11 21 08 Newsletter
11 21 08 Newsletter
11 21 08 Newsletter
M O P S a t C y p r e s s B i b l e C h u r c h
• Anchor your Christmas tree so that a curious or sprinting child can’t knock
Stacey Cates it down. Heavy weights on the tree stand’s feet should do the trick.
• Place trimmings that are breakable or have small pieces towards the top of
the tree. Avoid decorations that resemble candy or food.
• Heavy stocking hangers are a falling hazard if little hands decide to take
Years in MOPS: 4 down their stockings before Christmas morning.
Children: Brandon-5, Sara-3 • Tinsel can be a choking hazard. If you still want sparkle, you can use metal-
Neighborhood: Heron Lakes
lic pipe cleaners formed into spirals by wrapping them around pencils.
Estates • We all know to be careful where we put lit candles, but once the candle is
out, remember that the hot wax can still cause a burn on tender skin.
Special Interests: In my pre-
mommy life, I taught elemen-
tary school, and I love playing
golf and doing crafts in my
“spare” time. (What spare MOPS Directory Look who’s expecting! Electric Light Parade:
If I had 24 hours to myself, I Our annual MOPS directory Ashiana Wong: girl due Jan. MOPS has a website!
would… spend time at a spa re- was distributed during the 9th www.cypressbible.org/mops
sort with some girlfriends… who Nov. 7th meeting. If you MOPS has a blog!
deserve pampering like me! missed the meeting, please