Is Natural Gas A Climate Change Solution For Canada
Is Natural Gas A Climate Change Solution For Canada
Is Natural Gas A Climate Change Solution For Canada
Is natural gas a climate change solution for Canada? 2011 David Suzuki Foundation, the Pembina Institute and the Pembina Foundation. ISBN 978-1-897375-40-2 Canadian cataloguing in Publications Data for this book is available through the National Library of Canada By Matthew Bramley, Director of Research, Pembina Institute. Matthew Bramley advises on and leads energy-related research and analysis projects at Pembina. He was Director of Pembinas Climate Change Program for a decade, during which time he authored numerous publications and became one of Canadas best-known advocates for effective government policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Matthew has a PhD in theoretical chemistry from the University of Cambridge. Acknowledgements This report was made possible by funding from John Lefebvre and the Oak Foundation. The author would also like to thank the following individuals for their assistance: P.J. Partington and Dan Woynillowicz of the Pembina Institute for helping with research. Dave Sawyer of EnviroEconomics, for going beyond the call of duty in his work on the new economic modelling conducted for this report. Gerry Ertel and colleagues at Shell, for devoting half a day of their time to an in-depth discussion of our preliminary findings. For reviewing draft versions of the report: Michael Charles, FCAE, P.Eng., Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto; Ian Bruce, Tyler Bryant, Morag Carter, Ian Hanington, Karel Mayrand, Peter Robinson and Johanne Whitmore of the David Suzuki Foundation; and Karen Campbell, Clare Demerse, Adam Goehner, Peggy Holroyd, Matt McCulloch, Chris Severson-Baker, Tim Weis, Ed Whittingham and Dan Woynillowicz of the Pembina Institute. David Suzuki Foundation 2211 West 4th Avenue, Suite 219 Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6K 4S2 Tel 604.732.4228 Fax 604.732.0752
design and production: Arifin Graham, Alaris Design photographs: iStock
Pembina Institute Box 7558 Drayton Valley, AB Canada T7A 1S7 Tel 780.542.6272 Fax 780.542.6464
1. IntroductIon | 1
1.1 Research context and questions | 1 1.2 Natural gas supply | 3 1.3 Natural gas demand | 4 1.4 Natural gas in a carbon-constrained future | 4
2. use, productIon and Impacts of natural gas In north amerIca | 6 2.1 Use | 6 2.2 Production | 9 2.3 Shift to frontier and unconventional gas | 10 2.4 Greenhouse gas emissions | 12 2.5 Non-climate environmental impacts | 14 2.5.1 Air emissions | 14 2.5.2 Impacts on water | 15 2.5.3 Impacts on the landscape and quality of life | 18 2.6 Environmental assessment | 19 3. the role of natural gas In greenhouse gas reductIon scenarIos | 21 3.1 Introduction | 21 3.2 Recent economic modelling studies | 21 3.2.1 International Energy Agency (2010) | 22 3.2.2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010) | 24 3.2.3 Resources for the Future (2010) | 25 3.2.4 Jaccard and Associates (2009) | 26 3.2.5 Western Climate Initiative (2010) | 27 3.3 New economic modelling conducted for this report | 28 3.4 Additional considerations | 31 3.4.1 Natural gas in transportation | 31 3.4.2 Natural gas as a complement to renewables in electricity generation | 32 3.4.3 The risk of lock-in to the outcomes of initial climate policy | 33 4. conclusIons and recommendatIons | 35 4.1 The three questions | 35 4.2 Recommendations | 36 4.2.1 Containing the climate impacts | 36 4.2.2 Mitigating air pollution | 37 4.2.3 Mitigating threats to water | 38
4.2.4 Public engagement and environmental assessment | 38 4.2.5 Eliminating perverse incentives | 40
notes | 41
1. Introduction
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These questions about the role of natural gas in fighting climate change are made even more important by growing concerns about the non-climate environmental impacts of the new kinds of natural gas production (and use). The proposed Mackenzie Gas Project would be the biggest industrial development ever in Canadas Arctic.7 Unconventional gas production in British Columbia may be a significant threat to water resources.8,9 Ever greater amounts of natural gas are fuelling high-impact oil sands operations in Alberta. Controversy over the costs and benefits of establishing a major shale gas industry in Quebec has recently been dominating headlines there. This report aims to explore the role of Canadas federal and provincial governments in shaping future production and use of natural gas in consideration of both the climate and non-climate environmental impacts. The report explores three linked questions, different answers to which could have very different consequences for government policies. This analytical framework is depicted in Figure 1 below. It makes the following key assumptions regarding trade and policies: Trade: Because the Canadian and U.S. natural gas markets are tightly linked, the two countries need to be analyzed together. We do not, however, consider Mexico; although the U.S. trades natural gas with Mexico, the volumes have been very small to date (in 2008, net U.S. imports from Canada were 13 per cent of consumption, while net exports to Mexico were only 1.3 per cent of consumption10). Accordingly, in this report we will use the term North America to refer only to the U.S. and Canada. We also assume, based on current information (see Sections 1.3 and 3.2), that liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade between North America and the rest of the world will not become a major factor in North American production decisions, which means that our production of natural gas should align closely to our consumption. Policies: If the non-climate environmental impacts of natural gas production can be contained at an acceptable level, then the best guide to the optimal path for natural gas production and use is the expected outcome of well-designed climate policies11 that explicitly aim to achieve the necessary scale of GHG reductions in Canada. In the near term, governments will not necessarily announce and implement such policies. But if natural gas production strays from our best estimate of the optimal path, it will be more difficult and costly to implement adequate climate policies later on. Therefore, in the absence of adequate climate policies at the outset, we should be prepared to rely on other policies, including approvals of new production facilities, to follow our best estimate of the optimal path.
Question 1: Would well-designed climate policies strong enough to secure adequate GHG reductions in North America lead to a level of natural gas production and use that requires new production facilities? yes Question 2: Is it technically and economically feasible to contain the non-climate environmental impacts at an acceptable level? yes Governments should implement policies to adequately contain the non-climate environmental impacts. Governments should prioritize and ensure the implementation of alternative means of reducing GHG emissions. No Governments should not support the expansion of natural gas production and use, or approve new production facilities.
Question 3: Would well-designed climate policies (see question 1) lead to a level of natural gas production and use that is higher or lower than the business-as-usual level?
HIGHer Governments should ensure the expansion of natural gas production and use, and approve new production facilities accordingly.
loWer Government approvals of new production facilities, as well as other policies, should be consistent with a lower level of natural gas production and use than would otherwise occur.
Governments should prioritize and ensure the implementation of alternative means of reducing GHG emissions.
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North America has about 40 years of profitable supply at mid-2010 prices.13 (Those prices were low compared to recent years.) New sources of unconventional gas, initially from British Columbia, possibly later from Alberta and Quebec plus frontier gas from the Northwest Territories could more than compensate for the steady decline in production of conventional natural gas from Western Canada. Some projections show these two trends merely cancelling one another out,14 but the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers is now forecasting a more rapid expansion of unconventional gas particularly gas produced from shale resulting in about a 15 per cent increase in total Canadian natural gas production between 2008 and 2020.15
gas would reduce CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels (71 per cent of Canadas total GHG emissions) by about one-fifth in Canada21 and about one-third in the U.S.22 Those reductions, however, would only be relative to a rising business-as-usual level of emissions. Also, large-scale replacement of oil by natural gas in transportation faces many obstacles (see Section 3.4.1). Replacement of coal by natural gas in electricity generation alone would be relatively straightforward, given the advanced age of many coal-fired plants;23 it would reduce CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels by about one-10th in Canada and one-fifth in the U.S., again relative to a business-as-usual level.24 However, G8 heads of government have agreed based on scientific analysis of what would be needed to avoid the worst of climate change that developed countries must reduce their total GHG emissions by 80 per cent or more by 2050, relative to a fixed recent level.25 So while replacement of coal by natural gas in electricity generation could potentially make a significant contribution to meeting the near-term national GHG targets to which both Canada and the U.S. have committed (17 per cent below the 2005 level by 2020),26 it would not come close to achieving the emission reductions needed by 2050. (Another concern, discussed in Section 2.4, is that emissions of methane itself a powerful GHG during the lifecycle of natural gas may be considerable.) Thus, supporters of natural gas portray it as a bridging or transitional fuel that can help reduce emissions in the early stages of a long-term shift to emissions-free energy.27 It is widely agreed that this shift will need to be driven mainly by a gradually increasing price on GHG emissions (a carbon price), established by a cap-and-trade system and/or a carbon tax. An initial, modest carbon price might perhaps be enough to make natural gas more economic than coal for electricity generation, but not to make large-scale renewable (or nuclear) energy consistently more economic than natural gas. In this scenario, natural gas would help achieve significant near-term emission reductions at modest cost, while a higher carbon price would only eliminate gas from the picture later on. Indeed, early replacement of coal by natural gas in electricity generation could be achieved through regulated performance standards, with no need to wait for governments to implement carbon-price policies. We examine these issues in Section 3.
2.1 Use
atural gas is the second biggest source of primary energy consumed in North America, representing just under one-third of primary energy consumed in Canada, and one-quarter in the U.S. (Petroleum is the biggest source of primary energy consumed; see Table 1.)
Table 1. sources of primary energy consumed28 in canada and the u.s. in 2008
Petroleum Coal
More than half of the natural gas consumed in Canada is used to generate heat and power in industry, and another third to heat buildings. Less than one-10th is used to generate electricity. In comparison to Canada, industry in the U.S. represents a much smaller proportion of natural gas consumption, buildings about the same proportion, and electricity generation a much larger proportion. The biggest reason for these differences is hydroelectricitys much greater role in Canada than in the U.S. (See Table 2.)
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Table 2. uses of natural gas consumed in canada and the u.s. in 2008
use canada34 u.s.35
All fossil fuels are subject to large price fluctuations over time, but the use of natural gas is especially sensitive to price fluctuations, for two reasons. First, equipment to burn natural gas is inexpensive relative to the fuel itself. For example, while the costs of generating electricity from new coal- and natural gas-fired plants are similar, they are dominated by capital costs in the case of coal, and fuel costs in the case of natural gas.37 Second, natural gas can be relatively easily replaced by other energy sources in industry, buildings and electricity generation. This contrasts with petroleum, which is mostly used in transportation where alternatives are not yet widely commercialized. It should be noted that natural gas can have operational advantages over the alternatives. For instance, natural gas-fired turbines have the advantage of being able to quickly adjust their power output. This means that in electricity grids that lack other on demand sources like hydropower, gas-fired plants play an important role of following fluctuations in daily electricity consumption patterns, as well as complementing variable-output sources like wind power. The large fluctuations in prices, and the sensitivity of use to those fluctuations, mean that forecasts of the future use of natural gas are subject to considerable uncertainty. Figure 2 shows that annual average U.S. wellhead prices have varied by nearly a factor of four over
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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the past two decades. The sharp rise from 1999 to 200508 was a result of the decline of conventional natural gas production at a time when the size of unconventional resources was not yet understood.39 Canadian prices are closely tied to U.S. prices. The uncertainty inherent in forecasts of natural gas use should be borne in mind when considering Table 3, which summarizes the most recent versions of two leading national forecasts those by Canadas National Energy Board and the U.S. Department of Energy. Both are for business-as-usual reference case scenarios in which there are no changes to the slate of government programs currently in place.40,41 In Canada, consumption of natural gas is projected to increase somewhat faster than overall energy consumption, with a major contributing factor being expansion of oil sands production.42 Consumption of natural gas is also projected to increase faster than overall energy consumption in the U.S. until 2020, with industry in general accounting for the bulk of the increase in gas use;43 but gas consumption is projected to be nearly flat in the subsequent decade. Both forecasts project significant improvements in energy efficiency, with total energy consumption growing much more slowly than GDP (GDP is projected to grow in both countries by over 30 per cent between 2008 and 202044).
Table 3. Business-as-usual evolution of natural gas consumption in canada and the u.s.
canada45 u.s.46 canada+u.s.
2008 Natural gas share of primary energy consumption Growth in consumption 200820 Growth in consumption 200830 2020 2030 Natural gas Total primary energy Natural gas Total primary energy
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2.2 Production
While petroleum is the biggest source of primary energy consumed in North America, natural gas is the biggest source of primary energy produced here this difference being due to the large U.S. imports of oil from other continents. In Canada, natural gas and petroleum were in a virtual tie as largest sources of primary energy produced in 2008. (See Table 4.)
Table 4. sources of primary energy produced49 in canada and the u.s. in 2008
source canada50 u.s.51 canada+u.s.
