Thundarr - Wizard's Graveyard

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Thundarr the Barbarian:

The Wizard’s Graveyard

A Mutant Future adventure for 3-6 players

using pre-gens of the TV show’s characters

North Texas RPG Con 2014

Demon dogs! The evil wizard Thraxx the team” they’d like to play. If you’d like to
Ethereal has discovered an Ancient have your players play their own
weapon that will allow him to conquer characters in this adventure, be my
the village of Dee-See! Legends tell of a guest! (Although, if “magic” doesn’t exist
powerful artifact long-ago lost in “The in your Mutant Future campaign, I
Wizard’s Graveyard” that could be the suggest having Thraxx’s “magic” be the
key to his downfall! Join Thundarr, result of mutations and Ancient
Ookla, and Princess Ariel as they try to technology.)
save the world of 3994 AD! Lords of
Light! Before play, explain to the players that
the game needs to be played as if it’s a
BEFORE PLAY BEGINS… kid-friendly cartoon from the 1980s.
In this adventure, it helps if the players Primarily, no one ever dies or is horribly
have a passing knowledge of the maimed in combat. When villains and
Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon show henchmen are defeated, they are either
from the mid-1980s. (Show them an knocked unconscious or they run off
episode or two if you can!) They will be with their tails between their legs. PCs
playing the roles of Thundarr, Ookla, are dazed or winded when they take
and Princess Ariel during the course of damage. Attacks should be made to
the game, so having an idea of the disarm or demoralize – not to kill.
characters and their individual tropes
will go a long way toward capturing the Encourage cheesy dialogue (“Demon
feel of a Saturday morning action dogs!”) and acting in- character, even if
cartoon show. The pre-gens have role- the action goes against what the player
playing tips to help players unfamiliar would do. (Thundarr charges into a fight
with the show. without thinking of the consequences;
Ookla will break things that annoy or
In this adventure, the players will be frustrate him, even if the MacGuffin is
playing the roles of Thundarr, Ookla, important to the plot; Ariel will joke
and Ariel (of course) as well as their during combat and offer asides about
three teen “protégés:” Shara the Ancient cultures, traditions, and
Barbarian, Merlik the Sorcerer, and technology.)
Oosoo the Mok. (Shara and Merlik
were first introduced in the episode Above all else, play fast and furious, as
“Den of the Sleeping Demon”, and it’s an 80’s action cartoon! Don’t let the
Oosoo is their new Mok companion.) If players catch their breath, and don’t let
you have less than 6 players, have the action wane! Have fun!
them play the primary team of Thundarr,
Ookla, and Ariel, then let the remaining “Ookla, Ariel, riiiiiide!”
players choose who amongst the “teen
SCENE 1 landscape, and you realize you must
ARRIVING IN DEE-SEE be getting close. It‟s around noon, as
the trees start to thin out as you
((Pass out character sheets and let PCs arrive at the village of “Smithson” – a
read the characters they’re to play. Play post-apocalyptic shantytown built in
the opening credits to the TV show to one of the marble ruins. As you ride
get them in the mood.)) up, you see the villagers are in a
panic as they‟re being rounded up by
Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess Ariel a band of Carrocs – crocodile-like
have been travelling the countryside humanoids armed with some kind of
with three young protégés: Shana the laser blasters.
Barbarian, Merlik the Sorceror, and
Oosoo the Mok. (The trio met Shana Floating above the scene is a ghostly
and Merlik when they battled the hooded figure who seems to be
“Sleeping Demon” many moons ago. watching the carnage below.
And Oosoo has joined them since
then.) As their inexperience and The ghostly figure is the “new wizard”
stubbornness nearly got them all hinted at in the opening dialogue. The
killed in their earlier adventure, you wizard, Thraxx, is an invisible non-
offered the teens the opportunity to corporal being who cannot be harmed or
tag along for a while so they could even touched in his ghostly state. He
learn from your experience. appears to be an empty hooded robe.
Knowing he’s untouchable, he floats
You have received word that a new silently, watching his minions (the
wizard has been terrorizing a village Carrocs) as they round up the Smithson
in the nearby region of “Dee-See” -- villagers. He won’t speak, and attacks
the Ancient capital of these lands. pass harmlessly through him during the
The area is now a swampy region due scene.
to decades of flooding from the
“Tomack River,” and twisted aquatic The Carrocs have orders to clear out
abominations lurk in the boggy Smithson as there’s apparently
waters. But never one to turn away something within that Thraxx wants to
from a cry for help, the six of you gets his hands on. It’s up to the team to
mounted your steeds and rode stop the Carrocs!
toward adventure!
((Sketch out map; players enter – riding
After two days of riding you begin to – from the edge.))
notice large white monuments and
blocks of granite dotting the
Carrocs (7) (AL C, MV 90' (30'), AC 4, “You have until the sun sets to leave.
HP 36, #AT 1 (claw, bite, or laser), DG If you stay, you will be destroyed.
1d8, 1d10, or 3d6, SV L2, ML 9, When I return, I shall flatten this
mutations: increased strength, natural place and all within it.”
Thraxx slowly fades away and
CARROCS: disappears. Shadoan turns to the
1 – 36 PCs.
2 – 36
3 – 36 “I‟ll wager you have questions. Come
4 – 36 inside and I‟ll tell you everything.”
5 – 36
6 – 36 ((Commercial break!))
7 – 36

