52 GLTMandDUE (DTA2008)

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The General Link Transmission Model for Dynamic Network

Loading and a comparison with the DUE algorithm

Guido Gentile1
Dipartimento di Idraulica Trasporti e Strade, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy

The Continuous Dynamic Network Loading problem is here addressed for given splitting
rates, hence allowing for implicit path enumeration. To this aim, a macroscopic flow model
for road links based on the Kinematic Wave Theory is coupled with an node model with
priority rules at intersections, thus reproducing congested networks including queue spillback.
The result is the General link Transmission Model, which extends previous results to the case
of any concave fundamental diagram and node topology, without introducing spatial
discretization of links into cells. The GLTM is compared with the DUE algorithm in terms of
solution accuracy, computation efficiency and memory usage.

Keywords: dynamic traffic assignment, queue spillback, implicit path enumeration with
splitting rates, macroscopic flow model with concave fundamental diagram, kinematic
wave theory with cumulative flows.

1 Introduction
In the context of within-day Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) the spatial propagation of
flows takes a time which depends on the use of the network. The Continuous Dynamic
Network Loading (CDNL) problem (see for example [1]) consists in determining the link
flows corresponding to given transport demand and route choices through a performance
model yielding travel times as a function of flows, where all such variables are temporal
Route choices may be defined globally as path probabilities, or approximated locally as
splitting rates, either in terms of turn probabilities or in terms of arc conditional probabilities
at nodes. Under the assumption that all users of a given class directed to a same destination
make the same route choices in probabilistic terms, once they have reached the same node of
the network at the same time of the day, regardless the path followed till that point (i.e. they
behave according to a sequential approach), splitting rates distinguished by destination can
well reproduce path probabilities, thus allowing for implicit path enumeration. It’s worth
noting that for deterministic and logit route choice the sequential approach is equivalent to the
classic joint approach [2]. If the splitting rates are not destination specific, then the
consistency with the o-d demand flows is not guaranteed in correspondence of travel time
variations; nevertheless, for some applications this rough approximation is acceptable and
allows for the solution of the problem on large networks with fine-grained time discretization.
The main traffic facts that should inform the performance model are the prevalence of vehicle
queues (hypercritical congestion) and their backward propagation, called spillback, specially
in the urban context, and the difference in the desired speed among drivers (hypocritical
congestion), specially in the extra-urban context.

These phenomena are satisfactorily reproduced through the Theory of Kinematic Waves
(KWT), which implements on each link the macroscopic flow paradigm of representing
vehicles as a partially compressible mono-dimensional fluid, and through its extension to the
network, which requires a node model to propagate flow states among adjacent links
involving priority rules. However, many authors addressing DTA encourage the use of a
simplified model reproducing only vertical queues without spillback and hypocritical
congestion, where the main state variable becomes the link occupancy [3], since its
separability in time and space allows for an easier formulation of the problem. The most
popular approach to solve the CDNL based on the simplified KWT, where the fundamental
diagram has by definition a triangular shape, is the Cell Transmission Model (CTM) proposed
by Daganzo [4], [5]. The CTM, besides the limitation from the modelling point of view
regarding the shape of the fundamental diagram, from a computational point of view suffers
the spatial discretization of links both in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
Recently, a new approach has been developed by Yperman [6] to address on a network the
simplified KWT without spatial discretization of links into cells, therefore called the Link
Transmission Model (LTM), which is based on the solution in terms of the cumulative flows
proposed by Newell [7]. Independently, we [8] have proposed a similar approach to solve the
CDNL in the case where the fundamental diagram is any concave function.
In this paper we present the General Link Transmission Model (GLTM), that is the extension
of the LTM to any concave fundamental diagram and node topology, and compare it with the
DUE algorithm proposed in [9] and implemented in Visum [10]. The GLTM has been applied
to practical instances of the CDNL problem on large real datasets in the context of traffic
signal setting [11] and info-mobility [12] proving to be robust and efficient.

2 Macroscopic models
The link performance models aimed at reproducing travel times as a function of link flows
under the macroscopic fluid paradigm can be classified into two groups: space-continuous and
Space-continuous models are typically formulated as a system of differential equations in
time and space, which is solved through finite difference methods. Such models yield
accurate results, but require considerable computing resources, since their algorithmic
implementation relies on a dense space discretization; for this reason they are also referred to
as point-based. Altogether, they are very effective but poorly efficient. Among them we recall
METANET, proposed in [13], which derives from a second order approximation of vehicle
trajectories, and the CTM.
Space-discrete models do not require any space discretization, and for this reason are also
referred to as link-based. They can be in turn divided into whole link models and wave
Whole link models (e.g. [14] and [15]) yield link performances as a function of the space-
average density (i.e. the number of vehicles on the link) without considering the propagation
of flow states along the link. But this way the representation of hypocritical congestion
becomes more and more ineffective as the length of the link increases, so that they may be
suitable only to represent hypercritical congestion in terms of vertical queues on short links
[16]; on the other hand, since spillback is not considered, queues shall not be longer than
links. Despite such major deficiencies, these models are widely used in DTA because of their
simplicity (e.g. [17] and [18]).

Wave models, based on the KWT, take (implicitly) into account the propagation of flow
states, yielding link performances as a function of the traffic conditions that the vehicle
encounters by traveling along the link. They require minimal computing resources, and yield
realistic results both in urban and extra-urban contexts. These models have been first
developed for bottlenecks with constant capacity, as in [19], [20] and [21]; that is, when only
two speeds may occur on the link: the free-flow speed and the queue speed. Recently, in [22]
and [9], they have been extended to the case of long links and time-varying capacity.