Non-fossil electricity
As noted in Section 1.1, in 2008, 59 per cent of the natural gas produced in Canada was exported by pipeline to the U.S.55 Taking into account imports back into Canada, net exports from Canada to the U.S. were 50 per cent of Canadas production,56 or 13 per cent of U.S. consumption.57 The reference case National Energy Board and U.S. Department of Energy forecasts (see Section 2.1) anticipate, respectively, a three per cent decline in Canadas natural gas production between 2008 and 2020,58,59 but a 15 per cent increase in U.S. production over the same period.60 The U.S. forecast foresees production increasing much more slowly after 2020, giving an overall 24 per cent increase from 2008 to 203061 (the Canadian forecast ends in 2020). The two forecasts agree that with Canadian consumption increasing (see Table 3 above) while production falls slightly, Canadian natural gas exports to the U.S. will decline by about one-third between 2008 and 2020.62 Canada is also projected to start importing modest amounts of LNG63 (in fact, Canadas first LNG import terminal began operations in 200964). Underlying these projections is a major shift in natural gas sources and extraction technology. In both Canada and the U.S., extraction of conventional natural gas is in longterm decline, while production of unconventional gas is increasing, and frontier gas production in remote locations is also projected to expand. While forecasts of natural gas consumption are subject to considerable uncertainty because of sensitivity to price fluctuations, uncertainty in forecasts of natural gas production is heightened by the development of new production regions and technology. This is illustrated by the contrast between the forecasts of the National Energy Board which projects a decline in Canadian production between 2008 and 2020 and of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), which projects about a 15 per cent production increase over the same period, based on a more rapid expansion of unconventional gas.65 CAPPs forecast must, of course, be considered in the context of the organizations vested interest in expanding production.
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Although hydraulic fracturing has been used for decades, producers only began combining it with horizontal drilling to exploit unconventional gas resources notably, vast shale deposits as recently as 200203, initially in Texas.67 Deployment of this technology has since expanded quickly, especially under the stimulus of high natural gas prices during 200508. This is commonly described as the unconventional gas revolution, which, as noted in Section 1.2, has completely transformed the North American gas supply and price picture.68 Canadas natural gas resource (estimated recoverable marketable gas) is now well over 100 years of supply at current rates, and it is dominated by unconventional gas.69 North America has about 40 years of profitable supply at mid-2010 prices,70 which were low compared to recent years (although they have since fallen further). Three types of unconventional gas are now being produced:71 Shale gas as its name indicates is found in shale, a fine-grained rock formed from ancient deposits of mud. The main Canadian gas shales are in Northeast British Columbia (Horn River and Montney shales), in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan (Colorado shale), the St. Lawrence valley in Quebec (Utica shale), and in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (Horton Bluff shale).72 The Quebec and U.S. deposits also extend into southern Ontario.73 Production is now increasing rapidly in British Columbia, while extensive exploration is underway in Quebec. Tight gas is similar to shale gas in that the gas is held tightly in rock formations, but in this case the rock is not shale. There is no clear definition of tight gas in Canada, and there can be some overlap between conventional and tight gas, and between tight gas and shale gas. For example, the Montney deposit in British Columbia is variously described as shale gas and tight gas.74 Tight gas is found in various locations in Western Canada. Coalbed methane is natural gas present in coal seams. It is found in Western Canada and in Nova Scotia.75 Figure 4 depicts the different contributions of conventional, frontier, shale and tight gas, plus coalbed methane, to Canadian production since 2000 as well as to future production
18 16 14
Billion cubic feet per day
12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Shale Coalbed methane Frontier Tight Conventional
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according to the National Energy Boards reference case forecast. The figure shows clearly the shift from conventional to unconventional and frontier gas. The picture in the U.S.77 is quite similar, with one key difference being that shale gas development is further advanced there.
Energy efficiency CO2 emissions (kg/MWh) SO2 emissions (ng/J) NOx emissions (ng/J) PM10 and PM2.5 emissions (ng/J)
Note: energy efficiency is expressed relative to the higher heating value; emissions are from combustion only, not production of the fuel.
However, while replacement of coal and oil by natural gas will reduce CO2 emissions, emissions from natural gas combustion remain very significant. As noted in Section 1.4, replacing all coal and oil by natural gas would reduce CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels (71 per cent of Canadas total GHG emissions) by only about one-fifth in Canada and about one-third in the U.S., relative to a rising business-as-usual level of emissions; replacement of coal by natural gas in electricity generation alone would reduce CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels by about one-10th in Canada and one-fifth in the U.S. (again relative to a business-as-usual level). This could potentially make a significant contribution to meeting the near-term national GHG targets to which both Canada and the U.S. have committed, but would not come close to achieving the 80 per cent-plus reductions in developed countries GHG emissions (relative to a fixed recent level) that G8 heads of government have agreed are needed by 2050, based on scientific analysis of what would be needed to avoid the worst of climate change.80 Environment Canada estimates indicate that CO2 emissions from using natural gas as an end product represent about four-fifths of the total GHG emissions (in CO2 equivalent81
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terms) from the lifecycle of natural gas used in Canada. The remaining one-fifth are upstream emissions from production, processing, transmission and distribution of the gas.82 Of these upstream emissions, about half come from burning natural gas to power production facilities and pipelines; approximately one-third come from unintentional fugitive leaks of methane; and most of the remainder is CO2 removed from raw natural gas and vented to the atmosphere.83 Different natural gas deposits contain different amounts of CO2 in the raw gas. For instance, Horn River shale gas in British Columbia contains about 12 per cent CO2, while Utica shale gas in Quebec contains less than one per cent CO2.84 As estimates like those just cited indicate that the upstream GHG emissions in the lifecycle of natural gas remain relatively modest in comparison to the emissions from using it as an end product, it is generally accepted that natural gas has considerably lower GHG emissions than other fossil fuels on a full lifecycle basis.85 It is not yet entirely clear to what extent the production of unconventional gas results in significantly more GHG emissions, on average, than the production of conventional gas. A recent study86 of GHG emissions from the Barnett shale gas deposit in Texas, published by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), found that average upstream GHG emissions per unit of gas produced there are about 40 per cent lower than average upstream GHG emissions per unit of natural gas currently produced in Canada (again based on Environment Canada estimates).87 However, raw Barnett shale gas contains only about 1.5 per cent |CO2 much less than the initial sources of Canadian shale gas.88 Also, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published a revised emission factor,89 for methane vented to the atmosphere during the hydraulic fracturing of unconventional gas wells, that is nearly twice the one90 used in the EDF study. Using the EPA factor would have increased the total GHG emissions (CO2 equivalent) in the EDF study by about 10 per cent. But the EPA notes that its factor is highly uncertain; it also notes that vented methane emissions can be nearly eliminated, in CO2 equivalent terms, by flaring them, and that this is required in certain states.91 A study recently published in the scientific journal Climatic Change suggests that emissions of methane during the lifecycle of natural gas may be much higher than conventional estimates (such as those by Environment Canada). The study concludes that total GHG emissions from the lifecycle of natural gas may, as a result, be close to, or even higher than, those from the lifecycle of coal particularly in the case of shale gas. 92,93 The lead author has, however, acknowledged that the study is necessarily based on sparse and poorly documented information.94 Clearly, there is a need for research to quantify much more reliably the methane emissions associated with natural gas. The economic modelling studies described in Section 3 of this report are based on conventional estimates of those emissions. If those estimates are eventually established to be too low, then our conclusions (Section 4) will need to become less favourable to natural gas.
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Natural gas combustion tends to produce much smaller amounts of key air pollutants than other fossil fuels; this is illustrated by Table 5 for the case of electricity generation. Environment Canada does not quantify total national emissions from natural gas combustion, but they can be roughly approximated by assuming that all combustion of natural gas has the same emissions per unit of fuel as electricity generation with natural gas, for which Environment Canada does quantify total national emissions. On this basis, natural gas combustion appears to make significant contributions to Canadian emissions of nitrogen oxides and perhaps mercury, but only small contributions to national emissions of other key air pollutants (see Table 6). Both nitrogen oxides (NOx) and mercury are listed as toxic substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act because of their impacts on human health and the environment. NOx emissions contribute to acid rain; they are also one of the main precursors to ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter, which are the main constituents of smog. Health Canada has acknowledged that air pollution is associated with thousands of premature deaths in Canada every year.95 Mercury is a highly toxic metal for which the federal government has taken a series of actions to reduce releases to the environment.96 NOx emissions from natural gas-fired turbines can be reduced by 80 to 95 per cent, relative to standard technology, using selective catalytic reduction (SCR).97 SCR has a cost of only 0.10.3 cents per kilowatt-hour in electricity generation,98 and has been required by the U.S. EPA on all combined cycle natural gas power plants in the past several years.99
Table 6. contribution of natural gas combustion, and production/processing of oil and gas, to canadian emissions of key air pollutants100
Pm 10 Pm 2.5 sox nox voc co nH3 Pb cd Hg
All combustion of natural gas102 (approximated) Production and processing of petroleum and natural gas
Not quantified
Key: PM10 = particulate matter under 10 microns; PM2.5 = particulate matter under 2.5 microns; SOx = sulphur oxides; NOx = nitrogen oxides; VOC = volatile organic compounds; CO = carbon monoxide; NH3 = ammonia; Pb = lead; Cd = cadmium; Hg = mercury.
