MCO 5511.11D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program
Supervise analysis of hostile intelligence capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
216-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence
Coordinate CI/HUMINT garrison activity. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Events updated: Reference(s): None MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence 303-XXX
Coordinate tactical CI/HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence None. None. 6
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Validate request for information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-2, Collection Management 305-XXX
Supervise CI/HUMINT garrison activities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 CRP: 0.0055 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
Supervise CI/HUMINT tactical operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare HUMINT Collection Requirement (HCR) nomination. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
227-XXX, 254-XXX, MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System
Prepare Source Directed Requirement (SDR). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0055 None.
None. Sustainment Interval (months): 254-XXX MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System 12
Supervise maintenance/employment of and accountability for CIHEP equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FM 34-2 Collection Management 310-XXX
Supervise CI/HUMINT Company Table of Equipment (T/E). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Task: Provide CI support to the Staff Planning Process Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence FMFM 3-1 Command and Staff Action
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative Prerequisites:
Prepare CI collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence None. None 12
Condition: Standard:
Prerequisites: 100
Events updated: None. Reference(s): MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication, Counterintelligence H-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title __________________________________________________________________________ MAGTF NMITC, Level I AT/FP CounterintelliDamneck, VA instructor gence Specialist Entry Course I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 Military Operations Training Course (MOTC), (DIA) U.S. Army Advance Foreign Counterintelligence Training Course (AFCITC), (Ft. Meade, MD) Counter-Surreptitious Course, (Ft. Meade, MD) DOD Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Course (TSCM), (Ft. Meade/Ft. Washington, MD) Collection Managers Course, (DIA) Defense Language Institute (DLI) (Monterey, CA) Dynamics of International Terrorism (DIT), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Course, (SERE), (Brunswick, ME/Ft. Bragg, NC) Analytical Risk Management Course (ARM), (CIA) Basic Airborne Course, (Ft. Benning, GA) High Risk Personnel Course (HRP), (Quantico, VA) Operations Support Specialist Course (OSSC), (DIA) Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course, (Ft. Bragg, NC) Cross Cultural Communications Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Latin American Orientation Course (LAOC), (Hurlburt Field, FL) Middle Eastern Orientation Course (MEOC), (Hurlburt Field, FL) National Counterdrug Awareness Course, (Brunswick, GA) Strategic Debriefing and Interrogation Course, (Ft. Huachuca, AZ) Joint Counterintelligence Staff Officers Course, (JCISO), (DIA) Revolutionary Warfare Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Undergraduate Intelligence Program, (DIA) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management System DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Procedures DoD Instruction 5240.1R, Activities Of DoD Intelligence Components That Affect US Persons FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics FM 19-20, Investigations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-100, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 IIR Cookbook 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 1-02 Joint Pub 2-01.2, Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counterintelligence LIC-2600-004-91, GIRH MCO 003820.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations MCO 1050.15, Foreign Leave Travel MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for Counterintelligence Activities MCO 3800.2A, Conduct & Oversight of Intelligence Activities MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program MCWP 2-1, Intelligence MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence MEU SOC Training Publications OPNAVINST 5510.1H, Dept of the Navy Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation OPNAVINST 003820.16D, Formica Instruction SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Oversight of Intelligence Activities Within the DON DoDD 2000.12, DoD Combating Terrorism Program DoDI 2000.16, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards MCO 3302.1C, The Marine Corps AT/FP Program K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 EXECUTIVE ORDER 12333, United States Intelligence Activities 200 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 DoDD 5240.2, DoD Counterintelligence DODI 5240.10, DoD Counterintelligence Support to Unified and Specified Commands SECNAVINST 3850.2B, DoN Counterintelligence SECNAVINST 5520.3B, Related Activities Criminal and Security Investigations and
Red Revolution, Jones, Gregg, R., ISBN: 0-8133-0644-2 Instant Empire, Henderson, Simon, ISBN: 1-56279-006-4 How We Won The War, Giap, Vo, Nguyen, ISBN: 0-916894-01-0 0-8133-1066-0
Terrorism: Pragmatic International Deterrence and Cooperation, Allan, Richard, ISBN: 0-913449-22-9 Mao Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare, Griffith II, Samuel B., ISBN: 1-877853-10-0 The U.S. Intelligence Community, Richelson, Jeffrey T., ISBN: 0-88730-245-9 Human Rights in Iraq, Human Rights Watch, ISBN: 0-300-04959-5
Middle East Terrorism Selected Group Profiles, Alexander, Yonah, ISBN: 0-9644523-0-8 Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s, Godson, Roy, ISBN: 0-669-19555-3 Armed Forces and Modern Counterinsurgency, Beckett, Ian, F.W., ISBN: 0-312-00449-4 Spy Catcher, Wright, Steve, ISBN: 0-670-82055-5 U.S. Govt 0-88730-035-9 K-3
Low-Intensity Conflict, Ware, Lewis, B., ISBN: printing office Sword and Shield, Richelson, Jeffrey, T., ISBN:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Whos at the Helm?, Lessons of Lebanon, Tanter, Raymond, ISBN: 0-8133-0993-X K-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 100-XXX None. 101-XXX 102-XXX 103-XXX 104-XXX 105-XXX 106-XXX 107-XXX 108-XXX 109-XXX 110-XXX 111-XXX 112-XXX 113-XXX 114-XXX 115-XXX 116-XXX 117-XXX 118-XXX 119-XXX 120-XXX 121-XXX 122-XXX 123-XXX 124-XXX 125-XXX 126-XXX 127-XXX 128-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 129-XXX None. 130-XXX 131-XXX 132-XXX 133-XXX 134-XXX 135-XXX 136-XXX 137-XXX 138-XXX 139-XXX 140-XXX 141-XXX 142-XXX 143-XXX 147-XXX 148-XXX 149-XXX 151-XXX 152-XXX 153-XXX 154-XXX 155-XXX 156-XXX 157-XXX 158-XXX 159-XXX 160-XXX 161-XXX 162-XXX 163-XXX 164-XXX L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 165-XXX None. 166-XXX 167-XXX 168-XXX 169-XXX 170-XXX 171-XXX 172-XXX 173-XXX 174-XXX 175-XXX 200-XXX 201-XXX 202-XXX 203-XXX 204-XXX 205-XXX 206-XXX 207-XXX 208-XXX 209-XXX 210-XXX 211-XXX 212-XXX 213-XXX 214-XXX 215-XXX 216-XXX 217-XXX 218-XXX 219-XXX 220-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 206-XXX 208-XXX, 230-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 217-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 225-XXX, 254-XXX None. 208-XXX, 254-XXX None. None. None. None. None. 220-XXX, 234-XXX, 238-XXX 208-XXX, 217-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 209-XXX, 214-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 209-XXX, 217-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX None. 254-XXX None. 208-XXX, 227-XXX, 234-XXX, 238-XXX, 254-XXX L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 221-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 222-XXX 223-XXX 224-XXX 225-XXX 226-XXX 227-XXX 228-XXX 229-XXX 230-XXX 231-XXX 232-XXX 233-XXX 234-XXX 235-XXX 236-XXX 237-XXX 238-XXX 239-XXX 241-XXX 242-XXX 243-XXX 244-XXX 245-XXX 246-XXX 247-XXX 248-XXX 249-XXX 250-XXX 251-XXX 252-XXX 253-XXX L-4 208-XXX, 228-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX None. 208-XXX, 203-XXX, 254-XXX None. None. 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 246-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX None. None. None. None. None. 208-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 222-XXX, 254-XXX 207-XXX, 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 224-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 239-XXX, 249-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 207-XXX, 208-XXX, 254-XXX 207-XXX, 208-XXX, 254-XXX None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 254-XXX None. 255-XXX 256-XXX 257-XXX 258-XXX 259-XXX 260-XXX 300-XXX 301-XXX 302-XXX 303-XXX 304-XXX 305-XXX 306-XXX 307-XXX 308-XXX 309-XXX 310-XXX 311-XXX 400-XXX None. None. None. 208-XXX, 254-XXX, 259-XXX 208-XXX, 254-XXX 208-XXX, 231-XXX, 232-XXX, 233-XXX, 254 208-XXX, 215-XXX, 229-XXX, 254-XXX 216-XXX, 227-XXX, 254-XXX None. None. 227-XXX None. None. 227-XXX, 254-XXX, 254-XXX None. None. None. None. L-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ None. M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST __________________________________________________________________________ DIA IIR Cookbook DIAM 58-11, DOD HUMINT Policies and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DOD HUMINT Management System DoD Capabilities Handbook DoD Instruction 2000.14, DoD Combating Terrorism Program Standards DoD Regulation 5240.1-R, Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD I FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Graphics FM 19-20, Investigations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 3-25, Counterintelligence FM 34-100, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace FM 34-2, Collection Management FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Action FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 7-14, Combating Terrorism FMFM 7-36, MAGTF NEOs FMFM 8-1, Special Operations J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 1-02 Joint Pub 2-01.2, Joint Doctrine, Tactics, and Procedures for Counter LIC-2600-004-91, GIRH Local SOP MCO 003820.1, Overt HUMINT Operations MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source MCO 3850.1H, Policy and Guidance for CI Activities MCO 3870.2A, Intelligence Oversight USMC MCO 5511.13D, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 7 MCO P1050.3G, Regulations of Leave, Liberty and Admin Absence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence MCWP 2-14, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (Counterintelligence) MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks OPNAVINST 5510.1 OPNAVINST S3820.16D, FORMICA Instruction SECNAVINST 3820.3D, Intelligence Oversight DON O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Intelligence Specialist/0231 PAGE 10001. 10002. 10003. 10004. 10005. 10006. 10007. 10008. 10009. 10010. 10011. 10012. 10013. 10014. 60115. 61016. 10017. 10018. 10019. 10020. 10021. 10022. APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES 10-1 INTRODUCTION...............................................10-3 UNIT TRAINING..............................................10-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING..........................10-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY..........................10-3 CAREER PROGRESSION.........................................10-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY..............................10-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING.....................................10-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT..................................10-4 CRP COMPUTATION............................................10-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX...................................10-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX.......................................10-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)........................10-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL)..........................10-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL)..................10-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)........................10-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS.......................................10-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING..........................................10-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING................................10-7 UPDATE CHAINING............................................10-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE.................10-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS...........................10-7 TRAINING REFERENCES........................................10-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Intelligence Specialist/0231 10001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 10002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 10003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combine traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 10004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 10-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200-300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 10006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 10007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 10008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). 10-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performanceoriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 10009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 10-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 10010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 10011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 10012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). contained in appendix (E). 10013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). contained in appendix (F). 10-6 100 level tasks are
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 10014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 10015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). contained in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
10016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 10017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 10018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 10019. (L). UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix
10020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 10021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
10022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 10-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide timely and accurate all source fused intelligence in an automated and non-automated environment. Provide applicable intelligence through written and oral communications in an automated and non-automated environment. Provide intelligence to the common operating picture in an automated environment. Conduct Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) in an automated and non-automated environment. Provide integrated intelligence support to the staff planning process in an automated and non-automated environment. Incorporate the intelligence system architecture into the commands communication plan. Identify intelligence requirements. Compile information in an automated and non-automated environment. Process and analyze information in an automated and non-automated environment.
11. Disseminate information and intelligence in an automated and non-automated environment. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY Provide a structured and progressive career training plan designed to produce a highly capable and professional MAGTF Intelligence Specialist. This plan consists of four levels of training, augmented by formal schools. The 100 level of training provides the 0200 with core skills necessary to function as a MAGTF Intelligence Specialist (0231). The 200 level of training provides the Intelligence Specialist with coreplus skills through MOJT in preparation to assume positions of increased intelligence responsibility. Marines attending the Sergeants Course receive the core skills necessary to effectively function as an intelligence section chief. The 300 level of training provides coreplus skills necessary to effectively support the commands intelligence requirements. The 400 level of training provides specialized training required by billet or command requirements. The integration of core, core-plus skills, and formal training will provide the Intelligence Specialist with the depth of intelligence knowledge, capability, and skill level necessary to effectively implement mission critical intelligence. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: The 100 level of training provides the 0200 with core skills necessary to function as a MAGTF intelligence specialist (0231). None.
Describe the intelligence cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCDP 2, Intelligence NWP-11, Intelligence Planning FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 100-SCH
Conduct intelligence research in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1 Intelligence Operations 101-COR
Describe the MAGTF organization and missions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): None. A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1 Intelligence Operations 101-SCH
Assess the threat to include capabilities and limitations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 7-98, Operations in a Low Intensity Environment FM 8-10-8, Medical Intelligence in a Theater of Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 102-COR
Describe the requirement for logistical intelligence. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Joint Publication 4-0, Doctrine for Logistic Support to Joint Operations 103-COR
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare 103-SCH
Determine operational strengths and vulnerability of opposing forces. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations NWP-11, Intelligence Planning FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 5-170, Engineer Reconnaissance FM 7-98, Operations in a Low Intensity Environment 104-COR
Describe the intelligence support required for a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.0056 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 104-SCH
Correlate the assessment with known information and current activity. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Actions 105-COA
Determine threat forces most probable course of action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Prospectives on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange 105-COR
Identify the security considerations when safe guarding classified material. E-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Actions FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations OPNAVINST 5510.1, Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation 105-SCH
Describe the intelligence considerations in planning for Force Protection. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 90-8, Counter Guerrilla Operations 106-SCH
Locate and describe information found in the margin of various maps. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 107-SCH
Locate point on map using GEO and UTM coordinates. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 108-SCH
Determine the distance between points on a map. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 109-SCH
Determine the azimuth between two points on a map. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None. E-7
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 110-SCH
Identify terrain features on a given map sheet. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 111-SCH
Convert from magnetic true and grid azimuths. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 112-SCH
Locate town and city features using a gazetteer in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and
Condition: E-8
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 equipment. Gazetteer and appropriate software reference books. None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine the elevation of a point on the ground using a map. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 114-SCH
Locate an unknown point on map by intersection or resection. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 115-SCH
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 processing software. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Produce an intelligence related product utilizing current graphic software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Generate an intelligence related product utilizing current intelligence automated data processing (ADP) equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Navigate in an HTML environment utilizing current software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Applicable software/hardware manuals None. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct a briefing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Guidelines for the Military Briefer None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer 120-SCH
List the methods of classification for the recognition of ground forces equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Janes Reference Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 100-2-3, The Soviet Army (Troops, Organization, and Equipment) Janes Reference Publications 121-SCH
List the methods of classification for the recognition of air forces equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition 122-SCH
Identify the military aspects of terrain through the acquisition and or production and analysis of various terrain factor products in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-32, Topographic Support 123-SCH
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 possible friendly and enemy courses of action. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-32, Topographic Support 125-SCH
Identify cross country mobility in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 126-SCH
Identify drainage pattern density in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): None A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 127-SCH
Identify soil types. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 5-101, Mobility FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 128-SCH
Identify vegetation types. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 129-SCH
Identify forest classification. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None.
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 130-SCH
Identify slope for a specific point. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 131-SCH
Identify line of communication types in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield E-15
Identify bypass considerations for a bridge. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 133-SCH
Match the tactical classification of routes. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
List the tactical considerations of lines of communication. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 135-SCH
Determine if off shore obstructions are present in a landing area. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify beach obstructions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 137-SCH
Identify the basic beach shapes. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-17
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.0056 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Event code:
Task: Determine the beach study production agencies. Condition: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
Determine the HLZ study production agencies. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Determine the source of beach studies. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None.
