F S A B B A E-L W S: Unctional Emantics Ware Roker Ased Rchitecture For Earning EB Ervices
F S A B B A E-L W S: Unctional Emantics Ware Roker Ased Rchitecture For Earning EB Ervices
F S A B B A E-L W S: Unctional Emantics Ware Roker Ased Rchitecture For Earning EB Ervices
1, December 2012
Demian Antony DMello
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore -575 028. INDIA
E-learning enables the learner to gain diverse knowledge anytime, anywhere and on any device. Learning resources (objects) and resource providers play a very important role in e-learning applications/systems. The increasing demand for interoperability in existing heterogeneous e-learning systems to support accessibility and reusability is the most challenging research issue. Web services and SOA enables interoperability between heterogeneous applications over the Web. To adopt Web services technology towards the reusability and aggregation of e-learning services, the conceptual Web services architecture and its building blocks need to be augmented. In this paper, a well formed functional semantics approach is proposed to describe e-learning Web services providing variety of learning objects/resources. The paper presents an extendible functional knowledge to map the learners or providers versions of service descriptions into a standard form called Abstract Description. The authors propose a broker based elearning Web service architecture which facilitates effective e-learning service publishing and discovery mechanisms. The paper explores a scheme to extend the WSDL 2.0 document in order to incorporate functional semantics of e-learning Web services and their operations. The paper presents an e-learning service knowledge called Learning Operation Tree (LOT) for the quick e-learning service discovery. The experimentation shows that, the proposed broker based architecture for e-learning Web services facilitates effective discovery with moderate performance in terms of recall and response.
E-Learning; Functional Semantics; Broker Architecture; Discovery; Learning Object; Learning Operation Tree
With the rapid growth of Internet technologies, knowledge can be shared, retrieved and distributed through the Web all over the world. Currently, the educational system has been evolved into electronic learning (or e-learning) that enriches the traditional learning system by providing the autonomous learning for learners and allowing learner to learn anywhere and anytime [1]. E-learning is a technology driven learning process based on Web technology. Elearning is also defined as an acquisition, application and dissemination of knowledge facilitated primarily by electronic means. The rapid growth of computers and access to Internet made it possible to bring the concepts like virtual university or twenty four hour learning in reality [2]. Presently, e-learning is a major kind of knowledge and information sharing method which allows the learner to access different kinds of learning resources such as lecture video, teaching audio, lecture slides/handouts, e-books, downloadable application tools and software [3]. Elearning is also a type of education that offers some interesting benefits over traditional learning in terms of independence. The learners can work anywhere and communicate with instructor or other learners via e-mail, electronic forums, chatting, video conferencing and other forms of computer and Web based communication [4]. In e-learning, the reuse of learning objects/resources and services is a key issue and standardizing e-learning technology is taking place in order to overcome interoperability problems [5]. Reusing of existing resources and
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infrastructures to implement an e-learning system can reduce the overall operational cost of the system which is ideal for learners to exploit various e-learning facilities. In e-learning domain, the learning resources (Learning Objects) and their providers play a very important role in E-learning applications/systems [6]. Content consumed by learners and created by authors/educators is commonly handled, stored, and exchanged in units of learning objects (LOs). Basically, LOs are units of study, exercise or practice that can be consumed in a single seamless session. They represent reusable granules that can be authored independently of the delivery medium and be accessed dynamically over the network [4]. For example, a LO on the basics of C++ can be used in classes on OOPs and Programming Languages. As the number of resources and providers grow, meta-data on the resources becomes a critical factor. A meta-data is needed for an appropriate description of learning objects so that plug-and-play configuration of knowledge dissemination is enabled. To this end, several standardization efforts have been initiated which include Learning Object Metadata (LOM) and SCORM, which is a collection of specifications adapted from multiple learning sources to provide a comprehensive suite of elearning capabilities that enable interoperability, accessibility, and reusability of Web based learning content [7]. Web services technology enables the reuse and interoperation among heterogeneous platforms. It provides mechanisms for the description and search/lookup of computational entities over the Internet. A Web service is an interface, which describes a collection of operations that are network accessible through standardized XML messaging [8]. Web service discovery is the mechanism, which facilitates the requester, to gain an access to Web service descriptions that satisfy his functional requirements. UDDI [9] is the early initiative towards discovery, which facilitates both keyword and category based matchmaking and discovery.
