Learning Objects On The Semantic Web
Learning Objects On The Semantic Web
Learning Objects On The Semantic Web
Permanand Mohan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Trinidad and Tobago (pmohan@tstt.net.tt) Abstract
An important issue in reusing learning objects on the Semantic Web is the development of appropriate technology to facilitate the discovery and reuse of learning objects stored in global and local repositories. Another issue is the development of ontologies for marking up the structure of learning objects and ascribing pedagogical meaning to them so that they can be understandable by machines. A third issue is making learning objects smarter so that they can perform a more meaningful role on the Semantic Web. This paper discusses these and other issues as they affect the exploitation of learning objects on the Semantic Web.
Christopher Brooks ARIES Laboratory Department of Computer Science University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (cab938@mail.usask.ca)
learning object is a digital learning resource that facilitates a single learning objective and which may be reused in a different context. In recent years, the concept of a learning object has received considerable attention in e-learning. It can be very expensive and time-consuming to develop the content for an e-learning course. Being able to reuse learning objects created by others reduces the time and cost to develop learning materials. The learning materials may even be of a higher quality than if developed from scratch, similar to well-designed and well-tested software components. In order to reuse content from one system to another, it is important for learning objects to be standardized. To this end, there have been a number of global efforts to develop standards, specifications, and reference models for learning objects. Recently, the IEEE 1484.12.1-2002 Standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM) [ltsc.ieee.org] was released, the first accredited standard for learning technology. The LOM Standard uses nine categories of XML data elements to describe a learning object: General, LifeCycle, Meta-Metadata, Technical, Educational, Rights, Relation, Annotation, and Classification. It is intended that LOM metadata will simplify the discovery, management, and exchange of learning objects over the Web. Another important specification is the Content Packaging Specification from the IMS Global Consortium [www.imsglobal.org], which is a specification for packaging groups of learning objects so that they can be reused in different learning content management systems (LCMSs). Learning objects developed and stored in many different places on the Web have a tremendous potential to benefit e-learning in particular and education in general. However, there are numerous technical issues that must be dealt with before learning objects can be effectively reused from one situation to the next. These issues are highlighted in this paper. Section 2 discusses the different contexts in which reuse of learning objects is likely to occur and presents our vision for learning objects on the Semantic Web. Section 3 describes the information
1. Introduction
One of the more recent developments with the Web is an activity known as the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation [1, p.35]. Two important technologies for developing the Semantic Web are XML and RDF. XML allows users to add arbitrary structure to documents without saying what these structures mean. RDF allows meaning to be specified between objects on the Web and was intentionally designed as a metadata modeling language. A third important aspect of the Semantic Web is a set of ontologies. An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization [2]. It describes the concepts and relationships of some phenomenon in the world. By using well-defined ontologies on the Web, it is possible for computers to meaningfully process data since there is a common understanding of terms used and the relationships between these terms. The Semantic Web is concerned about the meaning of all kinds of information on the Web. Learning objects comprise an important subset of this information. A
and technical requirements to achieve our vision. Two key requirements are repositories for storing learning objects and shareable ontologies to describe the structure of learning objects as well as the conceptualization of a domain. These requirements are discussed in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. Section 6 compares the development of learning object technology with the rise of distributed computer systems. Section 7 discusses the need for smarter learning objects to support their enhanced role on the Semantic Web. It also describes how we intend to make learning objects smarter by implementing them as object-oriented learning objects.
commonly suggested. Consider an instructor or course designer developing a course. The instructor should be able to map out a set of concepts in the domain and the set of learning outcomes that are desired. The instructor should then be able to give this information to a learning object search agent that searches the Web and returns a pool of learning objects that would be appropriate, with alternatives where necessary for imparting concepts in the domain. Our vision for learning objects on the Semantic Web is that the learning objects themselves should play a more meaningful role in the search process, and should be able to interact intelligently with an LCMS to provide instruction on the Web. If a learning object is able to determine its suitability for an instructional situation, then search agents on the Semantic Web are able to perform more sophisticated searches for learning objects, resulting in pools of learning objects that are likely to achieve the instructional goals. Since all other learning objects on the Web are effectively ignored, the vision for learning objects on the Semantic Web would be realized. We do not expect learning objects and search agents to independently decide what is suitable for an instructional situation. It is likely that the instructor or course designer will have to manually examine the pool of learning objects returned, to fine-tune their integration into the course. However, the time taken to search for learning objects and package them into a course would have been significantly reduced since the agent only harvested relevant learning objects based on the criteria established by the instructional designer.
Finally, techniques and tools to support the production and reuse of learning objects on the Web must be developed. The next two sections discuss the issue of learning object repositories and the need for shareable ontologies.
