Desalination PRD 2009
Desalination PRD 2009
Desalination PRD 2009
Ch 9 Desalination
Chapter 9 Desalination ................................................................................................................................ 9-1 Desalination in California........................................................................................................................ 9-1 Potential Benefits of Desalination ........................................................................................................... 9-3 Potential Costs of Desalination................................................................................................................ 9-5 Major Issues Facing Desalination............................................................................................................ 9-6 Recommendations to Facilitate Desalination in California ..................................................................... 9-8 Selected References................................................................................................................................. 9-9
Table 9-1 Desalting in California for New Water Supply ........................................................................... 9-4 Table 9-2 Total unit water costs of desalting............................................................................................... 9-5
California Water Plan Update 2009 Public Review Draft Volume 2 Resource Management Strategies
Ch 9 Desalination
California Water Plan Update 2009 Public Review Draft Volume 2 Resource Management Strategies
Ch 9 Desalination
Chapter 9 Desalination
Desalination comprises various water treatment processes for the removal of salt from water for beneficial use. Desalination is used to treat seawater as well as brackish water (water with a salinity that exceeds normally acceptable standards for municipal, domestic, and irrigation uses, but less than that of seawater). Desalination technologies are also used to treat polluted and impaired waters and as an advanced treatment of wastewater to produce high quality recycled water. In California, the principal method for desalination is reverse osmosis. This process can be used to remove salt as well as specific contaminants in water such as trihalomethane precursors, volatile organic carbons, nitrates and pathogens. Only desalination for municipal purposes, that is, desalination used by public and private water agencies, is considered in the following discussion. Desalination by industrial and commercial entities is not considered since those applications of desalting generally involve treating fresh water to a higher standard to meet a specific need. For the purposes of this chapter, desalination plant capacity is expressed in terms of the fresh or potable water production capacity of the plant. Total costs are given in dollars per acre-foot of fresh potable water produced.
Desalination in California
Desalination began in California in 1965. The last decade has seen a rapid rise in installed capacity. This is primarily due to dramatic improvements in membrane technology and the increasing cost of conventional water supply delivery. Currently there are 25 desalting plants operating in California that provide water for urban use. The total capacity of these plants is approximately 83,000 acre-feet per year (AFY). These include 19 groundwater, and six seawater desalination plants. The California Legislature has recognized the future importance of seawater and brackish water desalination through legislation. In 2002, the Legislature approved Assembly Bill 2717 (Hertzberg), which asked DWR to convene the California Water Desalination Task Force to look into potential opportunities and impediments Include desalination, where economically for using seawater and brackish water and environmentally appropriate, as an desalination, and to examine what role, if any, element of a balanced water supply the State should play in furthering the use of portfolio, which also includes conservation desalination technology. and water recycling to the maximum extent practicable. The Task Force completed its mission after about six months of deliberations and in The California Water Desalination Task Force, 2003. October 2003 DWR submitted a final report to Recommendation # 2 the Legislature as required by the legislation. The report containing the Task Force findings and recommendations was prepared with significant input from its membership from twenty-seven organizations. It also draws upon the experience of many agencies, experts, and different stakeholders and provides advice and guidance to those planning desalination plants. Drawing on the work of the California Water Desalination Task Force, and within the framework of providing assistance to California agencies pursuing desalination, DWR developed a "California Desalination Planning Handbook" in 2008 in collaboration with the California State
