Hassan Fathy
Hassan Fathy
Hassan Fathy
Ismai| Serage|din
ISBN 978-977-6163-98-0
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Bib|iotheca A|exandrina Cata|oging-in-Pub|ication Data
Hassan Fathy / editor, Ismail Serageldin. - Alexandria, Egypt : Bibliotheca Alexandrina, [2007]
p. cm.
ISBN 978-977-6163-98-0
1. Fathy, Hassan -- Criticism and interpretation. 2. Architecture, Islamic -- Arab
countries. 3. Architecture -- Arab countries -- 20th century. I. Serageldin, Ismail, 1944-
720.92 --dc21 2007347269
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Acknowl edgement
Thanks goes to James Steele, J.M. Richards, D. Rastorfer and Hassan-Uddin Khan
for the pictures, plans, and text for the Works of Hassan Fathy.
These have been downloaded from the site arch.org.,
with the kind permission of The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Hassan Fathy
e Man and His Legacy 5
Works of Hassan Fathy 19
Hassan Fathy
The Man and Hi s Legacy
The Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy was born to a wealthy family on the 23 March 1900 in Alexandria.
When he was eight years old, he moved to Cairo with his family and settled in Helwan. He was talented in
drawing which was to stand him in good stead when he joined the King Fuad I University (presently Cairo
University) to study architecture.
Fathy graduated in 1926 and took a job as an engineer in the General Administration of Schools affiliated
to the Local Councils. In 1930 he was appointed as instructor at the Faculty of Fine Arts where he remained
until 1946.
Fathy designed what was to become his flawed masterpiece, the village of new Gourna: an architectural
masterpiece beset by socio-economic issues beyond the control of the architect. In March 1947 it was
applauded in a popular British weekly, half a year later in a British professional journal, and praise from
Spanish professionals followed the next year. A year of silence (1949, when Fathy published a literary fable)
was followed by attention in one French and two Dutch periodicals, one of which made it the lead story.
Between 1949 and 1952, he was appointed Director of the Educational Buildings Department of the
Ministry of Education, and in 1953 Hassan Fathy became the Head of the Architecture Department at the
Faculty of Fine Arts of Cairo University until the late fifties. He was recognized by State Awards, but was
increasingly out of step with the modernist trends ruling supreme in the architecture schools of those days.
In 1959, he left Egypt to work for the Doxiadis Organization in Greece for two years, but returned to Egypt
and resumed his activities. His long career continued, but he was marginalized by his peers as he remained
true to his vision with dogged determination.
He wrote about his experience in a book that was to make him famous Gourna: the Tale of two Cities",
which when re-issued in the west as Architecture for the poor" would become a major text for all architectural
students in the world. Fathy was an international figure of stature, even if in Egypt the mainstream views
and the teaching in the architecture schools still tended to reject his ideas.
10 Hassan Fathy
He was consulting with the United Nations, and the Aga Khan Foundation, and took part in numerous
international and Arab conferences, his ideas finding receptive audiences. Fathy had become an international
Hassan Fathy served on the first steering committee of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, and was
technically barred from being considered for a prize. However, a special award, the chairman's award, was
created for him. He was also the first architect from developing countries to receive the Gold Medal of the
UIA (the International Union of Architects).
Finally recognized at home and abroad, Hassan Fathy was laden with honors when he passed away at the
age of 89 on the 30th of November 1989. But what of his legacy?
The Legacy
To most Near Eastern architects, Hassan Fathy was the dominant figure in the architecture of Egypt in
the 20th century. He was a controversial figure and one whose impact was widely acknowledged but not
quite understood, although he had been a continuous presence on the scene for almost 60 years. Nevertheless,
during those six productive decades he had always been peripheral to the mainstream of building activity
in Egypt, of architectural education in Egypt, and of decision-making on urban matters in Egypt. But
peripheral to the mainstream does not mean easily discountable. His persistent presence had sometimes
infuriated, sometimes disconcerted, always challenged those who were most influential in building matters
in Egypt. His intransigence baffled some, who saw him as a lonely guru, reminiscent of Old Testament
prophets, promising that the world will reap misery for not listening to the truth of his message.
His strength was the strength of ideas more than buildings. In his long and illustrious career, he had
built only about 30 projects. Furthermore, with the exception of Gourna, his most well-known and widely
respected work, few of Hassan Fathy's buildings were known to the wide public. Yet his name and ideas are
widely acknowledged.
The Ideas
Appraising the intellectual contributions of Hassan Fathy is not an easy task. Perhaps his most significant
legacy will be the humanism that he championed and the boost he gave to the self-image of architecture in
the Third World generally, the Muslim World specifically, and in Egypt in particular. He elucidated his
positions over the years with a remarkable clarity, courage and consistency.
Hassan Fathy 11
Fathy was not enamoured by modem forms. He recognized that architecture is for human beings. This
was not just an affirmation of a simple truth, it represented an alternative paradigm to the prevalent modern"
understanding of architecture and its role in society.
The paradigm can be sketched out by spelling out the various themes that comprised its various
elements. Fathy articulated cultural authenticity as a main theme of his message. He rejected architecture
that was not indigenous, rooted in the location and the culture of the area, which in his mind found its
truest expression in the vernacular architecture of a society. He opposed his indigenous architecture with
its vernacular heritage to an imported internationalism, rooted in a common technology rather than a
common humanism.
In so doing Hassan Fathy reaffirmed a second element of his major paradigm. The recognition that
architecture is for humans, and that human beings are not interchangeable, requires that architecture must
be responsive to their psychological and cultural needs as well as their physical and physiological needs. Fathy
therefore rejected the elements of internationalism that were to try to unify the world in a common pattern
of living derived from a common technology. His rejection of internationalist modernism thus went beyond
a rejection of Westernization of a cultural heritage that he considered an important part of his identity.
His rejection was of internationalism itself as a homogenizing concept that stripped human beings of their
In defending cultural authenticity, Hassan Fathy emphasized that there is an essential non-interchangeability
of cultures. By that he meant that basic cultural elements developed in response to indigenous needs, environmental
and psychological, and that alien elements cannot be implanted or transplanted from other cultures or other
environments if they are culturally inappropriate. Culturally inappropriate elements that are so inserted into the
fabric of the harmoniously built environment will undoubtedly generate contradictions, and will, with time,
corrode and degrade the traditional culture. He was careful, however, to note that a living culture must always
remain open to the world and borrow as well as invent new things. There is nothing wrong, he would say, for
us to take from the West that which is suitable. It was the difficulty of defining what is suitable that led him to
encourage architects to use as determinants of suitability the objective measurements of science such as thermal
efficiency, cost, energy efficiency and other measures of the suitability of materials or the appropriateness of
the relationship of spaces and volumes. He was open to the use of appropriate technology, even if it was not
indigenous technology in the narrow sense of the term. He thus did not hesitate to transplant the dome building
techniques of Southern Egypt to the villages of Northern Egypt. He, himself, launched an experiment around
1970 in which he tested seven chambers built in different techniques to identify their suitability to Egyptian
12 Hassan Fathy
climatic conditions. But in his own studios, and in his own work, he dealt with the much more subtle aesthetic
aspects of the suitability of form to indigenous expression. In this domain of nuances, his yardstick was his
own aesthetic sensibility much more so than arid historic scholarship.
Another element of the paradigm that Fathy erected step-by-step, was the participatory nature of the
design process. He encouraged self-help and promoted user participation in design. In some instances he
allowed the peasants to express their wishes for the lay-outs of their homes, in other instances he let the
peasants use a courtyard for a number of days and then established the lay-out of the courtyard on the basis of
their use, defining the pathways where the earth had been beaten by their steps. All these efforts are examples
of Fathy's persistent attempts to introduce further individualization in the design process.
On the humanistic level, Hassan Fathy stood against the bureaucratic approach to mass housing, the
repetition of prototypes in ever-shifting combinations. He could not accept the assembly line" approach to
architecture. He advocated individualized attention to each building (housing unit). He was fond of offering
an analogy that the greatest brain surgeon in the world, if given two hundred operations to do in one day,
would surely kill all his patients. He admonished architects never to take commissions of more than 15 to 20
units at a time, to deal with users as individual clients and persons and not as 'prototypes' or generic average
families". Architects, he asserted, had to remain true to the human dimension of their vocation if their work
was not to lose all meaning.
