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Simulations and model of the nonlinear RichtmyerMeshkov instability

Guy Dimonte and P. Ramaprabhu Citation: Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3276269 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3276269 View Table of Contents: http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/PHFLE6/v22/i1 Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 22, 014104 2010

Simulations and model of the nonlinear RichtmyerMeshkov instability

Guy Dimonte1 and P. Ramaprabhu2
1 2

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA University of North Carolina, Charlotte, North Carolina 28223, USA

Received 27 February 2009; accepted 3 November 2009; published online 21 January 2010 The nonlinear evolution of the RichtmyerMeshkov RM instability is investigated using numerical simulations with the FLASH code in two dimensions. The purpose of the simulations is to develop an empirical nonlinear model of the RM instability that is applicable to inertial connement fusion ICF and ejecta formation, namely, at large Atwood number A and scaled initial amplitude kho k wave number of the perturbation. The FLASH code is rst validated with a variety of RM experiments that evolve well into the nonlinear regime. They reveal that bubbles stagnate when they grow by an increment of 2 / k and that spikes accelerate for A 0.5 due to higher harmonics that focus them. These results are then compared with a variety of nonlinear models that are based on potential ow. We nd that the models agree with simulations for moderate values of A 0.9 and kho 1, but not for the larger values that characterize ICF and ejecta formation. We thus develop a new nonlinear empirical model that captures the simulation results consistent with potential ow for a broader range of A and kho. Our hope is that such empirical models concisely capture the RM simulations and inspire more rigorous solutions. 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3276269

The RichtmyerMeshkov RM instability1,2 occurs when a shock encounters interfacial perturbations between two materials of different densities or compressibilities. It is important in inertial connement fusion ICF since several shocks are used to initiate the implosion along a low adiabat. The shocks excite the RM instability at several capsule interfaces which amplify the perturbations that seed the RayleighTaylor RT instability.3 In shock ignition,4 a shock is also launched at the end of the laser drive to ignite the fuel. However, this shock could drive a virulent RM instability because perturbations will have been amplied by previous RM and RT unstable episodes. This could destroy the pusher and modulate the transmitted shock.5 We believe the RM instability can also produce ejecta6,7 from shocked metal surfaces. The evolution of the RM instability is difcult to calculate because of the shock compression, complex material properties, and nonlinearities in the late stages. This can be done with multidimensional, high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations but they are computationally intensive and prohibitive for ICF design optimization studies. For such purposes, it is useful to employ reduced mix models8 that capture the main features of the unstable ows at moderate resolution, but these must be validated using more basic studies. Eventually, a model of the RM instability must describe how particular broadband initial perturbations grow from the shock impulse and then saturate due to nonlinearities. Unlike the continuously driven RT instability, the RM instability is driven impulsively and may thus be more sensitive to the initial perturbations. In experiments with an unstable impulsive drive,9 the perturbations are found to grow in time as t where 0.25 for bubbles and 0.25 1 for spikes as the

density contrast increases. This differs from the 0.3 0.4 predicted by bubble merger models.10,11 Since such models are based on the nonlinear evolution and interaction of many single modes, the discrepancy in may be due to an inadequate description of single modes or the modal interactions. This is complicated by the fact that ICF and ejecta formation operate with an Atwood number near unity, where the models are least accurate. The single mode evolution of the RM instability has been studied extensively,147 yet issues remain. The RM growth rate can be obtained at small amplitude by linearizing the uid equations,1,12 but the resulting equations are complex and were rst solved numerically. This gave rise to heuristic impulsive models1,13,14 that are easier to evaluate but they have a limited range of accuracy.14,15 Analytical solutions1619 became available later and have a wider range of applicability. The rst experiments2 obtained growth rates that were smaller than calculated, but this may have been due to nonlinearities and possibly membranes since the initial amplitudes were relatively large. Later experiments2023 with stronger shocks obtained a good agreement with linear theory at small amplitude. A recent comparison of linear theory, models, experiments, and simulations was conducted by Dhotre et al.24 The nonlinearities are important2246 because they reduce the growth rate relative to the linear rate and they cause the perturbations to grow asymmetrically as bubbles and spikes. At large Atwood number, the bubbles and spikes have quite different asymptotic velocities.34 Since the full behavior is difcult to describe rigorously, heuristic models25,26,3033,36 have been developed to bridge the linear and nonlinear regimes, but they have had only limited success.40,43,46 Unfortunately, they break down at large Atwood number and initial amplitude in the regime characteristic of ICF and ejecta formation. In addition, there are
2010 American Institute of Physics

22, 014104-1

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G. Dimonte and P. Ramaprabhu

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

compression effects5,22,23,41,42 that are fundamental to the RM instability and are difcult to model. We are interested in investigating these issues in a systematic way by rst understanding the nonlinear evolution of a single mode for all Atwood numbers and initial amplitudes. The single-mode behavior is studied here for a variety of conditions using the FLASH hydrodynamics code47 in two dimensions 2D since most experiments use 2D perturbations. The results are compared with the experiments and the nonlinear models of Mikaelian40 MIK, Zhang and Sohn25,26 ZS, and Sadot et al.30 SEA for bubbles and spikes. We nd that these models are able to describe the saturation of bubbles and spikes for moderate initial amplitudes and Atwood numbers, but not at the large values encountered in ICF and ejecta production. Other models31,32 were also considered but they work only in the initial stages.4346 As a result, we build on the virtues of the previous nonlinear models25,26,3032,40 and suggest a new model that agrees with simulations over a wider range of conditions and that recover the asymptotic behavior expected from potential ow models.10,11,29,34,35 Such subgrid models are useful for simulations of applications in which interfacial perturbations cannot be resolved. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we describe the conguration and the linear and nonlinear models. The nomenclature is dened here. Our new nonlinear model is summarized by Eqs. 2.242.27 in Sec. II F. In Sec. III, we validate the FLASH code using experimental data and make comparisons to the nonlinear models. We summarize our ndings in Sec. IV. In the spirit of Richtmyer,1 we develop a simple nonlinear impulsive model in the Appendix to compare with the measured growth rates at large initial amplitude.

FIG. 1. Conguration and nomenclature for RM instability before and after the interaction of shock with material interface.

line denotes the interface between ideal uids A and B which have densities A and B and specic heat ratios A and B, respectively. Both uids begin in pressure equilibrium at po ahead of the shock. A higher pressure p3 in region 3 produces an incident shock with velocity Wi. By encountering the interface, the shock produces a transmitted shock with velocity Wt into region 0 and a reected wave with velocity Wr back into region 3. Regions 1 and 2 acquire the same particle velocity and release pressure equal to the interface velocity U MIK uses u1 = u2 for U. However, they are compressed to different densities B 1 and A 2 such that the preshock Atwood number A

B A B + A


changes to a postshock value of The RM instability has been studied extensively in the linear1,2,5,1223,4345 and nonlinear2247 regimes and only the salient results are summarized here. Good summaries of the linear behavior exist12,14,15 and have been updated in Ref. 24. It is discussed in Sec. II A because the initial growth rate Vo determines the early phase and describes most of the compressibility effects. For our purpose, kVo sets the time scale for the nonlinear phase, which is assumed to be an incompressible ow since Vo is usually less than the postshock sound speeds. In our nomenclature, V is taken to be the growth rate dh / dt with various subscript modiers, and can be positive or negative as discussed below. Like the early phase, the asymptotic phase is also amenable to analytical treatment as summarized in Sec. II B. Here, potential ow models10,11,29,34,35 obtain an asymptotic growth rate that scales like 1 / kt for bubbles. The spikes exhibit a more complex behavior.34 Then, to describe applications, the nonlinear models must bridge the early and asymptotic stages. We describe the models of MIK, ZS, and SEA in Secs. II CII E, respectively, and our new model in Sec. II F. We rst describe the RM conguration with the aid of Fig. 1. It is adopted from MIK Ref. 15 with minor simplications in nomenclature where noted. The solid horizontal A