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University, Center for Collaborative Policy, Sacramento. This handbook is an important resource for project proponents and communities. It provides a planning framework for developing, where appropriate, economically and environmentally acceptable desalination facilities in California. The planning process outlined in the handbook is intended to identify and address the siting, regulatory, technical, environmental and other issues which should be considered in determining whether and how to proceed with a desalination project. The handbook is posted on DWRs website at: In November 2002, California voters passed Proposition 50, the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002. Chapter 6(a) of that proposition authorized $50 million in grants for brackish water and ocean water desalting projects. The grant program aimed to assist local public agencies with the development of new local potable water supplies through the construction of feasible brackish water and ocean water desalination projects and advancement of water desalination technology and its use by means of feasibility studies, research and development, and pilot and demonstration projects. Two rounds of funding under this grant program were conducted during 2005 and 2006, competitively awarding the available desalination grants to 48 projects including: 7 construction projects, 14 research and development projects, 15 pilots and demonstrations, and 12 feasibility studies. Other California legislation emphasizing the importance of water desalination included Assembly Bill 314 (Kehoe, 2003), which declared that it is the policy of the State that desalination projects developed by or for public water entities be given the same opportunities for State assistance and funding as other water supply and reliability projects. Currently there are seven new groundwater desalting plants and nine plant expansions in the design and construction phase or the planned and projected phase, for a total of about 80,000 AFY in new capacity. There are three seawater desalting plants (Sand City, Ocean View Plaza and Carlsbad) with a combined capacity of about 51,000 AFY in the design and construction phase at this time. An additional 14 plants with a combined capacity of 264,000 AFY of capacity are in various stages of planning. Several seawater desalting pilot plants have begun operation or are being designed as part of desalting feasibility studies. Several regional plans contemplate desalination as an integral component of the water resources portfolio along with water recycling and increased water use efficiency. Moreover, as a resource management strategy, desalination must be evaluated by the IRWM planning region as a method to meet their water resource management goals and objectives of the region. In an IRWM region where desalination has been determined to be an active strategy within its water resource management portfolio (to further the goals of the plan), opportunities for funding for desalination projects may be available through IRWM grants. From San Francisco Bay to San Diego, there are numerous studies investigating the feasibility of desalting seawater: Northern California In the San Francisco Bay Area, agencies are jointly funding planning studies for a seawater desalination capacity of approximately 120,000 AFY. Following completion of the initial studies, a pilot plant is in development stages to be located somewhere in western Contra Costa County. In Marin County, the Marin Municipal Water District is studying the feasibility of constructing a 15,000 AFY seawater plant. Pilot plant operations have been completed to determine pretreatment and operating parameters for a full scale plant.
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Central California In the Monterey Bay area, the SWRCB has mandated a 10,730 AFY reduction in groundwater pumping from beneath the Carmel River. To replace this water and provide for water needs outside of the Monterey Peninsula, area there are several competing proposals to construct regional seawater desalination facilities. Both of the proposals are for plants of about 20,000 AFY in capacity. Pilot testing by Cal Am at Moss Landing and Pajaro/Sunny Mesa CSD at the former National Refractories plant is forthcoming. The City of Santa Cruz and the Soquel Creek Water District jointly constructed and are now operating a pilot plant to determine the feasibility of a 2.5 to 5.0 million-gallon-per-day (mgd) seawater plant to be shared by the two agencies. Southern California In November 2001 the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) under its Seawater Desalination Program. The objective was 150,000 AFY of sustained production. Through a competitive process, selected projects will be eligible for financial assistance up to $250 per acre-foot. Currently, five projects are under consideration that, if constructed, could produce about 112,000 AFY. The City of Huntington Beach has certified an Environmental Impact Review (EIR) for a 50,000 AFY plant developed by Poseidon Resources Inc. The San Diego County Water Authority is investigating the feasibility of a 50,000 AFY seawater desalting facility near the San Onofre power plant.
The status of five additional projects is shown below. Carlsbad A 50 mgd plant located adjacent to the Encina Power Station is planned for construction by Poseidon Resources Inc. All of the required permits have been approved. The production capacity of the plant is fully subscribed. Huntington Beach A 50 mgd plant located adjacent to the AES power plant is planned for construction by Poseidon Resources, Inc. EIR certified by city and next steps are in permitting. Dana Point A 20 mgd plant is proposed by the Municipal Water District of Orange County. A feasibility study is underway that includes testing a sea water well intake and a possible SWRO pilot test project. Long Beach A 9 mgd plant is proposed to use a unique two-staged nanofiltration membrane process design. Pilot testing has been underway since 2001 and alternative intake and discharge methods are being studied with a Proposition 50 grant. West Basin A 20 mgd plant is proposed by West Basin MWD. Pilot testing has been underway since 2002. A 0.5 mgd demonstration plant is proposed using, in part, a Proposition 50 grant.
