This document provides information about an upcoming MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting at Cypress Bible Church on September 18, 2009. It includes details about the guest speaker Dallas Louis who will speak about her ministry "Planet Mom". It also lists upcoming MOPS events, birth announcements, and ways for members to stay connected through the church website and blog.
This document provides information about an upcoming MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting at Cypress Bible Church on September 18, 2009. It includes details about the guest speaker Dallas Louis who will speak about her ministry "Planet Mom". It also lists upcoming MOPS events, birth announcements, and ways for members to stay connected through the church website and blog.
This document provides information about an upcoming MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting at Cypress Bible Church on September 18, 2009. It includes details about the guest speaker Dallas Louis who will speak about her ministry "Planet Mom". It also lists upcoming MOPS events, birth announcements, and ways for members to stay connected through the church website and blog.
This document provides information about an upcoming MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting at Cypress Bible Church on September 18, 2009. It includes details about the guest speaker Dallas Louis who will speak about her ministry "Planet Mom". It also lists upcoming MOPS events, birth announcements, and ways for members to stay connected through the church website and blog.
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M O P S a t C y p r e s s B i b l e C h u r c h
September 18, 2009
Rocket Fuel Houston, we have liftoff.
I’m glad we are “together” Dallas Louis joins us today to speak about “Planet Mom.” on planet mom because… She formed 2BFaithful ministries in 1995 with her two I love to hear advice from other best friends. Her two friends run things behind the mommies about all the things I scenes while she travels around Texas speaking and don’t know (and there are many!). teaching to MOPS and other ladies groups. Everything from good deals at the store, to potty training, to disci- Dallas is also the women’s ministry coordinator at Trinity pline! Michelle Perry Lutheran. In the past, she has been the MOPS coordinator for her church and field leader for MOPS International. We are all in this journey to- gether. It is so nice to shore and Dallas has been married for almost ten years and has three encourage each other in a wonder- children (8, 6, and 5 years old). We are so excited to ful atmosphere such as MOPS. welcome Dallas this year after we missed her last year due Betty Nix to Hurricane Ike. I do love being with the young women. Keeps me feeling “young…” even tho’ we’re called It’s a Wide World “mentor” moms, we also learn I’ve been contemplating this year’s MOPS theme “Together on Planet Mom” from them. Beverly Morgan throughout the summer as I planned out fun topics and puns to use in the newsletter I love the fact that other moms and blog. It keeps bringing me back to the quote by John Donne, “No man is an know exactly what you are going island.” through. They understand the ups & the downs, and are there to Can you imagine being the only mom on an island? Not to mention all the survivor support you. Kristina Bennoch type things you’d be dealing with, you’d also have no one call when you need potty I’m looking forward to “keeping training advice, no one to sympathize with when you drop your oldest off for their company” with younger women. I first day of school, no one to understand the elation you feel with each milestone, love the creativity & energy that and no one to entertain the kids when you are at your breaking point. is generated when women get together. Valerie Perez On the flip side, I’m glad we are all together on a planet and not on an island. It gives each mom the space to be as unique as her children. Life is more fun with girlfriends to share it with. Brenda -Margaret Welch, Publicity Croucher
I am so happy to have fellow Light years ahead: Little Dippers:
moms on this planet for the awe- Karlin Medlin 9/1 Jennifer Couvilion 9/14 Naomi Kate Hill (7lbs 15oz) some perspective that they share Renee Clackler 9/4 Star Scaife 9/17 June 13th with me! Laura Winston Stacey Cates 9/7 Shannon Manen 9/23 Abby Jane Becker (5lbs 1oz) I love spending time with other Betty Nix 9/7 Marilyn Maddox 9/27 Ellis James Becker (6lbs 3oz) moms at the same stage of life. Rhonda Lehman 9/8 Vanessa Hileman 9/29 June 30th It makes me feel connected and Tiffany Baca 9/9 Keira Grace McLaughlin (8lbs 3oz) “normal.” Jennifer Coates August 17th Out of this world Launch Schedule
The next Oasis is on October We’ll be distributing a list Oct. 2nd
8th. It is a women’s evening of our moms that have Women’s Fitness with Stacie with dinner, discussion, mu- home-based businesses Ripkowski sic, and a message. Purchase with our MOPS directory. tickets for $10 online or in the women’s If you want to be included, please send Oct. 16th alcove. Childcare is available for single your information to margaretma- Women’s Personal Safety with moms. Deputy Sherriff Garland White Morning Watch bible study Bring any unwanted issues of begins at 10:00 am on Sep- MomSense magazine to tember 22nd. You can MOPS meetings and we will register for $20 online or donate them to Care Net in the women’s alcove. Childcare avail- Pregnancy Center. able by reservation only. Be together by staying linked up Pray for safe travel as with CBC MOPS on the web. You Care Net Pregnancy Center some of our moms are off can check out our weekly MOPS will be having their annual to MOPS Convention in Monday posts on our blog at fundraiser and silent auction Tennessee from September on October 8th from 6-9 pm. 24th-26th. Can’t wait to hear about it! or follow it through the Facebook wall for Cypress Bible Church Be sure to place your order TODAY with your discussion group MOPS. leader for your Planet Mommyhood T-shirts. Shirts are $11 ($10 if Our meeting schedule, special we order more than 36). Payments are due when the shirts come in. events, and links to MOPS Interna- The design will be printed on the front of a black t-shirt. Regular tional and Cypress Bible Church are or fitted sizes are available (fitted shirts run a size small). Kuddos also available through the blog. to Bonnie (and her husband) for the awesome logo design!!