Significant air pollution is also generated by the production of natural gas. Production and processing of petroleum and natural gas combined account for a significant share of Canadian emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), NOx and SOx (see Table 6). According to a study commissioned by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, oil production accounts for the bulk of these VOC emissions, but natural gas production accounts for the bulk of the NOx and SOx emissions.103
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Some natural gas deposits contain significant amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) a gas that is deadly at high enough concentrations. Most H2S is normally removed and destroyed, or reinjected underground, during gas processing, but some is released to the atmosphere104 and dangerous releases are possible in case of accident. Fatalities from H2S in natural gas do still occasionally occur.105,106 Natural gas wells107 and processing plants108 can be a significant source of air emissions of benzene, a known human carcinogen.109
2 . 5 . 2 i m pA c T s o n w AT e r
Unconventional natural gas production presents a hazard to freshwater resources because it involves drilling and fracturing rock under the land surface, transporting hazardous substances through the resulting cavities, and producing large volumes of contaminated wastewater. In addition, gas production using hydraulic fracturing consumes large amounts of water. The hazard is compounded because Canadian regulatory authorities generally have only a limited understanding of the structure and use of groundwater resources.110 For example, in November 2010 the Quebec Environment Ministry acknowledged that its groundwater mapping program does not currently cover all the areas targeted for shale gas production; and in no area does the program determine how deep fresh water extends information that is needed to ensure that the surface casings (see below) of natural gas wells go deep enough to protect fresh water.111 In December 2010, the Auditor General of British Columbia found that the Ministry of Environments information about groundwater is insufficient to enable it to ensure the sustainability of the resource.112 Migration of natural gas Natural gas wells are lined by layers of steel casing surrounded by cement, to prevent any contact between the contents of the well and the surrounding rock and water underground. The cement should prevent any migration of water or gas along the wellbore. However, inadequate cementing/casing can result in leaks. The recent BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a notorious example of this.113 The main constituent of raw natural gas is methane. Groundwater and drinking water wells can sometimes contain biologically generated methane that has nothing to do with industrial activities.114 However, migration of natural gas to the surface, including into water wells and other surface structures, as a result of inadequate cementing/casing of oil or gas wells (in some cases old, abandoned wells), has been clearly established in multiple settings, including oil wells in Alberta and coalbed methane wells in the U.S.115 In 2009 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection established that faulty cementing/ casing of modern shale gas wells was the cause of gas migration into the water supplies of 14 homes.116 Additional evidence for methane contamination of Pennsylvania drinking water associated with shale gas extraction was presented in a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.117 The study presents strong evidence that the methane is from the shale gas, not shallow biological sources, and identifies leaky well casings as the most likely culprit. Similarly, in November 2010 Quebec government inspectors detected very high methane concentrations in excess of 20 per cent in the air surrounding four different shale gas
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exploration wells.118 The provincial environment ministry has confirmed in at least one of these cases that the methane is from the shale gas, not biological sources.119 Methane is explosive but not toxic. However, as noted in Section 2.5.1, raw natural gas can contain toxic substances such as hydrogen sulphide and benzene. If natural gas is migrating into groundwater, then benzene may be doing so too. Migration of fracture fluids In cases of faulty cementing/casing of natural gas wells using hydraulic fracturing, there is a potential for fracture fluids to contaminate fresh groundwater. However, it is not clear that there have been any cases where such contamination can be unequivocally attributed to underground propagation of fracture fluids.120 It must also be recognized that while the combination of hydraulic fracturing with horizontal drilling is new, fracturing is not: more than one million wells have been hydraulically fractured in North America over six decades.121 The composition of fracture fluids can vary widely. In shale gas production, typical fluids consist of water, sand and chemicals added to modify the viscosity of the fluid, kill bacteria, prevent certain chemical reactions, etc. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has compiled a list of nearly 200 chemicals used or proposed for use in hydraulic fracturing of the states shale gas deposits. While some of the chemicals are not hazardous, NYSDEC notes significant potential negative health effects from others.122 Democratic members of three U.S House of Representatives committees recently published a list of 750 substances used in hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells in the U.S. between 2005 and 2009, based on information voluntarily provided by producers. Of these substances, 29 are known or possible human carcinogens and/or regulated toxic chemicals.123 Until recently, companies were generally reluctant to disclose the composition of their fracture fluids, but this is now changing. For example, U.S. state regulators have launched a website where over 40 companies are now voluntarily disclosing fracture fluid composition on a well-by-well basis.124 Several U.S. states now require disclosure to regulators,125,126 and Quebec has announced that it will do so,127 although it is not clear how much of the information will be accessible by the public. In Canada, companies are generally required to report substances injected underground to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI), but fracture fluids escape this provision as oil and gas wells are currently exempted from the NPRI.128 Between 20 per cent and 85 per cent of fracture fluids remain permanently underground.129 The potential for these fluids to contaminate fresh water directly, via the fractured rock, depends on the depth of the gas deposit. Most Canadian130 and U.S.131 shale gas deposits range from several hundred to several thousand metres below the surface much deeper than the typical deepest extent of fresh water (groundwater becomes salty deeper than a few hundred metres132). The Ground Water Protection Council, the association of U.S. state groundwater regulatory agencies (including departments of both environment and natural resources), has concluded that the depth and the intervening rock barriers make any contamination of groundwater extremely unlikely.133 However, at least one hydrogeolo-
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gist has produced a detailed analysis concluding that deep fracture fluids could reach fresh water in decades to centuries.134 Some unconventional gas deposits such as certain coalbed methane deposits in Alberta135 do lie at the same shallow depths as fresh water. Albertas Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) prohibits fracturing within 200 metres (horizontal) if the depth of a water well is within 50 metres (vertical) of the proposed well fracturing depth; and the ERCB allows only non-toxic fracture fluids at depths where fresh water occurs.136 However, the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission states: Fracture propagation via large scale hydraulic fracturing operations has proven difficult to predict. Existing planes of weakness in target formations may result in fracture lengths that exceed initial design expectations.137 The commission is aware of numerous fracture communication incidents in the province in which hydraulic fracturing caused an unintended connection with adjacent wells.138 This suggests that some fracture fluids from shallow unconventional gas production are likely to enter fresh groundwater. Industry representatives state that genuinely non-toxic fracture fluids are available for some applications, although they cost more than typical fluids.139 While this is encouraging, the uncontrolled addition of any extraneous substances to freshwater resources is a cause for concern. Surface contamination The most significant risk of contamination of fresh water by natural gas production appears to result from spills or inadequate disposal of produced water water that comes out of the well along with the gas. Produced water is typically stored in open pits or tanks before being disposed of.140,141 In general, produced water is a combination of (typically very salty) water naturally occurring in the gas deposit, and the flowback portion of the fracture fluids. According to a major recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), The environmental impacts of shale [gas] development are manageable but challenging. The largest challenges lie in the area of water management, particularly the effective disposal of fracture fluids.142 Part of the challenge is the very large volume of fluids (see below), which necessarily increases the risk of spills. The industrys recent track record in this area has been poor in Pennsylvania, which is currently at the forefront of shale gas development. According to the states Department of Environmental Protection (June 2010), Since January 2010, the department has completed nearly 1,700 inspections of Marcellus Shale drilling sites across the state, finding more than 530 violations that range from poor erosion and sediment controls to administrative violations to spills and leaks from improperly managed or constructed [wastewater] containment pits. [...] During its inspections, the department has identified problems with improperly constructed or maintained drilling waste and flowback containment pits at 29 of the 364 Marcellus Shale wells drilled this year. [...] The department has also responded to spills from a range of sources including leaking fuel storage tanks, unsecured valves on fracwater storage tanks and accidents involving trucks hauling wastewater.143 Some shale gas producers in Pennsylvania have been sending wastewater to municipal sewage treatment plants, but most of these cannot deal with the high levels of dissolved salt
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(and, in some cases, natural radioactivity144), which is therefore discharged into waterways.145 In Alberta146 and British Columbia,147 produced water is usually disposed of, untreated, in deep wells below the freshwater zone. The U.S. EPA has now launched a scientific study to investigate the possible relationships between hydraulic fracturing and drinking water, but initial results are not expected before late 2012.148 It should be noted that drilling muds fluids used to drill wells prior to fracturing are an additional potential source of groundwater contamination through migration underground or surface contamination.149 Water consumption The amounts of water consumed by natural gas production using hydraulic fracturing could result in significant environmental impacts in drier regions. Eight to 15 million litres of water are typically needed to drill and complete a shale gas well.150 However, 60 million litres per well have recently been used in British Columbias Horn River basin.151 In the Barnett deposit in Texas, where shale gas production is currently most advanced, almost 3,000 new wells were added in 2008.152 A hypothetical shale gas region drilling 3,000 wells per year, and using 15 million litres of water per well, would be consuming about 120 million litres per day the same as a city of about 300,000 people.153 If the same hypothetical region were using 60 million litres per well, it would be consuming water at the same rate as a city of about 1.2 million people. Although these are large numbers, production of one unit of energy from shale gas consumes a comparable amount of water to coal, less than oil sands and far less than biofuels.154 Nonetheless, the recent rapid development of the Marcellus shale deposit in Pennsylvania, where over 1,000 wells were drilled in 2010,155 has placed tremendous strain on the states water resources.156 In August 2010 the summer drought forced the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission to order a suspension of industry withdrawals of surface water in the shale gas region in the northeast of the province.157 Increased recycling of fracture fluids may offer a solution. Recycling of all fracture fluids reducing the industrys fresh water consumption by 30 to 50 per cent may be technically and economically feasible.158 Devon Energy, a major producer in the Barnett shale, is already recycling some fluids on a commercial scale.159 It is not clear how much energy use and associated emissions result from removal of salt from the used fluids.
2 . 5 . 3 i m pA c T s o n T h e l A n d s c A p e A n d q u A l i T y o F l i F e
All natural gas production will have significant impacts on the landscape (or marine environment, in the case of offshore production). Here we will consider shale gas and Arctic gas, since they are projected to account for the bulk of new Canadian production in the coming years (see Figure 4). Shale gas production requires one well pad (comprising multiple wells) roughly every square mile160 (a mile is 1.6 km), and each well pad typically occupies an area about 100 metres by 100 metres (one hectare).161 Each well pad also requires an access road and pipeline infrastructure. Drilling and fracturing a multi-well pad requires up to 18 months162 of
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noisy day-and-night operations, and many thousands of truck trips.163 Once completed, wells will produce for several years, although the production level of each well falls off rapidly, typically by half from the first to the third year.164 To sustain a constant level of production, producers must therefore continually drill new wells. For example, based on the experience of the Barnett shale, 800 new wells (on the order of 100 new well pads165) would need to be drilled every year to sustain production of three billion cubic feet per day166 (about one-fifth of Canadas current production167) over 20 years. In the Arctic, the Mackenzie Gas Project includes three anchor fields that are expected to produce about 5.6 trillion cubic feet of gas over about 25 years168 equivalent to an average rate of about 0.6 billion cubic feet per day. This is expected to require six well pads for the entire period, and a total of 523 hectares of physical disturbance,169 not including the area disturbed by processing and pipeline facilities. It is notable that the number of well pads required to produce from this conventional gas-like resource is on the order of 100 times smaller than the number needed to produce the same amount of shale gas over the same time period.170 The number of well pads in the Mackenzie Gas Project may, however, be unusually small for conventional-like gas development. In addition, natural gas production will inevitably be subject to accidents that will further impact the environment, public safety and quality of life. For example, gas well blowouts have occurred recently in the Marcellus shale region in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.171
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the hearings, the minister has now launched a strategic environmental assessment of the development of the provinces shale gas resources. The assessment is expected to take about two years, during which time the minister will only authorize hydraulic fracturing operations if they are recommended for research purposes by the expert committee undertaking the assessment.177 However, at present there is no assurance that the exemption of gas wells from normal environmental assessment will be removed. Natural gas wells in the Arctic and offshore are subject to federal environmental assessments, by bodies such as the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board,178 the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board179 and the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board.180 Private landowners have little ability to prevent natural gas development when governments have approved it. On more than 90 per cent of land in Canada, mineral rights including rights to oil and gas are owned by the Crown, not the owner of the surface property. Governments allocate those rights to companies via leases that allow exploration for and production of the below-ground resources.181 Landowners can generally negotiate the terms of access to their land by producers, including some financial compensation, but have little or no power to prevent it.182,183 This makes it especially important that governments take decisions about development that are in the interest of citizens.
3.1 Introduction
s noted earlier, replacement of other fossil fuels by natural gas is expected to reduce GHG emissions, but not nearly by enough to allow it to be a long-term solution to climate change, unless it is used in conjunction with CO2 capture and storage (CCS). Supporters of natural gas therefore often portray it as a bridging fuel that can help reduce emissions in the early stages of a long-term shift to emissions-free energy. Economic modelling studies provide a sophisticated means of determining whether a bridging role for natural gas makes sense. Models of national economies can project the likely future roles of different forms of energy under a range of assumptions about supply, demand, international trade and government policies. Models seek to integrate the key factors that determine choices among competing energy options: energy efficiency, fossil fuels with and without CCS, nuclear and renewable energy.
i s n at u r a l g a s a c l i m at e c h a n g e s o l u t i o n f o r c a n a d a ?
The results of modelling studies can be quite sensitive to assumptions about issues such as the relative costs of competing technologies, the manner in which economic actors take decisions, or international trade. It is therefore striking that all the studies reviewed agree (except in one case, discussed below) that natural gas consumption will be lower than the business-as-usual level when a carbon price is implemented whether that price is modest or robust. In most cases gas consumption is projected to rise in absolute terms, in the medium term, but always less than under business-as-usual. In the two cases where policies are designed to be consistent with limiting average global warming to 2C185 the objective that governments (including the Government of Canada) have unanimously endorsed in the UN climate negotiations186 North American or Canadian natural gas consumption is not projected to rise more than a small amount above current levels. (These cases are the IEA 450 scenario and the Jaccard and Associates 2C target.) The only case where natural gas consumption is projected to be higher than businessas-usual, in the presence of a carbon price, is the scenario in the MIT study where there is full global trade of natural gas. As already noted in Section 1.3, LNG exports from North America to other continents would face many hurdles, including competition from other suppliers and uncertainty about the future prices in destination countries needed to support the high capital costs of LNG infrastructure. Indeed, in the MIT studys full global trade scenario, it is the other way around: the U.S. is projected to import large volumes of cheap gas from the Middle East and Russia, because production costs are even lower there despite the unconventional gas revolution in North America. This trade would reduce prices, boosting U.S. consumption. But this scenario would entail the challenge of U.S. political sensitivity to dependence on foreign energy casting considerable further doubt on its plausibility. The IEA projects inter-continental LNG trade rising to 11 per cent of global natural gas consumption by 2035 in its new policies scenario (modest carbon price), but most of this LNG is projected to go to Asia, and none of it comes from North America.187 Instead, North America imports LNG, but only enough to satisfy seven per cent of its consumption in 2035.188 Similarly, the U.S. Department of Energy continues to foresee no new U.S. LNG export capacity between now and 2035.189 These analyses suggest that construction of a proposed LNG export terminal in Kitimat, British Columbia, may be less likely than has been reported.190
3 . 2 . 1 i n T e r n AT i o n A l e n e r g y A g e n c y ( 2 0 1 0 )
The IEA, an intergovernmental organization of 28 developed countries, produces an annual World Energy Outlook that is influential in international negotiations on climate and energy policy. The outlook is constructed using the IEAs World Energy Model. The 2010 edition of the outlook presents three scenarios191 for the global energy system between 2008 and 2035: A current policies (business-as-usual) scenario in which no new government policies affecting GHG emissions are implemented if they were not enacted by mid-2010. A new policies scenario in which there is cautious implementation of current national commitments on GHG emissions for 2020, with the same pace of decline in GHG intensity continued afterwards. A carbon price is implemented in North America only after 2020; it reaches US$40 per tonne of CO2 by 2030 and US$50 by
t h e r o l e o f n at u r a l g a s i n g r e e n h o u s e g a s r e d u c t i o n
Figure 5. global natural gas consumption in the ieas World energy outlook 2010192 (2008=100)
Note: the World Energy Outlook does not provide data for years between 2008 and 2015, so the temporary drop in consumption resulting from the recent recession is not shown.
