Masks Campaign

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Dungeon Masters Guide Mask Campaign Flavor Text D20 Challenges NPC or Monster information Important Details 1a:

The Beginning.... Landover, a simple town just north of anything worth mentioning. The village basically lives and thrives on its own- being so far away from the KINGDOM OF RAVENGUARD the villagers arent used to anyone from the kings guard solving village problems. But after the increase in attacks against the kingdom, the king demanded that all villages no matter how small maintain a protective guard. Thats where you come in. Like I said, Landover is pretty much a useless town, so when the king demanded that soldiers be stationed, no one choose to go there. Except you all, when you learned that the pay was nearly triple anywhere else. Anyways youve been in town for almost three months now. The village is pretty used to having you all around, and youve solved a few problems without causing too much of a racket. Its one evening that you are all at the tavern, when you hear that a noble Bard is coming from the south with stories to tell all the villagers. And so you decided that you should check it out. When he finally arrives, you find yourselves excited to hear what he has to say. The bard, OMAR by name, tells the story of a silver merchant, who in his greed hid his karaok wealth in a cave not far from this very village. But alas the merchant was not picky enough. For the small cave was the home to a fierce beast. This beast was one with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail as that of a scorpion. Curious about his tale, you decided to meet him after he is finished performing that evening. And when he learns that your interested in the tale of the silver merchant he cant wait to tell you everything you want to know. Its all true you know, why are you interested in finding it? They are currently in the small town of Landover, a town near a hostile border or perhaps out of the way of imperial patrols. The PCs hear a tale from a bard in town singing a story of a hidden treasure. The bard,one Omar by name, tells the story of a silver merchant, who in his greed hid his wealth in a cave not far from this very village. But alas the merchant was not picky enough. For the small cave was the home to a fierce beast. This beast was one with the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail as that of a scorpion. According to Omar the beast's hoard lies there still. If the party decides to go search for this treasure Omar will ask to accompany them, not for a share of treasure, but that he may compose a song of their heroic quest (butter em up a bit.) If the players refuse his presence he shrugs and tells them where it is located. Omar knows the route, so he will merely follow them at a slightly later time. The players will realize that without a guide a small cave is hard to find.

To find the cave without a guide: Knowledge (History) DC18 Survival DC 25 Eventually the players come to the gorge where the cave is located. Sure enough, inside is a manticore, but the cave is only 5' high and 3' wide (too small to fight in most likely.) Let the players come up with an inventive solution to draw the manticore outside, if nothing else throwing something in will enrage it. The players will engage the manticore who will fight an upfront battle and only attempt to flee when it is too late. MANTICORE Large Magical Beast CR5 Hit Dice: 6d10+24 HP 57 AC 17 (Touch 11 / Flat 15) Init +2 Speed 30ft Attack: +10 Melee : Claw (2d4+5) 2 Claws +8 Melee : Bite (1d8+2) +8 Ranged : Spikes (1d8+2) (6 spikes per attack) 4/day

So after a fairly easy victory the PC's will want to check out the cave. Inside is a nest made from leaves, sticks, and bones. TREASURE: Searching through this little mess will net them 42 silver, a smashed china plate (worthless), and a small lacquered wooden box. The box is somewhat water damaged and stained. It has a small silver hook and an eye catch so this brings its value up a little, 5 gold maximum. The catch is also tied with some twine. Presumably, the PCs open the box. Inside, they find the box cushioned with water-damaged velvet, and resting within is a small black domino mask. The edges surrounded with black lace and its tie is a small black piece of string, very flimsy looking but undamaged. The mask radiates strong magic if checked for, but resists any attempts at identification. If worn, the wearer "comes to know" through a telepathic means that this is the Mask of Divination, and its basic powers. This mask resembles a small black domino mask that ties with a fragile black string. The mask grants the abilities to cast 1 divination spell from each level of magic (1-9) that the user could conceivably use if he were a mage of that level. The mask's abilities can be used at will, meaning the character can take others actions since the mask is actually doing the casting. The mask can also 1/day perform a variant "locate object" spell. It will point the general direction of any one other mask of destiny, with no clue to distance or any other information. TRAITS: This mask does not have much in the way of consciousness, its only real traits are curiosity. It will occasionally, if left unused for a time, cast divination spells on its own. It will alert the user to what it finds.

