Dog's Crochet Witch Costume
Dog's Crochet Witch Costume
Dog's Crochet Witch Costume
CAPE-Neckband: With CB, ch 5. Row 1 (Right Side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; turn 4 sc. Rows 2-47 (2-55, 2-61): Ch 1, sc in each sc across; turn. Fasten off. Collar-Row 1: With right side facing, join CA to work across row ends of Neckband; ch 1, work 47 (55, 61) sc evenly across; turn. Row 2: Sl st in first 10 (12, 14) sc, ch 2, hdc in next 27 (31, 33) sc; turn leaving remaining sc unworked 27 (31, 33) hdc. NOTE: The ch 2 at the beginning of hdc and dc rows does NOT count as a stitch. Do not work into the ch 2. Row 3: Ch 1, 2 sc in first hdc, sc in each hdc across to last hdc; 2 sc in last hdc; turn 29 (33, 35) sc. Row 4: Ch 2, hdc in each sc across; turn. Rows 5 and 6: Rep Rows 3 and 4 31 (35, 37) sts. Fasten off for Small Size. Medium and Large Only-Row 7: Rep Row 3 changing to CC in last st (37, 39) sc. Row 8: With CC, rep Row 4. Fasten off. Cape-Row 1: With wrong side facing, join CA on opposite side of neckband; ch 1, work 47 (55, 61) sc evenly across; turn. Row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in each sc to last sc; 2 sc in last sc; turn 49 (57, 63) sc. Row 3: Ch 2, hdc in first 3 (0, 0) sc, [hdc in next 4 sc, 2 hdc in next sc] 8 (11, 12) times, hdc in last 6 (2, 3) sc 57 (68, 75) hdc. Row 4: Ch 1, 2 sc in first hdc, sc in each hdc across to last hdc; 2 sc in last hdc; turn 59 (70, 77) sc. Row 5: Ch 2, hdc in first 0 (3, 0) sc, [hdc in next 4 (3, 4) sc, 2 hdc in next sc] 11 (15, 15) times, hdc in last 4 (7, 2) sc changing to CC in last hdc 70 (85, 92) hdc. Row 6: With CC, ch 1, sc in each hdc across inc 0 (1, 0) st at center and changing to CA in last st; turn 70 (86, 92) sc. Row 7: With CA, ch 2, dc in first st, * skip next st, 2 dc in next st; rep from * to last st; dc in last st changing to CB; turn. Row 8: With CB, rep Row 7. Fasten off. TIE: With CA, make a chain the length of the neckband PLUS 12. Fasten off. Weave the chain through the center of the band.
CIRCULAR STARS-Make 6 (7, 8): With CC, ch 6; join with a sl st to form a ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3; [yo and draw up a lp, yo and draw through 2 lps] twice all in ring, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook 2 dc cl made; * ch 3; [yo and draw up a lp, yo and draw through 2 lps] 3 times all in ring, yo and draw through 4 lps on hook 3 dc cl made; rep from * 3 more times; join with a sl st to top of ch-3. Fasten off. Sew 5 (6, 7) circular stars evenly around the outside of the cape as pictured. BODY (Start at Neck): With CA, ch 34 (36, 40). Row 1 (Wrong Side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across; turn 33 (35, 39) sc. Row 2: Ch 2, dc in each sc across; turn. Row 3: Ch 1, sc in each dc across; turn. Rows 4-15 (4-19, 4-23): Rep Rows 2 and 3. Row 16 (20, 24): Rep Row 2 changing to CC. Row 17 (21, 25): With CC, ch 1, sc in each dc across changing to CA; turn. Row 18 (22, 26): With CA, ch 2, dc in first sc, * skip next sc, 2 dc in next sc; rep from * across; turn. Row 19 (23, 27): Ch 1, sc in each dc across changing to CB. Row 20 (24, 28): With CB, rep Row 18 (22, 26) changing to CA. Row 21 (25, 29): With CA, rep Row 3 changing to CB. Row 22 (26, 30): With CB, rep Row 18 (22, 26). Fasten off. CHEST PANEL: With CA, ch 16 (20, 24). Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across; turn 15 (19, 23) sc. Row 2: Ch 2, dc in each sc across; turn. Row 3: Ch 1, sc in each dc across; turn. Rows 4-15 (4-17, 4-21): Rep Rows 2 and 3. Fasten off. Sew to the sides of the body 1 below the neck. HAT: With CA, ch 4; join with a sl st to form a ring. Mark the beg of each row. Rnd 1: 6 Sc in ring; do not join but work in continuous rnds. Mark the beg of rnd with stitch marker. Rnds 2 and 3: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 4: Sc in first sc, [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] twice, 2 sc in last sc 9 sc. Rnd 5: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 6: [Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 3 times 12 sc. Rnd 7: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 8: [Sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 3 times 15 sc. Rnd 9: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 10: [Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 5 times 20 sc. Rnd 11: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 12: [Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 6 times, sc in next 2 sc 26 sc. Rnd 13: Sc in each sc around. Rnd 14: [Sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 8 times, sc in next 2 sc 34 sc. Rnd 15: Sc in each sc around changing to CB in last sc. Rnd 16: With CB, sc in each sc around. Rnd 17: Sc in each sc around changing to CA. Rnd 18: With CA, sc in each sc around. Rnd 19: Sc in each sc around; TURN. Brim-Rnd 20: Ch 1, sc in each sc around; join with a sl st in first sc. Rnd 21: Ch 2, [dc in next 3 sc, 2 dc in next sc] 8 times, dc in next 2 sc; join 42 sts. Rnd 22: Ch 1, [sc in next dc, 2 sc in next dc] 21 times; join 63 sc. Fasten off. Sew star on the brim of the hat. RED HEART Super Saver, Art. E300 (7 oz solid color and 5 oz prints, multis, fleck skeins).
ABBREVIATIONS: beg = beginning; CA, CB, etc = Color A, Color B, etc; ch = chain; cl = cluster; dc = double crochet; hdc = half double crochet; lp(s) = loop(s); mm = millimeters; rep = repeat; rnd = round; sc = single crochet; sl = slip; sp(s) = space(s); st(s) = stitch (es); yo = yarn over; [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified; * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.