Water Reuse2004
Water Reuse2004
Water Reuse2004
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Municipal Support Division Office of Wastewater Management Office of Water Washington, DC
Technology Transfer and Support Division National Risk Management Research Laboratory Office of Research and Development Cincinnati, OH
This document was produced by Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency. It has been subjected to the Agencys peer and administrative review and has been approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
In an effort to help meet growing demands being placed on available water supplies, many communities throughout the U.S. and the world are turning to water reclamation and reuse. Water reclamation and reuse offer an effective means of conserving our limited high-quality freshwater supplies while helping to meet the ever growing demands for water. For many years, effluent discharges have been accepted as an important source for maintaining minimum stream flows. The investment in treatment technologies required to meet restrictive discharge limits has lead an increasing number of industries and communities to consider other uses for their treated wastewater effluents as a means to recover at least a part of this investment. Further, as sources of water supplies have become limited, there has been greater use and acceptance of reclaimed wastewater effluents as an alternative source of water for a wide variety of applications, including landscape and agricultural irrigation, toilet and urinal flushing, industrial processing, power plant cooling, wetland habitat creation, restoration and maintenance, and groundwater recharge. In some areas of the country, water reuse and dual water systems with purple pipe for distribution of reclaimed water have become fully integrated into local water supplies. The 2004 Guidelines for Water Reuse examines opportunities for substituting reclaimed water for potable water supplies where potable water quality is not required. It presents and summarizes recommended water reuse guidelines, along with supporting information, as guidance for the benefit of the water and wastewater utilities and regulatory agencies, particularly in the U.S. The document updates the 1992 Guidelines document by incorporating information on water reuse that has been developed since the 1992 document was issued. This revised edition also expands coverage of water reuse issues and practices in other countries. It includes many new and updated case studies, expanded coverage of indirect potable reuse and industrial reuse issues, new
information on treatment and disinfection technologies, emerging chemicals and pathogens of concern, economics, user rates and funding alternatives, public involvement and acceptance (both successes and failures), research activities and results, and sources of further information. It also includes as an updated matrix of state regulations and guidelines, and a list of state contacts. This information should be useful to states in developing water reuse standards, and revising or expanding existing regulations. It should also be useful to planners, consulting engineers and others actively involved in the evaluation, planning, design, operation or maintenance of water reclamation and reuse facilities. Benjamin H. Grumbles Assistant Administrator for Water U.S. EPA Paul Gilman Assistant Administrator for Research & Development U.S. EPA Jacqueline E. Schafer Deputy Assistant Administrator Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade U.S. Agency for International Development
Chapter 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Objectives of the Guidelines ............................................................................................ 1
Water Demands and Reuse .............................................................................................. 1
Source Substitution .......................................................................................................... 2 Pollution Abatement ......................................................................................................... 3
Treatment and Water Quality Considerations ................................................................... 3
Overview of the Guidelines .............................................................................................. 4
References ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.8 3
3.9 4
6.8 7
Chapter 7.5.4
7.6 8
8.3 8.4
Table 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 Page Typical Cycles of Concentration (COC) ............................................................................................ 14
Florida and California Reclaimed Water Quality ................................................................................ 15
North Richmond Water Reclamation Plant Sampling Requirements ................................................. 18
Industrial Process Water Quality Requirements ............................................................................... 19
Pulp and Paper Process Water Quality Requirements ...................................................................... 19
Efficiencies for Different Irrigation Systems ..................................................................................... 22
Recommended Limits for Constituents in Reclaimed Water for Irrigation ......................................... 25
Comparison of Major Engineering Factors for Engineered Groundwater
Recharge .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Water Quality at Phoenix, Arizona SAT System .............................................................................. 37
Factors that May Influence Virus Movement to Groundwater ........................................................... 41
Physical and Chemical Sampling Results from the San Diego Potable
Reuse Study .................................................................................................................................... 47
San Diego Potable Reuse Study: Heavy Metals and Trace Organics Results .................................. 48
Average Discharge Rates and Quality of Municipal Reclaimed Effluent in
El Paso and Other Area Communities .............................................................................................. 57
Treatment Processes for Power Plant Cooling Water ....................................................................... 59
Field Sites for Wetlands/SAT Research ........................................................................................... 67
Designer Waters ............................................................................................................................... 89
Infectious Agents Potentially Present in Untreated Domestic Wastewater ....................................... 93
Ct Requirements for Free Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide to Achieve 99 Percent Inactivation of E. Coli Compared to Other Microorganisms ................................................. 95
Microorganism Concentrations in Raw Wastewater .......................................................................... 96
Microorganism Concentrations in Secondary Non-Disinfected Wastewater ...................................... 96
Table 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 12-12 3-13a 3-13b 3-14 3-15 3-16 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13
Table 5-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9
Figure 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 Page Estimated and Projected Urban Population in the World ...................................................................... 2
Potable and Nonpotable Water Use Monthly Historic Demand Variation,
Irvine Ranch Water District, California .................................................................................................. 9
Potable and Nonpotable Water Use Monthly Historic Demand Variation,
St. Petersburg, Florida ......................................................................................................................... 9
Cooling Tower .................................................................................................................................... 14
Comparison of Agricultural Irrigation, Public/Domestic, and Total
Freshwater Withdrawals ..................................................................................................................... 20
Agricultural Reuse Categories by Percent in California ...................................................................... 20
Three Engineered Methods for Groundwater Recharge ...................................................................... 32
Schematic of Soil-Aquifer Treatment Systems .................................................................................. 36
Contaminants Regulated by the National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Water Resources at RCID .................................................................................................................. 50
Altamonte Springs Annual Potable Water Demands per Capita ......................................................... 51
Estimated Potable Water Conserved Using Best LEM Method .......................................................... 52
Estimated Potable Water Conserved Using the CCM Method ............................................................ 52
Estimated Potable Water Conserved Using Both Methods ................................................................ 53
Estimated Raw Water Supply vs. Demand for the 2002 South/Central
Service Area ...................................................................................................................................... 53
North Phoenix Reclaimed Water Service Area ................................................................................... 56
Durbin Creek Storage Requirements as a Function of Irrigated Area ................................................. 61
Project Flow Path ............................................................................................................................... 68
Growth of Reuse in Florida ................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 2-19 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 4-1
Page Available Reclaimed Water in Pasco, Pinellas, and Hillsborough Counties ........................................ 70
Phases of Reuse Program Planning .................................................................................................. 77
1995 U.S. Fresh Water Demands by Major Uses ............................................................................... 81
Fresh Water Source, Use, and Disposition ........................................................................................ 82
Wastewater Treatment Return Flow by State, 1995 ........................................................................... 83
Total Withdrawals ............................................................................................................................... 83
Average Indoor Water Usage (Total = 69.3 gpcd) .............................................................................. 84
Potable and Reclaimed Water Usage in St. Petersburg, Florida ........................................................ 86
Three Configuration Alternatives for Water Reuse Systems .............................................................. 87
Reclaimed Water Supply vs. Irrigation Demand ................................................................................. 90
Generalized Flow Sheet for Wastewater Treatment ......................................................................... 107
Particle Size Separation Comparison Chart ..................................................................................... 109
Average Monthly Rainfall and Pan Evaporation ............................................................................... 120
Average Pasture Irrigation Demand and Potential Supply ................................................................ 121
Example of Multiple Reuse Distribution System .............................................................................. 124
Reclaimed Water Advisory Sign ....................................................................................................... 125
Florida Separation Requirements for Reclaimed Water Mains .......................................................... 126
Anticipated Daily Reclaimed Water Demand Curve vs. Diurnal Reclaimed
Water Flow Curve ............................................................................................................................. 129
TDS Increase Due to Evaporation for One Year as a Function of Pond
Depth ............................................................................................................................................... 130
Orange County, Florida, Redistribution Constructed Wetland ........................................................... 132
A Minimum 5-Foot (1.5 m) Horizontal Pipe Separation Coupled with and
18-Inch (46 cm) Vertical Separation ................................................................................................. 135
Irrigation Lateral Separation ............................................................................................................. 136
Lateral Crossing Requirements ........................................................................................................ 136
Parallel Water Lateral Installation .................................................................................................. 136
California Water Reuse by Type (Total 358 mgd) ............................................................................. 150
Figure 4-2 6-1 6-2 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 8-1 8-2a 8-2b 8-3a 8-3b 8-4
Page California Water Reuse by Type (Total 584 mgd) ............................................................................. 150
Comparison of Reclaimed Water and Potable Water Rates in Southwest
Florida .............................................................................................................................................. 211
Comparison of Rate Basis for San Marcos Reuse Water ................................................................. 218
Public Beliefs and Opinions ............................................................................................................. 225
Support of Recycled Water Program Activities ................................................................................ 225
Survey Results for Different Reuse .................................................................................................. 226
Public Participation Program for Water Reuse System Planning ..................................................... 227
Survey Responses ........................................................................................................................... 239
World Populations in Cities .............................................................................................................. 243
Countries with Chronic Water Stress Using Non-Renewable Resources .......................................... 244
Countries with Moderate Water Stress ............................................................................................. 244
Countries with Total Water Supply and Sanitation Coverage Over
80 Percent ....................................................................................................................................... 248
Countries with Total Water Supply and Sanitation Coverage Over
50 Percent ....................................................................................................................................... 248
Future Demand for Irrigation Water Compared with Potential Availability of
Reclaimed Water for Irrigation in the West Bank, Palestine ............................................................. 274
The Guidelines for Water Reuse debuted in 1980 and was updated in 1992. Since then, water reuse prac tices have continued to develop and evolve. This edi tion of the Guidelines offers new information and greater detail about a wide range of reuse applications and in troduces new health considerations and treatment tech nologies supporting water reuse operations. It includes an updated inventory of state reuse regulations and an expanded coverage of water reuse practices in coun tries outside of the U. S. Dozens of reuse experts con tributed text and case studies to highlight how reuse applications can and do work in the real world. The 2004 Guidelines for Water Reuse document was built upon information generated by the substantial re search and development efforts and extensive demon stration projects on water reuse practices throughout the world, ranging from potable reuse to wetlands treat ment. Some of the most useful sources drawn upon in developing this update include: proceedings from Ameri can Water Works Association/Water Environment Fed eral (AWWA/WEF) Water Reuse conferences, WEF national conferences, and WateReuse conferences; selected articles from WEF and AWWA journals; mate rials provided by the Guidelines review committee; and a series of WERF reports on water reclamation and re lated subjects published by the National Research Counsel/National Academy of Sciences, WEF/AWWA. Please note that the statutes and regulations described in this document may contain legally binding require ments. The summaries of those laws provided here, as well as the approaches suggested in this document, do not substitute for those statutes or regulations, nor are these guidelines themselves any kind of regulation. This document is intended to be solely informational and does not impose legally-binding requirements on EPA, States, local or tribal governments, or members of the public. Any EPA decisions regarding a particular water reuse project will be made based on the applicable statutes and regulations. EPA will continue to review and up date these guidelines as necessary and appropriate.
This version of the Guidelines for Water Reuse docu ment was developed by Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) through a Cooperative Research and Develop ment Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the direction of Robert L. Matthews, P.E., DEE as Project Director and David K. Ammerman, P.E. as Project Manager, with hands-on assistance from Karen K. McCullen, P.E., Valerie P. Going, P.E., and Lisa M. Prieto, E.I. of CDM. These developers also wish to acknowledge the help of Dr. James Crook, P.E., Dr. Bahman Sheikh; Julia Forgas, Gloria Booth, and Karen Jones of CDM, as well as; MerriBeth Farnham of Farnham and Associates, Inc. and Perry Thompson of Thompson and Thompson Graphics Inc. Partial funding to support the preparation of the updated Guidelines document was provided by EPA and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The Guidelines document was prepared by CDM with con tributions from more 100 participants from other con sulting firms, state and federal agencies, local water and wastewater authorities, and academic institutions. We wish to acknowledge the direction, advice, and sugges tions of the sponsoring agencies, notably: Mr. Robert K. Bastian and Dr. John Cicmanec of EPA, as well as Dr. Peter McCornick, P.E., Dr. John Austin, and Mr. Dan Deely of USAID. We would also like to thank the many technical reviewers who so painstakingly reviewed this document. Our special thanks go to the following group of our col leagues who took the time to share their life experiences and technical knowledge to make these Guidelines rel evant and user-friendly. The contributors are broken up into three categories: those who directly authored and/or edited text, those who attended the technical review meeting (TRC), and those who were general re viewers. Some contributors are listed more than once to demonstrate their multiple roles in the preparation of the document.
William Everest
Orange County Water Department
Fountain Valley, California
David Farabee
Environmental Consultant
Sarasota, Florida
Dr. Peter Fox
National Center for Sustainable Water Supply
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Monica Gasca
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
Whittier, California
Jason M. Gorrie, P.E.
Tampa, Florida
Brian J. Graham, P.E., DEE
United Water
Carlsbad, California
Gary K. Grinnell, P.E.
Las Vegas Valley Water District
Las Vegas, Nevada
Michael Gritzuk
Phoenix Water Services Department
Phoenix, Arizona
*Dr. Ross E. Hagan
Raymond E. Hanson, P.E.
Orange County Utilities Water Reclamation Division
Orlando, Florida
Earle Hartling
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
Whittier, California
Roy L. Herndon
Orange County Water District
Fountain Valley, California
*Dr. Ivanhildo Hesponhol
Polytechnic School, University of So Paolo
Peter M. MacLaggan, P.E., Esq. Poseidon Resources Corporation San Diego, California Rocco J. Maiellano Evesham Municipal Utilities Authority Evesham, New Jersey *Chris Marles SA Water Australia Ted W. McKim, P.E. Reedy Creek Energy Services Lake Buena Vista, Florida Dianne B. Mills CDM Charlotte, North Carolina Dr. Thomas M. Missimer, PG CDM Ft. Myers, Florida Dr. Seiichi Miyamoto Texas A&M University/Agricultural Research Center El Paso, Texas *Dr. Rafael Mujeriego Universidad Politcnica de Catalua Spain Richard Nagel, P.E. West and Central Basin Municipal Water Districts Carson, California Margaret Nellor Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Whittier, California David Ornelas, P.E. El Paso Water Utilities El Paso, Texas Ray T. Orvin Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority Greenville, South Carolina *Francis Pamminger Yarra Valley Water Ltd. Australia Jeffrey F. Payne, P.E., DEE CDM Charlotte, North Carolina
Paul R. Puckorius Puckorius & Associates, Inc. Evergreen, Colorado William F. Quinn, Jr. El Paso Water Utilities El Paso, Texas Roderick D. Reardon, P.E., DEE CDM Orlando, Florida Craig L. Riley, P.E. State of Washington Department of Health Spokane, Washington Martha Rincn Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Whittier, California Dr. Joan Rose Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Eric Rosenblum City of San Jose San Jose, California Steve Rossi Phoenix Water Services Department Phoenix, Arizona Dr. A. Charles Rowney, P.E. CDM Orlando, Florida Robert W. Sackellares GA-Pacific Corporation Atlanta, Georgia Richard H. Sakaji California Department of Health Services Berkeley, California *Dr. Lluis Sala Consorci de la Costa Brava Spain *Ahmad Sawalha USAID West Bank & Gaza Dr. Larry N. Schwartz CDM Orlando, Florida
Andy Terrey
Phoenix Water Services Department
Phoenix, Arizona
Hal Thomas
City of Walla Walla Public Works
Walla Walla, Washington
Sandra Tripp, P.E.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Joseph V. Towry
City of St. Petersburg Water Systems Maintenance
St. Petersburg, Florida
Jay Unwin
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc.
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Joe Upchurch
Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority
Greenville, South Carolina
*Daniel van Oosterwijck
Yarra Valley Water
Florence T. Wedington, P.E.
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Oakland, California
Nancy J. Wheatley, J.D.
Water Resources Strategies
Siasconset, Massachusetts
Lee P. Wiseman, P.E., DEE
Orlando, Florida
*Ralph Woolley
Brisbane City Council
David Young
Cambridge, Massachusetts
The following persons attended the TRC in Phoenix, Ari zona. Dr. Barnes Bierck, P.E. Environmental Engineering Consultant Chapel Hill, North Carolina Dr. Herman Bouwer U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory Phoenix, Arizona Dennis Cafaro
Resource Conservation Systems
Bonita Springs, Florida
Lori Ann Carroll
Sarasota County Environmental Services
Sarasota, Florida
Tracy A. Clinton
Carollo Engineers
Walnut Creek, California
Katharine Cupps, P.E.
Washington Department of Ecology
Olympia, Washington
Gary K. Grinnell, P.E.
Las Vegas Valley Water District
Las Vegas, Nevada
Dr. Helene Hilger
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Charlotte, North Carolina
Robert S. Jaques
Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency
Monterey, California
Heather Kunz
CH2M Hill
Atlanta, Georgia
Keith Lewinger
Fallbrook Public Utility District
Fallbrook, California
Craig Lichty, P.E.
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
San Francisco, California
Jeff Mosher
WateReuse Association
Alexandria, Virginia
Robert Whitley
Whitley, Burchett and Associates
Walnut Creek, California
Ronald E. Young, P.E., DEE
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
Lake Elsinore, California
The following contributors reviewed portions or all of the
Earnest Earn
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Atlanta, Georgia
Christianne Ferraro, P.E.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Orlando, Florida
Patrick Gallagher
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Robert H. Hultquist
State of California Department of Health Services
Sacramento, California
Frank J. Johns II, P.E.
Arcadis G&M Inc.
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
C. Robert Mangrum, P.E. CH2M Hill
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Kate Martin Narasimhan Consulting Services Irvine, California David MacIntyre PB Water Orlando, Florida Dr. Choon Nam Ong National University of Singapore Singapore Henry Ongerth Consulting Engineer Berkeley, California David R. Refling, P.E., DEE Boyle Engineering Corporation Orlando, Florida
The following individuals also provided review comments on behalf of the U.S. EPA: Howard Beard EPA Office of Water/Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water Dr. Phillip Berger EPA Office of Water/Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water Bob Brobst EPA Region 8 Denver, Colorado Glendon D. Deal USDA/RUS David Del Porto Ecological Engineering Group, Inc. Dr. Jorg Drewes Colorado School of Mines Alan Godfree United Utilities Water PLC Jim Goodrich EPA ORD/NRMRL Cincinnati, Ohio Dr. Hend Gorchev EPA Office of Water/Office of Science and Technology Dr. Fred Hauchman EPA ORD/NHEERL Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Mark Kellet Northbridge Environmental Dr. Robert A. Rubin UDSDA Extension Service NCSU on detail to EPA OWM Ben Shuman USDA/RUS Carrie Wehling EPA Office of General Counsel/Water Law Office Nancy Yoshikawa EPA Region 9 San Francisco, California
The worlds population is expected to increase dramatically between now and the year 2020 - and with this growth will come an increased need for water to meet various needs, as well as an increased production of wastewater. Many communities throughout the world are approaching, or have already reached, the limits of their available water supplies; water reclamation and reuse have almost become necessary for conserving and extending available water supplies. Water reuse may also present communities with an alternate wastewater disposal method as well as provide pollution abatement by diverting effluent discharge away from sensitive surface waters. Already accepted and endorsed by the public in many urban and agricultural areas, properly implemented nonpotable reuse projects can help communities meet water demand and supply challenges without any known significant health risks. any kind of regulation. In addition, neither the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nor the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) proposes standards for water reuse in this publication or any other. This document is intended to be solely informational and does not impose legally-binding requirements on EPA, states, local or tribal governments, or members of the public. Any EPA decisions regarding a particular water reuse project will be made based on the applicable statutes and regulations. EPA will continue to review and update these guidelines as necessary and appropriate. In states where standards do not exist or are being revised or expanded, the Guidelines can assist in developing reuse programs and appropriate regulations. The Guidelines will also be useful to consulting engineers and others involved in the evaluation, planning, design, operation, or management of water reclamation and reuse facilities. In addition, an extensive chapter on international reuse is included to provide background information and discussion of relevant water reuse issues for authorities in other countries where reuse is being planned, developed, and implemented. In the U.S., water reclamation and reuse standards are the responsibility of state agencies.
Water reclamation for nonpotable reuse has been adopted in the U.S. and elsewhere without the benefit of national or international guidelines or standards. Twenty-five states currently have regulations regarding water reuse. The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for agricultural irrigation reuse (dated 1989) are under revision (World Health Organization Website, 2003). The primary purpose of the 2004 EPA Guidelines for Water Reuse is to present and summarize water reuse guidelines, with supporting information, for the benefit of utilities and regulatory agencies, particularly in the U.S. The Guidelines cover water reclamation for nonpotable urban, industrial, and agricultural reuse, as well as augmentation of potable water supplies through indirect reuse. Direct potable reuse is also covered, although only briefly since it is not practiced in the U.S. Please note that the statutes and regulations described in this document may contain legally binding requirements. The summaries of those laws provided here, as well as the approaches suggested in this document, do not substitute for those statutes or regulations, nor are these guidelines themselves
Growing urbanization in water-scarce areas of the world exacerbates the situation of increasing water demands for domestic, industrial, commercial, and agricultural purposes. Figure 1-1 demonstrates the rapid growth rate of the urban population worldwide. In the year 2000, 2.85 billion people (out of a worldwide population of 6.06 billion) were living in urban regions (United Nations Secretariat, 2001). This increasing urban population results in a growing water demand to meet domestic, commercial, industrial, and agricultural needs. Coupled with depleting fresh water sources, utility directors and managers are faced with the challenge to supply water to a growing customer base.
Figure 1-1
the year 2010. Likewise, California has a statutory goal of doubling its current use by 2010. Texas currently reuses approximately 230 mgd (8.7 x 105 m3) and Arizona reuses an estimated 200 mgd (7.6 x 105 m3). While these 4 states account for the majority of the water reuse in the U.S., several other states have growing water reuse programs including Nevada, Colorado, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington. At least 27 states now have water reclamation facilities, and the majority of states have regulations dealing with water reuse (Gritzuk, 2003).
Source Substitution
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is developing a program, Water 2025, to focus attention on the emerging need for water. Explosive population growth in urban areas of the western U.S., along with a growing demand for available water supplies for environmental and recreational uses, is conflicting with the national dependence on water for the production of food and fiber from western farms and ranches (Department of the Interior/Bureau of Reclamation, 2003). The goals of Water 2025 are to:
Under the broad definition of water reclamation and reuse, sources of reclaimed water may range from industrial process waters to the tail waters of agricultural irrigation systems. For the purposes of these Guidelines, however, the sources of reclaimed water are limited to the effluent generated by domestic wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs). The use of reclaimed water for nonpotable purposes offers the potential for exploiting a new resource that can be substituted for existing potable sources. This idea, known as source substitution is not new. In fact, the United Nations Economic and Social Council enunciated a policy in 1958 that, No higher quality water, unless there is a surplus of it, should be used for a purpose that can tolerate a lower grade. Many urban, commercial, and industrial uses can be met with water of less than potable water quality. With respect to potable water sources, EPA policy states, Because of human frailties associated with protection, priority should be given to selection of the purest source (EPA, 1976). Therefore, when the demand exceeds the capacity of the purest source, and additional sources are unavailable or available only at a high cost, lower quality water can be substituted to serve the nonpotable purposes. Since few areas enjoy a surplus of high quality water, and demand often exceeds capacity, many urban residential, commercial, and industrial uses can be satisfied with water of less than potable water quality. In many instances, treated wastewater may provide the most economical and/or available substitute source for such uses as irrigation of lawns, parks, roadway borders, and medians; air conditioning and industrial cooling towers; stack gas scrubbing; industrial processing; toilet flushing; dust control and construction; cleaning and maintenance, including vehicle washing; scenic waters and fountains; and environmental and recreational purposes. The economics of source substitution with reclaimed water are site-specific and dependent on the marginal costs of new sources of high-quality water and the costs of waste-
Facilitate a more forward-looking focus on waterstarved areas of the country Help stretch or increase water supplies, satisfy the demands of growing populations, protect environmental needs, and strengthen regional, tribal, and local economies Provide added environmental benefits to many watersheds, rivers, and streams Minimize water crises in critical watersheds by improving the environment and addressing the effects of drought on important economies Provide a balanced, practical approach to water management for the next century
Meanwhile, water reuse in the U.S. is a large and growing practice. An estimated 1.7 billion gallons (6.4 million m3) per day of wastewater is reused, and reclaimed water use on a volume basis is growing at an estimated 15 percent per year. In 2002, Florida reclaimed 584 mgd (2.2 x 106 m3) of its wastewater while California ranked a close second, with an estimated total of 525 mgd (2.0 x 106 m3) of reclaimed water used each day. Florida has an official goal of reclaiming 1 billion gallons per day by
water treatment and disposal. Understandably, the construction of reclaimed water transmission and distribution lines to existing users in large cities is expensive and disruptive. As a result, wastewater reclamation and reuse will continue to be most attractive in serving new residential, commercial, and industrial areas of a city, where the installation of dual distribution systems would be far more economical than in already developed areas. Use of reclaimed water for agricultural purposes near urban areas can also be economically attractive. Agricultural users are usually willing to make long-term commitments, often for as long as 20 years, to use large quantities of reclaimed water instead of fresh water sources. One potential scenario is to develop a new reclaimed water system to serve agricultural needs outside the city with the expectation that when urban development replaces agricultural lands in time, reclaimed water use can be shifted from agricultural to new urban development.
reclaimed water is often distributed at a flat rate or at minimal cost to the users. However, where reclaimed water is intended to be used as a water resource, metering is appropriate to provide an equitable method for distributing the resource, limiting overuse, and recovering costs. In St. Petersburg, Florida, disposal was the original objective; however, over time the reclaimed water became an important resource. Meters, which were not provided initially, are being considered to prevent wasting of the reclaimed water.
Pollution Abatement
While the need for additional water supply in arid and semi-arid areas has been the impetus for numerous water reclamation and reuse programs, many programs in the U.S. were initiated in response to rigorous and costly requirements to remove nitrogen and phosphorus for effluent discharge to surface waters. By eliminating effluent discharges for all or even a portion of the year through water reuse, a municipality may be able to avoid or reduce the need for the costly nutrient removal treatment processes. For example, the South Bay Water Recycling Project in San Jose, California, provides reclaimed water to 1.3 million area residents. By reusing this water instead of releasing it to the San Francisco Bay, San Jose has avoided a sewer moratorium that would have had a devastating impact on the Silicon Valley economy (Gritzuk, 2003). The purposes and practices may differ between water reuse programs developed strictly for pollution abatement and those developed for water resources or conservation benefits. When systems are developed chiefly for the purpose of land treatment or disposal, the objective is to treat and/or dispose of as much effluent on as little land as possible; thus, application rates are often greater than irrigation demands. On the other hand, when the reclaimed water is considered a valuable resource (i.e., an alternative water supply), the objective is to apply the water according to irrigation needs. Differences are also apparent in the distribution of reclaimed water for these different purposes. Where disposal is the objective, meters are difficult to justify, and
Water reclamation and nonpotable reuse typically require conventional water and wastewater treatment technologies that are already widely practiced and readily available in many countries throughout the world. When discussing treatment for a reuse system, the overriding concern continues to be whether the quality of the reclaimed water is appropriate for the intended use. Higher level uses, such as irrigation of public-access lands or vegetables to be consumed without processing, require a higher level of wastewater treatment and reliability prior to reuse than will lower level uses, such as irrigation of forage crops and pasture. For example, in urban settings, where there is a high potential for human exposure to reclaimed water used for landscape irrigation, industrial purposes, and toilet flushing, the reclaimed water must be clear, colorless, and odorless to ensure that it is aesthetically acceptable to the users and the public at large, as well as to assure minimum health risk. Experience has shown that facilities producing secondary effluent can become water reclamation plants with the addition of filtration and enhanced disinfection processes. A majority of the states have published treatment standards or guidelines for one or more types of water reuse. Some of these states require specific treatment processes; others impose effluent quality criteria, and some require both. Many states also include requirements for treatment reliability to prevent the distribution of any reclaimed water that may not be adequately treated because of a process upset, power outage, or equipment failure. Dual distribution systems (i.e., reclaimed water distribution systems that parallel a potable water system) must also incorporate safeguards to prevent crossconnections of reclaimed water and potable water lines and the misuse of reclaimed water. For example, piping, valves, and hydrants are marked or color-coded (e.g. purple pipe) to differentiate reclaimed water from potable water. Backflow prevention devices are installed, and hose bibs on reclaimed water lines may be prohibited to preclude the likelihood of incidental human misuse. A strict
industrial pretreatment program is also necessary to ensure the reliability of the biological treatment process by excluding the discharge of potentially toxic levels of pollutants to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater treatment facilities receiving substantial amounts of highstrength industrial wastes may be limited in the number and type of suitable reuse applications.
The document has been arranged by topic, devoting separate chapters to each of the key technical, financial, legal and institutional, and public involvement issues that a reuse planner might face. A separate chapter has also been provided to discuss reuse applications outside of the U.S. These chapters are:
This document, the Guidelines for Water Reuse, is an update of the Guidelines for Water Reuse developed for EPA by Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) and published by EPA in 1992 (and initially in 1980). In May 2002, EPA contracted with CDM through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to update the EPA/USAID Guidelines for Water Reuse (EPA/625/R-92/004: Sept 1992). As with the 1992 Guide lines, a committee, made up of national and international experts in the field of water reclamation and related subjects, was established to develop new text, update case studies, and review interim drafts of the document. However, unlike the 1992 version, the author and reviewer base was greatly expanded to include approximately 75 contributing authors and an additional 50 reviewers. Major efforts associated with the revisions to this edition of the Guidelines include:
Updating the state reuse regulations matrix and add-
Chapter 2, Types of Reuse Applications A discussion of reuse for urban, industrial, agricultural, recreational and habitat restoration/enhancement, groundwater recharge, and augmentation of potable supplies. Direct potable reuse is also briefly discussed. Chapter 3, Technical Issues in Planning Water Reuse Systems An overview of the potential uses of reclaimed water, the sources of reclaimed water, treatment requirements, seasonal storage requirements, supplemental system facilities (including conveyance and distribution), operational storage, and alternative disposal systems. lines in the U.S. A summary of existing state standards and regulations as well as recommended guidelines.
Chapter 5, Legal and Institutional Issues An overview of reuse ordinances, user agreements, water rights, franchise law, and case law. Chapter 6, Funding Water Reuse Systems A discussion of funding and cost recovery options for reuse system construction and operation, as well as management issues for utilities. Chapter 7, Public Involvement Programs An outline of strategies for educating and involving the public in water reuse system planning and reclaimed water use. Chapter 8, Water Reuse Outside the U.S. A summary of the issues facing reuse planners outside of the U.S., as well as a comprehensive review of the variety of reuse projects and systems around the world.
Updating U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) information on national water use and reuse practices coverage of indirect potable reuse issues, emphasizing the results of recent studies and practices associated with using reclaimed water to augment potable supplies
Updating the discussion of treatment technologies applicable to water reclamation project funding mechanisms
Department of the Interior/Bureau of Reclamation. Water 2025: Preventing Conflict and Crisis in the West. [Updated 6 June 2003; cited 30 July 2003]. Available from www.doi.gov/water2025/. Gritzuk, M. 2003. Testimony-The Importance of Water Reuse in the 21st Century, presented by Michael Gritzuk to the Subcommittee on Water & Power Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, March 27, 2003. United Nations Secretariat Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2001. World Urbanization Prospects: The 1999 Revision. ST/ESA/ SER.A/194, USA. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1976. National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations. EPA 570/ 9-76-003, Washington, D.C. World Heath Organization (WHO). Water Sanitation and Health (WSH). [Updated 2003; cited 31 July 2003]. Available from www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/wastewater.
Types of Reuse Applications
Chapter 2 provides detailed explanations of major re use application types. These include:
Urban Ornamental landscape uses and decorative water fea Industrial Agricultural Environmental and recreational Groundwater recharge Augmentation of potable supplies Commercial uses such as vehicle washing facilities,
laundry facilities, window washing, and mixing water for pesticides, herbicides, and liquid fertilizers tures, such as fountains, reflecting pools, and water falls Dust control and concrete production for construc tion projects
Fire protection through reclaimed water fire hydrants Toilet and urinal flushing in commercial and industrial
buildings Quantity and quality requirements are considered for each reuse application, as well as any special considerations necessary when reclaimed water is substituted for more traditional sources of water. Case studies of reuse appli cations are provided in Section 2.7. Key elements of water reuse that are common to most projects (i.e., supply and demand, treatment requirements, storage, and distribu tion) are discussed in Chapter 3. Urban reuse can include systems serving large users. Examples include parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, highway medians, golf courses, and recreational facili ties. In addition, reuse systems can supply major water-using industries or industrial complexes as well as a combination of residential, industrial, and commercial properties through dual distribution systems. A 2-year field demonstration/research garden compared the im pacts of irrigation with reclaimed versus potable water for landscape plants, soils, and irrigation components. The comparison showed few significant differences; however, landscape plants grew faster with reclaimed water (Lindsey et al., 1996). But such results are not a given. Elevated chlorides in the reclaimed water pro vided by the City of St. Petersburg have limited the foli age that can be irrigated (Johnson, 1998). In dual distribution systems, the reclaimed water is deliv ered to customers through a parallel network of distribu tion mains separate from the communitys potable water distribution system. The reclaimed water distribution sys tem becomes a third water utility, in addition to wastewa ter and potable water. Reclaimed water systems are op erated, maintained, and managed in a manner similar to the potable water system. One of the oldest municipal dual distribution systems in the U.S., in St. Petersburg,
Urban Reuse
Urban reuse systems provide reclaimed water for various nonpotable purposes including:
Irrigation of public parks and recreation centers, ath
letic fields, school yards and playing fields, high way medians and shoulders, and landscaped ar eas surrounding public buildings and facilities
Irrigation of landscaped areas surrounding single-family
and multi-family residences, general wash down, and other maintenance activities
Irrigation of landscaped areas surrounding commer
Florida, has been in operation since 1977. The system provides reclaimed water for a mix of residential proper ties, commercial developments, industrial parks, a re source recovery power plant, a baseball stadium, and schools. The City of Pomona, California, first began dis tributing reclaimed water in 1973 to California Polytech nic University and has since added 2 paper mills, road way landscaping, a regional park and a landfill with an energy recovery facility. During the planning of an urban reuse system, a commu nity must decide whether or not the reclaimed water sys tem will be interruptible. Generally, unless reclaimed water is used as the only source of fire protection in a commu nity, an interruptible source of reclaimed water is accept able. For example, the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, decided that an interruptible source of reclaimed water would be acceptable, and that reclaimed water would pro vide backup only for fire protection. If a community determines that a non-interruptible source of reclaimed water is needed, then reliability, equal to that of a potable water system, must be provided to en sure a continuous flow of reclaimed water. This reliability could be ensured through a municipality having more than one water reclamation plant to supply the reclaimed wa ter system, as well as additional storage to provide re claimed water in the case of a plant upset. However, providing the reliability to produce a non-interruptible sup ply of reclaimed water will have an associated cost in crease. In some cases, such as the City of Burbank, California, reclaimed water storage tanks are the only source of water serving an isolated fire system that is kept separate from the potable fire service. Retrofitting a developed urban area with a reclaimed wa ter distribution system can be expensive. In some cases, however, the benefits of conserving potable water may justify the cost. For example, a water reuse system may be cost-effective if the reclaimed water system eliminates or forestalls the need to:
tem is a requirement of the communitys land develop ment code. In 1984, the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, enacted the requirement for developers to install reclaimed water lines so that all properties within a development are provided service. This section of the Citys land devel opment code also stated, The intent of the reclaimed water system is not to duplicate the potable water sys tem, but rather to complement each other and thereby provide the opportunity to reduce line sizes and looping requirements of the potable water system (Howard, Needles, Tammen, and Bergendoff, 1986a). The Irvine Ranch Water District in California studied the economic feasibility of expanding its urban dual distri bution system to provide reclaimed water to high-rise buildings for toilet and urinal flushing. The study concluded that the use of reclaimed water was feasible for flushing toilets and urinals and priming floor drain traps for build ings of 6 stories and higher (Young and Holliman, 1990). Following this study, an ordinance was enacted requiring all new buildings over 55 feet (17 meters) high to install a dual distribution system for flushing in areas where re claimed water is available (Irvine Ranch Water District, 1990). The City of Avalon, California, conducted a feasibility study to assess the replacement of seawater with re claimed water in the Citys nonpotable toilet flushing/fire protection distribution system. The study determined that the City would save several thousand dollars per year in amortized capital and operation and maintenance costs by switching to reclaimed water (Richardson, 1998).
The daily irrigation demand for reclaimed water gener ated by a particular urban system can be estimated from an inventory of the total irrigable acreage to be served by the reclaimed water system and the estimated weekly irrigation rates. These rates are determined by such factors as local soil characteristics, climatic conditions, and type of landscaping. In some states, recommended weekly irrigation rates may be available from water management agencies, county or state agricultural agents, or irrigation specialists. Reclaimed water demand estimates must also take into account any other permit ted uses for reclaimed water within the system. An estimate of the daily irrigation demand for reclaimed water can also be made by evaluating local water bill ing records. For example, in many locations, second water meters measure the volume of potable water used outside the home, primarily for irrigation. An evaluation of the water billing records in Orlando, Florida, showed the average irrigation demand measured on the resi
requirements In developing urban areas, substantial cost savings may be realized by installing a dual distribution system as developments are constructed. A successful way to ac complish this is to stipulate that connecting to the sys
dential second meter was approximately 506 gpd (1.9 m3/d), compared to 350 gpd (1.3 m3/d) on the first meter, which measured the amount of water for in-house use (CDM, 2001). This data indicates that a 59 percent reduction in residential potable water demand could be accomplished if a dual distribution system were to pro vide irrigation service. Water use records can also be used to estimate the sea sonal variation in reclaimed water demand. Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 show the historic monthly variation in the potable and nonpotable water demand for the Irvine Ranch Water District in California and St. Petersburg, Florida, respectively. Although the seasonal variation in demand is different between the 2 communities, both show a simi lar trend in the seasonal variation between potable and nonpotable demand. Even though St. Petersburg and Irvine Ranch meet much of the demand for irrigation with reclaimed water, the influence of these uses can still be seen in the potable water demands. For potential reclaimed water users, such as golf courses, that draw irrigation water from onsite wells, an evaluation of the permitted withdrawal rates or pumping records can be used to estimate their reclaimed water needs.
Figure 2-2.
Potable and Nonpotable Water Use - Monthly Historic Demand Variation, St. Petersburg, Florida
Figure 2-1.
Potable and Nonpotable Water Use - Monthly Historic Demand Variation, Irvine Ranch Water District, California
estimated by determining the volume of water required to maintain a desired water elevation in the impound ment. For those systems using reclaimed water for toilet flush ing as part of their urban reuse system, water use records can again be used to estimate demand. Accord ing to Grisham and Fleming (1989), toilet flushing can account for up to 45 percent of indoor residential water demand. In 1991, the Irvine Ranch Water District be gan using reclaimed water for toilet flushing in high-rise office buildings. Potable water demands in these build ings have decreased by as much as 75 percent due to the reclaimed water use (IRWD, 2003).
In assessing the reuse needs of an urban system, de mands for uses other than irrigation must also be con sidered. These demands are likely to include industrial, commercial, and recreational uses. Demands for indus trial users, as well as commercial users, such as car washes, can be estimated from water use or billing records. Demands for recreational impoundments can be
In the design of an urban reclaimed water distribution system, the most important considerations are the reli ability of service and protection of public health. Treat ment to meet appropriate water quality and quantity re quirements and system reliability are addressed in Sec tion 3.4. The following safeguards must be considered during the design of any dual distribution system:
Assurance that the reclaimed water delivered to the
customer meets the water quality requirements for the intended uses
larly for large cities, operational storage facilities may be located at appropriate locations in the system and/or near the reuse sites. When located near the pumping facili ties, ground or elevated tanks may be used; when lo cated within the system, operational storage is generally elevated. Sufficient storage to accommodate diurnal flow variation is essential to the operation of a reclaimed water sys tem. The volume of storage required can be determined from the daily reclaimed water demand and supply curves. Reclaimed water is normally produced 24 hours per day in accordance with the diurnal flow at the water reclama tion plant and may flow to ground storage to be pumped into the system or into a clear well for high-lift pumping to elevated storage facilities. In order to maintain suitable water quality, covered storage is preferred to preclude biological growth and maintain chlorine residual. Refer to Section 3.5.2 for a discussion of operational storage. Since variations in the demand for reclaimed water occur seasonally, large volumes of seasonal storage may be needed if all available reclaimed water is to be used, al though this may not be economically practical. The se lected location of a seasonal storage facility will also have an effect on the design of the distribution system. In ar eas where surface storage may be limited due to space limitations, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) could prove to be a viable enhancement to the system. Hillsborough County, Florida has recovered ASR water, placed it into the reuse distribution system, and is working to achieve a target storage volume of 90 million gallons (340,700 m3) (McNeal, 2002). A detailed discussion of seasonal storage requirements is provided in Section 3.5. The design of an urban distribution system is similar in many respects to a municipal potable water distribution system. Materials of equal quality for construction are recommended. System integrity should be assured; however, the reliability of the system need not be as stringent as a potable water system unless reclaimed water is being used as the only source of fire protec tion. No special measures are required to pump, de liver, and use the water. No modifications are required because reclaimed water is being used, with the excep tion that equipment and materials must be clearly iden tified. For service lines in urban settings, different ma terials may be desirable for more certain identification. The design of distribution facilities is based on topo graphical conditions as well as reclaimed water demand requirements. If topography has wide variations, multi level systems may have to be used. Distribution mains must be sized to provide the peak hourly demands at a pressure adequate for the user being served. Pressure
To avoid cross connections, all above-ground appurte nances and equipment associated with reclaimed wa ter systems must be clearly marked. National color stan dards have not been established, but most manufactur ers, counties, and cities have adopted the color purple for reclaimed water lines. The State of Florida has ac cepted Pantone 522C as the color of choice for reclaimed water material designation. Florida also requires signs to be posted with specific language in both English and Spanish identifying the resource as nonpotable. Addi tional designations include using the international sym bol for Do Not Drink on all materials, both surface and subsurface, to minimize potential cross connections. A more detailed discussion of distribution safeguards and cross connection control measures is presented in Sec tion 3.6.1, Conveyance and Distribution Facilities.
Design Considerations
Urban water reuse systems have 2 major components: 1. Water reclamation facilities 2. Reclaimed water distribution system, including storage and pumping facilities Water Reclamation Facilities
Water reclamation facilities must provide the required treatment to meet appropriate water quality standards for the intended use. In addition to secondary treatment, filtration, and disinfection are generally required for reuse in an urban setting. Because urban reuse usually involves irrigation of properties with unrestricted public access or other types of reuse where human exposure to the re claimed water is likely, reclaimed water must be of a higher quality than may be necessary for other reuse applica tions. In cases where a single large customer needs a higher quality reclaimed water, the customer may have to provide additional treatment onsite, as is commonly done with potable water. Treatment requirements are pre sented in Section 3.4.2. Distribution System
Reclaimed water operational storage and high-service pumping facilities are usually located onsite at the water reclamation facility. However, in some cases, particu
requirements for a dual distribution system vary depend ing on the type of user being served. Pressures for irriga tion systems can be as low as 10 psi (70 kPa) if addi tional booster pumps are provided at the point of delivery, and maximum pressures can be as high as 100 to 150 psi (700 to 1,000 kPa). The peak hourly rate of use, which is a critical consider ation in sizing the delivery pumps and distribution mains, may best be determined by observing and studying lo cal urban practices and considering time of day and rates of use by large users to be served by the system. The following design peak factors have been used in de signing urban reuse systems:
System Altamonte Springs, Florida (HNTB, 1986a) Apopka, Florida (Godlewski et al., 1990) Aurora, Colorado (Johns et al., 1987) Boca Raton, Florida (CDM, 1990a) Irvine Ranch Water District, California (IRWD, 1991) - Landscape Irrigation - Golf Course and Agricultural Irrigation San Antonio Water System (SAWS), Texas (SAWS Website, 2004) Sea Pines, South Carolina (Hirsekorn and Ellison, 1987) St. Petersburg, Florida (CDM, 1987) Peaking Factor 2.90 4.00 2.50 2.00
and a peak factor of 2.0 for agricultural and golf course irrigation systems (IRWD, 1991). The peak factor for landscape irrigation is higher because reclaimed water use is restricted to between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. This re striction may not apply to agricultural or golf course use. Generally, there will be high-pressure and low-pressure users on an urban reuse system. The high-pressure us ers receive water directly from the system at pressures suitable for the particular type of reuse. Examples in clude residential and landscape irrigation, industrial pro cesses and cooling water, car washes, fire protection, and toilet flushing in commercial and industrial buildings. The low-pressure users receive reclaimed water into an onsite storage pond to be repumped into their reuse sys tem. Typical low-pressure users are golf courses, parks, and condominium developments that use reclaimed wa ter for irrigation. Other low-pressure uses include the delivery of reclaimed water to landscape or recreational impoundments, or industrial or cooling tower sites that have onsite tanks for blending and/or storing water. Typically, urban dual distribution systems operate at a minimum pressure of 50 psi (350 kPa), which will sat isfy the pressure requirements for irrigation of larger landscaped areas such as multi-family complexes, and offices, commercial, and industrial parks. A minimum pressure of 50 psi (350 kPa) should also satisfy the re quirements of car washes, toilet flushing, construction dust control, and some industrial uses. Based on require ments of typical residential irrigation equipment, a mini mum delivery pressure of 30 psi (210 kPa) is used for the satisfactory operation of in-ground residential irriga tion systems. For users who operate at higher pressures than other users on the system, additional onsite pumping will be required to satisfy the pressure requirements. For ex ample, golf course irrigation systems typically operate at higher pressures (100 to 200 psi or 700 kPa to 1,400 kPa), and if directly connected to the reclaimed water system, will likely require a booster pump station. Repumping may be required in high-rise office build ings using reclaimed water for toilet flushing. Addition ally, some industrial users may operate at higher pres sures. The design of a reuse transmission system is usually accomplished through the use of computer modeling, with portions of each of the sub-area distribution systems rep resenting demand nodes in the model. The demand of each node is determined from the irrigable acreage tribu tary to the node, the irrigation rate, and the daily irriga tion time period. Additional demands for uses other than irrigation, such as fire flow protection, toilet flushing, and
The wide range of peaking factors reflects the nature of the demands being served, the location of the reuse system (particularly where irrigation is the end use), and the experience of the design engineers. San Antonios low peaking factor was achieved by requiring onsite stor age for customer demands greater than 100 acre-feet per year (62 gpm). These large customers were allowed to receive a peak flow rate based on a 24-hour delivery of their peak month demand in July. This flat rate deliv ery and number of large irrigation customers resulted in a low system peaking factor. For reclaimed water systems that include fire protection as part of their service, fire flow plus the maximum daily demand should be considered when sizing the distribu tion system. This scenario is not as critical in sizing the delivery pumps since it will likely result in less pumping capacity, but is critical in sizing the distribution mains because fire flow could be required at any point in the system, resulting in high localized flows. The Irvine Ranch Water District Water Resources Mas ter Plan recommends a peak hourly use factor of 6.8 when reclaimed water is used for landscape irrigation
industrial uses must also be added to the appropriate node. The 2 most common methods of maintaining system pres sure under widely varying flow rates are: (1) constantspeed supply pumps and system elevated storage tanks, which maintain essentially consistent system pressures, or (2) constant-pressure, variable-speed, high-service supply pumps, which maintain a constant system pres sure while meeting the varying demand for reclaimed water by varying the pump speed. While each of these sys tems has advantages and disadvantages, either system will perform well and remains a matter of local choice. The dual distribution system of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida operates with constant-speed supply pumps and 2 elevated storage tanks, and pressures range between 55 and 60 psi (380 kPa and 410 kPa). The ur ban system of the Marin Municipal Water District, in California, operates at a system pressure of 50 to 130 psi (350 kPa and 900 kPa), depending upon elevation and distance from the point of supply, while Apopka, Florida operates its reuse system at a pressure of 60 psi (410 kPa). The system should be designed with the flexibility to in stitute some form of usage control when necessary and provide for the potential resulting increase in the peak hourly demand. One such form of usage control would be to vary the days per week that schools, parks, golf courses, and residential areas are irrigated. In addition, large users, such as golf courses, will have a major im pact on the shape of the reclaimed water daily demand curve, and hence on the peak hourly demand, depending upon how the water is delivered to them. The reclaimed water daily demand curve may be flattened and the peak hourly demand reduced if the reclaimed water is dis charged to golf course ponds over a 24-hour period or during the daytime hours when demand for residential landscape irrigation is low. These methods of operation can reduce peak demands, thereby reducing storage re quirements, pumping capacities, and pipe diameters. This in turn, can reduce construction cost.
robust distribution system, the increased pipe size and storage required for fire flows results in increased resi dence time within the distribution system, and a corre sponding potential reduction in reclaimed water quality. In Rouse Hill, an independent community near Sydney, Australia, reclaimed water lines are being sized to handle fire flows, allowing potable line sizes to be reduced. Due to a shortage of potable water supplies, the City of Cape Coral, Florida, designed a dual distribution system sup plied by reclaimed water and surface water that provides for fire protection and urban irrigation. This practice was possible due to the fact that nonpotable service, includ ing the use of reclaimed water for fire protection, was part of the planning of the development before construction. However, these benefits come at the cost of elevating the reclaimed water system to an essential service with reli ability equal to that of the potable water system. This in turn, requires redundancy and emergency power with an associated increase in cost. For these reasons, the City has decided to not include fire protection in its future reclaimed water distribution systems. This decision was largely based on the fact that the inclusion of fire protec tion limited operations of the reclaimed water distribution system. Specifically, the limited operations included the lack of ability to reduce the operating pressure and to close valves in the distribution system. In some cases, municipalities may be faced with replac ing existing potable water distribution systems, because the pipe material is contributing to water quality prob lems. In such instances, consideration could be given to converting the existing network into a nonpotable dis tribution system capable of providing fire protection and installing a new, smaller network to handle potable de mands. Such an approach would require a comprehen sive cross connection control process to ensure all con nections between the potable and nonpotable system were severed. Color-coding of below-ground piping also poses a challenge. To date, no community has at tempted such a conversion. More often, the primary means of fire protection is the potable water system, with reclaimed water systems providing an additional source of water for fire flows. In the City of St. Peters burg, Florida, fire protection is shared between potable and reclaimed water. In San Francisco, California, re claimed water is part of a dual system for fire protection that includes high-rise buildings. Reclaimed water is also available for fire protection in the Irvine Ranch Water District, California. In some cases, site-specific investi gations may determine that reclaimed water is the most cost-effective means of providing fire protection. The City of Livermore, California, determined that using reclaimed water for fire protection at airport hangers and a whole sale warehouse store would be less expensive than up
Reclaimed water may be used for fire protection, but this application requires additional design efforts (Snyder et al., 2002). Urban potable water distribution systems are typically sized based on fire flow requirements. In residential areas, this can result in 6-inch diameter pipes to support fire demands where 2-inch diameter pipes may be sufficient to meet potable needs. Fire flow require ments also increase the volume of water required to be in storage at any given time. While this results in a very
Industrial Reuse
Industrial reuse has increased substantially since the early 1990s for many of the same reasons urban reuse has gained popularity, including water shortages and in creased populations, particularly in drought areas, and legislation regarding water conservation and environmen tal compliance. To meet this increased demand, many states have increased the availability of reclaimed water to industries and have installed the necessary reclaimed water distribution lines. As a result, California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, and Nevada have major industrial facili ties using reclaimed water for cooling water and process/ boiler-feed requirements. Utility power plants are ideal facilities for reuse due to their large water requirements for cooling, ash sluicing, rad-waste dilution, and flue gas scrubber requirements. Petroleum refineries, chemical plants, and metal working facilities are among other in dustrial facilities benefiting from reclaimed water not only for cooling, but for process needs as well.
1970s. The Rawhide Energy Station utility power plant in Fort Collins, Colorado, has used about 245 mgd (10,753 l/s) of reclaimed water for once through cooling of con densers since the 1980s. The reclaimed water is added to a body of water and the combined water is used in the once-through cooling system. After one-time use, the water is returned to the original water source (lake or river). Recirculating Evaporative Cooling Water Systems
Recirculating evaporative cooling water systems use wa ter to absorb process heat, and then transfer the heat by evaporation. As the cooling water is recirculated, makeup water is required to replace water lost through evapora tion. Water must also be periodically removed from the cooling water system to prevent a buildup of dissolved solids in the cooling water. There are 2 common types of evaporative cooling systems that use reclaimed water: (1) cooling towers and (2) spray ponds. Cooling Tower Systems
Cooling Water
For the majority of industries, cooling water is the largest use of reclaimed water because advancements in water treatment technologies have allowed industries to suc cessfully use lesser quality waters. These advancements have enabled better control of deposits, corrosion, and biological problems often associated with the use of re claimed water in a concentrated cooling water system. There are 2 basic types of cooling water systems that use reclaimed water: (1) once-through and (2) recirculat ing evaporative. The recirculating evaporative cooling water system is the most common reclaimed water sys tem due to its large water use and consumption by evaporation. Once-Through Cooling Water Systems
As implied by the name, once-through cooling water sys tems involve a simple pass of cooling water through heat exchangers. There is no evaporation, and therefore, no consumption or concentration of the cooling water. Very few once-through cooling systems use reclaimed water and, in most instances, are confined to locations where reuse is convenient, such as where industries are lo cated near an outfall. For example, Bethlehem Steel Company in Baltimore, Maryland, has used 100 mgd (4,380 l/s) of treated wastewater effluent from Baltimores Back River Wastewater Treatment Facility for processes and once-through cooling water system since the early
Like all recirculating evaporative systems, cooling water towers are designed to take advantage of the absorption and transfer of heat through evaporation. Over the past 10 years, cooling towers have increased in efficiency so that only 1.75 percent of the recirculated water is evapo rated for every 10 F (6 oC) drop in process water heat, decreasing the need to supplement with makeup water. Because water is evaporated, the dissolved solids and minerals will remain in the recirculated water. These sol ids must be removed or treated to prevent accumulation on the cooling equipment as well as the cooling tower. This removal is accomplished by discharging a portion of the cooling water, referred to as blow-down water. The blow-down water is usually treated by a chemical pro cess and/or a filtration/softening/clarification process be fore disposal. Buildup of total dissolved solids can occur within the reclamation/industrial cooling system if the blow down waste stream, with increased dissolved solids, is recirculated between the water reclamation plant and the cooling system. The Curtis Stanton Energy Facility in Orlando, Florida, receives reclaimed water from an Orange County waste water facility for cooling water. Initially, the blow-down water was planned to be returned to the wastewater facil ity. However, this process would eventually increase the concentration of dissolved solids in the reclaimed water to a degree that it could not be used as cooling water in the future. So, as an alternative, the blow-down water is crystallized at the Curtis Stanton facility and disposed of at a landfill. The City of San Marcos, Texas, identified the
following indirect impacts associated with receiving the blow-down water back at their wastewater treatment plant: reduced treatment capacity, impact to the biological pro cess, and impact to the plant effluent receiving stream (Longoria et al., 2000). To avoid the impacts to the waste water treatment plant, the City installed a dedicated line to return the blow-down water directly to the UV disinfec tion chamber. Therefore, there was no loss of plant ca pacity or impact to the biological process. The City has provided increased monitoring of the effluent-receiving stream to identify any potential stream impacts. Cooling tower designs vary widely. Large hyperbolic con crete structures, as shown in Figure 2-3, range from 250 to 400 feet (76 to 122 meters) tall and 150 to 200 feet (46 to 61 meters) in diameter, and are common at utility power plants. These cooling towers can recircu late approximately 200,000 to 500,000 gpm (12,600 to 31,500 l/s) of water and evaporate approximately 6,000 to 15,000 gpm (380 to 950 l/s) of water. Smaller cooling towers can be rectangular boxes con structed of wood, concrete, plastic, and/or fiberglass re inforced plastic with circular fan housings for each cell. Each cell can recirculate (cool) approximately 3,000 to 5,000 gpm (190 to 315 l/s). Petroleum refineries, chemi cal plants, steel mills, smaller utility plants, and other processing industries can have as many as 15 cells in a single cooling tower, recirculating approximately 75,000 gpm (4,700 l/s). Commercial air conditioning cooling tower systems can recirculate as little as 100 gpm (6 l/s) to as much as 40,000 gpm (2,500 l/s).
The cycles of concentration (COC) are defined as the ratio of a given ion or compound in the cooling tower water compared to the identical ion or compound in the makeup water. For example, if the sodium chloride level in the cooling tower water is 200 mg/l, and the same compound in the makeup water is 50 mg/l, then the COC is 200 divided by 50, or 4, often referred to as 4 cycles. Industries often operate their cooling towers at widely different cycles of concentration as shown in Table 2-1. The reason for such variations is that the cooling water is used for different applications such as wash water, ash sluicing, process water, etc. Spray Ponds
Spray ponds are usually small lakes or bodies of water where warmed cooling water is directed to nozzles that Table 2-1. Typical Cycles of Concentration (COC)
Typica l COC 5-8 6-10 6-8 8-10 3-5 3-5 5-8
Industry Utilities Fossil Nuclear Petroleum Refineries Chemical Plants Steel Mills HVAC Paper Mills
Figure 2-3.
Cooling Tower
spray upward to mix with air. This spraying causes evapo ration, but usually only produces a 3 to 8 F drop in temperature. Spray ponds are often used by facilities, such as utility power plants, where minimal cooling is needed and where the pond can also be incorporated into either decorative fountains or the air conditioning system. Reclaimed water has some application related to spray ponds, usually as makeup water, since there are often restrictions on discharging reclaimed water into lakes or ponds. In addition, there is a potential for foam ing within the spray pond if only reclaimed water is used. For example, the City of Ft. Collins, Colorado, supplies reclaimed water to the Platte River Power Authority for cooling its 250 megawatt (MW) Rawhide Energy Station. The recirculation cooling system is a 5.2-billion-gallon (20-million-m3) lake used to supply 170,000 gpm (107,000 l/s) to the condenser and auxiliary heat exchangers. Re claimed water is treated to reduce phosphate and other contaminants, and then added to the freshwater lake. Cooling Water Quality Requirements
The City of Las Vegas and Clark County Sanitation Dis trict uses 90 mgd (3,940 l/s) of secondary effluent to supply 35 percent of the water demand in power generat ing stations operated by the Nevada Power Company. The power company provides additional treatment con sisting of 2-stage lime softening, filtration, and chlorina tion prior to use as cooling tower makeup. A reclaimed water reservoir provides backup for the water supply. The Arizona Public Service 1,270-MW Palo Verde nuclear power plant is located 55 miles from Phoenix, Arizona, and uses almost all of the City of Phoenix and area cit ies reclaimed water at an average rate of 38,000 gpm (2,400 l/s). In a partnership between the King County Department of Metropolitan Services (Seattle, Washington), the Boeing Company, and Puget Sound Power and Light Company, a new 600,000-square-foot (55,740-m2) Customer Ser vice Training Center is cooled using chlorinated second ary effluent (Lundt, 1996). In Texas, The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) has a provision in its service agreement that allows for adjust ment in the reclaimed water rates for cooling tower use if the use of reclaimed water results in fewer cycles of con centration. Corrosion Concerns
The most frequent water quality problems in cooling wa ter systems are corrosion, biological growth, and scal ing. These problems arise from contaminants in potable water as well as in reclaimed water, but the concentra tions of some contaminants in reclaimed water may be higher than in potable water. Table 2-2 provides some reclaimed water quality data from Florida and California. In Burbank, California, about 5 mgd (219 l/s) of munici pal secondary effluent has been successfully utilized for cooling water makeup in the Citys power generating plant since 1967. The reclaimed water is of such good quality that with the addition of chlorine, acid, and corrosion in hibitors, the reclaimed water quality is nearly equal to that of freshwater. There are also numerous petroleum refineries in the Los Angeles area in California that have used reclaimed water since 1998 as 100 percent of the makeup water for their cooling systems. Table 2-2.
The use of any water, including reclaimed water, as makeup in recirculating cooling tower systems will result in the concentration of dissolved solids in the heat ex change system. This concentration may or may not cause serious corrosion of components. Three requirements should be considered to identify the cooling system cor rosion potential: 1. Calculation of the concentrated cooling
water quality most often worst case but
also average expected water quality
1200 1800 600 1500 180 200 100 120 150 200 20 40 18 25 10 15 35 60 100 30 80 10 20 5 15 35
However, even when freshwater is used in cooling tow ers, chemicals added during the treatment process can contribute a considerable concentration of nutrients. It is also important to have a good biological control pro gram in place before reclaimed water is used. Ammo nia and organics are typical nutrients found in reclaimed water that can reduce or negate some commonly used biocides (particularly cationic charged polymers). Concerns The primary constituents for scale potential from reclaimed water are calcium, magnesium, sulfate, alkalinity, phos phate, silica, and fluoride. Combinations of these minerals that can produce scale in the concentrated cooling water generally include cal cium phosphate (most common), silica (fairly common), calcium sulfate (fairly common), calcium carbonate (sel dom found), calcium fluoride (seldom found), and mag nesium silicate (seldom found). All constituents with the potential to form scale must be evaluated and controlled by chemical treatment and/or by adjusting the cycles of concentration. Reclaimed wa ter quality must be evaluated, along with the scaling po tential to establish the use of specific scale inhibitors. Guidelines for selection and use of scale inhibitors are available as are scale predictive tools.
Depending upon its level of treatment, the quality of re claimed water can vary substantially. The amount of concentration in the cooling system will also vary sub stantially, depending on the cycles of concentration within the system. Certainly, any contamination of the cooling water through process in-leakage, atmospheric conditions, or treatment chemicals will impact the water quality. Biological Concerns
Biological concerns associated with the use of reclaimed water in cooling systems include:
Microbiological organisms that contribute to the po tential for deposits and microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) Nutrients that contribute to microbiological growth
Microbiological organisms (bacteria, fungus, or algae) that contribute to deposits and corrosion are most often those adhering to surfaces and identified as sessile microor ganisms. The deposits usually occur in low flow areas (2 feet per second [0.6 m/s] or less) but can stick to sur faces even at much greater flow rates (5 to 8 feet per second [1.5 to 2 m/s]). The deposits can create a variety of concerns and problems. Deposits can interfere with heat transfer and can cause corrosion directly due to acid or corrosive by-products. Indirectly, deposits may shield metal surfaces from water treatment corrosion in hibitors and establish under-deposit corrosion. Deposits can grow rapidly and plug heat exchangers, cooling tower film fill, or cooling tower water distribution nozzles/sprays. Reclaimed water generally has a very low level of micro biological organisms due to the treatment requirements prior to discharge. Chlorine levels of 2.0 mg/l (as free chlorine) will kill most sessile microorganisms that cause corrosion or deposits in cooling systems. Nutrients that contribute to microbiological growth are present in varying concentrations in reclaimed water.
The use of reclaimed water for boiler make-up water dif fers little from the use of conventional public water sup ply; both require extensive additional treatment. Quality requirements for boiler make-up water depend on the pres sure at which the boiler is operated. Generally, the higher the pressure, the higher the quality of water required. Very high pressure (1500 psi [10,340 kPa] and above) boilers require make-up water of very high quality. In general, both potable water and reclaimed water used for boiler water make-up must be treated to reduce the hardness of the boiler feed water to close to zero. Re moval or control of insoluble scales of calcium and mag nesium, and control of silica and alumina, are required since these are the principal causes of scale buildup in boilers. Depending on the characteristics of the reclaimed water, lime treatment (including flocculation, sedimenta tion, and recarbonation) might be followed by multi-media filtration, carbon adsorption, and nitrogen removal. High-purity boiler feed water for high-pressure boilers might also require treatment by reverse osmosis or ion ex change. High alkalinity may contribute to foaming, re sulting in deposits in the superheater, reheater, or tur
bines. Bicarbonate alkalinity, under the influence of boiler heat, may lead to the release of carbon dioxide, which is a source of corrosion in steam-using equipment. The con siderable treatment and relatively small amounts of make up water required normally make boiler make-up water a poor candidate for reclaimed water. Since mid-2000, several refineries located in southern Los Angeles, California, have used reclaimed water as their primary source of boiler make-up water. Through the use of clarification, filtration, and reverse osmosis, high-quality boiler make-up water is produced that pro vides freshwater, chemical, and energy savings. The East Bay Municipal Utility District in California provides reclaimed water to the Chevron Refinery for use as boiler feed water. Table 2-3 shows the sampling requirements and expected water quality for the reclaimed water.
gallons of freshwater per ton (67 to 71 liters per kilogram) (NCASI, 2003). About a dozen pulp and paper mills use reclaimed water. Less than half of these mills use treated municipal waste water. Tertiary treatment is generally required. The driver is usually an insufficient source of freshwater. SAPPIs Enstra mill in South Africa has been using treated mu nicipal wastewater since the early 1940s. In Lake Tahoe, California, the opportunities for using treated wastewater in pulping and papermaking arose with the construction of tertiary wastewater facilities (Dorica et al.,1998). Some of the reasons that mills choose not to use treated municipal wastewater include:
Concerns about pathogens Product quality requirements that specifically pre clude its use Possibly prohibitive conveyance costs ing, and biofouling problems due to the high degree of internal recycling involved
The suitability of reclaimed water for use in industrial processes depends on the particular use. For example, the electronics industry requires water of almost distilled quality for washing circuit boards and other electronic components. On the other hand, the tanning industry can use relatively low-quality water. Requirements for textiles, pulp and paper, and metal fabricating are intermediate. Thus, in investigating the feasibility of industrial reuse with reclaimed water, potential users must be contacted to determine the specific requirements for their process water. A full-scale demonstration plant, operated at Toppan Electronics, in San Diego, California, has shown that re claimed water can be used for the production of circuit boards (Gagliardo et al., 2002). The reclaimed water used for the demonstration plant was pretreated with microfiltration. Table 2-4 presents industrial process water quality requirements for a variety of industries. Pulp and Paper Industry
Table 2-5 shows the water quality requirements for sev eral pulp and paper processes in New York City. Chemical Industry
The water quality requirements for the chemical industry vary greatly according to production requirements. Gen erally, waters in the neutral pH range (6.2 to 8.3) that are also moderately soft with low turbidity, suspended solids (SS), and silica are required; dissolved solids and chlo ride content are generally not critical (Water Pollution Control Federation, 1989). Textile Industry
The historical approach of the pulp and paper industry has been to internally recycle water to a very high de gree. The pulp and paper industry has long recognized the potential benefits associated with water reuse. At the turn of the century, when the paper machine was being developed, water use was approximately 150,000 gal lons per ton (625 liters per kilogram). By the 1950s, the water usage rate was down to 35,000 gallons per ton (145 liters per kilogram) (Wyvill et al., 1984). An industry survey conducted in 1966 showed the total water use for a bleached Kraft mill to be 179,000 gallons per ton (750 liters per kilogram) (Haynes, 1974). Modern mills approach a recycle ratio of 100 percent, using only 16,000 to 17,000
Waters used in textile manufacturing must be non-staining; hence, they must be low in turbidity, color, iron, and manganese. Hardness may cause curds to deposit on the textiles and may cause problems in some of the processes that use soap. Nitrates and nitrites may cause problems in dyeing. In 1997, a local carpet manufacturer in Irvine, California, retrofitted carpet-dyeing facilities to use reclaimed water year-round (IRWD, 2003). The new process is as effec tive as earlier methods and is saving up to 500,000 gal lons of potable water per day (22 l/s).
Table 2-3.
Samples Required for Compliance with RWQCB Order 90-137 Chevron Tie-In Reclaimed Water Effluent Filter Influent, Filter Effluent, Chlorine Contact Basin Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Reclaimed Water Effluent Grab
24-hour composite
Samples Required for Compliance with EBMUD-Chevron Agreement; Chevrons NPDES Permit Online Analyzers3 24-hour composite 24-hour composite pH, Turbidity, Free Chlorine Residual Orthophosphate (PO4) Calcium, Total Iron, Magnesium, Silica, TSS Ammonia (NH3-N), Chloride Continuous Daily 6.5-7.5, 2 NTU, <4.0 mg/l <1.4 mg/l 50 mg/l, 0.1 mg/l, 20 mg/l, 10 mg/l, <1.0 mg/l, <175 mg/l >90% Survival <50 mg/l, Report Only <1.0 mg/l Report Only4
96-hour flow through Rainbow trout acute bioassay Weekly 24-hour composite 24-hour composite 24-hour composite Grab Grab COD, TOC (Grab), Selenium, Weekly Surfactants Total Chromium, Hexavalent Cr, Ag, As, TOC, Cd, Monthly Cyanide, Cu, Hg, Pb, Ni, Zn mg/ Total Phenolics, PAHs Oil and Grease, Total Sulfides Volatile Organics, Halogenated Volatile Organics TCDD Equivalents, Tributyltin, Halogenated Volatile Organics, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Pesticides Quarterly Quarterly Twice/Year
Report Only
NOTES: 1. Chlorine residual may vary based on CT calculation (contact time x residual = 300 CT); 90 minute minimum contact time. 2. Sample must be collected at reclaimed water metering station at pipeline tie-in to Chevron Refinery cooling towers; 90 minute chlorine contact time requirement. 3. Readouts for online analyzers are on graphic panel in Operations Center. 4. Report Only parameters are used for pass-through credit for reclaimed water constituents as provided for in Chevrons National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Source: Yologe, 1996 18
Table 2-4.
Cu Fe Mn Ca Mg Cl HCO3 NO3 SO4 SiO2 Hardness Alkalinity TDS TSS Color pH CCE
Table 2-5.
Parameter Iron Manganese Calcium Magnesium Chlorine Silicon Dioxide Hardness TSS Color pH
Figure 2-4.
Processes for the manufacture of petroleum and coal products can usually tolerate water of relatively low qual ity. Waters generally must be in the 6 to 9 pH range and have moderate SS of no greater than 10 mg/l.
Agricultural Reuse
This section focuses on the following specific consider ations for implementing a water reuse program for agri cultural irrigation:
Agricultural irrigation demands Reclaimed water quality
Other system considerations for approximately 48 percent of the total volume of re claimed water used within the state (California State Water Resources Control Board, 2002). Figure 2-5 shows the percentages of the types of crops irrigated with reclaimed water in California. Agricultural reuse is often included as a component in water reuse programs for the following reasons:
Extremely high water demands for agricultural irriga
Technical issues common to all reuse programs are dis cussed in Chapter 3, and the reader is referred to the following subsections for this information: 3.4 Treat ment Requirements, 3.5 Seasonal Storage Require ments, 3.6 Supplemental Facilities (conveyance and distribution, operational storage, and alternative dis posal). Agricultural irrigation represents a significant percent age of the total demand for freshwater. As discussed in Chapter 3, agricultural irrigation is estimated to repre sent 40 percent of the total water demand nationwide (Solley et al., 1998). In western states with significant agricultural production, the percentage of freshwater used for irrigation is markedly greater. For example, Figure 24 illustrates the total daily freshwater withdrawals, public water supply, and agricultural irrigation usage for Mon tana, Colorado, Idaho, and California. These states are the top 4 consumers of water for agricultural irrigation, which accounts for more than 80 percent of their total water demand. The total cropland area in the U.S. and Puerto Rico is estimated to be approximately 431 million acres (174 million hectares), of which approximately 55 million acres (22 million hectares) are irrigated. Worldwide, it is esti mated that irrigation water demands exceed all other categories of water use and make up 75 percent of the total water usage (Solley et al., 1998). A significant portion of existing water reuse systems sup ply reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation. In Florida, agricultural irrigation accounts for approximately 19 per cent of the total volume of reclaimed water used within the state (Florida Department of Environmental Protec tion, 2002b). In California, agricultural irrigation accounts
Figure 2-5.
face membranes, is a function of available soil moisture, season, and stage of growth. The rate of transpiration may be further impacted by soil structure and the salt concentration in the soil water. Primary factors affecting evaporation and transpiration are relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation. Practically every state in the U.S. and Canada now has access to weather information from the Internet. Califor nia has developed the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS), which allows growers to obtain daily reference evapotranspiration information. Data are made available for numerous locations within the state according to regions of similar climatic conditions. State publications provide coefficients for converting these ref erence data for use on specific crops, location, and stages of growth. This allows users to refine irrigation schedul ing and conserve water. Other examples of weather net works are the Michigan State University Agricultural Weather Station, the Florida Automated Weather Net work, and the Agri-Food Canada Lethbridge Research Centre Weather Station Network. Numerous equations and methods have been developed to define the evapotranspiration term. The Thornthwaite and Blaney-Criddle methods of estimating evapotranspi ration are 2 of the most cited methods. The Blaney-Criddle equation uses percent of daylight hours per month and average monthly temperature. The Thornthwaite method relies on mean monthly temperature and daytime hours. In addition to specific empirical equations, it is quite com mon to encounter modifications to empirical equations for use under specific regional conditions. In selecting an empirical method of estimating evapotranspiration, the potential user is encouraged to solicit input from local agencies familiar with this subject. Effective Precipitation, Percolation, and Surface Water Runoff Losses
Due to saltwater intrusion to its agricultural wells, the City of Watsonville, California, is looking to develop 4,000 acre-feet per year (2,480 gpm) of reuse for the irrigation of strawberries, artichokes, and potentially certified or ganic crops (Raines et al., 2002). Reclaimed water will make up 25 percent of the estimated new water required for irrigation.
Because crop water requirements vary with climatic con ditions, the need for supplemental irrigation will vary from month to month throughout the year. This seasonal varia tion is a function of rainfall, temperature, crop type, stage of plant growth, and other factors, depending on the method of irrigation being used. The supplier of reclaimed water must be able to quantify these seasonal demands, as well as any fluctuation in the reclaimed water supply, to assure that the demand for irrigation water can be met. Unfortunately, many agri cultural users are unable to provide sufficient detail about irrigation demands for design purposes. This is because the users seasonal or annual water use is seldom mea sured and recorded, even on land surfaces where water has been used for irrigation for a number of years. How ever, expert guidance is usually available through state colleges and universities and the local soil conservation service office. To assess the feasibility of reuse, the reclaimed water supplier must be able to reasonably estimate irrigation demands and reclaimed water supplies. To make this assessment in the absence of actual water use data, evapotranspiration, percolation and runoff losses, and net irrigation must be estimated, often through the use of predictive equations. Evapotranspiration
Evapotranspiration is defined as water either evaporated from the soil surface or actively transpired from the crop. While the concept of evapotranspiration is easily de scribed, quantifying the term mathematically is difficult. Evaporation from the soil surface is a function of the soil moisture content at or near the surface. As the top layer of soil dries, evaporation decreases. Transpira tion, the water vapor released through the plants sur
The approach for the beneficial reuse of reclaimed water will, in most cases, vary significantly from land applica tion. In the case of beneficial reuse, the reclaimed water is a resource to be used judiciously. The prudent alloca tion of this resource becomes even more critical in loca tions where reclaimed water is assigned a dollar value, thereby becoming a commodity. Where there is a cost associated with using reclaimed water, the recipient of reclaimed water will seek to balance the cost of supple mental irrigation against the expected increase in crop yields to derive the maximum economic benefit. Thus, percolation losses will be minimized because they repre sent the loss of water available to the crop and wash fertilizers out of the root zone. An exception to this oc curs when the reclaimed water has a high salt concen
tration and excess application is required to prevent the accumulation of salts in the root zone. Irrigation demand is the amount of water required to meet the needs of the crop and also overcome system losses. System losses will consist of percolation, surface water runoff, and transmission and distribution losses. In addi tion to the above losses, the application of water to crops will include evaporative losses or losses due to wind drift. These losses may be difficult to quantify individually and are often estimated as single system efficiency. The ac tual efficiency of a given system will be site specific and vary widely depending on management practices followed. Irrigation efficiencies typically range from 40 to 98 per cent (Vickers, 2001). A general range of efficiencies by type of irrigation system is shown in Table 2-6. Since there are no hard and fast rules for selecting the most appropriate method for projecting irrigation demands and establishing parameters for system reliability, it may be prudent to undertake several of the techniques and to verify calculated values with available records. In the in terest of developing the most useful models, local irriga tion specialists should be consulted.
The chemical constituents in reclaimed water of concern for agricultural irrigation are salinity, sodium, trace ele ments, excessive chlorine residual, and nutrients. Sensi tivity is generally a function of a given plants tolerance to constituents encountered in the root zone or deposited on the foliage. Reclaimed water tends to have higher con centrations of these constituents than the groundwater or surface water sources from which the water supply is drawn. The types and concentrations of constituents in reclaimed wastewater depend upon the municipal water supply, the influent waste streams (i.e., domestic and industrial con tributions), amount and composition of infiltration in the wastewater collection system, the wastewater treatment processes, and type of storage facilities. Conditions that can have an adverse impact on reclaimed water quality may include:
Elevated TDS levels Industrial discharges of potentially toxic compounds
Saltwater (chlorides) infiltration into the sewer sys tem in coastal areas
Table 2-6.
Irrigation System Gravity (Surface) Improved gravity2 Furrow Flood Sprinklers Low energy precision application (LEPA) Center pivot3 Sideroll Solid set Hand-move Big gun Microirrigation Drip
Efficiencies shown assume appropriate irrigation system selection, correct irrigation design, and proper management. 2 Includes tailwater recovery, precision land leveling, and surge flow systems. 3 Includes high- and low-pressure center pivot. Source: Vickers, 2001. 22
For example, reclaimed water is used mostly for ridge and furrow irrigation at the High Hat Ranch in Sarasota, Florida, although a portion of the reclaimed water is used for citrus irrigation via microjet irrigation. To achieve successful operation of the microjet irrigation system, filters were installed to provide additional solids removal treatment to the reclaimed water used for citrus irriga tion. Salinity
Salinity reduces the water uptake in plants by lowering the osmotic potential of the soil. This, in turn, causes the plant to use a large portion of its available energy to adjust the salt concentration within its tissue in order to obtain adequate water. This results in less energy avail able for plants to grow. The problem is more severe in hot and dry climatic conditions because of increased water demands by plants and is even more severe when irrigation is inadequate. One location where subsurface drainage is being evalu ated is in Californias San Joaquin Valley. The drainage management process is called integrated on-farm drain age management and involves reusing the drainage water and using it to irrigate more salt-tolerant crops. The final discharge water goes into solar evaporators that collect the dry agricultural salt. Further complications of salinity problems can occur in geographic locations where the water table is high. A high water table can cause a possible upward flow of high salinity water into the root zone. Subsurface drain age offers a viable solution in these locations. Older clay tiles are often replaced with fabric-covered plastic pipe to prevent clogging. This subsurface drainage technique is one salinity-controlling process that requires significant changes in irrigation management. There are other tech niques that require relatively minor changes including more frequent irrigation schedules, selection of more salttolerant crops, seed placement, additional leaching, bed forming, and pre-plant irrigation. Sodium
Salinity is the single most important parameter in deter mining the suitability of the water to be used for irriga tion. Salinity is determined by measuring the electrical conductivity (EC) and/or the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water. Estimates indicate that 23 percent of irri gated farmland has been damaged by salt (Postel, 1999). The salinity tolerance of plants varies widely. Crops must be chosen carefully to ensure that they can tolerate the salinity of the irrigation water, and even then the soil must be properly drained and adequately leached to pre vent salt build-up. Leaching is the deliberate over-application of irrigation water in excess of crop needs to es tablish a downward movement of water and salt away from the root zone. The extent of salt accumulation in the soil depends on the concentration of salts in the irrigation water and the rate at which salts are removed by leaching. Salt accu mulation can be especially detrimental during germina tion and when plants are young (seedlings). At this stage, damage can occur even with relatively low salt concen trations. Concerns with salinity relate to possible impacts to the following: the soils osmotic potential, specific ion toxicity, and degradation of soil physical conditions. These conditions may result in reduced plant growth rates, reduced yields, and, in severe cases, total crop failure. The concentration of specific ions may cause one or more of these trace elements to accumulate in the soil and in the plant. Long-term build-up may result in animal and human health hazards or phytotoxicity in plants. When irrigating with municipal reclaimed water, the ions of most concern are sodium, chloride, and boron. Household de tergents are usually the source of boron and water soft eners contribute sodium and chloride. Plants vary greatly in their sensitivity to specific ion toxicity. Toxicity is par ticularly detrimental when crops are irrigated with over head sprinklers during periods of high temperature and low humidity. Highly saline water applied to the leaves results in direct absorption of sodium and/or chloride and can cause leaf injury.
The potential influence sodium may have on soil proper ties is indicated by the sodium-adsorption-ratio (SAR), which is based on the effect of exchangeable sodium on the physical condition of the soil. SAR expresses the concentration of sodium in water relative to calcium and magnesium. Excessive sodium in irrigation water (when sodium exceeds calcium by more than a 3:1 ratio) con tributes to soil dispersion and structural breakdown, where the finer soil particles fill many of the smaller pore spaces, sealing the surface and greatly reducing water infiltration rates (AWWA, 1997). For reclaimed water, it is recom mended that the calcium ion concentration in the SAR equation be adjusted for alkalinity to include a more cor rect estimate of calcium in the soil water following irriga tion, specifically adj RNa. Note that the calculated adj RNa is to be substituted for the SAR value. Sodium salts influence the exchangeable cation compo sition of the soil, which lowers the permeability and af fects the tilth of the soil. This usually occurs within the first few inches of the soil and is related to high sodium
or very low calcium content in the soil or irrigation water. Sodium hazard does not impair the uptake of water by plants but does impair the infiltration of water into the soil. The growth of plants is thus affected by an unavail ability of soil water (Tanji, 1990). Calcium and magne sium act as stabilizing ions in contrast to the destabiliz ing ion, sodium, in regard to the soil structure. They off set the phenomena related to the distance of charge neu tralization for soil particles caused by excess sodium. Sometimes the irrigation water may dissolve sufficient calcium from calcareous soils to decrease the sodium hazard appreciably. Leaching and dissolving the calcium from the soil is of little concern when irrigating with re claimed water because it is usually high enough in salt and calcium. Reclaimed water, however, may be high in sodium relative to calcium and may cause soil perme ability problems if not properly managed. Trace Elements
in nutrient solutions or sand cultures to which the pollut ant has been added. This does not mean that if the sug gested limit is exceeded that phytotoxicity will occur. Most of the elements are readily fixed or tied up in soil and accumulate with time. Repeated applications in ex cess of suggested levels might induce phytotoxicity. The criteria for short-term use (up to 20 years) are recom mended for fine-textured neutral and alkaline soils with high capacities to remove the different pollutant elements. Chlorine Residual
The elements of greatest concern at elevated levels are cadmium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc. Nickel and zinc have visible adverse effects in plants at lower concentrations than the levels harmful to animals and humans. Zinc and nickel toxicity is reduced as pH in creases. Cadmium, copper, and molybdenum, however, can be harmful to animals at concentrations too low to impact plants. Copper is not toxic to monogastric animals, but may be toxic to ruminants. However, their tolerance to copper increases as available molybdenum increases. Molyb denum can also be toxic when available in the absence of copper. Cadmium is of particular concern as it can accumulate in the food chain. It does not adversely af fect ruminants due to the small amounts they ingest. Most milk and beef products are also unaffected by live stock ingestion of cadmium because the cadmium is stored in the liver and kidneys of the animal, rather than the fat or muscle tissues. In addition, it was found that the input of heavy metals from commercial chemical fertilizer impurities was far greater than that contributed by the reclaimed water (En gineering Science, 1987). Table 2-7 shows EPAs recommended limits for con stituents in irrigation water. The recommended maximum concentrations for long term continuous use on all soils are set conservatively to include sandy soils that have low capacity to leach (and so to sequester or remove) the element in ques tion. These maxima are below the concentrations that produce toxicity when the most sensitive plants are grown
Free chlorine residual at concentrations less than 1 mg/ l usually poses no problem to plants. However, some sensitive crops may be damaged at levels as low as 0.05 mg/l. Some woody crops, however, may accumulate chlorine in the tissue to toxic levels. Excessive chlo rine has a similar leaf-burning effect as sodium and chlo ride when sprayed directly on foliage. Chlorine at con centrations greater than 5 mg/l causes severe damage to most plants. Nutrients
The nutrients most important to a crops needs are nitro gen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, boron, and sulfur. Reclaimed water usually contains enough of these nutri ents to supply a large portion of a crops needs. The most beneficial nutrient is nitrogen. Both the con centration and form of nitrogen need to be considered in irrigation water. While excessive amounts of nitrogen stimulate vegetative growth in most crops, it may also delay maturity and reduce crop quality and quantity. The nitrogen in reclaimed water may not be present in con centrations great enough to produce satisfactory crop yields, and some supplemental fertilizer may be neces sary. In addition, excessive nitrate in forages can cause an imbalance of nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium in grazing animals. This is a concern if the forage is used as a primary feed source for livestock; however, such high concentrations are usually not expected with mu nicipal reclaimed water. Soils in the western U.S. may contain enough potas sium, while many sandy soils of the southern U.S. do not. In either case, the addition of potassium with re claimed water has little effect on crops. Phosphorus con tained in reclaimed water is usually at too low a level to meet a crops needs. Yet, over time, it can build up in the soil and reduce the need for phosphorus supplemen tation. Excessive phosphorus levels do not appear to pose any problems to crops, but can be a problem in runoff to surface waters.
Table 2-7.
Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Fluoride Iron Lead Lithium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Tin, Tungsten, & Titanium Vanadium Zinc Constituent pH
0.01 0.1 0.05 0.2 1.0 5.0 5.0 2.5 0.2 0.01 0.2 0.02 0.1 2.0
0.05 1.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 20.0 10.0 2.5 10.0 0.05 2.0 0.02 1.0 10.0
<1 mg/l
Numerous site-specific studies have been conducted re garding the potential water quality concerns associated with reuse irrigation. The overall conclusions from the Monterey (California) Wastewater Reclamation Study for Agriculture (Jaques, 1997) are as follows:
Irrigation with filtered effluent (FE) or Title-22 efflu ent (T-22) appears to be as safe as well water. Few statistically significant differences were found in soil or plant parameters, and none were found to
be attributable to different types of water. None of the differences had important implications for public health.
Yields of annual crops were often significantly higher
No viruses were detected in any of the reclaimed waters, although viruses were often detected in the secondary effluent prior to the reclamation process. the FE process in removing viruses when the influ ent was seeded at high levels of virus concentra tion. However, both processes demonstrated the ability to remove more than 5 logs of viruses during the seeding experiments. (Jaques, 1997)
Reliability in quality involves providing the appropriate treatment for the intended use, with special consider ation of crop sensitivities and potential toxicity effects of reclaimed water constituents (See Sections 3.4 and 2.3.2). Reliability in quantity involves balancing irrigation supply with demand. This is largely accomplished by pro viding sufficient operational and seasonal storage facili ties (See Sections 3.5 and 3.5.2.) It is also necessary to ensure that the irrigation system itself can reliably ac cept the intended supply to minimize the need for dis charge or alternate disposal. Site Use Control
This and other investigations suggest that reclaimed water is suitable for most agricultural irrigation needs.
In addition to irrigation supply and demand and reclaimed water quality requirements, there are other considerations specific to agricultural water reuse that must be ad dressed. Both the user and supplier of reclaimed water may have to consider modifications in current practice that may be required to use reclaimed water for agricul tural irrigation. The extent to which current irrigation prac tices must be modified to make beneficial use of reclaimed water will vary on a case-by-case basis. Important con siderations include:
Many states require a buffer zone around areas irrigated with reclaimed water. The size of this buffer zone is of ten associated with the level of treatment the reclaimed water has received and the means of application. Addi tional controls may include restrictions on the times that irrigation can take place and restrictions on the access to the irrigated site. Such use area controls may require modification to existing farm practices and limit the use of reclaimed water to areas where required buffer zones cannot be provided. See Chapter 4 for a discussion of the different buffer zones and use controls specified in state regulations. Signs specifying that reclaimed water is being used may be required to prevent accidental con tact or ingestion. Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring requirements for reclaimed water use in agri culture differ by state (See Chapter 4). In most cases, the supplier will be required to sample the reclaimed water quality at specific intervals for specific constitu ents. Sampling may be required at the water reclamation plant and, in some cases, in the distribution system. Groundwater monitoring is often required at the agricul tural site, with the extent depending on the reclaimed water quality and the hydrogeology of the site. Ground water monitoring programs may be as simple as a se ries of surficial wells to a complex arrangement of wells sampling at various depths. Monitoring must be consid ered in estimating the capital and operating costs of the reuse system, and a complete understanding of moni toring requirements is needed as part of any cost/benefit analysis. Runoff Controls
Monitoring requirements
Runoff controls
System Reliability
System reliability involves 2 basic issues. First, as in any reuse project that is implemented to reduce or elimi nate surface water discharge, the treatment and distribu tion facilities must operate reliably to meet permit condi tions. Second, the supply of reclaimed water to the agri cultural user must be reliable in quality and quantity for successful use in a farming operation.
Some irrigation practices, such as flood irrigation, result in a discharge of irrigation water from the site (tail water). Regulatory restrictions of this discharge may be few or none when using surface water or groundwater sources;
however, when reclaimed water is used, runoff controls may be required to prevent discharge or a National Pol lutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit may be required for a surface water discharge. Marketing Incentives
In many cases, an existing agricultural site will have an established source of irrigation water, which has been developed by the user at some expense (e.g., engineer ing, permitting, and construction). In some instances, the user may be reluctant to abandon these facilities for the opportunity to use reclaimed water. Reclaimed wa ter use must then be economically competitive with ex isting irrigation practices or must provide some other benefits. For example, in arid climates or drought condi tions where potable irrigation is restricted for water con servation purposes, reclaimed water could be offered as a dependable source of irrigation. Reclaimed water may also be of better quality than that water currently avail able to the farmer, and the nutrients may provide some fertilizer benefit. In some instances, the supplier of re claimed water may find it cost effective to subsidize re claimed water rates to agricultural users if reuse is allow ing the supplier to avoid higher treatment costs associ ated with alternative means of disposal. Irrigation Equipment
plete or partial clogging of emitters. Close, regular in spections of emitters are required to detect emitter clog ging. In-line filters of an 80 to 200 mesh are typically used to minimize clogging. In addition to clogging, bio logical growth within the transmission lines and at the emitter discharge may be increased by nutrients in the reclaimed water. Due to low volume application rates with micro-irrigation, salts may accumulate at the wet ted perimeter of the plants and then be released at toxic levels to the crop when leached via rainfall.
Environmental reuse includes wetland enhancement and restoration, creation of wetlands to serve as wildlife habi tat and refuges, and stream augmentation. Uses of re claimed water for recreational purposes range from land scape impoundments, water hazards on golf courses, to full-scale development of water-based recreational impoundments, incidental contact (fishing and boating) and full body contact (swimming and wading). As with any form of reuse, the development of recreational and environmental water reuse projects will be a function of a water demand coupled with a cost-effective source of suitable quality reclaimed water. As discussed in Chapter 4, many states have regula tions that specifically address recreational and environ mental uses of reclaimed water. For example, Californias recommended treatment train for each type of recreational water reuse is linked to the degree of body contact in that use (that is, to what degree swim ming and wading are likely). Secondary treatment and disinfection to 2.2 total coliforms/100 ml average is re quired for recreational water bodies where fishing, boat ing, and other non-body contact activities are permitted. For nonrestricted recreational use that includes wading and swimming, treatment of secondary effluent is to be followed by coagulation, filtration, and disinfection to achieve 2.2 total coliforms/100 ml and a maximum of 23 total coliforms/100 ml in any one sample taken during a 30-day period. In California, approximately 10 percent (47.6 mgd) (2080 l/s) of the total reclaimed water use within the state was associated with recreational and environmental reuse in 2000 (California State Water Resources Control Board, 2002). In Florida, approximately 6 percent (35 mgd or 1530 l/s) of the reclaimed water currently produced is being used for environmental enhancements, all for wet land enhancement and restoration (Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 2002). In Florida, from 1986 to 2001, there was a 53 percent increase (18.5 mgd to 35 mgd or 810 l/s to 1530 l/s) in the reuse flow used for
By and large, few changes in equipment are required to use reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation. However, some irrigation systems do require special considerations. Surface irrigation systems (ridge and furrow, graded bor ders) normally result in the discharge of a portion of the irrigation water from the site. Where reclaimed water dis charge is not permitted, some method of tail water return or pump-back may be required. In sprinkler systems, dissolved salts and particulate matter may cause clogging, depending on the concen tration of these constituents as well as the nozzle size. Because water droplets or aerosols from sprinkler sys tems are subject to wind drift, the use of reclaimed wa ter may necessitate the establishment of buffer zones around the irrigated area. In some types of systems (i.e., center pivots), the sprinkler nozzles may be dropped closer to the ground to reduce aerosol drift and thus mini mize the buffer requirements. In addition, some regula tory agencies restrict the use of sprinkler irrigation for crops to be eaten raw, because it results in the direct contact of reclaimed water with the fruit. When reclaimed water is used in a micro-irrigation sys tem, a good filtration system is required to prevent com
environmental enhancements (wetland enhancement and restoration). Two examples of large-scale environmental and recre ational reuse projects are the City of West Palm Beach, Florida, wetlands-based water reclamation project (see case study 2.7.17) and the Eastern Municipal Water District multipurpose constructed wetlands in Riverside County, California. The remainder of this section provides an overview of the following environmental and recreational uses:
Natural and man-made wetlands Recreational and aesthetic impoundments Stream augmentation
For wetlands that have been altered hydrologically, ap plication of reclaimed water serves to restore and en hance the wetlands. New wetlands can be created through application of reclaimed water, resulting in a net gain in wetland acreage and functions. In addition, man-made and restored wetlands can be designed and managed to maximize habitat diversity within the landscape. The application of reclaimed water to wetlands provides compatible uses. Wetlands are often able to enhance the water quality of the reclaimed water without creat ing undesirable impacts to the wetlands system. This, in turn, enhances downstream natural water systems and provides aquifer recharge. A great deal of research has been performed document ing the ability of wetlands, both natural and constructed, to provide consistent and reliable water quality improve ment. With proper execution of design and construction elements, constructed wetlands exhibit characteristics that are similar to natural wetlands, in that they support similar vegetation and microbes to assimilate pollutants. In addition, constructed wetlands provide wildlife habi tat and environmental benefits that are similar to natu ral wetlands. Constructed wetlands are effective in the treatment of BOD, TSS, nitrogen, phosphorus, patho gens, metals, sulfates, organics, and other toxic sub stances. Water quality enhancement is provided by transforma tion and/or storage of specific constituents within the wetland. The maximum contact of reclaimed water within the wetland will ensure maximum treatment assimilation and storage. This is due to the nature of these processes. If optimum conditions are maintained, nitrogen and BOD assimilation in wetlands will occur indefinitely, as they are primarily controlled by microbial processes and gen erate gaseous end products. In contrast, phosphorus assimilation in wetlands is finite and is related to the adsorption capacity of the soil and long-term storage within the system. The wetland can provide additional water quality enhancement (polishing) to the reclaimed water product. In most reclaimed water wetland projects, the primary intent is to provide additional treatment of effluent prior to discharge from the wetland. However, this focus does not negate the need for design considerations that will maxi mize wildlife habitats, and thereby provide important an cillary benefits. For constructed wetlands, appropriate plant species should be selected based on the type of wetland to be constructed as well as the habitat goals. Treatment performance information is available regarding certain wetland species as well as recommendations re garding species selection (Cronk and Fennessy, 2001).
The objectives of these reuse projects are typically to create an environment in which wildlife can thrive and/ or develop an area of enhanced recreational or aes thetic value to the community through the use of re claimed water.
Over the past 200 years, approximately 50 percent of the wetlands in the continental United States have been destroyed for such diverse uses as agriculture, mining, forestry, and urbanization. Wetlands provide many worth while functions, including flood attenuation, wildlife and waterfowl habitat, productivity to support food chains, aquifer recharge, and water quality enhancement. In ad dition, the maintenance of wetlands in the landscape mosaic is important for the regional hydrologic balance. Wetlands naturally provide water conservation by regu lating the rate of evapotranspiration and, in some cases, by providing aquifer recharge. The deliberate application of reclaimed water to wetlands can provide a beneficial use, and therefore reuse, by fulfilling any of the following objectives: 1. 2. To create, restore, and/or enhance wetlands
To provide additional treatment of reclaimed
water prior to discharge to a receiving water
To provide a wet weather disposal alternative
for a water reuse system (See Section
Wetlands do not provide treatment of total suspended solids. In addition, a salinity evaluation may be neces sary because effluent with a high salt content may cause impacts to wetland vegetation. In some cases, salt tol erant vegetation may be appropriate. Design consider ations will need to balance the hydraulic and constituent loadings with impacts to the wetland. Impacts to ground water quality should also be evaluated. The benefits of a wetland treatment system include:
downstream surface waters. A wetlands application sys tem was selected because the wetlands: (1) serve as nutrient sinks and buffer zones, (2) have aesthetic and environmental benefits, and (3) can provide cost-effective treatment through natural systems. The Arcata wet lands system was also designed to function as a wildlife habitat. The Arcata wetlands system, consisting of three 10-acre (4-hectare) marshes, has attracted more than 200 species of birds, provided a fish hatchery for salmon, and contributed directly to the development of the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary (Gearheart, 1988). Due to a 20-mgd (877-L/s) expansion of the City of Or lando, Florida, Iron Bridge Regional Water Pollution Control Facility in 1981, a wetland system was created to handle the additional flow. Since 1981, reclaimed wa ter from the Iron Bridge plant has been pumped 16 miles (20 kilometers) to a wetland that was created by berming approximately 1,200 acres (480 hectares) of improved pasture. The system is further divided into smaller cells for flow and depth management. The wetland consists of 3 major vegetative areas. The first area, approximately 410 acres (166 hectares), is a deep marsh consisting primarily of cattails and bulrush with nutrient removal as the primary function. The second area consists of 380 acres (154 hectares) of a mixed marsh composed of over 60 submergent and emergent herbaceous species used for nutrient removal and wildlife habitat. The final area, 400 acres (162 hectares) of hardwood swamp, consists of a variety of tree species providing nutrient removal and wildlife habitat. The reclaimed water then flows through approximately 600 acres (240 hectares) of natu ral wetland prior to discharge to the St. Johns River (Jack son, 1989). EPA (1999a) indicated that little effort had been made to collect or organize information concerning the habitat func tions of treatment wetlands. Therefore, the Treatment Wetland Habitat and Wildlife Use Assessment document (U.S. EPA, 1999a) was prepared. The document was the first comprehensive effort to assemble wide-ranging in formation concerning the habitat and wildlife use data from surface flow treatment wetlands. The data have been gathered into an electronic format built upon the previous existing North American Treatment Wetland Database funded by the EPA. The report indicates that both natural and constructed treatment wetlands have substantial plant communities and wildlife populations. There are potentially harmful substances in the water, sediments, and biological tissues of treatment wetlands. However, contaminant concentration levels are gener ally below published action levels. There is apparently no documentation indicating that harm has occurred in any wetland intentionally designed to improve water quality.
Improve water quality through the use of natural systems Protect downstream receiving waters Provide wetland creation, restoration, or enhance ment Provide wildlife and waterfowl habitat Offer relatively low operating and maintenance
A reasonable development cost Maintain green space Attenuate peak flows One component of a treatment train; can be
used in areas with high water table and/or low
permeable soils
Aesthetic and educational opportunities
May have limited application in urban settings Potential for short-circuiting, which will lead to
poor performance
A number of cities have developed wetlands enhance ment systems to provide wildlife habitats as well as treat ment. In Arcata, California, one of the main goals of a city wetland project was to enhance the beneficial use of 29
The Yelm, Washington, project in Cochrane Memorial Park, is an aesthetically pleasing 8-acre (3-hectare) city park featuring constructed surface and submerged wet lands designed to polish the reclaimed water prior to re charging groundwater. In the center of the park, a fish pond uses the water to raise and maintain rainbow trout for catch and release (City of Yelm, 2003). A number of states including Florida, South Dakota, and Washington, provide regulations to specifically address the use of reclaimed water in wetlands systems. Where specific regulations are absent, wetlands have been con structed on a case-by-case basis. In addition to state requirements, natural wetlands, which are considered waters of the U.S., are protected under EPAs NPDES Permit and Water Quality Standards programs. The quality of reclaimed water entering natural wetlands is regulated by federal, state and local agencies and must be treated to at least secondary treatment levels or greater to meet water quality standards. Constructed wetlands, on the other hand, which are built and operated for the purpose of treatment only, are not considered waters of the U.S. Wetland treatment technology, using free water surface wetlands, has been under development, with varying suc cess, for nearly 30 years in the U.S. (U.S. EPA, 1999b). Several key documents that summarize the available in formation and should be used to assist in the design of wetland treatment systems are: Treatment Wetlands (Kadlec and Kngith, 1996), Free Water Surface Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment (U.S. EPA, 1999b), Con structed Wetlands for Pollution Control: Process, Perfor mance, Design and Operation (IWA, 2000), and the Wa ter Environment Federation Manual of Practice FD-16 Second Edition. Natural Systems for Wastewater Treat ment, Chapter 9; Wetland Systems, (WEF, 2001).
ing in odors, an unsightly appearance, and eutrophic con ditions. Reclaimed water impoundments can be easily incorpo rated into urban developments. For example, landscap ing plans for golf courses and residential developments commonly integrate water traps or ponds. These same water bodies may also serve as storage facilities for ir rigation water within the site. In Lubbock, Texas, approximately 4 mgd (175 l/s) of reclaimed water is used for recreational lakes in the Yellowhouse Canyon Lakes Park (Water Pollution Con trol Federation, 1989). The canyon, which was formerly used as a dump, was restored through the use of re claimed water to provide water-oriented recreational activities. Four lakes, which include man-made water falls, are used for fishing, boating, and water skiing; how ever, swimming is restricted. Lakeside Lake is a 14-acre (6-hectare) urban impound ment in Tucson, Arizona. The lake was constructed in the 1970s in the Atterbury Wash to provide fishing, boat ing, and other recreational opportunities. The lake is lined with soil/cement layers and has a concrete shelf extend ing 6 feet (2 meters) from the shore around the perim eter. A berm crosses the lake from east to west, creating a north and south bay. The Arizona Game and Fish De partment (AGFD) stock the lake with channel catfish, rainbow trout, bluegill, redear and hybrid sunfish, crap pie, and large mouth bass on a seasonal basis. The lake was initially supplied by groundwater and surface runoff but began receiving reclaimed water from the Roger Road Treatment Plant in 1990 (up to 45,000 gpd) (170 m3/d). A mechanical diffuser was installed on the lake bottom in 1992 to improve dissolved oxygen concentrations (PBS&J, 1992).
Stream Augmentation
For the purposes of this discussion, an impoundment is defined as a man-made water body. The use of re claimed water to augment natural water bodies is dis cussed in Section 3.4.3. Impoundments may serve a variety of functions from aesthetic, non-contact uses, to boating and fishing, as well as swimming. As with other uses of reclaimed water, the required level of treatment will vary with the intended use of the water. As the po tential for human contact increases, the required treat ment levels increase. The appearance of the reclaimed water must also be considered when used for impound ments, and treatment for nutrient removal may be re quired as a means of controlling algae. Without nutrient control, there is a high potential for algae blooms, result
Stream augmentation is differentiated from a surface water discharge in that augmentation seeks to accom plish a beneficial end, whereas discharge is primarily for disposal. Stream augmentation may be desirable to maintain stream flows and to enhance the aquatic and wildlife habitat as well as to maintain the aesthetic value of the water courses. This may be necessary in loca tions where a significant volume of water is drawn for potable or other uses, largely reducing the downstream volume of water in the river. As with impoundments, water quality requirements for stream augmentation will be based on the designated use of the stream as well as the aim to maintain an ac ceptable appearance. In addition, there may be an em
phasis on creating a product that can sustain aquatic life. The San Antonio Water System in Texas releases its high quality (Type 1) reclaimed water to the San Antonio River. Reclaimed water is used instead of pumped groundwater to sustain the river flow through a city park, zoo, and downtown river walk. A second stream aug mentation flows to Salado Creek, where reclaimed wa ter replaces the flow from an abandoned artesian well. Also, reclaimed water is used in a decorative fountain at the City Convention Center with the fountain discharg ing into a dead-end channel of the downtown river walk waterway. Several agencies in southern California are evaluating the process in which reclaimed water would be delivered to streams in order to maintain a constant flow of highquality water for the enhancement of aquatic and wildlife habitat as well as to maintain the aesthetic value of the streams.
agement system. The treatment achieved in the subsur face environment may eliminate the need for costly ad vanced wastewater treatment processes. The ability to implement such treatment systems will depend on the method of recharge, hydrogeological conditions, require ments of the downgradient users, as well as other fac tors. Aquifers provide a natural mechanism for storage and subsurface transmission of reclaimed water. Irrigation demands for reclaimed water are often seasonal, re quiring either large storage facilities or alternative means of disposal when demands are low. In addition, suitable sites for surface storage facilities may not be available, economically feasible, or environmentally acceptable. Groundwater recharge eliminates the need for surface storage facilities and the attendant problems associated with uncovered surface reservoirs, such as evapora tion losses, algae blooms resulting in deterioration of water quality, and creation of odors. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) systems are being used in a number of states to overcome seasonal imbalances in both potable and reclaimed water projects. The tremendous volumes of storage potentially available in ASR systems means that a greater percentage of the resource, be it raw water or reclaimed water, can be captured for beneficial use. While there are obvious advantages associated with groundwater recharge, possible limitations include (Oaksford, 1985):
Groundwater Recharge
This section addresses planned groundwater recharge using reclaimed water with the specific intent to replen ish groundwater. Although practices such as irrigation may contribute to groundwater augmentation, the replen ishment is an incidental byproduct of the primary activity and is not discussed in this section. The purposes of groundwater recharge using reclaimed water may be: (1) to establish saltwater intrusion barriers in coastal aquifers, (2) to provide further treatment for future reuse, (3) to augment potable or nonpotable aqui fers, (4) to provide storage of reclaimed water for subse quent retrieval and reuse, or (5) to control or prevent ground subsidence. Pumping of aquifers in coastal areas may result in salt water intrusion, making them unsuitable as sources for potable supply or for other uses where high salt levels are intolerable. A battery of injection wells can be used to create a hydraulic barrier to maintain intrusion con trol. Reclaimed water can be injected directly into an aquifer to maintain a seaward gradient and thus pre vent inland subsurface saltwater intrusion. This may al low for the additional development of inland withdrawals or simply the protection of existing withdrawals. Infiltration and percolation of reclaimed water takes ad vantage of the natural removal mechanisms within soils, including biodegradation and filtration, thus providing ad ditional in situ treatment of reclaimed water and addi tional treatment reliability to the overall wastewater man
Extensive land areas may be needed for spreading basins. Costs for treatment, water quality monitoring, and injection/infiltration facilities operations may be pro hibitive. Recharge may increase the danger of aquifer con tamination due to inadequate or inconsistent pretreat ment. Not all recharged water may be recoverable due to movement beyond the extraction well capture zone or mixing with poor-quality groundwater. groundwater supply system (including the ground water reservoir itself) is generally larger than that required for a surface water supply system. The fact that the aquifer does not compete with overlying land uses provides a significant advantage. However, this reservoir cannot adversely impact existing uses of the aquifer.
Figure 2-6.
Hydrogeologic uncertainties, such as transmissiv ity, faulting, and aquifer geometry, may reduce the effectiveness of the recharge project in meeting wa ter supply demand. ter laws may not protect water rights and may present liability and other legal problems.
The degree to which these factors might limit implemen tation of a groundwater recharge system is a function of the severity of the site specific impediments balanced against the need to protect existing water sources or expand raw water supplies.
quire water quality comparable to drinking water, if po table aquifers are affected. Low-technology treatment options for surface spreading basins include primary and secondary wastewater treatment with the possible use of lagoons and natural systems. Reverse osmosis is commonly used for direct injection systems to prevent clogging, however, some ASR systems have been oper ating successfully without membrane treatment when wa ter was stored for irrigation. The cost of direct injection systems can be greatly reduced from the numbers pre sented in Table 2-8 if the aquifer is shallow and nonpotable. Vadose zone injection wells are a relatively new technology, and there is uncertainty over mainte nance methods and requirements; however, it is clear that the removal of solids and disinfection is necessary to prevent clogging. Surface Spreading
Groundwater recharge can be accomplished by surface spreading, vadose zone injection wells, or direct injec tion. These methods of groundwater recharge use more advanced engineered systems as illustrated in Figure 2-6 (Fox, 1999). With the exception of direct injection, all engineered methods require the existence of an un saturated aquifer. Table 2-8 provides a comparison of major engineering factors that should be considered when installing a groundwater recharge system, including the availability and cost of land for recharge basins (Fox, 1999). If such costs are excessive, the ability to implement injection wells adjacent to the reclaimed water source tends to decrease the cost of conveyance systems for injection wells. Surface spreading basins require the lowest de gree of pretreatment while direct injection systems re
Surface spreading is a direct method of recharge whereby the water moves from the land surface to the aquifer by infiltration and percolation through the soil matrix. An ideal soil for recharge by surface spreading would have the following characteristics:
Rapid infiltration rates and transmission of water
No layers that restrict the movement of water to the desired unconfined aquifer No expanding-contracting clays that create cracks when dried that would allow the reclaimed water to
Table 2-8.
Recharge Basins Aquifer Type Pretreatment Requirements Estimated Major Capital Costs (US$) Capacity Maintenance Requirements Estimated Life Cycle Soil AquiferTreatment Unconfined Low Technology Land and Distribution System 100-20,000 m /hectare-day Drying and Scraping >100 Years Vadose Zone and Saturated Zone
Direct Injection Wells Unconfined or Confined High Technology $500,000-1,500,000 per well 2,000-6,000 m /d per well Disinfection and Flow Reversal 25-50 Years Saturated Zone
bypass the soil during the initial stages of the flood ing period
Sufficient clay and/or organic-rich sediment contents
Depth to groundwater
to provide large capacities to adsorb trace elements and heavy metals, as well as provide surfaces on which microorganisms can decompose organic con stituents. The cation exchange capacity of clays also provides the capacity to remove ammonium ions and allow for subsequent nitrogen transformations
Specific yield, thickness of deposits, and position and allowable fluctuation of the water table Transmissivity, hydraulic gradients, and pattern of pumping lateral movement of groundwater
A supply of available carbon that would favor rapid denitrification during flooding periods, support an ac tive microbial population to compete with pathogens, and favor rapid decomposition of introduced organics (Fox, 2002; Medema and Stuyfsand, 2002; Skjemstad et al., 2002). BOD and TOC in the reclaimed water will also be a carbon source
ing aquifer Although reclaimed water typically receives secondary treatment including disinfection and filtration prior to sur face spreading, other treatment processes are sometimes provided. Depending on the ultimate use of the water and other factors (dilution, thickness of the unsaturated zone, etc.), additional treatment may be required. Nitro gen is often removed prior to surface spreading to elimi nate concerns over nitrate contamination of groundwater and to simplify the permitting of storage systems as part of an overall reuse scheme. When extract water is used for potable purposes, post-treatment by disinfection is commonly practiced. In soil-aquifer treatment systems where the extracted water is to be used for nonpotable purposes, satisfactory water quality has been obtained at some sites using primary effluent for spreading pro viding that the hydraulic loading rates are low to prevent
Unfortunately, some of these characteristics are mutu ally exclusive, and the importance of each soil character istic is dependent on the purpose of the recharge. For example, adsorption properties may be unimportant if recharge is primarily for storage. After the applied recharge water has passed through the soil zone, the geologic and subsurface hydrologic condi tions control the sustained infiltration rates. The follow ing geologic and hydrologic characteristics should be in vestigated to determine the total usable storage capac ity and the rate of movement of water from the spreading grounds to the area of groundwater withdrawal:
the development of anaerobic conditions (Carlson et al., 1982 and Lance et al., 1980). For surface spreading of reclaimed water to be effective, the wetted surfaces of the soil must remain unclogged, the surface area should maximize infiltration, and the quality of the reclaimed water should not inhibit infiltra tion. Operational procedures should maximize the amount of water being recharged while optimizing reclaimed water quality by maintaining long contact times with the soil matrix. If nitrogen removal is desired and the major form of applied nitrogen is total kjehldal nitrogen, then mainte nance of the vadose zone is necessary to allow for par tial nitrification of ammonium ions adsorbed in the va dose zone. The depth to the groundwater table should be deep enough to prevent breakthrough of adsorbed am monium to the saturated zone to ensure continuous and effective removal of nitrogen (Fox, 2002). Techniques for surface spreading include surface flood ing, ridge and furrow systems, stream channel modifi cations, and infiltration basins. The system used is de pendent on many factors such as soil type and porosity, depth to groundwater, topography, and the quality and quantity of the reclaimed water (Kopehynski et al., 1996). a. Surface Flooding Reclaimed water is spread over a large, gently sloped area (1 to 3 percent grade). Ditches and berms may enclose the flooding area. Advantages are low capital and operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. Disadvantages are large area re quirements, evaporation losses, and clogging. b. Ridge and Furrow Water is placed in narrow, flat-bottomed ditches. Ridge and furrow is especially adaptable to slop ing land, but only a small percentage of the land surface is available for infiltration. c. Stream Channel Modifications Berms are constructed in stream channels to retard the downstream movement of the sur face water and, thus, increase infiltration into the underground. This method is used mainly in ephemeral or shallow rivers and streams where machinery can enter the streambeds when there is little or no flow to construct the berms and prepare the ground surface for recharge. Disad vantages may include a frequent need for re
placement due to wash outs and possible legal restrictions related to such construction prac tices. d. Riverbank or Dune Filtration Riverbank and dune filtration generally rely on the use of existing waterways that have natural connections to groundwater systems. Recharge via riverbank or sand dune filtration is practiced in Europe as a means of indirect potable reuse. It is incorporated as an element in water supply systems where the source is untreated surface water, usually a river. The surface water is infil trated into the groundwater zone through the riverbank, percolation from spreading basins, canals, lakes, or percolation from drain fields of porous pipe. In the latter 2 cases, the river water is diverted by gravity or pumped to the recharge site. The water then travels through an aquifer to extraction wells at some distance from the riverbank. In some cases, the residence time underground is only 20 to 30 days, and there is almost no dilution by natural groundwater (Sontheimer, 1980). In Germany, systems that do not meet a minimum residence time of 50 days are required to have post-treatment of the recovered water and similar guidelines are ap plied in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, dune infiltration of treated Rhine River water has been used to restore the equilibrium between fresh and saltwater in the dunes (Piet and Zoeteman, 1980; Olsthoorn and Mosch, 2002), while serving to improve water quality and provide storage for potable water systems. Dune infiltration also pro vides protection from accidental spills of toxic contaminants into the Rhine River. Some sys tems have been in place for over 100 years, and there is no evidence that the performance of the system has deteriorated or that contaminants have accumulated. The City of Berlin has greater than 25 percent reclaimed water in its drinking water supply, and no disinfection is prac ticed after bank filtration. e. Infiltration Basins Infiltration basins are the most widely used method of groundwater recharge. Basins afford high loading rates with relatively low maintenance and land requirements. Basins consist of bermed, flat-bottomed areas of varying sizes. Long, nar row basins built on land contours have been ef fectively used. Basins constructed on highly permeable soils to achieve high hydraulic rates
are called rapid infiltration basins. Basin infiltra tion rates may sometimes be enhanced or main tained by creation of ridges within the basin (Peyton, 2002). The advantage of ridges within the basin is that materials that cause basin clog ging accumulate in the bottom of the ridges while the remainder of the ridge maintains high infiltra tion rates. Rapid infiltration basins require permeable soil for high hydraulic loading rates, yet the soil must be fine enough to provide sufficient soil surfaces for biochemical and microbiological reactions, which provide additional treatment to the re claimed water. Some of the best soils are in the sandy loam, loamy sand, and fine sand range. When the reclaimed water is applied to the spreading basin, the water percolates through the unsaturated zone to the saturated zone of the groundwater table. The hydraulic loading rate is preliminarily estimated by soil studies, but final evaluation is completed through oper ating in situ test pits or ponds. Hydraulic load ing rates for rapid infiltration basins vary from 65 to 500 feet per year (20 to 150 meters per year), but are usually less than 300 feet per year (90 meters per year) (Bouwer, 1988). Though management techniques are site-specific and vary accordingly, some common prin ciples are practiced in most infiltration basins. A wetting and drying cycle with periodic cleaning of the bottom is used to prevent clogging. Dry ing cycles allow for desiccation of clogging lay ers and re-aeration of the soil. This practice helps to maintain high infiltration rates, and microbial populations to consume organic matter, and helps reduce levels of microbiological constitu ents. Re-aeration of the soil also promotes nitri fication, which is a prerequisite for nitrogen re moval by denitrification. Periodic maintenance by cleaning of the bottom may be done by deep ripping of the soils or by scraping the top layer of soil. Deep ripping sometimes causes fines to migrate to deeper levels where a deep clogging layer may develop. The Orange County Water District (California) has developed a device to continuously remove clogging materials during a flooding cycle. Spreading grounds can be managed to avoid nui sance conditions such as algae growth and in sect breeding in the percolation ponds. Gener ally, a number of basins are rotated through fill
ing, draining, and drying cycles. Cycle length is dependent on both soil conditions and the dis tance to the groundwater table. This is determined through field-testing on a case-by-case basis. Algae can clog the bottom of basins and reduce infiltration rates. Algae further aggravate soil clog ging by removing carbon dioxide, which raises the pH, causing precipitation of calcium carbon ate. Reducing the detention time of the reclaimed water within the basins minimizes algal growth, particularly during summer periods where solar intensity and temperature increase algal growth rates. The levels of nutrients necessary to stimu late algal growth are too low for practical consid eration of nutrient removal as a method to con trol algae. Also, scarifying, rototilling, or discing the soil following the drying cycle can help allevi ate clogging potential, although scraping or shav ing the bottom to remove the clogging layer is more effective than discing it. Removing the hard precipitant using an underwater machine has also been accomplished (Mills, 2002). Soil-Aquifer Treatment Systems
Soil-Aquifer Treatment (SAT) systems usually are de signed and operated such that all of the infiltrated water is recovered via wells, drains, or seepage into surface water. Typical SAT recharge and recovery systems are shown in Figure 2-7. SAT systems with infiltration ba sins require unconfined aquifers, vadose zones free of restricting layers, and soils that are coarse enough to allow high infiltration rates, but fine enough to provide adequate filtration. Sandy loams and loamy or fine sands are the preferred surface soils in SAT systems. Recent work on SAT removal of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), trace organics, and organic halides has shown positive results (Fox et al., 2001; Drewes et al., 2001). The ma jority of trace organic compounds are removed by bio degradation and organic chlorine and organic bromine are removed to ambient levels. Short-term DOC removal is enhanced by maintaining aerobic conditions in the un saturated zone (Fox, 2002). In the U.S., municipal wastewater usually receives con ventional primary and secondary treatment prior to SAT. However, since SAT systems are capable of removing more BOD than is in secondary effluent, efficient sec ondary treatment may not be necessary in cases where the wastewater is subjected to SAT and subsequently reused for nonpotable purposes. Higher organic con tent may enhance nitrogen removal by denitrification in the SAT system and may enhance removal of synthetic organic compounds by stimulating greater microbiologi cal activity in the soil. However low hydraulic loading
Figure 2-7.
rates must be used to prevent anaerobic conditions from developing which can prevent complete biodegradation in the sub-surface. More frequent cleaning of the basins would increase the cost of the SAT, but would not nec essarily increase the total system cost. Where hydrogeologic conditions permit groundwater re charge with surface infiltration facilities, considerable improvement in water quality may be achieved through the movement of wastewater through the soil, unsatur ated zone, and saturated zone. Table 2-9 provides an example of overall improvement in the quality of second ary effluent in a groundwater recharge SAT system. These water quality improvements are not limited to soil aquifer treatment systems and are applicable to most ground water recharge systems where aerobic and/or anoxic conditions exist and there is sufficient storage time. These data are the result of a demonstration project in the Salt River bed, west of Phoenix, Arizona (Bouwer and Rice, 1989). The cost of SAT has been shown to be less than 40 percent of the cost of equivalent aboveground treatment (Bouwer, 1991). It should also be noted that the SAT product water was recovered from a moni toring well located adjacent to the recharge basin. Most SAT systems allow for considerable travel time in the aquifer and provide the opportunity for improvement in water quality. An intensive study, entitled, An Investigation of Soil Aquifer Treatment for Sustainable Water Reuse, was
conducted to assess the sustainability of several differ ent SAT systems with different site characteristics and effluent pretreatments (AWWARF, 2001). (See case study 2.7.16). In all of the systems studied, water quality im provements were similar to the results presented by Bouwer (1984). When significant travel times in the vadose or saturated zone existed, water quality improve ments exceeded the improvements actually observed by Bouwer (1984). The 3 main engineering factors that can affect the perfor mance of soil aquifer treatment systems are: effluent pretreatment, site characteristics, and operating condi tions (Fox, 2002). Effluent Pretreatment Effluent pretreatment directly impacts the concentrations of biodegradable matter that are applied to a percolation basin. Therefore, it is a key factor that can be controlled as part of a SAT system. One of the greatest impacts of effluent pretreatment dur ing SAT is near the soil/water interface where high bio logical activity is observed. This condition occurs be cause both the highest concentrations of biodegradable matter and oxygen are present. Both organic carbon and ammonia may be biologically oxidized. They are the wa ter quality parameters that control the amount of oxygen demand in applied effluents. One of the greatest impacts of effluent pretreatment is to the total oxygen demand of applied water. Near the soil/water surface, biological ac tivity with an effluent that has high total oxygen demand will result in the use of all the dissolved oxygen. Aerobic
Table 2-9.
a Chlorinated effluent b Undisinfected effluent Source: Adapted from Bouwer and Rice, 1989. conditions can be maintained with effluents that have low total oxygen demand. It should also be noted that the majority of oxygen demand exerted during wetting is from the oxidation of organic carbon while ammonia is removed by adsorption (Kopchynski et al., 1996). Site Characteristics Site characteristics are a function of local geology and hydrogeology. Site selection is of ten dependent on a number of practical factors including suitability for percolation, proximity to conveyance chan nels and/or water reclamation facilities, and the avail ability of land. The design of SAT systems must accom modate the site characteristics. The design options are primarily limited to the size and depth of percolation ba sins and the location of recovery wells. Increasing the depth of percolation basins can be done to access high permeability soils. The location of recovery wells affects the travel time for subsurface flow and mounding below the percolation basins. Operating Conditions The operation of SAT systems with wet/dry cycles is a common operating strategy. The primary purpose of wet/dry cycle operation is to control the development of clogging layers and maintain high infiltration rates, and in some cases, to disrupt insect life cycles. As a clogging layer develops during a wetting cycle, infiltration rates can decrease to unacceptable rates. The drying cycle allows for the desiccation of the clogging layer and the recovery of infiltration rates during the next wetting cycle. Operating conditions are depen dent on a number of environmental factors including tem perature, precipitation and solar incidence. Therefore, operating conditions must be adjusted to both local site characteristics and weather patterns. Vadose Zone Injection
Vadose zone injection wells for groundwater recharge with reclaimed water were developed in the 1990s and have been used in several different cities in the Phoenix, Ari zona, metropolitan area. Typical vadose zone injection wells are 6 feet (2 meters) in diameter and 100 to 150 feet (30 to 46 meters) deep. They are backfilled with po rous media and a riser pipe is used to allow for water to enter at the bottom of the injection well to prevent air entrainment. An advantage of vadose zone injection wells is the significant cost savings as compared to direct in jection wells. The infiltration rates per well are often simi lar to direct injection wells. A significant disadvantage is that they cannot be backwashed and a severely clogged well can be permanently destroyed. Therefore, reliable pretreatment is considered essential to maintaining the performance of a vadose zone injection well. Because of the considerable cost savings associated with vadose
zone injection wells as compared to direct injection wells, a life cycle of 5 years for a vadose injection well can still make the vadose zone injection well the economical choice. Since vadose zone injection wells allow for per colation of water through the vadose zone and flow in the saturated zone, one would expect water quality improve ments commonly associated with soil aquifer treatment to be possible. Direct Injection
cern, such as NDMA and 1,4-dioxane into recovery wells. In these cases, the final pretreatment step was reverse osmosis. Since reverse osmosis effectively re moves almost all nutrients, improvements in water qual ity by microbial activity might be limited in aquifers that receive reverse osmosis treated water. These emerg ing pollutants of concern have not been observed in soil aquifer treatment systems using spreading basins where microbial activity in the subsurface is stimulated. Ideally, an injection well will recharge water at the same rate as it can yield water by pumping. However, condi tions are rarely ideal. Injection/withdrawal rates tend to decrease over time. Although clogging can easily be rem edied in a surface spreading system by scraping, discing, drying and other methods, remediation in a direct injec tion system can be costly and time consuming. The most frequent causes of clogging are accumulation of organic and inorganic solids, biological and chemical contami nants, and dissolved air and gases from turbulence. Very low concentrations of suspended solids, on the order of 1 mg/l, can clog an injection well. Even low concentrations of organic contaminants can cause clogging due to bac teriological growth near the point of injection. Many criteria specific to the quality of the reclaimed wa ter, groundwater, and aquifer material have to be taken into consideration prior to construction and operation. These include possible chemical reactions between the reclaimed water and groundwater, iron precipitation, ionic reactions, biochemical changes, temperature differences, and viscosity changes. Most clogging problems are avoided by proper pretreatment, well construction, and proper operation (Stuyzand, 2002). Injection well design and operations should consider the need to occasionally reverse the flow or backflush the well much like a conven tional filter or membrane. In California and Arizona, injec tion wells are being constructed or retrofitted with dedi cated pumping or backflushing equipment to maintain injection capacity and reduce the frequency of major well redevelopment events.