Hassan Fathy' s ultimate contribution and possibly his most important, was to shift the attention of
architects, however briefly, away from the mainstream commissions of major buildings towards the problems
of the poor. He was concerned with the masses of humanity that were living in poverty, and identified
directly with the problem of shelter for the poor. He became one of the prime advocates, and most powerful
voices, of the social consciousness of architecture in the' seventies and early' eighties that merged with so
many currents that have exploded throughout the universities of the world in the sixties.
The upheaval that the sixties wrought throughout Western universities was matched by an age of equally
important upheaval in Egypt; intellectually, Egypt passed a milestone. At that time national priorities shifted
from the pursuit of sovereignty and national independence to the pursuit of social development. In parallel
to that change the old icons" of the established orders were being questioned. Fathy started his third major
community building effort, New Barz, at that time, but the war of 1967 stopped that project as national
priorities shifted back to foreign policy considerations. But internationally, this socially-oriented climate
was particularly receptive to Fathy's ideas of humanism, national authenticity and concern with the poor.
By the late sixties Fathy found a responsive echo in some Western universities. In Egyptian universities.
Hassan Fathy 13
however, architecture was one of the disciplines that was to remain among the most insulated from these
currents of thought. Repetition of the dictated models the Western masters of the' forties was the order of
the day. Even during the 'seventies, the time when modernism was being called into question in the West,
there was no rising wave calling into question these same ideas and theories in the East. Ultimately, Hassan
Fathy's work and his ideas would be legitimated by being rediscovered" in academic circles of the West.
After an intellectual odyssey that lasted forty years, widespread recognition finally came in his own home
country by the late' seventies. Although it must be noted that partial recognition had been granted to Fathy
in 1967 when, at the instigation of some far-sighted university professors of architecture, he was awarded the
Egyptian Order of Merit. That, however, did not lead to significant commissions or widespread academic
acceptance in Egyptian Universities, which for the most part remained indifferent (though not hostile) to
both Fathy and his message.
This prolonged lack of acceptance only served to motivate Fathy further in pursuit of his cause. But as
time went by, Hassan Fathy's emphatic manner preaching his truth forced upon him a number of positions
that were etched with a hard edge, that made it impossible for some of the subtleties to remain in the message.
And this, to my mind, led many of his followers, if not himself, into three broad shortcomings from which
the school of thought whose seeds he has planted is still suffering today.
First and foremost among those shortcomings is an overly romantic vision of the past combined with
a mystic understanding of Islam as a culture and a presence in society. It is the flip side" asserting an
indigenous cultural identity and the intensive pursuit of amhenticity in expression. This pursuit has
undeniably contributed to an elaboration of counterpoints that sought to emphasize the otherness" of the
Western mode of thought and thereby underline the differences between the West and the East, between
non-Muslim and Muslim society.
The emphasis on defining the difference created, amongst many would-be disciples, a stark image that
bore little resemblance to the reality of muted variations and of infinite flexibility that scholars of the Muslim
world have come to recognize and accept. Nor did this narrow interpretation of Fathy's much more subtle
message recognize that in the same individual whose cultural identity Fathy and his followers sought to
preserve, there was an innate evolving synthesis of modernity and tradition. This synthesis was being wrought
by the very nature of a progressing everyday life, a reality that cannot be fitted into the sharply defined
categories that these limited intellectual constructs would imply.
An example of this narrow interpretation is the assertion that only inwardlooking courtyard houses are
truly Islamic. This certainly does not apply to much of Arabia, where in Yemen a remarkable heritage
14 Hassan Fathy
of vertical multi-storied outward-looking architecture shows a different conception. It is also incorrect to
generalize such a statement to all social strata. In historic Islamic Cairo, for example, a large number of
persons lived in multi-family apartments called Rab' (plural Riba').
In pursuit of a humanistic architecture for the poor, and in his concern with the authentic Egyptian
architectural medium, Hassan Fathy ultimately developed an extremely powerful architectural vocabulary and
syntax, but one that was primarily rural. The forms and the medium - Adobe - that he chose to express them
in- were predominantly of a village architecture. Therein lay the second shortcoming. This vocabulary, being
rural in character, has limited applicability in confronting the challenge of large-scale urbanization in the Third
World generally, where high land values and massive urban densities prevail. There is a need to pursue a new
paradigm for the aesthetic form of our sprawling urban metropolises, one that can cope with the standard office
building, the dense vehicular traffic, and contemporary technology. To answer these questions Fathy's work
provides few clues, although his message of humanism and individuality remains important.
Hassan Fathy's pursuit of an authentic cultural expression and a low-cost medium of building pushed
him to experiment very successfully with vernacular architectural techniques, indigenous materials and
forms of guided self-help. Having achieved great success in these areas he encouraged, and rightly so,
young architects to look at and recognize that important wealth of experience and expertise that lay at their
doorsteps, rather than always seek answers amongst the imports. But at the same time, this intensive pursuit
kept him from extensively experimenting with the new materials of the 20th century. This, to my mind,
is the third major shortcoming. In the hands of a master such as himself, with his assured use of volumes
and forms, his understanding of a cultural identity whose structures, symbols, and instruments he had so
thoroughly internalized, such materials would probably have produced a new set of expressions using 20th
century methods and techniques. Perhaps that was not possible, for there is only so much that one can do
in a lifetime. It is thus perhaps unfair to ask of one who has already given so much to the architecture of his
country, his region and even of the world, why he has not given even more. But it is nevertheless important to
highlight these points if one is to try to draw lessons from Fathy's work, to understand the limits of extending
them to the problems of a contemporary urban metropolis. It is important to highlight these points to those
who have claimed for Fathy's architectural vocabulary a universality of application that it does not possess,
and that he himself, the most dedicated of individualists, who vehemently eschewed' 'cookbook recipes" and
always studied every new problem afresh, would be the first to recognize.
1 Laila Ali Ibrahim, Up-to Concepts of the Traditional Cairene Living Units" in Ekistics, vol. 48 No. 287, March-April, 1981, pp. 96-100, and Andre
Raymond, The Residential Districts of Cairo during the Ottoman Period" in Ismail Serageldin and Samir el-Sadek (eds.) The Arab City: Its Character
and Islamic Cultural Heritage, Arab Urban Development Institute, Riyadh and Washington, D.C., 1982, pp. 100-110.
Hassan Fathy 15
The Bui|t Form
The seductive simplicity so characteristic of Fathy's work is misleading. He was an accomplished
architectural craftsman with an artistic eye for form, balance and harmony. The learned casualness of his
layouts and the almost austere simplicity of his facades owe much more to his creative genius than to the
vernacular architecture without architects" that inspired him.
Through the years, he had worked and reworked some of the key elements of the architectural vocabulary
in an unrelenting search for truth" and oneness" as he saw them. It is wrong to imagine this visual repetition
as an absence of imagination. Rather it is the same perfectionism which is found in Goethe reworking the
same manuscript for forty years, or in Ingres and the late Picasso who reworked many variations on the same
theme - some of which appeared to be almost copies of the first work.
Discriminating critics have recognized some of these themes:
The architect accepted not only the forms of this building tradition but the entire constructional system
and its constraints. By working within it, he elaborated its spatial and structural aspects. What evolved from
a close observation, filtered through the architect's superb aesthetic sense, was a distinct, clearly ordered
universe of architectural hierarchies based on the juxtaposition and arrangements of the following elements:
the square domed unit, the rectangular vaulted unit, the semidomed alcove, the breezeway/loggia, the
courtyard. The urban forms of Cairo, which he so lovingly collected and to which he referred in his sketches
and studies, served to enrich this architectural universe and provided models for later larger-scale projects."
By accepting the austere limits of both indigenous materials and construction systems, Fathy's work
could not rely on color or surface texture for effect, except to the extent that his carefully crafted brick facade
variations could be termed textural variations. This imposed a heightened importance on volume, forms and
fenestration to achieve the overall aesthetic effect. This self-imposed limitation, however, was handled with
such artistry that one does not feel that the imagery of the end product is in any way impaired. In fact, it is
as if the quasimonochromatic treatment of exteriors and interiors was a conscious choice to blend better with
the surroundings and to heighten the sense of overall harmony that colors or contrasting materials would
have ever so subtly disturbed.