Capabilities Handbook DMA Product Catalog FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 139-SCH
Determine the source of HLZ studies. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Capabilities Handbook FM 21-32, Topographic Support FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 140-SCH
Identify the elements that comprise a target folder. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
AF PAMPHLET 200-18, Volume I, Target Intelligence Handbook MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations E-19
Describe the acronym KOCAO. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 142-SCH
Determine the lines of communication within the urban environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 143-SCH
Identify the utilities and services that support the urban area. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 144-SCH
Identify the military and other installations that support the urban area. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 145-SCH
Identify the physical characteristics of the urban area. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-32, Topographic Support FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 146-SCH
Prepare an overlay. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. E-21
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Standard: FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 147-SCH
Create order of battle files required to support a tactical mission. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis, Appendix 3 148-SCH
Compute enemy forces strength based on order of battle information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Task: Compute enemy forces movement rates based on order of battle information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Match the order of battle factors with the appropriate definitions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols 151-SCH
Identify the characteristics of the offense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify the fundamentals of the offense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 153-SCH
Identify the five major types of offensive operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations NWP-11, Intelligence Planning 154-SCH
Identify the special purpose offensive operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): None. A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 155-SCH
Identify the five forms of offensive maneuver. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 156-SCH
Identify the purpose for conducting the defense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis, Appendix 3 157-SCH
Identify the fundamentals of the defense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. E-25
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 158-SCH
Identify the difference between a mobile defense and an area defense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence 159-SCH
Identify the five elements of the defensive framework. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 160-SCH
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 101-5, Staff Organization and Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 161-SCH
Identify the mission of the reserve in the defense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FM 101-5, Staff Organization and Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 162-SCH
Identify the commanders priority of work in the defense. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations E-27
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 MCDP 2, Intelligence Event code: Task: 163-SCH
Depict appropriate symbology. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Match symbology with its definitions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Apply DRAWDE in a tactical situation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols 166-SCH
Define the mission of targeting. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 167-SCH
Identify the six steps of the targeting cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIA Target Intelligence Handbook 168-SCH
Define the elements of the 3D and A targeting cycle. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. E-29
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None.
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIA Target Intelligence Handbook 169-SCH
Identify the four end products of the targeting process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIA Target Intelligence Handbook 170-SCH
Prepare a list of targets in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIA Target Intelligence Handbook
Prepare a target folder. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIA Target Intelligence Handbook 172-SCH
Maintain the intelligence workbook in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain an intelligence journal in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): None. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Applicable software/hardware manuals 174-SCH
Maintain the enemy situation map in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Integrate information into the intelligence estimate in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Integrate information into the intelligence summary in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None.
Describe weather effects. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols 178-SCH
Disseminate weather intelligence. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Construct a modified combined obstacles overlay (MCOO) in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and E-33
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 equipment. Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 180-SCH
Define the battle space environment of a designated area. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 181-SCH
Construct an event template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 182-SCH
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Task: Define the categories of OOTW operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols 183-SCH
List the categories of the threat model. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols 184-SCH
Explain the biases that affect analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition Prospectives on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange E-35
Explain the general organizational and operational patterns of insurgencies. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Define the differences between OOTW and conventional war. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 187-SCH
Construct IPB products for use in Operations Other Than War (OOTW) in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 188-SCH
Describe the six functions of Marine aviation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Summarize the air intelligence considerations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Summarize the air intelligence considerations required in TRAP operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 191-SCH None.
Analyze IADS. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 192-SCH
Conduct a briefing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition Guidelines for the Military Briefer 193-SCH
Conduct a debriefing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0056 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer 194-SCH
Identify employment considerations for organic ATF/MAGTF collection assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 101-5, Staff Organization and Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 195-SCH
Maintain a collection plan worksheet in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Applicable software/hardware manuals 196-SCH E-39
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Task: Describe C2W. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 197-SCH
Maintain intelligence files and directives. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare intelligence correspondence. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: The 200 level of training provides the Intelligence Specialist with core-plus skills through managed-on-the-job training in preparation to assume positions of increased intelligence responsibility. None.
Develop a doctrinal template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 218-XXX
Determine planning materials utilized in manpower management. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Unit T/O None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 207-XXX Unit T/O 202-XXX
Conduct an intelligence briefing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
214-XXX, 229-XXX, 231-XXX, FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence
Produce assigned elements of the intelligence summary (INTSUM). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
231-XXX, 233-XXX FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis
Produce an intelligence report (INTREP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
206-XXX, 231-XXX FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis
Produce assigned elements of an intelligence estimate. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations F-3
Explain the capabilities and limitations of tactical intelligence reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Define the functions of the intelligence billets within assigned Table of Organization (T/O). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. The Marine should be familiar with the functions of the various intelligence billets within their own unit in order to facilitate intelligence support.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Local SOP T/O 208-XXX
Determine the enemys center of gravity. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, allsource intelligence and a scenario. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): 209-XXX FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis Prospective on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange 209-XXX
Determine the enemys critical capabilities, critical vulnerabilities, critical requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, allsource intelligence and a scenario. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
216-XXX, 208-XXX, 217-XXX Prospective on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis
Determine the enemys likely courses of action. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, allsource intelligence and a scenario. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
215-XXX, 216-XXX, 219-XXX FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis Prospective on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
Produce applicable order of battle products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.0062 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
229-XXX, 231-XXX FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
Complete MCI 1-2 Aviation Tactics. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCI Policies and Procedures None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Complete MCI 1-1 infantry tactics. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCI Policies and Procedures None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Disseminate assigned intelligence products and information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations and via the directed method. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.0093 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Determine restricted and severely restricted terrain. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine avenues of approach and mobility corridors. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 215-XXX
Determine Named Areas of Interest (NAI). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.0062 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
215-XXX, 216-XXX FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations
Develop a situational template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
215-XXX, 216-XXX, 217-XXX FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations
Develop a event template. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
215-XXX, 216-XXX, 217-XXX, 218-XXX FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations
Develop an obstacles overlay. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0062 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 221-XXX
Develop a weather effects overlay. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-81, Weather support for Army Tactical Operations, Appendix C 222-XXX
Write a research paper on warfighting componency. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. 500 word minimum, Defense Intelligence College, Wordshops: Exercises in Writing with Intelligence, Second Edition, October 1992 The production of the research paper will demonstrate an understanding of components and the Marines ability to write.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition The U.S. Intelligence Community, Jeffery T. RICHELSON, Ballinger Defense Intelligence College, Wordshops: Exercises in Writing with Intelligence, Second Edition, October 1992 F-9
Maintain situation map. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 211-XXX
Develop a Request For Information (RFI). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Track a Request For Information (RFI). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-10 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms DMA Product Catalog Local SOP 228-XXX
Procure MC&G geospacial products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DMA Product Catalog DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms 229-XXX
Research encyclopedic data. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, equipment, and in a automated and non-automated environment Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition Applicable software/hardware manuals 230-XXX F-11
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Task: Maintain an intelligence journal. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations 231-XXX
Prepare an intelligence document utilizing current word processing software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare an intelligence graphic utilizing current graphics software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Create an intelligence data base utilizing current database software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Create an intelligence product utilizing current spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain tactical intelligence data bases. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare assigned elements of an HLZ study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-32, Topographic Support 237-XXX
Brief ground reconnaissance assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer 238-XXX
Debrief ground reconnaissance assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer 239-XXX
Brief aircrew. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer 240-XXX
Debrief aircrew. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer 241-XXX
Prepare assigned elements of an amphibious landing study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 229-XXX FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 242-XXX
Maintain common operational picture in automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: The 300 level of training will provide core-plus skills necessary to effectively support the commands intelligence requirements. None.
Although the Marine may complete the tasks contained within this level, completion of the Sergeants course is required to receive the CRP value assigned. G-1
Integrate the intelligence training plan into the units training plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify gaps of information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Manage Requests For Information (RFIs). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Local SOP 304-XXX
Identify intelligence system support requirements for the unit. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain dissemination plan for the unit. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify units amphibious operational area intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.0062 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
Maintain collection plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify units expeditionary operational area intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain Statement of Intelligence Interest (SII). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DIAM 59-1, Probably None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0093 None Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
307-XXX, 309-XXX, 233-XXX, 311-XXX MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations DIAM 59-1, Probably
Identify topographic production requirements for unit intelligence planning. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
Local SOP DMA Product Catalog DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms 311-XXX
Apply the elements contained in the Training, Exercise Employment Plan (TEEP) to determine intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP This task is to familiarize the Marine with the information contained within the TEEP.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None.
Establish an Intelligence Operations Center (IOC) Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. IOC SOP (Draft) None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Establish a Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Coordination Center. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Evaluate information to determine pertinence, reliability and accuracy. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Interpret analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition Prospectives on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange 405-XXX
Establish an intelligence dissemination plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Local SOP MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 406-XXX
Disseminate information and intelligence orally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): Local SOP Guidelines for the Military Briefer FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 407-XXX
Disseminate information and intelligence in written form. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition Defense Intelligence College, Wordshops: Exercises in Writing with Intelligence, Second Edition, October 1992 Local SOP FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
Disseminate information and intelligence digitally. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition Applicable software/hardware manuals Local SOP FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 409-XXX
Identify MC&G and Geospacial requirement for the command. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: H-4
None. 6
DMA Product Catalog DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms Local SOP 410-XXX
Maintain a MC&G inventory to support exercise, operational and contingency plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
DMA Product Catalog DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms Local SOP 411-XXX
Establish a Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (SARC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Local SOP FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations H-5
Determine intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Maintain applicable elements of intelligence section within the TACC. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Establish Flight Line Intelligence Center (FLIC). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Provide imagery in support of targeting process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 416-XXX
Produce target folders. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 417-XXX
Produce HLZ studies. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 21-32, Topographic Support 418-XXX
Provide terrain analysis in support of helicopter operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
FM 21-32, Topographic Support MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence 419-XXX
Provide intelligence support to special operations missions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 8-1, Special Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FMFM 8-1, Special Operations 420-XXX
Conduct intelligence affiliation with foreign countries in support of MEU SOC operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 CRP: 0.3 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 12
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 8-1, Special Operations Local SOP 421-XXX
Maintain applicable elements of intelligence section within the COC. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 422-XXX
Prepare applicable elements to the Annex B. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Applicable software/hardware manuals A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 423-XXX
Maintain country files in support of unit contingency and operation plans. H-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 3
Conduct applicable portions of the IPB process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield 425-XXX
Maintain threat files in support of unit contingency and operation plans. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Task: Provide intelligence support to staff planning process. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Staff Planning Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FM 100-5, Staff Organizations and Operations Staff Planning Guide 427-XXX
Develop collection strategy for the unit. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Develop analytical products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations H-11
Conduct liaison with organic intelligence assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Develop unit intelligence system architecture. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Provide requirements to the intelligence systems architecture. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Local SOP None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Reference(s): Local SOP FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 432-XXX
Maintain unit intelligence systems architecture. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title _________________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 Revolutionary Warfare Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 MCI 0380 Infantry Squad Leader: Combat Leadership MCI 02.01, Intelligence Brief: Southwest Asia Intelligence Analyst Course, (DIA) MCI 01.19, Punctuation MCI 01.18, Spelling English CLEP, (Base Education Office) Joint Task Force Intel Managers Course, (JITAP/FITCPAC) Joint Corporate Services Course, (JITAP/FITCPAC) Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence Course, (JITAP/FITCPAC) MCI 02.14, Terrorism Awareness for Marines (ICW) Asia-Pacific Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) MCI 02.10, Terrorism Awareness for Marines Middle Eastern Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Dynamics of International Terrorism, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Intelligence Support to Combined Operations, (DIA) Intelligence Support to Joint Operations, (DIA) Indications and Warning Course, (DIA) Advance Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Counterterrorism Analysis Course, (DIA) Chem & Bio Warfare Intel Course, (DIA) SAFE/DODIIS Structured Data Files Course, (DIA) Counter-drug Basic Intelligence Course, (NMITC) Eastern Europe Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field FL) MCI 01.31, Correspondence Procedures J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Level Academic Title __________________________________________________________________________ 200 MCI 02.8, Introduction to Combat Intelligence 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 MCI 13.34, Math for Marines MCI 03.81, Infantry Squad Leader: Land Navigation Latin-American orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Naval Intelligence Mid-Career Course, (NMITC) MCI 0332G, Reconnissance Marine Joint Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar System (JSTARS) Course, (Ft Huachuca AZ) MCI 0335C, Infantry Patroling MCI0324G, Operations Against Guerilla Operations MCI 03.35, Infantry Patrolling MCI 03.32, Reconnaissance Marine MCI 0336B, Military Operations in Urban Terrain Requirements Management System Course, (DIA) MCI 25.26, Introduction to Electronic Warfare MCI 25.38, Single Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) (AN/PRC-119) MCI 25.25, Communications Security MCI 13.73, Basic Engineer: Combat Operations College course in regional studies in AOA Economics 101, (local college course) Religion 101, (local college course) Public Speaking 101, (local college course) Military and Strategic Studies, (local college course) MCI 03.65, Antiarmor Operations MCI 03.54, Desert Operations MCI 03.16, Military Functions in Civil Disturbances MCI 25.20, Communications for the FMF Marine J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 200 200 200 K-1 MCDP 1-2, Campaigning MCDP 2, Intelligence MCDP 1-1, Strategy Prospectives on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strage