Direct injection involves pumping reclaimed water directly into the groundwater zone, which is usually a well-confined aquifer. Direct injection is used where groundwater is deep or where hydrogeological conditions are not con ducive to surface spreading. Such conditions might in clude unsuitable soils of low permeability, unfavorable topography for construction of basins, the desire to re charge confined aquifers, or scarcity of land. Direct injec tion into a saline aquifer can create a freshwater plume from which water can be extracted for reuse, particularly in ASR systems (Pyne, 1995). Direct injection is also an effective method for creating barriers against saltwater intrusion in coastal areas. Direct injection requires water of higher quality than for surface spreading because of the absence of vadose zone and/or shallow soil matrix treatment afforded by surface spreading and the need to maintain the hydrau lic capacity of the injection wells, which are prone to physi cal, biological, and chemical clogging. Treatment pro cesses beyond secondary treatment that are used prior to injection include disinfection, filtration, air stripping, ion exchange, granular activated carbon, and reverse osmosis or other membrane separation processes. By using these processes or various subsets in appropriate combinations, it is possible to satisfy present water quality requirements for reuse. In many cases, the wells used for injection and recovery are classified by the EPA as Class V injection wells. Some states require that the in jected water must meet drinking water standards prior to injection into a Class V well. For both surface spreading and direct injection, locating the extraction wells as great a distance as possible from the recharge site increases the flow path length and resi dence time in the underground, as well as the mixing of the recharged water with the natural groundwater. Treat ment of organic parameters does occur in the groundwa ter system with time, especially in aerobic or anoxic con ditions (Gordon et al., 2002; Toze and Hanna, 2002). There have been several cases where direct injection systems with wells providing significant travel time have allowed for the passage of emerging pollutants of con
The fate of contaminants is an important consideration for groundwater recharge systems using reclaimed wa ter. Contaminants in the subsurface environment are subject to processes such as biodegradation by micro organisms, adsorption and subsequent biodegradation, filtration, ion exchange, volatilization, dilution, chemical oxidation and reduction, chemical precipitation and com plex formation, and photochemical reactions (in spread ing basins) (Fox, 2002; Medema and Stuyzand, 2002). For surface spreading operations, chemical and micro
biological constituents are removed in the top 6 feet (2 meters) of the vadose zone at the spreading site. Particulate Matter
Particles larger than the soil pores are strained off at the soil-water interface. Particulate matter, including some bacteria, is removed by sedimentation in the pore spaces of the media during filtration. Viruses are mainly removed by adsorption and interaction with anaerobic bacteria (Gordon et al., 2002). The accumulated particles gradu ally form a layer restricting further infiltration. Suspended solids that are not retained at the soil/water interface may be effectively removed by infiltration and adsorp tion in the soil profile. As water flows through passages formed by the soil particles, suspended and colloidal solids far too small to be retained by straining are thrown off the streamline through hydrodynamic actions, diffusion, im pingement, and sedimentation. The particles are then intercepted and adsorbed onto the surface of the station ary soil matrix. The degree of trapping and adsorption of suspended particles by soils is a function of the sus pended solids concentration, soil characteristics, and hydraulic loading. Suspended solids removal is enhanced by longer travel distances underground. For dissolved inorganic constituents to be removed or retained in the soil, physical, chemical, or microbiologi cal reactions are required to precipitate and/or immobi lize the dissolved constituents. Chemical reactions that are important to a soils capability to react with dissolved inorganics include cation exchange reactions, precipi tation, surface adsorption, chelation, complexation, and weathering (dissolution) of clay minerals. While inorganic constituents such as chloride, sodium, and sulfate are unaffected by ground passage, many other inorganic constituents exhibit substantial removal. For example, iron and phosphorus removal in excess of 90 percent has been achieved by precipitation and ad sorption in the underground, although the ability of the soil to remove these and other constituents may decrease over time. Heavy metal removal varies widely for differ ent elements, ranging from 0 to more than 90 percent, depending on the speciation of the influent metals. Dissolved Organic Constituents
are indications that biodegradation is enhanced if the aquifer material is finely divided and has a high specific surface area, such as fine sand or silt. However, such conditions can lead to clogging by bacterial growths. Coarser aquifer materials such as gravel and some sands have greater permeability and, thus, less clogging. How ever, biodegradation may be less rapid and perhaps less extensive. The biodegradation of easily degradable or ganics occurs a short distance (few meters) from the point of recharge. A large body of literature shows that biodegradable compounds do not survive long in anoxic or aerobic groundwater and only chemical compounds that have high solubility and extensive half-lives are of great concern (i.e. chlorinated solvents). Specific groups of compounds also require longer times due to their com plex biodegradation pathways; however, the product wa ter from SAT may be compared to membrane processed water since select groups of compounds may persist in both cases (Drewes et al., 2003). The end products of complete degradation under aerobic conditions include carbon dioxide, sulfate, nitrate, phos phate, and water. The end products under anaerobic con ditions include carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulfide, and methane. The mechanisms operating on refractory or ganic constituents over long time periods typical of ground water environments are not well understood. However, sustainable removal has been observed over significant time periods demonstrating that biodegradation is the major removal mechanism since accumulation of organic carbon in the sub-surface is not observed (AWWARF, 2001). The degradation of organic contaminants may be partial and result in a residual organic product that can not be further degraded at an appreciable rate (Khan and Rorije, 2002), and such metabolites are often difficult to identify and detect (Drewes et al., 2001). Results were presented in a 2001 AWWARF study en titled, An Investigation of Soil Aquifer Treatment for Sustainable Water Reuse. This investigation demon strated the potential removal ability of an entire SAT system where travel times are expected to be on the order of 6 months or greater before water is recovered. Since most trace organic compounds are present at con centrations that cannot directly support microbial growth, the sustainable removal mechanism for these compounds is co-metabolic. The microbes catalyze the mineraliza tion of the organic compounds, but the microorganisms do not get enough energy from the trace organic com pounds to support growth. In the study, the majority of compounds analyzed were below detection limits after 6 months of travel time in the sub-surface. Therefore, it appears that significant time in the sub-surface is re quired in a microbially active aquifer to efficiently remove trace organics that are potentially biodegradable by co
Dissolved organic constituents are subject to biodegra dation and adsorption during recharge. Biodegradation mainly occurs by microorganisms attached to the me dia surface (Skjemstad et al., 2002). The rate and extent of biodegradation is strongly influenced by the nature of the organic substances and by the presence of electron acceptors such as dissolved oxygen and nitrate. There
metabolism. One would expect similar results for aero bic or anoxic (nitrate-reducing) aquifers. But results are not conclusive for anaerobic aquifers. Several pharma ceutical compounds do appear to be recalcitrant in a microbially active aquifer at concentrations in the part per trillion range. A bench scale study of an unconfined aquifer irrigated with reclaimed water found antipyrine moved rapidly through the soil, while caffeine was sub ject to adsorption and microbial degradation (Babcock et al., 2002). Endocrine-disrupting activity has also been evaluated during soil aquifer treatment and results consistently suggest that soil aquifer treatment rapidly reduces endocrine-disrupting activity to ambient levels (Turney et al., In Press). Since the majority of compounds that are sus pected to cause endocrine disruption are either strongly adsorbed or biodegradable, the results are consistent with microbial activity providing sustainable removal of organ ics during soil aquifer treatment. Nitrogen
The 2 major forms of nitrogen in reclaimed water are typi cally ammonia and nitrate. As reported by AWWARF (2001), the concentrations and forms of nitrogen in ap plied effluents are a strong function of effluent pretreat ment. Secondary effluents contained ammonia nitrogen at concentrations up to 20 mg-N/l while denitrified efflu ents contained primarily nitrate nitrogen at concentra tions less than 10 mg-N/l. Ammonia nitrogen is the ma jor form of oxygen demand in secondary effluents that are not nitrified. Nitrogen can be efficiently removed during effluent pre treatment; however, appropriately operated SAT sys tems have the capacity to remove nitrogen in second ary effluents. The removal of nitrogen appears to be a sustainable, biologically mediated process. When am monia is present in reclaimed water, the ammonia is removed by adsorption during wetting when insufficient oxygen is available to support nitrification. Nitrification of adsorbed ammonia occurs during subsequent drying cycles as re-aeration of vadose zone soils occurs. Ni trate is weakly adsorbed and is transported with bulk water flow during SAT. Removal of nitrate was consistently observed at all sites where anoxic or anaerobic condi tions were present (AWWARF, 2001). The biological re moval mechanism for denitrification was found to be site specific. The 2001 AWWARF study entitled, An Investigation of Soil Aquifer Treatment for Sustainable Water Reuse. investigated the mechanism of anaerobic ammonia oxi dation (ANAMMOX) as a sustainable mechanism for ni
trogen removal. During SAT, it is possible for adsorbed ammonia to serve as an electron donor to convert ni trate to nitrogen gas by ANAMMOX. Evidence for ANAMMOX activity was obtained in soils obtained from the Tucson site. Since adsorbed ammonia is available for nitrification when oxygen reaches soils containing adsorbed ammonia, ANAMMOX activity could occur as nitrate percolates through soils containing adsorbed am monia under anoxic conditions. This implies that there is a sustainable mechanism for nitrogen removal during SAT when effluent pretreatment does not include nitrogen re moval and the majority of applied nitrogen is ammonia. Appropriate wetting/drying cycles are necessary to pro mote nitrification in the upper vadose zone during drying cycles. The more mobile nitrate passes over soils with adsorbed ammonia under anoxic conditions deeper in the vadose zone. Extended wetting cycles with short dry cycles will result in ammonia adsorbed at increasing depths as adsorption sites become exhausted. Extended drying cycles will result in reaeration of soils at greater depths resulting in nitrification of adsorbed ammonia at greater depths. A mechanistic model was developed to provide guidelines for the operation of soil aquifer treat ment systems to sustain nitrogen removal (Fox, 2003). Microorganisms
The survival or retention of pathogenic microorganisms in the subsurface depends on several factors including climate, soil composition, antagonism by soil microflora, flow rate, and type of microorganism. At low tempera tures (below 4 C or 39 F) some microorganisms can survive for months or years. The die-off rate is approxi mately doubled with each 10 C (18 oF) rise in tempera ture between 5 and 30 C (41 and 86 F) (Gerba and Goyal, 1985). Rainfall may mobilize bacteria and viruses that had been filtered or adsorbed, and thus, enhance their transport. The nature of the soil affects survival and retention. For example, rapid infiltration sites where viruses have been detected in groundwater were located on coarse sand and gravel types. Infiltration rates at these sites were high and the ability of the soil to adsorb the viruses was low. Generally, coarse soil does not inhibit virus migra tion. Other soil properties, such as pH, cation concentra tion, moisture holding capacity, and organic matter do have an affect on the survival of bacteria and viruses in the soil. Resistance of microorganisms to environmental factors depends on the species and strains present. Drying the soil will kill both bacteria and viruses. Bacte ria survive longer in alkaline soils than in acid soils (pH 3 to 5) and when large amounts of organic matter are present. In general, increasing cation concentration and
decreasing pH and soluble organics tend to promote vi rus adsorption. Bacteria and larger organisms associ ated with wastewater are effectively removed after per colation through a short distance of the soil mantle. Lysim eter studies showed a greater than 99 percent removal of bacteria and 95 to 99 percent removal of viruses (Cuyk et al., 1999). Factors that may influence virus movement in groundwater are given in Table 2-10. Proper treatment (including disinfection) prior to recharge, site selection, and management of the surface spreading recharge sys tem can minimize or eliminate the presence of microor ganisms in the groundwater. Once the microorganisms reach the groundwater system, the oxidation state of the water significantly affects the rate of removal (Medema and Stuyfzand, 2002; Gordon et al., 2002).
One problem with recharge is that boundaries between potable and nonpotable aquifers are rarely well defined. Some risk of contaminating high quality potable ground water supplies is often incurred by recharging nonpotable aquifers. The recognized lack of knowledge about the fate and long-term health effects of contaminants found in reclaimed water obliges a conservative approach in setting water quality standards and monitoring require ments for groundwater recharge. Because of these un certainties, some states have set stringent water quality requirements and require high levels of treatment in some cases, organic removal processes where ground water recharge impacts potable aquifers.
Constraints on groundwater recharge are conditioned by the use of the extracted water and include health con cerns, economic feasibility, physical limitations, legal restrictions, water quality constraints, and reclaimed water availability. Of these constraints, health concerns are the most important as they pervade almost all recharge projects (Tsuchihashi et al., 2002). Where reclaimed wa ter will be ingested, health effects due to prolonged ex posure to low levels of contaminants must be consid ered as well as the acute health effects from pathogens or toxic substances. [See Section 3.4.1 Health Assess ment of Water Reuse and Section 2.6 Augmentation of Potable Supplies.] Table 2-10.
This section discusses indirect potable reuse via sur face water augmentation, groundwater recharge, and di rect potable reuse. For the purpose of this document, indirect potable reuse is defined as the augmentation of a communitys raw water supply with treated wastewater followed by an environmental buffer (Crook, 2001). The treated wastewater is mixed with surface and/or ground water, and the mix typically receives additional treatment before entering the water distribution system. Direct po table reuse is defined as the introduction of treated waste water directly into a water distribution system without intervening storage (pipe-to-pipe) (Crook, 2001). Both such sources of potable water are, at face value, less desir able than using a higher quality source for drinking.
Soil Type pH
Soluble Organics Virus Type Flow Rate Saturated vs. Unsaturated Flow
A guiding principle in the development of potable water supplies for almost 150 years was stated in the 1962 Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards: . . . water supply should be taken from the most desir able source which is feasible, and efforts should be made to prevent or control pollution of the source. This was affirmed by the EPA (1976) in its Primary Drinking Water Regulations: . . priority should be given to selection of the purest source. Polluted sources should not be used unless other sources are economically unavailable. . .
compounds under the NPDWR as outlined by the 1986 and 1996 SDWA amendments. MCLs are thought of as standards for individual chemi cals. However, contaminants can be regulated by speci fying treatment processes and performance standards without directly measuring the contaminant. Because of the sheer numbers of potential chemicals, traditional wastewater treatment processes are not the panacea for all potable water quality concerns, particularly since current analytical methods are insufficient to identify all potential contaminants at concentrations of health sig nificance. If the analytical method does not have suffi cient sensitivity, then the presence of contaminants may go unobserved. Water reuse agencies in California ob served problems with specific chemicals and trace or ganics being discharged to wastewater treatment plants. These elements were detected in the final effluents, only after analytical detection limits were lowered. Additional concerns have been raised regarding the fate and transport of trace organic compounds (Daughton and Temes 1999 and Sedlak et al., 2000). These include en docrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, hormones, antibi otics, anti-inflammatories, and personal care products (antibacterial soaps, sunscreen, bath gels, etc.) that are present in municipal wastewaters. None of these indi vidual compounds are regulated or monitored by maxi mum contaminant levels (MCLs) in the SDWA. Some indirect water reuse projects (San Diego and Den ver) have started using toxicological assays to compare the drinking water source to the reclaimed water. While these studies have generally shown that the assay re sults show no difference between the reclaimed water and the source water used for domestic supply, there are concerns that current toxicological methods are not sen sitive enough to characterize the impact of reclaimed water on human health in the 10-4 and 10-6 risk range. As part of the 1996 SDWA amendments, EPA is charged with de veloping an evaluation that considers the health impact of an identified contaminant to sensitive subpopulations. In 1996 and 1999, the Rand Corporation conducted epi demiological studies to monitor the health of those con suming reclaimed water in Los Angeles County (Sloss et al., 1996 and Sloss et al., 1999). The 1996 ecologic study design looked at selected infectious disease occurrence as well as cancer incidence and mortality. Investigators could find no link between the incidence of infectious disease or cancer rates and exposure to reclaimed wa ter. The 1999 study focused on adverse birth outcomes (prenatal development, infant mortality, and birth defects). Similar results were reported for the 1999 study; there was no association between reclaimed water and adverse
Development of water quality requirements for either di rect or indirect potable reuse is difficult. The task in volves a risk management process that entails evaluat ing, enumerating, and defining the risks and potential adverse health impacts that are avoided by the practice of physically separating wastewater disposal and do mestic water supply. By physically separating waste water disposal and domestic water supply by environ mental storage, the life cycle of waterborne diseases can be broken, thereby preventing or reducing disease in the human population. As the physical proximity and perceived distance between reclaimed water and do mestic water supply decreases, human contact with and consumption of reclaimed water become more certain, and the potential impacts to human health become harder to define. From a regulatory standpoint, there is a tendency to use the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) as a starting point for defining potable water quality objectives. For years, water reuse advocates have argued that reclaimed water from municipal wastewater meets the requirements of the NPDWR. However, the original purpose of the NPDWR was not intended to define potable water quality when the source is municipal wastewater. There has been a dramatic increase in the ability to de tect chemicals in recent years. Considering the hundreds of thousands of chemicals manufactured or used in the manufacturing of products, the number of chemicals regu lated by the SDWA represent a small fraction of these compounds. The 1986 SDWA amendments required EPA to promulgate 25 new maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), or drinking water treatment requirements, for specific contaminants every 3 years (Calabrese et al. 1989). However, the 1996 SDWA amendments reduced that number by requiring the agency to consider regu lating up to 5 contaminants every 5 years. Figure 2-8 shows the potential impact to the number of regulated
Figure 2-8.
birth outcomes. However, epidemiological studies are lim ited, and these studies are no exception. Researchers noted several weaknesses in their study design that con tribute to the overall uncertainty associated with the find ings. They found that it was difficult to get an accurate assessment of reclaimed water exposure in the different areas. In addition to the uncertainties associated with toxico logical and epidemiological studies, current analytical systems are insensitive to the contaminants of concern. Surrogates are often used as performance-based stan dards. Microbiological water quality objectives are de fined by surrogates or treatment performance standards that do not measure the contaminant of concern, but nevertheless, provide some indication the treatment train is operating properly, and the product is of adequate qual ity. It is then assumed that under similar conditions of operation, the microbiological contaminant of concern is being removed concurrently. For example, coliforms are an indicator of microbiological water quality. While there are documents discussing the criteria for an ideal surro gate (AWWARF and KIWA, 1988), no surrogate meets every criterion. Hence, the shortcomings of the surro gate should also be remembered. In 1998, the National Research Council (NRC) published, Issues in Potable Reuse, an update of its 1980 report. In this update, the NRC did not consider addressing di rect potable reuse for the reason that, without added pro tection (such as storage in the environment), the NRC did not view direct potable reuse as a viable option. Rather than face the risks associated with direct, pipe-to-pipe
potable reuse, the NRC emphasized that there are far more manageable, nonpotable reclaimed water applica tions that do not involve human consumption. The focus of health impacts shifts from the acute microbiologicallyinduced diseases, for nonpotable reuse, to the diseases resulting from long-term chronic exposure, e.g., cancer or reproductive effects, for potable reuse. While direct potable reuse may not be considered a vi able option at this time, many states are moving for ward with indirect potable reuse projects. For many cit ies or regions, the growing demand for water, lack of new water resources, and frequent calls for water conserva tion in low and consecutive low rainfall years have re sulted in the need to augment potable supplies with re claimed water. Indeed, in some situations, indirect po table reuse may be the next best alternative to make beneficial use of the resource. Further, the lack of infra structure for direct nonpotable reuse may be too cum bersome to implement in a timely manner. With a combination of treatment barriers and added pro tection provided by environmental storage, the problem of defining water quality objectives for indirect potable reuse is manageable. By employing treatment beyond typical disinfected tertiary treatment, indirect potable reuse projects will provide additional organics removal and environmental storage (retention time) for the re claimed water, thereby furnishing added protection against the unknowns and uncertainty associated with trace organics. However, these processes will be oper ated using performance standards based on surrogates that do not address specific contaminants. Until better
source control and protection programs are in place to deal with the myriad of chemicals discharged into the wastewater collection systems, or until analytical and toxicological testing becomes more sensitive, the con cern over low-level contaminant concentrations will re main. If and when contaminants are found, treatment technologies can be applied to reduce the problem. EPA (2001) has identified several drinking water treatment processes capable of removing some endocrine disruptors. Examples are granular activated carbon and membrane treatment. Potable reuse, whether direct or indirect, is not a riskfree practice. No human engineered endeavor is risk-free, but with appropriate treatment barriers (and process con trol) water quality objectives will be defined by an ac ceptable risk. Given the unknowns, limitations, and un certainty with the current state of science and tech nology, it is not possible to establish the threshold at which no observed effect would occur, just as it is not reasonable to expect current scientific techniques to demonstrate the absence of an impact on human health.
More recent indirect potable reuse projects that involve surface water augmentation are exemplified by the Up per Occoquan Sewage Authority (UOSA) treatment fa cilities in northern Virginia, which discharge reclaimed water into Bull Run, just above Occoquan Reservoir, a water supply source for Fairfax County, Virginia. The UOSA plant, in operation since 1978, provides AWT that is more extensive than required treatment for nonpotable reuse and accordingly provides water of much higher quality for indirect potable reuse than is required for nonpotable reuse (Joint Task Force, 1998). In Clayton County, Georgia, wastewater receives secondary treat ment, and then undergoes land treatment, with the re turn subsurface flow reaching a stream used as a source of potable water. The Clayton County project, which has been in operation for 20 years, is being upgraded to include wetlands treatment and enhancements at the water treatment plant (Thomas et al., 2002). While UOSA now provides a significant portion of the water in the system, varying from an average of about 7 percent of the average annual flow to as much as 80-90 percent during drought periods, most surface water aug mentation indirect potable reuse projects have been driven by requirements for wastewater disposal and pollution control. Their contributions to increased public water sup ply were incidental. In a comprehensive, comparative study of the Occoquan and Clayton County projects, the water quality parameters assessed were primarily those germane to wastewater disposal and not to drinking wa ter (Reed and Bastian, 1991). Most discharges that con tribute to indirect potable water reuse, especially via riv ers, are managed as wastewater disposal functions and are handled in conformity with practices common to all water pollution control efforts. The abstraction and use of reclaimed water is almost always the responsibility of a water supply agency that is not related politically, ad ministratively, or even geographically to the wastewater disposal agency (except for being downstream). Increas ing populations and a growing scarcity of new water sources have spurred a small but growing number of com munities to consider the use of highly-treated municipal wastewater to augment raw water supplies. This trend toward planned, indirect potable reuse is motivated by need, but made possible through advances in treatment technology. These advances enable production of re claimed water to almost any desired quality. Planned, indirect potable reuse via surface water augmentation and groundwater recharge is being practiced in the U.S. and elsewhere. Notwithstanding the fact that some pro posed, high profile, indirect potable reuse projects have been defeated in recent years due to public or political opposition to perceived health concerns, indirect potable reuse will likely increase in the future.
For many years, a number of cities have elected to take water from large rivers that receive substantial waste water discharges. These cities based their decisions, in part, on the assurance that conventional filtration and disinfection eliminates the pathogens responsible for waterborne infectious disease. These water sources were generally less costly and more easily developed than upland supplies or underground sources. Such large cit ies as Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and New Orleans, draw ing water from the Delaware, Ohio and Mississippi Riv ers, respectively, are thus practicing indirect potable water reuse. The many cities upstream of their intakes can be characterized as providing water reclamation in their wastewater treatment facilities, although they were not designed, nor are they operated, as potable water sources. NPDES permits for these discharges are intended to make the rivers fishable and swimmable, and generally do not reflect potable water requirements downstream. These indirect potable reuse systems originated at a time when the principal concern for drinking water quality was the prevention of enteric infectious diseases and issues re lating to chemical contaminants received lesser atten tion. Nevertheless, most cities do provide water of ac ceptable quality that meets current drinking water regula tions. Unplanned or incidental indirect potable reuse via surface water augmentation has been, and will continue to be, practiced widely.
As mentioned in Section 2.5.1, Methods of Groundwater Recharge, groundwater recharge via surface spreading or injection has long been used to augment potable aqui fers. Although both planned and unplanned recharge into potable aquifers has occurred for many years, few healthrelated studies have been undertaken. The most compre hensive health effects study of an existing groundwater recharge project was carried out in Los Angeles County, California, in response to uncertainties about the health consequences of recharge for potable use raised by a California Consulting Panel in 1975-76. In November 1978, the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (Districts) initiated the Health Effects Study, a $1.4-million-project designed to evaluate the health effects of using treated wastewater for groundwa ter recharge based on the recommendations of the 1976 Consulting Panel. The focus of the study was the Montebello Forebay Groundwater Replenishment Project, located within the Central Groundwater Basin in Los An geles County, California. Since 1962, the Districts re claimed water has been blended with imported river wa ter (Colorado River and State Project water) and local stormwater runoff, and used for replenishment purposes. The project is managed by the Water Replenishment Dis trict of Southern California (WRD) and is operated by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. The Central Groundwater Basin is adjudicated; 85 groundwa ter agencies operate over 400 active wells. Water is per colated into the groundwater using 2 sets of spreading grounds: (1) the Rio Hondo Spreading Grounds consist of 570 acres (200 hectares) with 20 individual basins and (2) the San Gabriel River Spreading Grounds consist of 128 acres (52 hectares) with 3 individual basins and por tions of the river. The spreading basins are operated un der a wetting/drying cycle designed to optimize inflow and discourage the development of vectors. From 1962 to 1977, the water used for replenishment was disinfected secondary effluent. Filtration (dual-media or mono-media) was added later to enhance virus inactivation during final disinfection. By 1978, the amount of reclaimed water spread averaged about 8.6 billion gal lons per year (33 x 103 m3 per year) or 16 percent of the total inflow to the groundwater basin with no more than about 10.7 billion gallons (40 million m3) of reclaimed water spread in any year. The percentage of reclaimed water contained in the extracted potable water supply ranged from 0 to 11 percent on a long-term (1962-1977) basis (Crook et al., 1990).
The primary goal of the Health Effects Study was to pro vide information for use by health and regulatory au thorities to determine if the use of reclaimed water for the Montebello Forebay Project should be maintained at the present level, cut back, or expanded. Specific objectives were to determine if the historical level of reuse had adversely affected groundwater quality or human health, and to estimate the relative impact of the different replenishment sources on groundwater qual ity. Specific research tasks included:
Water quality characterizations of the replenishment
sources and groundwater in terms of their microbio logical and chemical content.
Toxicological and chemical studies of the reple nishment sources and groundwater to isolate and identify organic constituents of possible health sig nificance Field studies to evaluate the efficacy of soil for at tenuating chemicals in reclaimed water Hydrogeologic studies to determine the movement of reclaimed water through groundwater and the rela tive contribution of reclaimed water to municipal wa ter supplies Epidemiologic studies of populations ingesting re claimed water to determine whether their health char acteristics differed significantly from a demographi cally similar control population
During the course of the study, a technical advisory com mittee and a peer review committee reviewed findings and interpretations. The final project report was com pleted in March, 1984 as summarized by Nellor et al. in 1985. The results of the study did not demonstrate any measurable adverse effects on either the area ground water or health of the people ingesting the water. Al though the study was not designed to provide data for evaluating the impact of an increase in the proportion of reclaimed water used for replenishment, the results did suggest that a closely monitored expansion could be implemented. In 1986, the State Water Resources Control Board, De partment of Water Resources and Department of Health Services established a Scientific Advisory Panel on Groundwater Recharge to review the report and other pertinent information. The Panel concluded that it was comfortable with the safety of the product water and the continuation of the Montebello Forebay Project. The Panel felt that the risks, if any, were small and probably
not dissimilar from those that could be hypothesized for commonly used surface waters. Based on the results of the Health Effects Study and recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Panel, the Regional Water Quality Control Board in 1987 authorized an increase in the annual quantity of reclaimed water to be used for replenishment from 32,700 acre-feet per year to 50,000 acre-feet per year (20,270 gpm to 31,000 gpm or 1,280 to 1,955 l/s). In 1991, water reclamation require ments for the project were revised to allow for recharge up to 60,000 acre-feet per year (37,200 gpm or 2,350 l/s) and 50 percent reclaimed water in any one year as long as the running 3-year total did not exceed 150,000 acrefeet per year (93,000 gpm or 5,870 l/s) or 35 percent reclaimed water. The average amount of reclaimed water spread each year is about 50,000 acre-feet per year (31,000 gpm or 1,955 l/s). Continued evaluation of the project is being provided by an extensive sampling and monitoring program, and by supplemental research projects pertaining to percolation effects, epidemiology, and microbiology. The Rand Corporation has conducted additional health studies for the project as part of an ongoing effort to monitor the health of those consuming reclaimed water in Los Angeles County (Sloss et al., 1996 and Sloss et. al., 1999). These studies looked at health outcomes for 900,000 people in the Central Groundwater Basin who are receiving some reclaimed water in their household water supplies. These people account for more than 10 percent of the population of Los Angeles County. To com pare health characteristics, a control area of 700,000 people that had similar demographic and socioeconomic characteristics was selected, but did not receive re claimed water. The results from these studies have found that, after almost 30 years of groundwater recharge, there is no association between reclaimed water and higher rates of cancer, mortality, infectious disease, or adverse birth outcomes. The Districts, along with water and wastewater agencies and researchers in 3 western states, are currently con ducting research to evaluate the biological, chemical, and physical treatment processes that occur naturally as the reclaimed water passes through the soil on the way to the groundwater. The SAT Project was developed to bet ter understand the impact of SAT on water quality in terms of chemical and microbial pollutants (see Case Study 2.7.16). This work will continue to address emerging is sues such as the occurrence and significance of phar maceutically active compounds (including endocrine disruptors and new disinfection byproducts) and stan dardized monitoring techniques capable of determining pathogen viability. The Groundwater Replenishment
(GWR) System is an innovative approach to keeping the Orange County, California, groundwater basin a reliable source for meeting the regions future potable water needs (Chalmers et al., 2003). A joint program of the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), the GWR System will pro tect the groundwater from further degradation due to sea water intrusion and supplement existing water supplies by providing a new, reliable, high-quality source of water to recharge the Orange County Groundwater Basin (see Case Study 2.7.15).
Direct potable reuse is currently practiced in only one city in the world, Windhoek, Namibia. This city uses di rect potable reuse on an intermittent basis only. In the U.S., the most extensive research focusing on direct potable reuse has been conducted in Denver, Colorado; Tampa, Florida; and San Diego, California. A consider able investment in potable reuse research has been made in Denver, Colorado, over a period of more than 20 years. This research included operation of a 1-mgd (44-l/s) rec lamation plant in many different process modes over a period of about 10 years (Lauer, 1991). The product wa ter was reported to be of better quality than many po table water sources in the region. The San Diego Total Resource Recovery Project was executed to demonstrate the feasibility of using natural systems for secondary treat ment with subsequent advanced wastewater treatment to provide a water supply equivalent or better than the quality of imported water supplied to the region (WEF/ AWWA, 1988). Tables 2-11 and 2-12 show the advanced wastewater treatment effluent concentrations of miner als, metals, and trace organics for the San Diego Project. Microbial analysis performed over a 2.5-year period, showed that water quality of advanced wastewater treat ment effluent was low in infectious agents. Specifically, research showed:
Spiking studies were conducted to determine the re
moval level of viruses. Results of 4 runs showed an overall virus removal rate through the primary, sec ondary, and advanced wastewater treatment plants of between 99.999 9 percent and 99.999 99 percent. Levels of removal were influenced by the number of viruses introduced. Viruses were not detected in more than 20.2 x 104 l of sample.
Enteric bacterial pathogens (that is, Salmonella, Shi-
gella, and Campylobacter) were not detected in 51 samples of advanced wastewater treatment effluent.
Protozoa and metazoa of various types were absent
in the advanced wastewater treatment effluent. Giardia lamblia were not recovered, and based on re covery rates of cysts from raw wastewater, removal rates were estimated to be 99.9 percent (WEF/ AWWA, 1998) The treatment train operated in San Diego, after second ary treatment, includes the following processes:
Coagulation with ferric chloride Multimedia filtration
Reverse osmosis
Most of these unit processes are well understood. Their performance can be expected to be effective and reli able in large, well-managed plants. However, the heavy burden of sophisticated monitoring for trace contaminants that is required for potable reuse may be beyond the ca pacity of smaller enterprises. The implementation of direct, pipe-to-pipe, potable reuse is not likely to be adopted in the foreseeable future in the U.S. for several reasons:
Many attitude (opinion) surveys show that the public
will accept and endorse many types of nonpotable reuse while being reluctant to accept potable reuse. In general, public reluctance to support reuse in-
Cartridge filter
Table 2-11.
Physical and Chemical Sampling Results from the San Diego Potable Reuse Study
Minimum Detection Limit 15 na 1 1 4 0.13 0.1 0.01 0.05 1 0.2 0.1 0.1 1 0.01 0.5 0.008 0.5 1 0.005 Number of Samples < MDL 6 892 68 85 96 13 69 13 91 28 39 96 24 16 20 16 18 14 20 15
Constituents General COD pH SS TOC Anions Chloride Fluoride Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate Phosphate Silicate Sulfate Cations Boron Calcium Iron Magnesium Manganese Potassium Sodium Zinc
Number of Samples
Arithmetic Mean
Standard Deviation
90th Percentile
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
<15.0 8.2 1.6 <1.0 33.93 <0.125 1.26 <0.01 1.81 <1.00 1.2 6.45 0.24 3.817 0.054 1.127 0.011 0.608 16.999 0.009
2.7 5.6 1.1 81.1 0.241 2.92 0.03 5.77 2.2 1.83 14.6 0.368 3.87 0.135 7.89 0.042 3.42 54.2 0.02
0.42 5.72 0.085 12.262 0.077 6.706 0.041 2.599 15.072 0.008
Table 2-12.
San Diego Potable Reuse Study: Heavy Metals and Trace Organics Results
Constituents Metals Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver Organics Bis (2-ethyl hexyl phthalate) Benzyl/butyl phthalate Bromodichloromethane Chloroform Dibutyl phthalate Dimethylphenol Methyl chloride Naphthalene 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 1,2 Dichlorobenzene 4 - Nitrophenol Pentachlorophenol Phenol
a b
Number of Samples
Arithmetic Mean
Standard Deviation
11 10 19 20 18 8 20 12 16 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L g/L
1 1 1 6 1 1 1.2 6 5 2.5 2.5 3.1 1.6 2.5 2.7 2.8 1.6 3.8 4.4 2.4 3.6 1.5
<1 1 2 18 3 1 6 4 3 <2.50 2.5 3.1 1.6 2.64 2.7 <2.80 1.6 3.8 4.4 2.4 3.6 1.5
8 0.3 3 20 7 0c 7 3 4
lic than direct potable reuse, because the water is perceived to be laundered as it moves through a river, lake, or aquifer (i.e. the Montebello Forebay and El Paso projects). Indirect reuse, by virtue of the residence time in the watercourse, reservoir or aquifer, often provides additional treatment. Indirect reuse offers an opportunity for monitoring the quality and taking appropriate measures before the water is abstracted for distribution. In some instances, how ever, water quality may actually be degraded as it
a small portion of the water used in a community needs to be of potable quality. While high quality sources will often be inadequate to serve all urban needs in the future, the use of reclaimed water to replace potable quality water for nonpotable pur poses will release more high quality potable water for future use.
Case Studies
Urban Industrial Agricultural Environmental and Recreational Groundwater Recharge Augmentation of Potable Supplies Miscellaneous
Sections 2.7.1
through 2.7.6
Sections 2.7.7
through 2.7.8
Sections 2.7.9
through 2.7.12
Section 2.7.13 Section 2.7.14
through 2.7.16
Section 2.7.17 Section 2.7.18
through 2.7.19
mixing and cleanup), cooling tower make up, fire fighting (suppression and protection), irrigation of all types of veg etation and landscaping, and all of the nonpotable needs for clean water within the treatment facility. All product water bound for the reuse system is metered. There is a master meter at the master pumping station, and all customers are metered individually at the point of service. Rates are typically set at 75 to 80 percent of the potable water rate to encourage connection and use. Rates are based on volumetric consumption to discour age wasteful practices. New customers are required by tariff to connect to and use the reclaimed water system. If the system is not available, new customers are re quired to provide a single point of service to facilitate future connection. Existing customers using potable wa ter for nonpotable purposes are included in a master plan for future conversion to reclaimed water. Demands for reclaimed water have sometimes exceeded supply capabilities, especially during the months of April and May, when rainfall is lowest and demand for irrigation is at its highest. RCID has a number of means at its disposal to counteract this shortfall. The primary means uses 2, formerly idle, potable water wells to supplement the reclaimed water systems during high demand. These wells can provide up to 5,000 gpm (315 l/s) of additional supply. A secondary means requests that major, selected customers return to their prior source of water. Two of the golf courses can return to surface waters for their needs and some of the cooling towers can be quickly converted to potable water use (and back again). Total water demand within RCID ranges from 18 to 25 mgd (180 to 1,100 l/s) for potable and nonpotable uses. Reclaimed water utilization accounts for 25 to 30 percent of this demand. Over 6 mgd (260 l/s) is typically con sumed on an average day and peak day demands have exceeded 12 mgd (525 l/s). Providing reclaimed water for nonpotable uses has enabled RCID to remain within its consumptive use permit limitations for groundwater with drawal, despite significant growth within its boundaries. Reclaimed water has been a major resource in enabling RCID to meet water use restrictions imposed by the wa ter management districts in alleviating recent drought impacts. Figure 2-9 is a stacked bar graph that shows the historical contribution reclaimed water has made to the total water resource picture at RCID. The continued growth of the RCID reclaimed water sys tem is expected to play an ever-increasing and critical role in meeting its water resource needs. Because alter native sources of water (e.g., surface water, brackish water, and stormwater) are not easily and reliably avail able and are prohibitively costly to obtain, it makes eco
Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID) provides mu nicipal services to the Walt Disney World Resort Com plex, located in Central Florida. In 1989, RCID faced a challenge of halting inconsistent water quality discharges from its wetland treatment system. The solution was a twofold approach: (1) land was purchased for the con struction of rapid infiltration basins (RIBs) and (2) plans were drafted for the construction of a reuse distribution system. The RIBs were completed in 1990. Subse quently, all surface water discharges ceased. The RIBs recharge the groundwater via percolation of applied efflu ent to surficial sands and sandy clays. Eightyfive 1 acre basins were built and operate on a 6 to 8 week rota tional cycle. Typically, 10 or 11 basins are in active ser vice for a 1-week period; while the remaining basins are inactive and undergo maintenance by discing of the bot tom sands. Initially, the RIBs served as the primary mechanism for reuse and effluent disposal, receiving 100 percent of the effluent. But the trend has completely re versed in recent years, and the RIBs serve primarily as a means of wet-weather recharge or disposal of sub-standard quality water. The majority of the effluent is used for public access reuse. In the past 3 years, over 60 percent of the effluent volume was used for public ac cess reuse. Initially, the reclaimed water distribution system served 5 golf courses and provided some landscape irrigation within RCID. In the past 10 years, the extent and diver sity of uses has grown and now includes washdown of impervious surfaces, construction (such as concrete
Figure 2-9.
It is taken for granted that implementing a reclaimed water system for urban irrigation will conserve potable water, but few efforts have been made to quantify the benefits. An analysis was performed to define the potential value of urban reuse for a moderately sized city, Altamonte Springs, Florida. Altamonte Springs began implementing its reclaimed water system in 1990. First, annual potable water-use data were analyzed to ascertain if a significant difference could be seen be tween periods before and after reuse. Figure 2-10 shows the historical potable water demands from 1977 to 2000, expressed as gallons of water used per capita per day. Figure 2-10 indicates a much greater potable water de mand before reuse was implemented than after. In 1990, the demand dropped by about 20 gallons per capita-day (76 liters per capita-day) in just one year. Two differing methods were used to estimate the total potable water conserved through implementing a re
claimed water system. The first method, a linear extrapo lation model (LEM), assumes that the rate of increasing water use per capita for 1990 to 2000 increases as it did from 1977 to 1989. Then, the amount conserved per year can be estimated by taking the difference in the potential value from the linear model and the actual potable water used. Figure 2-11 predicts the amount of potable water saved by implementing the reuse system from 1990 to 2000. The other method used a more conservative, constant model (CCM). This model averages the gallons of po table water per capita-day from the years before reuse and assumes that the average is constant for the years after reuse. Figure 2-12 indicates this models estimate of potable water conserved. In the year 2000, the LEM model estimates that 102 gal lons per capita-day (386 liters per capita-day) of potable water are saved. In the same year, the CCM method estimates a net savings of 69 gallons per capita-day. Figure 2-13 shows the comparison of the amount con served using the 2 different methods.
How Using Potable Supplies to Supplement Reclaimed Water Flows can Increase Conservation, Hillsborough County, Florida
How Augmentation Can Help While peak season demand is what limits the number of customers a utility can connect, it is also short lived, lasting between 60 to 90 days. Augmenting reclaimed water supplies during this time of peak demand can al low a municipality to increase the number of customers served with reclaimed water while preserving the reliabil ity (level of service) of the system. To illustrate this point, consider the Hillsborough County South/Central reclaimed water system. Reclaimed water supplies from the Falkenburg, Valrico, and South County Water Reclama tion Facilities (WRFs) are expected to be an annual av erage of 12.67 mgd (555 l/s) in 2002. However, to avoid shortfalls in the peak demand season, the County will need to limit connections to an average annual demand of 7.34 mgd (321 l/s) or less. The County presently has a waiting list of customers that would demand an annual average of approximately 10.69 mgd (468 l/s). What if augmentation water were used to allow the County to connect these customers instead of making these cus tomers wait? Water balance calculations indicate that from July through March, there will be more than enough reclaimed water to meet expected demands. However, in April, May, and June, reclaimed water demands will exceed available supplies and customers will experience shortages. Using a temporary augmentation supply of water could offset these shortages during this 60 to 90 day period.
Ensuring that an adequate source is available is one of the first steps in evaluating a potable water project. However, consideration of how many reclaimed water customers can be supplied by the flows from a water reclamation facility is seldom part of the reuse planning process. The problem with this approach has become apparent in recent years, as a number of large urban reuse systems have literally run out of water during peak reclaimed water demand times. In order to understand why this happens, it is important to understand the nature of demands for reclaimed water. Figure 2-14 illustrates expected seasonal reclaimed water demands for irrigation in southwest Florida. Ev ery operator of a potable water system in this area ex pects demands to increase by 20 to 30 percent during April through June as customers use drinking water to meet peak season irrigation demands. For reclaimed water systems, which are dedicated to meeting urban irrigation demands, the peak season demands may in crease by 50 to 100 percent of the average annual de mand. It is, of course, the ability to meet these peak season demands that define the reliability of a utility sys tem, including a reclaimed water system.
Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-12.
Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-14.
Estimated Raw Water Supply vs. Demand for the 2002 South/Central Service Area
Figure 2-14 illustrates the expected seasonal supply curve for 2002. The bottom curve shows the expected demand for the limited case where the County does not augment its water supplies. The top curve indicates how the County can meet current demand by augmenting its reclaimed water supply during April through June. The
limited reclaimed water system is constrained by peak seasonal demands (not exceeding supply) since custom ers expect year round service. For the system to meet all of the potential demands that have been identified, sufficient reclaimed water augmentation must be used to make up the differences in supply and demand.
The obvious question that must be answered is, Can using supplemental water actually conserve water re sources? The answer is yes, to a point. The existing, limited reuse system serves an average annual demand of 7.34 mgd (321 l/s), conserving an annual average of 6.07 mgd (266 l/s) of potable water resources. This level of conservation is based on the Countys experiences with reductions in potable water demand after reclaimed water becomes available. In order to provide service to the entire 10.69 mgd (468 l/s) reclaimed water demand, the County will need an average annual supply of supple mental water of 0.5 mgd (22 l/s). For the purposes of this analysis, it is assumed this supplemental water comes from the potable water system and so is sub tracted from the Annual Average Potable Water Con served. This 0.5 mgd potable water supplemental sup ply increases the total volume of water conserved from 6.07 to 7.23 mgd (266 to 321 l/s). Therefore, 1.16 mgd (51 l/s) more potable water is conserved by using supple mental water. Therefore, an investment of 0.5 mgd (22 l/ s) of supplemental water allows the County to save 1.16 mgd (51 l/s) of potable water resources or, put another way, for each gallon (3.8 liters) of supplemental water used we realize a 2.32-gallon (8.8-liter) increase in water resources conserved. There are, of course, limitations to this practice. As more supplemental water is used, the amount of reclaimed water used (as a percentage of the total demand) decreases. Eventually, the supplemen tal water used will be equal to the water resources con served. That is the break-even point. In this case po table water was used as the supplemental water, but in reality, other nonpotable supplies, such as raw ground water, would likely be used. Short-term supplementation, such as that described above, is one of many tools that can be used by a re claimed water provider to optimize its system. Utilities can also maximize their existing reclaimed water re sources and increase efficiency by instituting Best Man agement Practices (BMPs). Examples of BMPs include individual metering, volume-based, water-conserving rate structures, planned interruption, peak season in terruptible service, and time-of-day and day-of-week re strictions. When a reclaimed water provider is already experiencing either a long-term supply/demand imbalance or temporary drought effects, that provider should first use BMPs, before considering reclaimed water supple mentation. Utilities should also investigate opportunities for enhanced reclaimed water storage capacity including innovative technological solutions, such as aquifer stor age and recovery, and wet-weather discharge points that produce a net environmental benefit. Instituting BMPs and the other options mentioned can enable a reclaimed water utility to delay, lessen, or potentially eliminate the
need for augmentation of their reclaimed water system during peak reclaimed water demand periods.
Water Reclamation and Reuse Offer an Integrated Approach to Wastewater Treatment and Water Resources Issues in Phoenix, Arizona.
The rapidly developing area of North Phoenix is placing ever-increasing demands on the citys existing waste water collection system, wastewater treatment plants, and potable water resources. As an integrated solution to these issues, water reclamation and reuse have be come an important part of Phoenix Water Services Departments operational strategy. Cave Creek Reclaimed Water Reclamation Plant (CCWRP), in northeast Phoenix, began operation in Sep tember 2001. The facility uses an activated sludge nitrification/denitrification process along with filtration and ultraviolet light disinfection to produce a tertiary-grade effluent that meets the Arizona Department of Environ mental Qualitys A+ standards. CCWRP is currently able to treat 8 mgd (350 l/s) and has an expansion capacity of 32 mgd (1,400 l/s). The Phoenix reclamation plant delivers reclaimed water through a nonpotable distribution system to golf courses, parks, schools, and cemeteries for irrigation purposes. The reclaimed water is sold to customers at 80 percent of the potable water rate. CCWRPs sister facility, North Gateway Water Reclama tion Plant (NGWRP), will serve the northwest portion of Phoenix. The design phase has been completed. The NGWRP will have an initial treatment capacity of 4 mgd (175 l/s) with an ultimate capacity of 32 mgd (1,400 l/s). The plant is modeled after the Cave Creek facility using the dont see it, dont hear it, dont smell it design man tra. Construction will be preformed using the construc tion manager-at-risk delivery method. Phoenix is using geographic information system (GIS) technology to develop master plans for the buildout of the reclaimed water distribution system for both the Cave Creek and North Gateway reclamation plants. Through GIS, potential reclaimed water customers are easily identified. GIS also provides information useful for de termining pipe routing, reservoir, and pump station lo cations. The goal is to interconnect the 2 facilities, thus building more reliability and flexibility into the system. The GIS model is dynamically linked to the water sys tem, planning, and other important databases so that geospacial information is constantly kept up to date. A
hydraulic model is being used in conjunction with the GIS model to optimize system operation. Irrigation demand in Phoenix varies dramatically with the seasons, so groundwater recharge and recovery is a key component of the water reuse program. Phoenix is cur rently exploring the use of vadose zone wells because they do not require much space and are relatively inex pensive to construct. This method also provides addi tional treatment to the water as it percolates into the aquifer. A pilot vadose zone well facility has been con structed at the NGWRP site to determine the efficacy of this technology. A vadose zone recharge facility along with a recovery well is being designed for the CCWRP site. Nonpotable reuse and groundwater recharge with high quality effluent play an important role in the Citys water resources and operating strategies. The North Phoenix Reclaimed Water System (Figure 2-15) integrates mul tiple objectives, such as minimizing the impact of devel opment in the existing wastewater infrastructure by treating wastewater locally and providing a new water resource in a desert environment. By using state-of-the-art technol ogy, such as GIS, Phoenix will be able to plan the buildout of the reclaimed water system to maximize its efficiency and minimize costs.
(871 m3/d). The facility has a design capacity to reclaim up to 1.0 mgd (44 l/s). State standards require the use of treatment techniques for source control, oxidation, co agulation, filtration, and disinfection. Final reclaimed wa ter requirements include a daily average turbidity of less than 2.0 NTU with no values above 5.0 NTU, total coliform less than 2.2 per 100 ml as a 7-day median value and total nitrogen below 10 mg/l. Major facility components include a septic tank effluent pumping (STEP) collection system, activated sludge biological treatment with nitro gen removal using Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) tech nology, flow equalization, an automated chemical feed system with in-line static mixers to coagulate remaining solids prior to filtration, a continuous backwash, upflow sand media filtration system, and chlorine disinfection. The facility also includes an on-line computer monitoring system. Process monitors provide continuous monitor ing of flow, turbidity, and chlorine residual. Alarms pro vide warning when turbidity reaches 2.0 NTU, the flow to the filters shuts off at 3.0 NTU, and the intermediate pumps shut down at 3.5 NTU. Chlorine concentrations are set for an auto-dialer alarm if the flash mixer falls below 1.5 mg/l or if the final residual is below 0.75 mg/l. Only reclaimed water that meets the required standard is sent to upland use areas. Reclaimed water in Yelm is primarily used for seasonal urban landscape irrigation at local schools and churches, city parks, and a private residence along the distribu tion route. The true showcase of the Yelm project is Cochrane Memorial Park, an aesthetically pleasing 8 acre city park featuring constructed surface and sub merged wetlands designed to polish the reclaimed water prior to recharging groundwater. In the center of the park, a fishpond uses reclaimed water to raise and maintain stocked rainbow trout for catch and release. The City also uses reclaimed water for treatment plant equipment washdown and process water, fire fighting, street clean ing, and dust control. Although summers in western Washington are quite dry, during the winter rainy season there is not sufficient irri gation demand for reclaimed water. Excess water is sent to generate power in the Centralia Power Canal, a diver sion from the Nisqually River. Based on state law, re claimed water that meets both the reclamation standards and state and federal surface water quality requirements is no longer considered a wastewater. However, per their settlement agreement, Yelm is continuing to pursue the goal of 100 percent upland reuse via a program to add reclaimed water customers and uses. Yelm recently updated its Comprehensive Water Plan to emphasize an increased dependence on reclaimed wa ter to replace potable water consumption to the greatest
The City of Yelm, Washington, a community of 3,500 residents, is considered one of western Washingtons fastest growing cities. In response to a determination from Thurston County that the continued use of septic systems in the Yelm area posed a risk to public health, the City developed a sewage plan. The original plan was to treat and discharge wastewater to the Nisqually River. However, the headwaters of the Nisqually River begin in Mount Rainier National Park and end in a National Wild life Refuge before discharging into the Puget Sound Es tuary. The river supports 5 species of Pacific salmon chinook, coho, pink, chum, and steelheadas well as sea-run cutthroat trout. Based on a settlement agree ment with local environmental groups, the City agreed to pursue upland reuse of their Class A reclaimed water with the goal of eliminating the Nisqually River as a waste water discharge location to augment surface water bod ies only during times when reclaimed water could not be used 100 percent upland. Reclaimed water also plays a very important role in water conservation as Yelm has limited water resources. The reclamation plant went on line in August of 1999 and currently reclaims and reuses approximately 230,000 gpd
Figure 2-15.
extent possible. The City is constructing storage capac ity to provide collection of reclaimed water during nonpeak periods for distribution during periods of peak de mand. This will allow more efficient use of reclaimed water and eliminate the need for potable make-up water. Yelm is planning to use reclaimed water for bus washing, con crete manufacturing, and additional irrigation purposes. Sources: Washington State Department of Ecology and City of Yelm, 2003.
(Table 2-13). Reclaimed water from the Hervey Plant has the lowest salinity (680 ppm), and a large portion of it is now being injected into an aquifer for recovery as po table water. Reclaimed water from the Haskell Plant and the Northwest plant have elevated levels of salinity, and are likely to be the principal reclaimed sources for irriga tion from now into the near future. The cause of elevated salinity at the Northwest Plant is currently being investi gated, and it appears to be related to intrusion of shallow saline groundwater into sewer collection systems located in the valley where high water tables prevail. Reuse of reclaimed water from the Hervey Plant on a golf course proceeded without any recognizable ill ef fects on turf or soil quality. This golf course is located on sandy soils developed to about 2 feet (60 cm) over a layer of caliche, which is mostly permeable. Broadleaf trees have experienced some foliar damage, but not to the extent of receiving frequent user complaints. This golf course uses low pressure, manual sprinklers, and plantings consist mostly of pines, which are spray resis tant. Reuse of reclaimed water from the Northwest Plant, however, has caused severe foliar damage to a large number of broadleaf trees (Miyamoto and White, 2002). This damage has been more extensive than what was projected based on the total dissolved salts of 1200 ppm. However, this reclaimed water source has a Na concen tration equal to or higher than saline reclaimed water sources in this part of the Southwest (Table 2-13). Foliar damage is caused primarily through direct salt adsorp tion through leaves. This damage can be minimized by reducing direct sprinkling onto the tree canopy. The use of low-trajectory nozzles or sprinklers was found to be
Because of declining reserves of fresh groundwater and an uncertain supply of surface water, the Public Service Board, the governing body of El Paso Water Utilities, has adopted a strategy to curtail irrigation use of potable water by substituting reclaimed municipal effluent. This strategy has been implemented in stages, starting with irrigation of a county-operated golf course using second ary effluent from the Haskell Plant, and a city-owned golf course with tertiary treated effluent from the Fred Hervey Plant. More recently, the reuse projects were expanded to use secondary effluent from the Northwest Plant to irrigate a private golf course, municipal parks, and school grounds (Ornelas and Brosman, 2002). Reclaimed water use from the Haskell Plant is also being expanded to include parks and school grounds. Salinity of reclaimed water ranges from 680 to 1200 ppm as total dissolved salts (TDS) depending on the plant
Table 2-13.
Average Discharge Rates and Quality of Municipal Reclaimed Effluent in El Paso and Other Area Communities
Reuse Area (acres) Water Quality TDS (ppm ) 680 980 1200 1800 1650 EC (dS m 1) 0.9 1.6 2.2 2.7 2.4 SAR Na (ppm ) 150 250 350 310 330 Cl (ppm ) 180 280 325 480 520 Soil Type
Plant Treatm ent Plants Capacity (m gd) El Paso Fred Hervey Haskell Northwest Alamogordo Odessa
1 2
10 27 17 ---
Calciorthid, Aridisols Torrifluvent, Entisols Paleorthid, Aridisols Camborthid, Aridisols Paleustal, Alfisols
These water sources contain substantial quantities of Ca and SO4. Reclaimed water quality of this source changes with season.
Sources: Ornela and Brosman, 2002; Miyamoto and White, 2002; Ornelas and Miyamoto, 2003; and Miyamoto, 2003.
effective through a test program funded by the Bureau of Reclamation (Ornelas and Miyamoto, 2003). This finding is now used to contain salt-induced foliar damage. Another problem associated with the conversion to re claimed water has been the sporadic occurrence of salt spots on the turf in areas where drainage is poor. This problem has been contained through trenching and subsoiling. Soil salinization problems were also noted in municipal parks and school grounds that were irrigated with potable water in the valley where clayey soils pre vail. This problem is projected to increase upon conver sion to reclaimed water from the Haskell Plant unless salt leaching is improved. The Texas A&M Research Cen ter at El Paso has developed a guideline for soil selec tion (Miyamoto, 2003), and El Paso City Parks, in coop eration with Texas A&M Research Center, are initiating a test program to determine cost-effective methods of enhancing salt leaching. Current indications are that in creased soil aerification activities, coupled with topdressing with sand, may prove to be an effective measure. If the current projection holds, reuse projects in El Paso are likely to achieve the primary goal, while demonstrating that reclaimed water with high Na and Cl concentrations (greater than 359 ppm) can be used ef fectively even in highly diverse soil conditions through site improvements and modified management practices.
any existing use of tertiary treated wastewater in fabric dyeing. General Dye and Finishing (General Dye) is a fabric dye ing facility located in Santa Fe Springs, California. This facility uses between 400 and 500 acre-feet per year (250 to 310 gpm) of water, primarily in their dye process and for boiler feed. CBMWD is working with the plant man ager to convert the facility from domestic potable water to reclaimed water for these industrial purposes. A 1-day pilot test was conducted on October 15, 2002 using reclaimed water in one of the 12 large dye ma chines used at the facility. A temporary connection was made directly to the dye machine fill line using a 1-inch hose from an air release valve on the CBMWD reclaimed water system. General Dye conducted 2 tests with the reclaimed water, using reactive dye with a polycotton blend and using dispersed dye with a 100-percent poly ester fabric. Both test loads used about 800 pounds of fabric with blue dyes. The identical means and methods of the dye ing process typically employed by General Dye with do mestic water were also followed using reclaimed water. General Dye did not notice any difference in the dyeing process or quality of the end product using the reclaimed water versus domestic water. A 1-week demonstration test was conducted between November 20 and November 27, 2002, based on the successful results of the 1-day pilot test. A large variety of colors were used during the demonstration test. No other parameters were changed. Everything was done exactly the same with the reclaimed water that would have been done with the domestic water. As with the pilot test, the results indicated that reclaimed water can successfully be used in the fabric dyeing process, re sulting in plans for a full conversion of the General Dye facility to reclaimed water for all process water needs.
The Central Basin Municipal Water District (CBMWD) reclaimed water system began operation in 1992 and currently serves approximately 3,700 acre-feet per year (2,300 gpm) for a variety of irrigation, commercial, and industrial uses. Industrial customers include the success ful conversion of Tuftex Carpets in Santa Fe Springs, which was the first application in California of reclaimed water used for carpet dyeing. A significant benefit to us ing reclaimed water is the consistency of water quality. This reduces the adjustments required by the dye house that had previously been needed due to varying sources of water (e.g. Colorado River, State Water Project, or groundwater). Since completion of the initial system, CBMWD has continued to explore expansion possibili ties, looking at innovative uses of reclaimed water. The fabric dyeing industry represents a significant po tential for increased reclaimed water use in CBMWD and in the neighboring West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD). More than 15 dye houses are located within the 2 Districts, with a potential demand estimated to be greater than 4,000 acre-feet per year (2,500 gpm). A na tional search of reclaimed water uses did not identify
A wide variety of power facilities throughout the U.S. were contacted and asked to report on their experience with the use of treated wastewater effluent as cooling water. Table 2-14 presents a tabulation of data obtained from contacts with various power facilities and related waste water treatment plants that supply them with effluent water. Table 2-14 also provides a general summary of the treatment process for each WWTP and identifies treat ment performed at the power plant.
Table 2-14.
Supply = 0.3 0.6 (make-up Water chemistry controlled supply to cooling towers) BlowSecondary Treatment, 85% down disposed of with plant with biocide, pH control, and minimum removal of solids wastewater to local sewer surfactant system. Supply = 0.7 (includes irrigation water) Blow-down of 0.093-mgd mixed with plant wastewater is returned to WWTP. Supply = 2.72 (annual avg.) to Clark Sta. Return = 0 Blow-down is discharged to holding ponds for evaporation Supply = 0.65 Cooling tower blow-down is discharged to a local sewage system and eventually returned to the WWTP. Advanced treatment with high level of disinfection. Partial tertiary treatment, removes phosphorus. Advanced Secondary treatment with nitrification, denitrification and biological phosphorus removal. Tertiary treatment through dual media filter & disinfection in chlorine contact tank. Primary & secondary settling. Biological nutrient removal, with post filtration via sand filters. Chlorine addition, biocide, surfactant, tri-sodium phosphate, pH control with sulfuric acid.
3. Hillsborough County Solid Waste to Energy Recovery Facility (operated by O gden Martin Corp.) Tampa, FL
None at present time. Previously treated with lime & softener; discontinued 2-3 years ago.
Addition of corrosion inhibitors, sodium hypochlorite, acid for pH control, and anti-foaming agents.
Tertiary treatment El Segundo: Ammonia Stripping plant across Richmond Plant uses Nalco street. Chemical for further Richmond: Caustic Soda treatment. Treatment Plant Specifically for Chevron. Advanced Wastewater treatment including filtration, disinfection & biological nutrient removal to within 5:5:3:1* PH adjustment with acid, addition of scale inhibitors and chlorine. Control of calcium level. All chemical adjustments done at cooling towers.
Supply = 10 Return = 0 Blow-down is evaporated in brine concentrator and crystallizer units at power plant for zero discharge.
Tertiary treatment plant consisting of trickling filters WWTPs provide secondary for ammonia removal, 1s t and Total Supply to (3) units = 72 treatment. Treated effluent 2 nd stage clarifiers for not transmitted to Palo Return = 0 removal of phosphorus, Zero discharge facility; all blow Verde is discharged to magnesium, and silica. riverbeds (wetlands) under Cooling tower water is down is evaporated in ponds. State of Arizona permits. further controlled by addition of dispersants, defoaming agents, and sodium
* 5:5:3:1 refers to constituent limits of 5 mg/l BOD, 5 mg/l TSS, 3 mg/l nitrogen and 1 mg/l phosphorus. Source: DeStefano, 2000 59
It is important to note that, in all cases for the facilities contacted, the quality of wastewater treatment at each WWTP is governed by the receiving water body where the treated effluent is discharged, and its classification. For example, if the water body serves as a source of drinking water or is an important fishery, any treated effluent discharged into it would have to be of high qual ity. Effluent discharged to an urban river or to the ocean could be of lower quality.
Major crops produced include corn, soybeans, coastal Bermuda grass, and rye. Corn is stored as high-moisture grain prior to sale, and soybeans are sold upon harvest. Both the rye and Bermuda grass are grazed by cattle. Some of the Bermuda grass is harvested as hay and haylage. Cows are allows to graze in winter.
Spray Irrigation at Durbin Creek WWTP Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority
The Tallahassee agricultural reuse system is a coop erative operation where the city owns and maintains the irrigation system, while the farming service is under con tract to commercial enterprise. During the evolution of the system since 1966, extensive evaluation and opera tional flexibility have been key factors in its success. The City of Tallahassee was one of the first cities in Florida to use reclaimed water for agricultural purposes. In 1966, the City began to use reclaimed water from its secondary wastewater treatment plant for spray irriga tion. In 1971, detailed studies showed that the system was successful in producing crops for agricultural use. The studies also concluded that the soil was effective at removing SS, BOD, bacteria, and phosphorus from the reclaimed water. Until 1980, the system was limited to irrigation of 120 acres (50 hectares) of land used for hay production. Based upon success of the early studies and experience, a new spray field was constructed in 1980, southeast of Tallahassee. The southeast spray field has been expanded 3 times since 1980, increasing its total area to approximately 2100 acres (840 hectares). The permitted application rate of the site is 3.16 inches per week (8 cm per week), for a total capacity of 24.5 mgd (1073 l/s). Sandy soils ac count for the high application rate. The soil composition is about 95 percent sand, with an interspersed clay layer at a depth of approximately 33 feet (10 meters). The spray field has gently rolling topography with surface eleva tions ranging from 20 to 70 feet (6 to 21 meters) above sea level. Secondary treatment is provided to the Citys Thomas P. Smith wastewater reclamation plant and the Lake Bradford Road wastewater reclamation plant. The re claimed water produced by these wastewater reclama tion plants meet water quality requirements of 20 mg/l for BOD and TSS, and 200/100 ml for fecal coliform. Reclaimed water is pumped approximately 8.5 miles (13.7 km) from the treatment plant to the spray field and dis tributed via 16 center-pivot irrigation units.
The Durbin Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility, lo cated near Fountain Inn, South Carolina, is operated by the Western Carolina Regional Sewer Authority (WCRSA). The plant discharges to Durbin Creek, a relatively small tributary of the Enoree River. Average flow from the Durbin Creek Plant is 1.37 mgd (5.2 x 103 m3/day) with a peak flow of 6.0 mgd (22.7 x 103 m3/day) during storm events. The plant is permitted for an average flow of 3.3 mgd (12.5 x 103 m3/day). The Durbin Creek plant is located on an 200-acre (81 hectare) site. Half of the site is wooded with the remain ing half cleared for land application of biosolids. Hay is harvested in the application fields. Much of the land sur rounding the plant site is used as a pasture and for hay production without the benefit of biosolids applications. As a result of increasingly stringent NPDES permit lim its and the limited assimilative capacity of the receiving stream, WCRSA began a program to eliminate surface water discharge at this facility. Commencing in 1995, WCRSA undertook a detailed evaluation of land applica tion and reuse at Durbin Creek. The initial evaluation fo cused on controlling ammonia discharged to the receiv ing stream by combining agricultural irrigation with a hydrograph-controlled discharge strategy. In order to appreciate the potential for reuse and land application to address current permit issues facing the Durbin Creek WWTP, a brief discussion of their origin is necessary. South Carolina develops waste load alloca tions calculated by a model that is based on EPA dis charge criteria. Model inputs include stream flow, back ground concentrations of ammonia, discharge volume, water temperature, pH, and whether or not salmonids are present. Because water temperature is part of the model input, a summer (May through October) and a winter (No vember through April) season are recognized in the cur rent NPDES permit. Ammonia concentrations associated with both acute and chronic toxicity are part of the model output. The stream flow used in the model is the esti mated 7-day, 10-year low flow event (7Q10). For the re ceiving stream, the 7Q10 value is 2.9 cfs (0.08 m3/s).
The permitted flow of 3.3 mgd (12.5 x 103 m3/day) is used as the discharge volume in the model. A detailed evaluation of the characteristics of the receiv ing water body flow was required to evaluate the potential of reuse to address the proposed NPDES limits. The prob ability of occurrence of a given 7-day low flow rate was then determined using an appropriate probability distri bution. The annual summer and winter 7Q10 flows for the Durbin Creek site were then estimated with the following results: Annual Summer Winter 7Q10 2.9 cfs (0.08 m3/s) 7Q10 (May through October) 2.9 cfs (0.08 m3/s) 7Q10 (November through April) 6.4 cfs (0.18 m3/s)
The next step was to evaluate various methods of di verting or withholding a portion of the design discharge flow under certain stream flow conditions. The most prominent agricultural enterprise in the vicinity of the Durbin Creek WWTP is hay production. Thus, WCRSA decided to investigate agricultural reuse as its first alternative disposal method. To evaluate how irrigation demands might vary over the summer season, a daily water balance was developed to calculate irrigation demands. The irrigation water bal ance was intended to calculate the consumptive need of an agricultural crop as opposed to hydraulic capacities of a given site. This provision was made because farm ers who would potentially receive reclaimed water in the future would be interested in optimizing hay production and could tolerate excess irrigation as a means of dis posal. Results of this irrigation water balance were then combined with the expected stream flow to evaluate the requirements of integrating agricultural irrigation with a hydrograph control strategy. The results of this analysis are provided in Figure 2-16, which indicates the storage volume required as a func tion of the irrigated area given a design flow of 3.3 mgd (12.5 x 103 m3/day). As shown in Figure 2-16, if no irri gated area is provided, a storage volume of approximately 240 million gallons (900 x 103 m3) would be required to
The predicted annual 7Q10 of 2.9 cfs (0.08 m3/s) matched the value used by the state regulatory agency and con firmed the validity of the analysis. The winter 7Q10 was found to be more than double that of the summer 7Q10. This information was then used in conjunction with the states ammonia toxicity model to develop a conceptual summer and winter discharge permit for effluent discharge based on stream flow.
Figure 2-16.
achieve compliance with a streamflow dependent per mit. This storage volume decreases dramatically to ap proximately 50 million gallons (190 x 103 m3) if 500 acres (200 hectares) of irrigated area are developed. As irri gated area increases from 500 to 1,200 acres (200 to 490 hectares), the corresponding ratio of increased irri gated area to reduction in storage is less. As indicated in Figure 2-16, storage could hypothetically be completely eliminated given an irrigated area of approximately 1,900 acres (770 hectares). The mathematical modeling of stream flows and potential demands has demonstrated that reuse is a feasible means of achieving compliance with increasingly stringent NPDES requirements in South Carolina.
or on samples of crops grown with the reclaimed water. No tendency was found for metals to accumulate in soils or on plant tissues. Soil permeability was not impaired. By the time the study was completed in 1987, the project had gained widespread community support for water rec lamation. As a result of the MWRSA, a water reclamation plant and distribution system were completed in 1997. The project was designed to serve 12,000 acres (4,850 hect ares) of artichokes, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, and strawberries. Delivery of reclaimed water was de layed until spring of 1998 to address new concerns about emerging pathogens. The reclaimed water was tested for E. Coli 0157:H7, Legionella, Salmonella, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Cyclospora. No viable organisms were found and the results were published in the Recycled Water Food Safety Study. This study increased grower and buyer confidence. Currently, 95 percent of the project acreage is voluntarily using reclaimed water. Growers felt strongly that health department regulations should be minimal regarding use of reclaimed water. The MRWPCA succeeded in getting the County Health Department to approve wording requirements for signs along public roads through the project to say, No Tres passing, rather than previously proposed wording that was detrimental to public acceptance of reclaimed wa ter. Similarly, field worker safety training requires only that workers not drink the water, and that they wash their hands before eating or smoking after working with re claimed water. Three concerns remain: safety, water quality, and long term soil health. To address safety, pathogen testing continues and results are routinely placed on the MRWPCA website at www.mrwpca.org. The water qual ity concern is partly due to chloride, but mostly due to sodium concentration levels. MRWPCA works with sewer users to voluntarily reduce salt levels by using more ef ficient water softeners, and by changing from sodium chloride to potassium chloride for softener regenera tion. In 1999, the agency began a program of sampling soils from 3 different depth ranges 3 times each season from 4 control sites (using well water) and 9 test sites (using reclaimed water). Preliminary results indicate that using reclaimed water for vegetable production is not causing the soil to become saline.
Agriculture in Monterey County, located in the central coastal area of California, is a $3 billion per year busi ness. The northern part of the county produces a vari ety of vegetable crops, many of which may be consumed raw. As far back as the 1940s, residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural users were overdrawing the Countys northern groundwater supply. This overdraw lowered the water tables and created an increasing prob lem of saltwater intrusion. In the mid-1970s, the Califor nia Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board completed a water quality management plan for the area, recommending reclaimed water for crop irrigation. At that time, agricultural irrigation of vegetable crops with reclaimed water was not widely accepted. To respond to questions and concerns from the agricultural community, the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) sponsored an 11-year, $7-million pilot and demonstration project known as the Monterey Wastewa ter Reclamation Study for Agriculture (MWRSA). Study objectives were to find answers to questions about such issues as virus and bacteria survival on crops, soil per meability, and yield and quality of crops, as well as to provide a demonstration of field operations for farmers who would use reclaimed water. Five years of field operations were conducted, irrigating crops with 2 types of tertiary treated wastewater, with a well water control for comparison. Artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, and several varieties of lettuce were grown on test plots and a demonstration field. Crops pro duced with reclaimed water were healthy and vigorous, and the system operated without complications. The re sults of the study provided evidence that using reclaimed water can be as safe as irrigating with well water, and that large scale water reclamation can be accomplished. No virus was found in reclaimed water used for irrigation
As a result of a court decision in 1979, the City of Or lando and Orange County, Florida, were mandated to cease discharge of their effluent into Shingle Creek, which
flows into Lake Tohopekaliga, by March 1988. The City and County immediately joined forces to find the best and most cost-effective solution. Following several rounds of extensive research, the decision was made to con struct a reuse project in West Orange and Southeast Lake counties along a high, dry, and sandy area known as the Lake Wales Ridge. The project was named Water Conserv II. The primary use of the reclaimed water would be for agricultural irrigation. Daily flows not needed for irrigation would be distributed into rapid infiltration basins (RIBs) for recharge of the Floridan aquifer. Water Conserv II is the largest reuse project of its type in the world, a combination of agricultural irrigation and RIBs. It is also the first reuse project in Florida permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to irrigate crops produced for human consumption with reclaimed water. The project is best described as a co operative reuse project by the City of Orlando, Orange County, and the agricultural community. The City and County jointly own Water Conserv II. The project is designed for average flows of 50 mgd (2,190 l/s) and can handle peak flows of 75 mgd (3,285 l/s). Approximately 60 percent of the daily flows are used for irrigation, and the remaining 40 percent is discharged to the RIBs for recharge of the Floridan aquifer. Water Conserv II began operation on December 1, 1986. At first, citrus growers were reluctant to sign up for re claimed water. They were afraid of potential damage to their crops and land from the use of the reclaimed wa ter. The City and County hired Dr. Robert C.J. Koo, a citrus irrigation expert at the University of Floridas Cit rus Research Center at Lake Alfred, to study the use of reclaimed water as an irrigation source for citrus. Dr. Koo concluded that reclaimed water would be an excellent source of irrigation water for citrus. The growers were satisfied and comfortable with Dr. Koos findings, but wanted long-term research done to ensure that there would be no detrimental effects to the crop or land from the long-term use of reclaimed water. The City and County agreed, and the Mid Florida Citrus Foundation (MFCF) was created. The MFCF is a non-profit organization conducting research on citrus and deciduous fruit and nut crops. All research is conducted by faculty from the University of Floridas Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). The MFCF Board of Directors is comprised of citrus growers in north central Florida and representatives from the City of Orlando, Orange County, the University of Florida IFAS, and various support industries. Goals of the MFCF are to develop management practices that will allow growers in the northern citrus area to re-establish citrus and grow
it profitably, provide a safe and clean environment, find solutions to challenges facing citrus growers, and pro mote urban and rural cooperation. All research conducted by the MFCF is located within the Water Conserv II ser vice area. Reclaimed water is used on 163 of the 168 acres of research. MFCF research work began in 1987. Research results to date have been positive. The ben efits of irrigating with reclaimed water have been con sistently demonstrated through research since 1987. Citrus on ridge (sandy, well drained) soils respond well to irrigation with reclaimed water. No significant prob lems have resulted from the use of reclaimed water. Tree condition and size, crop size, and soil and leaf mineral aspects of citrus trees irrigated with reclaimed water are typically as good as, if not better than, groves irrigated with well water. Fruit quality from groves irrigated with reclaimed water was similar to groves irrigated with well water. The levels of boron and phosphorous required in the soil for good citrus production are present in adequate amounts in reclaimed water. Thus, boron and phospho rous can be eliminated from the fertilizer program. Re claimed water maintains soil pH within the recommended range; therefore, lime no longer needs to be applied. Citrus growers participating in Water Conserv II benefit from using reclaimed water. Citrus produced for fresh fruit or processing can be irrigated by using a direct contact method. Growers are provided reclaimed water 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at pressures suitable for micro-sprinkler or impact sprinkler irrigation. At present, local water management districts have issued no restric tions for the use of reclaimed water for irrigation of cit rus. By providing reclaimed water at pressures suitable for irrigation, costs for the installation, operation, and maintenance of a pumping system can be eliminated. This means a savings of $128.50 per acre per year ($317 per hectare per year). Citrus growers have also realized increased crop yields of 10 to 30 percent and increased tree growth of up to 400 percent. The increases are not due to the reclaimed water itself, but the availability of the water in the soil for the tree to absorb. Growers are maintaining higher soil moisture levels. Citrus growers also benefit from enhanced freeze pro tection capabilities. The project is able to supply enough water to each grower to protect his or her entire pro duction area. Freeze flows are more than 8 times higher than normal daily flows. It is very costly to the City and County to provide these flows (operating costs average $15,000 to $20,000 per night of operation), but they feel it is well worth the cost. If growers were to be frozen out, the project would lose its customer base. Sources of water to meet freeze flow demands include normal daily flows of 30 to 35 mgd (1,310 to 1,530 l/s), 38 million
gallons of stored water (143,850 m3), 80 mgd (3,500 l/s) from twenty-five 16-inch diameter wells, and, if needed, 20 mgd (880 l/s) of potable water from the Orlando Utili ties Commission. Water Conserv II is a success story. University of Florida researchers and extension personnel are delighted with research results to date. Citrus growers sing the praises of reclaimed water irrigation. The Floridan aquifer is being protected and recharged. Area residents view the project as a friendly neighbor and protector of the rural country atmosphere.
A plan has been developed to connect the 2 parcels via trails for viewing the tidal marsh, the polishing wetlands, and the riparian/creek area. The plan also calls for resto ration and expansion of the riparian zone, planting of na tive vegetation, and restoration/enhancement of the tidal marsh. The polishing wetlands will be constructed on a portion of the 133 acres (54 hectares) of uplands. The remainder of the upland areas will either be restored for habitat or cultivated as a standing crop for butterfly and bird foraging. Landscaping on the wetlands site will be irrigated with reclaimed water. A renowned environmen tal artist developed the conceptual plan with an image of the dog-faced butterfly formed by the wetland cells and trails. Funding for acquisition of the land and construction of the trails and restoration projects has been secured from the local (Sonoma County) open space district and the California Coastal Conservancy in the amount of $4 million. The citizens alliance has continued to promote the concept. The alliance recently hosted a tour of the site with the National Audubon Society, asking that the site be considered for the location of an Audubon Inter pretive Center.
The City of Petaluma, California, has embarked on a project to construct a new water reclamation facility. The existing wastewater plant was originally built in 1938, and then upgraded over the years to include oxidation ponds for storage during non-discharge periods. The city currently uses pond effluent to irrigate 800 acres (320 hectares) of agricultural lands and a golf course. As part of the new facility, wetlands are being constructed for multiple purposes including treatment (to reduce sus pended solids, metals, and organics), reuse, wildlife habi tat, and public education and recreation. The citizens of Petaluma have expressed a strong interest in creating a facility that not only provides wastewater treatment and reuse, but also serves as a community asset. In an ef fort to further this endeavor, the citizens formed an orga nization called the Petaluma Wetlands Park Alliance. Currently, the project is being designed to include 30 acres (12 hectares) of vegetated wetlands to remove algae. The wetlands will be located downstream from the Citys oxidation ponds. The vegetated treatment wetlands will not be accessible to the general public for security rea sons. However, an additional 30 acres (12 hectares) of polishing wetlands with both open water and dense veg etation zones will be constructed on an adjacent parcel of land. These polishing wetlands will be fed by disin fected water from the treatment wetlands, so public ac cess will be allowed. Berms around all 3 wetland cells will provide access trails. The parcel of land where the polishing wetlands will be constructed has many interesting and unique features. An existing creek and riparian zone extend through the upland portion of the parcel down to the Petaluma River. The parcel was historically farmed all the way to the river, but in an El Nino event, the river levees breached and 132 acres (53 hectares) of land has been returned to tidal mudflat/marsh. The parcel is directly adjacent to a city park, with trails surrounding ponds for dredge spoils.
The cities of central Sonoma County, California, have been growing rapidly, while at the same time regula tions governing water reuse and discharge have become more stringent. This has taxed traditional means of re using water generated at the Laguna Wastewater Plant and Reclamation Facility. Since the early 1960s, the Santa Rosa Subregional Water Reclamation System has provided reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation in the Santa Rosa Plain, primarily to forage crops for dairy farms. In the early 1990s, urban irrigation uses were added at Sonoma State University, golf courses, and local parks. The remaining reclaimed water not used for irrigation was discharged to the Laguna de Santa Rosa from October through May. But limited storage capacity, conversion of dairy farms to vineyards (decreasing re claimed water use by over two-thirds), and growing con cerns over water quality impacts in the Laguna de Santa Rosa, pressured the system to search for a new and reliable means of reuse. In the northwest quadrant of Sonoma County lies the Geysers Geothermal Steamfield, a super-heated steam resource used to generate electricity since the mid 1960s. At its peak in 1987, the field produced almost 2,000 megawatts (MW), enough electricity to supply an esti mated 2 million homes and businesses with power. Gey sers operators have mined the underground steam to such
a degree over the years that electricity production has declined to about 1,200 MW. As a result, the operators are seeking a source of water to recharge the deep aqui fers that yield steam. Geothermal energy is priced com petitively with fossil fuel and hydroelectric sources, and is an important green source of electricity. In 1997, a neighboring sewage treatment district in Lake County successfully implemented a project to send 8 mgd (350 l/s) of secondary-treated water augmented with Clear Lake water to the southeast Geysers steamfields for re charge. In 1998, the Santa Rosa Subregional Reclama tion System decided to build a conveyance system to send 11 mgd (480 l/s) of tertiary-treated water to the north west Geysers steamfield for recharge. The Santa Rosa contribution to the steamfield is expected to yield an additional 85 MW or more of electricity production. The conveyance system to deliver water to the steamfield includes 40 miles (64 km) of pipeline, 4 large pump sta tions, and a storage tank. The system requires a lift of 3,300 feet (1,005 meters). Distribution facilities within the steamfield include another 18 miles (29 km) of pipe line, a pump station, and tank, plus conversion of geo thermal wells from production wells to injection wells. The contract with the primary steamfield operator, Calpine Corporation, states that Calpine is responsible for the construction and operation of the steamfield distribution system and must provide the power to pump the water to the steamfield. The Subregional Reclamation System, in turn, is responsible for the construction and operation of the conveyance system to the steamfield and provides the reclaimed water at no charge. The term of the con tract is for 20 years with an option for either party to extend for another 10 years. One of the major benefits of the Geysers Recharge Project is the flexibility afforded by year-round reuse of water. The system has been severely limited because of sea sonal discharge constraints and the fact that agricultural reuse is not feasible during the wet winter months. The Geysers steamfield will use reclaimed water in the win ter, when no other reuse options are available. However, during summer months, demand for reuse water for irri gation is high. The system will continue to serve agricul tural and urban users while maintaining a steady but re duced flow of reclaimed water to the Geysers. A detailed daily water balance model was constructed to assist in the design of the initial system and to manage the opti mum blend of agricultural, urban, and Geysers recharge uses. In addition to the benefits of power generation, the Gey sers Recharge Project will bring an opportunity for agri cultural reuse along the Geysers pipeline alignment,
which traverses much of Sonoma Countys grape-growing regions. Recent listings of coho salmon and steel head trout as threatened species may mean that exist ing agricultural diversions of surface waters will have to be curtailed. The Geysers pipeline could provide an other source of water to replace surface water sources, thereby preserving the habitat of the threatened spe cies.
The Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System is a regional water supply project sponsored jointly by the Orange County Water District (OCWD) and the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) in southern Califor nia. Planning between OCWD and OCSD eventually led to the decision to replace Water Factory 21 (WF21) with the GWR System. OCSD, an early partner with OCWD in WF21, will continue to supply secondary wastewater to the GWR System. As one of the largest advanced re claimed water facilities in the world, the GWR System will protect the groundwater from further degradation due to seawater intrusion and supplement existing wa ter supplies by providing a new, reliable, high-quality source of water to recharge the Orange County ground water basin. For OCSD, reusing the water will also pro vide peak wastewater flow disposal relief and postpone the need to construct a new ocean outfall by diverting treated wastewater flows that would otherwise be dis charged to the Pacific Ocean. The GWR System addresses both water supply and wastewater management needs through beneficial reuse of highly treated wastewater. OCWD is the local agency responsible for managing and protecting the lower Santa Ana River groundwater basin. Water supply needs in clude both the quantity and quality of water. The GWR System offers a new source of water to meet future in creasing demands from the regions groundwater produc ers, provides a reliable water supply in times of drought, and reduces the areas dependence on imported water. The GWR System will take treated secondary wastewa ter from OCSD (activated sludge and trickling filter efflu ent) and purify it using microfiltration (MF), reverse os mosis (RO) and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection. Lime is added to stabilize the water. This low-salinity water (less than 100 mg/l TDS) will be injected into the seawater barrier or percolated through the ground into Orange Countys aquifers, where it will blend with groundwater from other sources, including imported and Santa Ana River stormwater, to improve the water quality. The GWR Sys tem will produce a peak daily production capacity of 78,400 acre-feet per year (70 mgd or 26,500 m3/yr) in the initial phase and will ultimately produce nearly 145,600 acre
feet per year (130 mgd or 492,100 m3/yr) of a new, reli able, safe drinking water supply, enough to serve over 200,000 families. Over time, the water produced by the GWR System will lower the salinity of groundwater by replacing the high-TDS water currently percolated into the groundwater basin with low-TDS reclaimed water from the GWR System. The project conforms to the California State Constitution by acknowledging the value of re claimed water. Less energy is used to produce the GWR System water than would be required to import an equiva lent volume of water, reducing overall electrical power demand in the region. The GWR System will also expand the existing seawater intrusion barrier to protect the Orange County groundwa ter basin from further degradation. The groundwater lev els have been lowered significantly in some areas of the groundwater basin due to the substantial coastal pump ing required to meet peak summer potable water de mands. The objective of the barrier is to create a continu ous mound of freshwater that is higher than sea level, so that the seawater cannot migrate into the aquifer. As groundwater pumping activities increase, so do the amounts of freshwater required to maintain the protec tive mound. OCWD currently operates 26 injection wells to supply water to the barrier first created in the mid 1970s. Additional water is required to maintain a suitable barrier. To determine optimal injection well capacities and locations, a Talbert Gap groundwater computer model was constructed and calibrated for use as a predictive tool. Based on the modeling analysis, 4 new barrier wells will be constructed in an alignment along the Santa Ana River to cut off saltwater intrusion at the east end of the Talbert Gap. The modeling results also indicate that a western extension of the existing barrier is required. Twelve new barrier wells will be constructed at the west ern end of the Talbert Gap to inhibit saltwater intrusion under the Huntington Beach mesa. The project benefits OCSDs wastewater management effort as well as helping to meet Orange Countys water supply requirements. The GWR System conforms to the OCSD Charter, which supports water reuse as a scarce natural resource. By diverting peak wastewater effluent discharges, the need to construct a new ocean outfall is deferred, saving OCSD over $175 million in potential construction costs. These savings will be used to help off-set the cost of the GWR system where OCSD will pay for half of the Phase 1 construction. The GWR Sys tem also reduces the frequency of emergency discharges near the shore, which are a significant environmental is sue with the local beach communities.
An intensive study, entitled, An Investigation of Soil Aquifer Treatment for Sustainable Water Reuse, was conducted to assess the sustainability of several differ ent SAT systems with different site characteristics and effluent pretreatments (AWWARF, 2001). The sites se lected for study and key characteristics of the sites are presented in Table 2-15. Main objectives of the study were to: (1) examine the sustainability of SAT systems leading to indirect potable reuse of reclaimed water; (2) characterize the processes that contribute to removal of organics, nitrogen, and vi ruses during transport through the infiltration interface, soil percolation zone, and underlying groundwater aqui fer; and (3) develop relationships among above-ground treatment and SAT for use by regulators and utilities. The study reported the following results:
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) present in SAT prod
uct water was composed of natural organic matter (NOM), soluble microbial products that resemble NOM, and trace organics.
Characterization of the DOC in SAT product water determined that the majority of organics present were not of anthropenic origin. The frequency of pathogen detection in SAT prod ucts waters could not be distinguished from the fre quency of pathogen detection in other groundwaters. Nitrogen removal during SAT was sustained by anaerobic ammonia oxidation.
Effluent pretreatment did not affect final SAT prod uct water with respect to organic carbon concentra tions. A watershed approach may be used to predict SAT product water quality. Removal of organics occurred under saturated an oxic conditions and a vadose zone was not neces sary for an SAT system. If nitrogen removal is de sired during SAT, nitrogen must be applied in a re duced form, and a vadose zone combined with soils that can exchange ammonium ions is required.
Table 2-15.
Mesa Northwest, AZ Phoenix Tres Rios Cobble Site, AZ Rio Hondo/Montebello Forebay, CA
San Gabriel/Montebello Forebay, CA Riverside Water Quality Control Plant Hidden Valley Wetlands, CA East Valley (Hansen Spreading Grounds), CA Avra Valley Wastewater Treatment Facility, AZ
during chlorination of SAT product water was affected by elevated bromide concentrations in reclaimed wa ter.
The City of West Palm Beach, Florida Wetlands-Based Water Reclamation Project
The City of West Palm Beach water supply system con sists of a 20-square-mile (52-km2) water catchment area and surface water allocation from Lake Okeechobee, which flows to a canal network that eventually terminates at Clear Lake, where the Citys water treatment plant is located. As part of the Everglades restoration program, the timing, location, and quantity of water releases to the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) ca nals from Lake Okechobee will be modified. More water will be directed towards the Everglades for hydropattern restoration and less water will be sent to the SFWMD canals. This translates into less water available for wa ter supplies in the lower east coast area. Therefore, indi rect potable reuse, reuse for aquifer recharge purposes, and aquifer storage and recovery are some of the alter native water supply strategies planned by the City of West Palm Beach.
The City of West Palm Beach has developed a program to use highly treated wastewater from their East Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (ECRWWTP) for beneficial reuse including augmentation of their drinking water supply. Presently, all of the wastewater effluent from the ECRWWTP (approximately 35 mgd [1,530 l/s] average daily flow) is injected over 3,000 feet (914 meters) into the groundwater (boulder zone) using 6 deep wells. Rather than continuing to dispose of the wastewa ter effluent, the City of West Palm Beach developed the Wetlands-Based Water Reclamation Project (WBWRP). The project flow path is shown in Figure 2-17. To protect and preserve its surface water supply system and to develop this reuse system to augment the water supply, the City purchased a 1,500-acre (607-hectare) wetland reuse site. This site consists of a combination of wetlands and uplands. A portion of this property was used for the construction of a standby wellfield. The standby wellfield site covers an area of 323 acres (131 hectares) and consists of wetlands and uplands domi nated by Melaleuca trees. Two important goals of the project were to: (1) develop an advanced wastewater treat ment facility at the ECRWWTP that could produce re claimed water that, when discharged, would be compat ible with the hydrology and water quality at the wetland
reuse site, and (2) produce a reliable water supply to augment the Citys surface water supply. Treatment was to be provided by the reclaimed water production facility, wetlands, and through aquifer recharge. Groundwater with drawal would meet drinking water and public health stan dards. Monitoring was performed at the wetland reuse site from July 1996 to August 1997. The purpose of this monitoring was to establish baseline conditions in the wetlands prior to reclaimed water application and to de termine the appropriate quality of the reclaimed water that will be applied to the wetland reuse site. In addition to the monitoring of background hydrology, groundwater quality, and surface water quality, the baseline-monitoring program investigated sediment quality, vegetation, fish, and the presence of listed threatened and endan gered plant and animal species. Groundwater samples from the wetland reuse site and the standby wellfield met the requirements for drinking water except for iron. Iron was detected in excess of the secondary drinking water standards of 0.3 mg/l at all of the wells, but not in ex cess of the Class III surface water quality criteria of 1.0 mg/l. Total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in the wetlands ranged from 0.67 mg/l to 3.85 mg/l with an average value of 1.36 mg/l. The concentration of total phosphorus (TP) was low throughout the wetlands, ranging from less than 0.01 to 0.13 mg/l, with an average value of 0.027 mg/l. In 1995, the City of West Palm Beach constructed a 150,000-gpd (6.6-l/s) AWT constructed wetlands demon stration project. The goals of this project were to demon strate that an AWT facility could produce an effluent qual ity of total suspended solids (TSS), 5-day carbonaceous Figure 2-17. Project Flow Path
biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5), TN, and TP goals of 5, 5, 3, and 1 mg/l, respectively, and that wetlands could provide some additional treatment prior to discharge. The demonstration facility met the AWT goals as well as all of the surface water quality standards, state and fed eral drinking water standards (except for iron), and all public health standards (absence of Cryptosporidum, Giardia, enteric viruses, and coliforms). A hydrologic model capable of simulating both ground water flow and overland flow was constructed and cali brated to assess the hydrology, hydrogeology, and po tential hydraulic conveyance characteristics within the project area. The model indicated that maintenance of viable wetlands (i.e., no extended wet or dry periods) can be achieved at the wetland reuse site, the standby wellfield, and with aquifer recharge to augment the wa ter supply. Reclaimed water will initially be applied to the wetland reuse site at a rate of 2 inches (5 cm) per week, which corresponds to a reclaimed water flow of approximately 6 mgd (263 l/s) over 770 acres (312 hectares) of the 1,415-acre (573-hectare) site. The results of the model ing indicate that up to 6 mgd (263 l/s) of reclaimed water can be applied to the wetland reuse site without produc ing more than an 8-inch (20-cm) average rise in surface water levels in the wetlands. A particle tracking analysis was conducted to evaluate the fate of discharge at the wetland reuse site and the associated time of travel in the surficial aquifer. The particle tracking analysis indi cated that the travel time from the point of reclaimed
water application to the point of groundwater discharge (from the standby wellfield to the M Canal) ranged from 2 to 34 years. The M Canal flows into the Citys surface water reservoir. Based on the results of the demonstration project, a 10 mgd (438-l/s) reclaimed water facility was designed with operational goals for TN and TP of less than 2.0 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l (on an annual average basis) respectively, in order to minimize change in the wetland vegetation. A commitment to construction and operation of a high-quality reclaimed water facility has been provided to meet these stringent discharge requirements. Public participation for this project consisted of holding several tours and meetings with regulatory agencies, public health officials, environmental groups, media, and local residents from the early planning phases through project design. Brochures describing the project driv ers, proposed processes, safety measures, and ben efits to the community were identified. A public relations firm was also hired to help promote the project to elected officials and state and federal policy makers.
Figure 2-18.
Source: Florida DEP, 2002b includes discussion of landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, industrial uses, groundwater recharge, indirect potable reuse, and a wide range of urban reuse activi ties. This rule also addresses reclaimed water ASR, blend ing of demineralization concentrate with reclaimed wa ter, and the use of supplemental water supplies. Given the complexity of the program and the number of entities involved, program coordination is critical. The Reuse Coordinating Committee, which consists of repre sentatives of the Florida DEP, Floridas 5 water manage ment districts, Florida Department of Health, the Public Service Commission, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Florida Department of Com munity Affairs, meets regularly to discuss reuse activi ties and issues. In addition, permitting staffs from the water management districts and the Florida DEP meet regularly to discuss local reuse issues and to bring po tential reclaimed water users and suppliers together. In deed, statutory and rule provisions mandate the use of reclaimed water and implementation of reuse programs (York et al., 2002). Floridas Water Reuse Program incorporates a number of innovations and advancements. Of note is the Statement of Support for Water Reuse, which was signed by the heads of the agencies comprising the Reuse Coordi nating Committee. EPA Region 4 also participated as a signatory party. The participating agencies committed to encouraging, promoting, and facilitating water reuse in Florida. In addition, working as a partner with the Water Reuse Committee of the Florida Water Environment Associa tion, Florida DEP developed the Code of Good Practices for Water Reuse. This is a summary of key man agement, operation, and public involvement concepts that define quality reuse programs.
Florida receives an average of more than 50 inches (127 cm) of rainfall each year. While the state may appear to have an abundance of water, continuing population growth, primarily in the coastal areas, contributes to in creased concerns about water availability. The result is increased emphasis on water conservation and reuse as a means to more effectively manage state water re sources (FDEP, 2002a). By state statute, Florida established the encouragement and promotion of water reuse as formal state objectives (York et al., 2002). In response, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), along with the states water management districts and other state agen cies, have implemented comprehensive programs de signed to achieve these objectives. As shown in Figure 2-18, the growth of reuse in Florida during 1986 to 2001 has been remarkable (FDEP, 2002b). In 2001, reuse capacity totaled 1,151 mgd (50,400 l/s), which represented about 52 percent of the total permit ted capacity of all domestic wastewater treatment facili ties in the state. About 584 mgd (25,580 l/s) of reclaimed water were used for beneficial purposes in 2001. The centerpiece of Floridas Water Reuse Program is a detailed set of rules governing water reuse. Chapter 62 610, Florida Administrative Code (Florida DEP, 1999),
As outlined in the Water Conservation Initiative (FDEP, 2002a), the future of Floridas Water Reuse Program will be guided by the need to ensure that reclaimed water is used efficiently and effectively in Florida (York et al., 2002). The Water Conservation Initiative report contains 15 strategies for encouraging efficiency and effective ness in the Water Reuse Program.
the SWFWMD and has experienced prolonged growth that has strained potable water supplies. A profile of the Tampa Bay area is given below:
Home to nearly 2.5 million people who live in the 3 counties (Pasco, Hillsborough, and Pinellas) referred to as the Tampa Bay area. is the public, using 306.2 million mgd (13,410 l/s), representing 64 percent of the water total use in the area in the year 2000. There are 38 wastewater treat ment facilities in the Tampa Bay area operated by 19 public and private utilities. In 2000 these facili ties:
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFMWD) is one of 5 water management districts in the state responsible for permitting groundwater and sur face water withdrawals. The Tampa Bay area is within Figure 2-19.
- Produced an annual average of 201 mgd (8,800 l/s) of treated wastewater. - 73 mgd (3,200 l/s) of reclaimed water was used for beneficial purposes, representing 36 percent use of available flows. - Of the 73 mgd (3,200 l/s), 44 mgd (1,930 l/s) (60 percent) of reclaimed water replaced the use of traditional, high-quality (potable) water resources. As the regulatory authority responsible for managing water supplies in the region, SWFWMD views the offset achieved through use of reclaimed water as an important contribution to the regional water supply. The Districts Regional Water Supply Plan includes a goal to effec tively use 75 percent of available reclaimed water re sources in order to offset existing or new uses of high quality water sources. The objectives to meet the goal by 2020 or earlier are collectively designed to enhance the use and efficiency of reclaimed water by:
When a National Technical Information Service (NTIS) number is cited in a reference, that reference is available from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650 Adamski, R., S. Gyory, A. Richardson, and J. Crook. 2000. The Big Apple Takes a Bite Out of Water Reuse. 2000 Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, January 30 February 2, 2000. San Antonio, Texas. American Water Works Association, California-Nevada Section. 1997. Guidelines for the Onsite Retrofit of Facilities Using Disinfected Tertiary Recycled Water. American Water Works Association Research Founda tion (AWWARF); KIWA. 1988. The Search for a Surro gate, American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Denver, Colorado. American Water Works Association Research Founda tion (AWWARF). 2001. An Investigation of Soil Aquifer Treatment for Sustainable Water Reuse. Order Num ber 90855. Babcock, R., C. Ray, and T. Huang. 2002. Fate of Phar maceuticals in Soil Following Irrigation with Recycled Water. WEFTEC 2002 Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. Bouwer, H. 1991. Role of Groundwater Recharge in Treat ment and Storage of Wastewater for Reuse. Water Science Technology, 24:295-302. Bouwer, H. 1991. Simple Derivation of the Retardation Equation and Application to Referential Flow and Macrodispersion. Groundwater, 29(1): 41-46. Bouwer, H. 1988. Systems for Artificial Recharge for Groundwater. Proceedings of the International Sympo sium. Annaheim, California. American Society of Civil Engineers. Bouwer, H., and R.C. Rice. 1989. Effect of Water Depth in Groundwater Recharge Basins on Infiltration Rate. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 115:556568.
Maximizing reclaimed water locally to meet water demands in service areas Increasing the efficiency of use through technology for dealing with wet-weather flows and demand man agement (i.e., meters, education, etc.) Interconnecting systems to move excess flows to areas where the water is needed, when it is needed, for a regional water resource benefit
There is not enough reclaimed water in the Tampa Bay area to meet all of the irrigation and other needs in the region. However, there are opportunities to transport ex cess reclaimed water flows that cannot be used locally to achieve benefits to areas of high demand or other ben eficial uses, such as natural system restoration. As a first step in evaluating how reclaimed water may be used in the Tampa Bay Area, the SWFWMD developed an inventory of existing water reclamation facilities, their locations, total flow and flows already committed to ben eficial reuse, and flows that might be available for an expanded reuse program (Figure 2-19). Subsequent plan ning efforts will build on this information to evaluate in terconnections between reuse systems for optimal use.
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Technical Issues In Planning Water Reuse Systems
This chapter considers technical issues associated with planning the beneficial reuse of reclaimed water derived from domestic wastewater facilities. These technical is sues include the:
Technical issues of concern in specific reuse applica tions are discussed in Chapter 2, Types of Reuse Ap plications.
Identification and characterization of potential de mands for reclaimed water of reclaimed water to determine their potential for reuse
Planning Approach
One goal of the Guidelines for Water Reuse is to outline a systematic approach to planning for reuse so that plan ners can make sound preliminary judgments about the local feasibility of reuse, taking into account the full range of key issues that must be addressed in implementing reclamation programs. Figure 3-1 illustrates a 3-phase approach to reuse plan ning. This approach groups reuse planning activities into successive stages that include preliminary investiga tions, screening of potential markets, and detailed evalu ation of selected markets. Each stage of activity builds on previous stages until enough information is available to develop a conceptual reuse plan and to begin negoti ating the details of reuse with selected users. At each stage, from early planning through implementation, pub lic involvement efforts play an important role. Public in volvement efforts provide guidance to the planning pro cess and outline steps that must be taken to support project implementation.
Storage facilities required to balance seasonal fluc tuations in supply with fluctuations in demand Supplemental facilities required to operate a water reuse system, such as conveyance and distribution networks, operational storage facilities, alternative supplies, and alternative disposal facilities Potential environmental impacts of implementing water reclamation Identification of knowledge, skills, and abilities nec essary to operate and maintain the proposed sys tem
Figure 3-1.
Preliminary Investigations
This is a fact-finding phase, meant to rough out physi cal, economic, and legal/institutional issues related to water reuse planning. The primary task is to locate all potential sources of effluent for reclamation and reuse and all potential markets for reclaimed water. It is also important to identify institutional constraints and enabling powers that might affect reuse. This phase should be approached with a broad view. Exploration of all possible options at this early planning stage will establish a prac tical context for the plan and also help to avoid creating dead-ends in the planning process. Questions to be addressed in this phase include:
The major task of this phase involves conducting a pre liminary market assessment to identify potential re claimed water users. This calls for defining the water market through discussions with water wholesalers and retailers, and by identifying major water users in the market. The most common tools used to gather this type of information are telephone contacts and/or letters to potential reuse customers. Often, a follow-up phone contact is needed in order to determine what portion of total water use might be satisfied by reclaimed water, what quality of water is required for each type of use, and how the use of reclaimed water might affect the users operations or discharge requirements. This early planning stage is an ideal time to begin to develop or reinforce strong working relationships, among wastewater managers, water supply agencies, and po tential reclaimed water users. These working relation ships will help to develop solutions that best meet a particular communitys needs. Potential users will be concerned with the quality of re claimed water and reliability of its delivery. They will also want to understand state and local regulations that ap ply to the use of reclaimed water. Potential customers will also want to know about constraints to using reclaimed water. They may have questions about connection costs or additional wastewater treatment costs that might af fect their ability to use the product.
What local sources of effluent might be suitable for reuse? What are the potential local markets for reclaimed water? What other nontraditional freshwater supplies are available for reuse? What are the present and projected reliability ben efits of fresh water in the area? What are the present and projected user costs of fresh water in the area? What sources of funding might be available to sup port the reuse program? How would water reuse integrate, or work in har mony with present uses of other water resources in the area? What public health considerations are associated with reuse, and how can these considerations be addressed? ter reuse?
What type of reuse system is likely to attract the publics interest and support? What existing or proposed laws and regulations af fect reuse possibilities in the area? What local, state, or federal agencies must review and approve implementation of a reuse program?
The essence of this phase is to compare the unit costs of fresh water to a given market and the unit costs of reclaimed water to that same market. On the basis of information gathered in preliminary investigations, one or more intuitive projects may be developed that are clear possibilities, or that just seem to make sense. For ex ample, if a large water demand industry is located next to a wastewater treatment plant, there is a strong poten tial for reuse. The industry has a high demand for water, and costs to convey reclaimed water would be low. Typi cally, the cost-effectiveness of providing reclaimed wa ter to a given customer is a function of the customers potential demand versus the distance of the customer from the source of reclaimed water. In considering this approach, it should be noted that a concentration of smaller customers might represent a service area that would be as cost-effective to serve as a single large user. Once these anchor customers are identified, it is often beneficial to search for smaller customers located along the proposed path of the transmission system.
The value of reclaimed water even to an obvious po tential user will depend on the:
given the number of agencies that would be involved in each proposed system?
To what degree would each system advance the state-
Quality of water to be provided, as compared to the users requirements Quantity of fresh water available and the ability to meet fluctuating demand of agencies responsible for enforcing applicable laws
of-the-art in reuse?
What level of chemical or energy use would be asso
These questions all involve detailed study, and it may not be cost-effective for public entities to apply the re quired analyses to every possible reuse scenario. A useful first step is to identify a wide range of candidate reuse systems that might be suitable in the area and to screen these alternatives. Then, only the most promising project candidates move forward with detailed evaluations. In order to establish a comprehensive list of reuse possi bilities, the following factors should be taken into account:
Levels of treatment if advanced wastewater treat ment (AWT) is currently required prior to discharge of effluent, cost savings might be available if a mar ket exists for secondary treated effluent. Project size the scale of reuse can range from conveyance of reclaimed water to a single user up to the general distribution of reclaimed water for a variety of nonpotable uses. Conveyance network different distribution routes will have different advantages, taking better advan tage of existing rights-of-way, for example, or serv ing a greater number of users.
Review of user requirements could enable the list of po tential markets to be reduced to a few selected markets for which reclaimed water could be of significant value. The Bay Area Regional Water Recycling Program (BARWRP) in San Francisco, California used a sophisti cated screening and alternative analysis procedure. This included use of a regional GIS-based market assess ment, a computer model to evaluate cost-effective meth ods for delivery, detailed evaluation criteria, and a spreadsheet-based evaluation decision methodology (Bailey et al., 1998). The City of Tucson, Arizona, also used a GIS database to identify parcels such as golf courses, parks, and schools with a potential high demand for turf irriga tion. In Cary, North Carolina, the parcel database was joined to the customer-billing database allowing large water users to be displayed on a GIS map. This process was a key element in identifying areas with high concentrations of dedicated irrigation meters on the potable water sys tem (CDM, 1997). As part of an evaluation of water recla mation by the Clark County Sanitation District, Nevada, the alternatives analysis was extended beyond the tradi tional technical, financial, and regulatory considerations to include intangible criteria such as:
Public acceptance including public education
In addition to comparing the overall costs estimated for each alternative, several other criteria can be factored into the screening process. Technical feasibility may be used as one criterion, and the comparison of estimated unit costs of reclaimed water with unit costs of fresh wa ter, as another. An even more complex screening pro cess may include a comparison of weighted values for a variety of objective and subjective factors, such as:
How much flexibility would each system offer for fu ture expansion or change? How much fresh water use would be replaced by each system?
The evaluation steps contained in this phase represent the heart of the analyses necessary to shape a reuse program. At this point, a certain amount of useful data
should be known including the present freshwater con sumption and costs for selected potential users and a ranking of most-likely projects. In this phase, a more detailed look at conveyance routes and storage require ments for each selected system will help to refine pre liminary cost estimates. Funding and benefit options can be compared, user costs developed, and a comparison made between the costs and benefits of fresh water versus reclaimed water for each selected system. The detailed evaluation will also look in more detail at the environmental, institutional, and social aspects of each project. Questions that may need to be addressed as part of the detailed evaluation include:
What are the prospects of industrial source control measures in the area, and would institution of such measures reduce the additional treatment steps nec essary to permit reuse? candidate reuse system? Are they likely to remain in their present locations? Are process changes being considered that might affect their ability to use reclaimed water?
What are the specific water quality requirements of each user? What fluctuation can be tolerated? What is the daily and seasonal water use demand pattern for each potential user? Can fluctuations in demand best be met by pump ing capacity or by using storage? Where would stor age facilities best be located? If additional effluent treatment is required, who should own and operate the additional treatment fa cilities? What costs will the users in each system incur in connecting to the reclaimed water delivery system? Will industrial users in each system face increased treatment costs for their waste streams as a result of using reclaimed water? If so, is increased inter nal recycling likely, and how will this affect their wa ter use? to be spread over the entire service area?
Many of these questions can be answered only after further consultation with water supply agencies and pro spective users. Both groups may seek more detailed information as well, including the preliminary findings made in the first 2 phases of effort. The City of Tampa set the following goals and objectives for their first resi dential reclaimed water project:
Demonstrate customer demand for the water Demonstrate customer willingness to pay for the service subsidized by any utility customer not receiving re claimed water
Show that the project would pay for itself and not be
Source: Grosh et. al., 2002 Detailed evaluations should lead to a preliminary assess ment of technical feasibility and costs. Comparison among alternative reuse programs will be possible, as well as preliminary comparison between these programs and alternative water supplies, both existing and proposed. In this phase, economic comparisons, technical optimi zation steps, and environmental assessment activities leading to a conceptual plan for reuse might be accom plished by working in conjunction with appropriate con sulting organizations.
What interest do potential funding agencies have in supporting each type of reuse program being con sidered? What requirements would these agencies impose on a project eligible for funding? to make a change to their irrigation patterns or to provide better control of any irrigation discharges?
invest in additional facilities for onsite treatment, stor age, or distribution of reclaimed water?
Urban public water supplies are treated to satisfy the requirements for potable use. However, potable use (drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry, and dishwashing) represents only a fraction of the total daily residential use of treated potable water. The remainder may not require water of potable quality. In many cases, water used for nonpotable purposes, such as irrigation, may be drawn from the same ground or surface source as
municipal supplies, creating an indirect demand on po table supplies. The Guidelines examine opportunities for substituting reclaimed water for potable water supplies where potable water quality is not required. Specific re use opportunities include:
The remainder of the water use categories are mining and industrial/commercial with 8 percent of the demand. The 2 largest water use categories, thermoelectric power and agricultural irrigation, account for 80 percent of the total water use. These water uses present a great poten tial for supplementing with reclaimed water. Figure 3-3 provides a flow chart illustrating the source, use, and disposition of fresh water in the U.S. Of the 341,000 mgd (129 x 107 m3/d) of fresh water used in the U.S., only 29 percent is consumptively used and 71 per cent is return flow. This amounts to a total of 241,000 mgd (91 x 107 m3/d), of which 14 percent originates from domestic and commercial water use. Domestic waste water comprises a large portion of this number. Figure 3-4 shows estimated wastewater effluent pro duced daily in each state, representing the total potential reclaimed water supply from existing wastewater treat ment facilities. Figure 3-5 shows the estimated water demands by state in the United States. Estimated water demands are equal to the total fresh and saline with drawals for all water-use categories (public supply, do mestic, commercial, irrigation, livestock, industrial, min ing, and thermoelectric power). Areas where high water demand exists might benefit by augmenting existing water supplies with reclaimed water. Municipalities in coastal and arid states, where water demands are high and fresh water supplies are limited, appear to have a reasonable supply of wastewater effluent that could, through proper treatment and reuse, greatly extend their water supplies. Arid regions of the U.S. (such as the southwest) are can didates for wastewater reclamation, and significant rec lamation projects are underway throughout this region. Yet, arid regions are not the only viable candidates for water reuse. Local opportunities may exist for a given municipality to benefit from reuse by extending local wa ter supplies and/or reducing or eliminating surface water discharge. For example, the City of Atlanta, Georgia, lo cated in the relatively water-rich southeast, has experi enced water restrictions as a result of recurrent droughts. In south Florida, subtropical conditions and almost 55 inches (140 cm) per year of rainfall suggest an abun dance of water; however, landscaping practices and re gional hydrogeology combine to result in frequent water shortages and restrictions on water use. Thus, opportu nities for water reclamation and reuse must be examined on a local level to judge their value and feasibility.
