Mahmaya Techanical University, Noida (U. P) : M. Tech (Regular Programme)
Mahmaya Techanical University, Noida (U. P) : M. Tech (Regular Programme)
Mahmaya Techanical University, Noida (U. P) : M. Tech (Regular Programme)
SE ME STE RI 1 2 3 4 5 6 MME-1?? MME- 1?? MME-1?? MME-1?? MME-1?? Advance Engineering Mathematics Finite Element Method Advance Mechanical Engineering Design Simulation Modeling & Analysis Elective-I Field Work/Ind. Visit/. Minor Proj. Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEMESTER II MME-2?? Computer Aided Manufacturing MME-2?? Computational Fluid Dynamics MME-2?? Advanced Materials and Processing techniques MME-2?? Elective-II MME-2?? MME-2?? Research Methodology Seminar Field Work/Ind. Visit/. Minor Proj. Total 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 5 3 4 4 3 2 0 0 1 6 4 3 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 4 7 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 5 0 0 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 20 20 0 0 0 50 50 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 20 0 20 0 50 50 70 50 70 50 50 340 70 70 50 50 25 50 50 365 3 0 3 0 0 20 20 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 150 100 150 100 100 0 600 100 100 150 150 75 0 0 575 150 150 0 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 30 0 30 0 0 60 1000 200 200 200 200 100 50 50 1000 200 200 100 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 20 4 4 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 10 0 0 1 0 0 2 200 200 200 200 150 50 4 4 4 4 3 1 20
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Semester III MME-3?? Product Life Cycle Management MME-3?? Elective-III MME-3?? Seminar Course Design
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Note: Research Methodology and Seminar Course Design are common to all branches
Elective-II MME-2?? MME-2?? MME-2?? MME-2?? MME-2?? MME-3?? MME-3?? MME-3?? MME-3?? MME-3?? MME-3?? MME-3??
DEALED SYLLABUS M.Tech. Semester I Compulsory Subjects -All specializations (Regular) Semester I
Unit-4: Isoparametric element-quadrilateral element, Shape functions-Numerical Integration-sub parmetric and superparametric elements, 3-D problems-Tetrahedron element-jacobian matrix-Stiffness matrix. Unit-5: Dynamic considerations, Dynamic equations-consistent mass matrix-Eigen Values, Eigen Vector, natural frequencies-mode shapes-modal analysis. Application of FEM to Heat conduction problems. Text Books: 1. Introduction to finite element engineering-Tirupati K. Chandrupatla and Ashok D. Belagundu. 2. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis-Robert Cook 3. The finite element methods in Engineering-SS Rao-Pergamon,New York 4. An introduction to finite Element Methods-J.N. Reddy-Mc Graw Hill 5. The Finite element method in engineering science-O.C. Zienkowitz, Mc Graw Hill 6. Finite Element Procedures in Engineering analysis-KJ Bathe Semester I ADVANCE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN L T P 3 1 0 System Design approach for mechanical engineering, Constraints and creativity, Selection of Material & process in mechanical design, concurrent Mechanical Engineering design and its implementation, Design Methodologies of Total Design, Design for quality and manufacture, design for assembly, Recent advances in content and approaches of mechanical engineering design and new design strategies like design for Manufacturing . Review of static strength failure analysis, theories of failure including Von-Mises theory based strength on load carrying capacities of members, effect of small inelastic strains and residual stresses on load carrying capacity, theory of limit design. High cycle and low cycle fatigue, cumulative damage theories, acoustical and thermal fatigue, corrosion and fretting fatigue, pitting of gears, fatigue strength of joints, components and structures, exercise of fatigue design of shafting and gears, Exercises of surface fatigue design of rolling contact bearings. Creep behavior, an elastic and plastic creep, rupture theory, analysis of tensile creep data, creep in high temperature low cycle fatigue, creep analysis of thick walled cylinders and rotating discs. Designing against fracture, theories of brittle fracture, Yield Criteria for ductile isotropic materials under multi axial state of stress, fundamental aspects of crack growth and fractures, fatigue crack propagation fracture toughness data, stress corrosion cracking. Reference : 1. Fatigue design Procedures by Gasner & Shulz, Pergoman Press. 2. Fracture An AdvanceTreatise by H.Liebawitz, Academic Press, Vol 1-6. 3. Fatigue of Metals by P.G. forest, Pergoman Press. 4. Mechanical Engineering Design by Toseph E. Suigley, McGraw Hill. Semester I
L T P 3 1 2
Introduction: A review of basic probability and statistics, random variables and their properties, Estimation of means variances and correlation. Physical Modeling: Concept of System and environment, Continuous and discrete systems, Linear and nonlinear systems, Stochastic activities, Static and Dynamic models, Principles of modeling, Basic Simulation modeling, Role of simulation in model evaluation and studies, advantages of simulation System Simulation: Techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Experimental nature of simulation, Numerical computation techniques, Continuous system models, Analog and Hybrid simulation, Feedback systems, Computers in simulation studies, Simulation software packages. System Dynamics: Growth and Decay models, Logistic curves, System dynamics diagrams. Probability Concepts in Simulation: Stochastic variables, discrete and continuous probability functions, Random numbers, Generation of Random numbers, Variance reduction techniques, Determination of length of simulation runs. Simulation of Mechanical Systems: Building of Simulation models, Simulation of translational and rotational mechanical systems, Simulation of hydraulic systems. Simulation of Manufacturing Systems: Simulation of waiting line systems, Job shop with material handling and Flexible manufacturing systems, Simulation software for manufacturing, Case studies. Books: 1. System Simulation Geoffrey Gordon Prentice Hall 2. System Simulation: The Art and Science Robert E. Shannon Prentice Hall 3. System Modelling and Control J. Schwarzenbach and K.F. Gill Edward Arnold 4. Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems Charles M Close and Dean K. Frederick Houghton Mifflin 5. Simulation of manufacturing Allan Carrie John Wiley & Sons