It is an evolving polishing and glazing of the work of art, drawing ever more deeply from the same well.
There is a strengthening of a set of symbols that are gradually turned into signals, making the image sharper and
2 Renata Holod with Dad Rastorfer (eds.), Architecture and Community: Building in the Islamic World Today. The Aga Khan Award for Architecture,
published by Aperture, N.Y., 1983 p. 240.
16 Hassan Fathy
the message clearer. He succeeded to such a degree that his message has been caricatured by some insensitive
critics: quaint rustic scenes; domes, vaults and arches; courtyards; mudbrick!" That is the same non-sensical
oversimplification as saying that Mies' contribution is nothing more than a glass-encased steel box!
In fact, by his later years, Fathy had elaborated a number of aesthetic standards establishing geometric
proportions for the elements of his architectural vocabulary that were very carefully crafted but not as restrictive
as the standards of the classic orders. On the other hand, some of Fathy's pursuits of a metaphysical symbolism
in architectural design are really marginal to an appreciation of his work. In his own hands they may have helped,
but in the hands of some of his disciples, this aspect has been turned into a veritable esoteric numerology.
The Man
Hassan Fathy, who passed away on 30 November 1989 at the age of 89, remained for many an enigma.
The purity with which he pursued his vision of the truth, his unwillingness to compromise his standards,
and his devotion to his art and his craft have always been a great inspiration to all those who knew him and
to many students who have simply heard of him. But his message had a resonance of ambiguity, that came
from a populist who was nevertheless a member of the elite. In Hassan Fathy's life and character there is a
striking noblesse oblige of the aristocrat, a member of the intellectual and social elite of his country.
It is somewhat ironic that Hassan Fathy, whose name is so closely associated with" Architecture for the
Poor", built much for wealthy patrons. Just like the great master of Western architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright,
Hassan Fathy's genius was initially appreciated mostly by an intellectual and wealthy elite, whose private
commissions remained the important body of his built work. Like Wright, Fathy built for them structures
that drew upon a local environment, which in the hands of a master were transformed into a better vision of
the reality from whence they sprang, using familiar imagery but remaining categorically distinctive.
The paradox of the situation is sharpened in the case of Fathy since his concern with rural architecture
and community building found its expression in four great projects. Two of these were public commissions
that were plagued with problems due to socio-economic circumstances outside of his control: New Gourna
(undoubtedly his masterpiece and most well-known work) and New Bariz (largely unbuilt). Both were
architectural and planning successes flawed by external socio-economic considerations. The other two were
private commissions: Lu'luat aI-Sahara built for the epitome of the wealthy Egyptian elite, Hafiz Pasha Afifi,
and the present Islamic community effort in the United States (under construction). These are hardly the
means of guided self-expression for the rural poor. His other famous buildings were private residences mostly
for the rich and the well-to-do.
Hassan Fathy 17
Yet such criticisms are unjustified. To many young architects and planners in Egypt, Hassan Fathy's
intellectual and personal integrity shone through the isolation and adversity that an indifferent government
bureaucracy and architectural establishment forced upon him. His is the triumph of ideas. The few projects
that were known to us (mostly Gourna) are so powerful in their immediacy and their aesthetic appeal that
they eloquently express the integrity as well as the artistry of their creator.
In the final analysis, Hassan Fathy's contribution to Egyptian architecture has been his image-making
faculty, his ability to give body and form to a concept that was always recognized but that could not be easily
seen, remaining formless and invisible simply by virtue of being all around us in the environment in which
we live. It was his ability to charge with symbolism, and to suggest and evoke a reality emanating from the
ontological substance of an Egyptian society that traces its roots from the mist of time through its most
recent manifestation of a predominantly Islamic culture. This was the supreme creation of an artist, for art
is an act of bringing truth into being. In effect, Hassan Fathy has shown us an Egypt which all of us knew
was there.
He integrated the information which was available to all but heightened it by his sensitivity and his ability
to discover something that otherwise would escape our attention. For Hassan Fathy picked from the world of
Egypt many of the forms that he ultimately used to such good effect. But it was an integrating exercise. He
transported the skills of the masons from Upper Egypt to the fertile lands of the Delta. He combined these
with his own vision and emotional understanding of the myth of a bucolically pure, rural Islamic Egypt.
Then the sensibility of a wealthy patron or understanding client was all that was needed to enable him to
transform his vision into the lyrical structures that have evoked such a strong empathetic emotional response
from all those who saw them. He speaks with incredible immediacy and purity to our understanding of such
terms as serene, simple, calm, balanced, peaceful, and above all; beautiful.
In the realm of ideas his emphasis on self-help, concern for the poor, cultural authenticity and individualism
are now so widely accepted that it is difficult to remember the revolutionary character of his message when
he enunciated it so long ago. It is an impressive legacy. It is a great privilege to have known him personally
and to be inspired by his voice and his presence. It is a great challenge to try to live up to the lofty standards
he has set for all of us.
Works of Hassan Fathy
Abd a|-Rahman Nassif House
Variant Names Abdulrahman Nassief House
Location Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1973
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The house was built with stone block recovered from the demolition of the traditional tower houses in the
old city, which the client unsuccessfully tried to save. Rather than using the familiar dome over the majlis
here, the architect felt that an octagonal shukshieka would be more regionally appropriate, and the use of this
particular element carries over into a larger house designed in Tabuk soon afterward. In the Tabuk example, two
dynamically offset qa'as, linked by a passageway, serve to anchor the plan. This passageway, in turn, serves as a
spine that spans between an open, central courtyard on one side and a large, public majlis with its related dining
area on the other.
Source: Richards, J.M., I. Serageldin, & D Rastorfer. 1985. Hassan Fathy. In Mimar: Architects in the third world. Concept Media, plates 79-87.
Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 52.
Hassan Fathy 21
Aki| Sami House
Location Dahshur, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1978
Bui|ding Type residential
This house, and several others that followed it in the same area, were built
in local limestone because of a governmental ban on the use of mud-brick
following the construction of the high dam, as well as unsatisfactory test
results for the structural strength of the soil in this area, first confirmed in
the Fouad Riad project. The takhtabush and courtyard area of the house
with wooden pergola, recall the latticework notably used in the Moastirli
residence in 1950
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy.
London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 23
24 Hassan Fathy
Hassan Fathy 25
A|aa a|-din Mustafa House
Variant Names Alaadin Mustapha House
Street Address El-Mahamid
Location Idfu, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1981
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
A house designed in 1981 for [Fathy's] Master Mason Alaadin Mustapha takes on added significance when
the long collaboration between these two men is closely considered. Mustapha not only introduced Nubian
construction techniques to Fathy, but also implemented them in many of the projects built in the forty years
since. One of the most important features in Mustapha's own house is the main doorway, which is the only
interpretation of a Nubian-style portal found in any of the architect's work since Balitim. Perhaps when he
designed it, Fathy was thinking of an experience he had described in 1967, when he said, I have found a
similar case when I was in charge of building the village of New Gourna, near Luxor. I asked Muallim Alaadin
Moustapha to decorate the main entrance door to one of the houses in any way he wished. He designed some
hieroglyphic symbols on top of the door representing God, the earth and the mountains, between a five-pointed
star. When I asked him how he knew about this symbol, he told me it prevented the evil eye". He didn't realize
that it was a hieroglyph. It so happens that optimism and pessimism pass from generation to generation even
when people change their religion. The constancy of the Nubians in using these decorations for their front doors
is due mainly to the fact that they are so isolated which has allowed them to continue as a prototype since the
time of the Pharaohs.
The plan itself is also a direct interpretation of a traditional Nubian house as found in Abou el-Riche or
Gharb Aswan today, which are both among many such villages previously surveyed by the architect. In this
reasonably literal translation, the symbolic doorway leads directly into a sequence of rooms lined up on either
side of an open entrance vestibule which are each related to the entertainment of guests. A long, vaulted room
to the left of the main door, with built-in seats, or mastaba" set between the piers that support it, is set aside
for larger, special ceremonial functions just as in the traditional model. A smaller, square muddiffa on the right
serves smaller groups, or individuals, who might visit on a more frequent basis. A door at the rear of the entry
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture. 85.