Figure 6. north american (u.s., canada, mexico) natural gas consumption in the ieas World energy outlook 2010193 (2008=100)
Note: the World Energy Outlook does not provide data for years between 2008 and 2015, so the temporary drop in consumption resulting from the recent recession is not shown.
2035 (in 2009 dollars). There are numerous complementary policies, which vary by jurisdiction. A 450 scenario with more ambitious policies to put the world on track to stabilize atmospheric GHG concentrations at 450 parts per million of CO2 equivalent,194 consistent with a chance of limiting average global warming to 2C. The carbon price in developed countries195 reaches US$45 per tonne of CO2 in 2020, US$105 in 2030 and US$120 in 2035. Again there are numerous complementary policies. Figures 5 and 6 show the evolution of natural gas consumption globally and in North
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America under these three scenarios. Consumption increases steadily under both the current and new policies scenarios, but under the 450 scenario it starts falling in absolute terms by 2030, and is well below the current policies level by 2035. In North America, the 450 scenario sees a switch from coal to gas in electricity generation between 2020 and 2025, but this is followed by an even sharper switch to nuclear and renewables as the carbon price rises further.196 It is noteworthy that even the more modest GHG policies of the new policies scenario slow the rate of growth of gas consumption relative to business-as-usual presumably because energy efficiency, which often has a low cost in terms of dollars per tonne of CO2, is reducing demand for natural gas more sharply than fuel switching is increasing it.
3.2.2 mAssAchuseTTs insTiTuTe oF Technology (2010)
MITs Energy Initiative, a major interdisciplinary effort supported by several prominent energy companies,197 recently published an interim report on its investigation into the future of natural gas, with a focus on the U.S.198 The report includes the results of an economic modelling exercise using the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analyses (EPPA) model and the U.S. Regional Energy Policy (USREP) model. The EPPA model is a global model with the U.S. as one of its regions. The report presents results199 for the following three policy scenarios: No new policies to reduce GHG emissions (business-as-usual). A carbon price sufficient to reduce total U.S. GHG emissions to 50 per cent below the 2005 level by 2050, without international offsets. The price reaches approximately US$100 per tonne of CO2 equivalent in 2030 and approaches US$240 by 2050. Other developed countries implement similar policies. Emission reductions by developed countries would have to be considerably greater (at least 80 per cent by 2050) for the world to have a chance of limiting average global warming to 2C.200 The same carbon pricing policy as above, accompanied by the development of a truly global market for natural gas, via the expansion of LNG and pipeline infrastructure to link continents. Figure 7 shows the evolution of U.S. natural gas consumption under the three scenarios, using a mean estimate of the size of U.S. natural gas resources. The no new policies and carbon pricing scenarios look similar to their analogues in the World Energy Outlook: with no new policies, gas consumption increases steadily, but with carbon pricing consumption (and production) grows more slowly and eventually starts falling in absolute terms. In the MIT study, however, even with robust carbon pricing gas consumption remains slightly above the 2010 level in 2050. Although not shown in Figure 7, the picture is qualitatively the same with a high estimate of U.S. gas resources: with carbon pricing, consumption falls in absolute terms after 2040. With a low resource estimate, this is true even without carbon pricing. In the third scenario, with full global trade of natural gas, U.S. consumption is boosted by lower prices and heavy imports of cheap gas from the Middle East and Russia. The plausibility of this scenario was discussed above.
t h e r o l e o f n at u r a l g a s i n g r e e n h o u s e g a s r e d u c t i o n
The MIT study also includes a longer-term version of the carbon pricing scenario in which total U.S. GHG emissions are reduced to 80 per cent below the 2005 level by 2100. Between 2045 and 2065, natural gas use in electricity generation falls sharply to zero, and only small amounts of gas-fired electricity with CCS appear after 2070.
3.2.3 resources For The FuTure (2010)
Resources for the Future (RFF), a leading U.S. environmental economics research institute, recently published an economic modelling study201 examining the role of natural gas in meeting U.S. GHG objectives in the context of a large low-cost shale gas resource. The study used RFFs variant of the U.S. Department of Energys National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). The study examined the following four scenarios:202 A business-as-usual (BAU) scenario based on the 2009 edition of the Department of Energys Annual Energy Outlook no changes to the slate of government programs currently in place. The estimates of shale gas resources in this scenario are relatively limited. A modified BAU scenario with more abundant shale gas resources and lower production costs, reflecting more recent estimates. A policy scenario based on the first BAU scenario with an economy-wide cap-andtrade system similar to that in the American Clean Energy and Security Act passed by the House of Representatives in June 2009 (but not the Senate). The carbon price rises from US$19 per tonne of CO2 in 2030 to US$67 in 2030 (in 2007 dollars). By comparison with the IEA and MIT studies, this falls well short of being consistent with limiting average global warming to 2C. A policy scenario based on the second BAU scenario, with more abundant shale gas and the same cap-and-trade system.
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2010 Figure 8. u.s. natural gas consumption in the resources for the future study (2010=100)
Note: the RFF report does not provide data for intermediate years, although the model used does generate it.
Figure 8 shows the evolution of U.S. natural gas consumption under the four scenarios. Consumption increases with more abundant shale gas resources, as one would expect. But again, as in the World Energy Outlook, even a modest carbon price reduces natural gas consumption below business-as-usual levels. The authors argue that natural gas creates a bridge to a low-carbon future because the carbon price is very slightly lower when shale gas is more abundant. But this effect seems very small: the carbon price reduction is just 12 cents in 2012 and 43 cents in 2030.
3 . 2 . 4 J A c c A r d A n d A s s o c i AT e s ( 2 0 0 9 )
In 2009, the Pembina Institute and the David Suzuki Foundation commissioned M.K. Jaccard and Associates to conduct an economic modelling study203 to understand how Canada could meet two GHG emissions targets for 2020: the federal governments then target of a 20 per cent reduction below the 2006 level; and a more ambitious 25 per cent reduction below the 1990 level, intended to be a fair Canadian contribution to limiting average global warming to 2C. The study used Jaccard and Associates CIMS model, which has been widely used by the governments of Canada, Alberta and other provinces. CIMS contains a detailed database of technologies relevant to GHG emissions. The study modelled a carbon price plus a range of complementary policies to meet each of the two targets. For the governments target, the carbon price started at $40 per tonne of CO2 equivalent in 2011 and rose to $100 by 2020 (in 2005 Canadian dollars). For the 2C target, the carbon price started at $50 per tonne in 2010 and rose to $200 by 2020. Figure 9 shows the level of Canadian natural gas consumption under the studys business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, and when meeting each of the two targets. As in the studies reviewed above, the GHG reduction policies reduce natural gas consumption below business-as-usual levels: to meet either the governments target or a more ambitious one, Canadas gas consumption would need to stay almost flat between 2010 and 2020.
t h e r o l e o f n at u r a l g a s i n g r e e n h o u s e g a s r e d u c t i o n
Figure 9. canadian natural gas consumption in the Jaccard and associates study204 (2005=100)
3 . 2 . 5 w e s T e r n c l i m AT e i n i T i AT i v e ( 2 0 1 0 )
The Western Climate Initiative (WCI) is a partnership between the governments of seven U.S. states (AZ, CA, MT, NM, OR, UT, WA) and four Canadian provinces (BC, MB, ON, QC) that have proposed to jointly meet their GHG reduction targets for 2020 using an economy-wide cap-and-trade system and complementary policies. In 2010 the WCI published an updated economic analysis205 of the proposed policies. The analysis employed the widely used ENERGY 2020 model. Figure 10 shows the projected evolution of natural gas consumption in the WCI region under a business-as-usual scenario with no new policies beyond those already adopted, and under a scenario in which the proposed WCI cap-and-trade system and a range
No new policies WCI policies
Figure 10. natural gas consumption in the Wci region, according to the Wcis updated economic analysis (2006=100)
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of complementary policies are implemented. In the policy scenario the carbon price reaches US$33 per tonne of CO2 equivalent by 2020 (2007 dollars). Once again, this modest carbon price reduces natural gas consumption significantly below business-as-usual levels, turning a gentle consumption increase into a gentle decrease.
t h e r o l e o f n at u r a l g a s i n g r e e n h o u s e g a s r e d u c t i o n
BAU $20/tonne $40/tonne $60/tonne $80/tonne $100/tonne $120/tonne
Figure 11. north american (u.s., canada) natural gas consumption in the study commissioned for this report (2005=100)
consumption in 2030 falls below the 2005 level. The results depicted in Figure 11 change little when there is no shale gas or more abundant shale gas; the carbon price at which gas consumption in 2030 falls below the 2005 level is about $60 with no shale gas and about $70 with more abundant shale gas. Doubling the cost of CCS makes nearly no difference up to and including $60 per tonne, but slightly reduces natural gas consumption at $120. Halving the cost of CCS makes a bigger difference: now gas consumption in 2030 falls below the 2005 level only at $100 per tonne. It is worth recalling that according to the IEAs 450 scenario, having a chance of limiting average global warming to 2C requires the carbon price in developed countries to reach US$105 per tonne of CO2 by 2030 (see Section 3.2.1). Table 7 shows the projected evolution of natural gas production. Total North American production is closely aligned to total consumption (as just described), consistent with a very small volume of intercontinental LNG trade. Under business-as-usual, production falls somewhat in Canada and rises somewhat in the U.S, in broad alignment with the forecasts described in Section 2.2. A carbon price then reduces production in 2030 significantly relative to the business-as-usual level. When there is extra shale gas, it appears to be more competitive in Canada than in the U.S., so production is boosted in Canada and actually suffers in the U.S. When there is no shale gas, it is the other way around, with production depressed in Canada but benefiting slightly in the U.S. Table 8 shows the projected effect of the different carbon price levels and other assumptions on national GHG emissions and GDP. With a carbon price of $120 per tonne of CO2 equivalent, emissions in 2030 fall to 32 per cent below the 2005 level in Canada, and 35 per cent below the 2005 level in the U.S. With no shale gas, the carbon price is slightly less effective in reducing emissions (i.e., a slightly higher carbon price is needed to reach the same emissions level). But with extra shale gas, emissions are even higher for a given carbon price.
i s n at u r a l g a s a c l i m at e c h a n g e s o l u t i o n f o r c a n a d a ?
Table 7. natural gas production in 2030, relative to the 2005 level, in the study commissioned for this report
scenario canada (%) u.s. (%) canada+u.s. (%)
BAU $60/tonne $120/tonne $60/tonne, no shale gas $120/tonne, no shale gas $60/tonne, extra shale gas $120/tonne, extra shale gas $60/tonne, CCS more costly $120/tonne, CCS more costly $60/tonne, CCS less costly $120/tonne, CCS less costly
11 21 26 27 33 7 16 21 30 19 23
+24 +7 2 +8 1 +2 6 +6 5 +9 +3
+14 1 8 1 10 0 9 1 11 +2 4
Table 8. national ghg emissions and gdp in the study commissioned for this report
scenario canadian gHg emissions in 203o, relative to 2005 (%) u.s. gHg emissions in 203o, relative to 2005 (%) canadian gdP in 2030, relative to 2005 (%) u.s. gdP in 2030 relative to 2005 (%)
BAU $60/tonne $120/tonne $60/tonne, no shale gas $120/tonne, no shale gas $60/tonne, extra shale gas $120/tonne, extra shale gas $60/tonne, CCS more costly $120/tonne, CCS more costly $60/tonne, CCS less costly $120/tonne, CCS less costly
+31 1 32 3 30 +2 27 +1 12 18 33
+23 9 35 9 34 8 34 7 31 11 37
+72.9 +72.1 +70.5 +71.9 +70.3 +72.8 +71.1 +72.2 +70.7 +71.9 +71.0
+77.8 +76.8 +74.5 +76.7 +74.5 +76.7 +74.4 +76.8 +74.4 +76.9 +74.5
At $120 per tonne, doubling the cost of CCS increases Canadian emissions considerably, but U.S. emissions only a little. Halving the cost of CCS reduces emissions particularly in Canada at $60 per tonne. These results are related to the greater Canadian reliance on CCS in electricity generation (see below). The projected effects on national GDP are very small. In the worst case for Canada ($120/tonne, no shale gas), the economy grows by 70.3 per cent between 2005 and 2030 (2.15 per cent per year on average) instead of 72.9 per cent (2.22 per cent per year) in the absence of a carbon price.
t h e r o l e o f n at u r a l g a s i n g r e e n h o u s e g a s r e d u c t i o n
Fossil witH ccs (%) Hydro, nuclear (%) otHer renewables (%)
BAU $60/tonne $120/tonne $60/tonne, no sh. gas $120/tonne, no sh. gas $60/tonne, extra sh. gas $120/tonne, extra sh. gas $60/tonne, CCS cost 2 $120/tonne, CCS cost 2 $60/tonne, CCS cost 2 $120/tonne, CCS cost 2
0 +24 +39 +25 +35 +25 +36 +24 +34 +27 +40
24 14 2 14 9 16 5 14 8 11 3
0 0 14 0 0 0 7 0 0 6 18
64 66 63 66 68 65 66 66 68 63 60
12 20 21 20 23 20 22 20 23 19 19
0 +1 0 +1 +1 0 0 +1 +1 +1 1
69 55 46 54 46 55 47 55 46 51 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 41
21 30 36 31 36 30 36 30 36 30 35
10 15 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 15 17
Note: While the GEEM-NA model does explicitly capture fuel switching between gas-fired and coal-fired electricity, it treats them as a single economic sector. The results displayed in this table should therefore be treated with caution.