SYLLABUS M.Tech. Semester II COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING L T P 3 1 2 Semester II Unit 1 Introduction to CNC Machine Tools: Development of CNC Technology-Principles and classification of CNC machines, Advantages & economic benefits, Types of control, CNC controllers, Characteristics, Interpolators, Applications, DNC concept. Tooling for CNC Machines: Cutting tool materials, Carbide inserts classification; Qualified, semi-qualified and preset tooling, Cooling fed tooling system, Quick change tooling system, Tooling system for machining centre and turning center, tool holders, Tool assemblies, Tool magazines, ATC mechanisms, Tool management. Unit 2 CNC Part Programming: Co-ordinate System, Fundamentals of APT programming, Manual part programming-structure of part programme, G & M Codes, developing simple part programmes, Parametric
programming, CAM packages for CNC machines, Unigraphics, Pro Engineer, CATIA, ESPIRIT, MasterCAM etc., and use of standard controllers- FANUC, Heidenhain and Sinumeric control system. Unit 3 Robotics and Material Handling Systems: Introduction to robotic technology, and applications, Robot anatomy, material handling function, Types of material handling equipment, Conveyer systems, Automated guided vehicle systems, Automated storage/retrieval systems, Work-in-process storage, Interfacing handling and storage with manufacturing. Unit 4 Group Technology and Flexible Manufacturing System: group Technology-part families, Parts classification and coding, Production flow analysis, Machine Cell Design, Benefits of Group Technology, Flexible manufacturing systems- Introduction, FMS workstations, Computer control system, Planning for FMS, Applications and benefits. Unit 5 Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Introduction, Evaluation of CIM, CIM hardware and software, Requirements of computer to be used in CIM system, Database requirements, Concurrent engineeringPrinciples, design and development environment, advance modeling techniques. Books: Automation, Production systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing M.P. Groover Prentice Hall of India Computer Aided Manufacturing T.C. Chang, Richard A. Wysk, Pearson CAD/CAM/CIMp Radhkrishnan, S. Subramanyan, New age International publications, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Paul Ranky Prentice Hall of India CAD/CAM Theory and practice , Ibrahim Zeid, McGraw Hill Computer Numerical Control Machines P. Radahkrishnan New Central Book Agency CNC Machines M.S. Sehrawat and J.S. Narang Dhanpat Rai and Co. CNC Programming Handbook Smid Peter Industrial Press Inc.
Treatment of compressible flows: potential equation, Eluer equations, Navier-stokes system of equations, flow-field-dependent variation methods, boundary conditions, example problems. Finite volume method: Finite volume method via finite difference method, formulations for two and threedimensional problems. UNIT IV Standard variational methods: Linear fluid flow problems, steady state problems, Transient problems. TEXT BOOK: 1. Computational fluid dynamics, T. J.Chung, Cambridge University press,2002. REFERENCE: 1. Text book of fluid dynamics, Frank Chorlton, CBS Publishers & distributors, 1985
Product Design : Design by Evolution and Innovation, Essential factors of product design, Production consumption cycle, Flow and value addition in Production consumption cycle, The Morphology of Design, Primary design phases and flowcharting, Role of Allowances, process capability and tolerances in detailed design and assembly. Modern approaches to product Design: Concurrent Design, Quality Function Deployment, reverse engineering Product Life Management : PLM Concepts, Characteristics of PLM, PLM Lifecycle model, Threads of PLM, Need for PLM, Opportunities and benefits of PLM, Components and Phases of PLM Product Data Management (PDM) Process and Workflow, PDM systems and importance, reason for implementing a PDM system, financial justification of PDM implementation. Versioning, check-in and checkout, views, Metadata, Lifecycle, and workflow. Applied problems and solution on PDM processes and workflow. Collaborative Product Development: Engineering vaulting, product reuse, smart parts, engineering change management, Bill of materials and process consistency, Digital mock-up and prototype development, design for environment, virtual testing and validation, marketing collateral. Tools of Communication for collaborative work: best practices, parameterization of design. Cost analysis: Economics of a new product design (Samuel Eilon Model) , Direct cost, environmental costs, energy and ecological costs,
Reference Books:
1. and Development by Kail T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger 2. Product Design and Development by AK Chitale and Gupta 3. Design of Systems and Devices by Middendorf Marcel Dekker
Product Design
4. Product Lifecycle Management by Grieves, Michael. McGraw-Hill, 2006. 5. Product Data Management, Resource by Burden, Rodger PDM: Pub, 2003 6. Product Lifecycle Management by Saaksvuori, Antti & Immonen, Anselmi. Springer 7. Product Lifecycle Management: Paradigm for 21st Century Product Realization by Stark, John. Springer-Verlag, 2004 8. Configuration Management by Tichey, W.F. John Wiley & Sons, 1994