While the PC's are pondering this, it's time to bring on the surprise: the manticore was not nesting alone. Its mate, a huge Chimera, flies onto the scene and intends to fight a bit smarter (from the air, if possible). When things look rough for the PCs, a lightning bolt will hit the Chimera either killing it outright or knocking it silly, bringing it to the ground to be finished off by the PC's. CHIMERA Large Magical Beast CR7 Hit Dice 9d10+27 HP 76 AC 19 (Touch 10 / Flat 18) Init +1 Speed 30ft, 50ft Flying Attack: +12 Melee : Bite (2d6+4) +12 Melee : Bite (1d8+4) +12 Melee : Gore (1d8+4) +10 Melee : Claw (1d6+2) +10 Melee : Claw (1d6+2) Breath Weapon: 40ft Line of Acid - Once/1d4 rounds (3d8) Refx Save DC 17 .5 Damage After the battle, the players will see a scowling older man wearing long green robes. As the players turn to question him or even thank him, he stops them with a gesture and states that he wants the mask turned over to him right away. Omar, who has either accompanied the players or is standing with the old man will speak up at this point. Omar will introduce the older man as Charilus Charilus will speak up again and DEMAND the mask, because the PCs are neither powerful enough nor competent enough to keep hold of it (think annoying and arrogant.) The players will no doubt be considering mayhem at this point or just to yell back. So Omar will once again intervene. Yes he will say that he had lied about the treasure that was here but he needed the help to retrieve the mask. There is more to the story if they will listen. Omar will convince Charilus to let the PCs hold onto the mask for now. But perhaps all this could be discussed over dinner back at the tavern. Charilus will grumble, but eventually give in. When he does, he will teleport away. Omar will again apologize to the players for using them and ask that they head back to Landover so that they can meet Charilus for dinner and discuss the situation over a a glass of wine and a fine dinner (pour on the food talk a bit.) The players will ride off leaving poor, sad-looking Omar behind most likely. Chapter 1b: The Ambush After going a short distance the PCs notice a man standing in the middle of the road pointing a longbow their way. The PCs will not see anyone else around, unless they can see the invisible of course. The man is dressed a bit raggedly but had a coat and furs for the warm weather. He will ask them to dismount, if mounted, and that they drop their weapons on the ground along with any valuables. While they are deciding to laugh at him or kill him Grug, who is invisible thanks

to Phantasm, will move behind the most heavily armored PC or who ever is negotiating with the bowman and wallop them with his club. The rest of the Marauders, see Shar's Marauders, will then move into position and attack the party. Malchor will be using hold person spells from maximum distance and cover while Phantasm will be using simple spells like sleep and color spray to disable PCs. [no actuall combat, players should try a DC25 will save, for those who withstand, the invisible grug will soon remove them] The idea of course is to beat the players but not kill them. Their opponent vastly out levels them and have a well planned ambush set up. Once beaten they will be tied, nothing but the mask will be taken. The priest will taunt his opposite number amongst the party, another cleric, druid or another goodie-goodie. The elven thief will also take some item as a memento, nothing necessarily of value but sentimentality perhaps, she is psychotic after all. Shar will flirt briefly with any PC who fits her profile of a lover. She will then leave the PCs tied to the trees, to live or die by themselves, after sending their horses scampering away. With the cold weather the PCs could die of frostbite soon but along comes Omar who was heading this way after feeling bad for deceiving the party before. He frees those members still tied and helps to gather the horses. He listens to the party's story and looks very grave at their telling of losing the mask. He then insists they hurry back to town to meet with Charilus. Chapter 2: Meeting of the Fates The party with Omar will reach Landover without any further incident. Omar will suggest cleaning up a bit before meeting with Charilus. He will volunteer to see if any healing can be done for the PC's, mentioning that Charilus will take care of the cost. When the party arrives at the inn Charilus will already be seated and looking annoyed. He looks impatient and as soon as they arrive he asks after the mask. Omar will attempt to intercede and explain how the mask was stolen. Charilus will nearly explode with anger blaming the party's incompetence and even going so far as to question their honesty. Just when things are about to blow up a soft hand touches Charilus shoulder and a feminine voice gently rebukes him to "allow these folk to retain their good temperament." Charilus introduces his granddaughter Elan a priestess of Pelor Elan takes a seat and introduces herself to the party. She is dressed in a long yellow dress with the symbol of her god embroidered into small marks on the hem of her dress. She has long back-length blond hair and green eyes. Elan has a calming effect on Charilus, she apologizes for him and tries to explain his and her position. Charilus and Elan, with Omar interjecting, explain about the masks. Well you see, the stoy begins like this The masks were created long ago by the Teng, a race of powerful sorcerers. The Teng had come to fear the greatest among them, who was named Xoth. Xoth had become too powerful even for a race of sorcerers. His nearest rivals could not come near to matching him in power. A plan was devised that would drain away the powers of Xoth and his

conspirators would gain them. 8 masks were created, one for each of the schools of magic: divination, illusion, evocation, necromancy, abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, and alteration. Each mask would drain away the properties of that school of magic from Xoth, leaving him powerless before his enemies. However they underestimated Xoth's powers, he was caught unaware but not completely helpless. A titanic battle occurred with the sorcerers making use of the power they drained from Xoth. In the end Xoth was seemingly destroyed, but his enemies had themselves been absorbed by the masks leaving them mindless husks. The masks were considered to be defective and cursed, by Xoth's dying words. So they were hid away, never see the light of day.

