Rescue Leaves Markets Cold
Rescue Leaves Markets Cold
Rescue Leaves Markets Cold
Page 1 of 3 Rescue leaves markets cold | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel February 10, 2009
M&I chief financial officer Greg Smith expressed “We have to both jump-start job creation and private
confidence that his bank remains solid. investment and we must get credit flowing again to
businesses and families,” he said.
“Many bank stocks performed similarly to ours today,”
Smith said, adding that the market reacted to Geithner’s The plan seeks to tackle problems on multiple fronts.
lack of specifics. “M&I has over $2 billion in excess Most of the attention centered on what Geithner
capital, we have among the highest reserves for potential called a Public-Private Investment Fund, to be jointly
loan losses and a strong liquidity position. And we view managed by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve
ourselves as having a position of strength.” board. The fund is meant to lure investors to help buy
up the hard-to-sell assets. It will start with $500 billion in
The state’s No. 2 bank, Associated, lost $1.81 or 11% to assets and eventually expand under Geithner’s plan to
end at $14.68. $1&ensptrillion.
The grim economic outlook triggered a sell-off in crude Because it relies on private-sector parties, the details of
oil futures as traders anticipate less demand for gasoline pricing those assets took on greater importance Tuesday.
and fuel oil. The benchmark price of light, sweet crude In another irony of a messy situation, banks will find
tumbled $2.01 to settle at $37.55 a barrel on the New York it hard to part with their mortgage-backed securities
Mercantile Exchange. It was the second day crude settled because the moment that someone buys them, a market
below $40, a price last seen three weeks ago. price will be established that in turn could compel banks
to write down the value of their books and possibly force
Washington’s attention has been fixated for weeks on a the banks to raise new capital, Jacobsen said.
separate economic initiative: the $800 billion stimulus
package that would bankroll infrastructure projects, cut Another disappointment came with a separate Geithner
taxes and create jobs. That legislation is meant to cushion proposal to use $50 billion in taxpayer money to
the blow of the downturn, which wiped out nearly enable millions of homeowners who face foreclosure
600,000 jobs in January and a total of 3.6 million since the to renegotiate the terms of their mortgage. While that
recession began in December 2007. plan helps struggling homeowners, Geithner was mum
about any initiatives that would support new mortgage
The economy’s gravest problems, however, lie with lending and reinvigorate the slumping housing market,
banks. Obama’s economic team had huddled for weeks economists said.
over what markets hoped would be a credible plan to
restore confidence in the financial system and coax banks All the while, said Atwell at Nicolet National Bank,
once again to make loans for cars, homes and businesses. Americans outside Washington and Wall Street are
seething over the idea of a bailout for the big banks.
The new administration has signaled that it wants a
fresh start after the Bush administration absorbed heavy “The government has to infuse an incredible amount of
criticism for its economic crisis management last year. capital - not to pay for tomorrow’s opportunities but to
pay for yesterday’s mistakes,” Atwell said.
‘Working against recovery’
Elements of bailout overhaul
“Right now, critical parts of our financial system are
damaged,” Geithner said. “Instead of catalyzing recovery, Here are the major elements in the Obama
the financial system is working against recovery and administration’s overhaul of the $700 billion financial
that’s the dangerous dynamic we need to change.” rescue program:
Page 2 of 3 Rescue leaves markets cold | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel February 10, 2009
Page 3 of 3 Rescue leaves markets cold | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel February 10, 2009