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Galileo Information System - GIS Print Encode/Decode - Equipment Types - Equipment Indicator Codes - Cities/Airports - Countries/Regions - Airlines - Global Distribution Systems TIMATIC - TIMATIC Fill-in Formats - TIMATIC HELP - TIMATIC SCROLLING - TIMATIC from a displayed Booking File - TIMATIC Direct Request Entries - TIMATIC Full Text Information - TIMATIC City/Country Codes - TIMATIC Group Codes - Print TIMATIC Electronic Travel Authority System (ETAS) Maps Travel Restriction Table Local Time
Redisplay current page Display paragraph LCML of chapter 200, page 9 Display paragraph headings for page 2 of current chapter
Equipment Types H/AIRC .EE DOUGLAS .EE BEECHCRAFT/AIRBUS .EE A .ED BEC .ED BEC/CR3/707/74B .ED A .ER BEC Equipment Indicator Codes J T P H A S Jet Turbofan Propeller Helicopter Amphibian (e.g. Hovercraft) Surface Transport Encode equipment names beginning with Douglas Encode multiple equipment names Encode all equipment types beginning with A Decode equipment code Decode multiple equipment codes Decode all equipment types beginning with A Display detail record for equipment type
Cities/Airports H/AIRP .CE SYDNEY .CE LONDON/BRISTOL .CE JOHN .CD NYC .CD LON/FCO/ZRH .CR DUB Encode single city name Encode multiple city names Encode all cities beginning with JOHN Decode single city code Decode multiple city codes Display detail record for DUBLIN includes local transport details, check-in details etc
Countries/Regions H/AIRR .LE INDONESIA .LE FRANCE/SPAIN/ICELAND .LE R .LD BR .LD FR/ID/IS .LD C .RD .RD AU .RD AU QL Airlines H/AIRL .AE OLYMPIC .AE ALITALIA/IBERIA/SWISSAIR .AE P Encode single airline name Encode multiple airline names Encode all airlines beginning with P Encode single country name Encode multiple country names Encode all countries beginning with R Decode single country code Decode multiple country codes Decode all countries beginning with C Display all countries that are divided into regions Display all region codes of specific country Decode specific region code
Decode single airline 2-character code Decode multiple airline 2-character codes Decode all airlines with 2-character codes beginning with P Decode single 3-character numeric airline code Decode multiple 3-character numeric airline codes Decode multiple 3-character alphabetical airline codes Display detailed record for British Airways (includes head office address and organisation membership, i.e. IATA, SITA etc)
Global Distribution Systems H/AIRL .AD 1G .AE GALILEO 1A AMADEUS 1S SABRE 1P WORLDSPAN 1B ABACUS 1M TAIS 1V APOLLO Decode single GDS Encode single GDS
TIMATIC Fill-in Formats H/TI TI TIMV Display TIMATIC menu Display FIF for visa information
Display FIF for health information Display FIF for health and visa information Display FIF for full text information Display country information display Display country partial name Display group lists
Note: With the Visa information and combined Visa and health Fill-In Format by placing /SEMN after the nationality (NA) of the passenger the system will also display entry and visa requirements for merchant seamen. By placing /ALL after the Nationality (NA) of the passenger, the Galileo system will display all different types of entry and visa requirements. TIMATIC HELP H/TIHE TIHELP TIHELPS TIHELPF TIHELPM TINEWS TINEWS/N1 TIRULES TIRULES/R1 TIMATIC SCROLLING H/TIP TIPN TIPG TIPB Request next page Request current page Request page back Request Timatic help Request specific sub-text help data Request full text help data Request supplemental transaction help Request current Timatic news Request specific news page Request rules, terms and definitions index Request specific database
TIPL TIPF TIMATIC from a displayed Booking File H/TIM Visa information TIMV/1/LON or TIMV/1/GB
Display Visa information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 1 and whose nationality is that of the 3 letter city or 2 letter country code appended to the entry Display Visa information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 2 and transitting the offpoint of segment 1; the nationality of the passenger is Swiss Display Visa information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 3, transitting the offpoints of segments 1 and 2; the nationality of the passenger defaults to the original boardpoint city Display Visa information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 5 and with transit points being offpoint cities of segments 1, 2 and 3; the nationality of the passenger will be the original boardpoint city