After explaining, Elan will ask the PC's if they would consider helping them look for the masks. She tells of her fears for the ways they will be used, and that they know of others seeking the masks. She includes Baron Ganth, an evil man who would use the masks to further his own power. Charilus will mention that other, darker powers may also be seeking the masks. If the party agrees, Elan states she will accompany them, over Charilus protests. Charilus informs them that he has narrowed the search area on one masks down to the eastern mountains, unfortunately that's as close as he can get. He then suggests that the PCs head to the village of King's Reach. There they may mount an expedition and ask the locals for information. Charilus will fund the expedition but only give the money to his granddaughter and not to the PCs. Chapter 2b: Encounter at King's Reach The party sets out from the village of Landover to the village of King's Reach. It is nearing winter and by the time the players arrive the deep snows will be on them. Elan suggests buying heavy clothing before going, or along the way. The trip is long and King's Reach is one of the furthest points in the kingdom. If you wish to play out some aspects of the trip, such as a side adventure, it is suggested at this point. When they party arrives in King's Reach they notice the village is even smaller than they were told, maybe 50 individuals in all. After seeing what little there is of the town the party should look for lodging or the center of town activity. An inn is recommended The Kings Reach Inn: There is some activity going on here. Before they enter the players may notice a half dozen horses with the brands of Baron Ganth, heraldry skill, upon them. Inside 6 of the Baron's men are drinking and making fun of the locals, occasionally grabbing at the worried looking serving girl. Questioning the innkeeper Silas will not get much information. He is preoccupied with the soldiers rough treatment of the serving girl, his daughter. If the PCs don't do anything the innkeeper will eventually speak to the soldiers. If this occurs the soldiers will then attempt to beat and humiliate him, "Bark like a dog old man", and so on. The soldiers will not respect the PCs nor listen to their protests. A fight is likely to break out. The 6 soldiers are 2nd level warriors. All are currently in leather armor, they are armed with long swords and carry daggers. None will draw a weapon unless, one of their opponents do, spells are used, they are badly losing, or they are being humiliated.

BARON GANTHS GUARDSMEN Medium Humanoids, Lvl 2 Warriors CR 1 Hit dice 2d8+6 HP 24 AC 11 Init +1 Speed 30 ft Attack: +4 melee : Longsword (1d8+1) +3 ranged : Longbow (1d8) Total Enemies: 6 Treasure: None, good collected by town members/ tavernkeep silas A group of 12 locals will arrive on the scene eventually with the idea of throwing the soldiers out, and the PCs too if they tear up the inn. If the players are losing the locals can show up to save them or help drive away the soldiers, who will taunt the players as they leave. Afterwards if the players were helpful their stay will be free and the locals will tell what information they have. The most likely sounding rumors are of a haunted cave up on the side of Mount Shastan, about 3 days ride plus the climb, if the snows go easy. They are told to look for a long rope bridge that crosses a chasm. 2c: Frostbite Most likely the players have been told of a haunted cave in the mountains that may hold the mask they seek, from chapter 2b. The trip is hard due to the deep snows that have set in. Snowshoes from King's Reach are necessary here or the PCs will have a very hard time. Enforce rules concerning the cold weather: metal armor is nearly impossible to wear for long periods, game is almost impossible to find, movement speeds are half and freezing to death is a real possiblity here. Play up the long winter nights and the empty open sky. Eventually the players will see the rope bridge that they had been told of. The rope bridge is 200' long and the boards are a bit rickety, of course. As the PCs debate about the bridge they will see the soldiers from the village again . They are armed with longbows in addition to their earlier weapons, see chapter 2b. They are also accompanied by 6 more soldiers and their leader Dylan. They will fire on the PCs from long range, but they will attempt to close the distance fast. If the pcs decide to cut the rope bridge they will begin to hurry theyre pursuit. The rope bridge is AC 10 and takes 15 points of damage to break each of the 2 side ropes. PCs trying to cross the rope bridge catiously will take 2 rounds single file with a dex checks at +2 bonus. Those feeling a bit hurried will take 1 round but the dex check is at -4. A fall into the ravine is only 25 feet(3d6) but the sides are steep and the snow is deep, about 10'. Dylan will not put himself in harms way if his men lose or appear to be losing. He will flee. Once across the rocks provide plenty of cover from arrows, 75% if they need to fire back. When the soldier are dealt with or have given up the PCs may continue to explore this side.