Thraxx passively watches the battle.

When the last Carroc has been
defeated and the villagers freed, the
village elder – Shadoan – thanks the
team and steps forward, pointing an
accusing finger at Thraxx.

“You have failed in your efforts to

remove us, Thraxx! We now have
help! We can withstand you and your

Thraxx finally moves, turning to look at

the six heroes. The team can’t see a
face or eyes under the hood. It’s like a
blank empty hole where the head
should be. He addresses the PCs
directly, ignoring Shadoan. His voice is
hollow and raspy.

“Your arrival is an annoyance, but

your presence is inconsequential. I
will have The Weapon.”

He turns to Shadoan.
SCENE 2 “Is Thraxx defeated?” the man asks.
“For now, Wilbur, but he threatens to
The building Shadoan brings the team return at nightfall. But the help we
to is a ruined museum built by the sent for has arrived. This is Wilbur,
Ancients. The village took its name the curator of the artifacts here, as
from the sign in from of the building: well as my closest advisor.”
“Smithson Air Space.” Any PC who
knows a bit of Ancient cultures or any Allow folks to introduce themselves.
who brushes away to clinging vines and Wilbur is a bit star-struck by the team
who can read will see the full name of and he asks a lot of questions. (He’s
the place is “Smithsonian Air and particularly fascinated by the Moks.)
Space Museum”. Eventually he’ll get back on track (or the
team will probably tire and ask about the
“The Ancients stored many of their rocket…)
wondrous machines and
achievements here,” he says. “Man “Oh, this is what Thraxx covets. It‟s
once flew across the skies, and even called a „Rockette‟,” Wilbur says as
to other worlds!” He shows the team he points to the object. “In peaceful
the ruined examples of Ancient times, devices like these were used
achievements. The Lunar Module, to send men far into the skies and to
planes hanging from wires, photos of far-away worlds. But in times of war,
famous Ancients hanging on the it could be used to send explosives
walls, etc. and nightmarish poisons to your
enemies. Thraxx wishes to take
If the PCs have questions, allow control of this Rockette, examine it,
Shadoan to answer them. They may and build more like it. If he were to
also want to fiddle around with the build more, he‟d be unstoppable!”
exhibits. Let them if they wanna for
comedy’s sake… Allow the team to ask questions about
Thraxx and the Rockette. Any questions
You enter a new room that is empty they have can be answered by either
except for one large exhibit. A long Shadoan or Wilbur.
cylinder fills the room, pointed at one  Thraxx only recently arrived,
end with fins on the other. It looks demanding access to the Rockette.
like a monstrous arrow. A disheveled When turned away, he returned with
man in aviator‟s goggles wearing an army of Carrocs.
leather gloves is here, and he hurries  They’ve been able to drive them off
over when you enter the room. so far, but they are weakening under
the constant barrage. “And time is of the essence. We don‟t
 The Carrocs have been patrolling know what he‟s planning for
the area, so the village has been sundown, but it‟s imperative you
unable to get help. They’re amazed return before then!”
they were able to get word to the
team! “Ookla, Ariel, riiiiiide!”
 Thraxx seems unable to interact with
the physical world, as if he were
trapped between the living world and
the world beyond. ((BIG CLUE))