3 Review of the Kinematic Wave Theory based on cumulative flows

The link is assumed to be a homogenous channel of length L > 0, whose physical capacity is
reduced at the initial and end points by two time-varying bottlenecks, called respectively the
entry capacity and the exit capacity.
The cumulative flow N(x,τ) is the number of vehicles that passed point x∈[0, L] before time τ.
This function is actually discontinuous, but we can consider a smooth approximation that
makes it C2 without changing the essence of the traffic phenomenon. In this case, under the
assumption that no vehicle is created or destroyed along the link, the points in the time-space
plane such that N(x,τ) = n represent the trajectory of the n-th vehicle; except if no vehicle is
traveling, where the contour line degenerates in an area.
Let q(x,τ) and k(x,τ) be the flow and the density of vehicles on point x at time τ, defined
respectively as:
q(x,τ) = ∂N(x,τ) / ∂τ , (1)
k(x,τ) = -∂N(x,τ) / ∂x . (2)
Let us analyze the trajectory of the vehicle travelling at point (x,τ) in the time-space plane. If
we consider the cumulative flow N(x,τ) as the elevation of the point, this is like aiming to
determine the contour line passing through (x,τ). Therefore, we are formally seeking a
direction dx/dτ in the time-space plane such that:
dN(x,τ) = ∂N(x,τ) / ∂x ⋅ dx + ∂N(x,τ) / ∂τ ⋅ dτ = -k(x,τ) ⋅ dx + q(x,τ) ⋅ dτ = 0 . (3)
Denoting v(x,τ) this direction, which is indeed the speed of the vehicle, we have:
v(x,τ) = q(x,τ) / k(x,τ) . (4)
Based on the Schwarz’s theorem we have the following mass conservation law:
∂2N(x,τ) / ∂τ∂x - ∂2N(x,τ) / ∂x∂τ = ∂q(x,τ) / ∂x + ∂k(x,τ) / ∂τ = 0 . (5)
To analyze the propagation of traffic states, let us look at the time-space plane for the points
in the neighborhood of (x,τ) which are affected by the its same flow. If we consider the flow
as the elevation of the point, this is like aiming to determine the contour line passing through
(x,τ). Therefore, we are formally seeking a direction dx/dτ in the time-space plane such that:
dq(x,τ) = ∂q(x,τ) / ∂x ⋅ dx + ∂q(x,τ) / ∂τ ⋅ dτ = -∂k(x,τ) / ∂τ ⋅ dx + ∂q(x,τ) / ∂τ ⋅ dτ = 0 . (6)
Denoting w(x,τ) this direction, which is indeed the speed of the propagation wave, base on
equation (5) we have:
w(x,τ) = ∂q(x,τ) / ∂k(x,τ) . (7)
Moreover, based on the Green’s theorem we have the following energy conservation law:
N(x2,τ2) - N(x1,τ1) = ∫C(1-2) dN(x,τ) = ∫C(1-2) q(x,τ)⋅dτ - k(x,τ)⋅dx , (8)
where C(1-2) is any curve in the time-space plane that connects point (x1, τ1) to (x2, τ2); this
relation will be the cornerstone of our link model.
The fundamental diagram q(k) is an experimental relation between flow and density that holds
for stationary traffic. Classical forms are the triangular shape and the parabolic shape. We will

consider any concave function passing through the origin, having a maximum flow Φ > 0,
called physical capacity, in correspondence of the critical density K > 0, and getting again to
zero at the jam density J > K. Then, for every flow q∈[0, Φ] there are two possible densities
on the fundamental diagram: the first one, denoted k°(q), corresponds to a hypocritical state;
the second one, denoted k+(q), corresponds to a hypercritical state. The derivative of the
fundamental diagram at k = 0 and at k = J, which are referred to respectively as the free flow
speed V > 0 and the jam wave speed W < 0, represent the maximum vehicle speed and the
minimum wave speed.

w°(q) v+(q)

V -W density
k (q) K +
k (q) J
hypocritical hypercritical
Δk°(q) flow states flow states Δk+(q)
Figure 1: The fundamental diagram.

The KWT is based on the assumption that the fundamental diagram holds also for non-
stationary traffic, which implies that vehicles adapt their speed instantaneously with infinite
accelerations, thus yielding a first order approximation of trajectories. This is formally
expressed as follows:
q(x,τ) = q(k(x,τ)) . (9)
Using the fundamental diagram we can introduce two functions of the flow yielding the
vehicle speed respectively for hypocritical and hypercritical states:
v°(q) = q / k°(q) , v+(q) = q / k+(q) . (10)
Since in the KWT the local points such that dq(x,τ) = 0 are characterized by the same flow
states, also ∂q(x,τ) / ∂k(x,τ) is constant there, i.e. the local wave w(x,τ) will keep propagating
with the same slope, thus yielding a straight line in the time-space plane. Using the
fundamental diagram we can introduce two functions of the flow yielding the wave speed
respectively for hypocritical and hypercritical states:
w°(q) = 1 / [dk°(q) / dq] , w+(q) = 1 / [dk+(q) / dq] . (11)
To resolve the interactions and the conflicts among vehicle trajectories and among wave
trajectories, we will exploit the following two general properties of the fluid paradigm:
a) the First In First Out (FIFO) rule, stating that no overtaking among vehicles can occur on
the link;
b) the Newell-Luke Minimum Principle (NLMP), claiming that among all possible states
which may affect a given point of a link the one yielding the minimum cumulative flow
dominates the others.
Based on the above relations and considerations we can reproduce the traffic pattern at any
time and on any point along the link for given boundary conditions. In general, at a given