OPTIMIZATION FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN Introduction: Historical Developments, Engineering applications of Optimization. Classical Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Review of single and multivariable optimization methods with and without constraints, Non-linear one-dimensional minimization problems, Examples. Constrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Direct methods - Cutting plane method and Method of Feasible directions, Indirect methods - Convex programming problems, Exterior penalty function method, Examples and problems. Unconstrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Direct search method - Random, Univariate and Pattern search methods, Rosenbrocks method of rotating co-ordinates, Descent methods - Steepest Decent methods-Quasi-Newtons and Variable metric method, Examples. Geometric Programming: Introduction, Unconstrained minimization problems, solution of unconstrained problem from arithmetic-geometric inequality point of view, Constrained minimization problems, Generalized polynomial optimization, Applications of geometric problems, Introduction to stochastic optimization. Novel methods for Optimization: Introduction to simulated annealing, selection of simulated annealing parameters, simulated annealing algorithm; Genetic Algorithm (GA), Design of GA, Key concepts of GA, Neural Networks, A frame work for Neural Network models, Construction of Neural Network algorithm, Examples of simulated algorithm, genetic annealing and Neural Network method. Books: 1. Engineering Optimization S. S. Rao New Age International 2. Applied Optimal Design E. J. Haug and J.S. Arora Wiley, New York 3. Optimization for Engineering Design Kalyanmoy Deb Prentice Hall of India 4. Optimization G.V. Reklaites, A. Ravindran and K.M. Rogsdeth Wiley, New York
Metal Cutting Theory and Practices by A. Bhattacharya, New Central book agency Advance Machining Processes by V.K. Jain, New Age Publications Modern Machining Processes by P.C. Pandey New Age Materials and Processes in Manufacturing by E.P. DeGarmo , Prentice Hall Manufacturing Processes by Kalpak Jain Tata McGraw-Hill International Advanced materials Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes by G.F. Benedict, Marcel Dekker
Elective 1
L T P 3 0 0
Elective 1
Introduction: Automation in Production System, Principles and Strategies of Automation, Basic Elements of an Automated System, Advanced Automation Functions, Levels of Automations. Material handling and Identification Technologies: Overview of Material Handling Systems, Principles and Design Consideration, Industrial Trucks, Automated Guided Vehicles, Conveyor Systems, Storage Systems Performance, Automated Storage Systems Carousel Storage Systems. Automatic Data Capture: Overview of Automatic Identification Methods, Barcode Technologies, and other ADC Technologies Automated Manufacturing Systems: Components, Classification and Overview of Manufacturing Systems, GT and Cellular Manufacturing Part Families, Parts Classification and Coding, Production Flow Analysis, Cellular Manufacturing, Application Consideration in GT, FMS FMS Components, FMS Application and Benefits FMS Planning and Implementation issues.
Inspection Technologies for Automation: Inspection Metrology, Contact vs. Non contact inspection Technologies, Coordinate Measuring Machines Technologies, Machine Vision, Optical Inspection Techniques and Non-contact Non-optical Inspection Technologies. Control Technologies in Automation: Industrial Control Systems, Process Industries Verses DiscreteManufacturing Industries, Continuous Verses Discrete Control, Computer Process Control and its Forms. Computer Based Industrial Control: Introduction & Automatic Process Control, Building Blocks of Automation Systems: LAN, Analog & Digital I/O Modules, SCADA Systems & RTU. Distributed Control System: Functional Requirements, Configurations & some popular Distributed Control Systems, Display Systems in Process Control Environment, Modeling and Simulation for Plant Automation: Introduction, need for system Modeling, Building Mathematical Model of a Plant, Modern Tools & Future Perspective, Industrial Control Applications: Cement, Thermal, Water Treatment & Steel Plants. Text Books: 1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing- M.P.Groover, Pearson Education. 2. Computer Based Industrial Control-Krishna Kant, EEE-PHI Reference Books: 1. An Introduction to Automated Process Planning Systems- Tiess Chiu Chang & Richard A. Wysk 2. Anatomy of Automation- Amber G.H & P. S. Amber, Prentice Hall. 3. Principles of CIM by Vajpayee, PHI. 4. Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Systems- Viswanandham,
Equilibrium of Thermodynamic System: Real substances & their properties. Triple point. Critical point. Temperature-Entropy, EnthalpyEntropy charts. Equations of states for real gases Vanderwaal's equation of state. Clayperon equations. Gibbs phase rule. Law of corresponding states. Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics in thermo chemistry. Heat effects of reaction. Hess's law. Kirchhoff's law. Chemical equilibrium. Bond energy Books: 1. Engineering Thermodynamics - Wan Wylen 2. Engineering Thermodynamics - G. Rogers & Y. Mayhow 3. Engineering Thermodynamics - Obert 4. Engineering Thermodynamics - Estop 5. Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition - Richard C. Dorf 6. Handbook of Applied Thermodynamics - David Palmer, CRC Press
Elective 1
Introduction: Definition and Introduction to Mechatronic Systems, Measurement Systems, Control Systems, Microprocessors Based Controllers and Applications. Study of Actuation Systems: Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems, Mechanical Actuation System, Electrical Actuation Systems. Modeling for mechatronics system design : Introduction, System, Mechanical System, Electrical System, Fluid system, Thermal System, Engineering system, Translational mechanical system with spring, damper and mass, Rotational mechanical system with spring, damper and mass , Modeling of electric motor, Chamber filled with fluid, Pneumatic actuator. MEMS and Microsystems: Introduction Overview of MEMS and Microsystems. Working Principles of Microsystems Micro sensors, Micro actuation , MEMS With Micro actuators.
Materials for MEMS and Microsystems: Substrate and wafers, Active substrate material, Silicon, Silicon compound, Silicon Pezoresisters, Gallium Arsenide, Quartz, Piezoelectric crystals, Polymers. Micro System Fabrication Process: Photolithography, Ion Implantation, Diffusion, Oxidation, CVD, PVD, Epitaxy, Etching. Overview of Micro Manufacturing: Bulk Micro Manufacturing, Surface, Micromachining, The LIGA Process. Fault Finding : FaultDetection Techniques, Watch Dog Timer, Parity and Error Coding Checks, Common Hardware Faults, Microprocessor Systems, Emulation and Simulation, PLC Systems.