1 2 . 1 + 2


The gammas remain B in regions 0 and 1, and A in regions 2 and 3. The postshock parameters are obtained by solving the transcendental equations distilled from the usual conservation laws, as summarized by MIK.15
A. Linear and weakly nonlinear growth rates

For small amplitude, the growth of sinusoidal perturbations can be obtained by linearizing the uid equations.1,12,1619 The resulting equations remain complex due to the shock compression and are usually solved numerically. Fraley16 and Wouchuk1719 obtained approximate analytical solutions. For weak shocks, the main contribution comes from the vorticity deposition from the misaligned pressure and density gradients. For strong shocks, there are signicant reverberations from refracted sound waves that produce oscillations in the growth rate, but they eventually dampen out. Thus, linear theory predicts that the RM instability has a constant growth rate Vlin that applies equally for bubbles and spikes for all time. To complement analytical solutions, impulsive models1,13,14 were developed to capture the asymptotic RM

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Simulations and model

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

growth rates for moderate conditions because they are easier to evaluate. For a sinusoidal perturbation of wavelength = 2 / k, the preshock amplitude h o is reduced by compression to an estimated postshock amplitude2 of ho = h o 1 U / W i . 2.3

Then, for A 0, Richtmyer1 found that the simple model dh = AUkho VRM dt 2.4

where the linear growth rate reduces to Vlin = AUkho in the incompressible limit since A A and ho h o . In the nonlinear regime, it is customary to describe the perturbations as bubbles and spikes. The spikes are centered at kx = 0 and the bubbles at kx = for A 0 and vice versa for A 0. Then, differentiating Eq. 2.6 with respect to time and collecting the terms at kx = 0 and , we obtain a spike velocity kho Vsp =1 Vlin 2

+ A

4A2 + 1 kho kVlint + kVlint2 4 2 2.7a

was able to describe the asymptotic growth of his numerical solutions. It was necessary to use the postshock Atwood number A and amplitude ho to capture the shock compression effects. Using numerical simulations, Meyer and Blewett MB Ref. 13 conrmed Eq. 2.4 but only for A 0. However, for A 0, they found that the growth rate depended on the average of the pre- and postshock amplitudes, namely, ho + h dh o VMB . = AUk 2 dt 2.5

and a bubble velocity kho Vbu =1 Vlin 2

4A2 + 1 kho kVlint2 . kVlint + 4 2


These so-called impulsive models are useful for their simplicity, but they are accurate only for small compressions,12,14,15,24 namely, when the incident Mach number is near unity or the adiabatic indices are large. They lose accuracy for strong shocks when the densities or adiabatic indices differ substantially. Another issue is that linear theory is applicable only at small amplitude kh o 1 when the growth rate is small, and thus not very important in applications except to seed subsequent RT episodes. Indeed, most RM experiments2,2023,4145 have a limited duration and typically use kh o 0.1 1 in order to observe signicant growth. In such cases, the inferred growth rates are smaller than those predicted by linear theory, possibly because the instability quickly becomes nonlinear. This behavior is observed explicitly in numerical simulations.2527 The simulations with kh o 1 conrm linear theory but the growth rate diminishes late in time when kh 1. Simulations with kh o 1 obtain a growth rate that peaks quickly to a value below that of linear theory and then decays in time. Thus, in most applications, the RM instability is consequential mainly for signicant initial amplitudes and this requires a nonlinear treatment. Nonlinearities can most easily be treated in the incompressible weak shock limit by expanding the perturbations in terms of spatial harmonics n, each with a time dependent amplitude. The leading harmonics are found to be25,26,29,31,32

Please note that the pre- and postshock parameters Atwood number and amplitude are similar in the incompressible limit. However, their values in Eqs. 2.6 and 2.7 become more ambiguous in the compressible regime. Equations 2.6 and 2.7 show how the spatial harmonics have a profound effect on the bubble and spike evolution. As expected, their growth rates decrease with kh o even at t = 0. This led Velikovich and Dimonte29 VD to obtain a Pad approximant for the reduction in the initial growth rate with kh o which was found to be in reasonable agreement with the data. What is surprising is that Eq. 2.7a predicts that the spike will accelerate for large A. This was indeed observed24,30 before the growth rates eventually decayed due to drag effects.10 According to Eqs. 2.6 and 2.7, the additional nonlinear effects assert themselves when the scaled time

lin kVlint


1x, t = ho + Vlintcoskx ,
2 2 2x, t = 0.5AkVlin t cos2kx ,

2.6a 2.6b

3 x , t =

k2 3 3 2 2 4A2 + 1Vlin t + 3hoVlin t + 6h2 oVlint 24 k2 3 3 2 2 t 3hoVlin t 4A2 1Vlin 8 2.6c

coskx + cos3kx ,

exceeds unity as discussed below. At this point, it is important to clarify the meaning of bubbles and spikes and the sign convention because, unlike the RT instability, the RM growth rate can be positive or negative. As usual, the bubbles spikes refer to the penetration of the light heavy uid into the heavy light uid. Their amplitudes hbu and hsp are both taken to be h o 0 initially but they can become negative if the perturbations change phase by 180. This can happen in two ways as seen in the NOVA experiments.22,23 An immediate sign change can be produced by the shock if U Wi, as indicated by Eq. 2.3. A more gradual sign change occurs if the growth rates Vbu and Vsp are negative such as when A 0. In this case, the magnitude of the perturbation rst decreases as it passes through zero and then increases in the negative phase shifted direction. Thus, in the RM instability, it is important to keep track of the sign of the amplitude and growth rate, but the scaled time is always positive as indicated by Eq. 2.8. In the laboratory frame where U 0, the velocity of bubbles and spikes depends on the sign of A. For A 0, the velocity is U Vsp for spikes and U + Vbu for bubbles. For A 0, the velocity is U + Vsp for spikes and U Vbu for bubbles.

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G. Dimonte and P. Ramaprabhu

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

B. Asymptotic growth rates

The late stage kh 1 of the RM instability can be described by potential ow models10,28,34 by assuming a quadratic spatial prole around the bubble tip, but they are only strictly valid for A = 1. Goncharov35 and Sohn37,38 extended such models to A 1 by ignoring vortical effects and assuming different forms for the velocity potential. They obtain nonlinear differential equations similar to the Bernoulli equation for the amplitude and curvature near the bubble tip. In general, they must be solved numerically although MIK Ref. 36 found analytical solutions under limited circumstances. The models are particularly useful for ascertaining the asymptotic velocities for bubbles bu and spikes sp, which can be written in the form
Vbu /sp =

hbu = ho +

OG ln1 Fbu k

OG + Fbu k V o t


for the bubble amplitude when kho = 1 / 3. The initial growth rate Vo is not specied and can be taken as the linear growth rate Vlin. However, ZS discuss how Vo can also be some nonlinear growth rate similar to VD if kho 1. Differentiating Eq. 2.12 with respect to time gives the bubble growth rate Vbut = Vo Vo OG , = kt 1 + Vo/Vbu 1 + VoFbu 2.13

1 . Fbu/spAkt


The scaling of velocity as / t was suggested by Alon et al.10 based on simulations and buoyancy-drag considerations. The functions Fbu/sp depend on the postshock Atwood number. In 2D, Oron et al.11 and Goncharov35 OG obtained
OG Fbu /sp 3