instant the link can be divided into two subsequent segments based on the nature of the
prevailing flow states: in the first segment the forward-propagating hypocritical flow states
that derive form boundary conditions at the initial point prevail on the backward-propagating
hypercritical flow states that derive form boundary conditions at the end point; in the second
segment the opposite situation holds, so that vehicles travel in a queue. Concerning the limit
cases: when the second segment disappears, there is no queue on the link and we have the so
called free flow condition; when the first segment disappears, the queue occupies the whole
link and we have the so called spillback condition.
Given that our aim is to use the above link model in a dynamic network loading, we are
mainly interested here on how flow states propagate from one terminal point of the link to the
other and vice versa, and whether the boundary condition at a terminal point prevails on the
flow state coming from the other terminal point. Exploiting the energy conservation law, we
will now address the forward propagation of hypocritical inflows directly to the end point and
the backward propagation of hypercritical outflows directly to the initial point, since this
allows us to easily formulate the boundary conditions in terms of vertical queue, vertical
storage, sending flow and receiving flow, as explained in the following section, without the
need of handling the detail of flow states along the link.
Let F(τ) = N(0, τ) and E(τ) = N(L, τ) be respectively the cumulative inflow and outflow at
time τ, i.e. the number of vehicles that passed respectively the initial point and the end point
of the link until that instant. By definition, the inflow and outflow rates are then given by:
f(τ) = dF(τ) / dτ , (12)
e(τ) = dE(τ) / dτ . (13)
The instant u(τ) ≥ τ when the forward kinematic wave generated at time τ on the initial point
of the link by the hypocritical inflow f(τ) reaches the end point is given by:
u(τ) = τ + L / w°( f(τ)) . (14)
In general, u(τ) is not invertible, since more than one kinematic wave generated on the initial
point may reach the end point at the same time. The integration of dN(x,τ) along the kinematic
wave from (x1, τ1) = (0, τ) to (x2, τ2) = (L, u(τ)) is easy since the flow state is constant there,
then based on (8) we have:
Ĥ(τ) = F(τ) + f(τ) ⋅ L / w°( f(τ)) - L ⋅ k°( f(τ)) = F(τ) + L ⋅ Δk°( f(τ)) , (15)
where Ĥ(τ) = N(L, u(τ)) if f(τ) is the prevailing flow state at (L, u(τ)), while function Δk°(q) is
implicitly defined in Figure 1. Based on the NLMP, among all forward kinematic waves that
reach the end point at time τ the one yielding the minimum cumulative flow, denoted H(τ),
dominates the others:
H(τ) = min{Ĥ(σ): u(σ) = τ} . (16)
The instant z(τ) ≥ τ when the backward kinematic wave generated at time τ on the end point
of the link by the hypercritical outflow e(τ) reaches the initial point is given by:
z(τ) = τ - L / w+(e(τ)) . (17)
As above, z(τ) is not invertible, since more than one kinematic wave generated on the end
point may reach the initial point at the same time. Again, the integration of dN(x,τ) along the
kinematic wave from (x1, τ1) = (L, τ) to (x2, τ2) = (0, z(τ)) is easy since the flow state is
constant there, then based on (8) we have:
Ĝ(τ) = E(τ) - e(τ) ⋅ L / w+(e(τ)) + L ⋅ k+(e(τ)) = E(τ) + L ⋅ J + L ⋅ Δk+(e(τ)) , (18)
where Ĝ(τ) = N(0, z(τ)) if e(τ) is the prevailing flow state at (0, z(τ)), while function Δk (q) is

implicitly defined in Figure 1. Based on the NLMP, among all backward kinematic waves that

reach the initial point at time τ the one yielding the minimum cumulative flow, denoted G(τ),
dominates the others:
G(τ) = min{Ĝ(σ): z(σ) = τ} . (19)
It’s worth noticing that in (16) and (19) we did not impose, respectively, the condition that the
inflow and the outflow which generates the wave should be hypocritical and hypercritical. In
the following we will show that this is not a mistake, indeed, by proving respectively that:
a) given an hypercritical state at the initial point of the link, the forward propagation of the
corresponding hypocritical flow can never prevail at the end point;
b) given an hypocritical state at the end point of the link, the backward propagation of the
corresponding hypercritical flow can never prevail at the initial point.
We will develop the proof of assertion b), which is less intuitive. Let e be the hypocritical
outflow occurring at the generic time τ2 . The backward propagation of the corresponding
hypercritical flow based on (18) yields:
G(τ3) = E(τ2) + L ⋅ J + L ⋅ Δk+(e) ,
where τ3 = τ2 - L / w+(e) .
Since the flow state of e is hypocritical, it has been generated at the initial point in such a way
that based on (15) we have:
E(τ2) = F(τ1) + L ⋅ Δk°(e) ,
where τ1 = τ2 - L / w°(e) .
We now show that F(τ3) is smaller that G(τ3), which implies that the actual inflow at τ3 is
hypocritical, i.e. the back propagation is useless but harmless. Since the inflow during the
interval [τ1 , τ3] is by definition not higher than the physical capacity Φ, we shall prove that:
F(τ3) ≤ F(τ1) + (τ3 - τ1) ⋅ Φ < G(τ3) .
Manipulating the above relations we obtain:
Φ / w°(e) - Φ / w+(e) < Δk°(e) + J + Δk+(e) ,
which based on Figure 1 is patently true.
Applying a similar reasoning one can prove the validity of assertion a).