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 100-CPR None. 100-SCH 101-COR 101-SCH 102-COR 103-COR 103-SCH 104-COR 104-SCH 105-COA 105-COR 105-SCH 106-SCH 107-SCH 108-SCH 109-SCH 110-SCH 111-SCH 112-SCH 113-SCH 114-SCH 115-SCH 116-SCH 117-SCH 118-SCH 119-SCH 120-SCH 121-SCH 122-SCH None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 123-SCH None. 125-SCH 126-SCH 127-SCH 128-SCH 129-SCH 130-SCH 131-SCH 132-SCH 133-SCH 134-SCH 135-SCH 136-SCH 137-SCH 138-COR 138-SCH 139-COR 139-SCH 140-SCH 141-SCH 142-SCH 143-SCH 144-SCH 145-SCH 146-SCH 147-SCH 148-SCH 149-SCH 150-SCH 151-SCH 152-SCH 153-SCH L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Event Events Updated _________________________________________________________________________ 154-SCH None. 155-SCH 156-SCH 157-SCH 158-SCH 159-SCH 160-SCH 161-SCH 162-SCH 163-SCH 164-SCH 165-SCH 166-SCH 167-SCH 168-SCH 169-SCH 170-SCH 171-SCH 172-SCH 173-SCH 174-SCH 175-SCH 176-SCH 177-SCH 178-SCH 179-SCH 180-SCH 181-SCH 182-SCH 183-SCH 184-SCH 185-SCH None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 186-SCH None. 187-SCH 188-SCH 189-SCH 190-SCH 191-SCH 192-SCH 193-SCH 194-SCH 195-SCH 196-SCH 197-SCH 198-SCH 200-XXX 201-XXX 202-XXX 203-XXX 204-XXX 205-XXX 206-XXX 207-XXX 208-XXX 209-XXX 210-XXX 211-XXX 212-XXX 213-XXX 214-XXX 215-XXX 216-XXX 217-XXX 218-XXX L-4 209-XXX 216-XXX, 208-XXX, 217-XXX 215-XXX, 216-XXX, 219-XXX 229-XXX, 231-XXX None. None. None. None. 215-XXX 215-XXX, 216-XXX 215-XXX, 216-XXX, 217-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 218-XXX 207-XXX 214-XXX, 229-XXX, 231-XXX, 231-XXX, 233-XXX 206-XXX, 231-XXX 231-XXX, None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Event Events Updated _________________________________________________________________________ 219-XXX 215-XXX, 216-XXX, 217-XXX, 218-XXX 220-XXX 221-XXX 222-XXX 223-XXX 225-XXX 226-XXX 227-XXX 228-XXX 229-XXX 230-XXX 231-XXX 232-XXX 233-XXX 234-XXX 235-XXX 236-XXX 237-XXX 238-XXX 239-XXX 240-XXX 241-XXX 242-XXX 300-XXX 301-XXX 303-XXX 304-XXX 305-XXX 306-XXX 307-XXX 308-XXX 309-XXX 215-XXX None. None. 211-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 229-XXX 202-XXX None. 202-XXX None. 229-XXX 211-XXX, 223-XXX None. 229-XXX 226-XXX None. None. None. 226-XXX, 304-XXX, 301-XXX None. 307-XXX, 309-XXX, 233-XXX, 311-XXX L-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Event Events Updated ______________________________________________________________________ 310-XXX 228-XXX 311-XXX 400-XXX 401-XXX 403-XXX 404-XXX 405-XXX 406-XXX 407-XXX 408-XXX 409-XXX 410-XXX 411-XXX 412-XXX 413-XXX 414-XXX 415-XXX 416-XXX 417-XXX 418-XXX 419-XXX 420-XXX 421-XXX 422-XXX 423-XXX 424-XXX 425-XXX 426-XXX 427-XXX 428-XXX 429-XXX 430-XXX L-6 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 Event Events Updated ______________________________________________________________________ 431-XXX None. 432-XXX None. L-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ None. M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code ___________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST _______________________________________________________________________ A Handbook of Intelligence Analysis, Second Edition AF PAMPHLET 200-18, Volume I, Target Intelligence Handbook AFINTNET, Air Force Intelligence Network Applicable software/hardware manuals Capabilities Handbook CINC 5060 Series Orders Defense Intelligence College, Wordshops: Exercises in Writing with Intelligence, Second Edition, October 1992 Department of State Emergency Action Manual DIA Target Intelligence Handbook DMA Product Catalog DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms Engineer Intelligence Guide Executive Order 12333 O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 F-77 Report FAISS Users Manual V2.1B Final FM 100-2-2, The Soviet Army (Specialized Warfare and Rear Area Support) FM 100-2-3, The Soviet Army (Troops, Organization, and Equipment) FM 100-26, Air Ground Operations FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 100-5, Staff Organizations and Operations FM 101-10-1, Staff Officers Field Manual FM 101-27, Staff Organization and Operations FM 101-5, Staff Organization and Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 30-3, Combat Intelligence O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 FM 31-11, Doctrine for Amphibious Operations FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis, Appendix 3 FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 34-81, Weather Support for Army Tactical Operations, Appendix C FM 5-101, Mobility FM 5-102, Countermobility FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 57,38, Pathfinder Operations FM 57-35, Airmobile Operations FM 6-2, Field Artillery Survey FM 71-100, Armored and Mechanized Division Operations FM 71-101, Infantry, Airborne, and AA Division Operations FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) FM 90-11, Winter Operations O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 FM 90-13, River Crossing Operations FM 90-2, Tactical Deception FM 90-3, Desert Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 90-5, Jungle Operations FM 90-6, Mountain Operations FM 90-7, Obstacles FM 90-8, Counter Guerrilla Operations FMFM 2-2, Amphibious Reconnaissance FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Actions FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence FMFM 5-1, Organization and Functions of Marine Aviation FMFM 6-18, Techniques and Procedures for Fire Support Coordination FMFM 7-32, Raids FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations O-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 FMFM 8-1, Special Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 3-02, Doctrine for Amphibious Operations Joint Pub 3-02.1, Doctrine for Force Operations LIC-2600-004-91, Generic Intelligence Requirements Handbook Local SOP Marine Corps Master Intelligence Plan (MCMIP) MCDP 1-1, Strategy MCDP 1-2, Campaigning MCDP 2, Intelligence MCI Policies and Proceedures MCWP 0-1.1, Componency MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks Modern Physical Geography, Strahler & Strahler O-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 10 NWP 22-2 (REV.B), Supporting Arms in Amphibious Operations NWP-11, Intelligence Planning Prospectives on Warfighting by Dr. Joe Strange The U.S. Intelligence Community, Jeffery T. RICHELSON, Ballinger O-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL Chapter 11 Imagery Interpretation Specialist/0241 PAGE 11001. 11002. 11003. 11004. 11005. 11006. 11007. 11008. 11009. 11010. 11011. 11012. 11013. 11014. 11015. 11016. 11017. 11018. 11019. 11020. 11021. 11022. APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES 11-1 INTRODUCTION...............................................11-3 UNIT TRAINING..............................................11-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING..........................11-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY..........................11-3 CAREER PROGRESSION.........................................11-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY..............................11-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING.....................................11-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT..................................11-4 CRP COMPUTATION............................................11-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX.....................................11-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX........................................11-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)........................11-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL)..........................11-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL)..................11-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)........................11-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS.......................................11-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING..........................................11-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING................................11-7 UPDATE CHAINING............................................11-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE.................11-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS...........................11-7 TRAINING REFERENCES........................................11-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Imagery Interpretation Specialist/0241 11001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 11002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 11003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 11004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 11-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 11006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 11007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 11008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). 11-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performanceoriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 11009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 11-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 11010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 11011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 11012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). contained in appendix (E). 11013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). contained in appendix (F). 11-6 100 level tasks are
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 11014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 11015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). contained in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
11016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 11017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 11018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 11019. (L). UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix
11020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 11021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
11022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 11-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List ______________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Develop tailored expeditionary imagery support products for all types of missions spanning the spectrum of conflict. Analyze, produce, and disseminate imagery intelligence of military orders of battle. Analyze, produce and disseminate imagery intelligence of military installations. Conduct first phase Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) from imagery. Produce target support materials from imagery. Plan multi-source imagery collections. Perform system administrative functions on imagery intelligence systems. Maintain imagery intelligence dissemination architecture. Provide imagery intelligence support to the staff planning process. Provide imagery information to complement geographic intelligence. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY The Career Progression Philosophy for the Marine Corps Imagery Interpretation Specialist (MOS 0241) is supported through a structured training plan. This plan consists of three levels of individual training (100 - 300) and one level of section training (400). This plan is to provides the Marine with the knowledge and experience required to provide effective tailored made imagery exploitation support to battlefield commanders. This objective is accomplished through completion of formal schools, Managed On-The-Job Training (MOJT), correspondence courses, deployments, and exercises. Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic Imagery Interpretation Specialists. The 100 level training is conducted at Goodfellow AFB, San Angelo, TX. Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and develop core-plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased Imagery Interpretation Specialist responsibilities. This level is centered around MOJT and formal schools, correspondence courses, deployments, and exercises. Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core-plus skills necessary for the Imagery Interpretation Specialist to function as a Imagery Chief and other specialized billets. The 300 level training is centered around MOJT, formal schools, correspondence courses, deployments, and exercises. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic Imagery Interpretation Specialists. The 100 level training is conducted at Goodfellow AFB, San Angelo, TX. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event code: 100-XXX Task: Identify the elements and methods used in producing a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine imagery suitability for an assigned Imagery Analysis (IA) task. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIA Capabilities Handbook AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographics and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpertation Keys 102-XXX
Produce an annotated imagery product in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. At a minimum must include north arrow, geographic reference, target name and date of imagery. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Detect missile installations and support facilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpertation Keys 104-XXX
Differentiate between radar, infrared, optical, and multispectral imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographics and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpertation Keys 105-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 sites. Condition: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpertation Keys 106-XXX
Correlate a specific point on a map with the same point on an image. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpertation Keys DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographics and Aerial 107-XXX
Detect radar sites and facilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpertation Keys
Task: Perform Battle Damage Assessment (BDA). Condition: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Standard: Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the elements and methods in producing a coastal landing beach study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Perform imagery mensuration in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Reference(s): DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial ELT Users Guide 111-XXX
Locate points on a map utilizing lat-long/MGRS. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict NIMA Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products 112-XXX
Extract data from a map using map symbology. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict NIMA Catalog of Maps CHARTS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS
Determine elevations on a map using contour lines. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment.
Condition: E-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict NIMA Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products
Identify the elements of image titling data. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Determine the perspective of an image. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Reference(s): DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 116-XXX
Detect elements of surface transportation from imagery to include road, rail, and water transportation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 117-XXX
Conduct an intelligence briefing. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Set up a light table for different types of hard copy imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Instructions for MIM4 Light Table, DTD 19 APR 91 None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Adjust light table optics. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Instructions for MIM4 Light Table, DTD 19 APR 91 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Locate objects on a hard copy image using a Universal Reference Grid (URG). Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict NIMA Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products 121-XXX
Manipulate imagery in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. E-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 122-XXX
Determine a National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale (NIIRS) rating in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Identify the elements used to produce NEO related imagery products. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Reference(s): Event code: Task: Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies 124-XXX
Identify the elements and methods in producing a port and harbor study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the elements and methods in producing an airfield installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Detect Ground Order of Battle (GOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate reference None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Events updated: Reference(s): None. AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 127-XXX
Define the elements of an imagery target folder. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. AFM 200 Series, Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
View stereo imagery in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate reference. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Extract imagery from a digital soft copy image library. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 130-XXX
Store an imagery product in a database. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine the dimensions of an object using local control. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys;
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict NIMA Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products
Detect Naval Order of Battle (NOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 134-XXX
Construct an imagery mosaic in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys Event code: Task: 135-XXX
Produce first phase imagery reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. Produce IPIRS and RECCEXREP.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials AFI 14-302, Identification Aid for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Identify physical topography on imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the elements and methods used in producing a Line Of Communication (LOC) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies E-15
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the elements of a ground force installation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 140-XXX
Identify the elements and methods in producing a naval installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 141-XXX
Detect Electronic Order Of Battle (EOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and
Condition: E-16
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 142-XXX
Detect Air Order of Battle (AOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 143-XXX
Detect Missile Order of Battle (MOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 144-XXX E-17
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Task: Identify the elements of a supplemental photo interpretation report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 145-XXX
Locate imagery History Of Coverage (HOC) by target and geographic reference from a database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
IESS Users Guide RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide 146-XXX
Identify the elements of target graphics. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Reference(s): Event code: Task: Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies 147-XXX
Detect active and passive defenses from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 148-XXX
Identify capabilities and limitations of current imagery sensors and platforms. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual 149-XXX
Define the theory of the electromagnetic spectrum used in imaging sensors. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.0075 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Detect the components of a strategic industry from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 151-XXX
Detect components of an air installation from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 152-XXX
Research historical imagery reports to establish normalcy. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None.
Produce imagery mission coverage plots. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials 154-XXX
Produce a Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) report from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify components of an air installation from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. E-21
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 156-XXX
Identify elements of cultural topography. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys Event code: Task: E-22 158-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 159-XXX
Identify Air Order of Battle (AOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 160-XXX
Classify Air Order of Battle (AOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys E-23
Identify active and passive defenses. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 162-XXX
Classify active and passive defenses. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 163-XXX
Identify elements of surface transportation from imagery to include road, rail, and water transportation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Reference(s): AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 164-XXX
Identify Ground Order of Battle (GOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 165-XXX
Classify Ground Order of Battle (GOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 166-XXX
Identify Naval Order of Battle (NOB) and merchant shipping from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-25
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.0075 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 167-XXX
Classify the elements of air defense systems from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 168-XXX
Classify Naval Order of Battle (NOB) and merchant shipping from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 169-XXX
Identify the elements of air defense systems from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None.
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 170-XXX
Detect the elements of air defense systems from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 171-XXX
Identify missile installations and support facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 172-XXX
Classify missile installations and support facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and E-27
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 equipment. Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 173-XXX
Identify the components of a Command, Control, and Communication (C3) facility from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 174-XXX
Classify the components of a C3 facility from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Identify radar sites and facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 176-XXX
Classify radar sites and facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 177-XXX
Identify the components of a strategic industry from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys E-29
Classify the components of a strategic industry from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 179-XXX
Classify elements of surface transportation from imagery to include road, rail, and water transportation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 180-XXX
Identify denial and deception techniques as they apply to imagery analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys E-31 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skill and develop core-plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased Imagery Interpretation Specialist responsibilities. This level is centered around MOJT and formal schools, correspondence courses, deployments, and exercises. None.
Conduct an intelligence brief. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce imagery mission coverage plots. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment.
Standard: Per the appropriate references. Concept of task: None. Prerequisites: CRP: 0.002 None. 12
AFI 14-205, Identifying Reference for Obtaining and Using Geospatial Information and Services AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict 202-XXX
Maintain imagery intelligence system databases. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Maintain an automated and nonautomated imagery library. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Maintain a Secondary Imagery Dissemination Systems (SIDS) database. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
5D Users Guide
Event code: 205-XXX Task: Assess the capabilities and limitations of current imagery sensors and platforms. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 12
227-XXX, 256-XXX DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual F-3
Produce a coastal landing beach study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Produce a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Event code: 208-XXX Task: Produce a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) related study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.004 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Produce a Line Of Communication (LOC) study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Produce a port and harbor study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Produce an airfield installation study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and F-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of ground force installation from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Produce a naval installation study from imagery utilizing geographic information. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Reference(s): F-6
Construct an imagery mosaic in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
234-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 246-XXX DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials
Perform imagery mensuration in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys ELT Users Guide 216-XXX
Conduct analysis of Ground Order of Battle (GOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.006 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of Naval Order of Battle (NOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of Air Order of Battle (AOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.006 None.
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of Air Defense Order of Battle (ADOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of Missile Order of Battle (MOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 3
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 223-XXX
Conduct analysis of active and passive defenses from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Produce a first phase imagery report. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. Produce IPIRS, RECCEXREP.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
227-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 242-XXX, 246-XXX DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial
Produce a second phase imagery report. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. Produce a Supplemental Photo Interpretation Report (SUPIR) from imagery.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
227-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 242-XXX, 246-XXX DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Differentiate between radar, infrared, optical, and multispectral imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
DIA Capabilities Handbook Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems) 228-XXX
Produce an imagery target folder. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 235-XXX Joint Pub 229-XXX
Produce a Tactical Target Support Graphic (TTSG) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Produce a Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) report from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Set up a light table for different types of hard copy imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Instructions for MIM4 Light Table, DTD 19 APR 91 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Locate objects on a hard copy image using a Universal Reference Grid (URG). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
View stereo imagery in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Instructions for MIM4 Light Table, DTD 19 APR 91 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manipulate imagery in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Locate imagery History Of Coverage (HOC) by target and geographic reference from a database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
IESS Users Guide RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide 236-XXX
Determine imagery suitability for an assigned IA task. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
DIA Capabilities Handbook Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems)
Research collateral data in support of imagery analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Events updated: Reference(s): None IESS Users Guide RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide 238-XXX
Research activity normalcy and deviation reporting tolerances from a database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
IESS Users Guide RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide 239-XXX
Apply information derived from image titling data in an automated and nonautomated environment in the creation of an imagery product. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. Determine TOT and north direction of an image using data system and image titling in an automated and nonautomated environment.
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
None. 1
Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems)
Locate and extract imagery from a hard copy image library. F-15
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 1
Locate and extract imagery from a digital soft copy image library. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
Determine NIIRS (National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale) rating in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual DIA Capabilities Handbook DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Determine geographic location of an object in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
NIMA Catalog of Maps DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 244-XXX
Locate points on a map utilizing lat-long/MGRS. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. .5
Correlate a specific point on a map with the same point on an image. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. .5
NIMA Catalog of Maps DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys F-17
Determine the perspective of an image. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems) Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual
Conduct analysis of the elements of surface transportation from imagery to include road, rail, and water transportation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis from imagery of missile installations and support facilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.004 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of C3 facilities and sites from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
CRP: 0.004 Sustainment Interval (months): E xternal Support Required: None. Events updated: Reference(s):
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of radar sites and facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Conduct analysis of a strategic industry from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. F-19
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.004 None.
None. 6
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Identify denial and deception techniques as they apply to imagery analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 254-XXX
Perform Battle Damage Assessment (BDA). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 245-XXX Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide
Identify capabilities and limitations of current imagery sensors and platforms. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and
Condition: F-20
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 3
Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems)
Define the theory of the electromagnetic spectrum used in imaging sensors. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems) Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual DIA Capabilities Handbook
Apply the functional concepts of digital imagery processing. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. .5
Perform systems administration functions. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Local SOP 5D Users Guide RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide 259-XXX
Produce a SALUTE report. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. FMFM 3-21, Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core-plus skills necessary for the Imagery Interpretation Specialist to function as a Imagery Chief and other specialized billets. The 300 level training is centered around MOJT, formal schools, correspondence courses, deployments, and exercises. None.