1 A , 3 A


where the upper lower sign applies to bubbles spikes. In Gon three dimensions 3D, Goncharov found Fbu /sp3D = 1 A / 2. Sohn obtained a more complex expression Eq. 19 in Ref. 38 for bubbles which reduces to Fbu 1.17 and 1.67 for A = 0 and 1, respectively, compared with 1 and 1.5 for Eq. 2.10. Thus, the bubble velocity in the Goncharov and Sohn models agrees to 20%, but their bubble curvatures differ by factor of 2. A critical problem with Eq. 2.9 is that it fails for spikes as A 1 since Fsp 0. Physically, this reects the fact that spikes feel no drag when A = 1 and should simply coast indenitely. Indeed, Zhang34 found such an analytic solution
Z = Vo Vsp

where the asymptotic bubble velocity is given by the OG model Eqs. 2.9 and 2.10. Equation 2.13 bridges the initial and asymptotic velocities nicely. For kho 1 / 3, MIK36 suggests using the linear solution for a time t 1 / 3k ho / Vo until kh = 1 / 3. Then for t t, the nonlinear solution would be given by Eq. 2.12 with a time shift t t t. From Fig. 2 in Ref. 36, this solution agrees best with 2D numerical simulations for small A and kho, but the discrepancies increase with both. This may be due to the fact OG OG Fsp does not describe the spike that Eq. 2.13 with Fbu acceleration suggested by Eq. 2.7a, and as observed by SEA. Furthermore, the analytical solution would not apply for kho 1 / 3 which may occur after reshocks or previous RT episodes. However, it is still interesting to evaluate Eq. 2.13 as a model for kho 1 / 3 because of its simplicity compared with other models.
D. ZhangSohn empirical model

The ZS model25,26 attempts to describe the bubble/spike asymmetry and large initial amplitudes while preserving the nice properties of Eq. 2.12. They start with the harmonic expansion of Eqs. 2.6 and 2.7 that indicate a nonlinear dependence on both kho and A, and build a Pad approximant consisting of the two contributions V1 Vo 1
2 2 1 + kho + max0, k2h2 o + 0.5 A


kho + 1 3kho + 1


V2 Vo

2 2 1 + 2kho + 4k2h2 o + 1 A /3


to the potential ow equations for the asymptotic spike velocity at A = 1. Not only does Eq. 2.11 predict an everlasting spike velocity but it also predicts that the spike will accelerate from Vo to 3Vo at small kho, as suggested by the harmonic analysis in Sec. II A. However, Vo is not specied in Eq. 2.11 and can itself be smaller than Vlin at large kho, as suggested by VD and discussed further below.
C. Mikaelian empirical model

where the scaled time is

k V o t .


Again, the initial velocity Vo is not specied but can be related to Vlin. The bubble and spike growth rates are then given by
ZS Vbu /sp = V1 V2 .


To bridge the initial and asymptotic stages, MIK36,39 constructed the simplest nonlinear model for a single mode based on analytical solutions he found to the evolutionary equations of potential ow for A = 1 Ref. 28 and later for all A.35 Even though the equations are nonlinear, he found the analytical solution

This model is in good agreement with numerical simulations25,26,46 and experiments43 when compared with the average growth rate for air-SF6 and KrXe gas mixtures. However, using the average growth rate ignores the contriZS ZS + Vsp = 2V1. This is bution of V2 since it is cancelled out Vbu an important omission since V2 is required to describe the spike acceleration and the maximum penetration velocity ZS of material for ICF and ejecta applications. U + Vsp

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Simulations and model

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

Another important issue with Eqs. 2.15 and 2.16 is that they do not reduce to universal asymptotic velocity equation 2.9 expected from potential ow theory. For t , their average growth rate reduces to V1 Vo 1 k 2h 2 o + 0.52 2.17

2.22 does not have an explicit dependence on kho, as suggested in Eqs. 2.7 and 2.11. We shall nd below that an explicit dependence on kho is necessary to describe simulations with large A and kho.
F. New empirical model

for A 0 and V1 Vo 1 kho 2.18

for A 1, while the second term reduces to V2 Vo 4 k 2h 2 o A . + 1 A 2 / 3 2.19

Thus, the asymptotic growth rates become

Vbu /sp =

4 k 2h 2 o

A + 1 A2/3kt


for A 0 and
Vbu /sp =

A 1 1 2 kho 4k2h2 kt o + 1 A /3


The comparisons to experiments and simulations in Sec. III will clarify both the virtues and limitations of the aforementioned nonlinear models, particularly as they apply to the extreme conditions of interest, namely, to large A and kho. For moderate A and kho, the models obtain a good agreement with experiments30,43 and simulations.25,26,46 However, the models do not adequately describe the spike acceleration exhibited in the harmonic analysis and simulations. Indeed, the MIK model predicts an immediate reduction in growth rate for both bubbles and spikes. The SEA model describes a spike acceleration by introducing the terms , but it fails at large kho where simulations and Eq. 2.7a indicate a reduction in spike acceleration. The ZS model could capture this reduction since it depends explicitly on kho, but the variation with kho is too strong. Our new model builds upon these models to describe simulations relevant to the applications where A and kho are large. After many variations, we found that the model Vbu/sp = Vo 1 + 1 A 1 + Cbu/sp + 1 AFbu/sp2 2.24

for A 1. These velocities are 1 / kt as expected from potential ow, but the prefactors are not universal since they depend on A and kho, and they can sometimes be negative. Other models31,32 based on different Pad approximants than ZS agree with experiments43 and simulations46 for 2 4, but they diverge later in time.
E. Sadot et al. empirical model

The nonlinear model proposed by SEA Ref. 30 is based on experiments and numerical simulations, and is designed to capture the asymptotic growth rates expected from potential ow. They propose the growth rate Eq. 1 of Ref. 30
SEA Vbu /sp = Vo

is able to describe simulations for a wide variety of A and kho. The upper lower sign applies to the bubble spike and, like Eq. 2.15, the scaled time is = kVot. The term in the numerator describes an acceleration mainly for spikes since 1 A is larger for spikes than bubbles. For intermediate times, this term is balanced by the analogous term in the denominator. The coefcient Cbu/sp 4.5 A + 2 Akho 4 2.25

SEA 2 1 + 1 A + Fbu /sp


SEA Fbu /spA 0 =

1 A 1 + A 1 A 1 + A


for small A 0 and

SEA Fbu /spA 0.5 = 1.5

must depend explicitly on kho in order to describe the observed reduction in spike acceleration for large kho. In simulations, we nd that spikes are much more sensitive to kho than bubbles and this is described by the 2 A prefactor. The quadratic term in the denominator is required to obtain asymptotic velocities 1 / kt as expected from potential ow. As with previous experiments,43,45 our simulations in this paper are best described with Fbu/sp = 1 A . 2.26 We rst tried the OG model Eq. 2.10 because it was derived from the Bernoulli equation, but it did not t the simulations as well as Eq. 2.26. For spikes near A = 1, the 50% difference between Eq. 2.10 and Eq. 2.26 is not important because the 2 term is inconsequential since both Fsp 0. However, the spike terms make Vsp asymptote to 2.3Vlin when kho 1 and this is important for ejecta.7 For bubbles near A = 1, Eq. 2.26 is 33% larger than Eq. 2.10 and the asymptotic bubble velocity is in better agreement with simulations, as will be shown in Sec. III. Similar results were obtained in Refs. 43 and 45.


for large A 0.5. The two forms for Fbu/sp Eq. 2.23 are used so that the asymptotic bubble growth rate reduces to 1 / kt for A 0 and 1 / 1.5kt for A 1. For spikes, they expect their model to be accurate only at A 0.9. Equation 2.22 has some benets and limitations relative to previous models. The two terms are intended to describe the spike acceleration for large A. For example, as SEA 0, the peak spike velocity can exA 1 such that Fsp ceed Vo since 1 + / 1 + 1 A 1. However, their spike velocity increases without bound at A = 1. In addition, Eq.