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Ch 9 Desalination
Desalination, when adopted as part of a diversified water supply portfolio, can offer several benefits including: Increase in water supply Reclamation and beneficial use of impaired waters Increased water supply reliability during drought periods Diversification of water supply sources Improved water quality Protection of public health The primary benefit of desalting is to increase Californias water supply. Seawater desalting creates a new water supply by tapping the significant supply of feedwater from the Pacific Ocean. In addition to sweater desalting, desalination technologies can be used to produce potable water from brackish waters and impaired waters. Many surface and ground water sources are brackish having high salinity levels, which can be naturally occurring due to the soil type and aquifer lithology or induced by man-made activities such as farming and overdraft of coastal aquifers causing seawater intrusion. Desalination was also proven to treat to very high levels of purity other water that may have low salinity but is impaired by high levels of specific contaminants such as nitrate. Accordingly, desalination in water resources planning is a unique tool serving both water supply augmentation and water quality improvement strategies. Table 9-1 shows the number and capacity of groundwater and seawater desalting plants in operation, design and construction, and planned or projected for construction as of 2008. While not all of these are likely to be constructed, it is assumed that they, or an equivalent number, will be operational by 2025.
Table 9-1 Desalting in California for New Water Supply
Plants in operation No. of Annual 1 plants capacity 19 81,400 6 25 1,700 83,100 Plants in design & construction No. of plants Annual capacity1 4 22,300 3 7 32 50,800 73,100 156,200
Plants planned3 or 4 projected No. of Annual plants capacity1 3 57,300 14 17 49 263,600 320,900 477,100
1. Capacity in AFY. No. of Plants is the number of new plants. Capacity includes existing plant expansions. 2. Design & Construction Construction underway or preparation of plans and specifications has begun for new plants or plant expansions. 3. Planned Planning studies underway for new plants or plant expansions. 4. Projected Projected new plants or plant expansions. Sources: Water Desalination Report, news reports, technical papers, Proposition 50 submittals, and Worldwide Desalting Plants Inventory series by International Desalination Association.
Desalting groundwater allows groundwater of impaired quality to be adequately treated for potable use. Approximately 80,000 acre-ft per year of additional capacity is under construction or planned. Groundwater desalting may or may not be a new water supply depending upon the water portfolio or balance in the area or region where it occurs. It is, however, providing water from a source that is not currently being used for beneficial purposes.
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The cost of desalination depends on numerous factors that are often project-specific. A cost breakdown for a typical seawater RO desalination plant is shown in Figure 1. When planning desalination projects, it is important that cost estimates take into account the costs of concentrate management and intake systems, including environmental costs in addition to process costs (i.e., costs of pre-treatment, post-treatment, and main desalting process).
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Membranes 5%
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plants. In general, these existing intake systems have been shown to have fairly significant impacts on the coastal zone. A number of coastal power plants that use once-through cooling water from the ocean may cease operation or convert to a dry cooling system. In addition, some plants are not in continuous operation. These may limit the potential capacity of seawater desalting on the coast. Carbon Footprint Given the energy intensity of advanced water treatment processes used to separate salts from water, energy consumption represents a major portion of the direct operation and maintenance expenses of a desalination plant. Energy efficiency will therefore be a key factor, if desalination is to be pursued in earnest as a water supply option in California. Furthermore, efforts to reduce desalination energy use will significantly contribute toward the reduction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission impacts from the many proposed desalination projects in California. The carbon footprint of a desalination plant is mainly a direct translation of its energy consumption. The associated GHG emissions will be measured by the indirect CO2 emissions from the electricity used by the plant. In instances where desalinated water is displacing other water supplies currently in use with their own GHG emissions (e.g., imported water), the net carbon footprint of desalination should be counted as the incremental GHG emissions beyond the current emissions baseline. The average energy consumption of reverse osmosis desalination treatment is currently estimated at about 1,800 kWh/AF for brackish water and about 4,000 kWh/AF for seawater desalination. Using a conservative estimate of GHG emissions of 400 grams of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq.) per kWh (assuming electricity is generated from natural gas, this number climbs up to 900 grams of CO2-eq./kWh for electricity generated from coal), the GHG emissions associated with an RO desalination plant operations are estimated to be 720 kilograms of CO2-eq./AF of desalinated brackish water and 1,600 kilograms of CO2-eq./AF of desalinated seawater. Measures to help reduce the carbon footprint of desalination plants include efficiencies through energy recovery