1.1. Motivation
The existing UDDI [9] and WSDL 2.0 [10] do not support e-learning service specific functional descriptions for the discovery of e-learning resources. In order to publish e-learning service description for the global access, the existing WSDL structure need to be augmented to incorporate necessary information required for the discovery. As a motivating example, consider the scenario of learner who is interested to download the study material related to J2EE. In order to get correct e-learning resource, the learner visits and evaluates learning content present in many Web pages using popular search engines like Google. The search engines provide the listing of Web links of related material to the learner which makes him to verify genuineness of the learning content. Moreover, the search engines do not distinguish Web services and Web pages which again make him to choose only e-learning Web services for the semi-dynamic binding requirements. Thus, the e-learning Web services need to be stored at central repository towards consistent updating and global access. In order to initiate effective lookup for the specific e-learning services, the learner needs to describe his learning requirements in a specific form. Moreover, the providers of e-learning services have to publish all e-learning services at the central repository with well accepted description formats and procedures. This well-formed description of learning Web services and learning requirements will improve the hit rate of the lookup/discovery mechanism for the static and dynamic binding of e-learning resources/objects. Therefore, the existing Web service architecture and its major building blocks (UDDI and WSDL) need to be augmented to enable effective e-learning service/resource discovery.
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based platform that facilitates implementation of e-learning systems. The platform has applied a service-oriented framework and model driven architecture into the analysis, design, implementation and integration of e-learning applications. In literature, the researchers also explored the application of semantic Web technologies to e-learning domain. The paper [12] illustrates the use of semantic Web technologies such as RDF to e-learning system for helping learners to select suitable learning course or retrieving relevant information. In literature, annexed algorithm, called eLSDAUS, is proposed to improve the existing semantic-based matchmaking algorithm [13]. The proposed algorithm, Introduces a new factor called User Satisfaction, which is the user's level of satisfaction about the result of service discovery. This algorithm allows users to take part in the process of e-Learning service discovery, and evaluate the result of service discovery. The authors in [14] present an SWS architecture which is based on Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) and uses the Learning Object Metadata (LOM) Standard to describe the learning object/resource. The paper [15] analyses three of the most successful e-learning platforms (Blackboard, Moodle and Sakai), identifying their Web services, and comparing their readiness for the development of a virtual campus based on these services. The authors also provide a mechanism to facilitate the integration of these platforms in an information technology infrastructure. The researchers also explored the way to store e-learning resources and their descriptions into repository. The authors of paper [6] illustrate the design and implementation of a distributed learning resource registry system. They define Distributed Learning Resource Registry and Discovery Model, which enable the developers and repository systems to register learning resources into the registry system and provide a discovery mechanism to find required learning resources. The paper [16] proposes a metadata model for indexing the learning services. The authors propose to describe and index learning services with three dimensions: as learning resources, as services that contribute and help researchers and as general services. Current e-learning frameworks should take advantages of Web services and intelligent agents. The paper [17] proposes a novel architecture for E-learning systems based on Web services and intelligent agents. This architecture provides a flexible integration model in which all the learning components and applications are loosely connected and can be distributed on the Internet. In addition, through the use of agents, learning content can be intelligently customized to fit the context and the special learning needs of particular users. The authors Guo W. and Chen D. present the main features of e-learning scenario and setup an e-learning scenario ontology with the training and application domains. The authors also present semantic querying and semantic mapping approach for the query containing learning requirements. The paper [18] discusses three aspects of E-learning system: theoretical framework, function components and technology architecture. The authors provide both theoretical grounding and practical advice for designing and implementing effective E-learning system in each of these areas. The authors of [19] propose a Web Services based solution to exchange learners information among different e-learning systems described following a Web Ontology. The proposed solution makes different e-learning systems to cooperate with each other in order to reach a set of learner information richer than that currently found in standard e-learning systems. E-learning system provides a set of personalization functionalities such as personalizing learning plans, learning materials, test and necessary instant messages etc., to online learners [20]. The problem in the existing system is the lack of personalization due to weak-semantic learning resources. The possibilities of personalized searching for information will be improved, with the advance of the semantic web and available web services. The authors of the paper [20] present an approach to e-learning personalization based on ontology and information exchange is maintained by web services based on Service-oriented architecture. With this mechanism, the learning process is enhanced by providing personalized learning content to the learners in an effective and dynamic intelligent way.