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G. Dimonte and P. Ramaprabhu

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

Perhaps a more important parameter in our model is the initial growth rate Vo, which we take to be the same for bubbles and spikes. Remember that Vo contains most of the compressible effects and can be positive Eq. 2.4 or negative Eq. 2.5. Since the velocities and kt are both scaled by Vo, it is necessary to determine Vo independently. This is done by plotting kh which does not depend on Vo versus and adjusting the Vo applied to the simulations for the best t. For kho 1, Vo is simply Vlin as expected. For kho 1, we nd that Vo / Vlin must be reduced below unity to t the simulations. Our results agree with the Pad approximant of VD,29 which can be described by Vo = Vlin 4/3 1 + kh o /3 2.27

FIG. 2. Color Amplitudes and images at t = 20 ms for simulations of a representative case with M i = 1.02, A = B = 1.1, A = 0.98, = 2.09 cm, and kh o = 1. The numbers represent the number of zones per wavelength for each simulation.

to within 10%. Equation 2.7 suggests a simple Pad approximant of Vo = Vlin / 1 + kho / 22, but this decreases faster with kho than our simulations. Please note that Eq. 2.27 depends on the preshock amplitude since it sets the degree of nonlinearity in the initial growth rate. However, the subsequent ow is best determined by the postshock amplitude in Eq. 2.25. These points will be discussed further in Sec. III.

and their symmetry improves. The spikes are poorly dened and off-center with N = 8 but develop a symmetric head when N = 32. Their amplitude increases by 15% over this zoning. For N 64, the results are converged on the wavelength cm scale, but, as expected, the small scale features vary signicantly. The KelvinHelmholtz KH features become ner with added resolution and there is some degree of asymmetry. However, hbu and hsp vary by only 2% for N 64. As a result of this study, the following simulations are performed with N = 256 and a 2% estimated numerical uncertainty in hbu and hsp.
A. Validation with experiments

The models are evaluated in this section using the existing experimental data and new numerical simulations with the highly validated FLASH code.24,47 FLASH is an adaptivemesh compressible hydrodynamics code that solves Eulers equations using the piecewise parabolic method. This method uses parabolas to interpolate between zones on a Cartesian grid in order to better represent smooth spatial gradients than linear interpolation schemes. A complete description of the code including the results of test calculations is described by Calder et al.47 and references therein. The experiments are those of Dimonte et al.22,23 on the NOVA laser and Jacobs and Krivets JK,43 SEA Ref. 30 on shock tubes, and Niederhaus and Jacobs NJ Ref. 45 on an impulsive experiment. We obtain an excellent agreement between the simulations and experiments, but the existing models are only moderately successful. As a result, we propose a new nonlinear model and test all of the models further with new numerical simulations over a wider range of parameters that include those of the applications. With the more complete data set, we can discern both bubbles and spikes with greater clarity and over a longer time than is currently possible experimentally. Before reporting the results, we test our use of the FLASH code for numerical convergence in Fig. 2 with a zoning study of a representative calculation using gamma-law uids with A = 0.98, A = B = 1.1. The initial shock has a Mach number of M i = 1.02 and the initial pressure is po = 1 bar in the interfacial region. The perturbation has a wavelength = 2.09 cm and initial amplitude kh o = 1. The number of zones per wavelength N is indicated for each image and by color in the plot. The results vary mainly as the zoning is increased from N = 8 to 32. The bubbles vary by 5% in hbu

Here, we use existing experiments not only to test the models but to further validate the FLASH code. The experiments are summarized in Table I. Even though they were performed in very different venues with weak and strong shocks, they produced similar postshock Atwood numbers A 0.6 0.7 so that the bubble/spike asymmetry is limited. Nevertheless, the experiments are useful for validating the FLASH code, which can then be used to test the models in more detail. The NOVA experiments22,23 were conducted with a target consisting of beryllium Be and foam driven by a thermal radiation source. The Be density is less than solid because the Be was evaporated onto a mandrel with machined interfacial perturbations. The shock was essentially innitely strong Mach 10 and ionized the solid materials. The velocities and foam density were measured with side-on radiography. The shocked Be density was estimated to be 2 2.2 g / cm3 based on simulations. The effective gammas were obtained by solving the shock equations15 and matching the measured Wi / U and Wt / U for a variety of conditions. The pre- and postshock amplitudes differ in sign because the shock induces a 180 phase inversion since 1 U / Wi 0.4 0. The average scaled and inverted RM amplitude kh khbu + hsp / 2 is represented in Fig. 3 for 2D perturbations. The points were measured with face-on circles and side-on diamonds x-ray radiography. As suggested by Eq. 2.15, time is scaled by k and an initial growth rate of Vo 8 m / ns, which is in excellent agreement with VMB, and 80% of VRM. Please note that both ho and Vo are negative. This is an example of how the MB model is better

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Simulations and model

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

TABLE I. Parameters associated with experiments in Figs. 36. The values in parenthesis are only estimates used in the associated FLASH simulations which require M i, A, A, B, and kh o as input. Expt. reference parameter NOVAa,b 1.7 g / cm3 0.12 g / cm3 1.8 1.45 10 50 m / ns 71 m / ns 90 m / ns 2.2 g / cm3 0.6 g / cm3 0.87 0.61 10 m 100 m 0.63 0.26 Shock tubec Shock tubed Coil springe 0.87 g / cm3 1.2 g / cm3 1.67 1.67 1.1

A B A B Mach Wi U Wt 2 1 A A h o kh o kho

1.4 1.09 1.3

1.4 1.09 1.27 90 m/s

0.67 0.71 2 mm 1680 mm 0.160.78 0.120.62

d e

0.66 0.69 1.47 mm 35.5 mm 0.26 0.17

0.16 0.16 3 mm 83 mm 0.23 0.22

Reference 22. Reference 23. c Reference 30.


Reference 43. Reference 45.

for A 0 than the RM model. The growth rate decreases for 1 since the nonlinearities assert themselves with kh 1. The experiments are described very well by a variety of simulation codes with either a radiation drive and a tabular equation of state23 or a pressure drive and gamma-law uids.27 The agreement is excellent not only for the case in Fig. 3, but for a wide variety of conditions, as seen in Fig. 26 of Ref. 23. The black line in Fig. 3 represents our new calculation with FLASH using the pressure drive with A 1.8 and B 1.4. The simulations exhibit the reduction in growth rate beyond 1 and also reveal minor oscillations due to the wave reverberations. In Fig. 3, the nonlinear models with A 0.6 and kho = 0.26 are also in excellent agreement with the experiment and simulation. The agreement is impressive since the incident shock is strong and the models are incompressible. This supports the usual hypothesis that the compression effects can be described by Vo and that the subsequent ow is largely incompressible. In this case, the SEA green model obtains the largest amplitude late in time due to the spike acceleration term. Our new model red and that of ZS brown are smaller due to the explicit dependence on kho. The MIK blue model is smaller yet because it does not have any spike acceleration. However, the differences among the models are small because the experimental duration is relatively short 5. Relatively longer experiments30,43 were conducted on shock tubes using an air SF6 combination and weak shocks near Mach 1.3. The results are summarized in Fig. 4 by plotting the change in scaled average amplitude kh-kho versus scaled time . We estimate the gray diamonds from the JK experiments Fig. 9 of Ref. 43 and the gray circles from the SEA experiments Fig. 2a of Ref. 30. Please note that our gray circles differ from the points in their Fig. 3a be-

cause the authors of Ref. 30 informed us48 that their abscissa was actually A instead of , where A 0.7. The JK and SEA experiments are now in excellent agreement with each other and our simulation and model. Our simulation with Mach= 1.3, A = 0.67, A 1.4, and B 1.1 is represented by the black line and open diamonds. We use kh o = 0.375 because it lies between the two experimental values of 0.26 and 0.47. Our simulation is similar to that of Latini et al.,46 which is also in excellent agreement with the experiments. The models are evaluated with the postshock values of A = 0.71 and kho = 0.3. The SEA green model exceeds the experiments and simulations whereas the MIK blue and ZS brown models are smaller by an amount of kh 1 2 at 18. The discrepancy gets worse with time for the ZS model since its growth rate nearly vanishes by 18. The models are tested further by separating the bubbles

FIG. 3. Color Scaled amplitude vs scaled time for NOVA experiment, FLASH simulations black line, and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27. NOVA data taken with face-on circles and side-on diamonds x-ray radiographs on many different shots.