Supervise the maintenance of the Secondary Imagery Dissemination Systems (SIDS) database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
AFSSM 4200, Communications and Secondary Imagery Dissemination Systems Local SOP 301-XXX
Apply the capabilities and limitations of imagery sensors and platforms. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
255-XXX, 205-XXX Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems)
Verify the production of a coastal landing beach study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.004 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Verify the production of a study in support of a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Verify the production of a Line Of Communications (LOC) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Verify the production of a port and harbor study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.004 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Verify the production of an airfield installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the analysis of a ground force installation from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the production of a naval installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Prepare an aerial imagery Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Fleet Collection Managers Guide FMFM 3-21, Intelligence Operations Local SOP 310-XXX
Request imagery collection using Joint Collection Management Tool (JCMT). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Request imagery collection using Requirements Management System (RMS). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. G-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Standard: Per the appropriate references. None.
None. None.
Verify the analysis of Ground Order of Battle (GOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the analysis of Naval Order of Battle (NOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the analysis of Air Order of Battle (AOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the analysis of Air Defense Order of Battle (ADOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Event code:
317-XXX G-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Task: Verify the analysis of Missile Order of Battle (MOB) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the production of a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Verify air defense analysis from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify imagery interpretation reports. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX, 239-XXX, 242-XXX FMFM 3-21, Intelligence Operations DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Task organic imagery collection and exploitation assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Validate imagery request for national, theater, and fleet collection assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
301-XXX, 330-XXX, 237-XXX RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide G-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 FMFM 3-21, Intelligence Operations Event code: Task: 324-XXX
Verify the production of imagery target folders. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
Verify the production of Tactical Target Support Graphics (TTSG) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies
Verify the production of Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) reports from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Reference(s): Event code: Task: Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide 327-XXX
Verify the production of Imagery Mission Coverage Plots (IMCP). Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photographic and Aerial DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials 328-XXX
Manage IA task assignments, priorities and suspenses from a database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
DIA Capabilities Handbook Multispectral Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems) Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual
Determine predicted imagery coverage. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. G-11
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 CRP: 0.004 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide IESS Users Guide 330-XXX
Research collateral data in support of imagery analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
RMS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide IESS Users Guide 331-XXX
Research activity normalcy and deviation reporting tolerances from a database. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
RMS Users Guide IESS Users Guide JCMT Users Guide 332-XXX
Implement imagery products dissemination architecture. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and
Condition: G-12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 6
Supervise production and maintenance of imagery reference keys. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 334-XXX
Verify the analysis of missile installations and support facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the analysis of radar sites and facilities from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Verify the analysis of strategic industries from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Task: Prepare intelligence requirements using COLISEUM. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 330-XXX
Apply the functional concepts of digital imagery processing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. .5
DIA Capabilities Handbook Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual DIAM 57-5, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 341-XXX
Verify the analysis of the elements of surface transportation from imagery to include road, rail, and water transportation. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX FMFM 3-21, Intelligence Operations G-15
Verify the analysis of active and passive defenses from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative Prerequisites:
Produce a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce a study in support of a Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce a Line of Communications (LOC) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: H-2 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Task: Produce a port and harbor study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce an airfield installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 405-XXX
Conduct analysis of a ground force installation from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 406-XXX H-3
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Task: Produce a naval installation study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 407-XXX
Conduct analysis of air defense from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys 408-XXX
Conduct analysis of active and passive defenses from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
AFM 200 Series, Intelligence DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys
Produce a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce imagery reports. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Task organic imagery collection and exploitation assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
Local SOP Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual 413-XXX H-5
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Task: Prepare an aerial imagery Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 414-XXX
Produce a Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) report from imagery. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Quick Guide None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Implement imagery products dissemination architecture. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: H-6 None. Local SOP 416-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references None.
None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 417-XXX
Request national and theater imagery collection. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials and equipment. Per appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 418-XXX
Produce a coastal landing beach study from imagery. Provided with the appropriate references, materials and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. Joint Tatical Expliatation of National Systems Manual H-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title _____________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title _____________________________________________________________________ 200 MCI 02.10, Terrorism Awareness for Marines 200 200 200 200 300 300 MCI 02.8, Introduction to Combat Intelligence Aerial Sensor Specialist Course, (Ft. Huachuca, AZ) Advanced Imagery Analyst Course (Ft. Huachuca, AZ) Basic Imagery Analyst Course, (Goodfellow AFB, San Angelo, TX) Defense Acquisition University; Acquisition 101, (CBT) RC Imagery Exploitation Course, (correspondence course), (Ft Huachuca, AZ) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading ____________________________________________________________________ 200 NIMA Newsletter 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 The U.S. Intelligence Community, (0-88730-226-2) FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Actions PACOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (PTTP) Korean Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (KTTP) CENTCOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (CTTP) SOUTHCOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (STTP) EUCOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (ETTP) ACOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (ATTP) MARFORPAC Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (MTTP) ARCENT Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (ATTP) NAVCENT Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, (NTTP) MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations Joint Tactical Exploitation of National Systems, (JTENS) National Imagery Systems Users Guide, (NIMSUG) American Photogrametric Society Journal Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 2-1, Intelligence Operations K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Level Reading _______________________________________________________________________ 200 MCWP 2-11, MAGTF Intelligence Collections 200 300 200 200 200 200 MCWP 2-12, MAGTF Intelligence Analysis and Production Photogrametic Engineering and Remote Sensing magazine MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence MCRP 2-11, A MSP for Requesting Reconnaissance Information in a Joint Environment (RECCE-J) MCRP 2-11, B MSP for the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) MCWP 2-13, MAGTF Intelligence Dissemination K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated _________________________________________________________________________ 100-XXX None. 101-XXX 102-XXX 103-XXX 104-XXX 105-XXX 106-XXX 107-XXX 108-XXX 109-XXX 110-XXX 111-XXX 112-XXX 113-XXX 114-XXX 115-XXX 116-XXX 117-XXX 118-XXX 119-XXX 120-XXX 121-XXX 122-XXX 123-XXX 124-XXX 125-XXX 126-XXX 127-XXX 128-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event Events Updated _________________________________________________________________________ 129-XXX None. 130-XXX 131-XXX 132-XXX 133-XXX 134-XXX 135-XXX 136-XXX 137-XXX 139-XXX 140-XXX 141-XXX 142-XXX 143-XXX 144-XXX 145-XXX 146-XXX 147-XXX 148-XXX 149-XXX 150-XXX 151-XXX 152-XXX 153-XXX 154-XXX 155-XXX 156-XXX 157-XXX 158-XXX 159-XXX 160-XXX 161-XXX L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event Events Updated _________________________________________________________________________ 162-XXX None. 163-XXX 164-XXX 165-XXX 166-XXX 167-XXX 168-XXX 169-XXX 170-XXX 171-XXX 172-XXX 173-XXX 174-XXX 175-XXX 176-XXX 177-XXX 178-XXX 179-XXX 180-XXX 200-XXX 201-XXX 202-XXX 203-XXX 204-XXX 205-XXX 206-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 245-XXX 258-XXX 258-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX 258-XXX 227-XXX, 256-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event Events Updated ________________________________________________________________________ 209-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX 210-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 242-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX, 246-XXX, 257-XXX 234-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 246-XXX None. 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX 227-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 242-XXX, 246-XXX 227-XXX, 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 239-XXX, 242-XXX, 246-XXX None. 235-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX
212-XXX 213-XXX
214-XXX 215-XXX 216-XXX 217-XXX 218-XXX 219-XXX 220-XXX 221-XXX 222-XXX 223-XXX 224-XXX 226-XXX 227-XXX 228-XXX 229-XXX 230-XXX L-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event Events Updated ______________________________________________________________________ 231-XXX 240-XXX 232-XXX 233-XXX 234-XXX 235-XXX 236-XXX 237-XXX 238-XXX 239-XXX 240-XXX 241-XXX 242-XXX 243-XXX 244-XXX 245-XXX 246-XXX 247-XXX 248-XXX 249-XXX 250-XXX 252-XXX 253-XXX 254-XXX 255-XXX 256-XXX 257-XXX 258-XXX 259-XXX 300-XXX 240-XXX, 231-XXX None. 241-XXX, 257-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 238-XXX, 240-XXX, 241-XXX, 243-XXX, 244-XXX, 245-XXX None. 235-XXX, 236-XXX, 237-XXX, 245-XXX 227-XXX None. None. None. 244-XXX, 245-XXX None. L-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 301-XXX 255-XXX, 205-XXX 302-XXX 303-XXX 304-XXX 305-XXX 306-XXX 307-XXX 308-XXX 309-XXX 310-XXX 311-XXX 312-XXX 313-XXX 314-XXX 315-XXX 316-XXX 317-XXX 318-XXX 319-XXX 321-XXX 322-XXX 323-XXX 324-XXX 325-XXX 326-XXX 327-XXX 328-XXX 329-XXX 330-XXX 331-XXX 332-XXX 333-XXX L-6 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 301-XXX 301-XXX, 330-XXX 301-XXX, 330-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX 234-XXX, 243-XXX, 245-XXX, 239-XXX, 242-XXX 301-XXX 301-XXX, 330-XXX, 237-XXX 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 334-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 335-XXX 336-XXX 337-XXX 338-XXX 340-XXX 341-XXX 342-XXX 400-XXX 401-XXX 402-XXX 403-XXX 404-XXX 405-XXX 406-XXX 407-XXX 408-XXX 410-XXX 411-XXX 412-XXX 413-XXX 414-XXX 415-XXX 416-XXX 417-XXX 418-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 330-XXX None. 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX 215-XXX, 234-XXX, 239-XXX, 243-XXX, 246-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ MARFOR Intelligence Collection Managers Course MARFOR MARFOR MARFOR Collections, Intel Bn Collections, Intel Bn Collections, Intel Bn MEF Squadron JSTARS M-1 Requirements Management System, (RMS) Joint Collection Management Tool Course Community On Line End User Management System, (COLISEUM) Requirements Management System (RMS), Requirements Manager Course. Community On Line End Users Management (COLISEUM) Joint Collection Management Tool, (JCMT) Intelligence Collection Managers Course,(ICMC) Joint Targeting Course JSTARS Ground Station Operators Course
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code ___________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST _________________________________________________________________________ 5D Users Guide AFI 14-205, Identifying References for Obtaining and Using Geospatil Information and Services AFM 200 Series, Intelligence AFM 51-40, Law of Armed Conflict AFSSM 4200 (Communication and Secondary Imagery Dissemination Systems Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) quick guide COLISEUM Users Guide DIA Capabilities Handbook DIAM 55-5, Aerial Photography and Airborne DIAM 57-24, U.S. and Allied Tactical Target Materials DIAM 57-7, Joint Imagery Interpretation Keys Fleet Collection Managers Guide FMFM 3-21, Intelligence Operations O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 11 IESS Users Guide Instructions for MIM4 light table, DTD 19 APR 91 JCMT Users Guide Joint Analyst Instruction for Point of Entry Studies Joint Tactical Exploitation of National Systems (JTENS) Local SOP Multispectal Users Guide (Reconnaissance Platforms and Sensor Systems) NIMA catalog of maps
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Interrogation-Translation Specialist/0251 PAGE INTRODUCTION.............................................12-3 UNIT TRAINING............................................12-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING........................12-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY........................12-3 CAREER PROGRESSION.......................................12-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY............................12-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING...................................12-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT................................12-4 CRP COMPUTATION..........................................12-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX...................................12-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX......................................12-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)......................12-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL)........................12-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL)................12-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)......................12-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS.....................................12-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING........................................12-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING..............................12-7 UPDATE CHAINING..........................................12-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE...............12-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS.........................12-7 TRAINING REFERENCES......................................12-7
12001. 12002. 12003. 12004. 12005. 12006. 12007. 12008. 12009. 12010. 12011. 12012. 12013. 12014. 12015. 12016. 12017. 12018. 12019. 12020. 12021. 12022. APPENDIX A
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Interrogation-Translation Specialist/0251 12001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 12002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 12003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 12004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 12-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200-300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 12006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 12007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 12008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level). 12-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performanceoriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 12009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 12-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 12010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 12011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 12012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). contained in appendix (E). 12013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). contained in appendix (F). 12-6 100 level tasks are
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 12014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 12015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). contained in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
12016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 12017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 12018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 12019. (L). UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix
12020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 12021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
12022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 12-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Conduct an Interrogation. Conduct tactical debrief. Exploit foreign language documents and material for intelligence value. Apply foreign language capability to IT/HUMINT operations. Conduct screening of enemy prisoners of war, refugees, displaced and/or detained persons for intelligence value. Brief Intelligence Information. Report Intelligence Information obtained through IT/HUMINT Operations. Maintain IT/HUMINT associated records, files, logs, and databases in both an ADP and non-ADP environment. Maintain proficiency in a foreign language. Debrief Strategic HUMINT Source. Plan Employment of IT Assets. Employ an Interpreter in support of IT/HUMINT operations. A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY A structured career progression plan, consisting of three individual (100 300 level) and one (400 level) section training levels. These training levels combined with formal schools are designed to produce and mentor a successful MAGTF Interrogation-Translation Specialist. The 100 level of training will provide the Marine with those core skills necessary to function as a basic Interrogation-Translation Specialist. This training is conducted at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center, Damneck VA. If the Marine does not possess a Marine Corps designated target language at a minimum skill level, the Marine then receives language training at the Defense Language Institute (DLI) Monterey, CA. The 200 level of training is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills culminating in attendance at the Strategic Debriefers Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ, preparing the Interrogation-Translation Specialist for the responsibilities of Team Leader/Chief. This level is centered around structured Managed On-the-Job Training (MOJT) and selected formal schools and courses. Upon completion of the Strategic Debriefers Course the Marine will enter the 300 level of training. This level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the Interrogation-Translation Specialist to function as a Team Leader/Chief. The 300 level of training is centered around structured Managed On-the-Job Training (MOJT) and selected formal schools and courses. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: The 100 level of training will provide the Marine with those core skills necessary to function as a basic InterrogationTranslation Specialist. This training is conducted at the Navy Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center, Damneck VA. If the Marine does not possess a Marine Corps designated target language at a minimum skill level, the Marine then receives language training at the Defense Language Institute (DLI) Monterey, CA None.
Identify HUMINT procedures in support of Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO). Without the aid of references. FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations LIC-2600-004-91, Generic Intelligence Requirements Handbook FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation
List NEO products. Without the aid of references. FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
State the role of the Evacuation Control Center (ECC) during a NEO. Without the aid of the reference and in writing. FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Provide HUMINT support to a NEO. With the aid of references and given a mission. FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 104-XXX
State the roles of the country team. Without the aid of the reference and in writing. FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a basic source data report (Part 1). With the aid of the reference and given a source. DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policies and Procedures None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify the elements of the national intelligence community which support Marine Corps Operations. Without the aid of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the capabilities and limitations of the Sensor Control And Management Platoon (SCAMP). Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the intelligence analytical process. Without the aid of references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
State the purpose of the Intelligence Estimate (Appendix 7). Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
State the purpose of the Intelligence Annex (Annex B). Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (MC&G) imagery products. Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Condition: Standard: Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the capabilities and limitations of MAGTF SIGINT. Without the aid of the reference. MCWP 2-15.2, Signals Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the capabilities and limitations of MAGTF Electronic Warfare (EW). Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 7-12, Electronic Warfare None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the capabilities and limitations of MAGTF Command and Control Warfare (C2W). Without the aid of the reference.
Condition: E-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Standard: JCS Publication 3-13, Joint Doctrine for Information Operations None.
Identify the capabilities and limitations of MAGTF Counterintelligence. Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
State the purpose of Personalities, Organizations, and Installations (PO&I) files. Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the concepts of employment of MAGTF CI. Without the aid of references. E-7
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
State the purpose of CI raids and searches. Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the process of conducting liaison. Without the aid of references. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct a walk-in interview. Provided with the appropriate references. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0095 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
State the purpose of the Appendix 3 (Counterintelligence) to the Intelligence Annex (Annex B). Without the aid of the reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare HUMINT Appendix to the Intelligence Annex (Annex B). Provided with the appropriate references and given a mission. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Debrief a source. Provided with the appropriate references. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0095 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Brief the employment of interrogator-translator assets. Without the aid of reference and given a mission. MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel None.