devices, high efficiency pumps, variable frequency drives, low-energy with improved salt rejection membranes, and the use of renewable energy sources. Growth-inducing Impacts The availability of water has been a substantial limitation on development in a number of locations, primarily coastal communities. Since desalination on the coast is now a much more affordable option in comparison to the past, the lack of water may no longer be as strong a constraint on coastal development. Concentrate Discharge Desalination plants of any type produce a salt concentrate that must be discharged. The quantity and salinity of that discharge varies with the type of desalting plant and its operation. Brackish water plants in California discharge their concentrate to municipal wastewater treatment systems where they are treated and blended with effluent prior to discharge. For brackish water plants, this type of discharge is likely to continue. Inland desalting plants without a discharge to the ocean may be limited by the type of discharge options available. Seawater desalination produces a concentrate approximately twice as salty as seawater. In addition, residuals of other treatment chemicals may also be in the concentrate. Some plants currently being planned are to utilize existing power plant or wastewater plant outfall systems to take advantage of dilution and mixing prior to discharge. The availability of power plant cooling systems to dilute the concentrate prior to discharge to the ocean will also be affected by the future of coastal power plants as discussed in the prior section. On the other hand, co-locating concentrate discharge with wastewater effluent outfall might have some environmental benefits to
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the extent that the concentrate from the desalination plant would increase the salinity of the wastewater effluent to levels that are comparable or closer to that of seawater. Energy Use Desalinations primary operation cost is for power. A 50 mgd seawater plant (approximately 50,000 AFY assuming operating 90% of the time) would require about 33 MW of power. Forecasted seawater desalination of about 187,000 AFY would require about 123 MW of power. The reduction in unit energy use has been among the most dramatic improvements in recent years due to improvement in energy recovery systems. Generally, energy requirements for RO desalination vary directly as a function of the salinity of the feedwater source (total dissolved solids (TDS)). As a result, given similar operating conditions and plant parameters, brackish water desalination is usually less energy intensive, and hence less costly, than seawater desalination. Even though desalination is energy intensive, other conventional water supply options might in some instances be as energy intensive. At a given point of use, energy intensity of a water supply is the total amount of energy required for its extraction, treatment and conveyance. Energy required for pumping and transporting water over long distances could even be higher than that needed to desalinate local saline waters. Delivering SWP water to Southern California requires a significant amount of energy to convey and to pump over the Tehachapi Mountains. The energy needed at the end of the SWP pipe reaches levels that in some instances become comparable to the amount of energy needed to desalinate seawater.
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Ch 9 Desalination
Selected References
California Coastal Commission, 2004. Seawater Desalination and the California Coastal Act. California Department of Water Resources, 2003. Water Desalination: Findings and Recommendations. Sacramento, California. California Department of Water Resources, 2008. California Desalination Planning Handbook. Prepared by Center for Collaborative Policy, California State University. Sacramento, California. California Energy Commission, 2005. Integrated Energy Policy Report. Report No. CEC-1002005-007. Sacramento, California. California Energy Commission, 2005. Californias Water Energy Relationship. Report No. CEC700-2005-011-SF. Sacramento, California. Cooley, H., P.H., Gleick, and G. Wolff, 2006. Desalination, with a Grain of Salt: A California Perspective. Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security, Oakland, California. Global Water Intelligence, 2006. 19th IDA Worldwide Desalting Plant Inventory. Media Analytics Ltd., Oxford, UK. National Academy of Sciences, 2004. Review of the Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap. Water Science and Technology Board. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. National Academy of Sciences, 2008. Desalination: A National Perspective. Committee on Advancing Desalination Technology, National Research Council. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. O.K. Buros, 2000. The ABCs of Desalting, Second ed. International Desalination Association, Topsfield, Massachusetts. San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, 2005. Desalination and San Francisco Bay. San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, San Francisco, California. Spiegler, K. S., and Y. M. El-Sayed, 1994. A Desalination Primer. Balaban Desalination Publications, LAquila, Italy. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Sandia National Laboratories, 2003. Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap. Desalination & Water Purification Research & Development Report #95. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Water Treatment and Engineering Group. Denver, Colorado. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 2003. Desalting Handbook for Planners. 3rd ed. Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Report #72. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Water Treatment Engineering and Research Group. Denver, Colorado.