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G. Dimonte and P. Ramaprabhu

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FIG. 4. Color Scaled average amplitude vs scaled time for air/SF6 shock tube experiments of SEA gray circles and Jacobs gray diamonds with M = 1.27. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27 for k = 0.177, kh o = 1.47, and kho = 0.26.

and spikes, as shown in Fig. 5 for the same conditions in Fig. 4. We plot only the SEA data30 gray circles since the corresponding JK data Fig. 8 of Ref. 43 have more scatter. As noted by the difference in scales, the bubbles and spikes evolve asymmetrically largely because the bubbles are stagnating for 4 at a value near kh 2. The simulation black line with open diamonds and most models are in good agreement with the bubble data. The exception is the ZS model because it overestimates the rate at which the bubble stagnates. For the spikes, our simulation and model are in excellent agreement with the experimental results. The SEA model is larger because it overestimates the spike acceleration for A 0.7. The MIK model does not describe the spike

FIG. 6. Color Scaled amplitude of bubbles and spikes vs scaled time for the incompressible experiments of NJ gray diamonds. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27 for kho = 0.26.

FIG. 5. Color Scaled amplitude of bubbles and spikes vs scaled time for air/SF6 shock tube experiments of SEA gray circles with M i = 1.27. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27 for kho = 0.26.

acceleration and thus underestimates the spike development. The ZS model is again smaller than the data. The models and simulations are tested further into the nonlinear regime by the incompressible experiments of NJ, as shown in Fig. 6. The NJ experiments were driven impulsively using a coil spring system with a liquid combination A 0.16 and small initial perturbations kh o = 0.26. The gray diamonds in Fig. 6 represent the experimental data from Fig. 14 in Ref. 45. The FLASH simulations black lines and open diamonds are in excellent agreement with the data. They are performed with M i = 1.1, A = 0.16, A = B = 5 / 3, and kh o = 0.26. The SEA green model overestimates the experiment and simulations because of the term in the nuSEA merator and their choice of Fsp is too small. Like our model, NJ obtained a better agreement in their Figs. 11 and SEA . The difference is 16% 14 by using 1 A instead of Fsp for A = 0.16. The MIK model is in reasonable agreement with SEA because it lacks the term the data even with a large Fsp in the numerator. Our model obtains a good agreement even with the term in the numerator because it uses the larger value of Fbu/sp. The ZS model grossly underestimates the data because it does not capture the asymptotic velocity 1 / kt predicted by potential ow models. This experiment is particularly useful because it validates the asymptotic velocity and establishes that 1 A is a better coefcient than SEA . Fsp These comparisons to experiments are useful because they validate the simulations and models, but they also expose some limitations. There is an excellent agreement between experiments and the FLASH simulations and a good

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Simulations and model

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

FIG. 7. Color Scaled velocity a and b and amplitude c and d for bubbles b and d and spikes a and c for A = 0.98 and kh o = 0.125 37. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27.

FIG. 8. Color Scaled velocity a and b and amplitude c and d for bubbles b and d and spikes a and c for A = 0.98 and kh o = 1 40. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27.

agreement with the nonlinear models. However, the range of parameters in this comparison is limited even though there were examples with weak and strong shocks. For example, most cases had A 0.6 and kho 1, whereas the ICF and ejecta applications can have much larger values for both. In Sec. III B, we will investigate larger values of A and kho, and for a longer duration to further differentiate bubbles and spikes.
B. Compare models with new 2D simulations

Since the FLASH code has been validated here and more extensively for many unstable ows,47 we shall use FLASH simulations to evaluate the nonlinear models more stringently than is currently possible experimentally. In particular, we are interested in conditions that approximate the ICF and ejecta applications, namely, with A 1 and kho 1. For A 1, the harmonic analysis and the ZS and SEA models predict that spikes should accelerate in time from their initial linear growth rate. This can most easily be seen by plotting the growth rate of the bubbles and spikes separately, and over a long time to ascertain their asymptotic velocities.45 The numerical simulations have an advantage over experiments because it is easier to take the time derivative of the amplitudes when the measurements are plentiful every time step. In addition, it is easier to enlarge the computational domain and to vary the uid characteristics. A particularly interesting example is shown in Fig. 7 for A = 0.98, A = B = 1.1, and kh o = 0.125. The Mach number = 1.02 is chosen to be near unity to remove any ambiguity in the important scaling factor Vo. In this case, all the growth rates Vo VRM VMB AUkho agree to within 9% because the compression is weak. The bold black lines with open diamonds represent the simulation results. The spike velocity is seen to increase by 60% above its linear growth rate and then decays for 1, but the decay is slow since the upstream uid is so tenuous. The spike acceleration is attributed to the sharpened prole due to harmonics and it is pre-

dicted by the models containing terms in the numerator. However, the peak scaled velocity for spikes is 1.8 and 1.6 for the ZS brown and our red model, respectively, whereas it is 4.5 for the SEA green model. Of course, the SEA model was not intended for A 0.9 and Fig. 7 shows why. The MIK model blue shows no spike acceleration because it does not have a term in the numerator. Instead, the MIK spike velocity decays from the start because the denominator asserts itself immediately. The bubble velocity decays immediately in the simulation and in all models but for varying reasons. This is due to a attening of the bubble prole in the simulations as expected from the harmonics see Fig. 9. The bubble decays quickly because the term in the numerator is absent in the MIK model and small 0.02 in our model. That term is large for the SEA model but it is normalized by an even larger 2 term in the denominator. The ZS model has a negative term in the numerator and thus exaggerates the bubble decay to the point that the bubble amplitude becomes negative. In this case, the ZS and our model agree best with the simulations for spikes, whereas all models except the ZS model describe the bubbles. A very different behavior emerges in Fig. 8 by only changing kh o = 1. As expected, the initial growth rate Vo increases nearly eightfold to a value of 0.95VRM. In this case, the spike velocity now increases by only 10% and again decays weakly for 1. The bubble evolution is only slightly different than in Fig. 7. Our model red obtains such an excellent agreement with the simulation that it masks the associated black line and diamonds. Of course, this is done by construction. The SEA model does not depend explicitly on kho and basically repeats its evolution in Fig. 7 with a spike acceleration that is far too strong. In the other extreme, the ZS model depends too strongly on kho and grossly underestimates the growth of both bubbles and spikes. The MIK model differs only slightly from Fig. 7 because the nonlinear reduction is applied immediately since kho 1 / 3.

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FIG. 9. Interface proles at selected times for cases in Figs. 7 and 8 with A = 0.98 and kh o = 0.125 a and 1 b.