4 The link model

Let D(τ) be the cumulative demand at time τ, i.e. the number of vehicles generated (or
attracted, if negative) along the link until that instant. The latter is introduced to represent,
besides travel demand entering and exiting the network that is modelled by specific dummy
links, any adjustment to the number of vehicles that one may force on road links to match
external measures in real-time applications. This way we are aware to compromise the
assumption that no vehicle is created or destroyed on the link at the price of some modelling
inconsistencies, e.g. in this case the contour line of N(x,τ) don’t represent anymore vehicle
trajectories. Therefore D(τ) is intended to be flat with sporadic discontinuities, and can be
assumed to be null by most rigorous readers.
The vertical queue at time τ, denoted S(τ), is defined as:
a) the vehicles entered at the initial point of the link that propagating forward have reached
the end point no later than time τ, as if no queue was present there, represented by H(τ);
b) minus the vehicles that exited the link no later than time τ, represented by E(τ);
c) plus the vehicles generated on the link no later than time τ, represented by D(τ);
S(τ) = H(τ) - E(τ) + D(τ) . (20)

At the end point of the link a forward-propagating hypocritical flow state may actually occur
at time τ only when S(τ) = 0, which identifies the free flow condition. Indeed, for S(τ) > 0 we
have E(τ) < H(τ), which based on the NLMP means that hypercritical boundary conditions are
prevailing, i.e. a queue of vehicles to exit the link is present.
The vertical storage at time τ, denoted R(τ), is defined as:
a) the storage capacity given by L ⋅ J, plus the free spaces left by the vehicles at the end point
of the link that propagating backward have reached the initial point no later than time τ, as if a
queue was present there, both represented by G(τ);
b) minus the vehicles that entered the link no later than time τ, represented by F(τ);
b) minus the vehicles generated on the link no later than time τ, represented by D(τ);
R(τ) = G(τ) - F(τ) - D(τ) . (21)
At the initial point of the link a back-propagating hypercritical flow state may actually occur
at time τ only when R(τ) = 0, which identifies the spillback condition. Indeed, for R(τ) > 0 we
have F(τ) < G(τ), which based on the NLMP means that hypocritical boundary conditions are
prevailing, i.e. no spillback to enter the link is present since if there is a queue it has not
reached the initial point yet.
The actual number of vehicles on the link N(τ) at time τ is given by:
N(τ) = F(τ) - E(τ) + D(τ) . (22)
This is higher than S(τ), which does not include the vehicles that are travelling forward along
the link, and is lower than L ⋅ J - R(τ), which includes free space that are travelling backward
along the link:
L ⋅ J - R(τ) ≥ N(τ) ≥ S(τ) . (23)
In general, the physical capacity Φ of the link is reduced both at the initial point, to reproduce
access restrictions (e.g. limited traffic zones), and at the end point, to reproduce intersection
regulations (e.g. traffic signals). The entry and exit capacity are modelled here respectively
through the time dependent shares μ(τ) and η(τ) that multiply the physical capacity.
Finally, the boundary conditions of the link model, that allow for combining it together with
the node model described in the following section so as to perform the dynamic network
loading, are represented by the so called:
a) sending flow, at the end point, i.e. the maximum flow received by the forward star that the
link can send;
b) receiving flow, at the initial point, i.e. the maximum flow sent by the backward star that the
link can receive.
The sending flow s(τ) at time τ results from the minimum between:
a) the maximum flow that can exit the link under free flow conditions, which for dτ → 0 is
given by dH(τ) / dτ + dD(τ) / dτ, if the vertical queue S(τ) is null, and tends to infinity
b) the exit capacity, given by the current reduction η(τ) of the physical capacity Φ;
s(τ) = min{S(τ) / dτ + dH(τ) / dτ + dD(τ) / dτ , η(τ) ⋅ Φ} . (24)
Analogously, the receiving flow r(τ) at time τ results therefore from the minimum between:
a) the maximum flow that can enter the link under spillback conditions, which for dτ → 0 is
given by dG(τ) / dτ - dD(τ) / dτ, if the vertical storage R(τ) is null, and tends to infinity
b) the entry capacity, given by the current reduction μ(τ) of the physical capacity Φ;
r(τ) = min{R(τ) / dτ + dG(τ) / dτ - dD(τ) / dτ , μ(τ) ⋅ Φ} . (25)

Under the assumption that the vehicle osmosis represented by D(τ) is concentrated just before
the end point, i.e. vehicles are generated and attracted in the vertical queue, the FIFO rule can
be expressed formally as:
F(τ) = E(t(τ)) - D(t(τ)) , (26)
where t(τ) is the exit time of a vehicle entering the link at time τ. On this basis, once the
cumulative inflow and outflow temporal profiles are known, the exit time temporal profile can
be easily determined as:
t(τ) = max{τ + L / V, min{σ: F(τ) = E(σ) - D(σ)}} , (27)
where the max min operator is needed to handle the case of null inflows.