The technical issues associated with the implementa tion of each of these reuse alternatives are discussed in detail in Chapter 2. The use of reclaimed water to provide both direct and indirect augmentation of potable supplies is also presented in Chapter 2.
Figure 3-2 presents the national pattern of water use in the U.S. according to the U.S. Geological Survey (Solley et al., 1998). Total water use in 1995 was 402,000 mgd (152 x 107 m3/d) with 341,000 mgd (129 x 107 m3/d) being fresh water and 61,000 mgd (23 x 107 m3/d) saline water. The largest freshwater demands were associated with agricultural irrigation/livestock and thermoelectric power, representing 41 and 39 percent, respectively, of the total freshwater use in the United States. Public and domes tic water uses constitute 12 percent of the total demand. Figure 3-2. 1995 U.S. Fresh Water Demands by Major Uses
Residential water demand can further be categorized as indoor use, which includes toilet flushing, cooking, laun dry, bathing, dishwashing, and drinking; or outdoor use,
Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-5.
Total Withdrawals
which consists primarily of landscape irrigation. Outdoor use accounts for approximately 31 percent of the resi dential demand, while indoor use represents approxi mately 69 percent (Vickers, 2001). Figure 3-6 presents the average residential indoor water use by category. It should be noted that these are national averages, and few residential households will actually match these fig ures. Inside the home, the largest use of water is toilet flushing (almost 30 percent). The potable use (cooking, drinking, bathing, laundry, and dishwashing) represents about 60 percent of the indoor water use or about 40 percent of the total residential (outdoor and indoor) de mand. Reclaimed water could be used for all nonpotable uses (toilet flushing and outdoor use), which are approxi mately 50 percent of the total residential water demand. Leaks are neglected in these calculations. Approximately 38 billion gallons of water is produced daily in the U.S. for domestic and public use. On average, a typical American household consumes at least 50 per cent of their water through lawn irrigation. The U.S. has a daily requirement of 40 billion gallons (152 million m3) a day of fresh water for general public use. This require ment does not include the 300 billion gallons (1,135 mil lion m3) used for agricultural and commercial purposes. For example, a dairy cow must consume 4 gallons (15 l) of water to produce 1 gallon (4 l) of milk, and it takes 300 million gallons (1.1 million m3) of water to produce a 1 day supply of U.S. newsprint (American Water Works Association Website, 2003). The need for irrigation is highly seasonal. In the North where turf goes dormant, irrigation needs will be zero in the winter months. However, irrigation demand may repFigure 3-6. Average Indoor Water Usage (Total = 69.3 gpcd)
resent a significant portion of the total potable water de mand in the summer months. In coastal South Carolina, winter irrigation use is estimated to be less than 10 per cent of the total potable demand. This increases to over 30 percent in the months of June and July. In Denver, during July and August when temperatures exceed 90 F (32 C), approximately 80 percent of all potable water may be used for irrigation. Given the seasonal nature of urban irrigation, eliminating this demand from the potable system through reuse will result in a net annual reduc tion in potable demands and, more importantly, may also significantly reduce peak-month potable water demands. It is not surprising then that landscape irrigation currently accounts for the largest urban use of reclaimed water in the U.S. This is particularly true of urban areas with sub stantial residential areas and a complete mix of land scaped areas ranging from golf courses to office parks to shopping malls. Urban areas also have schools, parks, and recreational facilities, which require regular irrigation. Within Florida, for example, studies of potable water con sumption have shown that 50 to 70 percent of all potable water produced is used for outside purposes, principally irrigation. The potential irrigation demand for reclaimed water gen erated by a particular urban area can be estimated from an inventory of the total irrigable acreage to be served by the reuse system and the estimated weekly irriga tion rates, determined by factors such as local soil char acteristics, climatic conditions, and type of landscap ing. In some states, recommended weekly irrigation rates are available from water management agencies, county or state agricultural agents, and irrigation specialists. Reclaimed water demand estimates should also take into account any other proposed uses for reclaimed water within the proposed service area, such as indus trial cooling and process water, decorative fountains, and other aesthetic water features. Agricultural irrigation represents 40 percent of total water demand nationwide and presents another significant op portunity for water reuse, particularly in areas where ag ricultural sites are near urban areas and can easily be integrated with urban reuse applications. Such is the case in Orange County, California, where the Irvine Ranch Water District provides reclaimed water to irrigate urban landscape and mixed agricultural lands (orchards and vegetable row crops). As agricultural land use is displaced by residential development in this growing urban area, the District has the flexibility to convert its reclaimed water service to urban irrigation. In Manatee County, Florida, agricultural irrigation is a significant component of a county-wide water reuse pro
gram. During 2002, the Countys 3 water reclamation fa cilities, with a total treatment capacity of 34.4 mgd (1,500 l/s), provided about 10.2 mgd (446 l/s) of reclaimed wa ter. This water was used to irrigate golf courses, parks, schools, residential subdivisions, a 1,500-acre (600-hectare) gladioli farm, and about 6,000 acres (2,400 hect ares) of mixed agricultural lands (citrus, ridge and furrow crops, sod farms, and pasture). The original 20-year re use agreements with the agricultural users are being ex tended for 10 years, ensuring a long-term commitment to reclaimed water with a significant water conservation benefit. The urban reuse system has the potential to grow as development grows. Manatee County has more than 385 acres (154 hectares) of lake storage (1,235 million gallons or 47 x 105 m3 of volume) and 2 reclaimed water aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) projects. A detailed inspection of existing or proposed water use is essential for planning any water reuse system. This information is often available through municipal billing records or water use monitoring data that is maintained to meet the requirements of local or regional water man agement agencies. In other cases, predictive equations may be required to adequately describe water demands. Water needs for various reuse alternatives are explored further in Chapter 2. In addition to expected nonpotable uses for reclaimed water, a review of literature shows consideration and implementation of reuse projects for a wide variety of demands including toilet flushing, com mercial car washing, secondary and primary sources of fire protection, textile mills to maintain water features, cement manufacturing, and make-up water for commer cial air conditioners. By identifying and serving a variety of water uses with reclaimed water, the utilization of re claimed water facilities can be increased, thereby increas ing the cost effectiveness of the system while at the same time increasing the volume of potable water con served.
the Districts service area for groundwater recharge, land scape irrigation, agricultural, commercial, and industrial purposes. It is estimated that more than 195 billion gal lons (740 x 106 m3) of reclaimed water will be reused by 2010. Due to long-term conservation programs, additional supply agreements, and an increase in the reclaimed water supply the District expects to meet the areas wa ter needs for the next ten years even during times of critical drought (Metropolitan, 2002). Perhaps the greatest benefit of urban reuse systems is their contribution to delaying or eliminating the need to expand potable water supply and treatment facilities. The City of St. Petersburg, Florida, has experienced about a 10 percent population growth since 1976 with out any significant increase in potable water demand because of its urban reuse program. Prior to the start-up of its urban reuse system, the average residential water demand in a study area in St. Petersburg was 435 gal lons per day (1,650 l/d). After reclaimed water was made available, the potable water demand was reduced to 220 gallons per day (830 l/d) (Johnson and Parnell, 1987). Figure 3-7 highlights the City of St. Petersburgs esti mated potable water savings since implementing an ur ban reuse program. In 2001, Florida embarked on the Water Conservation Initiative (FDEP, 2002) a program designed to promote water conservation in an effort to ensure water availabil ity for the future. Recognizing the conservation and re charge potential of water reuse, a Water Reuse Work Group was convened to address the effective and effi cient use of reclaimed water as a component in overall strategies to ensure water availability. The Water Re use Work Group published its initial report in 2001 (FDEP, 2001) and published a more detailed strategy report in 2003 (FDEP, 2003). The final reuse strategy report includes 16 major strategies designed to ensure efficient and effective water reuse. Of particular note are strategies that encourage the use of reclaimed wa ter meters and volume-based rates, in addition to encour aging groundwater recharge and indirect potable reuse. Currently, approximately 20 percent of all water supplied by the Irvine Ranch Water District in southern California is reclaimed water. Total water demand is expected to reach 69 mgd (3,024 l/s) in Irvine by 2010. At that time Irvine expects to be able to provide service to meet ap proximately 26 mgd (1,139 l/s) of this demand with re claimed water (Irvine Ranch Water District, 2002). An aggressive urban reuse program in Altamonte Springs, Florida is credited with a 30 percent reduction in potable water demands (Forest et al., 1998).
The need to conserve the potable water supply is an important part of urban and regional planning. For ex ample, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern Cali fornia predicted in 1990 that by the year 2010 water de mands would exceed reliable supplies by approximately 326 billion gallons (1,200 x 109 m3) annually (Adams, 1990). To help conserve the potable water supplies, the Metropolitan Water District developed a multi-faceted program that includes conservation incentives, rebate programs, groundwater storage, water exchange agree ments, reservoir construction, and reclaimed water projects. Urban reuse of reclaimed water is an essential element of the program. In 2001, approximately 62 billion gallons (330 x 106 m3) of reclaimed water were used in
Figure 3-7.
Under the broad definition of water reclamation and re use, sources of reclaimed water may range from indus trial process waters to the tail waters of agricultural irri gation systems. For the purposes of these guidelines, however, the sources of reclaimed water are limited to the effluent generated by domestic wastewater treat ment facilities (WWTFs). Treated municipal wastewater represents a significant potential source of reclaimed water for beneficial reuse. As a result of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, the Clean Water Act of 1977 and its subsequent amendments, centralized wastewater treatment has become commonplace in urban areas of the U.S. In developed countries, approximately 73 per cent of the population is served by wastewater collection and treatment facilities. Yet only 35 percent of the popu lation of developing countries is served by wastewater collection. Within the U.S., the population generates an estimated 41 billion gallons per day (1.8 x 106 l/s) of potential reclaimed water (Solley et al., 1998). As the world population continues to shift from rural to urban, the number of centralized wastewater collection and treat ment systems will also increase, creating significant opportunities to implement water reuse systems to aug ment water supplies and, in many cases, improve the quality of surface waters.
In areas of growth and new development, completely new collection, treatment, and distribution systems may be designed from the outset with water reclamation and re use in mind. In most cases, however, existing facilities will be incorporated into the water reuse system. In ar eas where centralized treatment is already provided, ex isting WWTFs are potential sources of reclaimed water. In the preliminary planning of a water reuse system in corporating existing facilities, the following information is needed for the initial evaluation:
Residential areas and their principal sewers Industrial areas and their principal sewers Wastewater treatment facilities Areas with combined sewers
Areas and types of projected development Locations of potential reclaimed water users
For minimizing capital costs, the WWTFs ideally should be located near the major users of the reclaimed water. However, in adapting an existing system for water re use, other options are available. For example, if a trunk
sewer bearing flows to a WWTF passes through an area of significant potential reuse, a portion of the flows can be diverted to a new satellite reclamation facility to serve that area. The sludge produced in the satellite reclama tion facility can be returned to the sewer for handling at the WWTF. By this method, odor problems may be re duced or eliminated at the satellite reclamation facility. However, the effects of this practice can be deleterious to both sewers and downstream treatment facilities. Al ternatively, an effluent outfall passing through a poten tial reuse area could be tapped for some or all of the effluent, and additional treatment could be provided, if necessary, to meet reclaimed water quality standards. These alternative configurations are illustrated in Figure 3-8. Figure 3-8. Three Configuration Alternatives for Water Reuse Systems
Existing sources must be characterized to roughly es tablish the wastewater effluents suitability for reclama tion and reuse. To compare the quality and quantity of available reclaimed water with the requirements of po tential users, information about the operation and per formance of the existing WWTF and related facilities must be examined. Important factors to consider in this preliminary stage of reuse planning are:
Level of treatment (e.g., primary, secondary, advanced)
and specific treatment processes (e.g., ponds, acti vated sludge, filtration, disinfection, nutrient removal, disinfection)
Effluent water quality Effluent quantity (use of historical data to determine
Meeting all applicable treatment requirements for the pro duction of safe, reliable reclaimed water is one of the keys to operating any water reuse system. Thus careful analysis of applicable state and local requirements and provision of all necessary process elements are critical in designing a reuse system. Because of differing envi ronmental conditions from region to region across the country, and since different end uses of the reclaimed water require different levels of treatment, a universal quality standard for reclaimed water does not exist. In the past, the main objective of treatment for reclaimed water was secondary treatment and disinfection. As wastewater effluent is considered a source for more and more uses, such as industrial process water or even po table supply water, the treatment focus has expanded beyond secondary treatment and disinfection to include treatment for other containments such as metals, dis solved solids, and emerging contaminants (such as phar maceutical residue and endocrine disruptors). However, at this early planning stage, only a preliminary assess ment of the compatibility of the secondary effluent qual ity and treatment facilities with potential reuse applica tions is needed. A detailed discussion of treatment re
quirements for water reuse applications is provided in Section 3.4. Knowledge of the chemical constituents in the effluent, the level of treatment, and the treatment processes pro vided is important in evaluating the WWTFs suitability as a water reclamation facility and determining possible reuse applications. An existing plant providing at least secondary treatment, while not originally designed for water reclamation and reuse, can be upgraded by modi fying existing processes or adding new unit processes to the existing treatment train to supply reclaimed water for most uses. For example, with the addition of chemi cals, filters, and other facilities to ensure reliable disin fection, most secondary effluents can be enhanced to provide a source of reclaimed water suitable for unre stricted urban reuse. However, in some parts of the U.S., the effluent from a secondary treatment system may contain compounds of concern. Such effluent may not be used because it could result in water quality prob lems. In these cases, treatment processes must be se lected to reduce these compounds before they are re leased. This can create additional disposal issues as well. A typical example would be the presence of elevated TDS levels within the effluent, resulting in problems where the reclaimed water is used for irrigation (Sheikh et al., 1997; Dacko, 1997; Johnson, 1998). In some cases, existing processes necessary for efflu ent disposal practices may no longer be required for water reuse. For example, an advanced wastewater treatment plant designed to remove nitrogen and/or phosphorus would not be needed for agricultural or ur ban irrigation, since the nutrients in the reclaimed water are beneficial to plant growth. In addition to the unit processes required to produce a suitable quality of reclaimed water, the impact of any return streams (e.g., filter backwash, RO concentrate return, etc.) to the WWTFs liquid and solids handling processes should be considered. Reclaimed Water Quality
trial reuse, however, nutrients may encourage biological growths that could cause fouling. Where the latter uses are a small fraction of the total use, the customer may be obliged to remove the nutrients or blend reclaimed water with other water sources. The decision is based on case-by-case assessments. In some cases, the water quality data needed to assess the suitability of a given source are not included in the WWTFs existing monitoring requirements and will have to be gathered specifically for the reuse evaluation. Coastal cities may experience saltwater infiltration into their sewer system, resulting in elevated chloride con centrations in the effluent or reclaimed water. Chloride levels are of concern in irrigation because high levels are toxic to many plants. However, chloride levels at WWTFs typically are not monitored. Even in the absence of saltwater infiltration, industrial contributions or prac tices within the community being served may adversely impact reclaimed water quality. The widespread use of water softeners may increase the concentration of salts to levels that make the reclaimed water unusable for some applications. High chlorides from saltwater infil tration led the City of Punta Gorda, Florida to cease re claimed water irrigation in 2001. This facility had irrigated an underdrained agricultural site for almost 20 years, but flow discharged from the underdrains caused a violation of conductivity limitations in the receiving water. Damage to landscape plants in the City of St. Peters burg, Florida, was traced to elevated chlorides in the reclaimed water. This coastal city operates 4 reclama tion plants and those serving older beach communities are prone to saltwater infiltration. In response to this prob lem, the City initiated on-line monitoring of conductance in order to identify and halt the use of unacceptable wa ter. The City also developed a planting guide for reclaimed water customers to identify foliage more and less suit able for use with reclaimed water service (Johnson, 1998). The Carmel Area Wastewater District in California expe rienced a similar problem with golf course turf associ ated with elevated sodium. This was due to a combina tion of the potable water treatment processes being used, and the prevalence of residential and commercial water softeners. Solutions included the use of gypsum, peri odic use of potable water for irrigation to flush the root zone, a switch from sodium hydroxide to potassium hy droxide for corrosion control, and attempts to reduce the use of self-regenerating water softeners (Sheikh et al., 1997). Some coastal communities, or areas where salin ity is a concern, have begun to restrict the discharge of chemical salts into the sanitary sewer system either by requiring their placement in a special brine line or by charg ing a fee for their treatment and removal (Sheikh and Rosenblum, 2002). A California state law recently gave
Effluent water quality sampling and analysis are required as a condition of WWTF discharge permits. The specific parameters tested are those required for preserving the water quality of the receiving water body, (e.g., biochemi cal oxygen demand, suspended solids, coliforms or other indicators, nutrients, and sometimes toxic organics and metals). This information is useful in the preliminary evalu ation of a wastewater utility as a potential source of re claimed water. For example, as noted earlier, the nitro gen and phosphorus in reclaimed water represents an advantage for certain irrigation applications. For indus
local jurisdictions the ability to prohibit the use of selfregenerating water softeners that had been previously exempt from regulation by a prior statute (California Health and Safety Code). The West Basin Municipal Water District in southwest Los Angeles County, California, created designer re claimed water of different qualities to increase their re claimed water customer base. Table 3-1 describes the 5 different grades of designer water they produce and supply to their 200-square mile area of customers. For the purpose of reuse planning, it is best to consider reclaimed water quality from the standpoint of water sup ply, (i.e., what quality is required for the intended use?). Where a single large customer dominates the demand for reclaimed water, the treatment selected may suit that particular, major customer. In Pomona, California, acti vated carbon filters were used in place of conventional sand filters at the reclamation plant to serve paper mills that require low color in their water supply. Industrial reuse might be precluded if high levels of dis solved solids, dissolved organic material, chlorides, phos Table 3-1.
Grade Name
phates, and nutrients are present, unless additional treat ment is provided by the industrial facility. Recreational reuse might be limited by nutrients, which could result in unsightly and odorous algae blooms. Trace metals in high concentrations might restrict the use of reclaimed water for agricultural and horticultural irrigation. Reclaimed Water Quantity
Just as the potable water purveyor must meet diurnal and seasonal variations in demand, so too must the purveyor meet variations in demand for reclaimed water. Diurnal and seasonal fluctuations in supply and demand must be taken into account at the preliminary design stage of any water reclamation system. Such an approach is warranted, given the fact that diurnal and seasonal sup plies and demands for reclaimed water often exhibit more variations than that of potable water and, in many cases, the peaks in supply and demand are independent of one another. For example, WWTF flows tend to be low at night, when urban irrigation demand tends to be high. Seasonal flow fluctuations may occur in resort areas due to the influx
Secondary water plus micro-Grade 3 plus lime softening Double pass RO filtration and RO treatment Low pressure boiler feed for refineries Indirect potable reuse for the Water Replenishment District Softening the water preserves the pipes that deliver the water to the injection wells. Micro filtration and RO have been perceived as providing acceptable treatment for indirect potable reuse. High pressure boiler feed for refineries
Quality Drivers
Need to reduce contaminants that cause Need to remove ammonia scaling; strong desire to to reduce corrosion use the water multiple times in the process
High pressure increases the need to further reduce contaminants that cause scaling. Desire to use the water multiple times in the process
No contractual guarantee; 100% reliable due to constant source 25 - 40% discount from baseline standard 2,600
No contractual guarantees. No contractual guarantees. No contractual guarantees May be perceived as more Probably perceived as more reliable reliable 100% price premium Equal to baseline standard 20% discount from baseline compared to the baseline or slightly higher standard standard 6,500 7,300 2,600
Adapted from: West Basin Municipal Water District: 5 Designer (Recycled) Waters to Meet Customers Needs produced by Darryl G. Miller, General Manager, West Basin Municipal Water District, Carson, California.
of tourists, and seasons of high flow do not necessarily correspond with seasons of high irrigation demand. Figure 3-9 illustrates the fluctuations in reclaimed water supply and irrigation demand in a southwest Florida community. Treatment facilities serving college cam puses, resort areas, etc. also experience significant fluc tuations in flow throughout the year. Where collection systems are prone to infiltration and inflow, significant fluctuations in flow may occur during the rainy season. Information about flow quantities and fluctuations is criti cal in order to determine the size of storage facilities needed to balance supply and demand in water reuse systems. A more detailed discussion of seasonal stor age requirements is provided in Section 3.5. Operational storage requirements to balance diurnal flow variations are detailed in Section 3.6.3. Industrial Wastewater Contributions
with substantial industrial flows will require identification of the constituents that may interfere with particular re use applications, and appropriate monitoring for param eters of concern. Wastewater treatment facilities receiv ing substantial amounts of high-strength industrial wastes may be limited in the number and type of suitable reuse applications.
Industrial waste streams differ from domestic wastewa ter in that they may contain relatively high levels of ele ments and compounds, which may be toxic to plants and animals or may adversely impact treatment plant performance. Where industrial wastewater flow contri butions to the WWTF are significant, reclaimed water quality may be affected. The degree of impact will, of course, depend on the nature of the industry. A rigor ous pretreatment program is required for any water rec lamation facility that receives industrial wastes to en sure the reliability of the biological treatment processes by excluding potentially toxic levels of pollutants from the sewer system. Planning a reuse system for a WWTF Figure 3-9.
One of the most critical objectives in any reuse program is to ensure that public health protection is not compro mised through the use of reclaimed water. To date there have not been any confirmed cases of infectious dis ease resulting from the use of properly treated reclaimed water in the U.S. Other objectives, such as preventing environmental degradation, avoiding public nuisance, and meeting user requirements, must also be satisfied, but the starting point remains the safe delivery and use of properly treated reclaimed water. Protection of public health is achieved by: (1) reducing or eliminating concentrations of pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and enteric viruses in the reclaimed water, (2) controlling chemical constituents in reclaimed water, and/ or (3) limiting public exposure (contact, inhalation, inges tion) to reclaimed water. Reclaimed water projects may vary significantly in the level of human exposure incurred, with a corresponding variation in the potential for health risks. Where human exposure is likely in a reuse appli cation, reclaimed water should be treated to a high de gree prior to its use. Conversely, where public access to
a reuse site can be restricted so that exposure is un likely, a lower level of treatment may be satisfactory, provided that worker safety is not compromised. Determining the necessary treatment for the intended reuse application requires an understanding of the:
Constituents of concern in wastewater Levels of treatment and processes applicable for re
Reclaimed water quality standards have evolved over a long period of time, based on both scientific stud ies and practical experience. Chapter 4 provides a summary of state requirements for different types of reuse projects. While requirements might be similar from state to state, allowable concentrations and the constituents monitored are state-specific. Chapter 4 also provides suggested guidelines for reclaimed water quality as a function of use.
ducing these constituents to levels that achieve the desired reclaimed water quality
Which treatment processes are needed to achieve the required reclaimed water quality? While it must be acknowledged that raw wastewa ter may pose a significant risk to public health, it is equally important to point out that current treatment technologies allow water to be treated to almost any quality desired. For many uses of reclaimed water, appropriate water quality can be achieved through conventional, widely practiced treatment processes. Advanced treatment beyond secondary treatment may be required as the level of human contact in creases.
The types and concentrations of pathogenic organisms found in raw wastewater are a reflection of the enteric organisms present in the customer base of the collec tion system. Chemical pollutants of concern may also be present in untreated wastewater. These chemicals may originate from any customer with access to the collection system, but are typically associated with in dustrial customers. Recent studies have shown that over-the-counter and prescription drugs are often found in wastewater. The ability for waterborne organisms to cause disease is well established. Our knowledge of the hazards of chemical pollutants varies. In most cases, these con cerns are based on the potential that adverse health effects may occur due to long-term exposure to rela tively low concentrations. In addition, chemicals capable of mimicking hormones have been shown to disrupt the endocrine systems of aquatic animals. In order to put these concerns into perspective with re spect to water reclamation, it is important to consider the following questions.
ensure that water quality objectives are being met? As with any process, wastewater reuse programs must be monitored to confirm that they are operat ing as expected. Once a unit process is selected, there are typically standard Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) practices to assure that the sys tem is functioning as designed. Reuse projects will often require additional monitoring to prevent the discharge of substandard water to the reclamation system. On-line, real-time water quality monitoring is typically used for this purpose. Mechanism of Disease Transmission
What is the intended use of the reclaimed water? Consideration should be given to the expected de gree of human contact with the reclaimed water. It is reasonable to assume that reclaimed water used for the irrigation of non-food crops on a restricted agri cultural site may be of lesser quality than water used for landscape irrigation at a public park or school, which in turn may be of a lesser quality than reclaimed water intended to augment potable supplies.
For the purposes of this discussion, the definition of dis ease is limited to illness caused by microorganisms. Health issues associated with chemical constituents in reclaimed water are discussed in Section Dis eases associated with microorganisms can be trans mitted by water to humans either directly by ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact of infectious agents, or indi rectly by contact with objects or individuals previously contaminated. The following circumstances must occur for an individual to become infected through exposure to reclaimed water: (a) the infectious agent must be present in the community and, hence, in the wastewa ter from that community; (b) the agents must survive, to a significant degree, all of the wastewater treatment processes to which they are exposed; (c) the individual
must either directly or indirectly come into contact with the reclaimed water; and (d) the agents must be present in sufficient numbers to cause infection at the time of contact. The primary means of ensuring reclaimed water can be used for beneficial purposes is first to provide the ap propriate treatment to reduce or eliminate pathogens. Treatment processes typically employed in water recla mation systems are discussed below and in Section 3.4.2. Additional safeguards are provided by reducing the level of contact with reclaimed water. Section 3.6 discusses a variety of cross-connection control mea sures that typically accompany reuse systems. The large variety of pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in raw domestic wastewater is derived prin cipally from the feces of infected humans and primarily transmitted by consumption. Thus, the main transmis sion route is referred to as the fecal-oral route. Con taminated water is an important conduit for fecal-oral transmission to humans and occurs either by direct con sumption or by the use of contaminated water in agri culture and food processing. There are occasions when host infections cause passage of pathogens in urine. The 3 principal infections leading to significant appear ance of pathogens in urine are: urinary schistosomiasis, typhoid fever, and leptospirosis. Coliform and other bac teria may be numerous in urine during urinary tract infec tions. Since the incidence of these diseases in the U.S. is very low, they constitute little public health risk in wa ter reuse. Microbial agents resulting from venereal infec tions can also be present in urine, but they are so vulner able to conditions outside the body that wastewater is not a predominant vehicle of transmission (Feachem et al., 1983 and Riggs, 1989). Pathogenic Microorganisms and Health Risks
Most of the organisms found in untreated wastewater are known as enteric organisms; they inhabit the intesti nal tract where they can cause disease, such as diar rhea. Table 3-2 lists many of the infectious agents po tentially present in raw domestic wastewater. These mi crobes can be classified into 3 broad groups: bacteria, parasites (parasitic protozoa and helminths), and viruses. Table 3-2 also lists the diseases associated with each organism. a. Bacteria
Bacteria are microscopic organisms ranging from approxi mately 0.2 to 10 m in length. They are distributed ubiq uitously in nature and have a wide variety of nutritional requirements. Many types of harmless bacteria colonize in the human intestinal tract and are routinely shed in the feces. Pathogenic bacteria are also present in the feces of infected individuals. Therefore, municipal wastewater can contain a wide variety and concentration range of bacteria, including those pathogenic to humans. The num bers and types of these agents are a function of their prevalence in the animal and human community from which the wastewater is derived. Three of the more com mon bacterial pathogens found in raw wastewater are Salmonella sp, Shigella sp. and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli which have caused drinking water outbreaks with significant numbers of cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and multiple deaths (e.g. Walkerton, Ontario; Washington County, NY; Cabool, MO; Alpine, WY). Bacterial levels in wastewater can be significantly low ered through either a removal or an inactivation pro cess. The removal process involves the physical sepa ration of the bacteria from the wastewater through sedi mentation and/or filtration. Due to density considerations, bacteria do not settle as individual cells or even colo nies. Typically, bacteria can adsorb to particulate matter or floc particles. These particles settle during sedimen tation, secondary clarification, or during an advanced treatment process such as coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation using a coagulant. Bacteria can also be re moved by using a filtration process that includes sand filters, disk (cloth) filters, or membrane processes. Fil tration efficiency for a sand or cloth filter is dependent upon the effective pore size of the filtering medium and the presence of a pre-coat layer, usually other particu late matter. Because the pore sizes inherent to microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes (including those membranes used in membrane bioreactors), bac teria are, to a large extent, completely removed due to size exclusion. Ultimately, the sedimented or filtered bac teria are removed from the overall treatment system through the sludge and backwash treatment system.
The potential transmission of infectious disease by patho genic agents is the most common concern associated with reuse of treated municipal wastewater. Fortunately, sanitary engineering and preventive medical practices have combined to reach a point where waterborne disease outbreaks of epidemic proportions have, to a great ex tent, been controlled. However, the potential for disease transmission through water has not been eliminated. With few exceptions, the disease organisms of epidemic his tory are still present in todays sewage. The level of treat ment today is more related to severing the transmission chain than to fully eradicating the disease agents. Many infectious disease microbes affecting individuals in a community can find their way into municipal sewage.
Table 3-2.
Bac teria Shigella ( s pp.) Salmonella typhi Salmonella (1700 s eroty pes s pp.) Vib ro c holerae Es c heric hia c oli (enteropathogenic ) Yers inia enteroc olitic a Leptos pira (s pp.) Campylob ac ter jejune Protoz oa Entamoeb a his tolytic a G iardia lamb lia Cryptos poridium Mic ros poridia Helminths As c aris lumb ric oides Anc ylos toma (s pp) Nec ator americ anus Anc ylos toma (s pp.) Strongloides s terc oralis Tric huris tric hiura Taenia (s pp.) Enterob ius vermic ularis Ec hinoc oc c us granulos us (s pp.) Virus es Enteroviruses (polio, echo, coxsackie, new enterovirus es, serotype 68 to 71) Hepatitis A and E v irus Adenov irus Rotav irus Parv ov irus Noroviruses As trov irus C alic iv irus Coronav irus
Source: Adapted from National Research Council, 1996; Sagik et. al., 1978; and Hurst et. al., 1989 Inactivation of bacteria refers to the destruction (death) of bacteria cells or the interference with reproductive ability using a chemical or energy agent. Such inactivation is usually referred to as disinfection. The most common disinfectants used in wastewater treatment are free chlorine, chloramines, ultraviolet (UV) light, and ozone. Chlorine, a powerful chemical oxidant, generally inactivates bacterial cells by causing physiological damage to cell membranes and damage to the internal cell components. Chloramines, chlorine substituted ammonia compounds, generally inactivate bacteria cells by disrupting DNA, thus causing direct cell death and/or inhibiting abil ity to reproduce. UV light also inactivates bacteria by damaging the DNA, thus inhibiting the ability to reproduce. Ozone, another powerful oxidant, can cause cell inactivation by direct damage to the cell wall and membrane, disruption of enzymatic reaction, and damage to DNA. The relative effectiveness of each chemical disin fectant is generally related to the product of disinfectant concentration and the disinfectant contact time. This prod
uct is commonly referenced as the Ct value. Tables of various Ct values required to inactivate bacteria (and other pathogens, such as viruses and protozoans) are readily available in the literature for clean (filtered) water appli cations. These Ct values are a function of temperature, pH, and the desired level of inactivation. In recognition of the many constraints associated with analyzing wastewater for all of the potential pathogens that may be present, it has been common practice to use a microbial indicator or surrogate to indicate fecal contamination of water. Some bacteria of the coliform group have long been considered the prime indicators of fecal contamination and are the most frequently ap plied indicators used by state regulatory agencies to monitor water quality. The coliform group is composed of a number of bacteria that have common metabolic attributes. The total coliform groups are all gram-negative aspogenous rods, and most are found in feces of warm-blooded animals and in soil. Fecal coliforms are, for the most part, bacteria restricted to the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals and comprise a portion of the total coliform group. Coliform organisms are used as indicators because they occur naturally in the feces of warm-blooded animals in higher concentrations than pathogens, are easily detectable, exhibit a positive cor relation with fecal contamination, and generally respond similarly to environmental conditions and treatment pro cesses as many bacterial pathogens. Where low levels of coliform organisms are used to indicate the absence of pathogenic bacteria, there is consensus among mi crobiologists that the total coliform analysis is not supe rior to the fecal coliform analysis. Specific methods have been developed to detect and enumerate Escherichia coli for use as a potential indicator organism. b. Parasitic Protozoa and Helminths
There are several helminthic parasites that occur in waste water. Examples include the roundworm Ascaris as well as other nematodes such as the hookworms and pin worm. Many of the helminths have complex life cycles, including a required stage in intermediate hosts. The in fective stage of some helminths is either the adult organ ism or larvae, while the eggs or ova of other helminths constitute the infective stage of the organisms. The eggs and larvae, which range in size from about 10 m to more than 100 m, are resistant to environmental stresses and may survive usual wastewater disinfection procedures. Helminth ova are readily removed by commonly used wastewater treatment processes such as sedimentation, filtration, or stabilization ponds. A 1992 study in St. Pe tersburg, Florida, showed helminths were completely re moved in the secondary clarifiers (Rose and Carnahan, 1992). In recent years, the protozoan parasites have emerged as a significant human health threat in regards to chlo rinated drinking water. In particular, the protozoa such as Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium pavum, and Cyclospora cayetanensis have caused numerous water borne and/or foodborne outbreaks. Microsporidia spp. have also been implicated as a waterborne pathogen (Cotte et al., 1999). Protozoan pathogens can be reduced in wastewater by the same previously described mechanisms of removal and inactivation. Cryptosporidium oocysts are 4 to 6 mm in diameter while Giardia cysts range between 8 to 16 mm in diameter. Due to the relatively large size com pared to bacteria, the protozoa can be removed by prop erly designed and operated sedimentation and filtration systems commonly employed in wastewater and water treatment. In terms of inactivation, commonly used dis infectants such as chlorine are not as effective for inac tivating the protozoa as compared to bacteria and vi ruses. Table 3-3 shows the relative microbial resistance to disinfection compared to E. coli. For the chemical disinfectants, a higher Ct value is required to show an equal level of inactivation as compared to bacteria. Ad vanced disinfection using irradiation such as UV or elec tron beam treatments have been shown to be effective for inactivating the pathogens with the necessary fluence or dose being roughly equivalent to that required by some bacteria. c. Viruses
The most common parasites in domestic untreated waste water include several genera in the microspora, proto zoa, trematode, and nematode families. Since the para sites cannot multiply in the environment, they require a host to reproduce and are excreted in the feces as spores, cysts, oocysts, or eggs, which are robust and resistant to environmental stresses such as dessication, heat, and sunlight. Most parasite spores, cysts, oocysts, and eggs are larger than bacteria and range in size from 1 m to over 60 m. While these parasites can be present in the feces of infected individuals who exhibit disease symptoms, carriers with unapparent infections can also excrete them, as may be the case with bacteria and viral infections as well. Furthermore, some protozoa such as Toxoplasma and Cryptosporidium are among the most common opportunistic infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (Slifko et al., 2000).
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites able to multi ply only within a host cell and are host-specific. Viruses occur in various shapes and range in size from 0.01 to 0.3 m in cross-section and are composed of a nucleic acid core surrounded by an outer coat of protein. Bacte
riophage are viruses that infect bacteria as the host; they have not been implicated in human infections and are often used as indicators in seeded virus studies. Coliph ages are host specific viruses that infect the coliform bacteria. Enteric viruses multiply in the intestinal tract and are released in the fecal matter of infected persons. Not all types of enteric viruses have been determined to cause waterborne disease, but over 100 different enteric vi ruses are capable of producing infections or disease. In general, viruses are more resistant to environmental stresses than many of the bacteria, although some vi ruses persist for only a short time in wastewater. The Enteroviruses, Rotavirus, and the Enteric Adenoviruses, which are known to cause respiratory illness, gastroen teritis, and eye infections, have been isolated from wastewater. Of the viruses that cause diarrheal disease, only the Noroviruss and Rotavirus have been shown to be major waterborne pathogens (Rose, 1986) capable of causing large outbreaks of disease. There is no evidence that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the pathogen that causes AIDS, can be trans mitted via a waterborne route (Riggs, 1989). The results of one laboratory study (Casson et al., 1992), where pri mary and undisinfected secondary effluent samples were inoculated with HIV (Strain IIIB) and held for up to 48 hours at 25 C (77 F), indicated that HIV survival was significantly less than Polio virus survival under similar conditions. A similar study by Casson et al. in 1997 indi cated that untreated wastewater spiked with blood cells infected with the HIV exhibited a rapid loss of HIV, al though a small fraction remained stable for 48 hours. Similar to bacteria and protozoan parasites, viruses can be both physically removed from the wastewater or inac tivated. However, due to the relatively small size of typi cal viruses, the sedimentation and filtration processes
are less effective at removal. Significant virus removal can be achieved with ultrafiltration membranes, possibly in the 3- to 4-log range. However, for viruses, inactiva tion is generally considered the more important of the 2 main reduction methods. Due to the size and relatively noncomplex nature of viruses, most disinfectants dem onstrate reasonable inactivation levels at relatively low Ct values. Interestingly, for UV light disinfection, relatively high fluence values are required to inactivate viruses when compared to bacteria and protozoans. It is believed that the protein coat of the virus shields the ribonucleic acid (RNA) from UV light. a. Presence Bacteria, viruses, and parasites can all be detected in wastewater. Studies of pathogens have reported aver age levels of 6.2, 5.8, and 5.3 log cfu/100ml of Yersinia, Shigella, and Salmonella detected in primary-clarified sewage influent over a 2-year period in a U.S. facility (Hench et al., 2003). Salmonella may be present in con centrations up to 10,000/l. The excretion of Salmonella typhi by asymptomatic carriers may vary from 5 x 103 to 45 x 106 bacteria/g of feces. But there are few studies in recent years, which have directly investigated the pres ence of bacterial pathogens and have focused more often on the indicator bacteria. Concentrations excreted by infected individuals range from 106 cysts, 107 oocysts and as high as 1012 virus particle per gram of feces for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Rotavirus, respectively (Gerba, 2000). Pathogen levels in wastewater can vary depending on infection in the community. Levels of viruses, parasites, and indicator bacteria re ported in untreated and secondary treated effluents are shown in Tables 3-4 and 3-5. These tables illustrate the tremendous range in the concentrations of microorganPresence and Survival of Pathogens
Table 3-3.
Ct Requirements for Free Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide to Achieve 99 Percent Inactivation of E. Coli Compared to Other Microorganisms
% Greater Cl2 Ct Requirement Compared to E. Coli NA 96% 196-199% >200% % Greater Chloramine Ct Requirement Compared to E. Coli NA 170% 117-135% >194%
isms that may be found in raw and secondary wastewa ter. The methods currently used to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts are limited since they cannot assess viability or potential infectivity. Therefore, the health risks associated with finding oocysts and cysts in the environment cannot be accurately ascertained from occurrence data and the risks remain unknown. Dowd et al. (1998) described a polymerase chain reac tion (PCR) method to detect and identify the microsporidia (amplifying the small subunit ribosomal DNA of microsporidia). They found isolates in sewage, surface waters, and ground waters. The strain that was most of ten detected was Enterocytozoon bieneusi, which is a cause of diarrhea and excreted from infected individuals into wastewater. Microsporidia spores have been shown to be stable in the environment and remain infective for days to weeks outside their hosts (Shadduck, 1989; Waller, 1980; Shadduck and Polley, 1978). Because of their small size (1 to 5 m), they may be difficult to re move using conventional filtration techniques. However, initial studies using cell culture suggest that the spores may be more susceptible to disinfection (Wolk et al., 2000). Under experimental conditions, absorption of viruses and E. coli through plant roots, and subsequent acropetal translocation has been reported (Murphy and Syverton, 1958). For example, one study inoculated soil with Polio virus, and found that the viruses were detected in the leaves of plants only when the plant roots were damaged or cut. The likelihood of translocation of pathogens through trees or vines to the edible portions of crops is extremely low, and the health risks are negligible.
Table 3-5.
Organism Fecal Coliforms Enterococci Enteric virus Giardia cysts Cryptosporidium oocysts
Source: NRC, 1998 b. Survival Most pathogens do not increase in numbers outside of their host, although in some instances the ova of helm inths do not mature to the larval stage until they are in the soil. In all cases, the numbers decrease at various rates, depending on a number of factors including the inherent biologic nature of the agent, temperature, pH, sunlight, relative humidity, and competing flora and fauna. Examples of relative survival times for some pathogens are given in Table 3-6. These values are intended to indicate relative survival rates only, and illustrate the various persistence of selected organisms. Pathogens and Indicator Organisms in Reclaimed Water
Table 3-4.
Organism Fecal Coliforms/100L Enterococi/100L Shigella /100mL Salm onella /100mL Helminth ova/100mL Enteric virus/100L Giardia cysts/100L Cryptosporidium oocysts/100L
There have been a number of studies regarding the pres ence of pathogens and indicator organisms in reclaimed water and such studies continue as experience in this field expands. Koivunen et al. (2003) compared the re duction of fecal coliforms to the reduction of Salmonella by conventional biological treatment, filtration, and disin fection. Fecal coliform bacteria were present at 1000 fold greater concentration, and the Salmonella bacteria were reduced to non-detectable levels by advanced treat ment (greater than 99.9 percent). Fecal coliform bacteria were a good, conservative indicator of such reductions. However, given the numbers of Salmonellae in second ary effluents and the fact that 18 carried multiple antibi otic resistance, the authors concluded that without proper additional advanced treatment, there may be a signifi cant public health risk. A year-long study investigated a conventional reuse treat ment facility in St. Petersburg, Florida (Rose et al., 1996). In this facility, deep-bed sand filtration and disinfection, with total chlorine residual (4 to 5 mg/L) were the barriers assessed through both monitoring of naturally occurring bacteria, protozoa, and viruses, as well as through seeded challenge studies. Removals were 5 log for human vi
Table 3-6.
Pathogen Viruses
Crops <60 but usually <15 <30 but usually <15 <30 but usually <15 <10 but usually <5 <5 but usually <2
Soil <100 but usually <20 <70 but usually <20 <70 but usually <20
<60 but usually <30 <60 but usually <30 <30 but usually <10 <30 but usually <10
Salmonella spp.
Many months
Many months
a b c d
In seawater, viral survival is less and bacterial survival is very much less, than in fresh water. Includes polio-, echo-, and coxsackieviruses Fecal coliform is not a pathogen but is often used as an indicator organism V. cholerae survival in aqueous environments is a subject of current uncertainty.
Source: Adapted from Feacham et. al., 1983 ruses and coliphage indicators, with anywhere from 1.5 to 3 log reductions by disinfection. A 3 log reduction for protozoa was achieved and greater than 1 log reduction was achieved for bacteria and indicators. Protozoan vi ability was not evaluated. In this study, Enterococci and Clostridium were not included as alternative indicators. Only the phage was used as a virus indicator. Seeded trials using bacteriophage demonstrated a 1.5 and 1.6 log reduction by filtration and disinfection, respectively. A second study was done at the Upper Occoquan Sew age Authority (UOSA) in Fairfax County, Virginia. Samples were collected once per month for 1 year from 8 sites from the advanced wastewater reclamation plant (Rose et al., 2000). The 8 sites were monitored for indi cator bacteria, total and fecal coliforms, enterococci, Clostridium, coliphage (viruses which infect E.coli), hu man enteric viruses, and enteric protozoa. Multimedia filtration reduced the bacteria by approximately 90 per cent, but did not effectively reduce the coliphage or en teroviruses. The enteric protozoa were reduced by 85 to 95.7 percent. Chemical lime treatment was the most efficient barrier to the passage of microorganisms (reducing these microorganisms by approximately 99.99 percent for bacteria, 99.9 percent for Clostridium and enterovi ruses, and 99 percent for protozoa). Disinfection was achieved through chlorination (free chlorine residuals of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/l), and effectively achieved another 90 to 99 percent reduction. Overall, the plant was able to achieve a 5 to 7 log reduction of bacteria, 5 log reduction of enteroviruses, 4 log reduction of Clostridium, and 3.5 log reduction of protozoa. Total coliforms, enterococci, Clostridium, coliphage, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia were detected in 4 or fewer samples of the final effluent. No enteroviruses or fecal coliforms were detected. Proto zoa appeared to remain the most resistant microorgan isms found in wastewater. However, as with the St. Pe tersburg study, protozoan viability in these studies was not addressed. Table 3-7 provides a summary of influent and effluent microbiological quality for the St. Petersburg and Upper Occaquan studies for enterovirus, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia. Enteroviruses were found 100 percent of the time in untreated wastewater. The enteric protozoa, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia were found from 67 to 100 percent of the time in untreated wastewater. Giardia cysts were found to be more prevalent, and at higher concentrations than oocysts in wastewater, perhaps due to the increased incidence of infection in populations compared to cryptosporidiosis and higher asymptom atic infections. Levels of oocysts in sewage are similar throughout the world (Smith and Rose, 1998). However, crops irrigated with wastewater of a poorer quality in
Table 3-7
St. Petersburg, FL
Source: Walker-Coleman et. al., 2002; Rose and Carnahan, 1992; Sheikh and Cooper, 1998; Rose et. al., 2001; Rose and Quintero-Betancourt, 2002; and York et. al., 2002 Israel contained more oocysts than cysts (Armon et al., 2002). The results of these studies indicate that the treatment processes employed are capable of significantly reduc ing or eliminating these pathogens. The State of Florida recognizes that Giardia and Cryptosporidium are pathogens of increasing importance to water reclamation and now requires monitoring for these pathogens (Florida DEP, 1999). Results of this monitor ing are presented in Table 3-8. The Florida facilities high lighted in this table generally feature secondary treat ment, filtration, and high-level disinfection. Table 3-9 in cludes the associated data from these facilities for TSS, turbidity, and total chlorine residual. Visual inspection studies in Florida and elsewhere rou tinely found Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts in reclaimed water that received filtration and high-level disinfection and was deemed suitable for public access uses. A number of more detailed studies which considered the viability and infectivity of the cysts and oocysts suggested that Giardia was likely inactivated by chlorine but 15 to 40 percent of detected Cryptosporidium oocysts may survive (Keller, 2002; Sheikh, 1999; Garcia, 2002; Genacarro, 2003; Quintero, 2003). Other studies evaluating UV and the electron beam as alternatives to chlorine disinfection found that both parasites were eas ily inactivated (Mofidi 2002 and Slifko 2001). Both Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts required less than 10mJ/cm2 for complete inactivation by UV (Mofidi 2002 and Slifko 2001). In December 2003, the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) initiated a series of workshops on indicators for pathogens in wastewater, stormwater, and biosolids. The first workshop considered the state of science for indicator organisms. Potential indicators for further study were identified in an attempt to improve upon current indicator organism use and requirements. The results of this effort are summarized in Table 3-10. Sub sequent phases of this effort will evaluate the usefulness of the selected list of indicators and compare them with current indicators. Detailed studies will then be conducted using the most promising indicators in field studies at various sites in the U.S. Aerosols
Aerosols are defined as particles less than 50 m in di ameter that are suspended in air. Viruses and most pathogenic bacteria are in the respirable size range; hence, the inhalation of aerosols is a possible direct mean of human infection. Aerosols are most often a concern where reclaimed water is applied to urban or agricultural sites with sprinkler irrigation systems, or where it is used for cooling water make-up. The concentration of pathogens in aerosols is a function of their concentration in the applied water and the aero solization efficiency of the spray process. During spray irrigation, the amount of water that is aerosolized can vary from less than 0.1 percent to almost 2 percent, with a mean aerosolization efficiency of 1 percent or less. Infection or disease may be contracted indirectly by de posited aerosols on surfaces such as food, vegetation, and clothes. The infective dose of some pathogens is lower for respiratory tract infections than for infections via the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, for some patho gens, inhalation may be a more likely route for disease transmission than either contact or ingestion. The infectivity of an inhaled aerosol depends on the depth of the respiratory penetration and the presence of patho genic organisms capable of infecting the respiratory sys
Table 3-8.
Notes: (a) All numeric data are total numbers of cysts or oocysts per 100 L. (b) ND indicates a value less than detection. Source: Walker-Coleman, et. al., 2002.
Table 3-9.
tem. Aerosols in the 2 to 5 m size range are generally excluded from the respiratory tract, with some that are subsequently swallowed. Thus, if gastrointestinal patho gens are present, infection could result. A considerably greater potential for infection occurs when respiratory pathogens are inhaled in aerosols smaller than 2 m in size, which pass directly to the alveoli of the lungs (Sorber and Guter, 1975). One of the most comprehensive aerosol studies, the Lub bock Infection Surveillance Study (Camann et al., 1986), monitored viral and bacterial infections in a mostly rural community surrounding a spray injection site near Wil son, Texas. The source of the irrigation water was undisinfected trickling filter effluent from the Lubbock Southeast water reclamation plant. Spray irrigation of the wastewater significantly elevated air densities of fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, mycobacteria, and coliphage above the ambient background levels for at least 650 feet (200 meters) downwind. The geometric
mean concentration of enteroviruses recovered 150 to 200 feet (44 to 60 meters) downwind was 0.05 pfu/m3, a level higher than that observed at other wastewater aero sol sites in the U.S. and in Israel (Camann et al., 1988). While disease surveillance found no obvious connection between the self-reporting of acute illness and the de gree of aerosol exposure, serological testing of blood samples indicated that the rate of viral infections was slightly higher among members of the study population who had a high degree of aerosol exposure (Camann et al., 1986). For intermittent spraying of disinfected reclaimed water, occasional inadvertent contact should pose little health hazard from inhalation. Cooling towers issue aerosols continuously, and may present a greater concern if the water is not properly disinfected. Although a great deal of effort has been expended to quantify the numbers of fecal coliforms and enteric pathogens in cooling tower waters, there is no evidence that they occur in large num
Table 3-10
bers, although the numbers of other bacteria may be quite large (Adams and Lewis, n.d.). No documented disease outbreaks have resulted from the spray irrigation of disinfected, reclaimed water. Stud ies indicate that the health risk associated with aero sols from spray irrigation sites using reclaimed water is low (U.S. EPA, 1980b). However, until more sensitive and definitive studies are conducted to fully evaluate the ability of pathogens contained in aerosols to cause dis ease, the general practice is to limit exposure to aero sols produced from reclaimed water that is not highly disinfected. Exposure is limited through design or op erational controls. Design features include:
Setback distances, which are sometimes called buffer
would not be in areas subject to aerosols or spray All these steps would be considered part of a best man agement plan for irrigation systems regardless of the source of water used. Most states with reuse regulations or guidelines include setback distances from spray areas to property lines, buildings, and public access areas. Although predictive models have been developed to estimate microorgan ism concentrations in aerosols or larger water droplets resulting from spray irrigation, setback distances are determined by regulatory agencies in a somewhat arbi trary manner, using levels of disinfection, experience, and engineering judgment as the basis. Infectious Disease Incidence Related to Wastewater Reuse
Windbreaks, such as trees or walls around irrigated areas with large orifices to reduce the formation of fine mist
Low-profile sprinklers
Epidemiological investigations have focused on wastewater-contaminated drinking water supplies, the use of raw or minimally-treated wastewater for food crop irri gation, health effects to farm workers who routinely con tact poorly treated wastewater used for irrigation, and the health effects of aerosols or windblown spray ema nating from spray irrigation sites using undisinfected wastewater. These investigations have all provided evi dence of infectious disease transmission from such prac
tices (Lund, 1980; Feachem et al., 1983; Shuval et al., 1986). Review of the scientific literature, excluding the use of raw sewage or primary effluent on sewage farms in the late 19th century, does not indicate that there have been no confirmed cases of infectious disease resulting from reclaimed water use in the U.S. where such use has been in compliance with all appropriate regulatory con trols. However, in developing countries, the irrigation of market crops with poorly treated wastewater is a major source of enteric disease (Shuval et al., 1986). Occurrences of low level or endemic waterborne diseases associated with exposure to reclaimed water have been difficult to ascertain for several reasons:
Current detection methods have not been sufficiently
framework does not explicitly acknowledge the differences between health effects due to chemical exposure versus those due to microbial exposure. Those differences in clude acute versus chronic health effects, potential for person-to-person transmission of disease, and the po tential need to account for the epidemiological status of the population (Olivieri, 2002). Microbial risk analyses require several assumptions to be made. These assumptions include a minimum infec tive dose of selected pathogens, concentration of patho gens present, quantity of pathogens ingested, inhaled, or otherwise contacted by humans, and probability of infection based on infectivity models. The use of micro bial risk assessment models have been used extensively by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to evalu ate food safety for pathogens such as Listeria Monocytogenes in ready to eat foods (USDA, n.d.). The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agricul ture Organization (FAO) also provide risk assessment methodologies for use in evaluating food safety (Codex Alimentarius). In order to assess health risks associated with the use of reclaimed water, pathogen risk assessment models to assess health risks associated with the use of reclaimed water have been used as a tool in assessing relative health risks from microorganisms in drinking water (Cooper et al., 1986; Gerba and Haas, 1988; Olivieri et al., 1986; Regli et al., 1991; Rose et al., 1991; Gale, 2002) and reclaimed water (Asano and Sakaji, 1990; EOA, Inc., 1995; Rose and Gerba, 1991; Tanaka et al., 1998; Patterson et al., 2001). Most of the models calculated the probability of individual infection or disease as a re sult of a single exposure. One of the more sophisticated models calculates a distribution of risk over the popula tion by utilizing epidemiological data such as incubation period, immune status, duration of disease, rate of symp tomatic development, and exposure data such as pro cesses affecting pathogen concentration (EOA, Inc., 1995). At the present time, no wastewater disinfection or re claimed water standards or guidelines in the U.S. are based on risk assessment using microorganism infec tivity models. Florida is investigating such an approach and has suggested levels of viruses between 0.04 to 14/ 100 l, depending on the virus (ranging from Rotavirus infectivity to a less infectious virus), viable oocysts at 22/ 100 l, and viable cysts at 5/100 l (York and WalkerColeman, 1999). Microbial risk assessment methodol ogy is a useful tool in assessing relative health risks associated with water reuse. Risk assessment will un doubtedly play a role in future criteria development as epidemiological-based models are improved and refined.
sensitive or specific enough to accurately detect low concentrations of pathogens, such as viruses and protozoa, even in large volumes of water.
Many infections are often not apparent, or go unre ported, thus making it difficult to establish the ende micity of such infections. The apparently mild nature of many infections pre clude reporting by the patient or the physician. sensitive to detect low-level transmission of these diseases through water.
Illness due to enteroviral or parasite infections may not become obvious for several months or years. contact can become a secondary mode of transmis sion of many pathogens, thereby obscuring the role of water in its transmission.
Because of the insensitivity of epidemiological studies to provide a direct empirical assessment of microbial health risk due to low-level exposure to pathogens, methodolo gies have increasingly relied on indirect measures of risk by using analytical models for estimation of the intensity of human exposure and the probability of human response from the exposure. Microbial risk assessment involves evaluating the likelihood that an adverse health effect may occur from human exposure to one or more potential pathogens. Most microbial risk assessments in the past have used a framework originally developed for chemi cals that is defined by 4 major steps: (1) hazard identifi cation, (2) dose-response identification, (3) exposure assessment, and (4) risk characterization. However, this
Chemical Constituents
The chemical constituents potentially present in munici pal wastewater are a major concern when reclaimed water is used for potable reuse. These constituents may also affect the acceptability of reclaimed water for other uses, such as food crop irrigation or aquaculture. Po tential mechanisms of food crop contamination include:
The organic make-up of raw wastewater includes natu rally occurring humic substances, fecal matter, kitchen wastes, liquid detergents, oils, grease, and other sub stances that, in one way or another, become part of the sewage stream. Industrial and residential wastes may contribute significant quantities of synthetic organic com pounds. The need to remove organic constituents is related to the end use of reclaimed water. Some of the adverse effects associated with organic substances include:
Aesthetic effects organics may be malodorous and
Physical contamination, where evaporation and re peated applications may result in a buildup of con taminants on crops Uptake through the roots from the applied water or the soil, although available data indicate that poten tially toxic organic pollutants do not enter edible por tions of plants that are irrigated with treated munici pal wastewater (National Research Council, 1996)
With the exception of the possible inhalation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from indoor exposure, chemi cal concerns are less important where reclaimed water is not to be consumed. Chemical constituents are a con sideration when reclaimed water percolates into ground water as a result of irrigation, groundwater recharge, or other uses. These practices are covered in Chapter 2. Some of the inorganic and organic constituents in re claimed water are listed in Table 3-11. a. Inorganics
Proliferation of microorganisms organics provide food for microorganisms substances deplete the dissolved oxygen content in streams and lakes. This negatively impacts the aquatic life that depends on the oxygen supply for survival
In general, the health hazards associated with the inges tion of inorganic constituents, either directly or through food, are well established (U.S. EPA, 1976). EPA has set maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for drinking water. The concentrations of inorganic constituents in reclaimed water depend mainly on the source of waste water and the degree of treatment. Residential use of water typically adds about 300 mg/l of dissolved inor ganic solids, although the amount added can range from approximately 150 mg/l to more than 500 mg/l (Metcalf & Eddy, 2002). As indicated in Table 3-11 the presence of total dissolved solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, and other inorganic constituents may affect the acceptability of reclaimed water for different reuse appli cations. Wastewater treatment using existing technol ogy can generally reduce many trace elements to below recommended maximum levels for irrigation and drinking water. Uses in wetlands and recreational surface waters must also consider aquatic life protection and wetland habitat.
Disinfection effects organic matter can interfere with chlorine, ozone, and ultraviolet disinfection, thereby making them less available for disinfection purposes. Further, chlorination may result in forma tion of potentially harmful disinfection byproducts organic compounds may result in acute or chronic health effects.
The wide range of anthropogenic organic contaminants in streams influenced by urbanization (including waste water contamination) includes pharmaceuticals, hor mones, antioxidants, plasticizers, solvents, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), detergents, pesticides, and their metabolites (Kolpin et al., 2002). The stability and persistence of these compounds are extremely vari able in the stream/sediment environment. A recent com prehensive study of the persistence of anthropogenic and natural organic molecules during groundwater recharge suggests that carbamezepine may survive long enough to serve as a useful tracer compound of wastewater ori gin (Clara et al., 2004).
Table 3-11.
Biodegradable Organics
Stable Organics
Some of these organics tend to resist conventional methods of wastewater treatment. Some organic compounds are toxic in the environment, and their presence may limit the suitability of reclaimed water for irrigation or other uses. Chlorine reacts with man
The pH of wastewater affects disinfection, coagulation, metal solubility, as well as alkalinity of soils. Normal range in municipal wastewater is pH = 6.5 - 8.5, but industrial waste can alter pH significantly. Some heavy metals accumulate in the environment and are toxic to plants and animals. Their presence may limit the suitability of the reclaimed water for irrigation or other uses. Excessive salinity may damage some crops. Specific inorganics electrical conductivity ions such as chloride, sodium, and boron are toxic to specific elements (e.g., in some crops, sodium may pose soil permeability Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, and B problems). Excessive amounts of free available chlorine (>0.05 Chlorine chlorine mg/l) may cause leaf-tip burn and damage some sensitive crops. However, most chlorine in reclaimed water is in a combined form, which does not cause crop damage. Some concerns are expre
Heavy Metals
Dissolved Inorganics
Total dissolved solids, electrical Conductivity, specific elements (e.g., Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, and B)
Residual Chlorine
The health effects resulting from organic constituents are of primary concern for indirect or direct potable re use. In addition, these constituents may be of concern where reclaimed water is utilized for food crop irriga tion, where reclaimed water from irrigation or other ben eficial uses reaches potable groundwater supplies, or where the organics may bioaccumulate in the food chain (e.g., in fish-rearing ponds). Traditional measures of organic matter such as BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total organic car bon (TOC), are widely used as indicators of treatment efficiency and water quality for many nonpotable uses of reclaimed water. However, these measures have only indirect relevance related to evaluating toxicity and health effects. Sophisticated analytical instrumentation makes it possible to identify and quantify extremely low levels of organic constituents in water. Examples include gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (GC/MS/ MS) or high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS). These analyses are costly and may require extensive and difficult sample preparation, particularly for nonvolatile organics. Organic compounds in wastewater can be transformed into chlorinated organic species where chlorine is used for disinfection purposes. In the past, most attention was focused on the trihalomethane (THM) compounds; a fam ily of organic compounds typically occurring as chlorine or bromine-substituted forms of methane. Chloroform, a commonly found THM compound, has been implicated in the development of cancer of the liver and kidney. Improved analytical capabilities to detect extremely low levels of chemical constituents in water have resulted in identification of several health-significant chemicals and disinfection byproducts in recent years. For example, the extremely potent carcinogen, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is present in sewage and is produced when mu nicipal wastewater effluent is disinfected with chlorine or chloramines (Mitch et al, 2003). In some situations, the concentration of NDMA present in reclaimed water ex ceeds action levels set for the protection of human health, even after reverse osmosis treatment. To address con cerns associated with NDMA and other trace organics in reclaimed water, several utilities in California have in stalled UV/H2O2 treatment systems for treatment of re verse osmosis permeate. Quality standards have been established for many inor ganic constituents. Treatment and analytical technology has demonstrated the capability to identify, quantify, and control these substances. Similarly, available technol ogy is capable of eliminating pathogenic agents from contaminated waters. On the basis of available informa tion, there is no indication that health risks from using
highly treated reclaimed water for potable purposes are greater than those from using existing water supplies (National Research Council, 1994). Yet, unanswered ques tions remain about organic constituents, due mainly to their potentially large numbers and unresolved health risk potentials related to long-term, low-level exposure. As sessment of health risks associated with potable reuse is not definitive due to limited chemical and toxicological data and inherent limitations in available epidemiological and toxicological methods. The results of epidemiologi cal studies directed at drinking water have generally been inconclusive, and extrapolation methodologies used in toxicological assessments provide uncertainties in over all risk characterization (National Research Council, 1998). Endocrine Disrupters
In addition to the potential adverse effects of chemicals described in Section, certain chemical constitu ents present in wastewater also can disrupt hormonal systems. This phenomenon, which is referred to as en docrine disruption, can occur through a variety of mecha nisms associated with hormone synthesis, hormone receptor binding, and hormone transformation. As a re sult of the many mechanisms through which chemicals can impact hormone function, a large number of chemi cals are classified as endocrine disrupters. However, the exact types of chemicals that are classified as en docrine disrupters vary among researchers. Table 3-12 highlights a number of example sources of potential endocrine disrupters. For example, the oxyanion, perchlorate, is an endocrine disrupter because it affects the thyroid system (U.S. EPA, 2002). The herbicide, atrazine, is an endocrine disrupter because it affects an enzyme responsible for hormone regulation (Hayes et al. 2002). A USGS project recently sampled 139 streams in 30 states for any 1 of 95 endo crine disrupters. The results indicated that 80 percent of the streams had at least 1 of these compounds (McGovern and McDonald, 2003). The topic of endocrine disruption has significant implications for a wide variety of chemi cals used by industry, agriculture, and consumers. As a result, the EPA, the European Union (EU), and other gov ernment organizations are currently evaluating ap proaches for regulating endocrine-disrupting chemicals. With respect to water reuse, the greatest concerns as sociated with endocrine disruption are related to a series of field and laboratory studies demonstrating that chemi cals in wastewater effluent caused male fish to exhibit female characteristics (Purdom et al., 1994; Harries et al., 1996; Harries et al., 1997). This process, which is referred to as feminization, has been attributed mostly to the presence of steroid hormones excreted by humans
(Desbrow et al., 1998 and Snyder et al., 2001). The hor mones involved in fish feminization include the endog enous (i.e., produced within the body) hormone 17b-estradiol as well as hormones present in pharmaceuticals (e.g., ethinyl estradiol in birth control pills). Other chemi cals capable of feminizing fish are also present in waste water. These include nonylphenol and alkylphenol polyethoxylates, both of which are metabolites of non ionic detergents formed during secondary wastewater treatment (Ahel et al., 1994). The specific endocrine-disrupting chemicals in reclaimed water can be quantified using modern analytical meth ods. As indicated previously, the compounds most likely to be responsible for feminization of fish include steroid hormones (e.g., 17b-estradiol and ethinyl estradiol) and detergents metabolites (e.g., nonylphenol and alkylphenol polyethoxylates). Although these compounds cannot be quantified at the levels expected in reclaimed water with the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques routinely used to quantify priority pollutants, they can be measured with equipment available in many modern laboratories. For the hormones, analytical meth ods such as gas chromatography/tandem mass spec
trometry (GC/MS/MS) (Ternes et al., 1999, Huang and Sedlak, 2001), high performance liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) (Ferguson et al., 2001), or immunoassays (Huang and Sedlak, 2001 and Snyder et al., 2001) are needed to detect the low concentrations present in wastewater effluent (e.g., ethinyl estradiol concentrations are typically less than 2 g/l in wastewa ter effluent). Although the endocrine-disrupting detergent metabolites are present at much higher concentrations than the hormones, their analysis also requires special ized analytical methods (Ahel et al., 1994) not available from many commercial laboratories. Bioassays can also be used to quantify the potential of reclaimed water to cause endocrine disruption. These methods are attractive because they have the potential to detect all of the difficult-to-measure endocrine-disrupting chemicals in 1 assay. The simplest bioassays in volve in vitro tests, in which a hormone receptor from a mammalian cell is used to detect endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Among the different in vitro assays, the Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) assay has been employed most frequently (Desbrow et al., 1998). Comparisons between in vitro bioassays and chemical measurements yield
Table 3-12.
Examples of the Types and Sources of Substances that have been Reported as Potential Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
Examples of Substances Examples of Uses Examples of Sources incineration and landfill runoff agricultural runoff agricultural runoff harbors industrial and municipal effluents industrial effluent municipal effluents municipal effluents pulp mill effluents
polychlorinated dioxins and industrial production of polychlorinated biphenyls byproducts (mostly banned) insecticides (many phased out) pesticides antifoulants on ships surfactants (and their metabolites) plasticisers produced naturally by animals contraceptives present in plant material
Organochlorine Pesticides DDT, dieldrin, and lindane Current Use Pesticides Organotins Alkylphenolics Phthalates Sex Hormones Synthetic Steroids Phytoestrogens atrazine, trifluralin, and permethrin tributyltin nonylphenol and octylphenol dibutyl phthalate and butylbenzyl phthalate 17-beta estradiol and estrone ethinylestradiol isoflavones, lignans, coumestans
Source: Adapted from McGovern and McDonald, 2003 and Berkett and Lester, 2003
consistent results, indicating that steroid hormones are the most significant endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater effluent. Unfortunately, in vitro bioassays do not always detect compounds that disrupt hormone sys tems through mechanisms other than binding to hormone receptors. As a result, in vivo bioassays, usually per formed with fish, may provide more accurate results. A clear dose-related response to various endocrine-disrupting compounds has been established in fish; however, little is known about species differences in sensitivity to exposure. Individual responses to exposure may also vary widely (Routledge et al., 1998). Because many labo ratories are unable to perform in vivo bioassays under the necessary conditions (e.g., flow-through tests with rainbow trout), in vivo bioassays are not always practi cal. Available data suggest that nitrification/denitrification and filtration can reduce the concentrations of hor mones and detergent metabolites while reverse osmosis lowers concentrations to levels that are unlikely to cause endocrine disruption (Huang and Sedlak, 2001 and Fujita et al., 1996). The current focus of research on disruption of the estro gen system may be attributable to the relative ease of detecting this form of endocrine disruption. As additional research is performed, other chemicals in wastewater effluent may be found to disrupt hormonal systems through mechanisms yet to be documented. For example, although results from in vitro bioassays suggest that the steroid hormones are most likely responsible for femini zation of fish, it is possible that other endocrine disrupt ers contribute to the effect through mechanisms that can not be detected by the bioassays. The ecological implications associated with the femini zation of fish are unknown. The potential of reclaimed water to cause endocrine disruption in humans is also unknown. It is anticipated that problems associated with endocrine disruption could occur, given prolonged con sumption of substantial volumes of polluted water. The compounds in wastewater effluent that are believed to be responsible for feminization of fish may not pose a serious risk for humans because of differences between human and fish physiology. For example, the hormone 17b-estradiol is not used in the oral form in clinical ap plications because it would be metabolized before it could reach its target. Nevertheless, the evidence of endocrine disruption in wildlife and the absence of data about the effects of low-level exposure to endocrine dis rupting compounds in humans has led to new scrutiny regarding endocrine-disrupting chemicals in reclaimed water.
Treatment Requirements
Untreated municipal wastewater may include contribu tions from domestic and industrial sources, infiltration and inflow from the collection system, and, in the case of combined sewer systems, urban stormwater runoff. The quantity and quality of wastewater derived from each source will vary among communities, depending on the number and type of commercial and industrial estab lishments in the area and the condition of the sewer sys tem. Levels of wastewater treatment are generally classified as preliminary, primary, secondary, and advanced. Ad vanced wastewater treatment, sometimes referred to as tertiary treatment, is generally defined as anything be yond secondary treatment. A generalized flow sheet for municipal wastewater treatment is shown in Figure 310. In the last decade, significant advances were made in wastewater treatment equipment, design, and technol ogy. For example, biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes have become more refined. Membranes are capable of producing higher quality effluent at higher flux rates and lower pressures than was possible before. Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have shown to be effec tive in producing a high quality effluent, while greatly re ducing a treatment plants footprint. Microfiltration, used in some locations to replace conventional media filtra tion, has the advantage of effectively removing all para site cysts (e.g., Giardia and Cryptosporidium). Advances in UV radiation technology have resulted in a cost com petitive disinfection process capable of reducing the con centration of most pathogens to extremely low levels. Wastewater treatment from raw to secondary is well un derstood and covered in great detail in other publications such as the Manual of Practice (MOP) 8, Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, 4th Edition, (WEF, 1998). In this edition of the Guidelines for Water Reuse the discussion about treatment processes will be limited to those with a particular application to water reuse and reclamation. Such processes generally consist of disin fection and treatment beyond secondary treatment, al though some limited access reuse programs may use secondary effluent without concern. It should be pointed out that treatment for particular pollutants at the water reclamation facility is not always the best answer. Source controls should also be investigated. In Orange County, California, 1,4-dioxane (listed as a probable human car cinogen based on animal studies) was found in 9 produc tion wells at levels greater than the California action lev els. This problem was solved by working with a treat ment plant customer who voluntarily ceased discharge
of 1,4-dioxane to the sewer system (Woodside and Wehner, 2002). Disinfection
The most important process for the destruction of micro organisms is disinfection. In the U.S., the most common disinfectant for both water and wastewater is chlorine. Ozone and UV light are other prominent disinfectants used at wastewater treatment plants. Factors that should be considered when evaluating disinfection alternatives include disinfection effectiveness and reliability, capital costs, operating and maintenance costs, practicality (e.g., ease of transport and storage or onsite generation, ease of application and control, flexibility, complexity, and safety), and potential adverse effects. Examples of adverse effects include toxicity to aquatic life or forma tion of toxic or carcinogenic substances. The predomi Figure 3-10.
nant advantages and disadvantages of disinfection al ternatives are well known and have been summarized by the EPA in their Wastewater Technology Fact Sheets on Ultraviolet Disinfection (September 1999), Ozone Disin fection (September 1999), and Chlorine Disinfection (Sep tember 1999), Design Manual entitled, Municipal Waste water Disinfection and Water Environment Federation (WEF) Manual of Practice FD-10 (1996). The efficiency of chlorine disinfection depends on the water temperature, pH, degree of mixing, time of con tact, presence of interfering substances, concentration and form of chlorinating species, and the nature and con centration of the organisms to be destroyed. In general, bacteria are less resistant to chlorine than viruses, which in turn, are less resistant than parasite ova and cysts.
Nitrogen Removal Screening Comminution Grit removal Sedimentation Selective Ion Exchange Overland Flow Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR)
Suspended Solids Removal Chemical Coagulation Filtration Low-Pressure MembranesUltrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF) Nanofiltration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes Advanced Oxidation Processes
Sludge Processing
Secondary Sedimentation
The chlorine dosage required to disinfect wastewater to any desired level is greatly influenced by the constitu ents present in the wastewater. Some of the interfering substances are:
Organic constituents, which consume the disinfec tant Particulate matter, which protects microorganisms from the action of the disinfectant Ammonia, which reacts with chlorine to form chloram ines, a much less effective disinfectant species than free chlorine
by the cellular nucleic acids. This can prevent replica tion by eliminating the organisms ability to cause infec tion. UV radiation is frequently used for wastewater treat ment plants that discharge to surface waters to avoid the need for dechlorination prior to release of the efflu ent. UV is receiving increasing attention as a means of disinfecting reclaimed water for the following reasons: (1) UV may be less expensive than disinfecting with chlorine, (2) UV is safer to use than chlorine gas, (3) UV does not result in the formation of chlorinated hydrocar bons, and (4) UV is effective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia, while chlorine is not. The effectiveness of UV radiation as a disinfectant (where fecal coliform limits are on the order of 200/100 ml) has been well established, and is used at small- to mediumsized wastewater treatment plants throughout the U.S. Today, UV radiation to achieve high-level disinfection for reuse operations is acceptable in some states. In recog nition of the possible harmful effects of chlorine, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) encourages the use of alternative disinfection methods (FDEP, 1996). The WERF published a final report en titled, Disinfection Comparison of UV Irradiation to Chlo rination: Guidance for Achieving Optimal UV Perfor mance. This report provides a broad-based discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of chlorine and UV, using an empirical model to determine the UV dose re quired for various levels of coliform inactivation. The re port also includes cost information and a comparison of chlorination/dechlorination and UV systems (WERF, 1995). Studies in San Francisco, California, indicated that suspended solids play a major role in UV efficiency. This included the finding that, as the concentration of par ticles 7 mm and larger increase, the ability to achieve acceptable disinfection with UV decreases. Thus, filtra tion must be optimized to manage this problem (Jolis et al., 1996). The goal of UV disinfection in reuse applications typi cally is to inactivate 99.999 percent or more of the tar get pathogens (Swift et al., 2002). The 2000 National Water Research Institute (NWRI) guidelines provide detailed guidance for the design of UV systems that will achieve high-level disinfection to meet some state stan dards for public access reuse. The 2000 NWRI guide lines also include a well-defined testing protocol and vali dation test as a means to provide reasonable assurance that the domestic wastewater treatment facility can meet the high-level disinfection criteria (NWRI and AWWA, 2000). The Bethune Point WWTP in Daytona Beach, Florida, is the largest UV disinfection system in the state of Florida designed for reuse operations. This facility is also the
In practice, the amount of chlorine added is determined empirically, based on desired residual and effluent qual ity. Chlorine, which in low concentrations is toxic to many aquatic organisms, is easily controlled in reclaimed wa ter by dechlorination, typically with sulfur dioxide. Chlorine is a regulated substance with a threshold quan tity of 2,500 pounds (1130 kg). If a chlorine system con tains a larger quantity of chlorine than the threshold quantity, a Risk Management Plan (RMP) must be com pleted. Two main factors of the RMP that prompt many municipalities to switch to alternative disinfection sys tems are: (1) the RMP is not a one-time requirement, it has to be updated every 5 years; and (2) concern over public reaction to the RMP, which requires that a kill zone be geographically defined around the treatment facility. This kill zone may include residential areas near the treatment plant. Thus, RMP requirements and de creasing chemical costs for commercial grade sodium hypochlorite have resulted in many municipalities switch ing from chlorine gas to commercial grade sodium hy pochlorite to provide disinfection of their wastewater. Ozone (O3), is a powerful disinfecting agent and chemi cal oxidant in both inorganic and organic reactions. Due to the instability of ozone, it must be generated onsite from air or oxygen carrier gas. Ozone destroys bacteria and viruses by means of rapid oxidation of the protein mass, and disinfection is achieved in a matter of min utes. Ozone is a highly effective disinfectant for advanced wastewater treatment plant effluent, removing color, and contributing dissolved oxygen. Some disadvantages to using ozone for disinfection are: (1) the use of ozone is relatively expensive and energy intensive, (2) ozone sys tems are more complex to operate and maintain than chlorine systems, and (3) ozone does not maintain a re sidual in water. UV is a physical disinfecting agent. Radiation at a wave length of 254 mm penetrates the cell wall and is absorbed
first public access reuse facility in Florida with UV disin fection to be permitted for unrestricted public access (Elefritz, 2002). Placed into service in December 1999, the Bethune Point WWTP UV disinfection system is a medium pressure/high intensity system designed for a dose of 80mW-s/cm2 (800 J/m2) to achieve the high-level disinfection standard. The City of Henderson, Nevada water reclamation facility conducted collimated beam studies of a low pressure/high intensity UV disinfection system. The studies demonstrated that the disinfection goal of 20 fecal coliforms per 100 ml was achievable with a minimum UV dose of 200 J/m2 (Smith and Brown, 2002). Other disinfectants, such as onsite chlorine generation, gamma radiation, bromine, iodine, and hydrogen perox ide, have been considered for the disinfection of waste water. These disinfectants are not generally used be cause of economical, technical, operational, or disinfec tion efficiency considerations. Advanced Wastewater Treatment
of removing the constituents of concern are shown in Figure 3-11. The principal advanced wastewater treatment processes for water reclamation are:
Filtration Filtration is a common treatment pro cess used to remove particulate matter prior to dis infection. Filtration involves the passing of waste water through a bed of granular media or filter cloth, which retain the solids. Typical media include sand, anthracite, and garnet. Removal efficiencies can be improved through the addition of certain polymers and coagulants. UV Treatment of NDMA UV Treatment, consid ered an Advanced Oxidation Technology (AOT), is the only proven treatment to effectively reduce NDMA. The adsorption of ultraviolet light, even the UV portion of sunlight, by NDMA causes the mol ecule to disassociate into harmless fragments (Nagel et al., 2001). A study done at West Basin Municipal Water District in Carson, California proved NDMA concentrations were reduced by both low and me dium pressure UV (Nagel et al., 2001). to any wastewater treatment process that biologi cally converts ammonia nitrogen sequentially to ni-
Advanced wastewater treatment processes are those beyond traditional secondary treatment. These processes are generally used when high quality reclaimed water is needed. Examples include: (1) urban landscaping, (2) food crops eaten raw, (3) contact recreation, and (4) many industrial applications. Individual unit processes capable
Figure 3-11.
trite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. Nitrification does not remove significant amounts of nitrogen from the effluent; it only converts nitrogen into another chemi cal form. Nitrification can be achieved in many sus pended and attached growth treatment processes when the processes are designed to foster the growth of nitrifying bacteria. In the traditional activated sludge process, this is accomplished by designing the pro cess to operate at a solids retention time (SRT) that is long enough to prevent slow-growing nitrifying bac teria from being wasted out of the system. Nitrifica tion will also occur in trickling filters that operate at low BOD/TKN ratios either in combination with BOD removal, or as a separate advanced treatment pro cess following any type of secondary treatment. A well-designed and -operated nitrification process will produce an effluent containing 1.0 mg/l or less of ammonia nitrogen.
Denitrification Denitrification is any wastewater treat
of less than 0.1 mg/l, while biological phosphorus removal will usually produce an effluent phosphorus concentration between 1.0 and 2.0 mg/l.
Coagulation-Sedimentation Chemical coagulation
with lime, alum, or ferric chloride followed by sedi mentation removes SS, heavy metals, trace sub stances, phosphorus, and turbidity.
Carbon Adsorption One effective advanced waste
ment method that completely removes total nitro gen. As with ammonia removal, denitrification is usu ally best achieved biologically, in which case it must be preceded by nitrification. In biological denitrifica tion, nitrate nitrogen is used by a variety of het erotrophic bacteria as the terminal electron acceptor in the absence of dissolved oxygen. In the process, the nitrate nitrogen is converted to nitrogen gas, which escapes to the atmosphere. The bacteria in these processes also require a carbonaceous food source. Denitrification can be achieved using many alterna tive treatment processes including variations of many common suspended growth and some attached growth treatment processes, provided that the pro cesses are designed to create the proper microbial environment. Biological denitrification processes can be designed to achieve effluent nitrogen concentra tions between 2.0 and 12 mg/l of nitrate nitrogen.
Phosphorus Removal Phosphorus can be removed
water treatment process for removing biodegradable and refractory organic constituents is granular acti vated carbon (GAC). Carbon adsorption can reduce the levels of synthetic organic chemicals in second ary effluent by 75 to 85 percent. The basic mecha nism of removal is by adsorption of the organic com pounds onto the carbon. Carbon adsorption proceeded by conventional secondary treatment and filtration can produce an effluent with a BOD of 0.1 to 5.0 mg/ l, a COD of 3 to 25 mg/l, and a TOC of 1 to 6 mg/l. Carbon adsorption treatment will also remove sev eral metal ions, particularly cadmium, hexavalent chromium, silver, and selenium. Activated carbon has been used to remove uncharged species, such as arsenic and antimony, from an acidic stream. Car bon adsorption has also been reported as an effec tive means of removing endocrine disrupting com pounds (Hunter and Long, 2002).
from wastewater through chemical or biological meth ods, or a combination. The choice of methods will depend on site-specific conditions, including the amount of phosphorus to be removed and the de sired effluent phosphorus concentration. Chemical phosphorus removal is achieved by precipitating the phosphorus from solution through the addition of iron, aluminum, or calcium salts. Biological phosphorus removal relies on the culturing of bacteria that will store excess amounts of phosphorus when exposed to anaerobic conditions, followed by aerobic condi tions in the treatment process. In both cases, the phosphorus is removed from the treatment process with the waste sludge. Chemical phosphorus removal can attain effluent orthophosphorus concentrations
Membrane Processes In recent years, the same factors that favor the use of membranes for potable water treatment (increasing demand, decreasing source water quality, and more stringent regulatory standards) are influencing their use in treating wastewaters prior to reuse. Improvements in mem brane technologies which separate suspended sol ids, dissolved compounds, and human pathogens (protozoan cysts, bacteria and viruses) from re claimed water have inspired greater confidence in the use of reclaimed water for purposes which in clude both direct and indirect human contact. Membrane filters became commercially available in 1927 from the Sartorius Company in Germany. Until the mid-1940s, these filters were used primarily to remove microorganisms and particles from air and water. The first viable reverse osmosis membrane was developed in 1960 by researchers at the Uni versity of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). The first commercial reverse osmosis (RO) treatment plant went into service in 1965 in Coalinga, California. The use of membrane filtration systems was initially lim ited to specialized applications including industrial separation processes and seawater desalination. By
the 1980s, membrane technology was well estab lished. For many years, membranes were not used for waste water treatment due to rapid fouling. Prior to 1990, there were a few notable exceptions, including a highly publicized 5-mgd RO system at the Water Factory 21 reclamation plant in Orange County, California. This system went into service in 1975. The plant used cellulose acetate membranes with lime clarifi cation and multi-media filtration for pretreatment prior to the RO system. Another notable exception was a 3.3-mgd (12 x 103-m3/d) Petromin plant in Riyadh, Saudia Arabia. The large-scale use of membranes for wastewater reclamation did not become feasible until the1980s, when the Australian firm, Memtec, developed a hol low fiber microfiltration membrane system with an air backwash that could provide sustainable opera tion for wastewater. The Orange County Water Dis trict (California) began pilot testing in 1992 to inves tigate this new microfiltration system as pretreatment for reverse osmosis. The use of this new microfiltration system, followed by thin film compos ite RO membranes, proved to be a tremendous im provement over the then-conventional system of lime clarification, sand filtration, and cellulose acetate membranes. Between 1994 and 2000, over half a dozen new dual membrane water reclamation sys tems were constructed in California and Arizona. Pressure-driven membrane treatment systems are broadly categorized by the size particles rejected by the membrane, or by the molecular weight cut off (MWCO). These classifications include:
(sand) filters following biological treatment. UF mem branes have smaller pore sizes than MF membranes and will provide complete removal of bacteria and protozoan cysts, and 4 to 6 log removal for viruses. Otherwise, UF membranes perform the same basic functions in wastewater applications as MF mem branes. NF and RO, while retaining smaller particles including molecules and ions, require higher driving pressures, higher levels of pretreatment (prefiltration), and typically operate at lower recovery rates. For wastewater treatment, the main emphasis has been on MF, UF, and RO membranes. MF and UF have the ability to remove biological contaminants (e.g., bacteria and viruses), and to reduce fouling on downstream re verse osmosis membranes. NF or RO systems are needed where the removal of colloidal and/or dissolved materials is required. Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) MBRs typically consist of UF or MF membranes. These membranes are used to replace conventional gravity clari fiers, and return activated sludge systems in conven tional activated sludge biological treatment systems. The membranes can be immersed directly into the aeration tanks, or the mixed liquor can be pumped to external pressure-driven membrane units. MBRs exhibit a num ber of unique advantages:
Sludge settling characteristics no longer affect final effluent quality. Biological processes can be oper ated at much higher suspended solids concentra tions and thereby provide greater treatment capac ity per unit volume. MF and UF membranes provide nearly complete removal of protozoan cysts, suspended solids, and bacteria, as well as partial removal of viruses. In addition to removing suspended solids, UF mem branes can retain large organic molecules, improv ing the biodegradation of otherwise resistant com pounds such as grease or emulsified oils. Longer sludge ages (as long as 30 to 45 days) are possible, improving the biodegradation of resistant compounds and improving nitrification performance under adverse conditions (such as low temperature). proving process control.
or 500, 000 MWCO or 20,000 MWCO or 200 MWCO or < 100 MWCO
Figure 3-11 shows a particle size separation com parison chart for conventional filtration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis. Tables 3-13a and 3-13b contain microfiltration and reverse osmosis re moval data (Metcalf and Eddy, 2002). MF systems are used to remove relatively large sus pended particles including particulates, large colloids, and oil. This includes providing about 3 to 6 log (99.9 percent to 99.9999 percent) removal of bacteria. In wastewater treatment, MF systems can be used to replace secondary clarifiers and more conventional
existing systems with minimum new construction required and low impact to ongoing operations.
Table 3-13a.
Data collected from the Dublin San Ramon Sanitary District for the period from April 2000 through December, 2000. Typical flux rate during test period was 1600 l/m2d.
Adapted from: Metcalf and Eddy, 2002 Table 3-13b. Reverse Osmosis Performance Data
Constituent TOC BOD COD TSS TDS NH 3-N NO 3-N PO 4 SO 4 Cl
RO Influent (m g/l) 9-16 <2-9.9 16-53 <0.5 498-622 20-35 <1-5 8-Jun 90-120 93-115 0.03-0.08 NTU
RO Effluent (m g/l) <0.5 <2 <2 ~0 9-19 1-3 0.08-3.2 0.1-1 <0.5-0.7 0.9-5.0 0.03 NTU
Average Reduction Reporte d in Reduction (%) Lite rature (%) >94 >40 >91 >99 --96 96 ~99 99 97 50 85-95 30-60 85-95 95-100 90-98 90-98 65-85 95-99 95-99 90-98 40-80
Data collected from the Dublin San Ramon Sanitary District for the period from April 1999 through December, 1999. Typical flux rate during test period was 348 l/m2d.
Adapted from: Metcalf and Eddy, 2002 Submerged membrane assemblies, either MF or UF, are typically composed of bundles of hollow fiber or flat sheets of microporous membranes. Filtrate is drawn through the membrane assemblies by means of a vacuum applied to the product side of the mem brane. Turbulence on the exterior (feed side) is main tained by diffused aeration to reduce fouling. Low-pressure membrane filtration (MF or UF) can be used following secondary clarification to provide a
higher degree of solids removal. Operating in a con ventional (pressurized) flow pattern, clarified efflu ent is further treated to remove particulate material (MF) or colloidal material (UF). Typical operating pres sures range from 20 to 100 psi (100 to 700 KPa), and reject flows range from 2 to 50 percent. MF and UF membranes can be used to pre-treat flow prior to NF or RO treatment. Higher-pressure NF and RO systems are used to remove dissolved organic and inorganic compounds. The smaller pore size (lower MWCO) results in higher quality product water, which may meet primary and secondary drinking water standards. The higher rates of rejection also result in increasing problems for dis posing of the concentrate streams.
Other Processes Other advanced wastewater treat
nel operate the water reclamation and reclaimed wa ter distribution systems
Instrumentation and control systems for on-line moni
A comprehensive quality assurance program to en sure accurate sampling and laboratory analysis pro tocol ter of unacceptable quality for re-treatment or alter native disposal
ment processes of constituent removal include am monia stripping, breakpoint chlorination for ammonia removal, and selective ion exchange for nitrogen re moval.
Reliability in Treatment
A strict industrial pretreatment program and strong enforcement of sewer use ordinances to prevent il licit dumping into the collection system of hazard ous materials or other materials that may interfere with the intended use of the reclaimed water responsibilities and duties of the operations staff to ensure the reliable production and delivery of re claimed water
A high standard of reliability, similar to water treatment plants, is required at wastewater reclamation plants. Because there is potential for harm (i.e., in the event that improperly treated reclaimed water is delivered to the use area), water reuse requires strict conformance to all applicable water quality parameters. The need for reclamation facilities to reliably and consistently produce and distribute reclaimed water of adequate quality and quantity is essential and dictates that careful attention be given to reliability features during the design, con struction, and operation of the facilities. A number of fallible elements combine to make up an operating water reclamation system. These include the power supply, individual treatment units, mechanical equipment, the maintenance program, and the operating personnel. An array of design features and non-design provisions can be employed to improve the reliability of the separate elements and the system as a whole. Back up systems are important in maintaining reliability in the event of failure of vital components. Particularly critical units include the disinfection system, power supply, and various treatment unit processes. For reclaimed water production, EPA Class I reliability is recommended as a minimum criteria. Class I reliability requires redundant facilities to prevent treatment upsets during power and equipment failures, flooding, peak loads, and maintenance shutdowns. Reliability for water reuse should also consider:
Many states have incorporated procedures and practices into their reuse rules and guidelines to enhance the reli ability of reclaimed water systems. Florida requires the producer of reclaimed water to develop a detailed operat ing protocol for all public access systems. This protocol must identify critical monitoring and control equipment, set points for chlorine and turbidity, actions to be taken in the event of a failure to achieve these limits, and pro cedures to clear the substandard water and return to nor mal operations (FAC 62-610). Washington is in the pro cess of developing Water Reclamation Facilities Reli ability Assessment Guidance, which includes an alarm and reliability checklist. EPA Guidelines for Reliability
More than 30 years ago, before the Federal Water Qual ity Administration evolved into the EPA, it recognized the importance of treatment reliability, issuing guidelines entitled, Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and Maintenance of Waste Water Treatment Facilities (Fed eral Water Quality Administration, 1970). These guide lines provided an identification and description of vari ous reliability provisions and included the following con cepts or principles regarding treatment plant reliability:
All water pollution control facilities should be planned and designed to provide for maximum reliability at all times. Each facility should be capable of operating satis factorily during power failures, flooding, peak loads, equipment failure, and maintenance shutdowns. Such reliability can be obtained through the use of various design techniques that will result in a facil ity that is virtually fail-safe (Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970).
Piping and pumping flexibility Dual chlorination systems Automatic residual control Automatic alarms Other Factors Engineering report Qualified personnel Effective monitoring program Effective maintenance and process control program In 1974, EPA subsequently published a document en titled, Design Requirements for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid Systems and Component Reliability (U.S. EPA, 1974). While the purpose of that publication was to pro vide reliability design criteria for wastewater treatment facilities seeking federal financial assistance under PL 92-500, the criteria are useful for the design and opera tion of all wastewater treatment plants. These require ments established minimum standards of reliability for wastewater treatment facilities. Other important reliability design features include on-line monitoring (e.g., turbi dimeters and chlorine residual analyzers, and chemical feed facilities. Table 3-14 presents a summary of the equipment re quirements under the EPA guidelines for Class I reli ability treatment facilities. As shown in Table 3-14, the integrity of the treatment system is enhanced by providing redundant, or oversized unit processes. This reliability level was originally speci fied for treatment plants discharging into water bodies that could be permanently or unacceptably damaged by improperly treated effluent. Locations where Class I fa cilities might be necessary are indicated as facilities dis charging near drinking water reservoirs, into shellfish waters, or in proximity to areas used for water contact sports (U.S. EPA, 1974). While over 30 years old, the definition of Class I Reliability given in Table 3-14 is still referenced in the regulations of many states as the mini mum level of reliability required for water reclamation projects.
The following points highlight more specific subjects for consideration in preparing final construction plans and specifications to help accomplish the above principles:
Duplicate dual feed sources of electric power Standby onsite power for essential plant elements Multiple process units and equipment Holding tanks or basins to provide for emergency stor
Flexibility of piping and pumping facilities to permit rerouting of flows under emergency conditions Provision for emergency storage or disposal of sludge (Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970)
The non-design reliability features in the federal guide lines include provisions for qualified personnel, an ef fective monitoring program, and an effective mainte nance and process control program. In addition to plans and specifications, the guidelines specify submission of a preliminary project planning and engineering report, which will clearly indicate compliance with the guideline principles. In summary, the federal guidelines identify the following 8 design principles and 4 other significant factors that appear to be appropriate to consider for reuse operations: Design Factors Duplicate power sources Standby power Multiple units and equipment Emergency storage
Table 3-14.
Clas s I Re quire m e nt A back-up bar screen shall be provided (may be manually cleaned). A back-up pump shall be provided for each set of pumps which perform the same function. Design flow will be maintained with any 1 pump out of service. If comminution is provided, an overflow bypass with bar screen shall be provided. There shall be sufficient capacity such that a design flow capacity of 50 % of the total capacity will be maintained with the largest unit out of service. There shall be a sufficient number of units of a size such that a design capacity of at least 75 % of the total flow will be maintained with 1 unit out of service. At least 2 basins of equal volume will be provided. At least 2 mechanical aerators shall be provided. Design oxygen transfer will be maintained with 1 unit out of service. At least 2 basins or a back-up means of mixing chemicals separate from the basins shall be provided. There shall be a sufficient number of units of a size such that 75% of the design capacity will be maintained with the largest unit out of service. At least 2 basins shall be provided. There shall be sufficient number of units of a size such that the capacity of 50% of the total design flow may be treated with the largest unit out of service.
Aeration Basins Mechanical Aerator Chemical Flash Mixer Final Sedimentation Basins
Different degrees of hazard are posed by process fail ures. From a public health standpoint, it is logical that a greater assurance of reliability should be required for a system producing reclaimed water for uses where di rect or indirect human contact with the water is likely, than for water produced for uses where the possibility of contact is remote. Similarly, where specific constituents in reclaimed water may affect the acceptability of the water for any use (e.g., industrial process water), reliabil ity directed at those constituents is important. Standby units or multiple units should be encouraged for the ma jor treatment elements at all reclamation facilities. For small installations, the cost may be prohibitive and pro vision for emergency storage or disposal is a suitable alternative.
Process piping, equipment arrangements, and unit struc tures should provide for efficiency, ease of operation and maintenance, and maximum flexibility of operation. Flex ibility plans should permit the necessary degree of treat ment to be obtained under varying conditions. All as pects of plant design should allow for routine mainte nance of treatment units without deterioration of the plant effluent. No pipes or pumps should be installed that would cir cumvent critical treatment processes and possibly al low inadequately treated effluent to enter the reclaimed water distribution system. The facility should be capable of operating during power failures, peak loads, equip ment failures, treatment plant upsets, and maintenance shutdowns. In some cases, it may be necessary to di vert the wastewater to emergency storage facilities or
discharge the wastewater to approved, non-reuse areas. During power failures or in the case of an equipment fail ure, standby portable diesel-driven pumps can also be used. b. Emergency Storage or Disposal
Where emergency storage is to be used as a reliability feature, storage capacity is an important consideration. This capacity should be based on estimates of how long it will take to return the facilities to normal operations and the penalties (regulatory or otherwise) associated with loss of treatment and discontinuation of reclaimed water service. c. Alarms
The term emergency storage or disposal means to pro vide for the containment or alternative treatment and dis posal of reclaimed water whenever the quality is not suit able for use. It refers to something other than normal operational or seasonal storage (e.g., storage that may be used to hold reclaimed water during wet weather times until it is needed for use). Provisions for emergency stor age or disposal may be considered to be a basic reliabil ity provision for some reclamation facilities. Where such provisions exist, they may substitute for multiple or standby units and other specific features. Provisions for emergency storage or disposal may include:
Holding ponds or tanks Approved alternative disposal locations such as per
Alarm systems should be installed at all water reclama tion plants, particularly at plants that do not receive fulltime attention from trained operators. Minimum instru mentation should consist of alarms at critical treatment units to alert an operator of a malfunction. This concept requires that the plant either be constantly attended, or that an operator be on call whenever the reclamation plant is in operation. In the latter case, a remote sounding de vice would be needed. If conditions are such that rapid attention to failures cannot be assured, automatically actuated emergency control mechanisms should be in stalled and maintained. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems may be employed to ac complish this objective, so long as information is made available to locations that are staffed when operators are not on site at the remote reclaimed water facilities. If a critical process were to fail, the condition may go unno ticed for an extended time period, and unsatisfactory re claimed water would be produced for use. An alarm sys tem will effectively warn of an interruption in treatment. Requirements for warning systems may specify the mea surement to be used as the control in determining a unit failure (e.g., dissolved oxygen) in an aeration chamber or the requirements could be more general in nature, merely specifying the units or processes that should be included in a warning system. The latter approach ap pears more desirable because it allows for more flexibil ity in the design. Alarms could be actuated in various ways, such as failure of power, high water level, failure of pumps or blowers, loss of dissolved oxygen, loss of coagulant feed, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, or loss of disinfection. In addition to the alarm system, it is critical to have a means available to take corrective action for each situ ation, which has caused the alarm to be activated. As noted above, provisions must be available to otherwise treat, store, or dispose of the wastewater until the cor rections have been made. Alternative or supplemental features for different situations might include an auto matic switchover mechanism to emergency power and a self-starting generator, or an automatic diversion mechanism which discharges wastewater from the vari ous treatment units to emergency storage or disposal.
Pond systems having an approved discharge to re ceiving waters or discharge to a reclaimed water use area for which lower quality water is acceptable Provisions to return the wastewater to a sewer for subsequent treatment and disposal at the reclama tion or other facility Any other facility reserved for the purpose of emer gency storage or disposal of untreated or partiallytreated wastewater
Automatically-actuated emergency or disposal provisions should include all of the necessary sensors, instruments, valves, and other devices to enable fully automatic di version of the wastewater in the event of failure of a treat ment process, and a manual reset to prevent automatic restart until the failure is corrected. For either manual or automatic diversion, all of the equipment other than the pump-back equipment should either be independent of the normal power source or provided with a standby power source. Irvine Ranch Water District in California auto matically diverts its effluent to a pond when it exceeds a turbidity of 2 NTU. The water is then recirculated into the reclamation plant influent.
Major considerations in developing an instrumentation/ control system for a reclamation facility include:
Ability to analyze appropriate parameters
Source: WPCF, 1989 Ability to maintain, calibrate, and verify accuracy of on-line instruments Monitoring and control of treatment process perfor mance Monitoring and control of reclaimed water distribu tion Methods of providing reliability Operator interface and system maintenance Each water reclamation plant is unique, with its own requirements for an integrated monitoring and control in strumentation system. The process of selecting monitor ing instrumentation should address aspects such as fre quency of reporting, parameters to be measured, sample point locations, sensing techniques, future requirements, availability of trained staff, frequency of maintenance, avail ability of spare parts, and instrument reliability (WPCF, 1989). Such systems should be designed to detect op erational problems during both routine and emergency operations. If an operating problem arises, activation of a signal or alarm permits personnel to correct the problem before an undesirable situation is created. System control methods should provide for varying de grees of manual and automatic operation. Functions of control include the maintenance of operating parameters within preset limits, sequencing of physical operations in response to operational commands and modes, and automatic adjustment of parameters to compensate for variations in quality or operating efficiency. System controls may be manual, automated, or a com bination of manual and automated systems. For manual control, operations staff members are required to physi cally carry out all work tasks, such as closing and open ing valves and starting and stopping pumps. For auto mated control, no operator input is required except for the initial input of operating parameters into the control system. In an automated control system, the system automatically performs operations such as the closing and opening of valves and the starting and stopping of pumps. These automated operations can be accom plished in a predefined sequence and timeframe and can also be initiated by a measured parameter. Automatic controls can vary from simple float switches that start and stop pumps to highly sophisticated com puter systems that gather data from numerous sources, compare the data to predefined parameters, and ini tiate actions in order to maintain system performance within required criteria. For example, in the backwashing of a filter, instrumentation that monitors head loss across a filter signals the automated control system that a pre defined head loss value has been exceeded. The con trol system, in turn, initiates the backwashing sequence through the opening of valves and starting of pumps. A simple, but effective, means of maintaining control in the event of a power failure might include a judicious se
The potential uses of the reclaimed water determine the degree of instrument sophistication and operator atten tion required in a water reuse system. For example, health risks may be insignificant for reclaimed water used for non-food crop irrigation. On the other hand, if waste water is being treated for indirect potable reuse via groundwater recharge, risks are potentially high. Con sequently, the instruments must be highly sensitive so that even minor discrepancies in water quality are de tected rapidly. Selection of monitoring instrumentation is governed by the following factors:
Laboratory requirements
lection of how control valves respond to loss of power. For example, in a reuse system with a pair of control valves routing water either to customers or to a reject location, it is reasonable to expect that the valve to the customers should fail to the closed position, while the valve to reject would fail to the open position. Operator Training and Competence
Regardless of the automation built into a plant, mechani cal equipment is subject to breakdown, and qualified, well-trained operators are essential to ensure that the reclaimed water produced will be acceptable for its in tended use. The facilities operation should be based on detailed process control with recording and monitoring facilities, a strict preventive maintenance schedule, and standard operating procedure contingency plans all structured to provide reliable product water quality. The plant operator is considered to be the most critical reliability factor in the wastewater treatment system. All available mechanical reliability devices and the best possible plant design are to no avail if the operator is not capable and conscientious. Three operations per sonnel considerations influence reliability of treatment: operator attendance, operator competence, and opera tor training. The knowledge, skills, and abilities that an operator must possess varies, depending on the com plexity of the plant. Most regulatory agencies require operator certification as a reasonable means to expect competent operation. Frequent training via continuing education courses or other means enhances operator competence. Actions of the system operator have the potential to ad versely affect water quality and public perception of the reclaimed water system. Therefore, a knowledgeable, attentive operator is critical to avoid potential threats to water quality. Consideration should be given to provide special training and certification for reclaimed water operations staff. Quality Assurance in Monitoring
Water and Wastewater (U.S. EPA, 1982) Typically, the QA plan associated with sampling and analysis is a defined protocol that sets forth data quality objectives and the means to develop quality control data. This serves to quantify precision, bias, and other reli ability factors in a monitoring program. Strict adherence to written procedures ensures that the results are com parable, and that the level of uncertainty is verifiable. Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) plans and procedures are well documented in referenced texts. QA/QC measures should be dictated by the severity of the consequences of acting on the wrong answer or on an uncertain answer. QA/QC procedures are often dictated by regulatory agencies, and do constitute nec essary operating overhead. For reuse projects, this over head may be greater than for wastewater treatment and disposal. Sampling parameters required for reclamation extend beyond those common to wastewater treatment. For example, turbidity measurements are sometimes required for reclamation, but not for wastewater treatment and dis posal. Monitoring for chlorides may be necessary for re use in coastal communities. Adequate record keeping of reclaimed water system op erations is essential to the overall monitoring program. Many facilities find it reasonable and compatible with their usual practice and requirements to include routine reporting of plant operations and immediate notification of emergency conditions.
Quality assurance (QA) in monitoring of a reclamation program includes: (1) selecting the appropriate param eters to monitor, and (2) handling the necessary sam pling and analysis in an acceptable manner. Sampling techniques, frequency, and location are critical elements of monitoring and quality assurance. Standard proce dures for sample analysis may be found in the following references:
Managing and allocating reclaimed water supplies may be significantly different from the management of tradi tional sources of water. Traditionally, a water utility draw ing from groundwater or surface impoundments uses the resource as a source and as a storage facility. If the
entire yield of the source is not required, the water is simply left for use at a later date. Yet in the case of reuse, reclaimed water is continuously generated, and what cannot be used immediately must be stored or dis posed of in some manner. Depending on the volume and pattern of projected reuse demands, seasonal surface storage requirements may become a significant design consideration and have a substantial impact on the capital cost of the system. Seasonal storage systems will also impact operational expenses. This is particularly true if the quality of the water is degraded in storage by algae growth and re quires re-treatment to maintain the desired or required water quality. Pilot studies in California investigated the use of clarifiers with coagulation and continuous back wash filtration versus the use of dissolved air flotation with clarification and filtration. The estimated present worth costs of these 2 strategies for treating reclaimed water returned from storage ponds were calculated at $1.92/gal ($0.51/l) and $2.17/gal ($0.57/l), respectively (Fraser and Pan, 1998). The need for seasonal storage in reclaimed water pro grams generally results from 1 of 2 requirements. First, storage may be required during periods of low demand for subsequent use during peak demand periods. Sec ond, storage may be required to reduce or eliminate the discharge of excess reclaimed water into surface water or groundwater. These 2 needs for storage are not mutu ally exclusive, but different parameters are considered in developing an appropriate design for each one. In fact, projects where both water conservation and effluent dis posal are important are more likely to be implemented than those with a single driver. Drivers for the creation of an urban reuse system in Tampa, Florida included water conservation as well as the fact that any reclaimed wa ter diverted to beneficial reuse helped the City to meet its obligations to reduce nitrogen loadings to area sur face waters (Grosh et al., 2002). At the outset, it must be recognized that the use of traditional storage methods with finite capacities (e.g., tanks, ponds, and reservoirs) must be very large in comparison to the design flows in order to provide 100 percent equalization of seasonal supplies and demands. With an average flow of 18 mgd (68 x 103 m3/d) and a storage volume of 1,600 million gallons (6 x 106 m3), the City of Santa Rosa, California, still required a seasonal discharge to surface water to operate successfully (Cort et al., 1998). After attempting to operate a 3.0 mgd (11 x 103 m3/d) agricultural reuse system with 100 mg (0.4 x 106 m3) of storage, Brevard County, Florida, decided to add manmade wetlands with a permitted surface water discharge as part of its wet weather management system (Martens et al., 1998).
ASR of reclaimed water involves the injection of reclaimed water into a subsurface formation for storage, and recov ery for beneficial use at a later time. ASR can be an ef fective and environmentally-sound approach by provid ing storage for reclaimed water used to irrigate areas ac cessible to the public, such as residential lawns and ed ible crops. These systems can minimize the seasonal fluctuations inherent to all reclaimed water systems by allowing storage of reclaimed water during the wet sea son when demand is low, and recovery of the stored water during dry periods when demand is high. Because the potential storage volume of an ASR system is essen tially unlimited, it is expected that these systems will offer a solution to the shortcomings of the traditional stor age techniques discussed above. The use of ASR was also considered as part of the Monterey County, California reuse program in order to overcome seasonal storage issues associated with an irrigation-based project (Jaques and Williams, 1996). Where water reuse is being implemented to reduce or eliminate wastewater discharges to surface waters, state or local regulations usually require that adequate stor age be provided to retain excess wastewater under a specific return period of low demand. In some cold cli mate states, storage volumes may be specified accord ing to projected non-application days due to freezing temperatures. Failure to retain reclaimed water under the prescribed weather conditions may constitute a vio lation of an NPDES permit and result in penalties. A method for preparing storage calculations under low demand conditions is provided in the EPA Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater (U.S. EPA, 1981 and 1984). In many cases, state regulations will also include a discussion about the methods to be used for calculating the storage that is required to retain water under a given rainfall or low demand return interval. In almost all cases, these methods will be aimed at demonstrating sites with hydrogeologic storage ca pacity to receive wastewater effluent for the purposes of disposal. In this regard, significant attention is paid to subsurface conditions as they apply to the percolation of effluent into the groundwater with specific concerns as to how the groundwater mound will respond to effluent loading. The remainder of this section discusses the design con siderations for seasonal storage systems. For the pur pose of discussion, the projected irrigation demands of turf grass in a hot, humid location (Florida) and a hot, arid location (California) are used to illustrate storage calcu lations. Irrigation demands were selected for illustration because irrigation is a common use of reclaimed water, and irrigation demands exhibit the largest seasonal fluc
tuations, which can affect system reliability. However, the general methodologies described in this section can also be applied to other uses of reclaimed water and other locations as long as the appropriate parameters are de fined.
In many cases, a water reuse system will provide re claimed water to a diverse customer base. Urban reuse customers typically include golf courses and parks and may also include commercial and industrial customers. Such is the case in both the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, and Irvine Ranch Water District, California, re use programs. These programs provide water for cool ing, washdown, and toilet flushing as well as for irriga tion. Each water use has a distinctive seasonal demand pattern and, thereby, impacts the need for storage. Reuse systems have significant differences with tradi tional land application systems starting with the funda mental objectives of each. Land application systems seek to maximize hydraulic loadings while reuse sys tems provide nonpotable waters for uses where a higher quality of water is not required. Historical water use pat terns should be used where available. Methodologies developed for land application systems are generally poorly suited to define expected demands of an irrigation-based reuse system and should be replaced with methodologies expressly developed to estimate irriga tion needs. This point was illustrated well by calcula tions of storage required to prevent a discharge based on: (1) actual golf course irrigation use over a 5-year period and (2) use of traditional land application water
balance methods using site-specific hydrogeological in formation and temperature and rainfall corresponding to the 5-year record of actual use. Use of historical records estimated a required storage volume of 89 days of flow, while traditional land application methods estimated a required storage volume of 196 days (Ammerman et al., 1997). It should also be noted that, like potable water, the use of reclaimed water is subject to the customers perceived need for water. The primary factors controlling the need for supplemen tal irrigation are evapotranspiration and rainfall. Evapo transpiration is strongly influenced by temperature and will be lowest in the winter months and highest in mid summer. Water use for irrigation will also be strongly affected by the end user and their attention to the need for supplemental water. Where uses other than irriga tion are being investigated, other factors will be the driv ing force for demand. For example, demand for reclaimed water for industrial reuse will depend on the needs of the specific industrial facility. These demands could be esti mated based on past water use records, if data are avail able, or a review of the water use practices of a given industry. When considering the demand for water in a manmade wetland, the system must receive water at the necessary time and rate to ensure that the appropriate hydroperiod is simulated. If multiple uses of reclaimed water are planned from a single source, the factors af fecting the demand of each should be identified and inte grated into a composite system demand. Figure 3-12 presents the average monthly potential evaporation and average monthly rainfall in southwest Florida and Davis, California (Pettygrove and Asano,
Figure 3-12.
1985). The average annual rainfall is approximately 52 inches (132 cm) per year, with an average annual poten tial evaporation of 71 inches (180 cm) per year in Florida. The average annual rainfall in Davis is approximately 17 inches (43 cm) per year with a total annual average po tential evaporation rate of approximately 52 inches (132 cm) per year. In both locations, the shape of the potential evaporation curve is similar over the course of the year; however, the distribution of rainfall at the sites differs significantly. In California, rainfall is restricted to the late fall, winter, and early spring, with little rainfall expected in the summer months when evaporation rates are the greatest. The converse is true for the Florida location, where the major portion of the total annual rainfall occurs between June and September.
months, reflecting the regions seasonal influx of tour ists. The seasonal irrigation demand for reclaimed water in Florida was calculated using the Thornthwaite equa tion. (Withers and Vipond, 1980). It is interesting to note that even in months where rainfall is almost equal to the potential evapotranspiration, a significant amount of supplemental irrigation may still be required. This occurs as a result of high intensity, short duration, rainfalls in Florida coupled with the relatively poor water-holding ca pacity of the surficial soils. The average monthly irrigation demand for California, shown in Figure 3-12, is based on data developed by Pruitt and Snyder (Pettygrove and Asano, 1985). Be cause significant rainfall is absent throughout most of the growing season, the seasonal pattern of supplemen tal irrigation for the California site is notably different from that of Florida. For the California example, it has been assumed that there is very little seasonal fluctuation in the potential supply of reclaimed water. If the expected annual average demands of a reclaimed water system are approximately equal to the average annual available supply, storage is required to hold water for peak de mand months. Using monthly supply and demand fac tors, the required storage can be obtained from the cu mulative supply and demand. The results of this analy sis suggest that, to make beneficial use of all available water under average conditions, the Florida reuse pro gram will require approximately 90 days of storage, while California will need approximately 150 days. These calculations are based on the estimated consump tive demand of the turf grass. In actual practice, the es timate would be refined, based on site-specific condi tions. Such conditions may include the need to leach
Once seasonal evapotranspiration and rainfall have been identified, reclaimed water irrigation demands through out the seasons can be estimated. The expected fluc tuations in the monthly need for irrigation of grass in Florida and California are presented in Figure 3-13. The figure also illustrates the seasonal variation in wastewater flows and the potential supply of irrigation water for both loca tions. In both locations, the potential monthly supply and demand are expressed as a fraction of the average monthly supply and demand. To define the expected fluctuations in Floridas reclaimed water supply, historic flow data are averaged for each month. The reclaimed water supply for the Florida ex ample indicates elevated flows in the late winter and early spring with less than average flows in the summer
salts from the root zone or to intentionally over-apply water as a means of disposal. The vegetative cover re ceiving irrigation will also impact the condition under which supplemental water will be required. Drought conditions will result in an increased need for irrigation. The require ments of a system to accommodate annual irrigation demands under drought conditions should also be exam ined.
Given the challenges of using storage to equalize sea sonal supplies and demands, it is not surprising that many utilities choose to commit only a portion of the available reclaimed water flow to beneficial reuse. A partial commitment of reclaimed water may also have applications in the following situations:
The cost of providing storage for the entire flow is prohibitive Sufficient demand for the total flow is not available entire flow is prohibitive
present more challenges for both internal and external corrosion than typically experienced in the potable water system. Generally, reclaimed water is more mineralized with a higher conductance and chloride content and lower pH, enhancing the potential for corrosion on the interior of the pipe. Because reclaimed water lines are often the last pipe installed, there is an increased opportunity for stray current electrolysis or coating damage (Ryder, 1996). Design requirements will also be affected by the policies governing the reclamation system (e.g., what level of shortfall, if any, can be tolerated?). Where a dual dis tribution system is created, the design will be similar to that of a potable system in terms of pressure and vol ume requirements. However, if the reclaimed water dis tribution system does not provide for an essential ser vice such as fire protection or sanitary uses, the reliabil ity of the reclamation system need not be as stringent. This, in turn, reduces the need for backup systems, thereby reducing the cost of the system. In addition, an urban reuse program designed primarily for irrigation will experience diurnal and seasonal flows and peak demands that have different design parameters than the fire pro tection requirements generally used in the design of po table water systems. The target customer for many reuse programs may be an entity that is not traditionally part of municipal water/ wastewater systems. Such is the case with agricultural and large green space areas, such as golf courses, that often rely on wells to provide for nonpotable water uses. Even when these sites are not directly connected to municipal water supplies, reclaimed water service to these customers may be desirable for the following rea sons:
Systems designed to use only a portion of the reclaimed water supply are plentiful. It should be noted that a par tial commitment of reclaimed water may be able to achieve significant benefits in terms of environmental impacts. Specifically, many surface water discharge permits are based on the 7-day, 10-year (7Q10) low flow expected in the receiving water body. Such events invariably coin cide with extended periods of low rainfall, which, in turn, tend to increase the amount of water diverted away from disposal and into the reuse system.
The potential user currently draws water from the same source as that used for potable water, creating an indirect demand on the potable system. The potential user has a significant demand for nonpotable water and reuse may provide a cost-effective means to reduce or eliminate reliance on ex isting effluent disposal methods. The potential user is seeking reclaimed water ser vice to enhance the quality or quantity (or both) of the water available. A municipal supplier is seeking an exchange of nonpotable reclaimed water for raw water sources currently controlled by the prospective customer.
The distribution network includes pipelines, pump sta tions, and storage facilities. No single factor is likely to influence the cost of water reclamation more than the conveyance or distribution of reclaimed water from its source to its point of use. The design requirements of reclaimed water conveyance systems vary according to the needs of the users. Water quality is, of course, a consideration as well. Reclaimed water systems may
The conveyance and distribution needs of these sites may vary widely and be unfamiliar to a municipality. For example, a golf course may require flows of 500 gpm (38
l/s) at pressures of 120 psi (830 kPa). However, if the golf course has the ability to store and repump irrigation water, as is often the case, reclaimed water can be de livered at atmospheric pressure to a pond at approxi mately one-third the instantaneous demand. Where frostsensitive crops are served, an agricultural customer may wish to provide freeze protection through the irrigation system. Accommodating this may increase peak flows by an order of magnitude. Where customers that have no history of usage on the potable system are to be served with reclaimed water, detailed investigations are warranted to ensure that the service provided would be compatible with the user needs. These investigations should include an interview with the system operator as well as an in spection of the existing facilities. Figure 3-14 provides a schematic of the multiple reuse conveyance and distribution systems that may be en countered. The actual requirements of a system will be dictated by the final customer base and are discussed in Chapter 2. The remainder of this section discusses issues pertinent to all reclaimed water conveyance and distribution systems. A concentration or cluster of users results in lower cus tomer costs for both capital and O&M expenses than a delivery system to dispersed users. Initially, a primary skeletal system is generally designed to serve large in stitutional users who are clustered and closest to the treatment plant. A second phase may then expand the system to more scattered and smaller users, which re ceive nonpotable water from the central arteries of the nonpotable system. Such an approach was success fully implemented in the City of St. Petersburg, Florida. The initial customers were institutional (e.g., schools, golf courses, urban green space, and commercial). How ever, the lines were sized to make allowance for future service to residential customers. As illustrated in St. Petersburg and elsewhere, once re claimed water is made available to large users, a sec ondary customer base of smaller users often request service. To ensure that expansion can occur to the pro jected future markets, the initial system design should model sizing of pipes to satisfy future customers within any given zone within the service area. At points in the system, where a future network of connections is antici pated, such as a neighborhood, turnouts should be in stalled. Pump stations and other major facilities involved in conveyance should be designed to allow for planned expansion. Space should be provided for additional pumps, or the capacities of the pumps may be expanded by changes to impellers and/or motor size. Increasing a pipe diameter by one size is economically justified since over
half the initial cost of installing a pipeline is for excava tion, backfill, and pavement. A potable water supply system is designed to provide round-the-clock, on-demand service. Some nonpotable systems allow for unrestricted use, while others place limits on the hours when service is available. A decision on how the system will be operated will significantly af fect system design. Restricted hours for irrigation (i.e., only evening hours) may shift peak demand and require greater pumping capacity than if the water was used over an entire day or may necessitate a programmed irriga tion cycle to reduce peak demand. The Irvine Ranch Water District, California, though it is an on-demand system, restricts landscape irrigation to the hours of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. to limit public exposure. Due to the automatic timing used in most applications, the peak hour demand was found to be 6 times the average daily demand and triple that of the domestic water distribution system (Young et al., 1987). The San Antonio Water System (Texas) established a requirement for onsite storage for all users with a demand greater than 100 acre-feet per year as a means of managing peak demands. As noted previously, attributes such as freeze protection may result in similar increases in peak demands of agricultural systems. System pressure should be adequate to meet the users needs within the reliability limits specified in a user agree ment or by local ordinance. The Irvine Ranch Water Dis trict, California runs its system at a minimum of 90 psi (600 kPa). The City of St. Petersburg, Florida currently operates its system at a minimum pressure of 60 psi (400 kPa). However, the City of St. Petersburg is recom mending that users install low-pressure irrigation devices, which operate at 50 psi (340 kPa) as a way of transfer ring to a lower pressure system in the future to reduce operating costs. The City of Orlando, Florida is design ing a regional urban reuse system with a target minimum pressure in the transmission main of 50 psi (350 KPa) at peak hour conditions (CDM, 2001). When significant differences in elevations exist within the service area, the system should be divided into pres sure zones. Within each zone, a maximum and mini mum delivery pressure is established. Minimum delivery pressures may be as low as 10 psi (70 kPa) and maxi mum delivery pressures may be as high as 150 psi (1,000 kPa), depending on the primary uses of the water. Several existing guidelines recommend operating the nonpotable system at pressures lower than the potable system (i.e., 10 psi, 70 kPa lower) in order to mitigate any cross-connections. However, experience in the field indicates that this is difficult to achieve at all times throughout the distribution system.