Text Books: 1. Mechatronics - W. Bolton, Pearson Edition 2. MEMS and Microsystems design and manufacture. HSU, TMH
Reference Books: 1. Mechatronics System Design - Shetty and Kolk, Thomson. 2. Mechatronics - Mahalik, TMH. 3. Mechatronics - HMT, TMH. 4. Understanding Electro-Mechanical Engineering: An Introduction to Mechatronics - Kamm, PHI.
Reasons for failure of cutting tools, Forms of wear, Chatter in machining, Chatters types, Mechanism of chatter based on force vs Speed graph, Mechanism of grinding, Various parameters affecting grinding process, Machinability data systems. Sheet Metal Forming & Special Forming Processes: Review of conventional processes, HERF techniques, Super plastic forming techniques, Principles and Process parameters, Advantages, applications and limitations of HERF techniques, Orbital forging, Isothermal forging, Hot and cold iso-static pressing, High speed extrusion, Rubber pad forming, Water hammer forming, Fine blanking. Unconventional and special Welding Processes and Automation: Friction welding, Explosive welding, Diffusion bonding, High frequency induction welding, Ultrasonic welding, Electron beam welding, Laser beam welding, Automation in welding, Welding robots, Overview of automation of welding in aerospace, Nuclear, Surface transport vehicles and under water welding. Special Casting Processes & Recent Advances in Casting: Shell moulding, precision investment casting, CO2 moulding, Centrifugal casting, Die and continuous casting, Low pressure die casting, Squeeze casting, Full mould casting process, Layout of mechanized foundry, sand reclamation, Material handling in foundry, Pollution control in foundry, recent trends in casting, Computer aided design of casting. Books: 1. Metal Cutting Principles M.C. Shaw Oxford Clarendon Press 2. Metal Cutting Theory and Practice Bhattacharya New Central Book Agency 3. Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools B.L. Juneja and G.S. Sekhon New Age International 4. Principles of Metal Cutting G. Kuppuswamy Universities Press 5. Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools D.G. Boothroy and W.A. Knight Marcel Dekker, NY 6. Fundamentals of Metal Casting H. Loper and Rosenthal Tata McGraw Hill 7. Metal forming-Fundamentals and Applications T Altan, Soo-Ik-Oh and H.L. Gegel American Society of Metals, Metal Park, 1983
Elective 1
L T P 3 0 0
Quality assurance & Total Quality control, Basic statistical concepts, Control of accuracy and precision, Shewhart control charts for process control, X bar, Range, p, np, c, and u charts, CUSUM chart, Subgroup selection, Process capability, Process diagnosis using runs, cause effect and Pareto diagrams, Acceptance sampling plans, IS 25OO, MIL-STD-105E, Continuous sampling plans, Sequential sampling, Effect of inspection, Errors on QA, ISO 9000 / QS 9000, FEMA reliability, Review of design of experiments, Quality Engineering System, Parameters and tolerance design, Process optimization and robust product design, using orthogonal arrays, Taguchi loss function, Manufacturing tolerance design, Software applications and case studies, Books: 1. Quality Assurance And The Law Reeves Richard Butterwort 2. Quality Assurance For Biopharmaceuticals Huxsoll Jean F Wiley-International 3. Quality Control and Applications B.L. Hansen & P.M. Ghare Prentice Hall of India 4. Software Engineering and Quality Assurance K Chandrashekar Shet BPB Publications 5. Design Of Experiments for Process Improvement and Quality Assurance R F Brewer Narosa Publishing House
3 1 0
Introduction: Characterization of engineering vibration problems, Review of single degree freedom systems with free, damped and forced vibrations Two-degree of Freedom Systems: Principal modes of vibration, Spring coupled and mass coupled systems, Forced vibration of an undamped close coupled and far coupled systems, Undamped vibration absorbers, Forced damped vibrations, Vibration isolation.\ Multi-degree Freedom systems: Eigen-value problem, Close coupled and far coupled systems, Orthogonality of mode shapes, Modal analysis for free, damped and forced vibration systems, Approximate methods for fundamental frequencyRayleighs, Dunkerely, Stodola and Holzer method, Method of matrix iteration, Finite element method for close coupled and far coupled systems. Continuous systems: Forced vibration of systems governed by wave equation, Free and forced vibrations of beams/ bars Transient Vibrations: Response to an impulsive, step and pulse input, Shock spectrum Non-linear Vibrations: Non-linear systems, Undamped and forced vibration with non-linear spring forces, Self-excited vibrations. Books: 1. Theory and practice of Mechanical Vibrations J.S. Rao and K. Gupta New Age International 2. Mechanical Vibrations G.K. Groover Nem Chand & Brothers 3. Mechanical Vibration Practice V. Ramamurti Narosa Publications 4. Mechanical Vibrations V.P. Singh Dhanpat Rai & sons 5. Textbook of Mechanical Vibrations R.V. Dukkipati & J. Srinivas Prentice Hall of India
FMS design problems: Part assignment, Machine selection, Storage system selection, Selection of pallets and fixtures, Selection of computer hardware and software, designing for layout integration of machine storage, Material handling System and computer system, Communication networks. FMS planning problems: Strategic planning, Part type selection, Machine grouping, production ratio and resource allocation, Machine loading problems. Operational & Control problems: Part scheduling, Machines robots & AGVS, Process monitoring & control.FMS Implementation: Objectives, acceptance testing, Performance goals and expectation maintenance concerns. Books: 1. Automation, Production System & Computer Integrated Manufacturing Groover Englewood 2. Design and Operation of SMS Rankey IFS 3. Flexible Manufacturing System Wernecks Spring-Verlag 4. FMS in Practice Bonctto Northox Ford 5. Flexible Manufacturing Cells and systems W.W. Luggen Prentice Hall India 6. Performance Modelling of Automated Manufacturing Systems Vishwanathan & Narahari Prentice Hall India
Elective II
Elective II
LTP 30 0
Introduction: Computer Automation, Elements of Automation, and Types of Automation, Importance of Computers in Automation, Computer Networks and Topology Types. Computer Graphics, VDU Basics, Components, Display Adapters, Video Display Modes.