5 The node model

The road network is modeled as usual in terms of an oriented graph G = (X, A), where X is the
set of nodes, each representing an intersection where roads merge and diverge, and A ⊆ X × X
is the set of links, each representing a road that connects two intersections. The initial node of
a link a∈A is denote TL(a) and referred to as the tail, while its final node is denote HD(a) and
referred to as the head. The backward star of x∈X is denoted BS(x) = {b∈A: y = TL(b)}, while
the forward star of x∈X is denoted FS(x) = {a∈A: y = HD(a)}. In this section, any references
to time is omitted in the notation, since all relations informing the node model regard a single
instant, while the reference to the link, which has been omitted so far, is introduced.
The link model presented in the previous section provides the main input for the node model,
that are the sending and receiving flows. In turn, the output of the node model are the inflow
and outflow rates, that constitute the main input for the link model.
In a merging x∈N, where no routing may occur, the problem is to split the receiving flow rb of
the link b≡FS(x) available at time τ among the links belonging to its backward star, whose
outflows compete to get through the intersection. In principle, we assume that the available
receiving flow is partitioned proportionally to the priority of each link a∈BS(x), defined by
ϕab ⋅ ηa ⋅ Φa , where ϕab is the priority coefficient of turn ab. This way it may happen that for
some link c the turn flow fcb is lower than the share of receiving flow assigned to it, so that
only a lesser portion of the latter is actually exploited. Let ωcb be 1 for such links and 0 for the
others. The rest of the entry capacity rb - ∑c∈BS(x) fcb ⋅ ωcb shall then be partitioned among the
links that are not in spillback from link b. On this basis, the receiving flow rab of turn ab is
given by:
rab = (rb - ∑c∈BS(x) fcb ⋅ ωcb) ⋅ (ϕab ⋅ ηa ⋅ Φa) / (∑c∈BS(x) ϕcb ⋅ ηc ⋅ Φc ⋅ ωcb) , (28)
ωab = 1, if fab < rab ; ωab = 0, otherwise . (29)
The partition set expressed by the coefficients ωab can be easily proved to be unique, and it
can be simply obtained by iteratively adding to an initially empty set each link a∈BS(x) such
that fab < rab , as in [9].
Path choice is represented here by the splitting rate pab, expressing the probability that the
next link of the path is b∈FS(x) for vehicles coming from link a∈BS(x), so that the sending
flow sab of turn ab is given by:
sab = sa ⋅ pab . (30)
In a diversion x∈N, where routing takes place, the problem is to determine at the generic time
τ the most severe reduction, if any, to the sending flow sab from link a≡BS(x) among those
produced by the receiving flow rab of each link b∈FS(x) and by the turn capacity Φab. In order

to ensure the FIFO rule applied to the vehicles exiting from link a, the share of sending flow
ρa that actually gets through is the same for all links b∈FS(x):
ρa = fab / sab = ea / sa , (31)
ρa = min{1, Φab / sab , rab / sab : b∈FS(x), sab > 0} . (32)
When considering a generic node x∈N with both mergings and diversions, the above relations
shall hold jointly. Finally the resulting inflows and outflows are simply given as follows:
fb = ∑a∈BS(x) fab , (33)
ea = ∑b∈FS(x) fab . (34)
In the particular case where node x∈N works like several separate mergings, i.e. when:
fab > 0 ⇒ fac = 0, ∀ a∈BS(x), ∀ b∈FS(x), ∀ c∈FS(x), with b ≠ c,
we introduce the hypothesis that drivers do not occupy the intersection if they can’t cross it
due to the presence of a queue on their successive link, but wait until the necessary space
becomes available. Indeed, our model is not capable of addressing the deterioration of
performances due to a misusage of the intersection capacity.

6 Problem formulation and solution algorithm

Based on (24), (20), (14)-(16), (12) and (25), (21), (17)-(19), (13) we can formalize the
proposed link model as the following functional, for each link a∈A and time τ:
(sa(τ), ra(τ)) = Γaτ( fa(σ), ea(σ): σ < τ) . (35)
The link model is separable in space but non-separable in time.
Based on (28)-(34) we can formalize the proposed node model as the following functional, for
each node x∈X and time τ:
( fb(τ), ea(τ): a∈BS(x), b∈FS(x)) = Ψxτ(sa(τ), rb(τ): a∈BS(x), b∈FS(x)) . (36)
The node model is separable in time but non-separable in space.
Given the above link and node models, we can formulate the Continuous Dynamic Network
Loading problem as the system of differential equations (35)-(36), which can be solved in
chronological order.
To address numerically the problem we shall discretize the time horizon into intervals of
equal duration Δτ (e.g. 10 sec) that satisfy the following two conditions:
a) no kinematic wave generated at any time τ on a link terminal (initial or end point) can
reach the other terminal before time τ+Δτ;
b) no kinematic wave generated at any time τ on a link terminal can reach the other terminal
after time τ+Τ.
Condition a) reflects the theoretical need to compute the sending and receiving flows of a
given time interval based on the inflows and outflows already computed for the previous time
Condition b) is consistent with the practical need of setting an upper bound in time to the
direct effects of any propagating flow state, so that Τ (e.g. 30 min) identifies the duration of a
look-ahead time window. It is convenient to define the entire period of simulation as a
multiple of Τ. Let then λ be the number of time intervals that make up the look-ahead time
window: Τ = λ ⋅ Δτ, and let ν be the number of time windows that make up the simulation
period. While analyzing the m-th look-ahead time window, the i-th time instant is:
τi = T0 +τi + (m-1) ⋅ T + i ⋅ Δτ , (37)
where T0 is the initial instant of the simulation, with m∈[1, ν] and i∈[0, 2⋅λ]. We need to
handle two look-ahead windows at the time, since while analyzing the first one the generated