Figure 3-14.
Establish that public health is the overriding concern Devise procedures and regulations to prevent cross-
The major concern guiding design, construction, and op eration of a reclaimed water distribution system is the prevention of cross-connections. A cross-connection is a physical connection between a potable water system used to supply water for drinking purposes, and any source containing nonpotable water through which po table water could be contaminated. Another major concern is to prevent improper use or inadvertent use of reclaimed water as potable water. To protect public health from the outset, a reclaimed water distribution system should be accompanied by health codes, procedures for approval (and disconnection) of service, regulations governing design and construction specifications, inspections, and operation and mainte nance staffing. Public health protection measures that should be addressed in the planning phase are identified below.
Develop a uniform system to mark all nonpotable components of the system Prevent improper or unintended use of nonpotable water through a proactive public information program nonpotable system
Establish and train special staff members to be re sponsible for operations, maintenance, inspection, and approval of reuse connections
Provide for the physical separation of the potable water, reclaimed water, sewer lines and appurte nances
ply with the revised wording requirements as part of the permit renewal process for FDEP (FDEP, 1999). Figure 3-15. Reclaimed Water Advisory Sign
Successful methods for implementing these measures are outlined below. a. Identification of Pipes and Appurtenances
All components and appurtenances of the nonpotable system should be clearly and consistently identified throughout the system. Identification should be through color coding and marking. The nonpotable system (i.e., pipes, pumps, outlets, and valve boxes) should be dis tinctly set apart from the potable system. The methods most commonly used are unique colorings, labeling, and markings. Nonpotable piping and appurtenances are painted purple or can be integrally stamped or marked, CAUTION NONPOTABLE WATER DO NOT DRINK or CAU TION: RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK, or the pipe may be wrapped in purple polyethylene vinyl wrap. Another identification method is to mark pipe with col ored marking tape or adhesive vinyl tape. When tape is used, the words (CAUTION: RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK) should be equal to the diameter of the pipe and placed longitudinally at 3-feet (0.9-meters) intervals. Other methods of identification and warning are: sten ciled pipe with 2- to 3-inch (5- to 8-cm) letters on oppo site sides, placed every 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters); for pipe less than 2 inches (5 cm), lettering should be at least 5/8-inch (1.6 cm) at 1-foot (30-cm) intervals; plas tic marking tape (with or without metallic tracer) with let tering equal to the diameter of pipe, continuous over the length of pipe at no more than 5-foot (1.5-meter) inter vals; vinyl adhesive tape may be placed at the top of the pipe for diameters 2.5 to 3 inches (6 to 8 cm) and along opposite sides of the pipe for diameters 6 to 16 inches (15 to 40 cm), and along both sides and on top of the pipe for diameters of 20 inches (51 cm) or greater (AWWA, 1994). The FDEP requires all new advisory signs and labels on vaults, service boxes, or compartments that house hose bibs, along with all labels on hose bibs, valves, and out lets, to bear the words, do not drink and no beber, along with the equivalent standard international sym bol. In addition to the words, do not drink and no beber, advisory signs posted at storage ponds and deco rative water features also bear the words, do not swim and no nadar, along with the equivalent standard inter national symbols. Figure 3-15 shows a typical reclaimed water advisory sign. Existing advisory signs and labels will be retrofitted, modified, or replaced in order to com
Valve boxes for hydraulic and electrical components should be colored and warnings should be stamped on the cover. The valve covers for nonpotable transmission lines should not be interchangeable with potable water covers. For example, the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida uses square valve covers for reclaimed water and round valve covers for potable water. Blow-off valves should be painted and carry markings similar to other system piping. Irrigation and other control devices should be marked both inside and outside. Any constraints or special instructions should be clearly noted and placed in a suitable cabinet. If fire hydrants are part of the sys tem, they should be painted or marked and the stem should require a special wrench for opening. b. Horizontal and Vertical Separation of Potable from Nonpotable Pipes
The general rule is that a 10-foot (3-meter) horizontal interval and a 1-foot (0.3-meter) vertical distance should be maintained between potable (or sewer) lines and nonpotable lines that are parallel to each other. When these distances cannot be maintained, special authori zation may be required, though a minimum lateral dis tance of 4 feet (1.2 meters) (St. Petersburg) is generally mandatory. The State of Florida specifies a 5-foot (1.5meter) separation between reclaimed water lines and water lines or force mains, with a minimum of 3-foot (0.9meter) separation from pipe wall to pipe wall (FDEP, 1999). This arrangement allows for the installation of re claimed water lines between water and force mains that are separated by 10 feet (3 meters). The potable water should be placed above the nonpotable, if possible. Un
der some circumstances, using a reclaimed water main of a different depth than that of potable or force mains might be considered to provide further protection from having an inadvertent crossconnection occur. Nonpotable lines are usually required to be at least 3 feet (90 cm) below ground. Figure 3-16 illustrates Floridas separation requirements for nonpotable lines. c. Prevent Onsite Ability to Tie into Reclaimed Water Lines
The Irvine Ranch Water District, California has regula tions mandating the use of special quick coupling valves for onsite irrigation connections. For reclaimed water, these valves are operated by a key with an Acme thread. This thread is not allowed for the potable system. The cover on the reclaimed water coupler is different in color and material from that used on the potable system. Hose bibs are generally not permitted on nonpotable systems because of the potential for incidental use and possible human contact with the reclaimed water. Below-ground bibs placed inside a locking box or that require a special tool to operate are allowed by Florida regulations (FDEP, 1999). d. Backflow Prevention
The AWWA recommends the use of a reduced-pressure principal backflow prevention assembly where reclaimed water systems are present. However, many communi ties have successfully used double-check valve assem blies. The backflow prevention device will prevent water expansion into the water distribution system. At some residences, the tightly closed residential water system can create a pressure buildup that causes the safety re lief on a water heater to periodically discharge. This prob lem was solved by the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, by providing separate pressure release valves, which allow for the release of water through an outdoor hose bibb. If potable water is used as make-up water for lakes or reservoirs, there should be a physical break between the potable water supply pipe and receiving reservoir. The air gap separating the potable water from the reservoir containing nonpotable water should be at least 2 pipe diameters. There should never be any permanent con nection between nonpotable and potable lines in the sys tem. In most cases, backflow prevention devices are not pro vided on a reclaimed water system. However, the San Antonio Water System (Texas) requires a reduced-pres-
Where the possibility of cross-connection between po table and reclaimed water lines exists, backflow preven tion devices should be installed onsite when both po table and reclaimed water services are provided to a user. The backflow prevention device is placed on the potable water service line to prevent potential backflow from the reclaimed water system into the potable water system if the 2 systems are illegally interconnected. Accepted methods of backflow prevention include:
Figure 3-16.
sure principal backflow preventer on the potable supply to properties using reclaimed water. In addition, the City requires customers to use a double-check assembly or air gap on the reclaimed water supply. This provision is basic to maintaining a consistent water quality in the San Antonio reclaimed water supply. It is prudent to periodi cally inspect the potable system to confirm that crossconnections do not exist. The City of San Antonio alter nately shuts down the potable and reclaimed water at a site. The inactive system is then checked for residual pressure, indicating a cross- connection. Where possible, dye tests are also conducted (Baird, 2000). The City of Altamonte Springs, Florida takes its entire reuse system off line for 2 days each year as part of its cross-connection control program. e. Safeguards when Converting Existing Potable Lines to Nonpotable Use
In cases where parts of the system are being upgraded and some of the abandoned potable water lines are be ing transferred to the nonpotable system, care must be taken to prevent any cross-connections from occurring. As each section is completed, the new system should be shutdown and drained and each water user checked to ensure that there are no improper connections. Addi tionally, a tracer, such as potassium permanganate, may be introduced into the nonpotable system to test whether any of it shows up at any potable fixture. In existing developments where an in-place irrigation system is being converted to carry reclaimed water, the new installation must be inspected and tested with trac ers or some other method to ensure separation of the potable from the nonpotable supply. It may warrant pro viding a new potable service line to isolated potable fa cilities. For example, if a park is converting to reclaimed water, rather than performing an exhaustive evaluation to determine how a water fountain was connected to the existing irrigation system, it could be simpler to supply a new service lateral from the new water main. Operations and Maintenance
Differences in maintenance procedures for potable and nonpotable systems cannot generally be forecast prior to the operation of each system. For instance, the City of St. Petersburg, Florida flushes its nonpotable lines twice a year during the off-season months. The amount of water used in the flushing is equal to a days demand of reclaimed water. The Irvine Ranch Water District (Cali fornia) reports no significant difference in the 2 lines, though the reclaimed lines are flushed more frequently (every 2 to 3 years versus every 5 to 10 years for po table) due to suspended matter and sediment picked up during lake storage. Verification that adequate disinfec tion has occurred as part of treatment prior to distribution to reclaimed water customers is always required. How ever, maintenance of a residual in the transmission/distribution system is not required. Florida requires a 1-mg/ l chlorine residual at the discharge of the chlorine con tact basin, but no minimum residual is required in the reclaimed water piping system. The State of Washington is an exception in that it does require a minimum of 0.5mg/l-chlorine residual in the distribution lines. a. Blow-Offs/Flushing Hydrants
Even with sufficient chlorination, residual organics and bacteria may grow at dead spots in the system, which may lead to odor and clogging problems. Flushing and periodic maintenance of the system can significantly allay the problem. In most cases, the flushing flow is directed into the sewage system. b. Flow Recording
Even when a system is unmetered, accurate flow re cording is essential to manage the growth of the sys tem. Flow data are needed to confirm total system use and spatial distribution of water supplied. Such data al low for efficient management of the reclaimed water pump stations and formulations of policies to guide sys tem growth. Meters placed at the treatment facility may record total flow and flow-monitoring devices may be placed along the system, particularly in high consump tion areas. c. Permitting and Inspection
Maintenance requirements for the nonpotable components of the reclaimed water distribution system should be the same as those for potable. As the system matures, any disruption of service due to operational failures will upset the users. From the outset, such items as isolation valves, which allow for repair to parts of the system with out affecting a large area, should be designed into the nonpotable system. Flushing the line after construction should be mandatory to prevent sediment from accumu lating, hardening, and becoming a serious future mainte nance problem.
The permitting process includes plan and field reviews followed by periodic inspections of facilities. This over sight includes inspection of both onsite and offsite facili ties. Onsite facilities are the users nonpotable water fa cilities downstream from the reclaimed water meter. Offsite facilities are the agencys nonpotable water fa cilities up to and including the reclaimed water meter.
Though inspection and review regulations vary from sys tem to system, the basic procedures are essentially the same. These steps are described below. (1) Plan Review A contractor (or resident) must request service and sign an agreement with the agency or department responsible for permitting reclaimed water service. Dimensioned plans and specifications for onsite facilities must conform to regulations. Usually, the only differences from normal irrigation equipment will be identification requirements and special appurtenances to pre vent cross-connections. Some systems, how ever, require that special strainer screens be placed before the pressure regulator for protec tion against slime growths fouling the sprinkler system, meter, or pressure regulator. The plans are reviewed and the agency works with the contractor to make sure that the sys tem meets all requirements. Systems with crossconnections to potable water systems must be denied. Temporary systems should not be con sidered. Devices for any purpose other than irri gation should be approved through special pro cedures. Installation procedures called out on the plan notes are also reviewed because they provide the binding direction to the landscape contrac tor. All points of connection are reviewed for safety and compatibility. The approved record drawings (as-builts) are kept on file. The as builts include all onsite and offsite nonpotable water facilities as constructed or modified, and all potable water and sewer lines. (2) Field Review Field review is generally con ducted by the same staff involved in the plan review. Staff looks for improper connections, unclear markings, and insufficient depths of pipe installation. A cross-connection control test is performed, followed by operation of the actual onsite irrigation system to ensure that overspraying and overwatering are not occurring. Any problems identified are then corrected. Follow-up inspections are routine, and in some cases, fixed interval (e.g. semi-annual) inspec tions and random inspections are planned. (3) Monitoring A number of items should be care fully monitored or verified, including:
mal education to their personnel so that these contractors are familiar with the regulations governing reclaimed water installations
Submitting all modifications to approved fa
Detecting and recording any breaks in the transmission main Randomly inspecting user sites to detect any faulty equipment or unauthorized use system to test pressure, chlorine residual, and other water quality parameters
A reclaimed water supplier should reserve the right to withdraw service for any offending condition subject to correction of the problem. Such rights are often estab lished as part of a user agreement or a reuse ordinance. Chapter 5 provides a discussion of the legal issues as sociated with reclaimed water projects.
Operational Storage
As with potable water distribution systems, a reclaimed water system must provide sufficient operational stor age to accommodate diurnal fluctuations in demand and supply. The volume required to accommodate this task will depend on the interaction of the supply and demand over a 24-hour period. Designs are dependent on assessments of the diurnal demand for reclaimed water. Such assessments, in most cases, require a detailed investigation of the proposed user or users. When possible, records of actual histori cal use should be examined as a means to develop demand requirements. Where records are absent, sitespecific investigations are in order. In some cases, pilot studies may be warranted prior to initiating a full-scale reuse program. Figure 3-17 presents the anticipated diurnal fluctuation of supply and urban irrigation demand for a proposed re claimed water system in Boca Raton, Florida (CDM, 1991). This information was developed based on the historic fluctuations in wastewater flow experienced in Boca Raton and the approximate fluctuations in the reclaimed water urban irrigation demand experienced in the St. Peters burg, Florida urban reuse program. Operational storage may be provided at the reclamation facility, as remote storage out in the system, or as a combination of both. For example, the City of Altamonte
Figure 3-17.
Anticipated Daily Reclaimed Water Demand Curve vs. Diurnal Reclaimed Water Flow Curve
Springs, Florida, maintains ground storage facilities at the reclamation plant and elevated storage tanks out in the reclaimed water system. Large sites, such as golf courses, commonly have onsite ponds capable of re ceiving water throughout the day. Such onsite facilities reduce operational storage requirements that need to be provided by the utility. In the City of Naples, Florida where reclaimed water is provided to 9 golf courses, re mote booster pump stations deliver reclaimed water to users from a covered storage tank located at the recla mation plant. Operational storage facilities are generally covered tanks or open ponds. Covered storage in ground or elevated tanks is used for unrestricted urban reuse where aes thetic considerations are important. Ponds are less costly, in most cases, but generally require more land per gallon stored. Where property costs are high or suffi cient property is not available, ponds may not be fea sible. Open ponds also result in water quality degrada tion from biological growth, and chlorine residual is dif ficult to maintain. Ponds are appropriate for onsite ap plications such as agricultural and golf course irrigation. In general, ponds that are already being used as a source for irrigation are also appropriate for reclaimed water storage. In addition to the biological aspects of storing reclaimed water in onsite impoundments, the con centration of various constituents due to surface evapo ration may present a problem. Reclaimed water often has a more elevated concentration of TDS than other avail able sources of water. Where evaporation rates are high
and rainfall is low, the configuration of onsite storage ponds was found to have significant impacts on water quality in terms of TDS (Chapman and French, 1991). Shallow ponds with a high area-to-volume ratio experi ence greater concentrations of dissolved solids due to surface evaporation. Dissolved solids increase in all ponds, but deeper ponds can mitigate the problem. Figure 3-18 summarizes the expected concentration levels of TDS with varying pond depth for reclaimed water with an influent concentration of 1,112 and 1,500 mg/l of TDS, assuming water is lost from storage through evaporation only.
Beneficial water reclamation and reuse can effectively augment existing water supplies and reduce the water quality impacts of effluent discharge. Yet 100 percent reuse of the effluent may not always be feasible. In such cases, some form of alternative use or disposal of the excess water is necessary. For the purposes of this sec tion, the discharge of reclaimed water will be considered disposal, regardless of whether it is for subsequent re use or permanent disposal. Where reclamation programs incorporate existing waste water treatment facilities, an existing disposal system will likely be in place and can continue to be used for partial or intermittent disposal. Common alternative dis posal systems include surface water discharge, injec tion wells, land application, and wetlands application.
Figure 3-18.
TDS Increase Due to Evaporation for One Year as a Function of Pond Depth
In the City of Petaluma, California the ability to protect the downstream habitat by eliminating surface water dis charges from May through September played a major role in considering reuse. (Putnam, 2002). Injection Wells
Injection wells, which convey reclaimed water into sub surface formations, are also used as an alternative means of disposal, including eventual reuse via groundwater recharge. Thus, the purpose of the disposal (permanent or for future reuse) will typically determine the type and regulatory framework of the injection wells. The EPA Underground Injection Control (UIC) program has catego rized injection wells into 5 classes, only 2 of which (Class I and V) apply to reclaimed water disposal. Class I injection wells are technologically sophisticated and inject hazardous and non-hazardous wastes below the lowermost underground source of drinking water (USDW). Injection occurs into deep, isolated rock forma tions that are separated from the lowermost USDW by layers of impermeable clay and rock. In general, owners and operators of most new Class I injection wells are required to:
Intermittent surface water discharge may provide an ac ceptable method for the periodic disposal of excess re claimed water. While demand for reclaimed water nor mally declines during wet weather periods, it is during wet weather periods that surface waters are generally more able to assimilate the nutrients in reclaimed water without adverse water quality impacts. Conversely, dur ing the warm summer months when surface water bod ies are often most susceptible to the water quality im pacts of effluent discharges, the demand for irrigation water is high and an excess of reclaimed water is less likely. Thus, the development of a water reuse program with intermittent discharges can reduce or eliminate wastewater discharges during periods when waters are most sensitive to nutrient concentrations while allowing for discharges at times when adverse impacts are less likely. By eliminating discharges for a portion of the year through water reuse, a municipality may also be able to avoid the need for costly advanced wastewater treatment nutrient removal processes often required for a continu ous discharge. The New York Citys investigation into water reclamation included a comparison of the reduc tion in nitrogen loadings that could be achieved through BNR treatment or beneficial reuse. Table 3-15 provides a summary of this effort and indicates the volume of water that must be diverted to reuse in order to equal the nutrient reduction that would be realized from a given level of BNR treatment.
Site the injection wells in a location that is free of faults and other adverse geological features. Drill to a depth that allows the injection into formations that do not contain water that can potentially be used as a source of drinking water. These injection zones are confined from any formation that may contain water that may potentially be used as a source of drinking water. inside another pipe (casing). This outer pipe has ce ment on the outside to fill any voids occurring be tween the outside pipe and the hole that was bored for the well (borehole). This allows for multiple layers of containment of the potentially contaminating in jection fluids.
Class V injection wells will likely include nearly all re claimed water injection wells that are not permitted as Class I injection wells. Under the existing federal regula tions, Class V injection wells are authorized by rule (40 CFR 144), which means they do not require a federal
permit if they do not endanger underground sources of drinking water and comply with other UIC program re quirements. However, individual states may require spe cific treatment, well construction, and water quality moni toring standards compliance before permitting any injec tion of reclaimed water into aquifers that are currently or could potentially be used for potable supply. A discus sion about potential reclaimed water indirect potable re use guidelines is contained in Chapter 4. Injection wells are a key component of the urban reuse program in the City of St. Petersburg, Florida. The city operates 10 wells, which inject excess reclaimed water into a saltwater aquifer at depths between 700 and 1,000 feet (210 and 300 meters) below the land surface. Ap proximately 50 percent of the available reclaimed water is disposed of through injection. When originally installed, the wells were permitted as Class I injection wells with the primary use for the management of excess reclaimed water, but also were employed to dispose of any reclaimed water not meeting water quality standards. The City is in the permitting process to convert the wells to Class V injection wells, for primary use as an ASR system. Under suitable circumstances, excess reclaimed water can be stored in aquifers for subsequent reuse. In Or ange County, California injection of reclaimed water into potable supply aquifers has been conducted for seawa ter intrusion control and groundwater recharge since 1976 and has expanded in recent years to Los Angeles County, California. New advanced water treatment and injection projects are underway in both counties to supply the majority of coastal injection wells in Orange and Los Angeles counties with reclaimed water to reduce depen dence on imported water from the Colorado River and northern California. Additional discussion about reclaimed water recharge can be found in Chapter 2.
Land Application
In water reuse irrigation systems, reclaimed water is ap plied in quantities to meet an existing water demand. In land treatment systems, effluent may be applied in ex cess of the needs of the crop. Land application systems can provide reuse benefits, such as irrigation and/or groundwater recharge. However, in many cases, the main focus of land application systems is to avoid detrimental impacts to groundwater that can result from the applica tion of nutrients or toxic compounds. In some cases, a site may be amenable to both reuse and land application. Such are the conditions of a Tal lahassee, Florida sprayfield system. This system is lo cated on a sand ridge, where only drought-tolerant flora can survive without irrigation. By providing reclaimed water for irrigation, the site became suitable for agricul tural production of multiple crop types. However, be cause of the extreme infiltration and percolation rates, it is possible to apply up to 3 inches per week (8 cm per week) of reclaimed water without significant detrimental impacts to the crop (Allhands and Overman, 1989). The use of land application as an alternative means of disposal is subject to hydrogeological considerations. The EPA manual Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater (U.S. EPA, 1981) provides a complete discussion of the design requirements for such systems. The use of land application systems for wet weather dis posal is limited unless high infiltration and percolation rates can be achieved. This can be accomplished through the use of rapid infiltration basins or manmade wetlands. In cases where manmade wetlands are created, dam aged wetlands are restored, or existing wetlands are en-
Table 3-15.
Ste p Fe e d BNR Proje cte d TN Dis charge (lbs /d) 24,000 16,000 3,500 11,000 7,500
hanced, wetlands application may be considered a form of water reuse, as discussed in Section 2.5.1. Partial or intermittent discharges to wetlands systems have also been incorporated as alternative disposal means in wa ter reuse systems, with the wetlands providing additional treatment through filtration and nutrient uptake. A wetlands discharge is used in Orange County, Florida, where a portion of the reclaimed water generated by the Eastern Service Area WWTF is reused for power plant cooling, and the remainder is discharged by over land flow to a system of manmade and natural wetlands. Figure 3-19 shows the redistribution construction wet lands system. Application rates are managed to simu late natural hydroperiods of the wetland systems (Schanze and Voss, 1989).
vestigation of environmental impacts is required, it may be subject to state policies. The following conditions are given as those that would induce an EIS in a federally-funded project:
The project may significantly alter land use. The project is in conflict with any land use plans or policies. Wetlands will be adversely impacted.
Environmental Impacts
The project is expected to displace populations or alter existing residential areas. The project may adversely affect a flood plain or important farmlands. The project may adversely affect parklands, pre serves, or other public lands designated to be of scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value. The project may have a significant adverse impact upon ambient air quality, noise levels, surface or groundwater quality or quantity. The project may have adverse impacts on water supply, fish, shellfish, wildlife, and their actual habi tats.
Elimination or reduction of a surface water discharge by reclamation and reuse generally reduces adverse water
Figure 3-19.
The types of activities associated with federal EIS re quirements are outlined below. Many of the same require ments are incorporated into environmental assessments required under state laws.
quality impacts to the receiving water. However, moving the discharge from a disposal site to a reuse system may have secondary environmental impacts. An envi ronmental assessment may be required to meet state or local regulations and is required whenever federal funds are used. Development of water reuse systems may have unintended environmental impacts related to land use, stream flow, and groundwater quality. Formal guidelines for the development of an environmental impact state ment (EIS) have been established by the EPA. Such studies are generally associated with projects receiving federal funding or new NPDES permits and are not spe cifically associated with reuse programs. Where an in
Water reuse can induce significant land use changes, either directly or indirectly. Direct changes include shifts in vegetation or ecosystem characteristics induced by alterations in water balance in an area. Indirect changes include land use alterations associated with industrial, residential, or other development made possible by the added supply of water from reuse. Two cases from Florida illustrate this point.
A study in the Palm Beach County, Florida area de
termined that reuse could provide water supply suffi cient to directly and substantially change the hydroperiod in the area. This change was significant enough to materially improve the potential for sus
taining a wetlands ecosystem and for controlling the extent and spread of invasive species. In short, the added reuse water directly affected the nature of land cover in the area.
for irrigation or other purposes can cause an increase in base flows, if the prevailing groundwater elevation is raised. (Groundwater effects are discussed fur ther in Section 3.7.3.)
Indirect changes were also experienced in agricul tural land use in the Orange County, Florida area. Agricultural use patterns were found to be materially influenced by water reuse associated with the Water Conserv II project. Commercial orange groves were sustained and aided in recovery from frost damage to crops by the plentiful supply of affordable water generated by reuse. The added reuse water affected the viability of agriculture, and therefore, indirectly affected land use in the area.
Increases in stream flows during wet periods can result from reduced soil moisture capacity in a tribu tary watershed, if there is pervasive use of recharge on the land surface during dry periods. In such a case, antecedent conditions are wetter, and runoff greater, for a given rainstorm. The instream system bears the consequences of this change.
It is important to note that the concurrent effects of land use changes discussed in Section 3.7.1 can exacerbate either of the above effects. Instream flow reduction is also possible, and can be more directly evident. For example, the Trinity River in Texas, in the reaches near the City of Dallas, maintains a continuous flow of several hundred cubic feet per sec ond during dry periods. This flow is almost entirely com posed of treated effluent from discharges further up stream. If extensive reuse programs were to be imple mented at the upstream facilities, dry weather flows in this river would be jeopardized and plans for urban de velopment downstream could be severely impacted due to lack of available water. In addition to water quantity issues, reuse programs can potentially impact aesthetics or recreational use and dam age ecosystems associated with streams where hydro logic behavior is significantly affected. Where wastewa ter discharges have occurred over an extended period of time, the flora and fauna can adapt and even become dependent on that water. A new or altered ecosystem can arise, and a reuse program implemented without con sideration of this fact could have an adverse impact on such a community. In some cases, water reuse projects have been directly affected by concerns for instream flow reduction that could result from a reuse program. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) in Texas defined the historic spring flow at the San Antonio River headwa ters during development of their reclaimed water sys tem. In cooperation with downstream users and the San Antonio River Authority, SAWS agreed to maintain a re lease of 55,000 acre-feet per year (68 x 106 m3 per year) from its water reclamation facilities. This policy protects and enhances downstream water quality and provides 35,000 acre-feet per year (43 x 106 m3 per year) of re claimed water for local use. In the State of Washington, reuse water can be dis charged to a stream as stream flow augmentation. Un
Other examples of changes in land use as a result of available reuse water include the potential for urban or industrial development in areas where natural water avail ability limits the potential for growth. For example, if the supply of potable water can be increased through recharge using reuse supply, then restrictions to development might be reduced or eliminated. Even nonpotable sup plies, made available for uses such as residential irriga tion, can affect the character and desirability of devel oped land in an area. Similar effects can also happen on a larger scale, as municipalities in areas where develop ment options are constrained by water supply might find that nonpotable reuse enables the development of parks or other amenities that were previously considered to be too costly or difficult to implement. Commercial users such as golf courses, garden parks, or plant nurseries have similar potential for development given the pres ence of reuse supplies. The potential interactions associated with land use changes are complex, and in some cases the conclu sion that impacts are beneficial is subjective. An increase in urban land use, for example, is not universally viewed as a positive change. For this reason, the decision-making process involved in implementing a reclamation pro gram should result from a careful consideration of stake holder goals.
Instream flows can either increase or decrease as a con sequence of reuse projects. In each situation where re use is considered, there is the potential to shift water balances and effectively alter the prevailing hydrologic regime in an area. Two examples of the way flows can increase as a result of a reuse project are as follows:
In streams where dry weather base flows are ground
der this provision, reclaimed water can be discharged to surface water for purposeful uses such as:
Case Studies
Code of Good Practices for Water Reuse
If the flow is to maintain adequate flows for aquatic life and therefore the stream is acting as a conduit
In the City of Sequim, Washington 0.1 cfs (2.8 l/s) of reclaimed water is discharged into the Bell Stream to keep the benthic layer wet. The flow is not intended to maintain an environment for fish, but instead to main tain other small species that live in the streambed. To date, no studies have been conducted to show the ef fects to the ecosystem. The implication of these considerations is that a careful analysis of the entire hydrologic system is an appropri ate consideration in a reuse project if instream impacts are to be understood. This is particularly the case when the magnitude of the flows impacted by the reuse pro gram is large, relative to the quantities involved in the hydrologic system that will be directly impacted by the reuse program.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the Florida Water Environment Associations (FWEA) Water Reuse committee have developed the Code of Good Practices for Water Reuse in Florida (FDEP, 2002). The Code of Good Practices includes 16 principles and is designed to aid reuse utilities as they implement quality water reuse programs. Protection of Public Health and Environmental Quality Public Health Significance To recognize that dis tribution of reclaimed water for nonpotable purposes offers potential for public contact and that such con tact has significance related to the public health. Compliance To comply with all applicable state, federal, and local requirements for water reclama tion, storage, transmission, distribution, and reuse of reclaimed water. Product To provide reclaimed water that meets state treatment and disinfection requirements and that is safe and acceptable for the intended uses when delivered to the end users. Quality Monitoring and Process Control To con tinuously monitor the reclaimed water being produced and rigorously enforce the approved operating proto col such that only high-quality reclaimed water is delivered to the end users. Effective Filtration To optimize performance of the filtration process in order to maximize the effec tiveness of the disinfection process in the inactiva tion of viruses and to effectively remove protozoan pathogens. Cross-Connection Control To ensure that effec tive cross-connection control programs are rigorously enforced in areas served with reclaimed water. Inspections To provide thorough, routine inspec tions of reclaimed water facilities, including facili ties located on the property of end users, to ensure that reclaimed water is used in accordance with state and local requirements and that cross-connections do not occur.
Hydrogeological Impacts
As a final environmental consideration of water reuse, the groundwater quality effects of the reclaimed water for the intended use must be reviewed. The exact concerns of any project are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. One of the better-known sources of potential groundwa ter pollution is nitrate, which may be found in, or result from, the application of reclaimed water. However, addi tional physical, chemical, and biological constituents found in reclaimed water may pose an environmental risk. In general, these concerns increase when there are sig nificant industrial wastewater discharges to the water reclamation facility. Impacts of these constituents are influenced by the hydrogeology of the reuse application site. Where karst conditions exist, for example, constituents may poten tially exist within the reclaimed water that will ultimately reach the aquifer. In many reclaimed water irrigation programs, a groundwater-monitoring program is re quired to detect the impacts of reclaimed water con stituents.
Reuse System Management Water Supply Philosophy To adopt a water sup ply philosophy oriented towards reliable delivery of a high-quality reclaimed water product to the end users. Conservation To recognize that reclaimed water is a valuable water resource, which should be used efficiently and effectively to promote conservation of the resource. Partnerships To enter into partnerships with the Department of Environmental Protection, the end users, the public, the drinking water utility, other lo cal and regional agencies, the water management district, and the county health department to follow and promote these practices. Communications To provide effective and open communication with the public, end users, the drink ing water utility, other local and regional agencies, the Department of Environmental Protection, the water management district, and the county health department. Contingency Plans To develop response plans for unanticipated events, such as inclement weather, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, supply short falls, equipment failure, and power disruptions. Preventative Maintenance To prepare and imple ment a plan for preventative maintenance for equip ment and facilities to treat wastewater and to store, convey, and distribute reclaimed water. Continual Improvement To continually improve all aspects of water reclamation and reuse. Public Awareness Public Notification To provide effective signage advising the public about the use of reclaimed water and to provide effective written notification to end users of reclaimed water about the origin of, the na ture of, and proper use of reclaimed water. Education To educate the public, children, and other agencies about the need for water conserva tion and reuse, reuse activities in the state and lo cal area, and environmentally sound wastewater management and water reuse practices.
Efforts to control cross-connections invariably increase as part of the implementation of dual distribution sys tems involving potable and nonpotable lines. A funda mental element of these cross-connection control ele ments is the maintenance of a separation between po table and nonpotable pipelines. While the specific require ments often vary from state to state, common elements typically include color-coding requirements as well as minimum vertical and horizontal separations. Excerpts from the State of Washington, Reclaimed Water Po table Water Separation Standards, are provided below as an example of these requirements. Policy Requirements: Potable water lines require pro tection from any nonpotable water supply, including all classes of reclaimed water. For buried pipelines, proper pipe separation must be provided. General Requirements: Standard potable-nonpotable pipe separation standards should be observed at: 1. 2. Parallel Installations: Minimum horizontal separation of 10 feet (3 meters) pipe-to-pipe. Pipe Crossings: Minimum vertical separation of 18 inches (0.5 meters) pipe-to-pipe, with potable lines crossing above nonpotable.
Special Conditions: Special laying conditions where the required separations cannot be maintained may be ad dressed as shown in the following examples. Figure 3-20. A Minimum 5-foot (1.5-meter) Horizontal Pipe Separation Coupled with an 18-inch (46-cm) Vertical Separation
Figure 3-21.
Special Condition Number 2 - Inadequate Horizontal Separation: Site limitations will likely result in paral lel pipe installations with less than 48 inches (1.2 meters) of pipe-to-pipe separation. In these instances, a mini mum pipe-to-pipe separation of 18 inches (46 cm) shall be provided, and the reclaimed water irrigation lateral shall be installed a minimum of 18 inches (46 cm) above the potable water pipeline. An impervious barrier, such as PVC sheeting, installed between the irrigation lateral and the waterline for the length of the run is recommended. Figure 3-23. Parallel Water - Lateral Installation
Pipeline Separation: Minimum pipeline separation be tween any potable water line and reclaimed water irriga tion laterals shall be 48 inches (1.2 meters) pipe-to-pipe separation. Special Condition Number 1- Irrigation Lateral Crossings: Reclaimed water irrigation laterals will commonly cross above potable water lines due to normal depths of bury. To provide adequate protection, the reclaimed wa ter irrigation lateral shall be cased in pressure-rated pipe to a minimum distance of 4 feet (1.2 meters) on each side of the potable water line. Figure 3-22. Lateral Crossing Requirements
Historically, the microbiological quality of both wastewa ter effluents and reclaimed water has been based on in dicator organisms. This practice has proved to be effec tive and will likely continue into the foreseeable future. However, given uncertainties in the use of indicator or ganisms to control pathogens in reclaimed water and in other waters, regulatory agencies could consider devel oping a number of guidelines or standards for selected pathogens using microbiological risk assessment. De velopment of risk-based guidelines or standards could include: 1. 2. 3. Selection of appropriate pathogens Selection of microbial risk models Structuring of exposure scenarios
4. 5.
Selection of acceptable risk levels Calculation of the concentration of the pathogen that would result in a risk equal to the acceptable level of risk
As an example, York and Walker-Coleman (York and Walker-Coleman, 1999, 2000) used a risk assessment approach to evaluate guidelines for nonpotable reuse activities. These investigations developed guidelines for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and enteroviruses using the following models:
Organism Echovirus 12 (moderately infective) Rotavirus (highly infective) Cryptosporidium Giardia Model Used Pi = 1 - (1 + N/) (beta-Poisson) Pi = 1 - (1 + N/) (beta-Poisson) Pi = 1 e-rN (exponential) Pi = 1 e
-rN - -
of 365 days during the year. In addition, a worst-case scenario involving ingestion of 100 ml of reclaimed water on a single day during the year was evaluated. These exposure scenarios were judged representative of the use of reclaimed water to irrigate a residential lawn. The exposure scenarios could be adjusted to fit other reuse activities, such as irrigation of a golf course, park, or school. The results of this exercise are summarized in Table 3-16. It is important to note that, particularly for the protozoan pathogens, the calculations assume that all pathogens present in reclaimed water are intact, viable, and fully capable of causing infection. A Giardia infectivity study conducted by the Los Angeles County Sanitation Dis trict (Garcia et al., 2002) demonstrated that Giardia cysts passing through a water reclamation facility were not in fectious. This basic approach could be applied to other waters and could be used to establish consistency among the various water programs.
Source: Rose and Carnahan, 1992, Rose et al., 1996 Since specific types of viruses typically are not quanti fied when assessing viruses in reclaimed water, assump tions about the type of viruses present were required. For the purpose of developing a risk assessment model, it was assumed that all viruses would be highly infective rotaviruses. Helminths were not evaluated, since data from St. Petersburg, Florida showed that helminths were consistently removed in the secondary clarifiers of a wa ter reclamation facility (Rose and Carnahan, 1992, Rose et al., 1996). In this analysis, an annual risk of infection of 1x10-4 was used as the acceptable level of risk. Two exposure scenarios were evaluated. Average conditions were evalu ated based on the assumption that an individual would ingest 1.0 ml of reclaimed water (or its residue) on each Table 3-16.
When a National Technical Information Service (NTIS) number is cited in a reference, that reference is available from: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650 Adams, A.P. and B.G. Lewis. Undated. Bacterial Aero sols Generated by Cooling Towers of Electrical Gener ating Plants. Paper No. TP-191-A, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah. Adams, D.L. 1990. Reclaimed Water Use in Southern California: Metropolitan Water Districts Role. 1990 Biennial Conference Proceedings, National Water Supply Improvement Association, Volume 2. August 19-23, 1990. Buena Vista, Florida.
Note: (a) Assumes all viruses are highly infective Rotavirus. Source: York and Walker-Coleman, 1999, 2000
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Water Reuse Regulations and Guidelines in the U.S.
Most reuse programs operate within a framework of regulations that must be addressed in the earliest stages of planning. A thorough understanding of all applicable regulations is required to plan the most effective design and operation of a water reuse program and to streamline implementation. Regulations refer to actual rules that have been enacted and are enforceable by government agencies. Guidelines, on the other hand, are not enforceable but can be used in the development of a reuse program. Currently, there are no federal regulations directly governing water reuse practices in the U.S. Water reuse regulations and guidelines have, however, been developed by many individual states. As of November 2002, 25 states had adopted regulations regarding the reuse of reclaimed water, 16 states had guidelines or design standards, and 9 states had no regulations or guidelines. In states with no specific regulations or guidelines on water reclamation and reuse, programs may still be permitted on a case-bycase basis. Regulations and guidelines vary considerably from state to state. States such as Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming have developed regulations or guidelines that strongly encourage water reuse as a water resources conservation strategy. These states have developed comprehensive regulations or guidelines specifying water quality requirements, treatment processes, or both, for the full spectrum of reuse applications. The objective in these states is to derive the maximum resource benefits of the reclaimed water while protecting the environment and public health. Other states have developed water reuse regulations with the primary intent of providing a disposal alternative to discharge to surface waters, without considering the management of reclaimed water as a resource. This section provides an inventory of the various state water reuse regulations throughout the U.S. and updates
recommended guidelines that may aid in the development of more comprehensive state or even federal standards for water reuse. Water reuse outside the U.S. is discussed in Chapter 8.
The following inventory of state reuse regulations and guidelines is based on a survey of all states conducted specifically for this document. Regulatory agencies in all 50 states were contacted and information was obtained concerning their regulations governing water reuse. All of the information presented in this section is considered current as of November 2002. California and Florida compile comprehensive inventories of reuse projects by type of reuse application. These inventories are compiled by the California Water Resources Control Board (CWRCB) in Sacramento and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) in Tallahassee, respectively. The inventories are available for viewing or downloading from each agencys website. Floridas 2001 Reuse Inventory shows a total of 461 domestic wastewater treatment facilities with permitted capacities of 0.1 mgd (4.4 l/s) or more that produce reclaimed water. These treatment facilities serve 431 reuse systems and provide 584 mgd (25,600 l/s) of reclaimed water for beneficial purposes. The total reuse capacity associated with these systems is 1,151 mgd (50,400 l/s) (FDEP, 2002). Californias May 2000 Municipal Wastewater Reclamation Survey, estimated a total of 358 mgd (14,800 l/s) treated municipal wastewater was being reused. This represents a 50 percent increase from the survey undertaken by CWRCB in 1987. The wastewater is treated at 234 treatment plants and is being reused at approximately 4,840 sites (CWRCB, 2000). Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show the types of reuse occurring in California and Florida, respectively.
Figure 4-1.
Most states do not have regulations that cover all potential uses of reclaimed water. Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington have extensive regulations or guidelines that prescribe requirements for a wide range of end uses of the reclaimed water. Other states have regulations or guidelines that focus upon land treatment of wastewater effluent, emphasizing additional treatment or effluent disposal rather than beneficial reuse, even though the effluent may be used for irrigation of agricultural sites, golf courses, or public access lands. Based on the inventory, current regulations and guidelines may be divided into the following reuse categories:
Unrestricted urban reuse irrigation of areas in which public access is not restricted, such as parks, playgrounds, school yards, and residences; toilet flushing, air conditioning, fire protection, construction, ornamental fountains, and aesthetic impoundments. Restricted urban reuse irrigation of areas in which public access can be controlled, such as golf courses, cemeteries, and highway medians. Agricultural reuse on food crops irrigation of food crops which are intended for direct human consumption, often further classified as to whether the food crop is to be processed or consumed raw. Agricultural reuse on non-food crops irrigation of fodder, fiber, and seed crops, pasture land, commercial nurseries, and sod farms. Unrestricted recreational reuse an impoundment of water in which no limitations are imposed on bodycontact water recreation activities. Restricted recreational reuse an impoundment of reclaimed water in which recreation is limited to fishing, boating, and other non-contact recreational activities. ate manmade wetlands, enhance natural wetlands, and sustain or augment stream flows.
Figure 4-2.
Every 5 years, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) compiles an estimate of national reclaimed water use that is entered in a national database system and publishes its findings in a national circular, Estimated Use of Water in the United States. The 1995 publication estimated that approximately 983 mgd (43,060 l/s) of the effluent discharged in the U.S. was released for beneficial reuse, an increase of 55 mgd (2,410 l/s) from the 1990 estimate (Perlman et al., 1998). More current estimates were not available from the USGS at the time of this update, but it is anticipated that the 2000 publication will be available at the time these guidelines are published.
facilities primarily for cooling system make-up water, boiler-feed water, process water, and general washdown.
Indirect potable reuse the intentional discharge of highly treated reclaimed water into surface waters or groundwater that are or will be used as a source of potable water.
Table 4-2 shows the number of states with regulations or guidelines for each type of reuse. The category of unrestricted urban reuse has been subdivided to indicate the number of states that have regulations pertaining to urban reuse not involving irrigation. States with regulations or guidelines pertaining to the use of reclaimed water for the following unrestricted urban reuse categories are:
Table 4-1 (on the following page) provides an overview of the current water reuse regulations and guidelines by state and by reuse category. The table identifies those states that have regulations, those with guidelines, and those states that currently do not have either. Regulations refer to actual rules that have been enacted and are enforceable by government agencies. Guidelines, on the other hand, are not enforceable but can be used in the development of a reuse program. The majority of current state regulations and guidelines pertain to the use of reclaimed water for urban and agricultural irrigation. At the time of the survey, the only states that had specific regulations or guidelines regarding the use of reclaimed water for purposes other than irrigation were Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington. The 1995 Substitute Senate Bill 5605, Reclaimed Water Act, passed in the State of Washington, states that reclaimed water is no longer considered wastewater (Van Riper et al., 1998). Table 4-2.
Flushing Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington
Fire Protection Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington Hawaii, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, and Washington
Landscape or Aesthetic Impoundments Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Washington Street Cleaning Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Washington
Number of States with Regulations or Guidelines for Each Type of Reuse Application
Type of Reuse Unrestricted Urban Irrigation Toilet Flushing Fire Protection Construction Landscape Impoundment Street Cleaning Restricted Urban Agricultural (Food Crops) Agricultural (Non-food Crops) Unrestricted Recreational Restricted Recreational Environmental (Wetlands) Industrial Groundwater Recharge (Nonpotable Aquifer) Indirect Potable Reuse
Number of States 28 28 10 9 9 11 6 34 21 40 7 9 3 9 5 5
Table 4-1.
Industrial Reuse
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas (3) California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
z z z z z z (4) z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z
z z z z z
z z
z z
z z
z z z
z z z
z z z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z z z z
z z z z
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
z z
z z
z z z z z
z z z z z
z z z z z z z
z z
z z z
(1) (2)
Specific regulations on reuse not adopted: however, reclamation may be approved on a case-by-case basis N - no change NR - no guidelines or regulations to regulations U - updated guidelines or regulations NG - no guidelines or regulations to guidelines GR - guidelines to regulations RG - regulations to guidelines Has regulations for landscape irrigation excluding residential irrigation; guidelines cover all other uses
Environmental Reuse
Groundwater Recharge
It is important to understand that because a state does not have specific guidelines or regulations for a particular type of reuse as defined in this chapter, it does not mean that the state does not allow that type of reuse under other uses. Also, some states allow consideration of reuse options that are not addressed within their existing guidelines or regulations. For example, Floridas rules governing water reuse enable the state to permit other uses, if the applicant demonstrates that public health will be protected.
limit on turbidity is usually specified to monitor the performance of the treatment facility. This discussion on reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements is based on the regulations from the following states: Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, Texas, and Washington. These regulations were chosen because these states provide a collective wisdom of successful reuse programs and long-term experience. Unrestricted Urban Reuse
Requirements for water quality and treatment receive the most attention in state reuse regulations. States that have water reuse regulations or guidelines have set standards for reclaimed water quality and/or specified minimum treatment requirements. Generally, where unrestricted public exposure is likely in the reuse application, wastewater must be treated to a high degree prior to its application. Where exposure is not likely, however, a lower level of treatment is usually accepted. The most common parameters for which water quality limits are imposed are biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS), and total or fecal coliform counts. Total and fecal coliform counts are generally used as indicators to determine the degree of disinfection. A Table 4-3. Unrestricted Urban Reuse
Arizona Secondary treatment, filtration, and disinfection NS NS 2 NTU (Avg) 5 NTU (Max) Fe cal None detectable (Avg) 23/100 ml (Max)
Unrestricted urban reuse involves the use of reclaimed water where public exposure is likely in the reuse application, thereby necessitating a high degree of treatment. In general, all states that specify a treatment process require a minimum of secondary treatment and treatment with disinfection prior to unrestricted urban reuse. However, the majority of states require additional levels of treatment that may include oxidation, coagulation, and filtration. Texas does not specify the type of treatment processes required and only sets limits on the reclaimed water quality. Table 4-3 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for unrestricted urban reuse. Where specified, limits on BOD range from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Texas requires that BOD not exceed 5 mg/l (monthly
California Oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected NS NS 2 NTU (Avg) 5 NTU (Max) Total 2.2/100 ml (Avg) 23/100 ml (Max in 30 days)
Florida Secondary treatment, filtration, and high- level disinfection 20 mg/l CBOD5 5.0 mg/l NS Fe cal 75% of samples below detection 25/100 ml (Max)
Te xas
Was hington Oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected 30 mg/l 30 mg/l 2 NTU (Avg) 5 NTU (Max)
Treatm ent
23/100 ml (Max)
75/100 ml (Max)
23/100 ml (Max)
average) except when reclaimed water is used for landscape impoundments. In that case, BOD is limited to 10 mg/l. Nevada, on the other hand, requires that BOD not exceed 30 mg/l prior to unrestricted urban reuse. Limits on TSS vary from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Florida requires a TSS limit of 5.0 mg/l prior to disinfection and Washington requires that TSS not exceed 30 mg/l. Average fecal and total coliform limits range from nondetectable to 20/100 ml. Higher single sample fecal and total coliform limits are allowed in several state regulations. Florida requires that 75 percent of the fecal coliform samples taken over a 30-day period be below detectable levels, with no single sample in excess of 25/100 ml, while Texas requires that no single fecal coliform count exceed 75/100 ml. In general and where specified, limits on turbidity range from 2 to 5 NTU. Most of the states require an average turbidity limit of 2 NTU and a not-to-exceed limit of 5 NTU, although Hawaiis guidelines identify a not-to-exceed limit of 2 NTU. Florida requires continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity as an indicator that the TSS limit of 5.0 mg/l is being met. No limit is specified but turbidity setpoints used in Florida generally range from 2 to 2.5 NTU. California specifies different turbidity requirements for wastewater that has been coagulated and passed through natural and undisturbed soils or a bed of filter media, as well as wastewater passed through membranes. For the first, turbidity is not to exceed 5 NTU for Table 4-4. Restricted Urban Reuse
Arizona California Flor ida Secondary treatment, filtration, and high-level disinfection 20 mg/l CBOD 5 5 mg/l NS Fe cal 75% of samples below detection 25/100 ml (Max)
more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period and not to exceed 10 NTU at any time. For the latter, turbidity is not to exceed 0.2 NTU more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period and not to exceed 0.5 NTU at any time. At this time, no states have set limits on certain pathogenic organisms for unrestricted urban reuse. However, Florida does require monitoring of Giardia and Cryptosporidium with sampling frequency based on treatment plant capacity. For systems less than 1 mgd (44 l/s), sampling is required one time during each 5-year period. For systems equal to or greater than 1 mgd (44 l/ s), sampling is required one time during each 2-year period. Samples are to be taken following the disinfection process. Restricted Urban Reuse
Restricted urban reuse involves the use of reclaimed water where public exposure to the reclaimed water is controlled; therefore, treatment requirements may not be as strict as for unrestricted urban reuse. Six states, which regulate both unrestricted and restricted urban reuse, adjusted requirements downward for the restricted category. Florida imposes the same requirements on both unrestricted and restricted urban access reuse. Table 4-4 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for restricted urban reuse.
Haw aii
Te xas
Was hington
Tr e atm e nt
30 mg/l 30 mg/l 2 NTU (Avg) 5 NTU (Max) Total 23/100 ml (Avg) 240/100 ml (Max)
Colifor m
Table 4-5.
T r e atm e n t
N S (1)
BOD5 T SS T u r b id ity
NS NS 2 N T U (M ax )
30 m g/l NS NS
5 m g/l NS 3 NTU
C o lifo r m
In general, the states require a minimum of secondary or biological treatment followed by disinfection prior to restricted urban reuse. Florida requires additional levels of treatment with filtration and possibly coagulation prior to restricted urban reuse. As in unrestricted urban reuse, Texas does not specify the type of treatment processes required and only sets limits on the reclaimed water quality. Where specified, limits on average BOD range from 20 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Florida and Texas require that BOD not exceed 20 mg/l, while Nevada and Washington require that BOD not exceed 30 mg/l prior to restricted urban reuse. Limits on TSS vary from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Florida requires that TSS not exceed 5.0 mg/l, while Washington requires that TSS not exceed 30 mg/l. As in unrestricted urban reuse, for those states that do not specify limitations on BOD or TSS, a particular level of treatment is usually specified. Average fecal coliform limits range from non-detectable to 200/100 ml, with some states allowing higher single sample fecal coliform limits. As for unrestricted urban reuse, Florida requires that 75 percent of the fecal coliform samples taken over a 30-day period be below detectable levels, with no single sample in excess of 25/100 ml. Arizona and Texas require that no single fecal coliform count exceed 800/100 ml.
Washington is the only state that sets a limit on turbidity for restricted urban reuse with an average turbidity limit of 2 NTU and a not-to-exceed at any time limit of 5 NTU. At this time, no states have set limits on certain pathogenic organisms for restricted urban reuse. However, Florida does require monitoring of Giardia and Cryptosporidium with sampling frequency as noted in Section Agricultural Reuse - Food Crops
The use of reclaimed water for irrigation of food crops is prohibited in some states, while others allow irrigation of food crops with reclaimed water only if the crop is to be processed and not eaten raw. Nevada allows only surface irrigation of fruit or nut bearing trees. Treatment requirements range from secondary treatment in Nevada for irrigation of processed food crops, to oxidation, coagulation, filtration, and disinfection in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, and Washington. Table 4-5 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for irrigation of food crops. Most states require a high level of treatment when reclaimed water is used for edible crops, especially those that are to be consumed raw. As in other reuse applications, however, existing regulations on treatment and
water quality requirements vary from state to state and depend largely on the type of irrigation employed and the type of food crop being irrigated. For example, for foods consumed raw, Washington requires that the reclaimed water be oxidized and disinfected when surface irrigation is used, with the mean total coliform count not to exceed 2.2/100 ml. When spray irrigation is utilized, Washington requires that the reclaimed water be oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected, with the mean total coliform count not to exceed 2.2/100 ml. For processed foods, Washington requires only oxidation and disinfection regardless of the type of irrigation, with a 7-day mean total coliform count of 240/100 ml. Where specified, limits on BOD range from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Texas requires a monthly average BOD limit of 5 mg/l when reclaimed water will be used to irrigate unprocessed food crops. In Texas, spray irrigation is not permitted on foods that may be consumed raw, and only irrigation types that avoid reclaimed water contact with edible portions of food crops are acceptable. Florida requires that the annual average CBOD not exceed 20 mg/l after secondary treatment with filtration and highlevel disinfection, while Texas requires that the BOD not exceed 30 mg/l (monthly average) when the reclaimed water is treated using a pond system and is to be used to irrigate food crops undergoing processing. Limits on TSS vary from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Florida requires that TSS not exceed 5.0 mg/l in any one sample prior to disinfection, while Washington requires that the TSS not exceed 30 mg/l (monthly average). In Florida, direct contact (spray) irrigation of edible crops that will not be peeled, skinned, cooked, or thermally-processed before consumption is not allowed except for tobacco and citrus. Indirect contact methods (ridge and furrow, drip, subsurface application system) can be used on any type of edible crop. California allows for direct contact irrigation with the edible portion of the crop. Average fecal and total coliform limits range from nondetectable to 200/100 ml. Arizona requires no detectable limit for fecal coliform when reclaimed water will be used for spray irrigation of food crops. Florida requires that 75 percent of the fecal coliform samples taken over a 30-day period be below detectable levels, with no single sample in excess of 25/100 ml. Conversely, Nevada requires a maximum fecal coliform count of less than 400/100 ml with only surface irrigation of fruit and nut bearing trees. Again, some states allow higher single sample coliform counts. Limits on turbidity range from 2 to 10 NTU. For example, California requires that turbidity not exceed 2 NTU within a 24-hour period, not exceed 5 NTU more than 5 per-
cent of the time, and not exceed a maximum of 10 NTU at any time for reclaimed water that has been coagulated and passed through natural undisturbed soils or a bed of filter media and is irrigated on food crops to be consumed raw. California requires that the turbidity not exceed 0.2 NTU more than 5 percent of the time and not exceed a maximum of 0.5 NTU at any time for reclaimed water that has been passed through a membrane and is irrigated on food crops to be consumed raw. Hawaii requires that the detectable turbidity not exceed 5 NTU for more than 15 minutes and never exceed 10 NTU prior to filtration for reclaimed water used for spray irrigation of food crops. At this time, no states have set limits on certain pathogenic organisms for agricultural reuse on food crops. Florida does require monitoring of Giardia and Cryptosporidium with sampling frequency as noted in Section Agricultural Reuse Non-food Crops
The use of reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation of non-food crops presents a reduced opportunity of human exposure to the water, resulting in less stringent treatment and water quality requirements than other forms of reuse. In the majority of the states, secondary treatment followed by disinfection is required, although Hawaii also requires filtration. Table 4-6 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for irrigation of non-food crops. Where specified, limits on BOD range from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Texas requires that BOD not exceed 5 mg/l (monthly average) except when reclaimed water is used for landscape impoundments, in which case BOD is limited to 10 mg/l. Florida requires that the annual average CBOD not exceed 20 mg/l after secondary treatment and basic disinfection. Washington and Nevada require that BOD not exceed 30 mg/l as a monthly average. Limits on TSS vary from 20 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Florida requires that the annual average TSS not exceed 20 mg/l except when a subsurface application is used, in which case the single sample TSS limit is 10 mg/l. Washington requires a monthly mean of 30 mg/l TSS. Average fecal and total coliform limits range from 2.2/100 ml for Hawaii to 200/100 ml for Arizona and Florida. There are several states that do not require disinfection if certain buffer requirements are met. For example, Nevada requires no disinfection with a minimum buffer zone of 800 feet for spray irrigation of non-food crops. Some states allow higher single sample coliform counts. For example, Arizona requires that no single fecal coliform count ex-
Table 4-6.
T r e atm e n t
Sec ondary Sec ondary -23, treatm ent and O x idiz ed, and dis infec tion dis infec ted NS NS NS NS
(1 )
5 m g/l NS
T u r b id ity
2 N T U (M ax )
3 NTU 5 N T U (M ax )
C o lifo r m
ceed 4,000/100 ml when reclaimed water will be used for irrigation of pasture for non-dairy animals. At this time, Hawaii, Texas, and Washington require limits on turbidity for reclaimed water used for agricultural reuse on non-food crops. Washington requires that the turbidity not exceed 2 NTU as an average and not exceed 5 NTU at any time. Texas requires a turbidity limit of 3 NTU for reclaimed water that will be used for irrigation of pastures for milking animals. Hawaii, on the other hand, requires the detectable turbidity not exceed 5 NTU for more than 15 minutes and never exceed 10 NTU prior to filtration for reclaimed water used for spray irrigation of pastures for milking and other animals. At this time, no states have set limits on certain pathogenic organisms for agricultural reuse on non-food crops. Unrestricted Recreational Reuse
Nevada requires secondary treatment with disinfection, while California requires oxidation, coagulation, clarification, filtration, and disinfection. Where specified, limits on BOD range from 5 mg/l to 30 mg/l. Texas requires that BOD not exceed 5 mg/l as a monthly average, while Washington requires that BOD not exceed 30 mg/l prior to unrestricted recreational reuse. Washington is the only state to set a limit on TSS and requires 30 mg/l or less as a monthly average. All states, except Texas, require that the median total coliform count not exceed 2.2/100 ml, with no single sample to exceed 23/100 ml. Texas requires that the median fecal coliform count not exceed 20/100 ml, with no single sample to exceed 75/ 100 ml. Limits on turbidity generally range from 2 NTU to 5 NTU. Most of the states require an average turbidity limit of 2 NTU and a not-to-exceed limit of 5 NTU. California specifies different turbidity requirements for wastewater that has been coagulated and passed through natural and undisturbed soils or a bed of filter media as well as wastewater passed through membranes. For the first, turbidity is not to exceed 5 NTU for more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period and not to exceed 10 NTU at any time. For the latter, turbidity is not to exceed 0.2 NTU more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period and not to exceed 0.5 NTU at any time. Texas requires a turbidity limit of 3 NTU, and Nevada does not specify a limit on turbidity.
As with unrestricted urban reuse, unrestricted recreational reuse involves the use of reclaimed water where public exposure is likely, thereby necessitating a high degree of treatment. Only 4 of the 7 states (California, Nevada, Texas, and Washington) have regulations or guidelines pertaining to unrestricted recreational reuse. Table 4-7 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for unrestricted recreational reuse.
Table 4-7.
Flo r id a
Haw aii
Ne vad a Se c on dar y tr eatm en t an d dis infe c tion 30 m g/l NS NS Fe c al 2.2 /10 0 m l (Av g ) 23/100 m l (Max )
T e x as
W as h in g t o n O x idiz e d, c oag ulate d, filter ed , an d dis in fec ted 3 0 m g /l 3 0 m g/l 2 N T U (Av g ) 5 N T U (Max ) Fe cal 2 .2/1 00 m l ( Av g) 2 3 /1 0 0 m l (M ax )
T r e a tm e n t
(1 )
BOD 5 T SS T u r b id ity
C o lif o r m
2 .2/1 00 m l ( Av g) 23/1 00 m l ( M a x in 3 0 da y s )
(1) NR - Not regulated by the state (2) NS - Not specified by state regulations
Table 4-8.
Haw aii O x idiz ed, filtered, and dis infec ted NS NS 2 NT U (Max ) Fe cal 2.2/100 ml (Av g) 23/100 ml (Max )
Ne vad a Sec ondary treatment and dis infec tion 30 mg/l NS NS Fe cal 200/100 ml (Av g) 23/100 ml (Max )
T e xas NS
Was h in g to n O x idiz ed and dis infec ted 30 mg/l 30 mg/l 2 NT U (Av g) 5 N T U (Max )
Colifor m
23/100 ml (Max )
(1) NR - Not regulated by the state (2) NS - Not specified by state regulations
At this time, no states have set limits on certain pathogenic organisms for unrestricted recreational reuse. Restricted Recreational Reuse
State regulations and guidelines regarding treatment and water quality requirements for restricted recreational reuse are generally less stringent than for unrestricted rec-
reational reuse since the public exposure to the reclaimed water is less likely. Six of the 7 states (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Texas, and Washington) have regulations pertaining to restricted recreational reuse. With the exception of Arizona and Hawaii, which require filtration, the remaining states require secondary treatment with disinfection. Texas does not specify treatment process requirements. Table 4-8 shows the reclaimed wa-
ter quality and treatment requirements for restricted recreational reuse. Nevada, Texas, and Washington have set limits on BOD ranging from 20 mg/l to 30 mg/l as a monthly average. Only Washington has set limits on TSS of 30 mg/l as a monthly average. Arizona requires no detectable fecal coliform in 4 of the last 7 daily samples and a single sample maximum of 23/100 ml. California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Washington require that the median total coliform count not exceed 2.2/100 ml. Texas, on the other hand, requires that the median fecal coliform count not exceed 200/100 ml and that a single sample not exceed 800/100 ml. Limits on turbidity are specified for Arizona, Hawaii, and Washington. Arizona and Washington require a turbidity of less than 2 NTU as an average and a not-to-exceed maximum of 5 NTU. Hawaii specifies an effluent turbidity requirement of 2 NTU. California, Nevada, and Texas have not specified turbidity requirements for restricted recreational reuse. At this time, no states have set limits on certain pathogenic organisms for restricted recreational reuse. Environmental - Wetlands
pertaining to the use of reclaimed water for creation of artificial wetlands and/or the enhancement of natural wetlands. Table 4-9 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for environmental reuse. Florida has comprehensive and complex rules governing the discharge of reclaimed water to wetlands. Treatment and disinfection levels are established for different types of wetlands, different types of uses, and the degree of public access. Most wetland systems in Florida are used for tertiary wastewater treatment; and wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement projects can be considered reuse. Washington also specifies different treatment requirements for different types of wetlands and based on the degree of public access. General compliance requirements of 20 mg/l BOD and TSS, 3 mg/l total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), and 1 mg/l total phosphorus must be met for all categories. Industrial Reuse
Five of the 7 states (California, Florida, Hawaii, Texas, and Washington) have regulations or guidelines pertaining to industrial reuse of reclaimed water. Table 4-10 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for industrial reuse. Reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements vary based on the final use of the reclaimed water and exposure potential (see Appendix A, Table A-8 for a sum-
A review of existing reuse regulations shows only 2 of the 7 states (Florida and Washington) have regulations Table 4-9. Environmental Reuse - Wetlands
A r iz o n a T r e atm e n t BOD5 T SS NR
C alif o r n ia NR NR NR
Haw aii NR NR NR
Ne vad a NR NR NR
T e xas NR NR NR
C o lifo r m
T o t al A m m o n ia T o t al Ph o s p h o r u s
2 m g/l
1 m g/l
(1) Florida requirements are for discharge of reclaimed water to receiving wetlands (2) NR - Not regulated by the state (3) NS - Not specified by state regulations
Table 4-10.
Industrial Reuse(1)
Ar izona Califor nia O xidiz ed and disinfec ted NS
Flor ida Sec ondary treatment and basic dis infec tion 20 mg/l 20 mg/l NS Fe cal 200/100 ml (Av g) 800/100 ml (Max )
Haw aii O xidiz ed and disinfec ted NS NS NS Fe cal 23/100 ml (Av g) 200/100 ml (Max )
Ne vada
Te xas
Tr e atm e nt
Colifor m
(1) All state requirements are minimum values. Additional treatment may be required depending on expected public exposure. Additional regulations for industrial systems are contained in Appendix A. (2) NR - Not regulated by the state (3) NS - Not specified by state regulations
mary of each states regulations). For example, California has different requirements for the use of reclaimed water as cooling water, based on whether or not a mist is created. If a mist is created, oxidation, coagulation, filtration, and disinfection are required and total coliform limits of 2.2/100 ml as a weekly median must be met. If a mist is not created, only oxidation and disinfection are required and total coliform limits of 23/100 ml as a weekly median must be met. Groundwater Recharge
fers, that is not their primary intent and experience suggests current practices are protective of raw water supplies. Based on a review of the existing reuse regulations and guidelines, California, Florida, Hawaii, and Washington have regulations or guidelines for reuse with the specific intent of groundwater recharge of aquifers. Table 4-11 shows reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for groundwater recharge via rapid-rate application systems. For groundwater recharge, California and Hawaii do not specify required treatment processes and determine requirements on a case-by-case basis. The California and Hawaii Departments of Health Services base the evaluation on all relevant aspects of each project including treatment provided, effluent quality and quantity, effluent or application spreading area operation, soil characteristics, hydrogeology, residence time, and distance to withdrawal. Hawaii does require a groundwater monitoring program. Washington has extensive guidelines for the use of reclaimed water for direct groundwater recharge of nonpotable aquifers. It requires Class A reclaimed wa-
Spreading basins, percolation ponds, and infiltration basins have a long history of providing both effluent disposal and groundwater recharge. Most state regulations allow for the use of relatively low quality water (i.e., secondary treatment with basic disinfection) based on the fact that these systems have a proven ability to provide additional treatment. Traditionally, potable water supplies have been protected by requiring a minimum separation between the point of application and any potable supply wells. These groundwater systems are also typically located so that their impacts to potable water withdrawal points are minimized. While such groundwater recharge systems may ultimately augment potable aqui-
Table 4-11.
Ar iz on a
Flor ida Sec ondary treatment and bas ic dis infec tion NS
Haw aii
Ne vada
Te xas
Was hin gto n O x idiz ed, c oagulated, filtered, and dis infec ted 5 mg/l 5 mg/l 2 NT U (Av g) 5 NT U (Max ) T otal 2.2/100 ml (Av g) 23/100 ml (Max )
T r e atm e n t
10.0 mg/l NS
Co lifo r m
T otal Nitr og e n
12 mg/l
(1) All state requirements are for groundwater recharge via rapid-rate application systems. Additional regulations for recharge of potable aquifers are contained in Section and Appendix A. (2) Groundwater recharge in California and Hawaii is determined on a case-by-case basis (3) NR - Not regulated by the state (4) NS - Not specified by state regulations ter defined as oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected. Total coliform is not to exceed 2.2/100 ml as a 7-day median and 23/100 ml in any sample. Weekly average BOD and TSS limits are set at 5 mg/l. Turbidity is not to exceed 2 NTU as a monthly average and 5 NTU in any sample. Additionally, groundwater monitoring is required and is based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site-specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations. Washington also specifies that reclaimed water withdrawn for nonpotable purposes can be withdrawn at any distance from the point of injection and at any time after direct recharge. Florida requires that TSS not exceed 5.0 mg/l in any sample, be achieved prior to disinfection, and that the total nitrogen in the reclaimed water be less than 12 mg/ l. Florida also requires continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity; however, no limit is specified. Indirect Potable Reuse Indirect potable reuse involves the use of reclaimed water to augment surface water sources that are used or will be used for public water supplies or to recharge groundwater used as a source of domestic water supply. Unplanned indirect potable water reuse is occurring in many river systems today. Many domestic wastewater treatment plants discharge treated effluent to surface waters upstream of intakes for domestic water supply treatment plants. Additionally, many types of beneficial reuse projects inadvertently contribute to groundwater augmentation as an unintended result of the primary activity. For example, irrigation can replenish groundwater sources that will eventually be withdrawn for use as a potable water supply. Indirect potable reuse systems, as defined here, are distinguished from typical groundwater recharge systems and surface water discharges by both intent and proximity to subsequent withdrawal points for potable water use. Indirect potable reuse involves the intentional introduction of reclaimed water into the raw water supply for the purposes of increasing the total volume of water available for potable use. In order to accomplish this objective, the point at which reclaimed water is introduced into the environment must be selected to ensure it will flow to the point of withdrawal. Typically the design of these systems assumes there will be little to no additional treatment in the environment after discharge, and all applicable water quality requirements are met prior to release of the reclaimed water. Based on a review of the existing reuse regulations and guidelines, 4 of the 7 states (California, Florida, Hawaii,
and Washington) have regulations or guidelines pertaining to indirect potable reuse. For groundwater recharge of potable aquifers, most of the states require a pretreatment program, public hearing requirements prior to project approval, and a groundwater monitoring program. Florida and Washington require pilot plant studies to be performed. In general, all the states that specify treatment processes require secondary treatment with filtration and disinfection. Washington is the only state that specifies the wastewater must be treated by reverse osmosis. California and Hawaii do not specify the type of treatment processes required and determine requirements on a case-by-case basis. Most states specify reclaimed water quality limitations for TSS, nitrogen, total organic carbon (TOC), turbidity, and total coliform. Florida requires that TSS not exceed 5.0 mg/l in any sample and be achieved prior to disinfection. Florida and Washington require the total nitrogen in the reclaimed water to be less than 10 mg/l. Washington has a limit of 1 mg/l for TOC, while Floridas limit is set at 3 mg/l as a monthly average. Florida also requires an average limit of 0.2 mg/l for total organic halides (TOX). Turbidity limits vary greatly where specified. For example, Washington specifies a limit of 0.1 NTU as a monthly average and 0.5 NTU as a maximum at any time. Florida requires continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity; however, no limit is specified. Fecal coliform limits also vary greatly from state to state. Washington requires a limit of 1/100 ml for total coliform as a weekly median and a not to exceed limit of 5/100 ml in any one sample for direct injection into a potable aquifer. The states that specify reclaimed water quality limitations require the reclaimed water to meet drinking water standards. Most states specify a minimum time the reclaimed water must be retained underground prior to being withdrawn as a source of drinking water. Washington requires that reclaimed water be retained underground for a minimum of 12 months prior to being withdrawn as a drinking water supply. Several states also specify minimum separation distances between a point of recharge and the point of withdrawal as a source of drinking water. Florida requires a 500-foot (150-meter) separation distance between the zone of discharge and potable water supply well. Washington requires the minimum horizontal separation distance between the point of direct recharge and point of withdrawal as a source of drinking water supply to be 2,000 feet (610 meters). Table 4-12 shows the reclaimed water quality and treatment requirements for indirect potable reuse. Florida includes discharges to Class I surface waters (public water supplies) as indirect potable reuse. Discharges less than 24 hours travel time upstream from
Class I waters are also considered as indirect potable reuse. Surface water discharges located more than 24 hours travel time to Class I waters are not considered indirect potable reuse. For discharge to Class I surface waters or water contiguous to or tributary to Class I waters (defined as a discharge located less than or equal to 4 hours travel time from the point of discharge to arrival at the boundary of the Class I water), secondary treatment with filtration, high-level disinfection, and any additional treatment required to meet TOC and TOX limits is required. The reclaimed water must meet primary and secondary drinking water standards, except for asbestos, prior to discharge. TSS must not exceed 5.0 mg/l in any sample prior to disinfection and total nitrogen cannot exceed 10 mg/l as an annual average. The reclaimed water must also meet TOC limitations of 3 mg/l as a monthly average and 5 mg/l in any single sample. Outfalls for surface water discharges are not to be located within 500 feet (150 meters) of existing or approved potable water intakes within Class I surface waters.
Reclaimed water monitoring requirements vary greatly from state to state and again depend on the type of reuse. For unrestricted urban reuse, Oregon requires sampling for coliform daily, while for agricultural reuse of non-food crops, sampling for total coliform is only required once a week. Oregon also requires hourly monitoring of turbidity when a limit on turbidity is specified. For unrestricted and restricted urban reuse, as well as agricultural reuse on food crops, Florida requires the continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity and chlorine residual. Even though no limits on turbidity are specified in Florida, continuous monitoring serves as an online surrogate for suspended solids. In addition, Florida requires that the TSS limit be achieved prior to disinfection and has a minimum schedule for sampling and testing flow, pH, chlorine residual, dissolved oxygen, TSS, CBOD, nutrients, and fecal coliform based on system capacity. Florida also requires an annual analysis of primary and secondary drinking water standards for reclaimed water used in irrigation for facilities greater than 100,000 gpd (4.4 l/s). Monitoring for Giardia and Cryptosporidium must also be performed with frequency dependent on system capacity. Other states determine monitoring requirements on a case-by-case basis depending on the type of reuse.
Some states have adopted facility reliability regulations or guidelines in place of, or in addition to, water quality
Table 4-12.
Ha w aii
Ne va d a
T e xas
T r e atm e n t
(3 )
BOD 5 T SS T u r b id it y
1/1 0 0 m l ( A v g ) 5/1 0 0 m l ( M ax )
T o t al Nit r o g e n T OC P r im ar y an d S e co n d a r y Stan d ar d s
1 0 m g/l
1 .0 m g/l
C o m p lia n c e w ith m os t pr im ar y a nd s e c o nd a r y
(1) Florida requirements are for the planned use of reclaimed water to augment surface water sources that will be used as a source of domestic water supply (2) Indirect potable reuse in California and Hawaii is determined on a case-by-case basis (3) NR - Not regulated by the state (4) NS - Not specified by state regulations
requirements. Generally, requirements consist of alarms warning of power failure or failure of essential unit processes, automatic standby power sources, emergency storage, and the provision that each treatment process be equipped with multiple units or a back-up unit. Articles 8, 9, and 10 of Californias Title 22 regulations provide design and operational considerations covering alarms, power supply, emergency storage and disposal, treatment processes, and chemical supply, storage, and feed facilities. For treatment processes, a variety of reliability features are acceptable in California. For example, for all biological treatment processes, one of the following is required:
Alarm (failure and power loss) and multiple units ca-
Alarm (failure and power loss) and short-term (24hour) storage or disposal provisions and standby replacement equipment storage or disposal provisions
pable of producing biologically oxidized wastewater with one unit not in operation
Florida requires Class I reliability of treatment facilities when reclaimed water is used for irrigation of food crops and for restricted and unrestricted urban reuse. Class I reliability requires multiple treatment units or back-up units and a secondary power source. In addition, a minimum of 1 day of reject water storage is required to store reclaimed water of unacceptable quality for additional treatment. Florida also requires staffing at the water reclamation facility 24 hours/day, 7 days/week or 6 hours/day, 7 days/week. The minimum staffing requirement may be reduced to 6 hours/day, 7 days/week if reclaimed water
is delivered to the reuse system only during periods when a qualified operator is present, or if additional reliability features are provided. Florida has also established minimum system sizes for treatment facilities to aid in assuring the continuous production of high-quality reclaimed water. Minimum system size for unrestricted and restricted urban reuse and for use on edible crops is 0.1 mgd (4.4 l/s). A minimum system size is not required if reclaimed water will be used only for toilet flushing and fire protection uses. Other states that have regulations or guidelines regarding treatment facility reliability include Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Washingtons guidelines pertaining to treatment facility reliability are similar to Californias regulations. Georgia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon, and Wyoming require that multiple treatment units be provided for all essential treatment processes and a secondary or back-up power source be supplied.
Current regulations and guidelines regarding storage requirements are primarily based upon the need to limit or prevent surface water discharge and are not related to storage required to meet diurnal or seasonal variations in supply and demand. Storage requirements vary from state to state and are generally dependent upon geographic location and site conditions. For example, Florida requires a minimum storage volume equal to 3 days of the average design flow, while South Dakota requires a minimum storage volume of 210 days of the average design flow. The large difference in time is primarily due to the high number of non-irrigation days due to freezing temperatures in the northern states. In addition to the minimum storage requirement, Florida also requires that a water balance be performed based on a 1-in-10 year rainfall recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data to determine if additional storage is required beyond the minimum requirement of 3 days. Most states that specify storage requirements do not differentiate between operational and seasonal storage, with the exception of Delaware, Georgia, and Ohio, which require that both operational and wet weather storage be considered. The majority of states that have storage requirements in their regulations or guidelines require that a water balance be performed on the reuse system, taking into account all inputs and outputs of water to the system based on a specified rainfall recurrence interval.
Presently, Florida is the only state with regulations or guidelines for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) of reclaimed water. ASR systems using reclaimed water are required to meet the technical and permitting requirements of Floridas Department of Environmental Protection underground injection control program and obtain an underground injection control construction and operation permit in addition to the domestic wastewater permit. Water recovered from the ASR system must meet the performance standards for fecal coliform as specified for high-level disinfection. Specifically, the fecal coliform limits require 75 percent of samples to be below detection limits, and any single sample is not to exceed 25/100 ml before use in a reuse system. Preapplication treatment and disinfection requirements vary depending on the class of groundwater receiving injected reclaimed water, but may be as stringent as to require that reclaimed water meet primary and secondary drinking water standards and TOC and TOX limits prior to injection. Monitoring of the reclaimed water prior to injection and after recovery from the ASR system is required. In addition, a groundwater monitoring plan must be implemented before placing the ASR system into operation. The monitoring plan must be designed to verify compliance with the groundwater standards and to monitor the performance of the ASR system. As part of the monitoring plan, a measure of inorganics concentration (such as chlorides or total dissolved solids) and specific conductance of the water being injected, the groundwater, and the recovered water are required to be monitored. In some cases, an extended zone of discharge for the secondary drinking water standards and for sodium can be approved. Injection wells and recovery wells used for ASR are to be located at least 500 feet from any potable water supply well. For potable water supply wells that are not public water supply wells, a smaller setback distance may be approved if it can be demonstrated that confinement exists such that the system will not adversely affect the quantity or quality of the water withdrawn from the potable water supply well. If the ASR well is located in the same aquifer as a public supply well, the permitting agencies may require a detailed analysis of the potential for reclaimed water entry into the public supply well.
Application Rates
When regulations specify application or hydraulic loading rates, the regulations generally pertain to land application systems that are used primarily for additional wastewater treatment for disposal rather than reuse. When systems are developed chiefly for the purpose of land treatment and/or disposal, the objective is often to dispose of as much effluent on as little land as possible;
thus, application rates are often far greater than irrigation demands and limits are set for the maximum hydraulic loading. On the other hand, when the reclaimed water is managed as a valuable resource, the objective is to apply the water according to irrigation needs rather than maximum hydraulic loading, and application limits are rarely specified. Many states do not have any specific requirements regarding reclaimed water irrigation application rates, as these are generally based on site conditions; however, most states emphasizing beneficial reuse recommend a maximum hydraulic loading rate of no more than 2 inches per week (5.1 cm per week). Delawares regulations require that the maximum design wastewater loading be limited to 2.5 inches per week (6.4 cm per week). Florida recommends a maximum annual average of 2 inches per week (5.1 cm per week). Those states emphasizing land treatment or disposal may recommend a hydraulic loading rate of up to 4 inches per week (10.2 cm per week). In addition to hydraulic loading rates, some states also have limits on nitrogen loading. For example, Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee all require that the effluent from the reuse system have a nitrate-nitrogen concentration of 10 mg/l or less, while Missouri and Nebraska both require that the nitrogen loading not exceed the nitrogen uptake of the crop.
Many states have established setback distances or buffer zones between reuse irrigation sites and various facilities such as potable water supply wells, property lines, residential areas, and roadways. Setback distances vary depending on the quality of reclaimed water and the method of application. For example, Nevada requires a 400- to 800-foot (120- to 240-meter) buffer, depending on disinfection level, for a spray irrigation system, but when surface irrigation is used as the application method, no buffer is required. For restricted and unrestricted urban reuse and irrigation of food crops, Florida requires a 75foot (23-meter) setback to potable water supply wells; but for agricultural reuse on non-food crops, Florida requires a 500-foot (150-meter) setback to potable water supply wells and a 100-foot (30-meter) setback to property lines. Florida will allow reduced setback distances for agricultural reuse on non-food crops if additional disinfection and reliability are provided or if alternative application techniques are used. Colorado recommends a 500-foot (150-meter) setback distance to domestic supply wells and a 100-foot (30-meter) setback to any irrigation well regardless of the quality of the reclaimed water. Due to the high degree of treatment required, Oregon and Nevada do not require setback distances when reclaimed water is used for unrestricted urban reuse or irrigation of food crops. However, setback distances are required for irrigation of non-food crops and restricted urban reuse. In Nevada, the quality requirements for reclaimed water are based not only on the type of reuse, but also on the setback distance. For example, for restricted urban reuse and a 100-foot (30-meter) buffer zone, Nevada requires that the reclaimed water have a mean fecal coliform count of no more than 23/100 ml and not exceed a maximum daily number of 240/100 ml. However, with no buffer zone, the reclaimed water must have a mean fecal coliform count of no more than 2.2/100 ml and not exceed a maximum daily number of 23/100 ml.
Groundwater Monitoring
Groundwater monitoring programs associated with reclaimed water irrigation generally focus on water quality in the surficial aquifer and are required by Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. In general, these groundwater monitoring programs require that 1 well be placed hydraulically upgradient of the reuse site to assess background and incoming groundwater conditions within the aquifer in question. In addition 2 wells must be placed hydraulically downgradient of the reuse site to monitor compliance. Florida normally requires a minimum of 3 monitoring wells at each reuse site. For reuse projects involving multiple sites, Florida may allow monitoring at selected example sites. Some states also require that a well be placed within each reuse site. South Carolinas guidelines suggest that a minimum of 9 wells be placed in golf courses (18 holes) that irrigate with reclaimed water. Sampling parameters and frequency of sampling are generally considered on a case-by-case basis.
Table 4-13 presents suggested wastewater treatment processes, reclaimed water quality, monitoring, and setback distances for various types of water reuse. Suggested guidelines are presented for the following categories:
-Food crops not commercially processed -Commercially processed food crops and surface irrigation of orchards and vineyards
Agricultural Reuse Non-Food Crops
-Pasture for milking animals and fodder, fiber, and seed crops
These guidelines are not intended to be used as definitive water reclamation and reuse criteria. They are intended to provide reasonable guidance for water reuse opportunities, particularly in states that have not developed their own criteria or guidelines. Adverse health consequences associated with the reuse of raw or improperly treated wastewater are well documented. As a consequence, water reuse regulations and guidelines are principally directed at public health protection and generally are based on the control of pathogenic microorganisms for nonpotable reuse applications and control of both health significant microorganisms and chemical contaminants for indirect potable reuse applications. These guidelines address health protection via suggested wastewater treatment unit processes, reclaimed water quality limits, and other controls (setback distances, etc.). Both treatment processes and water quality limits are recommended for the following reasons:
Recreational Impoundments Landscape Impoundments Construction Uses Industrial Reuse Environmental Reuse Groundwater Recharge -Spreading or injection into aquifers not used for public water supply Indirect Potable Reuse
-Spreading into potable aquifers
-Injection into potable aquifers
-Augmentation of surface supplies
These guidelines apply to domestic wastewater from municipal or other wastewater treatment facilities having a limited input of industrial waste. The suggested guidelines are predicated principally on water reclamation and reuse information from the U.S. and are intended to apply to reclamation and reuse facilities in the U.S. Local social, economic, regulatory, technological, and other conditions may limit the applicability of these guidelines in some countries (see Chapter 8). It is explicitly stated that the direct application of these suggested guidelines will not be used by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as strict criteria for funding. The suggested treatment processes, reclaimed water quality, monitoring frequency, and setback distances are based on:
Water quality criteria that include the use of surrogate parameters may not adequately characterize reclaimed water quality. known to produce reclaimed water of acceptable quality obviate the need to monitor the finished water for certain constituents, e.g., some health-significant chemical constituents or pathogenic microorganisms.
Expensive, time-consuming, and, in some cases, questionable monitoring for pathogenic organisms, such as viruses, is eliminated without compromising health protection.
It would be impractical to monitor reclaimed water for all of the chemical constituents and pathogenic organisms of concern, and surrogate parameters are universally accepted. In the U.S., total and fecal coliforms are the most commonly used indicator organisms in reclaimed water as a measure of disinfection efficiency. While coliforms are adequate indicator organisms for many bacterial pathogens, they are, by themselves, poor indicators of parasites and viruses. The total coliform analysis includes enumeration of organisms of both fecal and nonfecal origin, while the fecal coliform analysis is spe-
Table 4-13.
Types of Reuse
Urban Reuse All types of landscape irrigation, (e.g., golf courses, parks, cemeteries) also vehicle washing, toilet flushing, use in fire protection systems and commercial air conditioners, and other uses with similar access or exposure to the water Restricted Access Area Irrigation Sod farms, silviculture sites, and other areas where public access is prohibited, restricted or infrequent Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Not Commercially Processed 15 Surface or spray irrigation of any food crop, including crops eaten raw. Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Commercially 15 Processed Surface Irrigation of Orchards and Vineyards
Secondary 4 Filtration 5 Disinfection 6
pH - weekly BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous
Setback 3 Distances
50 ft (15 m) to potable water supply wells
See Table 2-7 for other recommended limits. At controlled-access irrigation sites where design and operational measures significantly reduce the potential of public contact with reclaimed water, a lower level of treatment, e.g., secondary treatment and disinfection to achieve < 14 fecal coli/100 ml, may be appropriate. Chemical (coagulant and/or polymer) addition prior to filtration may be necessary to meet water quality recommendations. The reclaimed water should not contain measurable levels of 12 viable pathogens. Reclaimed water should be clear and odorless. A higher chlorine residual and/or a longer contact time may be necessary to assure that viruses and parasites are inactivated or destroyed. A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l or greater in the distribution system is recommended to reduce odors, slime, and bacterial regrowth. See Section 3.4.3. for recommended treatment reliability. See Table 2-7 for other recommended limits. If spray irrigation, TSS less than 30 mg/l may be necessary to avoid clogging of sprinkler heads. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Secondary 4 Disinfection 6
pH = 6-9 < 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11
pH - weekly BOD - weekly TSS - daily Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous
300 ft (90 m) to potable water supply wells 100 ft (30 m) to areas accessible to the public (if spray irrigation)
pH = 6-9 < 10 mg/l BOD 7 < 2 NTU 8 No detectable fecal coli/100 ml 9,10 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11
pH - weekly BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous
See Table 2-7 for other recommended limits. Chemical (coagulant and/or polymer) addition prior to filtration may be necessary to meet water quality recommendations. The reclaimed water should not contain measurable levels of viable pathogens. 12 A higher chlorine residual and/or a longer contact time may be necessary to assure that viruses and parasites are inactivated or destroyed. High nutrient levels may adversely affect some crops during certain growth stages. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability. See Table 2-7 for other recommended limits. If spray irrigation, TSS less than 30 mg/l may be necessary to avoid clogging of sprinkler heads. High nutrient levels may adversely affect some crops during certain growth stages. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Secondary 4 6 Disinfection
pH = 6-9 < 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum)
pH - weekly BOD - weekly TSS - daily Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous
300 ft (90 m) to potable water supply wells 100 ft (30 m) to areas accessible to the public (if spray irrigation)
Agricultural Reuse Nonfood Crops Pasture for milking animals; fodder, fiber, and seed crops
Secondary 4 Disinfection 6
pH = 6-9 < 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum)
pH - weekly BOD - weekly TSS - daily Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous
300 ft (90 m) to potable water supply wells 100 ft (30 m) to areas accessible to the public (if spray irrigation)
See Table 2-7 for other recommended limits. If spray irrigation, TSS less than 30 mg/l may be necessary to avoid clogging of sprinkler heads. High nutrient levels may adversely affect some crops during certain growth stages. Milking animals should be prohibited from grazing for 15 days after irrigation ceases. A higher level of disinfection, e.g., to achieve < 14 fecal coli/100 ml, should be provided if this waiting period is not adhered to. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Table 4-13.
Types of Reuse
Recreational Impoundments Incidental contact (e.g., fishing and boating) and full body contact with reclaimed water allowed
Secondary 4 Filtration 5 Disinfection 6
Setback 3 Distances
500 ft (150 m) to potable water supply wells (minimum) if bottom not sealed
Dechlorination may be necessary to protect aquatic species of flora and fauna. Reclaimed water should be non-irritating to skin and eyes. Reclaimed water should be clear and odorless. Nutrient removal may be necessary to avoid algae growth in impoundments. Chemical (coagulant and/or polymer) addition prior to filtration may be necessary to meet water quality recommendations. The reclaimed water should not contain measurable levels of viable pathogens. 12 A higher chlorine residual and/or a longer contact time may be necessary to assure that viruses and parasites are inactivated or destroyed. Fish caught in impoundments can be consumed. See Section 3.4.3. for recommended treatment reliability. Nutrient removal may be necessary to avoid algae growth in impoundments. Dechlorination may be necessary to protect aquatic species of flora and fauna. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Landscape Impoundments Aesthetic impoundment where public contact with reclaimed water is not allowed Construction Use Soil compaction, dust control, washing aggregate, making concrete Industrial Reuse Once-through cooling
Secondary 4 Disinfection 6
< 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11
500 ft (150 m) to potable water supply wells (minimum) if bottom not sealed
Secondary 4 Disinfection 6
< 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11
Worker contact with reclaimed water should be minimized. A higher level of disinfection, e.g., to achieve < 14 fecal coli/100 ml, should be provided when frequent work contact with reclaimed water is likely. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Secondary 4 Disinfection 6
pH = 6-9 < 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11 --------------------------- Variable depends on recirculation ratio (see Section 2.2.1) pH = 6-9 < 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11
pH - weekly BOD - weekly TSS - daily Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous --------------------- pH - weekly BOD - weekly TSS - daily Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous
Windblown spray should not reach areas accessible to workers or the public.
------------------------ 300 ft (90 m) to areas accessible to the public. May be reduced or eliminated if high level of disinfection is provided.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windblown spray should not reach areas accessible to workers or the public. Additional treatment by user is usually provided to prevent scaling, corrosion, biological growths, fouling and foaming. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Other Industrial Uses Environmental Reuse Wetlands, marshes, wildlife habitat, stream augmentation Variable Secondary 4 and disinfection 6 (minimum) Variable, but not to exceed: < 30 mg/l BOD 7 < 30 mg/l TSS < 200 fecal coli/100 ml 9,13,14
Depends on site specific uses (See Section 2.2.3) BOD - weekly TSS - daily Coliform - daily Cl2 residual continuous Dechlorination may be necessary to protect aquatic species of flora and fauna. Possible effects on groundwater should be evaluated. Receiving water quality requirements may necessitate additional treatment. The temperature of the reclaimed water should not adversely affect ecosystem. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Table 4-13.
Types of Reuse
Groundwater Recharge By spreading or injection into aquifers not used for public water supply Indirect Potable Reuse Groundwater recharge by spreading into potable aquifers
Site-specific and use dependent Primary (minimum) for spreading Secondary 4 (minimum) for injection Secondary 4 Disinfection 6 May also need filtration 5 and/or advanced wastewater treatment 16
Setback Distances 3
Facility should be designed to ensure that no reclaimed water reaches potable water supply aquifers See Section 2.5 for more information. For spreading projects, secondary treatment may be needed to prevent clogging. For injection projects, filtration and disinfection may be needed to prevent clogging. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability. The depth to groundwater (i.e., thickness to the vadose zone) should be at least 6 feet (2 m) at the maximum groundwater mounding point. The reclaimed water should be retained underground for at least 6 months prior to withdrawal. Recommended treatment is site-specific and depends on factors such as type of soil, percolation rate, thickness of vadose zone, native groundwater quality, and dilution. Monitoring wells are necessary to detect the influence of the recharge operation on the groundwater. See Sections 2.5 and 2.6 for more information. The reclaimed water should not contain measurable levels of viable pathogens after percolation through the vadose zone. 12 See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Secondary 4 Disinfection 6 Meet drinking water standards after percolation through vadose zone
Includes, but not limited to, the following: pH - daily Coliform daily Cl2 residual continuous Drinking water standards quarterly Other 17 depends on constituent BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous Includes, but not limited to, the following: pH - daily Turbidity continuous Total coliform daily Cl2 residual continuous Drinking water standards quarterly Other 17 depends on constituent Includes, but not limited to, the following: pH - daily Turbidity continuous Total coliform daily Cl2 residual continuous Drinking water standards quarterly Other 17 depends on constituent
500 ft (150 m) to extraction wells. May vary depending on treatment provided and site-specific conditions.
Includes, but not limited to, the following: pH = 6.5 - 8.5 < 2 NTU 8 No detectable total coli/100 ml 9,10 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11 < 3 mg/l TOC < 0.2 mg/l TOX Meet drinking water standards
The reclaimed water should be retained underground for at least 9 months prior to withdrawal. Monitoring wells are necessary to detect the influence of the recharge operation on the groundwater. Recommended quality limits should be met a the point of injection. The reclaimed water should not contain measurable levels of viable pathogens after percolation through the vadose zone. 12 See Sections 2.5 and 2.6 for more information. A higher chlorine residual and/or a longer contact time may be necessary to assure virus and protozoa inactivation. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Includes, but not limited to, the following: pH = 6.5 - 8.5 < 2 NTU 8 No detectable total coli/100 ml 9,10 1 mg/l Cl2 residual (minimum) 11 < 3 mg/l TOC Meet drinking water standards
Recommended level of treatment is site-specific and depends on factors such as receiving water quality, time and distance to point of withdrawal, dilution and subsequent treatment prior to distribution for potable uses. The reclaimed water should not contain measurable levels of viable pathogens. 12 See Sections 2.6 for more information. A higher chlorine residual and/or a longer contact time may be necessary to assure virus and protozoa inactivation. See Section 3.4.3 for recommended treatment reliability.
Footnotes 1. These guidelines are based on water reclamation and reuse practices in the U.S., and they are especially directed at states that have not developed their own regulations or guidelines. While the guidelines should be useful in may areas outside the U.S., local conditions may limit the applicability of the guidelines in some countries (see Chapter 8). It is explicitly stated that the direct application of these suggested guidelines will not be used by USAID as strict criteria for funding. 2. Unless otherwise noted, recommended quality limits apply to the reclaimed water at the point of discharge from the treatment facility. 3. Setback distances are recommended to protect potable water supply sources from contamination and to protect humans from unreasonable health risks due to exposure to reclaimed water. 4. Secondary treatment processes include activated sludge processes, trickling filters, rotating biological contractors, and may include stabilization pond systems. Secondary treatment should produce effluent in which both the BOD and TSS do not exceed 30 mg/l. 5. Filtration means the passing of wastewater through natural undisturbed soils or filter media such as sand and/or anthracite, filter cloth, or the passing of wastewater through microfilters or other membrane processes. 6. Disinfection means the destruction, inactivation, or removal of pathogenic microorganisms by chemical, physical, or biological means. Disinfection may be accomplished by chlorination, UV radiation, ozonation, other chemical disinfectants, membrane processes, or other processes. The use of chlorine as defining the level of disinfection does not preclude the use of other disinfection processes as an acceptable means of providing disinfection for reclaimed water. 7. As determined from the 5-day BOD test. 8. The recommended turbidity limit should be met prior to disinfection. The average turbidity should be based on a 24-hour time period. The turbidity should not exceed 5 NTU at any time. If TSS is used in lieu of turbidity, the TSS should not exceed 5 mg/l. 9.Unless otherwise noted, recommended coliform limits are median values determined from the bacteriological results of the last 7 days for which analyses have been completed. Either the membrane filter or fermentation-tube technique may be used. 10. The number of fecal coliform organisms should not exceed 14/100 ml in any sample. 11. Total chlorine residual should be met after a minimum contact time of 30 minutes. 12. It is advisable to fully characterize the microbiological quality of the reclaimed water prior to implementa tion of a reuse program.
13. The number of fecal coliform organisms should not exceed 800/100 ml in any sample. 14. Some stabilization pond systems may be able to meet this coliform limit without disinfection. 15. Commercially processed food crops are those that, prior to sale to the public or others, have undergone chemical or physical processing sufficient to destroy pathogens.
16. Advanced wastewater treatment processes include chemical clarification, carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis and other membrane processes, air stripping, ultrafiltration, and ion exchange.
17. Monitoring should include inorganic and organic compounds, or classes of compounds, that are known or uspected to be toxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic and are not included in the drinking water standards.
cific for coliform organisms of fecal origin. Therefore, fecal coliforms are better indicators of fecal contamination than total coliforms, and these guidelines use fecal coliform as the indicator organism. Either the multipletube fermentation technique or the membrane filter technique may be used to quantify the coliform levels in the reclaimed water. The Guidelines suggest that, regardless of the type of reclaimed water use, some level of disinfection should be provided to avoid adverse health consequences from inadvertent contact or accidental or intentional misuse of a water reuse system. For nonpotable uses of reclaimed water, 2 levels of disinfection are recommended. Reclaimed water used for applications where no direct public or worker contact with the water is expected should be disinfected to achieve an average fecal coliform concentration not exceeding 200/100 ml because:
that regulate drinking water standards for producing potable drinking water. These guidelines do not include suggested specific parasite or virus limits. Parasites have not been shown to be a problem at water reuse operations in the U.S. at the treatment and quality limits recommended in these guidelines, although there has been considerable interest in recent years regarding the occurrence and significance of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in reclaimed water. Viruses are of concern in reclaimed water, but virus limits are not recommended in these guidelines for the following reasons: A significant body of information exists indicating that viruses are reduced or inactivated to low or immeasurable levels via appropriate wastewater treatment, including filtration and disinfection (Yanko, 1993).
The identification and enumeration of viruses in waste-
bacterial pathogens will be destroyed or reduced to low or insignificant levels in the water
The concentration of viable viruses will be reduced somewhat Disinfection of secondary effluent to this coliform level is readily achievable at minimal cost health-related benefits associated with disinfection to lower, but not pathogen-free, levels are not obvious
water are hampered by relatively low virus recovery rates, the complexity and high cost of laboratory procedures, and the limited number of facilities having the personnel and equipment necessary to perform the analyses.
The laboratory culturing procedure to determine the
presence or absence of viruses in a water sample takes about 14 days, and an additional 14 days are required to identify the viruses. While recombinant DNA technology provides new tools to rapidly detect viruses in water (e.g., nucleic acid probes and polymerase chain reaction technology), methods currently in use are not able to quantify viruses or differentiate between infective and noninfective virus particles. ing the health significance of low levels of viruses in reclaimed water.
For uses where direct or indirect contact with reclaimed water is likely or expected, and for dual water systems where there is a potential for cross-connections with potable water lines, disinfection to produce reclaimed water having no detectable fecal coliform organisms per 100 ml is recommended. This more restrictive disinfection level is intended for use in conjunction with tertiary treatment and other water quality limits, such as a turbidity less than or equal to 2 NTU in the wastewater prior to disinfection. This combination of treatment and use of water quality limits has been shown to produce reclaimed water that is essentially free of measurable levels of bacterial and viral pathogens. For indirect potable uses of reclaimed water, where reclaimed water is intentionally introduced into the raw water supply for the purposes of increasing the total volume of water available for potable use, disinfection to produce reclaimed water having no detectable total coliform organisms per 100 ml is recommended. Total coliform is recommended, in lieu of fecal coliform, to be consistent with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR)
have been no documented cases of viral disease resulting from the reuse of wastewater at any of the water reuse operations in the U.S.
The removal of suspended matter is related to the virus issue. Many pathogens are particulate-associated and that particulate matter can shield both bacteria and viruses from disinfectants such as chlorine and UV radiation. Also, organic matter consumes chlorine, thus making less of the disinfectant available for disinfection. There is general agreement that particulate matter should be reduced to low levels, e.g., 2 NTU or 5 mg/l TSS, prior to disinfection to ensure reliable destruction of patho-
genic microorganisms during the disinfection process. Suspended solids measurements are typically performed daily on a composite sample and only reflect an average value. Continuously monitored turbidity is superior to daily suspended solids measurements as an aid to treatment operation. The need to remove organic matter is related to the type of reuse. Some of the adverse effects associated with organic substances are that they are aesthetically displeasing (may be malodorous and impart color), provide food for microorganisms, adversely affect disinfection processes, and consume oxygen. The recommended BOD limit is intended to indicate that the organic matter has been stabilized, is nonputrescible, and has been lowered to levels commensurate with anticipated types of reuse. TSS limits are suggested as a measure of organic and inorganic particulate matter in reclaimed water that has received secondary treatment. The recommended BOD and TSS limits are readily achievable at well operated water reclamation plants. The suggested setback distances are somewhat subjective. They are intended to protect drinking water supplies from contamination and, where appropriate, to protect humans from exposure to the reclaimed water. While studies indicate the health risk associated with aerosols from spray irrigation sites using reclaimed water is low, the general practice is to limit, through design or operational controls, exposure to aerosols and windblown spray produced from reclaimed water that is not highly disinfected. Unplanned or incidental indirect potable reuse occurs in many states in the U.S., while planned or intentional indirect potable reuse via groundwater recharge or augmentation of surface supplies is a less-widely accepted practice. Whereas the water quality requirements for nonpotable water uses are tractable and not likely to change significantly in the future, the number of water quality constituents to be monitored in drinking water (and, hence, reclaimed water intended for potable reuse) will increase and quality requirements will become more restrictive. Consequently, it would not be prudent to suggest a complete list of reclaimed water quality limits for all constituents of concern. Some general and specific information is provided in the guidelines to indicate the extensive treatment, water quality, and other requirements that are likely to be imposed where indirect potable reuse is contemplated.
As needs for alternative water supplies grow, reclaimed water will be used more in both direct nonpotable applications and indirect potable reuse projects. Future monitoring for pathogens and other EPOCs will likely be necessary to ensure that reclaimed water is a safe water source. For example, California regulations require monthly sampling and analysis for Giardia, enteric viruses, and Cryptosporidium for the use of reclaimed water for impoundments during the first year of operation (State of California, 2000). After the first year, the reclaimed water may be sampled and analyzed quarterly and monitoring may be discontinued after 2 years of operation with the approval of the California Department of Health Services (DHS). As previously discussed, Florida requires monitoring of Giardia and Cryptosporidium with sampling frequency based on treatment plant capacity for specific types of reuse. The DHS updated the draft regulations for Groundwater Recharge Reuse in July 2003 to require monitoring of EPOCs. Each quarter, during the first year of operation, the reclaimed water shall be analyzed for: unregulated chemicals; priority toxic pollutants; chemicals with state action levels; and other chemicals that the DHS has specified (California DHS, 2003). Chemicals with state action levels are defined as chemicals that have been detected at least once in drinking water supplies or chemicals of interest for some specific reason. The other chemicals as specified by the DHS include N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) and N-Nitrosopyrrolidine. The draft regulations also require annual monitoring of pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and other chemical indicators of municipal wastewater presence. The draft regulations state that these samples are being collected for information purposes, and there are no standards for the contaminants listed and no standards anticipated at this time (California DHS, 2003). Although no illnesses to date have been directly connected to the use of reclaimed water, in order to better define pathogens and EPOCs contained in reclaimed water, it is recommended to continue with ongoing research and additional monitoring for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and other EPOCs.
Pilot Testing
Because it is desirable to fully characterize the reclaimed water to be produced and to compare its quality to other water sources in the area, pilot testing should be conducted in support of some of the more sensitive types of
reuse, like groundwater recharge by injection and indirect potable reuse. Pilot testing can be used to demonstrate the ability of the selected unit processes to meet project objectives and to refine the design of sophisticated treatment trains. Pilot testing also can be used to demonstrate the ability of the treatment and disinfection units to effectively control pathogens and organic compounds. As part of this activity, the EPOCs, including pharmaceutically active substances, endocrine disrupters, and personal care products, can be evaluated. Ideally, pilot testing should build on previous work as opposed to repeating it.
California Department of Health Services. 2003. Groundwater Recharge Reuse Regulations July 2003 Draft, Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Division 4. Environmental Health, Chapter 3. Recycling Criteria. California State Water Resources Control Board. 2000. California Municipal Wastewater Reclamation Survey. http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/recycling/recyfund/munirec/ index.html. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2002. 2001 Reuse Inventory. http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/ reuse/. Hilger, H.A., 2003. An Assessment of North Carolina Water Reuse Regulations: Their Application to a New Reclamation Facility and Their Key Features Compared to Other State Reuse Regulations, North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute, Raleigh, North Carolina. Perlman, H.A., Pierce, R.R., and Solley, W.B. 1998. Estimated Use of Water in the U.S. in 1995. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1200. State of California. 2000. California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Environmental Health, Chapter 3 Recycling Criteria. Van Riper, C., G. Schlender and M. Walther, 1998. Evolution of Water Reuse Regulations in Washington State. WateReuse Conference Proceedings, AWWA, Denver, Colorado. Yanko, W.A. 1993. Analysis of 10 Years of Virus Monitoring Data from Los Angeles County Treatment Plants Meeting California Wastewater Reclamation Criteria. Water Environ. Research, 65(3):221-226.
Legal and Institutional Issues
Although specific laws vary widely, most states have adopted a number of rules and policies that both support and challenge the development of reclaimed water projects. Since public health regulations are reviewed in detail in Chapter 4, this chapter focuses on other issues that emerge during the various stages of planning and implementing water reuse projects, including relevant rules promulgated by federal, state, and local jurisdictions. Laws, policies, rules, and regulations that affect project planning include water rights laws, water use, and wastewater discharge regulations, as well as laws that restrict land use and protect the environment. Included in project implementation issues are policies that guide the development of reclaimed water rates and agreements between reclaimed water producers, wholesalers, retailers, and customers, as well as rules affecting system construction and liability for water reuse. Some legal matters are quite technical, and the body of statutory and case law in the area of water reuse is relatively small. The majority of the rules and policies are focused on areas where water reuse has been practiced, and expansion to other areas might raise issues not discussed here. Therefore, managers should carefully consider the legal and institutional aspects of a new reuse project, and obtain counsel to help weigh alternatives and risks. However, even a review of the basic issues should allow reuse planners to identify the most important questions early in the planning process where they can be most effectively addressed. This section also expands upon the following guidelines that can assist managers in addressing legal and institutional issues during the planning and implementation phases of a reuse system:
Forging and maintaining contact with the appropriate agencies Developing a realistic schedule Assessing cash flow needs Considering institutional structure Identifying steps to minimize liability Preparing contracts
A water right is a right to use water it is not a right of ownership. In the U.S., the state generally retains ownership of natural or public water within its boundaries, and state statutes, regulations, and case law govern the allocation and administration of the rights of private parties and governmental entities to use such water. A water right allows water to be diverted at one or more particular points and a portion of the water to be used for one or more particular purposes. A basic doctrine in water rights law is that harm cannot be rendered upon others who have a claim to the water. Water rights are an especially important issue since the rights allocated by the states can either promote reuse measures, or they can pose an obstacle. For example, in water-limited areas, where water reuse might be most attractive, water rights laws might prohibit the use of potable water for nonpotable purposes, while at the same time restricting the use of reclaimed water in a consumptive fashion that prevents its return to the stream. State laws allocate water based on 2 types of rights the appropriative doctrine and the riparian doctrine. These will be described in general terms, after which there will be a brief analysis of their application to water reuse projects.
Identifying the legal and institutional drivers for reuse Developing a public education program
The appropriative rights system is found in most western states and in areas that are water-limited. (California has both appropriative and riparian rights.) It is a system by which the right to use water is appropriated that is, it is assigned or delegated to the consumer. The basic notion is first in time, first in right. In other words, the right derives from beneficial use on a first-come, first-served basis and not from the propertys proximity to the water source. The first party to use the water has the most senior claim to that water. The senior users have a continued right to the water, and a late user generally cannot diminish the quantity or quality of the water to the senior user. This assures that senior users have adequate water under almost any rainfall conditions, and that later users have some moderate assurance to the water. The last to obtain water rights may be limited to water only during times when it is available (wet season). The right is for a specific quantity of water, but the appropriator may not divert more water than can be used. If the appropriated water is not used, it will be lost. Generally, appropriative water rights are acquired pursuant to statutory law; thus, there are comprehensive water codes that govern the acquisition and control of the water rights. The acquisition of the water right is usually accompanied by an application to state officials responsible for water rights and granted with a permit or license. The appropriative rights doctrine allows for obtaining water by putting it to beneficial use in accordance with procedures set forth in state statutes and judicial decisions. The appropriative water rights system is generally used for groundwater throughout the U.S. Water percolating through the ground is controlled by 3 different appropriative methods: absolute ownership, reasonable use rule, or specific use rule. Absolute ownership occurs when the water located directly beneath a property belongs to the property owner to use in any amount, regardless of the effect on the water table of the adjacent land, as long as it is not for a malicious use. The reasonable use rule limits groundwater withdrawal to the quantity necessary for reasonable and beneficial use in connection with the land located above the water. Water cannot be wasted or exported. The specific use rule occurs when water use is restricted to one use. During times of excess water supply, storage alternatives may be considered as part of the reuse project so that water may be used at a later date. A determination of the ownership or rights to use this stored reclaimed water will need to be made when considering this alter-
The riparian water rights system is found primarily in the east and in water-abundant areas. The right is based on the proximity to water and is acquired by the purchase of the land. A riparian user is not entitled to make any use of the water that substantially depletes the stream flow or that significantly degrades the quality of the stream. Such riparian use can only be for a legal and beneficial purpose. The right of one riparian owner is generally correlative with the rights of the other riparian owners, with each landowner being assured some water when available. Water used under a riparian right can be used only on the riparian land and cannot be extended to another property. However, unlike the appropriative doctrine, the right to the unused water can be held indefinitely and without forfeiture. This limits the ability of the water authority to quantify the amount of water that has a hold against it and can lead to water being allocated in excess of that available. This doctrine does not allow for storage of water.
In arid parts of the western U.S., reclaimed water often constitutes a more reliable supply than rights to surface water or groundwater granted by a water authority. This is particularly true when a user has low-priority rights that are curtailed or withdrawn in times of shortage. (Such subordinate rights are sometimes referred to as paper water as opposed to wet water which refers to the possession of an actual supply.) Because of the difficulty in obtaining an uninterrupted supply, reclaimed water has simultaneously become an attractive alternative water source and the largest block of unappropriated water in the West. Consequently, it is important to understand who retains control of the reclaimed water among the discharger, water supplier, other appropriators, and environmental interests. For example, in Washington State, the municipal corporation of the City of Walla Walla was taken to court by a local irrigation district that wanted the city to continue to discharge wastewater effluent into Mill Creek, a natural channel, for irrigation use. The court decreed on 2 occasions that the city must discharge all of its wastewater effluent, at all seasons of the year, into the creek (Superior Court of the State of Washington, 1927 and 1971). According to Colgne and MacLaggan (1995) the downstream water users right to reclaimed water depends on the states water allocation system:
Some states issue permits to the owners of reclaimed water or to appropriators of it when discharged into a natural water course. These states granting permits to the appropriators of reclaimed water do so treating such discharges into a reclaimed watercourse as if it has been abandoned and thus available for appropriation. Other states issue appropriation permits containing a provision that clarifies that the permit does not, in itself, give the permittee a right against a party discharging water upstream who may cease to discharge the water to the watercourse in the future. In other words, state law can either promote or constrain reuse projects depending on how its system of water rights regards the use and return of reclaimed water. In general, the owner of a wastewater treatment plant that produces effluent is generally considered to have first rights to its use and is not usually bound to continue its discharge. However, when a dischargers right to reuse is constrained, such restrictions are usually based on issues resulting from one of the following scenarios:
propriative law, and in times of water shortage, it is possible that a more important use could make claim to reclaimed water that, for example, is being used for industrial process water.
Reduced Withdrawal A water reuse program that reduces withdrawals from the water supply will probably pose no third-party conflict with water rights issues, but the impact of such reductions on projectproponent water rights should be evaluated. In some instances, such as when water rights or allocations are based on historic usage, reductions could jeopardize the amount of water a customer is entitled to, especially during times of drought. This has a negative effect on the marketing of reclaimed water. Therefore, where possible, assurances should be made that historic allocations will not be reduced to the point that the customer will suffer damage during periods of shortage.
Reduced Discharge Reduction or elimination of effluent discharge flows due to certain types of reuse (e.g. evaporative cooling, groundwater infiltration) could result in legal challenges from downstream users, especially when the reduced flow results in serious economic losses or negative impacts on the environment. When the use of reclaimed water reduces or eliminates the discharge of wastewater to the watercourse, downstream users may make claim damages against the owner of the reuse project. The nature of the legal challenge would depend on the water rights system used. These issues are less well defined for groundwater than for streams and rivers. Changes in Point-of-Discharge or Place-of-Use Occurs in states with appropriative rights where laws are designed to protect the origin of the water by limiting the place-of-use or by requiring the same point of discharge. In riparian states, the place-ofuse can also be an issue when reclaimed water is distributed to users located outside the watershed from which the water was originally drawn. Hierarchy of Use Generally with water reuse, the concepts of reasonable use and beneficial use should not present an obstacle, particularly if such reuse is economically justified. Nevertheless, a hierarchy of use still exists in both riparian and ap-
Although most water rights issues are decided according to state law, in certain cases federal water laws may impact the planning of water reuse projects. This most often occurs when the project augments, reduces, or otherwise impacts the supply of water to more than one state, to protected Native American tribes, or to other countries. In addition to these areas of federal involvement, the federal government also has the right to adequate water from sources on or adjacent to its own property to meet the required needs of the land. Some of the water rights laws that may apply to this situation are listed below.
Multi-State and Federal Water Allocations The fed-
eral government may claim jurisdiction in disputes between states regarding the allocation of limited water supplies. This has been particularly true in the West where 5 states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah) are served by the Colorado River where the flow is not always sufficient to supply all the nominal allocations. A federal interest may also be invoked when water owned by the federal government is allocated to various parties within the same state. In such cases, the federal government may serve as the honest broker between parties. Or, in instances were the federal interest is strong enough, the government may support the implementation of an appropriate solution to allocation conflicts by funding recommended improvements. In either situation, the availability of alternative water supplies (e.g. reclaimed water) may constitute an important factor in determining water rights and entitlements. (This is also discussed in
been many court decisions relating to the water rights of Indian reservations and other federal lands, there is still a great deal of uncertainty as to how these decisions should be interpreted. If there is a possibility that a water reuse project will conflict with the federal reserved water rights, either from an Indian reservation or other federal reserve, a very careful legal interpretation of such water rights should be obtained.
served or reused. Often these standards serve to promote reuse by requiring water users to reduce their total or per capita water use as compared to an established baseline. In some cases, certain uses of potable water (i.e., irrigation, power plant cooling) are considered unreasonable and are prohibited unless other, nonpotable sources have been determined to be environmentally undesirable or economically unsound (California Water Code Section 13550). There are 3 main types of water supply and use rules discussed here:
International Water Rights Another area of federal interest with respect to water rights is in the distribution of water supplies across state lines, or in international or boundary waters (e.g. the Great Lakes, the Tijuana River). In such situations, where the use of reclaimed water might reduce the access to water supply between states, or to another nation, federal jurisdiction may be imposed. Water Rights on Federal Property Referred to as federal reserved water rights, the quantity of water reserved by the federal government does not have to be established at the time of the lands acquisition. In addition, these water rights are not lost due to non-use or abandonment and can be designated for purposes other than that which they were originally intended, as long as consumption does not increase. These rights may be set aside by executive order, statute, treaty, or agreement (Weinberg and Allan, 1990). Water may also be appropriated by the federal government for purposes established by Congress and carried out on non-reserved lands. Like the water rights associated with federal reserves, this right to water for non-reserved lands may not cause harm to other water users and the appropriation may not take priority over already existing appropriations. There is some question as to whether there is sufficient legal basis for claiming water under the non-reserved rights scenario.
Water supply reductions are often imposed during periods of drought. For example, Florida has identified water conservation goals for the water management districts to implement (FDEP, 1999). To meet these goals and to help ensure that enough water is available to meet anticipated potable water demands, Florida issued a water shortage order in 2001 to limit the number of irrigation days per week. Where water shortages are common, cutbacks may be imposed by statute, or they may be written into water allocation agreements between the various parties, (e.g., Colorado River Agreement, Monterey Agreement). During such times, appropriate water rights may be invoked so that the senior rightsholders receive their full allocations, or have their allocations reduced less than those with more junior rights. Whatever the cause, water shortages often provide a powerful incentive to implement water reuse projects to augment supplies, especially where reductions are frequent and other less costly methods (e.g., water conservation) have already been implemented. When the supply is curtailed by the federal or state government, local water agencies may adopt tiered rates, priority categories, and other pricing and allocation strategies to minimize the impact of drought on customers by making sure that water is available for firefighting, public health, and other critical purposes. One side effect of such restrictions is an increased public awareness of the cost associated with water supplycosts that water reuse projects can help to avoid. The frequency of restrictions can also help planners evaluate the risk of such shortages, which in turn can increase the calculated value of the reuse projects.