Health information TIMH/1 Display Health information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 1 Display Health information for a passenger boarding at the boardpoint of segment 1 and transitting the off points of segments 1 and 2, whose destination is the offpoint of segment 3 Display Health information requirements for a passenger boarding at the boardpoint of segment 1, transitting the offpoints of segments 1, 2 and 3, whose destination is the offpoint of segment 5
Display Health and Visa requirements for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 1; the nationality of the passenger is French Display Health and Visa requirements for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 2, transitting the offpoint of segment 1; the nationality of the passenger is Canadian Display Health and Visa information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 2 transitting the offpoint of segment 1, the nationality defaulting to that of the original boardpoint city Display Visa and Health information for a passenger whose destination is the offpoint of segment 5, transitting the offpoints of segments 1, 2 and 3, the nationality defaulting to that of the original boardpoint city
Airport tax information TIMT/2 Display airport tax information for the boardpoint of segment 2
Passport information TIMP/4 Display passport information for the destination city of segment 4
Customs information TIME/3 Display customs information for the destination of segment 3
Country information TIMC/5 Display country information held for the destination city of segment 5
TIMATIC Direct Request Entries H/TIR Note: After each line press the [ RETURN ] key, denoted below by then press [ ENTER ] on completion of the field.
Note: Optional element for Alien residents "AR" e.g., TIRV/NAARROM or TIRV/TRARGVA TIRH EM BRU DE ACC TR ROM/LOS VT MNL/BKK HEALTH INFORMATION - Embarkation point - Destination - Transit point - Visited points
VISA & HEALTH INFORMATION - Nationality - Embarkation point - Destination point - Transit points - Visited points
Use IATA 3 letter city codes or ISO 2 letter country codes. With the Visa information and combined Visa and health Fill-in Format by placing /SEMN after the nationality (NA) of the passenger the system will only display the entry and visa requirements for merchant seamen. By placing /ALL after the Nationality (NA) of the passenger the Galileo system will display all different types of entry and visa requirements. Note: When you are dealing with a passenger who holds a Government Duty Passport, indicate this by adding the element /TYPE and the specific regulations for that nationality, type of passport and destination will be displayed. Example entry: TIRV/NA ROM/TYPE/DE STO/TR GVA
TIMATIC Full Text Information H/TID Sections GE HE TX Geography Health Information Airport Tax Subsections No subsections No subsections No subsections
No subsections
Warning Visa exemptions (except for TWOV) TWOV (transit without Visa) Issue Additional Information Minors Compulsory Currency Exchange Re-entry Permit Exit Permit Notes
TIMATIC City/Country Codes H/TIH TILCC/DENMARK TIRCC TIRCC/DK TIMATIC Group Codes TIRGL TIRGL/OECD Print TIMATIC H/TIH PTIDFT/BOM/HE Print details for Timatic display of health requirements for India Print next page of multi-page text Group codes and names List of member countries of the group OECD Display list of city codes used for Denmark Display list of all city codes Display list of all city codes for Denmark
C*MAP/ C*MAP/FRANCE C*MAP/ASIA C*MAP/INDEX C*MAP/NETHERLANDSLLLL.NE Displays maps information Display map of France Display map of geographical area Display index of maps available Locate the nearest airport, in the Netherlands, to the city of Leiden -LLLL = first letter of city name is L .NE =next letter is E Locate the nearest airport to the city of Fresno, California
Displays restrictions applicable to the country Libya Displays restrictions applicable to air vendor ZZ
TIme Check H/TIME @LTAKL @LTAKL21NOV07 Display local time in Auckland Show local time in Auckland for specified date (1 month in past to long way in future) Local time at assumed city Display time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Display time in Universal Time Construction (UTC)