Table 9 shows the projected evolution and composition of electricity production under the different carbon prices and scenarios for shale gas supply and CCS costs. A significant carbon price considerably increases Canadian electricity production relative to the businessas-usual level, but it hardly changes U.S. electricity production. This is a result of Canada starting out with a relatively low-carbon electricity sector, and the U.S. with a relatively high-carbon electricity sector. In Canada, an increasing carbon price boosts non-hydro renewables and CCS at the expense of conventional fossil-fuelled power. In the U.S., however, an increasing carbon price boosts all the non-fossil options but not CCS (unless the cost of CCS is halved). This can perhaps be interpreted in terms of the large opportunity in the U.S. for fuel switching from coal to natural gas. In general, the results suggest that the electricity sector is quite sensitive to cost assumptions, with different options competing closely.
Very little natural gas is currently used in transportation, but some have suggested it could become an important vehicle fuel, with lower GHG emissions than gasoline or diesel fuel, and the promise of increasing U.S. energy security by replacing foreign oil with domestic gas. According to Natural Resources Canada, natural gas has 21 to 30 per cent lower GHG emissions than diesel, on a lifecycle basis, when used in medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.211 However, more studies are needed to confirm this statistic.212
i s n at u r a l g a s a c l i m at e c h a n g e s o l u t i o n f o r c a n a d a ?
Some compressed natural gas (CNG) and LNG vehicles are already commercially available in North America. Certain niche applications, such as heavy-duty vehicles that can refuel at their home base, appear to be economically attractive, with the less expensive fuel more than compensating for the more expensive vehicles.213 However, this depends on natural gas maintaining its price advantage over diesel; the risk of this not being the case is a significant barrier to adoption.214 The consensus appears to be that a major role for natural gas vehicles faces many obstacles notably, the lack of public refuelling infrastructure. A more likely, and more energy efficient, way for natural gas to fuel transportation is via electricity generated from gas.215 None of the economic modelling studies described above appear to foresee a major role for natural gas vehicles, even with a robust carbon price. Models, do, however, tend to foresee a major role for electric vehicles in the medium term. For example, in the IEA World Energy Outloooks 450 scenario (ambitious climate policies), natural gas vehicles account for just two per cent of light-duty vehicle sales by 2035, but pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles account for about 40 per cent.216
3 . 4 . 2 n AT u r A l g A s A s A c o m p l e m e n T T o r e n e w A b l e s i n e l e c T r i c i T y g e n e r AT i o n
It is often argued that new natural-gas fired power plants, which have the ability to quickly adjust their power output, must be built as backup for any expansion of variable-output renewable sources like wind power. It is certainly true that in electricity grids that lack other on demand sources like hydropower, gas-fired plants may play an important role of complementing variable-output renewable energy. There are, however, several reasons why a major expansion of variable-output renewable electricity need not be accompanied by increased consumption of natural gas in the electricity sector at the national or continental level. First, current electricity systems often have inherent redundancies that allow the integration of significant amounts of new variable-output sources.217 Second, in cases where substantial natural gas-fired generating capacity is needed as backup, that capacity may only need to be utilized at a low average rate. Third, the need for backup gas-fired capacity can be reduced with improvements to electricity grids to make them smart capable of integrating different power sources in a more sophisticated manner218 and to expand interconnections to locations with hydropower. (In Canada, this could mean stronger interprovincial connections to British Columbia, Manitoba and Quebec.) Fourth, in addition to hydroelectric facilities, emerging technologies such as flow batteries219 and concentrating solar power220 can use energy storage to smooth the output of energy from the wind and sun. Although some economic models may not adequately address the need for backup power, the IEAs World Energy Model does so.221 The 450 scenario in the IEAs World Energy Outlook (see Section 3.2.1) provides an illustration of the points above in the case of the U.S. As shown in Table 10, natural gas-fired electricity generating capacity stays nearly flat between 2008 and 2035, while wind and solar capacity undergoes a massive expansion. Utilization of the gas-fired capacity rises considerably to 2030, but then falls off by 2035 to a point where more power is being generated from wind and solar than from gas.
t h e r o l e o f n at u r a l g a s i n g r e e n h o u s e g a s r e d u c t i o n
Table 10. u.s. electricity generation in the ieas World energy outlook 2010, 450 scenario222
energy source 2008 2020 2030 2035
Generation (TWh) Generation (TWh) Share of generation (%) Generation capacity (GW) Generation (TWh)
In addition, an increase in natural gas use in the electricity sector does not necessarily mean increased gas consumption in the whole economy. In the preceding example, although the amount of gas being used for electricity generation rises considerably between 2008 and 2030, declines elsewhere mean that total national gas consumption is at the same level in 2030 as it was in 2008.223
3.4.3 The risk oF lock-in To The ouTcomes o F i n i T i A l c l i m AT e p o l i c y
An issue that is not fully addressed in the scenarios developed in economic modelling studies, or in other proposals that focus on meeting near- or medium-term GHG targets, is the risk that if new infrastructure continues to be built for the production and use of natural gas without CCS, it may become a barrier to meeting long-term GHG objectives. For example, as noted in Section 1.4, replacement of coal by natural gas in electricity generation could potentially make a significant contribution to meeting the near-term national GHG target to which the U.S. has committed (17 per cent below the 2005 level by 2020). But would the owners of new gas-fired power plants built in the next few years willingly cease to operate them or accept the costs of converting them to CCS soon after 2020, as the U.S. pushed for deeper GHG reductions? Even if gas-fired power plants need operate only for 20 years or so to justify their relatively low capital costs, their owners will nonetheless want them to generate revenues for as long as possible. Recent comments by the IEAs Chief Economist, Fatih Birol, lend weight to this concern: Birol warns that efforts to tackle climate change through renewable energy are under threat from the unconventional gas revolution, and notes that the shale gas boom in the U.S. has contributed to a sharp drop in investment in renewable energy.224 As noted earlier (see Table 10), the IEAs 450 scenario does not significantly expand gas-fired electricity generation capacity in the U.S. but focuses instead on a long-term expansion of renewable electricity. However, in the near term it falls short of the U.S. GHG target for 2020.225 There are two further reasons to be reticent about building new infrastructure for the production and use of natural gas without CCS, even when economic models indicate that it is consistent with ambitious GHG reduction scenarios. First, modelling scenarios are
i s n at u r a l g a s a c l i m at e c h a n g e s o l u t i o n f o r c a n a d a ?
generally based on a carbon price that starts low and steadily increases. But it can be argued that a more economically rational way to address climate change would be to adopt a fixed budget for total emissions between now and a distant year such as 2050, and then set the carbon price accordingly. (This could notionally be implemented using a cap-and-trade system with a single multi-decade compliance period.) Under this approach the carbon price would be high from the outset and it could well rule out any new investments in natural gas combustion without CCS. Second, recent science indicates that even at relatively low atmospheric GHG concentrations, the impacts of climate change may be much more severe than previously thought.226 This suggests that governments need to do all they reasonably can to avoid any new sources of GHG emissions.227
n Section 1.1, we posed three sequential questions (see Figure 1) that we believe are the most relevant for determining the optimal path for the production and use of natural gas. In this section we respond to each of these questions and provide recommendations.
Would well-designed climate policies strong enough to secure adequate GHG reductions in North America lead to a level of natural gas production and use that requires new production facilities? Our review of economic modelling studies (Section 3.2) and the original modelling study commissioned for this report (Section 3.3) found that where policies are designed to be consistent with limiting average global warming to 2C the objective that governments have unanimously endorsed in the UN climate negotiations North American or Canadian natural gas consumption is projected either to rise only a little above current levels or to decline. As noted in Section 1, and further discussed in Section 3.2, we take the view that LNG trade between North America and the rest of the world will not become a major factor in North American production decisions, in which case our production of natural gas should align closely to our consumption. This means that, given the significant decline in conventional gas production (see Figure 4), the answer to question 1 is probably yes. Before going further, however, we should note that there are good climate-related reasons for more reticence about building new infrastructure for the production and use of natural gas without CCS than the conclusions of economic modelling suggest (see Section 3.4.3). This is a topic that demands further exploration. Having answered question 1 with a cautious yes, we need to address question 2.
i s n at u r a l g a s a c l i m at e c h a n g e s o l u t i o n f o r c a n a d a ?
QUestIon 2:
Is it technically and economically feasible to contain the non-climate environmental impacts at an acceptable level? In Section 2.5 we identified a wide range of non-climate impacts from natural gas production and use, some of which represent major challenges. While a full assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of containing these impacts at an acceptable level was beyond the scope of this report, our analysis makes clear that a high level of caution is imperative in developing new natural gas production areas, especially where the gas is unconventional, and especially regarding cumulative impacts on the landscape, quality of life and water resources. Assuming that the answer to question 2 is yes for some subset of natural gas production and use, then we must also address question 3.
QUestIon 3:
Would well-designed climate policies (see question 1) lead to a level of natural gas production and use that is higher or lower than the business-as-usual level? The economic modelling studies described in Sections 3.2 and Section 3.3 deliver an unequivocal answer to this question: adequate climate policies will lead to a level of natural gas production and use that is lower than the business-as-usual level, in the near, medium and long term. In this sense, natural gas is not a bridging fuel in the fight to curb climate change.
4.2 Recommendations
The answers to our three questions, combined with other analysis in this report and elsewhere, lead us to the policy recommendations below. We recognize that as these recommendations cover a wide range of issues, they are fairly general. In some cases more research and analysis is needed to elaborate them further.
4 . 2 . 1 c o n TA i n i n g T h e c l i m AT e i m pA c T s
First and foremost, federal and provincial governments need to implement climate policies capable of meeting their own GHG targets and Canadas international responsibilities. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has shown that to have a chance of not exceeding 2C of average global warming, industrialized countries combined GHG emissions must fall to 80 to 95 per cent below the 1990 level by 2050, if they are to make a fair contribution to the necessary cuts in global emissions.228 Therefore:
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 1 :
Federal and provincial governments should urgently produce and immediately begin implementing plans that are demonstrably capable, at a minimum, of (i) meeting their current GHG targets for 2020, and (ii) initiating a transformation of energy systems sufficient to reduce Canadas GHG emissions to 80 per cent below the 1990 level by 2050.
c o n c l u s i o n s a n d r e c o m m e n d at i o n s
These plans should include, inter alia:229 an economy-wide price on GHG emissions covering as many sources as practical, implemented as soon as possible and established by cap-and-trade systems, carbon taxes or both; regulations to minimize those emissions from natural gas production, processing and pipelines to which application of a carbon price is impractical; policies to accelerate energy efficiency improvements, including building codes, appliance efficiency standards and support for retrofits of existing buildings.
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 2 :
Where governments approve new natural gas processing plants that strip significant volumes of CO2 from raw gas, those plants should be required to capture and permanently store that CO2 if they do not do so as a result of a carbon price. As argued in Section 1.1, if the non-climate environmental impacts can be contained at an acceptable level, then the best guide to the optimal path of natural gas production and use is the expected outcome of climate policies that explicitly aim to achieve the necessary GHG reductions. But in the absence of adequate climate policies, we should be prepared to rely on other policies to follow our best estimate of the optimal path. This recommendation is important because new gas processing plants, especially in British Columbia, could be a major source of new GHG emissions that would make it extremely difficult for the province to meet its GHG target for 2020.230 Gas processing is the least costly application of CCS, with an estimated cost per tonne of CO2 much lower than a carbon price sufficient to meet GHG targets.231 This means that gas producers would be expected to implement CCS if such a carbon price were in place.