kinematic waves may reach the other terminal point during the next one. A fictitious time
instant τ2⋅λ+1 = ∞ is useful to avoid some checks in the propagation algorithm. Results for each
link and turn can be memorized for pre-specified times.
To satisfy condition b) and enhance model flexibility it is useful to define separately the
hypocritical and hypercritical branches of the fundamental diagram, while it is necessary to
introduce a lower bound ϖ on the absolute value of the wave speeds.. For example, in the
numerical applications we considered the following polynomial form, defined for k∈[κ, K]:
q(k) = Φ / υ ⋅ (1 - (1 - (k-κ) ⋅ Ω ⋅ υ ⋅ (1-γ) / Φ)1 / (1-γ)) , (38)
where |Ω| is the maximum wave speed, κ is the corresponding density, γ is a shape parameter,
and υ = 1 - (ϖ / |Ω|)1/γ. In particular, it is:
Ω = V > 0, κ = 0, for hypocritical flows; Ω = W < 0, κ = J, for hypercritical flows. The
resulting functions that express the density and the wave speed in terms of the flow are:
k(q) = κ + Φ / Ω / υ / (1-γ) ⋅ (1 - (1 - υ ⋅ q / Φ) 1-γ) , (39)
w(q) = Ω ⋅ (1 - υ ⋅ q / Φ) γ . (40)
The critical density K = k(Φ) for hypocritical flows must be not greater than for hypercritical
flows, otherwise the two branches would overlap; to avoid faults, in this case we shall
decrease Φ accordingly. For γ = ½ and γ → 0, the fundamental diagram assumes respectively
a parabolic and a trapezoidal shape; the latter reduces to the classical case of simplified
kinematic waves.
To force the satisfaction of conditions a) and b), respectively, the length of the too short links
is suitably increased and the too long links are dived into a suitable number of equally long
We now present the solution algorithm, which is based on the numerical approximation that
during each time interval τ∈(τi-1 , τi] flows rates are assumed to constant, i.e. ya(τ) = yai , so
that cumulative flows are linear, i.e. Ya(τ) = Yai-1 + (τ - τi-1) ⋅ (Yai - Yai-1) / (τi - τi-1) .

function GLTM
for each a∈A * initialization
Fa0 = 0 , Ea0 = - La ⋅ fa0 ⋅ va°( fa0) , Da0 = Sa0
for i = 0 to 2 ⋅ λ: Hai = ∞ , Gai = ∞
ja = 0 , ua = τ0 + La / wa°( fa0) , Ha = Fa0 + La ⋅ Δka°( fa0)
loop until τja > ua : Haja = Ha - fa0 ⋅ (ua - τja) , ja = ja + 1
ha = 0 , za = τ0 - La / wa+( fa0) , Ga = Ea0 + La ⋅ Ja + La ⋅ Δka+(ea0)
loop until τha > za : Gaha = Ga - ea0 ⋅ (za - τha) , ha = ha + 1
for m = 1 to ν * for each look-ahead window in chronological order
for i = 1 to λ * for each time interval in chronological order
for each a∈A
sai = max{0, min{(Hai - Eai-1 + Dai) / Δτ , ηai ⋅ Φa}} * compute sending flows
rai = max{0, min{(Gai - Fai-1 - Dai) / Δτ , μai ⋅ Φa}} * compute receiving flows
for each x∈N call NP * compute each node model
for each a∈A
call FP , call BP * propagate waves
Fai = Fai-1 + fai ⋅ Δτ , Eai = Eai-1 + eai ⋅ Δτ * cumulative flow update
for each a∈A * switch to the next the look-ahead window
Fa0 = Faλ , Ea0 = Eaλ , Da0 = Daλ

ja = ja - λ , ua = ua - λ ⋅ Δτ , ha = ha - λ , za = za - λ ⋅ Δτ
for i = 0 to λ: Hai = Haλ + i , Haλ + i = ∞ , Gai = Gaλ + i , Gaλ + i = ∞
call ET * compute exit times

In the initialization, Sa0 is the initial vertical queue and fa0 is the initial hypocritical flow.
Consistently with the formulation where the sending and receiving flows depend on previous
inflows and outflows, in the above calculation the vertical queue and the vertical storage are
evaluated at the initial instant τi-1 of the i-th time interval currently processed, thus yielding:
Sai-1 + Hai - Hai-1 + Dai - Dai-1 = Hai-1 - Eai-1 + Dai-1 + Hai - Hai-1 + Dai - Dai-1 = Hai - Eai-1 + Dai ,
Rai-1 + Gai - Gai-1 - Dai + Dai-1 = Gai-1 - Fai-1 - Dai-1 + Gai - Gai-1 - Dai + Dai-1 = Gai - Fai-1 - Dai ,
where Hai - Hai-1 is the number of vehicles reaching the end point during the i-th time interval,
if no queue is occurring, and Gai - Gai-1 is the vehicle space available to enter the link during
the i-th time interval, if spillback is occurring. Based on condition a), no vehicle that entered
the link during the i-th time interval can exit during the same interval, and no vehicle space
freed during the i-th time interval at the end point of the link is available during the same
interval at the initial point, therefore, Hai and Gai are already known at this moment of the
computation, despite fai and eai are still to be calculated.
The numerical solution of equations (14)-(15)-(16) and (17)-(18)-(19) can be easily addressed
under the assumption that the inflows and outflows, respectively, are constant in each time
interval, and that the resulting discontinuities yield a fan of kinematic waves. In this case, to
the constant flow qi during the interval (τi-1 , τi] at one terminal point corresponds a linear
cumulative flow at the other terminal point, that is a segment in the time-vehicles plane
between the points (t0 = t(τi-1, qi-1), Q0 = Q(τi-1, qi-1)) - (t1 = t(τi, qi-1), Q1 = Q(τi, qi-1)), where
functions t(τ, q) and Q(τ, q) express (14) or (17) and (15) or (18), respectively, for the two
cases. If we connect these segments through additional segments between the points (t1, Q1) -
(t2 = t(τi, qi), Q2 = Q(τi, qi)), then H(τ) or G(τ) can be obtained as the minimum number of
vehicles among the values taken at time τ by the segments that are defined at such instant. It is
worth pointing out that connecting the segments through straight lines implies an
approximation, since the points (t(τi, q), Q(τi, q)) for q∈[qi , qi+1] form actually a curve in the
time-vehicles plane.
For the generic time interval i, the following algorithms scans first the additional segment
between the points (t0, Q0) - (t1, Q1) seeking for any τj such that t0 ≤ τj ≤ t1, and then the
segment between the points (t1, Q1) - (t2, Q2) seeking for any τj such that t1 ≤ τj ≤ t2. While
scanning, if the value taken at τj by the segment under analysis is lower than the current
estimate of the cumulative flow H(τj) or G(τj), respectively, then the latter is updated to the
former; this way, at the end of the two procedures H(τ) and G(τ) are at each τi the lower
envelope of all above segments; elsewhere a piecewise linear approximation is considered.