Its agreement for bubbles is not surprising since the bubbles depend only weakly on kho, but the agreement for spikes is a bit more fortuitous. The interfacial proles for the simulations in Figs. 7 and 8 are shown in Fig. 9 at various scaled times. The top two images are for kh o = 0.125 and the bottom two are for kh o = 1. When 1, the perturbations are symmetric with a nearly sinusoidal prole and grow at a rate close to the linear growth rate. However, for 1, the bubbles have broadened and their growth rate has decreased. Conversely, the spikes have narrowed and have accelerated their growth. This behavior is consistent with the harmonic analysis described in Sec. II A. As time progresses beyond 3, the spike tip becomes multivalued as the KH roll-ups develop. However, these are not pronounced at this large Atwood number A = 0.98 and the ow can nearly be described by potential ow. Please note that the perturbations are primarily symmetric in the transverse direction, which indicates that the FLASH code is behaving as expected. The behavior is easier to understand and more forgiving at small Atwood number, as shown in Figs. 1012 for A = 0.15. We also change A = B = 5 / 3 to expand our parameter space and keep the Mach= 1.1 near unity to minimize the ambiguity in Vo. Indeed, for kh o = 0.125, Fig. 10 shows a good agreement between the simulations and all models with Vo = 1.03VRM. A different Vo could be applied to the simulations to favor a particular model, but only within a few percent since this is the magnitude of the compressible effects. Essentially, all the calculations show that the bubble and spike growth rates decay from their initial values when 1 in the nearly symmetric manor expected for A 1. In Fig. 11 with kh o = 1, we obtain a good agreement on average between the simulations and the MIK and our models with Vo = 0.8VRM due to the initial nonlinearity. The SEA model exceeds the simulation signicantly, although the agreement can be improved by reducing Vo by 40% for the simulations. However, this option is problematic as discussed in connection with Figs. 15 and 20. The ZS model again depends too strongly on kho and grossly underestimates both bubbles and spikes. The sample proles of the interfacial perturbations are shown in Fig. 12 for the cases in Figs. 10 and 11. As before, the top two images are for kh o = 0.125 and the bottom two are

FIG. 10. Color Scaled velocity for spikes a and bubbles b for A = 0.15 and kh o = 0.125 22. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27.

for kh o = 1. Since A = 0.15 is small, the perturbations remain symmetric well into the nonlinear regime 1 as expected. In addition, the KH roll-ups are pronounced and exhibit a cascade to smaller scales as they break up due to the unstable shear ow. The comparisons in Figs. 511 show that nonlinear models of varying complexity are able to describe RM bubbles and spikes, but only under limited circumstances. Our new empirical model is constructed to expand the range of

FIG. 11. Color Scaled velocity a and b and amplitude c and d for bubbles b and d and spikes a and c for A = 0.15 and kh o = 1 23. The lines represent the FLASH simulations black line and models due to SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our Eqs. 2.242.27.

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Simulations and model

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FIG. 12. Interface proles at selected times for cases in Figs. 10 and 11 with A = 0.15 and kh o = 0.125 a and 1 b.

FIG. 14. Color Peak spike velocity taken from Fig. 13 vs Atwood number for kh o = 0.125. Black lines with diamonds are FLASH simulations and colored lines are SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our model equations 2.242.27 red. The magenta point is due to Zhang Eq. 2.11 at A = 1.

validity to include the ICF and ejecta applications. This requires that the model is accurate over a wide range of A and kho. This will be shown in the following. A key set of simulations for developing our empirical model is summarized in Fig. 13 in which we vary A. The simulations are performed with A = B = 1.1 and are represented by solid lines of different colors for A = 0.98, 0.94, 0.88, 0.75, 0.5, and 0.25. By construction, our model dashed lines of corresponding color is in excellent agreement for all A. The initial amplitude kh o = 0.125 and Mach= 1.02 are small to minimize the ambiguity in Vo. Indeed, the value of Vo applied to the simulation results is always within 7% of VRM. The key simulation results for model development are as follows. For large A, the spike velocity Fig. 13a increases from its initial value to a peak value that increases with A, and then decays asymptotically. The initial increase is described by the interplay between the two terms , which by themselves approach 1 + A / Csp 1 for kho 1. However for A 1, the 2 term eventually dominates and the spike velocity decays asymptotically. This does not occur

FIG. 13. Color Scaled velocity a and b and amplitude c and d for bubbles b and d and spikes a and c for kho = 0.125 and A = 0.98 37 black, 0.94 43 red, 0.88 34 green, 0.75 44 blue, 0.5 45 brown, and 0.25 46 magenta. Solid lines are from FLASH simulations and dashed lines are our model equations 2.242.27.

at A = 1 and the spike remains at the enhanced value as calculated by Zhang.34 The bubble velocity Fig. 13b is not enhanced and decays immediately for all A since 1 A / Cbu 1. However, in contrast to the spikes, the bubble velocity decays more rapidly as A increases. Physically, these characteristics can be traced to the contributions of the spatial harmonics at large amplitude, and this is observed in the simulations. It is possible to compare all models with these simulations compactly by simply evaluating the peak scaled spike velocity at various A, as shown in Fig. 14, with kh o = 0.125 kho. Our simulations black line plus diamonds exhibit no spike acceleration for A 0.5 and increase to Vmax / Vo 1.65 at A of 0.98. This compares well with the value of 1.57 from Eq. 2.11 with kho = 0.125, as predicted by Zhang34 for A = 1. Our model red is in excellent agreement with the simulations for A 0.98 and approaches 2 / Csp = 2.06 at A = 1. The ZS brown model obtains slightly larger peak velocities than the simulations, whereas the SEA green model greatly exceeds the simulations. Of course, the MIK model has no spike acceleration and remains at the initial value of Vo. Another key set of simulations for model development involves the variation with kh o , as shown in Fig. 15, at A = 0.98 and A = B = 1.1. The simulations solid lines of different colors are performed with kh o = 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4. Again, M = 1.02 is kept small to minimize compression effects so that A A and kh o kho. By construction, our empirical model dashed lines with same colors ts the simulations very well. However, to describe the decline in the spike acceleration with kho in Fig. 15a while maintaining the agreement with the variation in A, it is necessary for Vo to decrease with kho. This is expected from the harmonic analysis Eq. 2.7 and we nd that Vo can be related to the linear growth rate Vlin by the Pad approximant of VD.29 If a smaller value of Vo were used, the scaled bubble velocity would exceed unity and violate the simulations. Please note that the code values of Vsp / Vo do not approach unity as 1 when kh o 2 because we have had to time average the hspt in order to take its derivative. However, this has a little effect on Figs. 15c and 15d where the agreement is excellent.

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FIG. 15. Color Scaled velocity a and b and amplitude c and d for bubbles b and d and spikes a and c for A = 0.98 and kh o = 0.125 black, 0.25 red, 0.5 green, 1 blue, 2 brown, and 4 magenta 37 42. Solid lines are from FLASH simulations and dashed lines are our model equations 2.242.27.

Our use of the VD scaling coupled with our choice of Cbu/sp is the key for obtaining a good agreement for both bubbles and spikes. In particular, our simulations show that the spikes are very sensitive to kho, whereas the bubbles are not. This qualitative difference between bubbles and spikes can only be described by having Vbu/sp and Vo depend explicitly on kho as suggested by VD. The peak scaled spike velocity from the models is compared in Fig. 16 as a function of kho for the conditions in Fig. 15. The simulations black line plus diamonds indicate that the spike acceleration relative to Vo occurs only for small kho. Again, our model red is in excellent agreement with the simulations. The dashed magenta line represents the theory of Zhang34 Eq. 2.11 for A 1 and it agrees within 15% with our simulations and model. The ZS model brown is smaller than observed for 0.2 kho 2 and larger for kho 0.2. The MIK and SEA models do not depend explicitly on kho and are xed at Vmax / Vo = 1 and 4.25, respectively, at A = 0.98.

FIG. 17. Color Scaled velocity for spikes a and bubbles b for A = 0.15 and kh o = 0.125 black, 0.25 red, 0.5 green, 1 blue, 2 brown, and 4 magenta 2224a. Solid lines are from FLASH simulations and dashed lines are our model equations 2.242.27.