Hassan Fathy 27
vestibule leads across an open court and up a short flight of stairs to a corridor serving all of the private family
rooms strung along the rear wall of the house, which are visually and physically cut off from the guest rooms in
front. This corridor also leads directly outside into an enclosed service court with its own exterior access. While
in the established Nubian prototype this yard is almost always set aside for animals, the only function specified
by the architect in this case is the storage of fodder.
A|-Harini Vi||a
Variant Names El-Hariry Villa, al Harini Villa
Street Address Pyramids Road
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1938
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
Built one year after the Garvice Villa and the resthouse for Taher al-Omari, this house for Mrs. Al-Harini in
Giza shows the extent to which Fathy was still searching for direction at this critical point in his career and was
still attracted by fashionable Western values. He briefly reverts to the International Style once again here, using a
high cylindrical glass stair enclosure to dominate the front of an Adolf Loos-like elevation. Several major gestures,
however, such as the use of a hidden inner garden, which is protected from the street by an arched screen wall,
hint at things to come
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 29
A|-Sabah House
Variant Names Sabbagh Palace, Sabah Palace, Sheik Nasr House, al-Sabah House
Location Kuwait City, Kuwait
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1978
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Sabah Palace in Kuwait is the last documented residential project to have been completed in the Gulf
and was commissioned by His Highness Prince Nasser Al-Sabah in 1978. In plan, the house represents one of
the clearest expressions to date of Fathy's consistent considerations of public and private space, which manifests
itself in two totally separate sections offset along a central rift line that acts as a wall between them. The massing
of the building also emphasizes this intentional rift, with a high malkaf proudly announcing the location of the
central courtyard in the interior. The pergola used over this court is also a familiar image, having been used in the
Monasterli residence nearly thirty years before
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 53.
Hassan Fathy 31
A|-Kachkacin Printing Shop
Variant Names al Kachkacin Printing Shop
Street Address El-Dakhleya street
Location Cairo, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Mustapha Bey al-Kachkacin
Date 1932
Bui|ding Types commercial, industrial
Bui|ding Usage media and telecommunications, factory
Designed for Mustapha Bey al-Kachkacin to expand his newspaper operation, this six-storey office building
was to be the home of his Abu al-Hol and al-Sabah Journal, on al-Dakhliya Street in Cairo. Similar in style to
the Omar and al-Bariya villas, with flat roof and industrial windows, it uses the grid and curtain-wall system then
being put forward as part of the five points of architecture in Europe
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 33
A|-Mashrabiya Tourist Centre
Variant Names El-Mushrabeya Tourist Centre, al Mashrabiya
Street Address Maryouteya Road to Kirdasa
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1976
Bui|ding Type commercial
Bui|ding Usage office building/complex
Commissioned by the Shukri brothers for a busy street-side site in Giza, near the Pyramids, the plans were to
include residential units, studios, restaurants, craft shops, a mosque and a theatre
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 35
Andrio|i House
Variant Names Andreolli House
Street Address Tunes El-Gabal
Location Fayyum, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1984
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
Built for Gerry Andrioli near the village of Tunis al-Gabal, the house differs significantly from Fathy's plans,
which called for more steeply curved dome outlines, and the partial closure of a maqa'ad, overlooking a palm
grove, the Birkit Qarun and desert beyond
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 37
Arab Refugee Housing
Location Gaza, Palestine
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1957
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage housing development
This design for a prototype for temporary housing for Palestinian refugees actually proposes three types
of units, all organized on a five-metre-square module, with four units meant to be grouped together on the
foundation base. The use of a module here adds a great deal of flexibility to a bearing wall system, which is often
dismissed as being too static for such construction
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 39
Casaroni House
Street Address Mit Rihan, Saqqara Road, Shabramant Neighborhood
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1980
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Casaroni residence, or Mit Rehan" ['Pathway of the Basil'] as it has been called by its owners, is very
near the Greiss house on the Shabramant Road, and is one of the most elegant of Fathy's residential works yet
to be built. Construction was once again overseen by the client rather than the architect, more specifically by
Mahmood Fahmy, who saw to its timely completion. In the interim, Fahmy was also able to cooperate with the
architect in solving several special problems. One of the most fascinating of these was finding a natural way of
sealing the Fayum limestone that was used by coating it with boiled oil from the Helba plant so that the soft
yellow colour of the stone would not change. The house as built is quite different from the final documents,
with a first floor added over one entire portion during the course of construction because of the client's wish for
more space. Most recently, further changes have been made, which have significantly altered the character of a
delightful south facing terrace and taktaboosh, as well as the interior quality of many of the rooms
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 84.
Hassan Fathy 41
Ceramics Factory
Street Address Garagos Village
Location Qina, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Jesuit Mission
Date 1950
Bui|ding Type industrial
Bui|ding Usage factory
A second community-oriented project that followed New Gourna at this time was a Jesuit based crafts centre
located at Garagos, which was intended to improve the standard of living of the people in the village there. The
plan for a ceramics factory, while deceptively low-tech" in appearance, represents an extremely logical and
efficient production diagram for the manufacture of pottery. The spaces in the complex are organized sequentially,
beginning with the delivery of the clay, which is available locally, through its screening, washing, preparation
and storage and then on to the workshops where it is sculpted and formed. After sculpting, the pottery is fired,
packed, stored and shipped.
The tricky problem of how to utilize the desirable northern exposure in all of the workshop spaces and yet
maintain a compact, linear organization is solved by running all utilitarian spaces not used by the craftsmen
perpendicular to the studios so that they act as dividing elements, and take up less room across the plan. The final
spatial organization of the complex is not only arranged in a highly functional way, but also results in a satisfying
horizontal massing of the elevation. The large curve of the dome covering
the offices of the supervisory personnel on the one extreme, balanced by
the thin vertical smokestack of the firing kiln on the other, act as visual
brackets for the undulating curves of the vaults that wave up and down
between them. The volumetric composition of the centre as actually
built is much altered from this first concetions as intended.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents
at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland: The Aga Khan Trust for
Culture. 21.
Hassan Fathy 43
Chi|ean Nitrate Company Resthouse
Location Safaga, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Chilean Nitrate Company
Date 1942
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Chilean Nitrate headquarters in Safaga which is contemporary with the first attempts at using mud
brick by following Nubian structural techniques at Bahtim, Ezbet El-Basry and Marg, still betrays a somewhat
tentative approach to both the system itself and the material used in it, even though the plan is deft and sure.
Repetitive living units on the ground floor, which is raised nearly 85 cm. above grade, are linked by thick
adjoining party walls. Each have front and rear entrances with steps, a main vaulted combination living-dining
area with a fireplace, and a service kitchen, bath and sleeping alcove. A separate stair from the outside leads up to
the first floor and into a long hall which separates service functions such as food and linen storage, kitchens and
bathrooms, from a series of bedrooms on the northern side of the building. All of these adjoin a common arcaded
terrace, while a major communal space is intentionally separated out as an individual wing of the building and is
also used to visually anchor the repetitive line of living units on the other side.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Hassan Fathy 45
Co-operative Centre
Location Kharga, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1970
Bui|ding Type urban design and development
Bui|ding Usage community development
This project, commissioned by the Desert Development and Reclamation Bureau, was seen as a key part of
governmental plans to found a series of new towns around the Kharga Oasis, using the substantial amount of
water available in the aquifer there for the establishment of agricultural villages. This Centre provides the back-
up facilities necessary for those villages, since many of the intended residents would not necessarily have had any
previous background in farming. Technical and educational services assist residents in planting, soil productivity
and machinery maintenance. The Centre itself has suffered from lack of the perennial plastering needed to
protect the mud-brick walls, as well as from heaving and swelling of the soil, caused by broken water mains.