2d: The Underground River 1: The tunnel goes both left and right. It is about 12' in height and 9' in width. The tunnel is also half-full of water though the air here is even warmer, about 75 F. In the river there is a bag containing a water soaked map of the cavern along with a silver key that will open the chest in the hidden room. 2: The right tunnel continues on at some length. If they examine the walls the party will notice that images have been carved and painted at different points. These images are a race of reptilians that worshipped some kind of snakelike god. In some of the images the god is shown wearing a mask or helmet that is blue in color. 3: About 50' ahead, the way is partially blocked by a tunnel collapse. Trying to clear it is possible but it will take 40 minutes to do with a 45% (9 in 20) chance for a further collapse. Any collapse will result in 4d6 damage to the digger and any within 10' unless they make a DEX check at -2. Cut the turns to 3 and the chance of collapse to 25% (5 in 20) if a natural digger type is with the party, a dwarf, gnome, etc. 4:After clearing the rubble enough to crawl through, the room with the treasure chest becomes visible. It is dark and the chest is trapped unless opened with the silver key found in the river. Anyone opening the chest will cause a poison gas to spread from the chest to fill the whole room. Poison: CR10; Search DC 21; Disable DC25 Burnt Othur Fumes: Inhaled DC18 Initial 1d6 Con, Secondary 3d6 Con Treasure: Sword Flayer This 24" short sword is possessed of a slightly curved blade, its handle is made of bone, a femur of an Aquatic elf, and is covered with a scrimshaw like carving. The carvings depict creatures of water such as octopi, whales, even a walrus. Also a carving of a sinister looking reptile and human hybrid of some sorts. An Identify spell will reveal the name of the sword and its previous owner one Jonas Harkness a sailor who by the end of his life had a deep abiding hatred for the sea. Abilities: The sword statistics are +1 to hit and damage, +2 versus water creatures, +3 versus sea creatures or water elementals of any type. It has a speed factor of 3 5: This room is filled with rising spear traps. Trap: CR 3 +12 Ranged Search DC 20; Diasable DC 20 6: When they reach the door they will notice it is made of bronze. The water has begun to pit the door but it still holds solid if not airtight. The doors have no lock but are heavy, and also trapped. If pulled with enough force to open, it will fall on the opener and anyone else standing there. It weighs approximately 150 lbs. Those hit by the falling door on will take 1d4 damage, luckily the water broke the fall. The door, once fallen, will slide toward the pit due to the water. Players will be stuck under water if pinned by the door, unluckily the water broke their fall. Check the rules for drowning and hope the party is not made of a bunch of low strength wizards.

6: The room beyond the doors is also partially flooded. It is one large room resembling a temple. This room is 50' wide and 30' long with a platform that rises out of the muck. The platform has 5 steps that rise up to an altar area. Perched on top of the altar is the "god" of this temple, a water naga. The naga wear the Mask of Abjuration on its head. When the party breaks in the naga summons the spirits of its attendants to defend its temple. 12 Lizard-man skeletons rise up around the party, use standard skeletons. They are unarmed but movement for party members is 1/2 in the water and muck. The naga will sit imperiously until half the skeletons are destroyed or it is personally attacked. The skeletons will collapse if the naga dies. See the standard game entries for this creatures abilities. WATER NAGA Large Aberration (Aquatic) CR 7 Hit Dice 7d8+28 HP 59 AC 15 Init +1 Speed 30ft Attack: +7 Melee : Bite (2d6+4 plus Poison) Poison: DC 17; Initial 1d8 Con, secondary 1d8 Con Spells 6/7/7/4 0- Acid splash; daze; detect magic; light mage hand; open close; read magic 1- Expeditious retreat; magic missile; obscuring mist; shield; true strike 2- Invisibility; Melfs acid arrow; mirror image 3- Protection from energy; suggestion LIZARD MAN SKELTONS (12) Warrior Skeleton CR 1/3 Hit Dice 1d12 HP 6 AC 15 Init +5 Speed 30ft Attack: +1 Melee : Scimitar (1d6+1) Dmg Reduction 5/Bludgeoning TREASURE: After defeating the creatures the party may claim their reward, the mask and the naga's small hoard of sacrificial offerings. This consists of 457 gold pieces, with a snake head stamped on them. A Golden necklace with a small silver claw as a pendant (value about 150 g.p.),1200 silver pieces. Afterwards the party may rest on the platform and take steps to remove the blocked stairways. Once the blizzard passes the way to King's Reach will be clear and no other encounters overtake them.

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