For completeness, the variation in the bubbles and spikes with kho at small A = 0.15 is shown in Fig. 17. Again, the simulations solid lines are performed with A = B = 1.1 and kh o = 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4. The Mach= 1.02 is kept small to minimize compression effects so that A A and kh o kho. As before, the simulation results are scaled by a Vo that relates to the linear growth rate according to the VD Pad approximant.29 Our model dashed lines agrees with this prescription. Basically, at small A, the scaled spike and bubble velocities decay more quickly with kho but only weakly. Finally, it is possible to evaluate the Fbu/sp term by investigating the asymptotic velocities from simulations of long duration. Figures 18 and 19 show the scaled velocities for bubbles and spikes, respectively, for the four conditions summarized in Table II. We set kh o = 1.0 to obtain appreciable growth during the simulation, but the dependence on Vo cancels out late in time. For example, our model reduces to Vbu/sp Vo Fbu/sp = 1 Fbu/spkt 3.1

FIG. 16. Color Peak spike velocity taken from Fig. 15 vs kh o at A = 0.98. Black lines with diamonds are FLASH simulations and colored lines are SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our model equations 2.242.27 red. The magenta point is due to Zhang Eq. 2.11 at A = 1.

asymptotically for A 1. The asymptotic behavior of the other models is also independent of Vo, as described in Sec. II. For bubbles, the simulations black solid lines in Fig. 18 do indeed exhibit the 1 / kt scaling represented by the slope of the dashed lines. The ZS brown model does not exhibit the expected scaling because it involves the difference of two terms and can become negative. The other models show the expected scaling but the OG factor is too small at large A so that the asymptotic velocities are too large. In particular, for

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Simulations and model

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010 TABLE II. Simulation parameters for Figs. 18 and 19 with kh o = 1. Case parameter A A B Mi a 0.15 1.67 1.67 1.1 b 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.02 c 0.87 1.67 1.67 1.1 d 0.98 1.1 1.1 1.02

FIG. 18. Color Scaled velocity of bubbles vs scaled time to asymptotic values for kh o = 1 at A = 0.15 23, 0.5 45a, 0.87 26, and 0.98 40. Black lines with diamonds are FLASH simulations and colored lines are SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our model equations 2.242.27 red. Dashed black line shows a slope of 1 / t expected from potential ow. Conditions for each case are summarized in Table II.

A = 0.98, the bubble velocity for the MIK blue and SEA green models exceeds that of the simulation black beOG 1.51. Our model is made to t the simulations cause Fbu better by choosing Fbu = 1 + A = 1.98. Of course, this distincOG tion is reduced as A decreases since 1 + A and Fbu approach SEA = 1 for all unity at A = 0. However, the SEA model has Fbu A 0.5, which is smaller than 1 + A. This is a contributing factor to the large velocities obtained from the SEA model in Figs. 18a and 18b. The spikes behave differently, as shown in Fig. 19, for the same conditions in Fig. 18. They achieve the 1 / kt velocity only at small A where they are similar to bubbles. However, as A approaches 1, the spike velocity deviates from

the 1 / kt scaling represented by the dashed lines. This is reasonable since the spikes go through an acceleration phase at large A and actually approach a velocity that exceeds Vo as predicted by Zhang34 at A = 1. Our model red reproduces the simulations black for all A, thereby validating our time dependence and choice of Fsp. The MIK blue model has the next best agreement but this is somewhat fortuitous because our simulations have kh o = 1. The MIK model is insensitive to kh o whereas the simulations vary substantially with kho , as seen in Figs. 7 and 8a. The spike velocity is underestimated by the ZS brown model and overestimated by the SEA green model. These results show that the asymptotic spike velocities are not universal and cannot be obtained by simply changing the sign of A in potential ow models10,35 for bubbles.
C. Vo and large amplitude experiments

Our empirical model shows excellent agreement over a wider range of parameters than previous nonlinear models because it is based on two components. The rst component depends explicitly on A and kho as described by Eqs. 2.242.27. It is meant to capture the largely incompressible ow following the initial impulse Vo. However, as in all such models, Vo is not specied. Our second component involves the realization that Vo itself decreases with kho and our reduction factor is consistent with the VD Pad approximant.29 This is demonstrated in Fig. 20 for all of our simulations diamonds over a variety of conditions Mach, A, A, B, and kh o . The linear growth rate Vlin is dened by the observed initial growth in our simulations at kh o = 0.125 and is meant to capture most of the compressible effects. An exhaustive comparison of simulations with analytical solutions and impulsive models is described previously.24 In our

FIG. 19. Color Scaled velocity of spikes vs scaled time to asymptotic values for kh o = 1 at A = 0.15 23, 0.5 45a, 0.87 26, and 0.98 40. Black lines with diamonds are FLASH simulations and colored lines are SEA green, MIK blue, ZS brown, and our model equations 2.242.27 red. Dashed black line shows a slope of 1 / t expected from potential ow. Conditions for each case are summarized in Table II.

FIG. 20. Diamonds are the initial velocity required to t the simulation result to our model Eqs. 2.242.27 scaled to linear growth rate from simulations with kh o = 0.125 vs initial amplitude. Solid line is from Pad approximant of VD and dashed line is our approximation equation 2.27.

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Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

FIG. 21. Color Initial growth rate scaled by the linear growth rate vs kh o. Points are from SEA circles Ref. 30, Aleshin et al. diamonds Refs. 20 and 21, and Dimonte et al. squares Refs. 22 and 23. Solid black line is the Pad approximant of VD and dashed dotted black line is our model equation 2.242.27 evaluated at = 1 for A = 1 0. The red line is given by our nonlinear impulsive model equation 3.3.

evaluated at = 1 since the amplitude has increased by 1 / k by this time. The two terms in the rst bracket are the bubble and spike growth rates, respectively, at = 1, and they depend on the postshock amplitude. The second bracket contains the initial reduction factor and it depends on the preshock amplitude. The dashed dotted line represents Eq. 3.2 at A = 1 0 assuming no shock compression, namely, with kho = kh o . It can be seen that the experimental points lie between our model results at = 0 and 1. This is reasonable since the measurements are typically tted over such a time scale. The red line in Fig. 21 represents our nonlinear impulsive model obtained in the Appendix in the spirit of Richtmyer. We rewrite the model Eq. A3 as 1 dh Vlin dt


2 2 kh o 1 + kho 1 + 8kho 2 4kh o


case, Vo is determined by tting the scaled average amplitude kh from our simulations to that in our model. The Pad approximant of VD solid line agrees with the simulation results within 10%15%. The dashed line in Fig. 20 represents Eq. 2.27, which agrees with the VD approximant to within a few percent but has a simpler form. In the beginning of our study, we tried to t the established models to our numerical simulations by only adjusting Vo / Vlin for each case. This yields a different dependence of Vo / Vlin on kh o . This was successful at small A where the bubbles and spikes are similar, but not at large A where the spikes are very sensitive to kh o and the bubbles are not. For example, in Fig. 11 for A = 0.15, the simulations would better t the SEA model if Vo was reduced by 40 %. However, such an adjustment would not be successful at large A Figs. 7, 8, 13, and 15 where the behavior for bubbles and spikes is dramatically different. As mentioned previously, many RM experiments used large initial amplitudes in order to observe a signicant growth and their results can also be explained by our model. In experiments, the initial growth rate is inferred by tting a straight line to measurements of the peak-to-valley amplitude divided by 2 at various times. This is usually done in a time period during which the amplitude increases by some fraction of a wavelength. When compared with the expected linear growth rate, the experiments2023,41 nd that growth rate decreases with kh o , as indicated by the points in Fig. 21. The solid black line represents the initial growth rate Eq. 2.27 at t = 0. This is just the upper limit for the growth rate since the experimental observation only begins at t = 0. The observation occurs over a nite time during which the growth rate decreases due to additional nonlinearity. A lower limit to the growth rate can be estimated by our model 2 A Vexp 1 = Vlin 2 2 A2 + 4.5 + A + 2 Akho/4 + 2 + A 2 A + 4.5 A + 2 + Akho/4

in order to apply the model to the data for all A and compressions. In other words, in Eq. A3, we interpret Vo as the linear growth rate Vlin and the initial growth rate dh / dto as measured over a small but nite time in an experiment or simulation. We also believe that the initial amplitude should be the preshock amplitude because it establishes the degree of nonlinearity prior to compression. The agreement between the data and our nonlinear impulsive model is surprising yet interesting because it captures some essential features. For kh o 1, the model reduces to the linear growth rate as it should. The small increase kh o with above unity may be accidental or it may reect the spike acceleration at large A. Then, for kh o 1, Eq. 3.3 is proportional to 1 / kho such that the growth rate saturates at AU since the linear growth rate is kh o . Such behavior is suggested by our simulations, but further investigation is required.