Object Oriented Programming Introduction: Necessity of Object Oriented Programming, Procedural Language and Object Oriented Approach, Characteristics of Object Oriented Languages.
OOPs Concepts: Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Overloading, Virtual Functions, and Polymorphism OOPs features for Automation: Templates and Exceptions, C ++ Input and output concepts, OOPS for Automation. Introduction to JAVA, Features of JAVA, OOPS through JAVA.
Database Management System Introduction: Comparison of File System, Database Management System, Characteristic Features of Database Management Systems.
Database Design: Relational Databases, Logical Database Design, Data Base Models, DBMS Languages and Interfaces. Data Base Security and Authorization. Data Ware House.
Operating Systems and Protocols: Basic Concepts of Batch Systems, Multi Programming, Time-Sharing, Distributed and Real Time Systems.
Operating System Structures: Operating System Components and Services & brief discussion about protocols-FTP, TCP/IP & HTTP.
2. Fundamentals of DBMS - Ramez Elmasri and Navathe, Addison Wesley. 3. Operating System Concepts - Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, Sixth edition, John Wiley.
Reference Books: 1. Computer Graphics, C version - Donald Hearn, M.Pauline Baker, Second Edition, Low Price Edition, Pearson Education. 2. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - E. Balaguruswamy, TMH. 3. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Robert Lafore, PHI 4. Operating Systems-A concept based approach,D M Dhamdhere, TMH 5. Internet Working with TCP/IP - Douglas, PHI 6. Database Systems-Design, Implementation & Management - Rob & Coronel, Thomson, 5th Edition 7. Introduction to DBMS - Date C.J, Addison Wesley Elective II MATHEMATICAL APPROACH TO ROBOTIC MANIPULATIONS LT P 3 1 0 Introduction: Brief History, Multi-fingered Hands and Dexterous Manipulation. Rigid Body Motion: Rigid Body Transformations, Rotational Motion in R3, Rigid Motion in R3, and Velocity of a Rigid Body, Wrenches and Reciprocal Screws.
Manipulator Kinematics: Introduction, Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, the Manipulator Jacobian, Redundant and Parallel Manipulators.
Robot Dynamics and Control: Introduction, Lagranges Equations, and Dynamics of Open-Chain Manipulators, Lyapunov Stability Theory, Position Control and Trajectory Tracking, Control of Constrained Manipulators.
Multifingured Hand Kinematics: Introduction to Grasping, Force-Closure, Grasp Planning, Grasp Constraints and Rolling Contact Kinematics.
Hand Dynamics and Control: Lagranges Equations with Constraints, Robot Hand Dynamics, Redundant and Nonmanipulable Robot Systems, Kinematics and Statics of Tendon Actuation, Control of Robot Hands.
Nonholonomic Behavior in Robotic Systems: Introduction, Controllabity and Frobenius Theorem, Examples of Nonholonomic Systems, Structure of Nonholonomic Systems. Nonholonomic Motion Planning: Introduction, Steering Model Control Systems using Sinusoids, General Methods for Steering, Dynamic Finger Repositioning. Future Prospects Robots in Hazardous Environments, Medical Applications for Multifingered Hands, Robots on a Small Scale: Microrobotics.
Text Books:
1. Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulations - Richard M. Murray, Zexiang Li, S. Shankar Sastry, A, CRC Press.Inc. 1994. 2. Dynamics and Control of Robot Manipulators - M. W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar., John Wiley 1989.