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Adopting Web 2.0 technologies and techniques in modern e-learning systems guarantees a more interactive e-learning experience [21]. It leverages collaboration among learners and enhances accessibility to various learning resources. The paper [21] identifies recurrent Web 2.0 and Service-oriented architecture (SOA) design and architectural patterns that would provide reusable building blocks for any Web 2.0 based service-oriented e-learning system. The proposed design patterns share three elementary architecture types, client-server, peer-peer and SOA. The paper also builds on UML4SOA techniques in modeling requirements prior application of proposed patterns in the case study. The paper [22] tries to support a personalized strategy customized for programming course. The authors have designed a model for personalized learning. It included an information model and a process model which has a great adaptability for strategy and strategy combination. The proposed service can adapt to the change of strategies, not only to a rule's change, but also to the change of entire strategy plan. So far there is no effort in the literature from the researchers to apply restricted natural form of functional description to e-learning Web services/systems. Moreover, the concrete e-learning architectures with effective mechanisms for discovery and publishing are todays needs which are not addressed by the e-learning research community
1.3. Contributions
The authors provide effective solutions for the key issues with respect to e-learning Web service description and discovery. The key contributions of this paper are: Definition of functional semantics terminology and well-formed semantic rules for the description of e-learning services. The design of domain dependent, extendible e-learning functional knowledge for the effective e-learning service registration/publishing. The extension of WSDL 2.0 document structure to accommodate functional descriptions of e-learning services in WSDL documents. The design of e-learning Web service knowledge called Learning Operation Tree (LOT) to enable quick discovery. A broker based architecture for the e-learning services discovery and publishing. Matchmaking mechanism for the e-learning service discovery based on the functional semantic descriptions of learners information/knowledge requirements.
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Thus e-learning service operation is nothing but the execution of appropriate learning action on specific learning object to provide information to the learner. The functionality of any e-learning service operation can be characterized using learning action on the learning object. The following definitions help to frame the functional semantics to describe e-learning services.
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operation description is that, it does not allow generic learning action together with an action noun to be present in its description.
Figure 1. Grammar to Validate Learning Operation Description Consider the learning scenario; the following e-learning operation descriptions follow the rules of functional semantics. a) check course availability b) download reference material c) upload course assignment d) course assignment uploading e) start reference material downloading
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Rule I. If the learning action noun is present along with the generic action, then the generic action is replaced by the learning action which is related to the learning action noun and the action noun is eliminated from the description. Rule II. If the learning action noun is found in the operation description without a generic action then the related learning action of the action noun is used, instead of the action noun. As an illustration, consider the operation description perform lecture downloading. The description contains generic action and action noun. The generic action is now replaced by download which is the specific action of action noun downloading and the generic action is eliminated from the description as per Rule I. This results in abstract operation description load lecture. Similarly, the operation description test conduction is transformed into conduct test by Rule II.
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Figure 2. E-Learning Domain Knowledge Structure for Discovery Abstract Operation List: Abstract operation list is a sorted dynamic array with finite elements each representing an abstract e-learning service operation. The element contains operation identifier, operation pattern and e-learning service count; where operation pattern is a string of finite length which contains fixed length identifiers of learning objects, noun qualifiers and learning actions. The e-learning service count refers to the number of e-learning Web services having description of operation which maps to an abstract operation. Operation pattern is generated for each abstract operation defined in AOL. Let M be the fixed length for identifiers of learning actions, nouns, qualifiers and learning objects. The first M characters represent the action identifier. Next, the sets of M characters represent the qualifier identifiers (optional), finally the sets of M characters represent the learning object identifiers followed by the noun identifier (optional).