Water supply and use legislation in the context of the Guidelines is distinct from water rights law in that it covers policies and regulations, which determine how an agency or entity with water rights may decide to distribute that supply to various parties. Over the past decade, it has become increasingly common for federal, state, and even local entities to set standards for how water may be used as a condition of supplying water to its customers, including the extent to which it must be con-
Water efficiency goals can be either mandatory or voluntary. When voluntary goals (or targets) are promulgated, public support for conservation and reuse are usually stimulated by advertising or outreach campaigns designed to underscore the importance of protecting limited supplies. When mandatory goals are set, however, compliance is related to fees and availability of service. On a local level, the consequences for failing to meet mandatory goals can range from higher use fees (e.g. tiered water rates, surcharges) to termination of service. Where water efficiency is required on a state level, incentives are frequently used to encourage compliance, and meeting certain targets is a prerequisite for qualifying for grants or loans or even for receiving a greater percent of an agencys normal allocation. When water reuse projects are planned in areas where voluntary or mandatory goals are in place, project managers should be sure that the proposed reuse types qualify as water efficiency measures so that reclaimed water customers can take advantage of the resulting benefits.
ties or consequences result from non-compliance. In the case of local water restrictions, it may not be necessary to test the enforceability of the statutes, since the potential consequences of non-compliance may be sufficient to persuade most customers to use reclaimed water for appropriate purposes. Otherwise, penalties should be specified at a level adequate to deter violation. Such penalties may include disconnection of service and a fee for reconnection with fines and jail time for major infractions (e.g., Mesa, Arizona and Brevard County, Florida). However, other regulations designed to protect water customers from termination may mitigate or even neutralize that particular penalty option. Where local ordinances require the use of reclaimed water, they may also include a variety of other requirements regulating its supply and use, including rules for customer connection, inspection, and facility management. Many cities require customers within a given distance of existing or proposed reclaimed water pipes to connect to the reclaimed water system. This may be coupled with restrictions on the use of potable water for nonpotable purposes, such as irrigation. Some cities have gone as far as to prohibit the use of other nonpotable water (i.e. groundwater or surface water) where reclaimed water is available. These rules are examined more closely in a later section, 5.5.3 Customer Agreements.
Water use restrictions may either prohibit the use of potable water for certain purposes, or require the use of reclaimed water in place of potable water. Ordinances requiring water reuse, however, generally allow otherwise prohibited and unreasonable uses of potable water to occur when reclaimed water is unavailable, is unsuitable for the specific use, is uneconomical, or when its use would have a negative impact on the environment. On a federal level, there have been discussions in recent years on encouraging the passage of federal water use restrictions as part of a green building regulation, such that all federally-sponsored projects must evaluate the use of reclaimed water during the planning process. However, no such rules have yet been proposed. On a state level, water use restrictions are important because they give local jurisdictions a legal foundation for regulating local use. They may also be effective in promoting water reuse, particularly when such rules also require state agencies to evaluate alternative supplies for all state-funded projects. Local water use restrictions can help to encourage reuse when the practice is generally accepted and readily available at a cost below other supplies. However, an important consideration in evaluating the implementation of such restrictions is deciding what type of penal-
Wastewater Regulations
Both federal and state agencies exercise jurisdiction over the quality and quantity of wastewater discharge into public waterways. The primary authority for the regulation of wastewater is the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act (CWA) (Public Law 92-500). While the legislative origin of the CWA stretches back to the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, the 1972 CWA assigned the federal government specific responsibilities for water quality management designed to make all surface waters fishable and swimmable (Cologne and MacLaggan, 1995). The CWA requires states to set water quality standards, thus establishing the right to control pollution from wastewater treatment plants, as long as such regulations are at least as stringent as federal rules. Primary jurisdiction under the CWA is with the EPA, but in most states the CWA is administered and enforced by the state water pollution control agencies. Wastewater discharge regulations mostly address treated effluent qualityspecifically the removal of chemical pollutants and biological pathogens that could have a deleterious effect on receiving waters. Even in regions of the U.S. where rainfall is plentiful (i.e., Florida),
regulations that establish criteria for discharged wastewater water quality can provide a powerful incentive to reuse treated effluent. Although less common, discharge permits may also restrict the quantity of effluent discharged to a receiving body to limit its effect on the local ecosystem. Such regulations may be continuous or seasonal, and may or may not correspond to a period when reclaimed water is in demand. As with water quality limits, it is important for those planning reuse projects to meet with treatment plant managers to understand the extent of discharge limitations and how they may be alleviated by supplying treated effluent for reuse.
Wastewater discharge regulations are important to water reuse managers for a number of reasons. First, reuse projects can be implemented as an alternative to high levels of treatment when discharge regulations require advanced treatment methods, such as nutrient removal. Second, the level of treatment required by the NPDES permit may be adequate to meet most health regulations, reducing the investment needed to meet reuse standards. By the same token, the level of reliability required by NPDES standards may be less rigorous than what paying customers expect, so that supplementary treatment systems are needed to ensure continuous production. These issues should be thoroughly explored by those planning water reuse projects prior to project design and implementation.
The CWA regulates discharge of pollutants into navigable waters through permits issued pursuant to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Under the CWA, the term navigable waters means waters of the U.S. The federal courts follow the Tenth Circuit Courts conclusion that this definition is an expression of congressional intent to regulate discharges made into every creek, stream, river or body of water that in any way may affect interstate commerce (United States vs. Earth Sciences Inc., 1979). The goal of the CWA is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biologic integrity of the nations waters. The CWA sets forth specific goals to conserve water and reduce pollutant discharges and directs the EPA Administrator to assist with the development and implementation of water reclamation plans, which will achieve those goals. Major objectives of the CWA are to eliminate all pollutant discharges into navigable waters, stop discharges of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts, develop waste treatment management plans to control sources of pollutants, and to encourage water reclamation and reuse. Pursuant to this goal, the EPA has evaluated major waterways in the U.S. to determine which ones fail to meet federal water quality standards. Waterbodies listed as impaired according to Section 303(d) of the CWA are protected by strict limits on the discharge of the specific pollutants of concern that could further degrade their water quality. In addition to limits on the concentration of specific contaminants, discharge regulations may also include limits on the total mass of a pollutant discharged to the receiving stream known as total maximum daily load (TMDL) limits and on the quality of the water in the receiving stream itself (e.g. minimum dissolved oxygen limits). These regulations are usually the result of extended negotiations between federal, state, and local agencies.
Although less common than water quality regulations, the quantity of treatment plant effluent discharged to a receiving body may also be limited by regulation, such as the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Such regulations may be continuous or seasonal, and may or may not correspond to periods associated with reclaimed water demand as required by the NPDES permit. For instance, state regulators in California required the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant (serving the Silicon Valley area of northern California) to reuse treated effluent as an alternative to limiting discharge into the south end of San Francisco Bay during the summer dry-weather period (May through October). In this instance the limitation was due not to contaminants, but to the fact that the point of discharge was a saltwater marsh which was made brackish by the discharge of relatively fresh treated effluent. The salt marsh in question is home to 2 endangered species (Rosenblum, 1998). Further discussion of the Endangered Species Act is in Section 5.4.2. Effluent quantity may also be limited due to the demand for the reclaimed water by communities in the area. In a 1984 decision by the California State Water Resources Control Board, the Fallbrook Sanitary District (a wastewater discharger near San Diego) was enjoined to show cause why their treated effluent was discharged to the Pacific Ocean rather than made available for reuse by the local community. As discussed in the citation above, the foundation of this ruling (which has not been tested by the courts) lies with that states prohibition against wasting water and the unreasonable use of potable water when reclaimed water is available. This case also illustrates a trend towards viewing water of any quality suitable for some type of reuse, such that its discharge may be limited for the sake of preserving a scarce public resource.
In 1996, the 104th Congress reauthorized and amended Title XIV of the Public Health Services Act (commonly known as the Safe Drinking Water Act). One of the amendments included was Section 132, Source Water Assessment, which requires that the EPA administrator publish guidance for states exercising primary enforcement responsibility for public water systems to carry out directly or through delegation, (for the protection and benefit of public water systems and for the support of monitoring flexibility), a source water assessment program within the states boundaries. The program requirements include: (a) delineating the boundaries of the assessment areas in such state from which one or more public water systems in the state receive supplies of drinking water, using all reasonably available hydrogeologic information on the sources of the supply and the water flow, recharge, discharge, and any other reliable information deemed necessary to adequately determine such areas; and (b) identifying contaminants regulated under this title for which monitoring is required under this title or any unregulated contaminants which the state has determined may present a threat to public health. To the extent practical, the origins of such contaminants within each delineated area should be determined so that the susceptibility of the public water systems to such contaminants can be decided. A state may establish a petition program under which a community water system, municipal or local government, or political subdivision of a state may submit a source water quality protection partnership petition requesting state assistance in the development of a voluntary, incentive-based partnership to reduce the presence of drinking water contaminants, and to obtain financial or technical assistance necessary to set up the source water of a community water system. A petition may only address contaminants that are pathogenic organisms for which regulations are established, or for which regulations have been proposed or promulgated and are detected by adequate monitoring methods in the source water at the intake structure or in any community water system collection, treatment storage, or distribution facilities at levels above the maximum contaminant level (MCL), or that are not reliable and consistently below the MCL.
mulgated and enforced by federal and state governments, most land use regulations are developed and enforced by local jurisdictions. But while they are generally considered to be local matters, land use decisions are always made in the context of federal environmental laws and state planning regulations that also influence their determination. The following section reviews the key elements of local land use planning, as well as the underlying environmental regulations and their effect on planning reclaimed water projects.
Most communities in the U.S. engage in some type of structured planning process whereby the local jurisdiction regulates development according to a general plan. A general plan is designed to serve as a basis for rational decisions regarding a citys or countys long-term physical development [and] embodies public policy relative to the distribution of future land uses, both public and private (State of California, 1998 and State of Florida, 2002). General plans can be adopted by ordinance and are sometimes reinforced with zoning regulations and similar restrictions. In some states, communities are legally required to adopt these general plans, and projects that significantly deviate from them must be rejected, modified, or permitted by variance. The cost of extending utilities into undeveloped areas is an important criterion when deciding where to permit development in a community, as is the availability of resources. Even after a general plan is adopted and an area is planned for a particular type of development, developers may be required to prepare specific plans that demonstrate sufficient water supply or wastewater treatment capacity to meet the needs of their developments. Several western states have also adopted laws that require communities to adopt water management plans and identify additional supplies to support new developments. Such rules actually encourage the implementation of reuse projects that reduce the use of limited resources. In chronically water-short or environmentally sensitive areas, use of reclaimed water may even be a prerequisite for new developments. However, the local planning process can also pose a challenge to reuse projects by subjecting them to the scrutiny of a public that may have many misconceptions about reclaimed water. Federal and state environmental assessment regulations (which are often included in the local planning process) require public notice of published plans and advertised hearings to solicit opinion from all parties potentially affected by the proposed project. It is not unusual at such hearings to hear opposition to the use of reclaimed water for rea-
Land use policies regulate the development and use of property which might be served by reclaimed water systems. Unlike water and wastewater laws that are pro-
sons ranging from health effects to growth inducement to environmental justice. These concerns often mask underlying worries about growth or political issues that may be hard to deal with directly. However, unless the specific concerns are thoroughly addressed in the planning process, it is unlikely that the project will proceed to the point that the underlying issues can emerge to be dealt with. Furthermore, failure of a reuse project to conform to general plan guidelines and local requirements will render the project vulnerable to challenge in the courts or to appeal before the regulatory bodies even after the project is approved.
ticularly important when evaluating the economics of reuse projects to consider how reclaimed water serves to augment water supply and divert wastewater from impacted waters, and to include both direct and indirect benefits. The evaluation should include the consideration of preserving a habitat that might be depleted by importing surface water supplies or the avoided cost of mitigating such an impact. A steady stream of research has appeared in the literature during the past decade suggesting appropriate methods of contingent valuation for environmental benefits (Sheikh et al., 1998). On the other hand, environmental assessment regulations also require the careful assessment of any negative impacts of reclaimed water projects. Examples of common environmental impacts include the visual impact of tanks and reservoirs and the disturbance of underground cultural resources and hazardous materials by underground pipelines. Less common, but equally significant, projects that provide reclaimed water for irrigation over unconfined aquifers are sometimes required to demonstrate that use of nonpotable water will not contribute to the degradation of underlying groundwater. In such cases, mitigation may include a monitoring program or even additional treatment to match groundwater quality. Rules to protect aquifers from infiltration by reclaimed water may also be adopted. The manager of a reclaimed water project must be familiar with not only the federal and state regulations guiding the environmental assessment process, but also their interpretation by the local jurisdiction. For example, the federal NEPA process requires a public scoping, dissemination of a Notice of Intent, and at least one public meeting preceding the solicitation and consideration of public comments on project impacts and their mitigation. By contrast, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) mandates specific periods during which project information must be published and encouragesbut does not requireformal hearings during project review. However, many lead agencies do conduct public hearings on environmental assessment reports, either independently or in the course of their own public planning process (California Department of Water Resources, 2002 and State of Florida, 2002). Public review requirements have a significant effect on project schedules. In addition to the time required to assemble site information and assess the potential impacts of the project, there are mandatory public review periods that range from 1 to 6 months depending on the nature of the impact and the type of permit required. A comprehensive implementation schedule should be
Environmental Regulations
A number of state and federal environmental regulations promote the use of reclaimed water by limiting the amount of water available to communities or restricting the discharge of wastewater into receiving streams. The ESA in particular has been applied to require water users to maintain minimum flows in western rivers to protect the habitat of various species of fish whose survival is threatened by increases in water temperature and restricted access to breeding grounds. Similarly, as noted previously, the provisions of the CWA can impose limits on both the quality and quantity of treated effluent an agency is allowed to discharge. A community with limited water supply or wastewater treatment capabilities has a real incentive to build a reclaimed water project that augments existing sources and reduces discharge. Broader in scope, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires an assessment of environmental impacts for all projects receiving federal funds, and then the mitigation of all significant impacts. Many states also have equivalent rules that mandate environmental assessment and mitigation planning for all projects prior to construction. Combined with other laws that protect biological, scenic, and cultural resources, these laws can result in a de facto moratorium on the construction of large-scale water diversions (by dams) that flood the habitat of protected species or inundate pristine canyons or areas of historical significance. Even where such projects are allowed to go forward, they may be less cost-effective than water reuse projects that provide a comparable supply with fewer and less expensive mitigations. Both federal and state environmental assessment regulations generally require an economic analysis of alternatives, including the no project alternative in which nothing is built. A number of guidance documents are available suggesting approaches to evaluating both the costs and benefits of water projects, including water reuse alternatives. It is par-
developed and periodically revised, including lengthy review procedures, the timing of any public hearings that must be held, and the time needed to enact any required legislation. It is especially important to identify any permit review procedures and whether they can occur concurrently or must occur consecutively, and in what order. Special Environmental Topics
resents a clear benefit to the neighborhoods where it is available, the population at large does not always share this view. The project manager of a water reuse program should discuss project plans with representatives from all affected communities to gauge their sensitivity to this issue, and provide additional information about reclaimed water to help alleviate neighborhood concerns.
In addition to the assessment of environmental impacts commonly encountered by construction of all types of water projects, there are some topics of special concern for the evaluation of reuse projects that reflect the safety of reclaimed water use, including growth inducement, environmental justice, and detection of emerging pathogens. Because the project proponent or lead agency must, by law, address all material questions raised during the assessment process, these topics should be considered at some point during project planningif only to note that they do not apply. One environmental impact associated with reclaimed water projects is the potential for growth inducement. Indeed, where communities are constrained by a limited water supply, the availability of a reliable source of reclaimed water can allow more growth than might otherwise occur. However, there are many other factors that contribute to the increase in population in an area, and substitution of nonpotable for potable water may only reduce the negative impact a communitys existing water use has on the neighboring environment. In any case, the question of growth inducement must be addressed in evaluating the overall impact of reclaimed water projects. The question of environmental justice may come up during the permitting of water reuse projects. The term environmental justice refers to the historic pattern of siting undesirable environmental facilities (e.g. wastewater treatment plants, landfills and transfer stations, solid waste incinerators) in or adjacent to economically depressed neighborhoods, whose populations may have a proportionally large percentage of people of color or ethnic minorities. An environmental justice policy attempts to ensure that all such facilities are distributed equally throughout the community, so that no one segment bears a disproportionate share of the impact. This policy is reinforced by a number of federal rules pertaining to environmental review of federally-funded projects, the ultimate source of which is the constitutional right to equal protection under the law. While it is reasonable to argue that reclaimed water distribution facilities should not be grouped with other more noxious facilities, and that the use of reclaimed water rep-
Just as there are many laws and policies that influence the planning and overall design of water reuse projects, their detailed design, construction, and implementation is also governed by a number of rules and regulations. For example, state health departments may require minimum setback distances between potable and nonpotable pipelines (addressed in Chapter 4), while dual distribution facilities at the customers site may have to be constructed to meet Uniform Plumbing Code standards. Similarly, a value engineering study of the system design may need to be performed in order for the project to qualify for state or federal funding, which may add to the time required for project review and impact the ultimate construction schedule. Following construction, various parties need to coordinate their efforts to produce, distribute, deliver, and pay for reclaimed water. Each of these parties must be organized to comply with their contractual obligation, with appropriate legal agreements between the parties to clearly spell out and enforce responsibilities. Indeed, there are a range of legal agreements that may be necessary in order for reclaimed water to be delivered to the end customer for reuse. The following section examines laws and regulations pertaining to project construction (both system wide and on-site), agreements between water wholesalers and retailers, and customer agreements to ensure payment and proper handling of reclaimed water by the end user.
Construction Issues
In general, there are 2 types of regulations associated with construction of reuse projects: 1) Rules governing system construction, including large-diameter mains, pump stations, reservoirs, and other appurtenances required to deliver reclaimed water to groups of customers 2) Rules for on-site construction, specifically separation of existing pipelines into potable and
nonpotable systems, or the installation of new reclaimed water pipelines separate from the potable system As noted in Chapter 4, state health departments often promulgate regulations for both system and on-site construction, but these rules may be administered by county or even local health departments. State agencies may also take the lead in ensuring that project designs meet the requirements for grant funding, but their rules are frequently adopted from existing federal grant or loan programs. Local agencies may adopt their own special rules incorporating state regulations with additional requirements specific to local jurisdictions. System Construction Issues
Formal review of all designs to ensure that they meet professional standards and present the most cost-effective solutions to engineering problems. This review often includes value engineering of the project by professionals who were not involved in the original design. Institution of a revenue program identifying additional sources of funds to pay for the initial construction. This is especially true when grant funds are provided for construction on a reimbursement basis, to ensure that the project sponsor will be able to afford the project without the support of grant funds. they will individually and collectively use a specific quantity of reclaimed water once it is supplied.
Chapter 4 includes a detailed analysis of water reuse regulations and design guidelines in various states. These issues are included here only to provide a comprehensive picture of the overall legal context in which reuse projects are developed and built. Regulations impacting system construction include both rules governing utility construction in general and rules specifically aimed at water reuse projects. Regulations governing general utility construction include requirements to observe and maintain proper easements for pipelines and facilities, local codes with respect to acceptable building materials and construction practices, as well as all applicable contract and labor laws (which is beyond the scope of this chapter). Prior to and during design of any system construction project, the project manager should become familiar with state and local construction regulations and obtain all necessary permits from local agencies, utilities, and other parties so as not to delay project construction. In addition to these general rules, many states have rules specifically pertaining to the construction of reclaimed water systems. These regulations frequently designate physical separation distances between reclaimed water and potable and wastewater lines, as well as details for pipeline crossings (e.g., nonpotable below potable). Where it is not practical to maintain minimum distances, some states allow construction of nonpotable pipelines adjacent to potable lines provided that they are cased in suitable materials. From a legal perspective, federal and state grant and loan programs are established by statute and often establish construction-related rules that projects must meet to qualify for funding. Typically these include:
Early in the process, agencies that accept grants or loans should be aware of the requirements of their particular programs with respect to project design and funding. On-site Construction Issues
Like system construction regulations, standards for constructing distribution pipelines on a customers site (e.g. irrigation systems) are usually a combination of state regulations and local ordinances specifically regarding the use of reclaimed water. State regulations generally focus on requirements to prevent accidental or intentional cross-connection of potable and nonpotable systems by separating the pipelines, requiring clear identification of nonpotable facilities, and installing backflow prevention devices, where appropriate. Local agencies may adopt individual regulations by ordinance, or they may adopt general regulations like the Uniform Plumbing Code, whose Appendix J includes special rules for installing reclaimed water lines inside buildings where potable water is also served. Once again, the manager of a reuse project should become familiar with all pertinent regulations during the design phase to ensure that the system meets state and local codes. See Chapter 4 for a detailed discussion of regulations that have been adopted in various jurisdictions throughout the U.S. Once on-site facilities have been constructed, state and local regulations often require that cross-connection tests be performed to ensure complete separation between potable and nonpotable systems. Depending on the quality of the water provided and the type of use, agencies may also restrict the times of use and require periodic inspection and reporting on system operation, even after the on-site system has been installed and
approved. This topic is addressed more closely in Section 5.5.3 Customer Agreements.
Wholesaler/Retailer Issues
Los Angeles County, which sells reclaimed water to several purveyors, including the municipal Pomona Water Department, who then redistributes it to a number of users. Institutional Criteria
One of the first steps in implementing a water reuse program is the identification of roles and responsibilities for the production and wholesale and retail distribution of reclaimed water. Many different types of institutional structures can be utilized for implementing a water reuse project and responsibility for reclaimed water production and wholesale and retail distribution can be assigned to different groups depending on their historical roles and technical and managerial expertise (Table 5-1). The various departments and agencies within a government may come into conflict over the proposed reuse system unless steps are taken early in the planning stages to find out who will be involved and to what level. Close internal coordination between departments and branches of local government will be required to ensure a successful reuse program. Obtaining the support of other departments will help to minimize delays caused by interdepartmental conflicts. A good example of integrated authority is the Irvine Ranch Water District in California, an independent, selffinancing entity responsible for all phases of reclaimed water production and distribution. Under its original enabling legislation, the district was strictly a water supply entity; but in 1965, state law was amended to assign it sanitation responsibilities within its service area. This put the district is in a good position to deal directly, as one entity, with conventional potable water and nonpotable water services. Such a position contrasts markedly with other institutional arrangements in the Los Angeles area, where agency relationships are often more complex. For instance, the Pomona Water Reclamation Plant is operated by the Sanitation Districts of Table 5-1. Some Common Institutional Patterns
In evaluating alternative institutional arrangements, responsible managers should determine the best municipal organizations or departments to operate a reclamation and reuse program. For example, even if the municipal wastewater treatment service is permitted by law to distribute reclaimed water, it might make more sense to organize a reuse system under the water supply agency or under a regional authority (assuming that such an authority can be established under the law). Among the criteria that should be considered in developing a viable arrangement is the ability of the proposed entity to finance the project and enter into the following types of agreements:
Financing Power The agency responsible for financing the project should be able to assume bonded indebtedness, if such financing is likely, a determination should be made as to what kind of debt could be assumed, how much, and how debt must be retired. In addition, the evaluation should include the method for recovering the costs of operating the water reclamation facility and any restrictions placed on them by virtue of the institutional structure, including kinds of accounting practices to be imposed upon the entity. Contracting Power Any constraints on how and with whom services can be contracted should be identified, as well as the method of approving such agreements. For example, if contracts are required with other municipalities, they may have limitations on the nature of the corporate structure or legal au-
Type of Institutional Arrangement Separate Authorities Wholesaler/Retailer System Joint Powers Authority (for Production and Distribution only) Integrated Production and Distribution
Production Wastewater Treatment Agency Wastewater Treatment Agency Joint Powers Authority Water/Wastewater Authority
W holesale Distribution Wholesale Water Agency Wastewater Treatment Agency Joint Powers Authority Water/Wastewater Authority
Retail Distribution Retail Water Company Retail Water Company Retail Water Company Water/Wastewater Authority
thorization of entities with whom they enter into agreement. Institutional Inventory and Assessment
It is necessary to develop a thorough understanding of which organizations and institutions are concerned with which aspects of a proposed reuse system. This understanding should include an inventory of required permits and agency review requirements prior to construction and operation of the reuse system, economic arrangements, subsidies, groundwater and surface water management policies, and administrative guidelines and issues. The following institutions should be involved or at a minimum, contacted: federal and state/regulatory agencies, administrative and operating organizations, and general units of government. On occasion there is an overlap of agency jurisdiction. For example, it is possible for one agency to control the water in the upper reaches of a stream and a separate agency to control the water in the lower reaches. Unless these agencies can work together, there may be little hope of a successful project. One of the best ways to gain the support of other agencies is to make sure that they are involved from the beginning of the project and are kept informed as the project progresses. Any potential conflicts between these agencies should be identified as soon as possible. Clarification on which direction the lead agency should follow will need to be determined. By doing this in the planning stages of the reuse project, delays in implementation may be avoided.
appropriate regard for public health. In fact, the agency responsible for reclaimed water distribution should consider adopting an ordinance requiring customers to meet these standards of performance as a condition of receiving reclaimed water. Or, if that is not appropriate, the agency should encourage the jurisdictions where the customers are located to pass such ordinances. In some cases, the requirements for customer performance have been delegated by the state to the reclaimed water purveyor, who in turn is empowered to delegate them to their customers. For instance, where reclaimed water is still statutorily considered effluent, the agencys permit to discharge wastewater may be delegated by the agency to customers whose reuse sites are legally considered to be distributed outfalls of the reclaimed water, with concomitant responsibilities. The second group of agreements, those agreements made between parties, are more variable and reflect the specific circumstances of the individual projects and the customers they serve. These include rates and charges, fees, rebates, terms of service, and other special conditions of use between reclaimed water suppliers and customers. Not all reclaimed water systems require development of a reclaimed water ordinance. This is particularly true where there are a limited number of users. For example, it is not uncommon for a reclaimed water supplier providing service to a small number of large users, such as agriculture or industrial customers, to forego development of a reuse ordinance and rely instead on user agreements. In other instances, such as water intensive activities, a single user may well encumber all of the water available from a given reclaimed water source. Where such conditions exist, it is often more appropriate to deal with the customer through the negotiation of a reclaimed water user agreement. However, all of the customer issues discussed should still be addressed in developing customer agreements. Statutory Customer Responsibilities
Customer Issues
Finally, a key link in the chain of institutional arrangements required to implement water reclamation projects is the relationship between the water purveyor and the water customer. Again, there are 2 dimensions to this arrangement: 1) The legal requirements established by state and local jurisdictions defining the general responsibilities of the 2 parties to protect the public 2) The specific items of agreement between the parties, including commercial arrangements and operational responsibilities The legal requirements are usually stipulated in state laws, agency guidelines, and local ordinances designed to ensure that reclaimed water is used safely and with
Protective measures are required to avoid cross-connection of reclaimed water lines with potable water lines. In the event that these responsibilities are codified in a local ordinance, the ordinance and its provisions should be clearly spelled out in the customer agreement. (Local ordinances may, in turn, reference state regulations on this subject, in which case they should provide specific citations, in addition to general references, for the sake of clarity.) As noted in Chapter 4, required protections may include the mandatory backflow preventers, use of color-coded
pipes for the reclaimed and potable water, and periodic inspection of the system. Inspection is recommended to determine if there are any illegal connections, violations of ordinances, or cross-connections. It is important that the ordinance or agreement state which party is responsible for inspection, under what conditions and with what frequency inspection may be required, as well as the consequences if users refuse to perform or allow inspection (i.e., disconnection of service). A customer agreement (or the corresponding local ordinance) might also specify the type of irrigation system required in order to receive reclaimed water. This could include the requirements for system design (e.g., a permanent below-ground system) or construction details (e.g., specific pipe materials or appurtenances like quick disconnect fittings on hose bibs used for hand watering). The requirements for an irrigation system timer may also be included. The customer agreement may also include details on financing on-site construction to separate potable and nonpotable piping systems. It is not uncommon for local agencies to fund all or part of the cost of retrofitting a customers existing system in order to defray the overall cost of reclaimed water use. In such instances, the agency may provide grant funds to the customer to cover the cost of construction or may even construct the facilities at the agencys expense after obtaining a rightof-entry from the customer. In other cases, the cost of the construction may be covered by reductions in the normal rates over a period of time. Although not included in a customer agreement, a local ordinance might also define when property owners will be required to connect to the reuse system. Examples include the requirement for turf grass facilities (e.g., parks, golf courses, cemeteries, schools) to connect when the system becomes available, requirements for new developments to connect prior to being inhabited, and requirements for all properties to connect as the reuse system becomes available. These agreements might also specify what equipment is available to the customer and how it can be used. For example, Florida allows hose bibs on the reclaimed water system but they must be placed in below-ground, locking boxes. Local ordinances may also contain requirements for public education about the reuse project, including information on the hazards of reclaimed water, the requirements for service, the accepted uses, and the penalties for violation. In Cocoa Beach, Florida, reclaimed water applicants must be provided an informative brochure to explain public safety and reuse in accordance with the
Citys ordinance. A detailed discussion of public information programs is provided in Chapter 7. Terms of Service and Commercial Arrangements
Any reclaimed water connection fees and rates associated with service should be addressed in an appropriate rate ordinance passed by the local jurisdiction. Reclaimed water rate ordinances should be separate from those regulations that control reclaimed water use, and may include an escalator clause or other means of providing for regular increases proportional to the cost of potable water in the local area. (See Chapter 6 for a discussion of the development of the financial aspects of water reuse fees and rates). In addition to these considerations, it is often helpful to establish various other terms of service that are particular to the water reuse program and its customers. For example, the customer agreement may specify a certain level of reliability that may or may not be comparable to that of the potable system. When reclaimed water is used for an essential service, such as fire protection, a high degree of system reliability must be provided. However, if reclaimed water use is limited to irrigation, periodic shortages or service interruption may be tolerable. The reclaimed water supplier may also wish to retain the right to impose water use scheduling as a means of managing shortages or controlling peak system demands.
Case Studies
Statutory Mandate to Utilize Reclaimed Water: California
Underscoring the fact that potable water resources are strained and in many cases reclaimed water represents the next best supply, some states have integrated reclaimed water into the codes and policies that govern water resources in general. An example of such a case from California is Article 7, Water Reuse from the California Code of Regulations, Section 13550, Legislative Findings and Declarations; Use of Potable Water for Nonpotable Uses Prohibited. a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the use of potable domestic water for nonpotable uses, including, but not limited to, cemeteries, golf courses, parks, highway landscaped areas, and industrial and irrigation uses, is a waste or an unreasonable use of the water within the meaning of Section 2 of Article X of the California Constitution
if reclaimed water is available which meets all of the following conditions, as determined by the state board, after notice to any person or entity who may
be ordered to use reclaimed water or to cease using potable water and a hearing held pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 648) of Chapter 1.5 of Division 3 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations:
son subject to this article to furnish information, which the state board determines to be relevant to making the determination required in subdivision (a).
(1) The source of reclaimed water is of adequate quality for these uses and is available for these uses. In determining adequate quality, the state board shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, food and employee safety, and level and types of specific constituents in the reclaimed water affecting these uses, on a user-by-user basis. In addition, the state board shall consider the effect of the use of reclaimed water in lieu of potable water on the generation of hazardous waste and on the quality of wastewater discharges subject to regional, state, or federal permits. (2) The reclaimed water may be furnished for these uses at a reasonable cost to the user. In determining reasonable cost, the state board shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, the present and projected costs of supplying, delivering, and treating potable domestic water for these uses and the present and projected costs of supplying and delivering reclaimed water for these uses, and shall find that the cost of supplying the treated reclaimed water is comparable to, or less than, the cost of supplying potable domestic water. (3) After concurrence with the State Department of Health Services, the use of reclaimed water from the proposed source will not be detrimental to public health. (4) The use of reclaimed water for these uses will not adversely affect downstream water rights, will not degrade water quality, and is determined not to be injurious to plant life, fish, and wildlife.
b) In making the determination pursuant to subdivision (a), the state board shall consider the impact of the cost and quality of the nonpotable water on each individual user. c) The state board may require a public agency or per-
HISTORY: Added by Stats.1977, c. 1032, p. 3090, Section 1, eff. Sept. 23, 1977. Amended by Stats.1978, c. 380, p. 1205, Section 148; Stats.1978, c. 894, p. 2821, Section 1, eff. Sept. 20, 1978; Stats.1991, c. 553 (A.B.174), Section 1.
Administrative Order to Evaluate Feasibility of Water Reclamation: Fallbrook Sanitary District, Fallbrook, California
In 1984 the California State Water Resources Control Board considered a complaint filed by the Sierra Club to enjoin an unreasonable use of water by a wastewater discharger (California State Water Resources Control Board Order 84-7). At issue was a permit issued by the Board authorizing the Fallbrook Sanitary District to discharge up to 1.6 mgd (6000 m3/d) of treated wastewater to the ocean. The Sierra Club alleged that under the circumstances, the discharge of the districts wastewater to the ocean, where it cannot be recovered for beneficial use, constitutes a waste of water. Before a wastewater discharger can be required to reclaim water, a determination must be made whether the particular discharge constitutes a waste or unreasonable use of water. Water Code Section 13550, with its focus on prohibiting the use of potable water for nonpotable applications, provided no guidance to the State Board in this instance. Thus, in making its determination, the State Board sought guidance from the states constitutional prohibitions on waste and related case law. In keeping with the case law, which indicates that a reasonable use of water today may be a waste of water at some time in the future, the State Board ordered the district, and all future applicants proposing a discharge of once-used water into the ocean, to evaluate the feasibility of reclaiming its wastewater. The State Board insisted that water reclamation be carefully analyzed as an alternative, or partial alternative, to the discharge of once-used wastewater to the ocean in all water-short areas of the state. In adopting its order, the State Board recognized the requirements were consistent with the Boards authority to conduct investigations and prevent
waste of water (California Water Code). Information provided by Cologne and Maclaggan (1995) Legal Aspects of Water Reclamation in Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse.
the city boundaries. Clearly there are other examples of the need for a user agreement when dealing with a larger customer. Orange County, Florida, provides over 10 mgd (438 l/s) of make-up water from its water reclamation facility to the Curtis Stanton Energy Center. The Curtis Stanton Energy Center, located on the east side of Orlando, is owned by the Orlando Utilities Commission and provides electric power to the greater Orlando area. There are unique aspects to the relationship between these 2 entities with respect to the supply of reclaimed water for cooling purposes including stringent water quality requirements, delivery schedules, fees, and means for handling the blow-down water.
While most reclaimed water systems with multiple users will require the adoption of a reclaimed water ordinance, there may be cases where an ordinance is not required, particularly when there are a limited number of users in the system. An example would include the provision of reclaimed water to several large agricultural users where the need for control extends to only a few parties. In such cases, it may be entirely appropriate to handle the requirements of the supplier and the users through a user agreement. Orlando, Floridas reclaimed water program (in concert with Orange County, Florida) began with about 20 citrus growers under the Water Conserv II Irrigation Program in 1986. Orlando/Orange County entered into a 20-year agreement with each of the growers, with the agreement specifying the responsibilities of both the supplier and the user. Each of these agreements was identical except for the volume of flow provision. The agreement covered suppliers contractual requirements including no cost provision of reclaimed water, water quality limits, minimum pressures, volume of water and delivery schedules, and indemnity provisions for third party claims. From the users side, the agreements addressed issues such as requirements to take a certain volume of water, transfer of land allowances, inspection requirements, and buyout provisions if the agreement was terminated prior to the 20 year term. As Orlandos reclaimed system grew, each of the users, either agricultural or commercial, were required to enter into a user agreement. For the commercial users, an agreement was developed similar in some respects to the grower agreement. These commercial agreements evolved over time, but all contained the same basic requirements. For example, each of them stated that the customer would pay the user fee for the reclaimed water when such a rate was established by the City. It was not until 2002 that the City elected to adopt monthly user rates with the growth of the reclaimed system for single-family residences. These rates were implemented shortly after the adoption of a reclaimed water ordinance, which governs all aspects of the reclaimed water system within
Interagency Agreement Required for Water Reuse: Monterey County Water Recycling Project, Monterey, California
The Monterey County Water Recycling Project (MCWRP) consists of a tertiary water recycling plant and water distribution system. Since beginning operation in the spring of 1998, over 14 billion gallons (53 million m3) of reclaimed water have been produced for irrigation of food crops such as artichokes, lettuce, cauliflower, celery, and strawberries. The project was designed to reduce seawater intrusion along the northwest portion of Monterey County (California) by using reclaimed water instead of groundwater. The reclaimed water is supplied by the regional wastewater provider, the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA). However, the responsibility for water planning rests with the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA). Thus, 2 types of agreements were required. The first was a contract between MRWPCA and MCWRA for the sale, disposition, and operation of MCWRP. The second was a series of ordinances between MCWRA and the growers that governed the providing of water for the end user. The focus of this case study is on the contract between MRWPCA and MCWRA. The base agreement was signed in 1992 and contained the following key provisions: A. Project Ownership, Operation, and Maintenance
The project will be owned and operated by MRWPCA MRWPCA will be reimbursed for the actual
MRWPCA will supply water on a daily basis except for infrequent shut-downs Water will be provided in accordance with a specified demand schedule
Reuse Program:
The City of Orlando, Orange County
And The Private Sector Orlando,
The Orange County National Golf Center (OCNGC) is a unique and innovative public/private partnership formed by Orange County, the City of Orlando, and Team Classic Golf Services, Inc. The Orange County National is one of the largest golf centers in the State of Florida, devoted solely to golf and golf instruction. The Orange County National Golf Course project represents an expansion of the successful Conserv II reuse program jointly owned and operated by the City of Orlando and Orange County, Florida. (See the case study, 3.8.6 Water Conserv II Chapter 3 for additional details.) The County and City purchased 660 acres (270 hectares) of additional land adjacent to 2 of its original rapid infiltration basins (RIB) sites in the rolling hills of west Orange County, originally intended solely for the construction of new RIBs. Large RIB sites in this area typically consist of a series of basins interspersed across the site with large areas of open land between them. In fact, RIBs typically occupy as little as 15 percent of the site, with the remaining area being available for other uses. Hoping to achieve multiple uses on the new lands, the County commissioned a study to determine the feasibility of building a municipal golf course. The results of the feasibility study were very encouraging, and the County and City agreed to pursue this option with the County acting as the lead-contracting agency. During a subsequent regulatory and permitting delay in the RIB expansion program, an internationally renowned golf instructor and course developer, Mr. Phil Ritson, approached the Orange County Parks Department and the Orange County Convention Center in search of land to construct a public golf course. After considerable debate, all parties agreed to investigate the feasibility of co-locating RIBs and golf facilities on Conserv II property owned jointly by the City and County. Project planning for the golf course began in 1991. Using a four-step process, the team completed the following before construction started: (1) a business feasibility plan; (2) a request for interested golf course developers; (3) a leasehold agreement; and (4) a capital-financing plan. Each step was crucial and built on the work of the previous steps. The business feasibility study showed excess demand for golf and high potential for a golf course development. This analysis, along with the primary environmental concerns, such as protection of on-site wetlands
Water produced will be suitable for irrigation of food crops MRWPCA will monitor water quality cal growers, will be formed
Accounting system required that allocates project costs Annual project audit required
Each party will hold each other harmless from damages and amounts of project insurance are defined
Provisions for extension of the Agreement are defined Options to cancel/terminate are described Requirement to meet and confer in the case of disputes
Three amendments to the agreement have been negotiated in order to clarify the details of the agreement. Overall, this contract has worked well.
acreage and a preliminary survey of threatened and endangered species, was used to develop a request for business proposals. In September 1993, after the City and County had selected and approved Team Classic Golf Services, Inc. as a partner, the difficult work began negotiating terms for the long-term lease, securing financing for the deal, and setting up a team which would work to the mutual benefit of all the partners. The major breakthrough in the project came when Team Classic acquired private sector financing totaling $51.5 million. A public/private partnership was established through a 55 year leasehold agreement. Forming a partnership with the municipal government and private sector parties took 6 years from its conceptual and planning stages until the start of construction. In addition to RIBs, the OCNGC incorporated several other environmental benefits. The site includes a number of isolated wetland areas that had been degraded through lowered water tables and invasion of undesirable plant species. The combined golf course RIB and surface water management system was designed to restore and maintain more desirable water elevations, and the invading plant species were removed and replaced by hand-planted native species appropriate to the wetland type. The site was developed in a low-density layout, leaving natural upland habitat areas between the golf holes. Today, 54 holes of golf are open along with a 42-acre (17-hectare) practice range and a 9-hole executive course. The facilities also include a 33,000 square-foot (3,070- m2) clubhouse, 50-room campus lodge, a Pro Studio with 5,000 square feet (465 m2) of instructional space, and an institute housing classrooms and administrative offices. It is estimated that private sector investment will exceed $100M at completion. Accessibility has been increased through a multi-tiered fee structure that provides reduced rates to Florida residents and even greater reductions for Orlando and Orange County residents. Rent is paid to the City and County in tiered lease payments tied to time and financial performance of the golf course development. As the golf center is more successful, the lease payments will increase. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is using the site as part of a study, which is co-funded by the County and City. The study is examining the effects of reclaimed water use on golf courses, including the effects of fertilizer and pesticide applications. The study results are being used to develop best management practices for golf courses irrigated with reclaimed water.
Inspection of Reclaimed Water Connections Protect Potable Water Supply: Pinellas County Utilities, Florida
Few things are more important than a safe, potable water supply. Therefore, cross connection control must be taken seriously and comprehensive inspections are absolutely necessary to ensure the publics health. In addition, state and local ordinances and policies must be thoroughly and uniformly enforced. This has become even more important considering the potential threats to our drinking water. Pinellas County, Florida, began its Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program in 1977. Major improvements to the inspection process were implemented in 1994 and 2002. Inspections have uncovered remote hose bibs (to docks, etc.), hidden and/or forgotten valves, and interconnections between the potable and well systems with inexpensive and leaking ball or gate valves. Pinellas County requires that the reclaimed water connection remain in the locked position and that the irrigation system be separated until the day of inspection. The owner, or their legal representative, must sign an application (see copy following this case study) agreeing to use the reclaimed water for its intended purpose and agreeing to inform future owners of these conditions. Owners must schedule an inspection and are to be present to operate the entire system. First, the inspector verifies that the backflow prevention device is installed on the potable meter. Pinellas County inspectors check all zones for potential cross-connections and overspray into public waters, sidewalks, and roadways. A dry run, with the potable source on and the reclaimed source off, is then conducted. This helps to limit the possibility of reclaimed water entering the building. Certainly, it is far less intrusive and more cost-effective than flushing the potable plumbing system if a cross-connection occurs. Then the wet run, with the reclaimed water connected and the potable water supply turned off at the meter, begins. This uncovers any remote connections and any cross-connections under the reclaimed pressure. A 1-page report (see copy following this case study) with a point of disconnect (POD) sketch is completed by the inspector. A reclaimed water curb marker is glued to the curb indicating that the property has passed the inspection. This information is then entered into a database. Initially, contractors who are unfamiliar with this process have minor concerns about the length of time for this inspection. A typical, well-prepared residential property
1. The Pinellas County Utilities Inspector briefly explains the inspection procedure. 2. The Inspector asks the questions necessary to complete the Reclaimed Water Cross-Connection Inspection form, and records the information on the form. 3. The Inspector checks to see if the reclaimed service line has been connected to the irrigation system and checks to make sure that the reclaimed service valve is locked off. 4. The Inspector walks around the building, checking to make sure that all hose bibbs have water flowing from them, and to see if a pressure relief valve is attached, that all reclaimed valve box covers and exposed pipes located above ground (except risers for bush spray heads) are purple in color from the factory or painted with Pantone Purple 522C (Florida Building Code - Plumbing 608.8; DEP 62-610.469(7)(f)) using light stable colorants, and that all sprinkler heads are attached. 5. The Inspector asks to see the Point of Disconnect (POD) from the potable, well, or other water source. 6. The Inspector starts the Dry Run by having the Contractor or Homeowner operate each of the solenoid valves, one zone at a time, and then checks to see if any other water source is being used for irrigation. 7. The Inspector asks the Contractor or Homeowner to connect the irrigation system to the reclaimed service line, and then unlocks the reclaimed water service valve. 8. The Inspector starts the Wet Run, by opening all hose bibbs and then closing the potable water at the water meter and letting the hose bibbs completely drain. Next, the reclaimed water service valve and the Homeowners shut-off valve are opened, and each irrigation zone on the property is run, one zone at a time. When each zone is fully pressurized, the Inspector checks each hose bibb to make sure no water is coming out of them and also checks for over spray. 9. The Inspector turns the potable water back on and then turns off all of the hose bibbs. 10. The Inspector installs a Reclaimed Water curb marker on the curb or road edge. 11. The Inspector makes a drawing on the form, depicting the locations of buildings, streets, driveways, sidewalks, POD, Pinellas County water meter, and the reclaimed box. Any areas with no irrigation present are identified, and each component of the drawing is labeled. The location of the POD is referenced by measurements taken at right angles to the buildings walls. 12. The Inspector returns to the office and enters the information into the MAXIMO Work Management computer program.
Pinellas County Application for Reclaimed Water Service and Cross-Connection Inspection Forms As reclaimed water service becomes more common, utilities create the forms required to keep track of customers and address concerns critical to distribution of nonpotable water. The following forms present the application for service and cross-connection inspection forms currently used by the Pinellas County Utilities in Florida.
Mailing Address (If different than service address) Please Print in Ink
inspection is completed in 45 to 60 minutes. Approximately 8,000 inspections have been conducted and contractors work successfully with the Countys experienced inspectors. Information provided by the Pinellas County Utilities Department Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program, 1998, Clearwater, Florida.
Oneida Indian Nation/Municipal/ State Coordination Leads to Effluent Reuse: Oneida Nation, New York
the conservation of existing potable water supplies, and reduced pollutant loads into Oneida Creek and, ultimately, Oneida Lake, which is part of the Great Lakes watershed. The Nation also made its position clear that the NYSDEC had no jurisdiction over activities on Nation land. The NYSDEC concurred with the Nation and Citys reclaimed project concept plan, and expressed its basic support of the project. It outlined for the Nation and the City the regulatory framework and procedural steps for expediting the project. To formally commit the City to the project, the City Council and Mayor needed to pass a resolution to authorize the technical staff of its Public Works Department to proceed with the project. The project team elected to use one of the Citys semi-monthly council meetings as the forum to present the benefits of the project. Informational fact sheets were prepared for the meeting, which described in simple terms what reclaimed water is, the current uses of reclaimed water by other communities, and the environmental benefits of reclaiming highly treated wastewater. The fact sheets were distributed before the meeting so that elected officials, the public, and the news media could prepare questions before the council meeting. Factual and candid information was presented on water reclamation its need in the overall growth plans of the Nation, its environmental benefits and, through its use, the conservation of limited potable water supplies. The City Council unanimously approved a resolution pledging the Citys support and commitment to cooperate with the Nation on this project. The implementation phase of the project included the following major milestones:
Preparing a draft reuse agreement between the Na-
The Oneida Indian Nation is in a period of strong economic growth. The cornerstone of its economic development is the Turning Stone Casino Resort, the only casino in New York State. The casino and other Nation enterprises are located in an area of central New York with limited water resources. The viability of future enterprise development is linked to the Nations ability to adequately meet its water supply and wastewater treatment needs. For the Nations planned golf course complex, reclaimed water has been identified as a viable water resource for irrigation water. Implementing water reclamation required inter-governmental cooperation between the Nation and the reclaimed water supplier, the City of Oneida. Regulatory or jurisdictional cooperation between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Nation also was required because the Nation, being sovereign, is free to establish its own environmental standards for its lands, while the City is regulated by the NYSDEC. The project was further complicated by the fact that the NYSDEC does not have reclaimed water quality or treatment standards for unrestricted reuse. An estimate of the peak irrigation demand for the Nations proposed golf course complex is 670,000 gpd (2540 m3/d), which is well in excess of the potable water allocation available to the Nation (150,000-250,000 gpd, 570-950 m3/d). Investigation of the areas water resources identified the City of Oneidas wastewater treatment plant as a water source. The City subsequently agreed to support the Nations concept for a water reclamation project. Reclaimed water use is not a common practice in New York State. In fact, the state does not have reclaimed water quality or treatment standards for either restricted or unrestricted urban reuse. In the initial stages of the project, a stakeholders meeting was held with representatives of the Nation, the City, and the NYSDEC. The environmental benefits of the project were discussed at this meeting the reuse of a water resource,
(SEQR) process to demonstrate the projects environmental benefits and lack of significant negative impacts
Obtaining approval from the NYSDEC for a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit modification to allow the city to deliver its treated water to the Nations irrigation pond Completing a preliminary design of the project.
Each of these project aspects is discussed below: Reuse Agreement The agreement addresses reclaimed water quality and characteristics. The City of Oneida will be responsible for delivering to the Nation
reclaimed water of sufficient quality to meet the requirements of the Citys SPDES permit and target water quality conditions identified in the reuse agreement. While the entire cost of constructing the project will be borne by the Nation, the planned treatment and pumping systems will be installed at the Citys wastewater treatment plant site. The City will be responsible for operating the reclaimed water system. As needed, the Nation will contract with a third party for major maintenance and repair work for the facilities and pipeline. Other provisions of the agreement include easement and usage rights to allow the City access to Nation land to operate and monitor the reclaimed system, standard conditions regarding good faith commitments, a limited waiver of sovereign immunity for the purpose of implementing and enforcing the agreement, indemnification, notices, and amendments and assignments. SEQR Review Process The first step in the SEQR process was for the City to formally request lead agency status. This required sending a letter of notice, along with a basic project description, to the potentially interested agencies (including NYSDEC, County Departments of Health, EPA, Army Corps of Engineers, and New York State Department of Transportation). After a required 30-day public comment period, during which no other agency challenged the Citys lead agency request, the City became lead agency for SEQR purposes. An environmental assessment of the project was completed and resulted in a recommendation to the City Council that a negative declaration (akin to the finding of no significant impact under NEPA) be declared. As an unlisted action, the projects SEQR conclusion did not need any additional public comment period after the Citys negative declaration. SPDES Permit Modification To deliver water to an outfall location other than its permitted discharge point (Oneida Creek), the NYSDEC required that the City complete a SPDES permit modification request. Currently, the permit application is under review by the NYSDEC. It is anticipated that the City will obtain the permit modification with few exceptions to the proposed plan. Early involvement and open communication with the NYSDEC was a key success factor in preparing the application based on specific guidance form the NYSDEC. Preliminary Design The design report addressed the preliminary design criteria and basis of design for the needed reclaimed water system components, including operation and control strategies. The system design includes a provision that would allow the City to process
a portion of its secondary treated effluent through the reclaimed system filter (i.e., providing tertiary treatment) for discharge to the creek outfall in the event there is no demand for reclaimed water. This provision would allow the City to discharge a higher quality water to the creek, but it would not obligate the City to provide a higher level of treatment than is now required by its existing permit. This provision is a secondary benefit, not the driving force behind the project or future permit requirements. In New York State, where water reclamation is not commonly practiced, the Nation, the City of Oneida, the NYSDEC and other local agencies collaborated in an inter-governmental and multi-jurisdictional effort to make this project possible. A key reason for the successful collaboration was effective communication among all project stakeholders. All involved parties shared the conviction that the project was a win-win proposition for the Nation, the City, and the environment. Early, twoway communication that consistently focused on the projects benefits resulted in full and unanimous support of the project at each of the legal decision-making junctions.
Implementing Massachusetts First Golf Course Irrigation System Utilizing Reclaimed Water: Yarmouth, Massachusetts
For the first time in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, reclaimed water is being used as the source water to irrigate a golf course The Links at Bayberry Hills, which is owned and operated by the Town of Yarmouth. This project required a team effort on the part of everyone involved and many years to successfully implement. The town developed a landfill closure/reuse plan that provided for a 9-hole expansion of the adjacent townowned Bayberry Hills Golf Course with 7 of the 9 holes located over the capped landfill. However, since the town already needed additional drinking water supplies to handle peak summer demands in this tourist community, in the spring of 1996, the town began discussions with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) about utilizing the effluent from the adjacent YarmouthDennis Septage Treatment Plant (STP) as the source of irrigation water. The Yarmouth-Dennis STP had an existing biological treatment process followed by sand filtration and ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection. The original facility was not designed to meet stringent reclaimed water standards. After evaluating several options it was determined that the installation of an ozone treatment system prior to
filtration was the most efficient option to meet the proposed standards. A reclaimed water sampling plan was developed in discussions with the DEP. A two-phase sampling program was required. The phase 1 preliminary sampling program was performed in conjunction with the start-up of the new ozone treatment system and consisted of daily fecal coliform testing and continuous turbidity monitoring of the final effluent form the UV channel. Results of the sampling indicated that the proposed fecal coliform and turbidity standards could be attained. The phase 2 program consisted of comparing the results of influent septage samples from the equalization tanks and final effluent samples from the UV channel for the following parameters: Enteric Viruses, Giardia and Cryptosporidium, Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC), Coliphage (Male-specific and Somatic), and Clostridium perfingens. Results for these parameters indicated similar log removals with and without the ozone treatment. Development of Groundwater Discharge Permit to Use Reclaimed Water The sampling programs were developed to convince DEP that utilizing reclaimed water in Yarmouth was viable and that the interim guidelines could be attained. However, there were several steps necessary to acquire the revised groundwater discharge permit for the project. In total, it took 4 years to acquire the permit that finally allowed the reclaimed water to be utilized. The first step, which began in 1996, involved working closely with the DEP to develop a means for permitting this type of facility; Massachusetts was one of the remaining states that did not have guidelines or regulations for permitting reclaimed water facilities. Ultimately, DEP issued a set of Interim Guidelines on Reclaimed Water in May 1999 (Revised January 2000). These guidelines provided a mechanism for permitting reclaimed water projects under the DEPs groundwater discharge permit regulations. A site hearing process allowed for a public comment period regarding modifications to the existing YarmouthDennis STP groundwater discharge permit so that it would include the reclaimed water and new application site. Based on all the work that had been done leading up to these events, there were very few comments received and the new groundwater discharge permit was issued on June 28, 2000. DEP added some additional monitoring parameters to the reclaimed water portion of the permit to help develop a historical database of viral and pathogenic values. The MS2 Coliphage, a viral indicator, will be sampled twice per month for the March through Novem-
ber use period, and can be tested using a fairly inexpensive means. Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Clostridium perfringens will be sampled 4 times during the use period, which involves expensive testing procedures that take weeks to conduct. Although the reclaimed water is not to be ingested, it is believed that DEP will utilize this data in the future to develop an even greater confidence level that the current stringent reclaimed water standards are protective of public health. Groundwater Protection Management Plan Because of the unique way in which the reclaimed water portion of the groundwater discharge permit was written, the implementation of reclaimed water requires close coordination between the treatment plant staff and the golf course staff. Therefore, a Groundwater Protection Management Plan was developed to address these coordination issues. The overall purpose of the plan is to protect the area groundwater. To achieve that purpose, the plan provides an understanding of the issues involved and defines the responsibilities of the various parties. The treatment plant staff are responsible for the groundwater discharge permit compliance, which includes the reclaimed water applied as well as the water collected in the underflow from the golf course. The golf course staff are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Links at Bayberry Hills. Thus, without close coordination between the 2 parties, permit compliance would be difficult. Based on the coordination requirements and the uniqueness of this golf course, there were 4 basic elements addressed within the Groundwater Protection Management Plan. The first element deals with the schedule for using the reclaimed water. Town water will be used during the spring months when the golf course staff will be waking the course up with different fertilizer applications depending on the previous winter weather conditions. This is also a period when the town can use its own potable water supply. However, in the summer months, when town water supplies are stretched, reclaimed water will be used on the golf course. It is anticipated this will occur beginning in July and will continue until November, or until the reclaimed water supplies of up to 21 million gallons by permit are depleted. The second element deals with the requirement for the use of slow release fertilizers. The third element deals with the need to reduce the quantity of commerciallyapplied fertilizer when reclaimed water is in use. The
fourth element addresses the coordination between the treatment plant staff and the golf course staff so that the above 3 elements are being done. Thus, an approval form requiring the signature of both parties has been developed for use prior to any fertilizer application on the golf course. It is believed that the Groundwater Protection Management Plan addresses the key issues between the treatment plant staff and the golf course staff so that, over time, as personnel change, the Town of Yarmouth will have an adequately maintained golf course and adequately protected groundwater supplies. It will also provide the ability to comply with the reclaimed water permit limits. Implementation of the reclaimed water project for the Town of Yarmouth has been a challenge for all parties involved due to its innovative nature for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. However, all parties worked together to find a way to get this project implemented without compromising public health issues.
State of California. 1998. General Plan Guidelines, Governors Office of Planning and Research, (November, 1998), p.10. http://ceres.ca.gov/planning/ pub_org.html State of Florida, Floridas Growth Management Act. 2002. Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act. Tallahassee, Florida. State of Florida, Sunshine Law. 2002. Chapter 286, Florida Statutes. Tallahassee, Florida. Blalock Irrigation District vs. The City of Walla Walla Case 18888 Decree. March 25, 1927. Superior Court of the State of Washington. City of Walla Walla vs. Blalock Irrigation District Case 54787 Decree. September 28, 1971. Water Reclamation and Reuse, Water Quality Management Library Volume 10, edited by Takashi Asano, CRC Press 1998. Weinberg, E. and R.F. Allan. 1990. Federal Reserved Water Rights. In: Water Rights of the Fifty States and Territories, American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado.
California Department of Water Resources Recycled Water Task Force. White Paper of the Public Information, Education and Outreach Workgroup on Better Public Involvement in the Recycled Water Decision Process (December, 2002 Draft). California State Water Resources Control Board. 1984. In The Matter Of The Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter Order 84-7. Cologne, Gordon and Peter MacLaggan. 1995. Legal Aspects of Water Reclamation in Wastewater Reclamation And Reuse (ed. Takashi Asano) American Water Works Association (Denver CO) ISBN: 1566763053 Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Public Law 92-500, 33 U.S.C. 1251-1387. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 1999. Water Resource Implementation Rule. Chapter 62-40, Florida Administrative Code. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, Florida. Rosenblum, Eric. Nonpotable Recycling in San Jose, California Leads Silicon Valley Towards Sustainable Water Use, Proceedings of the Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse Conference, Milan, Italy, September 14-16, 1998. Sheikh, Bahman., E. Rosenblum. Accounting for the Benefits of Water Reuse, Proceedings, AWWA/WEF 1998 Water Reuse Conference (February, 1998)
Funding Water Reuse Systems
Like the development of other utilities, the implementation of reuse facilities generally requires a substantial capital expense. Capital improvements at the wastewater treatment facility are normally required, but transmission lines can also add significantly to capital costs. In an urban setting, reuse lines must often be added to the existing transmission infrastructure, requiring careful construction processes. And unless agricultural, industrial, and recreational reuse sites are close to reclaimed water sources, these sites will require new transmission facilities as well. In addition to the capital costs associated with reclaimed water facilities, there are also additional operation, maintenance, and replacement (OM& R) costs, including those associated with power and water quality monitoring, as well as administrative costs, such as customer billing. And, in almost all cases, implementation of a reuse system involves enhanced cross-connection programs with an associated increase in cost. These costs are typically calculated into a reclaimed water rate, expressed either as a gallonage charge or a fixed monthly fee. Even in situations where reclaimed water systems are developed in response to effluent disposal needs and customers are encouraged to make use of an unlimited supply at little to no charge, provisions should still be made for the day when conservation of the reclaimed water supply will be required. Another factor impacting costs is the potential drop in revenues associated with a reduction in potable water use after implementation of a reuse system. This loss of revenue can be particularly challenging if the water and wastewater systems are owned by different utilities. Consequently, multiple financial alternatives should be investigated to fund a reclaimed water system.
Cost-Effectiveness the analysis of alternatives us-
ing an effectiveness scale as a measurement concept. EPA formulated Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Guidelines as part of its Federal Water Pollution Control Act (40 CFR Part 35, Subpart E, Appendix A). This technique requires the establishment of a single base criterion for evaluation, such as annual water production of a specific quality expressed as an increase in supply or decrease in demand. Alternatives are ranked according to their ability to produce the same result. The alternatives can include such factors as their impact on quality of life, environmental effects, etc. which are not factored into a cost/benefit analysis.
Cost/Benefit the relationship between the cost of resources and the benefits expected to be realized using a discounted cash-flow technique. Non-monetary issues are not factored into these calculations. Financial Feasibility the ability to finance both the capital costs and OM&R costs through locally raised funds. Examples of revenue sources include user fees, bonds, taxes, grants, and general utility operating revenues.
In the context of these definitions, the first analysis to be performed when considering a reuse system would be a cost-effectiveness analysis. This involves analyzing the relevant costs and benefits of providing additional water from fresh water sources versus reclaimed water.
Benefits that can be considered include:
To clarify the issues to be discussed, some general terms are defined as follows:
Economic - delay in or avoidance of expanding existing water supply and treatment facilities Delay in, or elimination of, enhancements to the existing potable water treatment systems Delay in, or elimination of, enhancements to the existing wastewater treatment systems
Local Government Tax-Exempt Bonds The total capital cost of construction activities for a reuse project could be financed from the sale of long-term (20-30 year) bonds. Capital needs could be funded partially through state or local grants programs or through SRF loans, particularly those programs designed specifically to support reuse.
Shared benefits should also be considered. For instance, if a benefit is received by water customers from a delay in expanding the water supply (deferred rate increase), a portion of reclaimed water costs could be shared by existing and future water customers. A similar analysis can also be made for wastewater customers who benefit from a delay in, or elimination of, increased levels of treatment associated with more stringent discharge limits. The cost/benefit analyses are conducted once feasible alternatives are selected. The emphasis of these analyses is on defining the economic impact of the project on various classes of users, (e.g., industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural). The importance of this step is that it relates the marketability of reuse relative to alternative sources, based on the end use. To elaborate, given the cost of supplying reclaimed water versus fresh water for urban use, what is the relationship of water demand to price, given both abundant and scarce resources? The present worth value of the benefits are compared to determine whether the project is economically justified and/ or feasible. As part of meeting a requirement to secure a 100-year water supply, an expansion of the reuse system was found to be more cost-effective than traditional effluent disposal coupled with increasing water supplies (Gray et al., 1996). Finally, financial feasibility determines whether sufficient financial resources can be generated to construct and operate the required reclamation facilities. Specific financial resources available will be explained in subsections 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4.
ments reached with developers or industrial users, requiring the contribution of either assets or money to offset the costs of a particular project.
A major source of capital financing for local governments is to assume debt that is, to borrow money by selling municipal bonds, which enables the municipality to spread the cost of the project over many years. This approach reduces the annual amount that must be raised as compared to funding the entire capital project on a pay-as-you-go basis from rate revenues. With many water reclamation projects, local community support will be required to finance the project. If revenue bond financing is used, this matches the revenue stream from the use of reclaimed facilities with the costs of the debt used for construction, but does not normally require voter approval. However, voter approval may be required for general obligation bonds. The types of bonds commonly used for financing public works projects are:
General Obligation Bonds Repaid through collected general property taxes or service charge revenues, and generally require a referendum vote. Underlying credit support is the full faith taxation power of the issuing entity. Special Assessment Bonds Repaid from the receipts of special benefit assessments to properties (and in most cases, backed by property liens if not paid by property owners). Underlying credit support is the property tax liens on the specially benefited properties. Revenue Bonds Repaid through user fees and service charges derived from operating reuse facilities (useful in regional or sub-regional projects because revenues can be collected from outside the
It is difficult to create a totally self-supporting reuse program financed solely by reclaimed water user fees. To satisfy the capital requirements for implementation of a reuse program, the majority of the construction and related capital costs are often financed through long-term water and wastewater revenue bonds, which spread the cost over multiple decades. Supplemental funds may be provided by grants, developer contributions, etc., to mitigate or offset the annual revenue requirement. The vari-
geographical limits of the borrower). Underlying credit support is the pledged revenues, such as user fees or special charges.
ating an adequate stream of revenues through local sources. State Revolving Fund
Short-Term Notes Usually repaid through general obligation or revenue bonds. These are typically used as a method of construction or interim financing until they can be incorporated into the long-term debt.
The local government must substantiate projections of the required capital outlay, of the anticipated OM&R costs, of the revenue-generating activities (i.e., the user charge system, etc.), and of the coverage anticipated that is, the extent to which anticipated revenues will more than cover the anticipated capital and OM&R costs. A local government finance director, underwriter, or financial advisor can describe the requirements to justify the technical and economic feasibility of the reuse project. Since reuse facilities are often operated as part of a water and wastewater utility fund, bonds issued will probably be issued by the combined utility and thus any financial information presented will be for a combined enterprise fund. The reuse operation will most likely not have to stand alone as a self-sufficient operation and will appear financially stronger.
The SRF is a financial assistance program established and managed by the states under general EPA guidance and regulations and funded jointly by the federal government (80 percent) and state matching money (20 percent). It is designed to provide financial assistance to local agencies to construct water pollution control facilities and to implement non-point source, groundwater, and estuary management activities, as well as potable water facilities. Under SRF, states make low-interest loans to local agencies. Interest rates are set by the states and must be below current market rates and may be as low as 0 percent. The amount of such loans may be up to 100 percent of the cost of eligible facilities. Loan repayments must begin within 1 year after completion of the facility and must be completely amortized in 20 years. Repayments are deposited back into the SRF to be loaned to other agencies. The cash balance in the SRF may be invested to earn interest, which must accrue to the SRF. States may establish eligibility criteria within the broad limits of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Basic eligible facilities include secondary and advanced treatment plants, pump stations, and force mains needed to achieve and maintain NPDES permit limits. States may also allow for eligible collection sewers, combined sewer overflow correction, stormwater facilities, and the purchase of land that is a functional part of the treatment process. Water conservation and reuse projects eligible under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) include installation of meters, installation or retrofit of water efficient devices such as plumbing fixtures and appliances, implementation of incentive programs to conserve water (e.g., rebates, tax breaks, vouchers, conservation rate structures), and installation of dual-pipe distribution systems as a means of lowering costs of treating water to potable standards. In addition to providing loans to water systems for water conservation and reuse, states can use their DWSRF set-aside funds to promote water efficiency through activities such as: development of water conservation plans, technical assistance to systems on how to conserve water (e.g., water audits, leak detection, rate structure consultation), development and implementa-
Where available, grant programs are an attractive funding source, but require that the proposed system meets grant eligibility requirements. These programs reduce the total capital cost borne by system beneficiaries thus improving the affordability and viability of the project. Some funding agencies have an increasingly active role in facilitating water reuse projects. In addition, many funding agencies are receiving a clear legislative and executive mandate to encourage water reuse in support of water conservation. To be financially successful over time, a reuse program, however, must be able to pay for itself. While grant funds may underwrite portions of the capital improvements necessary in a reuse project and in a few states, state-supported subsidies can also help a program to establish itself in early years of operation grant funds should not be expanded for funding needs associated with annual operating costs. In fact, most federally- funded grant and loan programs explicitly prohibit the funding of OM&R costs. Once the project is underway, the program should strive to achieve self-sufficiency as quickly as possible meeting OM&R costs and debt service requirements of the local share of capital costs by gener-
tion of ordinances or regulations to conserve water, drought monitoring, and development and implementation of incentive programs or public education programs on conservation. States select projects for funding based on a priority system, which is developed annually and must be subjected to public review. Such priority systems are typically structured to achieve the policy goals of the state and may range from readiness to proceed to very specific water quality or geographic area objectives. Each state was allowed to write its own program regulations for SRF funding, driven by its own objectives. Some states, such as Virginia, provide assistance based on assessing the communitys economic health, with poorer areas being more heavily subsidized with lower interest loans. Further information on the SRF program is available from each states water pollution control agency. Federal Policy
a rural area varies depending upon the statutory language authorizing the program. Most of these programs are administered through the USDA Rural Development Office in each state. Rural Utilities Service (RUS) offers funds through the Water and Waste Program, in the form of loans, grants, and loan guarantees. The largest is the Water and Waste Loan and Grant Program, with approximately $1.5 billion available nationwide per year. This program offers financial assistance to public bodies, eligible not-for-profits and recognized tribal entities for development (including construction and non-construction costs) of water and wastewater infrastructure. Unincorporated areas are typically eligible, as are communities with less than 10,000 people. Grants may be available to communities meeting income limits to bring user rates down to a level that is reasonable for the serviced population. Interest rates for loan assistance depend on income levels in the served areas as well. The Rural Development offices act to oversee the RUS-funded projects from initial application until the operational stage. Other Rural Development programs are offered by the Rural Housing Service and the Rural Business-Cooperative Service. Rural Housing Service offers the Community Facilities Program that may fund a variety of projects for public bodies, eligible not-for-profits, and recognized tribal entities where the project serves the community. This includes utility projects and may potentially include a water reuse project, if proper justification is provided. The Rural Business-Cooperative Service offers the Rural Business Enterprise Grant program to assist grantees in designing and constructing public works projects. A water reuse system serving a business or industrial park could potentially receive grant assistance through this program. An individual eligible business could apply for loan guarantees through the Rural Business-Cooperative Service to help finance a water reuse system that would support the creation of jobs in a rural area. Other agencies that have funded projects in cooperation with USDA may provide assistance for water reuse projects if eligibility requirements are met include the Economic Development Administration, Housing and Urban Development (Community Development Block Grant), Appalachian Regional Commission, and the Delta Regional Commission. Finally, the Bureau of Reclamation, authorized under Title XVI, the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act; PL 102-575, as amended, Reclamation Recycling and Water Conservation Act of 1996; PL 104-266, Oregon Public Lands Transfer and Protection Act of 1998; PL 105-321, and the Hawaii
The Clean Water Act of 1977, as amended, supports water reuse projects through the following provisions:
Section 201 of PL 92-500 was amended to ensure that municipalities are eligible for 201 funding only if they have fully studied and evaluated techniques for reclaiming and reuse of water. A 201 facility plan study must be completed to qualify for state revolving loan funds. Section 214 stipulates that the EPA administrator shall develop and operate a continuing program of public information and education on water reclamation and reuse of wastewater. . . Section 313, which describes pollution control activities at federal facilities, was amended to ensure that wastewater treatment facilities will utilize recycle and reuse techniques: if estimated life-cycle costs for such techniques are within 15 percent of the most cost-effective alternative. Other Federal Sources
There are a number of federal sources that might be used to generate funds for a water reuse project. While there are many funding sources, only certain types of applicants or projects are eligible for assistance under each program. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has several programs that may provide financial assistance for water reuse projects in rural areas, but the definition of
Water Resources Act of 2000; PL 106-566, provides for the Bureau to conduct appraisal and feasibility studies on water reclamation and reuse projects. The Bureau can then fund construction of reuse projects after Congressional approval of the appropriation. This funding source is restricted to activities in the 17 western states unless otherwise authorized by Congress. Federal participation is generally up to 25 percent of the capital cost. Information about specific funding sources can be found in the Catalog of Federal and Domestic Assistance, prepared by the Federal Office of Management and Budget and available in federal depository libraries. It is the most comprehensive compilation of the types and sources of funding available. State, Regional, and Local Grant and Loan Support
projects have been completed and are currently providing reclaimed water for a variety of non-potable uses. A comprehensive water reuse study in California concluded that funding was the primary constraint in implementing new water reuse projects (California State Water Resources Control Board, 1991). To assist with the financial burden, grant funds are now available from the California Department of Water Resources for water conservation and groundwater management. Proposition 13 Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Bond Act provides funds for:
Agriculture water conservation capital outlay Groundwater recharge construction loans Groundwater storage construction grants Infrastructure rehabilitation feasibility study grants Infrastructure rehabilitation construction grants Urban streams restoration program grants Urban water conservation capital outlay grants
State support is generally available for wastewater treatment facilities, water reclamation facilities, conveyance facilities, and, under certain conditions, for on-site distribution systems. A prime source of state-supported funding is provided through SRF loans. Although the number of states that have developed other financial assistance programs that could be used for reuse projects is still limited, there are a few examples. Texas has developed a financial assistance program that includes the Agriculture Water Conservation Grants and Loans Program, the Water Research Grant Program, and the Rural Water Assistance Fund Program. There is also a planning grant program Regional Facility Planning Grant Program and Regional Water Planning Group Grants that funds studies and planning activities to evaluate and determine the most feasible alternatives to meet regional water supply and wastewater facility needs. Local or regional agencies, such as the regional water management districts in Florida, have taxing authority. In Florida, a portion of the taxes collected has been allocated to the funding of alternative water sources including reuse projects, which have been given a high priority, with as much as 50 percent of a projects transmission system eligible for grant funding. Various methods of prioritization exist, with emphasis on those projects that are of benefit to multi-jurisdictional users. The State of Washington began its process of addressing water reclamation and reuse issues by passing the Reclaimed Water Act of 1992. In 1997, the State Legislature provided $10 million from the Centennial Clean Water Fund to help fund 5 demonstration projects. These
AB303, the Local Groundwater Management Assistance Act of 2000, also provides grants. Funds have been used by Daly City, California to develop a groundwater-monitoring program and to refine models of the Westside Basin aquifer. The passage of Californias Proposition 50 in November 2002 makes funds available for projects to protect urban communities from drought, increase supplies of clean drinking water, reduce dependence on imported water, reduce pollution of rivers, lakes, streams, and coastal waters, and provide habitat for fish and wildlife. This includes financing for groundwater recharge and management projects. The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation have played major roles in providing capital funding for local projects.
Capital Contributions
In certain circumstances, where reclaimed water is to be used for a specific purpose, such as cooling water, it may be possible to obtain the capital financing for new transmission facilities directly from one or more major users that benefit from the available reclaimed water supply.
One example of such a capital contribution would be construction of a major reuse transmission line by a developer who then transfers ownership to the utility for operation and maintenance. Another example is a residential housing developer, golf course, or industrial user who may provide the pipeline, financing for the pipeline, or provide for a pro-rata share of construction costs for a specific pipeline. In the event the private entity initially bears the entire capital cost of the improvement, such an approach may include provisions for reimbursement to the entity from future connections to the contributed facility for a specified period of time.
negligible fee may have been adopted to support the all you can use mentality. Very often a fixed rate will be used to simplify billing and eliminate penalties for overuse in the form of increased costs. While such an approach may seem to be justified when a project begins, this rationale for basing user fees falls by the wayside as water resources become stressed and reclaimed water supplies become a valuable resource. User charges would be utilized to generate a stream of revenues with which to defray the OM&R costs of the reuse facility and the debt service of any bonds or loans issued. In a reclaimed water user charge system, the intent of an equitable rate policy is to allocate the cost of providing reuse services to the recipient. With a user charge system, it is implicit that there be select and identifiable user categories to which the costs of treatment and distribution can be allocated. There are 2 prime means of allocating costs that are to be incorporated into a user charge: the proportionate share cost basis and the incremental cost basis. These 2 methods are discussed in more detail in Section 6.4. Determining an equitable rate policy requires consideration of the different service needs of individual residential users (single-family and multi-family) as compared to other larger users with bigger irrigable areas, such as golf courses and green spaces. In many cases, a lower user rate can be justified for such large users than for residential customers. As an example, large users may receive reclaimed water into on-site storage facilities and then subsequently repump the water into the irrigation system, enabling the supplier to deliver the reclaimed water, independent of daily peak demands, using lowpressure pumps rather than providing high-pressure delivery on demand as required by residential users. Some multi-family customers may be treated as large users under this example, unless the reclaimed water is delivered at high pressure directly into the irrigation system. This flexibility in delivery and the low-pressure requirements can often justify the lower rate. At the same time, keeping reclaimed water rates competitive for large users when considering alternative sources of water, such as groundwater, is another consideration. The degree of income from other sources, such as the general fund and other utility funds, must be considered in determining the balance of funding that must come from reuse rates. Residential user fees must be set to make water reuse an attractive option to potable water or groundwater. Alternatively, local regulations can prescribe that reclaimed water must be used for irrigation and other outdoor nonpotable uses in areas where it is available so usage becomes less sensitive to pricing. Although re-
While the preceding financing alternatives describe the means of generating construction capital, there is also a need to provide funding for OM&R costs, as well as debt service on borrowed funds. Examples of various internally-generated funding sources are highlighted, with details, in the following subsections. In most cases, a combination of several funding sources will be used to recover capital and OM&R costs. The following alternatives may exist for funding water reuse programs.
Reclaimed water user charges Operating budget and cash reserves of the utility Local property taxes and existing water and wastewater user charges Public utility tax Special assessments or special tax districts Connection fees
The City of Reno, Nevada, used a combination of special assessment districts bonds, revenue bonds, developer agreements, connection fee charges, user fees, and general fund advances as part of the creation of its reclaimed water system (Collins, 2000).
The first source of funding considered should be a charge to those receiving reclaimed water services. As noted in the introduction, reclaimed water systems may well begin life as effluent disposal programs. Under such circumstances, reclaimed water customers are likely to be encouraged to use as much water as they want. A
claimed water may have to be priced below potable water to encourage its use, reuse rates may also be set to discourage indiscriminate use by instituting volume (per gallon) charges rather than a flat fee; however, as reclaimed water has become recognized as an increasingly valuable element of an overall water resources plan, the trend is to meter reuse consumption to better monitor and control its use.
revenues designated for expenses associated with the reuse project. Similarly, the user charge currently paid for water and wastewater services could be increased. Like using the operating budget or cash reserves, the use of property taxes or user charges may be desirable if the expenditures for the project are not anticipated to be sizable or if a general benefit accrues to the entire community. Ad valorem property taxes, unlike user charges, raise funds on the basis of assessed value of all taxable property, including residential, commercial, and industrial. Property value can be an appropriate means of allocating the costs of the service improvements if there is a general good to the community. It is also a useful means of allocating the cost of debt service for a project in which there is general good to the community and in which the specific OM&R costs are allocated to the direct beneficiaries. A contribution of ad valorem property tax revenues might be appropriate for such reuse applications as:
Activities associated with the planning and possible preliminary design of reuse facilities could be funded out of an existing wastewater utility/department operating budget. A water supply agency seeking to expand its water resources would find it appropriate to apply a portion of its operating funds in a similar way. It could be appropriate, for example, to utilize funds from the operating budget for planning activities or business costs associated with assessing the reuse opportunity. Furthermore, if cash reserves are accruing for unspecified future capital projects, those funds could be used for design and construction costs, or a portion of the operating revenues from utility revenues can be set aside in a cash reserve for future needs. The obvious advantage of using this alternative source of funding is that the utility board or governing body of the water and/or wastewater department or utility can act on its own initiative to allocate the necessary resources. These sources are especially practical when relatively limited expenditures are anticipated to implement or initiate the reuse program, or when the reuse project will provide a general benefit to the entire community (as represented by the present customers of the utility). In addition, utilizing such resources is practical when the reclaimed water will be distributed at little or no cost to the users, and therefore, will generate no future stream of revenues to repay the cost of the project. While it is ideal to fully recover all direct costs of each utility service from customers, it may not be practical during the early phases of a reuse system implementation.
Irrigation of municipal landscaping Fire protection Water for flushing sewers Groundwater recharge for saltwater intrusion
Parks and recreational facility irrigation
All such projects have benefits, either to the residents of the municipality in general, or to those who can be isolated in an identifiable special district. Resources generated by increasing any existing user charges can be used in a similar manner. However, to do so equitably, benefits of the proposed project should primarily accrue to those presently utilizing the services of the water or wastewater utility. This would be the case, for example, when water reuse precludes the need to develop costly advanced treatment facilities or a new water supply source. Contributions from the water and wastewater systems may be warranted whenever there is a reduction in the average day or peak day water demand or when the reuse system serves as a means of effluent disposal for the wastewater system. The City of St. Petersburg, Florida, for example, provides as much as 50 percent of the urban reuse system operations costs from water and wastewater system funds. The significant reduction in potable water demand achieved through water reuse has
If the resources available in the operating budget or the cash reserves of the utility are not sufficient to cover the necessary system, OM&R activities, and capital financing debt, then another funding source to consider is revenues generated by increasing existing levies or charges. If some utility costs are currently funded with property taxes, levies could be increased and the new
The State of Washington took a rather innovative approach to funding when it passed a major water bill in 2001. The new law addresses several key areas in water resource management, including an incentive program to promote conservation and distribution of reclaimed water. The Public Utility Tax (Chapter 82.16 Revised Code of Washington) is levied on gross income of publicly and privately-owned utilities. The incentive program (Chapter 237), which exempts 75 percent of the amounts received for reclaimed water services for commercial and industrial uses, also allows reclaimed water utilities to deduct from gross income 75 percent of amounts expended to improve consumer water use efficiency or to otherwise reduce the use of water by the consumer. (Focus, Washington State Department of Ecology, August 2001) Examples of eligible measures are:
Measures that encourage the use of reclaimed water
Special assessments may be based on lot front footage, lot square footage, or estimated gallon use relative to specific customer types. This revenue alternative is especially relevant if the existing debt for water and wastewater precludes the ability to support a reuse program, or if the area to be served is an independent service area with no jurisdictional control over the water or wastewater systems. The implementation of reclaimed water systems will reduce potable water consumption, corresponding to a reduction of revenues. This must be factored into the funding analysis.
Impact Fees
Measures that encourage the use of moisture sensors, flow timers, low-volume sprinklers, or drip irrigation for efficiencies in reclaimed water use
Impact fees, or capacity fees, are a means of collecting the costs of constructing an infrastructure element, such as water, wastewater, or reuse facilities, from those new customers benefiting from the service. Impact fees collected may be used to generate construction capital or to repay borrowed funds. Frequently, these fees are used to generate an equitable basis for cost recovery between customers connecting to the system in the early years of a program and those connecting in the later years. The carrying costs (interest expenses) are generally not fully recovered through the impact fee, although annual increases above a base cost do provide equity between groups connecting in the early years and those in later years. Impact fees for water reuse systems are implemented at the discretion of the governing body. However, requiring a fee to be paid upon applying for service prior to construction can provide a strong indication of public willingness to participate in the reuse program. Incentive programs can be implemented in conjunction with impact fees by waiving the fee for those users who make an early commitment to connect to the reclaimed water system (e.g., for the first 90 days after construction completion) and collecting the fee from later connections.
Many variations on this incentive theme could be adopted by states, such as imposing a utility tax directly on large water users and granting exemptions for reclaimed water use.
When a reuse program is designed to be a self-supporting enterprise system, independent of both the existing water and wastewater utility systems, it may be appropriate to develop a special tax or assessment district to recover capital costs directly from the benefited properties. The advantage of this cost recovery mechanism is that it can be tailored to collect the costs appropriate to the benefits received. The City of Cape Coral, Florida, is one example of an area using special assessments to fund dual-water piping capital costs for fire protection and irrigation water. This special assessment was levied at an approximate cost of $1,600 per singlefamily residence with financing over 8 years at 8 percent annual interest. In addition, a monthly user charge is also applied to the water and wastewater billing to assist in defraying operating costs.
The incremental cost basis allocates only the marginal costs of providing service to the customer. This system can be used if the community feels that the marginal reclaimed water user is performing a social good by conserving potable water, and should be allocated only the additional increment of cost of the service. However, if the total cost savings realized by reuse are being enjoyed only by the marginal user, then in effect, the rest of the community is subsidizing the service. For example,
an ocean outfall used as the primary means of effluent disposal could be tapped and reclaimed water mains extended to provide irrigation to one or more developments in an area that formerly used potable water. In this example, it may be appropriate to charge the developments only for the cost of installing the additional mains plus any additional treatment that might be required.
claimed water service. This could occur, for example, if treatment for nutrient removal had been required for a surface water discharge but would not be necessary for agricultural reuse. As previously noted, because reclaimed water is a different product from potable water and has restrictions on its use, it may be considered a separate, lower valued class of water and priced below potable water. Thus, it may be important that the user charges for reuse be below, or at least competitive with, those for potable water service. However, often the current costs of constructing reuse facilities cannot compete with the historical costs of an existing potable water system. One means of creating a more equitable basis for comparison is to associate new costs of potable water supplies to the current costs of potable water, as well as any more costly treatment methods or changes in water treatment requirements that may be required to meet current regulations. When creating reuse user fees, it may be desirable to deduct incremental potable water costs from those charged for reuse because reuse is allowing the deferral or elimination of developing new potable water supplies or treatment facilities. The perceived inequalities between reclaimed water and potable water may be eliminated where potable water is in short supply and subject to seasonal (or permanent) restrictions. For customers that cannot tolerate uncertainty in deliveries, a source of reclaimed water free from restrictions might be worth more than traditional supplies. To promote certain objectives, local communities may want to alter the manner of cost distribution. For example, to encourage reuse for pollution abatement purposes by eliminating a surface water discharge, the capital costs of all wastewater treatment, reclaimed water transmission, and reclaimed water distribution can be allocated to the wastewater service costs. To promote water conservation, elements of the incremental costs of potable water may be subtracted from the reuse costs to encourage use of reclaimed water. For water reuse systems, the proportionate share basis of allocation may be most appropriate. The allocation should not be especially difficult, because the facilities required to support the reuse system should be readily identifiable. As shown in the previous equations, it is appropriate to allocate to wastewater charges the costs of all treatment required for compliance with NPDES permits. All additional costs, including the costs of reclamation and conveyance of reclaimed water, would be allocated to the water reuse user charge.
Under the commonly used proportionate share basis, the total costs of the facilities are shared by the parties in proportion to their usage. In apportioning the costs, consideration must be given to the quantity and quality of the water, the reserve capacity that must be maintained, and the use of any joint facilities, particularly means of conveyance. In determining the eventual cost of reuse to the customer base, the apportionment of costs among wastewater users, potable water users, and reclaimed water users must be examined. The allocation of costs among users also must consider the willingness of the local community to subsidize a reuse program. A proportional allocation of costs can be reflected in the following equations: Total wastewater service = wastewater treatment to permitted disposal standards + effluent disposal + transmission + collection water treatment + water supply + transmission + distribution
Total reclaimed water service = [reclaimed water treatment treatment to permitted disposal standards] + additional transmission + additional distribution + additional storage These equations illustrate an example of distributing the full costs of each service to the appropriate system and users. The first equation distributes only the cost of treating wastewater to currently required disposal standards, with any additional costs for higher levels of treatment, such as filtration, coagulation, or disinfection, assigned to the cost of reclaimed water service. In the event that the cost of wastewater treatment is lowered by the reuse alternative because current effluent disposal standards are more stringent than those required for the reuse system, the credit accrues to the total cost of re-
General and administrative costs should also be allocated proportionately to all services just as they would be in a cost-of-service allocation plan for water and wastewater service. In some cases, lower wastewater treatment costs may result from initiating reclaimed water usage. Therefore, the result may be a reduction in the wastewater user charge. In this case, depending on local circumstances, the savings could be allocated to either the wastewater customer or the reclaimed water customer, or both. Table 6-1 provides a range of credits that can be applied to the financial analysis of water reclamation projects based on experience in California (Sheikh et al., 1998). With more than one category or type of reclaimed water user, different qualities of reclaimed water may be needed. If so, the user charge becomes somewhat more complicated to calculate, but it is really no different than calculating the charges for treating different qualities of wastewater for discharge. If, for example, reclaimed water is distributed for 2 different irrigation needs with one requiring higher quality water than the other, then the user fee calculation can be based on the cost of treatment to reach the quality required. This assumes that it is cost-effective to provide separate delivery systems to customers requiring different water quality. Clearly this will not always be the case, and a cost/benefit analysis of treating the entire reclaimed water stream to the highest level required must be compared to the cost of separate transmission systems. Consideration should also be given to providing a lower level of treatment to a single reclaimed water transmission system with additional treatment provided at the point of use as required by the customer. Estimating the operating cost of a reclaimed water system involves determining those treatment and distribution components that are directly attributable to the reclaimed water system. Direct operating costs involve additional treatment facilities, distribution, additional water quality monitoring, and inspection and monitoring staff. Table 6-1. Credits to Reclaimed Water Costs
Benefit Water supply Water supply reliability Effluent disposal Downstream watershed Energy conservation
Any costs saved from effluent disposal may be considered a credit. Indirect costs include a percentage of administration, management, and overhead. Another cost is replacement reserve, i.e., the reserve fund to pay for system replacement in the future. In many instances, monies generated to meet debt service coverage requirements are deposited into replacement reserves.
The financing program can be structured to construct the water reuse facilities in phases, with a target percentage of the potential customers committed to using reclaimed water prior to implementation of each phase. This commitment assures the municipal utility decision makers that the project is indeed desired and ensures the financial stability to begin implementation. Incentives, such as a reduction or waiver of the assessment or connection fee for those connections to the system within a set time frame, can be used to promote early connections or participation. The San Antonio, Texas, reclaimed water system charges for reclaimed water will be $280/ acre-foot ($0.86/1,000 gallons), the same as the cost of potable water. As an incentive for users to sign up for this service, the city offered a one-time $900/acre-foot ($2.76/1,000 gallons) credit to cover the users costs of converting to reclaimed water (Martinez, 2000). Adequate participation to support implementation can be determined by conducting an initial survey in a service area, followed by a formal voted service agreement for each neighborhood. If the required percentage of residents in a given neighborhood agree to participate, facilities will be constructed in that area. Once this type of measure is taken, there is an underlying basis for either assessing pipeline costs, or charging using a monthly fixed fee, because the ability to serve exists. The rate policy may also include a provision for assessments or charges for undeveloped properties within a neighborhood served by a reclaimed water system.
Value ($/acre-feet) $300 - $1,100 $100 - $140 $200 - $2,000 $400 - $800 0 to $240
Connection charges to a dual distribution system are often based on the size of the reclaimed water system being served. For example, in Cocoa Beach, Florida, customers are charged a connection fee based on the size of the reclaimed water service line. The connection fees are $100, $180, and $360 for a 3/4-inch, 1-inch, and 1-1/2-inch service line, respectively. As an alternative to connection fees, a flat monthly rate can be charged to each user for a specified length of time until the capital costs associated with the system are paid off. This alternative is often preferred to spread out the costs associated with connection fees.
Figure 6-1 provides the results of a similar survey of potable and reclaimed water rates for utilities in southwest Florida (Personal Communication with Dennis Cafaro, 2003). With the exception of Barron Collier utilities, reclaimed water rates tend to be less than 50 percent of the potable water rates, with some rates for reuse less than 20 percent that of potable water. These results provide additional evidence that reclaimed water rates are highly dependent on local conditions.
User Fees
The procedure for establishing rates for reclaimed water can be similar to the procedure for establishing potable water and wastewater rates. If reclaimed water is metered, then user rates can be based upon the amount of reclaimed water used. This will tend to temper excessive use. If meters are not used, then a flat rate can be charged. Table 6-2 presents user fees for a number of existing urban reuse systems. It is common for the cost of reclaimed water service to be based on a percentage of the cost of potable water service. One might assume that reclaimed water rates would always be less than that of potable water but this may not be the case. A recent survey of reclaimed water utilities in California (Table 6-3) shows the range of discounts for reclaimed water (Lindow and Newby, 1998). This survey clearly shows that reclaimed water can command rates equal to that of potable water depending on the specific nature of local water resources.
To further reinforce the concept that reclaimed water is a valuable resource, utilities may consider not only charging for reclaimed water by the gallon, but also implementing a conservation rate structure to encourage efficient use. Conservation rate structures provide economic incentives for consumers to limit water use. To the extent possible, they should achieve similar results in all customer classes, be equitable within and among customer classes, support the utilitys financial requirements, and can be revenue neutral. Structures can significantly reduce water use without government expenditure or new regulation, while helping to protect both the quantity and quality of water resources. For example, at system startup some residential customers in the City of Venice, Florida were charged a flat rate for reclaimed water service. When the rate structure was changed to charge customers for the actual volume of water used, including an inclining conservation rate, demand was reduced by 10 to 15 percent. However, no change in the peak demand water use was observed suggesting peak use was driven by actual need and reductions were the result of more efficient water use in low demand periods (Farabee et al., 2002).
Case Studies
Unique Funding Aspects of the Town of Longboat Key, Florida Reclaimed Water System
Table 6-3.
City of Long Beach Marin Municipal Water District City of Milpitas Orange County Water District San Jose Water Company Irvine Ranch Water District Carlsbad Municipal Water District East Bay Municipal Utility District Otay Water District
Longboat Key is a barrier island community located on Floridas Gulf coast. The town lies within 2 countiesthe northern portion of Longboat Key is in Manatee County and the southern portion is in Sarasota County. The island is surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico on the west and Sarasota Bay on the east. The towns geographical location severely limits local water resources. Since its inception in 1972, the Town of Longboat Key has received potable water and wastewater services from Manatee County.
Landscape irrigation accounts for approximately a quarter of the towns potable water use. In 2002, it was necessary for the town to seek an alternative water source for irrigation since its current potable water use exceeded what is available through Manatee County agreement al-
Table 6-2.
User Fee $0.15/1,000 gallons Residential (not metered): $8/month/acre Commercial (metered): $0.26/1,000 gallons
$0.00685/cubic foot ($0.91/1,000 gallons) Major agriculture: $0.10/1,000 gallons Agriculture, golf course: $0.20/1,00 gallons Other: $0.55/1,000 gallons $0.71/1,000 gallons
Henderson, Nevada
Tier 1: $2.02/CCF for 0-100% of water budget Tier 2: $3.89/CCF for 100-150% of water budget Tier 3: $7.64/CCF for over 150% of water budget Inside service area: $280/AF ($0.86/1,000 gallons) for 0-25 AF/month $260/AF ($0.80/1,000 gallons) for 25-50 AF/month $240/AF ($0.74/1,000 gallons) for 50-100 AF/month $220/AF ($0.68/1,000 gallons) for 100-200 AF/month $200/AF ($0.61/1,000 gallons) for 200+ AF/month Residential (not metered): $10.36/month for first acre + $5.92/month for each additional acre $0.18/1,000 gallons Residential - Flat Rate ($/month) Average = $13.81 Range = $0.00 - $350.003 Residential - Gallonage Charge ($/1,000 gallons) Average = $0.32 Range = $0.00 - $1.25 Non-Residential - Flat Rate ($/month) Average = $445.35 Range = $0.00 - $12,595.00 Non-Residential Gallonage Charge ($/1,000 gallons) Average = $0.26 Range = $0.00 - $2.50
User fees as reported in management practices for nonpotable water reuse, Project 97IRM-6, Water Environment Research Foundation, 2001.
Reuse Rates as reported in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Reuse Inventory Report, June 2002.
Includes lump sum rates charged to residential developments as well as individual residential customers.
Figure 6-1.
locations. Historically, the town has also used groundwater to meet approximately 80 percent of its irrigation demands. However, a decline in groundwater quality attributed to saltwater intrusion caused by long-term withdrawals and probable overpumping has been observed. After the review and evaluation of many alternatives, the Town of Longboat Key opted for a reclaimed water system with supply provided by an adjoining jurisdiction, the City of Sarasota, Florida. The project will require:
The Longboat Key reclaimed water transmission system will connect to the City of Sarasotas existing reclaimed water system. Two and a half million gallons per day of reclaimed water will be available from the City of Sarasota. The conceptual planning cost for the project is estimated to be $28,166,000. The reclaimed water rate structure has been designed so the system can be financially self-sufficient. The end user costs are the true cost of providing the service. The estimated cost per 1,000 gallons will be approximately $2.67. By obtaining funding through the SRF loan program, the town will be able to satisfy the capital requirements for system implementation. Since loan repayments are not required to begin until 1 year after completion of the facility, semi-annual debt service payments and OM&R costs will be satisfied from the operating revenues of the reclaimed water system. Water and wastewater revenues are not intended to be used to pay for the reclaimed water system, but instead will serve as a backup pledge to the pledge of reclaimed water revenues for the SRF loan. To the extent that water and wastewater revenues are used to make any semi-annual loan payments, the town intends to reim-
Installation of a subaqueous reclaimed water transmission main across Sarasota Bay Construction of aquifer storage and recovery facilities
burse its water and wastewater revenues fund with reclaimed water revenues. The reclaimed water revenue source is contingent on commitments in the form of user agreements from condominium and homeowners associations. The public has voted for a town-required referendum authorizing the financing of a reclaimed water system.
salination Research and Innovation Partnership (DRIP), Water Environmental Research Foundation (WERF), Proposition 13, etc.
RWDF provides Authority member agencies financial assistance up to $100 per acre-foot ($0.31 per 1,000 gallons) for the development of reclaimed water projects capable of relieving a demand on the Authority. Project expenses must exceed project revenues. Funding is available for up to 25 years based on financial need. local projects during the initial years of operation. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers an incentive of up to $250 per acre-foot ($0.77 per 1,000 gallons) for up to 25 years for reclaimed water and groundwater development projects that offset demands for imported water.
Water reclamation is an important component of the San Diego regions local water resources. A number of agencies in San Diego continue to implement and expand their water reuse projects. Currently, about 12,000 acrefeet (3.9 billion gallons) per year of reclaimed water is beneficially reused within the service area of Water Authoriy Board of the County of San Diego (Authority). Approximately 64 percent of the water is used for agriculture, landscape irrigation, and other municipal and industrial uses; the remaining 36 percent is recharged into groundwater basins. This number is projected to increase to over 53,000 acre-feet per year (17.3 billion gallons per year) by 2020. Financial assistance programs play a critical role in the development of reclaimed water supplies. There are a number of financial assistance programs available to San Diego County agencies: the Authoritys Financial Assistance Program (FAP) and Reclaimed Water Development Fund (RWDF); the Metropolitan Water District of Southern Californias Local Resources Program (LRP); the U.S. Bureau of Reclamations Title XVI Grant Program; and the State Water Resources Control Boards low-interest loan programs. Together, these programs offer funding assistance for all project phases, from initial planning and design to construction and operation. Examples of how these funds facilitate water reuse projects in San Diego are described below:
FAP provides loans to Authority member agencies for water reuse facilities planning, feasibility investigations, preliminary engineering studies, and research projects related to water reuse and/or groundwater development. The Authority provides funding on a 50:50 cost sharing basis up to $50,000 for any given project activity. opment in the form of grants. In order to receive FAP funding for these types of studies, a local agency must have secured partial funding from at least one other source such as the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF), De-
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) is 1 of 5 water management districts in Florida with responsibilities for: water quality, natural systems improvement, flood protection, and water supply in a 10,000-square-mile (25,900-km2) area. The SWFWMD is unique among the water management districts in Florida in that, beyond the similar structure of the governing boards, it has 9 basins with jurisdictional boundaries encompassing the major watersheds making up the District. In 8 of the 9 basins, populations have increased such that boards have been appointed to react to local, sub-regional water resource issues. These boards sponsor projects in coordination with local governments, private citizens, and private businesses, to improve, protect, and restore the water resources of their respective areas. These basin boards, like the Governing Board, have the authority to levy ad valorem taxes up to 0.5 of a mil within their boundaries. The SWFWMD basin boards have provided local funds for local water resource-related projects since the Districts creation in 1961. Originally, the focus of the basin boards and the Governing Board was on funding flood control projects. In the late 1980s, the basin priorities began to shift to the identification and funding of projects that focus on water conservation and the development of alternative water sources. Recognizing the importance of their ability to support local governments by providing solutions to the growing issues surrounding water supply, the basins adopted a
more proactive role in addressing local non-regulatory water issues. The Cooperative Funding Initiative, New Water Sources Initiative, and Water Supply and Resource Development funding was established in recognition of the growing need for a structured approach to projects in order to maximize the SWFWMDs effectiveness in choosing and funding water resource projects and budgeting for their completion. The SWFWMD funds up to 50 percent of a projects capital cost and over the past 15 years has budgeted more than $182,000,000 in financial contributions towards reclaimed water development. As a result of Governing Board and basin board participation, more than 214 reuse projects totaling $494,000,000 in capital costs have been funded since Fiscal Year 1987. Source: SWFWMD, 2003.
The cost of Phase IA is estimated at approximately $52 million. Up to 25 percent of this cost is being funded by the federal government through the Federal Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992. Up to 50 percent of the total cost is being funded by the State of California through the Environmental Water Act of 1989. The remaining 25 percent of the total cost is being funded by ratepayers through special conservation and reclamation rate adjustments. Table 6-4 provides calculations, in cost per acre-foot, for reclaimed water with and without federal and state requirements. Based on these funding reimbursement percentages, Phase IA of the EVWRP will provide water at an estimated cost of $478 per acre-foot ($1.47 per 1,000 gallons), with a net cost of approximately $194 per acrefoot ($0.60 per 1,000 gallons) when state and federal funding is considered. Even if state or federal funding had not been available, the EVWRP would still provide a new reliable source of water at a cost comparable to other water supplies, and significantly less expensive than other new supply options. (According to the City Of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Urban Water Management Plan Fiscal Year 1997-1998 Annual Update, seawater might be desalinated using new technology, which has produced desalted ocean water at a cost of about $800 per acre-foot ($2.35 per 1,000 gallons) in pilot tests, or approximately $2,000 per acre-foot ($6.14 per 1,000 gallons) using current technology.) Furthermore, the EVWRP has other benefits, which have not been quantified, such as the reduction of water imported from the Mono Basin and improved water system reliability resulting from a new local supply of water. Orange County Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System Under the Orange County GWR System, highly treated reclaimed water will be pumped to either existing spreading basins, where it will percolate into and replenish the groundwater supply, or to a series of injection wells that act as a seawater intrusion control barrier. The GWR System will be implemented in 3 phases, providing a peak daily production capacity of 78,400 acre-feet per year (70 mgd) by the year 2007, 112,000 acre-feet per year (100 mgd) by 2013, and 145,600 acre-feet per year (130 mgd) by 2020. Table 6-5 shows a conservative preliminary estimate of the capital and OM&R costs for Phase I of the GWR System based on December 2003 estimates. The expected project benefits and their economic values (avoided costs) include:
To accurately assess the cost-effectiveness of any reuse project, including an indirect potable water reuse project, all potential benefits of the project must be considered. The beneficial effects of an indirect potable reuse project often extend beyond the sponsoring agency, providing regional benefits and, in many cases, benefits that extend statewide and beyond. In certain settings, indirect potable reuse projects may provide for large-scale beneficial use of reclaimed water with relatively modest additional infrastructure requirements. Examples of 2 such indirect potable reuse projects are underway in California: the East Valley Water Recycling Project (EVWRP), and the Orange County Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System. East Valley Water Recycling Project Phase IA of the EVWRP includes approximately 10 miles (16 km) of 54-inch (137-cm) diameter pipeline and a pumping station to deliver tertiary treated reclaimed water from the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant to the Hansen Spreading Grounds. Phase IA also includes an extensive monitoring well network designed to track the reclaimed water as it travels through the San Fernando Groundwater Basin from the spreading grounds to domestic production wells. This project will initially deliver up to 10,000 acre-feet per year (6,200 gpm) to the Hansen Spreading Grounds. Phase IB of the EVWRP will include construction of an additional pipeline to deliver reclaimed water to the Pacoima Spreading Grounds.
Table 6-4.
Estimated Capital and Maintenance Costs for Phase IVA With and Without Federal and State Reimbursements
Without Federal and State Reimbursement With 25% Federal and 50% State Reimbursement $52,000,000 $26,000,000 $13,000,000 $13,000,000 $944,436 $100 10,000 AF $194 per acre-foot ($0.60 per 1,000 gal)
Capital Costs State Reimbursement (50%) Federal Reimbursement (25%) Net DWP Capital Expenditure Amortized Net Capital Expenditure (6% interest for 30 years) Operation & Maintenance Cost per Acre-foot Annual Delivery Cost of Delivered Water (AF)
$52,000,000 -0-0$52,000,000 $3,777,743 $100 10,000 AF $478 per acre-foot ($1.47 per 1,000 gal)
1. Alternative Water Supply If the GWR System is not implemented, Water Factory 21 would have to
be rehabilitated at a construction cost of approxi-
mately $100 million to provide the water needed for
seawater intrusion control via groundwater injection.
Additional imported water at a yearly cost of approxi-
mately $4 million to $10 million would have to be
purchased for use at the spreading basins as recharge
water. In times of drought, there is also a penalty
imposed on using imported water supplies, ranging
from $175 to $250 per acre-foot, potentially adding
fees up to $10.7 million a year. By implementing the
GWR System, approximately $27.4 million in annual
costs are avoided.
2. Salinity Management The OCWD uses water from the Santa Ana River (consisting of upstream treated wastewater discharges and stormwater) and imported water (from the Colorado River Aqueduct and the State Water Project) to percolate into the forebay Table 6-5.
area of the Orange County groundwater basin. The treated wastewater discharges and water from the Colorado River are high in TDS, with concentrations over 700 mg/l. Higher TDS water can cause corrosion of plumbing fixtures and water heaters. Normalized costs for more frequent replacement of plumbing and water using fixtures and appliances are estimated to range from $100 to $150 per household each year. Over time, the reverse osmosis-treated product from the GWR System will lower the overall TDS content of the groundwater basin, saving the average household approximately $12.50 per year (or $25/acre-foot, $0.08 per 1,000 gallons). Industries and other large water users might also realize significant savings. From the standpoint of salinity management, the GWR System provides an annual benefit of $16.9 million. 3. Delay/Avoid Ocean Outfall Construction Implementation of the GWR System will divert up to 100 mgd
Capital Costs Operation & Maintenance Grant Receipts Interest Power Cost Capacity Utilization
$453.9 Million $26.7 Million/year $89.8 Million 2.6% amortized over 25 years $0.11per kwh 50% Barrier injection 50% Recharge percolation
(4,380 l/s) of peak wastewater flow during Phase I from the Sanitation Districts ocean outfall disposal system. The estimated $175 million cost of a new ocean outfall can be delayed at least 10 years by applying several peak reduction methods, including diverting water to the GWR system instead of discharging to the ocean outfall. Economic Summary The annual cost to implement the GWR System including capital, OM&R, engineering, administration, and contingencies, at 2.6 percent interest and amortized over a 25-year period would be approximately $37.1 million. Totaling the avoided costs, the total annual benefits are as shown in Table 6-6. This results in a maximum benefit-to-cost ratio of 1.33 ($49.2/$37.1). Based on this analysis, Orange County Water District and Orange County Sanitation District have decided to move forward with the implementation of this project. The EVWRP and the GWR System exemplify how indirect potable reuse projects, when compared to other water supply and wastewater management options, can offer the greatest benefits for the least cost. The ultimate success of these projects would be attributable to project sponsors reaching out and forming alliances with the full array of beneficiaries. The EVWRP and the GWR System exemplify how indirect potable reuse projects, when compared to other water supply and wastewater management options, can offer the greatest benefits for the least cost. The ultimate success of these projects would be attributable to project sponsors reaching out and forming alliances with the full array of beneficiaries.
Source: WateReuse Association, 1999. Updated by CDM/ OCWD Project Team, 2004.
Impact Fee Development Considerations for Reclaimed Water Projects: Hillsborough County, Florida
Hillsborough County is located on the central-west coast of the State of Florida. The unincorporated area encompasses 931 square miles (2,411 km2), or more than 86 percent of the total county area. Approximately 650,000 residents live in unincorporated Hillsborough County, and most of them are served by various community services provided by the County. The Hillsborough County Water Department is responsible for providing treatment and delivery of potable water, wastewater collection, and treatment and distribution of reclaimed water within unincorporated Hillsborough County. The Department currently saves about 10 mgd (440 l/s) of potable water through reuse. Future expansion of the reclaimed water system is expected to save about 30 mgd (1,315 l/s) of potable water by the year 2020. Florida continues to be a rapidly growing state. To address the need for additional infrastructure, local governments have turned to development impact fees. Development impact fees are charges applied to new development to pay for the construction of new facilities or for the expansion of existing ones to meet these demands. Water and wastewater utilities are no exception. At least half of Floridas 67 counties use some form of impact fees to pay for expansion of their water and wastewater utility that is necessitated by growth in the community. The following 3 criteria must be met to justify these fees: (1) there must be a reasonable connection between growth from new development and the resultant need for the
Table 6-6.
Item Orange County Water District (OWCD) Cost Avoidance Salinity Management Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), Delay in outfall Total Benefits
new service; (2) the fees charged cannot exceed a proportionate share of the cost incurred in accommodating the new users paying the fee; and (3) there must be a reasonable connection between the expenditure of the fees that are collected and the benefits received by the new customers paying the fees. Several years ago, Hillsborough County decided to fund a portion of the cost of new reclaimed water projects through the capacity fee mechanism. It was recognized that the service benefits reclaimed water customers as well as new customers to the system that do not necessarily receive the reclaimed service. Specifically, reclaimed water projects have the unique characteristic of providing capacity in both the water and wastewater components of a traditional utility. The Departments potable water investment since 1986, when the majority of the debt for the existing system was issued, is approximately $175 million with a corresponding potable water capacity of 54.5 mgd (2,400 l/ s). The level of service prior to potable water conservation benefits derived from using reclaimed water was approximately 350 gpd (1,325 l/d) per Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC). Based on this level of service, the 54.5 mgd (2,400 l/s) potable water capacity would serve 155,714 ERCs. However, since reclaimed water service has been implemented, the Department has been able to reduce the level of service to 300 gpd (1,135 l/d) per ERC. The same 54.5 mgd (2,400 l/s) of capacity is now able to serve 181,667 ERCs with no additional investment in potable water capacity. This equates to 25,953 additional ERCs being served due to reclaimed water use or a potable water capacity avoidance at the 350-gpd (1,325 l/d) level of service of 9.1 mgd (400 l/s). Assuming a cost of $5.25 per gpd for additional potable water capacity based on desalination treatment, the potable water capacity cost avoided is approximately $47.78 million. The Department has 8 wastewater treatment plants with a total permitted treatment capacity of 48.5 mgd (2,125 l/s). These treatment plants have permitted effluent disposal capacity in the form of a surface-water discharge Table 6-7. Reclaimed Water Impact Fees
for 24 mgd (1,050 l/s). The difference of 24.5 mgd (1,075 l/s) is the effluent disposal benefit obtained from reclaimed water. Using a cost of $2.40 per gpd for either land application or deep-well injection methods for alternate effluent disposal, this results in an effluent disposal cost avoided of approximately $58.8 million. Using these calculations, the total cost avoided for both water and wastewater is $106.58 million. The potable water capacity cost avoided and the effluent disposal cost avoided were each divided by this total cost to determine the allocation of reclaimed water project costs associated with water and wastewater. This resulted in a reclaimed water project cost split of 45 percent to water and 55 percent to wastewater. The current North service area capacity fee is $1,335 for water and $1,815 for wastewater. For the South/Central service area, the current capacity fee is $1,440 for water and $1,970 for wastewater. Table 6-7 provides the percentage of the capacity fees that have been attributed to reclaimed water projects in these service areas.
How Much Does it Cost and Who Pays: A Look at Floridas Reclaimed Water Rates
Reclaimed water is becoming an increasingly valuable water resource in Florida in terms of groundwater recharge, conservation of potable quality water, and drinking water cost savings to the consumer (since reclaimed water is usually less expensive than drinking water to the consumer). In fact, reuse has become so popular that some utilities have had trouble keeping up with the demand. In order to meet the high demand for reclaimed water, some utilities have used other sources (i.e., groundwater, surface water, etc.) to augment their reclaimed water supply. Others deal with high reclaimed water demand by imposing watering restrictions on reuse customers, and/or limiting or prohibiting new customer connections to the reuse system. Many reclaimed water suppliers used these methods to try to meet demands when the
state was faced with a drought, but a few suppliers still struggled. The need to conserve and properly manage reclaimed water as a valuable resource became very clear. In the past, many utilities provided reclaimed water at no cost to the customer or based on a fixed monthly charge, regardless of use. Since the water was free or sold at low flat rates, customers used as much as they wanted, which was usually more than they needed. Now, many utilities are moving towards volume-based charges for reclaimed water service. Although the main intent of charging reuse customers for reclaimed water is to recover the costs associated with reuse facilities, reuse customers that are charged by the gallon for reclaimed water service tend to be more conservative in their use of the water supply. 1999 Florida Reclaimed Water Rates Every year, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection publishes the Reuse Inventory that contains a good deal of useful information regarding water reclamation facilities in Florida, including reuse rates charged by facilities. The 1999 Reuse Inventory (FDEP, 2000) compiles rates under 2 categories, Residential and Non-Residential. A survey based on information from the 1999 Reuse Inventory for 176 reuse systems revealed the following: Non-Residential Category: Forty-five percent of the reuse systems provided reclaimed water free of charge, 33 percent charged by the gallon, about 10 percent charged a flat rate, and 12 percent incorporated the base facility charge and the gallonage charge. Residential Category: Eight percent of the systems surveyed provided reclaimed water free of charge, 12 percent by the gallon, 22 percent charged a flat rate, and about 10 percent utilized the base facility charge and the gallonage charge. (48 percent of the systems surveyed
did not provide residential service.) The average rates associated with each rate type are shown in Table 6-8. According to an AWWA survey, reuse rates are developed in many different ways. Out of 99 facilities surveyed, 19 percent set the rate at a percentage of the potable water rate, 14 percent base the rate on the estimated cost of the reuse service, 24 percent set the rate to promote use, 9 percent base the rate on market analysis, and 33 percent use other methods to develop reuse rates. The survey also revealed what percentages of costs were recovered through reuse rates for these facilities as shown in Table 6-9. Fifty-three percent of 97 facilities surveyed charge a uniform rate for reclaimed water, approximately 6 percent charge inclining block rates, 2 percent charge declining block rates, and 6 percent charge seasonal rates. The other 33 percent used some other type of rate structure (AWWA, 2000). The survey shows that the majority of reuse customers are metered. The average metered rate of 16 surveyed facilities was $1.12/1,000 gallons. In order to determine the relationship between how much reclaimed water a reuse customer used and how much they were charged for the service, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) conducted a survey of utilities in Pinellas County that provided reclaimed water to residential customers. This survey revealed that residential customers who were charged a flat rate used an average of 1,112 gallons of reclaimed water per day, while residential customers who were charged per 1,000 gallons only used an average of 579 gallons per day (Andrade, 2000). The average metered rate charged by these utilities was $0.61/1000 gallons. The average flat rate charged by these utilities was $9.77/ month. Based on the average usage of 1,112 gallons per day reported for residential customers, this flat rate translates to a metered rate of $0.29/1000 gallons. Source: Coleman and Andrade, 2001
Table 6-8.
Non-Residential Flat Rate 1* Flat Rate 2** Metered Rate Flat Rate with Metered Rate $19.39/month $892,89/month $0.26/1,000 gallons $29.99/month+$0.39/1,000 gallons $6.85/month
Table 6-9.
Percent of Costs Recovered Under 25 Percent 25 to 50 Percent 51 to 75 Percent 76 to 99 Percent 100 Percent Unknown
The newly expanded San Marcos 9-mgd (395-l/s) advanced tertiary wastewater treatment plant is a state-ofthe-art facility that produces some of the highest quality effluent in the State of Texas. The permit requirements are the toughest the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission deploys: 5/5/2/1/6 (BOD5/TSS/NH3/ PO4/DO). Since coming on-line last year, the quality of the effluent has consistently been better than the permit limits require. In this region of the state, the use of groundwater is discouraged and surface water is becoming less available and more costly; therefore, reclaimed water is becoming a marketable commodity. In January 1999,
American National Power approached the City of San Marcos, as well as other cities in the Central Texas area between Austin and San Antonio, with a list of resources required for the power co-generation facility they were to build The Hays Energy Project (HEP) in anticipation of the imminent electrical power deregulation in Texas. Principal on the list was a reliable, economical source of both potable and process water, and a means of disposing of their domestic wastewater and process wastewater. The City had no existing wastewater treatment plant effluent customers and no historical basis for setting a rate to charge the HEP for delivering to them basically the Citys entire effluent flow.
Figure 6-2.
In considering rates to this industrial customer, the City of San Marcos investigated both the actual cost of producing and delivering reclaimed water as well as the market value of reclaimed water. By including only those facilities over and above what was required for normal wastewater treatment and disposal, the actual cost of delivering reclaimed water was determined to be between $0.25 to $0.54/1,000 gallons. A review of the existing costs of alternate suppliers of water in the region was then conducted to define the market value of reclaimed water to the industrial customers. This investigation included reuse rates charged elsewhere in the state and determined that the cost of alternate water supplies might range from $0.40 to $0.90/1,000 gallons. The results of this investigation are summarized in Figure 6-2. Based on the results of this investigation, the City was able to consider reclaimed water as a commodity and set the charges as a function of available supplies, the demand for water and the benefits of the service. Through this process, the City established a charge of $0.69/1,000 gallon as shown in Figure 6-2. Source: Longoria et al., 2000.
76th Annual Florida Water Resources Conference, Jacksonville, Florida. Collins, J.M. 2000. The Price of Reclaimed Water in Reno, Nevada, 2000 Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas. Farabee, D.L., P.S. Wilson, J. Saputo. 2002. How Volume Pricing Affects Residential Reuse Demands, WEFTEC 2002, Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2002.2001 Reuse Inventory, Tallahassee, Florida. Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 1999 Reuse Inventory. Tallahassee, Florida: Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2000. Gray, B. P., M. Craig, B.E. Hemken. 1996 Integrated Water Resources Planning for Scottsdale, Arizona, Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado. Gorrie, J.M., V.P. Going, M.P. Smith and J. Jeffers. 2003. Impact Fee Development Considerations for Reclaimed Water Projects, 2003 FWRC Proceedings, Tampa, Florida. Lindow, D., J. Newby. 1998. Customized Cost-Benefit Analysis for Recycled Water Customers, Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado. Longoria, R.R., D.W. Sloan, S.M. Jenkins. 2000. Rate Setting for Industrial Reuse in San Marcos, Texas, 2000 Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas. Martinez, P.R. 2000. San Antonio Water System Recycled Water Program: An Alternative Water Supply Short Term Management Resources, 2000 Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas. Sheikh, B., E. Rosenblum, S. Kosower, E. Hartling.1998. Accounting for the Benefit of Water Reuse, Water Reuse Conference Proceedings, American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado. Southwest Florida Water Management District. Annual Alternative Water Supply Report FY 2003. Southwest Florida Water Management District, 2003, Brooksville, Florida.