allows the agent to determine which learning objects are "right" for a particular course. Of course, it is important that the course designer use the same concept ontology in specifying the course structure. There has been a number of recent efforts aimed at developing ontologies for e-learning, e.g., [7, 8]. There have also been a few recent attempts to link elements in the LOM Standard to specially developed ontologies. This is done through the Meta-Metadata and Classification elements Ontologies about teaching and learning strategies are also useful since they allow a learning object to specify the kinds of techniques it uses to facilitate learning. Together with concept ontologies, these kinds of ontologies make it possible to personalize instruction to individual learners based on learning preferences, learning designs, etc. Another kind of ontologies required is for the physical structuring of learning objects [5]. To allow learning objects to be interpreted and rendered consistently in different learning systems, it is important that ontologies be developed for describing the structure of learning objects. This is likely to be different from one discipline to another. For example, the concept of "algorithm" frequently occurs in a computer science learning object, but would be irrelevant in a learning object for a history lesson (unless of course, it's about the history of computing or algorithms). Developing ontologies is an important aspect of the Semantic Web. However, to be useful, ontologies must be shared so that there is common understanding among learning object producers about what the terms mean. Since it is likely that different groups of people will use different ontologies for learning objects, mappings between these ontologies is also an important requirement. There are several development efforts currently underway aimed at developing ontologies for the Semantic Web. One of these projects is the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) [www.daml.org], which is a language that can be used for the specification of ontologies. A specific ontology developed for the Web is the Ontology Inference Language (OIL) [9]. OIL uses RDF Schema as a starting point. A European initiative has resulted in the development of an ontology called DAML+OIL, which is a semantic markup language for Web resources based on features of DAML and OIL. Also, the W3C is presently working on its own Web Ontology Language (OWL) that uses DAML+OIL as a starting point. However, there has not been much work so far in the development of ontologies for learning objects, such as described in this section. The Semantic Web opens up a wide range of possibilities for intelligent discovery and reuse of learning objects. By using shared ontologies, it is possible for software agents to perform most of the processing
required in discovering and assembling learning objects. This is a tremendous advantage compared to having humans manually sift through thousands of pages returned by a browser having no semantic understanding of the data, or by a search engine using metadata alone. Re-visiting the example given in Section 2, consider the instructional designer building a course using learning objects on the Semantic Web. The task is handed over to an agent, which builds a semantic interpretation of the query using an appropriate ontology. The agent goes out into the Web, searching for learning objects that satisfy the query. There may be several learning objects that are linked to the same ontology being used by the agent, so there is a common understanding about what is required. However, some learning objects may actually satisfy the criteria, but use a different ontology. If there are mappings between this ontology and that of the agent, it is possible for some semantic understanding to take place. On the Semantic Web of learning objects, it is thus possible to perform more meaningful searches for learning objects.
For example, given a concept map of a domain and a set of pedagogical and other requirements (expressed in RDF), the learning object can determine if it is appropriate for the instructional situation. Rendering methods are also provided to enable the learning object to present itself in different formats such as HTML, XML and PDF. The object-oriented learning object moves us closer to achieving our vision for an intelligent learning object. Since a learning object is responsible for maintaining all the information available about itself, it can move from repository to repository or learning system and yet keep track of all the information that is vital for its discovery and reuse. Thus, object-oriented learning objects are able to play a more meaningful role on the Semantic Web instead of being viewed as mere static chunks of electronic content.
disciplines in the world. Mappings must also be provided for ontologies defined in different places. Finally, to render learning objects on a display system, it is important for the structural elements of the learning object to be properly understood by a learning system. This too, can be achieved by the development of learning object markup ontologies
[1] T. Berners-Lee, J. Hendler, and O. Lassila, "The Semantic Web," Scientific American, 284 (5), pp. 34-43, May 2001. [2] T.R. Gruber, "A translation approach to portable ontologies," Knowledge Acquisition, vol.5, no. 2, pp.1999220, 1993. [3] P. Brusilovsky and J. Vassileva, "Course sequencing techniques for large-scale Web-based education," Int. Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, to appear. [4] G. R. Richards, R. McGreal, and N. Freisen, "Learning object repository technologies for telelearning: the evolution of POOL and CanCore," Proceedings of the Informing Science + IT Education Conference, Cork, Ireland, pp. 1333-1341, June 19-21, 2002. [5] P. Mohan and J. Greer, "Reusable learning objects: current status and future directions", accepted for Ed-Media 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii. [6] W. Nejdl et al, "EDUTELLA: A P2P networking infrastructure based on RDF," Presented at the World Wide Web 2002 Conference, May 7-11, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. [7] M. A. Sicilia, E. Garcia, P. Diaz, and I. Aedo, "Learning Links: reusable assets with support for vagueness and ontology-based typing", Workshop on Concepts and Ontologies in Web-based Educational Systems, ICCE, December 3-6, 2002. [8] M.S. Urban and E.G. Barriocanal, "On the integration of IEEE-LOM metadata instances and ontologies," Learning Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2003. [9] D. Fensel, F. van Harmelan, I. Horrocks, D.L. McGuinness, and P.F. Patel-Schneider, "OIL: An ontology infrastructure for the Semantic Web", Intelligent Systems, pp. 38-44, 2001. [10]S. Downes, (2002, May) "Smart Learning Objects" [online]. Available: http://education.qld.gov.au/staff/learning/courses/sdownesap ril.html
8. Conclusion
Three enabling technologies for the Semantic Web are XML, RDF and ontologies. Each of these has an important role to play in deploying and reusing learning objects on the Semantic Web. XML is used to markup the structure of a learning object in a machine readable way. It is also used to describe the metadata associated with learning objects. RDF allows the specification of metadata and other information associated with learning objects in a more flexible manner, facilitating the discovery and exchange of learning objects with limited information or more than one metadata specifications. Ontologies allow the specification of concepts in a domain as well as the terms used to markup content in a learning object. Shared ontologies allow for different systems to come to a common understanding of the semantics of a learning object. Continued research and development effort is needed to facilitate the widespread use of learning objects on the Semantic Web. Of particular importance is the development of ontologies for learning objects. In order for pedagogical agents to find the right learning objects on the Web for a particular instructional situation, appropriate ontologies must be defined for different