function FP * forward propagation of the inflow

j = ja , t0 = ua , Q0 = Ha
t1 = τi-1 + La / wa°( fai) , t2 = τi + La / wa°( fai)
Q1 = Fai-1 + La ⋅ Δka°( fai) , Q2 = Fai-1 + fai ⋅ Δτ+ La ⋅ Δka°( fai)
if t1 ≥ t0 then
loop until τj ≥ t1
Q = Q0 + (τj - t0) ⋅ (Q1 - Q0) / (t1 - t0) , if Haj > Q then Haj = Q , j = j + 1

loop until τj ≤ t1
Q = Q0 + (τj - t0) ⋅ (Q1 - Q0) / (t1 - t0) , if Haj > Q then Haj = Q , j = j - 1
loop until τj ≥ t2
Q = Q1 + (τj - t1) ⋅ (Q2 - Q1) / (t2 - t1) , if Haj > Q then Haj = Q , j = j + 1
ja = j , ua = t2 , Ha = Q2

function BP * backward propagation of the outflow

j = ha , t0 = za , Q0 = Ga
t1 = τi-1 - La / wa+(eai) , t2 = τi - La / wa+(eai)
Q1 = Eai-1 + La ⋅ Ja + La ⋅ Δka+(eai) , Q2 = Eai-1 + eai ⋅ Δτ + La ⋅ Ja + La ⋅ Δka+(eai)
if t1 ≥ t0 then
loop until τj ≥ t1
Q = Q0 + (τj - t0) ⋅ (Q1 - Q0) / (t1 - t0) , if Gaj > Q then Gaj = Q , j = j + 1
loop until τj ≤ t1
Q = Q0 + (τj - t0) ⋅ (Q1 - Q0) / (t1 - t0) , if Gaj > Q then Gaj = Q , j = j - 1
loop until τj ≥ t2
Q = Q1 + (τj - t1) ⋅ (Q2 - Q1) / (t2 - t1) , if Gaj > Q then Gaj = Q , j = j + 1
ha = j , za = t2 , Ga = Q2

The node model is implemented by means of two loops, the external one cycling until the
receiving flows are fully exploited, the internal one cycling until the receiving flows still
available are properly shared. At the end of each external loop all the flow variables are
reduced to take into account the vehicles that already got through the node. The interesting
feature of this approach is that at the most |FS(x)| external loops and |BS(x)| internal loops are
needed, since each time at least one receiving flow is fully exploited and one sending flow
exits the spillback set, respectively.

function NP * node propagation of flows

* initialization of flows and auxiliary variables
for each b∈FS(x)
fbi = 0
rb = rbi * receiving flow to be shared among the BS
for each a∈BS(x)
ea i = 0
sa = sai * sending flow to be served by the FS
for each b∈FS(x)
fabi = 0
sab = sai ⋅ pabi * the turn sending flow depends on the slipping rate
Φab = Φabi * the turn capacity
ϕa = ϕabi ⋅ ηai ⋅ Φa , ψa = ηai ⋅ Φa
LFS = 0 * external loop, until the receiving flows are fully exploited

loop until LFS = 1
LFS = 1
for each b∈FS(x)
if rb < 1 / ∞ then * rb can remain slightly positive for numerical approximations
for each a∈BS(x)
* link a gets closed, since link b cannot accept any more flow from it
if sa > 0 and sab > 0 then sa = 0
r = rb * initialize the receiving flow still available
ϕ = 0 , ψ = 0 * initialize the total priority
for each a∈BS(x)
if sa > 0 then
if sab > 0 then
rab = 0 * initialize the share of receiving flow
qa = min{sab , Φab} * initialize the sending flow to be still served
ωa = 0 * add link a to the spillback set
ϕ = ϕ + ϕa , ψ = ψ + ψa * add link a to the total priority
ωa = 1
ωa = 1
LBS = 0 * internal loop, until the receiving flow still available is properly shared
loop until LBS = 1 or ψ = 0
LBS = 1
if θ > 0 then ξ = r / ϕ else ξ = r / ψ
for each a∈BS(x)
if ωa = 0 then
* the share is proportional to priorities
if θ > 0 then Δr = ξ ⋅ ϕa else Δr = ξ ⋅ ψa
if Δr ≥ qa then
r = r - qa
rab = rab + Δr
qa = 0
ωa = 1 * remove link a from the spillback set
ϕ = ϕ - ϕa , ψ = ψ - ψa * remove link a from the total priority
if Δr > qa then LBS = 0 * loop again, since Δr - qa is unused
r = r - Δr
rab = rab + Δr
qa = qa - Δr
for each a∈BS(x)
if sa > 0 then
ρa = min{1, Φab / sab , rab / sab : b∈FS(x), sab > 0}
if ρa = 1 then

sa = 0 * close link a, since its remaining sending flows can be served
LFS = 0 * loop again, since on some b∈FS(x) there is still receiving flow
if ρa > 0 then
for each b∈FS(x)
if sab > 0 then * update the receiving and sending flows
rb = rb - ρa ⋅ sab
sab = sab - ρa ⋅ sab
Φab = Φab - ρa ⋅ sab
fabi = fabi + ρa ⋅ sab
ρa = 1
for each a∈BS(x)
for each b∈FS(x)
fbi = fbi + fabi
eai = eai + fabi