Andrade, Anthony. 2000. Average Reclaimed Water Flows for Residential Customers in Pinellas County. Brooksville, FL: Southwest Florida Water Management District. American Water Works Association. 2000. AWWA/WEF Water Reuse Rates and Charges Survey Report. American Water Works Association. Personal Communication with Dennis Cafaro, 2003. California State Water Resources Control Board. 1991. Water Recycling 2000: Californias Plan for the Future. Office of Water Recycling, Sacramento, California. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. and Orange County Water District, 2004. Project team consists of Richard Corneille, Robert Chalmers, and Mike Marcus. City Of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Urban Water Management Plan Fiscal Year 1997-1998 Annual Update page 19. Coleman, L.W., A. Andrade. 2001. How Much Does it Cost and Who Pays: A Look at Floridas Reclaimed Water Rates, Technical Program and Proceedings of the
Washington State Department of Ecology. Focus Sheets. August 2001. Water Environment Research Foundation. 2001. Management Practices for Nonpotable Water Reuse. Project 97IRM-6. Alexandria, Virginia. WateReuse Association. 1999. Use of Recycled Water to Augment Potable Supplies: An Economic Perspective. http://www.watereuse.org/Pages/information.html
Public Involvement Programs
In the years since this manual was first developed, the world has seen ever-increasing demands for water, often from competing interests, and often in the face of declining water supplies. As a result, water quality and quantity have become important public topics in many arenas, and regulatory agencies often require some level of stakeholder involvement in water management decisions. This is strikingly different from the past when members of the public were often informed about projects only after final decisions had been made. Today, responsible leaders recognize the need to incorporate public values with science, technology, and legal aspects to create real, workable solutions tailored to meet specific needs. In the area of water reuse, the opportunities for meaningful public involvement are many. This chapter provides an overview of the key elements of public planning, as well as several case studies illustrating public involvement and/or participation approaches. In general, effective public participation programs invite two-way communication, provide education, and ask for meaningful input as the reuse program is developed and refined. Depending on the project, public involvement can involve limited contact with a number of specific users, or can be expanded to include the formation of a formal advisory committee or task force. Often, public information efforts begin by targeting the most impacted stakeholders. Over time, as an early education base is built among stakeholders, the education effort then broadens to include the public at large. Regardless of the audience, all public involvement efforts are geared to help ensure that adoption of a selected water reuse program will fulfill real user needs and generally recognized community goals including public health, safety, and program cost. The term, two-way communications flow cannot be too highly emphasized. In addition to building community support for a reuse program, public participation can also provide valuable community-specific information to the reuse planners. Citizens have legitimate concerns, quite often reflecting their knowledge of detailed technical information. In reuse planning, especially, where one sector of the public comprises potential users of reclaimed water, this point is critical. Potential users generally know what flow and quality of reclaimed water are acceptable for their applications.
Public involvement or participation programs work to identify key audiences and specific community issues at a very early stage, offering information and opportunities for input in a clear, understandable way. Effective public involvement begins at the earliest planning stage and lasts through implementation and beyond. Public participation begins with having a clear understanding of the water reuse options available to the community. Once an understanding of possible alternatives is developed, a list of stakeholders, including possible users, can be identified and early public contacts may begin. Why begin contacting stakeholders before a plan is in place? These citizen stakeholders can provide early indications regarding which reuse program will be best accepted on a community-wide level. Beyond that, informed citizens can help identify and resolve potential problems before they occur and develop alternatives that may work more effectively for the community.
Informed Constituency
By taking time during the planning stages to meet with citizens, communities will have a much greater opportunity to develop a successful reuse program. Many citizens may have a pre-conceived notion about reclaimed water and its benefits. It is important to identify each stakeholders issues and to address questions and concerns in a clear, matter-of-fact way. This two-way dialogue will lead to informed input regarding reuse alternatives.
A public participation program can build, over time, an informed constituency that is comfortable with the concept of reuse, knowledgeable about the issues involved in reclamation/reuse, and supportive of program implementation. Ideally, citizens who have taken part in the planning process will be effective proponents of the selected plans. Having educated themselves on the issues involved in adopting reclamation and reuse, they will also understand how various interests have been accommodated in the final plan. Their understanding of the decision-making process will, in turn, be communicated to larger interest groups neighborhood residents, clubs, and municipal agencies of which they are a part. Indeed the potential reuse customer who is enthusiastic about the prospect of receiving service may become one of the most effective means of generating support for a program. This is certainly true with the urban reuse programs in St. Petersburg and Venice, Florida. In these communities, construction of distribution lines is contingent on the voluntary participation of a percentage of customers within a given area. In other communities where reuse has not been introduced in any form, the focus may begin with very small, specific audiences. For instance, a community may work closely with golf course owners and superintendents to introduce reuse water as a resource to keep the golf course in prime condition, even at times when other water supplies are low. This small, informed constituency can then provide the community with a lead-in to other reclaimed water options in the future. Golf course superintendents spread the word informally, and, as golfers see the benefits, the earliest of education campaigns has subtly begun. Later, the same community may choose to introduce an urban system, offering reclaimed water for irrigation use. Since many reuse programs may ultimately require a public referendum to approve a bond issue for funding reuse system capital improvements, diligently soliciting community viewpoints and addressing any concerns early in the planning process can be invaluable in garnering support. Public involvement early in the planning process, even as alternatives are beginning to be identified, allows ample time for the dissemination and acceptance of new ideas among the constituents. Public involvement can even expedite a reuse program by uncovering any opposition early enough to adequately address citizen concerns and perhaps modify the program to better fit the community.
lics with differing interests, motivations, and approaches to policy issues. For example, in discussing public participation for wastewater facilities and reuse planning the following publics may be identified: general public, potential users, environmental groups, special interest groups, home owners associations, regulators and/or regulating agencies, educational institutions, political leaders, and business/academic/community leaders. In an agricultural area, there may be another different set of publics including farmers. For example, several government agencies in California held a Reuse Summit in 1994, at which they endorsed the creation of the public outreach effort by creating the following mission statement (Sheikh et al., 1996): To activate community support for water recycling through an outreach program of educating and informing target audiences about the values and benefits of recycled water. During that summit they also identified 8 public audiences: Local Elected Officials, Regulatory Agency Staff, General Public, Environmental Community, City Planning Staffs, Agricultural Community, Schools, and Newspaper Editorial Boards. From the outset of reuse planning, informal consultation with members of each of the groups comprising the public, and formal presentations before them, should both support the development of a sound base of local water reuse information and, simultaneously, build a coalition that can effectively advocate reuse in the community. Keeping in mind that different groups have different interests at stake, each presentation should be tailored to the special needs and interests of the audience. If a reuse program truly has minimal impact on the general public, limited public involvement may be appropriate. For example, use of reclaimed water for industrial cooling and processing with no significant capital improvements required of the municipality may require support only from regulatory, technical, and health experts, as well as representatives from the prospective user and its employees. Reuse for pastureland irrigation in isolated areas might be another example warranting only limited public participation.
Many contemporary analyses of public involvement define the public as comprising various subsets of pub-
One of the most tried and true methods of determining the publics perception of reuse programs is surveys. Surveys can determine whether or not there will be a large enough consumer base to sustain a program, if the pro-
gram will be favorable enough to progress to the conceptual and design stage, and the overall success of the project after implementation. The following projects highlight different survey strategies and results across the nation.
A survey done by the City of Tampa for its residential reuse project included a direct mailing and public opinion survey. Information was sent to 15,500 potable water customers in the conceptual project area. Out of the pool of potential reuse customers, 84 percent of the residential users and 94 percent of the commercial users in the South Tampa area thought that reclaimed water was safe for residential and commercial landscape irrigation. Of the same group, 84 percent of the residential responders and 90 percent of the commercial responders replied that the project was appealing. The responses met the design criteria of 90 percent participation (Grosh et al., 2002).
Clark County (Las Vegas, Nevada) conducted a series of 4 different surveys. The surveys included a face-toface intercept survey at the Silver Bowl Park, a direct mail survey with local residents in the Silver Bowl Park area, a direct mail survey to local residents in the Desert Breeze Park vicinity, and face-to-face intercepts with attendees of the EcoJam Earth Day Event. A total of 883 persons participated in the survey (Alpha Communications Inc., 2001). The majority (63.8 to 90.1 percent) of the responses were very positive, replying that the overall benefits of reclaimed water usage are very beneficial. There was a small minority who had concerns with environmental safety, bacteria, or germ build-up and general health risks to children (Alpha Communications Inc., 2001). Figure 7-3 shows a graphical representation of the average public opinion responses from the 4 surveys regarding reuse for 4 different uses: golf course irrigation, park irrigation, industrial cooling, and decorative water features. Another portion of the survey asked if there were any benefits of using reclaimed water at park facilities. Table 7-1 lists the responses. There is no question that the publics enthusiasm for reuse (as noted in the cited studies) could reflect the hypothetical conditions set up by the survey questions and interviews used rather than signify a genuine willingness to endorse local funding of real programs that involve distribution of reclaimed water for nonpotable use in their neighborhood. Survey results do indicate, however, that, at least intellectually, the public is receptive to use of reclaimed water in well thought out programs. The results also support conclusions that this initial acceptance hinges in large measure on:
A study done by Hall and Rubin in 2002 surveyed 50 wastewater operators and managers. Seventy percent of the responders stated that they believed that reuse would be an important part of their operation in 5 years. The majority (66 percent) thought that water reuse should be considered as an element of all water and wastewater expansion facility permits. Ninety percent wanted funding agencies to consider financial incentives to encourage more water reuse. Table 7-1 lists the survey results (in percentages) to the inquiry for potential use alternatives for reclaimed water.
The City of San Francisco, California, surveyed the general public to measure public acceptance of a proposed reclaimed water project. Figures 7-1 and 7-2 graphically demonstrate the responses that were collected. The overall majority strongly felt that reclaimed water was beneficial. Figure 7-2 shows that the responders felt positively about all of the proposed uses of reclaimed water: fire fighting, irrigation of golf courses and parks, street cleaning, toilet flushing, and drought protection.
The publics awareness of local water supply problems and perception of reclaimed water as having a place in the overall water supply allocation scheme ter and how it would be used
Confidence in local management of the public utilities and in local application of modern technology ered involve minimal risk of accidental personal exposure
Table 7-1.
Irrigation of Athletic Fields Irrigation of Office Parks and Business Campuses Irrigation of Highway Right-of-way Residential Landscape Irrigation and Maintenance Golf Course Irrigation Irrigation of Agricultural Crops Irrigation of Crops for Direct Human Consumption Vehicle Wash Water Concrete Production Dust Control Stream Augmentation Toilet Flushing Fire Protection Ornamental Ponds/Fountains Street Cleaning Industrial Process Water Wetland Creation Pools/Spas Potable Reuse Direct Potable Reuse Indirect
Even where water reclamation is common, there is a need to establish a flow of information to and from potential reuse customers, so that they can have a clear understanding of the program and provide input regarding their needs and concerns. Equally important is the need to address these concerns and answer any questions in a timely manner. This can help assure the public that their issues are being heard and that reuse planners are being forthcoming in their efforts. Probably the most important step in encouraging the public acceptance is to establish and communicate the expected project benefits. If the project is intended to
extend water resources, then preliminary studies should address how much water will be made available through reclamation and compare the costs to those needed to develop other potable water sources. If reclamation costs are not competitive, then overriding non-economic issues must exist to equalize the value of the 2 sources. When reclamation is considered for environmental reasons, such as to reduce or eliminate surface water discharge, then the selected reuse alternative must also be competitive with other disposal options. Above all, the public must be aware of and understand all of the benefits. However, most potential reuse programs invoice choices among systems with widely different economical and environmental impacts, which are of varying degrees of
Figure 7-1.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Agree Disagree
Reclaimed Wasteful to Water Will Help Discharge in Dry Years Reclaimed Water into the Ocean
Reclaimed Reclaimed Government Water Will Water Will Will Make Save Money Maintain Lake Reclaimed in Long Run Water Levels Water Safe
Government Reclaimed Reclaimed Cannot Be Water Will Cost Water is Trusted With Too Much Unsafe Reclaimed
Figure 7-2.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30
Support Oppose
Fight Fires
Clean Streets
Figure 7-3.
90 80 70 60
% Response
Little Benefit
importance to many segments of the public. That is why development of the expected project benefits is so important because once they are firmly established, they become the plants of a public information program the why the program is necessary and desirable. Without such validation, reclamation programs will be unable to withstand public scrutiny and the likelihood of project failure increases. In addition, only after the why is established can the who and how in public involvement truly be determined.
tives. If additional facts or studies are needed, consider beginning them in the earliest stages so that additional scientific data can be made available later in the process. Unanswered questions can damage the credibility of the program effort.
Create a master list of stakeholders, including agen-
cies, departments, elected officials, potential customers, and others who will be impacted in some way. It might be helpful to identify the level of interest different individuals and groups will have in the reuse planning process. Begin public outreach to specific target audiences in the form of informal meetings involving direct contact, limiting the number invited at any one time so that individual discussion is more easily accomplished whether a task force or advisory committee is needed. If so, take steps to formally advertise and be sure to include representatives from the target audience groups. Plan a schedule and target date for reaching consensus on reuse alternatives; then plan well-prepared meetings that invite two-way communications. Bring in outside experts, such as scientists, to answer questions when needed.
Figure 7-4 provides a flow chart of a public participation program for water reuse system planning. The following items suggest an example approach that a community might consider in developing a reuse program. Note that information tools will vary depending upon how broad or involved an information program is needed.
Determine, internally, the communitys reuse goals and the associated options and/or alternatives to be further considered. Identify any scientific/technical facts that exist, or are needed, to help explain the issues and alterna-
Figure 7-4.
General Survey
Plan of Study
Plan Selection
Project Implementation
Preliminary Investigation
CustomerSpecific Workshops
Target Audience
Table 7-2.
Formalized Process
From the task force or advisory committee, the community should be able to identify public issues that need further attention, and determine which additional public information tools will be needed. Table 7-2 outlines a number of public information tools that can be used in the public participation process. Once the issues are identified and public reaction is anticipated, the following tools may be useful in conveying information to the broader public:
eral distribution survey may be helpful in identifying level of interest, potential customers, and any initial concerns that the population might have. Where specific concerns are identified, later public information efforts can be tailored to address them. These tailored efforts could include participation by other public agencies that can provide information on water reuse and regulatory requirements, informal discussions with some potential users to determine interest or fill data gaps, and initial background reports to appropriate local decision- making bodies.
Citizen survey. Can be conducted via direct mail or telephone and might be accompanied by media releases to help increase the number of surveys returned or calls answered. In the early stages, a gen-
As the program progresses to alternative identification and evaluation, another survey might be considered. This survey could help confirm earlier re-
sults, monitor the effectiveness of the ongoing education program, or target specific users. Note that the percentage of citizens who take the time to participate in a survey varies widely from one community to another. This should not be the only tool relied upon in gathering input.
Open houses. Advertise periodic public open houses
Once a reuse program has been determined, additional public information efforts will be needed throughout the implementation phase, including notification to citizens prior to construction occurring near their home or business. Then, as the reuse program goes on-line, additional media relations and direct mailings will be needed. In the case of urban reuse, this will include information to help homeowners through the connection process. The City of Tampas residential reclaimed water project (Florida) is one example of a successful comprehensive public participation program. The City used the services of Roberts Communication to conduct a targeted public education program, which included the following elements (Grosh et al., 2002):
Opinion leader interviews
where information is made available and knowledgeable people are on hand to answer questions. Maps, displays, and brief slide demonstrations are all useful open house tools.
Program website. Increasingly, citizens are turning to websites as important information sources. Such a website can be purely informational or it can invite citizens to ask questions. The website should be updated on a regular basis and can include: its own survey or results of a citizen survey, answers to frequently asked questions, information regarding other successful programs in nearby communities, or a slideshow-style presentation that outlines the program goals and alternatives being considered. it can be very helpful to spend extra time with reporters who will be covering the topic on a regular basis, providing added background data, plant tours, and informal updates at appropriate times. This helps to provide accurate, balanced reports. The media can also be helpful in making survey data known, and in posting maps of construction areas once program implementation is underway.
Speakers bureau
These updates allow the community to address questions or issues - not relying specifically on a media report.
Briefings for government officials. Because water reclamation programs often end up with a vote by a city council, county commission, or other elected body, it is vital that each elected official be wellinformed throughout the reuse planning process. Therefore, informal briefings for individual officials can be an invaluable tool. These briefings are often conducted prior to public workshops and formal votes, and allow questions to be answered in advance of a larger, public setting. a tour of an existing project that is similar to the one proposed can be an especially useful tool in providing information to key stakeholders, such as an advisory committee, elected body, or the media.
If the scope or potential scope of the reuse program warrants (e.g., reclaimed water may be distributed to several users or types of users, or for a more controversial use), a public advisory group or task force can be formed to assist in defining system features and resolving problem areas. In its regulations for full-scale public participation programs, EPA requires that such group membership contain substantially equivalent representation from the private (non-interested), organized, representative, and affected segments of the public. It is recommended that, for reuse planning, group membership provide representation from potential users and their employees, interest groups, neighborhood residents, other public agencies, and citizens with specialized expertise in areas (such as public health) that pertain directly to reclamation/reuse. The advantage of an advisory group or task force is that it offers an opportunity to truly educate a core group that may later become unofficial spokespersons for the project. For such a group to be successful, members must see that their input is being put to meaningful use. Depending upon the community need, either an advisory committee or task force may be appropriate. Advisory committees are generally formed for an indeterminate period to continuously provide input regard-
ing issues related to the topic. So, if an advisory committee is formed for reuse water, the committee may be kept as a recommending body to city council, county commission, or other elected body, regarding all future reclaimed water projects or issues. Often, members of the advisory group are designated to serve 2-year terms. With the development of a task force, the objectives are clearly defined and the task force disbands once the objectives have been met. Often, a task force can be a better short-term solution. Whether a community chooses a task force or advisory committee, it is very important to take steps to institutionalize the group and its activities so that its efforts are formally recognized as meaningful by the elected body. This group can effectively focus on the task at handplanning and implementation of a reuse program in which the legitimate interests of various sectors of the public have been fully considered and addressed. In order to achieve this, the proposed formation of the advisory group or task force should be publicized to solicit recommendations for, and expression of interest in, membership. Often, the community and its leadership will be aware of candidates who would be ideal to fulfill this role. Whether a short-lived task force or a longer-term advisory committee, the groups responsibilities should be well-defined. Its meetings should be open to the public at times and places announced in advance. Interpretive meeting minutes should be kept and made available to the public. During an initial meeting, the groups members should designate a single individual who can serve as a contact point for the news media. The group should fully recognize its shared responsibility for developing a sound reuse program that can serve both user requirements and community objectives. In subsequent public meetings, the group will assert its combined role as a source of information representing numerous interests, and an advocate of the reuse program as it gains definition. Public Participation Coordinator
larger community, should be thoroughly informed of the reuse planning process, be objective in presenting information, and have the clout necessary to communicate and get fast response on issues or problems raised by citizens involved in the process. To accomplish this goal, many communities involved in urban and agricultural reuse have created a dedicated reuse coordinator position. The responsibilities of such a position will vary according to specific conditions and preferences of a given municipality. In many programs, the reuse coordinator is part of the wastewater treatment department. However, the position can be associated with the water system, or independent of either utility.
As alternatives for water reuse are being considered, the customers associated with each alternative should be clearly identified, and then the needs of these customers must be ascertained and addressed. In the past, failure to take this step has resulted in costly and disruptive delays to reclamation projects. Early involvement of citizen stakeholders is a key to program success and is based on tailoring a program to the specific user type and type of reuse system. Urban Systems
In urban reuse programs, the customer base may consist of literally thousands of individuals who may be reached through the local media, publicly advertised workshops, open houses, or neighborhood meetings. Identification of homeowner associations and civic organizations may allow for presentations to a larger number of potential customers at a single time. The Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) is one example of a public information program that reaches a large urban audience. It has an active school education program with classroom demonstrations to about 2,300 children each year. Booths at the County Fair and other local events reach another 7,500 people. Speeches to civic and service groups reach another 900 people. Together with the 800 people who tour the water reclamation plant each year, 5 percent of the service area population is being educated each year. Bimonthly billing inserts add to the local understanding and appreciation of water reclamation. Agricultural Systems
EPA regulations for full-scale public participation programs require appointment of a public participation coordinator an individual skilled in developing, publicizing, and conducting informal briefings and work sessions as well as formal presentations for various community groups. The appointment of a public participation coordinator helps ensure that one accurate source of information is available, and that individuals who show interest are given an opportunity to provide meaningful input. Such a person, whether an agency staff member, advisory group member or specialist engaged from the
In agricultural reuse programs, the issues of concern may differ from those of the urban customer. In such pro-
grams, the user is concerned with the suitability of the reclaimed water for the intended crop. Water quality issues that are of minor importance in residential irrigation may be of significant importance for agricultural production. For example, nitrogen in reclaimed water is generally considered a benefit in turf and landscape irrigation. However, as noted in the Sonoma Case Study in Chapter 3, the nitrogen in agricultural reclaimed water could result in excessive foliage growth at the expense of fruit production. Similarly, while turf grass and many ornamental plants may not be harmed by elevated chlorides, the same chloride levels may delay crop maturation and affect the product marketability, as occurred in the strawberry irrigation study for the Irvine Ranch Water District discussed in Section 3.4. For these reasons and others, it is necessary to modify the public participation approach used for the urban customer when developing an agricultural program. Agencies traditionally associated with agricultural activities can provide an invaluable source of technical information and means of transmitting information to the potential user. Local agricultural extension agents may prove to be the most important constituency to communicate as to the benefits of reclamation to the agricultural community. The agents will likely know most, if not all, of the major agricultural sites in the area. In addition, they will be familiar with the critical water quality and quantity issues facing the local agricultural market. Finally, the local farmers usually see the extension office as a reliable source of information and are likely to seek their opinion on issues of concern, as might be the case with new reclamation projects. The local extension agent will be able to discuss the issues with local farmers and hopefully endorse the project if they are familiar with the concept of reuse. The local soils conservation service may also prove an important target of a preliminary information program. Lack of endorsement from these agencies can hinder the implementation of agricultural reclamation. Reclaimed Water for Potable Purposes
Regulatory agencies, health departments, and other health and safety-related groups will be key audiences throughout the process. These are groups the public turns to for answers; therefore, it is very important to develop strong working relationships. Representatives from local agencies are also most likely to understand the issues that need to be addressed and can provide meaningful input regarding reuse options. Endorsement from these agencies is critical to program acceptance by the public.
Agency Communication
As noted in Chapters 4 and 5, the implementation of wastewater reclamation projects may be subject to review and approval by numerous state and local regulatory agencies. In locations where such projects are common, the procedures for agency review may be well-established. Where reclamation is just starting, formal review procedures may not exist. In either case, establishing communication with these agencies early in the project is as important as addressing the needs of the potential customers. Early meetings may serve as an introduction or may involve detailed discussions of the permitability of a given project. As with all other types of stakeholders, the proposed project must be understood and endorsed by the permitting agencies. It may also be appropriate to contact other agencies that may still become involved with a public education program. In fact, early coordination with key agencies, such as a community health department, is an important consideration for a couple of reasons. First, the agency may not be well-informed about the communitys reuse goals. Early discussions can help to answer questions and identify issues at a time when the issues can most easily be addressed. Second, because the public often turns to these agencies for information, early meetings will help to ensure that citizens receive accurate, consistent answers. If a citizen were to ask one agency a question and receive a different answer than the community representative gave, credibility of the program can be undermined. Where multiple departments in the same agency are involved, direct communication with all concerned departments will ensure coordination. It is worthwhile to establish a master list of the appropriate agencies and departments that will be copied on status reports and periodically asked to attend review meetings. And while this communication will be beneficial in developing any reclamation project, it will be critical when specific regulatory guidance on a proposed project does not exist. Such a condition is most likely to occur in states lacking detailed regulations or in states with very restrictive regulations that discourage reuse projects.
While reuse of water has occurred naturally over the ages, the concept of treating wastewater to a level that is acceptable for drinking is the most difficult type of water reuse to gain public acceptance. In such cases public health and safety issues are of utmost importance and citizen questions will need to be fully addressed. Therefore, a comprehensive public participation effort will be required, initially focusing on the water problems to be addressed, and then turning to a thorough look at possible solutions.
use has been in place for more than 10 years, the City launched an education campaign gently reminding citizens to conserve.
No matter the type of reclaimed water project, some level of construction will be involved at the implementation stage. Citizens who may not have had an opinion prior to construction could become negative if the process does not go smoothly. This can be especially challenging in urban reuse programs when citizen disruptions are more visible. Whenever possible, minimal disruption to sidewalks and driveways should be planned, along with a speedy restoration effort. It will be worthwhile for the community to have a formal construction complaint process in place that offers one phone number to call regarding problems, and a tracking system that documents how quickly complaints are resolved. Public information regarding construction activities can be made available through the local media. The community will also need an information program regarding connections to the system, with emphasis on making the process as simple as possible for each customer.
Case Studies
Accepting Produce Grown with Reclaimed Water: Monterey, California
For many years some vegetables and fruits have been grown in foreign countries with reclaimed water and then sold in the U.S. This practice suggests acceptance on the part of the distributors and consumers. In Orange County, California, the Irvine Company has been furrow irrigating broccoli, celery, and sweet corn with reclaimed water for over 20 years. In 1983, as part of the Monterey Wastewater Reclamation Study for Agriculture (see description in Section 3.8), individuals involved with produce distribution were interviewed regarding the use of reclaimed water for vegetable irrigation. One hundred and forty-four interviews were conducted with:
Promoting Successes
In communities where the use of reclaimed water is new, short-term project successes can become a strong selling point for later, larger programs. Such is the case with communities that may begin an urban program by using reclaimed water in highly visible public medians. Citizens who drive pass these medians are likely to note improvements over time and see reclaimed water signs posted at the site. Over time, as a reuse program becomes more established, the public information specialists will need to look for other opportunities to talk about how the program is helping the community. These follow-up information efforts provide an important role in making reuse water a long-term solution for the community. Reclaimed water has been actively and successfully used in urban applications for more than 30 years. These long-term successes have helped to encourage more and more communities to make use of this resource. As citizens have grown to accept and embrace the use of reclaimed water, a new need for education has arisen because the supply of reclaimed water is limited and should not be wastefully used any more than potable water should not be over-used. The problem of reclaimed water over-use seems to be especially true in communities that do not have metering systems to track the specific amount of water used. Metering systems, and a sliding scale for payment according to the amount used, are examples of approaches that some communities use to encourage conservative use of the reclaimed water. In Cape Coral, Florida, where urban re-
Brokers and receivers at terminal markets throughout the U.S. and Canada Buyers for major cooperative wholesalers in principal cities Buyers, merchandisers, and store managers with small, medium, and large chains
The primary focus of the interviews was the need or desire to label produce grown with reclaimed water. The results are given in Table 7-3. The responses indicated the product would be accepted, and that labels would not be considered necessary. According to federal, state, and local agency staff, the source of the water used for irrigation was not subject to labeling requirements. Produce trade members indicated labeling would only be desirable if it added value to the product. Buyers stated that good appearance of the product was foremost. An abbreviated update of the 1983 survey was conducted in 1995 and led to these same conclusions. Since 1998, the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) has been providing reclaimed water for nearly 12,000 acres (4,900 hectares) of vegetables and strawberries. Growers, especially those with a world known brand, are reluctant to advertise the source of water used on their crops. They believe the water is as
Table 7-3.
Trade Reactions and Expectations Regarding Produce Grown with Reclaimed Water
Reaction or Expectation Would Carry Would Not Carry Dont Know TOTAL Would Not Expect it to be Labeled Would Expect it to be Labeled Dont Know TOTAL
Respondents Knowledgeable About Reclaimed Water 64% 20% 16% 100% 68% 20% 12% 100%
Respondents Not Aware of Reclaimed Water 50% 25% 25% 100% 67% 25% 8% 100%
Total Number of Respondents=68 Source: Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency, 2002
good as or better than other irrigation water but are concerned with perception issues. Consequently, 3 approaches are being followed to address these concerns: operating the treatment plant beyond the regulatory requirements, low profile education of local residents, and planning for real or perceived problems with the produce. MRWPCA strives to meet Title 22 requirements (<2 NTU, >5 ppm chlorine residual, <23 MPN max.) when the water enters the distribution system. This is usually 1 day after being held in an open storage pond following treatment. During the peak growing season, chlorine residual is maintained in the water until it is applied to the crops. The storage pond is sampled for fecal coliform, emerging pathogens, Clostridium, and priority pollutants. All the results are shared with the growers via the MRWPCAs website (www.mrwpca.org) and through monthly grower meetings. MRWPCA has an active school education program with classroom demonstrations to about 2,300 children each year. Booths at the county fair and other local events reach another 7,500 people. Speeches to civic and service groups reach another 900. Along with 800 people coming to tour the water reclamation plant each year, 5 percent of the service area population is being educated each year. Bimonthly billing inserts add to the local understanding and appreciation of water reclamation. The Water Quality and Operations Committee is a group consisting of project growers, the county health department, and the reclaimed water purveyors. It meets monthly and decides policy issues for the project. That group hired a public relations firm to plan for a crisis, and a crisis communication manual was prepared. The committee is
editing the manual, continuing to prepare for different possible scenarios, and preparing to train members on how to deal with the press. The growers are still concerned about perception issues, but are confident that they have prepared for most possibilities.
The City of Cape Coral, Florida, is one of the fastest growing communities in the country. At 33 years old, this southwest Florida community has a year-round population of more than 113,000 people. However, like many Florida communities, the population fluctuates with more than 18,000 additional residents in the winter months. What makes the City truly unique is its vast developerplanned canal system, with platted lots throughout the community. City planners knew well in advance that they would eventually need to supply water to more than 400,000 residents. Water supply concerns, coupled with a need to find an acceptable method for ultimately disposing of 42 mgd of wastewater effluent, prompted the City to develop a program called, Water Independence in Cape Coral (WICC). WICC includes a unique dual-water system designed to provide potable water through one set of pipes and secondary, irrigation water through a second set of pipes. This secondary water would be provided through reclaimed water and freshwater canals. Implementation of WICC did not come easy. The WICC master plan was prepared, presented, and adopted by the City with relatively little interest from the public. However, when attempts were made to move forward with
Phase 1 (issuance of special property assessment notices), some members of the public became very vocal and were successful in delaying the project. From the time the City committed to proceed, it took 6.5 years to start up Phase 1. Table 7-4 lists the chronology of the WICC implementation and highlights the challenges faced by the City in moving forward. The City began using the secondary water system in 1992. Had a public awareness campaign been launched in the early years, it could have addressed citizen concerns prior to finalizing the special assessment program. Cape Corals experience provides a valuable lesson to other communities introducing reuse water. During the first 8 years of using secondary water, Cape Coral was able to conserve more than 4 billion gallons (15 million m3) of potable water that would previously have been used for irrigation purposes. The system works by pumping reclaimed water from storage tanks to the distribution system. Five canal pump stations transfer surface water from freshwater canals, as needed. Variable speed effluent pumps respond to varying customer de-
mands. The secondary water is treated and filtered before going into the distribution system. In 2002, the City successfully used secondary water to irrigate more than 15 miles (24 km) of landscaped medians. Other benefits have included the availability of year round irrigation at a reasonable price to customers, the deferred expansion of a City wellfield, the deferred construction of a second reverse osmosis water treatment facility by a number of years, and nearly zero discharge of effluent into the nearby Caloosahatchee River. As Cape Coral residents came to accept secondary water as an irrigation source, the City found a need to launch an entirely different kind of education campaign. In response to over-watering by some customers and concerns by regulatory agencies, the City began to enforce limited watering days and times, just as with potable water. The Citys new education campaign underscored the message that secondary water should be recognized as a resource, not a disposal issue. The City created a friendly Cape Coral Irrigator, using a smiling alligator,
Table 7-4.
November 9, 1988
November 1989 December 1989 February 1990 March 1992 September 1992 October 1994
to remind homeowners about dry season watering times and good conservation practices. The City also created an Irrigator Hotline for people to call to confirm watering schedules, and the Citys Code Enforcement began issuing citations to violators to make the message clear. As Cape Coral continues to grow, the City is looking to expand its secondary system at the same time that crews bring water and sewer service to new areas of this 114square-mile (295-km2) community. In another creative endeavor, the City is working to increase the supply of secondary water through weir improvements by seasonally raising weirs to store more water in the canals. These weir improvements may make it possible to supply secondary water to an even larger customer base. Cape Coral has one of the largest, fully integrated water management systems in the country and will bear watching in the future.
Convening a public advisory committee early in the projects development, which included a broad cross section of community interests Engaging members of the advisory committee and others, including the Sierra Club, County Medical Society, and Chamber of Commerce, to speak on behalf of the project Developing easy-to-understand information materials and disseminating them widely to potential stakeholders Making presentations to community groups and held numerous workshops and open houses
on tours of the pilot plant where taste tests were held using repurified water
Over the last decade, reclaimed water proponents have been highly successful in convincing the public about the benefits of reclaimed water for irrigation. That hurdle has, for the most part, been surpassed. But public questions and concerns continue to emerge about using reclaimed water for anything related to potable supplies. Today, science and technology make it possible to treat reclaimed water to drinking water standards. But, even as an indirect water supply source, case studies continue to find hesitation by citizens to embrace highly treated reclaimed water as a potable water source. This is especially true when other water supply options become available. Over time, and as more successes in the potable reclaimed water arena are achieved, this hurdle may also be surpassed. The following 2 case studies illustrate some of the challenges that can emerge as programs strive to move forward from the conceptual stage. San Diego, California
While the project team worked to educate and involve stakeholders in the process from the early planning stages, the following outside factors emerged and may have influenced public perception:
Once the project moved from concept to design, the City of San Diegos wastewater department took over as the lead agency. This may have served to portray the project as a wastewater disposal solution rather than a water supply solution. Lesson to consider: If possible, stay with the same project team, especially leadership, from inception through completion. Keep the project goal clear and unchanging. Try to avoid sending mixed messages. During the 5 years from concept to design, another water supply alternative emerged. Proponents of an agricultural water transfer positioned it as a superior alternative to indirect potable reuse and launched an aggressive promotional campaign. In fact, the 2 projects were complementary, one providing a new source of imported water, the other a locally controlled water source. Lesson to consider: If a new alternative is proposed in a public forum, it needs to be formally recognized and evaluated before the original or an enhanced concept can move forward. Otherwise, the credibility of the original concept may be harmed. In some instances, ideas can be blended through public involvement to develop a more tailored community solution. The goal is to partner with others wherever
In 1993, the City of San Diego began exploring the feasibility of using highly treated wastewater, or reclaimed water, to augment imported water supplies. The concept of this Water Repurification Project was to treat reclaimed water to an even higher standard and then pipe it into a surface water reservoir. There, the reclaimed water would blend with the raw water supply, thus increasing the water supply available. Some positive public involvement efforts undertaken by the Water Repurification Project team included:
Lesson to Consider: Developing ongoing relationships with knowledgeable reporters and editorial boards is critical.
The time when the project was ready for final approval from the San Diego City Council coincided with several competitive elections. The project became a political issue. Key votes were delayed until after the election. Lesson to consider: Much time is often dedicated to educating community leaders about a project. Elections can disrupt the timing of implementation because added time is then needed to educate new leaders. When possible, big picture planning should consider key election dates, timing project deadlines and approvals prior to any major shifts on a council or commission.
The National Research Council issued a report on indirect potable reuse just prior to the projects consideration by the San Diego City Council. While the report was largely favorable, the executive summary included a statement that indirect potable reuse should be considered an option of last resort. That comment made national news and was viewed as scientific validation that the project was unsafe. by local media coverage and direct mail from political candidates criticizing the project, a group of County residents formed to actively oppose the project. The Revolting Grandmas attended all hearings and public meetings to speak against the project and wrote letters to the media and elected officials. Members of the Revolting Grandmas lived outside the Citys jurisdiction and, therefore, had not been included on project mailing lists to receive accurate information for the past 5 years.
A State Assembly member running for re-election called for special state hearings on the project, providing a forum for the candidates allies to attack the project. The same candidate sent a direct-mail survey to constituents asking if they supported drinking sewage. An underdog City Council candidate raised the issue of environmental justice by stating, inaccurately, that while the wastewater source was the affluent part of the city, the water recipients were in lower economic and ethnically diverse neighborhoods. Even though this was not true, the misinformation spread with the help of local radio talk show personalities and African-American activists. Several African-American ministers appeared at City Council hearings to protest politicians using them as guinea pigs. Lesson to consider: If the public hears a particular fact as little as 3 times, then, regardless of whether or not the information is true, this fact will begin to be perceived as truth. This is why it is so important to correct inaccuracies whenever possible, as quickly as possible. If, for instance, a newspaper article provides incorrect facts about a project and no one calls the reporter to correct the story, then the report is filed in the newspaper archives as factual. The next time a story is needed about the project, a different reporter then uses the previous story for background information. This article is very likely to repeat the wrong information.
Lesson to Consider: While it may be impossible to identify every stakeholder group in the process, this situation highlights just how critical early identification of a complete list of stakeholders can be.
A private developer of gray water systems attacked the project repeatedly with elected officials and the media, claiming gray water was a superior water supply option. The company president argued gray water was safer and more cost-effective than indirect potable reuse. Lesson to Consider: Sometimes, providing a direct response to a party with an opposing view can be the correct response. But, at other times, providing a response may serve to validate the other persons claims in the eyes of the public. It is important to evaluate the level of response needed on a caseby-case basis.
issues at The San Diego Union-Tribune felt any kind of water reuse was too costly and ill advised. News reporters borrowed the Toilet to Tap description (used by media covering a groundwater project in Los Angeles) in their ongoing coverage.
In the late 1990s, the City of Tampa, Tampa Bay Water, and the SWFWMD, in cooperation with the EPA, studied the feasibility of developing a water purification project for the area. Reclaimed water, treated further at a supplemental water reclamation treatment facility, would be blended with surface water and treated again at the Citys water treatment facility. A public outreach program was
developed to enhance and improve the publics understanding of the regions water problem, its long history of conflict over water issues, and public perceptions about government and indirect potable reuse. While there were significant challenges to overcome, a public information program began to make headway through the use of the following efforts:
Identified and interviewed key stakeholders, conducted
A National Research Council report critical of indirect potable reuse was released just prior to when the Tampa Bay Water Board was called upon to approve the project. The report created a perception that the scientific community was not in favor of indirect potable reuse.
The Tampa project shows the importance of gaining support of policymakers, senior staff and elected officials. It may be worthwhile to consider these among the first target audiences, before working toward a broader public involvement effort.
Formed a public working committee and developed its operating framework guide to the Independent Advisory Committees recommendations.
When Pinellas County Utilities renovated the South Cross Bayou Water Reclamation Facility, the department saw an opportunity to use the new facility as a learning laboratory to teach real-life science to students and other County residents. The effort to make the vision a reality began more than a year ago with the construction of an Educational/Welcome Center that is now home to a multifaceted, hands-on educational program. Initially focusing on high school science students and adult visitors, utility officials worked closely with County high school teachers to develop Discover a Cleaner Tomorrow as an appropriate curriculum to enhance classroom learning. The curriculum was designed to support National Science Standards, Sunshine State Standards, and student preparedness for the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) tests. Through a partnership with the Pinellas County School Board, a certified science educator modifies the curriculum for each visiting class and teaches the scientific principles and methods involved in water reclamation. Before they visit the South Cross Bayou site, students are introduced to the topic of wastewater treatment through an animated video focusing on the role of bacteria. The video sets the tone for serious learning through humor in the light-hearted production. When they arrive at the site, students are introduced to the facility tour with a second short feature, a sequel to the classroom video. A third video was developed for the general public. Titled Undissolved Mysteries, it features a detective/narrator who roams through the facility uncovering the mysteries of water reclamation. After the video presentations, visitors board a tram that transports them through the 35-acre site. Hands-on investigation helps students and other visitors gain a better understanding of wastewater treatment processes.
shops Although the outreach program reached a broad audience and the project was permitted, it has yet to be implemented. Several factors contributed to the lack of implementation, including a lack of support among agency policymakers and senior staff. Specific examples include:
Policymakers viewed the project as a choice among
seawater desalination, creating a new reservoir in an old phosphate pit, and developing the purified water project. Many policymakers considered desalination the preferred option.
The City of Tampa Department of Sanitary Sewers was the main project proponent, positioning the project from the wastewater side. The City of Tampa Water Department was not actively involved. A general manager of a local water agency vocally opposed the project. Tampa Bay Water, the regions water agency, did not speak out to counter the opposition.
Students test the wastewater at 2 different locations for dissolved oxygen, nitrates, nitrites, and total suspended solids. They compare their results with those from the professional on-site laboratory, as well as those from other high school groups, adding a competitive element to the tour. Students must each complete an exercise and observation notebook as they take the tour, creating accountability in meeting specific learning objectives. Visitors to the facility develop a better understanding of the science involved in water reclamation, the role citizens play in managing limited water resources, the importance of clean water, and the range of career opportunities in wastewater treatment and management.
Population and economic growth, as well as an extended drought, forced Gwinnett County, Georgia, to reassess its water strategy. While simultaneously building the 20mgd North Advanced Water Reclamation Facility (NAWRF), the county also initiated a multi-stakeholder program to update its Water and Wastewater Master Plan in order to combat growing water problems. The NAWRF is an 11-step reclamation facility that includes primary, secondary, and advanced treatment as well as a 20-mile (32-km) pipeline to discharge plant effluent to the Chattahoochee River. Unit processes at the plant include: clarifying tanks, biological treatment, membrane filters, sand and activated carbon filters, and ozone gas disinfection. During construction, projections led the County to begin plans to renovate the plant to double its capacity to 40 mgd (1,750 l/s). As part of the multi-stakeholder program to update the master plan, the county created an Advisory Panel. The panel, created in 1996, had meetings facilitated by the Gwinnett County Department of Public Utilities (DPU) with assistance from an environmental consulting firm. Polls were held at public meetings to identify 7 categories of stakeholder groups (Hartley, 2003):
Homeowner associations
The City of Yelm, Washington, boasts an $11 million water reclamation facility that has gained statewide recognition and become a local attraction. Yelm recycles 200,000 gpd (760 m3/d) of water, with plans to eventually recycle 1 mgd (3,800 m3/d). The system has been producing Class A reclaimed water since its inception in August 2001; however, the jewel of the facility is an 8-acre (3-hectare) memorial park and fishing pond. At the park, a constructed wetlands system de-chlorinates, re-oxygenates, and further cleans, screens, and moves the water through a wetland park of several ponds, including a catch-and-release fishing pond stocked with rainbow trout. City representatives say the park has become a good place for fishing and viewing wildlife. Theres even been a wedding held on site. The City also uses the reclaimed water for irrigation at a middle school and a number of churches. The water is also used to wash school buses and to supply a number of fire hydrants. Yelm is actively promoting public awareness about reclaimed water. Twenty-five elementary and middle school students entered a city-sponsored contest to see who could come up with the most creative water reuse mascot. The winning mascot, designed by a fifth grader, was a purple pipe aptly named, Mike the Pipe. Students and teachers then took the concept a step further and created an interactive skit using Mike the Pipe and other characters to talk about what can be done with water that is poured down a drain. Some of the other characters included, Water Sprite, Sledge, and Little Bug. The City of Yelm Water Reclamation Facility has won awards from the American Public Works Association, the Association of Washington Cities, and, in 2002, the Department of Ecology presented the City with an Environmental Excellence Award.
Business community
Representatives were selected from each of these stakeholder groups and were responsible for attending meetings and conveying information to and from their respective groups. Public meetings were held the first Tuesday of each month for 18 months. The following list of goals and objectives were developed by the Advisory Panel throughout the 18-month discourse (Hartley, 2003):
Protect public health and the environment Plan for water and sewer capacity proactively the negative impact of new facilities on neighborhoods and the environment
These items were included in the update to the master plan that the Advisory Panel members actively wrote and edited (Hartley, 2003). In addition to the creation of the Advisory Panel, Gwinnett County created a separate Citizen Advisory Board to oversee responsibilities at the NAWRF, especially proper operations and meeting effluent limits. This board was created in response to the concern that lower-standard effluent would have detrimental effects on the Chattahoochee River and Lake Lanier. While there were a few common members with the master planning process Advisory Panel, the Citizen Advisory Board is in independent group with a distinct role. It serves as a communication channel between the public and the utility. The Citizen Advisory Board controls its own $50,000/year budget. The Citizen Advisory Board has spent the funds on sampling, technical review of plans and designs, and other oversight activities (Hartley, 2003). The Citizen Advisory Board has been successful in both facilitating communications with other citizens, as well as being instrumental in ensuring premium operations and maintenance at the NAWRF. Most recently they succeeded in adding a new resolution to include annual budgeting for the retraining of the operations and maintenance staff at the plant (Hartley, 2003).
Develop alternate water sources Pursue regional opportunities Manage water and wastewater demand Provide a high level of service at an optimum cost
One of the major items of dissent among the regulatory agencies, Gwinnett County, and members of the public was effluent disposal from the NAWRF. The original plant included a pipeline to discharge effluent to the Chattahoochee River; however, fears of low quality effluent and recent raw sewage spills and fish kills led many groups and individuals to be against discharge to the river. The second alternative was to discharge effluent to Lake Lanier, which feeds the local water treatment plant, in turn, a form of indirect potable reuse. And although the state did approve discharge into Lake Lanier, it is illegal in the State of Georgia to perform direct potable reuse (Hartley, 2003). The Advisory Panel recommended the following items for water supply (Hartley, 2003):
Preference for the continued use of Lake Lanier as a water supply source in the near-, mid-, and longterm Blended reuse was considered a secondary alternative in the long-term
The group created a second set of recommendations for wastewater (Hartley, 2003):
Given the quality of treated wastewater effluent from
In 1998, the AWWA Water Reuse Committee commissioned a study to survey golf course superintendents regarding their perceptions and experiences using reclaimed water. With the increasing need to turn to reclaimed water for non-domestic uses, the water industry was interested in determining if the existing systems providing reclaimed water to golf courses were satisfactory or needed improvement so that this information could be used by providers when developing future reclaimed water systems. A survey creation group was formed with members of the USGA Green Section, certified golf course superintendents, and a member of the University of Nevada at Las Vega (UNLV) research staff. This group developed a 37-question survey focused primarily on the technical aspects of water quality issues, irrigation system issues, management issues, provider issues, and the perceptions of golfers, superintendents, and the public. The survey was beta tested in 2000 with the AWWA CA/ NV Recycled Water Committee and the NWEA user sub-
the NAWRF, nonpotable reuse should be pursued vigorously through all time periods
Continue to seek conversions from septic tanks to public wastewater treatment term was preferred, with a second option being discharge into Lake Lanier
Increased preferences for blended reuse in reservoirs for the mid- and long-term planning horizons
committee of Reuse Nevada to ensure that the time commitment and survey content were appropriate. A website was built to disseminate the survey, providing a readily available place for soliciting input from superintendents across the nation. The website, www.gcrwa.com, was opened in September of 2000 and the necessary programming was completed to allow the survey data to be downloaded to a secure database so that the results could be evaluated. Since January 2003, data has been received from 15 states and British Columbia with the majority of the survey responses coming from Florida, Arizona, and Nevada. Knowing that the USGA list of effluent-using golf courses in 1994 numbered 220 and the number in Southern Nevada alone has grown from 5 to 17 since then, it is estimated that the number of golf courses in the U.S. that use reclaimed water might easily exceed 300 today. Based on this expected sample population, the most significant observation has been the slow response rate from golf course superintendents only 88 have been received. Internet responses as of January 2003 numbered 62, while returns by fax or mail number 26, indicating that 30 percent of the superintendents either do not have access to the Internet or prefer to respond with hard copy.
The survey responses have come from private courses (47 percent) and public courses (53 percent). Most of the courses (78 percent) were standard 18-hole courses and ranged between 660 and 7,200 yards (600 and 6,580 meters) in length. About 55 percent of the courses use reclaimed water all or part of the time. The remaining 45 percent of the courses use potable, well, storm, canal, river water, or combinations thereof to irrigate their courses. Significant to the intent of the survey, was the response regarding the opinions of golfers, nearby residents, and superintendents to the use of reclaimed water. Negative comments about reclaimed water appear to be limited to about 10 percent of each of the groups, with odors being the only repetitive comment. The overwhelming majority (90 percent) appears to be very positive and supportive of reclaimed water use. Algae, pondweeds, and odors were the 3 most troublesome problems for superintendents associated with both reclaimed water irrigation systems and aesthetic ponds. Irrigation quantity and timing was most often influenced by turf color, followed by soil sampling and on-site weather stations. Total dissolve solids (TDS) is generally claimed to be a large concern with turf irrigation water, so it was interesting to find that only 31 percent of
Figure 7-5.
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the survey respondents claimed to know what the actual TDS of their water was, yet 59 percent were either satisfied or dissatisfied. Satisfied outnumbered the dissatisfied by a ratio of 2 to 1. A graphical representation of the survey responses is presented in Figure 7-5.
Alpha Communications, Inc. 2001 Water Reclamation Public Opinion Surveys. Researched for: Clark County Sanitation District. Las Vegas, Nevada. Curran, T.M. and S.K. Kiss. 1992. Water Independence in Cape Coral: An Implementation Update. In: Proceedings of Urban and Agricultural Water Reuse, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia. Filice, F.V. 1996. Using Public Opinion Surveys to Measure Public Acceptance of a Recycled Water Program San Francisco, CA. Water Reuse Conference Proceedings. AWWA. Denver, Colorado. Grosh, E.L., R.L. Metcalf, and D.H. Twachtmann. 2002. Recognizing Reclaimed Water as a Valuable Resource: The City of Tampas First Residential Reuse Project. 2002 WateReuse Annual Symposium, Orlando, Florida. September 8-11, 2002. Grinnell, Gary K., and Ram G. Janga. 2003. AWWA Golf Course Reclaimed Water Market Analysis. 2003 AWWA Annual Conference Proceedings, Anaheim, California. Hall, W.L. and A.R. Rubin. 2002. Reclaimed Water: A Public Perception. WEFTEC 2002, Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Hartley, Troy W. 2003. Water Reuse: Understanding Public Perception and Participation. Alexandria, Virginia: Water Environment Federation and IWA Publishing. Kadvany, John, and Tracy Clinton. 2002. A Decision Analysis Toolkit for Engineering and Science-Based Stakeholder Processes. WEFTEC 2002, Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Sheikh, B., J. Kelly and P. MacLaggan 1996. An Outreach Effort Aimed at Increasing Water Recycling in California. Water Reuse Conference Proceedings. AWWA. Denver, Colorado.
Chapter 8
Water Reuse Outside the U.S.
The need for alternative water resources, coupled with increasingly stringent water quality discharge require ments, are the driving forces for developing water reuse strategies in the world today. Water reuse enables prac titioners to manipulate the water cycle, thereby creating needed alternative water resources and reducing effluent discharge to the environment. The growing trend is to consider water reuse as an essential component of inte grated water resources management and sustainable development, not only in dry and water deficient areas, but in water abundant regions as well. In areas with high precipitation where water supply may be costly due to extensive transportation and/or pumping, water reuse has become an important economic alternative to developing new sources of water. Reuse of wastewater for agricultural irrigation is prac ticed today in almost all arid areas of the world. Numer ous countries have established water resources planning policies based on maximum reuse of urban wastewater. In many dry regions, particularly in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, unplanned use of in adequately treated wastewater for irrigation of crops con tinues today and is often confused with planned and regu lated reuse. This major health concern makes it impera tive to governments and the global community to imple ment proper reuse planning and practices, emphasizing public health and environmental protection, during this era of rapid development of wastewater collection and treatment. Within the next 2 decades, 60 percent of the worlds population will live in cities. As increasingly am bitious targets for sewage collection are pursued, mas sive and growing volumes of wastewater will be disposed of without treatment to rivers and natural water bodies. The challenges will be particularly acute in mega-cities (cities with a population of 10 million or more), over 80 percent of which will be located in developing countries. This chapter provides an overview and examples of wa ter reuse in countries outside of the U.S., including the implementation of reuse in developing countries where the planning, technical, and institutional issues may dif fer considerably from industrialized countries.
Increased water shortages and new environmental poli cies and regulations have stimulated significant devel opment in reuse programs in the past 20 years. Accord ing to the conclusions of various water reuse surveys (Lazarova et al., 2001 and Mantovani et al., 2001), the best water reuse projects, in terms of economic viability and public acceptance, are those that substitute re claimed water in lieu of potable water for use in irriga tion, environmental restoration, cleaning, toilet flushing, and industrial uses. The main benefits of using reclaimed water in these situations are conservation of water re sources and pollution reduction. A project commissioned by the Water Environment Re search Foundation (WERF), Mantovani et al. (2001) sur veyed nonpotable water reclamation planning and man agement practices worldwide. The study reviewed 65 in ternational nonpotable water reuse projects to document planning and management approaches for agricultural, urban, and industrial water reuse projects in both advanced and developing countries in the arid and semi-arid belts around the globe. The survey findings confirmed that in addition to operational performance, sound institutional arrangements, conservative cost and sales estimates, and good project communication are the basis for project success. By the same token, institutional obstacles, in adequate valuation of economic benefits, or a lack of public information can delay projects or cause them to fail. Table 8-1 shows the average volumes of reclaimed water produced in several countries, as well as the relative con tribution of water reuse to the total water demand. Re cent projections show that in Israel, Australia, and Tuni sia, the volume of reclaimed water will satisfy 25 percent, 11 percent, and 10 percent, respectively, of the total wa ter demand within the next few years (Lazarova et al.,
Table 8-1.
Country Algeria Bahrain Cyprus Egypt Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Libya Morocco Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Tajikistan Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan U. A. Emirates Yemen
Annual Reclaimed Water Usage Year 1991 1997 2000 1999 1995 1997 1997 1994 1997 1999 1994 1995 1994 2000 2000 1998 2000 1999 2000 Mm 15 23 700 154 200 58 80 0.14 2 40 38 26 25 217 370 28 50 185 6
MG 1,188,900 63,144 55,746 14,557,420 21,400,200 11,307,760 528,400 259,973 142,140 2,915,711 341,611 1,215,320 2,918,089 323,117 75,297 4,496,156 3,807,122 3,328,920 812,415 8,348,720 6,023,760 556,934 774,634
MG 3,963 6,077 184,940 40,687 52,840 15,324 21,136 37 528 10,568 10,040 6,869 6,605 57,331 97,754 7,398 13,210 48,877 1,585
Reclaimed Water as Percent of Total 6% 11% 1% 0.20% 10% 6% 15% 0% 0.20% 1% 0.30% 2% 9% 1% 3% 1% 0% 9% 0%
1990 1991 1993 1993 2001 1990 1995 1993 1994 1990 1994 1994 1991 1991 1994 1992 1993 1989 1990 1992 1989 1995 1990
4,500 239 211 55,100 81,000 42,800 2,000 984 538 11,036 1,293 4,600 11,045 1,223 285 17,018 14,410 12,600 3,075 31,600 22,800 2,108 2,932
Sources: Adapted from World Bank, 2001 with updates from Hamdallah, 2000. Note: (-) indicates that data was not available. 2001). In Jordan, reclaimed water volumes must increase more than 4 times by the year 2010 in order to meet demands. By 2012, the volume of reclaimed water in Spain will increase by 150 percent. The reclaimed water vol ume in Egypt is expected to increase by more than 10 times by the year 2025. A number of countries in the Middle East are planning significant increases in water reuse to meet an ultimate objective of reusing 50 to 70 percent of the total wastewater volume.
Water scarcity and droughts, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. In this case, reclaimed water is a vital and drought-proof water source to ensure economic and agricultural activities. Environmental protection and enhancement in combination with wastewater management needs represent an emerging driver, in a number of industri alized countries, coastal areas, and tourist regions. In areas with more stringent wastewater discharge standards, such as in Europe, Australia, and South Africa, wastewater reuse becomes a competitive alternative to advanced water treatment from both economic and environmental points of view. Socio-economic factors such as new regulations, health concerns, public policies, and economic in centives are becoming increasingly important to the implementation of water reuse projects. For example,
population growth. This is the most common and important driver for dry and water-abundant regions in developed, developing, and transitional countries.
the increase in the cost of potable water will help promote the implementation of wastewater reuse.
Public health protection is the major driver in de veloping countries where lack of access to fresh wa ter supplies coupled with high market access in ur ban and peri-urban areas, drives untreated reuse in agriculture. Public health protection and environmen tal risk mitigation are key components of any reuse program under these conditions.
Population growth, urbanization, and industrial develop ment contribute to water shortages by perpetually push ing up demand. In addition, these same factors increase water pollution, add to potable water treatment costs, and most likely, have adverse health effects. Urban growth impacts in developing countries are extremely pressing. Whereas only 1 in 3 mega-cities were located in devel oping countries in 1950, in the year 2002, 14 of 22 such cities were in developing countries. By 2020, more than half the total population of Asia, Africa, and Latin America will be living in cities, and all of these cities will need additional water supplies. (See Figure 8-1).
able to meet needs for domestic, industrial, and agricul tural use. Based on past experiences in moderately de veloped countries in arid zones, renewable freshwater resources of 1,700 m3/capita/year (0.45 mg/capita/year) has been proposed as the minimum value at which coun tries are most likely to begin to experience water stress, which may impede development and harm human health (Earth Trends, 2001). Below 1,000 m3/capita/year (0.26 mg/capita/year) of renewable freshwater sources, chronic water scarcity appears. According to some experts, below 500 m3/capita/year (0.13 mg/capita/year), countries experience absolute water stress and the value of 100 m3/capita/year (0.026 mg/capita/year) is the minimum survival level for domestic and commercial use (Falkenmark and Widstrand, 1992 and Lazarova, 2001). Projections predict that in 2025, 2/3 of the worlds popu lation will be under conditions of moderate to high water stress and about half of the population will face real con straints in their water supply. Population Action International has projected the future water stress index for 149 countries and the results in dicate that 1/3 of these countries will be under water stress by 2050. Africa and parts of western Asia appear particu larly vulnerable to increasing water scarcity. This data also shows that a number of Middle Eastern countries are already well below the absolute water stress of 500 m3/ capita/year (0.13 mg/capita/year) and by 2050 will reach the minimum survival level of 100 m3/capita/year (0.026 mg/capita/year) for domestic and commercial use. In addition, numerous nations with adequate water resources have arid regions where drought and restricted water sup ply are common (north-western China, western and south ern India, large parts of Pakistan and Mexico, the west ern coasts of the U.S. and South America, and the Medi terranean region). A high concentration of population within individual coun tries also causes water stress. The North China Plain (surrounding Beijing and within the river basins Hai, Huai, and Yellow River) contains most of the countrys popu lation, such that the water availability is only about 5 percent of the world average, while China, as a whole, has about 25 percent of the world average. Another important criterion for evaluating water stress is water withdrawal as a percentage of the annual internal renewable water resources. Water management becomes a vital element in a countrys economy when over 20 per cent of the internal renewable resources are mobilized (Earth Trends, 2001). This is currently occurring in sev eral European countries (Figure 8-2a) such as France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Hungary. The Mediterranean region, North Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, and Jordan are facing high risks
Water Scarcity
The most common approach used to evaluate water avail ability is the water stress index, measured as the an nual renewable water resources per capita that are availFigure 8-1. World Populations in Cities
of water scarcity, meaning that in these areas, the major portion of the renewable resources are withdrawn. A number of arid and semi-arid countries meet water demands by seawater desalination or by withdrawals from non-renewable deep aquifers with extracted volumes 2 to 30 times higher than available renewable resources (Figure 8-2b). 8-2a.
Improving the efficiency of water use, water reclamation, and reducing distribution losses are the most affordable solutions to relieve water scarcity. For a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa, where current fresh water reserves are, or will be, at the survival level, reclaimed wastewater is the only significant,
low cost alternative resource for agricultural, industrial, and urban nonpotable purposes.
ing application of urban water reuse in Europe (Lazarova, 1999), while replenishment of river flows for recreational uses is becoming increasingly popular in Spain and Ja pan. There are several advantages to implementing urban re use versus agricultural reuse:
In spite of the economic and ecological advantages as sociated with wastewater reuse, the key issue remains public health safety. The reuse of raw wastewater, still widely practiced in several regions in China, India, Mo rocco, Egypt, Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam and most of South America, leads to enteric diseases, helminthic infections, and dangerous epidemics. In addition to public health risks, insufficiently treated effluent may also have detri mental effects on the environment. For example, high salinity levels in effluent can lead to a decrease in pro ductivity for certain crops and destabilization of the soil structure. Another possible adverse effect is groundwater pollution. In the Mezquital Valley, north of Mexico City, 1,027 mgd (45 m3/s, or 1.15 million acre-feet/year) of untreated wastewater from the capital city of Mexico City is used for agricultural irrigation in a 222,400-acre (90,000hectare) area, year-round (IWA, 2002). This huge waste water irrigation project, believed to be the largest in the world, has given rise to inadvertent and massive recharge of the local aquifers, and unintended indirect potable re use of water from that aquifer by a population of 300,000 inhabitants.
urban reuse, such as toilet flushing, vehicle washing, stack gas cleaning, and industrial process ing is nonconsumptive; therefore, the water can be reused again for subsequent consumptive uses in agriculture or industry. The urban markets for water reuse are generally closer to the points of origin of the reclaimed water than are the agricultural markets.
Urban reuse water generally holds a higher value than agricultural reuse because it can be metered and appropriate charges levied.
Agriculture is the largest user of water, accounting for approximately 80 percent of the global demand. Con sequently, agricultural irrigation is the major water re use application worldwide. In a number of arid and semi arid countries - Israel, Jordan, and Tunisia water reuse provides the greatest share of irrigation water. Israel is the worlds leader in this area, with over 70 percent of collected and treated wastewater reused for agricultural purposes (Kanarek and Michail, 1996). Urban water reuse is developing rapidly, particularly in large cities, coastal, and tourist areas. Japan is the leader in urban water reuse, with 8 percent of the total reclaimed water (about 2,113 mgd or 8 millions m3/year) used for urban purposes. The most common urban uses are for the irrigation of green areas (parks, golf courses, and sports fields), urban development (waterfalls, foun tains, and lakes), road cleaning, car washing, and firefighting. Another major type of reuse is on-site water reuse within commercial and residential buildings. For example, Australia, Canada, Japan, and the United King dom use treated domestic wastewater for toilet flushing. Golf course irrigation is reported as the most rapidly grow
Wastewater treatment for reuse may have a lower cost than developing new water supply sources, particularly for low-quality reuse in toilet flushing and similar nonpotable urban uses. Agricultural irrigation will prob ably continue to dominate water reuse practices for many years into the future, especially in developing countries. However, reclamation projects are not likely to be built to serve agriculture. Over recent years, there has been increasing interest in indirect potable reuse in a num ber of industrialized countries (Australia, Belgium, France, Spain, South Africa, Singapore, and the U.S.) for water supply augmentation through the replenishment of surface reservoirs, aquifers, and salt intrusion barriers in coastal areas. Untreated reuse water is a large and rapidly growing prob lem practiced in both low- and middle-income countries around the world. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI), based in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), based in Ottawa, Canada held a workshop to discuss the use of untreated reuse water, at which a range of case studies were presented from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. At the workshop the Hyderabad Declara tion on Wastewater Use in Agriculture was adopted. The conference organizers are preparing an official, peerreviewed publication based on this declaration. As previ ously mentioned, there are parts of the world where the wastewater management systems do not allow for the development of water reuse. In some regions untreated wastewater is improperly used for irrigation, usually ille gally. The declaration recognizes that in situations where
wastewater treatment to produce usable reuse water is not available, there are alternatives to improve the man agement of water reuse. The Hyderabad Declaration on Wastewater Use in Agriculture is reproduced below.
Numerous state-of-the-art technologies enable wastewater to become a complementary and sustainable water
The Hyderabad Declaration on Wastewater Use in Agriculture 14 November 2002, Hyderabad, India 1. Rapid urbanization places immense pressure on the worlds fragile and dwindling fresh water resources and over-burdened sanitation systems, leading to environmental degradation. We as wa ter, health, environment, agriculture, and aquaculture researchers and practitioners from 27 interna tional and national institutions, representing experiences in wastewater management from 18 coun tries, recognize that: 1.1 1.2 1.3 Wastewater (raw, diluted or treated) is a resource of increasing global importance, particularly in urban and peri-urban agriculture. With proper management, wastewater use contributes significantly to sustaining livelihoods, food security and the quality of the environment. Without proper management, wastewater use poses serious risks to human health and the environment
2. We declare that in order to enhance positive outcomes while minimizing the risks of wastewater use, there exist feasible and sound measures that need to be applied. These measures include: 2.1 2.2 Cost-effective and appropriate treatment suited to the end use of wastewater, supplemented by guidelines and their application Where wastewater is insufficiently treated, until treatment becomes feasible: (a) Development and application of guidelines for untreated wastewater use that safeguard livelihoods, public health and the environment (b) Application of appropriate irrigation, agricultural, post-harvest, and public health practices that limit risks to farming communities, vendors and consumers (c) Education and awareness programs for all stakeholders, including the public at large, to disseminate these measures Health, agriculture and environmental quality guidelines that are linked and implemented in a step-wise approach Reduction of toxic contaminants in wastewater, at source and by improved management
2.3 2.4
3. We declare that: 3.1 Knowledge needs should be addressed through research to support the measures outlined above 3.2 Institutional coordination and integration together with increased financial allocations are required 4. Therefore, we strongly urge policy-makers and authorities in the fields of water, agriculture, aquac ulture, health, environment and urban planning, as well as donors and the private sector to: Safeguard and strengthen livelihoods and food security, mitigate health and environmental risks and conserve water resources by confronting the realities of wastewater use in agriculture through the adoption of appropriate policies and the commitment of financial resources for policy implementation.
resource for a number of purposes in both developed and emerging countries, thus allowing utilities to reserve high quality and often scarce freshwater for domestic uses. The development and implementation of water re use projects, however, remains difficult due to issues such as institutional discord, economics, funding, public health and environmental issues and, in some cases, a lack of public acceptance.
Despite increasing efforts to improve water supply and sanitation coverage in the world during the past 10 years, numerous regions and many large cities still do not have sufficient infrastructure (Table 8-2). According to a 2000 survey (Homsi, 2000), wastewater treatment coverage remains lower than water supply coverage and still rep resents an important constraint to implementing water reuse projects: Sewage network coverage:
The situation becomes critical in a number of African and Asian countries, where water supply and sanitation coverage do not exceed 30 percent and 45 percent, re spectively, including Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Laos, Mauritania, and Rwanda. Despite these numbers, it is important to stress that more and more countries have effectively achieved total water supply and sanitation coverage, such as An dorra, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, South Korea, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Signifi cant strides have also been made in a number of devel oping countries (Figure 8-3a) and it is expected that these figures will improve in several other countries with water resource problems (Figure 8-3b) due to govern mental policies and increased investments.
Technical Issues
Developed countries: 76 percent, except Japan, 54 percent and Portugal, 55 percent Developing countries: 35 percent, except Chile, greater than 90 percent
Treatment technology, another key aspect of the plan ning process, varies between planning a reuse project in an emerging country and planning a reuse system in a more industrialized country. In industrialized countries, where stringent control of water quality and operational reliability are the main requirements, modern, high cost technology may be more beneficial. In developing coun tries, relatively inexpensive labor and higher capital costs dictate that a facility, which can be built and operated with local labor, will be more cost effective than a facility utilizing more modern, capital-intensive technology.
Table 8-2.
Generation Rate Mm3/yr MG/yr 6,341 449,140 29,062 132,100 184,940 126,816 52,840 528,400
Collection Mm3/yr 15 1138 95 400 620 480 180 1,700 MG/yr 3,963 300,660 25,099 105,680 163,804 126,816 47,556 449,140
Treatment Mm3/yr 15 950 45 170 580 260 155 1,100 MG/yr 3,963 250,990 11,889 44,914 153,236 68,692 40,951 290,620
Source: Table created from World Bank Working documents (UNDP, 1998)
Water Supply and Sanitation Coverage in Selected Countries Figure 8-3a. Countries with Total Water Supply and Sanitation Coverage over 80 Percent
Figure 8-3b.
Countries with Total Water Supply and Sanitation Coverage Over 50 Percent
Source: Figures for this table were assembled from WorldBank working documents (UNDP, 1998)
This section provides an overview of some of the techni cal issues associated with water reuse in developing coun tries that may differ from those presented in Chapter 2 for the U.S. Many of these issues result from the differ ent technical solutions that are appropriate in a laborintensive economy as compared with the capital-intensive economy of industrialized countries. Other differ ences result from dissimilarities in financial, material, and human resources, as well as in existing wastewa ter collection, treatment, and disposal facilities. Water Quality Requirements
veloping countries advocate another strategy of control ling health risks by adopting a low technology/low-cost approach based on the WHO recommendations. A sum mary of select guidelines and mandatory criteria for re claimed water use in a variety of U.S. states and other countries and regions is presented in Table 8-4. Historically, water reuse standards are based on reuse for agricultural irrigation. The countries that have adopted the WHO recommendations as the basis for their agricul tural reuse standards use both fecal coliforms (FC) and helminth eggs as pathogen indicators, respectively, at 1000 FC/100 ml and 1 helminth egg/l for unrestricted irri gation. The WHO recommends more stringent standards for the irrigation of public lawns than for the irrigation of crops eaten raw (fecal coliform count at 200 FC/100 ml, in addition to the helminth egg standard). Recent work, based on epidemiological and microbiological studies performed in Mexico and Indonesia support the WHO fecal coliform limit of less than 103 FC/100 ml, but rec ommends a stricter guideline value of less than 0.1 egg of intestinal nematode per liter (Blumenthal et al., 2000). In the absence of recommendations for particulate mat ter, these standards use TSS at concentrations varying between 10 and 30 mg/l. WHO recommends stabilization ponds or an equivalent technology to treat wastewater. The guidelines are based on the conclusion that the main health risks as sociated with reuse in developing countries are associ ated with helminthic diseases; therefore, a high degree of helminth removal is necessary for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture and aquaculture. The intesti nal nematodes serve as indicator organisms for all of the large settleable pathogens. The guidelines indicate that other pathogens of interest apparently become non viable in long-retention pond systems, implying that all helminth eggs and protozoan cysts will be removed to the same extent. The helminth egg guidelines are in tended to provide a design standard, not an effluent test ing standard. The original 1973 WHO recommendations were more stringent than the 1989 recommendations. With respect to fecal coliforms, the standard rose from 100 FC/100 ml to 1000 FC/100 ml. The WHO guidelines are currently undergoing further revision. A draft guideline proposed by Bahri and Brissaud (2002) recommends massive re visions in the WHO guidelines, making them somewhat more restrictive, while maintaining the objective of affordability for developing countries. For example, in the draft guidelines, the helminth egg concentration limit is reduced from the current guideline of 1 egg/L to 0.1 egg/ L for unrestricted irrigation. The proposed draft guide lines also cover various options for health protection,
Water reuse standards or guidelines vary with the type of application, the regional context, and the overall risk perception. Depending on the project specifications, there will be different water quality requirements, treat ment process requirements, and criteria for operation and reliability. However, the starting point for any water reuse project for any application is ensuring public health and safety. For this reason, microbiological parameters have received the most attention in water reuse regula tions. Since monitoring for all pathogens is not realistic, specific indicator organisms are monitored to minimize health risks. Table 8-3 provides a summary of water quality param eters of concern with respect to their significance in water reuse systems, as well as approximate ranges of each parameter in raw sewage and reclaimed water. The treatment of urban wastewater is typically designed to meet water quality objectives based on suspended sol ids (Total Suspended Solids (TSS) or turbidity), organic content (BOD), biological indicators (total or fecal coliforms, E.coli, helminth eggs, enteroviruses), nutri ent levels (nitrogen and phosphorus) and, in some cases, chlorine residual. Additional water quality parameters for irrigation include salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, boron concentration, heavy metals content, and phytotoxic compounds content. The use of reclaimed municipal water for industrial purposes may require effluent limits for dis solved solids, ammonia, disinfection byproducts and other specific inorganic and organic constituents. Different countries have developed different approaches to protecting public health and the environment, but the major factor in choosing a regulatory strategy is eco nomics, specifically the cost of treatment and monitor ing. Most developed countries have established conser vatively low risk guidelines or standards based on a high technology/high-cost approach, such as the California standards. However, high standards and high-cost tech niques do not always guarantee low risk because insuffi cient operational experience, OM&R costs, and regula tory control can have adverse effects. A number of de
Table 8-3.
Suspended solids
Turbidity BOD5 COD TOC Total coliforms Fecal coliforms Helminth eggs Viruses Heavy metals
Measures of particles. Can be related to microbial contamination. Can interfere with disinfection. Clogging of irrigation systems. Deposition.
5 mg/L - 50 mg/L
<0.1 NTU - 30 NTU <10 mg BOD/L - 45 mg BOD/L <20 mg COD/L - 90 mg COD/L <1 mg C/L - 10 mg C/L
Organic substrate for microbial growth. Can favor bacterial regrowth in distribution systems and microbial fouling.
<1 cfu/100mL - 200 cfu/100mL <1 cfu/100mL - 10 cfu/100mL <0.1/L - 5/L <1/50L
Measure of risk of infection due to potential <1-10 cfu/100mL presence of pathogens. Can favor biofouling in <1/L - 10/L cooling systems.
<1/L - 100/L Specific elements (Cd, Ni, Hg, Zn, etc) are toxic to plants and maximum concentration limits exist for irrigation High salinity and boron (>1mg/L) are harmful for irrigation To prevent bacterial regrowth. Excessive amount of free chlorine (>0.05) can damage some sensitive crops ---
<0.001 mg Hg/L <0.01 mg Cd/L <0.1 mg Ni/L - 0.02 mg Ni/L >450 mg TDS/L
Chlorine residual
Nitrogen Phosphorus
Fertilizer for irrigation. Can contribute to algal 10 mg N/L - 30 mg N/L growth, corrosion (N-NH4) and scale formation (P). 0.1 mg P/L - 30 mg P/L
Source: Adapted from Lazarova, 2001; Metcalf and Eddy, 1991; Pettygrove and Asano, 1985
such as treatment of wastewater, crop restrictions, ap plication controls, and control of human exposure. The multi-barrier approach throughout the water cycle is also considered an important element. WHO wastewater re use initiatives are considering 4 categories of reuse: (a) agriculture, (b) aquaculture (shellfisheries), (c) artificial recharge exclusively for potable supply, and (d) urban use. The premise is that better health protection can be achieved by not only implementing stringent water qual ity limits but also by defining other appropriate practices that could provide additional barriers for pathogens de pending on the type of reuse. Such an approach has been proposed in the new Israeli standards (Shelef and Halperin, 2002). In 1999, new standards were issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health (Palestine Hydrology Group, 1999), defining 5 qualities of reclaimed water, as follows:
1. Effluents of very high quality, suitable for unrestricted irrigationno barriers required
2. Effluents of high quality2 barriers required for irrigation 3. Oxidation pond effluents2 to 3 barriers required for irrigation 4. Effluents of medium quality3 barriers required for irrigation 5. Effluents of low qualityonly specific no-barrier crops are allowed to be irrigated These standards set a low coliform limit of less than 10 E. coli/100 ml for very high quality reclaimed water that does not require additional barriers (the first quality listed
Table 8-4.
Summary of Water Recycling Guidelines and Mandatory Standards in the United States and Other Countries
Fe cal Colifor m s (CFU/100m l) <1 <1 -50 100 (g) 2,000 (m) <1000 25 for any sample for 75% 100(g) 10 --Total coliform s (cfu/100 m l) <2/50 -2.2 -500 (g) 10,000 (m) --500 (g) 10 2.2 (50%) 12(80%) -10,000 -100 <200 -<1000 0 (g) -75(m) --100 (g) 2000 (m) 14 for any sample, 0 for 90 % 200 (g) 1000 (m) -2.2 --<100 500 (g) 10000 (m) -----<1 ---20 -10 5 30 <10 --2 (g) 1 (m) 2 --2 3 -10 15 -30 -3 -30 <10 ----7 -80-120 He lm inth e ggs (#/L) -----<1 -----BOD5 (ppm ) >20 --10 --20 20 (g) 10 15 -10 -10 15 -6-9 -6.5-8.4 -6.5-8.5 -6-9 -1 ----6-9 -Tur bidity (NTU) <2 1 2 -2 (g) 1 (m) --1-2 (m) 5 --TSS (ppm ) ---10 --5 30 -15 -10 --1 DO (%of Sat) ----80-120 --80-120 -0.5 -pH -4.5-9 --6-9 --6-9 6-9 --Chlor ine re s idual (ppm ) ------1 --0.5 -1
Country/Re gion Aus tralia (New South Wales) Arizona California Cyprus EC bathing water France Florida (m) Germany (g) Japan (m) Israel Italy Kuwait Crops not eaten raw Kuwait Crops eaten raw Oman 11A Oman 11B South Africa Spain (Canary islands) Tex as (m) Tunisia UAE United Kingdom Bathing Water Criteria US EPA (g) WHO (lawn irrigation)
10 --
6-9 --
1 --
Note: (g) signifies that the standard is a guideline and (m) signifies that the standard is a mandatory regulation Source: Adapted from Cranfield University, 2001. Urban Water Recycling Information Pack, UK
above) and can be used for irrigation of vegetables eaten raw. Additional barriers are identified as:
Physical barriers, such as: buffer zones, plastic groundcovers and underground drip irrigation Crops or fruits that are normally treated under high temperature and/or are eaten only cooked (e.g., wheat), as well as those with an inedible peel or shell (e.g., citrus, banana, nuts)
No-barrier crops are defined in the following categories: (1) industrial crops (such as cotton or fodder); (2) crops whose harvestable parts are dried in the sun for at least 60 days after the last irrigation (including sunflower, wheat, chickpeas intended for cooking); (3) watermelon for edible seeds or for seeds that are irrigated before flowering; (4) woody crops or plants with no public con tact; and, (5) grass for sale with no public access to the plot.
The government of Tasmania, Australia, issued the tenth draft of its, Environmental Guidelines for the Use of Recycled Water in Tasmania (Tasmanian website). These guidelines are intended to provide a framework to allow sustainable water reuse in a manner that is practical and safe for agriculture, the environment, and the public while also remaining consistent with industry standards and best environmental practice management (Dettrick and Gallagher, 2002). Issues of soil sustainability, including permeability hazard, salinity hazard, groundwater protec tion, and crop health, are discussed in the guidelines. A comprehensive health risk management framework is pro vided that gives different levels of risk management for 3 quality classes of wastewater including: backflow pre vention, public access and withholding, safety for work ers dealing with reclaimed water, food safety issues, and grazing animal withholding. The Tasmanian guidelines identify 3 categories of reclaimed water:
cesses, can be used in water reuse facilities. Wastewa ter treatment processes, such as stabilization ponds or lagooning, infiltration-percolation, soil-aquifer treatment, and wetlands, are well adapted to the climate conditions in tropical and subtropical zones. Their relatively low OM&R costs and easy upkeep are important advantages for developing countries. However, these treatment tech nologies require large land availability, are associated with high evaporation losses resulting in high salinity con centrations, and are recommended predominantly for small treatment units, with less than 5000 population equivalents (700 m3/d or 0.2 mgd) (Lazarova et al., 2001). Over the last decade, an increased number of studies conducted in different countries have shown that stabili zation pond systems in series can produce effluent with microbiological water quality suitable for unrestricted irrigation (WHO guidelines category A, less than 1000 FC/100 ml and less than 1 helminth egg/L) (Lazarova, 1999). The hydraulic residence time varies in the range of 20 to 90 days according to the climate conditions and the optimal lagoon depth is 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Under op timal operating conditions, the disinfection efficiency is 3 to 5 log removal, with maximum values up to 5 to 6 log removal for fecal coliforms. A removal rate of 5 to 6 log of fecal coliforms in stabilization ponds can only be achieved if maturation ponds are provided. Stabilization ponds operating in Brazil have been shown to provide a 3-log removal of intestinal nematodes (Mara and Silva, 1986). One of the drawbacks of using a stabilization pond sys tem is the restricted operation flexibility, especially dur ing flow and seasonal variations. Activated sludge treat ment used in conjunction with tertiary treatment ponds has proven to be a reliable and efficient method for dis infection with the elimination of fecal coliform, viruses, and helminth eggs. The ponds also provide the required storage capacity for irrigation. High evaporation rates, particularly in dry and windy zones, are the major dis advantage of this treatment technology. The increased use of constructed wetlands in develop ing countries has been slow, despite favorable climate conditions. Adequate wetlands systems designs for tropi cal and subtropical zones have not yet been developed. Several field studies performed in constructed wetlands for secondary treatment show that the pathogen reduc tion (2 to 3 log reduction of fecal coliforms and coliph ages) is not sufficient to satisfy the WHO water quality guidelines for irrigation. Larger cities with existing sewage systems are the most promising locations for implementing water reuse. Con ventional treatment is likely to be the treatment of choice
Class A Recycled Water: No restriction on public ac cess less than 10 cfu /100 ml Class B Reclaimed Water: Limited restrictions apply less than 100 cfu /100 ml or less than 1,000 cfu/100 ml depending upon type of application Class C Treated Water: Access restricted less than 10,000 cfu/100 ml
No potable reuse or body contact with reclaimed water is addressed in the Tasmanian guidelines because of the high level and cost of treatment necessary to produce the requisite quality reclaimed water. Irrigation of treated wastewater to riverside land less than 6 miles (10 kilome ters) upstream of a town water supply intake is generally not permitted. Treatment Requirements
Wastewater treatment is the most effective way to re duce the health, environmental, and other risks associ ated with the use of reclaimed water. Choosing the most appropriate treatment technology for water reuse is a complex procedure that must take into consideration various criteria, including technical and regulatory re quirements, as well as social, political, and economic considerations specific to the local conditions. It is im portant to stress that economic and financial constraints have to be taken into account in countries where re claimed water is a vital water resource for sustainable development. Depending on water quality objectives, plant capacity, land availability, and climate conditions, extensive lowtech technologies, also known as non-conventional pro
because of limited land availability, the high cost of land, the considerable transmission distance to reach the treatment site, and lack of public acceptability, particu larly as city growth nears the vicinity of the treatment sites. With the increased concern for public health, choosing a disinfection technology is recognized as one of the critical steps in developing a water reclamation system. The treatment quality upstream of disinfection has a great impact on the doses required for a given disinfec tion level. Therefore, if a stringent regulation must be met, disinfection alone cannot make up for inefficient upstream treatment and often must be coupled with ter tiary filtration or other advanced treatment processes. The growing use of ultraviolet (UV) technologies for dis infection in wastewater reuse plants worldwide is largely attributed to low costs, as well as the absence of toxic byproducts. One drawback to using UV disinfection in reuse systems is the lack of disinfection residual, which is mandatory in distribution tanks, holding tanks, and reservoirs. In addition to appropriate treatment technology, adequate monitoring is also important. Although not always fea sible in developing countries, on-line, real-time moni toring is preferable to sampling and laboratory analysis where the results arrive too late to take corrective ac tion. A simple and useful measurement of water quality for reclaimed water is turbidity. Experience can relate turbidity to other parameters of interest but, more im portantly, a sudden increase in turbidity beyond the op erating standard provides a warning that corrective ac tion is required. For example, practice in the U.S. often requires that, should the turbidity exceed 2 NTU for more than 10 minutes, the reclaimed water be diverted to stor age to be retreated. Treatment cost is an extremely important consideration everywhere, but especially where financial resources are very limited. A recent analysis by Lazarova (2001) summarized the unit costs of various treatment levels for a 40,000 population-equivalent size treatment plant. The results are shown in Table 8-5. The treatment costs for producing reclaimed water are highly influenced by local constraints, such as the price of the building site, distance between the production site and the consum ers, and whether or not there is a need to install a dual distribution system or retrofit an existing system.
reuse might occur. The institutions with a stake in water reuse include those responsible for water supply, waste water management, water resources management, envi ronmental protection, and public health and, in many cases, agriculture. Furthermore, these agencies may have responsibilities at local, regional and national lev els. More often than not, there is a wide chasm between these agencies. Acknowledging that the ideal situation rarely exists, and that there is an institutional barrier to developing a new water reuse initiative, overcoming bar riers and forgoing the necessary links among agencies should be the first step in any planning effort. An admin istrative reorganization may be necessary to guarantee the development of water reuse into a general water man agement group. Examples of such changes include those taking place in developing countries like Tunisia, Mo rocco, and Egypt. Ideally, it would be most desirable to have just one agency in charge of the entire water cycle in a given hydrologic basin. A critically important partner in a safe and successful water reuse program is the independent regulatory agency with oversight and enforcement responsibility over all the partners involved in water reuse. It would be a conflict of interest for either the water supplier or the wastewater manager to have this regulatory role; therefore, the most logical home for the regulatory func tion is with the agency charged with protection of public health and/or the environment.
Legal Issues
There are 2 basic types of legal issues relevant to water reuse: (1) water rights and water allocation; and (2) the protection of public health and environmental quality. Other legal issues may also be relevant in specific cir cumstances. Water Rights and Water Allocation
Diverting existing wastewater flows to a treatment facil ity will, at a minimum, change the point at which the flow is discharged to surface waters, and may change the amount of water available to current users further down stream. A water reuse project may completely deprive existing users of their current supply if reclaimed water is sold to new users (e.g., industrial facilities) or allo cated to new uses (e.g., municipal use). Traditional practice and customary law in most develop ing countries recognizes that a water user acquires vested rights. Changing the amount of water that is available to a current user may entitle the user to some type of rem edy, including monetary compensation or a supplemen tal water supply. A proposed water reuse project needs
Institutional Issues
Planned water reuse is best accomplished through the collaboration of at least 2and often moreinstitutions. Without collaboration, only unplanned or incidental water
Table 8-5.
Life-Cycle Cost of Typical Treatment Systems for a 40,000 Population- Equivalent Flow of Wastewater
Treatment System Stabilization Ponds (Land Cost not Included) Activated Sludge (Secondary) Activated Sludge + Filtration + UV Irradiation Additional Cost of Full Tertiary Treatment (Title 22) Additional Cost of Disinfection Lime Pretreatment + Reverse Osmosis (After secondary treatment) Microfiltration + Reverse Osmosis (After secondary treatment)
Cost in U.S. Dollars
Adapted from Lazarova, 2001
Unit Cost1 per m3 $0.18 $0.34 $0.42 $0.24 $0.07 $0.75 $0.54 per AF $222.00 $420.00 $518.00 $296.00 $86.00 $926.00 $667.00 per MG $0.68 $1.29 $1.59 $0.91 $0.26 $2.84 $2.04
to consider the impact on current patterns of water use and determine what remedies, if any, are available to or should be created for current users if the project inter feres with their water uses. Public Health and Environmental Protection
tem and controls to prevent cross-connections be tween the distribution networks for drinking water and reclaimed water
Regulations concerning sludge disposal and facility
Mechanisms for enforcing all of the above regulations,
The use of reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation and various municipal uses may result in human exposure to pathogens or chemicals, creating potential public health problems. Water reclamation and reuse, and the disposal of sludge from wastewater treatment, may also have adverse effects on environmental quality if not managed properly. Planning for water reuse projects should include the development and implementation of regulations that will prevent or mitigate public health and environmental prob lems. Such regulations include:
A permit system for authorizing wastewater discharges Water quality standards for reclaimed water that are
including monitoring requirements, authority to con duct inspections, and authority to assess penalties for violations A number of other legal issues discussed in Chapter 5 are also relevant to developing countries.
The economic justification for water reuse depends prin cipally on either offsetting the costs of developing addi tional water sources or on reducing the overall waste water treatment costs. The full cost of developing and managing the water supply, wastewater management system, and water reuse system needs to be understood in order to conduct a rigorous economic analysis. The economic rationale for water reuse outside of the U.S. does not differ much from that set out in Chapter 6. Benefits associated with water reuse include savings from not having to develop new water sources, reduced treat ment requirements, and the economic value of the re claimed water.
ter reuse is seasonal, intermittent, or less than the effluent rate of the wastewater treatment facility
Controls that will reduce human exposure, such as restrictions on the uses of reclaimed water
The enterprises responsible for water supply services in developing countries function with varying degrees of success, but increasingly, the utility companies recover their operating costs through user fees. User fees and/or public funds also have to fund the wastewater treatment system, if provided by the same institution.
Based on a review of water reuse projects outside the U.S., it can be concluded that the number of countries investigating and implementing water reuse has in creased over the past decade. Hence, water reuse is growing steadily not only in water-deficient areas (Medi terranean region, Middle East, Latin America), but also in highly populated countries in temperate regions (Ja pan, Australia, Canada, North China, Belgium, England, Germany). The suitability of water reuse, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, is now nearly universally recognized. However, the societal ability and willingness to make the necessary investment for infrastructure improvement depends on local circumstances and var ies considerably from country to country. The principal reuse application remains agricultural irri gation, especially in developing countries. Urban, nonpotable reuse, such as reuse for, landscape irriga tion, road cleaning, car washing, toilet flushing, and river flow augmentation, is developing rapidly in high density urban and tourist areas. Indirect potable reuse and the use of reclaimed water for industrial purposes have also been receiving increased attention in several industrial ized countries. The only existing example of direct po table water reuse remains the Windhoek plant in Namibia. There have not been any adverse public health impacts reported during the 34 years of the plants suc cessful operation. This section illustrates the applications of water reuse in several industrialized countries as well as several devel oping countries where an interest in reuse is just begin ning. This inventory is intended to be illustrative rather than exhaustive. For the convenience of the reader, the case studies have been listed in alphabetical order.
Only 35 percent of the population is connected to sewer systems and only part of the collected sewage under goes appropriate treatment (Pujol and Carnabucci, 2000). Large-scale reuse of untreated wastewater has been occurring since the beginning of the 20th century in densely populated areas in the western regions of the country for the purpose of agricultural irrigation. Ar gentina requires that water reuse practices must be in compliance with the WHO standards, but in some re gions, raw wastewater or minimally treated effluent are still being used for irrigation (Kotlik, 1998). In the large cities, there are plans to use trickling filters and activated sludge systems. In the arid areas, conventional stabili zation ponds are used for treatment for agricultural re use. Driven by water scarcity, the largest water reuse system in Argentina is located in the arid region of Mendoza, in the western part of the country near the Andes. Over 160,000 m3/d (42.3 mgd) of urban wastewater (1 million inhabitants, 100 Mm3/year or 26,400 mg/year) is treated by one of the largest lagooning systems in the world at the Campo Espejo wastewater treatment plant with a to tal area of 290 hectares (643 acres) to meet the WHO standards for unrestricted irrigation by means of faculta tive stabilization ponds (Kotlik, 1998). Reuse water in this region is a vital water resource, enabling the irriga tion of over 3,640 hectares (8,995 acres) of forests, vine yards, olives, alfalfa, fruit trees and other crops. Improved water reuse practices are under development to avoid contamination of aquifers, including establishment of spe cial areas for restricted crops and restrictions in the choice of irrigation technologies. An extension of this water re use system is planned in the northern region of the Mendoza City Basin, where the treated effluent from the Paramillo wastewater treatment plant (100,000 m3/d or 26.4 mgd, series of stabilization ponds) is diluted with the flow from the Mendoza River and used for irrigation of a 20,000-hectare (49,420-acre) oasis.
Aurora, Australia
Argentina is characterized by various climatic zones: tropical, humid climate in the northeastern region with large rivers such as the Parana and Uruguay; mild and humid climate in the central flat region of the pampas with few sources of surface water; and arid and semi arid regions in the west and south.
Aurora is a proposed new 650-hectare development to be located in the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. The development is intended to showcase sustainable development principles. A key feature will be water conservation, with a plan to utilize recycled treated wastewater for nonpotable use. The work under taken so far indicates that with water reuse and demand management combined, there is the potential to reduce the demand on the potable reticulated system in the or der of 70 percent. Construction was planned to commence in 2003, with an estimated 15 years before full develop
ment, at which stage, around 9,000 dwellings will exist, housing a population of 25,000. Reuse systems completed to date convey wastewater to a decentralized treatment plant and distribute it via a separate, metered pipe system back to each dwelling. At present, Melbournes typical separate water systems include potable water supply, wastewater collection, and storm water collection. The recycled pipes will there fore represent a fourth system that will be plumbed for irrigation and toilet flushing. Wastewater will need to be treated to Class A standards to meet the states Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Health requirements for the intended use. Class A standards require treated effluent to achieve the following standards:
wastewater will be collected and treated, and then stored in groundwater aquifers for reuse. Houses have both a potable water main connection and a reclaimed water connection. The reclaimed water will be used for toilet flushing, garden irrigation, and car washing. Public open space will also be irrigated with reclaimed water. Stormwater is to be harvested from the 620-hectare (1,532acre) development site plus an equivalent area of adjoin ing industrial land. An established wetland adjacent to the development will augment the proposed system and provide additional storage for the harvested stormwater. Prior to entering the wetland system, the stormwater will be screened through a combination of gross pollution traps and wetland basins. Virginia Project, South Australia The Virginia pipeline project was built to transport over 20,000 megaliters (5,284 million gallons) of reclaimed water (approximately 20 percent of the wastewater pro duced in the Adelaide area) from the Bolivar Treatment Plant just north of Adelaide to the Virginia area. The secondary effluent from the treatment plant receives further treatment after transmission in a Dissolved Air Flotation Filtration (DAFF) system which improves the water quality to less than 10 E. Coli/ 100 ml the Austra lian standard for irrigation for crops eaten raw. The re claimed water system serves over 220 irrigators in the Virginia area - the majority of the customers are horticul tural farmers who produce root and salad crops, brassi cas, wine grapes, and olives. The project was developed in response to 3 problems: nutrients in the secondary effluent were damaging an environmentally sensitive gulf, irrigators were experienc ing declining yields, and there was an increase in salinity in underground aquifers. The reduced water resource was expected to cause reduced production and employ ment in an area which already faced high unemployment. Even though there were 3 drivers for a reclaimed water system, the project remained in the planning stages until 4 major issues were overcome: (1) project financing; (2) a public-private partnership; (3) water quality standards; and, (4) marketing. Multiple stakeholders including gov ernment, the water authority, regulatory authorities, po tential customers, and the project developer further com plicated the project; however, the common goal to see the project proceed overcame the individual interests of each party. The project has been operating since 2000 and the own ers are considering extending the system to meet de mand that was unable to be met in the original develop ment. There have been no public health concerns and
It is envisioned that the project will utilize surface stor age; however, aquifer recharge and recovery is being investigated as another mechanism for water balanc ing. Despite these 2 potential methods, it is anticipated that there will be continual need for the facility to dis charge treated effluent into the local waterway during times of high rainfall. An environmental impact study is being conducted for both the groundwater and stream to deter mine adequate water quality standards for discharge to occur. At this stage, it appears that discharge targets for the stream releases will need to meet Class A standards, as well as to keep phosphorus and nitrogen below 0.1 mg/L and 1 mg/L, respectively. Mawson Lakes, Australia Mawson Lakes will be an innovative urban development 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) north of Adelaide, designed to integrate evolutionary strategies into economic, social, and environmental activities. The development is designed for 8,000 to 9,000 residents in 3,200 dwellings, and in cludes a town center and commercial properties. A key component of the development is to create a re claimed water supply system that will reduce household potable demand by at least 50 percent by providing re claimed storm water and wastewater for outdoor, domes tic, and municipal irrigation. Stormwater run-off from roofs, paths, roads, and the general area, as well as treated
Table 8-6.
W ater Quality 1
Comment Built to overcome problems from nutrient discharges and declining aquifer. Largest operating reuse project in Australia completed in 2000.
A and C
Major engineering, financial, economic, and Class A water similar to Virgina project in social impact study recently completed major horticultural region. Class C to estimating using all of Brisbanes wastewater cotton and cereal farms. however, smaller project more likely to proceed. Coal washing and electricity generator cooling. Operating in a location where labor relations are typically difficult.
Hunter Water
Up to 3,000
Up to 795
C and B
Stage 1 - horticulture , public spaces, and Stage 1 water sold and project is under golf courses. construction. Stage 2 - distribution to homes for household gardens and toilet flushing.
Up to 1,000 Up to 8,000
Agricultural and industrial uses. Application to vines for producing premium quality wine grapes. Reclaimed water distributed to 15,000 households using a dual distribution system. Future plans to serve a total of 35,000 households.
Feasibility study only. System in operation. Annualized water price exceeds that for potable water.
Rouse Hill
Up to 1,500
Up to 400
Class A
System in operation.
15,000 to 30,000
3,960 to 7,925
50 kilometers (31 miles) Reclaimed water Varying standards Environmental Impact Statement completed and pipeline to serve existing potable water based on projected is to begin construction in 2004. customers and new residential application developments Applications include wine grapes, sugar, pasture and fodder, including that for dairy cattle, water cooling for an oil refinery, golf course and recreational area watering, tree lots, and dust suppression. While exact numbers are not known there is likely to be more than 50 schemes and individual applications in Australia. Most state governments and water authorities have policies on reuse and devote efforts to developing new applications.
Other projects
Class A Water = less than 10 E. Coli/100 ml Class B Water = less than 100 E. Coli/100 ml Class C Water = less than 1,000 E. Coli/100 ml plants. Other industries with high rates of water utiliza tion or industries located in areas of dropping water tables or high summer water demand are also moving more to wards water reuse. The elimination of wastewater dis charge in environmentally sensitive areas is another in centive for developing water reuse projects. There is one indirect potable reuse project that has proven to be a cost-effective and environmentally beneficial so lution. The system not only provides additional water, but also provides a saltwater intrusion barrier. At the Wulpen wastewater treatment plant, up to 2.5 Mm3/year (660 mg/year) of urban effluent is treated by microfiltration (MF) and reverse-osmosis (RO), stored for 1 to 2 months in an aquifer, and then used for water supply augmenta tion.
there is continuous monitoring for environmental impacts such as accession of irrigation water to the water table and build-up of salts in the soil profile. Table 8-6 gives a summary of this project and other reuse projects in Australia. 8.5.3 Belgium
Belgium has one of the lowest water availabilities among the countries of the European Union (EU) with 2000 m3/ capita/year (528,300 gallons/capita/year). Only 45 per cent of the sewage is currently treated, with plans to treat almost all wastewater by 2006. The amount of wastewater reuse remains limited; nevertheless, using reclaimed water is becoming increasingly attractive to industries such as power plants and food processing
There was another attempt to reuse 10,000 to 24,000 m3/ d (2.6 to 6.3 mgd) of wastewater to recharge an aquifer in Heist; however, infiltration could not be achieved through the soil due to low hydraulic conductivity. The only other option was to do direct reuse. In the end, the project team decided to use surface water as the raw water source. A third possible water reuse project is still under study. It involves the treatment of about 8,000 m3/d (2.1 mgd) of effluent from the Waregem wastewater treatment plant for direct reuse in the neighboring textile industry. The technical feasibility study has shown that the required effluent quality can be obtained through the use of a com bined process of sand filtration, MF, and RO. 8.5.4 Brazil
In a country with a population of 173 million in 2001, a full 60 percent of the population was not connected to sewer systems. Only 34 percent of the wastewater flow collected that was collected was treated in 1996. The situation has a clearly visible negative impact on the en vironmental quality of many of Brazils urban river basins and public health. However, it is important to underline that Brazil achieved substantial progress with regard to the coverage of water supply and sanitation services over the past 3 decades, much of this effort being the fruit of the Governments National Water and Sanitation Program. In urban areas, access to potable water supplies rose from 50 percent in 1968 to 91 percent in 1997. Sewage coverage increased from 35 percent to 43 percent in the same period. The sewage coverage in urban areas was significantly improved to 85 percent in 2000. There are a great deal of wastewater reuse planning and actions being implemented in Brazil. Most of them are associated with industrial projects: resource recovery, demand management, and minimization of effluent dis charge. Municipalities recognize the benefits of nonpo table urban reuse and have started to make plans to op timize the use of local water resources. On the other hand, unplanned (and sometimes unconscious) agricul tural reuse is performed in many parts of the country, particularly for the irrigation of fodder crops and veg etables. Water is diverted from heavily polluted sources to be applied to crops without treatment or adequate ag ronomic measures. It is expected that the new regula tions to be placed into law by the Agency will regulate the practice nationwide, promoting at the same time, the implementation of public health and environmental safe guards to new projects. So Paulo, Brazil
Brazil is one of the countries with the most abundant water resources (8 percent of the worlds fresh water, equivalent to about 40,000 m3/capita/year or 10.5 mg/ capita/year in 2000). In spite of this, 80 percent of the fresh water in Brazil is in the Amazon basin in the north ern region of the country, leaving 20 percent bounded to the area that concentrates about 65 percent of the popu lation (southeastern, southern, and central-western Bra zil) as seen in Table 8-7. Despite having a great poten tial of water, water conflicts occur in some areas of the country. For example, the Upper Tiet River Basin has about 18 million inhabitants and is one of the worlds largest industrial complex, yet the region only has a specific water availability of only 179 m3/capita/year (47,290 mg/capita/year). On the other hand, irrigation is growing steadily in the country, reaching a consumptive use of about 69 percent at national level. The Law n 9,433 of January, 1997, established the Na tional Water Resources Policy and created the National Water Resources Management System. Since then, the country has had a legal instrument to ensure future gen erations the availability of water in adequate conditions. In July, 2000, the Law n 9,984 created the National Wa ter Agency, linked to the Ministry of the Environment, but with administrative and financial autonomy. Among several other attributions, the Agency will supervise, control, and evaluate the actions and activities resulting from compliance with the federal legislation; grant, by means of licensing, the right to use water resources in bodies of water that are in the Union domain; encourage and support initiatives to institute River Basin Commit tees; and collect, distribute, and apply revenues obtained by billing for the use of water resources in the Union domain, etc.
Metropolitan So Paulo, a city with 18 million people and a very large industrial complex, is located in a plateau in the heads of the Tiet River. A small amount of local water availability has forced the region to survive on the importation of water resources from neighboring basins. Two sources of water have been considered for reuse: municipal wastewater (which contains a significant amount of industrial effluents) and the volumes retained in flood control reservoirs. The available volumes for re use and the corresponding quality of the treated efflu ents are shown in Table 8-8. Three potential types of water reuse applications have been identified.
Industrial use, for cooling towers, boiler feed water,
process water in metallurgic and mechanical indus tries, floor washing, and irrigation of green spaces
Table 8-7.
Water Demand and Water Availability per Region in the Year 2000
Specific W ater Dem and (m 3/capita/yr) 204 302 436 716 355 414 Specific W ater Demand (gal/capita/yr) 53,890 79,780 115,180 189,150 93,780 109,370 Specific W ater Availability (m 3/capita/yr) 513,102 4,009 4,868 15,907 69,477 40,000 Specific W ater Availability (mg/capita/yr) 135.5 1.1 1.3 4.2 18.4 10.6 Dem and (% of Available) 0.04% 7.53% 8.96% 4.50% 0.51% 1.03%
Table 8-8.
Effluent Flow Rate from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Metropolitan Sao Paulo
Design Flow (Mm3/day) ABC Barueri Parque Novo Mundo So Miguel Suzano Total Flow
Treated Flow a (Mm3/day) 0.13 0.57 0.13 0.05 0.07 0.96 (mgd) 35.38 151.78 33.32 13.69 18.94 253.12
Restricted urban use, for toilet and urinal flushing, vehicle, floor and street washing, decorative water features such as fountains, reflecting pools and wa terfalls, cleaning sewer and flood galleries, prepara tion of concrete and soil compaction, irrigation of sports fields, parks, and gardens Unrestricted urban use, for irrigation of green ar eas where public access is restricted, as well as, irrigation of industrial and fodder crops and pastures.
water reuse project is in development to serve the uses listed in Table 8-9. The second phase of the reuse project will include addi tional treatment units to provide effluents with conditions to allow for artificial aquifer recharge in the vicinity of the airport. Column testing is being conducted to design re charge basins and to define the level of pollutant removal on the unsaturated layer. 8.5.5 Chile So Paulo International Airport, Brazil The So Paulo International Airport of Guarulhos has 2 terminals, each one handling about 7 million passengers per year. Terminal 3 will serve an additional 16 million passengers per year, to reach the saturation level of about 30 million passengers per year by 2030. An additional water demand, in the order of 3,000 m3/d (792,500 gallons/d) will produce a total wastewater flow of 6,400 m3/ d (1.7 mgd). Groundwater is the sole source of water, and due to excessive pumping, the aquifer is recessing, increasing the potential for ground subsidence. A waste Water resources in Chile are abundant (61,007 m3/capita/ year or 16.1 mg/capita/year), with a strong prevalence of surface water with inhomogeneous geographical distri bution. In 1997, water supply and sewage coverage were comparable to those in Europe, with over 99 percent in urban areas and 90 percent in rural areas (Homsi, 2000). Moreover, 90.8 percent of rural settlements are equipped with water supply systems. Wastewater treatment cov erage is lower, at about 20 percent, with strong govern mental efforts for coverage to more than double that ca pacity in the near future. Consequently, the driving fac
tor for water reuse at a national level, and in particular in large cities such as Santiago de Chile, is pollution con trol. Wastewater reuse has been practiced for years near the large cities. In the past, 70 to 80 percent of Santiagos raw wastewater has been collected into an open drain age canal and then distributed for irrigation. The irri gated area immediately outside the city provided almost all the salad vegetables and low-growing fruits to the population of Santiago, having a large negative impact on public health. In order to improve this situation and imple ment sound water reuse practices, plans have been made to treat all the wastewater from greater Santiago in 3 large and 13 smaller sewage treatment plants. The first large facility, in operation since November 2001, El Trebol, has an average capacity of 380,000 m3/d (100 mgd). An other treatment plant, La Farfana, will have a capacity of 760,000 m3/d or 200 mgd when completed. Five smaller sewage treatment works are also in operation, all using activated sludge processes for treatment. Treatment fa cilities constructed before the 1980s mainly used stabili zation ponds for treatment. 8.5.6 China
approximately 35 percent of municipal wastewater re ceived treatment before discharge. Wastewater sector investment is rising dramatically; in 1999 the annual ex penditure rose to over 12 billion RMB ($1.5 billion), an 8 fold increase from 1996. Taiyuan, a city of 2 million people and the capital of the Shanxi Province, is located approximately 400 kilome ters (249 miles) southwest of Beijing on the Fen River, a tributary to the Yellow River. The city stretches for 29 kilometers (18 miles) within the narrow valley of the Fen River, where water availability is limited, sporadic, and greatly affected by high sediment loads from the Great Loess Plateau. Terracing for agriculture and destruction of natural ground cover on this plateau create large dust storms as well as limitations on water retention during major rainstorms. Under the $2 billion Yellow River Diversion Project (YRDP), partially funded by the World Bank, water is being conveyed 200 kilometers (125 miles) by tunnels and aqueducts from a reservoir on the Yellow River and pumped to a head of 600 meters (1,970 feet) into the Fen River, upstream from Taiyuan. Previously, the ground water aquifer beneath the city supplied much of the do mestic demand, as well as the large industrial self-supplied water demands of the steel, coal, and chemical industries in the city. Industries have made considerable progress in water reuse, with 85 percent of industrial water demand achieved through internal treatment and reuse of process water. The chemical industry has built an ad vanced centralized treatment facility to provide an addi tional source for industrial water reuse as well as 2 large power plants that reuse all effluent in slurry pipelines to ash disposal reservoirs. Taiyuan is implementing an environmental master plan, under which 7 enhanced secondary wastewater treatment plants will be built (or existing plants upgraded and ex panded) to treat about 900,000 m3/d (238 mgd) by 2010.
Water reuse in China primarily occurs when rivers down stream from cities are used for irrigation. Most pollution is produced in the industrialized cities; therefore, pollu tion control was first aimed at industries. Over the last 10 years, increasing attention has been paid to munici pal wastewater treatment. In 2001, there were 452 waste water treatment plants, of which approximately 307 pro vided secondary or higher treatment. These plants served all or parts of 200 cities of the 667 cities in China. The total volume of wastewater generated was 42.8 billion m3 (11,300 billion gallons), of which industry generated 20.1 billion m3 (5,300 billion gallons) (47 percent) and non industrial (domestic, commercial, and institutional) sources generated 22.8 billion m3 (53 percent). In 2001,
Table 8-9.
Approximately 500,000 m3/d (132 mgd) of effluent from these plants will be reused via groundwater recharge from the Fen River ponds. The ponds were built as an urban amenity under a subsidized public works program to pro vide work for the unemployed during a period of economic restructuring and plant closures. The Fen River ponds stretch nearly 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) along the river, for a total volume of 2 million m3 (528 mg), and occupy about half the width of the riverbed. Inflatable dams and flood gates on the slope of the Fen River allow floods in ex cess of the 2-year flood flow to be passed through to the ponds. The course alluvium of the river bottom under the ponds is expected to allow sufficient recharge to meet industrial demands through the existing self-supplied wells. Groundwater levels have been dropping rapidly, and groundwater quality has deteriorated in the upper aquifer from the buildup of nitrates from untreated municipal waste water, as well as salinity in the concentrated wastes in industrial wastewater after extensive recycling. As a re sult, water reuse from the aquifer recharge system will be primarily for nonpotable, industrial process water. In order to prevent a large buildup of salinity in the ground water, a portion of the effluent from the municipal waste water treatment plants will be discharged into the Fen River. However, downstream irrigation demands greatly exceed the available stream flow, and eventually Taiyuan may face restrictions on consumptive use to re-establish stream flow in the lower portions of the Yellow River. Currently the Yellow River runs dry seasonally over the last 300 kilometers (186 miles) of its length, which is detrimental to major cities and agricultural areas in the densely developed water-scarce North China Plain. 8.5.7 Cyprus
eas in hotels, gardens, parks, golf courses and other urban uses. A reclaimed water supply of about 10 Mm3/d (2,640 mgd) is conservatively estimated to be available for agricultural irrigation. The provisional water reuse standards in Cyprus are stricter than the WHO guidelines. The disinfection level required for urban uses with unrestricted public access is 50 FC/100 ml (80 percent of the time, with a maximum value of 100 FC/100 ml). For other uses with restricted access and for irrigation of food crops; the standard is 200 FC/100 ml (maximum 1000 FC/100 ml), while for irrigation of fodder and industrial crops, the guideline values are 1000 and 3000 FC/100 ml, respectively. 8.5.8 Egypt
Approximately 96 percent of Egypt is desert; rains are rare, even in winter, and occur only in the north. In addi tion, oases and wells are limited and cannot accommo date water needs in the regions where they exist. Egypt relies heavily on the Nile River, which supplies essen tially all of the countrys water. Presently, wastewater production is estimated at 4,930 million m3/year (1.3 mg/year). There are 121 municipal wastewater treatment plants operating in Egypt treat ing 1,640 million m3/year (0.43 mg/year). A total of 42,000 hectares (104,000 acres) are irrigated with treated waste water or blended water. Since 1900, wastewater has been used to cultivate orchards in a sandy soil area at ElGabal El-Asfar village, near Cairo. This area has gradu ally increased to about 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres). The most readily available and economic source of water suitable for reuse is the wastewater effluent from Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and other major cities. No reuse guidelines have yet been adopted in Egypt, but the 1984 martial law regulation prohibits the use of efflu ent for irrigating crops, unless treated to the required stan dards for agricultural drainage water. The irrigation of vegetables eaten raw with treated wastewater, regard less of its quality level, is also forbidden. As a result, a USAID-funded project is developing new codes for safe use of reclaimed water for irrigation of crops with a focus on those that cannot be contaminated, such as wood trees, palm trees, citrus, pomegranates, castor beans, olives, and field crops, such as lupins and beans. How ever, despite this code development, no adequate plan ning, monitoring, and control measures are being taken, and, because of this, spreading of Schistomiasis is quite common.
Cyprus is a mediterranean island with a population of 700,000 and a vigorous tourism industry. The country is facing 2 major obstacles in its continued development: (1) a growing scarcity of water resources in the semi-arid regions of the country and, (2) degradation of water at its beaches. The government has recognized that a water reuse program would address both problems. In addition, it is expected that reclaimed water will provide a reliable alternative resource for irrigation, which draws 80 percent of the total water demand (300 Mm3/year or 79,250 mg/ year). The 25 Mm3/year (6,600 mg/year) of wastewater gener ated by the main cities will be collected and used for irrigation after tertiary treatment (Papadopoulos, 1995). Since transmission costs will be high, most of the re claimed water, about 55 to 60 percent, will most likely be used for amenity purposes such irrigation of greens ar
There are plans to reuse 100 percent of the wastewater flow in the near future. The countrys regulatory framework (Circular n 51 of July 22, 1991, of the Ministry of Health) is based on the WHO guidelines (1989). But Frances regulations are more strin gent having additional requirements concerning irrigation management, timing, distance and other measures for preventing health risks related to human exposure and negative environmental impacts (i.e. the potential con tamination of groundwater). New water reuse guidelines are under preparation with the introduction of some new microbiological indicators for unrestricted irrigation (i.e. Salmonella, Taenia eggs), as well as more stringent op erational restrictions. 8.5.10 Greece Greece has a severe water imbalance, particularly in the summer months, due to low precipitation and increased demands for irrigation and water use. Water demand in Greece has increased tremendously over the past 50 years (Tchobanoglous and Angelakis, 1996). Despite ad equate precipitation, water shortages are often experi enced due to temporal and regional variations in precipi tation, the increased water demand during the summer months, and the difficulty of transporting water through the mountainous terrain. As a result, the integration of water reuse into the water resources management is be coming a very important issue. In 2000, almost 60 percent of the population was con nected to 270 wastewater treatment plants, with a total capacity of 1.30 Mm3/d (345 mgd). An analysis of treated domestic wastewater distribution of showed that more than 83 percent of wastewater effluent is produced in regions with a deficient water balance (Tchobanoglous and Angelakis, 1996). This indicates that water reuse in these areas would satisfy a real water demand. Another important factor driving the use of reclaimed water is that 88 percent of the wastewater effluents are located at a distance of less than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from farm land needing irrigation water; therefore, the additional cost for irrigation with reclaimed water would be relatively low. According to Tsagarakis et al. (2000), over 15 wastewa ter treatment plants are planning to reuse their effluents for agricultural irrigation. The major water reuse projects being planned or constructed are listed in Table 8-10. Unplanned reuse still occurs in some regions, where wastewater is discharged to intermittent rivers and, after infiltration, is pumped through adjacent wells by farmers. Guidelines for water reuse are under consideration by the Ministry of Environment and Public Works (Angelakis
Frances water resources availability is 3,047 m3/capita/ year (0.8 mg/capita/year) (Earth Trends 2001), and there fore, is considered to be self-sufficient. However, an un even distribution of hydraulic resources and increasing global water demand have led to seasonal deficits in parts of the country. The average water consumption has in creased by 21 percent in the past 10 years. The agricul tural sector has experienced the greatest increase of water use, 42 percent, mainly due to an increase in land irriga tion. Water consumption has also increased in resort ar eas where water is needed to irrigate golf courses and landscape areas. The industrial sector is the only sector that has seen a decrease in water consumption, due to increasing efforts to reuse industrial effluents and use more water-efficient technologies. Recently, there has been a reduction in domestic water consumption. France has been practicing nonpotable water reclama tion since the 19th century. Its oldest projects are the Achres water reclamation plant (near Paris) and the Reims plant. The main drivers for water reuse in France are to: (1) compensate for water deficiencies, (2) improve public health, (3) to protect the environment, and (4) elimi nate contamination in recreational and shellfish farming areas along the Atlantic coast. The majority of water re use projects are found in the islands and in coastal areas in the southern part of the country. Numerous cases of unplanned indirect potable reuse ex ist in France, where surface water, diluted with wastewa ter, is used for potable water supply. An example is Aubergenville, in the Paris region, where the Seine River, which is 25 percent wastewater effluent, is treated and used to recharge the drinking water aquifer. Clermont Ferrand is a large agricultural reuse project that was implemented in 1999 as a response to water short ages and economic concerns. The wastewater treatment facility consists of an activated sludge process and matu ration ponds for disinfection. Over 10,000 m3/d (2.6 mgd) are used to irrigate 750 hectares (1,850 acres) of maize. One of the first examples in Europe of integrated water management with water reuse is on Noirmoutier Island. The lack of water resources, the 10-fold increase in tour ist population during the summer, and the intensive agri cultural activities required water reuse. Wastewater treat ment on the island is achieved through 2 treatment plants with a total capacity of 6,100 m3/d (1.6 mgd). The plants have activated sludge systems followed by maturation ponds for storage and disinfection. Thirty percent of the treated wastewater (0.33 Mm3/year) is used for the irriga tion of 500 hectares (1,235 acres) of vegetable crops.
Table 8-10.