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 3 :
In the absence of policies strong enough to meet the national and provincial GHG targets above, government approvals of new production facilities should be consistent with a lower level of natural gas production and use than would otherwise occur. Our answer to question 3 above was that adequate climate policies will unequivocally lead to a level of natural gas production and use that is lower than the business-as-usual level. But as above, in the absence of adequate climate policies, we should be prepared to rely on other policies to follow our best estimate of the optimal path. Therefore, put simply, governments should not be approving gas production levels that are incompatible with their GHG targets, especially since production is likely to cause substantial non-climate environmental impacts.
4 . 2 . 2 m i T i g AT i n g A i r p o l l u T i o n
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 4 :
Government approvals of natural gas-fired turbines should require the implementation of best available technology to limit emissions of air pollutants, including selective catalytic reduction to reduce NOx emissions.
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In Section 2.5.1, we noted that natural gas combustion appears to make a significant contribution to Canadian emissions of NOx, but that these can be largely eliminated, at low cost, using selective catalytic reduction (SCR). SCR has been required by the U.S. EPA on all combined cycle natural gas power plants in the past several years.
4 . 2 . 3 m i T i g AT i n g T h r e AT s T o w AT e r
As described in Section 2.5.2, natural gas development poses significant risks to water resources, especially as a result of the volumes used for hydraulic fracturing, and the risk of spills or inadequate disposal of wastewater. Therefore:
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 5 :
Governments should review, strengthen as needed, and strictly enforce requirements regarding water monitoring, use and treatment, as well as the liability of producers in case of contamination, to ensure the sustainability of water resources in regions targeted for natural gas development.
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 6 :
Federal, provincial and territorial governments should undertake improved public mapping of groundwater to allow for informed environmental assessment of oil and gas exploration and production.
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 7 :
Natural gas producers should be required to publicly disclose the chemical composition of hydraulic fracture fluids, and report injected fluids under the National Pollutant Release Inventory. The risk of fracture fluids contaminating fresh water directly, via the fractured rock, appears to be low in most settings. However, since fracture fluids are introduced into the environment, there is a fundamental public right to know their composition. Although companies are generally required to report substances injected underground to Canadas National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI), fracture fluids escape this provision as oil and gas wells are currently exempted from the NPRI.
4.2.4 public engAgemenT A n d e n v i r o n m e n TA l A s s e s s m e n T
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 8 :
Governments should not permit the introduction of shale gas production unless thorough public consultation indicates a high level of acceptance by concerned citizens, and unless producers are required to transparently provide residents with fair compensation for the impacts; in areas where the natural environment or traditional land use are of special value. As noted above in our answer to question 2, the analysis in Section 2.5 makes clear that a high level of caution is imperative in developing new natural gas production areas.
c o n c l u s i o n s a n d r e c o m m e n d at i o n s
In particular, a region targeted for shale gas development will be subject to intense industrialization, with hundreds or thousands of wells drilled annually, a well pad roughly every square mile, considerable additional infrastructure, and the inevitability of accidents. Without the help of governments, citizens interests are likely to carry little weight compared to those of producers. Proceeding with a high level of caution means obtaining the fullest possible information and conducting thorough, transparent and unbiased assessments before giving a green light to development. Currently, information is lacking. For example, the U.S. Council of Scientific Society Presidents wrote in May 2010: The development of methane from shale formations is another example where policy has preceded adequate scientific study.232 Quebecs national public health institute recently concluded that the scientific literature does not currently permit an evaluation of the risks to public health from shale gas development in the province.233 Similarly, Canadian regulatory authorities generally have only a limited understanding of the structure and use of groundwater resources (see Section 2.5.2).
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 9 :
Natural gas production should be brought under normal provincial environmental assessment processes, recognizing that multiple wells may be assessed as a single project for reasons of practicality. Environmental assessments should consider roads, pipelines and other infrastructure necessitated by gas production. It is clearly unacceptable that most natural gas wells in Canada are currently exempted from the normal environmental assessment process (see Section 2.6). There is no compelling reason why gas development should be exempted from standards of assessment that governments deem to be necessary for other kinds of industrial development. However, while typical environmental assessments looking at small production increments are necessary, they are not sufficient because they cannot reach conclusions about the total, or cumulative, impacts of development.
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 1 0 :
Provincial and territorial governments should undertake and publish comprehensive and ongoing assessments of existing and anticipated cumulative environmental impacts in regions targeted for natural gas development. Ideally these assessments should be part of a legislated system of regional land-use plans specifying clear limits on cumulative environmental impacts; this system should require frequent monitoring and public reporting of cumulative impacts; approvals of industrial projects (such as natural gas production) to be consistent with the limits on impacts, as measured by the monitoring program.234
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 1 1 :
Provinces and territories should give full responsibility for the development and enforcement of environmental safeguards for natural gas production (as well as other extractive industries) to environment ministries, not natural resource ministries or other regulatory agencies.
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Proceeding with a high level of caution in developing new natural gas production also means handing control to the most appropriate regulatory bodies. Environment ministries exist because the development and enforcement of environmental safeguards requires institutions that are fully focused on that task. Regulatory bodies that have a role promoting oil and gas development face a conflict of interest if they are also responsible for environmental safeguards that may make development more difficult.
4 . 2 . 5 e l i m i n AT i n g p e r v e r s e i n c e n T i v e s
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 1 2 :
Governments should not provide financial support for the replacement of coal or petroleum products by natural gas. In light of our answer to question 3 above, governments should not be subsidizing the expansion of natural gas use. In specific applications where increased gas use may be compatible with GHG targets, it is preferable to achieve this outcome with carbon pricing or sector-specific regulation, and reserve scarce public funds for the most sustainable energy solutions: conservation, efficiency and renewable energy.
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 1 3 :
Royalty regimes must be adjusted as needed to ensure that provincial and territorial governments collect the maximum value of the natural gas resource, allowing for a fair return on investment for producers. Royalty and tax regimes for natural gas production must reflect the public interest. Citizens are the owners of the resource, and royalties are the mechanism by which governments collect the value of the resource on citizens behalf. If governments fail to collect the maximum value, they are short-changing citizens and providing an unjustifiable subsidy to producers.235
R e C o m m e n d At I o n 1 4 :
Federal, provincial and territorial governments should eliminate all tax incentives for oil and gas production, measured relative to a neutral tax system.236 Oil and gas producers are also subsidized through the tax system. There is no good reason for such subsidies, which increase a wide range of environmental impacts. Along with other G20 countries, Canada committed in 2009 to eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels over the medium term, but it has shown no sign of implementing this commitment.237
1 After the U.S., China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. See U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics, IEDIndex3.cfm?tid=44&pid=44&aid=1 (accessed September 25, 2010). 2 After the U.S. and Russia. See U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics, http://tonto.eia. cfm?tid=3&pid=26&aid=1 (accessed September 25, 2010). 3 Statistics Canada, Energy Statistics Handbook, First Quarter 2010 (Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada, 2010), 32. Available at http:// 4 Primary energy means energy in its relatively raw forms, notably coal, petroleum, natural gas and electricity produced from non-fossil sources. Electricity produced from fossil fuels is secondary energy. 5 Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008 (Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada, 2010), 29. Available at 6 National Energy Board, 2009 Natural Gas Exports and Imports Summary, http://www. ntrlgsxprt/ntrlgssmmr/2009/smmry2009eng.html (accessed September 25, 2010). 7 See Jennifer Grant, Defending the North (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2010). Available at pub/1986. 8 GW Solutions Inc., Coalbed Methane and Salmon: Assessing the Risks (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2008). Available at 9 Ben Parfitt, Fracture Lines: Will Canadas Water Be Protected in the Rush to Develop Shale Gas? (Toronto, ON: Munk School of Global Affairs, 2010). Available at http://www.powi. ca/pdfs/groundwater/Fracture%20Lines_ English_Oct14Release.pdf. 10 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, 2010), 187, 191, 33. Available at aer/pdf/aer.pdf.
11 The Pembina Institute and the David Suzuki Foundation have outlined what we believe to be a well-designed package of climate policies for Canada in Matthew Bramley, Pierre Sadik and Dale Marshall, Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity: Final report on an economic study of greenhouse gas targets and policies for Canada (Drayton Valley, AB and Vancouver, BC: The Pembina Institute and the David Suzuki Foundation, 2009). Available at 12 Mike Cleland, Perspectives on Canadas Energy Future With a Focus on the Role of Natural Gas (Ottawa, ON: Canadian Gas Association, 2009). Available at http://www.cga. ca/publications/documents/Perspectiveson Canada.pdf. 13 Kerry Guy, Natural Gas Markets (presentation to the Roundtable on Natural Gas Use in Canadas Transportation Sector, June 22, 2010), 6, 9. 14 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020 (Calgary, AB: National Energy Board, 2009), 2528. Available at ftr/2009/rfrnccsscnr2009-eng.pdf. 15 Guy, 7. 16 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020 Appendices (Calgary, AB: National Energy Board, 2009), Table A2.1, Section 3. Available at clf-nsi/rnrgynfmtn/nrgyrprt/nrgyftr/2009/ rfrnccsscnr2009ppndc-eng.pdf. 17 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, 2011), 115. Available at aeo/pdf/0383(2011).pdf. 18 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 (Paris, France: IEA, 2010), 618619. 19 Daniel Yergin et al., Fueling North Americas Energy Future: The Unconventional Natural Gas Revolution and the Carbon Agenda (Cambridge, MA: IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, 2009), IV-7. 20 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2009 (Paris, France: IEA, 2009), 190192. 21 This is a rough estimate obtained by taking all the CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels in Canadas 2008 national GHG inventory, and reducing emissions from
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23 24
coal-fired electricity generation by 60%, oilfired electricity by 30%, and all vehicles by 30%. This likely overestimates the emission reductions in vehicles (see Section 3.4.1), but neglects emission reductions in industry and buildings, where we have assumed that natural gas is the only fuel currently used (it does already account for the majority of emissions in these sectors). This calculation does not consider non-combustion GHG emissions from the production, processing and transport of fossil fuels, but they are generally accepted to be much less than the emissions from fuel combustion (see Section 2.4). The GHG inventory report is National Inventory Report 19902008: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada (Gatineau, QC: Environment Canada, 2010). Available at asp?lang=En&xml=492D914C-2EAB-47ABA045-C62B2CDACC29. This is a rough estimate obtained by taking all the CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels in the U.S. 2008 national GHG inventory, and reducing emissions from coal by 60% and oil products by 30%. This likely overestimates the emission reductions in vehicles (see Section 3.4.1). This calculation does not consider non-combustion GHG emissions from the production, processing and transport of fossil fuels, but they are generally accepted to be much less than the emissions from fuel combustion (see Section 2.4). The GHG inventory report is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 19902008 (Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2010), Annex 2, A24. Available at http://www. ryreport.html. Yergin et al., VI-11. These are, again, rough estimates using the same methodology as those earlier in this paragraph. Responsible Leadership for a Sustainable Future, G8 Leaders Declaration, July 8, 2009, paragraph 65. Available at http://www.,0.pdf. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Appendix I Quantified economywide emissions targets for 2020, http://unfccc. int/home/items/5264.php (accessed February 7, 2011).
27 Supporters include Canadas present federal government. Former Environment Minister Jim Prentice stated in April 2010: In terms of reducing our emissions of greenhouse gas as well as other pollutants, the more natural gas we can bring on in this country, the more desirable it is. (Testimony before the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, April 15, 2010.) The governments current proposal to gradually phase out conventional coal-fired power plants would allow them to be replaced by gas-fired plants. See Environment Canada, Backgrounder: Key Elements of Proposed Regulatory Approach, http://www. (accessed February 11, 2011). 28 These figures include small amounts of fossil fuels used as chemical feedstocks and for other non-energy purposes. 29 Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008, 29. 30 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009, 9. We have used the factors on p.370 to recalculate the value for non-fossil electricity to be equivalent to energy generated, consistent with Statistics Canadas approach. 31 Includes crude oil and natural gas liquids (heavier components of raw natural gas such as propane and butane, removed from the raw gas during processing). 32 Statistics Canada does not provide comprehensive data on biomass energy. 33 This percentage for biomass will be slightly too small because of the missing Canadian data. 34 Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008, 29. 35 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009, 195, 33. 36 Industry includes oil and gas production and pipelines. This category also includes a small amount of natural gas used as a chemical feedstock. 37 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 75. 38 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009, 199. 39 The Future of Natural Gas: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Interim Report (Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2010), 2. Available at mitei/research/studies/naturalgas.html.