The ψ variables are introduced only to substitute the priorities when all those remaining in the
spillback set are zero, which may happen in some particular cases, e.g. in roundabouts.
It is very interesting from the point of view of computational resources that to implement the
above algorithms the only vectors that must actually have a temporal dimension in memory
are Hai and Gai; indeed fai, eai, Fai, Eai, sai, rai are needed only at the current time, while Dai,
ηai, μai, Φabi, ϕabi, pabi are input of the model and can be retrieved on the fly from given
temporal profiles.
Once the whole simulation is completed, the exit times can be compute based on the
cumulative inflows and outflows that have been memorized through the following algorithm.

function ET * compute exit times

for each a∈A
ta0 = τ0 + La / Va
for i = 1 to λ⋅ν
until Eaj - Daj ≥ Fai do j = j +1
if Fai = Fai-1 then
tai = max{τi + La / Va , tai-1}
tai = τj-1 + (Fai - Eaj-1 + Daj-1) ⋅ (τj - τj-1) / (Eaj - Daj - Eaj-1 + Daj-1)

The cycle aims at finding, for each instant τi in chronological order, the earliest instant τj such
that Eaj-1 < Fai ≤ Eaj. Since the outflow is by definition constant during the interval (τj-1 , τj],
the cumulative outflow increases linearly with slope (Eaj - Eaj-1) / (τj - τj-1) . Therefore, in the
general case where Fai > Fai-1, the exit time tai results from a simple proportion. In the
particular case where no vehicle enters the link in the interval (τi-1 , τi], the exit time tai may be
undetermined; it is thus set by definition as the maximum between the free flow exit time,
given by τi + La / Va , and the exit time tai-1.

We now summarize the main features of the proposed algorithm. In terms of memory usage,
which is the critical issue, the GLTM only requires to store two link vectors for each instant
of two look-ahead time windows. Moreover, the duration of the latter can be freely chosen by
the modeler, since the too long links are automatically split into segments. However, if one
reduces too much the look-ahead time window, no memory gain is obtained since the number
of link segments increase accordingly, while numerical noise is added to the simulation. In
terms of computation efficiency, the GLTM has a linear complexity, given by the product
between the number of links segments and the number of simulation intervals. Just to give an
idea of its performances, the procedure runs on the whole Regione Emilia-Romagna (2,400
nodes and 6,800 links) for the whole day (14,400 time intervals of 6 sec each) in only 2 min.
The GLTM can well be implemented with splitting rates specific for each destination, but this
in not really convenient, since the equilibrium issue is more efficiently addressed through the
DUE model, as explained in the next section.

7 Comparison between the GLTM and the DUE

These two models share the same theoretical assumptions, but are based on a diametric vision
of the problem: the first one solves the CDNL for each temporal layer in chronological order,
but requires to satisfy the acyclic rule on time discretization, i.e., any vehicle entering a link in
a given interval will exit no earlier than the next interval; the second one considers the
reciprocal relations between link temporal profiles of travel times and flows, but requires
iterating until convergence of a fixed point problem is reached. Specifically, each iteration of
DUE has a complexity equal to the complete run of GLTM divided by the interval scale
factor. Moreover, DUE in presence of path alternatives achieves the equilibrium jointly with
the solution to the resulting CDNL problem.
By aggregating on large time intervals the results of the GLTM, which is a more robust
model, we can determine the level of approximation to the solution of the CLDN provided by
the DUE algorithm, which is a more efficient model when we are interested in the within-day
evolution of traffic every say 10 minutes rather than in a detailed description of macroscopic
flows second-by-second. The comparison between the two methods is carried out based on
the solution to the CDNL problem for an extra-urban corridor of 10 km (the Venezia-Mestre
belt, in Italy), where no path choice is possible, so that no equilibrium issue arises. The
GLTM is first applied with time intervals of 1 sec. Then the DUE is applied to the same
dataset for increasing time intervals of 6, 60 and 600 sec, with the aim of computing for each
experiment the distribution of the differences in terms of inflow and travel time for every link
and time interval. This way it is possible to evaluate the amount of numerical noise induced
by the linear approximations introduced into the DUE model for long time intervals.

Table 1: Standard deviation of DUE with respect to the GLTM.

Δτ (sec) N (veh) t (sec)
aggregation deviation deviation
6 6.62 15.10
60 7.71 15.48
600 7.84 16.00

The differences are contained into an acceptable range, but more important, the effect of
linearization for long time intervals is very small, which provides a valid justification for the
use of DUE when only aggregate results are needed.

8 Conclusions
The GLTM presented in this paper has been applied successfully as a simulation engine in the
solution of a signal synchronization problem based on a genetic algorithm, which by its nature
requires many fast runs of the black box, and to extend in space and time the traffic measured
by probe vehicles in a travel time estimation problem, which requires short term predictions
on large congested networks.
The model proved to be flexible, reliable and easy to calibrate, as well as efficient in the use
of memory and CPU. It is then recommended when route choice is not crucial or elastic,
otherwise DUE is preferable, since it is specifically designed for the equilibrium problem.
However, also in the latter case, it is very useful to run the GLTM at the end of DUE based on
the equilibrium splitting rates, so as to achieve a fine grained solution of the resulting CDNL.

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