Plant Name Levadia Amfisa Palecastro Chalkida Karistos Ierisos Agios Konstantinos Kentarchos
Uses Irrigation of cotton Olive tree irrigation Storage, olive tree Irrigation Landscape and Forestry irrigation Landscape and Forestry irrigation Landscape and Forestry irrigation Landscape and Forestry irrigation Landscape and Forestry irrigation
et al., 2000). Six water reuse categories are being con sidered: nonpotable urban, agriculture, aquaculture, in dustrial, environmental, and groundwater recharge. The criteria are more stringent requirements than the WHO guidelines. Secondary effluent quality criteria are used for discharging purposes (No E1b/221/65 Health Ar rangement Action) and are independent of the disposal, reclamation, and reuse effort. 8.5.11 India India is the second most populous country of the world, with a current population of over 1 billion that is pro jected to increase to 1.5 billion by 2050 (Worldwatch Institute, 1999). Almost 30 percent of the population lives in urban mega-cities, in particular, in the 7 giant con glomerates of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) (12.57 million), Calcutta (Kolkata) (10.92 million), Delhi (8.38 million), Chennai (formerly Madras) (5.36 million), Bangalore (4.09 million), Hyderabad (6 million), and Ahmedabad (3 mil lion). Fast depletion of groundwater reserves, coupled with Indias severe water pollution, have put India in a challenging position to supply adequate amounts of wa ter to their growing population. In 2000, Indias total re newable water resources were estimated at 1,244 m3/ capita/year (328,630 gallons/capita/year) (Earth Trends, 2001) and it was estimated that 40 percent of Indias water resources were being withdrawn, with the majority of that volume (92 percent), used for agricultural irriga tion. As a result of the fast-growing urban population, service infrastructure is insufficient to ensure public health. In fact, about 15 percent of the urban population does not have access to safe drinking water and about 50 percent is not serviced by sanitary sewers. In 1997, the total volume of wastewater generated in India was 17 Mm3/d
(4,500 mgd), of which 72 percent was collected and only 24 percent was ever treated. These conditions cause a high number of waterborne diseases in the country (more than 30 million life years according to the World Bank). The capital city of Delhi is one illustration of failing ser vice infrastructure and deteriorating environment. The growing population in Delhi has led to an increase in the volume of wastewater, yet the current treatment capacity is only about 1.3 Mm3/d (3,400 mgd) which is only 73 percent of the wastewater generated. Another example is Mumbai, where 2.3 Mm3/d (608 mgd) of raw sewage is discharged into the Arabian Sea. However, there have been some attempts at rectifying these situa tions. The large, $300 million, Bombay Sewage Disposal Project was approved in 1995 with the financial support of the World Bank. Other efforts have been made in the Calcutta metropolitan area, where 13 sewage treatment plants have been constructed with a total capacity of 386,000 m3/d (102 mgd) using either activated sludge processes, trickling filters, or oxidation ponds. In addi tion, the Ganges River program is to include treatment facilities for 6 cities in Uttar Pradesh that will incorporate reuse for agriculture and forestry. In 1985, over 73,000 hectares (180,000 acres) of land were irrigated with wastewater on at least 200 sewage farms. There has been a dramatic increase in waste water volumes discharged and used for agricultural irri gation in India. With its current population, Hyderabad can supply wastewater to irrigate an estimated 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres). The law prohibits irrigation of salad vegetables with wastewater, yet the prohibited practice is widespread and government agencies report edly do not actively enforce regulations governing reuse. Furthermore, in many states there is no microbiological standard and hence no parameter to control the level of
treatment. Enteric diseases, anemia, and gastrointesti nal illnesses are high among sewage farm workers. Con sumers of salad and vegetable crops are also at risk. Hyderabad, India
Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh, is the fifth largest and the fastest growing city in India with 6 million inhabitants (2001). The city produces over 700,000 m3 (185 mg) of wastewater per day, of which less then 4 percent receives secondary treatment. The remaining 95 percent of the wastewater is disposed, untreated in the Musi River. The Musi River is the main source of irrigation water for over 40,000 hectares (98,840 acres) of agricul tural land. Agriculture is the sole livelihood of over 40,000 farming families living within a 50-kilometer (31-mile) ra dius of Hyderabad. Downstream of Hyderabad, the Musi River water is di verted through a system of weirs into irrigation canals (see photo) that were originally designed to retain water for the dry season after the monsoon rain. Farming com munities along the Musi River experience negative and positive impacts from the discharge of wastewater into the river. Perceived negative impacts include an increase in reported fever cases, skin rash, joint aches, and stom ach problems. Positive impacts include savings in chemi cal fertilizer application and larger crops as a result of a year-round availability of water, which without the addi tion of wastewater, would have been confined to the monsoon season. The main crops grown are fodder, rice, and bananas, as well as different varieties of spinach and other vegetables. Data reported that water samples taken out of the Musi River, 40 kilometers (25 miles) downstream of Hyderabad, have normal river water qual ity parameter readings including a gradual reduction in BOD, COD, and coliform. The coliform counts reported were within the WHO guidelines set for unrestricted irri gation. 8.5.12 Iran Iran is one of the largest countries in the Middle East, with an area of more than 165 million hectares (407 million acres) and a population of over 60 million (Shanehsaz et al., 2001). The average annual precipi tation over the country is less than 250 mm (10 inches). Distribution of rainfall in Iran is not uniform, with some very urbanized areas receiving even less than the av erage annual precipitation. In 1994, the volume of municipal wastewater generated in all urban and rural areas of the country (potentially reclaimable as a water resource if a collection system were in place) was estimated to be 3,100 Mm3/year (2.5
million acre-feet per year), and projected to increase to 5,900 Mm3/year (4.8 million acre-feet per year) by 2021. [Agricultural return flows and industrial wastewaters are not included in these figures.] These immense volumes are now largely disposed of at the point of generation, through cesspits, without treatment. If collected, prop erly treated, distributed, and safely utilized, these vol umes of water could go a long way toward meeting the burgeoning demands for agricultural and industrial water demand of the nation. Planned water reuse projects cur rently produce 154 Mm3/year (125,000 acre-feet per year) of reclaimed water. In fact, recently, the government of Iran approved a rec ommendation to establish and implement programs for, among other water-related initiatives, comprehensive rec lamation and use of non-conventional water resources such as reclaimed water. The public also accepts water reclamation and reuse as a sensible way to maximize the use of a limited resource. In the past, effluent was used primarily to fertilize the soil, but now wastewater effluent is increasingly used for improving water use effi ciency, surface and groundwater pollution prevention, and to compensate for a shortage of irrigation water. Other driving forces for water reuse include expansion of greenbelts, soil erosion prevention by growing plants and improving soil quality, and control of the desertification process.
Hyderabad, India wastewater being diverted over weir into irrigation canals. Source: International Water Management Institute Iranian farmers generally consider wastewater an accept able water resource for irrigation. There are studies in Iran examining the use of treated effluent for irrigation water in the suburban farms, mainly for fodder crops such as corn, millet, and alfalfa. Systematic studies have shown that there is a significant decrease in water use and fertilizer consumption due to nutrients in the efflu ent.
At present, there is no national standard for the reuse of treated wastewater. The only existing wastewater code in Iran is the Effluent Discharge Standard developed by the Department of the Environment in 1994. This stan dard determines the allowable effluent discharges to sur face waters, cesspits, and agricultural irrigation; however, the standard does not provide any criteria for the use of reclaimed water for industrial use, fisheries, or recreational activities. Microbiological criteria in this standard are in adequate for the purposes of water reclamation and re use; therefore, reliable international standards, such as those developed by the WHO and by the EPA, are cur rently used to regulate water reuse. The responsibility and authority for water reuse is scattered and fragmented, as it is in many other parts of the world. Institutions re sponsible for the management of various aspects of wa ter, wastewater, water reclamation and reuse in Iran are the Ministry of the Energy, Ministry of Jihad and Agricul ture, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Industries and Mines, and the Department of the Envi ronment. Despite governmental edicts prohibiting the use of un treated wastewater in irrigation and agriculture, there are still some places in Iran where the farmers use raw wastewater, due to a shortage of fresh water supplies. Unplanned use of wastewater is observed in cities with no sanitary sewage systems and no wastewater treat ment plants. The government, at all management levels, has struggled to maximize the benefits of reuse and is working to accomplish this by giving appropriate priori ties to water use in various sectors, and by encouraging wastewater reclamation and reuse through allocation of the necessary financial resources. Considering that waste water treatment and water reclamation are relatively new in Iran, 2 of the most important approaches used by the government are economical incentives and management tools. Operational permits are issued for the use of sur face water or groundwater, municipal distribution networks, and the continuance of previously issued permits. These permits are now conditioned with requirements for imple mentation of sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants. Until such systems are implemented, entities that consume water are required to pay penalties in propor tion to their discharge volumes and based on established tariffs. A percentage of the income from the collected penalties is channeled to the Department of Energy to fund water conservation and wastewater treatment con struction projects. 8.5.13 Israel The acute shortage of fresh water throughout most of Israel prompted the development of a nationwide inte grated water management system. As a result of the
water crisis, with repetitive droughts between 1996 and 2002, Israel turned to water conservation and alternative water resources including the most widely practiced form of water reuse, reclaiming municipal water from medium and large cities for irrigation of agricultural crops. In several water reuse projects in Israel, deep, surface reservoirs are used to store effluent during the winter season and the water is then used during the summer irrigation season. There are approximately 200 of these reservoirs in operation throughout the country with a to tal storage capacity of 150 Mm3 (40,000 mg). Most of these reservoirs also serve as surface water storage and additional treatment. The oldest, and by far the largest reuse project, is the Dan Region Project, which incorpo rates soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) and storage in a ground water aquifer. Water reuse represents approximately 10 percent of the total national water supply and almost 20 percent of the total water supply for irrigation. Nearly 70 percent of the municipal wastewater collected is treated and reused for
Pumps transfer water from the withdrawal wells to irrigation zones in the Negev Desert, Israel. Photo courtesy of Bahman Sheikh irrigation. As a result of this nationwide effort, Israel cur rently supports its increasing population, industrial growth, and intensive irrigation demand with a water supply of less than 400 m3/capita/year (105,700 gallons/capita/ year), while the benchmark value for water stress is avail able renewable water resources of 1700m3/capita/year (449,000 gallons/capita/year). Israels objective is to treat and reuse most of its wastewater by 2010 (400 Mm3 or 106,000 mg per year, 20 percent of the countrys total water resources). Most of the reclaimed water would be used for the irrigation of crops and animal fodder in ac cordance with the regulations put forth by the Ministry of Health.
The 2 largest reuse projects are the Dan Region Recla mation Scheme and the Kishon Scheme. The Kishon facilities treat 32 Mm3/year (8,450 mg/year) of wastewa ter from the Haifa metropolitan area using a conventional activated sludge system. After treatment, the reclaimed water is conveyed to the Yiszreel Valley, approximately 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) east of Haifa, where it is blended with local waste and stormwater and then stored in a 12-Mm3 (3,170-mg) reservoir for summer irrigation of 15,000 hectares (37,000 acres) of cotton and other nonedible crops. The Dan Region reuse system serves the Tel Aviv metropolitan area of approximately 1.7 million inhabitants. The facilities include a 120-Mm 3/year (31,700-mg/year) mechanical biological plant (Soreq wastewater treatment plant). After biological treatment, the wastewater is discharged to aquifer recharge basins and stored in the aquifer. The reclaimed water is then pumped from recovery wells and conveyed to irrigation areas on the southern coastal plain and the northern Negev area (see photo). Some areas only receive auxil iary irrigation of 4,000 to 8,000 m3/hectares/year (0.4 to 0.8 mg/acres/year); while more intensely irrigated areas use 10,000 to 20,000 m3/hectares/year (1.1 to 2.2 mg/ acres/year). There are 3 other significant reuse projects in the Jeezrael Valley (8 Mm3/year or 2,100 mg/year), Gedera (1.5 Mm3/ year or 400 mg/year), and Getaot Kibbutz (0.14 Mm3/ year or 37 mg/year). All 3 of these reuse projects pro duce reclaimed water for the irrigation of over 40,000 hectares (98,840 acres) of agricultural lands. 8.5.14 Italy Like most Mediterranean regions, southern Italy (particu larly Sicily, Sardinia, and Puglia) suffers from water short age and lack of quality water due to recurrent droughts (Barbagallo et al., 2001). In addition, wastewater dis charge into rivers or the sea has lead to significant envi ronmental problems and eutrophication. Available water resources are estimated to be 2,700 m3/capita/year (713,260 gallons/capita/year), with a water volume of about 155 billion m3 (41,000 billion gallons). According to the recent estimates, the potential water resources in Italy are less than 50 billion m3 (13,200 billion gallons) when considering the actual hydraulic infrastructures with rela tively low water availability of about 928 m3/capita/year (245,150 gallons/capita/year). The deficient and unreliable supply of irrigation water, besides reducing production most years, has strongly limited irrigation development. Forecasts for irrigation water demand show steady increases in many areas, not only in southern Italy and the islands.
The reuse of untreated wastewater in Italy has been prac ticed since the beginning of the 20th century. Among the oldest and noted cases is the marcite, where water from the Vettabia River, which has a high content of industrial and urban raw wastewater, is used for irrigation. How ever, this practice has been decreasing due to poor wa ter quality. The only negative impact reported is an in stance where a high concentration of boron damaged very sensitive crops, such as citrus. The present lack of water resources and the growing de mand for domestic, industrial, and agricultural consump tion has prompted research into non-conventional sup plies. Reclaimed water is beginning to be considered a cost competitive source, playing an increasingly impor tant role in water resource management. A survey of Ital ian treatment plants estimated the total treated effluent flow to be 2400 Mm3/year (634,000 mg/year), all esti mated to be potential reuse water. The medium to large plants in Italy treat approximately 60 percent of the ur ban wastewater flow and can produce reclaimed water to an adequate quality at a reasonable cost. Currently, reuse water is used mainly for agricultural irri gation of over 4,000 hectares (9,800 acres) of land. How ever, the controlled reuse of municipal wastewater in ag riculture is not yet developed in most Italian regions be cause of stringent legislation, which ignores the findings of recent research works and experiences of uncontrolled reuse in Southern Italy. One of the largest reuse projects was implemented in Emilia Romagna where over 1,250 m3/d (0.3 mgd) of treated effluent from the towns of Castiglione, Cesena, Casenatico, Cervia, and Gatteo are used for irrigation of more than 400 hectares (980 acres). According to a recent survey (Barbagallo et al., 2001), 16 new water reuse projects for irrigation purposes have been selected for implementation in water-scarce regions. In Sicily, where uncontrolled wastewater reuse is very common, several new reuse systems have been planned, using seasonal storage reservoirs. In Grammichele, about 1,500 m3/d (0.4 mgd) of reclaimed water will be used for the irrigation of citrus orchards. Recently, 2 other projects have been authorized and financed on Palermo and Gela, where reuse water will be used for irrigation of several thousand hectares. Another industrial reuse project is at the Turin sewage treatment plant, which treats 500,000 m3/d (132 mgd) with nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Approximately 8 percent of the effluent will undergo tertiary treatment, filtration and chlorination, for agricultural and industrial reuse.
8.5.15 Japan Because of the countrys density and limited water re sources, water reclamation and reuse programs are not new to Japan. Only 40 percent of Japans total popula tion (including the rural population) is sewered; how ever, by 1995, 89.6 percent of cities larger than 50,000 people were sewered, and 72 percent of the inhabit ants of these cities were served with a sewage collec tion system. Therefore, buildings being retrofitted for flush toilets and the construction of new buildings offer excellent opportunities for reuse. Initially, the countrys reuse program provided reclaimed water to multi-family, commercial, and school buildings, with a reclama tion plant treating all of the wastewater for use in toiletflushing and other incidental nonpotable purposes. Later, municipal treatment works and reclaimed water systems were used together, as part of a dual system, providing more effective and economical treatment than individual reclamation facilities. In 1998, reclaimed water use in Japan was 130 Mm3/ year (94 mgd), according to Ogoshi et al. (2000) with distribution as shown in Table 8-11. At that time, about 40 percent of the reclaimed water was being distributed in dual systems. Of this more than 1/3 was being used for toilet flushing, and about 15 percent each for urban irrigation and cleansing. A wide variety of buildings were fitted for reclaimed water use, with schools and office buildings being most numerous. In Tokyo, the use of reclaimed water is mandated in all new buildings larger in floor area than 30,000 m2 (300,000 ft2). Japan offers a very good reuse model for cities in devel oping countries because its historical usage is directly related to meeting urban water needs rather than only agricultural irrigation requirements. In addition, the countrys reclaimed water quality requirements are dif ferent from those in the U.S., as they are more stringent for coliform counts for unrestricted use, while less re strictive for other applications. Examples of large area water reclamation systems in Japan can be found in Chiba Prefecture Kobe City, and Fukuoka City. Outside the city limits of each of these urban areas, streams have been augmented, parks and agricultural areas have been irrigated, and greenbelts established with reclaimed water (Ogoshi et al., 2000). The price of reclaimed water in these cities ranges from $0.83/m3 for residential use to $2.99/m3 for business and other uses. This compares with a potable water price range of $1.08 to $3.99/m3.
8.5.16 Jordan Jordan has very limited renewable water resources of only 102 m3/capita/year (26,950 gallons/capita/year) (World Water Resources, 2000-2001), which is basically at the survival level (see Section 8.2.1). As a result, mobilization of non-conventional water resources is one of the most important measures that have been proposed to meet the increasing water demand of the growing popu lation (3.6 percent/year, 6.5 million expected in 2010). Over 63 percent of the Jordanian population is connected to sewage systems. Seventeen wastewater treatment plants are in operation, with an overall capacity of 82 Mm3/year (21,700 mg/year). The largest facilities (greater than 4,000 m3/d or 1.1 mgd) are As-Samra, Baqas, Wadi Arab, Irbid, and Madaba. Stabilization ponds and acti vated sludge processes are the most common treatment processes in addition to a few trickling filter facilities. More than 70 Mm3 (57,000 acre-feet or 18,500 mg) of Jordans reclaimed water, around 10 percent of the total water supply, is either directly or indirectly reused each year. By the year 2020, the expected available volume
Wadi Musa secondary treatment plant and storage ponds serving communities in the vicinity of Petra, Jordan. Photo courtesy of Bahman Sheikh of treated wastewater is estimated to be 265 Mm3/year (70,000 mg/year), which is about 25 percent of the total water available for irrigation. To date, the majority of the reuse has been unplanned and indirect, where the re claimed water is discharged to the environment and, af ter mixing with natural surface water supplies and fresh water supplies, used for agriculture downstream, prima rily in parts of the Jordan Valley. The direct use of re claimed water in the immediate vicinity or adjacent to the wastewater treatment plants is generally under the jurisdiction of the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), which is the entity that plans, builds, owns, operates, and main tains the plants. The majority of these sites are pilot projects with some research and limited commercial vi ability. A few direct water reuse operations, such as the
Table 8-11.
date palm plantations receiving reclaimed water from the Aqaba wastewater treatment plant, are separate and vi able enterprises. In recent years, with an increasing population and indus trialization, planned water reuse is being viewed as an important component of maximizing Jordans scarce water resources. As a result, the government of Jordan, with support from USAID, has been examining water re use and its application in the integrated management of Jordans water resources, particularly to alleviate the de mand on fresh water. The Water Resource Policy Sup port activity includes policy support and broad-based stakeholder participation on water reuse, specifically in the Amman-Zarqa Basin (McCornick et al., 2002). To further promote the commercial viability of direct water reuse, the government of Jordan, with support from USAID, also revisited the existing water reuse standards (Sheikh, 2001). Senior international water reuse and stan dards experts were consulted in coordination with gov ernment, agriculture, industry, and technical representa tives, whose participation helped develop an apprecia tion of the constraints and concerns faced by all parties with respect to reclaimed water use. Jordan is now imple menting a program that will demonstrate that direct water reuse is reliable, commercially viable, socially accept able, environmentally sustainable, and safe. The program is focusing on 3 sites in Jordan including: Wadi Musa (see photo), Aqaba, and Jordan University of Science and Technology, each of which is at a different stage of development in wastewater treatment and reuse. 8.5.17 Kuwait With a population estimated at about 2 million, most of Kuwait can be considered urban. The country is arid, with average annual rainfall less than 12.5 cm (5 inches). With no surface sources, water is drawn from groundwa ter at the rate of about 2270 m3/d (0.6 mgd) for producing bottled water and for adding minerals to desalinized sea water from the Persian Gulf. Most water needs are met
by desalination. About 90 percent of the urban popula tion is connected to a central sewage system. According to Table 8-12, irrigation accounts for approxi mately 60 percent of Kuwaits water use, while approxi mately 37 percent is withdrawn for domestic use. Irriga tion water is primarily supplied from groundwater (61 percent) and reclaimed water (34 percent). In 1994, the total volume of collected wastewater was 119 Mm3/year (31,400 mg/year), 103 Mm3/year (27,200 mg/year) of which was treated. The 3 main municipal treatment plants are Ardhiya, Reqqa, and Jahra, with a total capacity of more than 303,000 m3/d (80 mgd). Ter tiary treatment activated sludge, filtration, and chlorine disinfection is provided. And while Kuwait has been practicing water reclamation and reuse for over 20 years as a means of extending its limited natural water supply, only about 10 percent of treated effluent is reused. While the use of reclaimed water for landscape irrigation is growing in urban areas, the main reuse application is agricultural irrigation (4,470 hectares or 11,046 acres in 1997), representing 25 percent of the total irrigated area. Reclaimed water is only allowed for the irrigation of veg etables eaten cooked (potatoes and cauliflower), indus trial crops, forage crops (alfalfa and barley), and irriga tion of highway landscapes. Table 8-13 details the efflu ent quality standards established by the Ministry of Pub lic Works for water reuse. The percentage of reclaimed water used for irrigation in Kuwait is relatively high; nevertheless, groundwater sup plies used for irrigation are being stressed through ex cessive pumping. The result is increasing salinity of irri gation water. Irrigated lands are also experiencing salin ization due to evaporation. In response to these irriga tion concerns, Kuwait signed a forward-looking, 30-year, build-operate-transfer (BOT) concession contract in May 2002 for the financing, design, construction, and opera tion of a 375,000-m3/d (99-mgd) wastewater treatment
and reclamation plant. The plant, due to commence op eration in 2005, is located at Sulaibiya, near one of the most productive agricultural areas of Kuwait. Product water from the Sulaibiya plant must meet the conces sion contract requirements presented in Table 8-14. The product water from this plant will be very high quality and will allow Kuwait several choices for end use includ ing unrestricted irrigation and replenishment of irrigation groundwater supplies. The Sulaibiya plant will achieve the high quality product water through the application of advanced treatment processes biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal, followed by ultrafiltration and reverse-osmosis treatment. 8.5.18 Mexico Like other Latin American countries, Mexico faces a major challenge in terms of providing drinking water, sewage connection, and wastewater treatment, due to the need to strengthen and expand its economic and social devel opment. Therefore, efforts to reuse water for different purposes are extremely important to solving the increas ing water shortage and environmental problems. Mexico has 314 catchment areas with an average water avail ability of 4,136 m3/capita/year (1.1 mg/capita/year) (Wa ter Resources 2000-2001) with uneven distribution. Av erage rainfall is 777 mm (30.6 inches) per year, and most of it occurs over only 4 months per year. At the national level, the rates of coverage for drinking water and sewage connection in December 1998 were 86 percent and 72 percent, respectively. However, high dis crepancies exist for the different regions, in particular for sewer connections with 32 percent for small communi ties and 92 percent for large cities. Approximately 22 percent of all the wastewater flow from urban centers throughout the country, estimated at 187 m3/s (49,400 gallons/s), are treated at 194 sewage treatment plants. The total urban wastewaters produced in Mexico are es-
timated to be 14.7 Mm3/d (3,880 mgd), of which 25 per cent are currently treated prior to discharge. Towns and cities across Mexico generate wastewater that is reused in agriculture (Scott et al, 2000). The gov ernment has mandated treatment and wastewater qual ity standards that are set by the type of receiving wa ters. One of the major examples of agricultural reuse is Mexico City. Almost all collected raw wastewater (45 to 300 m3/s dry and wet flows, respectively, or 11,900 to 79,250 gallons/s), is reused for irrigation of over 85,000 hectares (210,000 acres) of various crops (Jimnez, 2001). Of the total wastewater generated, 4.25 m3/s (367,000 m3/d or 97 mgd) is reused for urban uses (filling recreational lakes, irrigating green areas, car washing, 3.2 m3/s (845 gallons/s) is used for filling a part of a dry lake called Texcoco, and for other local uses, and 45 m3/ s (12,000 gallons/s) is transported 65 kilometers (40 miles) to the Mezquital Valley for irrigation. The reuse of this wastewater for irrigation represents an opportunity for the development of one of the most productive irrigation dis tricts in the country; however, health problems also are also a result from this practice. Although the necessity to treat wastewater is obvious, when the Mexican government started a wastewater im provement program for the Valley of Mexico, the farmers from the Mezquital Valley were opposed to it. The main argument was to keep the organics and nutrients (car bon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other micronutrients) as fertilizer for the crops. Several projects have been conducted to determine the most appropriate treatment that would ensure adequate disinfection (to minimize epidemiological problems and illnesses), but keeping the nutrients in the reclaimed wa ter to preserve the fertilizing property. According to the results obtained, it is concluded that advanced primary treatment (coagulation/flocculation plus disinfection) pro duces water of a consistent quality, independent of the
Table 8-12.
Table 8-13.
Parameter Level of Treatment SS (mg/L) BOD (mg/L) COD (mg/L) Chlorine Residual (mg/L), o After 12 hours at 20 C Coliform Bacteria (count/100 ml)
Irrigation of Fodder and Food Crops Irrigation of Food Crops Not Eaten Raw, Forestland Eaten Raw Advanced 10 10 40 1 10,000 Advanced 10 10 40 1 100
Table 8-14.
Effluent Quality Standards from the Sulaibiya Treatment and Reclamation Plant
Characteristics pH TDS (mg/l) TSS (mg/l) VSS (mg/l) BOD (mg/l) NH3-N (mg/l) NO3-N (mg/l) PO4-P (mg/l) Sulfide (mg/l) Oil and Grease (mg/l) TOC (mg/l) Hardness (mg/l) as CaCO3 Color (unit) Enteric Viruses (Geometric Mean) Total Coliforms (colonies/100 ml) Monthly Average Value 6 to 9 <100 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 2 <0.1 <0.05 <2 <10 <1 5 <2.2
variation in wastewater quality in the influent. This pro cess may also be used for the treatment of wastewater destined for reuse in agriculture in accordance with the quality standards established. Another growing issue in Mexico is the reuse of munici pal wastewater in industry. For example, in the Monterrey metropolitan area, 1.2 m3/s (317 gallons/s) of reclaimed water (104,000 m3/d, 16 percent of the total volume of
treated municipal wastewater), is reused as make-up water in cooling towers in 15 industries. Besides increas ing pressure on water resources, this project is driven by economic concerns. The competitive cost of reclaimed water is $0.3/m3, compared to conventional sources of groundwater at $0.7/m3, and potable water at $1.4/m3. The improvement of sanitation, water resource manage ment and water reuse in Mexico requires appropriate ad
ministrative reorganization. One possible solution is the public-private partnership that was successfully estab lished in Monterrey (Agua Industrial de Monterrey Sociedad de Usuarios) and more recently in Culiacan. 8.5.19 Morocco Despite the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, which con tributes to the areas relatively abundant precipitation, Morocco is an arid to semi-arid country. Out of 150 bil lion m3 (120 million acre-feet/year or 40,000 billion gallons/year) of annual rainfall, only 30 billion m3 (24 MAFY or 7,925 billion gallons/year) are estimated to be usable (70 percent as surface water and 30 percent from aqui fers). In addition, these resources are unevenly distrib uted. The catchment areas of the Sebou, Bou Regreg, and Oum er Rbia wadis alone represent 2/3 of the hy draulic potential of the country (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001). Approximately 11.5 billion m3 (9 million acre-feet per year or 3,000 billion gallons/year) of water are used annually, including 3.5 billion m3 (3 million acre-feet per year or 925 billion gallons/year) from groundwater. Nearly 93 percent of this amount is used to irrigate 1.2 million hectares (3 million acres), including 850,000 hectares (2 million acres) irrigated more or less permanently throughout the year. Most Moroccan towns are equipped with sewage net works that also collect industrial effluent. The volumes of wastewater collected were estimated at 500 Mm3/year (360 mgd) in 1993 and are expected to reach 700 Mm3/ year (500 mgd) in 2020. For Casablanca alone, the an nual production of wastewater is estimated at 250 Mm3/ year (180 mgd) in 1991, with forecasts of around 350 Mm3 (275 mgd) in 2010. However, out of the 60 largest towns, only 7 have treatment plants, and the design and operation of those plants are considered insufficient. Most of the wastewater produced by inland towns is re used, mainly, as raw or insufficiently treated wastewa ter, to irrigate about 8,000 hectares (20,000 acres). Some times the wastewater is mixed with water from the wa dis, into which it spills. A high proportion of the remain ing water is discharged to the sea. The irrigated crops are mainly fodder crops (4 harvests of corn per year around Marrakech), fruit, cereals, and produce. If irrigated with wastewater, the growing and selling of vegetables to be eater raw is prohibited. The largest water reuse project in Morocco was imple mented in 1997 in Ben Slimane (near Rabat), where 5600 m3/d (1.5 mgd) of wastewater is treated by stabilization ponds (anaerobic, facultative, and maturation ponds) and the disinfected effluent (absence of helminth eggs, less
than 20 CF/100 ml) is used for golf course irrigation dur ing the summer (average volume of reused water 1000 m3/d or 0.26 mgd). The country does not yet have any specific wastewater reuse regulations and usually refers to the WHO recommendations. The lack of wastewater treatment before reuse in inland cities has resulted in adverse health impacts, and a high incidence of waterborne diseases exist in Morocco. Im provement in wastewater reuse methods and the quality of reuse water for irrigation is recognized as essential. Major improvements are urgently needed because of the strong migration of the rural population towards the towns and the very rapid demographic expansion. Drarga, Morocco The Morocco Water Resources Sustainability (WRS) Activity is a USAID-funded project that started in July, 1996. The objectives of WRS are: (1) to assist the gov ernment of Morocco in undertaking water policy reforms, (2) to implement pilot demonstrations that introduce technologies which will foster the sustainability of water re sources, and (3) to broaden public participation in water resources management. The Commune of Drarga, near Agadir, in southern Mo rocco, is rapidly expanding. The current population of 10,000 is expected to double over the next few years. Prior to the start of the WRS project, the town of Drarga had a potable water distribution and wastewater collec tion system; however, raw wastewater was being dis charged into the environment without any treatment, cre ating large cesspools and contaminating drinking water sources. The 1,000-m3/d (0.26-mgd) Drarga wastewater treatment plant uses a re-circulating sand filtration system. After screening, the influent flow is treated in anaerobic basins with an average hydraulic retention time of 3 days. The flow is then sent to equalization storage where it is ad justed for release to sand filters. The third step of the treatment process, after the sand filters, is denitrifica tion. Finally, the treated flow is sent to reed beds where the root systems of the reeds provide further filtration. The final effluent is stored in a storage basin before being pumped to irrigate adjacent fields. The implementation of a public participation program has been one of the cornerstones of the Drarga project. The fact that the public was consulted throughout each step of the project has resulted in overall public support for the project. Public opinion even led to a change in the plants location.
Another key element of the Drarga pilot project was the establishment of an institutional partnership. A local steering committee, made up of all of the institutions involved with various aspects of water management at the local level, was created at the beginning of the project. The role of the steering committee was to fol low each step of the pilot project and to provide assis tance, when necessary, based on their specific area of expertise. After construction, a technical oversight com mittee was set up to oversee plant operations. In Morocco, nearly 70 percent of all of the wastewater treatment plants are not functioning due to lack of spare parts and poor cost recovery. The Drarga project in cluded several cost recovery features. The plant itself generates a number of products that have a market value: reclaimed water sold to farmers, reeds which are harvested and sold twice a year, dried sludge from the anaerobic basins mixed with organic wastes from Drarga to produce compost, and methane gas from the anaero bic basins, which is recovered and used to run pumps at the plant, thereby reducing electricity costs. The plant has been operating continuously since Octo ber 2000 and has exceeded removal rate targets for the abatement of key pollution parameters such as BOD5, nitrates, fecal coliforms, and parasites. Table 8-15 sum marizes the plants performance. The treated wastewater fulfills the requirements of WHO reuse guidelines, and therefore, is suitable for reuse in agriculture without restriction. The WRS project encour aged farmers to use reclaimed water for crop irrigation by developing demonstration plots using drip irrigation. Crops irrigated with reclaimed water in the demonstra tions plots include cereals (wheat and maize), vegetables (tomatoes and zucchini), and forage crops (alfalfa and rye-grasses).
The Goreangab Dam, adjacent to the Windhoek reclamation plant in Windhoek, Namibia. Photo courtesy of Valentina Lazarova water production. The plant has since been upgraded in stages to its present capacity of 21,000 m3/d (5.5 mgd). The wastewater from residential and commercial settings is treated in the Gammans treatment plants by trickling filters (6000 m3/d or 1.6 mgd capacity) and activated sludge (12,000 m3/d or 3.2 mgd capacity), with enhanced phosphorus removal. The effluents from each of these processes go to 2 separate maturation ponds for 4 to 12 days of polishing. Only the polished effluent from the activated sludge system is directed to the Windhoek rec lamation facility as well as water from the Goreangab Dam (blending ratio 1:3.5), where it is treated to drinking water standards. After tertiary treatment, reclaimed wa ter is blended again with bulk water from different sources. Advanced treatment processes (including ozonation and activated carbon) have been added to the initial separa tion processes of dissolved air flotation, sedimentation, and rapid sand filtration. A chlorine residual of 2 mg/l is provided in distribution systems. Membrane treatment has been considered, as well as an additional 140 days storage of the secondary effluent from the maturation ponds in the Goreangab Dam. Risk studies and evaluations of toxicity and carcinogenity have demonstrated that reclaimed water produced at the Windhoek facility is a safe and acceptable alterna tive water resource for potable purposes. Treatment ca pacity at the Windhoek treatment plant is currently being increased to 40,000 m3/d (11 mgd).
8.5.20 Namibia
Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, has a population of 200,000 and is located in the desert. In 1960, low rainfall (below 300 mm/year or 11.8 inches/year) caused the nec essary water supply to fall short of the water demand. To meet this need, the countrys water supply master plan included the long distance transport of 80 percent of its water supply from the Eastern National Water Carrier, extensive aquifer withdrawals from around the city, the development of a local surface reservoir, and the con struction of a reclamation plant. The Windhoek reclama tion plant has been In operation since 1968 with an initial production rate of 4800 m3/d (1.3 mgd) (see photo) This operation is the only existing example of direct potable
8.5.21 Oman
Oman is another dry country with internal, renewable wa ter resources estimated at 1 billion m/year (388 m3/capita/
Table 8-15.
year or 264 billion gallons/year). Surface water resources are scarce, with evaporation rates higher than annual rain fall. In 1995, total water withdrawals including depletion of non-renewable groundwater, were 1,223 Mm (323,000 mg), of which 93.9 percent was used for agricultural pur poses. In 1995, the total produced wastewater was estimated at 58 Mm (15,320 mg) (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001), of which only 28 Mm (7,400 mg) was treated and 26 Mm (6,870 mg) was reused, mainly for irrigation of trees along the roads. The quan tity of desalinated water produced in the same period was 34 Mm (8,980 mg) and was used for domestic pur poses. Since 1987, 90 percent of the treated effluent in the capital area has been reused for agricultural irrigation of tree plantations by drip irrigation. About 262 wastewater treatment plants with capacities below 11,000 m3/d (2.9 mgd) are currently in operation. Over 50 percent of these plants are located in the capital area around Muscat, with overall capacity of 52,000 m3/ d (13.7 mgd), and 20 percent are in Dhofar and Al-Batinat. The largest wastewater treatment plants are Darsait, AlAnsab, and Shatti al Qurm, which produce about 11,500 m3/d (3 mgd), 5400 m3/d (1.4 mgd), and 750 m3/d (0.2 mgd), respectively. The plants use activated sludge pro cesses with tertiary filtration and chlorination. Effluent is pumped to a storage tank that provides pressure to the water reuse transmission system. There are 2 main Omani rules which regulate water re use: (1) wastewater reuse, discharge and sludge disposal rules that include physico-chemical parameters such as suspended solids, conductivity, organic matters, heavy metals, etc., and (2) wastewater standards related to bio logical characteristics. Reuse regulations further clas sify wastewater use into 2 categories:
ova/l) for irrigation of vegetables and fruit to be eaten raw, landscape areas with public access, controlled aquifer recharge, and spray irrigation
Standard B - (1000 FC/100 ml, less than 1 nematode
ova/l) for cooked vegetables, fodder, cereals, and areas with no public access During the summer, all of the reclaimed water in the area is used, and demands are still not met. But during the winter, about 40 percent of the effluent from the Darsait plant is discharged through an outfall to the Gulf of Oman. In the future, the reuse network will be expanded so that all the effluent is reused for the irrigation of over 5,600 hectares (13,840 acres). In the southern city of Salalah, the second largest city in Oman, an extensive wastewater collection, conveyance, treatment, and groundwater recharge project is nearing completion. The effluent from the 20,000-m3/d (5.3-mgd) capacity tertiary treatment plant will be discharged to a series of gravity recharge wells along the coast of the Arabian Sea to form a saltwater intrusion barrier with additional wells further inland for replenishment of agri cultural withdrawals. 8.5.22 Pakistan The use of untreated wastewater for agricultural irriga tion is common in Pakistan; a survey showed that it was practiced in 80 percent of all the towns and cities with populations over 10,000 inhabitants. The main crops cul tivated on these lands are vegetables, fodder, and wheat. Vegetables and fodder are grown year-round to be sold at the local market, while wheat is grown in the winter season, mainly for domestic consumption. There are vari ous reasons why untreated wastewater is used for irriga tion such as: lack of access to other water sources, the
high reliability of wastewater, the profits made by selling crops at the local market, and the nutrient value of the wastewater (reducing the need for fertilization). Farmers using untreated wastewater for irrigation bring in almost twice the income than farmers using normal irrigation water. The City of Faisalabad has a population of over 2 million people, making it the third largest city in Pakistan. Lo cated in the heart of the Punjab province, Faisalabad was founded in 1900 as an agricultural market town but since then has rapidly developed into a major agro-based in dustrial center. The local Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) has identified over 150 different industrial divi sions in the area, most of which are involved in cotton processing such as: washing, bleaching, dying, and weaving.
generated is mainly used for the operation and mainte nance of the drinking water supply and sewage disposal systems. The only wastewater that is currently not auctioned off is the wastewater at the Channel 4 site. The farmers at this site complain that the toxicity of the wastewater has di minished their choice in crops and forced them to use wastewater only in combination with brackish groundwa ter. The majority of the farmers at the Channel 4 site would prefer to use regular irrigation water (potable wa ter), but increased water shortages in Pakistan have re sulted in such low water allocations that the cultivation of crops without wastewater is no longer possible. 8.5.23 Palestinian National Authority Currently, wastewater collection and treatment practices in the Palestinian National Authority (West Bank and Gaza Strip) are relatively low. Hence, the ability to re claim and reuse the large volumes of wastewater gener ated in this highly water-deficient region is restricted. However, this situation is changing rapidly. International development aid from European countries and the U.S. is gradually strengthening the countrys sanitation infra structure, leading to the potential availability of greater volumes of reclaimed water in future years. In addition, several pilot projects have been conducted with varying results, but each project has demonstrated potential use for reclaimed water. The Ministries of Agriculture and Pub lic Health have studied the use of reclaimed water in agriculture, landscape, industry, and groundwater re charge. As a result, the volume of reclaimed water use in Palestine is anticipated to grow over the next 20 years (Figure 8-4). Farmer acceptance of reclaimed water use Figure 8-4. Future Demand for Irrigation Water Compared with Potential Availability of Reclaimed Water for Irrigation in the West Bank, Palestine
Lahore, Pakistan Farmers installing a pump into a wastewater drain to draw water for irrigation. Source: International Water Management Institute The use of wastewater for agricultural irrigation is com mon in Faisalabad. At least 9 different areas are irrigated with wastewater ranging in size from a few hectares to almost 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres). In total, over 2,000 hectares (4,940 acres) of agricultural land are irrigated with untreated wastewater in Faisalabad. The 2 main sites in Faisalabad are the Narwala Road site and the Channel 4 site. At Narwala Road, the wastewater is primarily of domestic origin while at the Channel 4 site the farmers use a mixture of industrial and domestic wastewater. One wastewater treatment plant in Faisalabad treats approxi mately 15 percent of the citys wastewater. All wastewater reused in Faisalabad is used untreated. Farmers opt to use untreated wastewater over treated wastewater because it is considered to be more nutrient-rich and less saline than treated wastewater. In Faisalabad, like in many other cities in Pakistan, the lo cal water and sanitation agency sells the wastewater to groups, or a community of farmers. The total revenue
is relatively high, as measured in interviews with grow ers in both parts of the country (Abdo, 2001). Research ers found that, the acceptance of farmers to use re claimed water was conditional by securing water quality and getting governmental approval (Abdo, 2001). 8.5.24 Peru Peru is another Latin American country with serious wa ter shortage problems. Half of the total population of 22 million live in the coastal region with an arid climate. The uneven distribution of water resources (very high inland, very short on the coast) contributes to the low water sup ply and sanitation coverage of the population of only 42 percent and 43 percent, respectively. Only 5 percent of the sewage in Peru is treated before discharge, mostly by stabilization ponds. The reuse of predominantly raw sewage has been prac ticed for agricultural irrigation of vegetables, fodder, for est trees, cotton, and other crops. In Lima, about 5,000 hectares (12,000 acres) are irrigated with raw wastewa ter. A project is under development to irrigate about 4000 hectares (10,000 acres) near San Bartolo, south of Lima, with disinfected effluent from a lagoon system, including maturation ponds. Ica, located 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Lima, uses effluent treated in facultative lagoons for restricted irrigation of 400 hectares (1,000 acres). At Tacna, Perus southernmost town, effluent treated in la goons is used to irrigate 210 hectares (500 acres) of land. Peru uses raw sewage to irrigate market vegetables to be eaten without processing. This is typical of numerous cities in developing countries (Yanez, 1992). Furthermore, the effluent produced by stabilization ponds throughout Peru is of generally low quality because of design defi ciencies, operational problems, or overloading. Numer ous enteric bacterial and viral infections are reported, although the many possible transmission routes preclude attributing a direct link to irrigation practices (Strauss and Blumenthal, 1990). 8.5.25 Saudi Arabia Water is a scarce and extremely valuable resource in Saudi Arabia. The renewable water resources are only 111 m3/capita/year (2.4 billion m3/year or 634 billion gallons/year). As a result of agricultural, urban, and indus trial growth, the countrys water demand has been in creasing steadily over the past 2 decades, reaching around 20 billion m3/year (5,283 billion gallons/year) in 2000. Irrigation consumes the largest amount of water in the kingdom. The majority of water consumption is sup plied by depleting non-renewable groundwater and de salination. Saudi Arabia is now the worlds largest pro
ducer of desalinated water, which covers 70 percent of the total water demand. In 1985, Saudi Arabia began focusing on ways to econo mize and regulate the use of water through a National Water Plan. The plan provides for conservation, greater coordination between agriculture and water policies, in tensive use of reclaimed waste and surface water, and better coordination of supply and distribution. As a re sult, Saudi Arabia is committed to a policy of complete water reuse. Treated urban wastewater is considered a viable alterna tive resource for meeting water needs. It is estimated that approximately 40 percent of the water used for do mestic purposes in urban areas could be recycled. In 1992, there were 22 sewage treatment plants in opera tion (stabilization ponds and activated sludge processes) with a total treatment capacity of 1.2 Mm/d (317 mgd). In 1992, 217 Mm (57,300 mg) of treated wastewater were reused. Regulations require secondary treatment with ter tiary treatment for unrestricted irrigation, with standards shown in Table 8-16. The largest water reuse scheme is in Riyadh. The most sophisticated Riyadh North treatment plant started op eration at the beginning of 1994 ,with a design capacity of 200,000 m3/d (53 mgd). Treatment at the Riyadh North plant includes a nitrification-denitrification activated sludge process with sand filtration for tertiary treatment. On the basis of this plants treatment experience, the Riyadh Region Water and Sewerage Authority recently adopted a policy of treating all sewage to the tertiary level to comply with the current effluent guideline standards for unre stricted agricultural reuse enforced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water. In 2000, an average daily flow of 415,000 m3/d (110 mgd) of tertiary treated and disinfected effluent was available to potential users free of charge (see photos). However, only about 45 percent (185,000 m3/d or 49 mgd) of this effluent has been reclaimed, pre dominantly for agricultural irrigation (170,000 m3/d or 45 mgd), and about 15,000 m3/d (4 mgd) is used for indus trial cooling purpose by the Riyadh refinery. The remain ing effluent is discharged to Wadi Hanifah, where it is mixed with the natural flow of the channel. Private sector farmers can extract some of this flow for irrigation. In Jeddah, a 38,000-m3/d (10-mgd) activated sludge fa cility was designed to produce high-quality reuse water to standards similar to drinking water standards. Ad vanced treatment includes reverse-osmosis, desalina tion, filtration, and disinfection. Other plants are planned for Jeddah and Mecca. In both cities, the reclaimed wa ter will be used for municipal, industrial, and agricultural reuse. The City of Jubail is planning to have 114,000 m3/
d (30 mgd) of reclaimed water for nonpotable industrial, urban landscaping, and other purposes.
size (680 square kilometers or 265 square miles). The island is fully served by a comprehensive wastewater infrastructure - 6 secondary (activated sludge) treatment plants discharge wastewater effluent to the sea. Since February 2003, Singapore has been supplying high quality reclaimed water (meeting drinking water stan dards), called NEWater, directly to industries and com mercial and office buildings for process and other nonpotable uses such as air conditioning and cooling. The goal is to supply 245,000 m3/d (64.5 mgd) of NEWater for nonpotable use by year 2011. Table 8-16. Reclaimed Water Standards for Unrestricted Irrigation in Saudi Arabia
Maximum Contaminant Level 10 10 6 8.4 2.2 1 5 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.01 280 0.1 0.05 0.4 0.05 2 5 0.1 0.07 0.2 0.001 0.01 0.02 10 0.02 4 Absent 0.002
Reclaimed water valve access box on sidewalk on Embassy Row in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photo courtesy of Bahman Sheikh
Parameter (a) BOD TSS pH Coliform (count/100 ml) Turbidity (NTU) Aluminum Arsenic Beryllium Boron
Potable water valve access box on sidewalk on Embassy Row in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Photo courtesy of Bahman Sheikh A recent master planning effort studied the infrastructure needed to meet Riyadhs expected growth of an addi tional 7 million inhabitants by 2021 (over and above the current 3.5 million). The master plan recommended 12 satellite water reclamation plants be constructed (Sheikh and Aldu Kair, 2000). Each plant would treat wastewater from a district and return the reclaimed water (disinfected tertiary effluent) for irrigation of residential gardens, pub lic parks, and other landscaping, in addition to industrial and commercial uses in various parts of the city. The water reuse component of the integrated water cycle sys tem is expected to have an ultimate capacity of 1.5 Mm3/ d (400 mgd). 8.5.26 Singapore Singapore is a city-state with a dense, growing popula tion of almost 4 million people. Although the island re ceives heavy rainfall averaging 250 cm/year (100 inches/ year), it has limited water resources because of its small 276
Cadmium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Cyanide Fluoride Iron Lead Lithium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate Selenium Zinc Oil & Grease Phenol
The NEWater is reclaimed from municipal wastewater using the most advanced technologies, including reverseosmosis and UV disinfection. NEWater is also being used for indirect potable use. Since February 2003, about 9,000 m3/d (2.4 mgd) of NEWater has been discharged into reservoirs and treated again in a conventional water treat ment plant before introduction into the distribution sys tem for domestic potable use. The amount of reclaimed water for indirect potable use will increase gradually by 4,500 m3/d (1.2 mgd) yearly to 45,000 m3/d (12 mgd) by 2011. Currently, 2 NEWater plants are in operation with a total production capacity of 72,000 m3/d (19.5 mgd). The cost of NEWater production is estimated to be half the cost of desalinized seawater. Reclaimed water of lower quality than NEWater has been supplied to industries in the western part of Singapore since the 1960s. Industrial reclaimed water treatment involves conventional sand filtration and chlorination be fore it is pumped to a service reservoir for distribution to the industries. The current demand for industrial water is about 90,000 m3/d (24 mgd). 8.5.27 South Africa Limited water resources with uneven distribution, highly variable rainfall, repetitive, severe water shortages, and intensive industrial and urban development are the main factors impacting the need for water reuse in South Af rica. In 1996, the population was at 38 million, of which 55.4 percent lived in urban regions. The population growth rate is estimated to be 2.4 percent per year. Based on these population figures, the water demand is expected to double in the next 30 years. In fact, projections indi cate that the water demand will exceed available water resources soon after the year 2020. Water reuse is considered a very promising alternative water resource. Over 1,000 wastewater treatment plants are in operation with biological nitrogen removal as the predominant treatment technology. However, according to Grobicki (2000), less than 3 percent of the available treated wastewater is being reused (an estimated vol ume of 41 Mm3/year or 11,000 mg/year). Aquifer recharge and industrial uses are currently the major water reuse applications. One of the countrys larger reuse projects is in Durban (3 million inhabitants) where reclaimed municipal wastewater from the Southern waste water treatment facility is used by the paper industry and petrol refineries. The tertiary treatment of the secondary effluent from the Southern wastewater treatment works consists of coagulation/flocculation with lamella settling, dual media filtration, ozonation, activated carbon, and
chlorination. The reclaimed capacity is 47,000 m3/d (12.4 mgd). The largest aquifer storage and recharge project is in the Atlantis area (70,000 people), situated 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Cape Town. Two infiltration basins aug ment the aquifer storage capacity with 4,500 m3/d (2 Mm3/ year or 1.2 mgd) of treated wastewater. High-quality stormwater is also discharged to another aquifer. This water is subsequently abstracted after an underground residence time of about 1 year as part of a 15,000-m3/d (4.0-mgd) groundwater supply project. In addition, treated industrial wastewater is used as a barrier against saltwa ter intrusion near the coast. A number of small recharge systems exist where farmers augment groundwater sup ply through small, earth-dams. In addition to industrial reuse and aquifer recharge, a number of small water reuse irrigation systems are cur rently in place in the areas of Durban and Cape Town, mostly for landscape irrigation at golf courses (King David, Mowbray, Rondebosch, Milnerton, Steenberg, Parow, Durbanville, Cato Ridge, Langebann Country Club), sport facilities (Milnerton Racecourse, Milnerton Beachfront, Bellville South, Kraaifontein Sportsdround, Peninsula Technion, etc.), and various agricultural ap plications. Since many of the countrys water bodies provide little dilution capacity, there has been significant focus on water reuse initiatives involving planned indirect reuse through discharge to surface bodies. The return of treated wastewater to rivers in inland areas of South Af rica has been considered an important aspect of water management. Despite the deterioration of surface water quality, the well-established, intensive, potable treatment system (86 percent water supply coverage) minimizes any potential health risk. This indirect potable reuse via surface flow augmentation accounts for several million cubic meters per day. In fact, with increasing water de mand, the volume of return flows is increasing steadily and will be greater than natural run-off in a number of regions by 2020. For example, in the Gauteng area (Johannesburg-Pretoria metropolis), 60 percent of the surface water used for water supply is treated wastewa ter. The Hartebeespoort Dam, used to supply water to Johannesburg (10 million people), receives 50 percent of its volume from wastewater effluent. In addition to this indirect potable reuse, the effluent from Johannesburg Northern Works (200,000 m3/d or 52.8 mgd) is also used by a power station and for the irrigation of 22,000 hect ares (54,400 acres) of industrial crops. The implementation of the National Water Act of 1997 resulted in the establishment of catchment management
authorities. These authorities are helping to focus the countrys water resources management enhancement. One of the major tasks of these catchment agencies will be the management of environmental compliance, while water supply and sanitation will remain the responsibility of local governments and municipalities. Effluent and en vironmental standards specification and enforcement are the duties of the central government, in particular the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Water reuse standards are currently being revised. Ex isting regulations apply very stringent drinking water standard requirements for water to be used for human washing and irrigation of food crops to be eaten raw. Ter tiary treatment with no fecal coliforms is required for un restricted irrigation of sport fields, pasture for milking ani mals, and toilet flushing. The microbiological limits have been relaxed for discharge into river systems to 126 FC/ 100 ml, or sometimes even higher. The unrestricted irri gation and irrigation of non-food crops requires less that 1000 FC/100 ml. 8.5.28 Spain Although both planned and incidental water reuse have been taking place in Spain for decades, particularly in coastal Mediterranean areas and in the Balearic and Ca nary inlands, planned water reuse became a viable op tion as a consequence of the First International Sympo sium on Water Reclamation and Reuse held in Costa Brava in 1991 (IAWPRC, 1991). Since then, numerous projects have been implemented across the country, mainly serving agricultural irrigation as well as landscape irrigation, environmental restoration, and urban uses such as street cleaning, urban landscape irrigation, boat washing, and fire control. The major impetus for water reclamation and reuse has been based on the viable alternatives for cost recovery. The highly competitive water markets of the Canary Is lands, the highly productive hydroponic crops of the southern Mediterranean coast, and the more recent de mands for golf course irrigation, have largely contributed to the expansion of water reclamation and reuse in Spain. Farmers have begun to realize the considerable benefits from a reliable supply of good quality water, particularly during the summer season, when water shortages are most common. The Water and Sanitation District of Costa Brava (lo cated in the north of Barcelona) has been one of the leading agencies in developing water reuse alternatives for the last 15 years. As secondary wastewater treat ment becomes a standard in most urban and rural areas, a renewed interest has developed to reclaim and reuse
treated effluent, particularly in coastal areas, where tour ism, environmental protection, and intensive agriculture have become top priorities. Mediterranean coastal cit ies, like Barcelona and Valencia, with traditional high levels of incidental reuse in agriculture, are seriously consider ing rehabilitation and expansion of their treatment facili ties, as to satisfy the water quality requirements associ ated with environmental and public health protection, and include adopting microbiological quality levels that are nearly comparable to those of drinking water quality. In 1999, the Spanish Ministry of Public Works, Trans portation and Environment proposed a set of physico chemical and microbiological standards for 14 possible applications of reclaimed water. The proposed microbio logical standards range from limits similar to those in cluded in the Title 22 regulations (Californian reuse stan dards), for unrestricted water uses, to limits similar to those included in the WHO guidelines, where public ex posure to reclaimed water is restricted. Several regional governments have adopted and are currently consider ing either or both of the above criteria and guidelines as a practical way to regulate and promote water reclama tion and reuse. Costa Brava, Spain The Consorci de la Costa Brava (CCB, Costa Brava Wa ter Agency) is a public organization, created in 1971, that deals with the management of the water cycle (whole sale purveyor of drinking water, wastewater treatment, and water reuse) in the 27 coastal municipalities of the Girona province. In Spain, CCB is considered to be a pioneer organization in the management of the water cycle. The CCB embraces biological secondary treat ment of wastewater when the main option in coastal ar eas has been disposal into the sea through submarine outfalls. The CCB introduced the concept of planned water reuse in the late 1980s. The CCB opted for the progressive development of this resource after a conference in 1985, where renowned specialists presented planned wastewater reclamation and reuse systems in the U.S. Being that Costa Brava itself is an area with a Mediterranean climate and peri odic periods of drought, it became clear to the governing board of the CCB that treated wastewater should be con sidered as a resource to be developed rather than to be disposed. Despite the lack of regulations in Spain, the CCB proceeded to develop water reuse while maintain ing public health. Reclaimed water initially was disinfected secondary effluent; continuing improvements to water reclamation facilities have led facilities to evolve into Title 22 reclamation treatment trains, consisting of co agulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and dis
infection. The major leap forward in wastewater reclama tion and reuse occurred in 1996, when several water re use projects were approved and partially (80 percent) funded by the European Union (EU). Portbou, Spain The municipality of Portbou (Girona, Spain - population 1,600) is located in a remote area in northern Costa Brava, in the midst of a very mountainous area and fac ing the Mediterranean Sea. A small reservoir, located on the mountains on the western city limits, with a ca pacity of 130,000 m3 (34.3 mg), supplies potable water to the area. The maximum drinking water demand is 160,000 m3/year (42.3 mg/year) and the potable water supply is extremely dependent on rainfall (annual aver age 550 mm or 21.7 inches). There are no wells to supple ment potable water supply, so the drought conditions of the period 1998 through 2001 resulted in water restric tions for nonpotable water uses including landscape irri gation. The municipality has a 360-m3/d (95,000-gallons/ d) treatment facility which includes coagulation, floccu lation, direct filtration, and a UV-chlorine combined disin fection system to provide reclaimed water for a variety of urban nonpotable water uses such as: landscape irri gation, street cleaning, and fire protection. The munici pality is also installing a pipeline to deliver high-quality reclaimed water for boat cleaning to a nearby marina. Aiguamolls de lEmpord Natural Preserve, Spain The Aiguamolls de lEmpord Natural Preserve (AENP) is a marsh located in Northern Costa Brava between the mouths of the Muga and Fluvi rivers. This naturally occurring marsh formed as a result of the periodical floods from both rivers, producing a rich and diverse environment, ranging from saline to freshwater ecosys tems. The construction of the Boadella dam in the up per Muga River in the late 1960s and urbanization in coastal areas dramatically changed the river flow and affected the marshes, which were finally declared a natu ral preserve in 1984. A visitor center was created and with it an 18-hectare (44.5-acre) manmade lagoon (Cortalet lagoon), which is artificially fed by the Corredor stream from autumn to late spring. In summer both this stream and the lagoon usually dry out. In 1995, the CCB received funding from the EU to con struct a 7-hectare (17.3-acre) wetlands treatment sys tem to reduce the nitrogen content in the secondary ef fluent from the Empuriabrava wastewater treatment plant, which includes extended aeration and polishing lagoons. The effluent is then reused for environmental purposes at the Cortalet lagoon. The system came into operation
in 1998. Since then, 500 to 550 m3/year (132,000 to 145,300 gallons/year) of denitrified reclaimed water have been pumped to the Cortalet lagoon, preventing its sum mer desiccation. Apart from this, the constructed wet land itself has become a great waterfowl attraction and is one of the favorite spots in the natural preserve for bird watching. Since the Empuriabrava community uses water from the Boadella reservoir as a potable water sup ply, this project returns to the AENP a portion of the flows that are naturally used to feed these marshes, thus creating a true restoration of the original habitat. The City of Vitoria, Spain Water reclamation and reuse has been the final step of an ambitious integrated water resources management program for the City of Vitoria (250,000 people, located in the Basque Country, northern Spain) that began in 1995. The enthusiasm and determination of the most directly affected stakeholders, the agricultural community, to pro mote and fund the design, construction, and OM&R of the wastewater reclamation and reuse facilities have been the driving factors for the practical implementation of this far-reaching program. The water reclamation and reuse project includes a waste water reclamation facility, with a capacity of 35,000 m3/d (9.2 mgd) and an elaborate pumping, conveyance, and storage system, satisfies water quality requirements specified by Title 22 of the California Code of Regula tions. The project objectives were: (1) to provide water for spray irrigation of 9,500 hectares (23,000 acres) dur ing the summer, (2) to pump about 0.5 m3/s (12,000 gallons/d) of reclaimed water to reservoirs, and (3) to store reclaimed water in a 6,800-m3 (1.8-mg) reservoir for agri cultural irrigation. 8.5.29 Sweden As in other Scandinavian countries, Sweden has rela tively high freshwater availability and the annual water withdrawal represents only 2 percent of the renewable water resources, 352 m3/capita/year (93,000 gallons/ capita/year) in 1997 (Angelakis et al., 2001). Industry is characterized by higher water demand at 55 percent, com pared to 36 and 9 percent for urban uses and agriculture, respectively. Advanced sewage treatment, including carbon and phos phorus removal, is common practice in Sweden. The upgrading of many wastewater treatment plants for nitro gen removal has been implemented over the past years, especially in the coastal region up to the archipelago of Stockholm.
Over 40 irrigation projects have been constructed in water-scarce areas in the southeast region, where waste water is collected in large reservoirs and stored for up to 9 months before being used for irrigation with or without blending with surface water. Agricultural demands for water in these areas are intense, as the precipitation is small. Two main benefits of these projects have been reported: (1) additional wastewater treatment in a safe and financially attractive way, including recycling of nutrients, and (2) the creation of alternative water resources for agricultural irrigation which allow groundwater resources to be dedicated for other purposes. After approximately 10 years, only positive impacts have been reported for these water reuse projects. After a minimum of 4 months stor age, the water quality is adequate for swimming accord ing to the Swedish legislation. Subsequently, there have been no sanitary problems related to water reuse. A new environmental act in Sweden requires nitrogen reduction for most of the large wastewater treatment plants. This act may encourage future development of these water reuse irrigation systems. The increasingly stringent environmental requirements on the discharge of industrial wastewater promote byproduct recovery and industrial wastewater reclamation. Significant research and development efforts have been made on the use of membrane technologies, including industrial desalination for zero discharge. 8.5.30 Syria In Syria, agriculture is an important economic sector. In addition to the role it plays in enhancing food security, it accounts for 60 percent of the national revenue from non-oil exports (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001). The agricultural sector employs over 27 percent of the total manpower in the country. In view of the harsh climatic conditions, irrigation is given a high priority as a means to boost agricultural production and to ensure a high level of food security. The total irrigated area in Syria is in the range of 1.2 million hect ares (3 million acres), with 61 percent of the water com ing from groundwater and the rest from surface water sources. Until recently, the amount of municipal wastewater was small because of the limited population in cities. Most of these waters were not reused because of their lack of quality and the availability of good quality water for irriga tion. With an increase in urban population and the spread of drinking water supply connections, particularly in large cities, the volume of municipal wastewaters has increased rapidly. In fact, the volume of wastewater in Syria was estimated at 451, 650 and 1,642 Mm3/year (365,000, 527,000, and 1,330,000 acre-feet/year or 119,000,
172,000 and 434,000 mg/year), respectively for 1995, 2000, and 2025. At the same time, the availability of good quality water has diminished around cities. This has led farmers to start using untreated wastewater. How ever, this wastewater is generally mixed with good qual ity water and is used essentially, but not exclusively, for irrigating trees and forage crops (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001). Table 8-17 shows the status of wastewater treatments in various Syrian cities. Collected raw sewage from the cities (except for a part of Damascus), villages, and other residential areas where sewage systems are in opera tion, is used without any treatment. The wastewater is used either for direct irrigation of agricultural crops or, if not disposed to the sea, it is discharged into water bod ies which are then used for unrestricted irrigation (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001). 8.5.31 Tunisia Situated in an arid and semi-arid area, Tunisia is facing increasingly serious water shortage problems (Bahri, 2000). In 2000, water availability was 440 m3/capita/year (116,200 gallons/capita/year) with withdrawals account ing for 78 percent of the renewable resources. These water deficits are projected to increase with population growth, an increase in living standards, and accelerated urbanization. According to recent forecasts, increased domestic and industrial water consumption by the year 2020 may cause a decrease in the volume of fresh water available for Tunisian agriculture. Moreover, water short age problems are associated with increasing environmen tal pollution. To help address this situation, different mo bilization infrastructures (dams, hillside-dams and lakes, recharge and floodwater diversion structures, wells) are under construction. Water transfer systems have been implemented and existing reservoirs have been integrated into a complex hydraulic system, allowing interregional transfer and spatial redistribution of water. Most residents of large urban centers have access to various, adequate sanitation systems and wastewater treatment facilities (78 percent versus 61 percent for all of the population and 40 percent in rural areas). Of the 240 Mm3 (63,400 mg) of wastewater discharged annu ally, 156 Mm3 (41,200 mg) is treated at 61 treatment plants. Five treatment plants are located in the Tunis area, producing about 62 Mm3/year (16,400 mg/year), or 54 percent of the countrys treated effluent. As a rule, municipal wastewater is treated biologically, mainly in oxidation ditches, activated sludge processes, and sta bilization ponds. Sanitation master plans have been de signed for several towns. Most existing reuse programs were implemented and integrated into the scheme of al
Table 8-17.
City Damascus Salamieh Aleppo Hama Homes Dars Al-Swaida Idleb Lattakia Tatous Total
Status in Year 2000 In Operation In Operation Under Implementation Under Implementation In Operation Studied, Ready for Implementation Studied, Ready for Implementation Studied, Ready for Implementation Invitation of Offers for Implementation Invitation of Offers for Implementation ---
Source: Sadulla Al Shawaf, Ministry of Irrigation, Syria, 2000. ready existing treatment plants. However, for new plants, treatment and reuse needs are combined and consid ered during the planning stage. Although some pilot projects have been launched or are under study for groundwater recharge, irrigation of for ests and highways, and wetlands development - the wastewater reuse policy, launched in the early 1980s favors planned water reuse for agricultural and land scape irrigation (Bahri, 2000). Approximately 7 to 10 per cent of the overall irrigated area (14,500 hectares or 35,830 acres) is located around the Great Tunis. Re claimed water is used mainly during spring and summer, either exclusively or as a complement to groundwater. About 35 Mm3 (9,250 mg) of reclaimed water annually is allocated for irrigation. In some areas, irrigation with ef fluent is well established and most of the volume allo cated is being used. In new areas, where irrigation is just beginning, the reclaimed water usage rate is slowly in creasing. The annual volume of reclaimed water is ex pected to reach 290 Mm3 (76,600 mg) in the year 2020. At that point, reclaimed water could be used to replace groundwater (18 percent) that is currently being used for irrigation, particularly in areas where excessive ground water mining is causing seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. The area currently irrigated with reclaimed water is about 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres), 80 percent of which is located around Tunis, with a few other locations near Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir, Sfax, and Kairouan. By 2020, the area irrigated with reclaimed water is planned to expand between 20,000 and 30,000 hectares (49,400 and 74,100 acres). However, the availability of agricul tural land is a limiting factor, especially along seashores where most of the reclaimed water is generated. The most common irrigation methods are sprinklers (57 percent of the equipped area) and surface irrigation (43 percent). Another common water reuse practice is golf course irri gation. In fact, 8 existing golf courses are irrigated with treated effluent in compliance with the WHO guidelines (1989) for water reuse on recreational areas with free access to the public (2.3 log units /100 ml) during winter and part of spring. Water reuse in agriculture is regulated by the 1975 Water Law and by the JORT Decree No. 89-1047 (1989). The reclaimed water quality criteria for agricultural reuse were developed using the guidelines of Food and Agri culture Organization of the United Nations (1985) and WHO (1989) for restricted irrigation (less than 1 helminth egg/l), and other Tunisian standards related to irrigation or water supply. The Water Law prohibits both the use of raw wastewater in agriculture and the irrigation with re claimed water of any vegetable to be eaten raw. The 1989 decree specifically regulates reuse of wastewater in agriculture and allows the use of secondary treated effluent for growing all types of crops except vegetables, whether eaten raw or cooked. The main crops irrigated with treated wastewater are fruit trees (citrus, grapes, olives, peaches, pears, apples, and grenades), fodder (alfalfa, sorghum, and berseem), sugar beet, and cere als. Peri-urban irrigated areas are mainly devoted to the production of vegetables eaten raw, which is a major constraint to reuse development because of the croptype irrigation restrictions. Specifications regarding the
terms and general conditions of reclaimed water reuse (and the precautions that must be taken in order to pre vent any contamination to workers, residential areas, and consumers) have also been established. Two new, large water reuse projects are planned for Tunis West and the Medjerda catchment area. The new waste water treatment plant for the City of Tunis West will have a design capacity of 105,000 m3/d (41 Mm3/year or 27.7 mgd) by the year 2016, which will enable the irrigation of approximately 6,000 hectares (14,800 acres). The ongo ing Medjerda catchment area sanitation program is plan ning to equip the 11 largest towns with sewage networks, treatment plants, and reclaimed water irrigation schemes in order to protect natural resources, particularly the Sidi Salem dam (450 Mm3 or 119,000 mg), from contamina tion by raw wastewater. The National Sewerage and Sanitation Agency is respon sible for the construction and operation of all sewage and treatment infrastructure in the larger cities of Tuni sia. When effluent is to be used for agricultural irrigation, the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for execution of the projects, which include the construction and opera tion of all facilities for pumping, storing, and distributing the reclaimed water. Various departments of the Ministry are responsible for several functions, while regional de partments supervise the Water Code and collection of charges, about $0.01/m3 ($0.04/1,000 gallons), accord ing to the World Bank (2001). 8.5.32 United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of 7 emirates: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Umm ul Quwain, and Ajman. According to the 1995 national census of the Ministry of Planning, the population is approximately 2.4 million, mostly urban (83 percent). Only a few renewable water resources are avail able - 200 Mm3 or 61 m3/capita/year (52,830 mg or 16,100 gallons/capita/year) in 2000. The annual water demand of 954 m3/capita/year is met by depleting non-renewable aquifers and desalinization (700 Mm/year or 185,000 mg/ year in 1997). It is estimated that about 500 Mm (132,000 mg) of wastewater were produced in the urban areas dur ing 1995, of which 108 Mm (28,530 mg) were treated and reused (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2002). By far the largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates is Abu Dhabi, where extensive nonpotable reuse has been practiced since 1976. The system, designed for 190,000 m3/d (50 mgd), includes a dual distribution network which uses reclaimed waterreferred to, in the UAE and other Persian Gulf states as treated sewage effluent (TSE)
for urban irrigation of 15,000 hectares (38,000 acres) of urban forests, public gardens, trees, shrubs, and grassed areas along roadways. The treatment facility provides tertiary treatment with rapid sand filtration and disinfec tion by chlorination and ozonation. The reclaimed water distribution system is operated at lower pressure than the potable system to reduce wind spraying. Convey ance and control elements of the system are painted purple, marked, and labeled to avoid cross-connections. Al-Ain, with a projected population of 250,000 by the year 2000, produces reclaimed water that may be used only for restricted irrigation. The reclaimed water is pumped about 12 kilometers (7 miles) outside the city where it is used for irrigation in designated areas. Treatment includes dual-media filtration and chlorination for disinfection. 8.5.33 United Kingdom The impact of climatic change on inland water resources has been noted in the southeast of England in the United Kingdom, where a drought had been experienced in the early 1990s. As a result, diminishing raw water supplies led water planners to develop projects to help safeguard and optimize existing raw water supplies, as well as search for future resources. The United Kingdom has used sewage effluents to main tain river flows (and ecosystems) and, through river abstractions, to contribute towards potable water and to augment other supplie. This practice is particularly de veloped for the major rivers in the south and east, includ ing the Thames River, where it is not always feasible to abstract upstream of sewage works. For example, in the Water Resource Plan for East Anglia of 1994, the National Rivers Authority (a predecessor body of the Environment Agency) recognized the impor tance of reclaiming wastewater effluents to augment the flow in the River Chelmer and the water stored in the Hanningfield reservoir in Essex, United Kingdom. As a result of this decision, the first indirect potable reuse project in Europe was implemented in 1997 (Lazarova, 2001). Water quality for this project has been strictly observed including the monitoring of viruses and estro gens, as well as numerous studies of the impact of re use on the environment (estuary ecosystem) and public health (Walker, 2001). The project was developed in 2 stages. The first stage involved a temporary system to pretreat the effluent at Langford Works with UV disinfec tion before pumping the effluent to Hanningfield reser voir, a large 27-Mm3, 354-hectare (7,130-mg, 875-acre) bankside raw water reservoir with a residence time of up to 214 days. Abstraction from the reservoir is followed with advanced potable water treatment at the Hanningfield
Treatment Works. The discharge consent applied for uti lizing 30,000 m3/d (7.9 mgd) of the sewage effluent in 1997 to 1998. The second stage of the project involves more traditional water reuse - discharging the effluent back into the river and improving the wastewater treat ment at the source - Langford Treatment Works. This medium/long term plan was approved in 2000 and the new tertiary treatment plant has been in operation since the beginning of 2002. The reclaimed water is discharged into the River Chelmer and then abstracted along with river water 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) downstream at Langford Treatment Works for drinking water supply. There are also some examples of direct treated waste water reuse in the United Kingdom, mainly for irrigation purposes such as: golf courses, parks, road verges, as well as for commerce, car washes, cooling, fish farming , and industry (power station cooling, for example). One of the more recent projects Waterwise, was started in January, 1999, to reuse the water from the Beazer Homes district. Wastewater from 500 individual houses is treated by a conventional process; then 70 percent of the water is then discharged to the river and the remaining 30 per cent undergoes tertiary treatment before being redistrib uted to 130 houses connected to a dual distribution net work as reuse water. There are several pilot projects being conducted to study reusing grey water from washing machines, baths, and showers for the flushing of toilets. Since domestic use accounts for over 40 percent of the total water demand in the United Kingdom, 30 percent of which is used for toilet flushing, the interest in grey water reuse is grow ing. In some case, run-off water is also collected from the roofs of the houses, treated, and blended with grey water to be reused. A large in-building water reuse project, known as Watercycle, was implemented in 2000 at the Millen nium Dome in London. The design capacity of the plant is 500 m3/d (132,000 gallons/d). Run-off water, grey wa ter, and polluted groundwater are treated in 3 different treatment trains to a high quality standard for reuse in the more than 600 toilets and over 200 urinals on-site. 8.5.34 Yemen Yemen has a predominantly semi-arid to arid climate with a large rural population (76 percent). The annual renew able water resources were estimated in 2000 at 4.1 bil lion m3 or 226 m3/capita/year (1,083 billion gallons or 59,700 gallons/capita/year) (surface water and ground water). There is an increasing awareness in Yemen of groundwater depletion.
The total amount of treated wastewater is estimated at around 92,000 m3/d (24.3 mgd) from 9 treatment facili ties. The largest plants are located in Sanas, Taaiz, AlHudeidah, and Aden. The common wastewater treatment method used is stabilization ponds, with the exception being the facility of Sanas, which utilizes an activated sludge system. In addition, 3 new treatment plants with stabilization ponds will be in operation in 2002 in Aden, Yarim, and Amran with design capacities of 60,000, 3,500, and 6,000 m3/d (15.9, 0.93, and 1.6 mgd), respectively. New plants are also planned in Beit Al-faqih, Bagel, and Zabid. Controlled water reuse for irrigation is practiced in the coastal plain cities (Aden, Hodeidah), mainly to build the green belts, as well as for the fixation of sand dunes or control of desertification in affected areas. Unplanned and unregulated wastewater reuse is commonly practiced by the farmers to grow corn and fodder in Taiz area, or to grow restricted and non-restricted crops, like vegetables and fruits, in the Sanaa area. In 2000, the new wastewater treatment plant for the capi tal city of Sanaa began operation. The activated sludge treatment plant, with a design capacity of 50,000 m3/d (13 mgd), faces numerous operational problems. The prob lems are due, among other things, to a lack of sufficient operational storage and an organic load of the incoming wastewater that is higher than the load used in the plant design. The plant substantially increased the amount of reclaimed water available to farmers in 15 villages along the wadi, downstream of the plant. Farmers pump the reclaimed water with their own pumps to their fields. This has reduced the pressure on the overexploited aquifer in the area. The number of active agricultural wells was reduced from 80 to 55, mainly because pumping re claimed water is cheaper than operating the wells. Veg etables are the main crops grown and there are no crop restrictions. Farmers have little information about the quality of the treated wastewater. Upgrades to the treat ment plant are planned to make the reuse of reclaimed water safer in the future (World Bank, 2001). Five water reuse projects are being initiated in Aden, Amran, Hajjah, Ibb, and Yarim. Funded by the German governments Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau (KfW), these projects will make significant volumes of secondary treated reclaimed water available, mostly for agricultural irriga tion. In Aden, some of the water will be used for indus trial cooling. The wastewater collection and treatment systems are already being constructed or have recently been completed for each of the cities in the program.
8.5.35 Zimbabwe In Zimbabwe, water reuse is an established practice that has been accepted not only by engineers and environ mentalists, but also by all stakeholders involved in the water resources management of the country (Hranova, 2000). This acceptance of water reuse has been influ enced by 2 major factors governing the water resources systems management of the country: (1) the scarcity of available natural water resources, and (2) the watershed effect. Geographically, Zimbabwes major towns lie on or close to the main watershed. Therefore, in order to increase the catchment yield, water supply dams are, in many cases, located downstream from the urban areas. The present policy of wastewater management focuses primarily on 2 major types of water reuse. One is direct reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation purposes, where the treatment technologies adopted are based on classi cal biological treatment systems, mainly trickling filters, waste stabilization ponds, and combinations. The 2 larg est direct reuse projects for irrigation purposes are lo cated in 2 major towns of Zimbabwe Harare and Bulawayo. The second type is indirect potable water re use, where municipal wastewater is treated in biological nutrient removal plants and then discharged to water courses and reservoirs that are used for potable water supply downstream from the discharge point.
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Lazarova, V., B. Levine, J. Sack, G. Cirelli, P. Jeffrey, H. Muntau, M. Salgot, and F. Brissaud. 2001. Role of water reuse for enhancing integrated water manage ment in Europe and Mediterranean countries. Water Science & Technology, Vol 43 No 10 pp 23-33. IWA Publishing. Mantovani, P., Asano, T., Chang, A. and Okun, D.A. 2001. Management Practices for Nonpotable Water Reuse. WERF, Project Report 97-IRM-6, ISBN: 1893664-15-5. Mara, D.D. and Silva, S.A. 1986. Removal of intestinal nematodes in tropical waste stabilization ponds. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 89, pp. 71-74. McCornick, P. G., S. S. E. Taha, and H. El Nasser. 2002. Planning for Reclaimed Water in the Amman-Zarqa Basin and Jordan Valley. ASCE/EWRI Conference on Water Resources Planning & Management, Roanoke, Virginia, USA. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. Revised by: George Tchobanoglous and Franklin L. Burton. 1991. Wastewater Engineering Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse. New York: McGrawHill. Ogoshi, M., Y. Suzuki, and T. Asano. 2000. Water Re use In Japan, Third International Symposium on Wastewater Reclamation, Recycling and Reuse at the First World Congress of the International Water Association (IWA), Paris, France. Palestine Hydrology Group. 1999. [Unofficial Translation from Hebrew into English] Principles for giving permits for irrigation with effluents (Treated Wastewater). The Is raeli Ministry Of Health, Israel. Papadopoulos, I. 1995. Present and perspective use of wastewater for irrigation in the Mediterranean basin. Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. On Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse, A.N. Angelakis et. al. (Eds.), IAWQ, Iraklio, Greece, 17 20 October, 2, 735-746. Pettygrove and Asano .1985. Irrigation with reclaimed municipal wastewater A guidance manual. Lewis Publishers Inc., Chelsea. Pujol, M. and O. Carnabucci. 2000. The present state of sewage treatment in Argentina. Water Supply, 18, (1/ 2), 328-329. Sadulla Al Shawaf, Ministry of Irrigation, Syria. 2000.
Scott, C. A., J. A. Zarazua, G. Levine. 2000. Urban Wastewater Reuse for Crop Production in the Water-Short Guanajuato River Basin. Research Report 41. Interna tional Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Shanehsaz, M. J., A. R. Hosseinifar, A. Sabetraftar. 2001. Water Reuse in Iran, by the Iran Water Resources Man agement Organization, Ministry of Energy, Proceedings, Regional Workshop on Water Reuse in the Middle East and North Africa, July 2-5, 2001, Cairo, Egypt. Shawaf, S., 2000. Reuse of Wastewater in Syrian Arab Republic, Ministry of Irrigation, Proceedings, Aqua 2000 Conference, April 28 to May 2, 2000. Abu Dhabi, UAE. Sheikh, B., AlduKair, A. 2000. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, A Vision Of 2021 Introducing Water Reuse to A World Capital. Proceedings, AWWA-WEF Joint Water Reuse Conference. San Antonio, Texas. Sheikh, B. 2001. Standards, Regulations & Legislation for Water Reuse in Jordan. Water Reuse Component, Water Policy Support Project, Ministry of Water and Irri gation, Amman, Jordan. Shelef, G. and Halperin R. 2002. The development of wastewater effluent quality requirements for reuse in agricultural irrigation in Israel. Proc. Regional Symposium on Water Recycling in Mediterranean Region, 26-29 September, 2002, Iraklio, Greece. State of Kuwait, Ministry of Finance. 2000. Concession Contract to Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT) a Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Plant at Sulaibiya. Strauss, M. and U.J. Blumenthal. 1990. Human Waste Use in Agriculture and Aquaculture: Utilization Practices and Health Perspective. IRCWD Report No. 09/90. Tchobanoglous, G. and A.N. Angelakis. 1996. Technolo gies for Wastewater Treatment Appropriate for Reuse: Potential for Applications in Greece. Water Science Technology, 33(10-11): 17-27. Tsagarakis, K.P., P. Tsoumanis, D. Mara and A.N. Angelakis. 2000. Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Greece: Related Problems and Prospectives. IWA, Biennial International Conference, Paris, France. UNDP/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/The World Bank/WHO. 1998. Wastewater Treat ment and Reuse in the Middle East and North Africa
Region: Unlocking the Potential. Report of Joint Mis sion to Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, the West Bank and Gaza and Yemen. United Nations 2002, www.un.org Walker D. 2001. The impact of disinfected treated waste water in raw water reservoir. J.Ch.Instn.Wat.& Envir. Mangt., 15, (1), 9. WHO. 1973. Reuse of Effluents: Methods of Wastewater Treatment and Health Safeguards. A report of WHO Meet ing of Experts. Technical Report No. 517. Geneva, Swit zerland. WHO, 1989. Health Guidelines for the Use of Wastewa ter in Agriculture and Aquaculture. Report of a Scientific Group. Technical Report No. 778. Geneva, Switzerland. World Bank. 2001. Regional Water Initiative: Water Reuse in the Middle East and North Africa, Proceedings (and Compact Disc Summary Tabulations), Regional Workshop, Sponsored by the World Bank and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, July 2-5, 2001, Cairo, Egypt, The World Bank, Washington, D. C. World Bank. 2000. Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Middle East and North Africa Region. The World Bank, Washington, D. C. World Health Organization. 1989. Health Guidelines for the Use of Wastewater in Agriculture and Aquaculture. Report of a WHO Scientific Group, Technical Report Series 778, World Health Organization, Geneva, Swit zerland. Worldwatch Institute, 1999. www.worldwatch.org Yanez, F. 1992. Evaluation and Treatment of Wastewaters Prior to Agricultural Reuse in Peru (in Spanish). Report to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on Project FAO/PERU/TCP/PER/.
Appendix A
State Reuse Regulations and Guidelines
Table A-1.
State Arizona
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Class A reclaimed water: Secondary treatment, filtration and disinfection Chemical feed facilities required to add coagulants or polymers if necessary to meet turbidity criterion Turbidity - 2 NTU (24 hour average) 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Fecal coliform - none detectable in 4 of last 7 daily samples - 23/100 ml (single sample maximum) Class B reclaimed water: Secondary treatment and disinfection Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (not to exceed in 4 of the last 7 daily samples) - 800/100 ml
Storage Requirements
Loading (1) Rates Application rates based on either the water allotment assigned by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (a water balance that considers consumptive use of water by the crop, turf, or landscape vegetation) or an alternative approved method
Other Class A reclaimed water may be used for residential landscape irrigation, schoolground landscape irrigation, toilet and urinal flushing, fire protection systems, commercial closed-loop air conditioning systems, vehicle and equipment washing, and snowmaking Class B reclaimed water may be used for landscape impoundment, construction uses, and street cleaning Application methods that reasonably preclude human contact with reclaimed water will be used when irrigating
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements (single sample maximum) Secondary treatment and disinfection
Storage Requirements Based on water balance using divisional average annual 90 percentile rainfall
Loading (1) Rates Hydraulic - 0.5 to 4.0 in/wk Nitrogen percolate nitrate-nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg/l
Groundwater (1) Monitoring Required One well upgradient One well within site One well down- gradient More wells may be required on a case-by-case basis
Disinfected tertiary recycled water -oxidized, coagulated (not required if membrane filtration is used and/or turbidity requirements are met), filtered, disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) - 240/100 ml (maximum any one sample)
Total coliform sampled at least once daily from the disinfected effluent Turbidity - continuously sampled following filtration
Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of qualified personnel
No irrigation within 50 feet of any domestic water supply well unless certain conditions are met
Includes landscape irrigation of parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, residential lawns, and unrestricted access golf courses, as well as use in decorative fountains Also allows reclaimed water use for toilet and urinal flushing, fire protection, construction uses, and commercial car washing
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Turbidity requirements for wastewater that has been coagulated and passed through natural undisturbed soils or a bed of filter media - maximum average of 2 NTU within a 24-hour period - not to exceed 5 NTU more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period - maximum of 10 NTU at any time Turbidity requirements for wastewater passed through membrane - not to exceed 0.2 NTU more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period - maximum of 0.5 NTU at any time
Storage Requirements
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
State Colorado
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Landscape irrigation excluding singlefamily residential: Oxidized, filtered and disinfected E. coli 126/100 ml (monthly average) - 235/100 ml (single sample maximum in any calendar month) Turbidity - not to exceed 3 NTU (monthly average) - not to exceed 5 NTU in more than 5 percent of the individual analytical results (any calendar month) Single-family residential: Oxidized, coagulated, clarified, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median)
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements Treaters: Quality of reclaimed domestic wastewater produced and delivered at the point of compliance Applicators: Total volume of reclaimed domestic wastewater applied per year or season The maximum monthly volume applied Each location with the associated acreage where reclaimed domestic wastewater was applied
Storage Requirements
Loading (1) Rates Application rates shall protect surface and groundwater quality and irrigation shall be controlled to minimize ponding
Setback (1) (2) Distances Landscape irrigation excluding singlefamily residential: No impoundment or irrigation of reclaimed water within 100 feet of any well used for domestic supply unless, in the case of impoundment, it is lined with a synthetic material with a permeability of -6 10 cm/sec or less Single-family residential: No irrigation of reclaimed water within 500 feet of any domestic supply well No irrigation of reclaimed water within 100 feet of any irrigation well
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements - 23/100 ml (any sample) Advanced treatment using oxidation, clarification, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, and disinfection 10 mg/l BOD5 10 mg/l TSS Turbidity not to exceed 5 NTU Fecal coliform - 20/100 ml
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements Continuous online monitoring for turbidity before application of the disinfectant Continuous online monitoring of residual disinfection concentrations Parameters which may require monitoring include volume of water applied to spray fields, BOD, suspended solids, fecal coliform bacteria, pH, COD, TOC, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, chloride, Na, K, Ca, Mg, metals, and priority pollutants Parameters
Storage Requirements Storage provisions required either as a separate facility or incorporated into the pretreatment system Minimum 15 days storage required unless other measures for controlling flow are demonstrated Must determine operational, wet weather, and water balance storage requirements Separate offline system for storage of reject wastewater with a minimum capacity equal to 2 days average daily design flow required
Loading (1) Rates Maximum design wastewater loadings limited to 2.5 in/wk Maximum instantaneous wastewater application rates limited to 0.25 in/hour Design wastewater loading must be determined as a function of precipitation, evapotranspiration, design percolation rate, nitrogen loading and other constituent loading limitations, groundwater and drainage conditions, and average and peak design wastewater flows and seasonal fluctuations
Groundwater (1) Monitoring Required One well upgradient of site or otherwise outside the influence of the site for background monitoring One well within wetted field area of each drainage basin intersected by site Two wells downgradient in each drainage basin intersected by site One well upgradient and One well downgradient of the pond treatment and storage facilities in each drainage basin intersected by site May require measurement of depth to groundwater,
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements and sampling frequency determined on case-by-case basis
Storage Requirements
Secondary treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided 20 mg/l CBOD5 (annual average) 5 mg/l TSS (single sample) to be achieved prior to disinfection Total chlorine residual of at least 1 mg/l after a minimum
Parameters to be monitored and sampling frequency to be identified in wastewater facility permit Minimum schedule for sampling and testing based on system capacity established for flow, pH, chlorine residual, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, CBOD5, nutrients, and
Class I reliability requires multiple or back-up treatment units and a secondary power source Minimum reject storage capacity equal to 1-day flow at the average daily design flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is
At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to 3 times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted Water balance required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20
Site specific Design hydraulic loading rate maximum annual average of 2 in/wk is recommended Based on nutrient and water balance assessments
Groundwater (1) Monitoring pH, COD, TOC, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, electrical conductivity, chloride, fecal coliform bacteria, metals, and priority pollutants Parameters and sampling frequency determined on a case-by-case basis Required One upgradient well located as close as possible to the site without being affected by the sites discharge (background well) One well at the edge of the zone of discharge down-gradient of the site (compliance well) One well downgradient
75 feet to potable water supply wells 75 feet from reclaimed water transmission facility to public water supply well Low trajectory nozzles required within 100 feet of outdoor public eating, drinking, and bathing facilities 100 feet from indoor aesthetic
Includes use of reclaimed water for irrigation of residential lawns, golf courses, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, highway medians, and other public access areas Also includes use of reclaimed water for toilet flushing, fire protection, construction
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements acceptable contact time of 15 minutes at peak hourly flow Fecal coliform - over 30 day period, 75 percent of samples below detection limits - 25/100 ml (single sample) pH 6 - 8.5 Limitations to be met after disinfection
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements fecal coliform Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity prior to disinfection Continuous on-line monitoring of total chlorine residual or residual concentrations of other disinfectants Monitoring for Giardia and
based on treatment plant capacity - > 1 mgd, sampling one time during each 2-year period - < 1 mgd, sampling one time during each 5-year period - samples to be taken immediately following disinfection process Primary and secondary drinking water standards to
Treatment Facility Reliability less Minimum system size of 0.1 mgd (not required for toilet flushing and fire protection uses) Staffing 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk or 6 hrs/day, 7 days/wk with diversion of reclaimed water to reuse system only during periods of operator presence
Storage Requirements years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation Existing or proposed lakes or ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage if it will not impair the ability of the lakes or ponds to function as a stormwater management system Aquifer storage and recovery allowed as provision of storage
Groundwater (1) Monitoring from the site and within the zone of discharge (intermediate well) One well located adjacent to unlined storage ponds or lakes Other wells may be required depending on site-specific criteria Quarterly monitoring required for water level, nitrate, total dissolved solids, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium, lead, fecal coliform, pH, and sulfate Monitoring may be required for additional parameters based on sitespecific conditions and groundwater quality
Setback (1) (2) Distances features using reclaimed water to adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities 200 feet from unlined storage ponds to potable water supply wells
Other dust control, vehicle washing and aesthetic purposes Tank trucks can be used to apply reclaimed water if requirements are met Crossconnection control and inspection program required
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Secondary treatment followed by coagulation, filtration, and disinfection 5 mg/l BOD 5 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (monthly average) - 100/100 ml (maximum any sample) pH 6 - 9 Turbidity not to exceed 3 NTU prior to disinfection Detectable disinfectant residual at the delivery point
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements be monitored by facilities > 100,000 gpd Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to disinfection Weekly sampling for TSS and BOD Daily monitoring for fecal coliform Daily monitoring for pH Detectable disinfection residual monitoring
Storage Requirements
Multiple process units Ability to isolate and bypass all process units System must be capable of treating peak flows with the largest unit out of service Equalization may be required Back-up power supply Alarms to warn of loss of power supply, failure of pumping systems, failure of disinfection systems, or turbidity greater than 3 NTU
Reject water storage equal to at least 3 days of flow at the average daily design flow One of the following options must be in place to account for wet weather periods - sufficient storage onsite or at the customers location to handle the flows until irrigation can be resumed - additional land set aside that can be irrigated without causing harm to the cover crop - obtain NPDES permit for all or part of the flow 20 days Design Required
R-1 water:
Daily flow
Multiple or
R-1 water:
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Oxidized, filtered, and disinfected Fecal coliform 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) - 200/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Inactivation and/or removal of 99.999 percent of the plaque-forming units of Fspecific bacteriophage MS2, or polio virus Effluent turbidity not to exceed 2 NTU Chemical pretreatment facilities required in all cases where granular media filtration is used; not required for facilities using membrane filtration
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements monitoring Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to and after filtration process Continuous measuring and recording of chlorine residual Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Weekly monitoring of BOD5 and suspended solids
Treatment Facility Reliability standby units required with sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30-year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Groundwater (1) Monitoring Groundwater monitoring system may consist of a number of lysimeters and/or monitoring wells depending on site size, site characteristics, location, method of discharge, and other appropriate considerations One well upgradient and two wells downgradient for project sites 500 acres or more One well within the wetted field area for each project whose surface area is greater than or equal to 1,500 acres One lysimeter per 200 acres One lysimeter for project sites that have greater than 40 but less than
Setback (1) (2) Distances Minimum of 50 feet to drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 100 feet from any drinking water supply well R-2 water: For spray irrigation applications, 500 feet to residence property or a place where public exposure could be similar to that at a park, elementary school yard or athletic field Minimum of 100 feet to any drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 300 feet from any drinking water supply well
Other be used for spray Irrigation of golf courses, parks, elementary schoolyards, athletic fields, landscapes around some residential property, roadside and median landscapes, landscape impoundments with decorative fountain, and decorative fountains R-1 water can also be used for flushing toilets and urinals, fire fighting and washing yards, lots and sidewalks R-2 water can be used as source of supply for landscape impoundments without decorative fountain and construction uses
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Theoretical chlorine contact time of 120 minutes and actual modal contact time of 90 minutes throughout which the chlorine residual is 5 mg/l R-2 water: Oxidized and disinfected Fecal coliform 23/100 ml (7-day median) - 200/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) Theoretical chlorine contact time of 15 minutes and actual modal contact time of 10 minutes throughout which the chlorine residual is 0.5 mg/l Oxidized,
Storage Requirements
Groundwater (1) Monitoring 200 acres Additional lysimeters may be necessary to address concerns of public health or environmental protection as related to variable characteristics of the subsurface or of the operations of the project
Other If alternative application methods are used, such as subsurface, drip or surface irrigation, a lesser quality reclaimed water may be suitable R-2 water used in spray irrigation will be performed during periods when the area is closed to the public and the public is absent from the area, and end at least 1 hour before the area is open to the public Subsurface irrigation may be performed at any time
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements coagulated, clarified, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median)
Storage Requirements
Other irrigation of parks, playgrounds, schoolyards and other areas where children are more likely to have access or exposure Irrigation to be accomplished during periods of non-use
Two-cell lagoon system with tertiary sand filtration and disinfection or mechanical secondary treatment with disinfection
Minimum storage capacity equal to at least 150 days of wastewater at design average flow except in southern Illinois areas where a minimum of 120 days of storage capacity to be provided Storage can be determined based on a rational design that must include capacity for the wettest year with a 20-year
Based on the limiting characteristic of the treated wastewater and the site Balances must be calculated and submitted for water, nitrogen, phosphorus, and BOD
Required One well upgradient for determining background concentrations Two wells downgradient in the dominant direction of groundwater movement Wells between each potable water well and the application area if within 1,000 feet Monitoring of nitrates, ammonia nitrogen, chlorides, sulfates, pH, total dissolved
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Storage Requirements return frequency Minimum of 90 days effective storage capacity required
Secondary treatment and disinfection 10 mg/l BOD5 5 mg/l TSS prior to disinfection (24 hour average) Fecal coliform - no detectable fecal coliform (7-day median) 14/100 ml (single sample) pH 6 - 9 Total chlorine residual after a minimum contact time of 30 minutes at least 1 mg/l (if chlorination is used for disinfection) Secondary treatment with filtration and disinfection for irrigation of areas with a high probability of body contact
Daily monitoring of TSS, coliform, and chlorine residual Weekly monitoring of BOD and pH Monthly monitoring of total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium Annual monitoring of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, and zinc
200 feet to potable water supply wells or drinking water springs 300 feet to any waters of the state 300 feet to any residence
Storage provided to retain a minimum of 90 days average dry weather flow when no discharge to surface water is available
Maximum daily application rate of 3 in/ac/day Maximum annual application rate of 40 in/acre Based on soil and crop moisture
None required
Projected uses include irrigation of golf courses or public parks with a low probability of body contact Public access prohibited
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Storage Requirements
Other during and 8 hours after irrigation The use of reclaimed water for toilet flushing is allowed at commercial facilities where public access to the plumbing is not allowed
Toilet flushing: Secondary treatment with filtration (possibly) and disinfection pH 6 - 9 30 mg/l BOD5 Turbidity - 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Fecal coliform - 100/100 ml (single sample) 10 mg/l TSS 10 mg/l total nitrogen Class I groundwater permit standards (SDWA Drinking Water Standards) Oxidized, clarified, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (single sample) Turbidity
Toilet flushing: pH - weekly or daily BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous monitoring prior to disinfection Fecal coliform -once per week Disinfection UV intensity daily or chlorine residual - daily TSS - weekly Nitrogen twice per month Permit standards variable testing requirements Effluent to be monitored on a regular basis to show the biochemical and bacteriological quality of the applied wastewater Monitoring
EPA Class I Reliability standards may be required Two independent and separate sources of power Unit redundancy Additional storage
Immediate, permitted discharge alternatives are required for emergency situations and for nongrowing season disposal
(1) (2)
Nitrogen and hydraulic loadings determined based on methods in EPA Manual 625/1-81-013 Hydraulic loading must be based on
Determined on a case-by-case basis Consideration is given to groundwater characteristics, past practices, depth to groundwater, cropping
100 feet to any water supply well Distance to surface water determined on a case-by-case basis based on quality of effluent and the level of
Includes landscape irrigation of parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, unrestricted golf courses, and other areas where the public has
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
New Jersey
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements - 2 NTU (average) - 5 NTU (not to exceed more than 5 percent of the time during any 24hour period) At a minimum, secondary treatment with disinfection 30 mg/l BOD5 Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml (30-day geometric mean) - 23/100 ml (maximum daily number) Fecal Coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 14/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Minimum chlorine residual - 1.0 mg/l after 15-minute contact at peak hourly flow Alternative methods of disinfection, such as UV and ozone, may be
Storage Requirements
None required
Uses include irrigation of cemeteries, golf courses, greenbelts, parks, playgrounds, or commercial or residential lawns
(1) (2)
Continuous on-line monitoring of chlorine residual produced oxidant at the compliance monitoring point For spray irrigation, chlorination levels for disinfection should be continually evaluated to ensure
Not required when another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is incorporated into the system design If system storage ponds are used, they do not have to be lined Reject storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent
Hydraulic loading rate - maximum annual average of 2 in/wk but may be increased based on a site-specific evaluation The spray irrigation of reclaimed water shall not produce surface runoff or ponding
75 feet to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved for construction 75 feet provided from a reclaimed water transmission facility to all potable water supply wells 100 feet from outdoor public eating,
Secondary treatment, for the purpose of the manual, refers to the existing treatment requirements in the NJPDES permit, not including the additional reclaimed water for beneficial reuse treatment requirements A chlorine
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
New Mexico
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements approved TSS not to exceed 5 mg/l before disinfection Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l but may be less stringent if higher limit is still protective of environment Secondary Filtration Chemical addition prior to filtration may be necessary Adequately treated and disinfected Fecal coliform - 100/100 ml
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements chlorine residual levels do not adversely impact vegetation Continuous monitoring for turbidity before disinfection is required Operating protocol required User/Supplier Agreement Annual usage report Fecal coliform sample taken at point of diversion to irrigation
Storage Requirements measurable seepage Existing or proposed ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage of reuse water if the ability of the ponds to function as stormwater management systems is not impaired
Setback (1) (2) Distances drinking, and bathing facilities 100 feet between indoor aesthetic features and adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities when in the same room or building
Other residual of 0.5 mg/l or greater is recommended to reduce odors, slime, and bacterial re-growth
North Carolina
Tertiary quality effluent (filtered or equivalent) TSS - 5 mg/l (monthly average) - 10 mg/l (daily maximum)
Continuous on-line monitoring and recording for turbidity or particle count and flow prior to discharge
All essential treatment units to be provided in duplicate Five-day sidestream detention pond required for effluent exceeding
Determined using a mass water balance based upon a recent 25-year period using monthly average precipitation data, potential
Site specific Application rate may take both the maximum soil absorption and water needs of the receiving crop into consideration
100 feet to any surface waters classified SA, including wetlands 25 feet to any surface water not classified SA, including wetlands and
Includes irrigation of parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, golf courses, cemeteries, and other areas where the public has similar access or exposure Uses include irrigation of residential lawns, golf courses, parks, school grounds, industrial or commercial site grounds,
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Fecal coliform - 14/100 ml (monthly geometric mean) - 25/100 ml (daily maximum) BOD5 - 10 mg/l (monthly average) - 15 mg/l (daily maximum) NH3 - 4 mg/l (monthly average) - 6 mg/l (daily maximum) Turbidity not to exceed 10 NTU at any time At a minimum, secondary treatment with chlorination 25 mg/l BOD5 30 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml Chlorine residual of at least 0.1 mg/l
Treatment Facility Reliability turbidity or fecal coliform limits Automatically activated standby power source to be provided Certified 24 hours/day operator with a grade level equivalent to or greater than the facility classification
Storage Requirements evapotranspiration data, and soil drainage data No storage facilities required if it can be demonstrated that other permitted disposal options are available
Setback (1) (2) Distances any swimming pool 100 feet to any water supply well 10 feet to any nonpotable well
North Dakota
BOD5, TSS, and fecal coliform monitoring once every 2 weeks Daily monitoring of chlorine residual at the point of use farthest from the treatment plant Large system
Determined by
100 feet to
Other landscape areas, highway medians, and roadways Can also be used for aesthetic purposes such as decorative ponds or fountains, dust control, soil compaction, street cleaning, vehicle washing, urinal and toilet flushing, or fire protection in sprinkler systems located in commercial or industrial facilities Use applies to irrigation of public property such as parks and golf courses Signs must be posted in visible areas during irrigation and for 2 hours after irrigation is completed Includes parks,
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements treatment and disinfection 25 mg/l CBOD5 Fecal coliform (30-day average) - 23/100 ml with no public access buffer area or night application Limits for metals
Parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, and golf courses with contiguous residences: Level IV biological treatment, clarification,
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements monitoring (150,000 to 500,000 gpd): Twice weekly for CBOD5, total coliform (when irrigating) and storage volume Monthly monitoring for total inorganic nitrogen Daily monitoring for flow Small system monitoring (<150,000 gpd): Weekly monitoring of CBOD5, total coliform (when irrigating) and storage volume Daily monitoring of flow Parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, and golf courses with contiguous residences: Total coliform sampling - one time a day
Storage Requirements storage of 4 times the daily design flow needed Storage provisions for at least 130 days of design average flow needed for periods when irrigation is not recommended Actual storage requirements determined by performing water balance Permits can be obtained for stream discharge during winter and times of high stream flow to reduce storage needs
Groundwater (1) Monitoring wells upgradient and downgradient of large irrigation systems Monitoring wells should be sampled at the beginning and the end of the irrigation season
Setback (1) (2) Distances private water well 300 feet to community water well 100 feet to sink hole 50 feet to drainage way 50 feet to surface water 100 feet to road right-ofway without windbreak using spray irrigation 10 feet to road right-of-way with windbreak or with flood irrigation 50 feet to property line
(1) (2)
Standby power with capacity to fully operate all essential treatment processes Redundant treatment facilities and monitoring
Parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, and golf courses with contiguous residences: None required Landscape impoundments and construction
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
South Carolina
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements coagulation, filtration, and disinfection Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (maximum any sample) Turbidity - 2 NTU (24-hour mean) - 5 NTU (5 percent of time during a 24-hour period) Landscape impoundments and construction use: Level II biological treatment and disinfection Total coliform - 240/100 ml (2 consecutive samples) - 23/100 ml (7-day median) Advanced wastewater treatment BOD5 and TSS - 5 mg/l (monthly average) - 7.5 mg/l
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements Turbidity - hourly Landscape impoundments and construction use: Total coliform sampling - once a week
Treatment Facility Reliability equipment to meet required levels of treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure of process equipment
Storage Requirements
Setback (1) (2) Distances use: 10-foot buffer with surface irrigation 70-foot buffer with spray irrigation No spray irrigation within 100 feet of drinking fountains or food preparation areas
(1) (2)
Minimum of one fecal or total coliform presence/ absence measurement daily Nitrate
Storage facilities are not required to be lined Covered storage systems or other
May be required
None required
Applies to application of reclaimed water in areas with a high potential for contact Includes
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
South Dakota
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements (weekly average) Turbidity - 1 NTU (monthly average) - 5 NTU (not to exceed based on an average for 2 consecutive days) Total coliform - similar to standards in State Primary Regulations - for a system that collects at least 40 samples per month, if no more than 5 percent are total coliformpositive, the system will be in compliance with the MCL for total coliform Total chlorine residual limits based on site conditions and distribution system design Secondary treatment and disinfection
Storage Requirements alternative methods may be required to maintain effluent quality prior to distribution
Loading (1) Rates loading balance may be required Application rates in excess of 2 in/wk may be approved
Other residential irrigation systems, multifamily irrigation systems, commercial irrigation systems in common residential areas, public parks, and open spaces
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Total coliform - 200/100 ml (geometric mean)
Biological treatment Additional treatment requirements are determined on a case-bycase basis Disinfection required 30 mg/l BOD5 and TSS (monthly average) Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml
Site specific
Storage requirements determined by either of two methods 1) use of water balance calculations or, 2) use of a computer program that was developed based upon an extensive NOAA study of climatic variations throughout the United States
Nitrogen percolate nitrate-nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg/l Hydraulic based on water balance using 5-year return monthly precipitation
Groundwater (1) Monitoring groundwater flow from site and no more than 200 feet outside of the site perimeter, spaced no more than 500 feet apart, and extending into the groundwater table Shallow wells within the site are also recommended Required
Surface Irrigation: 100 feet to site boundary 50 feet to on site streams, ponds, and roads Spray Irrigation: [1] Open Fields 300 feet to site boundary 150 feet to on site streams, ponds, and roads [2] Forested 150 feet to site boundary 75 feet to on site streams, ponds, and roads
Pertains to irrigation of parks, green areas, and other public or private land where public use occurs or is expected to occur
Type I
Sampling and
Based on
Type I
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements reclaimed water Reclaimed water on a 30-day average to have a quality of: 5 mg/l BOD5 or CBOD5 10 mg/l for landscape impoundment) Turbidity - 3 NTU Fecal coliform - 20/100 ml (geometric mean) - 75/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample)
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements analysis twice per week for BOD5 or CBOD5, turbidity, and fecal coliform Periodic fecal coliform sampling in the reclaimed water distribution system may be necessary
Storage Requirements
Type I treated wastewater - secondary treatment with filtration and disinfection 10 mg/l BOD (monthly average) Turbidity prior to disinfection - not to exceed 2 NTU (daily average) - not to exceed 5 NTU at any
Daily composite sampling required for BOD Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to disinfection Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Continuous total residual chlorine
Alternative disposal option or diversion to storage required if turbidity or chlorine residual requirements not met
50 feet to any potable water well Impoundments at least 500 feet from any potable water well
Other reclaimed water use defined as use of reclaimed water where contact between humans and the reclaimed water is likely Uses include residential irrigation, irrigation of public parks, golf courses with unrestricted public access, schoolyards or athletic fields, fire protection, toilet flushing, and other uses Uses allowed where human exposure is likely include residential irrigation, nonresidential landscape irrigation, golf course irrigation, toilet flushing, fire protection, and other uses For residential landscape
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements time Fecal coliform - none detected (weekly median as determined from daily grab samples) - 14/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample) 1.0 mg/l total residual chlorine after 30 minutes contact time at peak flow pH 6 - 9 Landscape irrigation, decorative fountains, street cleaning, fire protection, and toilet flushing: Class A oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day mean) - 23/100 ml (single sample) Landscape impoundment and construction uses:
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements monitoring pH monitored continuously or by daily grab samples
Storage Requirements
Other irrigation at individual homes, additional quality control restrictions may be required
BOD 24-hour composite samples collected at least weekly TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform and dissolved oxygen - grab samples collected at least daily Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity
May be required Monitoring program will be based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations
50 feet to any potable water supply well Unlined impoundments - 500 feet between perimeter and any potable water supply well Lined impoundments - 100 feet between perimeter and any potable water supply well
Uses include irrigation of open access areas (such as golf courses, parks, playgrounds, schoolyards, residential landscapes, or other areas where the public has similar access or exposure to the reclaimed water) and use in decorative fountains and landscape impoundments
(1) (2)
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Class C oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day mean) - 240/100 ml (single sample) General compliance requirements: 30 mg/l BOD and TSS (monthly mean) Turbidity - 2 NTU (monthly) - 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Minimum chlorine residual of 1 mg/l after a contact time of 30 minutes Minimum of Class A wastewater advanced treatment and/or secondary treatment and disinfection Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml or less
Treatment Facility Reliability call at all times the irrigation system is operating
Storage Requirements should be the volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Other Also includes use for street cleaning, construction, fire protection in hydrants or sprinkler systems, toilet flushing in commercial or industrial facilities and in apartments and condos where the residents do not have access to the plumbing system
(1) (2)
Treated wastewater to be analyzed for fecal coliform, nitrate as N, ammonia as N, and pH at a minimum Monitoring frequency - once per month for
Multiple units and equipment Alternative power sources Alarm systems and instrumentation Operator certification and standby capability Bypass and
Emergency storage
Will be applied for the purpose of beneficial reuse and will not exceed the irrigation demand of the vegetation at the site Not to be applied at a rate greater than the
30 feet to adjacent property lines 30 feet to all surface waters 100-feet to all potable water supply wells 100-foot buffer zone around spray site
For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-1.
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements lagoon systems - once per week for mechanical systems Frequency specified in NPDES permit required if more frequent
Storage Requirements
Loading (1) Rates agronomic rate for the vegetation at the site Will be applied in a manner and time that will not cause any surface runoff or contamination of a groundwater aquifer
(1) (2) For irrigation use only. Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
State Alabama
Treatment Facility Reliability Controls required to indicate any system malfunction or permit varied field operations
Storage Requirements Based on water balance performed on a monthly basis with a precipitation input using a 5-year, 24hour rainfall event, 30-year minimum base period In addition to storage dictated by water balance, a minimum of 15 days storage should be provided for contingencies
Loading Rates Based on soil permeability and nitrogen limits (10 mg/l nitrate) Excessive rainwater runoff should be diverted Excessive ponding should be avoided
Groundwater Monitoring At least three downgradient monitoring wells At least one upgradient monitoring well Contaminants in groundwater not to exceed primary and secondary maximum contaminant levels Minimum depth to groundwater, without use of an underdrain collection system, shall be 4 feet
Setback (1) Distances 100 feet to property lines 300 feet to existing habitable residences Spray irrigation not allowed within 100 feet of any perennial lake or stream If irrigation causes an intermittent stream to become perennial, the irrigation must cease within 100 feet of the stream Spray irrigation not allowed in wellhead protection area (WHPA 1) if no wellhead delineation exists, minimum distance for application shall be 1,000 feet or as required No sites within 100-year floodplain
Other Disinfection required for public access areas such as golf courses May use breakpoint chlorination with rapid, uniform mixing to a free chlorine residual of 2 mg/l at a contact period of 30 minutes at average daily flow rate May use ozonation or ultraviolet disinfection systems; a geometric mean limit of 126/100 ml for E. Coli, or 33/ 100 ml for enterococci bacteria will be required; the total suspended solids concentration of the effluent, prior to disinfection, must be no more than 5 mg/l which
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Case-by-case basis
Application rates based on either the water allotment assigned by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (a water balance that considers consumptive use of water by the crop, turf, or landscape vegetation) or an alternative approved method Hydraulic - 0.5 to 4.0 in/wk Nitrogen percolate nitrate-nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg/l
Other may require installation of a filtration process Includes irrigation of golf courses and other restricted access landscapes Application methods that reasonably preclude human contact with reclaimed water will be used when irrigating
California Disinfected secondary-23 recycled water - oxidized and disinfected Total coliform Total coliform sampled at least once daily from the disinfected effluent Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units (1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Required One well upgradient One well within site One well downgradient More wells may be required on a case-by-case basis
Treatment Facility Reliability capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: shortterm, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of qualified personnel
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances within 100 feet of any domestic water supply well No spray irrigation within 100 feet of a residence or a place where public exposure could be similar to that of a park, playground, or schoolyard
Secondary treatment with disinfection E. coli 126/100 ml (monthly average) - 235/100 ml (single sample maximum in any calendar month) 30 mg/l TSS as a daily maximum
Treaters: Quality of reclaimed domestic wastewater produced and delivered at the point of compliance Applicators: Total volume of reclaimed domestic wastewater applied per year or season The maximum monthly volume applied Each location with the associated acreage where
Application rates shall protect surface and groundwater quality and irrigation shall be controlled to minimize ponding
No impoundment or irrigation of reclaimed water within 100 feet of any well used for domestic supply unless, in the case of an impoundment, it is lined with a synthetic material with a permeability of -6 10 cm/sec or less
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Biological treatment and disinfection 30 mg/l BOD5 30 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml
Storage provisions required either as a separate facility or incorporated into the pretreatment system Minimum 15 days storage required unless other measures for controlling flow are demonstrated Must determine operational, wet weather, and water balance storage requirements Separate offline system for storage of reject wastewater with a
Maximum design wastewater loadings limited to 2.5 in/wk Maximum instantaneous wastewater application rates limited to 0.25 in/hour Design wastewater loading must be determined as a function of precipitation, evapotranspiration, design percolation rate, nitrogen loading and other constituent loading limitations, groundwater and drainage conditions, and
Required One well upgradient of site or otherwise outside the influence of the site for background monitoring One well within wetted field area of each drainage basin intersected by site Two wells down-gradient in each drainage basin intersected by site One well upgradient and One well downgradient of the pond treatment and storage facilities in
Storage Requirements minimum capacity equal to 2-day average daily design flow required
Loading Rates average and peak design wastewater flows and seasonal fluctuations
Secondary treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided 20 mg/l CBOD5 (annual average) 5 mg/l TSS (single sample) Total chlorine
Parameters to be monitored and sampling frequency to be identified in wastewater facility permit Minimum schedule for sampling and testing based on system capacity established for flow, pH,
Class I reliability requires multiple or back-up treatment units and a secondary power source Minimum reject storage capacity equal to 1 day flow at the average daily design
At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to 3 times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted Water balance
Site specific Design hydraulic loading rate maximum annual average of 2 in/wk is recommended Based on nutrient and water balance assessments
Groundwater Monitoring each drainage basin intersected by site May require measurement of depth to groundwater, pH, COD, TOC, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, electrical conductivity, chloride, fecal coliform bacteria, metals, and priority pollutants Parameters and sampling frequency determined on a case-by-case basis Required One upgradient well located as close as possible to the site without being affected by the sites discharge (background well) One well at the edge of the zone of
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
75 feet to potable water supply wells 75 feet from reclaimed water transmission facility to public water supply well Low trajectory nozzles required within 100 feet of outdoor public
Rules do not differentiate between unrestricted and restricted urban reuse Tank trucks can be used to apply reclaimed water if requirements are met Crossconnection
based on treatment plant capacity - > 1 mgd, sampling one time during each two-year period - < 1 mgd , sampling one time during each 5-year period - samples to be taken immediately
Treatment Facility Reliability flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less Minimum system size of 0.1 mgd (not required for toilet flushing and fire protection uses) Staffing 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk or 6 hrs/day, 7 days/wk with diversion of reclaimed water to reuse system only during periods of operator presence
Storage Requirements required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation Existing or proposed lakes or ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage if it will not impair the ability of the lakes or ponds to function as a stormwater management system Aquifer storage and recovery allowed as provision of storage
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring discharge downgradient of the site (compliance well) One well downgradient from the site and within the zone of discharge (intermediate well) One well located adjacent to unlined storage ponds or lakes Other wells may be required depending on site-specific criteria Quarterly monitoring required for water level, nitrate, total dissolved solids, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium, lead, fecal coliform, pH, and sulfate Monitoring may be required for
Setback (1) Distances eating, drinking, and bathing facilities 100 feet from indoor aesthetic features using reclaimed water to adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities 200 feet from unlined storage ponds to potable water supply wells
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring additional parameters based on sitespecific conditions and groundwater quality
Secondary treatment followed by coagulation, filtration, and disinfection 5 mg/l BOD 5 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (monthly average) - 100/100 ml (maximum any sample) pH 6 - 9 Turbidity not to exceed 3 NTU prior to disinfection Detectable disinfectant residual at the delivery point
Multiple process units Ability to isolate and bypass all process units System must be capable of treating peak flows with the largest unit out of service Equalization may be required Back-up power supply Alarms to warn of loss of power supply, failure of pumping systems, failure of disinfection systems, or turbidity greater than 3 NTU
Reject water storage equal to at least 3 days of flow at the average daily design flow One of the following options must be in place to account for wet weather periods - sufficient storage onsite or at the customers location to handle the flows until irrigation can be resumed - additional land set aside that can be irrigated without causing harm to the cover crop
R-2 water oxidized and disinfected Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day median) - 200/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) Theoretical chlorine contact time of 15 minutes and actual modal contact time of 10 minutes throughout which the chlorine residual is 0.5 mg/l
Daily flow monitoring Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to and after filtration process Continuous measuring and recording of chlorine residual Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Weekly monitoring of BOD5 and suspended solids
Multiple or standby units required with sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements - An NPDES permit for all or part of the flow 20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30-year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Required Groundwater monitoring system may consist of a number of lysimeters and/or monitoring wells depending on site size, site characteristics, location, method of discharge. and other appropriate considerations One well upgradient and two wells downgradient for project sites 500 acres or more One well within the wetted field area for each project whose surface area is greater than or equal to 1,500 acres One lysimeter per 200 acres One lysimeter for project sites
R-2 water: For spray irrigation applications, 500 feet to residence property or a place where public exposure could be similar to that at a park, elementary schoolyard, or athletic field Minimum of 100 feet to any drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 300 feet from any drinking water supply well
R-2 water can be used for spray irrigation of freeway and cemetery landscapes and other areas where access is controlled If alternative application methods are used, such as subsurface, drip or surface irrigation, a lesser quality reclaimed water may be suitable R-2 water used in spray irrigation will be performed when the area is closed to the public and the public is absent from the area, and will end at least 1 hour before the area is open to the public Subsurface irrigation may
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring that have greater than 40 but less than 200 acres Additional lysimeters may be necessary to address public health or environmental protection concerns related to variable characteristics of the subsurface or of the operations of the project
Includes irrigation of golf courses, cemeteries, roadside vegetation, and other areas where individuals have access or exposure Irrigation to be accomplished during periods of non-use Minimum storage capacity equal to at least 150 days of wastewater at Based on the limiting characteristic of the treated wastewater and the site Required One well upgradient for determining background concentrations 25 feet to any residential lot line if surrounded by a fence with a minimum
Storage Requirements design average flow except in southern Illinois areas where a minimum of 120 days of storage capacity to be provided Storage can be determined based on a rational design that must include capacity for the wettest year with a 20-year return frequency Minimum of 9 days effective storage capacity required
Loading Rates Balances must be calculated and submitted for water, nitrogen, phosphorus, and BOD
Groundwater Monitoring Two wells downgradient in the dominant direction of groundwater movement Wells between each potable water well and the application area if within 1,000 feet Monitoring of nitrates, ammonia nitrogen, chlorides, sulfates, pH, total dissolved solids, phosphate, and coliform bacteria
Setback (1) Distances height of 40 inches No buffer required if irrigation of golf course occurs only during the hours between dusk and dawn No buffer required if the application and its associated drying time occur during a period when the area is closed to the public
Indiana Secondary treatment and disinfection 30 mg/l BOD5 30 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (7-day median) - 800/100 ml (single sample) pH 6 - 9 Total chlorine residual after a minimum contact time of 30 minutes at least 1 mg/l (if Daily monitoring of TSS, coliform, and chlorine residual Weekly monitoring of BOD and pH Monthly monitoring of total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium Alternate power source required (1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
200 feet to potable water supply wells or drinking water springs 300 feet to any waters of the state 300 feet to any residence
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
At a minimum, treatment equivalent to that obtained from a primary lagoon cell Disinfection - required for all land application systems with spray irrigation application technique - must precede actual spraying of the wastewater on to a field area and must not precede storage - minimum contact time of 15 minutes with equipment necessary to maintain a residual chlorine level of 0.5 mg/l
Minimum of two storage cells required capable of series and parallel operation
Minimum days of storage based on climatic restraints When flows are generated only during the application period, a storage capacity of 45 days or the flow generated during the period of operation (whichever is less) must be provided When discharging to a receiving waterway on a periodic basis, storage for 180 days of average wet weather flow is required
Monitoring required adjacent to the site both upstream and downstream of the site in reference to the general groundwater flow direction
300 feet to existing dwellings or public use areas (not including roads and highways) 400 feet to any existing potable water supply well not located on property 300 feet to any structure, continuous flowing stream, or other physiographic feature that may provide direct connection between the groundwater table and the surface Wetted disposal area to be at least 50 feet inside the property
Categorized as land application using slow rate system (irrigation) Application to public use areas given as example of permissible application with requirements - public not allowed into an area when spraying is being conducted - any drinking water fountains located on or near the application area must be protected - for golf courses using wastewater, notice of its use must be
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Secondary treatment and disinfection for irrigation of areas with a low probability of body contact
Storage provided to retain a minimum of 90-days average dry weather flow when no discharge to surface water is available
Maximum daily application rate of 3 in/ac/day Maximum annual application rate of 40 in/acre Based on soil and crop moisture and/or nutrient requirements of selected crop Maximum application rate of 2 in/wk on annual average basis Water balance required based on wettest year in the last 10
Setback (1) Distances line of the land application site 1,000 feet to any shallow public water supply well 500 feet to any public lake or impoundment _ mile to any public lake or impoundment used as a source of raw water by a potable water supply None required
Projected uses include irrigation of golf courses or public parks with a low probability of body contact
Maryland (1)
Minimum of 60-days storage to be provided for all systems receiving wastewater flows throughout the
May be required One well upgradient of site Two wells adjacent to the property line and
200 feet to property lines, waterways, and roads for spray irrigation 500 feet to housing developments and parks for
Loading Rates years of record Actual application rate accepted must consider permeability of the soils, depth to groundwater, and the nutrient balance of the site
Secondary treatment with filtration and disinfection pH 6 - 9 10 mg/l BOD5 Turbidity - 2 NTU (average over 24-hour period) - 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Fecal coliform - no detectable colonies (7-day median) - 14/100 ml (single sample) 5 mg/l TSS 10 mg/l total nitrogen Class I groundwater permit standards
pH - daily BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous monitoring prior to disinfection Fecal coliform - daily Disinfection UV intensity daily or chlorine residual - daily TSS - twice per week Nitrogen twice per month Phosphorus twice per month Heterotrophic plate count quarterly MS-2 phage quarterly
EPA Class I Reliability standards may be required Two independent and separate sources of power Unit redundancy Additional storage
Immediate, permitted discharge alternatives are required for emergency situations and for nongrowing season disposal
Required Monitoring wells to be located and constructed to strategically sample the geologic units of interest between the discharges and sensitive receptors and withdrawal points Sensitive receptors include, but are not limited to public and private wells, surface waters, embayments, and ACECs Monitoring and testing frequency and
Setback (1) Distances spray irrigation Reduction of the buffer zone up to 50 percent will be considered with adequate windbreak Minimum buffer zone of 50 feet for all other types of slow rate systems 100 feet to buildings, residential property, private wells, Class A surface water bodies, and surface water intakes Other than for private wells, using a green barrier in the form of hedges or trees placed at the dwelling side of the buffer may reduce the setback distance to 50 feet No spray irrigation directed into Zone I of
Includes the irrigation of golf courses Spray irrigation must take place during nonoperational hours and cannot result in any ponding
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Secondary treatment equivalent to treatment obtained from primary wastewater pond cell Disinfected prior to application (not storage) Total residual chlorine of 0.5 mg/l after 15 minutes of contact time at peak flow Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml
Minimum of 45 days in south with no discharge Minimum of 90 days in north with no discharge Based on the design wastewater flows and net rainfall minus evaporation expected for a one in 10-year return frequency for the storage period selected
Application rates shall in no case exceed - 0.5 in/hour - 1.0 in/day - 3.0 in/week Maximum annual application rate not to exceed a range from 4 to 10 percent of the design sustained permeability rate for the number of days per year when soils are not frozen Nitrogen loading not to exceed the amount of nitrogen that can be used by the vegetation to be grown Nitrogen and hydraulic loadings determined
Groundwater Monitoring parameters determined based on land use, effluent quality and quantity, and the sensitivity of receptors Minimum of one well between site and public supply well
150 feet to existing dwellings or public use areas, excluding roads or highways 50 feet to property lines 300 feet to potable water supply wells not on property, sinkholes, and losing streams or other structure or physiographic feature that may provide direct connection between the groundwater table and the surface Buffer zones determined on a case-by-case basis if less
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates based on methods in EPA Manual 625/1-81-013 Hydraulic loading must be based on the wettest year in ten years
Groundwater Monitoring is given to groundwater characteristics, past practices, depth to groundwater, cropping practices, etc.