40 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020, 4. 41 In the U.S. case, this means that programs with sunset dates do, in fact, expire at those dates. See U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 6. 42 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020, 1115. 43 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 117118. 44 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020 Appendices, Table A1.1; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 153. 45 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020 Appendices, Table A2.1, Section 3. 46 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 115. As in Table 1, we have recalculated non-fossil electricitys contribution to total primary energy to be equivalent to energy generated. 47 This 30% figure differs from the 31% in Table 1 because the National Energy Board and Statistics Canada differ slightly in their calculations. 48 This 26% figure differs from the 25% in Table 1 because the U.S. data here is calculated slightly differently (e.g., it appears not to include fossil fuels used for non-energy purposes). 49 These figures include small amounts of fossil fuels destined for use as chemical feedstocks and for other non-energy purposes. 50 Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008, 29. 51 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009, 7. As in Tables 1 and 3, we have recalculated non-fossil electricitys contribution to total primary energy to be equivalent to energy generated. 52 Includes crude oil and natural gas liquids. 53 Statistics Canada does not provide comprehensive data on biomass energy. 54 This percentage for biomass will be slightly too small because of the missing Canadian data. 55 Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008, 29. 56 Ibid. 57 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2009, 191, 195. 58 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020 Appendices, Table A4.2.
59 The National Energy Board is now circulating a preliminary version of a new reference case forecast in which Canadas natural gas production, and exports, decline much more sharply over this period. See National Energy Board, 2011 Energy Futures Report: Preliminary Results for Stakeholder Consultations (presentation in Yellowknife, May 25, 2011), 5051. 60 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 115. 61 Ibid. 62 For Canada, calculated from consumption and production data already cited; for the U.S., from U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 80. 63 Ibid. 64 Canaport LNG, Canaport LNG Terminal to Begin First Phase of Operations, news release, June 18, 2009. Available at http:// june_18_2009.pdf. 65 Guy, 7. 66 National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020, 24. 67 Yergin et al., I-10. 68 Cleland. 69 Guy, 6. 70 Guy, 9. 71 Methane hydrates are a fourth type of unconventional gas that is not yet commercially viable. Hydrates are crystals combining water and natural gas found in Arctic sediments and on the ocean floor. They are estimated to contain more carbon than all other known fossil fuel sources combined. See Natural Resources Canada, Gas hydrates Fuel of the future?, ghff/index_e.php (accessed October 4, 2010). 72 National Energy Board, A Primer for Understanding Canadian Shale Gas (Calgary, AB: National Energy Board, 2009), 1522. Available at rgynfmtn/nrgyrprt/ntrlgs/prmrndrstndng shlgs2009/prmrndrstndngshlgs2009-eng.pdf. 73 Terry Carter, Lee Fortner and Catherine Bland-Otis, Shale Gas Opportunities in Southern Ontario an Update (paper presented at the 48 th Annual OPI Conference and Trade Show, Sarnia, Ontario, November 11, 2009). Available at OPI_2009_Nov11.pdf.
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74 National Energy Board, A Primer for Understanding Canadian Shale Gas, 6. 75 National Energy Board, Coalbed Methane Fact Sheet, rnrgynfmtn/nrgyrprt/ntrlgs/hrsshcnyn clbdmthn2007/clbdmthnfctsht-eng.html (accessed November 25, 2010). 76 The data used to create the figure is from National Energy Board, 2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canada Energy Demand and Supply to 2020 Appendices, Table A4.2. 77 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 79. 78 Combined cycle power plants use a gas turbine generator to produce electricity and heat. The heat from the exhaust is used to produce steam, which drives a steam turbine producing additional electricity, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of power production. 79 Rich Wong and Ed Whittingham, A Comparison of Combustion Technologies for Electricity Generation (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2006), 78. Available at 80 Responsible Leadership for a Sustainable Future, G8 Leaders Declaration, July 8, 2009. 81 Methane, for instance, is usually considered to be 21 times more powerful a GHG than CO2, based on its estimated contribution to global warming over 100 years. One tonne of methane is therefore counted as 21 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. 82 Calculation by the author based on data for 2008 from Environment Canadas National Inventory Report 19902008: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada; and Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008. Environment Canada has not changed its methodology for quantifying GHG emissions from the lifecycle of natural gas in its recently published National Inventory Report 19902009. 83 National Inventory Report 19902008: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Part 1, 89. 84 National Energy Board, A Primer for Understanding Canadian Shale Gas, 15. 85 See, for example, Ralph Sims et al., Energy Supply, in Bert Metz et al., eds, Climate Change 2007: Mitigation Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 283. Available at
ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf. 86 Al Armendariz, Emissions from Natural Gas Production in the Barnett Shale Area and Opportunities for Cost-Effective Improvements (Washington, DC: EDF, 2009). Available at nett_Shale_Report.pdf. 87 Calculation by the author based on the emissions and production data in the EDF report, and on Canadian data for 2008 from National Inventory Report 19902008: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada; and Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008. The calculation applies to natural gas production, processing and transmission (but not distribution). 88 Armendariz, 19. 89 U.S. EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting from the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Background Technical Support Document (Washington, DC: U.S. EPA, 2010), 87. Available at emissions/downloads10/Subpart-W_TSD.pdf. 90 Armendariz, 18. 91 U.S. EPA, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting from the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Background Technical Support Document, 8788. 92 Robert Howarth, Renee Santoro and Anthony Ingraffea, Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations, Climatic Change 106 (2011): 679690. Available at e384226wr4160653/fulltext.pdf. 93 We are referring here only to the studys calculations that use the generally accepted 100-year horizon for evaluating the global warming effect of methane. The authors preference for a 20-year horizon, which inflates methanes global warming effect relative to CO2, is questionable. Since CO2 stays in the atmosphere for much longer than methane, using a 20-year horizon ignores the impact that CO2 emitted today will continue to have more than 20 years into the future. The 100-year horizon is used, for example, to calculate national GHG emission inventories and in the Kyoto Protocol. 94 Climate Progress, New study questions shale gas as a bridge fuel, blog post, April 12, 2011. Available at http://climateprogress. org/2011/04/12/shal-gas-bridge-fuel/. 95 2009 March Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (Ottawa, ON: Office of the Auditor General of Canada, 2009), paragraph 2.2. Available at
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107 parl_cesd_200903_02_e_32286.html#hd5a. Environment Canada, Mercury, fault.asp?lang=En&n=98E80CC61&xml=9767F4A9-2EF7-4A00-B3AFD900394C6EC6 (accessed January 5, 2011). Eastern Research Group, Inc., Electricity Framework 5 Year Review Control Technologies Review (Edmonton, AB: Clean Air Strategic Alliance, 2009), 3-4. Available at aspx?Command=Core_Download&EntryId =551&PortalId=0&TabId=78. Ibid., 3-12. Ibid., 3-22. Calculation by the author based on data for 2008 from Environment Canada, National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) Downloadable Datasets, January 5, 2011); and Statistics Canada, Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada 2008. We include incineration in industry. This includes natural gas burned during production and processing, which means there is a small amount of overlap between the two lines of the table. Clearstone Engineering Ltd., A National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas (GHG), Criteria Air Contaminant (CAC) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Emissions by the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry (report prepared for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, January 2005), Volume 2, Table A. Environment Canada, National Pollutant Release Inventory Online Data Search, query_e.cfm (accessed January 7, 2011). Sour gas leak kills worker, Edmonton Journal, March 9, 2008, http://www. story.html?id=bc73a7e8-dc10-4e4d-84b398601c7ca3fe (accessed January 6, 2011). Andrea Sands, Alberta worker dies after hydrogen sulphide leak, Edmonton Journal, May 1, 2011, http://www.edmontonjournal. com/business/Alberta+worker+dies+after+h ydrogen+sulphide+leak/4706342/story.html (accessed May 30, 2011). See, for example, Mike Lee, State: 1 in 5 gas well sites emits too much benzene, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, January 27, 2010.
108 Environment Canada, National Pollutant Release Inventory Online Data Search, query_e.cfm (accessed February 7, 2011). 109 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxic Substances Portal Benzene, tf.asp?id=38&tid=14 (accessed January 6, 2011). 110 The Sustainable Management of Groundwater in Canada: Report of the Expert Panel on Groundwater (Ottawa, ON: Council of Canadian Academies, 2009). Available at completed/groundwater.aspx. 111 Bureau daudiences publiques sur lenvironnement, Dveloppement durable de lindustrie des gaz de schiste au Qubec, document DQ29.1. Available at http://www.bape.gouv. documents/liste_doc-DT-DQ-DM.htm#DQ. 112 An Audit of the Management of Groundwater Resources in British Columbia (Victoria, BC: Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia, 2010), 2. Available at http:// audit-management-groundwater-resourcesbritish-columbia. 113 Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling (Washington, DC: National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, 2011), 115. Available at http://www.oilspill 114 Mary Griffiths, Protecting Water, Producing Gas: Minimizing the Impact of Coalbed Methane and Other Natural Gas Production on Albertas Groundwater (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2007), 70. Available at 115 Ibid., 6769. 116 John Hanger, Secretary, Department of Environmental Protection, testimony before the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, June 16, 2010. Available at AboutDEPPortalFiles/RemarksAndTestimonies/TestimonyEOGSafety_061610.pdf. 117 Stephen Osborn et al., Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, no. 20 (2011): 81728176. Available at http://www.pnas. org/content/108/20/8172.full.pdf.
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118 Bureau daudiences publiques sur lenvironnement, Dveloppement durable de lindustrie des gaz de schiste au Qubec, document DQ35.1. Available at http://www.bape.gouv. documents/liste_doc-DT-DQ-DM.htm#DQ. 119 Louis-Gilles Francoeur, Gaz de schiste: six dossiers dinfraction, Le Devoir, January 28, 2011, A1. Available at http://www.ledevoir. com/environnement/actualites-sur-l-envi ronnement/315622/gaz-de-schiste-six-avisd-infraction. 120 See, for example, the recent review by Quebecs national public health institute: Genevive Brisson et al., tat des connaissances sur la relation entre les activits lies au gaz de schiste et la sant publique Rapport Prliminaire (Qubec, QC: Institut national de sant publique du Qubec, 2010), 3436. Available at tions/notice.asp?E=p&NumPublication=1177. 121 Yergin et al., I-10, II-9. 122 NYSDEC, Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Regulatory Program: Well Permit Issuance for Horizontal Drilling and High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing to Develop the Marcellus Shale and Other Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs (Albany, NY: NYSDEC, 2009), 5-335-65. Available at 123 Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing (Washington, DC: United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Minority Staff, 2011), 1, 8. Available at http:// default/files/documents/Hydraulic%20Fractur ing%20Report%204.18.11.pdf. 124 See 125 Yergin et al., II-9. 126 See, for example, Feds Consider Disclosure of Fracking Fluids on Public Lands, Wyoming Energy News, December 5, 2010, http:// (accessed January 31, 2011). 127 Ministre du Dveloppement durable, de lEnvironnement et des Parcs, valuation environnementale stratgique Adoption des mesures transitoires, news release, May 5, 2011. Available at http://www.mddep.gouv. 128 Environment Canada, Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) 2009 (Gatineau, QC: Environment Canada, 2010), 11, 58. Available at http://
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140 U.S. EPA, Hydraulic Fracturing Research Study (Washington, DC: U.S. EPA, 2010). Available at uic/pdfs/hfresearchstudyfs.pdf. National Energy Board, A Primer for Understanding Canadian Shale Gas, 15. The Future of Natural Gas: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Interim Report, 15. Griffiths, 11. Ground Water Protection Council and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, 2009), 5354. Available at technologies/oil-gas/publications/epreports/ shale_gas_primer_2009.pdf. Tom Myers, Review and Analysis of Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement On The Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Regulatory Program Well Permit Issuance for Horizontal Drilling and High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing to Develop the Marcellus Shale and Other Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs (New York, NY: Natural Resources Defense Council, 2009), 914, Appendix A. Available at files/ene_10092901d.pdf. Griffiths, 2829. ERCB, Directive 027, revised edition, August 14, 2009. Available at docs/documents/directives/Directive027.pdf. BC Oil and Gas Commission, Safety Advisory 2010-03: Communication During Fracture Stimulation (Victoria, BC: BC Oil and Gas Commission, 2010). Available at aspx?documentID=808&type=.pdf. Ibid. Keith Kohl, Making Hydraulic Fracturing Cleaner: Industry Insider Explains Green Fracking Technologies, Energy and Capital, April 5, 2010, http://www.energyandcapital. com/articles/what-you-didnt-know-abouthy/1113 (accessed June 1, 2011). John Ubinger et al., Developing the Marcellus Shale: Environmental Policy and Planning Recommendations for the Development of the Marcellus Shale Play in Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Environmental Council, 2010), 28. Available at http://
141 BC Oil and Gas Commission, Oil and Gas Water Use in British Columbia (Victoria, BC: BC Oil and Gas Commission, 2010), 19. Available at ment.aspx?documentID=856&type=.pdf. 142 The Future of Natural Gas: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Interim Report, xiii. 143 Hanger. 144 Ian Urbina, Regulation Lax as Gas Wells Tainted Water Hits Rivers, The New York Times, February 26, 2011, http://www. r=2&hp=&pagewanted=all (accessed May 30, 2011). See also the spreadsheets available as links from this article. 145 John Veil, Water Management Technologies Used by Marcellus Shale Gas Producers (Argonne, IL: Department of Energy, 2010), 1920. Available at pub/doc/Water%20Mgmt%20in%20Marcel lus-final-jul10.pdf. 146 Griffiths, 75. 147 BC Oil and Gas Commission, Oil and Gas Water Use in British Columbia, 7, 19. 148 U.S. EPA, Hydraulic Fracturing, http://wa hydraulicfracturing/index.cfm (accessed January 6, 2011). 149 Griffiths, 4750. 150 Yergin et al., II-4. 151 Apache Corporation, Ootla team celebrates largest completions in North America, Browse_Archives/View_Article.aspx?Article. ItemID=1130 (accessed January 8, 2011). 152 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2009, 403. 153 The City of Toronto (population 2.5 million) consumes about 1 billion litres per day. See City of Toronto, Water production reports, report.htm. 154 World Economic Forum, Thirsty Energy: Water and Energy in the 21st Century (Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2008), 18. Available at reports/thirsty-energy-water-and-energy21st-century. 155 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 2010 Permit & Rig Activity Report, deputate/minres/oilgas/RIG10.htm (accessed January 8, 2011). 156 Ubinger et al., 27.
