Thundarr - Wizard's Graveyard
Thundarr - Wizard's Graveyard
Thundarr - Wizard's Graveyard
He turns to Shadoan.
SCENE 2 “Is Thraxx defeated?” the man asks.
“For now, Wilbur, but he threatens to
The building Shadoan brings the team return at nightfall. But the help we
to is a ruined museum built by the sent for has arrived. This is Wilbur,
Ancients. The village took its name the curator of the artifacts here, as
from the sign in from of the building: well as my closest advisor.”
“Smithson Air Space.” Any PC who
knows a bit of Ancient cultures or any Allow folks to introduce themselves.
who brushes away to clinging vines and Wilbur is a bit star-struck by the team
who can read will see the full name of and he asks a lot of questions. (He’s
the place is “Smithsonian Air and particularly fascinated by the Moks.)
Space Museum”. Eventually he’ll get back on track (or the
team will probably tire and ask about the
“The Ancients stored many of their rocket…)
wondrous machines and
achievements here,” he says. “Man “Oh, this is what Thraxx covets. It‟s
once flew across the skies, and even called a „Rockette‟,” Wilbur says as
to other worlds!” He shows the team he points to the object. “In peaceful
the ruined examples of Ancient times, devices like these were used
achievements. The Lunar Module, to send men far into the skies and to
planes hanging from wires, photos of far-away worlds. But in times of war,
famous Ancients hanging on the it could be used to send explosives
walls, etc. and nightmarish poisons to your
enemies. Thraxx wishes to take
If the PCs have questions, allow control of this Rockette, examine it,
Shadoan to answer them. They may and build more like it. If he were to
also want to fiddle around with the build more, he‟d be unstoppable!”
exhibits. Let them if they wanna for
comedy’s sake… Allow the team to ask questions about
Thraxx and the Rockette. Any questions
You enter a new room that is empty they have can be answered by either
except for one large exhibit. A long Shadoan or Wilbur.
cylinder fills the room, pointed at one Thraxx only recently arrived,
end with fins on the other. It looks demanding access to the Rockette.
like a monstrous arrow. A disheveled When turned away, he returned with
man in aviator‟s goggles wearing an army of Carrocs.
leather gloves is here, and he hurries They’ve been able to drive them off
over when you enter the room. so far, but they are weakening under
the constant barrage. “And time is of the essence. We don‟t
The Carrocs have been patrolling know what he‟s planning for
the area, so the village has been sundown, but it‟s imperative you
unable to get help. They’re amazed return before then!”
they were able to get word to the
team! “Ookla, Ariel, riiiiiide!”
Thraxx seems unable to interact with
the physical world, as if he were
trapped between the living world and
the world beyond. ((BIG CLUE))
1 – 30
2 – 30
3 – 30
(AL N, MV 150' (50'), AC 0, HP 90,
#AT 1 (fist), DG 4d6, SV L6, ML 12,
mutations: none)
1 – 90