Eventually, Shadoan will recall they only

have until sundown to stop the ghostly

“Wilbur and I have a theory about

Thraxx. He seems to be a creature
neither living nor dead, so the answer
to his defeat might be found at The
Wizard‟s Graveyard – a place of rest
for Ancient heroes and legends.
There, it‟s said the Fires of Forever
burn brightly. We believe if we can
expose Thraxx to this magical Fire, it
could somehow damage him, drving
him away.”

Shadoan and Wilbur explain that The

Wizard’s Graveyard is about an hour
away on horseback. They give each PC
a torch, instructing them to light it in the
Fires and bring it back to use against

Shadoan leads them out to their mounts

and points them toward The Wizard’s
SCENE 3 single jet of flame in the center. The
ENTERING ARLING engraving at the base names it The
Eternal Flame.
When the team arrives The Wizard’s
Graveyard, they see a sign IDing it as (The Eternal Flame flickers with
“Arling” (Arlington Cemetery if the PCs otherworldly power, as if this Ancient
think to look a bit more at the sign). It’s symbol has been somehow imbued with
been all but overtaken by the swamps. arcane power.)
Many bogs and damp muddy pools are
scattered throughout the area, with a After the PCs dip their torches into the
few old stone paths here and there. flames, as the leave the cemetery, they
The swamp is littered with stone can see the sun in the distance where it
markers in neat orderly rows. Due to sits on the horizon. They will easily see
the tree canopy, it’s a bit dark here, but that sunset will occur in less than 20
the PCs can see a flickering in the minutes and they’ll never get back to
distance. It’s strangely quiet, as if Smithson in time. (Dun-dun-dunnnn…)
nothing dares to explore this sacred
ground. ((Commercial break!))

While approaching the flickering light,

three Surfents splash out of the
swampy waters. These are huge fur-
covered snakes with antenna that gives
them the mutation of echolocation. The
PCs need to take care of them quickly if
they can.

Surfents (3) (AL C, MV 60' (20'), AC 6,

HP 30, #AT 2 (bite, constrict), DG 1d4,
2d8, SV L2, ML 7, mutations: gigantism,

1 – 30
2 – 30
3 – 30

Once the Surfents are dealt with, the

PCs can approach the Fires of Forever.
It is a large, flat, stone area with a
SCENE 4 After a few minutes in the air (be
THE UNFRIENDLY SKIES sure to have rolls to hang on while
Wilbur fights to keep it airborne), a
You stand at the gates of The last from a laser narrowly misses the
Wizard‟s Graveyard, torches blazing heliplane. Glancing about, there are
with the magic flames. But time is
three Carrocs riding on the backs of
nearly up, and you‟ll never be able to
Leatherwings (giant bats) closing
get back to Smithson before Thraxx
fast. Seated behind the “pilots” are
launches his attack.
three more Carrocs with laser who
In the distance, you hear a buzzing in are trying to shoot the heliplane
the air… It grows louder and closer, down.
and in the dusk, you can see a dark
shadow overhead. “Don‟t let them hit the plane!”
Wilbur shouts. “Those lasers will
Let them react somehow to the tear us apart for sure!”
approaching menace. As it gets nearer,
it looks like a bird but buzzes like a giant The Leatherwings are not statted as
insect. As it gets overhead, it seems to they are mostly here for use as
hover and they can see it some strange “vehicles.” If the players hit a
Ancient flying machine. It is the Wright Leatherwing, it will veer off, as it has low
Brothers flyer with a helicopter blade morale in combat. The Carrocs who are
sticking out of the top. At the controls is flying will try to fly close enough for the
Wilbur, who drops a rope ladder and shooter to get a good shot or – if close
motions them to climb up. enough – so the shooter can jump over
onto the heliplane. Looks like we have a
“Thought you might run out of time, good old-fashioned, wing-walking
so I fired up this Ancient contraption dogfight at hand!
I‟ve been working on!” he shouts over
the buzzing of the blades overhead.
“Be careful with those torches! This
thing‟s mostly cloth and lumber. It‟ll
go up like tinder if it catches fire!”