Rather than correcting these problems, the administrators at the Centre have been replacing collapsing structures
with reinforced concrete units
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 47
Cu|tura| Centre of Garagus
Street Address Garagus Village
Location Qina, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Jesuit Mission
Date 1950
Bui|ding Type public/cultural
Bui|ding Usage cultural center
At the same time as he designed the Garagus ceramic production facility, Fathy also provided the Jesuit
mission in Egypt with plans for a Cultural and Health Centre for this small village in Qena Province, made
up of a church, crafts school, and clinic. Each of these three elements in turn are grouped in individual clusters
around an open court, and linked by a wall that is provided with a main gate and side gate for access into the
compound. The church is grouped with the church school area, and an assembly room, while the crafts school on
the opposite side of the court consists mainly of classrooms for teaching weaving, and a large workshop. Rounded
walls and curved forms predominate in this unusual scheme
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 49
Dar a|-Is|am Vi||age
Variant Names Dar al-Islam Foundation, Dar al Islam Village
Location Abiquiu, United States
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Dar al-Islam Foundation / Abdullah Nuridin Durkee
Date 1980
Bui|ding Types religious, urban design and development
Bui|ding Usage mosque, new town planning
The mosque was built by and for a new experimental community, whose members received instruction from
Fathy and his team of Nubian masons (who came to the USA specially for the purpose) in the low -technology
building techniques of vault and dome construction used in upper Egypt. Constructed entirely with mud brick,
the mosque has loadbearing walls that carry arches and domes which cover the prayer hall, itself divided into
single domed units.
The village which occupies an eleven-square-mile site on a plateau above the Chama River Valley, is intended
for one hundred and fifty Muslim families to be grouped into comprehensible neighbourhood clusters. These
clusters, which present little wall surface to the east and west for better thermal performance, all relate to a main
square in the middle of the community, and a secondary piazza" nearby, which provides a place for everyone to
meet. A mosque, which has been the first building to be built in the community, is located in this piazza, and also
includes a madrasa which is attached to it. The mosque itself, which still awaits a minaret, is compact and fine,
based on a nearly square plan that provides a forward prayer space for men and a screened area for women in a
very efficient way. While the architectural style chosen for the village may seem foreign in this western context,
it does have much in common with the local, adobe tradition. Judging from both the technical and economic
complexities involved in using adobe here, however, it would seem that the intentional choice of this material
and style was made for iconographic, rather than environmental or cultural reasons.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue
of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
Bern, Switzerland: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 86.
Hassan Fathy 51
Dariya Housing
Variant Names Dareeya Housing
Location Dariyah, Saudi Arabia
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1975
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage housing development
Under the auspices of the United Nations Rural Development Project, Fathy also designed a prototypical
housing unit for the village of Dareeya at this time. As the patriarchal home of the Al-Saud family, Dareeya
intrigued him because it had once been an outstanding example of Najdi mudbrick architecture before its
destruction in the factional struggles that lead up to the unification of the country under King Abdul-Aziz.
The Dareeya prototype is not only a masterful interpretation of one of Saudi Arabia's most symbolic regional
styles, but also offers valuable clues to the process involved in that reading. The documents, which include
a survey of a typical existing house in the village, carefully show how each of the rooms relates to an interior
courtyard, and achieves the separation of male guests from the family quarters within. The new proposal mirrors
these sensibilities to a great degree, even to the extent of the location, sequencing and proportion of the rooms
involved, and the use of the roof as a sleeping area on hot summer nights. Typical Najdi decoration, such as wall
crenellations, cuneiform vents and elaborate column capitals are also used to establish a stylistic connection with
the past architecture of Dareeya. Finally, critical shading diagrams are used to show how courtyard proportions of
height and width were established to produce maximum shading and how diurnal and seasonal zoning mandates
the final positioning of spaces within the house. One of these prototypes was actually built, but local resistance
to a traditional architectural approach prevented its repetition.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 52-53.
Hassan Fathy 53
Fares Schoo|
Variant Names School at Fares
Location Fares, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Egyptian Ministry of Education
Date 1957
Bui|ding Type educational
Bui|ding Usage high school
Following the flurry of activity generated by these community-based projects, Fathy also became interested in
the possibility of providing an economical prototype for a school for the rural villages throughout Egypt. Studies
for such a prototype were carried out by him in his role as the Director of the School Building Department,
which was offered to him by the Egyptian Ministry of Education at the beginning of 1950. The school at Fares,
between Luxor and Aswan, is the prototype that he put forward, and brings many of his previous ideas together
in a single design. The plan of the school intentionally separates the administrative and communal activities such
as the mosque, library and assembly hall, which face east and west, from the repetitive ranks of the classrooms,
which face north and south and protect a courtyard between them.
The classrooms, like the other areas of the school, were originally intended to be naturally ventilated, due to
the extreme difficulty and prohibitive cost of providing mechanical means of cooling. To achieve this, the architect
divided each classroom into a square domed area and a rectilinear vaulted space next to it. The domed area was
intended to be the seating for the classroom, while the rectilinear space next to it was meant to contain a salsabil,
or water pool, to further cool the air coming in through the slots in the vault above. Further ventilation was also
expected to be supplied by operable casement windows that were paired with a circular fixed lunette specified to
provide light only. In elevation, the rows of classrooms with their alternating slotted vaults and rounded domes
clearly tell the story of their intended function, even though they are now partially screened by a boundary wall
which has been built to separate them from a main street running alongside. The salsabils, however, were never
installed, and the entire space is now used for teaching.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 22-23.
Hassan Fathy 55
Fouad Riad House
Variant Names Riad House, Fouad Raid House
Street Address Saqqara Road, Shabramant Neighborhood
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1967
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
As the first of what might be called Fathy's stone period" houses, which were prompted by a governmental
ban on the use of mud brick, the Fouad Riad design sets out to solve all of the clients functional needs, as well
as proving the irrelevancy of the specific kind of compressive material chosen upon the architect's basic spatial
system. Tucked down below a wall that protects it from the heavily travelled Saqqara Road nearby, the house
appears to be almost insignificant from the public side, and only reveals itself from the interior or from the private
gardens that join it to the oasis beyond. The low, horizontal scale of the structure, as well as the sensitively handled
level changes within it, all tend to tie it to the land and give it a timeless sense of permanence and belonging. Dr.
Riad had originally intended to only use the house during weekends and vacations but has now come to love it
so much that it has become the permanent residence for the family. As in many of the architect's later projects,
the lack of on-site project management has resulted in significant changes in his intent, but the strength of the
original concept remains intact
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 51.
Hassan Fathy 57
Hamdi Seif a|-Nasr House
Variant Names Hamdi Seif al Nasr Resthouse, Saif al Nasr House
Street Address Abu Neameh, Sinnuris
Location Fayyum, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Hamdi Seif AI-Nasr
Date 1945
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Hamdi Seif AI-Nasr resthouse, [...] is sited
on a long thin peninsula of land projecting into Lake
Fayum, and was intended to be used during the
landlord's periodic visits to his estate here. The design
as documented represents an ambitious first interpretation of the client's requirements, resulting in a solution
that is quite large in both plan and vertical section. Raised up on a man-made podium to protect it from flooding,
the house plan revolves around the interplay between an arcaded square exterior courtyard and the high formal
vertical dorqa'a to which it is connected by a deep window and malkaf above. The various other spaces of the
house are all related in one way or another to the linear axis set up between these two elements and fall on either
one side or the other of the line that they create, depending upon the level of privacy required.
In the final design as built, which is not included in the documents but is shown in the photographic material,
the scale of the preliminary scheme is greatly reduced, but the basic concept remains intact. As in the first design, a
terrace is used to raise the house above water level, with a lower set of steps giving access onto it. The relationship
between the courtyard and a much reduced qa'a is also retained, but in its final form the courtyard emerges to
be totally open to the exterior on the landward edge facing the entrance drive. This highly unusual exposure of
a courtyard on its public side may possibly be attributed to the architect's wish to take full advantage of the view
of the beautiful trees near the entrance and to contrast this view with the totally different vista toward the water
on the opposite hand. The division between public and private spaces, as originally conceived in the preliminary
scheme, is also retained, but unfortunately the malkaf, which was originally the generator of many of the spatial
connections throughout the scheme, has not survived, having been converted into a stairway to the roof by the
client during construction.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Hassan Fathy 59
Hamed Sad House
Variant Names Hamid Said house, Said House
Street Address Al-Marg Neighborhood
Location Cairo, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1945
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Hamid Said house in the al-Marg neighborhood of Cairo represents an important project in the collection
because it is the first documented application of mud brick construction, and is still standing. The first phase,
which was built in 1942, was simply a studio and sleeping space for the artist and his wife, incorporating a large
vaulted loggia as an open exterior sitting area from which to appreciate the seemingly endless green palm grove
surrounding the property. The construction of the house coincided with a climate of concern among Egypt's
intellectual community at that time about the detrimental effects of industrialization on the traditional cultures
of the world and the need for a search for Egyptian origins in the face of the threat. Hamid Said intended this
house, in the midst of a vast tract of the same date palms and papyrus that signified Egypt's lush agricultural
legacy in the past, to be both a restatement of these original agrarian roots of Egyptian culture, and a rural
recreation of a studio, called Tangezia", that he had once had in the Muqattem Hills. The final siting of the first
section of this house was determined by camping out in a tent on the property with the architect for some time
before construction actually began.