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The description of each operation is: opri = {opr-name, desc-list, info-list}; where desc-list is the functional semantics description of operation as defined in section 2.2 and info-list is additional information (optional) to update the extendible e-learning domain knowledge. desc-list={learning action, qualifier(s), learning object(s) , noun} where, qualifiers and noun are optional. info-list = {action-set, qualifier-set, learning object-set, noun-set} where, action-set contains similar learning action words, qualifier-set contains similar qualifier names for a given qualifier and object-set contains similar learning object names and noun-set contain similar noun names. As an illustration, let us consider the description of summer course registration with an abstract operation register course. Profile (Learning Service) = {service-desc, binding-desc}. service-desc={summer course registration, VTU, OPList}. OPList={opr1} and opr1={register course, desc_list1, info-list}. desc_list1={action, qualifier, object, noun} and action={register}, object={course}, qualifier={summer} and noun={}. Info-list={action-set, object-set}. action-set={enroll} and object-set={object1} and object1= {subject, topic}. qualifier-set={qualifier1} and qualifier1={vacation}. noun-set = {}.
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Every WSDL 2.0 document has a description element as its top-most element. This merely acts as a container for the rest of WSDL 2.0 document, and is used to declare namespaces that will be used throughout the document. The documentation element is used to present the brief information about the document and the service. The documentation element allows the WSDL 2.0 author to include some human-readable documentation inside a WSDL 2.0 document. It can appear in number of places within the description element. WSDL 2.0 allows message types to be defined directly inside the types element, which is a child of the description element. A WSDL 2.0 interface defines the abstract interface of a Web service as a set of abstract operations, each operation representing a simple interaction between the client and the service. Each operation specifies the types of messages that the service can send or receive as part of that operation. Each operation also specifies a message exchange pattern that indicates the sequence in which the associated messages are to be transmitted between the parties. The binding name specifies the concrete message format and transmission protocol details for an interface. A WSDL 2.0 service element specifies a single interface that the service will support and a list of endpoint locations where that service can be accessed.
The documentation element is chosen to insert the information which is necessary for the effective service discovery into WSDL. A new tag called operationDesc is defined to insert the functional semantics of all abstract operations present in the e-learning service. The new elements operationList, operation, action, qualifier, object and noun are found within the element operationDesc. The new elements are defined in the XML schema which governs the structure of extended documentation element. The functional semantics of an operation is defined within the element semantics and this element is placed within the element operation. The elements like action, qualifier, object and noun are used within semantics element which provides the functionality description of an abstract e-learning operation. The functional semantics for the illustration presented in section 4.1 is depicted in Figure 4.
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E-learning Service List (ESL): E-learning service list is a sorted dynamic array having four fields namely, e-learning service key (es-key or ws-key), es-id (unique identifier generated by the broker), es-link and lot-link where es-id is a e-learning service identifier, es-link is a pointer to the e-learning service entry in ESL having same set of operations and lot-link is the pointer to the leaf node of Learning Operation Table (LOT) which corresponds to a link to its operations in the LOT or a pointer to the predecessor e-learning service in ESL having same operations. Learning Operation Tree (LOT): A learning operation tree is a binary tree with each node consisting five fields. They are operation identifier (opr-id) which specifies the operation identifier of e-learning service operation (abstract operation); child pointer (child-link) which is
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a pointer to the remaining operations of a e-learning service; sibling pointer (sibling-link) is a pointer to the list operations which shares a common operation prefix; parent pointer (parentlink) is a pointer to its predecessor node; e-learning service link (esl-link) is a pointer to the ESL entry to which opr-id is the last learning operation in the sorted advertised operation list. The root node of LOT is labeled with T and has only child-link which points to Web various service operation sequences. The property of LOT is that at any node X of LOT, the opr-id at X will not be repeated at the child or sibling branch which is linked to X. As an illustration consider six e-learning services having a total of nine learning operations to be advertised into repository. Let Opr1 to Opr9 be the operation identifiers of abstract operations obtained after mapping them into abstract operations. ES1 = {Opr1, Opr2, Opr3, Opr4}, ES2 = {Opr1, Opr2, Opr3}, ES3 = {Opr5, Opr6}, ES4 = {Opr7, Opr8, Opr9}, ES5 = {Opr5, Opr6} and ES6 = {Opr7, Opr8, Opr9}. Figure 5 shows the LOT and ESL after insertion of learning operations of e-learning services. The numbers within circles (node) indicate the operation identifiers (Opr1 to Opr9) in an ascending order. In ESL, ES1 to ES6 represents the e-learning service key which is same as Web service key.