Condition: Standard:
MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel 126-XXX
Identify the processes for handling prisoners of war ashore. Without the aid of reference and given a mission. FM 19-40, Handling of Enemy Prisoners of War, Refugees and Detainees None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify the processes for handling prisoners of war afloat. Without the aid of reference and given a mission. FM 19-40, Handling of Enemy Prisoners of War, Refugees and Detainees None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0095 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Screen a source for intelligence information potential. Without the aid of reference and given requirements. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the methods of recording information from a source. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare interrogation aid materials. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 131-XXX None.
Identify the criteria for determining the legal status of each detainee. Provided with the appropriate references. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons FM 27-10, Law of Land Warfare 132-XXX
Identify the five (5) phases of interrogation. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct the five (5) phases of interrogation. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 134-XXX None.
Exploit the ten order of battle factors. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Exploit information leads. Without the aid of reference and given a source. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Employ proper questioning techniques. Without the aid of reference and given a source. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Reference(s): Event code: Task: FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 137-XXX
Recommend the placement and configuration of interrogation related facilities. Provided with the appropriate references and given a mission. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons 138-XXX
Employ an interpreter in support of IT/HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the handling of category "A" sources. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Reference(s): Event code: Task: FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 140-XXX
Prepare a SALUTE report. Provided with the appropriate reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a tactical interrogation report. Provided with the appropriate reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the procedures and policies governing document exploitation. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
Identify common psychological traits displayed by sources. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify common neuro-linguistic signs displayed by sources. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Utilize approach techniques to gain the sources willing cooperation. Without the aid of the reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: E-16 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Task: Prepare an interrogator-translator employment plan. Provided with the appropriate reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Exploit documents for information of intelligence value. Provided with the appropriate reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain an enemy prisoners of war database. Provided with the appropriate reference. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify missions and functions of a MEU. Without the aid of reference. E-17
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Standard: MCO 3120.9, Policy for Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) None.
MCO 3120.9, Policy for Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) 150-XXX
Conduct an intelligence brief. Provided with the appropriate reference and given the mission. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain an intelligence journal. Provided with the appropriate reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain an intelligence situation map. Provided with the appropriate reference. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0095 None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare an IIR. Provided with the appropriate reference. DIAM 58-12, Defense HUMINT Management System None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify procedures for using RODCA Communications. Without the aid of the reference. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct screening operations. Provided with the appropriate reference. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-19
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0095 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
Identify the different elements of the DoD HUMINT Program. Without the aid of references and in writing. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify the FORMICA process. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct FORMICA activities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, equipment, and source. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0095 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection DIAM 58-12, Defense HUMINT Management System 159-XXX
Identify procedures for the utilization of E&EE funds. Provided with the appropriate reference. CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes To familiarize the 0251 with use of E&EE funds in support of CI/HUMINT operations.
Condition: Standard:
CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes 160-XXX
Identify the process of conducting a CI Vulnerability Assessment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. To familiarize the 0251 support CI in the conduct of a CI vulnerability assessment.
Condition: Standard:
DoD Instruction 2000.1H, Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities Against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence 161-XXX E-21
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Task: Identify the capabilities of the CI-HUMINT Equipment Program. Provided with the appropriate reference. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence Familiarization with CIHEP equipment organic to FMF in support of CI-HUMINT operations.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Complete DLI with minimum language requirements or satisfy minimum foreign language capability requirements with existing language. Without the aid of the reference. MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: The 200 level of training is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills culminating in attendance at the Strategic Debriefers Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ, preparing the Interrogation-Translation Specialist for the responsibilities of Team Leader/Chief. This level is centered around structured Managed On-the-Job Training (MOJT) and selected formal schools and courses. None.
Brief intelligence information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
Employ Counterintelligence HUMINT equipment in support of IT/HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: ask: None.
Prepare IT Employment Plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Task: Prepare Notice of Intelligence Potential (NIP). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 230-XXX
Utilize Intelligence Databases in support of IT/HUMINT functions and operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) Local SOP
Apply Emergency & Extraordinary Expense funds. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes. None.
Condition: Standard:
CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes Event code: Task: 206-XXX
Maintain minimum acceptable foreign language proficiency of 1+/1+ with a goal of 3/3. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel Effort should be on primary language.
Condition: Standard:
MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel 207-XXX
Maintain Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW)/Source logs. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons DIAM 58-1, Intelligence Collection
Maintain an intelligence journal. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0037 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct post mission intelligence debriefs. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 218-XXX
Report information obtained from interrogations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 213-XXX
Disseminate Intelligence Information orally. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations 212-XXX
Disseminate Intelligence Information via digital means. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 213-XXX
Disseminate Intelligence Information via written means. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection DIAM 58-12, Defense HUMINT Management System 214-XXX
Exploit tactical reports for time-sensitive or critical information for further dissemination. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0075 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Conduct an interrogation. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
Provide IT/HUMINT Support to MEU(SOC) raid operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 227-XXX
Provide IT/HUMINT support to MEU(SOC) direct action missions. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0075 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 227-XXX
Conduct a debrief of HUMINT source. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
Provide IT/HUMINT support to MEU (SOC) NEO operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct liaison in support of intelligence operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. F-8
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 CRP: 0.0037 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide IT/HUMINT support to Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate OPLAN/Execution Order None.
Condition: Standard:
Select an interpreter for use in support of CI/HUMINT operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide IT/HUMINT Support to Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) operations. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO). None. F-9
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0075 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence DoD Instruction 2000.1H, Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities Against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO)
Exploit a source using an interpreter. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 222-XXX
Provide IT/HUMINT Support to preparation of Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) products. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. DoD Instruction 2000.1H, Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities Against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations DoD Instruction 2000.1H, Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities Against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulence 226-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Task: Conduct document and material exploitation. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct intelligence research in support of CI/HUMINT. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
Maintain local intelligence databases using current software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 229-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Create an intelligence product utilizing current word processing software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 231-XXX
Create an intelligence product utilizing current graphics software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 232-XXX
Create an intelligence product utilizing current spreadsheet software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and
Condition: F-12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 equipment. Standard: Per the local SOP. None. None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 233-XXX
Integrate Personality, Organizations and Installation (PO&I) file information into CI/HUMINT Operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Translate a foreign language document in support of intelligence operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain intelligence situation map. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. F-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Standard: FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Recommend the placement and configuration of interrogation related facilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation 237-XXX
Prepare HUMINT operational messages. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 213-XXX
Prepare an Intelligence Information Report (IIR). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment.
Condition: F-14
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Standard: DIAM 58-12, Defense HUMINT Management System None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: Upon completion of the Strategic Debriefers Course the Marine will enter the 300 level of training. This level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the Interrogation-Translation Specialist to function as a Team Leader/Chief. The 300 level of training is centered around structured Managed On-the-Job Training (MOJT) and selected formal schools and courses. None.
Supervise RODCA administration. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DIAM 58-11, Intelligence Collection None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Direct interrogation translation team garrison activity. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel None.
Condition: Standard:
MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel Local SOP 302-XXX
Supervise MEF CI/HUMINT section garrison activity. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): G-2 None. Local SOP
Supervise MEF CI/HUMINT section in a tactical environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Local SOP 304-XXX
Supervise interrogation translation unit language program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel None.
Condition: Standard:
MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel MCO 1550.4D, Management of Defense Foreign Language Program 305-XXX
Supervise screening operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise document and material exploitation. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise interrogation operations. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Manage the commands FORMICA program. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise FORMICA activities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Supervise tactical employment of CI/IT assets. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations Local SOP 311-XXX
Supervise the Emergency & Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) fund. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) Funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Purposes. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Events updated: Reference(s): CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) Funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Purposes. G-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative Prerequisites
Maintain country files. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare HUMINT Appendix to Annex B. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 12
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Maintain the foreign language library. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. MCO 1550.4D, Management of Defense Foreign Language Program None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
MCO 1550.4D, Management of Defense Foreign Language Program Local SOP 403-XXX
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Task: Maintain interrogation translation unit publications. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the local SOP. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title ______________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title ______________________________________________________________________ 200 MCI 25.25, Communications Security 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Latin American Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Basic Airborne Qualification, (Ft Benning, GA) MCI 01.31, Correspondence Procedures MCI 02.01, Intelligence brief: Southwest Asia MCI 02.10 Terrorism Awareness for Marines MCI 02.14, Terrorism Awareness for Marines (ICW) MCI 02.8, Introduction to Combat Intelligence MCI 03.16, Military Functions in Civil Disturbances MCI 03.81, Infantry Squad Leader: Land Navigation Dynamics of International Terrorism, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Middle Eastern Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) MEU (SOC) Predeployment Training, (SOTG) Kinesic Interview Course, (Fort Bragg, NC) MCI 25.38, Single Channel Ground Airborne Radio System Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Course, (Coronado CA/Brunswick ME/Ft. Bragg NC) MCI 25.32, HF/UHF Field Radio Equipment Army 301M17, Army Interrogator Correspondence Course African Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) Asian-Pacific Orientation Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) MCI 01.18, Spelling MCI 01.19, Punctuation Antiterrorism Instructor Qualification Course, (Fort Bragg, NC) Intermediate Language Studies High-Risk Personnel Course, (Quantico VA) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Level Academic Title ______________________________________________________________________ 200 Evasive Driving Course 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 MAGTF Counterintelligence Course, (NMITC Dam Neck VA) Expeditionary Warfare Intelligence Course, (EWTG Pac/Lant) Cross Cultural Communications Course, (Hurlburt Field, FL) MCI 25.20, Communications for the FMF Marine DIA Analysis Course, (JMITC Bolling AFB DC) Advanced Counterintelligence Course, (NMITC, Dam Neck VA) College-level Geographic Area Studies Course Undergraduate Intelligence Program, (Bolling AFB, DC) Military Operations Familiarity Course, (DIA) Joint Service Interrogation Wing Long Course, (England) Joint Staff Counterintelligence Course, (Bolling AFB) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 200 JPub 2-01.2, Joint Doctrine, Tactics and Procedures for Counterintelligence Support to Operations 200 200 200 200 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 200 200 300 Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations MCO 1550.4, Management of the Defense Foreign Language Program MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) DIAM 58-11, DoD HUMINT Policy and Procedures DIAM 58-12, DoD HUMINT Management Systems OPNAVINST S3820.16, DoN FORMICA FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence SECNAVINST 3820.3, DoD Intelligence Oversight Program OPNAVINST 5510.1, DoN Personnel, Security, and Information Program MCO 7040.1, Emergency and Extraordinary Expense Fund FM 27-10, Law of Land Warfare FMFRP 12-16, Front-Line Intelligence DoDInst 2000.12, Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities against Acts of Terrorism K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Level Reading _________________________________________________________________________ 200 MCO 3876.1, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation-Translation Personnel 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 34-2, Military Operations Other Than War MCDP 1, Warfighting MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations An Introduction to Intercultural Communication, Condon and Yousef Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cindy Davis Interpersonal Communications, Emmert and Emmert Standardized MEU (SOC) Training Handbook Bravo Two Zero, Andy McNatt MCWP 2-15.5, Interrogator-Translator Operations MCWP 2-14, Counterintelligence K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated _______________________________________________________________________ 100-XXX None. 101-XXX 102-XXX 103-XXX 104-XXX 105-XXX 106-XXX 107-XXX 108-XXX 109-XXX 110-XXX 111-XXX 112-XXX 113-XXX 114-XXX 115-XXX 116-XXX 117-XXX 118-XXX 119-XXX 120-XXX 121-XXX 122-XXX 123-XXX 124-XXX 125-XXX 126-XXX 127-XXX 128-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Event Events Updated ________________________________________________________________________ 129-XXX None. 130-XXX 131-XXX 132-XXX 133-XXX 134-XXX 135-XXX 136-XXX 137-XXX 138-XXX 139-XXX 140-XXX 141-XXX 142-XXX 143-XXX 144-XXX 145-XXX 146-XXX 147-XXX 148-XXX 149-XXX 150-XXX 151-XXX 152-XXX 153-XXX 154-XXX 155-XXX 156-XXX 157-XXX 158-XXX 159-XXX 160-XXX L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Event Events Updated _______________________________________________________________________ 161-XXX None. 162-XXX 200-XXX 201-XXX 202-XXX 203-XXX 204-XXX 205-XXX 206-XXX 207-XXX 208-XXX 209-XXX 210-XXX 211-XXX 212-XXX 213-XXX 214-XXX 215-XXX 216-XXX 217-XXX 218-XXX 219-XXX 220-XXX 221-XXX 222-XXX 223-XXX 224-XXX 225-XXX 226-XXX 227-XXX 228-XXX 229-XXX None. 211-XXX, 227-XXX None. 227-XXX, 230-XXX 230-XXX 228-XXX None. None. None. None. 218-XXX 213-XXX None. None. None. None. 210-XXX, 227-XXX 227-XXX 227-XXX 227-XXX 227-XXX None. 227-XXX None. 227-XXX 222-XXX 227-XXX None. None. None. None. L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 Event Events Updated _______________________________________________________________________ 230-XXX None. 231-XXX 232-XXX 233-XXX 234-XXX 235-XXX 236-XXX 237-XXX 238-XXX 300-XXX 301-XXX 302-XXX 303-XXX 304-XXX 305-XXX 306-XXX 307-XXX 308-XXX 309-XXX 310-XXX 311-XXX 400-XXX 401-XXX 402-XXX 403-XXX L-4 None. None. None. None. None. None. 213-XXX 213-XXX None. 312-XXX None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School __________________________________________________________________________ None. M-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code _________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST ________________________________________________________________________ CMC LOI 7040 dtd 12 May 92, LOI for the Use of Emergency and Extraordinary Expense (E&EE) Funding for Intelligence and Counterintelligence purposes. DIAM 58-11 DIAM 58-12, Defense HUMINT Management System DoD Instruction 2000.1H, Protection of DoD Personnel and Activities Against Acts of Terrorism and Political Turbulance FM 100-2-2, The Soviet Army (Specialized Warfare and Rear Area Support) FM 100-2-3, The Soviet Army (Troops, Organization, and Equipment) FM 100-26, Air Ground Operations FM 100-27, USA/USAF Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations FM 100-37, Terrorism Counteraction FM 100-5, Staff Organizations and Operations FM 101-10-1, Staff Officers Field Manual FM 101-27, Staff Organization and Operations O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and Detained Persons FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 27-10, Law of Land Warfare FM 30-5, Combat Intelligence FM 31-11, Doctrine for Amphibious Operations FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 31-71, Northern Operations FM 34-1, IEW Operations FM 34-130, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, Appendix C FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis, Appendix 3 FM 34-52, Intelligence Interrogation FM 34-81, Weather Support for Army Tactical Operations, Appendix C O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 FM 44-1, U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Deployment FM 5-101, Mobility FM 5-102, Countermobility FM 5-105, Topographic Operations FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 5-34, Engineer Field Data FM 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification FM 5-541, Military Soils Engineering FM 55-15, Transportation Reference Data FM 57,38, Pathfinder Operations FM 57-35, Airmobile Operations FM 6-2, Field Artillery Survey FM 6-300, Army Ephemeris 1983-1987 and 1988-1992 FM 71-100, Armored and Mechanized Division Operations FM 71-101, Infantry, Airborne, and AA Division Operations O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) FM 90-11, Winter Operations FM 90-13, River Crossing Operations FM 90-2, Tactical Deception FM 90-3, Desert Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 90-5, Jungle Operations FM 90-6, Mountain Operations FM 90-7, Obstacles FM 90-8, Counter Guerrilla Operations FMFM 2-2, Amphibious Reconnaissance FMFM 3-1, Command and Staff Actions FMFM 3-21, MAGTF Intelligence Operations FMFM 3-25, Counterintelligence FMFM 3-27, Aviation Intelligence FMFM 5-1, Organization and Functions of Marine Aviation O-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 FMFM 6-18, Techniques and Procedures for Fire Support Coordination FMFM 7-32, Raids FMFM 7-36, MAGTF Noncombatant Evacuation Operations FMFM 8-1, Special Operations Geodetic Systems Guidelines for the Military Briefer J-TENS Manual Joint Pub 3-02, Doctrine for Amphibious Operations Joint Pub 3-02.1, Doctrine for Force Operations LIC-2600-004-91, Generic Intelligence Requirements Handbook Local SOP MCO 003850.2, Marine Corps Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO) MCO 1550.4D, Management of Defense Foreign Language Program MCO 3876.1A, Policy and Guidance for Interrogation Translation Personnel MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations O-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 12 MCWP 2-15.5, Interrogator-Translator Operations MEU (SOC) Training Handbooks NISH/CIP OPNAVINST S3820.16D O-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Topographic Intelligence Specialist/0261 PAGE INTRODUCTION.............................................13-3 UNIT TRAINING............................................13-3 THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING........................13-3 THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY........................13-3 CAREER PROGRESSION.......................................13-4 CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY............................13-4 EVALUATION OF TRAINING...................................13-4 COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT................................13-4 CRP COMPUTATION..........................................13-5 INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX...................................13-6 SECTION TASK MATRIX......................................13-6 COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL)......................13-6 COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL)........................13-6 COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL)................13-7 SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 LEVEL)......................13-7 SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS.....................................13-7 ACADEMIC TRAINING........................................13-7 CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING..............................13-7 UPDATE CHAINING..........................................13-7 BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE...............13-7 EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS.........................13-7 TRAINING REFERENCES......................................13-7