The second phase, which followed four years later, was equally
sensitive in accommodating the environment, having been organized in
such a way as to avoid several large trees on the site. A characteristically
variegated and top-lit gallery of a type that was continuously refined by
Fathy in subsequent designs serves as a transitional element between the
first and second phases of the house, yielding framed views into a central
courtyard which is the client's reward for allowing the trees to remain
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the
Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Hassan Fathy 61
Harraniya Weaving Vi||age
Variant Names Harraniya Craft Village
Street Address Harraniya
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Architect/P|anner Ramses Wissa Wassef
C|ient Ramses Wissa Wassef
Date 1957
Bui|ding Type urban design and development
Bui|ding Usage community development
The Harraniya Crafts Centre is a third community project, which like those of Lulu'at al-Sahara and Garagos,
is much less well known than New Gourna, yet represents an important member of the group of examples of
this typology designed by Fathy. Carried out in collaboration with the architect Rarnses Wissa Wassef, and the
Ministry of Scientific Research, the centre was based on a dual belief in the natural creative ability of children
and the need for the material self-sufficiency to allow that natural creativity to have free rein. As the son-in-law
of the famous educator Habib Gorgy, who first promoted these ideas in Egypt, Ramses Wissa Wassef became
intrigued with the concept of an utopian, self-contained weaving village in which Gorgy's theories could be
tested. Along with Fathy and Hamid Said, Wassef also
believed in the critical importance of reviving national,
traditional crafts in the face of the threat of expanding
The essence of the village, which radiates out from a
man-made lake at its apex, is the reciprocal relationship
between the housing units and the fields next to them.
These fields, which were intended to sustain both the
sheep from which the wool for the weaving would be
taken, and the plants that would yield the natural dyes
to colour them, symbolically alternate with the houses
in which the young weavers live. In this way a repeating
rhythm of protected agricultural areas and contained
pedestrian streets is set up by the interlocking lines of
the houses between them. The direct contact between
the houses and the fields also allows the farm animals to
be brought into the interior of each house, which is an
Hassan Fathy 63
important factor in rural Egypt, and was first attempted by Fathy in his design of the houses in New Gourna.
As the plan progresses from the green agricultural perimeter towards the lake at its apex, it becomes more and
more public in function, and this is where the majority of the facilities for weaving, selling, storage and shipping
are located. Although never realized in the form documented here, the Ramses Wissa Wassef weaving village
was finally built in Shabramant near Harraniya, and was the recipient of an Aga Khan Award for Architecture in
1983. The extraordinary tapestries woven by the children there have become the pride of Egyptian contemporary
art, and are now exhibited in galleries throughout the world.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 22.
Hasan Rashad House
Variant Names Hassan Rashad House
Street Address Ibiar
Location Tanta, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1986
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
Built in the Delta region of Egypt, this house uses local stone, and contrasts dramatically with the lush
vegetation characteristic of the area
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 65
Hassanein Mauso|eum
Street Address Salah Salem Street
Location Cairo, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Ahmad Hassanein
Date 1946
Bui|ding Type funerary
Bui|ding Usage mausoleum
Commissioned by a grateful government as a memorial to a respected advisor, this mausoleum still stands
alongside Salah Salem Street at the outer fringe of the 'City of the Dead' outside Cairo. Fathy, who was Ahmad
Hassanein's brother-in-law, followed the
intent of that commission and designed it in
the style of the Mamluk mausoleums between
the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, adding a
delicate, double-gated garden as a forecourt
that has unfortunately not remained intact.
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The
Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United
Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 67
Hassanein Vi||a at Maadi
Variant Names Aziza Hanem Hassanein Villa
Street Address Maadi
Location Cairo, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1949
Bui|ding Type r esidential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The design for the Hassanein house [...] reiterates the lack of focus on hemispherical forms shown in the Abu
Gabal residence. Rather than surrounding the dome, as was done earlier, the round form is played down in the
massing of the elevation by placing an upstairs wing in front of it on the major entrance side, and a high garden
wall around the court that is directly related to it on the other side of the house. Once again, as in the Abu Gabal
designs, levels are used to achieve spatial separation, although in a much more direct way. Tile and brick floor
patterns, which appear as an integral and important part of the spatial design in all of the houses that Fathy as
done from Haindi Seif al-Nasr onward, here once again clearly signal his choreography of each space
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 19.
Hassan Fathy 69
High Institute for Popu|ar Arts
Variant Names The High Institute of Social Anthropology and Folk Art
Street Address Abou Al-Riche
Location Aswan, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Ministry of Culture
Date 1962
Bui|ding Types educational, public/cultural
Bui|ding Usage research center, art center
The High Institute of Social Anthropology and Folk Art, which is one of the most ambitious of all of the
projects designed in Egypt during [Fathy's] Greek period, unquestionably confirms his dedication to natural
systems and vernacular forms, and was intended to present a synthesis of Egyptian cultural history in a single
place. The Institute, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, was seen as a potential arena in which
to emphasize the most glorious architectural periods in the nation's history through the replication of many of
its most famous monuments. These models were meant to be set amongst modern facilities such as concert halls,
museums and galleries for the performance of music and dance and the display of Egyptian art.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture. 47.
Hassan Fathy 71
Iraq Housing Programme
Variant Names Housing Complex for Iraq
Location Musayyib, Iraq
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1958
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage housing development
As a member of the Doxiades Organization in Athens between 1957 and 1962, Fathy entered wholeheartedly
into both the intellectual and social activities of the Ekistics group, lecturing on the relationship between climate
and architecture at Athens Technical Institute and joining the 'City of the Future' research project then underway
at the Ekistics Centre itself.
The drawings for the Iraq Housing Program, which were associated with this project, include master planning
of an entire city, as well as a detailed examination of one component. This component, representing one
neighbourhood in the city, is made up of all the elements of a traditional Iraqi village, such as a mosque, market
shops, coffee-house, school and houses, with the addition of a park and immaret, or administration centre.
Closer examination of the drawingso for what he called Hussiyah Village, while initially giving pause because of
an occaisional lapse into 'beton brut', which is used as a gesture towards his patron, show a deep concern for the
separation of pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and for the types of housing provided for different classes of
people, including farming and non-farming families as well as government officials, and tradesmen. The drawings
are also accompanied by sketches of vernacular houses with stone basements designed to trap cool night air for
recirculation through the house during hot summer days, indicating that they be used as models for single-family
houses, with the old system incorporated into the new designs
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 73
Ismai| 'Abd a|-Razik Vi||a
Variant Names Ismail Abd El-Razek Villa, Ismal Abdel-Razeq Villa, Ismail Abd al Razik Villa
Location Abu Girg, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Ismail 'Abd al-Razik
Date 1941
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
With the Ismail Abd El-Razek Villa, however, which was also designed in 1941, there is a profound reversal
in the direction of Fathy's work. This change, which can be attributed to more than the use of domed forms,
results in an obvious shift in theoretical principles as defined in his basic approach to space planning. While
still not fully developed, there are vestiges of a dorqa'a with flanking iwans here, and initial attempts at a direct
connection between this formal area with an exterior courtyard space formed by the intersection of the two wings
of the house. In addition to this critical space relationship, which becomes so basic to all of Fathy's work in later
years, circulation areas are also effectively used as a buffer between the public areas in the interior and the six
family bedrooms which line the perimeter of the plan
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Hassan Fathy 75
Lu|u'at a|-Sahara
Variant Names Lulu'at Al Sahara, Luluat al Sahara
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1950
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage housing development
Academic preoccupation with New Gourna Village has tended to overshadow the fact that several other
community projects of various size and complexity followed after it, refining the lessons learned in that
experience. Lulu'at al Sahara or, the Pearl of the Sahara", which was built a year after the construction of New
Gourna was stopped, is perhaps one of the least recognized of all of these, located on a side road some distance
outside Cairo on the Agricultural estate of Hafez Afifi Pasha. Originally conceived as a group of support
buildings to serve the sizeable number of labourers and their families who were working on the estate, the
community facilities that were designed by Fathy consist of housing and a mosque-madrasa that were intended
to augment other structures already existing on the farm. For the housing component, six units are joined
together by party walls and grouped around
a common interior courtyard. This court,
in turn, is only accessible at the corners in
order to ensure the privacy of the residents
within. Each of the houses is also planned
around a smaller, irregularly formed inner
court, with a long, diagonal stairway
running along one wall up to two connected
but ingeniously separate rooms above that
interlock to face in opposite directions.
