02 06 09 Newsletter
02 06 09 Newsletter
02 06 09 Newsletter
February 6, 2009
M O P S a t C y p r e s s B i b l e C h u r c h
My biggest surprise about moth- Time flies when you are Look Who Is Expecting: Electric Light Parade:
erhood was… how much God used having fun. Happy
(and still uses) my children to February Birthday to: Courtney McLaughlin 8/25. MOPS has a website!
teach me to depend on Him! Brandi Sailors 2/06 Emily Hill due 6/20. www.cypressbible.org/mops
As a mom, I couldn’t live with- Jennifer Hahn 2/19 MOPS has a blog!
out… the book of Proverbs. Margaret Welch 2/22
MOPS has a Myspace!
When is comes to amusement www.myspace.com/cbcmops
park rides… rides? I go for the
kettle corn.
That’s The Ticket Coming Attractions
It’s only a month until and time to work on any of your own Feb. 20th
the MOPS Garage Sale creative projects like scrapbooking Health with Kelly Ulanday
on March 7th. Start and quilting. School aged children are March 6th
saving your donations and welcome to craft along side of you. Meals for Busy Moms with Vero-
spreading the word to all of your friends. nique Lamarche
Set-up will begin on Thursday, March Reduce the clutter in
5th. Thanks to everyone that came to your house! Bring your
the garage sale committee meeting yes- old issues of Easy Chocolate Mousse
terday. Let Lisa or Brandi know if you MOMSense or other
1/2 cup whole milk
want to help but weren’t able to be parenting magazines to
3 tablespoons sugar
there. be reused by Care Net Pregnancy 1 cup chocolate chips
Center. Also donate your unused ho- 3 large egg whites
Creative Connection meets tel freebies at the next MOPS meet-
at 7pm every 2nd Friday in ing. And recycle your old batteries In a small saucepan over medium heat stir
the Outreach House. The at your discussion group table in together the milk and sugar until the milk
next meeting is Feb. 13th. preparation for our April 17th “Go is hot, but not boiling, and the sugar is
There is an optional $5 craft project, Green Day” meeting.
Place the chocolate chips in a blender.
Pulse a few times to make smaller bits.
Kiddie Corner
Pour the hot milk over the chips. Run the
Looking for a creative project to do this Valentine’s Day with your blender on high until combined, a few sec-
kids? Write or print the different attributes that LOVE is and is not onds. Add the egg whites and run the
from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a and let your child glue then on red paper blender on high until light, about 1 minute.
and decorate. From: http://www.teacherhelp.org/valentines_day.htm Transfer the mousse to 4 small serving
cups. Cover with plastic wrap and place in
the refrigerator until firm, about 3 hours.