13001. 13002. 13003. 13004. 13005. 13006. 13007. 13008. 13009. 13010. 13011. 13012. 13013. 13014. 13015. 13016. 13017. 13018. 13019. 13020. 13021. 13022. APPENDIX A
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Topographic Intelligence Specialist/0261 13001. INTRODUCTION. The Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual is a comprehensive training document designed to identify training requirements and support resources for this Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It replaces the Maintenance Training Management and Evaluation Program (MATMEP) and the Individual Training Standards (ITS) order as a training guide and provides trainers an immediate assessment of both individual and section combat readiness by assigning a Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP) to each training task. The T&R Manual also identifies tasks by billet applicability, enabling trainers to focus training in the appropriate areas. 613002. UNIT TRAINING
1. The heart of the T&R program lies in training Marines to perform as an integral unit in combat. Because unit readiness and individual readiness are directly related, the T&R manual contains both individual training tasks and section training tasks. Individual training and the mastery of individual skills serve as the building blocks for unit combat readiness. 2. Guidance concerning unit training management and the process for establishing effective unit training management programs are contained in MCRP 3-0A, Unit Training Management Guide (UTM). 13003. THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TRAINING. The T&R Manual combines traditional training such as military formal schools, Marine Corps Institute correspondence courses and On-the-Job Training (OJT), with nontraditional sources such as civilian college courses, other service correspondence courses, career professional reading, distance learning, and base training programs. This combination allows the training manager the flexibility to create a diverse training program capable of producing the best-trained Marine possible. 13004. THE CORE CAPABILITIES METHODOLOGY
1. Core Tasks are those essential basic skills that "make" a Marine and qualify that Marine for an MOS and are introduced in entry level training (100 level). Core Plus Tasks are those advanced skills that are mission, rank, or billet specific, and are performed in the 200-300 levels of training. 2. The tasks contained within this T&R Manual support a common set of skills derived from Subject Matter Experts (SME), the applicable Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation System (MCCRES) volumes, and the MOS specific Front End Analysis (FEA) Report. These common skills provide 13-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 a Core Capability shared by all Marines with like MOS, regardless of unit type or size. 3. Core capabilities are contained in appendix (A). CAREER PROGRESSION
1. 100 level training (Combat Capable) is the initial MOS skills training at the formal school. At its completion, unit personnel are assigned basic MOS qualification and progress to the Combat Ready tier. 2. 200 level training (Combat Ready) trains newly schooled Marines and makes them proficient in core capabilities. At its completion, unit personnel progress to the Combat Qualification tier. 3. 300 level training (Combat Qualification) produces combat leaders and fully qualified section members. The personnel who are being trained in the Combat Qualification tier are those Marines a commanding officer feels are capable of directing the actions of subordinates during wartime scenarios. 5. 400 level training (Section Skills) reflects section tasks that directly support the core capability list. They are group rather than individual in nature, and require participation by a section. 400 level tasks, when completed, provide training credit for those individual (200300 levels) tasks utilized in the completion of the 400 level task. 13006. CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY. The career progression philosophy contained in appendix (B) describes the typical training progression for a Marine of this MOS. 13007. EVALUATION OF TRAINING. Evaluation of the academic portions of the T&R will be conducted either by written or oral examination or a combination of the two. A requirement to produce a product may accompany the task. Operational and system related tasks will be evaluated by practical application means whenever possible. At the commanders discretion, a Marine may receive credit for task completion through an oral explanation of the steps or procedures involved rather than by physically performing the task. 13008. COMPONENTS OF A T&R EVENT
1. General. An event contained within a T&R Manual is an individual or collective training standard and contains thirteen components. EVENT CODE: The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) or section tasks (400 level).
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 TASK: A unit of work expressed as a performanceoriented action (i.e., "Type a letter."). CONDITION: The constraints that affect the performance of the task in a real-world environment. It includes equipment, tools, materials, and reference requirements and environmental and safety constraints pertaining to task completion. STANDARD: The basis for judging the effectiveness of the task performance. It identifies the proficiency level for task performance in terms of accuracy, speed, sequencing, and adherence to procedural guidelines. It is not guidance; it is inviolate. Whenever possible, the standard should cite a reference that defines the task in procedural or operational terms. CONCEPT OF TASK: This paragraph is optional but may be used if the task requires further explanation. PREREQUISITE(S): A listing of academic training and/or other T&R events which must be completed prior to attempting completion of the task. REFERENCE(S): A listing of doctrinal or reference publications which may assist the trainee in satisfying the performance standards and the trainer in evaluating the effectiveness of task completion. ORDNANCE: A listing of ordnance types and quantities required to complete the task. EXTERNAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT(S): A listing of the external range, support aircraft, targets, training devices, or other personnel and equipment requirements needed for completion of the task. 13009. CRP COMPUTATION
1. Each task in the T&R Manual has an assigned Combat Readiness Percentage (CRP). The combined CRP total of the Individual tasks of the 100-300 level training is 100%. The breakdown of that 100% CRP for the Individual tasks is as follows: 100 level tasks taught at the Formal School have a total CRP value of 60%; 200 and 300 level tasks have a combined CRP value of 40%. 2. CRP for 400 level Section tasks is considered separately from the Individual 100-300 level task CRP values. 400 level section tasks have a total CRP value of 100% and are not considered in conjunction with 13-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 the 100-300 level Individual task CRP values. A section that successfully performs its mission can achieve a satisfactory section CRP value even when it is severely undermanned or when the individual members of the section have low Individual CRP ratings in their 100-300 level training. 13010. INDIVIDUAL TASK MATRIX
1. The Individual Task Matrix, located at appendix (C), summarizes the tasks that are applicable to specific billets. Utilizing the Automated Training and Readiness Information Management System (ATRIMS) program and a syllabus tied to the event codes of the T&R manual, trainers will quickly establish training priorities. Trainers can determine the training combat readiness of individual Marines by comparing the Marines CRP combined total on the billet specific completed 100-300 level tasks with the total possible CRP value of the Marines billet. For example, if a billet has a total possible CRP value of 79.75% and an individual Marines total CRP on completed 100-300 level tasks is 50%, a trainer can quickly determine which tasks must be addressed in order to raise the Marines individual CRP to a higher level. Components of the Individual Task Matrix Event Code - The code assigned to each task for ease of reference which identifies individual (100-300 level) tasks. CRP (Combat Readiness Percentage) - Quantitative value assigned to each T&R task. Used to calculate Individual Combat Readiness Percentage. Sustainment Interval (in months) - Denotes how frequently a Marine must demonstrate proficiency in the task. Billet Applicability Checkmark - Specifies which T&R tasks pertain to each specific billet. Trainers can quickly focus each Marines instruction on the specific tasks that match the Marines billet assignment. ***Note*** 100 level Formal School training (Combat Capable Training) is applicable to all Marines who attend MOS producing schools. 13011. SECTION TASK MATRIX. The Section Task Matrix, located at appendix (D), summarizes the section tasks that are applicable to specific billets. It contains the same components as the Individual Task Matrix. 13012. COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 level). contained in appendix (E). 13013. COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 level). contained in appendix (F). 13-6 100 level tasks are
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 13014. COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 level). contained in appendix (G). 13015. SECTION SKILLS TRAINING (400 level). contained in appendix (H). 300 level tasks are
13016. SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS. Completion of the courses of instruction contained in appendix (I) qualifies the individual Marine for assignment to specialized billets and/or responsibilities. 13017. ACADEMIC TRAINING. The Academic Training contained in appendix (J) lists civilian college courses, MCI courses, other service correspondence courses, etc., which are beneficial to professional development during 200-300 level training. They provide a Marine the opportunity to continue with professional development regardless of deployment status or workload. 13018. CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING. The Career Professional Reading contained in appendix (K) lists books that are recommended for professional development during 200-300 level training. These texts may be optional reading or may be tied to specific T&R tasks and require some type of product to be produced by the Marine. 13019. (L). UPDATE CHAINING. Update chaining is contained in appendix
13020. BILLETS REQUIRING FORMAL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Billets, which require formal school attendance, are contained in appendix (M). 13021. EXPENDABLE ORDNANCE REQUIREMENTS. contained in appendix (N), if required. Ordnance requirements are
13022. TRAINING REFERENCES. The training references contained in appendix (O) shall be utilized to determine task performance steps, grading criteria and ensure standardization of training procedures. 13-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX A CORE CAPABILITIES Core Capabilities List ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Provide geographic intelligence in support of the staff planning process. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 Provide geographic intelligence products to enhance the MAGTFs visualization of the battlespace. Maintain the topographic geospatial information library in support of tactical operations. Provide detachments in support of mission-specific operations. Brief geographic intelligence. Conduct geospatial analysis. Provide geospacial information to compliment imagery intelligence. Conduct geodetic surveys. Conduct hydrographic surveys. Conduct Satellite (Global Positioning System) Surveys. Produce the geospatial framework in support of the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IBP). A-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX B CAREER PROGRESSION PHILOSOPHY The Career Progression Philosophy for the Marine Corps Geographic Intelligence Specialist (MOS 0261) is supported through a structured training plan. This plan consists of three levels of individual training (100, 200 and 300) and one level of section training (400). The objective of this training plan is to provide Marines with the knowledge and experience required to provide effective geographic intelligence to the MAGTF commander. This objective is accomplished through completion of formal schools, MOJT, deployments and exercises. Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic Geographic Intelligence Specialists. This training is conducted at the Defense Mapping School (DMS), National Imagery and Mapping College (NIMC), Fort Belvoir, VA. Training at the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased responsibilities. This level is achieved through formal schools, MOJT, deployments and exercises. Upon completion of the 200 level, Marines will attend either the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course or the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA depending upon thier career path. Training at the 300 level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the Geographic Intelligence Specialist to function as a Team Leader/Section Chief. This level of training is achieved through deployments, exercises, MOJT, and completion of advanced training courses not taken during the Marines career progression path. B-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX E COMBAT CAPABLE TRAINING (100 LEVEL) Purpose: Training at the 100 level is designed to provide Marines with those core skills necessary to function as basic Geographic Intelligence Specialists. This training is conducted at the Defense Mapping School (DMS), National Imagery and Mapping College (NIMC), Fort Belvoir, VA. None.
Construct a specified grid in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-240, Compilation and Color Separation of Topographic Maps None.
Condition: Standard:
Locate survey control points. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Collect meteorological data. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FMFM 3-23-2, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield To determine weather effects on the terrain.
Condition: Standard:
Construct a map projection in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-240, Compilation and Color Separation of Topographic Maps None.
Condition: Standard:
Employ a survey control point. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a transportation factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MIL-T-89304, Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Bases None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Reference(s): Event code: Task: MIL-T-89304, Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Bases 103-CAR
Plot geodetic control. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct recovery of a survey control point. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DMA TM 81-004, Monumenting, Describing, and Recovery
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a surface drainage factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 104-CAR
Prepare linear feature overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None. None. 0
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Set up a survey target/reflector. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a vegetation overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None. FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis ST 412, Vegetation Analysis Procedural Guide 105-SUR None.
Measure horizontal directions using a Theodolite. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a surface materials overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis PI 504, Unified Soils Classification System TM 5-330, Planning and Design of Roads, Airbases, and Heliports in the Theater of Operations
Produce a map overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-240, Compilation and Color Separation of Topographic Maps
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0079 None.
Record survey field notes for horizontal directions in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying 106-TER
Prepare an obstacle overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a concealment overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Record field notes for zenith distances in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual , with Change 1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 DMA TM 83-005, Event code: Task: 108-TER Manual for Theodolite Operations
Prepare a cover overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) 5-33, Terrain Analysis 318, Cover From Flat Trajectory Weapons 100-5, Operations
Setup Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment (EDME). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-6675-304-14, Infrared Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a combined obstacles overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. E-9
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0079 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 34-81, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) ST 330, Procedural Guide for the Preparation of CCM Overlays 110-SUR
Measure distance using Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment (EDME). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-6675-304-14, Infrared Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a terrain study for Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
5-33, Terrain Analysis 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) 009, Military Geographic Intelligence 90-10-1, An Infantry Mans Guide to Urban Combat
Record field notes for Electronic Distance Measuring Equipment (EDME) in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
TM 5-6675-304-14, Infrared Electronic Survey Instrument Distance Measuring Equipment ST 031, Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks, Federal Geodetic Control Committee 111-TER
Prepare a Lines of Communication (LOC) overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification ST 215, Highways and Bridges ST 216, Railroads ST 209, Airfield Facilities ST 460, PI Key for Roads ST 461, Air Photo Characteristics of Road Surface Materials ST 486, Road Classification from Map to TTADB Standards 112-SUR
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Extract Essential Elements of Terrain Information (EETI) in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
5-33, Terrain Analysis 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 009, Military Geographic Intelligence 469, EETI Collection Checklist (Urban Area) 482, EETI Collection Checklist (Vegetation)
Operate a Precise/Semi-Precise Survey Level. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a Zones of Entry (ZOE) overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 100-27, USA/USAF Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations ST 311, Zones of Entry MIL-T-89304, Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Bases 114-SUR
Perform a Collimation Check on a Precise/Semi-Precise Survey Level. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Analyze Remote Sensed Imagery (RSI). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. E-13
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0079 None. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
5-33, Terrain Analysis 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification 5-101, Mobility 5-102, Countermobility 5-541, Military Soils Engineering
Record differential level data. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Import data into a current geographic information system. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: E-14 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Subset an image/database. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Compute a horizontal distance in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Convert UTM coordinates to geographic coordinates in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 0
TM 5-241-4/2, Transformation of Coordinates from Grid to Geographic , UTM Grid Tables, Clarke 1866 118-TER
Perform image enhancement. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: E-16 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Convert geographic coordinates to UTM coordinates in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
TM 5-241-4/1, Transformation of Coordinates from Geographic to Grid , UTM Grid Tables, Clarke 1866 119-TER
Construct an image mosaic in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Compute a grid inverse in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
Conduct terrain categorization in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Compute a grid traverse in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Merge digital data sets in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Compute an intersection in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Exploit digital data sets in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Compute a single triangle in a non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
Produce a 3D fly through scene in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify topographic features in a non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification FM 34-55, Imagery Intelligence 125-SUR
Compute a differential level line data in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1
Condition: Standard:
Integrate vector data with raster databases utilizing current Geographic Information System software. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Setup a satellite receiver. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
Operate a satellite receiver. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Reference(s): EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying 128-SUR
Collect satellite data. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
Download satellite data. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Perform data query of geospatial databases in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications 131-SUR None.