A guesthouse was also provided at the
most remote corner of the cluster to be used
by any of the families in the group who
happened to have a visitor, or who had need
of extra space during ceremonial celebrations.
The community mosque and madrasa that
Hassan Fathy 77
Fathy designed for Hafez Afifi Pasha is a gem, and is
kept respectfully pristine by its users. The drawings
of this building that have been preserved document a
design evolution related primarily to the location of
the madrasa, and showing how a static axial position
is changed to achieve a more dynamic, longitudinal
relationship between the school and the mosque
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue
of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
Bern, Switzerland: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture. 20-21.
Monastir|i House
Street Address Saqiyat Mekki
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Mrs. Atiya Monastirli
Date 1950
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
At first glance, this villa by the Nile may seem to recall the stylistic direction of the architect's work during
the transitional period of 1937 to 1940, in such projects as the Villas Hayat and Heshmat, and yet, upon closer
inspection, the house is more complex. The strong personality of the client, Mrs. Atiya Monastirli, wife of the
then Egyptian Ambassador to Turkey, clearly emerges here, but Fathy's signature is equally evident. The siting
of the house, for example, manages to make the most of an oddly shaped, triangular piece of land by placing
utilitarian functions at a right angle to the main body of the house, along the base of the triangle, in order to
create a feeling of enclosure in the entry court. The house itself gradually expands towards a large sitting room
that is cantilevered out over the river and uses corner windows to make the most of the morning and evning views
of the Nile. The entry sequence into the house, for guests, is also carefully controlled, bringing them away from
the private zone in stepped sequence toward a formal reception space, covered with an elegant ornate plasterwork
dome. The spaces related to guests, which are obviously very important to a diplomat and his wife, are equally
graced with views of the river, but are set back from the shore in order to allow those views to be filtered through
the palm trees in a garden outside. Such personal touches continue, culminating in an upper internal court that
uses the apex of the plaster dome directly below as a fountainhead, and mirrors it in an open lattice pergola of
extraordinary delicacy above.
Atiya Monastirli was especially fond of the residential architecture along the Bosphorus in Istanbul, and
encouraged Fathy to visit there for an extended period to study it. This visit, which also meant a great deal to him
because of his own Turkish background on his maternal side, undoubtedly influenced the design, as did several
Ottoman palaces in Cairo, such as the extensive harem of the palace of Muhammad Ali on the Citadel which has
since been demolished
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 79
Murad Greiss House
Street Address Sakkara Road, Shabramant Neighborhood
Location Giza, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1980
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Murad Greiss house [...] makes several
obvious concessions to the fast-paced, contemporary
life-style of its owners, incorporating a swimming
pool and enlarged bubble-shaped picture window
in an exterior courtyard. These concessions,
however, are peripheral to a deceptively sophisticated
architectural statement. In it, a vaulted passage
running perpendicular to the main volume of the
house sets up a repetitive counterplay in the plan,
eventually emerging to become a strategically placed
Taktaboosh separating two courts on the outside.
The Greiss house, which is very compact, is also
surprisingly generous in its inner feeling of space,
partially due to the lightness of the limestone used
in its construction. The building has also benefited
a great deal from the involvement of the clients,
particularly in the possibilities offered by the use of
traditional crafts throughout
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A
Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for
Architecture. Bern, Switzerland: The Aga Khan Trust for
Culture. 84.
Hassan Fathy 81
New Baris Vi||age
Variant Names Bariz Village
Street Address Atlas
Location Kharga, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1967
Bui|ding Types residential, urban design and development
Bui|ding Usage housing development, new town planning
No other project dominates this mature phase of the architect's work as much as the village of New Baris,
in a way that is comparable to the notoriety of New Gourna twenty years before. There are so many contrasting
factors between the two projects that it is beneficial to examine the parallels between them. Discovery of a large
water well sixty kilometers south of the Kharga Oasis in 1963, which had been estimated to have the capacity
to continuously irrigate up to 1000 acres of land, led the Organization for Desert Development to propose an
agricultural community here at that time. This remote and forbidding wilderness outpost, which is almost in
the geographical centre of Egypt, was planned to initially house 250 families, of which more than half were
intended to be farmers and the remainder to be service personnel. His previous experience with such a project,
and particularly his ability to build it inexpensively, made Fathy the logical choice as the architect for New Baris.
Unlike his previous experience at New Gourna, however, where he could actually study and interview his clients"
and the houses and community buildings they had previously used, the potential occupants of New Baris were a
totally unknown quantity. As he himself describes it: Baris was an interesting problem in which I was to create
all the parts of a community, to bring together in the best manner possible people whom I did not know. All
that I had at my disposal were demographic, geographic and climatic surveys. I had to provide the aesthetics, the
sense of man in a space constructed by man". Without a visible clientele to design for, Fathy concentrated on a
thorough study of both the traditional architecture and climate of the region. In addition to examining the fourth
century AD mudbrick ruins of the necropolis of Bagawat nearby, he also closely observed the existing village
of Kharga, where the material used, as well as the width and orientation of the streets and introverted forms of
the houses effectively offset summer temperatures as high as 50C degrees that could potentially cause serious
physiological problems for the people living there .
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 54.
Hassan Fathy 83
New Gourna Vi||age
Street Address West Luxor
Location New Gourna, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1945-1948
Bui|ding Types residential, urban design and development
Bui|ding Usage housing development, new town planning
The village of New Gourna, which was partially built between 1945 and 1948, is possibly the most well
known of all of Fathy's projects because of the international popularity of his book, Architecture for the Poor",
published nearly twenty years after the experience and concentrating primarily on the ultimately tragic history of
this single village. While the architect's explanations offered in the book are extremely compelling and ultimately
persuasive, New Gourna is still most significant for the questions it raises rather than the problems it tried to solve,
and these questions still await a thorough, objective analysis.
The idea for the village was launched by the Egyptian
Department of Antiquities as a potentially cost-effective solution
to the problem of relocating an entire entrenched community of
entrepreneurial excavators that had established itself over the royal
necropolis in Luxor. The village of New Gourna also seemed to
offer Fathy a perfect opportunity to finally test the ideas unveiled
at Mansouria on a large scale and to see if they really could offer a
viable solution to the rural housing problem in Egypt.
The Village was meant to be a prototype but rather than
subscribing to the current idea of using a limited number of unit
types, Fathy took the unprecedented approach of seeking to satisfy
the individual needs of each family in the design. As he said in
Architecture for the Poor, In Nature, no two men are alike. Even
if they are twins and physically identical, they will differ in their
dreams. The architecture of the house emerges from the dream;
this is why in villages built by their inhabitants we will find no two
houses identical. This variety grew naturally as men designed and
Hassan Fathy 85
built their many thousands of dwellings through the millennia. But when the architect is faced with the job of
designing a thousand houses at one time, rather than dream for the thousand whom he must shelter, he designs
one house and puts three zeros to its right, denying creativity to himself and humanity to man. As if he were a
portraitist with a thousand commissions and painted only one picture and made nine hundred and ninety nine
photocopies. But the architect has at his command the prosaic stuff of dreams. He can consider the family size,
the wealth, the social status, the profession, the climate, and at last, the hopes and aspirations of those he shall
house. As he cannot hold a thousand individuals in his mind at one time, let him begin with the comprehensible,
with a handful of people or a natural group of families which will bring the design within his power. Once he
is dealing with a manageable group of say twenty or thirty families, then the desired variety will naturally and
logically follow in the housing."