The broker based architecture facilitates an effective discovery and publishing of e-learning Web services. Figure 6 depicts different roles and operations supported by the broker based elearning service architecture.
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The architecture assumes that the e-learning service requesters and LO providers use functional semantics to describe learning operations and learning needs. An additional role is introduced by the authors to the conceptual Web service architecture [8] named Learning Broker (broker) and a new operations namely Register Learning Service and Find Learning Service. The broker is defined between Web service registry and learner (and provider) which facilitates the learner and provider to specify the needs and learning services in terms of functional semantics. The find learning service operation is defined between the broker and learner, which effectively explore the learning services from LOT. The register learning service operation is defined between the learning resource provider and broker for the e-learning service publishing.
The sequence of interactions among various architectural roles for e-learning service registration (publishing) is presented below. 1. The service publisher supplies the WSDL (with functional semantics information of learning operations) document to the broker along with other information pertaining to the e-learning service provider. 2. The broker publishes the service information into service registry and obtains the service key (es-key).
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3. The broker now extracts functional description of all learning operations and updates the learning domain knowledge and service knowledge accordingly. 4. On successful service registration, the service key is returned to the e-learning service provider as an acknowledgment. The sequence of architectural component interactions for learning service discovery is given below. 1. The learner sends the learning request as per the functional semantics format to the broker. 2. The learning service finder of the broker finds an abstract learning operation for the request by traversing the learning domain knowledge. 3. The broker now traverses the LOT to find possible learning services. 4. The broker now sends the service keys (and descriptions) of all discovered services to the learner. Now the learner initiates a session with the provider towards execution of requested learning activity.
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The LOT is traversed to search the requested learning operation identifier and all e-learning services with requested learning operation are returned to the learner as the suitable e-learning services/resources.
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The empirical data reveals that, the proposed system has high Recall and 100% precision provided the learning requests are formed as per functional semantics rules. If the published or requested operation description does not follow the functional semantics (description is illformed) correctly, then the precision and recall of the proposed system suffers. In order to improve the recall of the e-learning discovery system, both the e-learning resource/service provider and the learner have to describe the published/requested e-learning operations as per the functional semantics rules.
E-learning service discovery is an important activity which explores multiple e-learning service services for the given learners knowledge requirements. The authors propose a well-defined functional semantics to describe the e-learning services for publishing and lookup. The elearning domain knowledge is designed which facilitates easy and effective service lookup and publishing. A compact index for service registry called Learning Operation Tree (LOT) is proposed which enables quick service lookup. The authors also propose broker based e-learning Web service architecture for discovery mechanism which finds the suitable e-learning services/resources for the given learning requirements. The broker architecture is implemented for experimentation and several experiments were carried out to deduce observations. The experimentation reveals that, the use of functional semantics in describing e-learning services and the use of compact service knowledge at the broker will improve the effectiveness (Recall, Precision and response) of e-learning service discovery.
This research work is sponsored by VTU Research Grants Scheme of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum, Karnataka, INDIA (No. VTU/Aca./2009-10/A9/11619, dated: 04/01/2010).
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Authors Demian Antony DMello received his Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering in 1999 from Mangalore University, India and his Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2003 from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, India. He completed his PhD from the Department of Information Technology, NITK in the year 2010. Presently, he is working as a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, India. His research interests are in the areas of Web technologies, Web services, Distributed Computing and Cloud Computing.