Once they’re on board, have the PCs

mark where they will be standing. Wilbur
banks the “heliplane” and begins the
flight back to Smithson, shouting for
them to hang on.
Carrocs (6 – only 3 will enter combat) into the statue of the Ancient
(AL C, MV 90' (30'), AC 4, HP 36, #AT 1 leader. The statue‟s eyes begin to
(claw, bite, or laser), DG 1d8, 1d10, or glow, then flicker into twin blazes
3d6, SV L2, ML 9, mutations: increased of fire. There is the groaning and
strength, natural armor)
grinding of stone-on-stone as the
giant granite statue stands up. The
front of the monument explodes
1 – 36
2 – 36 as the giant stonework man
3 – 36 breaks out of the building that
4 – 36 held him and he begins his walk
5 – 36 toward the Smithson.
6 – 36
Thraxx’s final attack has begun.
This aerial combat should be played up
for excitement. The PCs and Carrocs ((Commercial break!))
may jump back and forth from plane to
bat. Someone may get tangled up in
the rope ladder and be swinging back
and forth. The threat of torch or laser
fire could bring the plane down. And
Wilbur will be trying to shake off the
attackers, causing everyone to roll DEX

When the smoke clears and the

Carrocs have been driven away, the
players can see the Smithson coming
into view just as the sun sets.


In a squat rectangular monument

nearby, a statue of a stoic bearded
man sits in a quiet vigil. In front of
the statue floats Thraxx. As the
last of the sun‟s rays shine down,
Thraxx raises his arms and
approaches the statue. He fades
away as he passes through and
SCENE 5 are the key, and the blazing flame-
MR. LINCOLN like eyes are the target. If the PCs
can get the fires close enough to the
Thraxx has taken possession of the eyes, Mr. Lincoln will try to shield his
statue of Lincoln from the Lincoln eyes from the blinding light.
Memorial, and he intends to use the Whenever they do this successfully
stone juggernaut to destroy the (as an attack), Thraxx loses that
Smithson walls and anyone who gets attack round. So the PCs will need to
in his way. Meanwhile, the PCs are really pound on the statue as it
approaching from the other direction slowly stomps toward Smithson.
on the heliplane in whatever
condition it may be. And in the Once the statue is destroyed and
middle is the Smithson. Thraxx is driven from the statue, he
will be utterly vulnerable to the
The PCs can take whatever tack torches. Three successful attacks
they want. If they want to attack from using the flames is all it takes to
the ground, Wilber can get low defeat him and drive his ghostly form
enough for them to jump. If they from this dimension!
want him to buzz the statue, he can
do that (while Mr. Lincoln swats at Let the battle go until all are defeated
them like King Kong). Any cartoon- (hopefully!)
action attack the PCs want to
attempt should be encouraged. If
they attack the statue head-on, it will
take 90 points of damage before it is

(AL N, MV 150' (50'), AC 0, HP 90,
#AT 1 (fist), DG 4d6, SV L6, ML 12,
mutations: none)

1 – 90

The trick is to drive Thraxx out of the

statue as he cannot be attacked
while he’s inside. The torch flames

With the stone presidential

juggernaut defeated and Thraxx
driven away by the cleansing Ancient
flames, the Smithson villagers have
nothing to fear any longer.

The six of you are surrounded by the

townsfolk and a celebration breaks
out while, overhead, Wilbur dips the
wings of the heliplane in a salute.

As the townsfolk cheer, the six of you

jumps onto your horses:


(Play closing credits from the TV


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