All of the architect's best intentions, however, were no match for the avariciousness of the Gournis themselves,
who took every opportunity possible to sabotage their new village in order to stay where they were and to continue
their own crude but lucrative version of amateur archaeology. Typically but mistakenly misreading the reluctance
of the people to cooperate in the design and building of the village as a sure sign of the inappropriateness of both
programming and form, many contemporary critics fail to penetrate deeper into the relevant issues raised by
this project. These issues now, as at the time of construction half a century ago, revolve around the extremely
important question of how to create a culturally and environmentally valid architecture that is sensitive to ethnic
and regional traditions without allowing subjective values and images to intervene in the design process. In the
final analysis, the portion of New Gourna that was completed must be judged on this basis
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 16-18.
86 Hassan Fathy
Hassan Fathy 87
Northern Shore Deve|opment
Variant Names Centre for the Development of the Northern Shore at Sidi Krier
Location Sidi Krier, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1971
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage housing development
The design for a development scheme was requested by the Planning Commission for the Development of
Sidi Krier, on the Mediterranean shore of Egypt, after several members of the commission saw the architect's own
house nearby. The development was to be a tourist resort facility, using stylistic features of Fathy's house.
The house itself is a delight, and a constant source of experimentation for the architect, who was always
changing parts of it. The roof of the house is treated as an outside room, open to the sea air and view; a patio faces
the water on the ground floor below. These features were revised over the course of time
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 89
O|d Gourna Vi||age
Street Address West Luxor
Location New Gourna, Egypt
Bui|ding Type urban design and development
Bui|ding Usage new town planning
Old Gourna Village was the the impetus for Hassan
Fathy's New Gourna Village. The idea for the new village
was launched by the Egyptian Department of Antiquities
as a solution to the problem of relocating the entire
entrenched community of entrepreneurial excavators
that had established itself over the royal necropolis in
Luxor. The villagers resisted relocating to the new village
and made every effort to stay where they were
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of
Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern,
Switzerland: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Hassan Fathy 91
Rebat Hote|
Location Kharga, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1978
Bui|ding Type commercial
Bui|ding Usage hotel
Designed in 1978. Unbuilt.
This luxury hotel for the district capital of the Kharga Oasis was to have restaurants, shops, a shaded courtyard,
a swimming pool, and deluxe living units
Source: Khan, Hasan-Uddin. 1985. Chronology of Work 1937-1984. In Hassan Fathy. Hasan-Uddin Khan, ed. Singapore: Concept Media.
Hassan Fathy 93
Sadat Resthouse
Variant Names Presidential Rest House
Street Address Kalabsha, Nubia
Location Garf Hoseyn, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1981
Bui|ding Type residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
[...] Intended as a resthouse to be used on official trips to the isolated area around Lake Nasser in Nubia, the
residence is actually made up of three separate buildings sequentially organized according to the status of each.
The first of these, which is located across from the parking area related to the main entry, was designed for
the security police and body guards that accompanied the President on all of his official trips. Laid out like a
caravanserai, the long and narrow one story structure has two different types of rooms with corner suites intended
for men of higher rank. A single building located in the middle of a green strip of interior courtyard, in the
position once reserved for a guard who kept order among the caravans in the past, is here turned into a dining
hall so that the entire building may be totally self-sufficient. The second part of the complex is separated from
the security block by a landscaped area and was intended for extended family and important guests. Joined to the
President's house by a walled garden and a raised terrace that was to serve as an entrance platform for both, these
quarters are essentially individual houses arranged within a walled compound. Divided into four large units on
the southern side and ten smaller ones in both the centre and on the north, these houses are separated by narrow
walkways and penetrated by courtyards that are open to the sky.
The Sadat resthouse, which occupies pride of place next to the water, is also divided into formal and informal
areas which are each sized according to their needs. The formal area, which runs perpendicular to the entry, is a
large vaulted space with a high dorqa'a set uncharacteristically off-centre within. This dorqa'a, in turn, relates to
the open courtyard next to it as well as to a view to the lake, which is framed by the arcade defining the court's
outer edge. Strategically located doors lead through a massive wall and past a smaller court into the family
quarters, where many of the rooms also benefit from select views to the water
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture. 85.
Hassan Fathy 95
Shahira Mehrez Apartment
Variant Names Mehrez Apartment
Street Address Dokki
Location Cairo, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1967
Bui|ding Type r esidential
Bui|ding Usage apartment building
The first of Fathy's residential projects upon his
return to Egypt is small in scale but has a combined effect
that far exceeds the physical size of the area concerned.
In order to personalize her own apartment on the sixth
floor of a building designed by another architect, Shahira
Mehrez asked Fathy to try to work within the existing
framework to create a more varied and individual series of
spaces for her. Using the central stairway of the building
as a dividing line between the areas set aside for a private
apartment and a commercial space to be used for the sale
of traditional Egyptian arts and crafts, Fathy turns the
seemingly inflexible restrictions of exterior wall locations, structure and circulation space to his own advantage.
By using variations in vertical scale, as well as level changes and highly detailed surfaces and forms to particularize
each zone, the architect manages to expand the feeling of space in what might otherwise become an impossibly
congested rabbit-warren of rooms. The private apartment itself, which is shown in some detail in an otherwise
incomplete plan, consists of a majlis-type sitting room with a fireplace and a small library. In addition, there is
a similar sitting space reproduced on an outside patio, a formal dorqa'a with another fireplace, a kitchen, and
a master bedroom suite which includes a dressing room and a skylit sunken Japanese bath. The spatial variety,
richness and charm of this apartment, which is also greatly enhanced by Miss Mehrez's choice of furnishings,
carpets and fabrics, makes it difficult to believe that it is located in Dokki, in the heart of urban Cairo.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture. 51.
Hassan Fathy 97
Stopp|aere House
Variant Names Stoppelaere House
Street Address West Luxor
Location Luxor, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
C|ient Dr. Alexander Stopplaere
Date 1950
Bui|dingType residential
Bui|ding Usage private residence
The Stopplaere house, which dates from the year after New Gourna was completed, was designed as both a
guest house for the Department of Antiquities and the headquarters and apartment of Dr. Alexander Stopplaere
who was the chief restorer of the Department at that time. The architect's drawings of the house, which went
through several revisions, all convey the difficulty of combining these two diverse entities into one, showing how
the architect was struggling with the duality of functions involved.
The first scheme he attempted uses a square plan to group both sectors around two perfectly balanced parallel
courtyards that are divided by a bisecting wall. The demands of a ridge-like, linear site, however, which is
strategically located at the summit of a step ridge overlooking the main entrance into the Valley of the Kings and
Queens at Luxor, eventually forced the opening up of the plan into an elongated rectangle. A skylit gallery, of a
kind that first appeared in the Hamid Said house, is used to join both sides of the residence, and the bisecting wall
of the original concept finally emerges as a fully expressed buttress in the finished building, effectively separating
the main entrance and its garden from the private quarters of Dr. Stopplaere.
In spite of the fact that no as-built" drawings for this project exist, the small collection of initial sketches
that have survived provide a rare insight into the creative thought processes of the architect, and show how actual
site conditions began to inform a beginning design idea. The photographs of the actual building are equally
important in that they include interior views of both the rooms and the courtyards. As is the case with so many of
Fathy's surviving works today, access into the Stopplaere house is now very restricted, which gives these interior
views added significance.
Source: Steele, James. 1989. The Hassan Fathy Collection. A Catalogue of Visual Documents at the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Bern, Switzerland:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 19.
Hassan Fathy 99
Wehda Mosque and Is|amic Centre
Variant Names Wehda Mosque and Islamic Centre
Location Cairo, Egypt
Architect/P|anner Hassan Fathy
Date 1974
Bui|ding Type religious
Bui|ding Usage mosque
Organized within an irregularly shaped site in the Abbasiya section of Cairo, this mosque is set upon a high
podium base to separate it from the busy streets that surround it, and angles back to create an equally irregular
arcaded court that is used as an entry, for additional privacy.
Source: Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.
Hassan Fathy 101