Reference Books:
1. Robot Analysis and Control - H. Asada and J.J.Slotine, Springer-Verlag, 1998 2. Analysis of Mechanism and Robot Manipulators - J. Duffy, , Edward Arnold Ltd., London, 1980 3. Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis - A.G. Erdman and G.N. Sandor, Prentice-Hall, 1984 4. Fundamentals for Control of Robotic Manipulators - A.J. Koivo, Wiley, 1989 5. Advanced Robotics: Redundancy and Optimization - Y. Nakamura, Addison-Wesley, 1991 6. Robot Manipulators: Mathematics, Programming and Control -R.P Paul, MIT, Press, 1981 7. Nonlinear Systems Analysis - M. Vidyasagar, Prentice-Hall, Second edition, 1993 8. Foundations of Robotics: Analysis and Control - T. Yoshikawa, MIT Press, 1990 9. Robotics, control vision and intelligence - Fu, Lee and Gonzalez, McGraw-Hill International
Elective III
METAL CASTING LTP 300 Introduction: Features of Casting problems, Survey and Scope of Foundry Industry, Solidification of pure metals, Nucleation and growth in alloys, Solidification of actual casting, Progressive and directional solidification, Centreline feeding resistance, Rate of solidification, Chvorinovs rule, Electrical analog of solidification problems. Gating and Risering Systems: Gating systems and their characteristics, Effects of gates on aspiration, Turbulence and dross trap, recent trends, Riser design, Risering curves, NRL method of riser design, Feeding distance, Risering of complex casting, Risering of alloys other than steel, Riser design by geometrical programming. Moulding and Core Making: Review and critical comparison of various established processes, recent developments e.g. low pressure and ferrous die casting, High pressure moulding, Full mould process, Flaskless moulding, Hot and cold box moulding, Ceramic shell moulding, V-process, Continuous casting, Squeeze and pressed casting, Nishiyama process, Shaw process, Anitoch process, etc. Melting and Fluidity: Selection and control of melting furnaces; molting, refining and pouring; Coupla design, Measurement of fluidity, Effect of various parameters on fluidity, Methods of elimination and control of gases in casting. Internal Stress, Defects and Surface Finish: Residual stresses, Hot tears and cracks in casting; Stress relief, defects and their causes and remedies; Parameters affecting surface finish and related defects e.g., Rough casting, bum-on sand bum-in metal penetration, Facing and washes; Mold wall movement; transport zones, Expansion scabbing etc. Casting of Sand, Design Considerations: Recent developments, e.g., Mulling index; Mouldability index, Compactability; deformability etc. Books: 1. Bronze Sculpture Casting And Patination: Mud Fire Metal Steve Hurst Schiffer Publishing 2. Fine Art Metal Casting Richard Rome 3. Casting Technology and Cast Alloys Chakraborty Prentice Hall of India 4. Meta Casting: Principles and Practice TV Rammana Rao New Age International
Introduction: Historical developments, Fundamentals of RP Systems and its Classification, Rapid prototyping process chains, 3D modeling and mesh generation, Data conversion and transmission. RP Systems: Liquid polymer based rapid prototyping systems, Teijin Seikis solid form and other similar commercial RP systems, Solid input materials based rapid prototyping systems, laminated object manufacturing (LOM) and fused deposition modelling systems etc., Power based rapid prototyping systems, selective Laser sintering, Soligen Direns shell production casting (DSPC), Fraunhofers multiphase jet solidification (MJS) and MITs 3D printing (3DP) etc. RP Database: Rapid prototyping data formats, STL format, STL file problems, STL file repair, Network based operations, Digital inspection, Data warehousing and learning from process data. RP Applications: Development of dies for moulding, RP applications in developing prototypes of products, application in medical fields, Development of bone replacements and tissues, etc., RP materials and their biological acceptability. Books: 1. Rapid Prototyping Of Digital Systems: A Tutorial Approach Hamblen James O Kluwer Aca 2. Rapid Prototyping: Principles And Applications Kai Chua Chee World Scie 3. Rapid System Prototyping With Fpgas: Accelerating The Design Process R C Cofer Newnes 4. Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems James O Hamblen Springer
Elective III
Welding Metallurgy: Welding as compared with other fabrication processes, Classification of welding processes; Heat affected zone and its characteristics; Effects of alloying elements on weldability, Weldability of steels, stainless steel, cast iron, and aluminum and titanium alloys, Weld testing standards, Hydrogen embrittlement, Lammellar tearing, residual stresses and its measurement, heat transfer and solidification, Analysis of stresses in welded structures, Pre and post welding heat treatments, Metallurgical aspects of joining, Conditions of soldering, Brazing and welding of materials. Weld Design & Quality Control: Principles of sound weld design, Welding joint design, Welding defects; Testing of weldament, Material joining characteristics, Welding positions, Allowable strength of welds under steady loads, Weld throat thickness; Weld quality, Discontinuities in welds, their causes and remedies and quality conflicts. Modern Trends in Welding: Friction welding, Explosive welding, Diffusion bonding, High frequency induction welding, Ultrasonic welding, Electron beam welding, Plasma arc welding, Laser welding. Mechanisation in Welding: Mechanisation of flat/circular joints, Thin/thick sheets (resistance/arc weld), Mechanisation of I beams (arc weld), Longitudinal circumferential SA welding (roller blocks, column booms,
flux supports), Circular/spherical welding joints (rotating tables positioners), Manufacture of welding longitudinal welded pipes by induction, TIG, Plasma and SA welding of spiral welded pipes. Robotics in Welding: Robot design and applications in welding, Programming of welding robots, tolerances for assemblies for robot welding, New generation of welding robots, Self alignment by current arc variation, Robots for car body welding, Microelectronic welding and soldering, Efficiency of robotics in welding. Books: 1. Advanced Welding Processes Nikodaco & Shansky MIR Publications 2. Welding Technology and Design VM Radhakrishnan New Age International 3. Source Book of Innovative welding Processes M.M. Schwariz Americal Society of Metals (Ohio) 4. Advanced Welding Systems, Vol. I, II, III J. Cornu Jaico Publishers 5. Manufacturing Technology (Foundry, Forming and Welding)P.N. Rao Tata McGraw Hill Elective III NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING LTP 310 Unit-1: Introduction Scope and advantages of NDT. Comparison of NDT with DT. Some common NDT methods used since ages, Terminology. Flaws