4/3 1 + kh o /3


We have conducted many simulations with the FLASH code to investigate the RM instability over a wide range of conditions including those relevant to applications such as ICF and ejecta formation. The FLASH code was used to expand the parameter regime M i, A, A, and B beyond that available experimentally. However, we did use available experimental data on a variety of platforms to validate the FLASH code for RM ows. FLASH has also been validated for different ows47 and compared with other codes.27 In addition to a wider parameter range, the simulations provide more complete diagnostic clarity. The simulations reveal that bubbles stagnate when they grow by an increment of 2 / k and that spikes accelerate for A 0.5 due to higher harmonics that focus them. In order to capture the simulation results quantitatively, we compared the linear evolution with theory and impulsive models24 and the late-time behavior with empirical models.25,26,3033 At small amplitude, we obtain excellent agreement between our simulations and linear theory, which increases our condence in FLASH. At the same time, we conrm the expected result that the impulsive models are accurate only in limited regimes, although they are attractive intuitively. However, since the RM growth rate increases

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Simulations and model

Phys. Fluids 22, 014104 2010

with the initial amplitude, the RM instability is of consequence in applications mainly when the amplitude is large and impacted by nonlinear effects. Since rigorous nonlinear theories are limited, we examined the empirical models of MIK, SEA, and ZS that bridge the initial and asymptotic evolution. We found that they agree with the simulations for moderate values of the Atwood number and amplitude. However, they do not agree for the large values of A 0.9 and kh o 1 that occur in the applications such as ICF and ejecta formation. To extend to these important applications, we developed the empirical model described in Sec. II F. Before describing the virtues and limitations of the empirical models, we rst summarize our simulation results. At small Atwood number, the bubbles and spikes evolve similarly. For kh o 1, they grow initially with the linear growth rate and then transition to the asymptotic velocity / t expected from potential ow. For a large initial amplitude, the initial growth rate is smaller than that given by linear theory in agreement with the Pad approximant described by VD.29 However, the asymptotic growth rate is similar. At large Atwood number, the bubble evolution is similar to that at small A but the spike evolution is quite different. For small initial amplitude, the spike velocity begins at the linear growth rate and then increases as though it is being accelerated. Physically, this can be traced to the spatial harmonics that develop in the initial nonlinear regime which focuses the spikes and broadens and retards the bubbles. As time evolves further, the spike velocity decreases due to the drag from the downstream uid. However, at A = 1, the drag is absent and the spike velocity remains at an elevated stage consistent with the theory of Zhang.34 Our simulations and Zhangs theory show that this maximum spike velocity decreases with the initial amplitude. The bubble growth is consistent with conventional wisdom, namely, that it transitions in some universal way from the initial growth rate to an asymptotic velocity / t. However, at large A, the spikes evolve in a complex manner since they are rst accelerated and then reach an asymptotic velocity which depends on both A and kh o. Some of this behavior is captured by the existing empirical models of MIK, SEA, and ZS, but they are quantitatively accurate only for limited conditions. The MIK model simply makes a transition from the initial to asymptotic growth rates and the bubble and spike asymmetry is captured by the function Fbu/sp. It works well at small A but does not describe the spike acceleration at all. The SEA model is based on experiments and simulations for A 0.9 and does exhibit the spike acceleration. However, it breaks down at large A and kh o where applications occur because it overestimates both the magnitude and dependence on kh o of the spike acceleration. The ZS model is based on Pad approximants of the harmonic analysis and does exhibit the spike acceleration and has an explicit dependence on kh o , unlike the SEA model. However, the particular Pad approximation often produces a strange behavior such as sign reversals. These models agree with simulations for moderate A and kh o but not for the large values relevant to the applications. To be accurate for the large values of A and kh o in the applications, we had to develop a new empirical model given by Eqs. 2.242.27 that builds on the virtues of the previ-

ous nonlinear models. As in the previous models, the initial growth rate is dened to be the linear growth rate when kh o 1 and it describes most of the compressible effects. However, for kh o 1, this must be reduced by nonlinear effects which we describe by the Pad approximant of VD. Our model then has terms designed to capture the spike acceleration and its explicit dependence on A and kh o . In practical terms, our model is intermediate between the SEA model, which has no explicit dependence on kh o , and the ZS model which has a somewhat unphysical dependence on kh o. Finally, our model has a term 2 in the denominator in order to capture the expected and observed asymptotic velocity / t. However, the coefcient of this term is found to be Fbu/sp = 1 A rather than that calculated by OG Eq. 2.10. Our model compares much more favorably with the simulations over a wider range of parameters than the previous MIK, SEA, and ZS models. Our hope is that such empirical models concisely capture the essence of RM simulations and that they may guide more rigorous analysis.

We would like to thank A. Calder, K. Mikaelian, O. Sadot, A. L. Velikovich, and J. G. Wouchuk for many useful discussions and A. Dhotre for assistance with the simulations. The FLASH software used in this work was developed in part by the DOE-sponsored ASC/Alliance Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes at the University of Chicago. The PARAMESH software was developed at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center under the HPCC and ESTO/CT projects. This work was performed for the U. S. Department of Energy by Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA2-5396.

In the spirit of Richtmyer,1 an impulsive model that may be applicable to large initial amplitude is constructed here by integrating the nonlinear equations of potential ow28,35,37,38 across the initial amplitude. Since the evolutionary equations of potential ow vary differently with Atwood number depending on the form of the velocity potential, we simplify this analysis by choosing A = 1. Furthermore, we assume that the RM growth is incompressible such that kh o kho. With these approximations, the potential ow equations in a gravitational eld g e.g., Eq. 8 of Ref. 35 reduce to 1 kh dh d 2h +k dt2 dt

= gkh .


At small amplitude, this reduces further to the RT unstable form used by Richtmyer because the coefcient in the rst term reduces to unity and the second term vanishes. Then, and gkh for an impulsive g Ut, the remaining terms h are proportional to a delta-function t and can be integrated to yield an impulsive model such as Eqs. 2.4 and 2.5. However, dh / dt in Eq. A1 is not proportional to t and must be integrated across the impulse for a specied time. Here, we postulate that such a time is related to a transit time across the initial perturbation at a rate given by the interface

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G. Dimonte and P. Ramaprabhu


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velocity, namely, for t 2ho / U. Integrating Eq. A1 over t yields

1 kho

dh dt


2kho dh U dt

= Vo ,


where Vo Ukho. The initial growth rate in Eq. A2 is constant and is given by the quadratic solution

1 dh Vo dt


kho 1 + kho 12 + 8kho2 . 4kho2


This constitutes our nonlinear impulsive model obtained in the spirit of Richtmyer for an incompressible ow at A = 1. The extension to a compressible ow for all A is discussed in Sec. III C.
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Simulations and model


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