Measure an angle using a Total Station System (TSS). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a geographic intelligence product brief. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCDP 2, Intelligence ST 009, Military Geographic Intelligence 132-SUR
Record field notes for a Total Station System (TSS). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
None. E-23
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 CRP: 0.0079 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 0
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Brief a geographic intelligence product. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence 133-SUR
Collect Topographic survey data using Stadia. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-233, Construction Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a potential Helicopter Landing Area (HLA) analysis using current Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0079 None.
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 100-27, USA/USAF Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations ST 311, Zones of Entry
Perform the duties of a rodman/reflector operator. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Locate a point using a specified geographic coordinate system. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Collect Topographic survey data in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Locate a point using a specified grid coordinate system. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Determine elevations of selected points using contour lines. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: E-26 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Record Topographic survey data using Stadia. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-233, Construction Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Process Topographic survey data in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify effects of terrain on military capabilities. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
5-33, Terrain Analysis 90-7, Obstacles 5-105, Topographic Operations 90-13, River Crossing Operations E-27
Measure a distance using a Total Station System (TSS). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Identify considerations to compute a grid inverse in a non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Compute geodetic distances in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX F COMBAT READY TRAINING (200 LEVEL) Purpose: Training a the 200 level is designed to reinforce core skills and provide core plus skills necessary to fill positions of increased responsibilities. This level is achieved through formal schools, MOJT, deployments and exercises. Upon completion of the 200 level, Marines will attend either the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course or the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, DMS, VA. None.
Compute reduction to center in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Post-process raw satellite data. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Provide a geographic intelligence product status report. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: F-2 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 processing software applications. Condition: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Standard: Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Event code: 204-GIS Task: Produce a geographic intelligence product utilizing current graphics software applications. Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Produce a geographic intelligence product utilizing current spreadsheet software applications. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 software applications. Condition: Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Standard: Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Perform system administration on current Geographic Intelligence Systems (GIS). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Perform database management of current Geographic Information Libraries (GIL). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. United States Imagery and Geospatial Services Data Model. None.
Condition: Standard:
United States Imagery and Geospatial Information System Data Model 209-SUR
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Conduct a conventional geodetic survey field reconnaissance. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
Compile a geospatial information database. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. United States Imagery and Geospatial Services Data Model. None.
Condition: Standard:
United States Imagery and Geospatial Information System Data Model 211-SUR
Conduct a hydrographic survey field reconnaissance. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys None.
Condition: Standard:
226-GIS, 228-GIS FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys F-5
Conduct a geodetic satellite survey field reconnaissance. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a potential helicopter landing area (HLA) study using current geographic information systems. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
203-GIS, 204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 100-27, USA/USAF Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations ST 311, Zones of Entry
Prepare a transportation factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 CRP: 0.0049 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification MIL-T-89304, Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Bases ST 209, Airfield Facilities ST 215, Highways and Bridges ST 216, Railroads ST 460, PI Key for Roads ST 461, Air Photo Characteristics of Road Surface Materials ST 486, Road Classification from Map to TTADB Standards
Prepare a surface drainage factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
5-33, Terrain Analysis 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification 90-13, River Crossing Operations 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) 025, Stream Hydrology
Prepare a vegetation factor overlay in an automated or nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Reference(s): FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) ST 412, Vegetation Analysis Procedural Guide 217-TER
Prepare a surface materials factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) PI 504, Unified Soils Classification System TM 5-330, Planning and Design of Roads, Airbases, and Heliports in the Theater of Operations 218-TER
Prepare an obstacles factor overlay in an automated or nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 204-GIS
Prepare a surface configuration factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0049 None.
5-33, Terrain Analysis 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation 009, Military Geographic Intelligence
Prepare a cultural features factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) 221-TER
Prepare a utilities factor overlay in an automated or nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) 222-TER F-9
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Prepare an industrial facilities factor overlay in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)
Prepare an airfields factor overlay in an automated or nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Record field notes for an astronomic azimuth survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys
Condition: Standard:
Perform preventive maintenance on topographic equipment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Locate a point using a specified geographic coordinate system. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Employ hydrographic small craft navigation aids. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys F-11
Locate a point using a specified grid coordinate system. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Conduct depth measurements for hydrographic surveys. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys 230-SUR
Determine position of a hydrographic survey vessel. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
226-GIS, 228-GIS Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys
Perform a radio/chronometer comparison. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 224-SUR
Disseminate geographic intelligence products digitally. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Disseminate geographic intelligence products textually. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Prepare a port and harbor study in an automated and nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
203-GIS, 204-GIS, 237-TER FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis ST 217, Inland Waterway Facilities
Conduct a beach analysis. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis
Condition: Standard:
Prepare a beach study from topographic intelligence and imagery information. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Conduct a port and harbor analysis. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
234-TER, 226-GIS, 228-GIS FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis ST 217, Inland Waterway Facilities F-15
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX G COMBAT QUALIFICATION TRAINING (300 LEVEL) Purpose: During the 300 level, the Marine will attend either Advanced Terrain Analysis Course or the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course depending on previous attendance. Training at this level is designed to provide additional core plus skills necessary for the Geographic Intelligence Specialist to function as a Team Leader/Section Chief. The 300 level of training is achieved through advanced training courses, deployments and exercises. None.
Adjust satellite data in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate manufacturers manual. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 2
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 201-SUR
Conduct a geographic intelligence briefing. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
202-TER, 203-GIS, 204-GIS FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence
Compile an Appendix 6 (Geographic Intelligence Operations) to Annex B of an operation plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Compile a TAB A to Appendix 8 (Tactical Study of the Terrain) to Annex B of an operations plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Compile an TAB B to Appendix 8 (HLZ/DZ) to Annex B of an operation plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Compile an TAB C to Appendix 8 (Beach Study) to Annex B of an operation plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. G-3 3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 205-GIS MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence 306-GIS
Manage system administration for current Geographic Intelligence Systems (GIS). Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: 207-GIS
Manage database configuration for current Geographic Information Libraries. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. United States Imagery and Geospatial Information System Data Model None.
Condition: Standard:
United States Imagery and Geospatial Information System Data Model 308-SUR
Plan a convential geodetic survey project. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 CRP: 0.0049 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
Plan a hydrographic survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Hydrographic Survey Course, Naval Construction Ballation Fleet Training Center, Gulfport, MS. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
Plan a satellite survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-11-1003, None. Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 2
Plan a terrain analysis project. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis None. G-5
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Prequisites: CRP: 0.0073 Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
Conduct a astronomic azimuth survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Supervise geographic intelligence production. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) None.
Condition: Standard:
Validate Geospatial Information and Services (GI&S) requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Prerequisites: Completion of the Mapping Charting Geodesy Officers Course or the Mapping Charting and Geodesy Staff Officers Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Validate geographic intelligence requirements. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Mapping Charting and Geodesy Officers Course or the Mapping Charting and Geodesy Staff Officers Course, Defense Mapping School, fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise geospatial information collection. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) None.
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Supervise a conventional geodetic survey operation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. G-7
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0049 None.
321-SUR, 328-GIS TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying
Supervise a satellite survey operation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
322-SUR, 328-GIS EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications
Supervise a hydrographic survey operation. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
323-SUR, 328-GIS EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Condition: Standard: Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 3
TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying 322-SUR
Perform quality control checks on a satellite survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 2
300-SUR, 201-SUR Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying
Perform quality control checks on a hydrographic survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications Event code: Task: 324-GIS
Perform quality control checks on a geographic intelligence product. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Advanced Geodetic Survey Course at the Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA or the Hydrographic Survey Course at Naval Construction Battalion Training Center, Gulfport, MS. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 325-GIS
Supervise preventive maintenance on topographic equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications Local Standard Operating Procedures 326-SUR
Perform quality control checks on an astronomic azimuth survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Prerequisites: CRP: 0.0049 Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
226-GIS, 329-SUR TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1
Develop topographic equipment preventive maintenance plan. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 328-GIS
Perform quality control checks on geospatial information production. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Advanced Geodetic Survey Course at the Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA or the Hydrographic Survey Course at Naval Construction Battalion Training Center, Gulfport, MS. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying G-11
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 Event code: Task: 329-SUR
Compute an astronomic azimuth survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
Plan the production of a Military Operation on Urban Terrain (MOUT) study. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 5
Plot hydrographic survey data in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Events updated: Reference(s): 204-GIS EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications 332-SUR
Calculate Hydrographic survey data in an automated or nonautomated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications 333-TER
Supervise the production of a riverine study. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
313-GIS, 324-GIS, 316-GIS, 328-GIS FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis ST 498, River Crossing Site Analysis ST 781, Formulas for Stream Hydrology
Supervise the production of a port and harbor study in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and G-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 equipment. Per the appropriate references. None. 6
Concept of task:
Prerequisites: None. CRP: 0.0049 Sustainment Interval (months): External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): None.
313-GIS, 316-GIS, 324-GIS, 328-GIS FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 34-55, Imagery Intelligence FM 34-81, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB)
Manage Geospatial Information and Services (GI&S) production. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Advanced Geodetic Survey Course at the Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA or the Hydrographic Survey Course at Naval Construction Battalion Training Center, Gulfport, MS. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
313-GIS, 314-GIS, 315-GIS, 316-GIS, 324-GIS, 328-GIS Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence
Plan Geospatial Information and Services (GI&S) production. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Advanced Geodetic Survey Course at the Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA or the Hydrographic Survey Course at Naval Construction Battalion Training Center, Gulfport, MS.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 CRP: 0.0024 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence 337-GIS
Develop Geographic Intelligence Systems (GIS) and communications requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence 338-GIS
Identify Geographic Intelligence Systems (GIS) and communication requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, Advanced Geodetic Survey Course at the Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA or the Hydrographic Survey Course at Naval Construction Battalion Training Center, Gulfport, MS. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 6
Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence 339-GIS G-15
Event code:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Compute datum transformations in an automated environment. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. DMA TR 8350.2, Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984, Its Definition and Relationships Geodetic Systems None.
Condition: Standard:
226-GIS, 228-GIS DMA TR 8350.2, Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984, Its Definition and Relationships Geodetic Systems
Compute a three point resection. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 5
Perform operator adjustments of survey equipment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Completion of the Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, Defense Mapping School, Fort Belvoir, VA. Sustainment Interval (months): None. 1
Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Event code: Task: 342-GIS
Identify Geospatial Information Services (GIS) training requirements. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence G-17
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX H SECTION TRAINING (400 LEVEL) Purpose: The purpose of the 400 level is to identify those tasks which are completed by the section. These tasks are directly tied to the core competencies listed for this MOS. None. None. H-1
Administrative Prerequisites:
Prepare an area analysis study. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare an Appendix 6 (Geographic Intelligence Operations) to Annex B of an operation plan. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a tactical study of weather and terrain. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: H-2 None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Task: Prepare a cover & concealment product overlay in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
5-33, Terrain Analysis 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) 34-81, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) 318, Cover From Flat Trajectory Weapons 412, Vegetation Analysis Procedural Guide
Prepare a Cross Country Movement (CCM) product overlay in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) ST 330, Procedural Guide for the Preparation of CCM Overlays 405-TER
Prepare a mobility corridor analysis in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment.
Condition: tandard:
None. H-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 CRP: 5.26 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 4
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) FM 34-81, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) 406-TER
Prepare a Combined Obstacles Overlay (COO) in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 3
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) FM 34-81, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) 407-TER
Prepare a Lines of Communication (LOC) study in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 1
5-33, Terrain Analysis 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification 215, Highways and Bridges 216, Railroads 460, PI Key for Roads 486, Road Classification from Map to TTADB Standards
Prepare a Zones of Entry (ZOE) study in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 4
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 100-27, USA/USAF Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations ST 311, Zones of Entry MIL-T-89304, Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Bases 409-TER
Prepare a flood prediction study in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 5
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis ST 025, Stream Hydrology FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) 410-SUR
Conduct a satellite survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. EM 1110-11-1003, None. H-5 Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying
Condition: Standard:
Concept of task:
Compute a conventional geodetic survey. Provided with the appropriate reference, materials, and equipment. TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 2
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): Event code: Task: None.
Prepare a Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) study in an automated or non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 5
FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) 413-GIS
Coordinate geospatial information collection plan for production sources. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Concept of task: Prerequisites: CRP: 5.26 None.
None. .5
Prepare a riverine study in an automated and non-automated environment. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 6
5-33, Terrain Analysis 025, Stream Hydrology 206, Water Crossings 498, River Crossing Site Analysis
Conduct an airfield survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 5
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): FM TM TM TM TM None. 5-232, 5-232, 5-235, 5-237, 5-441,
Topographic Surveying Elements of Surveying Special Surveys Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 Geodetic and Topographic Surveying H-7
Conduct a conventional geodetic survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying None. None. 2
Condition: Standard:
External Support Required: Events updated: Reference(s): FM TM TM TM TM None. 5-232, 5-232, 5-235, 5-237, 5-441,
Topographic Surveying Elements of Surveying Special Surveys Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 Geodetic and Topographic Surveying
Compute an airfield survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
None. 5
TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual , with Change 1 FAA 405(Current Year) Specifications, Airport Obstructions Chart and Related Products 418-SUR
Conduct a hydrographic survey. Provided with the appropriate references, materials, and equipment. Per the appropriate references. None.