and Defects, Visual inspection, Equipment used for visual inspection. Ringing test chalk test (oil whitening test). Attractive uses of above tests in detecting surface cracks, bond strength & surface defects. Unit-2: Common NDT methods Die penetrate test (liquid penetrate inspection), Principle, scope. Equipment & techniques, Tests stations, Advantages, types of penetrant and developers. Illustrative examples Heavy castings of large size, frame of jet engine, porosity testing of nickel alloys, leak testing. Zyglo test Magnetic particle Inspection Scope , principle, Ferro Magnetic and Non-ferro magnetic materials, equipment & testing. Advantages, limitations Interpretation of results. DC & AC magnetization, Skin Effect, use of dye & wet powders for magna glow testing, different methods to generate magnetic fields, Applications. Unit-3: Radiographic methods X-ray radiography principle, equipment & methodology. Applicability, types of radiations, limitations. Interpretation of Radiographs, limitations of -ray radiography principle, equipment. Attenuation of electro magnetic radiations, source of radioactive materials & technique. Photo electric effect, Rayleighs scattering (coherent scattering), Comptons scattering (Incoherent scattering). Pair production, Beam geometry, Scattering factor. Advantages of -ray radiography over X-ray radiography Precautions against radiation hazards. Case Study X-ray of human body. Unit-4: Ultrasonic testing methods Introduction, Principle of operation, Piezoelectricity. Ultrasonic probes, CRO techniques, advantages, Limitation & typical applications. Applications in inspection of castings, forgings, Extruded steel parts, bars, pipes, rails and dimensions measurements. Case Study Ultrasonography of human body. Unit-5: Eddy Current Inspection Principle, Methods, Advantages, Scope and limitations. Types of Probes. Case Studies. Suggested References: (1) ASM Handbook Vol. 11, 8th Edition Non-destructive Testing & Evaluation
(2) Research Techniques in NDT Vol.3, R.S. Shah, Academic (3) Industrial Quality Control, Webstar (4) Bray, Don E. and Stanley, Roderic K., Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool in Design, Manufacturing, and Service. Revised Edition 1997, CRC Press New York. Elective III PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT LTP 310 Managing the Supply Chain: Supply chain management, Purchasing, JIT purchasing, Global sourcing, Electronic information flow, Forecasting, Qualitative techniques, Time series analysis, Selection of forecasting method, Focus forecasting, Aggregate planning techniques, Inventory systems for independent demand, Fixed order quantity and fixed time period models, Inventory systems for independent time period models, Inventory systems for dependent demand, MRP type systems, Embedding JIT into MRP, Lot sizing in MRP, Advanced MRP Systems. Operations Scheduling: Scheduling & control functions, Priority rules and techniques, Single machine scheduling problems, Scheduling in jobs on m machines, Personal scheduling, Simulation methodology, Two assembly simulation. Design of Facilities & Jobs: Strategic capacity planning concepts, determining capacity requirements, Planning service capacity, JIT production systems, JIT implementation requirements, Facility location, Plant location methods, Facility, Process and Product layout, GT layout, Retail service layout, Computer aided layout techniques. Job design and work measurement, Considerations in job design, Work measurements and standards, Financial incentive plans, Learning curves and its applications. Product Design & Process Selection: Product design process, Designing for the customer QFD, Value analysis, designing products for manufacturer & assembly. Process selection, product process matrix, Choosing from alternative processes & equipment, Virtual factory, Waiting line management & models, Quality management, Quality specifications & costs, Tolls and procedures for continuous improvement, Shingo system of fail-safe design, Review of SQC models. Books: 1. Operations management Buffa John Wiley 2. Operations management Starr Prentice Hall 3. Production and Operations management Adam & Ebert Prentice Hall India Elective III RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS LTP 310 Introduction: Energy and Development; Energy demand and availability; Energy crisis; Conventional and Nonconventional energy; Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources; Environmental impacts of conventional energy usage; Basic concepts of heat and fluid flow useful for energy systems. Solar Energy Systems: Solar radiations data; Solar energy collection, Storage and utilization; Solar water heating; air heating; Power generation; Refrigeration and Air-conditioning; Solar Energy system Economics.
Micro and Small Hydro Energy Systems: Resource assessment of micro and small hydro power; Micro, mini and small hydro power systems; Economics; Pump and turbine; Special engines for low heads; Velocity head turbines; Hydrams; Water mill; Tidal power. Bio mass Energy Systems: Availability of bio mass-agro, forest, animal, municipal and other residues; Bio mass conversion technologies; Cooking fuels; Biogas; producer gas; Power alcohol from biomass; Power generation; Internal engine modifications and performance; system economics. Wind Energy Systems: Wind data; Horizontal and vertical axis wind mills; Wind farms; Economics of wind energy. Integrated Energy Systems: Concept of integration of conventional and non-conventional energy resources and systems; Integrated energy system design and economics. Books: 1. Energy Efficient Buildings in India Mili Majumdar Tata Energy Research Institute 2. Understanding Renewable Energy Systems Volker Quaschning 3. Renewable Energy Systems Simmoes Marcelo Godoy CRC Press 4. Renewable Energy Resources John Twidell Taylor and Francis 5. Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental Impact Abbasi & Abbasi Prentice Hall of India Elective III APPLIED OPERATION RESEARCH LTP 310 Introduction: Definition and scope of OR, Techniques and tools, model formulation, general methods for solution, Classification of Optimization problems, Optimization techniques. Linear Optimization Models: Complex and revised Simplex algorithms, Degeneracy and duality, Post optimum and Sensitivity analysis, Assignment, transportation and transshipment models, Traveling salesman problem, Integer and parametric programming. Game Problems: Minimax criterion and optimal strategy, two persons zero sum game, Games by Simplex dominance rules. Waiting Line Problems: Classification of queuing problems, M/M/1 & M/M/1/N queuing systems, Steady state analysis of M/M/m queues, Discrete and continuous time Markov models, Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, Birth & death processes in manufacturing, Open and Closed queuing networks . Inventory Management: ABC analysis, deterministic and Probabilistic models. Dynamic Programming: Characteristics of dynamic programming problems, Bellmans principle of optimality, Problems with finite number of stages. Stochastic Programming: Basic concepts of Probability theory, Stochastic linear programming. Books: 1. Fundamentals of Operations Research, Ackoff & Sasieni, Wiley eastern
