Vector Model For Orbital Angular Momentum
Vector Model For Orbital Angular Momentum
Vector Model For Orbital Angular Momentum
In the process of solving the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom, it is found
that the orbital angular momentum is quantized according to the relationship:
and that the z-component of the angular momentum in terms of the magnetic quantum
number takes the form
This general form applies to orbital angular momentum, spin angular momentum, and
the total angular momentum for an atomic system. The relationship between the
magnitude of the angular momentum and its projection along any direction is space is
often visualized in terms of a vector model.
As long as external interactions are not extremely strong, the total angular momentum
of an electron can be considered to be conserved and j is said to be a "good quantum
number". This quantum number is used to characterize the splitting of atomic energy
levels, such as the spin-orbit splitting which leads to the sodium doublet.
The orbital angular momentum for an atomic electron can be visualized in terms of a
vector model where the angular momentum vector is seen as precessing about a
direction in space. While the angular momentum vector has the magnitude shown, only
a maximum of l units can be measured along a given direction, where l is the orbital
quantum number.
Since there is a magnetic moment associated with the orbital angular momentum, the
precession can be compared to the precession of a classical magnetic moment caused by
the torque exerted by a magnetic field. This precession is called Larmor precession and
has a characteristic frequency called the Larmor frequency
While called a "vector", it is a special kind of vector because it's projection along a
direction in space is quantized to values one unit of angular momentum apart. The
diagram shows that the possible values for the "magnetic quantum number" ml for l=2
can take the values
= -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
or, in general
When orbital angular momentum L and electron spin angular momentum S are
combined to produce the total angular momentum of an atomic electron, the
combination process can be visualized in terms of a vector model. Both the orbital and
spin angular momentua are seen as precessing about the direction of the total angular
momentum J. This diagram can be seen as describing a single electron, or multiple
electrons for which the spin and orbital angular momenta have been combined to
produce composite angular momenta S and L respectively. In so doing, one has made
assumptions about the coupling of the angular momenta which are described by the L-S
coupling scheme which is appropriate for light atoms with relatively small external
magnetic fields.
The combination is a special kind of vector addition as is illustrated for the single
electron case l=1 and s=1/2. As in the case of the orbital angular momentum alone, the
projection of the total angular momentum along a direction in space is quantized to
values differeing by one unit of angular momentum.
This is a useful model for dealing with interactions such as the Zeeman effect in
sodium. The magnetic energy contribution is proportional to the component of total
angular momentum along the direction of the magnetic field, which is usually defined
as the z-direction.
The z-component of angular momentum is quantized in values one unit apart, so for the
upper level of the sodium doublet with j=3/2, the vector model gives the splitting
Even with the vector model, the determination of the magnitude of the Zeeman spliting
is not trivial since the directions of S and L ar constantly changing as they precess about
J. This problem is handled with the Lande' g-factor.
This treatment of the angular momentum is appropriate for weak external magnetic
fields where the coupling between the spin and orbital angular momenta can be
presumed to be stronger than the coupling to the external field. This can be visualized
with the help of a vector model of total angular momentum. If the external field is very
strong, then it can decouple the spin and orbital angular momenta. This strong field case
is called the Paschen-Back effect and leads to different patterns of splitting of the
energy levels.
Electron Spin
An electron spin s = 1/2 is an intrinsic property of
electrons. Electrons have intrinsic angular momentum
characterized by quantum number 1/2. In the pattern of
other quantized angular momenta, this gives total angular
Quantization of angular momentum had already arisen for orbital angular momentum,
and if this electron spin behaved the same way, an angular momentum quantum number
s = 1/2 was required to give just two states. This intrinsic electron property gives:
With this evidence, we say that the electron has spin 1/2. An angular momentum and a
magnetic moment could indeed arise from a spinning sphere of charge, but this classical
picture cannot fit the size or quantized nature of the electron spin. The property called
electron spin must be considered to be a quantum concept without detailed classical
analogy. The quantum numbers associated with electron spin follow the characteristic
where g is called the gyromagnetic ratio and the electron spin g-factor has the value g =
2.00232 and g=1 for orbital angular momentum. The precise value of g was predicted
by relativistic quantum mechanics in the Dirac equation and was measured in the Lamb
shift experiment. A natural constant which arises in the treatment of magnetic effects is
called the Bohr magneton. The magnetic moment is usually expressed as a multiple of
the Bohr magneton.
The electron spin magnetic moment is important in the spin-orbit interaction which
splits atomic energy levels and gives rise to fine structure in the spectra of atoms. The
electron spin magnetic moment is also a factor in the interaction of atoms with external
magnetic fields (Zeeman effect).
The term "electron spin" is not to be taken literally in the classical sense as a description
of the origin of the magnetic moment described above. To be sure, a spinning sphere of
charge can produce a magnetic moment, but the magnitude of the magnetic moment
obtained above cannot be reasonably modeled by considering the electron as a spinning
sphere. High energy scattering from electrons shows no "size" of the electron down to a
resolution of about 10-3 fermis, and at that size a preposterously high spin rate of some
1032 radian/s would be required to match the observed angular momentum.