Condition: Standard:
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 CRP: 5.26 Sustainment Interval (months): None. 7
EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying H-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX I SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS Course Title Location Designation Title _______________________________________________________________________ None. I-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX J ACADEMIC TRAINING Level Academic Title ____________________________________________________________________________ 200 Terrain Analysis Technician Refresher Course, (Army Correspondence Course 2.81) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 Global Positioning for the Surveyor Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA or Contract Training) English Composition, (CLEP, Dantes or Local College) Algebra 1-Mathematics, (CLEP, Dantes, Local College, or Naval Education and Training Correspondence Course, (NAVEDTRA)) Physical Geography, (CLEP, Dantes or Local College) Physical Geology, (CLEP, Dantes or Local College) Human/Cultural Geography, (CLEP, Dantes or Local College) Information Systems and Computers Applications, (CLEP, Dantes, Local College or Contract Training) Oceanography, (Dantes or Local College) Introduction to Combat Intelligence, (MCI 02.8) Infantry Squad Leader Land Navigation, (MCI 03.81) Remote Sensed Imagery/Geographic Information Systems Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA or Contract Training) UNIX System Administration, (Local College or Contract Training) Tactical Intelligence Familiarization Course, (Army Correspondence Course 2.148) Global Positioning System for the Surveyor, (DMS, NIMC, NIMA) ArcView/Reviewer/Arc QC Tools, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Topographic Survey Course, (Army Correspondence Course 2.95) Windows NT System Administration Course, (NMITC, Damneck, VA) Hydrographic Survey Course, (Naval Construction Battalion Training Center, Gulfport, MS) Percise Positioning Orientation Course, (DMS, NMIC, NIMA) Undergraduate Intelligence Program, (UGIP), ( Joint Military Intelligence College, Defense Intelligence Agency, Bollings AFB) J-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Level Academic Title ___________________________________________________________________________ 300 Trigonometry-Mathematics, (CLEP, Dantes, Local College, or Naval Education and Training Correspondence Course, (NAVEDTRA)) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Topographic Officers Management Course, (TOMC) (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Astronomy, (Dantes, Local College) Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Advance Terrain Analysis Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Advanced Remote Sensed Imagery/Geographic Information Systems, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA or Contract Training) Geographic Digital Data Users Course, (GEODDUC) (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Dew-Drop Training Course, (DMS, NMIC, NIMA) Geospatial Information and Services for the Joint Staff Officer (GI&S-JSC) Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) J-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX K CAREER PROFESSIONAL READING Level Reading _______________________________________________________________________ 200 Geographic Intelligence, (MCWP 2-12.1) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 200 200 300 200 200 300 200 Intelligence Operations, (MCWP 2-1) Terrain Analysis, (FM 5-33) Map Reading and Land Navigation, (FM 21-26) Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace, (MCRP 2-12A) Topographic Operations, (FM 5-105) Elements of Surveying, (FM 5-232) Geodetic and Topographic Surveying, (FM 5-441) Multi Spectral Users Guide, (MUG) Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Operations, (Joint Pub 2-0) Route Reconnaissance and Classification, (FM 5-36) Battlefield Weather Effects, (FM 34-81-1) MC&G Support to Exercises, (DMAI 8052.9) Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain, (FM 90-10) Imagery Intelligence, (MCWP 2-15.4) Crisis Support Procedures, (DMAI 8052.6) (NIMA Pub) K-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Level Reading __________________________________________________________________________ 300 USN Hydrographic Survey Requirements and Plans in Support of DoD Charting Requirements, (DMAI 8230.1) 200 200 Marine Expeditionary Unit (SOC) Handbook, (MCWP 3-13.4) NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, (EM 1110-11-1003) K-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX L EVENT CHAINING Event Events Updated ___________________________________________________________________________ 101-CAR None. 101-SUR 101-TER 102-CAR 102-SUR 102-TER 103-CAR 103-SUR 103-TER 104-CAR 104-SUR 104-TER 105-SUR 105-TER 106-CAR 106-SUR 106-TER 107-SUR 107-TER 108-SUR 108-TER 109-SUR 109-TER 110-SUR 110-TER 111-SUR 111-TER 112-SUR 112-TER None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. L-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Event Events Updated ________________________________________________________________________ 113-SUR None. 113-TER 114-SUR 114-TER 115-SUR 115-TER 116-SUR 116-TER 117-SUR 117-TER 118-SUR 118-TER 119-SUR 119-TER 120-SUR 120-TER 121-SUR 121-TER 122-SUR 122-TER 123-SUR 123-TER 124-CAR 125-SUR 125-TER 126-SUR 127-SUR 128-SUR 129-SUR 130-TER 131-SUR 131-TER L-2 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Event Events Updated ________________________________________________________________________ 132-SUR None. 132-TER 133-SUR 133-TER 134-SUR 34-TER 135-SUR 135-TER 136-GIS 136-SUR 137-SUR 137-TER 138-SUR 139-SUR 140-SUR 200-SUR 201-SUR 202-TER 203-GIS 204-GIS 205-GIS 206-GIS 207-GIS 208-GIS 209-SUR 210-TER 211-SUR 212-SUR 213-TER 214-TER 215-TER 216-TER None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. 226-GIS, 228-GIS None. 226-GIS, 228-GIS 226-GIS, 228-GIS 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS 204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS 204-GIS 204-GIS L-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Event Events Updated ________________________________________________________________________ 217-TER 204-GIS 218-TER 219-TER 220-TER 221-TER 222-TER 223-TER 224-SUR 225-GIS 226-GIS 227-SUR 228-GIS 229-SUR 230-SUR 231-SUR 232-GIS 233-GIS 234-TER 235-TER 236-TER 237-TER 300-SUR 301-TER 302-GIS 303-GIS 304-GIS 305-GIS 06-GIS 307-GIS 308-SUR 309-SUR 310-SUR L-4 204-GIS 204-GIS 204-GIS 204-GIS 204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS 204-GIS, 226-GIS, 228-GIS 231-SUR None. None. None. None. None. 226-GIS, 228-GIS 224-SUR None. None. 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 237-TER 226-GIS, 228-GIS 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 235-TER 234-TER, 226-GIS, 228-GIS 201-SUR 202-TER, 203-GIS, 204-GIS 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 205-GIS 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 205-GIS 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 205-GIS 203-GIS, 204-GIS, 205-GIS 207-GIS 208-GIS 226-GIS, 228-GIS 226-GIS, 228-GIS 226-GIS, 228-GIS
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Event Events Updated ___________________________________________________________________________ 311-TER 226-GIS, 228-GIS, 338-GIS 312-SUR 313-GIS 314-GIS 315-GIS 316-GIS 317-SUR 318-SUR 319-SUR 321-SUR 322-SUR 323-SUR 324-GIS 325-GIS 326-SUR 327-GIS 328-GIS 329-SUR 330-TER 331-SUR 332-SUR 333-TER 334-TER 335-GIS 336-GIS 337-GIS 338-GIS 339-GIS 340-SUR 341-SUR 342-GIS 400-TER L-5 226-GIS, 228-GIS 315-GIS, 316-GIS, 324-GIS None. None. None. 321-SUR, 328-GIS 322-SUR, 328-GIS 323-SUR, 328-GIS None. 300-SUR, 201-SUR None. None. None. 226-GIS, 329-SUR 325-GIS None. 331-SUR, 332-SUR 336-GIS, 338-GIS 204-GIS None. 313-GIS, 324-GIS, 316-GIS, 328-GIS 313-GIS, 316-GIS, 324-GIS, 328-GIS 313-GIS, 314-GIS, 315-GIS, 316-GIS, 324-GIS, 328-GIS 338-GIS None. None. 226-GIS, 228-GIS 226-GIS, 228-GIS None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 Event Events Updated __________________________________________________________________________ 401-GIS None. 402-TER 403-TER 404-TER 405-TER 406-TER 407-TER 408-TER 409-TER 410-SUR 411-SUR 412-TER 413-GIS 414-TER 415-SUR 416-SUR 417-SUR 418-SUR L-6 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None.
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX M BILLET REQUIRED FORMAL SCHOOLS Billet Formal School ___________________________________________________________________________ Topographic Platoon Chief Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Officers Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) MARFOR GI&S Chief MEF GI&S Chief Terrain Analysis Chief Terrain Analysis Team Leader Geodetic/Hydrographic Survey Chief Topographic Platoon Chief MARFOR GI&S Chief MEF GI&S Chief Geodetic/Hydrographic Survey Chief M-1 Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Officers Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Officers Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Advanced Terrain Analysis Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Advanced Geodetic Survey Course, (DMS, Fort Belvoir, VA) Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Staff Officers Course, (DMS, Ft Belvoir, VA) Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Staff Officers Course, (DMS, Ft Belvoir, VA) Mapping, Charting and Geodesy Staff Officers Course, (DMS, Ft Belvoir, VA) Hydrographic Survey Course, (NCBTC, Gulfport, MS)
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX N AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS DODIC Quanity Event code __________________________________________________________________________ None. N-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 APPENDIX O REFERENCE LIST _________________________________________________________________________ AR 380-5, Department of the Army Information Security Program Ashtech XII GPS Receiver Operating Manual Calculator Quick Reference Guide DMA Manual, Astronomic Azimuths Manual DMA Product Catalog DMA Product Catalog, Part 6 DMA Standard Form 344 DMA TM 80-005, Horizontal Control Surveys DMA TM 80-006, Azimuth Determinations DMA TM 81-004, Monumenting, Describing, and Recovery DMA TM 83-005, Manual for Theodolite Operations DMA TM 8358.1, Datums, Ellipsoids, Grids, and Grid Reference Systems DMA TM 8358.2, The Universal Grids: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) O-1
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 DMA TR 80-003, Geodesy for the Layman DMA TR 8350.2, Department of Defense World Goedetic System 1984, Its Definition and Relationships Geodetic Systems DMAHTC PS/3AA/101, Product Specifications for 1:50,000 Scale Topographic Maps of the U.S. and Foreign Areas DMAHTC, Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms DMS Regulation 8910.1, Operations Policy and Procedures DMS Student Information Handbook DoD 5200, Security Series DoD Flight Information Publication (Enroute), IFR-Supplement, United States DoD Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms EM 1110-11-1003, Navstar Global Positioning System Surveying EM 1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Surveying Standards for Hydrographic Surveys Engineer Intelligence Guide ETL-0254, TA Procedural Guide for Soils ETL-0263, TA Procedural Guide for Lines of Communication O-2
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 ETL-0285, TA Procedural Guide for Drainage FAA 405(Current Year) Specifications, Airport Obstructions Chart and Related Products FAISS Users Manual V2.1B Final FB FM 348, Trafficability Test Data FM 1-230, Meteorology for Army Aviators FM 100-2-1, The Soviet Army Operations and Tactics FM 100-2-2, The Soviet Army (Specialized Warfare and Rear Area Support) FM 100-2-3, The Soviet Army (Troops, Organization, and Equipment) FM 100-26, Air Ground Operations FM 100-27, USA/USAF Doctrine for Joint Airborne and Tactical Airlift Operations FM 100-5, Operations FM 101-10-1, Staff Officers Field Manual FM 101-27, Staff Organization and Operations FM 101-5-1, Operational Terms and Symbols FM 21-26, Map Reading and Land Navigation O-3
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 FM 21-31, Topographic Symbols FM 21-32, Topographic Support FM 30-10, Military Geographic Intelligence (Terrain) FM 30-5, Combat Intelligence FM 31-11, Doctrine for Amphibious Operations FM 31-24, Special Forces Operations FM 31-71, Northern Operations FM 34-1, IEW Operations FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis FM 34-55, Imagery Intelligence FM 34-81, Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) FM 44-1, U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Deployment FM 5-100, Engineer Combat Operations FM 5-101, Mobility FM 5-102, Countermobility FM 5-104, General Engineering O-4
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 FM 5-105, Topographic Operations FM 5-232, Topographic Surveying FM 5-33, Terrain Analysis FM 5-34, Engineer Field Data FM 5-36, Route Reconnaissance and Classification FM 5-541, Military Soils Engineering FM 55-15, Transportation Reference Data FM 57-35, Airmobile Operations FM 57-38, Pathfinder Operations FM 6-2, Field Artillery Survey FM 6-300, Army Ephemeris 1983-1987 and 1988-1992 FM 71-100, Armored and Mechanized Division Operations FM 71-101, Infantry, Airborne, and AA Division Operations FM 90-10, Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) FM 90-10-1, An Infantry Mans Guide to Urban Combat FM 90-11, Winter Operations O-5
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 FM 90-13, River Crossing Operations FM 90-14, Rear Battle FM 90-2, Tactical Deception FM 90-3, Desert Operations FM 90-4, Air Assault Operations FM 90-5, Jungle Operations FM 90-6, Mountain Operations FM 90-7, Obstacles FM 90-8, Counter Guerrilla Operations Guidelines for the Military Briefer Manufacturers Technical Instructions and Publications MCDP 2, Intelligence MCWP 2-1, Intelligence Operations MCWP 2-12.1, Geographic Intelligence MIL-D-89000, Digitized Terrain Elevation Data (DTED), Level I MIL-I-89014, Interim Terrain Data (ITD)/Planning Terrain Data (PITD) O-6
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 MIL-P-89305, Planning Terrain Analysis Data Bases MIL-T-89304, Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Bases NOS NGS3, Geodetic Leveling PI 100A, Introduction to Arithmetic and Whole Numbers PI 100B, Common Fractions PI 100C, Decimals PI 100D, Unit Conversion PI 100E, Ratios and Proportions PI 100F, Percentage PI 100G, Powers and Roots PI 112, Algebra Review PI 117, Measurement of Time PI 119, Determination of Intervisibility PI 121, Review of Common Skills of Map Reading PI 123, Astronomic Coordinate Theory PI 126, Logical Contouring O-7
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 PI 216, Map Marginal Information PI 219, The Classification of Military Maps PI 222, Metric System and Scale PI 407, Construction and Use of the Point Designation Grid (PDG) PI 501, Rock Identification PI 503, Basic Soil Properties PI 504, Unified Soils Classification System Product Specifications for the PTADB, 1:250,000, PS/3JB/020 Product Specifications for the TTADB, 1:50,000, PS/3JB/010 Rock Properties and Identification Card Roughness Characteristics of Natural Drainage, USGS Water Supply Paper Soils Identification Card ST 003, Comprehensive Review of Mathematics ST 005, Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques ST 008, US&G Commands Terrain Analysis Nonstandard Product Listing O-8
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 ST 009, Military Geographic Intelligence ST 025, Stream Hydrology ST 030, Basic Meteorology ST 031, Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks, Federal Geodetic Control Committee ST 045, UTM Grid Tables, Clarke, 1866 (Volume I and II) ST 056, Image Interpretation Handbook ST 058, MSImagery Version 1.0 Users Manual ST 101, Effective Briefing Techniques ST 200, Basic Aerial Photograph Measurements ST 201, Terrain Intelligence and MC&G Products ST 202, The Geoid ST 203, Basic Geodesy ST 204, Drainage ST 205, MC&G Production Management ST 206, Water Crossings O-9
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 ST 207, Stereophotogrammetric Principles ST 209, Airfield Facilities ST 215, Highways and Bridges ST 216, Railroads ST 217, Inland Waterway Facilities ST 220, Analysis of Natural Features ST 221, Map Montaging ST 222, Soil Trafficability ST 311, Zones of Entry ST 318, Cover From Flat Trajectory Weapons ST 319, Angle of Repose ST 321, Formulas for Terrain Analysis ST 323, Geographic and Grid Coordinates ST 330, Procedural Guide for the Preparation of CCM Overlays ST 332, Combined Obstacles Criteria (Tanks) ST 334, Soils Identification O-10
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 ST 338, Hypsography ST 373, Plotting Geodetic Control ST 377, Plotting the Four Corners of a Map ST 378, Plotting Projection Graticules ST 384, UTM Grid Construction ST 404, Photointerpretation (PI) Keys for Urban Analysis ST 405, Meteorological Codes ST 412, Vegetation Analysis Procedural Guide ST 416, Trafficability Test Algorithm ST 460, PI Key for Roads ST 461, Air Photo Characteristics of Road Surface Materials ST 467, Soil Data Table ST 469, EETI Collection Checklist (Urban Area) ST 482, EETI Collection Checklist (Vegetation) ST 486, Road Classification from Map to TTADB Standards ST 494, Glossary of Geology Terms O-11
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 ST 496, Summary of Projections ST 498, River Crossing Site Analysis ST 526, Major Terrain Factors That Influence Movement ST 527, Power/Water Facility Clue Sheet ST 533, Clouds and Precipitation Diagrams ST 542, Fabrication Industries ST 543, Chemical Industries PI Keys ST 547, Analysis of the Area of Operations (Extracted References) ST 549, Nonferrous Industries ST 553, Petroleum Industries ST 555, Coke, Iron, and Steel Industries ST 556, Industrial Handouts ST 559, Glossary of Computer Terms ST 560, DOS Introduction ST 561, DOS Commands ST 562, Hardware Introduction O-12
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 ST 572, Scientific Notation ST 603, Comprehensive Review of Math ST 605, Introduction to Survey Mathematics and Programmable Calculator ST 630, Nonstandard Fixed Bridges ST 647, Analysis of the Area of Operations ST 648, AAO-Workbook Solution ST 781, Formulas for Stream Hydrology ST 784, Construction Facilities ST 785, Concealment from Aerial Detection - Summer or Wet Season ST 785A, Concealment from Aerial Detection - Winter or Dry Season ST 900, Engineering Geology - Structural Geology STP 5-81C1-SM, Cartographic Soldiers Manual TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) TM 5-232, Elements of Surveying TM 5-235, Special Surveys TM 5-237, Surveying Computers Manual, with Change 1 O-13
INTEL T&R MANUAL CHAPTER 13 TM 5-240, Compilation and Color Separation of Topographic Maps TM 5-241-4/2, Transformation of Coordinates from Grid to Geographic, UTM Grid Tables, Clarke 1866 TM 5-241-8, Universal Transverse Mercator Grid TM 5-243, Cartographic Aerial Photography TM 5-330, Planning and Design of Roads, Airbases, and Heliports in the Theater of Operations TM 5-441, Geodetic and Topographic Surveying TM 5-442, Precise Astronomic Surveys TM 5-545, Geology TM 5-6675-304-14, Infrared Electronic Survey Instrument Distance Measuring Equipment USAES, Abnormal Strength Profile USAES, Engineering Geology USAES, River Crossing, Main Points Guideline USAES, Soils Trafficability Important Terms USAES, Trafficability Test O-14