157 BC Oil and Gas Commission, Water Use Suspension Directive 2010-05 (Victoria, BC: BC Oil and Gas Commission, 2010). Available at aspx?documentID=858&type=.pdf. 158 David Manz, Economic Treatment of Frac Flow-Back Water to Recyclable Condition Using Physical Chemical Processes (presentation to the Groundwater Protection Council Annual Forum 2010). Available at proceedings/20Manz_David.pdf. 159 Devon Energy, Water recycling in North Texas: 400 million gallons and counting, initiatives/Pages/Initiatives-WaterRecycling. aspx (accessed January 8, 2011). 160 NYSDEC, 5-20. See also IEA, World Energy Outlook 2009, 408. 161 NYSDEC, 5-10. 162 Yergin et al., II-2. 163 NYSDEC, 6-137. 164 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2009, 405. 165 Eight wells per pad is a typical number for shale gas production. See, for example, NYSDEC, 5-20. 166 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2009, 409. 167 See Figure 4. 168 Foundation for a Sustainable Northern Future (Inuvik, NT: Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project, 2009), 2430. Available at 169 Ibid. 170 In our shale gas example just above, 100 new well pads are needed every year, or 2,500 over 25 years, to produce 3 billion cubic feet per day. This scales down to 500 well pads to produce 0.6 billion cubic feet per day compared to six well pads to produce the same amount of gas in the Mackenzie valley. 171 Mark Zoback, Saya Kitasei and Brad Copithorne, Addressing the Environmental Risks from Shale Gas Development (Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute, 2010), 89. Available at Hydraulic%20Fracturing%20Paper.pdf. 172 Environmental Assessment (Mandatory and Exempted Activities) Regulation, Schedule 2, paragraph (e). Available at http://www. 173 Reviewable Projects Regulation, Part 4. Available at EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/ freeside/13_370_2002#part4.
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174 Rglement sur lvaluation et lexamen des impacts sur lenvironnement, Section 2, paragraph p. Available at telecharge.php?type=3&file=/Q_2/Q2R23. HTM. 175 Oil and Gas Activities Act, Section 2. Available at braries/bclaws_new/document/ID/free side/00_08036_01. 176 See mandats/Gaz_de_schiste/. 177 Ministre du Dveloppement durable, de lEnvironnement et des Parcs, Composition du comit de lvaluation environnementale stratgique, news release, May 12, 2011. Available at infuseur/communique.asp?no=1857. 178 Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, About the Review Board, (accessed January 29, 2011). 179 Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Overview, environment.php (accessed January 29, 2011). 180 Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board, Project-Based Environmental Assessments, shtml (accessed January 29, 2011). 181 Natural Resources Canada, Mining Regulations, poli-poli/leg-loi/min-min-eng.htm (accessed January 8, 2011). 182 For the situation in Alberta, see Mary Griffiths, Chris Severson-Baker and Tom Marr-Laing, When the Oilpatch Comes to Your Backyard (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2004), Chapter 9. 183 For the situation in Quebec, see Bureau daudiences publiques sur lenvironnement, Dveloppement durable de lindustrie des gaz de schiste au Qubec, document DM178.2, 219224. Available at http://www. schiste/documents/liste_doc-DT-DQ-DM. htm#DM. The provincial government is now proposing amendments to the Mining Act that would alter this situation see Ministre des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Modernisation de la Loi sur les mines Pour un secteur minral sous le signe de lacceptabilit sociale et du dveloppement durable Serge Simard, news release, May 12, 2011. Available at http://www.mrnf. jsp?id=8987.
184 The MIT study does include a GHG reduction scenario that uses regulated mandates instead of a carbon price, but we have not included it in our review. 185 Relative to pre-industrial temperatures. 186 Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, agreed at the UN climate conference in Cancun, Mexico, December 2010. Available at meetings/cop_16/application/pdf/cop16_lca. pdf. 187 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 192194, 74. 188 Ibid., 193. 189 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2011, 80. 190 Dan Healing, Export facility will provide access to new shale gas market, Calgary Herald, February 18, 2011, http://www.calgary +momentum/4307078/story.html (accessed May 30, 2011). 191 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 74, 695700. 192 The data used to create the figure is from IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 618619. 193 The data used to create the figure is from IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 626627. 194 Ibid., 386. 195 And other OECD countries, which include Mexico. 196 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 398. 197 See 198 The Future of Natural Gas: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Interim Report. 199 Ibid., 2136. 200 Responsible Leadership for a Sustainable Future, G8 Leaders Declaration, July 8, 2009, paragraph 65. 201 Stephen Brown, Steven Gabriel and Ruud Egging, Abundant Shale Gas Resources: Some Implications for Energy Policy (Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 2010). Available at publications/pages/publicationdetails. aspx?publicationid=21098. 202 The study also examined a fifth scenario in which limits are placed on nuclear and renewable power generation. 203 Bramley, Sadik and Marshall. 204 The data used to create the figure were provided by Michael Wolinetz, M.K. Jaccard and Associates, e-mail communication, October 13, 2010. They are for the Canada goes further scenario.
205 Updated Economic Analysis of the WCI Regional Cap-and-Trade Program (WCI, 2010). Available at Economic-Modeling-Team-Documents/ Updated-Economic-Analysis-of-the-WCIRegional-Cap-and-Trade-Program/. 206 See 207 Parallel Paths: Canada-U.S. Climate Policy Choices (Ottawa, ON: NRTEE, 2011). Available at canada-us/report/canada-us-report-eng.pdf. 208 Excluding emissions from land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). 209 I.e., existing shale gas production is phased out, and no new shale gas development occurs. 210 It should be noted that the model already incorporates a wide range of costs for CCS, depending on the application, in the BAU scenario. 211 Natural Gas Use in the Canadian Transportation Sector: Deployment Roadmap (Ottawa, ON: Natural Resources Canada, 2010), 5. Available at alternative-fuels/resources/roadmap.cfm. 212 A summary of existing studies can be found in Alan Krupnick, Energy, Greenhouse Gas, and Economic Implications of Natural Gas Trucks (Washington, DC: Resources for the Future, 2010), 15. Available at http://www.rff. org/RFF/Documents/RFF-BCK-KrupnickNaturalGasTrucks.pdf. 213 Natural Gas Use in the Canadian Transportation Sector: Deployment Roadmap, 2223. 214 Ibid., 25, 45. 215 Yergin et al., Chapter V. 216 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 431. 217 For example, the following study found that Ontarios existing electricity system could integrate up to 10,000 MW of wind power, equivalent to 13 per cent of generation, without major upgrades to the system: GE Energy, Ontario Wind Integration Study (final report to Ontario Power Authority, Independent Electricity System Operator and Canadian Wind Energy Association) (Schenectady, NY: GE Energy, 2006), 1.11.2. 218 See, for example, Smart Grids Roadmap (Paris, France: IEA, 2010). Available at http:// Roadmap_Foldout.pdf. 219 Roger Peters and Lynda OMalley, Storing Renewable Power (Drayton Valley, AB: The
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Pembina Institute, 2008), 2124. Available at Technology Roadmap: Concentrating Solar Power (Paris, France: IEA, 2010), 1115. Available at csp_roadmap.pdf. IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, Chapter 10. Ibid., 632633. Ibid., 630631. Roger Harrabin, Harrabins Notes: Mission impossible?, BBC News, January 19, 2011, (accessed February 11, 2011). IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010, 632633. See, for example, James Hansen et al., Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim?, Open Atmos. Sci. J. 2 (2008): 217231. Available at docs/2008/2008_Hansen_etal.pdf. See Bill Hare et al., Which emission pathways are consistent with a 2C or 1.5C temperature limit?, in Michel den Elzen et al., The Emissions Gap Report: Are the Copenhagen Accord Pledges Sufficient to Limit Global Warming to 2 C or 1.5 C? (Nairobi, Kenya: UN Environment Program, 2010), 2330. Available at publications/ebooks/emissionsgapreport/. Sujata Gupta et al., Policies, Instruments and Co-operative Arrangements, in Bert Metz et al., eds, Climate Change 2007: Mitigation Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 776. Available at pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3chapter13.pdf. The IPCCs analysis applied to stabilization of the atmospheric GHG concentration at 450 parts per million of CO2 equivalent. This corresponds to about a 50 per cent chance of limiting average global warming to 2C relative to the pre-industrial level. See Bill Hare and Malte Meinshausen, How Much Warming Are We Committed to and How Much Can Be Avoided?, Climatic Change 75, nos. 12 (2006): 111. The Pembina Institute and the David Suzuki Foundation have previously outlined what we believe to be a well-designed package of climate policies for Canada (Bramley, Sadik and Marshall). Those emphasized in this recommendation are the ones with most direct relevance to natural gas.
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230 Mark Jaccard and Brad Griffin, Shale Gas and Climate Targets: Can They Be Reconciled? (Victoria, BC: Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, 2010). Available at http:// Shale%20Gas%20and%20Climate%20Tar gets.pdf. 231 Technology Roadmap: Carbon Capture and Storage (Paris, France: IEA, 2009), 22. Available at CCS_Roadmap.pdf. 232 See CCSP%20letter%20on%20energy%20&%20 environment.pdf. 233 Brisson et al., II. 234 See Steve Kennett and Richard Schneider, Alberta by Design: A Blueprint for an Effective Land-Use Framework (Drayton Valley and Edmonton, AB: The Pembina Institute and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, 2008), vi. Available at pub/1590.
235 Amy Taylor and Marlo Raynolds, Thinking Like an Owner (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2006), 57. Available at http://www. 236 For an extensive discussion of using a neutral tax system as the reference point for subsidies, see Amy Taylor, Matthew Bramley and Mark Winfield, Government Spending on Canadas Oil and Gas Industry: Undermining Canadas Kyoto Commitment (Drayton Valley, AB: The Pembina Institute, 2005). Available at http:// 237 The Pembina Institute, Leaked G20 documents: Canada wont cut extra subsidies for fossil fuels, blog post, June 29, 2010. Available at
responsible for climate change. This report explores the role of Canadas federal and provincial governments in shaping future production and use of natural gas in consideration of both the climate and non-climate environmental impacts, and offers recommendations. The David Suzuki Foundation is committed to protecting the diversity of nature and our quality of life, now and for the future. The Pembina Institute advances sustainable energy solutions through innovative research, education, consulting and advocacy.
ur energy systems must change if we are to combat climate change. Many people are asking whether natural gas can play a role as a bridging fuel that enables near-term reductions in the greenhouse gas emissions
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Box 7558 Drayton Valley, AB Canada T7A 1S7 Tel 780.542.6272 Fax 780.542.6464
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