Setback (1) Distances than 200 feet If low trajectory nozzles are used, the buffer zone can be reduced to 50 feet 100 feet to any water supply well Distance to surface water determined on a case-by-case basis based on quality of effluent and the level of disinfection
Other cemeteries, freeway landscapes, and landscapes in other areas where the public has similar access or exposure Public access must be restricted during the period of application
Biological treatment Disinfected prior to application Fecal coliform limit to be established At a minimum, secondary treatment with disinfection 30 mg/l BOD5 No buffer zone: Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml (30-day geometric mean) - 23/100 ml (maximum
Site specific
Hydraulic loading rate should not exceed 4 in/wk Nitrogen loading not to exceed crop uptake
Site specific
Includes irrigation of golf courses and other public use areas None or 100 foot minimum buffer required depending on level of disinfection Uses include irrigation of golf courses, cemeteries, or greenbelts where public access to the site being irrigated is controlled and human contact with the treated effluent
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
New Jersey
Continuous on-line monitoring of chlorine residual produced oxidant at the compliance monitoring point For spray irrigation, chlorination levels for disinfection should be continually evaluated to ensure chlorine residual levels do not adversely impact vegetation Continuous monitoring for turbidity before disinfection is required Operating
Not required when another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is incorporated into the system design If system storage ponds are used, they do not have to be lined Reject storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent measurable seepage Existing or proposed ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage of reuse water if the ability of the ponds to
Hydraulic loading rate - maximum annual average of 2 in/wk but may be increased based on a site-specific evaluation The spray irrigation of reclaimed water shall not produce surface runoff or ponding
75 feet to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved for construction 75 feet provided from a reclaimed water transmission facility to all potable water supply wells 100 feet from outdoor public eating, drinking, and bathing facilities
Secondary treatment, for the purpose of the manual, refers to the existing treatment requirements in the NJPDES permit, not including the additional reclaimed water for beneficial reuse treatment requirements A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l or greater is recommended to reduce odors, slime, and bacterial re-growth
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
New Mexico
North Carolina
Tertiary quality effluent (filtered or equivalent) TSS - 5 mg/l (monthly average) - 10 mg/l (daily maximum) Fecal coliform - 14/100 ml (monthly geometric mean) - 25/100 ml (daily maximum) BOD5 - 10 mg/l (monthly average) - 15 mg/l (daily
Continuous on-line monitoring and recording for turbidity or particle count and flow prior to discharge
All essential treatment units to be provided in duplicate Five-day sidestream detention pond required for effluent exceeding turbidity or fecal coliform limits Automatically activated standby power source to be provided Certified operator 24 hours/day with a grade level equivalent to
Determined using a mass water balance based upon a recent 25-year period using monthly average precipitation data, potential evapotranspiration data, and soil drainage data No storage facilities required if it can be demonstrated that other permitted disposal options are
Site specific Application rate may take both the maximum soil absorption and water needs of the receiving crop into consideration
100 feet to any surface waters classified SA, including wetlands 25 feet to any surface water not classified SA, including wetlands and any swimming pool 100 feet to any water supply well 10 feet to any nonpotable well
Includes irrigation of freeway landscapes and landscapes in other areas where the public has similar access or exposure Uses include irrigation of golf courses, cemeteries, industrial or commercial site grounds, landscape areas, highway medians, and roadways
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
North Dakota
BOD5 and TSS monitoring once every 2 weeks Fecal coliform - twice weekly for mechanical plants - once per week for lagoon systems
Use applies to irrigation of public property such as parks and golf courses Irrigation should take place during hours when the public does not have access to the area being irrigated Operational storage of 4 times the daily design flow needed Storage provisions for at least 130 days of design average flow needed for periods when irrigation is not recommended Actual storage Determined by calculating a water and nutrient balance Monitoring wells upgradient and downgradient of large irrigation systems Monitoring wells should be sampled at the beginning and the end of the irrigation season 100 feet to private water well 300 feet to community water well 100 feet to sink hole 50 feet to drainage way 50 feet to surface water 100 feet to road right-ofway without
Ohio Biological treatment Disinfection should be considered 40 mg/l CBOD5 Fecal coliform (30-day average) - 23/100 ml with no public access buffer - 200/100 ml with 100-foot (1)
Large system monitoring (150,000 to 500,000 gpd): Twice weekly for CBOD5, total coliform (when irrigating) and storage volume Monthly monitoring for total inorganic nitrogen
Storage Requirements requirements determined by performing water balance Permits can be obtained for stream discharge during winter and times of high stream flow to reduce storage needs
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances windbreak using spray irrigation 10 feet to road right-of-way with windbreak or with flood irrigation 50 feet to property line
Required for periods when available wastewater exceeds design hydraulic loading rate, and when the ground is saturated or frozen Based on water balance Must provide at least 90 days of storage above that required for primary treatment
Based on the lower of the two rates calculated for soil permeability and nitrogen requirements
100 feet to adjacent property Additional distance may be required where prevailing winds could cause aerosols to drift into residential areas Buffer zone to be a part of the permitted site
Applies to multi-purpose use areas such as golf courses Wastewater to be applied during times of non-use No wastewater applied in public use areas with high potential for skin to ground contact
Oregon Level II biological treatment and disinfection Total coliform sampling - 1 time per week (1)
Treatment Facility Reliability treatment processes Redundant treatment facilities and monitoring equipment to meet required levels of treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure of process equipment
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances with spray irrigation No spray irrigation within 100 feet of drinking fountains or food preparation areas
Other contiguous residences, cemeteries, highway medians, and landscapes without frequent public access
South Carolina
Secondary treatment and disinfection BOD5 and TSS - 30 mg/l (monthly average) - 45 mg/l (weekly average) Total coliform - 200/100 ml (monthly average) - 400/100 ml (daily maximum)
Hydraulic maximum of 0.5 - 2 in/wk depending on depth to groundwater A nitrate to nitrogen loading balance may be required Application rates in excess of 2 in/wk may be approved provided the application is only for a portion of the year; requires a water balance for the summer season
Required One well upgradient Two wells downgradient A minimum of 9 wells are suggested for each 18 fairways
200 feet to surface waters of the state, occupied buildings, and potable water wells 75 feet to property boundary
Storage Requirements Minimum of 210 days capacity without consideration for evaporation
Biological treatment Additional treatment requirements are determined on a case-bycase basis Disinfection required 30 mg/l BOD5 and TSS (monthly average) Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml
Site specific
Storage requirements determined by either of two methods, 1) use of water balance calculations or, 2) use of a computer program that was developed based upon an extensive NOAA study of climatic variations throughout the United States
Nitrogen percolate nitrate-nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg/l Hydraulic based on water balance using 5-year return monthly precipitation
Groundwater Monitoring Shallow wells in all directions of major groundwater flow from site and no more than 200 feet outside of the site perimeter, spaced no more than 500 feet apart, and extending into the groundwater table Shallow wells within the site are also recommended Required
Surface Irrigation: 100 feet to site boundary 50 feet to onsite streams, ponds, and roads Spray Irrigation: [1] Open Fields 300 feet to site boundary 150 feet to onsite streams, ponds, and roads [2] Forested 150 feet to site boundary 75 feet to onsite streams, ponds, and
Pertains to irrigation of golf courses, cemeteries, and other public and private land where public use occurs or is expected to occur
State Texas
Storage Requirements
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Type II reclaimed water use defined as use of reclaimed water where contact between humans and the reclaimed water is unlikely Uses include irrigation of limited access highway rightsof-way and other areas where human access is restricted or unlikely to occur Use of reclaimed water for soil compaction and dust control in construction areas where application procedures minimize aerosol drift to public areas also included Uses allowed include irrigation of
Utah (1)
Treatment Facility Reliability storage required in case quality requirements not met
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
BOD 24-hour composite samples collected at least weekly TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform and dissolved oxygen - grab samples collected at least daily Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: shortterm, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the irrigation
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the
May be required Monitoring program will be based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations
Setback (1) Distances 300 feet to areas intended for public access Impoundments at least 500 feet from any potable water well Public access to effluent storage and irrigation or disposal sites to be restricted by a stocktight fence or other comparable means 50 feet to areas accessible to the public and use area property line 100 feet to any potable water supply well
Other highway rightsof-way and other areas where human access is restricted or unlikely to occur Also allows use of reclaimed water for soil compaction or dust control in construction areas
Uses include irrigation of restricted access areas such as freeway landscapes, or other areas where the public has similar access or exposure to the reclaimed water
Minimum of Class B wastewatersecondary treatment and disinfection Fecal coliform - greater than 2.2/100 ml but less than 200/100 ml
Treated wastewater to be analyzed for fecal coliform, nitrate as N, ammonia as N, and pH at a minimum Monitoring frequency - once per month for lagoon systems - once per week for mechanical systems Frequency specified in NPDES permit required if more frequent
Multiple units and equipment Alternative power sources Alarm systems and instrumentation Operator certification and standby capability Bypass and dewatering capability Emergency storage
Storage Requirements volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted Emergency storage
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Will be applied for the purpose of beneficial reuse and will not exceed the irrigation demand of the vegetation at the site Not to be applied at a rate greater than the agronomic rate for the vegetation at the site Will be applied in a manner and time that will not cause any surface runoff or contamination of a groundwater aquifer
30 feet to adjacent property lines 30 feet to all surface waters 100 feet to all potable water supply wells
Pertains to land that is accessible to the public but with limited access during irrigation periods
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Class A reclaimed water: Secondary treatment, filtration and disinfection Chemical feed facilities required to add coagulants or polymers if necessary to meet turbidity criterion Turbidity - 2 NTU (24hour average) - 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Fecal coliform - none detectable in 4 of last 7 daily samples - 23/100 ml (single sample maximum) Class B reclaimed water: Secondary treatment and disinfection Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (not to exceed in 4 of the last 7 daily
State Arizona
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates Application rates based on either the water allotment assigned by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (a water balance that considers consumptive use of water by the crop, turf, or landscape vegetation) or an alternative approved method
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Class A reclaimed water required for spray irrigation of food crops and orchards or vineyards Class B reclaimed water suitable for surface irrigation of orchards or vineyards
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements samples) - 800/100 ml (single sample maximum) Primary treatment
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Hydraulic - 0.5 to 4.0 in/wk Nitrogen percolate nitrate-nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg/l
Required One well upgradient 1 well within site One well downgradient More wells may be required on a case-by-case basis
Spray irrigation: 200 feet 1,320 feet to populated area Non-spray system: 50 feet 660 feet to populated area
Pertains to processed food crops only and evaluated on a case-bycase basis Irrigation of raw food crops is not permitted
Disinfected tertiary recycled water: Oxidized, coagulated (not required if membrane filtration is used and/or turbidity requirements are met), filtered, disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day
Disinfected tertiary recycled water: Total coliform sampled at least once daily from the disinfected effluent Turbidity - continuously sampled following filtration Disinfected secondary-2.2 recycled water: Total coliform sampled at least once daily from the disinfected
Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: shortterm, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of
No irrigation with disinfected tertiary recycled water within 50 feet of any domestic water supply well unless certain conditions are met No impoundment of disinfected tertiary recycled water within 100 feet of any domestic water supply well No irrigation
Disinfected tertiary recycled water can be used for irrigation of food crops where recycled water comes into contact with edible portion of crop Disinfected secondary-2.2 recycled water can be used for irrigation of food crops where edible portion is produced above ground and not
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements period) - 240/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Turbidity requirements for wastewater that has been coagulated and passed through natural undisturbed soils or a bed of filter media - maximum average of 2 NTU within a 24-hour period - not to exceed 5 NTU more than 5 percent of the time within a 24-hour period - maximum of 10 NTU at any time Turbidity requirements for wastewater passed through membrane - not to exceed 0.2 NTU more than 5 percent of the time within a
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances (1) with, or impoundment of, disinfected secondary-2.2 recycled water within 100 feet of any domestic water supply well No irrigation with, or impoundment of, undisinfected secondary recycled water within 150 feet of any domestic water supply well No spray irrigation of any recycled water, other than disinfected tertiary recycled water, within 100 feet of a residence or a place where public exposure could be similar to that of a park, playground, or schoolyard
Other contacted by the recycled water Undisinfected secondary recycled water can be used for irrigation of orchards and vineyards where recycled water does not come into contact with edible portion of crop and food crops that must undergo commercial pathogendestroying processing before consumption
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements 24-hour period - maximum of 0.5 NTU at any time Disinfected secondary-2.2 recycled water: Oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) Undisinfected secondary recycled water: Oxidized wastewater
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Colorado (1)
Consumed raw: [1] Surface irrigation Oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) Not acceptable for root crops or crops where edible portions contact ground [2] Spray
500 feet to domestic supply well 100 feet to any irrigation well Setback from property lines based upon use of adjoining property
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements irrigation Oxidized, coagulated, clarified, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) Processed food: Oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day median) Orchards & Vineyards: [1] Surface irrigation Oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day median) Edible portion of plant cannot contact ground [2] Spray irrigation Oxidized, coagulated, clarified, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) Secondary
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Florida (1)
Parameters to
Class I
At a minimum,
Site specific
75 feet to
Direct contact
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided 20 mg/l CBOD5 (annual average) 5 mg/l TSS (single sample) Total chlorine residual of at least 1 mg/l after a minimum acceptable contact time of 15 minutes at peak hourly flow Fecal coliform - over 30-day period, 75 percent of samples below detection limits - 25/100 ml (single sample) pH 6 - 8.5 Limitations to be met after disinfection
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements be monitored and sampling frequency to be identified in wastewater facility permit Minimum schedule for sampling and testing based on system capacity established for flow, pH, chlorine residual, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, CBOD5, nutrients, and fecal coliform Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity prior to disinfection Continuous on-line monitoring of total chlorine residual or residual concentrations of other disinfectants Monitoring for Giardia and
Treatment Facility Reliability reliability requires multiple or back-up treatment units and a secondary power source Minimum reject storage capacity equal to 1-day flow at the average daily design flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less Minimum system size of 0.1 mgd (not required for toilet flushing and fire protection uses) Staffing 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk or 6 hrs/day, 7 days/wk with diversion of reclaimed water to reuse
Storage Requirements system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to three times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted Water balance required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation Existing or proposed lakes or ponds (such as golf course ponds) are
Loading Rates Design hydraulic loading rate maximum annual average of 2 in/wk is recommended Based on nutrient and water balance assessments
Groundwater Monitoring One upgradient well located as close as possible to the site without being affected by the sites discharge (background well) One well at the edge of the zone of discharge downgradient of the site (compliance well) One well downgradient from the site and within the zone of discharge (intermediate well) One well located adjacent to unlined storage ponds or lakes Other wells may be required depending on site-specific
Setback Distances (1) potable water supply wells 75 feet from reclaimed water transmission facility to public water supply well Low trajectory nozzles required within 100 feet of outdoor public eating, drinking, and bathing facilities 200 feet from unlined storage ponds to potable water supply wells
Other irrigation of edible crops that will not be peeled, skinned, cooked, or thermally processed before consumption is not allowed except for tobacco and citrus Indirect application methods that preclude direct contact with the reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of any edible crop Citrus irrigation systems will only require secondary treatment and basic disinfection if public access will be restricted, the reclaimed water does not directly contact the fruit, and
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements
R-1 water: Oxidized, filtered, and disinfected Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in
based on treatment plant capacity - > 1 mgd, sampling one time during each two-year period - < 1 mgd , sampling one time during each 5 year period - samples to be taken immediately following disinfection process Primary and secondary drinking water standards to be monitored by facilities > 100,000 gpd Daily flow monitoring Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to and after filtration process Continuous measuring and recording of
Storage Requirements appropriate for storage if it will not impair the ability of the lakes or ponds to function as a stormwater management system Aquifer storage and recovery allowed as provision of storage
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring criteria Quarterly monitoring required for water level, nitrate, total dissolved solids, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium, lead, fecal coliform, pH, and sulfate Monitoring may be required for additional parameters based on sitespecific conditions and groundwater quality
Multiple or standby units required with sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices
20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary
Required Groundwater monitoring system may consist of a number of lysimeters and/or monitoring wells depending on
R-1 water: Minimum of 50 feet to drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 100 feet from any drinking water supply well
R-1 water can be used for spray irrigation of food crops above ground and not contacted by irrigation and orchards and vineyards bearing food
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements any 30-day period) - 200/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Inactivation and/or removal of 99.999 percent of the plaque-forming units of Fspecific bacteriophage MS2, or polio virus Detectable turbidity not to exceed 5 NTU for more than 15 minutes and never to exceed 10 NTU prior to filtration Effluent turbidity not to exceed 2 NTU Chemical pretreatment facilities required in all cases where granular media filtration is used; not required for facilities using membrane
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements chlorine residual Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Weekly monitoring of BOD5 and suspended solids
Treatment Facility Reliability required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30-year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring site size, site characteristics, location, method of discharge, and other appropriate considerations One well upgradient and two wells downgradient for project sites 500 acres or more One well within the wetted field area for each project whose surface area is greater than or equal to 1,500 acres One lysimeter per 200 acres One lysimeter for project sites that have greater than 40 but less than 200 acres Additional lysimeters may be necessary to address concerns of public health or environmental
Setback Distances (1) R-2 water: For spray irrigation applications, 500 feet to residence property or a place where public exposure could be similar to that at a park, elementary schoolyard or athletic field Minimum of 100 feet to any drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 300 feet from any drinking water supply well R-3 water: Minimum of 150 feet to drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 1000 feet to any drinking water supply well
Other crops R-2 water can be used for spray irrigation of food crops undergoing commercial pathogen destroying process before consumption, as well as orchards and vineyards not bearing food crops during irrigation R-2 water can be used for subsurface irrigation of food crops above ground and not contacted by irrigation R-3 water can be used for drip, surface, or subsurface irrigation of food crops undergoing commercial pathogen process before consumption (no later than
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements filtration Theoretical chlorine contact time of 120 minutes and actual modal contact time of 90 minutes throughout which the chlorine residual is 5 mg/l R-2 water: Oxidized and disinfected Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day median) - 200/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) Theoretical chlorine contact time of 15 minutes and actual modal contact time of 10 minutes throughout which the chlorine residual is
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring protection as related to variable characteristics of the subsurface or of the operations of the project
Other 30 days before before harvest), orchards and vineyards bearing food crops and orchards and vineyards not bearing food crops during irrigation R-2 water used in spray irrigation will be performed when the area is closed to the public and the public is absent from the area, and will end at least 1 hour before the area is open to the public Subsurface irrigation may be performed at any time
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements 0.5 mg/l R-3 water: Oxidized wastewater Raw food crops where reclaimed water contacts edible portion: Oxidized, coagulated, clarified, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) Raw food crops where reclaimed water only contacts unedible portion: Oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) Processed foods and orchards & vineyards with no direct contact of reclaimed water: [1] Unrestricted public access Disinfected primary effluent Total coliform - 230/100 ml
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements (7-day median) [2] Restricted public access Primary effluent Secondary treatment and disinfection 10 mg/l BOD5 5 mg/l TSS prior to disinfection (24 hour average) Fecal coliform - no detectable fecal coliform (7-day median) - 14/100 ml (single sample) pH 6 - 9 Total chlorine residual at least 1 mg/l after a minimum contact time of 30 minutes (if chlorination is used for disinfection)
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Daily monitoring of TSS, coliform, and chlorine residual Weekly monitoring of BOD and pH Monthly monitoring of total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium Annual monitoring of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, and zinc
200 feet to potable water supply wells or drinking water springs 300 feet to any waters of the state 300 feet to any residence
Food crops not to be harvested for 14 months after land application of wastewater if the harvested part touches the ground and has no harvested parts below the soil surface Food crops not to be harvested for 38 months after land application of wastewater if harvested parts are below the soil surface Otherwise, food crops not to be harvested for 30 days after land application of wastewater
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Secondary treatment with periodic discharge to surface waters Primary treatment with no discharge to surface water
State Kansas
Storage Requirements Storage provided to retain a minimum of 900 days average dry weather flow when no discharge to surface water is available
Loading Rates Maximum daily application rate of 3 in/ac/day Maximum annual application rate of 40 in/acre Based on soil and crop moisture and/or nutrient requirements of selected crop
pH 5.5 - 10 20 mg/l total inorganic nitrogen 0.5 mg/l nitrite 5 mg/l phosphorus 1 mg/l phosphorus if surface water body is downgradient within 1,000 feet Aluminum, 150 ug/l Chloride, 250 mg/l Sodium, 150 mg/l Sulfate,
Flow measurement Grab samples collected and analyzed twice each month for ammonianitrogen, nitratenitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, sodium, chloride, phosphorus, and pH
Daily, monthly, or annual design hydraulic loading rate shall not be more than 7 percent of the permeability of the most restrictive soil layer within the solum as determined by the saturated hydraulic conductivity method or 12 percent of the permeability as determined by
Setback Distances (1) 500 feet to residential areas 200 feet to wells and water supplies not on site property 100 feet to adjacent properties Groundwater table a depth of at least 10 feet beneath application area 100 feet to property lines
Irrigated crops for human consumption shall be limited to those requiring processing prior to consumption Allows irrigation of vegetated areas between May 1 and October 15 Governed by Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issued groundwater
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements 250 mg/l Iron, 300 ug/l Manganese, 50 ug/l THM limits Treatment technology standards for certain organic substances Additional effluent criteria determined on a case-by-case basis
Storage Requirements
Oxidized, clarified, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected 10 mg/l or less of BOD and TSS Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (single sample in any 30-day period) Turbidity - 2 NTU (average) - 5 NTU (not to exceed more
Effluent to be monitored on a regular basis to show the biochemical and bacteriological quality of the applied wastewater Monitoring frequency to be determined on a case-bycase basis
Loading Rates the basin infiltration method Annual hydraulic loading rate shall not be more than 3 percent of the permeability of the solum when determined by either the cylinder infiltration method or air entry permeameter test method Nitrogen and hydraulic loadings determined based on methods in EPA Manual 625/1-81-013 Hydraulic loading must be based on the wettest year in ten years
Groundwater Monitoring
Determined on a case-by-case basis Consideration is given to groundwater characteristics, past practices, depth to groundwater, cropping practices, etc.
100 feet to any water supply well Distance to surface water determined on a case-by-case basis based on quality of effluent and the level of disinfection
Reduction to reclaimed water quality requirements may be considered for food crops which undergo extensive commercial, physical, or chemical processing sufficient to destroy pathogenic agents before it is suitable for
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements than 5 percent of the time during any 24hour period) At a minimum, secondary treatment with disinfection 30 mg/l BOD5 Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (30-day geometric mean) - 400/100 ml (maximum daily number) Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 14/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Minimum chlorine residual - 1.0 mg/l after 15-minute contact at peak hourly flow Alternative methods of disinfection, such as UV and ozone, may be approved TSS not to
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
None required
New Jersey
Continuous on-line monitoring of chlorine residual produced oxidant at the compliance monitoring point For spray irrigation, chlorination levels for disinfection should be continually evaluated to ensure chlorine residual levels
Not required when another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is incorporated into the system design If system storage ponds are used, they do not have to be lined Reject storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent measurable seepage
Hydraulic loading rate - maximum annual average of 2 in/wk but may be increased based on a site-specific evaluation The spray irrigation of reclaimed water shall not produce surface runoff or ponding
75 feet to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved for construction 75 feet provided from a reclaimed water transmission facility to all potable water supply wells 100 feet from outdoor public eating, drinking, and bathing
Irrigation of edible crops that will be peeled, skinned, cooked, or thermally processed before consumption is allowed An indirect method that precludes direct contact with the reclaimed water (such as ridge and furrow irrigation) is
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements exceed 5 mg/l before disinfection Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l but may be less stringent if higher limit is still protective of environment Secondary Filtration Chemical addition prior to filtration may be necessary A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l or greater is recommended to reduce odors, slime, and bacterial re-growth
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements do not adversely impact vegetation Continuous monitoring for turbidity before disinfection is required Operating protocol required User/Supplier Agreement Annual usage report Annual inventory submittal on commercial operations using reclaimed water to irrigate edible crop
Storage Requirements Existing or proposed ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage of reuse water if the ability of the ponds to function as stormwater management systems is not impaired
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances (1) facilities 100 feet between indoor aesthetic features and adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities when in the same room or building
New Mexico
Primary treatment
Other permitted for edible crops that will not be peeled, skinned, cooked, or thermally processed before consumption Secondary treatment for the purpose of the manual refers to the existing treatment requirements in the NJPDES permit, not including the additional reclaimed water for beneficial reuse treatment requirements Only surface irrigation on food crops with no contact of reclaimed water on edible portion is permitted Use not allowed on
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements
Storage Requirements available wastewater exceeds design hydraulic loading rate, and when the ground is saturated or frozen Based on water balance Must provide at least 90 days of storage above that required for primary treatment
Loading Rates two rates calculated for soil permeability and nitrogen requirements
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances (1) property Additional distance may be required where prevailing winds could cause aerosols to drift into residential areas Buffer zone to be a part of the permitted site
Other food crops that can be eaten raw May be used for irrigation of crops such as corn, wheat, and oats, provided a period of 30 days elapses between last application and harvest
Unprocessed food : Level IV biological treatment, clarification, coagulation, filtration, and disinfection Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (maximum any sample) Turbidity - 2 NTU (24-hour mean)
Unprocessed food: Total coliform sampling - once a day Turbidity - hourly Processed food crops and orchards and vineyards: Total coliform sampling - once a week
Standby power with capacity to fully operate all essential treatment processes Redundant treatment facilities and monitoring equipment to meet required levels of treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure
Unprocessed food: None required Processed food and orchards and vineyards: 10 foot buffer for surface irrigation 70 foot buffer for spray irrigation
Surface irrigation required for orchards and vineyards No irrigation of processed food crops and orchards and vineyards 3 days prior to harvesting
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements - 5 NTU (5 percent of time during 24hour period) Processed food crops and orchards and vineyards: Level II biological treatment and disinfection Total coliform - 240/100 ml (2 consecutive samples) - 23/100 ml (7-day median) Direct contact with edible portion of crop unless food crop undergoes pasteurization process Type I reclaimed water Reclaimed water on a 30 day average to have a quality of: 5 mg/l BOD5 or CBOD5 10 mg/l for landscape impoundment Turbidity
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Direct contact with edible portion of crop unless food crop undergoes pasteurization process Sampling and analysis twice per week for BOD5 or CBOD5, turbidity, and fecal coliform Direct contact with edible portion of crop not likely or where food crop undergoes
Spray irrigation not permitted on food crops that may be consumed raw Other types of irrigation that avoid contact of reclaimed water with edible portions of food crops are acceptable Food crops that will be substantially processed prior to human consumption may be spray
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements - 3 NTU Fecal coliform - 20/100 ml (geometric mean) - 75/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample) Direct contact with edible portion of crop not likely or where food crop undergoes pasteurization Type II reclaimed water Reclaimed water on a 30-day average to have a quality of: 30 mg/l BOD5 with treatment using pond system 20 mg/l BOD5 or 15 mg/l CBOD5 with treatment other than pond system Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (geometric mean) - 800/100 ml (not to exceed
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements pasteurization Sampling and analysis once per week for BOD5 or CBOD5 and fecal coliform
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other irrigated
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements in any sample) Spray irrigation of food crops: Type I treated wastewater - secondary treatment with filtration and disinfection 10 mg/l BOD (monthly average) Turbidity prior to disinfection - not to exceed 2 NTU (daily average) - not to exceed 5 NTU at any time Fecal coliform - none detected (weekly median as determined from daily grab samples) - 14/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample) 1.0 mg/l total residual chlorine after 30 minutes contact time at peak flow pH 6 - 9
State Utah
Treatment Facility Reliability Alternative disposal option or diversion to storage required in case quality requirements not met
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Type I treated wastewater required for spray irrigation of food crops where the applied reclaimed water is likely to have direct contact with the edible part Type II treated wastewater required for irrigation of food crops where the applied reclaimed water is not likely to have direct contact with the edible part, whether the food will be processed or not (spray irrigation not allowed)
Spray irrigation of food crops: Daily composite sampling required for BOD Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to disinfection Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Continuous total residual chlorine monitoring pH monitored continuously or by daily grab samples Surface irrigation of food crops: Weekly composite sampling required for BOD Daily composite sampling required for TSS Daily monitoring of
Spray irrigation of food crops: 50 feet to any potable water well Impoundments at least 500 feet from any potable water well Surface irrigation of food crops: 300 feet to any potable water well Impoundments at least 500 feet from any potable water well Public access to effluent storage and irrigation or disposal sites to be restricted by a stocktight fence or other comparable means
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Surface irrigation of food crops: Type II treated wastewater secondary treatment with disinfection 25 mg/l BOD (monthly average) TSS - 25 mg/l (monthly average) - 35 mg/l (weekly mean) Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (weekly median) 800/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample) pH 6 - 9 Spray irrigation of food crops or surface irrigation of root crops: Class A oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day mean) - 23/100 ml (single sample)
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements fecal coliform pH monitored continuously or by daily grab samples
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Washington (1)
BOD 24-hour composite samples collected at least weekly TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform and dissolved oxygen - grab samples
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm,
May be required Monitoring program will be based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations
Spray irrigation of food crops or surface irrigation of root crops: 50 feet to any potable water supply well Surface irrigation of food crops: 50 feet to areas accessible to the public and the use area
No orchard or vineyard fruit may be harvested that has come in contact with the irrigating water or the ground Effluent quality requirements for processed food determined on
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Surface irrigation of food crops: Class B oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day mean) - 23/100 ml (single sample) Irrigation of foods crops that undergo processing or surface irrigation of orchards and vineyards: Class D oxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 240/100 ml (7-day mean) General compliance requirements: 30 mg/l BOD and TSS (monthly mean) Turbidity - 2 NTU (monthly) - 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Minimum chlorine
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements collected at least daily Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity
Treatment Facility Reliability treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the irrigation system is operating
Storage Requirements using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances (1) property line 100 feet to any potable water supply Irrigation of food crops that undergo processing or surface irrigation of orchards and vineyards: 100 feet to areas accessible to the public and the use area property line 300 feet to any potable water supply
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements residual of 1 mg/l after a contact time of 30 minutes Secondary treatment and disinfection 30 mg/l BOD 30 mg/l TSS
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
West Virginia
Hydraulic maximum application rates of 0.25 in/hr 0.50 in/day 2.0 in/wk
Minimum of one well between project site and public well(s) or high capacity private wells Minimum of one well in each direction of groundwater movement
Minimum of Class B wastewater secondary treatment and disinfection Fecal coliform - greater than 2.2/100 ml but less than 200/100 ml
Treated wastewater to be analyzed for fecal coliform, nitrate as N, ammonia as N, and pH at a minimum Monitoring frequency - once per month for lagoon systems - once per week for mechanical systems
Multiple units and equipment Alternative power sources Alarm systems and instrumentation Operator certification and standby capability Bypass and dewatering capability Emergency storage
Emergency storage
Will be applied for the purpose of beneficial reuse and will not exceed the irrigation demand of the vegetation at the site Not to be applied at a rate greater than the agronomic rate for the vegetation at the site Will be applied in a manner
Fence to be placed at least 50 feet beyond spray area 350 feet from fence to adjacent property lines or highways unless low trajectory spray and/or physical buffers are provided 30 feet to adjacent property lines 30 feet to all surface waters 100 feet to all potable water supply wells
Food crops not to be harvested for 30 days after application of treated wastewater
Table A-3.
Agricultural Reuse Food Crops Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements Frequency specified in NPDES permit required if more frequent
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates and time that will not cause any surface runoff or contamination of a groundwater aquifer
Groundwater Monitoring
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
State Alabama
Treatment Facility Reliability Controls required to indicate any system malfunction or permit varied field operations
Storage Requirements Based on water balance performed on a monthly basis with a precipitation input using a 5-year, 24hour rainfall event, 30-year minimum base period In addition to storage dictated by water balance, a minimum of 15 days storage should be provided for contingencies
Loading Rates Based on soil permeability and nitrogen limits (10 mg/l nitrate) Excessive rainwater runoff should be diverted Excessive ponding should be avoided
Groundwater Monitoring At least three downgradient monitoring wells At least one upgradient monitoring well Contaminants in groundwater not to exceed primary and secondary maximum contaminant levels Minimum depth to groundwater, without use of an underdrain collection system, shall be 4 feet
Setback (1) Distances 100 feet to property lines 300 feet to existing habitable residences Spray irrigation not allowed within 100 feet of any perennial lake or stream If irrigation causes an intermittent stream to become perennial, the irrigation must cease within 100 feet of the stream Spray irrigation not allowed in wellhead protection area (WHPA 1) - if no wellhead delineation exists, minimum distance for application shall be 1,000 feet or as required No sites within 100 year floodplain
Other Categorized as a form of land treatment defined as use of a vegetation-soil system to both renovate and serve as the ultimate receiver of treated wastewater
Alaska (1)
Categorized as
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other land surface disposal defined as disposal of treated wastewater onto the surface of the land in area suitable for that purpose
State Arizona
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates Application rates based on either the water allotment assigned by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (a water balance that considers consumptive use of water by the crop, turf, or landscape vegetation) or an alternative approved method
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Class B reclaimed water may be used for irrigation of pasture for milking animals and livestock watering (dairy animals) Class C reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of pasture for non-dairy animals; livestock watering (nondairy animals); irrigation of sod farms, fiber, seed, forage, and similar crops; and silviculture
Arkansas (1)
Groundwater Monitoring 1 well within site One well downgradient More wells may be required on a case-by-case basis
Setback (1) Distances populated area Non-spray system: 50 feet 660 feet to populated area
Ornamental nursery stock and sod farms where access by general public is not restricted, pasture for milking animals, and any nonedible vegetation where access is controlled so that the irrigated area cannot be used as if it were part of a park, playground, or schoolyard Disinfected secondary-23 recycled wateroxidized and disinfected Total coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day median) - 240/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day
Disinfected secondary-23 recycled water Total coliform sampled at least once daily from the disinfected effluent
Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of qualified personnel
No irrigation with, or impoundment of, disinfected secondary-23 recycled water within 100 feet of any domestic water supply well No irrigation with, or impoundment of, undisinfected secondary recycled water within 150 feet of any domestic water supply well No spray irrigation within 100 feet of a residence or a place where public exposure could be similar to that of a park, playground, or schoolyard
Irrigation of ornamental nursery stock and sod farms will be allowed provided no irrigation with recycled water occurs for a period of 14 days prior to harvesting, retail sale, or access by the general public
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Biological treatment and disinfection BOD5 - 50 mg/l at average design flow - 75 mg/l at peak flow TSS
Parameters which may require monitoring include volume of water applied to spray fields, BOD, suspended
Storage provisions required either as a separate facility or incorporated into the pretreatment system Minimum 15
Maximum design wastewater loadings limited to 2.5 in/week Maximum instantaneous wastewater application
Required One well upgradient of site or otherwise outside the influence of the site for background monitoring
500 feet to domestic supply well 100 feet to any irrigation well Setback from property lines based upon use of adjoining property 150 feet to all property boundaries and the shoulder of internal and external public roads 100 feet to perennial lake
Storage Requirements days storage required unless other measures for controlling flow are demonstrated Must determine operational, wet weather, and water balance storage requirements
Loading Rates rates limited to 0.25 in/hour Design wastewater loading must be determined as a function of precipitation, evapotranspiration, design percolation rate, nitrogen loading and other constituent loading limitations, groundwater and drainage conditions, and average and peak design wastewater flows and seasonal fluctuations
Groundwater Monitoring One well within wetted field area of each drainage basin intersected by site Two wells downgradient in each drainage basin intersected by site One well upgradient and 1 well downgradient of the pond treatment and storage facilities in each drainage basin intersected by site May require measurement of depth to groundwater, pH, COD, TOC, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, electrical conductivity, chloride, fecal coliform bacteria, metals, and priority pollutants Parameters
Setback (1) Distances or stream 50 feet to edge of channelized, intermittent watercourse If irrigation causes intermittent watercourse to become perennial, 100foot buffer requirement will apply Wetland buffers determined on a case-by-case basis
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Secondary treatment and basic disinfection 20 mg/l CBOD5 and TSS (annual average) 30 mg/l CBOD5 and TSS (monthly average) 45 mg/l CBOD5 and TSS (weekly average) 60 mg/l CBOD5 and TSS (single sample) 10 mg/l TSS for subsurface application systems (single sample) Chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l maintained after at least 15 minutes contact time at peak flow Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (annual
Parameters to be monitored and sampling frequency to be identified in wastewater facility permit Minimum schedule for sampling and testing based on system capacity established for flow, pH, chlorine residual, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, CBOD5, nutrients, and fecal coliform Primary and secondary drinking water standards to be monitored by facilities > 100,000 gpd
At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to 3 times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted Water balance required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation
Site specific Design hydraulic loading rate maximum annual average of 2 in/wk is recommended Based on nutrient and water balance assessments
Groundwater Monitoring and sampling frequency determined on a case-by-case basis Required One upgradient well located as close as possible to the site without being affected by the sites discharge (background well) One well at the edge of the zone of discharge downgradient of the site (compliance well) One well downgradient from the site and within the zone of discharge (intermediate well) Other wells may be required depending on site-specific criteria Quarterly monitoring
100 feet to buildings not part of the treatment facility, utility system, or municipal operation 100 feet to site property lines 500 feet to potable water supply wells and Class I and Class II surface waters 100 feet from reclaimed water transmission facility to public water supply wells 100 feet to outdoor public eating, drinking, and bathing facilities 500 feet from new unlined storage ponds to potable water supply wells Some setback
Public access will be restricted unless a subsurface application system is used Reclaimed water may be applied to pastures, wholesale nurseries, sod farms, forests, and areas used to grow feed, fodder, fiber, or seed crops Milking cows are not permitted to graze on land for a period of 15 days after last application of reclaimed water
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring required for water level, nitrate, total dissolved solids, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium, lead, fecal coliform, pH, and sulfate Monitoring may be required for additional parameters based on sitespecific conditions and groundwater quality
Setback (1) Distances distances can be reduced if additional disinfection and reliability are provided or if alternative application techniques are used
Secondary treatment followed by coagulation, filtration, and disinfection 5 mg/l BOD 5 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (monthly average) - 100/100 ml (maximum any sample) pH 6 - 9 Turbidity not to exceed 3 NTU prior to disinfection
Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to disinfection Weekly sampling for TSS and BOD Daily monitoring for fecal coliform Daily monitoring for pH Detectable disinfection residual monitoring
Multiple process units Ability to isolate and bypass all process units System must be capable of treating peak flows with the largest unit out of service Equalization may be required Back-up power supply Alarms to warn of loss of power supply,
Reject water storage equal to at least 3 days of flow at the average daily design flow One of the following options must be in place to account for wet weather periods - sufficient storage onsite or at the customers location to handle the
Treatment Facility Reliability failure of pumping systems, failure of disinfection systems, or turbidity greater than 3 NTU
R-1 water: Oxidized, filtered, and disinfected Fecal coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) - 200/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Inactivation and/or removal of 99.999 percent of the plaque-forming units of Fspecific bacteriophage MS2, or polio virus Detectable
Daily flow monitoring Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to and after filtration process Continuous measuring and recording of chlorine residual Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Weekly monitoring of BOD5 and suspended solids
Multiple or standby units required with sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power
Storage Requirements flows until irrigation can be resumed - additional land set aside that can be irrigated without causing harm to the cover crop - An NPDES permit for all or part of the flow 20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30-year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Required Groundwater monitoring system may consist of a number of lysimeters and/or monitoring wells depending on site size, site characteristics, location, method of discharge, and other appropriate considerations One well upgradient and two wells downgradient for project sites 500 acres or more One well within
R-1 water: Minimum of 50 feet to drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 100 feet from any drinking water supply well R-2 water: For spray irrigation applications, 500 feet to residence property or a place where public exposure could be similar to that at a park, elementary school yard or athletic field Minimum of
R-1 water can be used for spray irrigation of pastures for milking and other animals R-2 water can be used with buffer for spray irrigation of sod farms, feed, fodder, fiber, and seed crops not eaten by humans, and timber and trees not bearing food crops R-2 water can be used for subsurface irrigation of pastures for milking and other animals
Treatment Facility Reliability source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring the wetted field area for each project whose surface area is greater than or equal to 1,500 acres One lysimeter per 200 acres One lysimeter for project sites that have greater than 40 but less than 200 acres Additional lysimeters may be necessary to address public health concerns or environmental protection as related to variable characteristics of the subsurface or of the operations of the project
Setback (1) Distances 100 feet to any drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 300 feet from any drinking water supply well R-3 water: Minimum of 150 feet to drinking water supply well Outer edge of impoundment at least 1000 feet to any drinking water supply well
Other R-2 water can be used for surface, drip, or subsurface irrigation of ornamental plants for commercial use only if plants are harvested above any portion contacted by reclaimed water R-3 water can be used for drip, surface, or subsurface irrigation of feed, fodder, and fiber crops not eaten by humans and timber and trees not bearing food crops (irrigation must cease at least 24 days before harvest) R-3 water can be used for drip or surface irrigation of seed crops not eaten by humans R-2 water
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other used in spray irrigation will be performed when the area is closed to the public and the public is absent from the area, and will end at least 1 hour before the area is open to the public Subsurface irrigation may be performed at any time
Animals not to be grazed on land where effluent is applied Animals not to be fed vegetation irrigated with effluent until at least two weeks after application Minimum storage capacity equal to at least 150 Based on the limiting characteristic of the treated Required One well upgradient for determining 200 feet to residential lot lines 25 feet to any
Storage Requirements days of wastewater at design average flow except in southern Illinois areas where a minimum 120 days of storage capacity to be provided Storage can be determined based on a rational design that must include capacity for the wettest year with a 20-year return frequency Minimum of 90 days effective storage capacity required
Loading Rates wastewater and the site Balances must be calculated and submitted for water, nitrogen, phosphorus, and BOD
Groundwater Monitoring background concentrations Two wells downgradient in the dominant direction of groundwater movement Wells between each potable water well and the application area if within 1,000 feet Monitoring of nitrates, ammonia nitrogen, chlorides, sulfates, pH, total dissolved solids, phosphate, and coliform bacteria
Setback (1) Distances residential lot line if surrounded by a fence with a minimum height of 40 inches No buffer required if the application and its associated drying time occur during a period when the area is closed to the public
Indiana Secondary treatment and disinfection 30 mg/l BOD5 30 mg/l TSS Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (7-day median) - 800/100 ml (single sample) pH 6 - 9 Total chlorine residual at least 1 mg/l after a Daily monitoring of TSS, coliform and chlorine residual Weekly monitoring of BOD and pH Monthly monitoring of total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, Alternate power source required (1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
200 feet to potable water supply wells or drinking water springs 300 feet to any waters of the state 300 feet to any residence
No restrictions are placed on fecal coliform organisms where public access is strictly restricted Feed and fiber crops not to be harvested for 30 days after land application of wastewater
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
At a minimum, treatment equivalent to that obtained from a primary lagoon cell Disinfection - required for all land application systems with spray irrigation application technique - must precede actual spraying of the wastewater on to a field area and must not precede storage - minimum contact time of 15 minutes with equipment necessary to maintain a
Minimum of two storage cells required capable of series and parallel operation
Minimum days of storage based on climatic restraints When flows are generated only during the application period, a storage capacity of 45 days or the flow generated during the period of operation (whichever is less) must be provided When discharging to a receiving waterway on a periodic basis, storage for 180 days of average wet
Determined by using a water balance per month of operation For overland flow systems, maximum hydraulic application rate of 3 in/week
Monitoring required adjacent to the site both up and downstream of the site in reference to the general groundwater flow direction
300 feet to existing dwellings or public use areas (not including roads and highways) 400 feet to any existing potable water supply well not located on property 300 feet to any structure, continuous flowing stream or other physiographic feature that may provide direct connection between the groundwater table and the surface Wetted
Other Turfgrass not to be harvested for 1 year after application of wastewater Grazing of animals prohibited for 30 days after land application of wastewater Categorized as land application using slow rate (irrigation) and overland flow
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Secondary treatment with periodic discharge to surface waters Primary treatment with no discharge to surface water
Storage provided to retain a minimum of 90-days average dry weather flow when no discharge to surface water is available
Maximum daily application rate of 3 in/ac/day Maximum annual application rate of 40 in/acre Based on soil and crop moisture and/or nutrient requirements of selected crop
Site specific
Setback (1) Distances disposal area to be at least 50 feet inside the property line of the land application site Additional requirements for Slow Rate System: 1,000 feet to any shallow public water supply well 500 feet to any public lake or impoundment _ mile to any public lake or impoundment used as a source of raw water by a potable water supply 500 feet to residential areas 200 feet to wells and water supplies off of site property 100 feet to adjacent properties Groundwater table a depth of at least 10 feet beneath application
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
State Maryland
Storage Requirements Minimum of 60-days storage to be provided for all systems receiving wastewater flows throughout the year
Loading Rates Maximum application rate of 2 in/wk on annual average basis Water balance required based on wettest year in the last 10 years of record Actual application rate accepted must consider permeability of the soils, depth to groundwater, and the nutrient balance of the site
Groundwater Monitoring May be required One well upgradient of site Two wells adjacent to the property line and downgradient of site Monitoring frequency determined on a case-by-case basis
Secondary treatment with filtration and disinfection pH 6 - 9 10 mg/l BOD5 Turbidity - 2 NTU (average over 24-our period) - 5 NTU (not to exceed at any time) Fecal coliform - no detectable colonies
pH - daily BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous monitoring prior to disinfection Fecal coliform - daily Disinfection UV intensity daily or chlorine residual - daily TSS - twice per week
EPA Class I Reliability standards may be required Two independent and separate sources of power Unit redundancy Additional storage
Immediate, permitted discharge alternatives are required for emergency situations and for nongrowing season disposal
Required Monitoring wells to be located and constructed to strategically sample the geologic units of interest between the discharges and sensitive receptors and withdrawal points Sensitive
Setback (1) Distances area 200 feet to property lines, waterways, and roads for spray irrigation 500 feet to housing developments and parks for spray irrigation Reduction of the buffer zone up to 50 percent will be considered with adequate windbreak Minimum buffer zone of 50 feet for all other types of slow rate systems 100 feet to buildings, residential property, private wells, Class A surface water bodies, and surface water intakes Other than for private wells, using a green barrier in the form of hedges or trees placed
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Includes use of reclaimed water for landscaping at nurseries Spray irrigation must take place during non-use hours and cannot result in any ponding
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
pH 5.5 - 10 20 mg/l total inorganic nitrogen 0.5 mg/l nitrite 5 mg/l phosphorus 1 mg/l phosphorus if surface water body is downgradient within 1,000 feet Aluminum, 150 ug/l Chloride, 250 mg/l Sodium, 150 mg/l Sulfate, 250 mg/l
Flow measurement Grab samples collected and analyzed twice each month for ammonianitrogen, nitratenitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, sodium, chloride, phosphorus, and pH
Daily, monthly, or annual design hydraulic loading rate shall not be more than 7 percent of the permeability of the most restrictive soil layer within the solum as determined by the saturated hydraulic conductivity method or 12 percent of the permeability as determined by the basin
Groundwater Monitoring receptors include, but are not limited to public and private wells, surface waters, embayments, and ACECs Monitoring and testing frequency and parameters determined based on land use, effluent quality and quantity, and the sensitivity of receptors May be required Monitoring requirements specific to each site
Setback (1) Distances at the dwelling side of the buffer may reduce the setback distance to 50 feet No spray irrigation directed into Zone I of public water supply wells
Dairy animals shall not be allowed to graze on fields until 30 days after the application Allows irrigation of vegetated areas between May 1 and October 15 Governed by Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issued groundwater discharge permits Categorized as
Storage Requirements
Minimum of 45 days in south with no discharge Minimum of 90 days in north with no discharge Based on the design wastewater flows and net rainfall minus evaporation expected for a one in 1--year return frequency for the storage period selected
Loading Rates infiltration method Annual hydraulic loading rate shall not be more than 3 percent of the permeability of the solum when determined by either the cylinder infiltration method or air entry permeameter test method Application rates shall in no case exceed - 0.5 in/hour - 1.0 in/day - 3.0 in/week Maximum annual application rate not to exceed a range from 4 to10 percent of the design sustained permeability rate for the number of days per year when soils are not frozen Nitrogen
Groundwater Monitoring
150 feet to existing dwellings or public use areas, excluding roads or highways 50 feet to property lines 300 feet to potable water supply wells not on property, sinkholes, and losing streams or other structure or physiographic feature that may provide
From May 1 to October 30, grazing of animals or harvesting of forage shall be deferred for 14 days after irrigation From November 1 to April 30, grazing of animals or harvesting of forage shall be deferred for 30 days after irrigation Grazing of dairy animals generally not
Storage Requirements
Fodder, fiber, and seed crops: Oxidized wastewater Disinfection generally not required Pasture for milking animals: Oxidized and disinfected Fecal coliform - 23/100 ml (7-day median)
Effluent to be monitored on a regular basis to show the biochemical and bacteriological quality of the applied wastewater Monitoring frequency to be determined on a case-bycase basis
Loading Rates loading not to exceed the amount of nitrogen that can be used by the vegetation to be grown Nitrogen and hydraulic loadings determined based on methods in EPA Manual 625/1-81-013 Hydraulic loading must be based on the wettest year in ten years
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances direct connection between the groundwater table and the surface 100 feet to any water supply well Distance to surface water determined on a case-by-case basis based on quality of effluent and the level of disinfection Additional requirements for fodder, fiber, and seed crops: Fencing must be provided 200 feet between fencing and irrigated area 200 feet to any dwelling, including residential property
Other recommended unless there has been a much longer deferment period
Determined on a case-by-case basis Consideration is given to groundwater characteristics, past practices, depth to groundwater, cropping practices, etc.
Nebraska (1)
Biological treatment
Site specific
Hydraulic loading rate should not exceed 4 in/wk Nitrogen loading not to
Site specific
Storage Requirements
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Includes irrigation of land used for pasture or other agricultural purposes except growing crops for human consumption Public access to site is prohibited
Spray irrigation: 400 foot or 800 foot minimum buffer required depending on disinfection level Surface irrigation: None required
Submission of Standard Operations Procedure that ensures proper disinfection to the required level of 1.0 mg/l
Not required when another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is incorporated into the system
Hydraulic loading rate - maximum annual average of 2 in/wk but may be increased based on a
500 feet to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved for construction 100 feet
Secondary treatment, for the purpose of the manual, refers to the existing treatment requirements in the NJPDES
Storage Requirements design If system storage ponds are used, they do not have to be lined Reject storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent measurable seepage Existing or proposed ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage of reuse water if the ability of the ponds to function as stormwater management systems is not impaired
Loading Rates site-specific evaluation The distribution of reclaimed water shall not produce surface runoff or ponding Land application sites shall not be frozen or saturated when applying reclaimed water
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances provided from a reclaimed water transmission facility to all potable water supply wells 500 feet from FW1 surface waters, Pineland Waters and Shellfish Waters All other surface water setback distances shall be established on a case-bycase basis 100 feet from outdoor public eating, drinking, and bathing facilities
Other permit, not including the additional reclaimed water for beneficial reuse treatment requirements A chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l or greater is recommended to reduce odors, slime and bacterial re-growth For a period of 15 days from the last application of reclaimed water, land application areas shall not be used for the grazing of cattle whose milk is intended for human consumption
Fodder, fiber, and seed crops: Primary effluent Pastures for milking cows Adequately
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
New York
Two weeks plus any flow generated in prohibited time period (includes rainfall events)
Hydraulic - 3 in/wk Organic - 600 lbs of BOD/acre/day Maximum salinity - 1,000 mg/l Site specific Based on soils type and type of vegetation Application rates generally between 0.5 to 4 in/wk
North Dakota
If waste stabilization ponds are used - minimum 180 days capacity without consideration for evaporation Representative sample of reclaimed water must be submitted to determine suitability for irrigation Biological treatment Disinfection should be considered 40 mg/l CBOD5 Fecal coliform (30-day average)
Spray irrigation should be practiced only from May 1 to November 30 and only during daylight hours Categorized as land treatment Areas readily accessible to humans or animals, such as pastures being grazed by dairy animals, hay crops ready for harvesting, or garden crops for human consumption, should not be irrigated Includes agricultural sites where nonhuman food crops are grown
Large system monitoring (150,000 to 500,000 gpd): Twice weekly for CBOD5, total coliform (when irrigating) and storage
Operational storage of 4 times the daily design flow needed Storage provisions for at least 130 days of design average flow
Monitoring wells upgradient and downgradient of large irrigation systems Monitoring wells should be sampled at
100 feet to private water well 300 feet to community water well 100 feet to sink hole 50 feet to drainage way
Storage Requirements needed for periods when irrigation is not recommended Actual storage requirements determined by performing water balance Permits can be obtained for stream discharge during winter and times of high stream flow to reduce storage needs
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring the beginning and the end of the irrigation season
Setback (1) Distances 50 feet to surface water 100 feet to road right-ofway without windbreak using spray irrigation 10 feet to road right-of-way with windbreak or with flood irrigation 50 feet to property line
Required for periods when available wastewater exceeds design hydraulic loading rate, and when the ground is saturated or frozen Based on water balance Must provide at least 90
Based on the lower of the two rates calculated for soil permeability and nitrogen requirements
100 feet to adjacent property Additional distance may be required where prevailing winds could cause aerosols to drift into residential areas Buffer zone to be a part of the permitted site
Storage Requirements days of storage above that required for primary treatment
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Pasture for animals, sod, ornamental nursery stock, christmas trees, and firewood Level II biological treatment and disinfection Total coliform - 240/100 ml (2 consecutive samples) - 23/100 ml (7 day median) Fodder, fiber, and seed crops not for human ingestion and commercial timber Level I biological treatment
Pasture for animals, sod, ornamental nursery stock, christmas trees, and firewood Total coliform sampling - 1 time per week Fodder, fiber, and seed crops not for human ingestion and commercial timber None required
Standby power with capacity to fully operate all essential treatment processes Redundant treatment facilities and monitoring equipment to meet required levels of treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure of process equipment
Pasture for animals, sod, ornamental nursery stock, christmas trees, and firewood 10-foot buffer with surface irrigation 70-foot buffer with spray irrigation Fodder, fiber, and seed crops not for human ingestion and commercial timber 10 foot buffer with surface irrigation Site specific requirements with spray irrigation
A minimum of
Pasture for animals, sod, ornamental nursery stock, christmas trees, and firewood No animals on pasture during irrigation No irrigation 3 days prior to harvesting Fodder, fiber, and seed crops not for human ingestion and commercial timber No irrigation for 30 days prior to harvesting Spray irrigation may be permitted if it can be demonstrated that public health and the environment will be adequately protected from aerosols Categorized as
Storage Requirements requirements determined using daily, weekly, or monthly water balance calculations Seasonal discharge to surface waters may be an alternative to storage
Loading Rates loading rates based on a water balance that includes precipitation, infiltration rate, evapotranspiration, soil storage capabilities, and subsoil permeability Application rates both site and waste specific Application rates greater than 2 in/ac/wk generally not considered Hydraulic maximum of 0.5-2 in/wk depending on depth to groundwater A nitrate to nitrogen loading balance may be required Application rates in excess of 2 in/wk may be approved provided the application is only for a portion of the
Groundwater Monitoring two wells must be located downgradient of the application area
Other land application of treated sewage Pertains to slow rate infiltration systems
Required One well upgradient Two wells downgradient At larger sites, more monitoring wells may be required
200 feet to surface waters of the state, occupied buildings, and potable water wells 100 feet to property boundary
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates year; requires a water balance for the summer season Maximum application rate limited to 2 in/acre/wk or a total of 24 in/acre/yr
Groundwater Monitoring
South Dakota
Secondary treatment
Biological treatment Treated to a level afforded by lagoons Disinfection generally not required, however can be required when deemed necessary
Site specific
Storage requirements determined by either of two methods 1) use of water balance calculations or, 2) use of a computer program that was developed based upon an extensive
Nitrogen percolate nitrate-nitrogen not to exceed 10 mg/l Hydraulic based on water balance using 5-year return monthly precipitation
Shallow wells in all directions of major groundwater flow from site and no more than 200 feet outside of the site perimeter, spaced no more than 500 feet apart, and extending into the groundwater table Shallow wells within the site are also recommended Required
1 mile from municipal water supply _ mile from private domestic water supply, lakes, and human habitation _ mile from state parks and recreation areas unless disinfected 100 feet from neighboring property lines or road right of ways Surface Irrigation: 100 feet to site boundary 50 feet to onsite streams, ponds, and roads Spray Irrigation: [1] Open Fields 300 feet to site boundary 150 feet to onsite streams, ponds, and
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Storage Requirements NOAA study of climatic variations throughout the United States
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances roads [2] Forested 150 feet to site boundary 75 feet to onsite streams, ponds, and roads
Type I reclaimed water: 5 mg/l BOD5 or CBOD5 (30day average) 10 mg/l for landscape impoundment (30-day average) Turbidity - 3 NTU Fecal coliform - 20/100 ml (geometric mean) - 75/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample) Type II reclaimed water: 30 mg/l BOD5 with treatment using pond system (30day average) 20 mg/l BOD5 or 15 mg/l CBOD5 with treatment other than pond system (30day average)
Type I reclaimed water: Sampling and analysis twice per week for BOD5 or CBOD5, turbidity, and fecal coliform Type II reclaimed water: Sampling and analysis once per week for BOD5 or CBOD5 and fecal coliform
Type I reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of pastures for milking animals Type II reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of sod farms, silviculture, and animal feed crops
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Type I treated wastewater: Daily composite sampling required for BOD Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to disinfection Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Continuous total residual chlorine monitoring pH monitored continuously or by daily grab samples Type II treated wastewater: Weekly composite sampling required for BOD Daily composite sampling required for
Alternative disposal option or diversion to storage required in case quality requirements not met
Type I treated wastewater: 50 feet to any potable water well Impoundments at least 500 feet from any potable water well Type II treated wastewater: 300 feet to any potable water well 300 feet to areas intended for public access Impoundments at least 500 feet from any potable water well Public access to effluent storage and irrigation or disposal sites to be restricted by a stocktight fence or other comparable means
Type I reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of pastures for milking animals Type II reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of sod farms, silviculture, and animal feed crops
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Vermont (1)
Multiple units required Alternative power source required Retention pond or tank required with volume sufficient to hold the design flow for 48 hours
Storage sized so that the system can operate effectively without having to spray during the spring runoff months Minimum storage capacity required - 45 days of design flow
2 in/wk for systems with secondary treated effluent 2.5 in/wk for systems with tertiary treatment with nitrogen and phosphorus removal Maximum hourly application rate of 0.25 in/hour based on actual wetted area
100 feet to edge of any surface water 200 feet to, habitation, property lines, roads, or areas frequented by the public 200 feet to any water supply
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
BOD 24-hour composite samples collected at least weekly TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform and dissolved oxygen - grab samples collected at least daily Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the irrigation system is operating
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or
May be required Monitoring program will be based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations
Class D: 100 feet to areas accessible to the public and the use area property line 300 feet to any potable water supply Class C: 50 feet to areas accessible to the public and use area property line 100 feet to any potable water supply well
Class D reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of trees or fodder, fiber, and seed crops Class C reclaimed water can be used for irrigation of sod, ornamental plants for commercial use, or pasture to which milking cows or goats have access
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
West Virginia
Hydraulic maximum application rates of 0.25 in/hr 0.50 in/day 2.0 in/wk
Minimum of one well between project site and public well(s) or high capacity private wells Minimum of one well in each direction of groundwater movement Required for design flows greater than 0.015 mgd Monitoring may be required for elevation, BOD5, field specific conductance, COD, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen, chlorides, sulfates, total dissolved solids,
Biological, chemical, physical or a combination of treatments necessary to meet effluent standards Monthly average BOD5 may not exceed 50 mg/l Fecal coliform bacteria limits based on potential impact to public health Nitrogen limits based on needs of cover
Total daily flow monitored Monthly monitoring for total dissolved solids, chlorides, BOD5, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen Fecal coliform bacteria monitoring may be required on a case-by-case basis Soil at each
Storage lagoons required for systems adversely affected by winter conditions or wet weather
Determined on a case-by-case basis Based on hydrogeologic conditions, soil texture, permeability, cation exchange capacity, topography, cover crop, and wastewater characteristics Average hydraulic application rate may not exceed 10,000
Fence to be placed at least 50 feet beyond spray area 350 feet from fence to adjacent property lines or highways unless low trajectory spray and/or physical buffers are provided 250 feet to private water supply wells 1,000 feet to public water supply wells
Storage Requirements
Minimum of Class C wastewaterprimary treatment and disinfection Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml or greater but less than 1000/100 ml
Multiple units and equipment Alternative power sources Alarm systems and instrumentation Operator certification and standby capability Bypass and dewatering capability Emergency storage
Emergency storage
Will be applied for the purpose of beneficial reuse and will not exceed the irrigation demand of the vegetation at the site Not to be applied at a rate greater than the agronomic rate for the vegetation at the site Will be applied in a manner and time that will not cause any surface runoff or contamination of a groundwater aquifer
30 feet to adjacent property lines 30 feet to all surface waters 100 feet to all potable water supply wells 100-foot buffer zone around spray site Spray Irrigation: 100 feet to adjacent property lines and any public right-of-way Flood Irrigation: 30 feet to adjacent property lines and any public right-of-way
Pertains to irrigation on agricultural lands supporting indirect food chain crops Animals not allowed to graze on land for 30 days after reclaimed water application
State California
for first 12 months and quarterly thereafter Samples to be taken at a point following disinfection and prior to the point where recycled water enters the use impoundment Ongoing monitoring may be discontinued
Treatment Facility Reliability Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of qualified personnel
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances No impoundment of disinfected tertiary recycled water within 100 feet of any domestic water supply well
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
500 feet from impoundment to domestic supply well 100 feet from impoundment to any irrigation well
Standby power with capacity to fully operate all essential treatment processes Redundant treatment
Treatment Facility Reliability facilities and monitoring equipment to meet required levels of treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure of process equipment
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Sampling and analysis twice per week for BOD5 or CBOD5, turbidity, and fecal coliform
Daily composite sampling required for BOD Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to
Alternative disposal option or diversion to storage required if turbidity or chlorine residual requirements
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
BOD 24-hour composite samples collected at least weekly TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform and dissolved oxygen
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: shortterm, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a
May be required Monitoring will be based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site-specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations
Unlined impoundments - 500 feet between perimeter and any potable water supply well Lined impoundments - 100 feet between perimeter and
Nutrient removal to reduce levels of phosphorus and/or nitrogen is recommended to minimize algal growths and maintain acceptable aesthetic conditions
Treatment Facility Reliability treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the irrigation system is operating
Storage Requirements 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
State Arizona
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Total coliform sampled at least once daily from the disinfected effluent
Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or
No impoundment of disinfected secondary-2.2 recycled water within 100 feet of any domestic water supply well
Treatment Facility Reliability storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of qualified personnel
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
R-1 wateroxidized, filtered, and disinfected Fecal coliform 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (not to exceed in more than one sample in any 30-day period) - 200/100 ml (maximum any one sample) Inactivation and/or removal
Daily flow monitoring Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to and after filtration process Continuous measuring and recording of chlorine residual Daily monitoring of fecal coliform Weekly monitoring of
Multiple or standby units required of sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on
20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30 year record Reject storage
500 feet from impoundment to domestic supply well 100 feet from impoundment to any irrigation well Outer edge of impoundment at least 100 feet from any drinking water supply well
Treatment Facility Reliability filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Standby power with capacity to fully operate all essential treatment processes Redundant treatment facilities and monitoring equipment to meet required levels of treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure of process equipment
Texas Type II reclaimed water Reclaimed water on a 30-day average to have a quality of: 30 mg/l BOD5 with treatment using pond Sampling and analysis once per week for BOD5 or CBOD5 and fecal coliform
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Weekly composite sampling required for BOD Daily composite sampling required for TSS Daily monitoring of fecal coliform pH monitored continuously or by daily grab samples
Alternative disposal option or diversion to storage required in case quality requirements not met
Treatment Facility Reliability supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the irrigation system is operating
Storage Requirements disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the volume equal to three times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics, and other considerations
Setback Distances perimeter and any potable water supply well Lined impoundments - 100 feet between perimeter and any potable water supply well
Other and/or nitrogen is recommended to minimize algal growths and maintain acceptable aesthetic conditions
State Florida
Storage Requirements Reclaimed water shall be stored in a holding pond The holding pond will have sufficient storage capacity to assure retention of reclaimed water that has not been treated to an acceptable quality for discharge to a treatment or receiving wetland At a minimum, this capacity will be the volume equal to 1 day of flow at the permitted capacity of the treatment plant
Loading Rates Maximum annual average hydraulic loading of 2 in/wk except in hydrologically altered wetlands maximum of 6 in/wk Treatment wetland - total nitrogen loading rate not to exceed 2 25 g/m /yr - total phosphorus loading rate not to exceed 2 3 g/m /yr Hydrologically altered wetland - total nitrogen loading rate not to exceed 2 75 g/m /yr - total phosphorus loading rate not to exceed 2 9 g/m /yr Maximum hydraulic design loading flow through rate on artificial
Groundwater Monitoring
Other The discharge of reclaimed water to treatment or receiving wetlands shall minimize channelized flow and maximize sheet flow in the wetland, minimize the loss of dissolution of sediments due to erosion or leaching, and not cause adverse effects on endangered or threatened species Discharge of reclaimed water to wetlands located within Class I surface waters considered reuse for indirect potable purposes Applies to artificial wetland systems Reviewed on a
Storage Requirements pond system of 150 days Minimum combined storage capacity of 180 days in stabilization ponds and artificial wetland areas
Groundwater Monitoring of the site, may be required At a minimum, parameters to be sampled include temperature, pH, conductivity, nitrate, ammonia, fecal coliform, nitrites, chlorides, TDS, sulfate, and GW elevations May be required Groundwater monitoring may be required for a sufficient length of time to determine that the application of reclaimed water will not degrade existing groundwater quality Depends on parameter concentrations in reclaimed water and the
Setback (1) Distances provide public safety, exclude livestock, and discourage trespassing
Natural and constructed beneficial use wetlands that provide potential human contact, recreational, or educational beneficial uses: Class A oxidized, coagulated, filtered, and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day mean) - 23/100 ml (single sample) Natural and constructed beneficial use
BOD, TSS, Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonianitrogen, total phosphorus, and metals - 24-hour composite samples collected weekly Total coliform - grab samples collected at least daily Continuous flow monitoring
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the
Not to exceed an additional average annual hydraulic loading rate of 2 cm/day to Category II wetlands and 3 cm/day to Category III and IV wetlands Maximum annual average hydraulic loading rate to constructed beneficial use wetlands is limited to
Unlined or unsealed wetland - 500 feet between perimeter and any potable water supply well Lined or sealed wetland - 100 feet between perimeter and any potable water supply well
Discharge to Category I wetlands or to saltwater dominated wetlands is not permitted Reclaimed water intended for beneficial reuse may be discharged for streamflow augmentation provided the reclaimed water meets certain requirements
Storage Requirements volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates 5 cm/day Hydraulic loading rate determined as the ratio of the average annual flow rate of reclaimed water to the effective wetted area of the wetland
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
State California
Treatment Facility Reliability Warning alarms Back-up power source Multiple treatment units capable of treating entire flow with one unit not in operation or storage or disposal provisions Emergency storage or disposal: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Sufficient number of qualified personnel
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Whenever a cooling system, using recycled water in conjunction with an air conditioning facility, uses a cooling tower or otherwise creates a mist that could come into contact with employees or members of the public, the cooling system shall comply with the following: - a drift eliminator shall be used whenever the cooling system is in operation - a chlorine, or other biocide, shall be used to treat the cooling system recirculating water to minimize the growth of Legionella and other microorganisms Reclaimed water can also
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other be used for industrial boiler feed and industrial process water
Florida (1)
Treatment Facility Reliability applications: Class I reliability requires multiple or back-up treatment units and a secondary power source Minimum reject storage capacity equal to 1 day flow at the average daily design flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less Minimum system size of 0.1 mgd (not required for toilet flushing and fire protection uses) Staffing 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk or 6 hrs/day, 7 days/wk with diversion of reclaimed water to reuse system only
Storage Requirements wash water or process water: System storage ponds not required Open cooling water tower applications: At a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to 3 times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted Water balance required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback (1) Distances wash water or process water: Setback distances from the industrial process or activity to the site property line not required Open cooling water tower applications: None required if the reclaimed water has received secondary treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection 300-foot setback distance provided from the cooling tower to the site property lines if reclaimed water has received secondary treatment and basic disinfection
Other water for cooling water, wash water, or process water at industrial facilities Reclaimed water that has not been disinfected may be used for oncethrough cooling purposes at industrial facilities if the reclaimed water has received at least secondary treatment, is conveyed and used in closed systems which are not open to the atmosphere, and is returned to the domestic wastewater treatment facility Reclaimed water that has received secondary treatment and basic disinfection
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other can be used in open cooling towers if a 300-foot setback distance is provided to the property line, the cooling tower is designed and operated to minimize aerosol drift to areas beyond the site property line that are accessible to the public, and biological growth is controlled
- sampling one time during each 2 year period - samples to be taken immediately
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Hawaii (1)
Daily flow monitoring Continuous turbidity monitoring prior to and after filtration process Continuous measuring and
Multiple or standby units required of sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service
20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage
Can be used for industrial cooling in a system that does not have a cooling tower, evaporative condenser, or other feature
Treatment Facility Reliability Alarm devices required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements is necessary Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30 year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other that emits vapor or droplets to the open atmosphere or to air to be passed into a building or other enclosure occupied by a person Can be used as supply for addition to a cooling system or air conditioning system with a cooling tower, evaporative condenser, or other feature that emits vapor or droplets to the open atmosphere or to air to be passed into a building or other enclosure occupied by a person, when all of the following occurs: a high efficiency drift reducer is used and the
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other system is maintained to avoid greater rate of generation of drift than that which a high efficiency drift reducer is associated; a continuous biocide residual, sufficient to prevent bacterial population from exceeding 10,000/ml is maintained in circulating water; and the system is inspected by an operator capable of determining compliance at least once per day
Storage Requirements Not required when another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is incorporated into the system design If system storage ponds are used, they do not have to be lined Reject storage ponds shall be lined or sealed to prevent measurable seepage Existing or proposed ponds (such as golf course ponds) are appropriate for storage of reuse water if the ability of the ponds to function as stormwater management systems is not impaired
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Worker contact with reclaimed water shall be minimized Windblown spray shall not reach areas accessible to the public Secondary treatment, for the purpose of the manual, refers to the existing treatment requirements in the NJPDES permit, not including the additional reclaimed water for beneficial reuse treatment requirements
Treatment Facility Reliability Five-day side stream detention pond required for effluent exceeding turbidity or fecal coliform limits Automatically activated standby power source to be provided Certified operator on call 24 hrs/day with a grade level equivalent to or greater than the facility classification
Storage Requirements recent 25-year period using monthly average precipitation data, potential evapotranspiration,data, and soil drainage data No storage facilities required if it can be demonstrated that other permitted disposal options are available
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Oregon (1)
Standby power with capacity to fully operate all essential treatment processes Redundant treatment facilities and monitoring equipment to meet required levels of
Use of reclaimed water in evaporative cooling systems will be approved only if the user can demonstrate that aerosols will not present a hazard to public health
Treatment Facility Reliability treatment Alarm devices to provide warning of loss of power and/or failure of process equipment
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Cooling tower makeup water Type II reclaimed water Reclaimed water on a 3- day average to have a quality of: 30 mg/l BOD5 with treatment using pond system 20 mg/l BOD5 or 15 mg/l CBOD5 with treatment other than pond system Fecal coliform - 200/100 ml (geometric mean) - 800/100 ml (not to exceed in any sample)
Sampling and analysis once per week for BOD5 or CBOD5 and fecal coliform
Use for cooling towers which produce significant aerosols adjacent to public access areas may have special requirements
State Utah
Treatment Facility Reliability Alternative disposal option or diversion to storage required in case quality requirements not met
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Other Use for cooling towers which produce aerosols in populated areas may have special restrictions imposed
Washington (1)
BOD 24hour composite samples collected at least weekly TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform and dissolved oxygen - grab samples collected at
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20
Treatment Facility Reliability disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the irrigation system is operating
Storage Requirements years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Determined on a case-by-case basis Based on all relevant aspects of each project, including the following factors: treatment provided; effluent quality and quantity; spreading area operations; soil characteristics; hydrogeology; residence time and distance to withdrawal Use of rapid-rate land application systems: Secondary treatment and basic disinfection Fecal coliform 200/100 ml (annual average) - 200/100 ml (monthly geometric mean) - 400/100 ml (not to exceed
State California
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Florida (1)
Continuous on-line monitoring for turbidity before applicaton of the disinfectant Continuous monitoring for chlorine residual or for residual concentrations of other disinfectants Treatment facilities designed to
Class I reliability requires multiple or backup treatment units and a secondary power source For treatment facilities required to provide full treatment and disinfection minimum reject storage
System storage not required If system storage is provided, at a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to three times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or
Reasonable assurances must be provided that the hydraulic loading rates used in the design must enable the system to comply with the requirements while meeting applicable groundwater quality
Required 1 upgradient well located as close as possible to the site without being affected by the sites discharge (background well) 1 well at the edge of the zone of discharge down-gradient of the site
Zones of discharge not to extend closer than 500 feet to a potable water supply well 1,000 foot setback distance from injection well used for salinity barrier control to potable water supply wells 500 feet to
Rapid-rate application systems that result in the collection and discharge of more than 50 percent of the applied reclaimed water will be considered effluent disposal systems Involves the planned use of
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements in more than 10% of samples in a 30 day period) - 800/100 ml (single sample) 10 mg/l TSS (single sample) prior to discharge to the application/ distribution system for absorption field systems Nitrate - 12 mg/l as nitrogen Use of rapid-rate land application systems for projects considered reuse for groundwater recharge under 62-610.525: Secondary treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided 5 mg/l TSS (single sample) to be achieved prior to
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements meet the full treatment and disinfection requirements to sample for TOC and total organic halogen daily, seven days per week Total coliforms and TSS analyzed daily if treatment facility is required to meet bacteriological requirements of the drinking water standards Parameters listed as primary drinking water standards that are imposed as reclaimed water limits to be analyzed monthly Parameters listed as secondary drinking water standards that are imposed
Treatment Facility Reliability capacity equal to three days flow at the average daily permitted flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less If full treatment and disinfection is not required, the capacity requirement for reject storage shall be reduced to one days flow Reject storage will not be required if another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is capable of discharging the reject water in accordance with
Storage Requirements disposal system is permitted Water balance required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation
Loading Rates standards A groundwater mounding analysis is to be included in the engineering report and should provide reasonable assurances that the proposed project will function as intended and will not result in excessive mounding of groundwaters, increases in surface water elevations, property damage or interference with reasonable use of property within the affected area
Groundwater Monitoring (compliance well) 1 well downgradient from the site and within the zone of discharge (intermediate well) 1 well located adjacent to unlined storage ponds or lakes Other wells may be required depending on site-specific criteria Quarterly monitoring required for water level, nitrate, total dissolved solids, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium, lead, fecal coliform, pH and sulfate Monitoring may be required for additional
Setback Distances potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved; Class I surface waters; or Class II surface waters Setback distance to Class I and Class II surface waters reduced to 100 feet if highlevel disinfection is provided 100 feet to buildings not part of the treatment facility, utilities system or municipal operations 100 feet to site property line Some setback distances may be reduced if certain treatment requirements are met and assurances
Other reclaimed water to augment Class F-1, G-1, or G-II groundwaters identified for potable water use and defined as groundwater recharge in regulations Types of groundwater recharge systems include injection of reclaimed water into Class F-1, G-1, or G-II groundwaters, specific rapidrate land application systems, use of reclaimed water to create barriers to the landward or upward migration of salt water within Class F-1, G-1, or G-II
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements disinfection Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l (maximum annual average) Primary (except asbestos and bacteriological parameters) and secondary drinking water standards must be met pH to fall within range established in secondary drinking water standards Groundwater recharge by injection of Class G-1 and F-1 groundwaters and Class G-II groundwaters containing 3000 mg/l or less of TDS: Secondary treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements as reclaimed water limits to be analyzed quarterly pH - daily Except for total coliforms and pH, 24-hour composite samples to be used for parameters listed as primary or secondary drinking water standards Unregulated organic contaminants to be sampled annually for some types of projects Monitoring for Giardia and
required quarterly or one time during each two-year period depending on type of project Parameters to be monitored and sampling
Treatment Facility Reliability requirements Minimum system size of 0.1 MGD Staffing 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk for systems required to provide full treatment and disinfection - reduced staffing requirement to 6 hrs/day, 7 days/wk may be approved for systems not required to provide full treatment with diversion of reclaimed water to reuse system only during periods of operator presence and other provisions for increased reliability
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring parameters based on site specific conditions and groundwater quality
Other groundwaters and discharge to surface waters which are directly connected to Class F-1, G-I or G-II groundwaters Public notification and public hearing requirements Pilot testing is required for all projects that are required to provide full treatment and disinfection
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements 5 mg/l TSS (single sample) to be achieved prior to disinfection Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l (maximum annual average) Primary (except asbestos) and secondary drinking water standards must be met pH to fall within range established in secondary drinking water standards TOC - 3 mg/l (monthly average) - 5 mg/l (single sample) Total organic halogen (TOX) - 0.2 mg/l (monthly average) - 0.3 mg/l (single sample) Alternative TOC and TOX limitations may
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements frequency to be identified in wastewater facility permit Minimum schedule for sampling and testing based on system capacity
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements be approved if certain conditions are met Groundwater recharge by injection of Class G-II groundwaters containing greater than 3000 mg/l of TDS: Same treatment and water quality requirements as above except TOC, TOX and secondary drinking water requirements do not apply Limitations to be met before injection to groundwater Determined on a case-by-case basis Recycled water used for groundwater recharge by surface or subsurface application shall be at all
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Hawaii (1)
Multiple or standby units required of sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices
20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary
Required Groundwater monitoring system may consist of a number of lysimeters and/or monitoring wells depending on
Department of Health evaluation of proposed groundwater recharge projects and expansion of existing projects made on an
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements times of a quality that fully protects public health Projects that are over an aquifer classified as nonpotable, where the design monthly (deep) percolation rate (DMPR) is greater than 20 percent of the maximum monthly application rate minus the DMPR, will be designated as a recharge project Projects that are over an aquifer classified as potable, where the application rates exceed the consumptive evapotranspiration of the vegetative cover, will be designated as a
Treatment Facility Reliability required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30-year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring site size, site characteristics, location, method of discharge and other appropriate considerations One well upgradient and two wells downgradient for project sites 500 acres or more One well within the wetted field area for each project whose surface area is greater than or equal to 1500 acres One lysimeter per 200 acres One lysimeter for project sites that have greater than 40 but less than 200 acres Additional lysimeters may be necessary to address concerns of public health or
Setback Distances
Other individual case basis where the use of reclaimed water involves a potential risk to public health Evaluation based on all relevant aspects of each project including treatment provided, effluent quality and quantity, effluent or application spreading area operation, soil characteristics, hydrogeology, residence time, and distance to withdrawal A public hearing or a public referendum is required for the DOH to review a request to augment a potable water supply by recharging the potable water
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements recharge project
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Secondary Filtration (possibly) Disinfection pH 6 - 9 BOD - less than 10 mg/l or 30 mg/l Turbidity - less than 2 NTU or 5 NTU Fecal coliform - median of no detectable colonies/100 ml over continuous, running 7 day sampling periods, not to exceed 14/100 ml or 200/100 ml TSS - 5 mg/l or 10 mg/l Total nitrogen less than 10 mg/l
pH - weekly or daily BOD - weekly Turbidity continuous Fecal coliform - daily or twice per week Metals quarterly TSS - weekly or twice per week Nitrogen once or twice per week MS-2 phage quarterly Total culturable viruses quarterly Variable testing requirements UV intensity or chlorine residual - daily
EPA Class I Reliability standards may be required Two independent and separate sources of power Unit redundancy Additional storage
Groundwater Monitoring environmental protection as related to variable characteristics of the subsurface or of the operations of the project A groundwater monitoring plan is required and must accomplish the following goals: Evaluates upgradient (background) groundwater quality Evaluates the performance of land use components that are considered part of the treatment process Evaluates the overall impact of the project on local groundwater quality Acts as an early warning
Setback Distances
No wastewater discharges will be permitted in the Zone I of any public water supply well defined as the area encompassing a maximum 400-foot radius around the wellhead (assuming a greater than 100,000 gpd withdrawal rate) Discharging to Zone IIs, defined as the entire extent of the aquifer deposits which could fall within and upgradient from the production
Refers to discharges into aquifer recharge areas as defined by Zone II boundaries of community water systems and groundwater discharges that will recharge reservoirs or tributaries to reservoirs New treatment plants located in approved Zone IIs with less than a two year groundwater travel time to the public water supply well must treat to the more
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Class I Groundwater Permit Standards (SDWA Drinking Water Standards)
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Nonpotable aquifer recharge: Class A oxidized, coagulated, filtered and disinfected Total coliform - 2.2/100 ml (7-day median) - 23/100 ml (single sample)
Point of compliance is the point of direct recharge of reclaimed water into the underground BOD 24hour composite samples collected at
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term,
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for
Will be required and based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site-specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics and other considerations
Setback Distances wells capture zone based on the predicted drawdown after 180-day drought conditions at the approved pumping rate, will be permitted in circumstances where it is necessary to replenish streamflow, enhance the productivity and capacity of an aquifer and/or improve upon or mitigate poor existing environmental conditions Reclaimed water withdrawn for nonpotable purposes can be withdrawn at any distance from the point of direct recharge The minimum horizontal
Other rigorous of the two standards described Existing treatment plants that can demonstrate four or five feet of separation and where the well has not shown any evidence of water quality degradation may maintain the lesser standard
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Defined as direct recharge to nonpotable or potable groundwater aquifers Reclaimed water withdrawn for nonpotable purposes can be withdrawn
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements 5 mg/l BOD and TSS (7-day mean) Turbidity - 2 NTU (monthly mean) - 5 NTU (single sample) Minimum chlorine residual of 1 mg/l after a contact time of 30 minutes based on peak hourly flow A chlorine residual of at least 0.5 mg/l to be maintained in the reclaimed water during conveyance to the point of recharge Potable aquifer recharge: Oxidized, coagulated, filtered, reverseosmosis treated and disinfected Total coliform - 1/100 ml (7-day median) - 5/100 ml (single sample)
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements least daily TSS 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform grab samples collected at least daily and at a time when wastewater characteristics are most demanding on the treatment facilities and disinfection procedures Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity and chlorine residual Additional monitoring requirements for potable aquifer recharge: TOC - 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Primary contaminants (except total
Treatment Facility Reliability 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the system is operating
Storage Requirements duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the volume equal to 3 times that portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring Nonpotable aquifer recharge: Monitoring wells shall be established on a case-by-case basis Constituents to be sampled shall be determined on a case-by-case basis Samples from monitoring wells and their sampling frequency shall be determined on a case-bycase basis Potable aquifer recharge: Monitoring wells, at a minimum, shall be located at points 500 feet and 1,000 feet (plus or minus 10%) along the groundwater flow path from the point of recharge to the nearest point of withdrawal of groundwater
Setback Distances separation distance between the point of direct recharge and withdrawal as a source of drinking water supply shall be 2,000 feet
Other at any time after direct recharge Reclaimed water shall be retained underground for a minimum of 12 months prior to being withdrawn as a source of drinking water supply Project evaluation based on all relevant aspects of each project, including treatment and treatment reliability provided, reclaimed water quality and quantity, use or potential use of groundwater, operation and management of the recharge facilities, soil characteristics, hydrogeology, residence time
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements 5 mg/l BOD and TSS (7 day mean) Turbidity - 0.1 NTU (monthly mean) - 0.5 NTU (maximum) Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l as N (annual mean) TOC - 1.0 mg/l (monthly mean) Water quality criteria for primary contaminants (except nitrate), secondary contaminants, radionuclides and carcinogens listed in Table 1 in chapter 173200 WAC and any other maximum contaminant levels pursuant to chapter 246290 WAC must be met Minimum chlorine residual of 1 mg/l after a
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements coliform organisms), secondary contaminants, radionuclides, and carcinogens 24-hour composite samples collected at least quarterly Total nitrogen - grab or 24-hour composite samples collected at least weekly
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring used as a source of drinking water supply Groundwater shall be sampled for TOC and primary contaminants, secondary contaminants, radionuclides, and carcinogens listed in Table 1 in chapter 173-200 WAC Samples from monitoring wells shall be collected at least quarterly
Setback Distances
Other of the reclaimed water in the underground prior to withdrawal and distance from the recharge area to nearest point of withdrawal A pilot plant study shall be performed prior to implementation of direct recharge into a potable groundwater aquifer
Table A-9.
Groundwater Recharge Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements contact time of 30 minutes based on peak hourly flow A chlorine residual of at least 0.5 mg/l to be maintained in the reclaimed water during conveyance to the point of recharge
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Determined on a case-by-case basis Based on all relevant aspects of each project, including the following factors: treatment provided; effluent quality and quantity; spreading area operations; soil characteristics; hydrogeology; residence time and distance to withdrawal Discharge to Class I surface waters and to water contiguous to or tributary to Class I waters (less than 4 hours travel time): Secondary treatment with filtration and high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided 5 mg/l TSS
State California
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Florida (1)
Continuous on-line monitoring for turbidity before application of the disinfectant Continuous monitoring for chlorine residual or for residual concentrations of other disinfectants Treatment facilities designed to
Class I reliability requires multiple or backup treatment units and a secondary power source For treatment facilities required to provide full treatment and disinfection minimum reject storage
System storage not required If system storage is provided, at a minimum, system storage capacity shall be the volume equal to 3 times the portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or
Reasonable assurances must be provided that the hydraulic loading rates used in the design must enable the system to comply with the requirements while meeting applicable surface water and
Required 1 upgradient well located as close as possible to the site without being affected by the sites discharge (background well) 1 well at the edge of the zone of discharge down-gradient of the site
Outfalls for surface water discharges not to be located within 500 feet of existing or approved potable water intakes within Class I surface waters Zones of discharge not to extend closer than 500 feet to a potable water
Involves the planned use of reclaimed water to augment Class F-1, G-1, or G-II groundwaters identified for potable water use and defined as groundwater recharge in regulations Types of groundwater
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements (single sample) to be achieved prior to disinfection Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l (maximum annual average) Primary (except asbestos) and secondary drinking water standards must be met pH to fall within range established in secondary drinking water standards TOC - 3 mg/l (monthly average) - 5 mg/l (single sample) Use of rapid-rate land application systems for projects considered reuse for groundwater recharge under 62-610.525: Secondary treatment with filtration and
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements meet the full treatment and disinfection requirements to sample for TOC and total organic halogen daily, 7 days per week Total coliforms and TSS analyzed daily if treatment facility is required to meet bacteriological requirements of the drinking water standards Parameters listed as primary drinking water standards that are imposed as reclaimed water limits to be analyzed monthly Parameters listed as secondary drinking water standards that are imposed
Treatment Facility Reliability capacity equal to 3 days flow at the average daily permitted flow of the treatment plant or the average daily permitted flow of the reuse system, whichever is less If full treatment and disinfection is not required, the capacity requirement for reject storage shall be reduced to one days flow Reject storage will not be required if another permitted reuse system or effluent disposal system is capable of discharging the reject water in accordance with requirements
Storage Requirements disposal system is permitted Water balance required with volume of storage based on a 10-year recurrence interval and a minimum of 20 years of climatic data Not required if alternative system is incorporated into the system design to ensure continuous facility operation
Loading Rates groundwater quality standards A groundwater mounding analysis is to be included in the engineering report for projects involving discharges to groundwater and should provide reasonable assurances that the proposed project will function as intended and will not result in excessive mounding of groundwaters, increases in surface water elevations, property damage or interference with reasonable use of property within the affected area
Groundwater Monitoring (compliance well) 1 well downgradient from the site and within the zone of discharge (intermediate well) 1 well located adjacent to unlined storage ponds or lakes Other wells may be required depending on site-specific criteria Quarterly monitoring required for water level, nitrate, total dissolved solids, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium, lead, fecal coliform, pH, and sulfate Monitoring may be required for additional
Setback Distances supply well 1,000 foot setback distance from injection well used for salinity barrier control to potable water supply wells Injection facilities: 500 feet to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved; Class I surface waters; or Class II surface waters Setback distance to Class I and Class II surface waters reduced to 100 feet if highlevel disinfection is provided 100 feet to buildings not part of the treatment facility, utilities
Other recharge systems include injection of reclaimed water into Class F-1, G-1, or G-II groundwaters, specific rapidrate land application systems, use of reclaimed water to create barriers to the landward or upward migration of salt water within Class F-1, G-1, or G-II groundwaters and discharge to surface waters which are directly connected to Class F-1, G-I or G-II groundwaters Indirect potable reuse Involves the planned use of reclaimed water to
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements high-level disinfection Chemical feed facilities to be provided 5 mg/l TSS (single sample) to be achieved prior to disinfection Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l (maximum annual average) Primary (except asbestos and bacteriological parameters) and secondary drinking water standards must be met pH to fall within range established in secondary drinking water standards Groundwater recharge by injection of Class G-1 and F-1 groundwaters and Class G-II groundwaters containing 3000 mg/l or less of
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements as reclaimed water limits to be analyzed quarterly pH - daily Except for total coliforms and pH, 24-hour composite samples to be used for parameters listed as primary or secondary drinking water standards Unregulated organic contaminants to be sampled annually for some types of projects Monitoring for Giardia and
required quarterly or one time during each 2year period depending on type of project Parameters to be monitored and sampling frequency to
Treatment Facility Reliability Minimum system size of 0.1 mgd Staffing 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk for systems required to provide full treatment and disinfection - reduced staffing requirement to 6 hrs/day, 7 days/wk may be approved for systems not required to provide full treatment with diversion of reclaimed water to reuse system only during periods of operator presence and other provisions for increased reliability
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Setback Distances system or municipal operations 100 feet to site property line Some setback distances may be reduced if certain treatment requirements are met and assurances are provided
Other augment surface water resources which are used or will be used for public water supplies and includes discharges to Class I surface waters and discharges to other surface waters which are directly or indirectly connected to Class I surface waters Public notification and public hearing requirements in place for projects involving surface water discharges and underground injection Pilot testing is required for all projects that are required to provide full treatment and disinfection
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements TDS: Same treatment and water quality requirements as discharge to Class I surface waters except additional requirement for total organic halogen must be met Total organic halogen (TOX) - 0.2 mg/l (monthly average) - 0.3 mg/l (single sample Alternative TOC and TOX limitations may be approved if certain conditions are met Groundwater recharge by injection of Class G-II groundwaters containing greater than 3000 mg/l of TDS: Same treatment and water quality requirements
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements be identified in wastewater facility permit Minimum schedule for sampling and testing based on system capacity
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements as discharge to Class I surface waters except TOC and secondary drinking water requirements do not apply Limitations to be met before injection to groundwater or discharge to surface waters Determined on a case-by-case basis Reclaimed water used for groundwater recharge by surface or subsurface application shall be at all times of a quality that fully protects public health Projects that are over an aquifer classified as potable, where the application rates exceed the consumptive
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
Multiple or standby units required of sufficient capacity to enable effective operation with any one unit out of service Alarm devices required for loss of power, high water levels, failure of pumps or blowers, high head loss on filters, high effluent turbidity, loss of coagulant or polymer feed, and loss of
20 days storage required unless it can be demonstrated that another time period is adequate or that no storage is necessary Storage requirements based on water balance using at least a 30-year record Reject storage required with a volume equal to 1 day of flow at the average daily design flow
Required Groundwater monitoring system may consist of a number of lysimeters and/or monitoring wells depending on site size, site characteristics, location, method of discharge, and other appropriate considerations One well upgradient and two wells downgradient for project sites
Department of Health evaluation of proposed groundwater recharge projects and expansion of existing projects made on an individual case basis where the use of recycled water involves a potential risk to public health Evaluation based on all relevant aspects of each project including
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements evapotranspiration of the vegetative cover, will be designated as a recharge project
Treatment Facility Reliability chlorine residual Standby power source required for treatment plant and distribution pump stations
Storage Requirements Emergency system storage not required where an alternate effluent disposal system has been approved
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring 500 acres or more One well within the wetted field area for each project whose surface area is greater than or equal to 1,500 acres One lysimeter per 200 acres One lysimeter for project sites that have greater than 40 but less than 200 acres Additional lysimeters may be necessary to address concerns of public health or environmental protection as related to variable characteristics of the subsurface or of the operations of the project A groundwater monitoring plan is required and
Setback Distances
Other treatment provided, effluent quality and quantity, effluent or application spreading area operation, soil characteristics, hydrogeology, residence time, and distance to withdrawal A public hearing or a public referendum is required for the DOH to review a request to augment a potable water supply by recharging the potable water supply aquifer with recycled water
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements Disinfection pH 6 - 9 BOD - less than 10 mg/l or 30 mg/l Turbidity - less than 2 NTU or 5 NTU Fecal coliform - median of no detectable colonies/100 ml over continuous, running 7-day sampling periods, not to exceed 14/100 ml or 200/100 ml TSS - 5 mg/l or 10 mg/l Total nitrogen less than 10 mg/l Class I Groundwater Permit Standards (SDWA Drinking Water Standards)
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements Turbidity continuous Fecal coliform - daily or twice per week Metals quarterly TSS - weekly or twice per week Nitrogen once or twice per week MS-2 phage quarterly Total culturable viruses quarterly Variable testing requirements UV intensity or chlorine residual - daily
Treatment Facility Reliability be required Two independent and separate sources of power Unit redundancy Additional storage
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring must accomplish the following goals: Evaluates upgradient (background) groundwater quality Evaluates the performance of land use components that are considered part of the treatment process Evaluates the overall impact of the project on local groundwater quality Acts as an early warning system between the discharge and sensitive receptors
Setback Distances the Zone I of any public water supply well defined as the area encompassing a maximum 400-foot radius around the wellhead (assuming a greater than 100,000 gpd withdrawal rate) Discharging to Zone IIs, defined as the entire extent of the aquifer deposits which could fall within and upgradient from the production wells capture zone based on the predicted drawdown after 180-day drought conditions at the approved pumping rate, will be permitted in circumstances where it is
Other recharge areas as defined by Zone II boundaries of community water systems and groundwater discharges that will recharge reservoirs or tributaries to reservoirs New treatment plants located in approved Zone IIs with less than a 2 year groundwater travel time to the public water supply well must treat to the more rigorous of the two standards described Existing treatment plants that can demonstrate 4 or 5 feet of separation and where the well has not shown any evidence of water quality
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances necessary to replenish streamflow, enhance the productivity and capacity of an aquifer, and/or improve upon or mitigate poor existing environmental conditions The minimum horizontal separation distance between the point of direct recharge and withdrawal as a source of drinking water supply shall be 2,000 feet
Oxidized, coagulated, filtered, reverseosmosis treated and disinfected Total coliform - 1/100 ml (7-day median) - 5/100 ml (single sample) 5 mg/l BOD and TSS (7-day mean) Turbidity - 0.1 NTU (monthly mean) - 0.5 NTU (maximum) Total nitrogen - 10 mg/l as N (annual mean) TOC - 1.0 mg/l
Point of compliance is the point of direct recharge of reclaimed water into the underground BOD 24hour composite samples collected at least daily TSS - 24 hour composite samples collected at least daily Total coliform grab samples collected at least daily and at a time when wastewater
Warning alarms independent of normal power supply Back-up power source Emergency storage: short-term, 1 day; long-term, 20 days Multiple treatment units or storage or disposal options Qualified personnel available or on call at all times the system is operating
Storage required when no approved alternative disposal system exists Storage volume established by determining storage period required for duration of a 10-year storm, using a minimum of 20 years of climatic data At a minimum, system storage capacity should be the volume equal to 3 times that
Will be required and based on reclaimed water quality and quantity, site specific soil and hydrogeologic characteristics and other considerations For direct recharge into potable groundwater aquifers, monitoring wells, at a minimum, shall be located at points 500 feet and 1,000 feet (plus or minus
Defined as direct recharge to potable groundwater aquifers Reclaimed water shall be retained underground for a minimum of 12 months prior to being withdrawn as a source of drinking water supply Project evaluation based on all relevant aspects of each project, including treatment and
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements (monthly mean) Water quality criteria for primary contaminants (except nitrate), secondary contaminants, radionuclides and carcinogens listed in Table 1 in Chapter 173200 WAC and any other maximum contaminant levels pursuant to Chapter 246290 WAC must be met Minimum chlorine residual of 1 mg/l after a contact time of 30 minutes based on peak hourly flow A chlorine residual of at least 0.5 mg/l to be maintained in the reclaimed water during conveyance to the point of recharge
Reclaimed Water Monitoring Requirements characteristics are most demanding on the treatment facilities and disinfection procedures Continuous on-line monitoring of turbidity and chlorine residual TOC - 24-hour composite samples collected at least daily Primary contaminants (except total coliform organisms), secondary contaminants, radionuclides, and carcinogens 24-hour composite samples collected at least quarterly Total nitrogen - grab or 24-hour composite samples
Storage Requirements portion of the average daily flow for which no alternative reuse or disposal system is permitted
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring 10 percent) along the groundwater flow path from the point of recharge to the nearest point of withdrawal of groundwater used as a source of drinking water supply Groundwater shall be sampled for TOC and primary contaminants, secondary contaminants, radionuclides, and carcinogens listed in Table 1 in Chapter 173-200 WAC Samples from monitoring wells shall be collected at least quarterly
Setback Distances
Other treatment reliability provided, reclaimed water quality and quantity, use or potential use of groundwater, operation and management of the recharge facilities, soil characteristics, hydrogeology, residence time of the reclaimed water in the underground prior to withdrawal and distance from the recharge area to nearest point of withdrawal A pilot plant study shall be performed prior to implementation of direct recharge into a potable groundwater aquifer
Table A-10. Indirect Potable Reuse Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Requirements
Storage Requirements
Loading Rates
Groundwater Monitoring
Setback Distances
(1) Distances are from edge of wetted perimeter unless otherwise noted.
Appendix B
State Websites
Appendix B. State Website Internet Addresses State Alabama Type Guidelines Agency Department of Environmental Management Department of Environmental Conservation Department of Environmental Quality Rules Guidelines and Minimum Requirements for Municipal, Semi-Public and Private Land Treatment Facilities Alaska Administrative Code, Title 18 - Environmental Conservation, Chapter 72, Article 2, Section 275 - Disposal Systems Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18 - Environmental Quality, Chapter 11, Article 3 - Reclaimed Water Quality Standards and Chapter 9, Article 7 - Direct Reuse of Reclaimed Water http://www.adem.state.al.us/ Land treatment guidelines not found on website http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/ENV.CONSERV/home.htm http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/ENV.CONSERV/title18/aac72ndx.htm http://www.sos.state.az.us/ http://www.sos.state.az.us/public_services/Table_of_Contents.htm http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/default.htm http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/water/branch_permits/default.htm Land application guidelines not found on website http://www.dhs.cahwnet.gov http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ps/ddwem/publications/waterrecycling/waterrecyclingindex.htm http://ccr.oal.ca.gov/ http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/cdphehom.asp http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/op/regs/waterregs/100284.pdf http://dep.state.ct.us/ http://www.dnrec.state.de.us/dnrec2000/ http://www.dnrec.state.de.us/water2000/Sections/GroundWat/GWDSRegulations.htm http://www.dep.state.fl.us/ http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/reuse/index.htm http://fac.dos.state.fl.us/ http://www.dnr.state.ga.us/dnr/environ/ http://www.ganet.org/dnr/environ/techguide_files/wpb/reuse.pdf http://www.state.hi.us/doh/ http://www.state.hi.us/doh/eh/wwb/reuse-final.pdf http://www2.state.id.us/adm/index.htm http://www2.state.id.us/adm/adminrules/rules/idapa58/58index.htm http://www.ipcb.state.il.us/ http://www.ipcb.state.il.us/SLR/IPCBandIEPAEnvironmentalRegulations-Title35.asp http://www.in.gov/idem/ http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/title327.html http://www.state.ia.us/epd/ http://www.state.ia.us/epd/wastewtr/design.htm http://www.kdhe.state.ks.us/ http://www.kdhe.state.ks.us/regs/ http://kentucky.gov/Default.html http://www.state.la.us/ http://www.state.me.us/ Website
Arkansas Land Application Guidelines for Domestic Wastewater California Department of Health Services Regulations and Guideance for Recycled Water (The Purple Book) California Code of Regulations, Title 17 and 22
Colorado Connecticut
Regulations Neither
Department of Public Health and Water Quality Control Commission Regulation 84-Reclaimed Environment Domestic Wastewater Control Regulation Department of Environmental Protection Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Department of Environmental Protection Department of Natural Resources Department of Health Department of Environmental Quality Environmental Protection Agency Department of Environmental Management Department of Natural Resources Department of Health and Environment ---------
Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application Florida Administrative Code - Chapter 62-610 Environmental Protection Division Guidelines for Water Reclamation and Urban Water Reuse Guidelines for the Treatment and Use of Recycled Water 58.01.17 Wastewater Land Application Permit Rules Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, Subtitle C, Part 372, Illinois Design Standards for Slow Rate Land Application of Treated Wastewater Indiana Administrative Code, Title 327, Article 6.1-Land Application of Biosolid, Industrial Waste Product, and Pollutant-Bearing Water Environmental Protection Division Iowa Wastewater Design Standards, Chapter 21 Land Application of Wastewater KDHE Administrative Rules and Regulations, 28-16. Water Pollution Control -------
Appendix B. State Website Internet Addresses Continued State Maryland Massachusetts Type Guidelines Guidelines Agency Department of the Environment Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Department of Environmental Quality ----Department of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Quality Rules Guidelines for Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters Title 26 Department of the Environment Interim Guidelines on Reclaimed Water (Revised) Part 22 Rules of Part 31Groundwater Quality Rules Part 22 Guidesheet II Irrigation Management Plan Rule 2215 Various Aboveground Disposal Systems ----Code of State Regulations, Title 10, Division 20, Chapter 8 - Design Guides Design Standards for Wastewater Facilities, Appendix B Standards for the Spray Irrigation of Wastewater Title 119 Chapter 9 Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Land Application of Effluent - Regulations refer to the use of Guidelines for Treated Wastewater Irrigation Systems, February 1986 Website http://www.mde.state.md.us/index.asp http://www.dsd.state.md.us/comar/subtitle_chapters/26_Chapters.htm http://www.state.ma.us/dep/dephome.htm http://www.state.ma.us/dep/brp/wwm/t5regs.htm http://www.michigan.gov/deq http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3313_3682-14902--,00.html http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3312_4117-9782--,00.html http://www.deq.state.mi.us/documents/deq-wmd-gwp-Rule2215VariousAboveGroundDisposalSystemshttp://www.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/portal/mn/jsp/home.do?agency=NorthStar http://www.mississippi.gov/ http://www.sos.mo.gov/ http://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/csr/current/10csr/10csr.asp http://www.deq.state.mt.us/ http://www.deq.state.mt.us/wqinfo/Circulars/DEQ2.PDF
Divison of Environmental Protection Nevada Administrative Code 445A.275 Department of Conservation and Use of Treated Effluent for Irrigation Natural Resources General Design Criteria for Reclaimed Water Irrigation Use --Department of Environmental Protection-Division of Water Quality Environment Department Department of Environmental Conservation --Technical Manual for Reclaimed Water for Beneficial Reuse
http://ndep.nv.gov/ http://ndep.nv.gov/nac/445a-226.pdf http://ndep.nv.gov/bwpc/wts1a.pdf http://www.state.nh.us/ http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dwq/techman.htm http://www.nmenv.state.nm.us/ Guidelines not found on website http://www.dec.state.ny.us/ Guidelines not found on website http://www.oah.state.nc.us/rules/ http://ncrules.state.nc.us/ncadministrativ_/title15aenviron_/chapter02enviro_/default.htm
Neither Guidelines
Use of Domestic Wastewater Effluent for Irrigation State Guidelines for the Use of Land Treatment of Wastewater
Department of Environment and Administrative Rules, Title 15A, Chapter 02, Subchapter H, .0200 Natural Resources Waste not Discharged to Surface Waters Division of Water Quality Criteria for Irrigation with Treated Wastewater Recommended Criteria for Land Disposal of Effluent The Ohio State University Extension Bulletin 860 Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater through Irrigation Title 252 Chapter 621 and 656
North Dakota
Department of Health
Ohio Oklahoma
Guidelines Regulations
Appendix B. State Website Internet Addresses Continued State Type Agency Department of Environmental Quality Rules Oregon Administrative Rules Use of Reclaimed Water from Sewage Treatment Plants - Division 55 340-055 Treatment and Monitoring Requirements for Use of Reclaimed Water Bureau of Water Quality Protection Manual for Land Application of Treated Sewage and Industrial Wastewater --Administrative Code 61 Section 9.505 Land Application Permits and State Permits Website
Neither Regulations
http://www.state.ri.us/ http://www.lpitr.state.sc.us/coderegs/chap61/61-9.htm
South Dakota
Chapter XII Recommended Design Criteria for Disposal of Effluent by Irrigation Department of Environment and Chapter XIII Recommended Design Criteria for Natural Resources Groundwater Monitoring Wells Chapter XVI Recommended Design Criteria for Artificial Wetland Systems Department of Environment and Chapter 16 of Design Criteria for Sewage Works Conservation Natural Resource Conservation Commission Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Texas Administrative Code, Title 30 Environmental Quality, Part 1, Chapter 210 Use of Reclaimed Water
Vermont Regulations Virginia Neither Washington Guidelines West Virginia Regulations Wisconsin Wyoming Regulations Regulations
Indirect Discharge Rules (for systems >6500 gpd) Wastewater Disposal Systems and Potable Water Supplies (for systems <6500 gpd)
Department of Ecology Water Reclamation and Reuse Standards Title 64 Series 47 Chapter 16-1 Sewage Treatment and Collection System Design Standards Natural Resources, Chapter NR 206 Land Disposal of Municipal and Domestic Wastewaters Wyoming Water Quality Regulations Chapter 21-Reuse of Treated Wastewater
Appendix C
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Acronyms AID ANSI AWT AWWA BNR BOD CBOD CFU COD COE CWA DO EC EIS EPA ESA ET FC FmHA U.S. Agency for International Development American National Standards Institute advanced wastewater treatment American Water Works Association biological nutrient removal biochemical oxygen demand carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand colony forming units chemical oxygen demand U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Clean Water Act dissolved oxygen electrical conductivity environmental impact statement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency external support agency evapotranspiration fecal coliform Farmers Home Administration O3 O&M OM&R OWRT PAC PCB POTW PVC QA/QC RAS RBC RO SAR SAT SBA SDWA SOC SRF SS TCE TDS THM TKN TN TOC TOH TOX TP TPH TSS UN USDA UV VOC WAS WASH WHO WPCF WRF WWTF ozone operations and maintenance operations, maintenance and replacement Office of Water Research and Technology powder activated carbon polychlorinated biphenyls publicly owned treatment works polyvinyl chloride quality assurance/quality control return activated sludge rotating biological contactor reverse osmosis sodium adsorption ratio soil aquifer treatment Small Business Administration Safe Drinking Water Act synthetic organic chemical State Revolving Fund suspended solids trichloroethylene total dissolved solids trihalomethane total Kjeldahl nitrogen total nitrogen total organic carbon total organic hydrocarbons total organic halides total phosphorus total petroleum hydrocarbon total suspended solids United Nations U.S. Department of Agriculture ultraviolet volatile organic chemicals waste activated sludge Water and Sanitation for Health World Health Organization Water Pollution Control Federation water reclamation facility wastewater treatment facility
GAC granular activated carbon GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography
IAWPRC International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control ICP inductively coupled plasmography I/I infiltration/inflow IOC inorganic chemicals IRCWD International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal IRWD Irvine Ranch Water District MCL MCLG MDL MPN maximum contaminant level maximum contaminant level goal method detection limit most probable number
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDWR National Primary Drinking Water Regulations NRC National Research Council NTU nephelometric turbidity units
Acre Acre-foot British thermal unit cubic feet per second cubic meter cubic meters per day cubic meters per second Curie cycles per second degrees Celsius degrees Fahrenheit feet (foot) feet per year Gallon gallons per day gallons per minute hectare horsepower hour Inch kilogram kilometer kiloPascal kilowatt kilowatt hour Liter liters per capita per day ac AF Btu cfs m3 m /d m3/s Ci cps
o o 3
liters per second meter meters per second microgram micrograms per liter micrometer mile mile per hour milligram milligrams per liter millilter millimeter million gallons per day milliquivalent per liter minute megawatt million acre feet per year pascal plaque forming unit pound pounds per square inch roentgen second square foot square inch square meter year
l/s m m/s g g/l m mi mph mg mg/l ml mm mgd meq/l min mW MAFY Pa pfu lb psi R S ft2 in2 m2 yr
Appendix D
Inventory of Reclaimed Water Projects
Appendix D: Inventory of Water Reuse Projects Projects Sponsored by the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) Project Number 01-CTS-6 D13000 92-HHE-1CO 01-HHE-4 01-HHE-4a 01-HHE-20T 01-HHE-21T 97-IRM-6 00-PUM-1 00-PUM-2T 00-PUM-3 94-PUM-1CO 99-PUM-4 92-WRE-1 Project Title Membrane Treatment of Secondary Effluent for Subsequent Use* Membrane Bioreactors: Feasibility and Use in Water Reclamation The Use of Reclaimed Water and Sludge in Food Crop Production (Cooperative Effort w/ NRC) Workshop: On-line Toxicologic Methods for Evaluating Potential Chemical Risk Associated with Potable Reuse (Workshop) Online Methods for Evaluating the Safety of Reclaimed Water* Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water Reclamation Systems* Innovative DNA Array Technology for Detection of Pharmaceutics in Reclaimed Water* Nonpotable Water Reuse Management Practices Water Reuse: Understanding Public Participation and Participation Reduction of Pathogens, Indicator Bacteria, and Alternative Indicators by Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Processes* Evaluation of Microbial Risk Assessment Techniques and Applications in Water Reclamation* Soil Treatability Pilot Studies to Design and Model Soil Aquifer Treatment Systems Impact of Storage on Nonpotable Reclaimed Water: Seasonal and Long Term Water Reuse Assessment
Appendix D: Inventory of Water Reuse Projects Continued Projects Sponsored by the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) Project Number
371 487 2568 2919 2968
Project Title
Augmenting Potable Water Supplies With Reclaimed Water Investigation of Soil-Aquifer Treatment for Sustainable Water Reuse Membrane Treatment of Waste Filter Washwater for Direct Reuse Understanding Public Concerns and Developing Tools to Assist Local Officials in Successful Potable Reuse Projects Protocol for Developing Water Reuse Criteria With Reference to Drinking Water Supplies
Projects Sponsored by the National Water Research Institute (NWRI) WR-699-531-92 HRA-699-517-94 A Comparative Study of UV and Chlorine Disinfection for Wastewater Reclamation Microbial Risk Assessment for Reclaimed Water Projects Sponsored by the WateReuse Foundation WRF-01-001 WRF-01-002 WRF-01-004 WRF-01-005 WRF-01-006 WRF-01-007 WRF-01-008 WRF-02-001 WRF-02-002 WRF-02-003 WRF-02-004 WRF-02-005 WRF-02-006a WRF-02-006b Develop Low Cost Analytical Method for Measuring NDMA Removal and/or Destruction of NDMA in Wastewater Treatment Processes Understanding Public Concerns of Indirect Potable Reuse Projects Characterizing Salinity in Sewer Contributions in Sewer Collection and Reclaimed Water Distribution Systems (AwwaRF Project) Characterizing Microbial Water Quality in Non-Potable Reclaimed Water Distribution Systems to Optimize End Uses (AwwaRF Project) The Use of Bioassays and Chemical Measurements to Assess the Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Water Reclamation Systems (WERF Project via JWRTF) Evaluation and Testing of Bioassays for Pharmaceutics in Reclaimed Water (WERF Project via JWRTF) Rejection of Wastewater-Derived Micropollutants in High-Pressure Membrane Applications Leading to Indirect Potable Reuse: Effects of Membrane and micropollutant Properties Investigation of NDMA Fate and Transport Filter Loading Evaluation for Water Reuse National Database on Water Reuse Projects Develop a National Salinity Management Clearinghouse and Five-year Research Program Zero Liquid Discharge for Water Utility Applications Beneficial and Non-Traditional Uses of Concentrate and Salts
Appendix D: Inventory of Water Reuse Projects Continued Projects Sponsored by the WateReuse Foundation Continued Project Number WRF-02-006c WRF-02-006d WRF-02-007 WRF-02-008 WRF-02-009 WRF-02-011 WRF-03-001 WRF-03-005 WRF-03-006 WRF-03-009 WRF-03-010 WRF-03-011 WRF-03-012 WRF-03-013 WRF-03-014 Project Title Impacts of Membrane Process Residuals on Wastewater Treatment Benefits of Regional Solutions in Disposing of Concentrate Comparative Study of Recycled Water Irrigation and Fairway Turf Study of Reclaimed, Surface, and Ground-Water Quality Study of Innovative Treatment on Reclaimed Water A Protocol for Developing Water Reuse Criteria with Reference to Drinking Water Supplies Pathogen Removal and Inactivation in Reclamation Plants - Study Design Marketing Strategies for Non-Potable Recycled Water Economic Analysis of Sustainable Water Use - Benefits and Cost Reclaimed Water Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Potential Changes in Water Quality Water Reuse Research Needs Workshop Two-Day Research Needs Assessment Workshop on Integrating Human Reactions to Water Reuse Salt Management Guide Rejection of Contaminants of Concern by Nanofiltration and Ultra-low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Treating Water of Impaired Quality (AWWARF) Development of Indicators and Surrogates of Chemical Contaminants and Organic Removal in Wastewater and Water Reuse (Co-funding with WERF)