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming, Hadley Addison, Wesley Principles of OR with Applications to Managerial Decisions, Wagner, Prentice Hall Operations Research, Taha McMillan Operations Research, R Panneerselvam Prentice Hall of India Operations Research A P Verma S.K. Kataria & Sons Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier and Lieberman, Prentice Hall
Exercises will be given on Modeling & Analysis of mechanical Components using packages like PRO-ENGINEER/UNIGRAPHICS/CATIA/SOLID WORKS/Autodesk INVENTOR & ANSYS, Google sketch-up etc. 1. Sketching : Creating 2 D sketch using basic 2d commands, dimensioning , applying constrains 2. Editing Copy , Move, Pattern, Mirror, Round, Chamfer 3. Wireframe modeling protrusion, cut, sweep, draft, loft, blend, rib 4. Solid Modeling : Generating solid model using protrusion, cut, sweep, draft, loft, blend , Boolean etc. 5. Generation of surfaces of revolution , Generation of Ferguson's cubic surface patches, Generation of Bezier UNISURF surface patches, Generation of Coon's patches. 6. Generation of solid models using constructive solid geometry method 7. Assembly creating assembly from parts assembly constraints 8. Generating 2D drawing from 3-D drawing/ part model - different views, sections, isometric view 9. Introduction to File Import, Export DXF, IGES, STL, STEP 10. 3D modeling of machine elements like Flanged coupling, screw jack etc
Exercises will be given on Analysis of mechanical Components using packages like ANSYS/HYPERMESH/NASTRAN, etc.. I. Structural Analysis using any FEA Package for different structures that can be discretised with 1-D,2-D & 3-D elements
1. Static Analysis 2. Modal Analysis 3. Harmonic Analysis 4. Spectrum Analysis 5. Buckling Analysis 6. Analysis of Composites II. Thermal Analysis using any FEA Package for different structures that can be discretised with 1-D,2-D & 3-D elements 1. Steady state thermal analysis 2. Transient thermal analysis III. Transient analysis using any FEA Package for different structures that can be discretised with 1-D,2-D & 3-D elements 1. Linear 2. Non-Linear (Geometrical Non-linearity) IV Contact Analysis V Crushing Analysis .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
CAM Lab CL Data Generation by Using CAM Software Post Process Generation for Different Control System Machining of Computer Generated Part Program by Using Machining Center Machining of Computer Generated Part Program by Using Turning Center. Machining of Component using Canned cycle and Macro Part program generation by using CAD/CAM Study of Multi-axial Machining in CNC Machining Center Programming of Robot Study of tooling system for CNC machines
MINERAL EXPLORATION CORPORATION LIMITED (MECL) (A Government of India Enterprise) Head Office : Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan, Highland Drive Road, Seminary Hills, Nagpur 440006, Maharashtra, India Published at Recruitment of Engineering Trainee and Officer Trainee in MECL through GATE-2013 MECL a profit making Public Sector Undertaking, invites applications for the following posts of Engineering Trainee and Officer Trainee through GATE-2013 : Engineering Trainee and Officer Trainee : 40 posts (Geology-15, Geophysics-5, Mechanical Engineering - 20), Age : 28 years as on 31/01/2013, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-40500/GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012 to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013 in offline mode and on 20/01/2013 online. For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit,,,,, and websites. Fee : I.P.O. for Rs. 100/-for each post in favour of " Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited, Nagpur" (Not required in case of SC/ST candidates) How to Apply : Apply Online at MECL website with GATE-2013 Registration Number from 01/01/2013 to 31/01/2013. Further information like educational qualification, age, reservation etc. available at IOCL Engineer Officer and Assistant Officer Jobs through GATE-2013 Posted: 11 Sep 2012 12:11 AM PDT Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) (A Government of India Enterprise) Corporate Office : 3079/3, J B Tito Marg, Sadiq Nagar, New Delhi 110049 Published by Recruitment of 250 Engineers as Officer and 150 Post Graduates as Assistant Officers through GATE-2013 in Indian Oil Indian Oil is looking for Energetic and dedicated Graduate Engineers for recruitment as Officers from the following disciplines : Graduate Engineers (Officers) : 250 posts in the disciplines of Chemical / Civil / Computer Science and Information Technology / Electrical / Instrumentation / Mechanical / Matallurgy Indian Oil is also looking for Post Graduate with industrial experience as
Assistant Officers : 150 posts in the disciplines of Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012 to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013 in offline mode and on 20/01/2013 online. For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit,,,,, and websites. How to apply : The candidates will receive their GATE-2013 registration number printed on their admit card. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply in Indian Oil On-line between 10/12/2012 and 19/01/2013. Please visit for details. (just wait for advertisement to appear in web site)
NTPC Executive Trainee through GATE-2013 vacancy Posted: 10 Sep 2012 11:29 PM PDT National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC) NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, Core-7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Recruitment of Executive Trainee through GATE 2013 NTPC is looking for promising, energetic young Graduate Engineers to be inducted during the year 2013 in the disciplines of Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Instrumentation and Electronics Engineering. GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012 to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013 in offline mode and on 20/01/2013 online. For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit,,,,, and websites. Apply Online : Candidates will be required to apply Online through NTPC Career website at later stage as details will be announced soon. Please visit for more information